HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1866-10-02, Page 3Viimemp 01 warm* AC1, 'Veva. lift* oricW ma gni noe nefet- *Ted with ittfr about rted and °yr seven bereiett (1120100u, Klett 'Durham Mucked tat pike, ,farmeet ra for . ore En.. Ott mett tutted at .conit teeptiori*. e. 44 'fade ; Brown. mit bait werw. five or. tr. The- e others short.4 ern aidei- ,ekaes' tter 1•113 ney sad (neviosa ik next . 'Jae! in whicir Brink> eheqtea EtOtIocti eir him - rind ex- cb runt • _ Punter., S. erneifl polite f of the " hut - 14 -Pr* t- fear* - fall he crops 74 es foi- t : lentity rtation t- inning --- nality„ west, Lo t totter • The tfie r than s to be -Han- 10.07‘ ▪ thee- oard,.• it re - Wow.. mse of . ward-- w3S rDS. ox esidua .1aje.s.. vorth tette- oft at/ r, and nein- es' of eom., co )unteJ_ nems - "ours setae-- , ar of' Doe, alto; - the en. the eat sae 3 startling Reports from Candsa.- TBE cifetsros arrotr'nestsrstia_exTED THE PROTECTIoX OF THE Am zate.ek • Russia write Greece kindly, and grimly smiles symCathy, if not substantial assistance, • to the - Candiart revolutionist& But new- a new sensation looms pp. a .Comniodore • - Goldshorough'S American squadron -I -a -in the Mediterranean, and Waves an ensign which Austria had hoped would alone bother Maxi anima, Now it aQati • proudly near- Candia and Corfu. What is more, the Christians have answered the_ offers of. the Mustaphe Pasha„ that he exempt them froth their eon tributions this year, with the demand that, as. Christians, they claim the protee.tioar of -the Christiaa flag of the United States of Ameri- ca. rhe last neWs was that the deniazid had been complied with, and that Commodore Goldsborough has granted the- protection of, the flag whose folds, they Sought. _ Mey not this be one of the results of the reported Russo -American alliance ? The L.nited States need satation for the fleet in tne _Mediterran ean. None better than Candia, nor nearer to your good Russian Friends_ lvho need not fear the irruption of. English or Frenchavies,-in suth case; in her desiins upon the sick inan at ConstantinorleIt ia a pice question now how the English -holders of Turkish boeds„ whose interest the poor Can - diens have been forced to pay, will feel about - this time. Anetria. weakened ;4 PrUaia, oii good- terms with Russia; the Ameneans in- Camitar• the Feniams Canada and Ireland -how-Tthat suits the -Russian Czar! And Napoleon? Oh„ this wretched.. Mexican ex- pedition ; so many soldiers and.-7.seren. hun- dred RUB eighty mations ot francs Iot.- TELEGRAPH -We learn that,at the instance of the Provincisd government, the Montreal - Telegraph Company is putting up sonie ad-• ditons to its lines which intiv.be made useful rn case Of emergenty; An extension from Waterloo to Knowlton will touch the frontier by two branches at Masonville in Patton, and Aberdeen. in Sutton, while another branch will pass through Sweetsburg and Dunham Flat to the frontier at Frelighshurgh in. St. Armand East. Sr. Armand West already have- aline along the -railway thither, while at Rouse's Point bri the West and Coaticoke on the East other radii stretch out to - collect news- of env hordei_trOuldefoz headquarters itontreil flezette. . • - • ... • Among the pretti things in jewellery in Paris are small huinming-birds mounted tor ornaments Small -gold beaks are added --to- the birds, likewise pearl or subs- eyes, ' and the bird is set in dead gold, chased more -or less richly. Entire sets of these humming- bird ornaments---eearrinzs,bdooch and comb are sea& On the comb arefiesmall heads, .encli with a gold beek.- Ear -rings are also made in enamel, to represent a dragois-fly,the 'wings being diapered -blue and gold; a. pea- cock,. represented in eutunel. also makes a mast dazzling an-di/for both a comb and a lerocieb.• But the Most originet ear -rings which hare come under notice are banners ot sky hlue and white enamel studded with very small brilliants, and fringed with THE MARKETS- - (101)sitien„ Oct. 2, 1866. .Spring Yilicat. .`. . .. , , 1:50 ;.. 11:25 all- do ............., 1:40 1:62 . A ........,., . 0:18 0:22 . Flour.. ,..-.--: ......... ;.. 6:00 - 7:00 Barley - - '. , -' . 0:35 • 0:45. Feas-z-.................- 0:35 ..c_a 0:40' . Sheep_ . : ..... .... . . . .. . 4:00- it'A i 5:00 Beef, V, Ili - - 0-08 0:10 ilides (green). . - ........ 4:50 baler ...-.............,.... 0:14: Paatoes new.. ... 0:25 . • • - - - -- r Vood- ..... ..: ...,,,...:1.;.-, 1:75 _( 2:25 Hay, new ? ton ....}1..._... -6:00 . (al 7:00 Eggs. ............ .......,.... ,,.0:10 (R. 0:00 . Platirs...t...1.:.- .... :... 1: 0 0 - " - Loedon Sept. 28, 186.6. , I Fiill Wheat, ? bah supenor. 1 581 75 e. Spring Wheeti,do, ..... ,.. . 1 25 . 1 40 Barley, . .. ......do,.......... 0 45 0 57 26 @028 a , •. • •4 7. 32,.A.Nrigsp VEGE'LiiB 14I PAIN -KILL AT THE OLD PRICE. (j..• BE It ARp QF COUNTER.. E ITS AND WORTHLESS II1117 A TIONS. April 18, 1866. _ . w12 -Ain _ -0:00 . 0:16- 0.25 Montreal, -Sept. 28, 1866. Plour-Snneiror Extra 8 25- ft 8 60 Etra.... 00 a 8251 Fancy, 7 75 a 8 00 Wheat -Canada. ...." . 1 55 a- 1 60 do Western' 1-50a.. 0 00:- Oats -Per 32 lbs 0 35' a 0 -3a Barley --Per 48: Ha. ▪ - 0 50 a 0 SO Ashes -Poi:. 6 bO a-= 6 70 do Pearls -first 6 30 a 7 00, 1 • - Fall wheat $pririt 13:utter. • • • • Torontopt 28. '1,•ps.7 50' Ft 8 00 • 0 00 • 143 0. 15 00 . NOW York, Sept. 28 - Canadian flour. common'. -.88 00 et.11. 00 - choice extra. 11 70 al2 25 - Wheat, white Canada7"..,....-. 3 04 ® 3 07_ - prime new. -2 57 00 0 90 o 92 Oats ...: 055, 058 Pork 33' 00 • -0 00 _ WHISKERS HIS_KERS Dr. L. O. 11.10,tTez' Corr/iii. the greatest sithn- ulator in the, woildwill- force 'Whiskers or -.NI us-- -tni-hes to grol.v on the smoothest faee or ehtn ; never known to fail. - SaMple for trial sent free to any one dettirotvi 0i -testing -its merits. Address Rartgs67.Co..-,,7$ Nassau Sr., N Y (No letters taken unIcss prepaid) • STRANCei,E, 11.1t7 TRUE. - Every young ladvancI gentlemanuithe United 'States Can hear something very- much iotheir. advantage- by ketum mail (free of clutrge). ly:eddrefsing_the Under- signed. Those haring tears of. being' hunibugged will oblige bynot noticing this card. Alt.otherswill please address their nbetlient servant. '• TIIOS: F. CHAPMAN.. wa.ty.Sla : 531 Broadwav NewYorlt: ERRORS- 01E` ITOVIP A Gentleman n -ho stuTered foiregirs t'om Nervous' Debility; Prentatar4 Decdy, and all the effects of youth- ful indiscrationwill fur the sake ofsufferiag humanity send free to all who need it --the recipe and directions for n.aking the- siniple remedy bi Which he was cured. Sof- ferers wishing to profit by the advertisers- expdrience. can do so by addressing ' JOHN B. OGDEN.- ' Ncl$:_c,httinbers St.. Nevr York _ _ . TO CO --A SUMPTIN ES. The adveruser. having been TesMred to health 211 a. W weeks bra r ery sunple reidedyatter haring suf. ' fered for sereiai y:ezrs w'Ath a severe lung affCrtion, and ' TIIE C/Ile.S.G0 31tRDE3.--,-The murder of McKeerer, while driving Butler on' Saiarday -last,. is Still 114 topic in Chicago. The iin ptesgon is now atost current that the board, by which :4cKeever_ was loped, was thro;yril at the horse Butler,. -and not at the driver. The projector of the plank, not sufii.-iently' -calculating-she-velocity of the horse, threw' the plank, which grazed the animal, and -as it ,were, slanted upon the driver McKeever. .The plank was tea feet long aad six inches wide dind as McKeever was driving very fanidy-the. blow was>sufficiently crushing to .kill We hope that the,history of this- sad tragedy will be cleared up. Itis believed iu Chicage that the driver of Cooley knows how the trag,etly was committed, it -he refuseS to - answer apy questions- The rival horses were at all near each other, and theretom it wa-s- not difficult for the driver of one to know whit occurred to the other. The cruelty and d.speratian of gamblers of every variety is notorious. They would not hesqate- for a moment to kill thehorse, Beller, or even Mc' Keever,_ if they could thereby win_ their bet. P. S. -The sestimony at. the coroueris. in- quest goes. to show .that there was a deliberate pilot to murder McKeever. - _JEWS ANN TRU CaoLza.t.-It is a subject of remark that the Jewish inhabitants or the East end of London have escaped almost un- acathe.ddaring the outbreak. In. Petticoat, latte and its- immediate neighborhood: only three or four cases of c7iolera. ha-ve taken - place, and the casesofsliarrhceoa have hardly exceeded those of an ordinary- summer- A similar exception. was observed in 1849, when the Ifenre.vr community only lost about one mi_2,000 as contOared with sixiii 1,0.00 of the feneral population of Whiteehapel, and 29 "in, ion cf. theChristianS of Batherhithe.-,. Elzen, as now„ the immunity Was:_-aseribed to - certain- observances and habitsenculcated by thejewish faith_ For example, the frOuses of al undergo a thorough_eleansing -once a year, and every room islime whited at least as often ; more than one family -never occupy the lame rob -in (two or three or more families sometimes occupy a single room amongest the lower orders of the surrounthog popula- tion:). cosaidera-ble care is taken with respect - t that dread Consumption—is anititni5 16 maka known to his fellow -Sufferers the meafls. of cure.' To all who desire it. he will send a coy-ot the ;arcs.: enption used olee.of charge). with the directions fi,n. pre- parintrand using the sante:which *ley will find a scar CURS "47)r,Coxs. Unirr-CON. ASTIIILC BaONCHTIM C(tiats. and all Llir9at and Lung Affections. The only ob3ect ot Inc advertiser m sending the Prescription is to benefit the affneted. and Spread information- which..he 'conceives to be! invaluable. and 'he lopes every sufferer Wilttry his, remedy. *sit enst them nirthing, and may prox:e a blessite". . Pante,* wishitur.the prescripti9n7raar—W.retum mar wilt please addriss - Rev. R D TrA WILSON. itkatusburg. Kings Oa—Nevi Tort. Xrin ablurttsonentS. THE GREITENGLISII RENEDI - - SIR JAMES ;CLARKE'S , Celebrated 'Female :Pills. Prepared from a prescription of Sir J. .CfarIce,111-.D.,Physrdian extraordinary to the Queen. - This mralual& medicine is unfailing in the cure of all *home painful and dangerous diseases to Which the female constitution is subject. It in:oderates altexcess, and removes al obstructions, end speedy cure may be rehed 'TO MARRIED 'LADIES t;8 peculiarly suited. It will, in o short time, brine- on the monthly period with regularity. - - Each bottle, price One Dollar, bemathe Gov- ernment Stamp of Great Britain to pieveritcoun- terfeits. cA.-trrnaliz. These Pills slundd .not be takinbufernalcs during the FIRS7 THREE MONTHS 'of .f.lreg-- nartey, as they are sure to bring on lifts -car- nage, but at any other time they are safe. In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, Pains -in the Back and Litobit,. Fatinne on slight exertion. Patintatioll cl the Heart, Hystenes and Whites, these PilLs will effect -a cure swhet all other means have railed; and althoneh a power- futremedy, do not contain iron. calomel, anti- morn-, or anttlaing hurtful to the constitution. Full directions in the pamphlet around each package, which should be carefully. Pre-erved. Sole agent for the United States tied Canadas; 1013 AOSES, -,Rochester, N. B.-$1.60 and siz- po-tage stamps, enclosed o any -authorized agent will insure a bottle con- ainingfinv Pills, by return !Joni _ NORTHROP & LYMAN,. -t Newcastle, O. W., general agept for Canada. •- irr Sold is Godefielt by Parker & Cattle and .Jordan ; Gaidiner or Co., Rtyield ; James Beiltburn,Rozeiville ijJ. Pickard,Eieter ; ; E. Hickson, Seaforth, and all itedicsne Dealers- w38-1v to the quality of the food used, tainted pro - /mons berng proscribed, and all flesh meat „fieisg.inspected by a religious officer before emmouied ; and, again,. the poorer members - of the community are liberelly eared for F though -the be.novelence of the rich, applica- tions_ for workhouses relief. not being per,: t mitted. 'bfrti years ago,- remarks -the New York Tribune, when„Donglas left his Green Mountain home for :Illinois, his great- rival, Lincoln, was keeping a post office; fresh from the glories of the Black Ilawk war, Andrew Johnson. was. Mayor of a fittle mountain town -in Tennessee, Jefferson Davis; a -Lieutenant of .dragoons„ was chasing the Indians, Seward yes grieving over his .defeat as Governor, !Breckenridge Was studying -the orations of Cicero against Catalina at the Kentucky %liege, Chase was- endeavoring to gain a Iaw inactice in Cincinnati. Sumner was entering Ike Boston bar, Broderick was cutting stone, Grant was a school boy in his teens. and Far- ragntwas watching the honor of his flag on tha torrid coast of Brazil. ' - Timid people are Row- defined to be--; bier abiintto pop the question, a man wbo deet not like to be shot • . and, a steamboat- eeptstin with a cholera case on board. ' "Get ahead,' said Mr. Smith's, wife to Liu, while -Walking behind parts one e ven- Gee -Arad IV rerilierl he, -" Why, I Utak the one I have is goixtenough.” # Glasgow eerier was met one day by his trlor- `POIL--SeedY1-10Y Mither's dead." the carter.- "Is that a' r rejoined the neighbor 441 was !earl it had been • IMIN••••••••mo Otrrriazol TOK Taunt.- A recent at - Imamate in Chicago to rob the Oen. this -jewel,- of which he has a large and ceelf collection, the burglars broke into the 11150•Itroont attached. to where he wet per- sarenemand ransacked every thing they could their hands on. and among the articles was a lot 'of the " Canadian_Pain De, engsewitb which the Gen.had applied biIi ?gffor the cure of toughs, colds, -cramps in atis_ _ steal* linie bael n ildes, ie. -- 400y all liedisino tiss1errat25eta Uwe. • ' Peri :q.q Among the most important -of modern medical discaveries stands the VANAD1 IN PAIN DESTROYER! ' As a Famili Medicine, itis weIl and favorably known. relieving thousands frem peins tuthe.. Side, Back and head Coughs, Colds, Sore throat, _ Sprains,: Bruises, -Crampa or the Stomech, - Cnolera morbus,Ovsenterv,BOwel com- _ piaints,,Burns, Scalds, 'Prost Bites, • • -arc., dre., arc. The G A NADIAN- PAIN DESTROYER h-aii tow'been before the public for a length O time. and wherever use liked, 'never failing h.. a single instance to give pernian ent relief -when timely used, and we have never 'Known a single - ease ofdissatisfaction. where the directions have been pro-per.f followed; but, on the contrary, all are deterhted with its operations, and speak in the higicest terms of its virtite9,and magical et:. &cif. ' We speak from experience in Ibis matter", hav- ing tested -it thoroughly. and therefore those who are- sulknng from any of the complaints for. vihich it is reCommended may depend upon its being a Sovereign Rainady. the astonishing efficacy of the Canadian Pain Destroyer in curing the diseases for what*. It is reeornuiendecl. and ds Wonderful success in 1111b- duing the torturing:pants of Rheumatism, azd 311 relieving -Nervous Affectiens, entitle it to a high -rank in the list of remedies for these. complaints. Orders are coming in from Medicine DAeleis is: all parts of the country let further supplibs, and each testifying as the nniversai satisfaction it gives- ---1-- -The Canadien Pain Destroyer never tails to sive xmieemste relief. All incir,e dealers keep it; Physicians order and use and au family will be without it after once trying it. - • Price only 25 -cents -per bott -All orders shoOld be addresied to NORfiligr Plc LYMAN, ' Newciunle, C. W., : _ _ , General Agent for Caaada,.. -:a31-05old Grodench by karker. drCattle and Y. Juniane Gardiner. 4- ftteeteld; James Benthiuni Rogerville • J.-.Pickanl, Exeter ; H:\ NOITEVriEg isit031i,P.A.RTS , • /- .. AT THE al.C.N.-ALS:P; OFF; CEri": NOVELTIES FROlit VOW AT -THE SIGNAL OFFICE. IrELTI ERIt N FROM G A Y, AT THE- SIGNAL africE.- Novelties from London, At the Oignal Office, - AT THE SIGNAL OFFICE.. - 07VIELTIE 8 Wtwa.t1.‘, 4355‘.e. . EVUJIES'..1111JATIONFRti At th.e.S411E4..,* irgtitt.0 • stit'. 101103211411 th-. Sigginalr4)1140e; tII p. Tut Ai THB 4IGNAL OFFICE. NoVelties in GREAT VARIETY maim SIG -NAL 0 ICE. VHE SUBSCRIBER woutd respectfollyin- timate to a discerning public that the above- - ARE DIRECT AND ••• Feist:ma:113r Selected - .11T BIM WBILE z Ti; ID: ".. :this simmer, and ate so idat ONE PROFIT ONLY. mooitiEtovsE, Goderich, Sept 27. 1866. _ 00-ttOlIS COttOlIS COTTONS! FIE SUBSCRIBERS ARE SE i..;1J- jug off Grey Cottons at, reduced onces. also • Ladies' and _Gents' Straw Hats I - To arrivegn a day or two • CHEAP WHITE dOTTON. LafelY to hand). - Sugars, Teas and .baccos. kr Give the Cheap Cash Store a call ACHESON & SMITH. Godericli, July 20th, 1866. w19 - , • P. -DT &CLEAN, . 0* 0- - 41 JUST RECEIVED A•LARGE ASSORTMENT OF- CLOTHS Consisting i in- part of ,West Englend. Bread. cloths, Beavers, Whitney', -Bearskins, Percy English Scotch,aed French Twt.eds, Cashmeres, -Doeskins, sod a variety of Canadian Clothe; Plain. Satin, and EhAvered - %reinter, Shirts, Gfove.s, Gape. &c., &c. - - • • - • Ile feels confident of giving satisfaction to aft who may faiorkiin With their ordens. - - TWEED SUITS011-Wool) $12 aud opirards: . _ , stir N..4.—Clitting done to Order. .1 Goderich, Sept 25th, 1866. sw 8 , _.7-4REE:FOR irm farm known as se sk firp'S let -Aon.-5.. Colborne, East Piiition: 100 acres, 00 -cleared. Log hots) and frame bars. Sod good. _About 7 Miles •:from Godeinb, A large strewn nine through. tlie property filled with Speckled trout. " Apply to - - • " JOHN HAIMA-N, Jr., Goderieb, " - or ALEX. LMITEf,. Barrister, Toronto. Combo. Clinton; E:Iiickscies thisforlii gem, w3;gtsiov, megicipe Dealere. %IOW - 0 -P D.DRESS: G��Whacb for variety and riclitiess of style.cpinot be eicelied._ • ---rettig:10388EM-itt*Iee . . se • EAT REDUCTION OF PRICIES: Witness the FoLlovvin'g:-- \-* Fancy Dress Goods from 1ZI etp. per,iyard Prints r " 11 - • FactoryCotton " E V •••••=im1.•••••••0 _ if G% SIL . • . .RIETTEVIN 'FINGT.::g1C111-T who, a siceiality:j OPENED _- Br-, OF SHAWLS FROM $2: EACH' .AND UPWARDS. Ilariictilar attention is called - the iiiimense stock of CLOTI1TAND TIVEDS: - 'LADIES' :CLOAKING, FLANNELS, I * AANIEETS, TRINTS;.-- GREY AND -WHITE COMM: mt,r77-m C.A.SE$ OP ADIES' AND GENTS . . 0. STRAY PIG:-Caiiie, idio :the eneldSure Lk of the -gut/Scriber Jot 41st -con. b. Col- borne,. about May fait, -a-' epetted Pig, the Owner te requested to prove property. pay charges, and take it away. -• . • •- GEO. NIEBERGALL„. Ben MillerlistSept. 1866- . w35 atf 1 STRAYED from the premises of the subscriber, Maitlandville about 2 .. the 15th of Aug. last, a light grey noise, a little stifrihehe fore legs A liberttl reward_ will hergiven_for any information that, will lead to his recovery. . . ' - - ,• . • DONALD' McKAY. Goletich, Sept 18, 1866.• - ' . w3443t Insolvent let of 1864 anitinitia4± •-:-' • . meats.-- . '-'- ' - Province of Canada, IN ..THE COUNTY one - of the United ed counties of Huron Canada,' 1N Of..1Inrori, --COURT of the Unit- aCtioannlitrieuse.ec.if ' Hu.,koh J1 aud.Breee. -.• j: • • -in the orieittei of ....Sanriel Ccotteloii,lan ,rn.idoeiit. w -nig Monday, the tWiatt-stith daY.' NoVent- ber next. the inide.signed Will apnlv to -the -Judge of the said Court for. a discharge undeplie -4 said- Aces.- - - . ...T . , , . T 0 MS.& tiCklit 1 . . . . . r Sae itors for- instilientj- _ : , . .. Dated -at GOaericb, this:19th day Of Skpleiber; A.. D. ISG6, . - - - - - w352m . 1AMDEL C NTRLON. Just At vo..(1;,-0,1000740.010...001,0si- 12 44 IBQQTSAND $1110ES. hoide :.,.ot-of Family Groceries' \3111%%0-1k,(Z1VVAISIT ▪ _ -We have the Largest Steek of goods in Town,. and will sefi cheaper than the cheapest. • - _ Goderich, Sept f28, 1866. 0111t.0 DETL011. & CO. Ti16 dD 411ININGWEEK1 eeenoott--4-s-fteriefo–.— TE .NEW. -FALL. all is now 'received, and we tiope. gpnday;i1914 inst., to be abletofriends Ois4- tor-A.6ra one •tjt theL.inOwcoinple.te ._ • . • 7 • _ • • . _ - • s_ptnipia.t$ :of :$taple-, and Fancy. Dry G a*o* HO*, ;ilk Sept., 1866-. -7 MORTG4361 .SALE_ Y_ • - re. itk 'Sae TINDER and by virtue ot .1 Power ot _Sale contained in a Mortgage made he. Thigh McMullen, of the Township of Culress, in the - County 61 Bruce, yeornaa-, detault having been made in -the -peymeht thereet, win be solcy ON -TUr.SDkt Oetober:, 16, - 1866- _4 . at tne hour of one o'clock, p. in., at I. C. 13.A11.$ ARDIS: Auction. Rooms 11 iehniondstreet, in the City ol London._ the tollownur propeny : Lot No: 3, in the 5(h concession oftheTownshi t Cul oss 3lie Auctioneer, and. from , • CRONYN & CRONYhT. - -Vendor's Solicitors London. God -Crick, -C. %V., tept,„ 14,1866 • w34 p .o z the fJountvot Bruce contamme 100 act s more or less. The Terms' of Sale may be ascertained , from, Kr, Thomas Fairburn, Teeswater, from T!TELL NEIGHBOhR, do youget along with your plowing this Wet weather' Why, 1 have_ thrown aside a good plow that cost 24 dollars, it was like plowing with arlok, and went to Searle. & Davis' and bought a _steel plow for sixteen' dollars; now I have no trouble in,plowing ; my horses go right along, it -cleans so nice t!ley are real thistle cutters I.A.OGE ASSORTUIONT OF OVER 30 KINDS LSO 4 -Loog.--.-.*.g04 -.70f,.11-PaRg• On bsnd' Sip of Long rea - • • --• • • - • 7,-. BASE LINE,CLINTON. _ QTRAY SHEEP.•=-Canie intr.) the 16, enclosure of the Subscriber, lot 28, -1st- coticessioo, Township of Wawaitosh,_ about the 15th August last,' three Sheep.' The owner is - required to prove Pre- perty, pay. charges dnd take 'them away. - • - -JuSEPH TEWSLEY'. Sept. 18th, 1866. - _ 134' se 1000 PLUM TIIE filliE•Subscriber will have on hand for Sale at his garden, gest Street, about tne last of October, 1000 Plum Trees, Of all the leading arid most hardy varieties. Parties desirous of planting out a Plum Orchard _will find it to their advantage to give me a call, before ordering elsewhere.- 'Very * few- 'ritriveries can .supply goad. plum _ trees this year they are very scsdaie. '• I will also have on hand a stock of • . . APPLE TREES,- PEARS, (Divans and Standards), several different varieties of Crabs, including Red IlYalopandi Trancendaut • also some of the best varieties of . - - - - - - Eng. Hob. .400sOberriesi-Grapes, - &C. • - Wit. CAMPBELL, - . - .riasi treet.-. 1 -!--Goderich, Sept. 18,1860.. • ' w34tf •Nkif poops.PIPORTiDDIRECT A LARGE in V:e &At eoneessionmf Tnrnberry; at the dis- lot af various ;lints and weiAta .taneeef five- chains _end tourteinAinks from. the InStiiventAct of 1,864 and AmendlnentO, .- province of Canada,'' THE COUNTY County of Huron, 1 C Alla -i)f the J.Triit 7 one of the United }-ed Counties `.af.lturoo Coenfi.g_ of' Harcin I and Bruce. alintdtheBonruactte.er. -of W. . . :Ia. iti- 'in 2.- Edaffi--.2- ni lisokieiii. • ON Monday, the twenty-sixth diy-oilshivemz ber next the undedigned will .apply ta the Judge of theilaid \Cohn ihr a discharge under the .sal'Qid*A-A-;ets.ii0Old', - - - ,-,:: , - „x-.. - . WILLIA31.0-kir. - --swieficirst.4 lidicifvexit, Dated at Goderich, this 131.1i;day of September; A- D, 1880. . : - w352m 1GS ROE SALE,frcifit sato 40 Pigs for sale of super- ior- Breed. Prices from 2 tollati, _ and up wards. (Including the 1st Prise sew sup posed -to weigh over 6ewt Of Pork).. Apply to - MARVE-YfilNcK -ESQ., ' - - Bosigarland otiage, 4th eon, Goderich. ' Goderich, Sept. 23,; 1866- .: '- ,,,.. w35 $t ITIIIIII1NES iffitSEHES! Farmers Beware ! - TH'' to caution you against buying- Trees ofJOSE PH YOUNG, who has oeen taking orders On the pretence that he Was an Agent of these Nurseries; He is not authorised to sell, worn these nurseries, and parties buying from him will not get their trees.irom mi. eStabliShment.'• - W- ;BEADLE. ' St. Cathanher, Sept. 21s1, 1886.- w35 SCHOOL NOTICE, WANTED a first-class mall feaelier..to- v teach in School Section., No; 3. Waw anoshrfor the year 1867. Applications will be, rebeived up to Monday. 15th day of October, '1866, when the applicationtwill be opened and a teacher clicsen. Applicants to state the salary they will teach for. None need apply unless „holding itst-class certifi cates, and certificate of -good moral character Apply to William Durnin, trustee, if by letter prepaid, to Dungannon o. WILLIAM DURNIN. trustec Wawancsh, August 30th, 1866.. w33 5t o Chancery Sale. PURSUANT to a Decree and final order of _ sale, made in a certain caste now:pend- ing in the Court of Chancery for Upper Canada; wherein one -John' Hervey Plain tiff, and Char-chilly-1nd others,'" are, Defendants, will be Bolds, in one lot, by Public Ancdon. by - Joseph me; Auctioneer, at the "Commercial Hotel," in the Witt Of Clinton, with the apprObatiqn of David Tis dale, Esquire, Master of this Court Siineoe, MONDAY, 'the .15th -flay • of ;October, neat,. at Twelve o'clock,. iptin, the following • • OPE 'That is to lay All arid singular that 'certain parcel or tract of land and premises, situated; lying, and being 10 the Tovinship of Moir* lathe County of Huron, in -the- Province of Canada, and containing, 'admeasurement„ one hundred acres of land, be the same more or less-; being cotitpcsed of the South half of -Lot No, 19,. in the 4th Concessioazp the said Township of Morns. - These Janda are 'Situate about 2/ mile, from &gravel road. .They aro .well fenced- . and :Sixty sores thereof are _Cleared.' log house and barn are erected thereon. • The purehaser will be required, at the time. cif the sale, io pay to-thiPlaintiffs Solicitors. 'one-tenth of the purchase Money, and the balance within four *reeks -thereafter, with • interest minx per cent. ; , There will be an upset price of 81;074. In other iaricularathe conditions of sale will te-thestanding Conditions, of thi, -Cohn of •Chancery:,. . - • Further_ paraders and conditions Of sale, - may be had at -the law. office 701 -Messrs. Gwynne, Armour .41; Hoskin, land or Mr. Alfred Hoskin, . Toronto ; ,Messrs. Tome - Moore, 4 -Wench; L. Meyer, Esquire,- Her- purhey a and of the above Auctioneer., (Signed,)-- D. TISDALE, - . )(hater atSoncoe. WYNNE ARMOUR HOSKIN: Toronto', Vendor'sSoficitora. Dated Sept. 13th, A.D.1.866. sw7td PPLICATION NVI LL BE MADEAPY. THE Underingnei at the DeCember Ateetinir to the roundest' Conned fora- conveyance; of the following Jescribtd line of road, -in aced/denim with Cap. 54, See:, 342, Conselichtted Statutes at U"pper Canada: - - ;Wm- .11*LEECTI. liftselnptinn of pelt of • a Count;Jload between Morris and Turnbezry- • Cenimeneing, on the southerly - front of Lot 31. • ... , .. _ . - - ! i soutliwesierty angle ofsrod lot thence south:My- ' of -: - .- •• inn- a-degre' es east on northerly' lunit of /oat . al- - 'thence sbutii eighty:: ..,. . . . . -. - . _ : . , . . . - • .,ix degrees 'WM One -them seventy-four *-N 0 ir E YARE WS -I Esgpsli -- Ciftweianchig. : Paper. begIP"1": ' ' ' - : -. - - ' ' - - : o.ream laid, ithia:somie,firat qu'ality. .,. ,": ' ' .: Iniu „parr) and_ __small 'quarter post; -,bliie HO lheenit*ceoornorhooad..rt:nefilta.ifiavinittiannec.e.m47cengrtweesetTicessteiliiitliou7.0atheeert, of • .,- . ., ..zes,mts : . - --. - aFte_eConntapeiniTligesbyeradamdmeasule... _ :naeut ,7,.:, ..7i...d. - . , _ . _ SEVERAL THOTISANRENVELOPEs' Sept ember,14, ..1866. - *34 ,af all sizes, colors and quality, which atong. -STRAYED OR STOLEN With_the. papers were bought ,b- commission - — - - ' '- in the best markets; and will Ili sod ....cheak: QTRAVED or Stolen! .from the -incloture in for ii831. 166' : suppliesof . - - 1 tfin4G°d)dlltrirechpsonlybg7-4- y3fitheer:OAld "Intaltar..W..5(11"Wnillith 4enall FAN077 GOODS. -1 .. ._ .. . star la forebea4 alio a etam ik-tayea-3 years. old phst..with iiirrow2white.strip in iorehead. - Any a _ aa; arriving. SCHOOL -BOOKS of nll Tenon giving or seading-infermatioa -to the; un- indi kept on hafid.;and.sold as low -,aa.anjt et/301W where* they or either ofthent. may be goose west of Toronto.; At. - ' - 1434140 !nil be liberal* gewarda* -14dreig• , ,...7. citiosdt- ' eri• c-h',..i.ept. ";j„Jisbe:4. 1.4.1,vx.tio§7. 0,14, ,-. 4 AM& -: Oddii4- leo.. 111801: --". . 7 • . ria ' - 7 iiItt i Id itit5 11 tit rthr of Septeltikir i ACV; 1St , .., . t - . - \ ' ERESU VISTIOS kECEI+Eif istAILi AND BOLli Al the Lowest SHEORARD STRACHAG Goderich, .Se. pt. frr8636d.e Madge, t Sgu5air coLoN14.14.gorsEt -THE Subscriber always ieepti the 1iirgest lanai and beat - I IN COUNTiE§i . • CHAS. E. ARCHIlhA Okoderielki Appal 2241.266 • „dirli13 \ OBN HARRIS itatengpiti*haired 'NORMOUS.REDVVTION for • CI_ • trom ihe Official Assignee at, Ileinfltoe the eti; llLe btock-m trade beiongingin 1.1* ,P.Ailo of a*Olaki' Mliatiza 00•ii . now prepared -to cifferstethapublie- itilONSE BARCiAINEI . m every dipartment ad DAY -G001/8, GROCERIES, MA.1411iiiiii MILbINERY, AA -TA CAPS, At I Lc., CP.rir 11111 .- 1:leant:dui Befit' M"rp.w.lioilneiliiin lie iitFrOty GIVEN -A.-*Atcti rery lirge additiOniii piirehisce oi ,. iota. ,• -DAV GOOTS: 81 GliOcERT.E1;:-• ..• • • o • are)tfst itoW boas •freeived.mbeget whiek lett • - beanernioned especiallyi Factor ' from 8 to 2r7 Zents. fieryait, .induito" 1000 t int; oftfig.'ielebratel-Lybitel -6‘ Cali/ sem inaire.'77 =iipTcA.ci-xicr) coriirr,cmg from 10 to 25 cents per ya . Striped-Shinings, Searlerflanpel.s., White -Flan: nets; Fancy flannels, Hob Roy . Necklet Prints Black and 'Colored Coburgs, .Blehli and Colored 'Lustres, Finn& Metinoes French - -Lai.nes, Toweninisf ?able Lineal 1,1414 isigs assortnont • Rice Now .1falj 'last Cood 11092 tS11.11T8 of everydescriptioar FA-Tarifiecting, Bagging, Bales of -Canada Seamless Bags, •Yerylcheapt 4- , •-• "It Skies tanide eckrkrEcm NvAAIrtk Sier Mills, tkc.; Very Cheap! ROCE110 Hogsheads- orlInscOvado Rtigar. Very.Cbelp; Barrels of Broken Loaf do.; Yery.Cheapt,/ - e• . White Ground de--, Very Cheap!' " Chests and Ralf Chests ofrotritgllyson. Sonehotig_ind other leas, Very Cheapl . Tobacco, Vinegar, Seeds. Saki...IS/tuffs Spkelf • 'Cofiee, &e: -In ecniOneneng -BUSINESS 'Die Sp' literiter -begi most respeelfullt to innOunci WOO - _ _ IlinilBrr. AliTO deDllitteri and the surrounding country that the PrOtlitf :mil Ise - CASH' Ort PflDtdF and eiery effort will lie made to self GOOD GOODS; MAT! le8Inspection is stabeited 'on the part of intend beYere• . . . .IOENEaRUzS doderich,Auaust 10, Thal. gpstawifi CPLONLAI llt)USEI HOOP sugirs 1 ROOPSKIIIT8f, HE largest variety in Town at prices td defy competition, - 'CHAS. E. ARCHIBAL11. Goderich An Pat 22nd, 1866. - sw117, - - • OF4' ' VA. _LUABL!, REAL ESTAT,. liveerPurstaniann eMee°rftgiagPebearing °, wer c6rnlda ajnedte 1 - twenty first day of August, A. D., 1863, ad. made, between Wifljaw Hood of the Towne....;\ ship _ot Kinlose, in the Comfy of Bruce, Yecit., Man. of _the first pari, Elizabeth( Head, '141.3 aife,of the Second pait. and Mary Atine: Murphy, of the city of Hamilten, itt County of Wentworth, Widow, of - the :tbii( part- will be sold by - PUBLIC AUCTION _ at the Court Hainse,in the TOWA of ,Ooders . on WEDNESDAY, FEE -ITNTS' ititY °Menai, A. D., 1866 it Twelve ,e'citteki noon, the following valhable prOperty, yrs. 4 Ali that parcel or tract of land SOO preeriset- situate, lying and being in the -Tewnsbip of Xiniinceloss, of , 41 -ntaficlatCocuonntyt si:noffrigBruebie,_adanatemiuri..Prel_ ment one hundred acres, be the me* ere 4 or lea, which" said parcel or tract orland may he_otherwiii known u follows, that is - :acTtleeres.wnsaln7liesahi\t: 14pbelibe---;f:sigaxXiititeCpc°71reoP:speocesise-srid,ythi:cefizirP:eii:redf_teginteneanitlinil:fi‘r:eiauftidos:rar; ..h;ureol:lhinvis-e8i.ant:lio4follwThreepaillereinif naAre°u"-rildevailid;faille°Lin illisee1415111P- dais: brook runs through the farm. ''-TbeVdr1nolnadirtale4° lfurrdiri;teriiirlig:6.aderthsaid Mortgage. -- apply to fi For. ..irthe. r!ertiCelexe. soli...414,61,!!).1 jug_ stritsy; • No