HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1866-10-16, Page 3S -E MI _ THE MARKETS. Direct Importations GOD CH, Oat. 1866.' 1:40 ® 1:40 - • &ring Wheat-- • --$1:12 Au:. 1:15- 0120 022 Flour • 600 !((p. Rarity 040' (fp048 040 048 4:00--5:00 Beef, 't1•4 0:08 (Li 0:10 'tides (green). 450 Ktf.-= 000_ Butter -0:15 (a0i15 Petatoes,nevr., 025 Q..! 0.2o 016d ••••• ••• a, Allk 111.1,1C ' /5 Ca, .:25 1114„.• nrral tcm 6:00 (cie 1:00- -Eggs. 0:14 (Lis 0200 FROM. 37ic. TO $5,09, B S FROM 37ilacts TO $20AT THE SIGNAL 'OFFICE. e CONCERTINAS FALL AND. WiNtER ClOiHING THE Subscriber having just received a large s- and well -selected Stock of. _ CM•C:091"38E MQ*40,- • Ceionsting- in p.ari:of .Drpsji.ocilf and Bank Overcoats, AND21.57-$,:- - Dress Shirts,Flannel Shirts.lindex hhirt8 ' • - Ain - Hats, Caps, Cona*s, NeOcties, - &eland idtit. constantly Juiturdctuting- , TUE I -SIGNAL OFFICE: All Kiitcls :of Clothing' ' • . statable for the seasiiii. ". • - -.- '- .: • - .•°.. , --, • .. r_a'. He IS determined not to- 'be iindersold in , , - , .„ - • -., - . _ Townc-or CoUntrv, iis the goixls have, fiee. bought_ . _ , ' . InliggERs-j winsKERsp,- pOCKET Bora 1 win • BED opo fot cash. - Intendiag purehaversmay, expeia geed: gua Aram ...1- unajr,s0 bargains.. • ,.--, -. -<- - . "..- F _ .•. . -• . - , • --• ' Agent tor WanzerW First-class Singer. ttgd , E W. -L.0. hioxesz" Carrara. lite greatest stini- . - " . . FROM- 10CTS UPWARDS . COinbicatton- • _.-. - - - - utator iii toe world. will .fdree W waken; or bias- -• , . .. -- f'larhes to, fitow tie the smoothest thee or 'chin ' ' .._.0.igie ,segnai oggie e. I-', ..8-F-1"ify INca'• MACHINES'. - „hever.krtown, tutitil. &triple for trial, sent.frt4 , .. . - . ‘ An assortmeuteonstuntlir on hand, at ' '.. _ anyoue-oesintio4- ftestingitaments. Address .,. - ItE"gs4";°*771"-Ps-airbl‘r i'' l' - - ' l' &E)Nft.-Iffl. 0a1ClgIt(D -132a?-1 : (No. letters take. , a.-iiint. ear prepaid y .w29 : . , - . , . .ABBAHA3T SIVIITiliS MINE • , • • T • THE • ADDITIO E SS OF .1 - 1111 /1 1.1 11 11 11 111 - Insolvent Act: of 1884 In the matter of JOHN -.BRET'; :an Ins11- ' . . - . . . . . vent: lieBLIC NDTICE•is hereby given ' thafithere lid - will be -offered for Bile- in Mirsuarc .of A. resolution of the Oreditors.of the Said 'Insolvent. appiated cif by the Judge s,haftening the _period- of arlyeritsepietkt . td- ivid njontlia - at Strong/is , Ilintel, in the Villat,h,Ot Saf'orth. in the tToutitv- s_ Of Httronolti 111OmPor tlin t wenty-second day OS • -Oetbber, A. 1) . hili.8.8at . the jiour of Twelve • 8 o'clock: ocion, all -the right, title ard interest cf •, • •••• ATAv-Goonntrinmagnuelv-- . ALT-Xnzu, A LARGE int of intrioial Skop* reifffiakt OTE .VA1ERI. Large .) ..cre.sm laid. -Alai Spine &at tPulaitY English Convgyastios tapitri- .r7 72:1 ' - -E811}.ES ' '• - _ SEVERaTTIOUSAND.ENVEISTS - • - :the abofe -named: ;nutty -Int - in the tolltiwing r, JUST 4ECEIV1D A LARGE - ar sizes:colers and 4ealitv,--wilicir rdafg property, viz : Part Lot numh4r one, • ciortiAt the papers -we' re bought contAtliseians There :s a Miod building oit the Lot, adinimblY ConSisting in part of -West -of 'England Bread- for -cash. New supplies of= • - kimonclirille.iii the Othirity of Huroe. ' : ' ' - ASSORTIEENT -01' - - - - - - • - - - - - - -- - -- . in the.beaf mitrkets,-.-:!_and wilthe _,,said?ctisp :- 'nsitit -side of S4anley strea- in • the Village . of - adapted for either-aThismith ors Shbeinaltr. cloths &avers, Wilitneys, Bearskins, 'Fat cy - / . s . d Fi d v ii . shirt - daily arriving.. - SC111001f130tikS otaalf : , Dated at Seatbrth; this Sidday of ittly, A. .0, Doeskins, and a variety of Canadian -' 13 am, atm, an cwere _ . es ap,- s, r . . kinds -kept on hand. and stela as .low as Amy .1966: : - ' muss IL BENSON , thei'es, OqIis ate -t -66e- . . House weSt ef 'Toronto. ..At _ „ .---_ - • - s. • -.A$41ginee He feels co‘fident of: 'te„ving salialaitten to all, 1 •who-maytavor him withatieitenders. -; .. : ;.- _ . . . . . T CIE made.known on theday•or Sate.. ! 's Scoich,and French 4I-WLefist sh meres, crANasz • _ - • vr3*(11 GOD -DS -I unlit ile_ cemb et ist, 10 en Goderich,, Sept 11* 1866- RENCH Metinoes, '1j • iu uul :TWEED SUITS (all wool)112 and upwards; • N. B. -Cutting dotielo ,Order. 7'41:11 OTlCg TO, GB Includin; Benps; Siik Warps:- -310412rASS. Q't WfoieFab4a;:l.B..tucTiiitiensTicteoursgeellinttibree t.",cienhdtiolahrSluna- /26r Goderich, Sept 25th, 1866, 0 sw 8 - .ssaivr- al I, Wool Plaid's, -Gal Plaids, Fatie'Y • -- ;A:1;arge-Stock-inst opened, ,'tasi-side°Maiket &Mare, ntxt ciodr te-John.hle• B...711bia.S; 100,, Al -1-.0)14ECE winceyi;:_pms Timithings and Buttoisf pingering Yarn and Fleecy "%tool,' . (Nothing knippriunt, - • • • ' - - -307 Ladies' kande the Signal act ficti5 1866 ". 2 " IlLuiffit Teachers_ - T ENTY FIVE -1():11 Ladie6/-Skirtin9,if Li tw1 STRANGEs BUT TRUE. • livery zotingladyand gentleman to the kinatect States eau hearsoinethuur very ranch to their advantage by rerammail (ireeot charge). hy addressing the'', under- signed. These hating (ems °C being llinnburged win Garites °huge by not -noticing thiseard. All others, mail_ !dense ••• address dams obedient servant, TittM F., CHAPMAN. - - T ASSOCiA_TION. .- ws-tyaka int Itruactway.biewitork; - - 4:t half FormerPrines, - ",_ - . - --:----- _ •:. - . I . . . .- . -• - -THE regular Quarterly- Meeting of the . At the Signal Office. A '', Huron Teachers' Association," . will he . held in the Common School, Clinton, on Sa-.. turday, the,2fith October, 1866; at ball Past . 10. o'elock,"4..3t. The -following is thejinsi- nesi to be brought before the -meeting :---- - 1. A•prantical ilhistration -of the method of teaching Geography,...by Mr. W: -_W. Nellis, r. A., -head master, Clinton.• - EllitlOUS OF y_citTiti. -.t. fileatImmaa whosufferect tor years from Nervona Debihty".. Premature Decay,. and alt the eUecis cif youth-. fhluidiserehom will for the sake ofsefferner humanity sendfres• all who need tr. the recipe and dire etious for izakingthsiinoleremeey by whichhe wascured. Sur- terers *mine to profit by the advertiser's experience, can de sabYiddressin 10141Nr Elst OGDEN'. Qhanibers ht..bievt- York.: TO CONSUMPTIVES; ' Theadveruser. having been. restored to health an. a • ievirweeks- hya- verysimple rernedy. after having suf.'. tend -for several years with asevere lung affection, and that dread: disease.. Consumption -is anxious -to- maka-' hinisento his fellow -sufferers -the Means acme. -- To all who desire -a. he wilt send a copy or the pres• camel' used Vice. of chalgo, with the directions for pre -L. paring.and usmg-the same. which they wilt and a stag crartor CONSTIMPTION. ASTHMA.. B7itOiCCHEILS.; COUGHS, Command. all Throat suaddLungAdeEtions- The only ohjeceof therhavertiser-ut, sem:hurt the Prescription is: to befit - the afflicted. and spreatilnibrrnatinn Whikh he- ,- coneetires to:he-invaluable-and he hopes every saeret will try Isiareasedy. as it will cost them Inkbing, mid mayearresblesinag. ' Panics -wishing the- prer-riptioti„zazz..gy return mad strillphieseaddress - - - „ Rev. EDWARD A -WILSON. iriibure.•, Kings ett..Ne. wr "fork. Nati iiptteritseetnits. ruk-vms, General Alsortment. VEGE'r_ABLE r ALL KINDS OF PAIN KILLERTIFANCY GOODS a - AT THE OLD PRICE. • risco-v--k, Are, BEWARE tir COUNTER- - - PElTS ANP WORTHLESS 1M17 A VON& April 18. 186e. - w1.2 6m - FOR TAR ALBUM,. AN IMMENSE ASSORTMENT, AT THE SIGNc 0 VF•ICE. Writh Vesks(oad Wot : Rosewood; Walnut and Afahogtiny; , AT THE SIGNAL OFFICE. WALKING- CANES, Silvr & Ivory, Mounted .Ar VIE' SIGNAL OFF10E. _ 2. Ali illustration, of his Mode of teaching Intellectual Aritimietic,, by me. A.. Carrol,.. Tutkerstnitb. A Conversation the best method of -recording the attendance and standing of pupils at School. ' - As the Asinitiation Just Ant -eying upon another year of its existence, it is hoped the Teachers of the Comity will ;Very generally - avid themSelves of the 'privileges of mem bership The iinnuat Fee for Membership is fifty - mum ; DAVID E. GOR:D-0::::2-t Oct. Eth, 18.66: Secretary. psrolvent Act of 1861 Iht.the. matter Of john &mid Xiitzt. of th e 7'or.i7us/iip tf Hallett, :in. tke (Jaunty,. qf Huron Yeoman, an insolpent. - • • Creditors woke Insolvent are notified .TH' that he has made an Asgignment of tits es- tate and eflects. and -et the above -Aet, inc . the undersigned Assignee;and they are iv -retired "to furnish me,. within two Months trorp this date. Wi. h theirelaims. specifying the security they hold, it afiy. 'and the Value °tit ; and If none., stating theethet ;_the whole attested under oath, With the Neta:hers in support of suck. claims. - - Dated at' tioderieli 'in the Cininty ,Huton- . this 12th day of October,: 1 866 - - ' _ POLLOCK. . • w3S-„, • Ofiicial Assignee inr. H. dr. B. At one half. the Prices usually asltett TME.GREATElieusll REMEDY _ . SIR JAMES CLARICE'S - - PENED TMS DAY- A CASE OF Celebrated Pei:dale- Pills. - • . -9 Clarke,AUJ.,PhysicianE„rtraordinane ' • -_-_ . " ' Ito the Queem ' - FOR THE% ELSEWHERE. • Wx:ciwcAX. Pivpar,ed, froaa• prescription of Sir. J. GENUINE MEERSellAUM _ piPEs a. Cheap for 'Mash liThisauvaltraW metictne is 'Unfailing- irt the • , • cure of all 'twee painful and At the SIGNAL' OFFICE• moderates altexcess andreinaves all obstructioas, Gaderich„ Oct. 12, 1866, ' ancLespectly cute may be relied on TO MARRIED LADIES • etzs peenliarty sailed. Jr wid. -in a short time,- ' bring ort the monthly petted with retru, larity. - Emit bottle, price One Dollar,- hearsthe Gov - /eminent Stamp of Great lintairito prevent conn- terkits. -CAUTION'. Ziesse-Pil/iskoad wa be taker; by fear daring site- FIES7 271.1ZEE AWN TIIS-o Preg- saucy, as they are rare to. latng en "Winer- rzagetirat at atty other time they are safe.- - all cases of Nervous and Spina/ Affections, Pains in, the Sack and Limbs, Fatigue on alight exertion, Palpitation, cline Heart, Hystencs and Whites, these Pills will effect a cure whec all other gleans have fed; and althoneh a power- , farenpedir, do not coatitta iron. Anti- mony; or anythingburtfut to the constitution,. • Full threatens in -the pamphlet around each package, wkich *thank!, be emiefulfy preserved. Selene:it for the Lraded States and Canada", JOB MOSES, Rochester, N.Y. B.,--$1.00and six po.:tage stanips, enclosed - gouty anikorizett agent will insure a_bottle cen- taiaingfifty rills, byretura mai!: . • NORTHRGPr &LYMAN, -Newcastle, C. W., general • agent forranada, to which the &male constitution is subject. It - trsol a •Gioderiefr by Parker 6c Cattle and F.Jordan - Gardiner ez. Hayfield James Henthuni:Itale- erville - J. Piciard,Exeter, ; Vambe, Ohnton , E. iliekson, Seatorth,- and all liedictae Deaths: = .4 47- 4 -4 4 4 Among Ike most important of modern. medical diticivereststindlithe - - - CANADIAN PAIN DESTROYER! Asa family Medicine, itia well and favorably Downs, relieving thousands front pains in 'the Side, Back and head.Cougha,Colds;Sore-throat, - /*aims. Braises Cramps in the Stomach, Caster& ntorboLOyeentery, Boireiconr.„ ' _ rands, Burns, Scalds, Froat Bites; Cr ate ice *.* _ The OANADEAN PAIN DESTROYER, has aii_w_been beibre the pablie for a „length a time. sad whereverasegt is kelt liked, neverfading _ iinaglemetaneetogivepennattent relielwhen thmelyased,awl we havenever known a &tingle ease of dleallifaction where the directions have are " -With its operations, and speak. in_ berm ny (allowed.; ;but, on the contrarY,all Iwo highestlerms of its virtues and- magical_ et: • Vire speak front experience= thisniatter,bav- lag taitedit-thotenglily. and therettore thoise who we angering from any. of the. complaints -for winchit is recommeadedmay depend -upon ita blimp& Snvenege - -1e astonish -Ina efficacy oLthe Destroyer iacuriag the dimities ,for whictisi iterniesalended: arid its wonderful sateen- 314 at& iinharthetoraitiag pians of Itheinnatiim,aLdriir irslierrailliersons Aireetions entitle it to. a WO utak iathelist of: veinedterrf4these Complaints.. - Oalaraare essisaptalrout Matititiaei altimarkspfthe c_onatry -„tor further supplies,. and aseiriashipag aito theunieeraal X016166000 it - • -* ; ..,70w.Ganadsturn,MesUr*r.ninfer-rairs: to iv.zwanedtatezsbet. Allw.inedeitlers keep lisystisiesia-inder seat wee., it add no family andlibrswithout itaer saeeltijiterit. • • Priew4s0.24eis4ts,peroolte. AIL iirdistitabaiikl be addremedia NVILTHIEVP & =MAN, !, UCTION _ OF VERY . VALUABLE PROPERTY oN-. ACCOUNT OF THE, Trust- & Loan Co. Of Upper Canada., 0 • Insolve-nt Act �f: I8'4 and .A-mendment.s. In the- Matter of ,Richard: Vantitone.' of the Township of Colitorce, in the County- of rturein; an-InsolVent. TOC E reditors et the- Insolvent are reitified that he has made an As.signment oe.his estate and eflect.•4 uader the shove. Act,. to mc, tic un.- dersigried Assignee and their a•e. required to fur- nis me within twotnonths from' this date„ With their dainis. specifying. the security- hey hold any, and the value of it •' and if none. statintr "tie act; the Whole attested under oathidi ,-.wthe vtirediers in support ofsuch claims. - • • -Dated at Goderich it the County ot -Huron this 12th day of 0,4olier,,, 1865_ • . 'S.- PCLLOCK, - - W32 A. large suiply of -Duchess KID GLOVES; ' . After that tinie .the price will be raised in ' • common with that of the other Commercial Several cases__ . Colleges of Cinada to ' TAtot4.[ADE -CLOTItTNG Thirty' Five _ -Dollars. .1309TS,ancl: SHOES. . - - - - - Inteliding Students can • do - -I- - Pilichase., Rcholaiships _ J. C. DOtlir. - & 0 'before that date and imtet! at any ,tiutet 0, ALL -REGISTERED MONEY LETTERS .8w12 proper• ly address,:d to -de will be at my risk Godetiek Oct: 9th, 1E66. ; D 0 DIERCHANT z lip rt. xox • THE G01)11,IClit Cornme-ir dal and. Mathematical A. 30 1NX 'SF 9 undertheanPervision Mr. wi c it E Alt.i _ ia affiliated with -the College. T'N 'returning thanks to the.Publit tor the liberal Price Of one year's Tuition in Academy to patrtnise bestowed on hint, wl.tilles to in- those who eater before 1st -Dec, 1866. $15, form them that having enlarged his ;ranges to in adiance: To those who 'enter atter that FRESH 11 Y SEE • :IN . 0.-A.1•TS _Aa1/47=0 RECE1FED DAILY,A1{1) SOLD - At the _Lowed •Fignre, , by ,SHEPPHARIY& "STRACRANI • _ South Side Market Square. Gocierich, Sept 14, 1866. _ -sw5tf 4 - irENDERS Will he receivied by -say artier -I Trim ees of S S,,Nol;Tetirsiship- of col- - borne, upto the first of•Novembet,lor, Ite petit pote of erecting -a Nei/Brick Ilother - Plans and specifications can he -hien 'iresil the undersigned. The trastees seltres to accept theldsvest lenda. . ../01:1N1311011/11111k (ember 2, 18"6. :!= COLONIAIJ11-01.1'. , COLONIAL fi:�S!- PHE Subscriber'aliritys keeps the largest variety and best Stock of' -N. gOISE.lar. & GLOVES -IN 'ME COUNTIES. CHAS. t. AttCHIBAT.Il3. litodelicb,"A.ugnst 22nd, 1866.- siv103 havreg,purehased it art- . - - • corrA D WEtI SELECTED STOCK date. $20, in advenFe--- The amoOnt'Pald for - one year's tuition will be deducted froin_the E-NOIIMOUS REDUCTION for Oaf OF FALL AND. WINTER ' GOODS ' price of the College Scholarship in "the n'ise • *- - - • -•from the Ofiictal Acsiottee. at Hamilton, the en- -which he 4cas selected _ in the Cheapest Market, oi 141 ha.v.141g; gone through tLe Commercial ti e sivek„m_.,rad.e. 17eiehrging to the zsiate of ‘Jourse in the A-cademy, shall enteti itad together with a -Large Variety of - - graduate at the Oollege and the price of the .3C, Vaistime tillb • coLLAits, TIES College Scholarships si;a11, in their case*, be - •-- • -- . the same as it was when they enter the - att.' &e;, -&C. Academy. - is new -prepared to ofierao the pulthe I3AR -BiLING CON 1DENT filt,CAN CfVE SA'rts.. For Circtilars or speciMens or Petananshqi - FACTION. - address every department Perfect Warrimted to every J. 'W. jON St_ DIIX GOODS, 611,90ERIgS, isItricE„ , - - style of Gorents.• He solicits aitinspeetion t,f his Geods. - . . flUGH DUNLCP, 1 Two Doors Wes- t Dark'S _Hotel. Ciivle\rich, Oct.. 5th, 1866. sw-11-tt EiETER C E ESE FACTORY. proprietor of the above establishment appointed , Sheppard & Strachan. TBE. Ehas Sole Agents for. the Town of G-odench, . for the sale -6f his cheese, which, can be obtained- _ at„theactory RICHAIISD TN_ G. Exeter, OcI. 5th, 1866 Ilsw*Im ; •-. ..;48 DIRT- ',SA ILI. PrincipalofLondon Coinaterei - College* London; C. October, 5th;18-66. - w33 TILE.OLDEST ESTABLIMMENT - OWW.. MILLINERY; HATS, CAPS. kc ,-&c., - -. -- . 33' C).1VaNT M "T" 0 , . .. .2 _ beataitul Hair and Straul Bonneis will be almOst { - liter allY -G I-V. - B.11T .&WAY!! . • Very 1srgeadditioial purChariee of' lailARTIN: 4.11"-N-, BEGS TO INF.ORM HIS OLD CUSTOM era; that he is still able to sell for cash, it the lowest rates, • - • ILL HINDS -OF FURNITORE Ft" E -A- I. "-E S, T A T E . . . - the litiron.Hotel,. GoderieL .. Give .hlin-, a• . At his • Shop .ou Kingston street,- opposite __ • •I*11w37 1.- Sale Made in a certain cause pawing- I G the IN pursuance d' the Decree and Final Orderfor.. :I. Gis - • th Oct. 1 1866.. - - . .. Court ofchancerylor.li-pper-0anada of -e'eagrittrt virtue vleelaio win be -sold by- Publfe . - Official Assignee for Ai. &;_7..1...1 by Wakefield, Coate &I...company. -Auctioneers -at their rooms, .1i,ing Street East .' in the City of WA.NTED. Toronto, on . - _ • .• • Satorday,the 27th day of Optober,1866, scli4o1 Section-No.13, for- the- ensuing certificate,. . Personal application to he- made cuoeurl, theq.fulloiwing fieehold-premises in five to T homas lieintvie., theoncession; • - - Thu- I that parcel or _tract of land situate' - • • in the IASOltint Act of 1864 .aad Amend- ,T 0 W- S II -1 'I) . O. meats. year, a Female Tetieher. -with-- -first-chem. at_noon„.with the approbation -of Andrew Norton t- ' 'Ordinary'f 'd Stanley, 10th Oot. 1.866. . • w28 lots• Al LL be Seld at Public -Auction, at the 1 " SALE,. ROOMS OF 10..‘M. TRUEMAN, Goderich Weibtestah. Atit of Nev., 186_6;7 - AT NOON.- • A. • - ' . • . A portion Lot No. 3, on the •lit Con,' of tbe Township . of Goderich; containing ihirty acrea-ofLand, more or less. . B. - , • Lot No. 41, WestSide of Wellington St., in the Village of port Albert, in the Town- ship of Ashfield,•cOntaining half an acre of Land, more or less.- . - - The Westerly and'Seutherly lialt of Lots No. 2, North of ..:Lightlionse Street,:in the •Town _of Goderich, _containing -about Twelve and a quarter Perchea„ more- or less. The.above,.• formerly the property of •An- drew Doneg,h.. The- part: of Lat 3, 1st -Concession, Goderich, e_good lot of land, clear -of stumps and in a -high -state of Cultivation. One Mite from Godench, on the Bayfield good 140E Brrn, and Sheds .and Log House.. The Tort Alhert peoperty is _ on Wellington streeti. _in about the centre Of the 'Village. The Goderich property is elegibly situated on the Market Square, in the Team, a - Frame- Dwelling-, House, Frame Barn, Jo., are erected- upon the pieniises. - IP* Also the fallowingLeasehold Property :-- -art o o. , • Province of Canada, ,County of litfron. one of the United in. the- Coentv of Simcoe, containing- by -a.1•.• . • measurement one hundred Acres, be • the same IN THE COUNTY Snore or -less, being the: westrhall !ot lot number COITYT of- .the Unit nne, ii the eisrhth concession of the - said TOwn-' -4 - - -- -Ship orEs.-..i. --between • sixty and seventy acres. . . e °unties, o uron . - • - . - are cleared, under tent*, and in a good ' state of CotintieS. of ; Harm' • Land Brace. - ' -.- -- ' cuhivatton, almost all free from , stumps. -The" and truce. • ..)-- . -- - •_. I__ - - -remainder of the lot is excellent .hardwood .blislr. ; - - - ". The fences are Cedar audit]. good 'repair.. . The ' s, la tae matter of Samuel -Canteen-, am Iarolvent. let is within a quarter of a milt:I-of the. nearest (Viltonilav, the twenty-sixth Any of Novetn.. store a sul village, and eleven4ntles frt---im the Gull. ki: bet next, the unde:st,gned will apply te "the ford station on Northerif Railroad. Judge athe said COurtforC dischargennder the: s Lot 2.. The south- half allot. iiiimb'er seven on - -.said Acts. -. .1 • : - - • . thesouth side ot MarChetreet (now called -Stanley .BANI. Ult.,' CA NOLON street) and krickVii part of the fluspitql Square_ Solicitors lot Itusolventt I 1st TILES ITY C1 F. T-0.4 0NT 0* TOMS & MOORE, , Dated at "Gecterich, this 19th day, of SePtimber, That is te saY.•: Commenting Where -a 'Post has A. D. 1866. . w3fize • beea playlet] in the centre of lot on the east side • isaid ncatiiiiril oat •nturecin • -rt tin.. nurthvi "even, ihea7Lratfiliglaltentti}t! Itisoliient kat of 48.64 and fi3xivrit'ilTee:nent,tingultr71.;1‘Ifer: -- Afliendments; • . . - . _, . -• - _ swath sixteen degrees, east lorty-five 'feet; more ---- - . - • or less, to the southern lima ottiK lot; then Sotah, Province of •Canada* -1 IN THE: CO,USY seveniv-lour degrees, West eighty :get/ :more or less, ttiVieloria street, then north sixteen degrees County of Elision,' -1 COURT of the Uoit-. *est ?0113/•' &tie feet, More Or less, to -the _place of one of the --Unit-fif Fed Cotintiee of:Huron beginning. cOrttaming three thousand six bun- :- ,- .-• :drat square fe 4, more or leas. A rite Story imitie -Counties . of Huron I itn4 Brdee. ' and Bruce. ...• - - ' : . . -- - -. house centainingeight rocims, and -a row 01 Owe Ai the._otatter of Tfrilliala Ede a i an Insalverti.- - small ra.k e ttages stand.own etithietitpziynanterz,s'anidl occupied. There is a good O(AN MondaV, the twentr-nixtb. day of NOvem. . ber neXt the Undersigned will apply JO" the the placeikin tairrepetr. . - . , . • • Judge of Hie said Court ferathseharge under the Lot 3, All that parcel or. tract_ of kind ind said Acts. • - • • - ' - . premisessituate in the ' WILLY4M:EDEN''' C - I T • Y . 0 7 lr Oat -0 '.N -T' 0 TOMS ar, MOORE, . - - - :. • -7 - ''' tbe. late. reptleoce,ofdohn-Galtilgsq., all the . . Soficitors (Jr In.solvent. , --: , - - - in the County olY-orkicontainingby talmeasure- , . iit . .., li id..titi; 1.,.. . , _ • - .- Govcrionent Park...Reserve. and desert ' On the 01 .the "Ridge, together wit Camases, Cottons 00tt04S COTTONS! HE -SUBSCRIBERS ARE -ELL- ing. off Grey Cottons -at reduced - . prices, also _ Ladies' and Gents' Hats! - _ To arrtve-in a day or two I - int-Arri; COTTON . Lately to hand : Sugars, 'Teas stiiiVFo ebsigposs - ciTe the -Cheap lash Store_ t call' AcHE4CoNlii..SMItH-. (locie4bh, Julir.20thi 1866i:7` 19 -IMPORTA LJ ." 11 TRUEMAN is instructed to sell by ••• Public Atiction*--- without," reserve,- at• Dated at 1.; this -19th day.•°I SePtembers mem-fifteen thoosendfeur Mindred feet,"- be, ,the OUSe 0. ' "* A.D 2m • same/more or less, being composed Wry ot tee • BP -111 - DAT GOOT.S. laROCIRIESI are just now time,. received, amongst-Whi may - be mentioned especially, Tactory Cottons -HOOP stIRTB.1 HOOP SIM 81 THE largest variety:it)/ Taira at pneee20 -11- defy. cjs. i. tompetiooinkjulttilanz. Goderich Au est 22nd, 1866i sit12.1 SliERIPPSSAIR-11 .- . • united Cotinpesot . TillY virtue of* 'Witt Of ainten and Brute, ..E., sreri Tunas residue- - To Wit. - ' lisuetioutuflier Iliejes. tY2s ConntyCoort ofthe 'County • Of tiretitheethf and to inediretted -.against the 'lands and ‘ssiater meets ofJehn MeAtiky5atike suit p(i..Vilher Darheg, Ihave seized and exadibiertadI and singular that poriten or tract ot land sad Premiaessittiatei lyingand bees* in the '70116114 . ship .of Calrossin the County of ,Brace-ivon..,: ing by •admeasitrement one, bandied *area ift . imnd. be the -thine more Crises/awl .heriae -com- posed of -lot atunhereltien.iatte*teealh vane eesswe oftlieJohnshipolZulithit, in tanentlidt, of Bruce. atbresaid, Which lauds and itenemeats 1 shall ofier for sale:in- iny office an:Ake Vend; House, int/to:To/fin if -Get Itch, -on Tiasidayi lho eIght1iday ofitintlatt= nett," lir tIte ',iota ti Twelve of the _clock, neon- : tIOIlls} _MACDONAttlf ,..,,, - , Shen 11.21r1P14 :Sheriff's 0$ce;Gedet1chr t , - • : '7 .27th September$1806. I - Ain from- 8 ta20. Outs Per. yardc.• including; about a- 1000 yards ofthe eelebrate.1141;6tFr 11:111113 " Can • itda -• • . .13t-alEG:ikx_Jmairsis_.? . from 10 to 25 cent per yard.- . Striped Shirtings, Scarlet Flannels, .*.hiteFlan- _nets, F.rotey_Fl:in4:e sols rtm, Robwt oil: 13. Mackler Prints, Black anci Catered Cithurga, J3laeltaind Colored Liistres. French Merituses,.- French de LaMes,, l'atile_Linen,:and a large Nica flew- lli8SS 00 S MTS. -every: description' _ Forfar -Sheeting, Higging Bales- of 2Canada esseaml Bags, Very Cheapl ti10.08P . 33ales .01 -Canada. -CC)FralC)* WAI Beaver Mills, :Arc., :Vent theiiP 130 ERIE 1. 410. Sagsheads ei--Mnscovado i3nrrar, VerfCheirp. Barrels of Broken Loaf -do., Very cheap! 6 -White Ground do., Very heap! ..- .Chests and Halt Che.sts'of Young 'HYSHD, Sonchong and other ',reap., Very Vheapl" Tobacco, Vinegar, Seeds., Salt, Sueli;-.319igat Onflee iSce•- • . In comtnenearg.DU.SfNESS tile,Subscribee begs most resPectfaltitio announce ..torihe • . r FaXmers. • 3341,11145.imaj - rprn is.to caution you 'against •buyiTig1ired of.JOSEPH- YOUNGf-wee-jkas orders Of: the pretence that be-„wasan 'tweak -or these Nurseries. Be =33 'Hot vitiat0rised .401, hell irom t• -e nurseriesondpartiesIntynigirattilita witi not gef theirtrees 4, J)WBEWkE. St. Catharines, Sept.2114-180: 425- ' . 'INRA.13IT 813YTIOAtratataa . . and the stirroutichur cOlititry that the priiidiple - • Arill !bej ' - " 30 -to piall of lots laidout by .the , f,rinitees oldie Tor; -ISlei,,hl, Farming IMpleutenta- o-rae, Cow, piGs FOR SALE, from onto Hospital endowtnent as lot ntimner sixteen It 't 1 - tor l3reed. . Prices from 2 Dinars, .and:. up- Lei 4. And alai, ill that parcel or traa.ofland Thursday, the 18thday.of Oetober,1866, f LCit. N- 1. on Ake North >Easterly- osed to weigh Oirer 6 -cwt otPork).-- , Apply To wN TjIp () TE 0 , ' .-T....g.R mi 8 c . A all it measurement toe hunt! rat+ acres„, be _the same • • Y Cioderich,tronting .the --------- rlY blown .., • • 11A.RVETHINCKS :, . er Jw., on • - - 40 :Pigs for Sale of super, en the north side of Paacest t ' ' ' ' watts. (Including _ist- Prize, sow sup- _situate in\the ' • h - - • -- - at the our ofTen- o'clock in the forenoon. side of ...Lighthouse streetlaa the Torn of to • • ... - • in the - County ot "Simeoe, containing by ad-, - kBeat will bein readiness to lerr 'parties asSouth West Streetluow_known-as. Montreal --Roiegarland Cottage, more or less, being cc/nape:ma t be. sout hallo! over the riveran thn day of Sale:" • Street1;iveittgeomposed of the south-westerly • 4th con. Gode.riwet lo°fttultuenisaibedr Tseovwentist:pn'pll'itezbeuentrith neasisdioa. .G. oderich 9th ?ctnber, 1_866 sw12td _ iGoat;ridh 43ept. 23i 1866: • • of Lot Nct., 1, on Lighthouse street, - 5._:_ Lots nuMbersaineteen;and thi y• :FARM _FOR SALE. aforesaid, on the neitli "aide thereof, and • !fronting SouthWest ',Montreal street, ai afordiaid. containing- hy iadtrisasurement 308 4.-g. ards more or less, Ott' which is erect - T G - tweritf-tbirdi eonceision,- and lots- numbers - cot,. 5. Colborne .•s A.1, E. eight io thVlist concession ,south ofithe -- • East Division 100 farin. -known ' • centre diagonal, -10t. number eight, in the is ".8harp'sr ilot 3. DER „ _ -f twenty-six, twenty-seven, and-twenty-exght in acres, -50 cleared, leg Jhouse and .frame 41iiiieereweesti AgentleareCi4litrada.' Court Ht usTeSit sr. "And -.for nY - . a Power of site "mull"- je a :tIrroziwwentNy sfi. fifth concession,: being akin the barn. cul- go de,. flae..of1,40-mon ern'. C f HIP OT AALKB E'L DudeneS'b: "A la°iffe...st. rieanntlSaltbroilegegilf. rovoe!Brick -sod Stone Tavern,:fronting Mortgagems& by James Connor, .9 d 11 • the ounty o - , con.. the VI _g -• - g3asektip landertellby-karker.&Cettle_end- leers knowing' .12° a "General' -store. Roioo_. and 'Maragaret (YO or -his wife • . property -filler -with -speckled trout. : purpose -of in the _County of Brice.- containing by ad A -„„i. , • - e miasma:4%n! .fiiel..nothede.. Ores, , be. ,Ahesame.. -2811"alaGodbe. ethateigenilleontE...tHicusoj.Plckar4a,. bsoleser'hy;n111211111. soThe Pr*hlie. rtY a-Pre'i-4.u-t-1..entid ta -Andre. w Xbeing a _Patty thereto lor,' the • I ,Barrister, Toronto. .4t., Judea; Gardiner* ; Jame! -fleeted with the -THotetts 'h d e- barritio.'her.doweiq4dbee'cosittf..hawicinng'o-then.ice having Inore4or rim nt)g : - been'in!giar-nrtralemaliaptarties mit- rested, therewill The purchase! shall at.the sale pay Glide •ell Sept 1 1860: - ufl'wn *deposit in •the •prOrindion ten .potto-d4 -let 'Lansait4kL. Thto be bn sold on ealirent . • Ven -per cent of the purchase money nd• day r veto . every _one hundre pout) of 'his ..pur. -be - f d di • - down at -the time of Sale, and terms.Monday; the, 2 .. chaseiliciney-Ixt the vendor. or hissolieitcoi - Deeds, AbstraMa•-•forTitle - 0 pg the Tillage Jar seat° _f _11 wid roper- moue without uttered. at.theexpinition.of la the Ali. It- •r -°/". Pocer'• ellek °la •4111131' ibeti!be untdand eltnnwn. at12 o'clock, moil, the ---•Downey's' lintel, in and shall pailhe ieinstioderolthe• ,purchase 191Mg.Craditovi, a• rils ,Aseolveatare 'ean be win at the offieeW e. Solicitors- or ty, namely: triveroght6 an acre oftlerld; ene--mmith" from t'lio-,day-of Sale. In other _sel,_,...6atigirect4,11e,bassa.dertasdebasbove-anAlliganwaAex.,..tt„:,..tki:,(0."....,te Sale. - bit 4.0n be theist: metmore': °Mewl. '-•beteliennlw P09_66edlhoef :rest pectsdtitibe-ccitidfitthioncs of Saltieraernhanthe. sum' 6,1 aad *be ansr.aseutrediessw40,._iiat ;11-pplicatialEaL lonf...theormatitaininon onera;_,Tnat vidirillage• lots ',number; one,'01 - ngm the Village of pcattioncidaorins.jiloabeli hosudrt.a.t-.)130.14:ferefay...ci #sn'unigiT.,..,,, 7Loani3ompsityof VilterICaaada;Kinintu:',q, .---'Eraegemtliondedviotire-Wfatftenair 14r, irt; 'McMurray -At -Rae, -Tory: Cham-• - liesars. iiiledosadd,- Patton -tand Mochal. anaffi.bereoa. -Terina•mide- knorti ,art; .sale. :bersi'Teronto. - solicitOnlylkiltatcffi Vied TindOToirer of -Sate, in the Mortgagee'. „.Datedaecond_day.of °either; 1868: Isiah vouelsevelasapportoisurlt '41;-"Briki 014i. _ 111111111d.nyTaiPcia!rsilISILI x.Eitir • MCDERMOTT_ ' (8" d A N .11UELL. - POLLOCK. - Audtioneer,Ooderieb. lioRtAtorelorliortgagees, -(Et'd)tin3111111tAY4 lifsaidatiisidenekessisaVoutystMuron- tisis ournow4E Y.A.batixds- SHIP. - bAs11 oE.•.p-113,.0:-DttpP Jew C4000-$40' 000 .1(:)11 Y,P11141 Subscriber Will have ,ottluifidibiSttle ai garden, :Emit Street, •about the last of October, 1000131mit-Tretiirmf Adllthe leading and most _hardy ;varieties.' TiNgtied desirous of placting out A Mum' Orihard"- will find it to their advautage to:give rne..a ..eallybefore ordering -elsewhere. .Very--feff nurseries can supply good .11Ittm -Irma. Mid - year obey aroveryscaree: INA Amasses. an hanclastack _of - APPLE -TREE* -1bIgi (Dwarfs and Mtandarde):*4 eneral Aliffmaist varieties of Crabs, inelucluriVai Hyslop and Trancendant 41160 some:of:gite:bast-Tariatiaa Englfilt •fialigeberds, -firlpes. _ CURRANTS., Wi _vpiraza, . - - Beet &Let& 9odetich; vv34tf V.4111atile ;*.isge DfLauPo .• • • • Ca woo • ON favorable terms of payment. "tke -iota =• 'lowing property; -viz: Notill--.1thlf -afire number 201 on the 12th. con. f .Xioiseliais -- township, -containing by : '111, 'acres, niore.coriess-, upon:AA/eh Vadiowata, fifteen. acres cleared. .This lata ittA faierablesituation; beingwithit.fireAuRes-:or the- town of witaws$0 property in:the-win:me 4Wayiesii acre GI land...a_good !jteneer shopsimawi stable on the pretnitiat. TiiiirwouldbiAmould situa.tionlor a tailor_ornadOle Auld' lasdele maker as there is none in, the _ .14either-or State pas Atlabolesale imam will be taken: for either ofAhe places: ,J411116 STAilaZY 3.124 Z.Isanrimeep,;i0,. 4.. ?-1 a • insgibetion issolteifai ilie-part. of • 701117: , • , Gdderieb, August wirkriS Lt ,do you get- -along i'ltith your TdowingthisivetVealherl . . -Why, havt'thrown- aside *good plow. thailost2ttlollars, it was lik-e plowing with a -log, and -went to Searle- -4a. Davis' and -Fought a steel 'plow for -sixteen .xlollar;_ mow iptible in 'plowing ;oty librseA go -right along, it eleans-Somice they arerealthistle nutters'.] . • OTICE herehrgiveir that.; the4ettoefsbip- , heretofore subsisting-liekreen _ifs.* the un-- dersignediasretadltorers; has beeatharlaydis. olved byinatuCl ainsent. - All debtsOwingtu the parteershir are to be paid to Stint latnon- ,tiite; afecidenclit• and ..all ulainisfagatina the Inaid partnership are 10 be presented to the politest Aril of Shannon/0 Doyle, by =Whew! the 4ittie heeettiett: • • Dated at Godanch, this 24thirlakorSeptenT,iber, Vitt 0 ber 8w37td - -Phsintifratolieitors4 *3714, ,,,,364,0$ •1 . SHANNON, - =NE OftmelAssisuee. atdetiabt Oct.. 121..1066, 34d I • _cto * „Si_Laitto _ . • f-.11-6C4-lerh. i..L.itaaaaosfearstrz or ao mime. :14.S0 1'4: A liggE. ATOOK.:3.0k ,IilisiVAIR Iiiir:;11117 . . *.liaiancrialajdZilgar 4.40banai - - - maim nib I los="110.61i , ' ' • - . r-li A rraiAgolt 0n hand. - Sign of-LonefspalE, attic) - , *E. ether* bolve iitiirle-deleet ' -II!, ...±•_____Illek,_ ' , ' • - . - • ' . _giving such in,Fonikationattillasaallat's •Ohmweit BABE 1.1-14E; -MINTON '611-46ffidll'ibeit7"4"° -14.1",tortiti v - - - - -•.• • ' --ivaeatorbyleneeto - ---FehrtfarY 13',1864' 'ilwopeith.Cacte_sita.i Bee: .342.: :1-..rwrchnOnliskaedin ..ii,_ laiiiiin..,finn. „._ . , .. itinft_',' , -2IVIACATIGIAVILL_ _ ,.._,_..._.„_lig . . : 4 Lii ' undersigned at site ._Seeiptirsidit' -' • . thecountleeConneci ica.-.,* .i. . : ., . _ .. viliiii - following ,fieseribed line of sorids40‘ AteolPgokuwmt- 'Deedhjittoa of gout of.v.Oditityletidhifiwellit.• ' IlAisounarritithbews.eitestri-Til,ymeseiffitrnse::-.Inutoniuriamprrystiot,_-ithienewspialidfri---_-: t , - ,,i,a.p..., lance pftive chains itscl lontlassli futhainienliiit Commenetagolithematiegv-lfrosst vire * ... nloiratgreetserLerroirVir°11131121111"311herillienCealliallil334 " ellIMP10741114- 1 11- • . .;ax -degrees leen one • diem sevaaty.faser bake; i hepee noithfilly-mnedegreeswast.on- simitwiy imit -0' rood imowance_Alffremy „akaiss4Aeore due north one chain Afteenbakataaaapiana beginning. • - - CoutVisig by Aci ,-,:, .,f.-.-', , toro.liseedr-vid ,sizteetitebesof.land. I. •:- ••-•- : -,,,,, 1. n -;, 4i -tedembarim,16680 - • ; -:.' _ii -P,.*--' ... - . , . • - - ,last.i.,-aafigaltd:';:a.„?.%..aiwii' Jot/10- ..:2 pecia.4,..E2D. -zollarneinaratantssidargfatts • 'rdlititon, Veit; 10, !UM& - r29 Aefc11814.84., 1 1 1 I I I I I 111..u11 Thohookonmaise