Semi-Weekly Signal, 1866-10-23, Page 2_ THE SEMI-WEEKLY SI • G. T. HITOPALD AND: GO RICH DISTRIDYi : soma waiT? leap. i Exp. Exp. I 61tx1d 'Al mkti AlrxM Buttalo. 'ZOO 1.25 I2.30 I.. :..... . - ... . ' a. 111. p.m. a. m. 1 R. M. at. nt. p. Ta., Bramtbar. 10.12 --4.15; 3.40 .7.30 -.4:00 2..... i Etnalord... 12.AO 6.30 5.10 6.60 • 8,16 p. m. Goderielt.... 8.04 .,... 1...... -8 311 -11.46 , 3,30 p. HY p. m. u. In. -1 p. tn. n. m. 9.15 ... __ • ... GtMCGEASTI [ Alia Exp. I Exp. I Mixh1 I' illahl llix/ti • a. m. I. M. ' Ft. M. ;Ft. 10:11.11. M. p. M. StTlatfiMt .':.I 1.00 4.20 12.161 ... .: [ .-Sia t 4.5f, I Godermr. 10 00 . 2 30 1 I 1.30 Ekenalsrd .1 2.47 6.00 [ 1.301 -5.3-01 11:05 8.10 Butrakt .'..11 6:45 y 10,00 1 4.45! 12.13 I - -...---- 1p. M. I p. in. (a. 14.1-p. Tn., F, le: -tn. p, In. "th. o - .'• . . GODERIC41, C. W., 006 2a, 1866. The Goderich Salt, OPERATIONS _COMMENCED ! 1 ! The- Brine up to 80 degrees. The Goderich Salt Well. inay ,nowbe said to be m a_etive operation. \ The build- ing for "manufacturing- the salt is just about completed., ..It is a very large structure, 66 feet wide by t25 feet long- ) arranged for the aiecemmodation of' two blocks of kettles (52 in -each) one of which is ready .. for operation, and 11/ bins, to contain the -manufactured article, ten feet Square, with every con- veniencelor handing, &c. * There are to be two tanks of equal size for containing the preciousluid, one of whichis finish- ed, and the other under way. That com- *fed has a capacity of 4000 "gallons or 116 tons.: The brine is being - kum- ped into this tank, as we write, fully. 80 per cent. in strength, and -in it7olutite, it is believed, Otte sufficient to -keep the 'block going. : The brine -that . trickles out ,tinderneath ,the tank - has already coated -the tinabers,With pure salt, and in fact it." week's operations Must give the place quite a salty appearance for ,some distance around. The Post of borinc; the well was g3000; and of the large manufactory $4000, so that everything when paid will very nearly up to $10,000.___. The contractors complain that they: will lose heavily on their contracts ()nettling is certain that no one viewing the amount of -work can doubt for a .moment that the utmost economy _ hat been: used. The building was superintendetby Kr. David Aunci- matt, who Seems to have discharged -his duties faithfullyandwell. Boiling operations:wig be commenced in the latter part ofthis week or .beginning of next, and we hope Very seen to be able to announce that n .capital article of salt in ready for market. Then Goderieii: will take a start in earnest, and we shall begin to think of -The Daily &gnat Terrible and Fatal Accident. Yesterday .(Monday), _ a man named• 'nog. Crane of the 7th concession, -1Va =nosh, met- with an a sful accident, ,re- sultian- in. his•death. It appears that _ . about noon -Crane, JOS. Donohue were on the market with double wagons. containing about: 50 bushels of fall wheat respeoively. The three loada. were bought Thr Mr.: Matt, and a sadden rise of five Cents. having some.what excited the men, they started off toward the mill by -stnY of North st..; as fitst as their. hoiSeS COIIIti run with heavy loads, the -object be- ing to see which, Should unload The wagons of Crane and Hunter were quite clesetogether at the start, and when the -former was turning into North street 'the wheels struck a small pile of bricks,. throwing the nnfortunate man between ;the two wagons.He was dragged be- , tween theta for 'distance of about -SO feet, when he fell and the two wheels oi his:. Own wagon -.passed over.: -his body --lengthwise, breaking theright eoll ii hope, _ dislocating the shoulder, inflicting- serious internal injuries, crushing theiright leg to • - and otherwise wounding hiaLi- Ete was conveyed to J. Donogh's Had, and Dr.. SlcDougall called- in at once, but he -was beyond the -reach Of medical skill, death supervening ` about - Deebaied was a married Man, about 50 years of age; and was much reipected.- His sorrowing -Wife reached a ;town at 8 o'clockin- the afternoon, at Which time he was perfectly _conscious. No blame,- attaclies'to any one as to the cause of the accident, beyond the foolish practice of running teains against each other. - eir... - ANOTHER ACCIDENT, -While, engag- e in threshing -yesterday- (Monday), on the Montgomery farm, 54 con. Goderich . township, one Gilbert -Turner narrowly escaped instant death: The: heavy barn - - _ • - • • - door was blown inwards off its . !lieges by the gale then raging, struck him on the head and would 'certainly_ hive 'crushed _ which kept the -ff his., „ body, It F ' him- to death but . for a block of wood weight o is expected that the injuired man will reactiei. .11••••••••=mo7a7aaa...11.• . ;THE FENIAN PRISOIVEIIS. A vigorous effort is being made here, On Friday last seven of the FettianS captured between-) Ridgeway and Fort Erie were arraigned , before Mi. Justice joint Wilson at Toronto. They all wish, cd for time, to procure , witnesses, and S eine of. them had the audacity to ask that two Fenian *leaders at Ridgeway shoal be allowed, to give evidence in - theirfavor and be protected in doing som. Te this request the leaed Jildg very properly replied that Said leaders might come forward with their evidence at their own risk Every reasonable delay -was, however, granted. M. C. Cameron, Q. C. is retained -to defend some three or four of the prisoners. On Saturday kit, 'when one of the Fertians was arraigned, Mr Tkuriion U. S: bonsai stated that he had received instructions to procure coun- sel for such of the. "'prisoners as were American citizens, This most extraor- dinary announcement has created both astonishmeat and disgust; but it, we think, in. perfect keeping with the conduct kf American officials throughout. No doubt the prisoners will be dealt with ac- cording to British law, regardless °icon, seciucnees. _Poing Abroad for Netts'ot - _Ilonte.j The Leader in its 1 -Provincial Item' eol- umn MSS that "Dr. John Neer, the AMeri- can-consul at Goderich, has been dismissed • to make room for a supporter of President Johnson" Pretty good, especially as the name et Dr. Near was neverhea.h rd here e- fere,bnt not worse than the slapsus ofrinether _city cestemperary, who gravely- informs '.his readers that one Thd uwas recently arrested at Detroit for stealing Mr. Wm Shoeb-ottom's Mare I THE 4120THSATI CA8T.LE2. • I • , • DiPWN CONLIIICI• - TORS. The Grand trunk Railway authorities, have caused the arrest of nearly all the conductors ?ngaged on the Buffalo and Lake Huron branch of the line, on char. geaefleculation. , It was known about a week ago --that soznithing .was in the wind, g tioket pickers' 'having, been put on, but the storm did not full_y burst until about the middie oflast vteelr,-when each egpress conductor was arrested on Ina arrival at Urantford. Mr. Saunders; of this .10Vin, Mr. Long, and another _ gave bail, but not knowing what _kind of treatment was in store for them others refilled to return westwith. their trains. .Mr. Kimball telegraphed from Detroit that the general manager might go to - Jericho with Air train, and Mr. Rouse re fused te start from Buffalo with that under his charge. The -trial of those actually arrested wdnc aie place Brant, - ford at the As- sizes held - this -week. Mom House and Saunders were .re- sidents Goderick sad regarded by out. cilia= mest'orderly, respectable and txtistworiby men. mu ley • iiimmu. Kelp 1or the. ilooteless. W. observe that nearly every place note Ib. Province is doing somethin_asto relieve these 14ho were rendered , houseless and boineken by the- recent awful 'fire at Quebec: Gederick should throw in hr e saw What is the bestmove beanede ?-ee Tbs 0114 oohpublic- meeting t - • through the instrimentality ot Capt•_,A-. M. acGreger, to Seeure this magnificent haat- by pucliase for S-aginaar route next seasee. IheItothsay Castle was built in 'Britain ex- press!), for running the -blockade daring the American wat and Made at number of very successful -trips. She is built of iron,fitted with Machinery which gives her great speed, her a very light draft, -to enable her to ran into the inlets Of the - Southern coast -and,. in considered the finest boat On the Lakes. It is believed that she could -ascend the Saginew river -With great ease, and: ,if so, wouldbe just what.we want. Such a boat weild be a great acquisition to the trade of Goderich, and Would no OMIT); be a paying._ ingitution. The Capt . thinks that if half the marmot -Of -stock ir subscribed in Goderich, the balance be taken in Saginaw. Oer men of capital sllould come forward - espepially as the vesset can now be purchased s for a tithe of orig,inal cost of $120,000 We may mention that the G. T. R'y authorie ties show the scheme every favor,.' Tlfie Pa.y of Votunteers. • (*et The Goderich Coinmercial Aca,cleiey is designed to impart to the young- of both sexes a thorough business education - In it the student is thorOughly'drilled in the vai. ons deptirtmlnts- of the science of accouate; by means - of a tystem- of -atitual Business Training; commencing with _the-: simplest • and proceeding gradually to the Most ri _ , pate entries inetwith in the counting house AT person Who kr. owt -nothing -ot bookkeeping can iii -a slibrt time become -qualified- tods -charge the duties of a Book-keeper with 8 tis faction to and the utmost safety to his employerSuch a knowledge ie serely Worth tuition fee, and it will be welt for many to avail themselves of the advantages held forth in _the Academy-= -` •41111;liC THE ..LUCIJNOW :EXHIBle 'the .Judees -recominended a. Spinning wheel of Win McCalls for a special • prite, a plough ..of Jus Fraser of :TeesWater dot . ,There Was on'exhibition a sine:edict siniple of -oatmeal from Gordon's -Oatmeal _mill in „Melees second, to none in Canada', a Henry idee hive, mvitble fraine , • -which was -ably explained 4 Jae eieWitt, an enthusiastic:: bee keeper, a plan.ef a Truss Biby jas War ren 13 L S, and a fine specimen'. of gren kale and leek. "Mr Buz -ton of thiclerich - with his .usual liberalityineseuted the , treasury with five dollars in aid of the :funds of the • new Society, - . , rilIZE LIST. - Ho.tess.----Spaii of Hoegs,for agricultural purposen; 16 entries, lit, James McDonoeb • 2c4 Neil MeMellaii • 3ed; Charles , Girivu Brood mare and foal, 5 eetries; .Int, Peter Reid ; 2nd, Robert Hadwin. Two year " old filly, 8 entries, -.1st, William 11-araillon 3 2ncl: Robert Hathi in:, Tire year old geldine•e- 7 i- . TION. : -; merles, lat. jolui-Webb.-1 '2nd; Cherleis On Tuesday the I fith inst.-„,i4had.the - pleasure or attending the first exhibition of the Branch Agricultural -Sobiety eatab-_ fishedby the energy_ of a few liucknow :gentlemen, and brined by the Union- of - the- tour adjacent toartiehipiWawanosb, Ashfield • Sinless. and Huron: The day was a glorious one for such a purpose, -and the -crowd of Spectators • was " greater than_aVe have seen. at any _exhibition :in the County. On arrivinn- in the village,- the first thing .that struck 'us was the rapid growth - it has made _ during the past. few months, and the thriving appear- .: _ - • - • . ance of every place of businesse-froin the stoics of Messrs.- Calipbell, Secerd„ &t. to the smallest blankStuith shop...Deter= mined to take time by the forelock, we at once elbowedour tvey up Main . street•to the offiee of -friend SomeiVilie the gentle- manly Secy.: of .theSoc'y.. who although "up to the eyes" inbasiness,-.'"offered us every facility for obtaining necessary in- forination The entries we found be nearly 400 in ,number --:.-a . splendid com- mencement, certainly .A. visit to the • • cattle and other out door departments convinced us that:there was a good dis- play. of cattle of the eontinoner _ sorts, a few yC'ema heifers showing Ithe -Durham _ and Devetiblook e•poer Show fp Wine, but -a splendid.collection of sheep of the: - most approVed breeds. - The tea horses were atilierb and the "-comPetitio very •!- • - keen. - Mr -Runcitnan, . • ihroagh Mr Camr; &Anis tneknow:ageni; showed quite a number or his Celebrated iron and wooden :pleughe and buitiaaters; which_ were. ,ap.! reciated to such an= extent: that hesoldt mostofthein on the spat at fan prices. : Mr. Fraser of ,Teeiw_nter else eihibited eplerided iron plough_., He has; we learn, taken prizes at the 'Proiaucial Eihibition 2 with implements --of 'the 'same pattern..- ..e J. & ofLondon also -showed . - -ploughs, but they Were Very, common as compared with .those above Mentioned... • highly finished- and beautifully pro-por-. '1 tioned farmers' -wagon was exhibited by Mr 0 McLean of Lueknoiv.- . A visit -to, the inside dep-artment was vielt*orth the ti:ouble, :7Th? Show of wheat .9 was in advante of. anything Of the kind I we have witnesied in ;the • Counties this season, and we have attended:most of -the D eihibitions._There Werefifteen. Samples of C fall..wheat of really splendid qnality, nd thirteen' of superior spring wheat. he oats, barley and, peaswerealso :very • su- perior. The batter was. good, although we noticed some samples in which, Sugar had. been a _little too glaringly used,., --a fact--whieh: was spoil disenvered by the judons. There Were. several. nice cheeses - and 1..number or the very worst'descrip- tion, apparently of the „ batter -Milk .per:' - guidon,- The ladies had. On exhibitiarti - van. Year old ecp,-7. entries, .is.t; Aleian- der Cameren. - Catri.e.-.=Milch cow, -11 entries,- 1st. Ed -win Gaunt: ea, Edarin:Gaunt '3rri Hugh ., e •Rutherferd;.• -Two year old heifer, • -9-entries, Ist,.:Walter rinstrong ;. EdtVie Gaunt Orie year old. heiler,„ ,;entries, . 1st, _dwin Gauet • .2nd, Edwin G-atuit Three year old steers, 3..entries,lat 'Samuel Wilson 2n1; John Muidoeh.- 'The year • :old. iste.rs, 2 -entries, lst, David -11ilne3 .20d,. John Webb. a Bell calf, 3 -entries, t, •EdWin Gaenti. 2nd; Walter Aemstrorig. Yoke wci-rkine cattle, -7 entries,- .1st," •David-Milue i• 2ad, Williarn Baiber.- [ . .,! .- • - SneSe.•---Aged rem; 8 entries; lit; George Campbell; William Lane 3. ard, George McKay! Yearling-- Ram; lst, _David Mei'. Pee !of cafe. evtes,,. 12 entries:4st, James Mel/Meal' ; 2nd, Alexander Onnier7 .3. 3rd Anderson. • 'Bam. . . 17- entries, 1st.; Andertion-; • 2iid, ;Tarries ..hicDenogh 3ro, Lane. Elsie !deb,- i7lentiieg,--Isi, James MeDonogh; Wilnani'Audersori: • - Pis. -.Boar, large breed, 2.)entrieS : _1st. William Anderson ; 2.6d, .Isaac. Sew_ large breed, _"2. entries, 1st; .Malcolui- McDoettld; 3,nd. David Milne.: -BOarl'aintill breed,- 1 entry„.10,..Cliarles Gordon. Sow, small tireedi -1 entry,- ist..Williem Line- poued fresh-butter;"15entries3; 1st, Robert Webster; Intifohn Grady 3_3rd, •Jeap Fetcher,.: • Twenty -polindit: tub -kbutter, 11 entries, Itaderiek, Mciteii.zie.; 2nd, James McDaid; 3rd, Thomas Andersen, Cheese, not leet than 14 :Poi -1114 -6 :entries,: 1st,- Alexander Cerneron ;.2nii,- AleXiind.er Canieroo ; Thomas. Auderion. • Mzettasicx -- _Lumber -,weggen,. 1st, Charles McLean. Iron plough, Isti•blateelin • Carepbelli 2ad,-Malcolui Campbel. Woed pinugh, 1st Miticelui•Cainpbell ,• 2nd, cella Campbell:- Cultivator, 1Sti •MalColin Campbell *4, Thom -Laurence. Ji is _1st. Charles -MeLeite ; - 22nd, Huh McKay-. ", Farin-Gate, 1St,- jehn_. Murdoch ; 24-Jainei Cabinet Work; 1st; .Mal dOler Campbell 3- . iJamesOs- yoke.and hows,_Ist, David -Milne: "'Sheep Reck, Robert,McCradier. Fine boots, ist !- JonChim Greiniehel 2u1,-Greiiitche. -Coarse BolatsIst -Joachim Grenache 2nd -- • - 3 Toachint are' actie:• GRAIN.-T40-'1H1Sliela fell' .Wheat "15 en ries, 1st, -David ,Mellivean ; Deriald Cameron.. Two --bushels .spring.'wheat,•13 -Dityjd- Mellw.aloe;„ gad,--Peley Currigen, Two Ipisliets barley, 6 entries, Iet Jainei- Baird; t2iid, -James t?e-Donald. Two bushel oats, 8*entries, lst„-David Mcllwaiiie Reed. • Two: basher Peat. :8 iitries; 1st . Lane7;- 2nd,- Jacob liodgkinson:-: One bushel. Timothy§eed. -4 ntries,.lat Lane ;.'2ed,.. Donald: Me-, eerniai . Roots :Agri FrartrS.0-ne -Inisher Potatoes, g -.entries, • 1St,. Thoinas Anderson ; 2nd, . , WillianeBarber.: Duzen turrups, 4 entries, 1 st, Edwia. Gaunt 2nd Welter ',Arnistroree:'i poker, beets,: 8 entries, lit,'Jtimes Seuth.:2iid Valter ._ TreleaVen.- Dozen Belgiae carrot, elaries;.1se:Thoreas Lawrence-; 2nd, David Melt waine„._,:t.fozen garden Ca:Weis, 6 enti ies, st -James Henderson-; /and, James. Somer. --Dozen.4tae , unions, 8 entries, 1s, avid KeIlwaine ..2ud, Charted-- Mooney, .)zen_ Seed Onions. .2 -.entries 1st, 'Doeald- anieron 2rid, •Wiltiern :Walker. - Dozen ears.lindian cern, 7.entries,• latc-David Mc: 2nd,.!Thornas Andersen. Puinpiciii, 4entries.-.1sti Walter-. Treleaven; 2nd, Peter Red. - §quash, 2-'entries,-lst,'Jades Baird ; Benjamin Jewett. , Cabbage,-- det...-Jes Somerville 1.2.nd; Alegeeder Cattier -Op. Tomato-lat.. Somervillet.,2ud, James Somerville.: Apples, 1st Charles Girvan; 2nd, Charles Girvan. 1ums, „hal.' William Anderson 3 .24;William Aadersoir. Grape,-: 1st, .Tlicenus Anderson;'2n1, John Arm strong. - - - • . ; - 7 , LADIES'. DEZAIVIIIENT:- Fine Saire,-.Thom- as Andersen: I Crochet work,,ilst,. jams Somerrilie ; -2nd... -James. -Soiriervilie • Em hriadery,John MaKeree: Knitted Hose, tst, Thomas Ander-ion rIed,r jimes. Miller, Socks, 1st;.T.hentis Andersen : 2nd,lanale MeDaermaid. GIO s. 1st; Donald Calmer en,,; 2iid, Yilliam 4inderson.:, ;Doi* Mitts, .1st,' Thomas ander ri 2n11, Donald Canter - n, Fshey t, .Jaeses-Cainpaelt •-2nd -JUdges, and greatly admired by those who had an opporrunity .of inspecting them: itevengee In ore oft he .nrany plots -which were formed against tho. life- and government of Peter the C'rert, there was among the number Of those seized, 41 soldier behingieg to his own_ regi- -mem of guards, Peter being told by the officers that this in in haa.a.hvgysibeh4ved ex- frethely, .weil, had a curiosity to see -him and learn frorn his own mieith what had -been his inducement to be cencerued in a plot-- against him. To thus purpose he dressed himself in plainclothes, that he Might not -he known by the- man, and went to the pilson where he was Confined. Alter some,-coaveriation,Peter a,dued . - - " be glad to beer, •friend, what were your reasons for being concerned in any -attempt against the empeivi, your waster, as arecertaie. he never did yea any injery ;on the contrary, he has a. regard fcir- you as a brave soldier, and -a- man Who 11.1vittys'ciici his uty in the field.; if you were therefore to how. the least rernokse for - what yon have one, the emperor Woutd„.„1 are riu seeded, forgive you, but before 1 interest myself in your behalf, -you must:tell me by whet motive you were induced to jointhenietineers, andi say again,_that the .emperor, who irnaterally good and compassionate, will give. you your .pa,rdon."- - "1 know nothing of the emperor:" replied the soldier, for I never saw hina but, at -I distance ; but he caused iny father's head to be eat off, some thin ago, for being engaged. in a former rebellion, -and it is the duty of a son to revenge his father's -death, by the deiith of the-perSon. who took away his life. If then the emperor Is scr good and merciful . .. as YOU have represt nted him tobe, advise ' him, for his own Safety _not topardonine, for were he to restore inc to my liberty the first nse,1 -would Make of it avenid he tataga-ge insnme newatfeuipt against his life, nor should. 1 ever rest until I had aceomplialied my design. °The securest..inethod, therefore. which .he Mtn take, will be to order. iny-heed to be struck off immediately, witliont this, 'his ;life is in danger:".. The .02:tr used In 'vain all tlie_ argument that heeneld think of to set .bl.feie this des- peradorthe folly and ierustiee of such .senti, reerits.,- He stilj. persisted iu what he had de- clared, .and Peter departed afteatly elme tined at the -bad success or hit %lSlt, nidgave orders forthe'egecat ion; Of thiemen„with the rest -Of his aecomplices: ' - • - • some passable: quilts, mityins, socks, ,fine Shirts, le., good bertha wool work, and. feat, serviceable dainestic cloth. Am- ongst several artieles of furni‘ure we particularly admired. a dining, table made 0 of bird's-eye maple. Excepting .e4mits Daniel -Webster. tch Quilt, 1st; -Thomas . - 'and potatoes the vegetablesAnderson ; 2nd, Iterick McBeette*out .were not 1- Vor •3iajor Colemak, of Seaford; wishes us to state, that the balance of money'due his Company for ballets and drill, being the amount' due tor the -last five days spent by the rnen in Goderich; on service, has not been received by, hint. yet, but that as soon as the paymaster remits funds the accounts will be eleared off. The Major cannot, certainly,, be expected tope', such accounts out of his own pocket, and no blame can reasonably attach to him. sibr Mr. Wm Vaniphell,tnursertt agent, East street, Goderich, has received, in additionato his fine stock Of fruit a fine assoitment of shrubs, ornamental trees, &d. • i' We beg to call_ the attention of our readers to the important "sale Of farm atock &e. of Mrs. Elliott, lot 5,14h.con., Goderich tp., which takes place on Tues- day 6th November next. - - _ ber Read the stay,: of E. L.. John- son; photographic artist, who has added largely -to his accommodations and- stock, engaged a firstclass artist, and is nnw"--pre- pared for any number o ofiders. „ Kr. Mears. Acheson & Sniith advertise furs, &c., good and chetip. • Call -and .see .them. - tare Messrs. J. C. Bettor & Co., havejust received a splendid stock attire ranging from $40.00 to $5,00, and suitable_ to awry taste. THE CRAP.TEHAN.-7j3rcis.- & of Hamilton, have just" commenced the pnbli- Cation The Oraftsman." a Masonic jonrnal, which iagot up in excellent style and containa matter deeply- interesting , to - mein - bent of the craft. It contains lA !Orr Pallet of reading matter, and only -costs $1.50 per year.-iXtslieuld have a -large circulatien. thy of more than a -passing notice. ,During the afternoon several trotting races were got up by.. tae ceiners of fast nags from Goderich and ether pima, but We could learn, a little French pony whippedthewhole coupe: Perhaps there was so ae jockeying, dpfie. At, all events tsmAl atti of money •Changed hands in a short -space of time, We. could not help thinkingthat. the. - *majority' of the --spectators regarded, the 'affair as a sort Of:holiday, .rither. than as a means of agi•icultural:imProieinent, for in the afternoon the great Majority- seemed to devote their .'attention-.: to gazing itt .a youth walking the rope, the rebel, con - stinting forty -rod and inthecase of the youuger 'persons) fiirtattoa. Thelast operation as carried on in the baekwoods is seniething to astonish the prides Of cpm• ventional society,' the 'young iant.- sit with their blixoth,laughing •Daloinas , nit their knees .with,one brawny, labor -tan- ned hand -Iberia 'their ' waiste while the Other itt left free for the -handling of mot- to kisses,' apples, and other deiei3table morsels which ieeth to be all the rage. Well, they certainly think_ no harlit of such exhibitions, :and- why_should however much we may laugh. We they ▪ - - . mention -that- nothing occurred. during the day to mar the proceedings in any respect; Taken altogether the Luclomii Fair "wait a splendid sacceis, and sugars well for the future. The Judges were.: - For Horses: ---John Mori Thomas Laur- ence, A M - - Sheep & Cattle,-Robt. Scott,. Francis Herren, Jno Taylor. _ - • Implentents--jno Haigh, Chas Girvin Jas :Ramage. - _ Roots, Fruits, Dairy and Ladies Work,- M.alcolut s, ytthas flecord, Alex Mur- ray. „ en ,Quilt, lstfw.jaineV Timease ; 2ed, ?Satins Truease. -Ten yards Flannel, .1st, James endersoe, 2nd, -Dona d psineron._ Wan- keti, 1st, Thaines Anderson; 2nd; • Janina McDonald,. Puit cloth, lst, .Denald Camei- n 2nd, Charles _ . - WttwonOSts Agrient11atrall.,-- _ . , -=' Society. .. 7 , the 'Wawanosh- wa-slietd-iibure eannou on Thursday, Oct-Iltie. iAlttieuel `4.3 jr • r the w.eether_ Was. aoinewhat unfavourable in. themorningt the day continued:dry...through, out, and on the: wbole;. the- Show was the Most suceessfull' ever -held. in. that place: r PRIZE ' LIST. • z ..Best span lionlea, 1st J Pentland, 2d- D Mellwain, Best mare and foal', let R Pent- land, 2d.do--G Young; 3rd do Dean 'Se/ift.- . Best filly-lat P Carroklid J Reed.' Best gelding l'st de J,Tiffen: -Best yearling colt, Yonne'. 2nd do J McKnight. Best yoke oxen; 1st We'Young, 2nd do. 1126: Lean. Bestaiiiich cow, lat then, da J Savage, 3 -rd do J. Glen; , Best " heifer. Ist W Young; 2nd :Young. Best rain, G. Young - 2ud D Beak yearling ram, JiParhs, 2nd' do J. Tiffene Pon ram Lamb, lst Carrel„ 2nd do -D Best ewes, 4 savage, 2nd -do a Young. ° Beat ewe Lambs, lat p .Carrol, 2nd db J Savage, Ben hoar, J Peraltind,_ 2nd, do- a Treleaven. Best sow. J. 2nd.do J Savage.- - • Gamtift.-Best fall wheat, lst- Win Damara 2nd do Pentland, 3rd Di Best. spring wheat, 1st: J Pentland. 2nd do .Wan Clark. Best oats, ist H Uttwav, 2ndaTPent- land. Best peenIVOttway, 2nd Dialcilwisin.. Best Barley WTrelearan, 2.ad Best betterast Melinig,ht, 2nd de Yoting -3rd R- Beat etie-se, J Anderson.- Bestpotatoes, Mellnight,.2nd"J Ander- sen. Best 'carrots, lst-H.Ottivity,2ed D Me-. llwaiee, Best onions,' lit- It Treleaven, j Maniaht. Best timothy Seed, let j. D Beat -failed cleth. -1st j Mcittiabe. 2nd J magaiot.- .Beit SatiaettN Wm Deride. -Best 'flannel; J Pentland, Beet union flannel, lst G Young 2nd J Park -Si - Beet - blankets, let J -Anderson; 2-nd Mrs Mel. lough Beat ist J Anderson, 2nd Mrs Berry. Beet Wits; lat Mrs -nerry, 204 J Anderson. _Best Harness, 1st G Berry, lnd Savage', 1100104a Movie& an- excellent specimen of -erochet-work, and Nis Ettglaad. a tineshirf,•heautifullY executed. Beth these: _ . • - The usual annual -Show p Branch Agricultural Societ : Idtvers is a Fix. -.Night before last -es the moon role over the hill and treetop; gilding the spires or our .beautiful city with -,":her silvery- rays,- there might have been seen upcii the. roof .of ite Elypeati cottage, which is flat aria covered with pure :whiteIravel and: pitch, .a..couple of taxers Seated, enjoying- the beauty of, the 87Tnlele. ::.E. 1111 dar.int'r the -day he'd. been very warm, and thus they met toapeed the fading hours of twiliAlit,enjo.ying thepleasantbreezt:i that floated up from' the 4agnOlia -garden- -beneath - -,and interchanoini,, 'their- soullonw- iiigs. and i warm affections. .: Near eachother-_ the lovers trit-ewith one arm he.eneircled the waist of thenbeautiful creature at his side, and all.passect quietly' and lovtiegty until the bet' tolled the. teidiiight hour. . . -. ---- .:. .- The toiling of the bell' reminded them' that "tired nature,'s sweet restorer"' was requisite fur iOveis as well as °there. • ,-• Bak -seated near each other, the plighted. vowA were again and agaie exchanged,'. Mid sealed with kisses, like "linked sweernesr loeg drawn ont.'.' . At length, .after many vain attempts: to seiertheir pleasant pleasures, the transport- ed lovers found that they were bound to each other hy More sticking bends 'than levees Vows, The het sun ,had melted. the pitchi and a ter,sitting so to.ng,and-theeight having foiled. like Aunt Jentima's plaster, • " the more f\ cooled .he resinous Matter. they. found :they were both "stuck fest:" . The young geptle-• mawirst attempted to disengage himself,- but you try to :pull it off , the more it sticks; the faster," . The,younglittly -then atteMpted to. jet tip; which -she did, %eines the skirt Of here drei.s. .and all her&underelethes ai far as the "titters." in this plight she tried' to relieve _ her disconsolate partner, but it-wasof 110 use. He COUldlet COIlle• . After some parley, he come to the cenelesiim that he coulii.manage it by slippieeeent of. his '-peits.,- .-Ateerdingly he &Stied of his companion 11' she -could iend -him a pair of pantsuntilhe cotild go home. She thoeglit her pa's would do if they were net too -long. With tins information he slipped off his beots.and loosehing his suspen- ders,. drew himself out of his pat ta as easily as possible, and the diegoneelitte -couple. took themse4•esdOwn stairs in a --very. blushing. manner, and lookjeg _ieryinuch like our first parents when they_:diScovered that they were humeri. A paieef pa's -Paint were precured IS quicaly as pessible, and.. rna into -.pretty suddenly, and the Adonis decamPed With bat .1pai,tarol.ed Lip about six inches.! The joke was toe good to keep:; by little- arid :little it leaked ont•Lunta the treth had to come to 2; culpata the happy intiocentalMenaphis .Are 'peel., . ' . . Hoiribie = A day or two since we lied the brief de- taiii of the 'murder- ',of Jesse Rose, by his sea, James Rose` aged about nineteen years, and the.further fact that the young man hid confessed Abe priericide and implicated "his mother in The following -are the particulars: It appears that the father, ,Tesse :Rose, had been; in the habit- of drawing the -Money bis Sons had earned by their labor in the neighborhood, and said he was . going to draw $46 due t eldest sons-wbo -is 19 e years old -on ralisi last. His tuld him- O if he did he ivould - . w • The father went to a, spelling itehbole on h that day; but it appears did not. get .the. b Money. Tae son however, supposing he h had got it, by his mother's instigation and * --aeaativaaled tlie.yoanger brother, . hid -bellied a stump, near some buibes, by 'which 't his father !could return. Before. his father -arrived-the younger -brother Inca= fright:- a ened at *he deed they contemplated„and fled.- ti As ROM passed the - wimp the eldest Seri 5 struck .hiin with, the axe he had with knocking out hic..braiesi and -then cut Ms .8 throat with a butcher knife,. 'leaving the us body laying till merning, When he 'cave the le alarm to the neighbene who found the hody on Saturday morning, some 300 yards from the hose.- -Upon eeare,hingahe liouie bloody clotheatvere found, with some of the -brains 0 onahept_i also -the axe with, which the deed .4 was -done. They -arrested the .mother and in both sons, when the eldest immediately con-. th fessed the deed. _Rose was alazy, shiftless se sort of it fellow and th MELANCHOLY ACCIDENT. --A. • melanclioly accident ix:eerie& last Saturday eveniag .on Lake Si mcoe, by whicisfeur parsons.] oet their lives. _George Doolittle, Withhis wife and two thildree and a young min. named Alex- ander, were in the schooner Matilda, making for fleIlEWtrt When off Fog island, Mr. Doolittle steering; the boat was found to be sinking Mrs Doolittle •brought the young:: est ehilato her husband and ran -back to the cabin for the pther. Meantine, Mr. Doolittle was bringing a stnall boat, which was towing behind, sloniSidebut before the mother -got back tne schooner went downe-Something, probably the mainsail, struck, Mr. Doolittle and knocked the child ft oiebis iti ins Ile got into the; boat and endeavoured to save the otherslint could see nothing of thent. Alex; was walking aft whenilie vessel went down and was heard. to cry out ; the mother and eldest child probably went down in the cabin. Doolittle guinea Snake_ Island by :using a small piece of board which he found in his boat On Sunday moruing the body of one or the children, a boy of three yeare, drifted on shore., - _Affairs in • Itlex.tco. • !News has been --received confirmatory of that published someday/Iasi/ice, to the effect that the liberate bad antlered a severe revezse. Generel cammand of a French torce, . had advanced on Monterey, and defeated the mans liberal army under Escebedo, climpf;te. Iii•outing and pursuing it toy/aids liatamoras. Tae expectation was!that ,an • engngement woad ensue at the latter point, and it pro- bobly took ' places on the 10th anat.. The force of blejia4as much larger than that of the liberal Commander, and the second battle doubtless resulted like the irst. The :defeat ot Escobede and the occupation- of Monterey and Matamoras is an important gain io the Freneti, as it Will give Mem complete control Ot-thaline the-'iRio--Witilde-• from---svhieh Merle was lately driven, and deo- possession !gone of the most important seaports of the country. - . - - Monetary. T11ett.ters. The ;Montreal Herald ofFiiday "-last, in its commercial columns says :-" The nr9ey market gradually expands all fair paper_ pre- sented at the banks, is readily discounted at the usual -rate, and•reinittanoes are -arriving- more freely than for some time past. A large nanount.of Paper continues to be circulated in the/ west, chiefly for the purchase of grain, which ismow movinewith Suchrapidity, as to give considerable impetus to generally bum-. ness;•- The Bank .-.IM'ontreail continues -at -its different branches, to issue Provincial -dotes of which a large summit is uowout, Several of the bankelfave, we understand, arranged *with the Beek of Montreal to held A portion of their reserve in' legal tenders,' and atlhe same time these institutions will net be com- pelled to keeo muchgold ie the vaults of the efferent branehes, it being uedeistood that the. settlemeets by draft on -Montreal will be acee,aed. It is quite that, eventually, all the banks Will make similar arrangements. The statement that the Finance Minister had negotiated with oue oftciur monetary institu- tion: 600,009_ worth of Exchange on laiedon, at 11 premium of 9i, is; we have rea- son to believe iinfanded. It is -true that the .governmeirt had purchased exchange to pay tts indebtedness falling due in England, but for a sum • faily clue Million 'dams less than the stiatwhich has been named in the several western journals, and at .a rate under 9 -per cent premium. ' We mention this, be- cause it is jait, as well tha the-facp, as near as possible, may reach the public. Hines to Farmers. - - Little . Gus, the funny lecturer on Henke- dora perpetriagsahe hallowing Ilin18 to farm- ers, through thealincinnatti Tines : Wha, Hoes. to,Usee-Iii planting or hoeing corn use the 'ordinary hoes in common NM. Nettlier India rubber hose nOr cotton hose would be of :accouutan a corn field; no more would one of Hee's eight -cylinder :presses. , How to Hold. the 'Plaugh.11on't-try to held it out at arms teegth.. Yon can't do It you hain't a plough of your -.own get an :a!taphme'n t oft".Your- neighboes!who Owes you. Any Justice can tell you. whether you can hold a or not. , The Best -Tune to Put in Rye. -a1 asked an old_ farmer once what was the best time to pet in rye ? He looked at his watch and re- 15ligeTd di; hour,' - The rye waainunediately put in. Mei to Keep Corn„. --The hest place to keep corn is -in a good cern house, though some perfer to keep -it in their system -eau the juice: -If they.- doll% keep corn they 'le:--eFPenece°rall'i-da.nd- Fencing. -Good- deed -fencing --is- essentiel on a taro: :*Get 'a good fencing - master:' to learn you. A rail fence is better than animaffinary one. You can't repair a Wenn fence by taking vermifuge. Neither can you cut good whitewash brushes Outof_ brush fences. -Mintzer ilia tell you that. * - To malre Your Stables. Warm in. Winter. -set fire to them . To Drain, Lands. -Drink -whiskey, and spend all your tune at, that ,village tavern. short wtiiml ted. rain you ore -it your lite,d in it yell - Easy Way to draw Sievalogc -Draw them with a crayon pencil: After tilittle practice you will be able to draw the largest kinds of saw -legs with ease. -n, All logeitious befences- In, the police court at Chicago, a few• 'sveeks since, a wife thus ineenionsly,explain- 0 d away serious charges of harsh treatment f her poor limbend :eam One day when she as running across the roant. 'with a fork iri er hand, hejuMeed in the way- and struck is wrist egatnet the fork:- wrenching it front er grip by, the tines; *nick he ran into his rist: Then he undertook to striae her, ut she held_ up a panofInt dishwater he! ween them, and he spilled it all- over his ead. •Then be got still more angry at this coident and started to jump at her, but his ead came agaiust her Land and he fell down. he _took hold of his hair to raise 'him up, nd the hair. was _moistened by fhe bat water Bu that n came Off. Then she 'saw it wm no e to reason with himany longer, .and she ft the house:" - More GAillliattatta seeene7 _. - An English paper saystheAdmiralty have rderid the immediate construction of sixty unboati. If this report be correct it would dicate that active naval operations are ought not 'unlikely m some atuarter of 'the orld. . - These Western men were rang% "so were their b'ars." They were returned front 'far . e ISOth h er as not borne a good name for some time. The. above feats are all that ‘have se_ fir been _ s elicited. - _ As a .newly-inarried-• couple were one. night -lying in bed,,talking; over mat- ters -and thieve a heavy4hunder ,storm arose; • The lead 'male of 'thunder and vivid.flashes of lightning filled them with terror and fearful ' apprehensions, denly a tretnendous crash caused the loving couple to start as thongh_they had receiv- ed an electric -Shock, Jonathan; •throwing his arms laround_his dear, exclaimed,7„-- " Hug up to , me Liz, let's die like men , fe:es Tlie estimated' value ofti Pine: flume ber cut during.the past year, in hia;ginavr attr!es were- !iighlY- recommended IT the. 841'040 . Migrations, whether women or chills/rani-lad- -not accoinpanied them. Their -western life- -was signifieently repotted- by oneof their !lumbar, Who beine-at it theatre where a baby *asits li crying,vi iand the nrethhese ulapittanrildnegxt°claidmmewdn, "Stop tlietnnoisy_fiddles and let the baby ery;. I hain't heard such music this three year Zt.,T-4be warden :of Perth bas called A special meeting ofthe Comity Council to con- sider_ the subject of the erection of Anew jail, the present one being defective and insuffici- ent., • - Oje A. -boy named Basic Wilson -was drown- ed tn a well on Thursday, ht. the Township of Tilbury Haat., -While attempting to dip a pail of water he telUinto the well and last his lite, - An amusing printer's errror has omitted in the -columns -of one of the leading Paris evening papers, ,whiqh has excited ,notimall. amount of mertinsmit at the eXpenseof.amen of real talent. The following extragrophs, intended to have been printedileparatelys - Were by eeine blunder so arranged that they read consecutively "A Dr. X has been pointed head physician to the. 114Nspititl4e la - Charite.- Orders' have been issued by tie _authorities for the immediate exteneion the .0emeterv of 14ennt Parnasse. Thiavorks are being executed with the tamest deepatCh• The edttor•ola Yankee tiewsPaP.Or 1141i. that he never dotted in i but loncila his life, a,rd that was in a fight with eon- . temporary. Many person persons write art les and sena thein to ari editor to be corrected as; if an editor's office were a house of corm. tion. - - Manta. At the residence or the bride's father, Frankfort, Herkener County, Stato of New. York, Oct. /6th, 1866, Mr.' William Finley, of the Township of Huron, County if Bruce, U . C., in Miss Adelade X. Breadon, of the cornier place. _ „ On the -21st ins, in the TownalliP of oi borne, Fab's, eldest son of Bobert- saitows, aged 2 years and I mouths. Mb MARKETS; _ ,GoDEnwit, Oct 23, 1866, Fall do $1:40 (..4 156_ apring 1:10 MI 0:22 " 1:50 0:40 0:50- 5:00 0:10 I tides (green); .... . . 5:00 • 000 - -0:16 -0.30 '2:25 Opts"; • re a • • •76.04 • 040 Flour. ••••• 6:00 barley - 035 Peas e • we* • • 0:45 Sheep:-......• ea • • •• • • • • 4:00 Beef, la e0.1,00:08 butter ..-..••••••••••••••• 8:14 Potatoes, new........... 0:30 ood.. 1:75 flay, newla ton 700- 8:0,0 Eggs. 610 ® 000 Chickens .1 0:20 ieD, 025 Turkeys ............... 0:30 New York Oct 20 18E4 Gold closed at 1461 Flour -superfine ........$8 40 • a 1g IF, ''. 46 choice ......... • ..10 20 12 25 Wheat -Milwaukee...... 2 30 2 34- " white Michigan - . 3 27 00 00 , Corn -yellow Western... 1 -08 ® 1 09 white 46 ' 110(4115 Barley -State .......... 1. 14 1 18 _" _ Canada Weit..... 1 31. 1 35 Oats -Chicago . ...... 0 69 0 63 " Milwaukee. ...: .... 0 61 0 - 62t Pork la bbl.............33 po e. 000 . London„Oct. 20, 1066. Fall 'Wheat, lp bth superior I :80 0 00 Spring Theat, do, 1 30 00 Barley, ... •aa -•"410,-• • •-•1: 45-- 0 52 Oats, • 0 25 0-124t Corn-- -Apples 0 56 ifoo, 0 40 ®060 Butter .0 111 0 20 Hay...........................800 (10 00 Potatoes! 25 i@t1) 35 • .. Montreal Oct. 18, 1866. ' , _ Flour -Superior Extri...;-. 6 90 'a 700 Extra-. 7 15 -a 0 001 Fancy... 7 90. .it 000 * - Wheat -Canada.....,....... 1 40 it 1 40 do Western -0 00 is 0'00 Oats -Per 32 0 33 it It 34 Barley -Per 0 64a 9:e0 5 50 & 5 GO". do Pearls. first 7 00 .a 2'35 = • - Toronto Oct 20,1866. Flour 47 40 1 45Faff - n wheat • •, .. 62 0 eo -d, Spring ai,6 mr-lo 4o 1 '32 1 35 AINNIMW 154 . --114-gb)Albbertisaments . . _ E.L JOHNSON SOUTH SIDE QM:MT HOUSE ENDAiltyGODESICIfr VITAITING given his, Rooms a Thorough Befitting, would intimate to. Show wishing • - " --I GOOD PIIOTOGRAP11.! That they will find it to their advantage , to dive him a call. Having -secured tliesertieen • of Mr. D. M.. Coons of Barfale, whose- time re— is alreby established as areartistia his - profession, he Call furnish s • Photographs 91 Every 81710,, known to the art. ' 'Ma' 13 IT .b.GC always on band ver cheap. • N. a.-7pia Ambrot,ype.s and Nnerreo- types copied to Photographs. , • Goderich, Oct. 22, 1866, . w39 3m-Sp.sit, NEW. A:ND, CHEAP,. .4q:N.1:113110-1. - 04 -'30 - AT THT -pHIEAP. CA1111 STORE.. A LARGE ASSORTMENT Oir ,z WOOL Lenit1 BRAWLS; 17110/113,„AT a_r* HRH OM IT ACHESON a OHM CodiritilkOct. 23,1866. w19 17, • •." •••. o mutts- Lux or IAMBS. UaitedOomeitelitlYartetaeoftwo wnts es ilaroanad Anemia laersiatclastssuedeut To ant: sr_ Her itiejestralletiitt3 Cnrtorthe United Co -taint °filmes andilenutt. _ sad .to ale directed saiam t.be Mods aistatesee - mentasof Thoissa UI.ikie, Att.* waft MeDeroid. Tbo.0 C Kerr, Join Browne, . John 1. McKeettie and Wilh1a 1. litadnit, 1 have seised *ad taken in esteastioa air the tie* title and linemen or tits wad_ dint in :and to lot nuniber one IA: Sae teenth conceirion of the Township oierev tribe County of llama, conontiog Inoreor lauS, winch liadsand omenterde -06erfoesaleotmv aka tu the Court Omen, the TOWn of Goderich, .40 Toady lite ilith day of February !text, i * hour of„,71r..#1119 of the 41cieltineori. '-,JOMN *A00,014 saampeolgee,aodenelt. - .2sis 00.4 too, ,..assar• - Eettran r Tbe ,baneet eo 40.01)serystion:10 , Dresden, by Dr. ,-. 1.01:dsgreon, -e•Twheirieh eltearefcimbgeplrolinyiedegxambakey_it:haffeti4jel • - itir).1.:41didleskeHairs1:08411:81:restdat-taheloil San. produces a tinaes:-“ The se extraction was a 1 ----- bed CI almen6:freitetYne diWprovedtObl: Iidhp 0 Seel: e' a : t 1:17 C been abatraCted OM ' T-IsigraentelYriPtaerernetIVZ11:1/iiiti 1 DAUM seized his cursed it so fario- fcbmhira to rev A Emmen soldier an excitable fellow. tiirits,i.lee' irelnislallattelvnOolneag naming the bullet. - ..-tphaemrtedaswithval a:time e. :bad' sjoienriloe,'iousr wi tad it. prOved of t known a bullet, e inches in the fleshy raised by A faint glazed -porcelain Bri its aulfirwas 1 tape the two most 'Ittbe"zinnbeeeinstwlirlifellin4t-sataeferilirerszttswean: asighly spoken of tures °fenny and Wry little rliffeten ..,,pthereeelanited'!tbele7yeleu frequently Amer/ tire Of -exit heal other., The ,4Threlie-clijobtlelitrusortatedbai -the Aperture 4 lonTeessar-atiaiTz'arlikih tilmniouseothrreet:t.t:81t-w'ew it had taken, the - :1:717rmkareA:cesEPnelsarrYeediaviWitglig "Brothers, be ' -our border, allow t wilt -now, dents t management of his joyment otall meat _ e . 411101411. ThisilluzieSf:111Ifijiiiik i 1*nicedividend,atfieealtici ,of nitney which wi will not go far to r in the aide and 1 bruses, trost-Vites, a' Canada& Pain 3 by flMedicinelitei 25/ma see bottle. . _ - a 2=m1i-i=x1 vEG PAIN AT THA RE -Wil PEIIIS AND 11 WON& Ascii 18„ 1866. SIB IAN Celebrated Prepnit& front:s CtarjceM "Phis invaluable a - AMMO' AlMose pti to which the *oath moderates eR excels and aspeedy ure its peculiarly ride bring on the month Fatah bottle, prim 'eminent Stamps:0 terfeita* JCA These i4:11sakatarl she FIR22 .7R Amoy, vge the), reale, hated any, la aft cases of NI Patna ia the/Jack, exertion., riatatotra Wb11.01.1base, Pitts *tmei have f tidreesedy, slo not 4-maimsorstnythisigli *reel -ions- I package., which rat - Saes -gam for thi - JOB 154 10 apd tealtrinal4onSid tafamirfiffir ifirSoldln 'do& F.:3ordais Thiene Benthumiltexem ° Vimbe,taltatoe, liedienie aesters; Among the most • - CANA.01.12i Asa Family lira kno•sre.relieviag t Bide, Back end*" praise, Brehm! -Coastal:no% 'mats, Bui The .01.1imit4 levirlosea liforet and mbeireverasi it.n, musk tootapil tinie1y anal *lid 111 cuseorglisiatie6bet am ?topers' CA wit] mact highest Oros. We front iagi.idit therm - Ars mann tree winch *it roan beam Sotrostelit4 lite iteteminac Dostrover cork T000mnseaded. 406 ritaiegaissraerteren viaermg Nemo sanktintkoLletoti Oitiear srecommy wallimOs_ofthe 01010wP'.114$ - Tito Ottnadist -11,401111001" PAisicnitsa int be witlaitit Psieercialy- Jtaliseeleart VollettgOltaton tV).•