HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1866-10-19, Page 1• ncss• . Eitcctort.. Dr:, Ate. -.e .:, •1MtcDougf11,. TITTLE, BL AT IHOML you.: CONSUL ' v Cation uv to it o'clock, a, in., every day' wilt visit patients at anVhour afterwards, tugli or daY. - _ t 1xna noit l\S.I3 _, e OR!StilIAS,StTR(11 0$, e..kc :GOD I. j Karen,: Gats. I3 4t -1y - -4 - --.. nit-, , net EAU" 17- ST('f AN, .SURGEON, . " CO -Ito IER 1 ,a_ Oiiiceat d lteatilenrcthitddooreastof C etitralSrhool r Isittanlittry, RADOE T1 ot the Medical Department of LT Victoria LTnlver. tits. Toronto,:.. and -late of the 1oopitat and Dispensary., New, York.. Residence Fetlock's Hotel. Ea}field_ w3O4ntt0 itra Lewy s:. 1 R RTSLER AND ATTORNEY—AT Law, and `Solicitor -in -Chancery,. County' Crown Attorney,Goderich: anadi We:t_ Lidice a Court House vl4n40 Al..*• C. Cameron, B:A1tRISTEIIt, ATTORNEY:. CONVEY ' rinse. tc,,Katigston street,Gsodericli.C, 1Y Sinal fir &; N -c li a r, &RRISTEI S, sot cr'r'.ORS,.. DONT- vat.' Iced, ..''vc. Grist . over the -Store--of s :Yx il'ettol:' at: Son, Goderich,: - John D:;�>eon, -' -ARR[STERLATTORNhY SOLIICITOR to Chancery, lac Otiice, Market Square t:ocnerotKingstonStreet tioderich-_ 9,42 W`.f .COX;,Editor and Proprietor:` ;T • ` if .. Greatest The � test Possible Good to the Grt�tl3e Possible Nuiber.lft. • 2,50 PER- ANN.. IN ALS . ERICH W FRIC) a ' OCT: --19 Business Pirectorn. - \ - Rintoul-- Brothers, COMMI SS TON . 11I 1 PtCH ANT S ,87 & 89 ST Fi \ COES X 1VIER STREET, . . Advances tirade, on consignments of Pro duce'to Liverpool,. Glasgow and' other 'ports in. Great Britain _ • • Consignments . of Ashes, Butter, $:c.; re=•. Tobin >t3 ('' ordori TTORNEY=A'P 1- \V, SOLICITOR IY 'spectfutly solicited. .% Sept 4. 1866. sav3 Chancery. Notary Public, Conveyancer,. %� .� c , GFoderich, Canada '�[ est. Office—on •1SL-tick/Fat Nicholson surf Rouse Square= har'Southside of West. Strcet,:thtrddooriroln the •-' 1lECEl a \ Et AL DENTIST t ' -ELEG [ ft.Ul-'A'P_HIST, {{ - TEETHiinserted either Pl • __.-_-_ T - nser a in eI er a: ARRISTEft. ATTORNEY, . S&LICIT ti . .Stairs Watson's Block, -west- St.-; • entrance Otlice: over the. Pest Otfce, :West Stree ir3 - - •- w2. tuealerin;tindlniporterat - � momsX?�1Ioore,: GEN `-,�'-�_ tT U `I � E D l� U �� ..—Crt�dertch,-lllarch 31st. 1.566. ORNI>S SO -L f1TORS_ I'llt�R�`H BRITISH. ' ins Gold.. Silvers or Vulcan o .,&c,GY�nsRICR, G. tl� OPiiCE;: Up ': • 'zed Ribber on -.reasonable testis Jn51tca-5 T• ivcct01 .: 1.1 LJt _DRUGS a— CO A. (Successor'olt;B :lteynolis), Careit-IionseSquare,Gorterich , 'DISPENSING CHEMIST.- &. D.RUGGIST '1•- LDoar west of Glasgow House.- Code,rcIr. Code 1= 198.E & MARINE IN KTR .A,.IiTG]E. 111DHAN1X FIRE ASSi'-ILANCE Company of • London England, established in 1iSh, one cf the oldest,: largest and gest otliers tar Canada.: . HOBACJ; . HOR'TQN, °Agent- • � ROVI ;CIAL INSURANCE Company o • ` -Canada, -Head 'Office Toronto.` Will take rislrs-.on Country and City Property.: Marine risks taken at as -low rates as any other. first class - office. . - - - EOR,ACE HORTON, Agent. MONEY TO `LEAN r. onaood farm. security- payable ((]] %�- a ll. OOO r m r w from netottelve years. No interest retained in advance. HORACE HORT6N, Agent. sw70. W. Othce-- CRABS'S. NEW - • ' BLOCK C. rich, 7� -AND /. • • Littllvisc,ateoax. 'ERC1NTILE FIIIE I 'D LIFE • (tederieh.Au;ust27th..1564.. sw103- 31 . - Insur. ance - Co.: - - - 'William ( - ORNEY=AT-LAW SOLICITOR IN ESTAsiisnrn 1509. = t✓onvevaueer&c, 3- Chancery �i`utarvPublit ., i €f ►dench,G.W. c tficc,:overC. E. Archibald's Store, Grabh's- Bloch. - vl5n29 to Led of Real Proper Tones Lend 9 • JET. Jt..- 13 byte,: A R R IS T 11 R, &c., GQDERrcu, C. W. Cikrics—Savages .daze Block. J« Ys Llr<vooa, - R_ ARRISTER, ATTORNEY- AT -LAW,: - Xance , &e ve . Chine BIake's: Block AIN GDP- r, ... x eppo-ite the fast Office-,-Goderich. January. 3,1S611. _ • sw3-7 S.:Francis C l3alcdau TTORNEY -L.T LA W; SOLICITOR -IN Chancery, Conveyancer..[:c.. & .. ; (*.oder- _t h', a -1Y_ Oidce—Kals's Stock; corner Court House Square and West Street. •' Money to lend oar real property. s ttr36 G«.F. Ciente, �Solicitor Cha:a- TIORNEY-AT Le1�I} lit eery,. Notaryy-Pu_blic,. Conveyancer, &mac..,. Chntoa, G_: W. - w 3; 8.11dalcoms :_IlO_, c "ARItSTEii, Attorney, SoZi 'tor, -Co k c-. r • Clinton.G.TW.' - w`34 • CArrrAL Z2,000. 000, STERLING. -_ . rtment. - . TNT 'RANGES effected on all classes of •risk at moderate rates. Losses prompt= lyp •d ai - , - -Life:Department, ' - In virtue of the. guarantee: afforded by their - large Capital _ and ..accumnlatedprofits, this .Company can' adopt rates lower than are practicable by mans other o€iices. • •• Special low rates.have been -made fat -farm • • eeive proposals for insurance in: both bra•tch ' ii -&s, Per%zcme+y,• _ CEO, RUMBALL & Heir4ol4 1Frit1. L3rastieq • ParNTS,O-.ILS,OOLOBS.DYESTUN'S .F HORSE-&;CATTLE-M:EDIOINES CARpENSEEDS. &C'., &C. -."• ' OrderstromMedical menP v unctuall. attendeilto Lozi•esr-'Zrcztl •Prises. - • - .N.13.—Physician's Prescription 5 carefully ills. • CTederech..lan_10.1S'ss. . /, _ ; 49 LIGHT ! LIGHT - LIGHT! • ROCK- &° COAL Oil S GODERICIR • : - es, and will ,• vays be ready- to give : infoi•ma- tiOn. to- artikwisliini*, to =insure. 1 - - ;: Wm. RICHRJU, C • D �en. - _ _ Banl:. ofifontrE,al',;-West St. Goderich. Mar l,t. 1866. - cw70 MONEY TO` LEND. ' •4-illtam, Fraser, - 'eTORNEY-'3T-L -W, SOLICITOR IN. iid�r -[on, a 'ce >it e:. IT' • n e n A .once:. Q fir . ah ►Ys� y ,. co. - • - v16ri 15y 1y h aid -� Neat: er 1 7�.oma : 'j—VM ENGINEER IND PROVINCIAL hand Surve.yor. Toronto Street, et .°otivr. r L.. I3auilin,. - 0.07 Ili ENGINEER; AND _SURVEYOR. Land Agent and Conveyancer, Kincardine t' - it: • Courislate Coil ' the United States o 1 America.. 13 ,A,11.14",.. `S J:1 E >✓.. Office -boars front '9 o'clock, a. mt to 3 • o clock, p. m.. r t .l ASI ; : �I . 1.1.Jrte, ARCHITECT, DANS AN.a sebuIFICATIONS •ot Build L iugs,Sce., got up is a neat and correct style thfiee at the- Huron Auction Mart, Mar-_ kotSrtuare.Goderieh. raw vinrl.yly -„It: A Is .•� 1Z.. 1 U LAND .A,CENT , - K3st-ket Solara, `Goderieh. . � in Tasasitni.raTovaary.tirednegd.-i S,tro 11 st.m o: f.# tr.. . - 81.::10 John Campbell, -. GE •sY ss R APL COMMISSION AGENT Conuntssionertn Queen's n's. BPnchstortakn g a tairits.Convevancer,ite.,&c OficeonBroad 99 ARLE 'G.. TRELEAVEN. _ l W!onuments,�a d ton s lam - . Tablets, T ble p , e - _ Ohio Free Stone kept en hand for Build- iiia purposes such as .Caps, Sills, Ba- ses, &c.,, Chea --for Cash. - - FORWAI:DERS;' L d COMMISSION lMIerchaats In VOL,: -NO 1-5 RSADYM DE CLOTHI Overcoat_ v Frock _ k and sa -• n V ue Coats ant Shirts, = Drawers, lovess • t Collar ests 11 'I I 11 IR " OCT-OBELR'. I._ Upon- the brown and far-off Mils - • The -haze hes sofiand blue, While ants are dropping.thick and fast - WheieSunigter wild bowers grew.'-- - The maple's gold and crimson leaves Like blood-stained banners And, purple asters ope their bloom ` Beside each purple stream. ' = Just received - this dayAnd f �� 1 he .� c - _ , � c� sa, e �� o� ash. s' Yx AT ' - DE i--ER.S•IN. A.M.RINDS PRODUCE, GOAL S' WATER' WATER: e . . + r GIasootv�IIouse, 4tU October^ .1$0. . = LIME, &c:- &Gr - • • .Yzents or-hrs class Marine and Fire insurance Compa. .611 .. FL3ti.zitilraniesr�l1dY:•. Golenc- k,-c w.• ' -::3,x33 -'car tReci-- . Large ;Padlock. P it PR 2 E -T O' _ Of Saw Mills, Woollen' Mills, .Flour and: Grist. Mills, Paper Mills -•Thr.ishiag :Ma chi•nes, Foundries and Machine Shops, &c., &c'•,..bc., OiI!the.lubtio. • Use f .. . MANUFACTURED BY DS-: vravr,'YillaseofKincardine.C. W . Peter SL'Rae. • �ORWARD F'It A t_ D - COMMISSION -Merthant Iv:a;toxG_ W:Notes and Accountscultecred.:Business of any kind en ! stedtohin w1il»ecetveprotnptattention.: c. - - - w40-1v$osx SAVAGE V j UYS and sells New York -Drafts—Green- .1" backs—National currency -_State notee, ntncur rrent: =inept at current- rate -of and _ Y each:mtge. " • - 19th Dec y /$65.7 w47-1yr$:I I� wLcDougant r ICENSED AZTCTIO1vEER, BAYFIELB L'Eunnty ot Hurons Sales in: village or county iutetoativattendedto - w9; Cyr$ - It is' llet andCh pe-st Lubricating v-il. n the market. - - There is less friction, with this than with any other oil, and owing -to its excellent body a smaller quantity is consumed. . While Dn.: the cad. hand .CUME IT NEVER but runa•sweet, and keeps - the: bearings and working- parts smooth and coot.. og• • Gener- al by most respectable dra,alsts,ner- G _ -al Merchants and Evil Dealers in the country. Ask for, the - - ntfd Lubrie 011: Coni's Oil. an >�ra 1� Y INEW :HOT GRUPH GALLERY -OVER , .AltCHIBALD'S' STORE; Crabb's Block -' C O Ds tt 1sT R . - 3Gr'Paoas'Liam. OMTASTE F EfQl Cita. PICTURES taken:iii every style and •in al.l kinds ot -weather. 'Porcelain or Opalotype' Pictures, and. . THERISTOTY � •1A , . HELIO •A _ - . cc E $T SUN PICTURE " $ BL a 0 _ S _ d;OHN H. STRATFORD, Mail ager. Brantfc:rd;_ July -3. 113$6, w23tf IBJ 1 j' ..1$6b svgs] HENRY Gfi. , Departmental,1' Yarliamelitary, PATENT _AG AND' _ .ENT, O T -AWA . Taken in various:. styles from $1 50 to $20 (colored' in watercolour's. or oil.: Life -Size Photographs~taken onreasonable- terms—either ea sonable- terms -either piaiti or colored. = --'bens LO WEB, than else wherein: _ .Canaa . D C.4IZPBELL. Goderich, Jane 1, 1366. I • sw2-7 �1V�ARINE -LNSUR ANOE. British American insnrance,Co Transacts business' with the. Crown Lands -fa - - of roxoiit o, Drk PHELPS, . SUR.GIf1ATs_,, 4411IECHANICAL Dt;iiTzir, Goaerreh, C. W., BIM" over Nr. E. Jordan's' Drat Store • January 13th,1865- - ' aw38-yly0' - GEORGE FORBES. A GENT of the •C. W. Farmers Mutual and Stock Company, Hamilton,: C. W. - G.!'ortleis,, Lot 2b, Con 3,, Morris. 418. ret 'Ingle, P O - Coi' inerctatlH.otel,ill terse 1V,W other. Government Departments ; Takes out Patents for Inventions; i.,btatns incorpo -ration-tor lompaniesby Letters Pat- ' at'- . ent; Drafts and take, charge of private Bilis during -the Hes - • sion. &cfor parties re- - • . siding .elsewhere,.• . -:. Marine ®-e �oartmertt: - GEORGE RUMIJALL • Agent:. Goderieh,Alirll25th ,goo_. _ • w13t REFEH.ENCES:—. lies.A.rsarxesl.L,Com=- W. M. WTLsuri, Esq., missioner-of Crown Sitncoe. Lands. - Hort. J. CARLING, Lon- E. Jusow Esq„ Hainil don.. . -- - ton.. - R. Bunn, -Esq., Inspee . Messrs.R Luwiis Sr, Sox, tor of Ar encies,Colonial Toronto. Life Assurance Co GOD ER1t).. TOHN` HICS.SS Proprietor-.. Thisis th targeatand -bestCountry Hotel in Wester': Canada,anii charges as inoderateas any Hans. iaMitehell Stage Proprietor. (roods'ablingfo 100Morsel'. Horsesandd Carriages for Hue, on lte-ShortestNotice - • - , 1401. CARRUG: XS IT It A: C E .' :Way Marine and_Life Insurances . ,SPFiiCTPD: ON BEASONABT.la TER$3.. Ofce— . F. G. Hiiden's Lair Chambers. Ufa Block. corner Court. House Square: and :. Goderich, C. W. JOHN. H&LDAN, JE ;__ r`awa - :e-- 4 GIINNET 1wAREHOUS (THE OLD1 ST IN .THE COUNTY. D.. r0 DON, L2k137Nl:'ir MAK :I a w24 H. GARDINER.& _Co. -WHOLESALE -AND RETAIL - • - Hardware :Merchants Markey Sduare, .Cade -iohr - 1AvE. now on hand a comp els and well as - 1J -- sorted stock of 1-lardware, consisting in par of Adzes, Broad Axes, : . - _- Chopping Axes; Arigu's. 1 rusbes._Borax, - ..Waggon ,Boxes, Ca tiada� .l ates, Chains,-try C ml C rda e Dung•.:orksl,y rhs.Cl M la.s Pil .y ,< rain "fin,_-Grindstencs, -Powder, Shnt,•caps • 'Hinges al. kinds. iron, Steel, Spring Steel, .Hubs, Spokes, and Bent- Stub, Bar . -Lead, Lamp' Glasses;, Looking - - Glasses,' -Looking- Glass' ' ` - • -,plate, Horde 11aiIs,- .Cut : Nails, ' w And-Hoiled Ort. b thzoItaliue.tioal Oil, Machrncry_- _ Oil, ' asst'. -lis Paints and Color., Coal Oil Lames,- Plough Welds, Muleysaws, C`r'oss-Cut • - -• - Saws, - Hand ' --- saws, • �- The above_will be sgld cheap for Cash:: • iii` hW c or, varietT apd-rich n, eess of stile chino- t_be es+e�lle _ irrYliiJ ` t` . •GILLINGfind STURGEON.TWINE FOR SALE G H' E AR. - ; Agents:for Comrnercial 1'nfiinAsturance Co., - • - ofLendon,England. • _ - - - ist September - w.43 .'! Witiaes; the F'olhow = - 1 - .,. Fancy Dres - •Oao4s. r n -1 2 as. - c r a— � r Prints P � ms` t - Factory -Cotton °' AL - THE V 1 < er ILS_:_ (Which are a speciality.) C F ;SHA Ls ! FE..051, 2 EACH "AND. JP ..ARD art en ar attention =is called to the immense stock of _pions ANI- •I �P EEOS - LADIES.' COKING F, AN1IEL_ ,: L. LAN-.. T -�N.1 .:� '� Tom: - • ,- ' � _ Y ND � COTTONS= AR,RI I A D IE 1� - � A D •:. ONEYT�:tENfl: O�v IMRRRUVAD-FARMS, - - T : 8 PEh-1-CENT Some to Invest --in .Town -: Prope J: B. G:ORDAN,- Barrister, isle.; Goderich _ Goderich, Sent.13,1864, •swd-ti. AIVAD1A • HOTEL, : CLINTON,I W. Z'v.i'lltUDlsBU.liY `t`oni'ieter. THE establishment' is furnished with all :the ' requirements essential= to the cOnilOrt•-e i . iv3v341.1data .s l - c Notice. AbiUEL POL,LOCE, Esq.,- late: Deputy_ . • Sheriff-1;as.been appointed oflreial Assign- ee under -the Insolvent• A ctof- 18,6440. the United .Counties 'cf Huron and Bruce. l4' Office :in_ Cameron's Block, King- ston ingston street = • February- 20th. I$66. . 1 - w50 IThIILLERII- 4 1NGS,, st Tri- _d a=l 0fH- Ot U.a- 0 Q �t f t, �. SESE.t_ OFRE= - O ADY M.41)EyE. IIIIT BOOTS -ANI) }. dark teller, why do-you'-not.go out into the. E • • . open air end warts sunshine, and getlastre to, ot of'a ityour eyes, an loom to your cheek', an 'rr ne ►lac i - - • The woods like sole grand temple stand' . Beneath the glowing skies, While down the long, .dim aisles the bazaar Like-siumb'riiig incense lies. No 'organ's. Teep,_majestic 'totes Come pe=aling on the air, No choral strain trivmphantfloattw - .Along tirosearches lair. - 1To'vioce is :heard — no sound., save Int Tile brool:let's rifling flow. . - Or whistling quail in covert thick Where scarlet berries grow. 4: • Perchance _some frightened rabbit- 's treadi May wake an echo there;. • Or drowsy hum of honey -.bee • Fall on the dreamy air. The sunRower and the golden rod -- Their gaudy hues unfold', And seem as it some Midas' touch : Had changed them into gold. The grapes in purple clusters hang -Upon the clinging vine, - -And in the orchard, 'mid the leaves, - The ruby apples shine. - - ' - But through ti.e forests, o'er the•hlis, - A voice came whisp ting It murmurs of the Wintry winds - And of the falling snow, - The crimsoned leaves to earth vita :falls:=A° And breezes .o'er them sight , Ohl sad it seemsthat :angli so fair, _• >: • Should ever fade o>;.die • We-* ad ong :ever3r.�. allin `leaf —This ;lesson niostspblim That resurrection's holy°powev-•' • -Shall triumph over time. - - - For tbonah ate :Summer flowers must f'atles. The _Spring 'witlk urs and rain .° :Shall cali.tllem'rfrona the hill and _dale' _ To bud and :bloom again..' - • The village of'Ah- a was thrown into.; est- _itement on Tuesday morning, :by the an- - nouncement_ that a "'thud' off' was bloclkad: - - tig the travel road northward: It _appears that: a:steer, purchased by Jtir. Kinnear, and beilio,,driven-along with others. :began " .cut up rough":about: a mile above Aima.. •v The .drover went to the, village for help, =° .: taking back with. hie--two':men to ' assist in driving his steership•to town. The infuriated' - =animal rushed atthetiit arid scattered them in double quick time. :So :thoroughly were the $ r emo alined that was deeem d ad visirble to send word to the citizens of Alma fo prepare for the-couiioe raid and set -their houses in order.' Mr. James Graham.volun-- teered-_to act :as messenger, taking with -bite' the drover's -buggy' o as toexpedite his mnove- -ments But tate- enemy' . was in . the path, The of stood• between_ hir. 'Graham- and Alma. /slotting daunted Mr. G. put. _on the :tad, anci. his horsemade a-oil.ent.- rush for the south. -pole. The steer: _ealculated`;that rhe -w 1 not -�,..• stand that sort of -thing; .and- made i h• ` atte s .s _bn h. . -Mia stat wee gag y_. perfect. Striking the front ORM he- sent • it to smithereens, ands Capsized ,the .'vehicle ' and Mr. -ra wn. "Fortunately the -:horse ; was set loose'.. and ' It'r.2°G - Making -•a - jitmp. • landed on the back of his ,trusty ' steed, and put. Arriving-n,Alma, :a,;goitd.shot with a_ 'true rifle, was soon procured, -and reinforced` ° hir. G returned to. the fray. .:.A good aim was. tam; and the steer, war �speedily biting the dust. Jt was swell that parties- concerned acted with such promptitude.. or several: lives 'might have been taken by the maid ned sa i% mal •Mr. r iia w Graham,' G are sots w e toadd as y , considerably bruised and cut on the arm. when thrown €rota the baggy„but • bis wound eras dressed by. Dr- Wallace, and :ire hope; that he will be all :right- init. few ;days,-- - Elora Ofiserver, - . Ib. N QT a TO i!1 (>f1ST@ATEB:�— _An re-, cent court of assize for the county of,; Haat= lugs, held at.Belleville, :was tried an :action bronglic, by one -' 'Gallant am e sthree ee re spectable justices of the peace aimed -Crow - ter, Chisholm and Farley, for neglecting • to=: make against a e a return -of a • conviction- against the plaintiff to the- clerk of the peace, `wittlihi the time epecifled; by Jim.. Tlie dereliction of duty was substanttally_proven, and the defers- , ;'taus .were -stuck in for a verdict-- of $80 - against -. i. a nst eaclt�rf them,.cr conjointly -against RIF for $240.. The_ magistrates are very -liable :to commit mselves _ in pe ten 'ng to file convictions immediately,and this ease,, es well . as -any :other,xyot exacta rbf • the s'me• deservps ; tion, -.but one of :a mnuch sipiilur character, tried at the last potaity. const for - routensci resulting in' favor of the plaintiff, should'prov - a warning to them to -et nfor atrial”- to the - y_ lisw :1n fh r -- t e u - lin oto .:YYh<z n P' - <g A SgoaT Baittao•x':.ro, •GYIt1 here : id more force of truth;tlien elegance of language :in the .following - which, is -taken. from-- an ;American paper ; Ladies-ci.ged girds of . beautiful plumage, but sickly, Looks pale peta 'bf-the parlour, who vegetate in' au atniteaithy atmosphere like the Potato 'germinating in as spice We have the Lar est Stock of -goods ill ''own and will well cheaper i aft Ate ohearest.' - t` ..RNA'. ETLOR' •fie OIL Codenchi Sept:' 28 -1866: wile • .AND uNDERTAxtit; THE FirDINGS GOD' ERICH Sofas. Enreaue,- Tables, -Bedsteads,- rebrnarY arid Looking Glasses, in-varipty ,ot Agent. ripliEsubtdriberwouldarinounepto the public Goderich, 27th Sept., 1866. w36ti • .1 of aciron and Bruce that he has on -hand Beiti,s1LAMeritanAstiallioe rowe;dre., which will be sold cheap for e ash or ;TWIN RSSON. Agent. • :rfliEoratiebslehi.bgteildaa'----..- .eceived: Agen'41 'S 6 II I-0; COMBINED hve,r1NY4 ana Vann aka elobe -.• BALL 'w REAPER :AND. mowER 43"1"1"ang(4-1:464ral "v" SA vv _11A14ILTON, -.3inderingued - having been appointed. which has tieen deeklettio be-thectest complete foi Wive -relbeetablel'l itaplement of the kine now change for gtirniture. • One Hundred! INIlais'',-and.,-uplirard sin! o • PPIACATIOti "WILL HE MAHE-EY THE the retinues' Council 'fir a c'onveyance of ihe with cap. 61, Consolidated Win ire nt'ef-A4O'C'111: • degrees Ives!. one- t ham -seventpfoutliajcs .hence north-fitty-ninede-o'reesViteit en. outholv v1641 t Outfit ting -elasticity te your steps,- and -Nlior -to your - frames ? Take -Mottling -eitereise,-ler your corset strinas and run up the hill -on - wager, and -down -Again tor tun j roomy -the fieldS, Omit) the fetideS,Jfrap:th9440lies,wade with an appetite acquired hy hearty4nplor 76dpi-rose-cheated and bright eiect-who the. pigs, milk ,thevotvspand ty4tuit when, -required) the girt that yogis are -in 'quest of for a But yeti pinfligi-t4-4 up 'More it forinatrimenf 'thins pullevieito look" after :brood of font -teem aicitensz The. ;truth lei `lnyikar girls; pit** -leas cashion. -kitchen and less -parlor; inore- leg igicerette and less softi,linote *Min* -and.:lessE more franhriess- and less -mock modeity.— La Bea your, waist strings. and.'hitath feha•- tols to save potatoesiliat are in diiiger: rotting.' Ai aeon diiiease--akiesrs,take -Place a layer of potatoeland thutroeer them 'ac osvicil id "Tth'ef Iiitiniee;abeanearha';8°Inni::3tistifinreal.:..aareud preserves the potatQqa.,;*d hatml-ot which.enstd-!4,-3611 serve in•-,tbit! for; • Constan.tly hand the laicest Variety atiltd hest selection of anadialiJ:::"Martufadtxted;_ Goods, Adi.-isa;:oftEN0H 4" GERMAN :BROADCLOTHS,. SIAINOFAOTUREWin this. PRQVINC$ Ci.(ie,s not excepted. Try 'Lim and 'eausrtyonr:- -- ielies. --A perfect ht guaranteed inetety instance. _ Oonstautly on hand. the STOOK ,and:LATEST. STYLES in'. xr Abrother "Of Charles Miens:died Menge on Friday. . 4fie north one. chant! fittee_n,links t0.9.9, Ria0,0,14 • • •