HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1866-10-16, Page 2iimaommaaaramanamemowwwim
*Imp G. T. Ail..
attPratie AND- GotiEft DISTnlen.
(MING Wan. -
tap.Exp.. tx.p. Mixid
p. m. a. M..
ButTalo . 1.00 1.25• 12.30
Banteini..10.12 4.t5
Stooford.... toss() „ 5.10 5.50
Uoderkh .. 200 •...... 850 IIA5 &SO
• -
VitaNTOAT: - We be a to call . the attention -of the hood in .Crochet -Work, Miss McDougalds
• puhlic; to the new 'advertisement to day, of Counterpaine in needlework, Margaret Lyon.
- • - Frame Picture in needlewetk, Miss West
-titatt happy to be able -Horace-Horton, .talling the attention -Of those .
ake - • . • -
to inform you that our town has got .well who require borrow money.- This seciety .
- •-•
Tn. in- over the ,,eneral stagnation of the sum- does a large btisiness in almost every county Sale*: by Gs- trues.
2144 '
. —
months,. tied that biteiness in all its in Upper Canada, and although we would not -
.t . • • . •-• •
branches is Woking -up. With aped staff iSecommeed any persoo to borrow money if
Oct: 17.•L-Sii;re and 'tot, Victoria seldtineen.,
m p. m. a. ra.I.p. M. a. m., 9.15
•3 --001aG LOT, '
Mail. Esp. Esp. Mix's Stivd
'Gas 'CY.. tot* 230 . • 1.30
a. m. a.m. a. m. a. m. p.
feraittOrd 7.00 4.20 4.55
Bamford . 2.47 6.01) 1.301 *5:30 11.06 .8.10
Bufrato, 245 tom 4.45, 12.15 ..
- pa ITSIf m. p. a. m. p.
- •
C*18t11.111 tetkit
GODERIGII; G. W., OCti-16, 1866.
All the special correspondents of: he
New York Herald have 'not been hewed
and hacked to pieoes with bowie knives,
ts- was brother Doyle (the captain) the
of wheat buyers,. and. prices _which seine tif they a.m. avoid it. still we are persuaded that
% the. sYstem adopted by this society for repay.. -
our .people -think a' leetle' ahead of those - - ' • " t ' b ' th --
et the County Town, Tr,o feel quite cheer the usual Mode . of paying interist--for _a -•
fol. The large steam Mill recently erected 'leather of Years; and then-. paying' the whole .
by JO. Whitehead!Sit.;Conimeneed using principal:at' onee. The Ottawa --Times has . . .
. . . . . . ,i
wheat up- at a greatrate With-. its four run the &lotting in reference. to: this Seemly
'Dent makes it muchrenter orrowers au .
or stones, but e defective slant machkie which ciovere the whole qeestion r:-; ' : . ' -
. _ , _ . , . _
brought it to a stand Still for a few_days. IrrcitestOF .. m
....ONEY.-The• most setiefacv Nor
This, tmether with the want of it regitlar ',tory. evidence of the inereiteipe monetary i •
. . e) . wealth of tbe country *afforded by - the fact 1
and sufficient supply Of ears has -Caused- a that our local loaniir, institutions are enabled- `.`
tstgnation in the grain trade which is to reduce their rates of interest, and can now - -
, - • . :
mOst Provoking at this season. - Mr; - W. afford to advance nio.ni-iY onasfavorable terms .c..
is those which procure their capital from -
In not to lilame,T,but can I say, as much for England. " 137 far the largest Canadian.Com. -
17•, -Storehouse and lot, Ribiiway Sta-
tion, Canton._ _
18.-a-liousehold • ,Furniture,. &c., resi-
dence late .John s Galt, _ Esq., the
"Ride," Goderich,
25;a-FareaStock, lot 29, Marini Read
30:-- Ala 21, 7th -con., Cue
- LineXederich tip. •
` Farm, Herod %ad.
. 1.- do -de Mrs. .Geo. Btown's
5.- de do leek Srd
etich Tb*nship, - 7
, Loan Company, Gitderich., .
. • c .
14. -Real Estate, on aecciusnt Treat and
friend Brydges ? By the way,I May inform ipany; the Canad.a. Peimanent Buildmg and: • - — •
your readers. that, the numerous friends Savinfis Society Of Toronto, a highly respect. -6 A brand Crash 'lin Stated-.
institutions, has. adopted the pltin now
of Me.- t'li-------------------------------------------------------- es ' -he ew.
p York Tribune- predicts a corn
_ el I ng re-payineist y in financialerash in- United States; The
treated him toe snpper a few memos goo ao•nculturists, of -accebe'•
h h d th t tot C n small fixed- instalthents-sperad over _a "Icing itunorts of t country,. it says "-enornious-
tv m passe o grea ec . o -
°tint day at Ne* Orleansl, :The gent.
' ic d its exports The high ricet
- term ofyears. It is. intact -the relization o ly e eee . P
who -runs the lies from -Washington .his sidering -Confederation st ,foregone ecin- atm- is Leaded Credit". or "Credit Fourier" for labor, for preducta,-- for almost every -
elusion we shall Of course want two system, With. whieh it is \identical in all es thing,;'. - it goes on, a rendering - ours the
get up the Miming -story, which, has not - 3 I • . A. ential partionlart. There eau . be no ques- best -market in the world - to sell m and the.
Yet ig'en Pablisbed.in any Palladian- jour- in iron that the, - great difficulty experienced by woritt to buyin, an increase -and diffusion- of
:--. ' edifiers for' H aron-one- for th.,.e North -
detefalso of • the thegon claine in .order bad no seek easy _deaths._ The . :first allot
estimate the amount that iwill -.be disposable struck One of. hie - ribs and glanced aside.
among the shaieboldeis. When this islivie Thin his „coat was opened. and a knife
:tied the Compantwill be able; to deal .with plsoged-Antoais breast, but the blade missed
their -proposed issue of land ,oretrentt, and to- a Vital Part and be lived still. At last .an-
ceetinee their trade. which . is at present- other shot was fired, which proved - but
yielding them about £100,00.0 a year net. It a'l this time the unfortunate nodal had been
i is undiuttood that the British Nortb Ameeetet gisuggline with his bonds, tor his body was
'delegates in this country, who new latent fatind-in was -sitting posture. against the trunk'
concluding the terms of confederation with -tic a tree, big staring eyea, open e moutbeatel
die colonial offtee, Will thOiu, jointly with the stielled muscles, gave: evidence of desperate
government, Come to termii With the Hudson's anVulsions• Itseeat s that the ammunition
Bay coMpanys in. order td toespletethe con- of the gang was relating short, for Dudley _
federation system befoare they- leave. Four: Ives strineed web&kart" - --•
taed.1-='• , , • These dreadfttl diselosures were forwarded
ierlfilleed,v-oluTnIteteellsCeaaleid wthheiche°nefnestli°411 wives"
We undetstaiid that Het Majesty'a govern= v
Ment have agreed to give the ImPerial Su"' strange apd-ebarag.-teiiiitie: As each- corpse
antee. for £4,000,-000- to be . raised on the was found the bugles -sounded, and the vol
rieevNeneurett. eAtiethereleaCii.iiteodferatthee,dsBemritir31)Cooti,noomil. untemacollected to raise the body and. curry
tto h
is to be applied to; the 'construction of_. the iiaystid.eietyealietil!ieat ilehengbathetkhe. fourmtiiebtbodies
lQiiitieebreetaci7goilrairaiatlinewt-43; -0 °etre jettiln clitioalniraoixf tahtladt their climateptese
Or rviheatiobnOilifarbad been favorable to
line with the Grand Trunk at River though they had lain
for sixteen -dill on the hillside; they were In
- Eidin. and the -other foi the South,- You borroWers whose financial .resnurees are limi- anniptepus tastes end luxurious habits, all
4' 1.1 aiie your- Cameron. whom popular report ted, is tO meet theptineipal meeei when it seem- to foreshadow a grand -c
• - • - raiih; which no
nal ire have seen:- -
• NevrIrosic Oct• 14 - • - - becomes *duel and this diffioulty not we're- skill an Onanciering can lone- postpone, V
The Herald," Washington special says: associate's with North Huron, but we have- vend), leads to the eacrifice et the property, there be not a4sclieel change in our financial
A`number of gentlemen representing claim- dein Skoutlilete, 33 Clid. Joe,' as he is Under the ,system adopted by this aociefy this and commercial . policy:" This _ "grand
ants *indemnity front England waited to- f • es i • . d 1difficulty is obviated by reducing the Princpal crash," it Will be remembered, was predicted
day -upon, the President and urged' upon him inio fractions, payable half -yearly or yearly, several mcintbe age by n� lesoitutheray than-
enii tar y terme w w was pointedly- in -
the necessity or taking immediate actien.
0 -s. formed at the- demonstration mentioned sl,read over - any term. the. hoer° wer .chooses, Secretary McCulloeli. .
le re- that he was to .he the coming _man, I
Tbe delay of the British Government . , - - :
spending to the just demands of our Geier* :
upon, end is is have no Wish. to flitter, bat I dothielt Mr.
meat _was freely commented
reported that the President expressed himself -Whitehead ccinld. look after- our interests
ls faiorablY inelined• to uteir views. It was
. 0- •
as Well as any -Man in the County. -• The.
suggested that a:demand should be at once
made for indemnity Within thirty days, with a
threat that incase it was not -complied. With
Canada should be seized and held as security,
tor the payment ot the claims - •
-.The political friends of the President here
are generally in favor or such action as a
question ofpolicy, They Argue that a fOretese
- war would have a tendency to heal the bit
ternete of feeligebetween the --Radicals and
- Conservatiees. There is no. doubt that the
President considers the claim a just oue, but
• dreads lecturing the expense of a vier from
nancial reasons. He ts aneions to reduce
the taxation and restore the currency at soon
as possible to a specie basis. At the same
time the friends of a. compulsory demand for
. immediate:action. on the part of England in
- response to our demand fer indemnity, open!.
..-4y say that" sueb a demandwill idtortly be
-made, and an army ordered to-tbe Canadian
border in less than eight weeks. -
That President Johnson efer consent-
ed to such a proposal from a let of miser-
able fanatics, is a palpable fie. Lies are
the stock io trade ()flitch journals as the.
New .Yor-k Herald and Buffalo EzRresi.
AB they wish it by \ the. coriioction Of
lime rigmarole sensation ?tory to -sell a
*w hundreds, more or _leis, of their i -e:
apeetive papers, but their tiltiniat,e reivard-
irig be Iheauprenie cont.itipt of ilrriglit:
minded. men m and out of the United
" :States. A sweet Muddle the greatrepub.
lie must have pome to: indeed, when the
only way to get out -of their internecine .
s• trife is to hick up a quarrel with john
Ba without Arnim& or reason; --Heal
yaw-. bitternesaes, indeed, Mr: Bennett 1
In thefirstplace, you have te take (Yana -
da befOre you can hold it as security, and.
in the next place; you. have to meet . on
;ass and land -the first 'nation of the earth
" to say iothing of what .France or the
Confoderate States might be - inclined to
• dot Things will 'burst -up . quite MOD
:enough of their own accord, if pit let
- them alone -rest assured of that -1
Supposed Iforse-Thiet_Arrested.
On Saturday afternoon. last a young
man'immed James Innes arrived. in town
with a mare, which he got Mr... Trueman Exeter_ii. A. S. writes us du -correct an
only objection is Olathe has a son, but _as
Charley well able to take eire---Of - him-
self, think we need not fear P. 0., ap-
pointtnents yet to be -madel - •
Your far-famed' salt -well; which ac-
cording to the _Leader, can twin out or is
turning out 60 bbls. of Salt, per hoot, to
have a rival. . Mr. Baneeforclis erecting
a derrick upon his -property to bore 1 000
-feet, and ifoil is not struck, we expect -to
become much. the salt of the 'earth • is
you are. Being afraid of tre.spassing upon
your valuable apace, I:sign-Myself without
. -
more : ado. _ ,
ta kit his (awn convenience, and at the ' -
MOlerate-rates now charged by the society, - - lig Distress.
the whole debt; both pram:Pal and interest, • ' -
may be discharged by an ,annual Payment The. Feniaps of Ruffalor make the. follow -
very little in excess of that charged by private ing touching appeal to their American sym
capitalists for intereit alone. The. uedoube anahizars forpeeuniary : Friends and
Fellew-ceutitrymen,".' citizens, :they should
ed advantages . of this. system of re -payment
to the great majority of borrowers : must, ,we have said) , " -
think,- be apparent to every one. -behalf Of muteting -humanity. Mid
• with. a-vieW to establishing oh blab, soil the
meat -principle of Freedo-m which illuminate
STAIN -LE, FALL_ ,SHOW. 'this p-totid Repeelic, we, the vemee.Bsethee.
S. fail show- wi;ii -held
.11'le 'Stanley.' B. AT-- tepod of this locality, ash you frattkly to aid
tin redeentini - an . oppressed nation from-
ia Varna, ou-Wednesday-the heft. re
-.re -the yoke- of tyrant, under which it has
diy was all that could be? .espected, .being • growled for centuries. It .were "needless to
SW- 4. very successful soiree was het*
on Wednesday .evening last, the lOtb.
inst., in_. the Lodge Room of the Saga
Mar Templare,'Goderich Township. It
was well attended, and • veral Wert ad
&mei were delivered o the subject of
Temperance. *.
Mir The Godcrieh Conancreird Ace,
deiny is now open for the receptaon of
students. An opportunity is nosi,:afford,
al to all both in town or ,country for ae-
quiritig thorongh commercial -edaaation
in a.sbort_time, and at a very little ex-
pense. For the accomitiodation . of those
whose engsgements preclude them' froin
the day,sessionithere is an evenings clans,
the coarse for which is the satin as dnring:
the day.' The Academy is in Crabb'S
Block. For terms- see-. advertisment itt
another column: - ---
ipar We beg to'eall the attention of
_ .
our readers to the sale of. the household
furniture, fatmiog iinplements, tt4;:i on
Thursday next, ' the :18th inst., at the
Ridge," the: residence of the late- john
Galt, Esq. • A boat Willie in - continual
teadinets during the day to ferry -parties
across the Maitland .to the Sale.-
- - •
00atiECTION.-The -ectfetary of the
to auction off, alleging that it was a great error in ourreport of the late show.- The
trouble to him. The beast was knocked dinner was giVen. in - mr. Drew's', Hotel;
down tie Mrs A. but several sus4 not Mr. Gordon's, as reported.
-.Constable Trainer, after questioning the
pious circumstances having leaked out,
youth and receiving very unsatisfactory
.V.LELANCHOIN •••• Ukiah
• - . •
fair throughout, arid -a -greet concourse Sot dwell upon the long Hitt • of ttrocitiee perpet
people :- of both sexes were Ott the ground rated by -your enemy and Oho; up,on the Lisa
_ .
p .1r4ps as many people as ever „were in the -i'i knees to the -record ;'_nor'shale we atteinot
. . . - .
. ,
village at enatimO before: . But not ea with to remind you that no American: citizen or
ecertaie classes -on -the show- bill. ••The: .show lover ot liberty is true to the. tiblime aenta-
ot- horses were very -small, " although the-re-:the/4 that fired the .heroea ot 1176 who-, lie.:
were some good animals among them; as also . tens. unmoeid IP" the.yank ef tbnye despot's
„ chain, let it resound where it- ay. . We,
p.ttle were scarce,. . except tat :cows and . . „
therefore, tipProack.foi with the:wawa con-
. heifeni, which were well -represented, and e - *team and hope -4- feeling, as We do,. tliat
race. Outraged hetiven and earth -can bear
answers,: __- determined to attest' 14111 4, -Bois, a farmer living in; the iTownship of
'llulpleiont ,and acting upon the .cenree Grey was in the Village of Ainleyville -
Wiliellrucleireseemed to dictate, 4°nce -on Friday nighc. pet. 12, He started:
clapped him \fit°. gaol. . On Monday for. home . about one O'clock- Saturday
twining Xt. -Trainer received a handbill Mornii3g, and on going along' by the edges.
offering a reward flit the reenvert of a ofthe null pond, beiiig ander- theinfla-,
.. mare exactly answering the description of' ence of fiquor at the time, be into the
- .that 1.iold by the piing Man on. Saturday, water-aad Was .droWned. - His body yas
and at one telegraphed to the chief- of found the sante day by some neighbors
'Polieei-London, as AO what had been. donfe- who were in- search of him, . and a .Coron;
AM:Monday` afternoon; Lines waatrought
few •thorough breeds beloneing, Mr: John. out of /bur abundaneeyon epare us such
Rattenbuty and :Mr-. deorge.. Alideriion. aid, in money, ntedicel_ stores, or, muniitione
ar,°i&e.,-..es,Will tend to tbe aecoutplish,
Sheep were but middlingly. repreganted but of w
.. - - P : ntent o the greatandholy -object Whibli We
very good. the flocks ,of Air: 'A. Duncan. Of have. Mail in full new," -s . - -, e - • .
. f - ,
smith were e- '1' - t 8 ' 11 . '
Stanley, arid Mr APpleton.Ellcett of. Tnekeis' . • - • : :: " -- -".--7 ' °... . :
preseeted AS to breed, ,.. those of "MS; Wm,' gteeesese Oct.' 13.—The floods and se -
Tomei and Mr. Robert Reid,.- of -Stanley- , in. rious .damage. resulting to railroads from th
I zee Leo .. wine were we re- • - ti
_ . estruell *6 • . -...le..looda. •
1 - •
particular. - There Were -iron and wood.en reeent storm-wilyeanse suspeasioaf. travel
ploughs, the. inantifatture of,. RencitiMn & .betweeu this city and Washington frii-; two cii
o., of Guderiehl'aodMr. Win• Siuipsini, ot, three days. On the Richmond and Fredere
Varna, et very superior .fieish. :MK Simpson, iCksburg road . three - culverts ware. washed
geld his iron plough On the ground. There away; .andt Ori the Orange and Alexander
was a good many sheep exchanged -hands, read thebridire at Bealton was sweet- off.:
more especially rem lainale and Mi. Charles The James River is -Mach. Switillen° by recent
Gibson, of .Stanley, A cattle buyer, took heavy mita. .. ' ' ' -- • •
away some 50 or 60 head* fittchttle which ... -1 ---------
were brought to the . show- round, for sale: . .. New.e. from *.igiiroPe. • '
-The insid.e department was - well =zeureiehted • -: - ' - ' - ---- ' - - - - • -
New York, Oct". 12. -The ' Hibernia:ig-
lu some classes, and not in :ethers.- ' There .
was a splendid Skew of grain of nil'. kinds. as - mail -cf-inOnts the -4).1°4'1" ' ThP. °Pmiene
also vegetables,altioiestic manufactures .1flid . -National; ef Paris, Prince 7Nalicipleoli organ,
fruit,butin the main the -whole affiir Might has ao article "urging the necessity of a cee .
federation' on - it he' part of England; Austria.
have been" better represented. The people
Priasia, Italy and Spain sons to !form a pew.turne Out well thetnielves, but4aeruned- to
er capable- of drawine- Russia batik 4uto 'Asia,
leave their substauce behind theta, both alive;
and dead. - • - .' .. • and at the sable time convincing the. United
- The judees tor --steer,' iiess Were . John . States of. the propriety of . attending" to the•
Salkiefd, jun., Esq.,. or GederiCh.; Henry, _matter or colonization " at hOme. Austria is
sorely troubled:in her 'foreign-- relatioes-the_
Stonehouse, Esq.,- Goderieh, ' and Willidm
Walker, gni. .- Tuekerstnith ; - and for the Russia-Ainericart Allies; the "Canadian tevola--
eon, tae .Mexican qeestion- and news from/
Lunde were 'Wm. Logan, - Esq.'s Stanley;_
Waco, with the repent! from Germaity, ad
John Eston, ',Esq., de.; and Alek. 'McAllister,.
tending to dime& her rulersandpeiiple, .
-Eiti.; Hay. The fiillowing is_ilieprize.liste•
- liessesa-Brood . mare and. foal; „Jas.
Campbell ; Ind, Wm. Toner. - Twoyear
old filly. Samuel 'Iurder i 2od-- jos. Thom- '
tons -Two year ' old gelding, -Roberti Reid;
— •
- .
The population of New Vileatis daillo •
What it was during the wars .and °infest);
IarAgeSr clohtInhefavremrtf6-fi:d.s iictail„Mellinall.
:meet that his cattle -drink over twenty Ste
.gallonstot -water each per day.
An Ottawa: :telegram forming the' t
new coroners have been -appoints .,-They.. a .
wilt soon he at thick and as vertigo* ail
Justices .of the -Peaces Are more Nitudese
eir--xlit'e7WeTdlilea°rnN:tebWree7::"01.Ce-°.11111'inivineit.641ag' foto144111414 '
to the court circles, that Preikket jelimseet-
4:4 tbe opinion that Conereas lutes& Vine
peach him at the next esestione."- As _ •
solffiagnOliaturlpe7 Ca..0orTmObeOntraoficTc7ip,m8r004,LihaniListh414ifideathe
President's nepotientes we mention thet the
theNewRadical P rliIndependentorga_devo toesf afiaitounr:artichy
thesubject. ,
- CA1CADtkii,01t. W21a23.--annittillentreW
is situated Some sixteen miles - from the Ste
The remaining £1,000,000. to he applied 10 .no way decomposed, nor had - they been
Clair River, in the world;
and, nearly opposite to Newpott, -
tbe purchase ot the rights of tbe Hudson Bay touched by bents; andthe-searching party., one of the richest Oil Districts
Company; leaving to that Company sail the when nothitig more was to be learnt, returned
there are now Stink and in progress-mara'
-rieht of trading over the Terrill:HT and hold-
ing the trading pot necessary. for, carrying to Name. with the -remains. . .
The great object now was to • weenie the
4measures of precaution case the well bat been overflowing for some -
time, and it IS estimated tbat -about two bate-
wella most of them yielding largely; in Dime
on its 'trade. Th0.1 delegates - from Vane& prisoners. Special ill
are 'expected in Englaud. daily. The Govern- were at once adopted. ' Your cells - were pre- rels =per minute is running to wade, and as '
ors :of the Hinison'aBay Company are prepar Dated and lined withirolit from top to bottom.
far they:haie not beennble to stop it, this
ed to recomMend tii the _ Proprietors- the ac- In each a prisoner was placed, and so toe- truly is one of nature', -wonders, though not
t000;000 ' as the purchase
more -wonderful than the polver of tbe "Cum-
ceptance of il:e•Xl was thought , of the guilt. of any, other in -
against -the United States Government -amen with the fear prisoners as a kind of guard.
which they hold. The chum of tbe s told off and -plated- _singly' in the iron cells
• out of the Oregon ktuestion is:- likely shortly In „addition to these _ precautions the prison
to be settled; and the amount to be received was -watched by a- strong patrol- night - and
will- be somewhere about .£250_,000,;•-sRaie -dey, but an incident is Curiously suggestive
way NW -a. - I -
money of tbe terri oriel or sovereign rights mate. that four of she .0141=7 convicts were
- _dian Path Destroyer" is corms sudden ecoldie
rheumatism pleurisy, spinal affections,
sprams, bruises, Se. Sold by all maids*
-dealers at 25 cts per bottle. • •
ot our -ow,a-national ways. Of course ilie
TV ILK:airs prisoners were *maid, and snits of the
prison dress were given them. Against this
however, as an unlawful kgnommy,_ they vim- •
At Goderiele on the 12th inst., Tim W.
Duncan, in the 28th year of her -age.
lently rebelled. These wretches, who lived
• . . by murder, and had -taken life on the slight: •
revocation, protested fiercely against the
. . -
I- The experience of the last half citatory biti
[Free'. he LeedOlt•TIM. OS, 844. 254 - est P
1 indignity mffictea- by the costume of dm jad. ' '
- . . - .
They alleged thit. they were not convicta, but
wade useufficientlY familiar with the nature
of Eastern warfare 10 prepare for a contest only prisoneriteommi ur _, an 1
they had• been found guilty :hid a right
therefore wear 2, .1ternest lteskess -2°- the 18"1/116
to min undersigned - having disposed of his
oatfrai le ogetahilaswo, loiangithaet islelaseetdas; tthhee he supposed innocent, and
tkeir own clothes. This argument was ad- & witeans martin of Ibis/emu, less 40 as..,:7
Torii has it always in his *cower to ;repair any
mitted, and the rights of Eitelishmen were
losies by filsksuPplies of troops, while, on speak from Ids friends and at:Aomori ie-coa- • -
if meowed to prevail. By this time probably
the Other hand,. his insurgent subjects; Linda:Ice of that patronage he lat so loaf `
worsted in the field, have the meat Wild and the-. process .6s- hi"' -eenekaec•iF but the etijoyed, and would farther vequest that ,a4
ether atrocities in the. confessicin were JO,
'rugged -Of =Santee) chains to fall back mpour, those indebted to Sim wRI mill _me eerly op
tfuf,that the. Mery and -its iecidems may possible and pay -their indebtedness' at lin •
where the eanipain will soon assumithe fele irigh • *
be -expected to live in, colonh.il memories for office at the ohtuarneaspepat. • ... - -
tures of the most lrathleso guerilla warfare, man ears to ccime - ' ' . '. - - -
.and degenerate into endless no less than aim .
-less brigandage. , -"Whatever good or evil -a
struggle of that _Character way work to the - - s_ -' - "
. , . will : General mutter on the Impend-
, . . . ,
cause of Geek or Tuele its certain effiet
be to spread* havoc and desolation throuoir I mit IlliPeaellinelit.
out the island; We hrve even- now news- " - "
Troops For Ilerinuda....i.
Foundering- Tot the
" (tTleen: tokia:7)-_ .
2nd, _Wm. Miner. One. year old gelding, . Montreat-Oet. 6..
Sim: Turner ; lid,- Thos. :Bawd. • Year:leg . The order for the . 01st. it'egihlent- to pro -
Filly, William Harbeson, Span working eeed from Quehee to Bermuda- is die, it is
horses, -Malcotin McNaughton; Jas. !laid, to .news_serit bythe. cable to Er:gland,'
Turner., - '• respeoting the.- Present aspect _ of. &oleo -
THOROUGH BRED _CATTLE. •!--Ailela • COW iSrez ' 7: - • - •
'calved ia -1466 John Rittenburi" Yearling A telegram -received: at Quebec ..:Yetterday,
heifer; -John ..Itattenbury s • .second; George from Captain 'Pointer, ofthe Queeli V ictoria,-
"Andertion, . • t- • one of the:Proviocial steamers,',C0ining,from
. GRADE CATTLE."Bliiels cow, Calved in Havana Quebec, it as fltisws . "
1866, 'Mho Campbell ; 2nd, Sam.. Turner. • Baltiozore,'Oet. - arrived here at
Two year old heifer, Jae Campbell 2nd p. m. \The . stearnsaip-, Q &eel' Victoria
David Youle. :One year old • heifer, ellugh feand'ered at sea on the' 8ih inst , in .Iting.
McGregor; -2nd, Sam. Tanker: Yuke work-. 76° and 33 min. W Oat. 33a.:and 3 iitins-N:
ing oxen, Jas RAI ; 2iidi David Yeule. Robt. Daly. first Mate, Was waSned:overboard
Yoke three-year old steers, Deneith MeEwan, 'daring the month -All the passengers and
Yoke one year= old - steers, Geo, Forrest ; ere*" were rescued by the It -tient -me .Pozafret.
2nds sHugh 'MOGregOr.1 e Fatted '="cow Wm. Bailey died. afterwardt. :The. 'steamer
heifers plebes- Rattenbery ; -T40mas cost £22,000 sterilise, *and. was insured as
Simpson, s -• -• -.".• - ' follows :-Quebec Marine Insurance Com-
SHEEP.Itati twit shears and over, Sam. pan $8 000.- Ocean Mutual,. of New 's Bed -
Turner; 2ate k Duncan. . Shearliaas Rem. $5,000. ;. Western Insurance Compan
• • • •
Appleton Elleott ; 2nd, John Troyer, Ram $10,000; PacificInsuratice -Company, 0.
Leib, Appleton Bloom -- Pa* ewes lambed 000:- ' - - •
- , .
in 186.6,.A. Duncan 2nd, A.Duncan. Pair :- " „
shearling ewes, Appleton Eaeott.; .2nd,_ -Thelltudsoa Bay Territory. '
er's •inquest held upon it by.D. r.
up.before Mayor Detior and remanded omes
_ . when the juty found e verdict In accord- 2nd, A Duncan. ' Pair fat . sheep,' David- - The Lindon Litt-Hy:News of the 13th ult.
Duncan; Pair ewe-lainbs Appleton Ellcotts • •
• • ,
lintil u -de° rTueedaY1--- Re will, in dance with the abate facts. ' YPithiGn% -Boars_ small break Robert Reid.
It appeartwe may -
at length calculate on
probability be sent to London.
The 'President's Policy. SOW. large bree I, littered ie 1866, Tbotniii theappioaehing. settleinent AA the Hudson's
CHANBRItle JOURNAL; for -Sept. has • _ Wells.- Sow, email breed,liOered in 118661 _Bay question, hitherto delayed -through varis
- Inert ifandettne Ateorhonse And -.. the Pant Washington spacial saysii.:=The .Rchta Reid, Boar nodet one-yeat"old, Geo. _ one diffistildes. The conclitiOnit of a 'fettle:
olivitahminber it is, replete with_ good Chronicle expresses the belietthat the Prete Bunce. =Sow ander one year old, William- meet new 'appear to be reduced talittle.more
dentisabout to change his policy's and it- j Weiner. _ than a ruatterrof.arbitration. The company
--sound_ English. litetatdro. of' the °holiest amderstoo&that two-niembers of the Cabinet .4PiAliNNTe•-Lumber waggon Aronezle- -are tinderetoOd tei . afik -42100,99000 ter the
tleseription. have advised him to declare in favour se the George McLeod. -Iron Plough, iunciman & ii.wereiLitty and the bulk of the freehold,
, Coestitutional anaindatents . ,-- - s Co ; 2ed;',Wile .SiinpaOht, Wotiodeti-.ploeglis while -tat Imperiet -Government .beve long
LONDON. - ..Tr i ' . • _.2 -i ' . . 7- ._ .- :: Itunciman a Co.- Sett horse iihOest- Joseph.._ uudertskento guarantee £1,1100,060 ; but it
asv. •e nave reeeiveu tele Stephens has Called a meeting (gibe Caldivell.- Drill Stuffier" Chas Shaw, r re- now appears that heith parties -lave. agreed to
front 4esffs. W. a LheNett At Co.,. To, Fenian:. at`EnWes,- WoOd. on Sunday; the 28th 'eon annandsd.- .- ---: : , ' - - , - =1...:::.• -.....-.- the - principle of arbitration, and - that the
.. . .. . , . _.- • ._ • • .._
*oat the current No. of ihie eezinendi hot.. . He tajw :--fs r shall freely. tell . my S___:Detere,-5 llmi fresh butter, Donald Me. \names Of-twoentinent arbitrators have already
. - -•, countrymen who are and who are MA- the Fartane. Choate 10 Ms,. or over, -Thomas been Suggested.- The. -sbareholdele may,.
PePultr'itielitigy. I._tr i_a in great, , request -friends of Ireland. I shall .also -bring pnhae Well- sOnd, Thom. us Walls:- ._ ,i'' -: -..- * .._ . therefore, =leek to_a bargain heing- struck 'at
-1-tYlersena_offastei everywhere.:May-lie -opinion, to suck-perties-sas -stilire. se_Gisni_sateLthrans.,-*.xivolietheirtz.fall: some interiening priiie., The letem proatisal-
'.bad Of Mk. NOOrhouse melee the. Church- •tlup any -properof the brotherhood or wheat,William 'Eliot 1 -,-.2ed, . Moe. - Wells. appears to be that the .Company should sill,
---` L .- .4_ .., 1_ . - - sisterhood. Iti-order tbat I may fulfit the Two bushels spring wheat, George Bunco, with the iMigereignty,s tbreantirthe of the
,Allsa- .--t.1.-ag• nem- 02,43 "me smuse• : -- duty 'effectually the -office -is of .both Order" are 2nd, aohn--CaMeron... ]Two". -bushels -bailey,' freeholdirese- ' twins to- --theinsOives- ""tone'sqiiaiii
. . , . - hereby repeated to furnish we at their earti, Michael McGuire; 2 -id, William ..Iferbeson. mile Put of fear, and retaining also rights. in
2.11r-Vbe annual sleeting in aid-. ofthe, -eat eoeemence with theae, pieties isamea and Two. buthel mete Salim! -"Turner s. 2,4., Iva,. the hunting grounds. , rot this fourth Of the.
Tiaioth3: geed, . ;as. freehold the-OPPoolt -tuff exercise :the: right
)3ritialt d 111- s Bid Soot t - , ill b the. nature or -the 'property withheld- -bY them: tlerbeson.' One
_. . _ -
114k1 in the. Wesleyan 'Chetah of _this. Hard Thies lic.fliirralii; ' Friar - AND VEGETABLES. -Bag potatoe,s change; and is the Imperial .end British.
. 40wn, NorthStreet, , ,telnon,ow: (via- ses. Th. e sago coutia: says. elersr a . . 1 fer, table este Wpi; Armstrong. . Half bushel 410.1erieei geveingisent ii.reaeseito "OrY out ic
' 'street.;
Iv:maw st ma p tu. „ int t, ,, _ . _ . Witear y omens Matthew,- 'Westlikas - Half:•boshet syttem;of .,C010,11i11. ,gitiOICIU earnest, it is likely
Thomson ; 2nd, Hugh blefiregor. of issuing land *armies on the stock ex -
eves tug two -thousand boatmen la that city. out of glees noilessiltan fiie vatieties, .1dishael• that thil will proie -source cot increasing
empleyeteet`In conseqeence the learcitY G -
'• _ c lure. t.
tiattraneantay be expected. _ , 2 d can - Beets, 12 - oots vette taitiii"cohipatiy It id further camel*.
ofgrain and freight at that pert; _ The larger ..Tans: Hat bushel garrote for :table- tied that,. tiiii..tramiter Will not interfere:With.
ITT 1 to atlas Lt part tit, these- .inen,_ hays the COuniii.'84:are CinhloWei, 'rhos ;the trakilif interest. of -the --..cOol,Peay,... the eoi.
1St' `wil'a%"" • " lounging about the,etreetst or frequintingthe ..heaegle strestwotssjesseaseetiells-s, enmahltslaadisbeing reties dietinet:ettoatSthe
Goderich, Igth rkt..1866b_ _
. —
mu!, andersigned having purchased' Abe! ...
•16 large stock off Saddlery aid entire
Another radical, arid this tinie a general of 1-1 PP •1ST _33 13 15
from Censtaiitiniiple to the effect that no less
the United States army,- has spoken on •the
than 4;000 of the Turkish peasaetry have ,
subject of the threatened- impeachineat ei C
quitted their homes in the intenot and fled for •
eftige to the city of Caudate • On the other • President Johnson. Ilegives the programate -
hand we readily beheie the subsequent an- la "raster detail than it him been given before.
Th-e-speeeh Ivies delivered at Cinentnati. He
I _
i movement that nanny Greelis are 'flattening sa.,. :__, . , :- • . . s. . -
trent the ieland._ All the Wealth, the thrift, ' i;
the labor of the country will be scared away. , We have bee* asked the questien, How
min the President be impeached ? He is
fromi thesceeteefoutsage and bloodshed that _
commandet in -chief ot the art! tind nag, . •
says nothing; whatevir about. Who shall hold ,
of .MrS He-raceillorton;`Wbo bait been so Ions
may take place, and the pass -us of the taw and this' constitution or tbe lifted States' at; riv-Efss
age combater ts will have free scope all over
thesolitude they have made. We have said, .
the office. while he -is- being impeached.
and favorably 'known in that capacity, beg -tot
'if the war be hieelized," Or restricted -with-
'therefore it you begin Alp impeachment he state that we are prepared so emtie, dm'
in the boundaries of_tlrete,for we hear noth- _
will order_the army. and navy to diverse cote.- busiiiess on the same favorable terms to par.
ing front Greek accounts for the pro:
'rest of the revolutionary usovemeuts- on the tr., 116 Will se* the ?eine g?ee.!°-
no Where is the remedy? Here it is s el'agers- as thti -have hither" 'f".1"-114' ' .• -
urkishmarland, atid,stre _have, therefore,.
116 reason to disbelieve the asserdui from
Comitentinople, that Epirus mita TaeSsaly are
tree- frcim present dieturaancests If this be the
case, and no worse Symptom develope thenie
seltes, the. Man" ot ithe,BOisphifores is
not likely to -survive- -b_ii nevi:attack, as he
has outlived many _others. Nothing ought to
be easier than for his old surgeons to step in
at this early steps of disorder,- and recom
mend. amenation of -dis*rdilisand teem:need
arepuition of that rotten Cretan
rope -an interferauce *mild be advisable in the
'present inkanee not in support of the cause
of either Greek or Turk, but simply in the
Interests of huinatati; and if -pace cannot be
restored, elater by the speedy success Of the
Turkish arins or by -mud dissensions between
the ineurgentithemselves, an end should he
put to the conflict by repairing it. tee& the
blunder comMitted in 1830, end allowing the
Cretan •to follow the bent or their own hide
melons, and to associate theiralestmies With
those of their brethren the subjects of King
George. - •-• •
. -
Crlati 11TeW Zealand.
. ,
_ • _
Ott Tuenclay, the 12t1 Of list Jima:four
,men,. named **Udell --/cemptherne, Dudley,
and Pontius, Started 'for Nelsen 'from - Deep
Creek, carrying Alth :them -a considerable
amount of golds Their road lay through a
-wild,country, not-iiiipailable,. or exeept front'
humane enemies -t dangerous; but. - hese;
with natural difficultiet. At el* point this
thick was carried by a tatting. up Ahe side of
it steep mountain thickly woode " The
trees, however, had been felled so.ai to open
bridle : KO" 'through. tha...forest, but its,
width Ails ottly fee4 and ..on either: -side
the ground wits encumbered with tbe failen
iiraberbrthe -natural hash. In fact, the', Way
could be so , betted by robbers that flight
wsiiild impos.s-ible, end; if travelleta were
not, strong enough ro-resist, their. fate would
be -sealed. thia track_ the four tia-
vetlent had -tit- premed; and when they did not
make their iippeaiatice at the settlenteat .the
alaria Was takenSaid expeditientoigenized
itt Cotouisl fashion for the discovery oplie
truth.- In a few honisforty volunteers: were
prepared Start' in Searcb , of the +liaising
travellers. They semi came upon *eget of a
-fearful deed. TIM, Ittirse belonging to the-
-travellers WAS found through tbe head
end -tumbled into =a _gniley, their 'bags- and
picks felted nor could their she much
doubt about thetate of the victims. °. In. the
meantime; however, the whole' of the dark
itoryibad.heen.inimve4id, _ •
Suspicion had .fallen i upon _four. -. ..strangers
who had been Jia gait sheet, aind they were-
put-tirjailat Nel n. name proved
to be Levy . Sullivan,irl Bergese: and Kedi.
and at the•firiik* jeW,and it.ivaithoUgit
have priest of b • own laith might induce
bineta-confeste,he Was reetevedwavettarate
alleCe of confieem'ent. - eThiasproceeding
pears to have-re4hedgitilliiiiii; and to have
teerspedsh.iinfor his own safety,.. and ice he
vialueteered 'a `fail 'diseliteure of the deide-- of
oolong., The tvelationiAppeared ;to be
Wore shocking th : •w4i expected. • -
four_Onseriers, Were the..maidarera,--O
the our traWi11ers1 the -crane wasnotsty
eieeptional event; it-rifie-ionimitted,in the.
deliberate. tzei-cke or agsteMetic.proteision.
The -prisoners -fcitined• lel gang not only o
robbers; but :of Ateaaahle. , Their_ Prect,4_
was *put their4ietinta to death:- Bed's.
well armed and Jeers:to-be well poev,
ed, they ..wore usually mote than .4.mateh for
any perty_of -traveller-its,* they were )repai.i.-.
edatao for the abase of -being oninemberedS ,
They had -prividedrihetesilies with
nine, and had,preposeditojoin any party too
strong for ilient 'of silo** and
then ; desire! Ail*. bY•Puttioribie:tiatison in •
their food. .lnthe cisc
&matte cloth Mos Dicta Id • wh II r babl tit thhsd
'rond;.!'1111:-;:anitc -th' '
ok!ga seconat Will p o, y remain e company, - Ifpay,alale. yea AI- • • WO • W WW-a%W. W OW WAWA,.
TheAonseol Representatives under the con- shop
. _ ebutuketettscii eri _este asteoetyn : nu ulies, t sasir
assosi; .
stoution ia, the itrand inquest ot the .natioit-- meld of -,
grand JuriFot she nation, It peepitieethe tell zsimataina alas telafe
.r - .
ot- impeachment egaiiiii the President if it .- - .,-. . re etyma .sey4,, = -
sees cause. and it preavots.the bill of bulimia- s-
• -• biddies Trutlait V '
meet to the senate_ of the- United' Starks. . - ---s - s -
. which thesbecentes a high court of impeach- &es Ace which they are prepared to offer tb°
ments aid the chief leaded of the United- the public at greatly reduced prices, for cash.. %
States Alain that 'amass be presiding officer.. Yarmera will do well tn cell - and insfeet .- It 18 is thus no loriger, tor that purpose, the their stock and prices before purebasmg elite':
Senate of the United State!, but it 'is -the where, as such a chance is seldom offered.
Court of imnettehmerit of the United -States. 1 ' ' -II. ot Ws MARTIN.
What'Mall they del When _ theimpeach-1 7 Gederichs Oct. 16th 1866. 'ern .
meet is ready tbe Senate- sends out .its ms- ' -
STRAY- SHEEP, came- fete alto
senor or to, bring_ tn the
criminal, be he high or low. ,Tbey set him. -se .
'''''''' ' 3ordi3Yenitilleon-81fottewlhaeneaunlid,earhsiougneelt the' tit Mel r;
at the bar and- read tbe bill to bite. It he
plead_ guilty then. they proceed - to -sentence
bite. whielesentence„ IS a deposition and de-
privation ofoffice. Wheat be _is -brought be-
fore the bar the emote of the Ikited States
!any Order -Nal to be impel_ ned, •or to ,find.
bait, or any other proper ripe that a court
may adopt. Ma edit:liner ease, and *leaf the
constitution provided this mode of trial, - did
itt fremers mean that a man who is before
the -Court of itnleabliment al te criminal shall
be at the same time Chief -executive °Moir of
the government? By no ineans: * From that
„ . , .
Moment he ceases tobeable to exercise tbe
ditties ot that office until he is acquitted.
Andthencontent-he case of. the inability -Of
.the Presidentof the Ueited States 'to exer-
. . , , -
vise theoffice of Presidents so the Vice-Presi-
-August, -one we and lambs The -owner*
requestol to provwpropertyipaychaqtainafi
take them . aweys,
Wawanosh -Oct. 12th, 1866.- -W38
'NOTICE-el.:hereby- itufild'iliny,perstili*r ;:,
ilm persons gielneiny wire,•. 'Miry - Thom*
eon, .creditinrny name; 8,e leitall not lie -res,
sponghle tor the same, she having- left att.
bed and board Without atty.just eanseme pries'
Vocations „ s
'Morrie, 13,t1k4-..Yet, 'W6,,,, • ' -,*3,d Atv. :
iti:OTEi'iiiT7------i-Lo's-t between hir,„:Aotliony:- -
.1.1 . -:Alleale_andThe Eilesa note of band if*,
faeer of nos -Mien a Bearer; made -
' (lett _meet lake the office, and there .beitigne Robert -Sanderson, ot the, Toivaship of '
Vice-PreSident, ...it .niu- st !devolve on lhePresi borne, for fitteitedellitiOearing,date Matel,se,,
. dent of the Senate for the time :being. If in • 4th, 1866, payable four tionthefitith is*. 1
_..--ItT•oftilese kepi; se taken- • according to the: This bete' forbid .111 -*time' purclitaitikatf,
Constitution, the'Presideat'does not obey 8* a . -negidirstinr••seidnete, ii I bare not vebOitS1 _
eeartio•the - laid, 'errii Cad von the -whole - ' - - - ,, bearer,ofiald rite;
*good citizen the bishesteof the court of payment thereon. .. - . -.
inipeachment, then.Itlait-cOurt, like any other _ s - "- . _ ; 11.1. KERB,
body of ate_ people -to aid itnt• enforcing° ila .: Eifel Oct. 15th; 1866. . - • - -**38 se
rigtoroi Authority, . And now I series -notice . --- -
on Andy &ilium* that when a rightful court: .11T.ANTED-A Nan to ialcor Charts *fib* 2
of the.Senatte of - the United States- tag tor. --ww -;. -Ridge Property. Apply to ,..
aid in theirliehaft, and the people-- of the. - . ' : - . ,D.44-ADE:GOODING.- _
United States. . "the -boys iiibtue" will-. Ooderic14-15,thOot.-„486k . ,-,-' - '.--"; -7 etil4 -
. . ,
answer. :We ore 'told that.if cengress . shall .:
- proceedtO ezeiCide. Omit. rightful authoxity,a NuTifCt.4-1i Mieting °f*lie*"14451(1-1--.-
tteti there ivi'll-Ifie. .-tried, the -sttength-of the ° 1.13,- ..• • - - - - '- '' - • = • '
government, - that the. President will -call • - - • - a n .
epotillie."araty and itaeys ,lind, the army sad- =Will bedieldistbe ToWiii Mall; On ; Tharadiii ,
navy will ()hey him: :. Let there be _to fear. evening, ifithinet.:, A fa .iiitteedenee Is re -
about that, hetatise-theiatiny and bail ,of the. iteested.. =-_,.7 ,s. - ' . I .' .-. .•:e . .., ,.„.
United States are nOkthetse few nien that are: - ., .'" , ..• . ,SS ,-•%. Ii.Val)BssTIAINs ''-'
in the regular eeteiCeS_ .- „nave no cietire. to • -_, . ''. ' : . Xclataciti. ..
disparage titbit- the patroi.tistit or the inter:. "Gode4k Oer. 15, •1866. -..--, smiled- .
thy Of tha army --cif the-I:rafted 'States, but :it . - . • --',. - , -
the army. its 'Mete pelf any portion of it, or -
ifauty officiii Of it, 'shill -- so "--- far -forget the = . , _
duties be OWentn-his fiat and to his 'profess-- In the limb* '•=if -Robed. Riddell,.
mon .tts. f-a-itobtoir,n11 In gnawer. any but - Abe ,. - --Townithip- of Brant,. in -Alia Toasty'
legal count_m4batimail. body of • . S Bruce, eainSOlvent... 7 . ,. '. - ! --
Men . shall ... .bii,Lsirept, from tbe face - of the. ra-int-crecktors.ofthe.riiisaveagaroviiiigitifav".4.
earth, .as a cabinet:it syieptAivify before she : 1 -he. bits Maclean Assigiiment of hisestiteast
cri;_seiegri..:.-?of.:-.1:,t;_pli:_,,e,, i.m.io,..71,..a.:_g ...s, u,.. th.i,.-: .(P22ra..17>.ged, ..:. -,0:as:iifre anga m 1 sedni ev:ir.tethill k,0!underileiutitgoutf eylath:moi_ags:ithei:odiffithethavicruntefiey:fAti:rpotteit,iyhiwswwwdt;shisarylitiwid.„-lib.m.ii4:„.witscior-itii._,_..0,41.43.:, .
. in -D -thrice liStsolialtikal**Petertglo*licerejt readr:1;Ailafreetinechi: the *Slob sleeked under emit, andeitie reatetnes
-societyin New -York Is fund tonumher 50,000 ierhisoppoted lirtioo"finitiorturi-oohlsi,ininisile. .001.14, pingoissi__ 0
Menthe. tit. Alf aresseid sto be --well armed - -
"4 -leak- -1971fee'rthl'AtrF_SIOP-InVijr3.Pnthf fifteen- th(111541ck"be, ----413.13:.4301_.. LOC" If,
eraTC-enteder!my. - -=:„ . -- - • ..-__... -. ' --4 iir382w 011icial insigeettoe Heron lc leucite
- I If it-
• na.
- - ;-)Yvair&-- •-
SITUATE' tsfiltlOreilliApc •
unifAhei enquired tareditem each at00 advancefi in • P " JO .1,,
• las
Mr. Was. CemPbell. bus just reaeivef 1048111W" during the day and sleeping bettame DIANUFACTURES...... 10 yard*" hunting grounde,,the peratieal uteeepoly over
egookot ploot,.ricies;oomisting. -of setae._ hams and outhouses at they
beglicleir; la sews
large stook of with er how they monsigesteg the I'
which they are frequentlz intostca'15:uiar
Grape. Clirranta, Goose- mote- ryissn- to the poluiei, .Arithey haunt'
Aiels 4reelir
.partfee in want, -or -lir. of the 1` lowsaloodan:tonatant_iy;-if rtatoni
ibovi 'Would ctie di • ITto he lePPgae4. theY:)tet• -their whisk
. to give bun a there. , - • -
• •._.
at idixtwiaintoot Efit Street!. .
I '
.11040.1fpneir * 4 ,MrW .11-0 • • W.1111 'W • 'w
thilo* 7.40.4111ster.. 1..V.Yardc.aatiiette, , Jas. through its_inpepor and settlementi:. &Oh Sidi; _ Whetesthe 71.0iooket. oloyortignateS;fet I, to tif7ears, - . ••• - • g111.:
Thatatten 2nd, loan • Troyer4. te7-.f jar*. While thislase; itated thet the bld'eraiii Vaimeilp *Alia ° Tgeahove a_Sin icing Fend; -whisk nails Cot ifrePrinaltiel, as tred
-fiaeneli seen: lieLietalIs 2adie,Dend -Youtes. against the United: qiiitite eider- thif,-.Orenon...inghwaymen in front,- and then, turning 34.-63- Itlani tti'itit-the-hiimren ef4he term *reed !IPonttehe.debt -tres,;Pirligln-
r..734,41.11,;:airirA fqeoettlisceerheaan • 7 TIRTIONR,%ri_.•* •
Pair blankets, & Duiicau, 2n -d.. Mc- terrlietY4i.lie* nii verge -41*iiioneot round, --fonndiescapir-cut. of by, -the kobnfadall
Dangald. :-Pute-,-Seckai Nell* :Pair and thatthe ceoipisimise will PrObabrysiele •.two,S-Whithatritetantr -UP -airtnt'euit-itany tinge the boititiffeidesires, on equita-ble-terone fs.f.nrk,
'atOOkinita; Zhitanieb;11. raw mittens, Alex._aolneithoro about_4300,0P0._.T.Indee thelaat, follow)* -.:horf hatchery, -,KempthOrae_4was-',E4 sifeefurthrw.iasemetieneaepte•(prepaid)-to:' ' ""'" "
L -Quilt pateh liwo.T.-116.-., 'report thynet,sasete of the .,eempant Were'. shot throntil.„the'be4 Zronties was HORACE L110:4:11_,Q14-1;_sitcfir
notiarat nr ALIANT.4.-Ort the 26th ult., a. ;Lea's:1,411mo of woolen yarn; .rboo. :was: -4927,000. thuvwe • .have to,. the in thesame Mien. rehnt•-hilt bed, Wed beg* • • •-• - • IteitrallOrUltelt0906- V_
a.11 • • •
t dry goods store isatlbany was robbed of be- Skein of StockiYarn, Jas Campbell. Pair 40101114 tO tte derived, from the Oils of the •ly bruiss_d_by,hea stones, !which the HMO' J. [(HEBERT IdASON
Iblovr kali &heady wade its appear- tweett400and 500 -dollars woitteetaithsOoda coarse bootiev. -Foley. Assortment, of. territery-whateverit be fixed - at; between-, detellebed threWe' Ileen higa.. comp
• -
. rressarare •Totonto,
Etna a Quebec. t by male a:idle-male (shoplifters). _cooper ywork,'-Wm. ArmatrOng: Shawil and A1,000I,000 and £2.000,000 -and. the pro- their work Or 10 COnCell the corpse. Mathieu Goderichr 16th Oct.) 1$66:-
Wav a • ,
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eaciseives. so been*
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