HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1866-10-02, Page 47.• • • - LOT'S OP OWDE AND CKSH ! A T ID 3. AL s G - .A.ND AMMUNITION Goderichi.Jene 8, IS66. awn No* Marige Works - Pollock's Block, wx t3DILl'IsUG&Ille. • -- A-a = -,- • , - ----- 110NUMENTS,---11EADSTCNES• Table 111 top, Posts, ate.„.1'ombe, of eveiy &scrip -- !ion. and kyle of 'workmanship, furumbed on short nOticeand•at the lowest prices. - Libe- ral reduct7on made for cash.' Alt ei de- s pJactuaIly attended to. Desiens of Mona . meats, &e..- may be seen at the shop. - G aderich, Dec. 19. IWO w47 111 FOR.SALE, -111HESouth half olLot_II, con. 2nd Town- -a- ship of Godeiich; containing 40 acres, for particulars apply to • ' COLIN' CLABIC, H won Road. Godericb, July 3-d, 1866. Valuable Piece oiLand FQI ON favorable terms of. payment.- ' The foi- lowing property, viz r: North half of lot iiumber 30, on the 12th Cop. of Goderick township,•centaining by adme.asnrerneur 40 - - acres, more or less, • upon which there are fifteen urea cleared. This land is in a favorable 'situation,. being within fitie miles or the town of Clinton. Also, - a valuable ut - ' property in the village of Kolb_ n. one halt --; acre of Iand, a good firm hons- shop aud ‘, u. , / stable on the premises. This woad be a good Situation for a tailor or saddle and harness maker as there is none in the vicinity: Leather or Stele woods at wholesale pricey will be - taken for either of the above' places. - - .- • JAMES STANLEY ' e.:124 " " ' Constance D. DAYS' . WRO.XETER I smutted on the Gravel !on d running irom A-Seatbrth to :•,outhanipton, one mile north o where it leads otrto Wrozeter, and Anyone tray eiing- 10: - Belmore; Walkertan, Saathampton, or any`placern that ci irectic ,\' 1tind iiecom datioilmich as he flow expeetsto find atErst elas eitv hotelsAn all respects, . , ICE ALWAYS ON HAND - . • FO2HIS Trout-rishi4g- Fiends.; , THE RU11,1,1146.4 Co•riat A LENGTH OF r IHUNDRED AND- -FIFTY -FEET' • .. CHARLES DAYS; • w46-1. ' - • Proprietor. STEAMER' NNE) PAItSONS Master, STEAMER '4 BONNIE "...WILL, " f eh& r otice di -con t i iue *th putt 1 A .1 e . „ trtp to Sarnia -on Fjidays an, also anlil further notice, wili-inake)one trip a -week to Saginaw-, leaving- Goderich eveiy Thurbclay evening at 5 o'clock! For pre:ticulais and freight„ app-Itto - GEO. RUME tLL .1:.! CO. The Dock,. doderich, Silly& 1866w23ft a . - ZIYEIGATIOINT • ivriss HAMILTON begs to intimate that she will opea,a BOARDING and DAY SCHOOL for the \Education of Young La-- dinon thet....'grat of OotOLIE.r. Instruction will be given in Freach,-German and -Music, as well as the more elementary branches of Education. Miss A. will give spkciril atten, tion to the comfort of those intrusted toher care; • • • . Terms moderate and paid in advance. Be foreremoval a quarters" notice Willhe re- quired. For Testimonials and Prospectuses apply to : • . -MISS HAMILTON, , • Cambria Road.' Goderich, August 28th, 1866, -vr31 §t" °TICE ALL those -Inclelitedte_ Writ. E. 'GRACE,- bY note cir beoleacceurit, willpiease ' - CALL AND SETTLE _ -.. The same withouldelaft • Office - on -Lighthouse St.. Itiextto Mr. Andrew Iknuigke. ItOr Sale 200BARn.s SALT TER 1313R14.. • A WANT= - et $2.50 :1421, 100 POUNDS" WME GRACE. Goderich,,Oeeembet 2.2nd 186,.-, w32-tt IIURRAII FOR THE FITONT iry 37iCIP.113ESPais. !I ITIHE Subscriber having opened out in the ''' premises lately occupied lay R. & G. F. _ STEWART, Corner of Hamilton Street, I •' - Market Square, with a full assortment of 11A.6111.;Y : GROCERIES, • • FRESH OYSTERS! WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, BY THE KEG, CAN OVCOUNT • LOBSTERS, SARDINES AND CLAMS. FRESH LEMONS, ORANGES, DATES. Codoatitits, Figs, Crapes. do., &C., at EL.MIT•TC4-1-1.A.M'S West side of i1krket Square, Goderleh, Nov.30.186.5. sw99 LIQUO OF ALL KINDS, \REIDY EDE CLOTHING - BOOTS SD- SHOES, &e.i &c., • • re:speetfully solicit a share of Piiblie == Patronage. - TERMS CASH, or Produce taken' in ex. change. - - Call and -compare Prices before purchasing elsewhere., - • 'Tolin Douglas.. Goilelieh, 20t1i August, 1866. W30: ramm.. GODERICK RANNING VIZ AND- -- 3Purnti rpm SUBSORIBERBEGS TO INFORM .1.1.7 t he inhabitaats of the enmities "tfHuron antliktmethathoissittIMitinifacter• vand ham •032,a,e4- a uniaber *this . . SUPERIOR FANNING MILLS 86 PUMPS lZRwnuId partipularly draw attention to his lidisoat he fnit warranttikenttofree 'Wheat from • - M. !::: ' Z " TT4. EA d ' t.er •. - - i roglf C4 #011 15 !*24 ... a . - - Ts o . 1.- w o • , Cb c 4..- .. CP • SlIORNEST, CHEAPEST:. :it MOST: DIRECT ROUTE-. THE NEW. A-111) ELEGANT DE -WHEEL LOW 2.11.1.elMIE 6".C.E441.00AT SILVER SPRAY. - PNAIN. D. RO,WAN I. ILL P17, in kOnnectio.n with the G. T. between . • _ - tiODERICH AND SOUTHAIVIPTON, TOUCHING AT INTEIIMED1A1E kOlITS - EACH. WAY... • BA VI IV . , Southampton, clarry at 5 a.m.. 1.Po:A Elgin 54 Itaveihu'on -. Kincardine 9. A rsiving in thiclerie.h in time for reIs1ot4kethe2 tbe 2. P.1 Tran, reaching To - 91117;13 -1.111e evening at 9 P.11:1 :f,and Bu6P11° BETURNIRG -Leaving Godei ich after the arriir.1 of the 3 :P. M li lin from ,the East,": touching .0_ Kincardine, nverburon, and Pett Mein Ler- riving at Southampton_ same eveoing, AGENTS FOR THE TRANSACTION OF FEEIGB.T. - BUSINESS - • AT TILE PORTS 'MENTIONED. TICKETS .b'OliSALE ON :I HE BOAT FOR all Point§ in the Province and the United States. - w20 , . JOHN V DETLOR& SON flODERICH -GENERAL ISURANCE -. A�ENCY FIRE,- LIFE & • MARINE. British Aineriean Insurance Co. Head Office, - .1. Tortorro._ • Capita114008000." Marine Department GEORGE RUMB4L, & Co., Agents. Western Insurance Company Ihnited, NON -TARIFF OFFICE. ENGLAND, , FoR FIRE, -LIFE' AND MARINE. oArrem., x1,000;000 STERLING. Chief Offices -4 Waterloo' Place, London 77King St.. :Manchester. Chairman -J. Tomlinson Bibbed, Esq, M. P. for Oldham, Reform Club;"Lonnon and the Gren„,ce, Urinsion, near Manchester. General Manager --Arthur Seratehley, Esti.; M: A.., formerly Fellow and Sadlerian Lecturer, Queen's College, Cimbridge. Head Office for 13. N. A,, Ontario • - church -Street, Toronto._ •_ -• SCOTT & DEGRASSI. 1:k - - - • 1 • anawers. B.N.A. 7 CAPT. R. THOMA.S, Marine lespector. ' GEO.. RUMBALL, & Co., Agenfl. Watgorand iteigh KOklota,: QUEEN. Fi RE' & tiFE INSURANCE :CO. Capital Two Millions kl-ttiling, Chief Office: 'Queen .:Insurance Buildings - • Liverpool . . • - ciNADA BRANCH OFFME, ONION BOILDINGS, ,310XTREAL..- _ nomto ••-• WILLIAM '')I0L5P.N., Esq, Chairman, Thainas, Bay. gstf., Hen. John Young, Hen- ry Thom* Esq., David Torrance, Esq. . Boalceis-eMolsbn's Bk Leval Adoi ers--Messii. Torrance /0 Morris. Medical Adviser7-Wen. Sattierland::= Esq.; M. D Suiplior4ames II,,Soringle; Esq.. (Or -Thomas--B; sl Oh ass:in, Fsci.:` -Resident Secretary Rid Genera Aeint.741. Macken ziaForbeS, E8q: - • -Union Buildings, 26 St, Francois- Xavier Street. • • . - • .- ..GEO RUMBALL-& CO ' Agents The above ConiPanies-take risks on the most favourable terms: '•• - - - • • GEO.- RIJMBALL & Co. •Goderich, 31.4 April, 1866,r., -".w10 41p- SKID. MS. -M • 1111'11 I'•'-, "MO! 41111 *ivIrub 8 t dottiF m & Manufacturers of Grist and Flouring Circular, Mulay and -Sash Saw -Mills, 5 CI IMPORTIT NOTICE TN C0NSEUENE.qf-theatftOfNrLM "WasTitanAt.n. the busine$S heretofore carried .on- under ths.-aame and style of Itobt., It-mean:an & Co • ipso--Li*L3--Eis must be closed on or bethre the -11-ST D.A1-0FARRI4183 5 . partiesindebted t ol he aboi=e Rem a re h are - by netilietilhat all notesand book act ountsover - •• due on: the 1-st clay of FtEry next, will be handed,. to the* Solicitor for .collection The stodk On hand will be said , TAO W F1011 . • ' OR SHORT CRFDIT1 It conaisis.er alargeasiorimen [of Plc ukhis,-01101- vatora .1-larroirs.Straw Cutlets. - "1",HRESHJISLQ MkCHINES Pot -ash a ad sagor-4eHlea, -waggon and pipe • , ..:_- :\, ..„ - boAtes, _ ,. (-POokii1g;\ Pa40,,*-8s3302i Stoves, I 1 , All paitiesrequiring theabove- articles Ivotild I do well to call and inspect tile stock at one as 1 they well get barEfains. , , ._ _ _ -..-- R. RUNCLIIAlf. . 1-111F-CA.ST-IJEINGt- I. s -J1.1)004 eecend-baeil - ,9 ant SEPTRAW1121VC4I'Xii17-7M lot;f !aehineryijor Gristand_Saw-Milis. - • . . ' ' EPERATORS Mowing aiid. fteaping, Machines, -Wood Saws, _ s, "1-TIAT'.111i7..A..°37C)XLM,S.4,-21.1%Tar. 3Pt.iC,FICIG4713ES, bras Westin gs Made, and .3.1a.chemiths' work done in a neat and Sulistantialniannerl. ' Castings of ally description made to 'order. Also, all kinds of mitehiriery • renaired on -shortnotice. Alargesteck 01 • cooKitia PARLOUR. AND: BOX STOVES' . . - • _ _ •Al wars on hand,- Stglir ICet ties, Wagon and Pipef3oces. 'As our pattern e of the .aboire are of the mostapproVed kind,' we Would _solicit ae -inspection of our stock before purchasing 'elaewhere, as we are offering the above attheloweat.remunerative prices' for caa.h., or Or ap proved Ot edit Oldntetal,Bi ass.Copperiand all kinds of .Oroduee taken` i6exChauge_. • Goderieh..Qctober..1Rgy - • a • - • -*39 ...ari= v, 4epoir % THE Undersigned would" respectfully in. • L --forin the fanners bt Huron and Brice and the public Onerall -.that. he has com- menced the above busines At his .01d standSt. avid street , . . f and hafilig now on band an. e cellent assort - went of the best material he is prepared to execute. all orders in his line: in a way which cannot fail to give satisfaction.• . Having _ had - great experience in this business, and all work in his shop being done under his persoral superintendepcei. - he can . . . , warrant everyartiele made by him to be of the -Vest quality, while his ternts will be found Vely reasonable. Farmers give.him a can I andsee fOr yonrsel yes. , - N. 11. --Horse shoeing and jobbing of.. all kindsistrictly attended to, ,, - ,_. LEWIS , ELLIOTT. Godetielii Dec., 27th. 1665. " -,- w494/ eats poekle,vhess, are. Piimpstnadeto order an diVerranfed. - Foetoryo* Nelson at., boltsrmg,q, ,f),ethrutstree amcpdiarTfo" 7164; - 7 - . Arsof,itiontifor the sale of M'organts pteinlit-nt and patent cuL.Tor:AT-cit;- whichhaa never yet ailed to give generatsittisfacticin:to fanners who, balm usedthen: HESRY-DODD, - frodetits:1190122ei.ip64 - 39 - A . IliIPROYED RDAS hr SALE, tOT14, con 4, Ilowiek 100acres, 50 acres cleared, also Lot 33, con 14, 'We,- • L E. Groary art(' f Femme Store, HAVING tented and fitted up the store Ls. I lately Occupied by A. F. Bush, for the above business, I am new prepared to furnis families with , - Groceries and Provisions which I shall sell at the Lownt Cash prices - FlOUr and Feed'. kepi constantly on hand: A share of your patronage - will be thank fullyreceieed and faithfully attended to. Wines and. Liquors, Crockery and GlaisiareYancy Goods - . , I 8ze - Oatmeal Pornmeal . _ Buckwheat - Flour,.• co.ri 0 A-. 1 AND COAL OIL LA111Pb-. FERGUSON. P. S. --Goods ,wiJt bedelivered in an art of the town. Goderich. Feb. 2nd. 1866. - ,sw45 : E 0IVI ItERClilL ASSURANCE' COWANY. 19 AND -2 -CORIBILLI _LONDON, ENGLAND CAPITAL, (Full •SUbscribed) . - -- X2,500,000 Sterling. INVESTED OVER,.$ 000;000 -DEFosrp FUND IN CANADA., $561000. • - tirerereaceLlo the above, IL. Riniciman will be prepared to carry:en the businessof TkE HI.THON FOUNDRY and contract tor the eta:Apo ot all !nods of Ma - cjiinery, as usail.itnd will sant. AG Mt, ULTIMA:Ea 1 I PLEMENTNI - Oyes and eastin gs,titrt.nsonable rates,torCASII Si snort crecitt _ • - oetioderich,Dec.21/4.1S6.4. sv32w48 , . -IRE -0E1*ARTM.ENT , . a • • • The distingulshable 'principle et the Cerni•Ony basbeen tbe *establighnient of an equitable classi8- Oalioo, ('bPrfiiegl.) a 11. nfein in ro prof.ortiotiate to the ni;k, • • burcrs.:which bas, 'Mended the Cessipaiies opei alums has-been sncb as fnliy to (claim the mests-Joniide expertatsons ot' the Directors, %%id *bale resolved -toexteudthp hit:liners more v. idclv, nad te the paninliatiilunlic. -,• . - PERFIXT. SECURITY ,ggaranteed by large Subscribed CapltaIL and Invested- . 41'111'011830.!., Seitleinentof The Director's!. and Generil Agents; being gendeinen- largely en.' ..trat.'ed in Commerce, -Will take a liberal and businet.s-like view::-.0.0ali questions cousin. 0 before them; ••LIFE D EP ARTM Isl - • - - The .COmpany9Weialernis to those desiring Life Asiiirance nil:surpassed-4 any .t.ifa Mee. Moderate Pre& um e.-Perlect. 'P( urn Ktonotay of management. tenlimg to Increase the Bonus ot ths.se on parlit•iPetin* 4iele, among Whom EU her cent el .profitatire dw,siole.t , C'aims pa.d -011e Hi oathLafter p1 f 1.1 death. - ' , And other advaatagei,-which nriy he'seen iii the Company's Prospectus. . WILLIAM'S Victoria Organs and Melodeons Or ALL THE DIFFERENT STYLES. - • --•\ -Mo9rland Watso-n. & Co9 \ _ • ' GelleT at Agentsfor Canada. - FRED. Cerx, Sicretary... . OFFICE, ---985 AND 3E7. ST. PAUL STREET,,11014T11EAL. . ---- SurePyoi.. . - . irpec.A. of Agencies, 11.'fv1UNRO, MossvinAL. - ' • - ' ' - T.C. Li YlN G STO.N, P. L.:S. 1.1. GARDINER 'A CO., Agents for Goderich and.Lucknow ; Win. Raglan, Ricardine ; alma- - • sw-74 - Jamieson,. Walkerton :and - .8augeen. • . - NADIA READ THE FOLLOWING 'VALUABLE FACTS. 'S ROYAL' PAIN, .11EMEDY, London and. Paris Treatment! DR. • 'JOHNSON'S Place - -and .Disnensam Little St. lames Street,.,_ Fertile etre Ch,ronie -Complaints, Serofula, - Nervous Debility, Diseases of the -13E04 -Alernmat. Tireakluus ; and all • Female Comlaints. rD4. J OTENSON,-1, ATE OF LONDCW, ED1NT borith and Faris,- devotes bis -attention,x : elusively, to. the: Ticatineat of the complaints . referred toin thisnot ice. . Many -years esperenee Vurope. and the Draisb Colonies, enables bim to performsortie vervrernarkble cures, and -his facilities for obtaining the best: and latest reme- dies are such, beirts-in ecirresponeenceivith the most celebrated physicians ot the old worldthat becon oflerinducOnents to the untortunaleof speedy -alai :perfect cure: 1130" f.`TRFNOTH TO .THE. _WEAK, -Dr John SOH'b liemedleiz will res ore in a'eryi.bortlime, all who are inflicted WitkNervons Debility, Los ofMemorY. Vigor, Sze. 7 - YOTING- MENi TAKE .14 eTica,--There is an eillia.hif often- contracted by.r.boys at school, - *bleb giow up WW1. them 10 inan hood /be effects .of this evil' • practice is most deploral•le, often produe &c. All who are afflicted ShOuld pplytoDr J.ohnson iniinediately and he will effeet a. spned.y_and -perfect cure. - D:r DINEASES OF -11LE BLOOp," are. -It 18 .melancholy tact tnat thousands tall victims -to disease 6 on egto the unskilful and Improver use of inercurv. Dr.:161insdn's Compound Syrup will thoroughly-clad:cafe all dis as sarisingfroin a-di.sensed orimpure 44160116e hlood. Remedies torws rand in eafetYte any address Office hours-. trom.8till-12apdfroM 2 till 8. All ecrninunica.. tf ens should be adaessed,"Dr..Chas.F Johnson, 64. Little 'St. JartiesStreeialentreal.C. • CABINET M *fit minzitTAKERso Hamilton St, Godenc14 - PEEP constantly on band form& at rti. It des in,their line. such as : Bedeteedo, Chairs, - Tablets el- All kinds of wood -turning &mien& at Noel posts, star•hannisiets, neekyokee, kc. .Always on hand, a complete - ASSORTMENT- OF _COPTINs: and a -HEARSE to hire on reasonableteritur, 'Godench,"May 3rd, 1866 j6w6telpi ISA ASIR E. iiLmmott TO fik MTSCREV OUD WATCHMAKER& awnint: WEST ST., GODERICH, Next door West of Mr. Stotts' Saddlety. mans OP.• WATufIES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY REPAIREli ON SHORT r In the bestStyle 1 Warranted. Amso,AocioaAisacnivisimmt Gatti •Ik Pi-aseA iewelry.Watches, - Clooka, Constantlyonhanaittalwarranteoto,besarepteseinteff not motievrefundect. - • _ Undeneh in v TIth .1854 - NO ... TICE-. . . - . . . , .714'o '11:aurrt'gri;t41-Ilielri ecreoloprrierextitmgstryniethol. • 1 it STORY' tia DAVIS, bus been disolved by mutual cousent. • • - WILLIAM STORY, (VEORGE NORMAN DAVIS! Joderich,Z/Th July, 1865. . 27w-sw95 Irilk: REALlEGE+A.BL fitE'DY.t"On PAIN. Betb an .internal find external apphea-, tion, )1s:efficacy IS rifallible.- A voliime 'might :ue. .writteato explain its peambar cheiniral and "medicinal properties,,but it needs no putfli.g 42 - a single trialwill not iail to prove its_ Valuable rata- -.aye piwiis.. Tryit anti -,eonvi oced,;,-; tr.3=.'Any person •pisrelnisiaa a Bottle and Ata satisfied with it alter a oii.returaing ji reative th-eir moneV batik. 41i •Priee 16c. Full Directions for using aettempany eaelt bottle.. ,:old by ail Drug and country -shores thinness:nil Canada. - A_3311.111.1N.70TIALIP:$ _ ..Alt Ptomissory .Noteeand Areouitta belonging to the late firm, have been placed in the &sheen- ber's lani.iaTor collection ; ilnieDIATE payment - must be made. . • ' * • 3C.B.,-G-011D0 • - - Berrister, ace. Goilerich, 27t1i July.1896,- 27wsw95 . r • FOR SALE OR TO RENT._ frtIE well known Judge Farm,lot No. ;3, 1. 8th con., E D., Colborne. Thisfarni within 61 miles ofGoderieh, there is 'Navel - cleared and a f -rime house and barn One Ileitis clear of Stumps, and the -other half from 9 to 4 years chOped, and has never been ploughedr there iire also a young. orchard. of 158 tress of the best assortment of finite - a good well and pump. As to terms, .&e.. - apply fo' . - • PATRICK CARROL. Colborae. Nov. 30. 1.86r... w45 -11a • In referende totheabove it maytiestated-that • • r,s stilt on the track, and will remain in -the -build - to the friends, and custoniem who, have for 24 years extended- their custom to bis shop, and :hopes still to Anent as continuance. Wm.'STORY. , log at present,. oreupied nail -his near skip is, , • • • . RE most efleetuel Worm Destroyer known pleasant to life tage- *and as they containnomineral ewnplvted. h 3r0)y-returns sincere tnanks _ • . _ -marbe adiniiiistered to the most nelicate cesistifinion.. - - • Dr A:)ernethy iiatve ithstand!ng- .isabruptand eet•enti re Manners. wits enbsitlensd one. oftbe moA skilful physivians that ever Oprned tne'-nob,e profession of inedifirie. His•exileilehee, ,derived from tbe • motit.exten&lve fa ag...we Ifl London, England .toyether- "withips v6ry superior natural tolcuts; played -him. at the heed ol.the Faeliffir. - It has aiu:Sys been difficult to fo•m a conibination With which to ekpel moms trcyni the butnan syctrin. A bernethy evereatne this diflicuhywhen-he-discovered the (break -11a trom whit:1(0e Vei uge Candy is prepared; Whether worms exist or not, the 1 andy , at all tinres he Ibui.d lrt ueficiaiwhen-a ptiftvgatie medietne is recibired. . •• - Bice 25x.: each oi lioxt s tor One Dollar. - by F. Jordon?Parker* Cattlr.and;mr. Gibbous, Goderich, James IL Colube, Clinton, B. 1,ainsdeu,. and E. HicLson OL: Co.i•Sesito tb-, and at all Drug. . and Cauntiy t.:tores An Canada , - &-1V1ILBITRN' • • . -•• _ . ••. , . ..• - •• : _ • . 4 Proprietors, Acton, C.22, June 25th;1866. _ ,• \.* • . . swOrw •• - -`<lk40:-WA,16$ A 1110)iiii . _ • .srEptAL. sror]riQ4-7... STAVIIITENES 1111R8EilER p FOLLOW,ifEG TALHABLE•THRPERTY - • - -• .7 - -- • _. - . : TNASMITCH as certain. persons are - selling -111-111e TOWII andITOwnship of -Gederichr trees in the' Counties .ol. Huron arid Bruce • - -- .ri ' ,--- ' - . ...- 1 1 . . is offerer! for sale; . n :the most reasonable i .an -der the talse' preteoee .i that they: are - ntr ,term, viz i , , , .„ •tained from the St. Catheries blurSeilea, this - . .1. i Loi 902, "N rtli str , -adjoining the .15 te certify that Messrs: 4.0.meist. ,Stewart and. .wezipsan kie0.0.dito „church; in oselizh. :. -2., _Lois 12 and:13 on the,corner of West and Wellington StreetsOn 13 there• is a gond frame hopsa end baliciy; -. 0.3..tei f The!, iots..forin an: excellent 80 lei 10 .., 3. Lot 113 ti3 Lighthouse street, upon which there is a large frame ':house, So ay rauged as tplaCCOiDmodai4 three families. , 4. Lot 191 ou the 'Corner; of --Essex and Elgin street!, upon which there:it a Biell frain8 base, atidr gore' orchard. -.,Ti .:•:i''' l'; : - -5:" - Parli-lai- 14; con. " q C ": in the 'It'an- Skip of Gudelich,.containing 10 aires of ex- cellent land. -Upon this lot there is air‘es. Cellent 11'w3 Story -Brick House. Fremaaarn and ...outhuildirigp: • -Also; a •. good.. bearing orchaid of choice "fruit. _ - , ' r.), This isone of the best situatiOnefor a , _ .. prirate-residericein the, town. , .. . - lOstrated Cataloguegt-Free. ADDRRSS-ft. S. William's, Toronto or. W. T , Cox, Es4., Goderieh; who will sup- ply catal ()Lulea. w,59. PROPER 1Y -1R wanosh, 200 acres of. the ilatter 100 or 200. acresto snit purebaSers: Terme liberal, and --a reasonable credit gi'Vemona payment d•••• Tittes indisputable. APpl# to •". • • .B;FBALICis,-• • Din,r3011.9-e" " May Kat! 1866. - MONEY TO 11110 :tnElpeevr cent on impraved Varna, find -_rio charges made- against the borrower. , .Apply to• • - • D. SHADEppODING, vr - Barrister. - Apri1;26-1.866.. 'THE RESIDENCE OF THE,LATE JOHN GALT, Eso, HIS propeity is beepilfelly situated, oppo- , site the TOWit of podonehi the. -North`Balik of the ' '- or at ilie-qtgnal office, .Well-waterad. and has alerid -0.ravel'read Robert- aorditn..are - the only persons now authorized to sell nurseries- itt those'CountieA. - - • ` • W. BEADLE; •25.MaY, 1866: -1'-'19Pr• wieltS°74%-r. • rr1113 Undersigned, Agents, for the above i and asthey1 a h efil,likaelitr. l orderee- tiona iterSonally,' patiO irthey rely upon itthat no pates will be Spar d give` satis- tadtion. • "• STEWAR /4\GORDON.. Jane lst. For r HE: preridiel no* 66004. WY tii ei-a under- • sned in the Villaive Maitlardville one qaatterriiii 4-041e.frOtii:ihe ; Salt Well.. thie acre and a -quarterof. land on the. ade hill, bea.itiful !y situgted;retiminehdtig a -view" of the- River f- MAitl and, Onti :the ...hAtibori, and a ,comlortable,cottage.• There are twaxells 'h9usq.fraw.ebarli"-And. of •gbod-*atert: Also a iieldeiloi=i6trehe'it6e' • fruit 4rease.... Far particulars apply on The pilifsea"-to • This farm ie,situated"5 nillekfrthi-•Gonerielr,, ; ; •and; 7 foratIlintOn.: -Ifiettond•rollint, AN EXCELLENT FARM-"1I-Yeeres. Lois 97 _and -111, -adjoieing let?, One froeting on the- Heron ,Ittiad;and the ',ether_ o the Seventh_ cent ession, in the: Township ,of 0.:tnet.4 cleared and _tinder eulti,r hiCh there' is a brick dwelling"' UL V.J.1ib 1 tains , 31-, 7.-16 - sieves oCLand :Mere "Or'' !esti; and..:On. the Banks of Lake Fiuron. con..i • If GEORGE,MoMAIION to - .-1111AITIAN . ttpawricb, liply;_to wilh,Dvoillincr House, ,OuthooteS, Atables; ;••.2. 9")A: &c., willi large Gar en, - inerY and Oreldrii," 'T43011- saleLon reasOnable-termr„ lots iii;n4•. - o'- f : Gnderich, liteduly,"--1866- - - w2 The Wood Cand contta intriciraily of Galt -1- 8: I). It- iThwnsliiP ell4reeigOs-icountY 43 - - °'''"' •'7* • "'" o'-'' '''' "-"'• .-74 a e eeily. war the twii lots „._The land 46 first.iste The Giveials are iti very good order . There _ . n ...,. r _7_,.., , con. 5,townshipogrertnh -- rendende 'Cannot be surpasted in the ?reit.. Eleellent weli-watEred la tid-tiintier, hardwtnri 40 and the.SOWeiinfiLladei;, CherrY; Map,le, &ea. Bruce. The rhe 181e77eei)taiiiht '24.1"eL'-el-e-h, are. three never failitrf sprineatifPriii water lo b 17 m" and41111184- ttnilferecl$110 - on the •-Propet The intuation, for a private 80 acres emit, over-100.,rdearecl on :thp' - two. 310110 t,o Lena, ON veryr.easoneht9.-4;111: *poi," to ; • ciibbstile*.Ettadre. .oderichtAth Ilia. 1865: w50-10 - • - pee. 4- E1 terms itpPlYlo,, Tapp. GALT, Esq., . -• D. Torenfo, -13a•4ifiter',.. • r := '. SHADE GOODING,'" ;," _ ' Goderich.. GoleitreVatliZsly,,I866. frgirillPderich.0 (qidIdbyn andidieds'aliecomfOrtabre log house, and fine orebank. ,,y911. be ,soldIsekaititte,or•tfig.etheAjo attit'onechuels.Y Apulrio ' .TIM!, OfiN4 f lotrtherp inete a or ..-44.-10/11k1401SInakeeper • „ . .8w9Ot4.,setic.725 1865- ,1,4c47 Coderich, August 1. 1864. - wn27 - G. /L. DAVIS MA IV- I( C-TURER, AND )3EALEIL fN Stoves, Ploughs and castings; of every de= seription. Tin, Oppei and Sheet troli Ware,at the .Nia.rketStove Dvoti Market Square, (+We, rich. • • COAL . . ic,coaf Oil Lanips, tee., &c. Old Iron,Vop- per, Brass, Raga'Ntrookeickings and Sheepskins taken in erokiingt., 27t1 . , -8 8 -„ • , DIVISION COURTS. THE- FOLLOWING -ARE THE 'TIMES FOR HOLDING THE .DIVISION:.* " . COURTS" IN. El CRON -A/ib, BRUCE FOR THERE. • MAINDER OF 1"II,E_ tSE1TE11.13ER.: - bitinsioO.,Cenrt TneSday 18.. .C1mtori. ;god • . do, , Vednessday 19...Seaterib. - .:11.th- de . Thursday - 20; -.A inleyville Bth ., Friday, . , 7th do. Alcindif Mayfield. 1St ••do - _Tuesday ilk; 6th • • do • -LiaturcaV 29. ;Dwigannon. t -;:1).CIOBER. • ;_ 3rtlivurion Court Tinniday- f2th do, -:Friday 12..Riversdale. sat •••': do; , r: baturilA# lai. Walkerton. 4th • do • : Tuesditv- 16.. Paisley; 9th- - de Wednesday 17.-sootafinmplon. • _ : 11107!..11/113Elt:, • - 2nd Ammo C,ourt itionoay • - 19:Seatortb: tuA • Wednesday 21: Wroxeter. 10th • do •• : ,Thursday-: 22:Clinton, 1st . do ; Friday- • 23.:Godeisch.* • = a Alp Saturday -21.Dlinga anon, '7 t -oda . • Monday •_. 26.Bayfielct. .116t1k. : do. ..„, .-Tuesday .27.Ezeter, T e coulie.opea at 10444°.- • ISAC F. itoks; . pew* JiiokisH & B. ;r4 • .•,• Entered.; DOT LIZARS,-- - Clerk of the Piave: .,...Gbderieli"14th7JtilY 1866 n 7' • -• A a • t FOR SALE „ . TEAM.ENGINE twelve bone powevand t` both it and the boiler are nearly nevi:Wing - been in use only six:month& For hither paraulars-apply to • • DAVID LAWSON: . Arm. 20th. 1866. air102tfo• alie Notice. wourutm PoLLoci, Esq., late-Neg. y Sheriff has been appointed offitial Assign- ee, under the Insolzent Act of 1864 for ilia United Counties cf Huron and 13rnce. Se' Office in.Camerzn's Bloc/ Sibs- . ston street. • _ - February 201h, 1866. , -* 0 S - ACRES .-ofLotNo.32, East Like -v -Road, Hifi,. _ - FIRST -- RATE -.LAND.,. Twins easy,apails - DONALD SUTHERLAND, •on the premisPis, or • (--.411f. 0. CAMERON, Godericia, Godetich. Auri130th-•1864. w14 -ti. -ti.• Farm to Let' FARM to Let in the Tovrnship •of Odom, for a term of five years,' being composed of Lots No8 and .9, Concesstrin 4. with about 95 acres of clearing, well fenced; and a large creek running through -lot There good LOG BARN and LOG TIOVSE'npon the placethere has been 20 acres cleared . this presentSummer,and the ItnEnt.Willtitie • the right 10 it front, and after 'S'epteintist 1867, the fermis near the thriving Village of •TEESWATER) *here there is ft gond ems AIR and a Market for. all kinds of Produce.. Apply to MRS.:- JOHN CAMPBEIrT.4 2 • on the-preMilies: ' ALEX : DIE; SON, JOHN MARTIN. - Angst 2411; 1866. rw323W FOR SALE, S.tanlev egtifier acre ; Eist25 ltem o'lL7-u-th eLast"l'eriv,Sii8neanrie9r2-Orta'10P7,:31: ei°ZaW111P.4),°:1 Ashfieca, $4 per ite153 and 20 Town :°Lottillk -Godenclispnee $30,90 tieh aria lloftido, plyto" . - rgos.'w_• EAT.govp„:. t OR- SALE. on. . „ n • .1 a r oTp .140._48.5,06,.5894-,e570 rimaipg -remit 6 Jj /mate on, St. Georgeta Crescent in, ibi Toittn- oi Codeneli.• The aboiretiotirlite beko'ffp - fully Situated,- commanding ,botli a Boer." tut& Laity yiew.compriting admit one aerstorbridi aed-formi•X-ft, Teri cln sitable Sitnatkin, for _argeoft .10T°43rivate •Tericie;se,e•--if 'FAY 0,1cP and, Jemi.‘ jlydirect the priipnetor.. 4 JOHN A CALLANIIKIti .101Quality St.-11*rd'; - • • Scotland. Or to liOIL4CRIRM.TONsEs9117g)(1..•0_01.4ll' ' - Prudent:hi:1,3th - Air$ , MON HEMill 0 -4 ; 2 a Annu GS »TD LQ&1 O�Txit Tke plocirti prejaved!ossaks NJ 0.4ficf 1147.34‘401e' ON" IMPROVE 4 WIECL*e.233.-- 2:°2•CONgeortYlA . ON MOST ADTANTEUrarrrrEIMP,r) T'HE.-Subisariberiti- -tithing frthn the Prit nek- be* tkotio':$its'.fincOre th.aiika for Abe; liberal patronage:why:It-he hasenjoyed, and it the same ilawinfortw hirfrieeds.ard'„ the iiii-4future he will be -ttdfilifatfil.',!Trinte of Alia '4? -6114'.'11- .a.`40.9..P;_4401.*110. efor 0*.bai w44'fing- on bis prto apa!re-those_attonati who inf.7.11iyo.r binvorith ;45.4.-;•ANTILION.V1344ar.::/ Oiltletieli. 5tb,1866. jiirttf •''!"7.A14.9er'. goms. to : Invest 111',Town_ .,P,Opertf Barrister,ftgi tittlestiWO - Goderich, Sept. 13,1864. strattf - - • ;13'uTcheix joeweeet; Iola` icallieedi Lite!: =.13Lehiookti..tirptaileatokol•matomdaf nature:, -2The intention .-oftble.-'001T'4'..aerig AO the rediet.t4tlie fejt tustoubt,ei? thjel:ditalt:Tovtlehaur -10 40ext: 'advances -may repsid*Mostbly.Ar-reariye; interestur,)rypiettlant ativotivo; ,3„•;,a 71-17 ; *' ..113 • FOR FULL 1PriAtti!i:4 e r! glateCaellikihEh' 1:0-.142** ones la -nowt 1111/141:33A $ $ ;ration -on Will-visitpattea or day - 1 YgICIA,)-1 • ciSeet terice4 • CentratZehoo1. jaVn nos if For • eia •1611.51euti operlifionf stPien itowist'irear.-a , XVI Aid Crown Atteratey; -COUrtgOpSe 2 arrcita.„ B - A Clalateerri- Are.9.4o00,, b e'tfthstile -C404?".04131,YMS41.1, AAR Sta. !TTDRSTIE. vich2b. tiodertch.finis A4tAIRNEY •701t Ideiteht,a•Vt: stoot,„c rabh's, IteneY to -rtkinttsv 11.WI:.1.1opios:n-citealal"gunpvestrtyat'll:te' 141 A, aTonto, ,C11.3*:e114 irbt.41:- .11oual--Sgstilea' - Moneyti •I' '1 Ir. e A TIVII,NEY eery._ - chn?on,.v. 1371 -14.41!-./4",,TC-• "VV -- A ATORRE "C,. olSruce. -WITtg; Cig'14LiaZ411 off E-� band Age ; A c, bifice at ketSanare. 7 Cirl • 4- Itittet s tod,04,3z1*T°- 0 3 Pi -nba cliotqa, comnass • atidavite.Coev F°)Iwm1 Merchant' A.r,00tuttso Ada Booms! JaVi!"71 ittAs 18 44pmesiter - largest CiuMtlyttad'. jithittelieilo 100 Hecseki .. 'be Shorter CAN