HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1866-10-19, Page 2r • - • • - The NeW French ilreecite - Loader asttl Cuirass. Parts S•pt. 8-, Corr es;ondence of the Lott- ' don 'Times: ^We hear a gteat deal about the Chnsse- pot breech -loader, w.hich some say is as sup- erior to the Prussian needle -gun as the lat- . . ter is to a Minie rifle, but this is- likely to be un exaggeration. - In a very .shert time. the Pat)* annoencea 100 reiiinents: of the line will be armed with it The statement- of th:tt journal,,ahat not- Onty-the s urine but alI the -questions relative to the or- ganizatinn cf the- French army, as regards --- personal and material, ere to be made the subject of a rough study, has attracted atteu- tion_here, and it is interpreted by some us an sTE ALI -WEvK $. G-;-.N-A. • , ' • . I purphscs of.;:mere speculation; and hence _ . 1%T -think it is obvions Itlitit.-ibe Western - crop -sato much _shorter ',than ...was andel- pated: -...klthough CanadaSiiffe--...elseverel iy from:0e effects. of '-viet,_ wcather in har- vest, an immense Surplus: of grain will — _ - find _its wa-y to maricett -and. the prices: . tsrealized nitist bring n large amount of 1 motley into:- the country.. : .Tlic .prices, paid ia. GoderiCh on .the 10th 0-etoher, 1865, were for fall, wheat $ l . I 8 to §1.-20 per bushel,,:ind for .sPring wheat $1,02 per bm. 11..: Eyen . at the reduced 'price' sof • . thii week, yhat a difforenee -there- has admission that the French ermy not iu a that of Prussia, perha.psallso as.a, w tnke averaec exactly struck, is $1.40 for fall, -paid this 'fan: The t t ad successfully with been in the- prices • • - • - state at nresen _ o co e :patience and to Wait till the new guns are and $1.,20 for- sprioir. -At these ret,3s. ready- and all the improvements made. I - many thousauds oKbushels'of wheat have hear that the new cuirass is being worked at Our Irish Letter., - From -our Irish Corre,sitontient; We so often hear of the' grievances of Ireland, dnd find so .:xnanY of them imagi: narY, that when we meet a real' On% we are inclined -6 pas.s it over, and scarcely bestow upon it one thoUghtful -reflection, or sympathising. sigh:. Among this class may he reekoned the case- of the teadjhers. with the intention of giving- it to the troops. been -sold; and thercountyy is richer by - the show Visclay eiceeded. all that they eiser expected,' ' • - • -; _ They cannOt de thinere the Usual -routine in Zurich ; they Must have -somethitur, odd. Last year ir preacher -held forth in the street; Oda year a large roan) fronting,- tho street is rigged out for a ball room,- where a band 9f musicia.as has discoureed sweet music' ail 'day who.wish to enjoy a trip tsti the &slight failtastic trie.". Dente, the -few minutes I I watched this scene °I saw Taatastic toes enough, but 'eleety of thein-: were anything butlight. It seried a- good purpose, hoeir . . Of National .SchoidS.- l!Notv. •as a class- eVer, -am -the occasion. hy inteiesting the these* men' are the hardest"' -cCrought. an -a 1,yc in.izsters,- and avail. decided, . imprnvement, - - I think, on the preeching. . -.the large turn worst paid iq Ireland. 'After spending out a people from ether localities almost' the 0-reater portiOn of their lives- up - to neutralized the German element of the popu- - t' ' * " - ' ' • ration -cf Hay and unless you had been 20 years of acre -often at ()Teat. expense:10 ,we.tou..,4 Very!, closely for -a " yaw " or a their parefitsovlio are sometimes ill able 64 %ve iratzs' you would scarcely have known in afford it in creitor throuol the necessa- , - ry course of -study, requisite to fill the situation of teache and after passing a. t._. rigorons , examination in the =1st abstruse It is the invention of a needy young Italian, the tiff ' V 1 1(1 -rence, w tic 1, cou we ascer am • wile came to Paris meet to. dispase of it to • " . subjects they are rewarded-- by.'- a liberal the acrerrecrate would be found to amount ' - - - : the best bidder, and who found means of ac. .cess to a FrenCh geheral. Web hi office.' The . general examined this new .kital .of armor, which is-deseribed as a -flexible metal shirt, weigbiug only four and a halt pounds,. hung , it up, took a -revolver and fired four or five shots at it.- The -balls fell to the..groand. leaving but a slight mark apon the ball -proof - tissue. The invention wits clearly ot suffi- cieut imp,,rtinee to. be submitted to -the em aieror, who, atter witnessinga trial, battesthe inventor communicatethe secret to no m•.e,1 and said lie would purchase it of him. YOU' will have heard of the new- plan sug,gested of large bneklers, to be earried4y the &put -ran men, isle kneeling, protect those be'aind them,' who fire: through loopholes The Shields, which thus serve _as rests for.their gums.. Modern improvements in the apt of slaughter seein to-' be taking us back; ia mitny respects:. to . the, defences of the middle ages. - .a very large sum. Just nowi_the catious. are that _prices come dewn a little but that there will be a -regular tuniide, as some prediet,,wethink hardly pi;ssible. On the whole httrrinfr the po- -tato rot, Canada. has ffery reason to be hankful-and iejoice. • - Nivrow Escape - of a hallway _ . . _ Train. TO =rm. er AM" ON BoiRD aiyee BY A DaBAB., Front the Dayton, Ohio, Jouinal.-- Mr. Robertson, Malt Agent en & G. Ws Railroad, between, this city and Cleves land,. related to us-- yesterday, -the strange item -about a farmer who prereeted. a terrible disaster on that road, near Mansfield, Ohio, atthe time of the- recent freshet- We had befere seen Ma . paragraph _relating - to the singular affair. Mr. R. conversed with -the farmer, and here is the story. in shOrt farmer (a Pennsylvanian) went: to bed during the. heavy and prottacted 'storm onMondav night, arid dreaming.that :the fill Across a- chasm, some hundred feet deep, bed given away under a passeeger trate and let -it down into the abYse, helprung up to reuder assistance to the passetigers, ran ta the -door, and was hastening frail" the house, when his wife awakened him. He -related his dream and went tO bed again,- hut slept little more - during the night. Thedream made such an:impression- On his mind that he hastened to the ehasm_the next morning to see what condition it was in, but the road was apparently ail right, although . the water was pouridg. and surging through- -the large 'culvert beneath as though it would -• wash the earth away. On Tuesday eight the farmer could not rest -for' thinking about his dream Of the proceeding night, and getting he procurecf hie lantern and hurried off to the chasm: 'When arrive4 tberk he found. to bis terrar thatthe huge'filIbad been washed out ; leaving nothing but the unsupperted ties and heck OVer the chasm.. Hearing- the train thundering toward deetractioe, the farmer Clambered aeross the dreadful break.and run- ning down the road some distance he signed- - ed the approaching- traiir to stop. • And so Short Was the time that by the time the engi- - neer-was able to hold up, the engine was within a few feet of the chasm. The train was large, and was filled with - persons Who bad -been to a Politicel meeting Manifield. What a narrow escape they all made front s. horrible death: For the train would have pleased down the fright- ful precipice, car upon ear, creshing all to death in the reins. The pastengeri at once evinced their gratitude to their preserver, the Penns,ylvanian, by making him up a baud- , aome sum of money. - saw 4.! encouraging government, with the muni- • _ - - . . .4 ficent surn-of £24 a year, wIth the insig-. nificant consideration 'of. plenty of hard hard work. Bat out of -this allowance the ,te.acher.must -keep hiniself respecta- bly clothed, nbi is_ this left to his own sense of decency, but it is strictly enjoin - that he shall be a mddel of cleanlieess and neatness. Of coarse -the poor teach- er, spite of rules or regulations Must sup- port himself, _Juni - as 'the ch&ripest bdard- ing houses ChargT nine shilliegs per week .for accommodation; .it follotvs that_the National School Teaeher mu-st get odds and ends, and:pm:Chase clothing otit of the 'extraiagant allowanceof 'cam shilang per week. . Bid the teacher may be parried, and may have a family, of say_ four, and how he contrives to sapped and elethe them on -the, moiety of fiie . pence each %British and FOreign Bible , ki_ociety. The annual meeting in co-fmcction_with the Goderich Branch of the above testi- . di tu.tion was held. in the \ es cyan ititc on Wednesday evenieg last, Mayor -Bat, ler in the chair. The report as read by the Secretary, showed that _ _subscriptions to the funds of tie Society were below -- those collected at such places as Bayfield, and only one-sixth of what -was raised - villages qo larger than Elora. This was. attributed to an unfortunate maladminis- . tration of the affitirs or the society, mid to thefact that the Annual Meeting '.was heldearliet than-um:0 but it was Wiped . . that the incoining-Year would be one of tare generation. Surely it 'a -no stretch prosperity. - The meeting was ablY clres.scd by the ChairMan, and Revids. -MesSrs: Elwood ShaW Brookinan ;and -Y at ers. The fo lo tug effiec-bearers were elected for. the ens ing par ;.}.1-. L. Elwood. st :VicE-PutsIDENT.-Ahn-V-: Detlor, 2nd _ 3rd- do -- Rev. R. Dhiting.- 4th doi'--Rev. Jas. - Shaw. Tn. EAS11011.-Unkh' Johnston, Esq. DEPosiTARY..--7T. NoOrhougo, Esc': SEcRET+Wr.-DatiisOit Kerr, Esq. CONSIITTEp.-Sheriff -.Macdonald, Daniel Gordon, SaMuel Pollock_ Janies blartin, Wm. Papst, Thoniaa Stokes, -M. C. Cameron, Robert. Gibbons, James Thomson-, Esq'rk an4.all resident minis- ters who - are • members :of _SOciety ex - officio. • - We are requested state that books Arbuckle. Peasisarall), William Wilson 2nd, Nicholas Troyer. Timothy., seed, este bushels Williatn Arbuckle. Flax seed.James Smillie. White Beans, William Wilson ;_ 2ted _job) . Bechtel. - Indian -corn; John eau&ht The penitentary,for life would- be searcely au adequataspiimplimeut. - The wind_inereasitigs -at II' Watt& and -blawing in gusts fret') etiery -direction, three „separate conflagrations were 'observable at Zimma; 2nd. WI:diem Turnhull, ;ten. Pont- tinee. Se Sa,tveur church, Dunn s soap and toes, Henry Voeiker; 2nd. James Swinerton 1 candle feeteryi itee's rape walk and other Onions, %Valiant Turnbull, sen ; -2nd,' Chris- 'large buildings Were, in . Tones. Along St: tian Bormet, Carrots, tvilliant A.rbeekle ; James_Smillie. Turhips,_ Joseph:sr-Gill. altingel Wurteel, Daniel Zeller; 2nd -William Arbeeltle. Pumpkin,. David Bean-;' _ Varier street., totvards the toll gate and the streetis'surrentaling the general hospital and convent, another terrible fire was raging with even greater -fury. At the. neck of -Jorn: Zinnner. _Apples, John- B. eiger , , Crown street, along. °Prince Edward, Je-sint 2nd, John. -Zimins:t• ; .8ar, Christian. Bermet. t and -Ay lapd-sta.,, the tames were -crossing back. Houses by the dozen :fell. before the axes o the sol ens but the debris of -wood_ ; weak wasThe toOrter en the grbrind than it Woolen Socks, Robert Patterson-- 2ncl, beeanie a Of ;flame.' Explosions were _Henry Wartit;-. jr. °oleo Was.- Michael eard in and rections like the roar- of artill- Zeller. Patched Quilt, Robert Patterscie ery, but Still itiefire progressed, blazed aad 2ed, Robert Patterson. - -Coverlia, Vahan I. burnedad long-, as there was combustible Lehmen 21W.Ilenry Wurtn, jr, Fulled„I inaterial within its reach to: feed oh.. A num- Satinett, -Hugh een ; Casper , Hill. seeeril hodses Willi a via( of • making a • Cloth,. Charles Trcvy; 2cd, John .GrandY.i.ber artillerynien 'Were engaged in Wiring C_ariper - Salt Butter,- Yap id -the fire- tO thee -windward, and iir .so James Swinertcht) !,,Rebert Patterson. les!' Better-,:jameii Stiinetton .2nd,. Rnb- e t Patterson- Cheese, 4eorge Thempson.; 2nd, John Lt.:hr. Honey, Gerage Petty; 2nd, W.illiam Turnbull,iterr. -.6 handfull.flax, AS illitun Turnbull, sens Flax- yarn, Julius .13 loch.' • • -• - ' • : • -Exraa ParzesAivinosn.-4argest tion of apples-, Jahn Zciateer. • Table Clinh, Lelimaia. Crochet, 'Work; ' Woolen; tatte .A.beahant.:Geiger. _Carpets, NicholaS.Ti:oyer, - I pair' slippers, TWilhant Ledies' Cap, Jantes erten. •Fuschia„ 'Henry Greh.1-' TA:recce _Lea, ves,_ J u Hui -Bloch. ,Flinbrciidered Rohert Patterson.4- Enthriaidered stool cover, William Wilson. . -i-rancy Satchel, .W Biwa: , . Pears, Charles Wilean ; 214, Jacob- Karcher: . l'eacheS, john Zimnier. grapes, Abraham " Geiger ; 2tid, Julius Bloch: thatthe ethibition vies being held ina -Ger, -man Villae.e. I -aid inf4rmsd by • the- Seere- tary, Mr.- °Vanthieri that there are ---nearly three hundred _entries. , -Was- ticarlf 12 tictock befere the jade:es:got commenced to theklabora . The jedgea oetsicre' were Ja es Piciltard, 'Esti...of Exeter ; John Bleam, q., of -Stanley, mad- archival:" Sweet, of Stephen,- Ontakine a ramblethroagh the shovi-grotied I find very good turn Out of. horses,.a.pair finegreye (tweed by des.. White Of 'Hay, eradeseriedly adnined,-. a _few gem" -brood mares 'mid foals' are .to be -seen,. and Ciame good colts are'lliown by: Mese* Themsotn„ FergesoniT Petty: and :Nickelson. ts: few goOd. eciwaand heifers areto be teen_,' hatthe harped cattle -does fisit coin', up hi the-- mark - either este quataityin quality, and dees not at all; I think reptesent.the Toivaship. The -sheep .40 and the pigs indifferent, with the-eiceptien Ofrsome-Berrishirea oWned by the .Messrs.- BroWn Of:Zurich.- .T wo gons are shown .by Mr...George. •MeLeod. *of Rodge-ryilla ; they. -are of . very •ekeellent, workmanship, 'and -Mr.' McLeod :has eo- retie son to be ashamed of his handiwork: - Upitn. the whole, the. ontside doe's net -coin, -up to the _averete Of. the 'Iown.ship shows :.in the couritY; bet at the rate -of progress inade einc:e- leaf year, .ft tioon • come ,all•light. 'The. judges hiside were Jas. Boail r• P:2 EiC1.1- -of Rod -01;011e' Andersoit;. ,,of Stanley,- and Joeepli Case, :Esq„ of Usnotate._ 'Reit* one:el the .privileged-, few, I.. waS.al:'- loWed to -eXamine-the: contents. of the TOwn Hall; white tee jud4ea.weee- at Wcirk and be.; Tore the general public Were admitted. Ever); thing,.! was tastefuily fitted up, aud reeked nine • itideed.:-.Thh first thing that struck me :was. the (hie display or-quitta, - catrerlets. Counters. panes arid table covere, :,soine **of theai- playing -rare workmanSinp, and . of them --comfortable and substantial .lookidg:T. It is almost. invidious to -make distiactions.,Where . welt, hut Icaanot _omit 'to mention - the names the 71.tlisses:Wilion, the 'Misses Patterson, and Mrs. .Lehthati, .in- coo- tiection with tha departMent. - The shins of grain aett 'attracted-- tittsfi' tiens', %It • was really. •excellent far better 'than cOuld jiave been expected for thelleasen,, There. Was nearly:a dozen bags 41 fall wheat, aria it Luta have, ptizeled .tries. -,Judges., -some_ to decide which was the ',heats.: 'The. eprieg .Wheat shown wee first iate-; -friend- Turnbull. of_the,Lake Sherei carried. 0ff .tho ,rst- prize, it was abeanilful saniple, It tit soinething peepliar that the, bett samples of our. spring. wheat. this Seitenicamecram the Lake Shere, it .umst be that the midike- and -Other,. vermin have a wholesatne*ead of 'going tee near a watery-graye;' I, had, tie cm of. seeing,tifis year or wet such elear-Skinned barley _,AS Was ehown by Messrs.. Patterson. aria •Zelldr.-and the. -oatt•- shown 4 Messrs. A.-ileneltle7-ited. -Love we'd, ; they -Were. of tho y‘Tar-. terian?' :verietyi - and,. I am ieformed, :weigh nearly .42 pound -ft& the bfishel. Tee shaw Of vegetables, froth the inevitable Mon- strous punipkin JO_ the -.lees- :pretentieee but inore useful potateei was alll 'that Could be desised at a Township:eahibition. :Frei t show•of roets and vegetables (me would have, espeeted- a _keeper compatition . diary. pro - dale. _ 'Whit was:Chown, hoWever,' was. yery goOd ; thp cheeseny.Thenisori prOveCt whar eve4 en ',Mild wile' este -.de.- Independent et cheese -factories, - Of the-djaplay. of fruits .1 canteat speak teohighlY; it •Vas.welt oelected- and well, arranged; and 'set to to . the jam. beet advantage., They appear, to understand this'sert orthifig: in Zurich.- The peaches and- grapes -Were Yery tempting to :look' -at.:- I Would like to dilate. a little on-' the honey shown. -Meisrs. -Petty and Turnbull, the- Tflax 'by' Terabit% end -the flaitYrein by MOW. ',hut ern afraid..1 ttin:-eXtending this _•b_eyoed.: -the Ratite -4a newspiper artiele I wish to remark. again that if the two pieces -of shows, or rattier the two 'agricultural.- soeieties,:that et present,. exiSt in . the ' Tewnehip of. Hay, isettegetherand all hands work, wish :the sante-ardor-that the. -Zurich _sbciety hea- dline .duriug-the past year, they *DOA getup . an,exhinition thee need fear ao ,Competitien in the•County et Huron. . - . Iti telling what I; saW . oec efideors -1 for- . ; . g-ot to:Say that catne.•: across a gentleman _trying -hi sell aicit Of -shooting irons, rtteed with a stabber,Ivarrauted ishoitt„i stiok scare' i Fenian. at any distance,. all for the loW charge.' Of front ..Ahree to fire dollars eaCh. .:•-Who withont a tea -are -time: of:danger-atter this 7 A. would be purchaser.- - rather verdaeLlooking, -prlirenied testing .a Piece by loildieg and firieg it aft bet.' yonr ikperiment beine rather. afraid of...the MI-. Correspondent did ten Wait the result citiVio 0 . _ sequences: The-, daft .proceediega- were. Wound up by the judges. the- liffieerS of, the per day, will- leave to the imagination.of your; readers, fer it is beyond my •power t6 describe it. And yek these are the Men- oti Whom so grave a responsibiliti rests as the training and bringing up of the fti- to say, that it . an insult -to offer. these mpi of learning and intelligence:wages Which a coal porter would reject with in- - - ' -._ An Instance -of the way in which the cominercial prosperity of Ireland is retard- ed mitred the other day: 'Some- time amo. a- Oentleinan bought a larae district. of mountain in ,the county Down, -for the purpose of -working a -granite quarry, the stone being found to be of --a superior quality., Lar,ge quantities 'were disposed. of and orders for more were flowing in So fast, ihat the :lessee of the - quarry had traction engine built, at a cost of £300, for the purpose of__conveyin-a• the blocks to their destination, -When the' enteeprising echerne.was put a stop to by the County Surveyor-samMeeing the owner, for conk. penSation - for _ an alleged injury done -to au alrealy broken clown bridge„, by' the locometive. Happily: the - magistrates tried the case were not So narrow mindal as tne surveyor whe instituted the proeeedingi, and disniisSed - the cage/ ordering the sum of £.15 to be expended] in repairing the bridge. may men ion in Connection with the ease, that 'the granite is- of so good a qnality-that it is used in erecting the memorial to the-. late. Prince Consort in, Hyde Pafk, and -it TABLE, Ge.'21:111.. ;,1117s1:74Fr AND 60DERICII-DI-gTiticT, • • GOING18881', ' " Lap., 8.113. Buffalo...7 1:90 Brantford..110.12 Straithrd... 12.50 tioderich.. 3.00 ip. Exp. Exp. hins7d Itlix3d hlrx,d p.m. a.m. a. m. a. rn. p. 113. 145 12:30 ...." ... . ..,... L15 3.40 .7.30' 5.7•11 ....... 5.30 5.10 5.50 8.15. p. tn. .' .... ...... 8.50 11.45. 3.30 p. tn. a. tn. p. m. I a. m. 9.15 GOING .683; _ r . fitted* . Exp. Exp.' hIixtd hInchl p. m. ia. m. a. m, a. m. Godorich .. 10.00 130 I. Stratford .. 1 -se 4.20 Bnmtford . 147 . 6.00 SatTalo ... .• 6.45 10 00 - 9- in- IL 10- . tem} --t.sol 5.30 -4A51 12.15 8. m.1 p. m, - 8.20 , - a. m. may_ he ebtained at cost_ price at Mr. • . - Igoorhouse's, and:: that destitute. persons will.receive theta gratuitciestY 'by -apity= ing to any Member. of the:penimittee. - ••••• • ler Mr. 0. Fergason, the celehrated yiper, was in town this week,' but was not -able to give a conceit at the request of his friends, on account of the shortness. of his stay. . He hopes however, to- be able to gratifY the.- musiaoving pubic . • ere long.' - . .• p. 1.30 4.55 8.10 p. 111., out, ttitig 1X1DERIGII, G. 19, 1866. THE PRICES. _OF BRES.D.■ STpFFS. - . • _ - Notwithitanding the duty of 20 :per. sent upon wheat exported from Canada ie. the United States; it is a fact that our 'prices for lireadstuffs are far in advance of those Of any :year. sinee-tte Crimean War;- To: ascribe the rise to over speett7 lation, -is ive think, simple nonsense. -7 - Over -speculation„ there may be, in Ordi- ` nary seasons, but those who watch the markets sgefully- knoy perfectly_ well - that the inflations thin caused are of the most ephemeral character, and that trade inVariably finds its true level. Wemast. kok for the cause of the- WI prices -being realised by our farmers Li the exceptional . . Se- John S. Rarey„ the nated horse - tamer, died suddenly at Cleveland on the 4kla inst. He was born' in Franklin -County; Ohiorin 1828. - _ circumstances attending -the recent har- vest. ° The weather for ripening and gatWng in -grain here was bad -enough, but -ft -was even_ lrorse in the Western States, the great granarj ofAmerica.— The own orop failed in many eseetions,and fhe export supply of mbeat will be mil- lions -of btuthelf leis than the average of former yea& evidence of this fact is 'ranted we have only to look et Buffalo; the first receiving sort in_ the Union for transhipping grain. - There hindrede of =en hitherto busily engasedin discharging vessels an:out of employnient, barges are lying idle, and signs of a general stagna. lion are visible on every band. Prices at the seaboard- are bigh enough to pre - el* tile pm:40V of grain being held- 6Ter la lap quantities at Chicago for bar The attentinn of the pnblie is call - ,new advertisement of the Trust an Load COmpany, they have received a large nnionntiof fresh funds from Eng- land to invest here and- have reduced their charges on pew loans. rk--Usion thebeautifulislaud of Barbadoe" them. is not -a vara.nt apace eneugh for apie. Die. • It is all cultivated. _ A wedding was to take place at ifeslAje eatinditbridwaes,.paennionounneacj-. - foahnuaeetsetiheeiVilu'el nag :I pie SaptdyyW.g5ereoUko'him was su a jury which was linable to agree, an,d had. been lockeday for the . luarrt Ca. - By the Rev. R Whiting, in tbis townyon the 17th inst., Mr. 'John McClay to Miss Ellen Nelson, both of Metilloa. Spang Oats,.. Flour daing, an ableland efficient effieer,- ;Lieut. Barley 0:40 eT1-41 MARKETS: . COPERICS do 0- • Wheat.,;.,11, 4,0 0.. 11! • • 70 • • • 00 • .1•-••••• ;e. er• Oet. 19 1866 . 1:40 (4 1140 .s.$1:10 1110. .. 0:20 0:22 . 6:00 7:50 Further Particulars .01 Able- :. --Great quelltec Fire. The 13effalo Express.says thet:"from all si,des we receive -accoents of a sudden and terrible increase of cholera in Chicago, mid • thong,t the papers of that city say verY little about the- matter, Merely -pebliiihing essais on -the- danger of fear, it is hardly to be detibt- ed -that:the dread scourge it the City with lamentable violence. Two of the lea& phvsicianic three dietinguished laviyers; . . , and several Members of the board of .trade hive already fallen vietingt, and pasSenger who arrived . yesterday infanta_ us that up- wards of one - hundred -fresh cases weM re- ported on Thursday last,'" not improbable that other qaarries equal, - . _ 18,009 People made Homeless ; Loss BzTlYsEEN TwO AND THREE lilrilIONS Doll4aS.'• - INSURANCET, $3161990 : . • • [Vrosi the Leader% Quebec special fiiegrein.j. . - Quebec has .tos _deplore -one of the. greatest calainities that eretedbeferit. Nearly one bait of the suburbs -sof the clity 18 -in ashes.. . 0:48 R., Baines. R... 4., was seriously 'burned -by Peas 0:40 - 0:48 • the premature explosion ot a large charge of Sheep_ _ ........_...... 4:00 5:00 . powder, and Sergt. - H. Y. 'Hughes received Beef, V lb ..-....-....... 0:08. 0:10 _ severe injuries on3the *Same occasion, and had tides (greenr:.......... 4:50 0:00 , ... . _ to' be carried to the birracka on a stretther. Butter .-...-..-. „....... 8:15 0.f15 By eleven o'clock the 'fire had traversed Potatoes, new.- ........,... 0:25 Crown street, and was ragieg-vitilently in the 2:25 district beyond that thoroughfare, in one con- •tinuonS sheet of flame, fri'on the general hos- en the wateraide tia St. Varier st. on the other. The wind aria e'crock: was -east by south,end the flames, iantied by -the increased. Maze of the fieryeleinent swept withincreas- jag strength towards-Boisseauville. and St. Sauveuri By this time . the -splendid new church, With its Valuableand lateiy imported: -Or:fan, lwas quiCkly flames. This -large and T. otli tihhee,tplar-gov,tnfetilaltiprisouararducaof.,cDeirrtipaar; -stately _ediiiefwrs ority recently. coinpleted, of Canada, held on the 26th September.1866,,a at great`eirpense. The sacrecreestinentsand at the 'Head Office nt the Cintroany, Toronto church plate were.sal?ed. The building' was it was resolvid that a - thin.,:vr:s-PeinitnYereftwee Fleaabell,loureio61,919.RA°61fe'sw' ScIft-rrivt'eTr:ir-°::not 'ilmn the *a-81'04'80* " ' y mede, and:that each 'sharehold- minutesiater -the two large 'end extenaive -139'11P' an er is requiredto pay the samtraw-10110wIls--i7 scholeetie institatiOnof theT hristiaa Brethren flay,. new tOn 100 .(4 100 • ggg:§.. .470 dr.. A• .T.1;,•;.* ie 0;10 24, (hos. - _ :Kelp iabb,ErtiSelnittS. wesre burniog i,, . , Twh andronebagper ent itt the -office alb@ . , . _ .. . mad4.' to Comptuirin Toronto, on the 29th of Deem- • - %About this time a requisition *as hetuext ; and two and onezhalf per cent. at .7 - the commainiant by the Mayor for a qaantity Of tentse to .LZ --erected on• -•:the `large plain the,same office on the 29th ofMareli next.. -weit of 13oisseauville-,. The request- was,. at ' -. 33.1 °Tdir a tile Boar42 ''' ` . J.-HILLYARD-'CAMERON.- - once agreed- te- by Lord A, Russel.- The 2 .. _ , ,__ _-. s li.0.13-.1,from the Works -at Point Levi, aissiso s....‘ _ , rowielo..- two companies of the Ride Brigade -stationed. 4-Ast S rtiNk,)6 CROCKER,. there, and other COMpanies of °the 30, Re.;ris' - '' ''' illinasser.and Secretary. s ,_ , , All conflagrations that have_mkere psaee -et mont, willithete officers, together with Col. • - Toronto, Sept "1:e late years pale before this lastteiribleeconree. Gallaway, commairling the Rifle Brieade;and ed the hard -worked troops nf the- mortlinr=? Eventhe great fires of :1845;:. which destrrii- a number of his officers, at one o'cloac reliev- to* 11, bit needy the: wbole Of :the _St :Roch's and ly good, will soon be, 'Opened in Iteland.- The agricultnrel statistics Of . Ireland haie jeit been ,published....- The total 'ae.reage en: der crop3 has decreased. Oda year to the'gx.:: tint of ,12V2-5. The crops- whieh diminish- ed are:, ohts 47,580 acres, ' bar:ey'-26,_564, here and rye 89;\beins and peaa2,118, pota- toes 15,841, terties 17,091, meadow and' olovni- 77,998, tipsiest this we have -an hi- CreaSe in wheat of 33;5_00 acre% manget. mid beet 5,740, cabbage- 2,824",- dariots, &es, -2,461, vetches, &c., 1,630,- end flax 12,226: The total area under eaCh crop is as forbaws: wheat 300;000 acres, dats-1,097,648,.,harlay 150,436_, bere and rye 9,992. beans and peas 14.781,- potatoes.1,050,419; :turnips 317;121, mangel and beet 2%218; ea„bh.ge 36,446, Carrots,- &c„ 25,7-91, vetches, &O., .31,0*.16,: -making. a grand toml-of 3;655,7624 acres.-! , The unoccupied bog .this 'year aMoutits to 1,386,003: acres, and the esteet: tinder grais 210 425 acres.-- - -----' . - !. I , , : The' ret urea or-. nve stock -give the follow; leg:Ai-umbers : hoeses 535,931, cattle 3,7:42;- 1321 Sheep 4,2i0;021, and pigs 1,493;52.3, sho tong -an increase -in the lumber -of cattle of 245,384i of sheep 575.671, of pigs- 187,' 570, and a-- decrease - inlierses of -12;79s: The tete,' estimate cif the five stock -of Ire land is £35,178,940. being an increase of nboie £2.000,000, ei cumpared with -1265. - - The report s ates' the minbetof-emtganti society, and a few - of the directs:int, sttneg, 1,,r\ii trom the several Irish. po s, tering the first pewn _to a eubstantiel diiiner;:goi'lie an friend seven mouths of the :piles t year Were 74, Araithier's' best style). that Vitinhier .15ilOWS 195, -being an increase of -14933 on last year. how •to get iip a tinnier:. al .Who aiat-•tit- hiS Of ihese 1,1'6 were frOre ..the- Province of table via tatify.- Why to trittay.:Of the Leinster, 2,429- from Munster, 1,07 from directors were -.missing at the- dinner I do not •benuaught and 5;713. from Ulster . Though know • they had me. reaSon that r lieow off readifig these figures iicather dry ererk, I am sure mi Irish' friends will grant me ready -par don, especially:as thefahow the actual,state Of the prosPerity of " 041d IrelOid."•• - ' There is very little to say about the Fenians on this -side the atlantic.at - present. -The latest is, that - Messrs. F,N Kavanaeh,' Byrne; E -O'Donovan; D -Brien, :.I O'Gorman, Cisies*o orrespondeioce. DEAR SIGNAL, -4 -am sorry to have to iaform Tow readcrt that the cholera- is . . making, _considerahle -havoe here, prineir, Oily amongst_ the and Germans in the kw quarters_abOut the milli& . pan - can GOoding resides here now, having, in eonnection with oeocir two others; estab- lished a large wood yard. .7 The. old 'Nia- gara finis - between this plade and Nuke: - gen, a port on lake Michigan. The only Giiderichman I know' aboard 18 Frank Tronigi, who is just as quiet as ever. The Mate -of the Niagara"- kicked a- :nigger overboard a few days- ego, and .the poor wretelfivas draWued. D. L -Sills. ia rua= ning a boarding,hote,-and his old friends in Enron be,glad to hear that he is -king .Yeonitois, the lawyer, was 0 • HE TRUST AND LOAN-COMPASTr St subur14, cannot:. be: eonstaered EXtellencv the GovetnoisGeueral arid equel-in exteet to. the storable canflagration of yesterday, while from the eirciimstatices in vihietrthe popelatiOn-then-tv'ere plae-e4 a-ma- p:wed _with. thet present, the suffering. -tied misery will he_ far, greater. :The 'fires of :1845 took pitied On t -28th. of May and, 28th ef June, at the coMmencement of the, wink- ing season. -The -pbor7 creatures had_ the sunimer befere them, and a prospect of- re.- trieving the diestater beforethe cold . weather set in. Novi, thewinter hetng almost -noon us; the poar laboring:classes who- resided in :the ligrat district,. alter a chilll.iuminee have hit little provision made -tn isee the .'dreary winter months, -titit this.little hes in less than one short day been Swept away. • They are thisiwn upon the cold charity ..=of 'the worldi afid unless- the- benevolent, the..rieh and htiniane come premptly to their aid, sOffering, and want, anrd disease .from exposure, mast neeesparily-be,the Case in eery Many Instate: ces.. There are net;less than thiLtliOusan fantiliestylie, require prompt reliet..s. They -cannot_ bp left to famish fqr Want. tif Wad ,Steltei'S"; - • . -- About fiie -o'clock on gunclay morni;g.'an. staff visited the !tarot distiact during the height of :the conflagration. col. -Galloway, with officers and men of the, Rifle .-Bridcde :25th, - . - ,and 30th Regiments, remainecron the gentid up. to eight heing actively engag- ed in erecting -the tents, .whieh. were a most fortunate prevision . foe the . now wanderna_g .theusands hOuseless suffereni, who- were.. years, but can be _Made payable in yearly_ sitting in ehilly'grenpsevery./tiere around the or half -yearly ,,InitalmentS. desired hy vicinity- watchine what little -they had fekeueci Berrowers.... ".. end withont the- Means Of franakeek7S;The - A deposit of 4b0, required With; eaeitappIS- OF UPPER CANADA havefunds - __ invesitment onthe securki of firotlass Vitra and farreproperty. and ire:alit& prepared- to purphase-good mortgages.. .The rate Ofinterest leans eight per eent. NO commissidnehargedt and expensew _ redticed. The' loans csnally - for ,five .confratrration-ceasell a.bouefive o'clock, when cation. • t` . . it hadliothing, mere to feed on-. tor further particalarsipply atlhe Coen.: The-itisarances effected on the bained panyra office' in Kingston, to-Meaers. triet are as fellows • crate:4k WAT.xxit, Barristers,. or toi. 111. w39 2ns _4 - Quebec., Tiresiiss, Generic -1i- •'' Liverpool and London and Globe.. -4.No00 October, /5th,1866;: Lancashire-. 24,000 - • Phcenix ....... - 2,000 _ London andLancashire t -.. 15.000 ' liOT GE 'North BtitiSh; 10,000 TEE: Parbuiratiiii heretofore eirdtir Queen . 5,000' tween _Vanstbni and. Janiets- Weitern, nf lIpper - . 806, . - :Western '.dr -England MOO . 'Atiteriea..... 4.0.1000 • Royal 6,Z00. alarm of -fire was heard through the streets of - - VA000- '' Total Variousistimates hive heep mede as to the nuniberbf housea destroied by this terrihte Calamity. but of -course it- is not yet. poisible tadeeide.` A eleseestimate,'..Carefelly. made, giveS the -following resqlt kT • DOittikted *idea. .1,225 ' rq1:- '14 St,i3iinveur--.., -894 ,St. Reek's,- and on proCeeding to the locality - --• • • - 4- .tiAs discovered to. have :Originated in the - . houSe of Mr.: 'Tiede!: grecer; Street;three doors beyenclthe Jacques Car- tiermarket, The fire- originated . in- conse- quence ot the -prolungatiOn ergies Of carousing 'and .drutikeness. far :lute the. night at Tridel's - stere; whSre numbers Of Joe, characters.ivere in -the _ habit -of -resorting at. mght for drinking aria leard-playing-' Aiiturday eernhet. -.c.f. them . had eon:. gregated there , and, ,rootwithstanding .the ▪ teeuration for nein.' of such Pleees - • midmghti Tradel; ibis said, allowed- them tecontinue;their Carouse far .into the Sitb. bath morning. _ - ' . Owing to -the early heur id- the moriartg, :there were few -.persons ltheut,'.7 The 'ivied, which fiad Moth half:a-gale froin the .„eaSt-, warcl aight,,_ithd-Vlightly abated ;"Itiittitill it ilatied 'frith suelanry as to cause the :moat- serieue •-apprehensionst Which butorttiately, .were, atterwarda but too sadly- reelized. :By thetime. the,fire brigade:reached sthe Spot, Trudellfhouse Was enveloped ie flames; I The Sapeilri1J-7were: atready- there, but- there WaS-senie delay in raying- the hose- and get, tiag-forceeneugli; The delays, whiCh Were not rethediteller hearty en •hotir, taahled tbe Are to .dialte_ rapid. Progreas. :There was now "some.ien. or a .doion houses• on:fire, and lumber and woodea sheds,: ,oh, - all „ aides, -bed ignited: half pait fiVe'•- ,o'cleckr:t.more than 80 bottles, at) wooden, wsre in ablaze, and the -triirdes,iddien . by _ the. Wind, . were- apreading th4fl dif.voions; • : . * The Resat .Artillery were the firat military on the ground,TarriVing. nine o'Clecli, secempailied the Colonel,•,, tile- Meyer, eaptaias and- listitennnts. 7 :Th.ey , Speedily. cometenced to work with:a:will:energetically' aided by towe-thajor Pope *lie- was .niotinted . - amfetitie;°tifd.11-hathaudkati7te'or;thealijdutl;'"Aaane either tit be 'ashamed Of the .ethihitioe - dr truk:ntheewleyd4 and:thereby ahlete visitandspectinptly ripen -etitahanies of the. Mile Bragade,,;, tinder porn.- .mvariatirdreenf; .j9hns.01. element:was grohnd. ImMediately seicral_ exposed streeie where •. the .devouring front time -to :dine to the "aperior officers, the after the-airivIt1. Royal- Artillery two 'Lord.Alsx...-,ItuiSel/ and Liept-CeL leak thlit.thcv. are entitled to... Ths-SecretP•rY Ilalmer and other offieem, arrive& -and Zeal- - Adjutatit • Sir - tarnished me with the annexed -prize -lists-fee . oulityllieLin to.;wOrle intearing down Wooden which, On y ourbenalf,J returned thaekaa fe•QeS; beggiOs and houses in.' expesed posy Best breed Mare; JOhO Geig,er4-2ad, tient tb stop the progress, of the!.'fire.. :The. Rebert .--Broderick.- • I3est foal, John --B.- artillery brbught a_ quantity -of powder with and Heaelyi lately releaied frouvMOuntjoy Geige-f-;-2nd;'. jOhn Melick,,jr. Best -2 year Prison; .baee pist-embarked•for Ammica, -and "1 'bi t for their count B t li fill Getir e 2tid, . Godfrey 5 old lilly„ BUe.hatran ;. Tota1 hthisesalestroyed....2;119 'Meetings to aiallie sufferers 47raivs already been called; and-sehscriptitins nem ed: The relief subscribed:to day atneunted to 15;000. h is hoped: that _gotta will be made else- s. • Yanstone, nad‘rithe style atuttille-nt & James Vanstone,. MP millers and lit-ill-ow/nen). at Seam* and Ain-- leyville,-!is this day- dissolved.bymatbul COQ' Sent. All. promissory notes .,and book at.. acoreuntsin, &thc.e..dhuaentodc-thelf3 jaatewepearitnarefehiteittorfirmfor, collection, whose' receipts, or -that of lay ament, J. W. Kerr,. will be held aa sufficient . and "satisfactorn. an& all -demande &mann - )thpeinagaidprfiersmen.toefd!ritrotnethrsehipsail waillibeamepsaik stone. , Mrs William Vanstone takes this opportunityvfaeqiiaintingibeitilr- bitants of -the Townships ot Grey andtiforns, that the business heretofore tarried on by time - late firm, Ainleyvillex will still he contimarr _ _ Whorii are already suffering. for--tesut of the • - - - T H E FLO UllYNti Miii, where to2lassist . e onfoituttatee, manf, of neo.essailes or life. ..,,. _. _: - . . is fitted up -with the -very hest anelatest int--' Afii a -sultans- f inferest: we -may say len pelivement of macitinery, both.; -by water, aid - , . . Walter..prop ettir Of the Loedonlizes, just ariiind le Que -eltotri-- Lonclothispent sonie tiine in cOmpantrYsith Lord. -Monck itintene plating ;the scene: Mr. Walter did not _hem - WS to. expres.s his .s.iwpfise. at the apathy with Which soappailing a dthastei waa borne .hy. tbe great bi-.4y of ihe looher., on, He ;re- garded thisfrequeney of fires in•this liart of the world, *at in latt Avd had got need to them even.on a'gratid !kale. ' Mr. 'Weltees -presence will; We -teust, 'nese =asefhl to the cause when ail .apPeal'is made te our felloiv-:, coi.rnt,rym!..,_,.........4.....tnaeross t 0 se,,a.-__:,- .. ',: - . _ ' his way to Texas to haat bears, an em. ployment that will, no doubt, suit him to k'knotsk down,' by -which, of bourse, I do notrefer to his famovia'7 trip to Lacing,. James Stewart, of the Nile; has also p ed through hero, on- his- way to I wa. Perhaps he will dO better, there than in • Colborne. The weather during_ the: latter part of the miiiimer has been -fery bad,and the corn crop is very much injiirecl. ..• steam power, which, together -witirtrie secured services' of that supeiffor IN** Ross. suffieient guarantee that -AU' Vol best work.will always be accomplisher.. THE :11 is also newly -fitted 'im-swith patent ),witter- wheels, bands,,,Jsc.-1 the suhscriber iOw prepared to comiiieteall orderefarlutaber.011 .the shortest trance. The public may -there- fore rest assured -that no pain _r.a will be spared makirm - Mils 4second to 17.s•The•Tureo Egyptian' ,e,riny. was seyeeily defeated by the Christians lir entagemetisslready:reported:''. „. It is kalif:that Ruista ia rapidly --rentrivii4 '000,P4- frolivk Poland and thatching. Mein- to-, *era' the Diniibet and that agents of the 'Czar aye itcruiting volunteers in Greece for ',the Ttirkiskealnpaign: Oifieera of the *ihsg of Greeee are -engaged in a similaedety. 'Prance is reported' very inneh irritated a.ainst Prussia, and it is stated that there is - every piebability Of a war between- the two e°4134etFillicalkjO r. nal t-rea't tie Nap-c.ileon foreign .:0ffice circular in a -very calm and eaay man ner =thankine' the Euideror for his exhibition of pacific indinottexcellent intentions. . • ST. -LOUIS, Oct. •17. -.Head Centre Ste- pi:tens-arrived in this city last 'evening, and -was mest cordially- :received by the Fenians, .who escorted Mni to the Southern Hotel,where he Made a ivarike Speeeb to an immense- .cr-ivedc Mr. Stephens declared that the lia.ttle for Irish ledependence would com -mense,before the close of ihe year. -New Year's day would find the Irish people fight- ingen Irish ioil for the independence 'of their country. _ ' _Nsw -Act. 17.-A fire occurred -fast tiztit idthe ship -chandlery warehouse of O. Baxter & Soni -West streetclestroyinv prOperty to the amount 'of $300,000, them for tlietame- purpose, - and an attempt was made to cbeck the flainesi at: the. requeat Of the mayor, by- blowiu,g up, in the- direc, tan of Crownistreet, et -different tidies during the mornieg, dame eight oi ten houies, .but it proved, ineffectual. . • - Thegaliant: tars of M. ship; Aurora, . eft t er coun ry >Nichols° . es year nes y, g O'n'AN L _ AGI401ILTURAL. EXHIBITION AT &RIOS. "Mom our own Correspondent.] - The second exhibition of this Society came off to -day, Friday, October 51,at the- Village Petty ; 2nd, George Petty, Best yearling colt, john- jr ; 2ud, Richard Stur geoe. Best two year old col., Peter Wiede- mann ; 'Wilson: Best- pair - agrieut: twat horses, J-atues White.; 2tid, Jamei Swinerton.. Best Milers Cow, Robert_Fer- gusona 2nd,- Robert_ Ferguson.. Best 2 year old heifer, William Reith ;- 2nd, Rebert E'er- gution. • Best yearling heifer, 'Daniel Bean ; cif Zurich. the weather wee delightfaL; all: 2nd Daniel &tier'. Best yoke one year old thaticould be desired. for an occasion. ofahe . _ kind- _We have had ten days of splendid weather. The re Ids-. have got , good again, and weals fastmaking for the long spell of dreary wet and mud, -whiclt we' have had this Season. The show Ito day has . been a perfect_success ; a credit to the Township and inall concerned ; the gathering --of pea: arger, than last, year ; the show oi Steers, Abram Poering ; 2nd, Hugh Love, lien. lest yoke of Working oxen, -George :Petty.; 2nd. 'Warred S. Aligned.- Best - heifer Mgt,- jacob.:Thon ; 2.1d; Heury Wurm, Best lam, . Joseph Gill.; _2nd,-.laines Switierton.- - Bfist yearling -tenti- .- Abram Doering ; 2ed;Charles Troyer. Beat /am Lamb, Jamei Swinertote, 2nd, Joeeph Gill: Beat pair of ewes having raised leMbi 1856, Henry :Wilson, •jr. Best pair of :ewe CherleS Traver ; 2nd, Charles -Trey. stock also better. _and the inside 9f the tciwn er. Best pair of fatItheep Itobert kereuson . • • hall nearly -all that could be desired. The Best boar, Robe -rt Brown ; amens to.day is a fine- example of what Reith. Best. Sow - having' littered_in .1866, domitahle perseverance ,e11 tiplish.- Bit Ildbert. Brown. 2nd, Daniel Bean. Best - - bear, littered in 1866; Robert Brown ; 2nd, two years ago the roniety ,,started ta. a. cow- Robert Brosie, -Best gow, littered in 1866, paratitrely new Country; among. Gerniea: Pee" Robert Broderick ; 29d,'Italph BrOWn. Beat who were sepposed to know little aboet -waggon; George MeLeod ; 2nd, Geo* Me; sfieschlsttihtsinw_ga;ai ,wiandth-: ;11;74,17i; wh- .hh..alla.a-shpad tat; D 2ell d Iseco.b._ Ker. at tv ea „ ame n , cher. Spring vheat, Wiliam Turnbull, sen. ; been able to keep it beck from legit Moog- 2nd, Daniel Muter.' ley,,_'Robert - Pat-. union, end depriVe it of its share of. ,GoTern. _terson ; Daeiel Zeller. :Oats, meut money, yet. netwithstandieg 'ail this/. Arbuckle ; 2nd, Sen. _ -Peas,. friend and foe alike bove aOuoll.edgecttliat (large), William-;. WilsOn ; -2nd, pinnden. It is a pity that they were.not _ with long ,ouilo among rope, fame through the telper town, They were under the - eOni mend of 'Lieut. Douglass, and were probeded by the Rev... -Mr. Bailagn driving in acart to- -indicate the neareSt- way. _to __the seerie. By this time the fire had made rapid- headway, baying communicated to -the adjeining honses en the western iide,' arid was burning With great -fury, 'helped on. by the north easter- ly gale hewing afar andilie total eh- aence of water. Far fully hn hour itclid not came, and by that tinie the _file, driven be- fore a .. heavy Wind,' -spread to the wooden outhouses and buildiega in the rear of Trudetii house. When the water -did arrive; the flames bad obtained too Strong -headway in every neiirMr to sat:early Of the beildings 'already attacked; and the attention of the fire -brig. ade and their -4ssiatantsr' the .."-Se.peureatiii other fireieempaniei, was turned to tbe pre, vefitioa of -theiturther '` spread; if passible, a the devouling;element, by .pulling llown some ofthe honses te the -district abead:Of the fire: in rear et Iiicriees Cartier hall. Theirpraise worthy efforte JD Oil Nay were -effeettielly frustrated for rtitne by the acts ef. some ne- -known ruffians, who diabolically .cut the hose with axes, their intention .being doubtless to preeeet„- fai asp/indite, Buy -ettempt to rest the progress .of ,the _flames, in order to give themselves aniple portunity to relicind There .Wite_ not a single ease of cholera- 11..erseanYte:tesr;daitdcnies.ihe orted -_purcuase at mroffice tit The tlatirellotisi in tbe Tioni ot January trea-t the.heurofTwelyeaitthecloults ' -svGnoohodinceh.olvabndso:niduteesdneaym,e;eti:ty.onienfth day a bone in the Ceunty -Of Huron, wILLIAN1 ,VANSTONii, Gtb Angiret, 1866. w39,3t • •SlifERIFF4 SALE OFVLA.111)1. , _ . : , , . . _ . . tinitedOonntre.sof. INDY virtue of a -writ ot . , purOn aid Bruce; „1-e. FierkFaciesesetiedeekt To wit: of Her MajestrA:comity . CaiiterttottihtletrUeentiotedlicgoalitsttietshoefilizIr4on alevnnaes.nalkiklp mentsAf ThomaaBlaikte,sit the suit Pl z C Kenr, John Brotez; John-- i. Mc:Kenzie; and William F.--blurraTA. thave seizs4 and ingot la exert -lawn Raabe right,titlf and Vithrest-ofthessid defendant in and,to iot number 'one la -the line. teenth eoneesvion of the Toienehip MG, reel" ahe ' -ounty.o1 Ilium), contajning one linedrea';iteres moreor less,which lands -find terititneplark shalt ofieefor sale at mv. office in the 'Court Bonier in the Town of ttedertch, on Tuesday the twenty- ninth day -Of January neiti Xttbeiiour of Tyrant ofthe .dock)nootr40. RN. ,,liji; steri•c-no• • -ktfizri:14-4:17:—.. , - Sheriff's Office„:60derich. .( - ,_ -- 18th Oct., iS66. t • ,--1539 SliER171:1,SAzz oF LA/tail. I • Muted 'counties of - D r.-ykrine or * Mlle ot Huron and Bruce, .L.P Fieri Facials ilstnell,otit . To wit . -• ' of Iler lsAicatra .couyny Court .of the Muted Pounteetortieren austitrece and10 nietlireetect AgantIt'Alie-iltads and ''Iene, meats of William -McElroy, at these* ;aloha 1. McKiczie, I have seizeo and taten la -*cu.. lion all the riehi,•tille-afid intelistid**Id-ze• feedant in Andre Jot -finnib&eigeteeri intriel sixth emeussion oC:the Towns -hie pf Morris 714 the -county of Huron, containieCeeelfu ores, :by hiinet loswo enfield rifles. The Herald 843.-483 -men, the nucleus ofguerilla parties in the intereist of Isanta Anna left within a -.week for ,lieve Orleans and 'teases. It is expected more leave during the coming -week. • - 'My waif': said an astronomer; the: ether day, .f -yon see the earth turns over (atria Axis, and maker one retiolutiOn round Ikp Ban each year.' Then, pe, does Frence turn on: itiaxia when it maket its revolutions 71 AN°, my son, eat exectly,itiarns on ha bayonets.' file A man_ in- New totk_:..goes.about with his armsupported in a sling, because be is "too lazy to swipg it. Cd. e A rate counterfeiter England. broke . „. a shop window, preseeted a bogus .A.5 cote in: pivnient and -got his change. - ;Ole "An- artist' sketching in Sivitzerlann _sat clown near the brink' of 'ant/T.0410, lesi e -sale 3-0/1N MACPONAT-Dv• Sheriff, L.& 3. Shenills Office, Goderich, 18th October 1866. . Insolvent Act :oiLifift islhe.inalter of Jo4n Armsticing Arnzstronratul°6.0Ore Armstmlithi: admits. • ; MHE treditore of the Insolvent? noliflecl thatthek hatteintidentiot *Mies- tate_eed effects, under the ahrete, Set? te- ree.tbek - enderelieed Assi_ge_efi%ond thsysreret'swred , Agana me, with* two cum** -rpm , with 'their olaiossi :sped -rag the secanty they hot& &any. -and the. 'valued it; and Jr none, stating Ale;fia.; the- vibe* Attested miiieeloailts, :with the vouchers.; in auppert_of salt ;:elaitt • ,Ratid At Podefleh 10 the ciratiwgly9,_ ono. 19th day of Votoher2 IVSLIAC - 13, _ . (Wield Magee. his balance, fell a -distance Of 153 feet iato a c.dimE4ON. lake and wail drOWned• " tiolieitot for lasolvent._ 713941. - cools:stall ,:lbe:nrus;dnhelelabllii;wesit-14biedi6"Ilv-abba:iale1;1:41.;1; young family dise.,,rie jt appears that the oldlciren, residing el Itollivdetar Itimikingd".:deveaanmta-egi /ion to make her an t ic)11111 Itg r-fcitl)tseeinellietlnu Iblesj at:"6:1 in lewEdi diderD'acciTiatdull IYhf:hmair:erltsuunp tilt:- t .1* senal:::1 tected by a person V fildaSrfyrilfrineb:.:eLtewnmittrhi.ffrOix.ah.dreas atilledsa:Idlielecelaniv:erfiriosel eacaPetther facvliotifelbliovIer-he.- --a Moment for the tir closet, and Allen to r , jimeture the luso= sooner than he expe .111sPunPerpanr:isTLenge,ethhlariiiimaseevieltiftegati- bialoing, but went back windo-vr, formality of resninit which liehad lowed him, and Mr. Utility of escape at the -chase, only to lc baud, -returning:to-1 ra ptsmoinot 4:11tItszef .11;C•knoTtiws laifitiredgetwaass 3nent. of., the sinti. etnd asked-AWbreli- -up 4 down7 - stances. Ificleer ju-the cabin, -.I:low sir `MEIN WHISKZILE Dr. tioezez ulator in the world.. taches to grow- on *ever knowa to fail . to any one eksiroua SEEYSA -& 130.3 18 2 0 .letters take.n X'3331:1;.XL _ BE it FB1115 AND 4701118,18M - VIE GREAT SIR .1 toiebrat Prepared front 0142rIce,ALD„ to STres invaluable seure of afishove 40 which ihe rem* inederates all ex and *speedy cure - M les peculiarly sui bring °tithe moat Each bottle, mi -er mem Stamps° terreits. • nese Pitts 4.1te V.7 -R61 lealtrif, Avg vsoge,Ila at oat In all cruses of Penis In lite Bac lexertion,Talpitat Whites, these Pil •Dther means have rulremedy, ti< enony„-or Vali directions - Package, 'which i &lament. for t JQt_ 1i.11,-,=-41.40 a to any authorizes taimagritty '13- Bold in Cas Fi.3ordas- Gal4 Bentbith1/111•Ager Combe,Viniton Medicine Obaler ..Amouglhe utzocils irsidi%evntBacksvelleviiman ''A:Pnde-1:11:11eralltnAIR1611:11 latititts, The OANAI -"mar wbererebeye6:1 --utinseary uglememtik, beeamerret are wawa fro melittier,vrehigbeat. aliaakten - iugonedbeittortotkeith .41wrIsfreoestmended.tenimestroyer:vier:41111.:.icreiteringsovisicaiserevrieli tigiertss.Nerir teak fellse Net eaalitn_ irelfteparisr;ancivichozetfarngus,dilbotiel iiireiramedisto AU orders -A rrsota ; Jordan ; Beadiss411.0. 13eztbe, Chet lee Des VEZ"ell putbililainp rive -coast! ,sgood *learn -TER.ItS ileira. Tea romaitid VArlurgb 01.160 , r -5