HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1866-10-02, Page 24 S E : ,t — • . TIIII/E TABLE, 0. R. S UMMER 7 -ARRANGE in.& T. °Mao. was?. • - Mill. Express, Mixed Goderieh dep 10:00 am: 2:0) p.m.3: tO p.m tlinton..« J.. -10:30 _2:30 4:001 Seaforih.:.7. — . 10:30 2:53 4:35. Carron Brook.... 11:05 3:10 4aki Mitchell.... `...„ II:20 3:25 5:21 Stratford oleri.,t 11:053 76:0015 Buffalo... arr 6:44.111.10:00 • coiso wesr. - Buffalo.... dep 7:00a m. 12:30 a.m. 3:50 p.m. Stratford. ... 12:50 pan, ito40 . 'tan. Goderich.-a-. arr 3:00 11..25 ' s • (-t- a‘z, teltiR GODERIGH, W., Oa. 2, 1866. - • - - - 71IE EXHIllite. TION. ` (Edit:Mal Correspondence) _ ToRONTO, VRIDAY, 28th.. 14 last. L think I admitted "that ifig to the Crowd,. mud, &C., -was:nnable to -give a - very -dear idea of the great Ex- - hibition which is now draWing to a close. Since then, however, the splendid weather has dOne much tower& drying up the mud; and by the eiceiefse of 'a little perse- verence have had a pretty good look -at all the animals aid articles on ,exhibition. On the whole= aItheugh the- arrange- ments are -ivietched--4 think 'this is one orthe hest ,exhibitions that has ever been. - witnessed in Canada, audit some of par Ainerican consins would _only take the . _trouble of running over here they would, no deubt, return with. anadarged idea of the capabilities of this frozen Ceilada ours, and the energy arid_ enterprize of our " peOple. Amongat .therMpleix! eats. I notic- ed te-day several fine ploughs, in wood and iron, from the eotablishment of Mr. - Grey of kgraondiille, -seieral of which look -first prizes; and I eraa onlY•sorry thdt Mr. !Wildman waa net in Ihe:-.field--ne- der the firm_ impressiori that .Ife would have given_ the best a close run for The steam engines and all that, were; cif course„irst rate, but I cannot particular-. ize not beine- thoronwhly versed in this . branch of mechanic& One machine, hole!, ever, which is intendia foe. the almost in- RoAD AND Ditualicis DousEi , . Are dividdinto 14 dassea,. the entries, all. being 161. lIendrie & Co., of Hamilton, - compete for Prizes in a number of the classes.. Heavy draught- horses are divided inte. 11 classes,. and- 'Mall the entries are 60. mos: - _ in these there are really some fine looking aoinials, and a steady impiovemeht in breed, a thing math Wanted, is perceptible. The raising of good breeds -of pigs is becoming every yea' a *atter of great consequenee to the Canadian farmer; the high reputation which Canadian fed bacon has ne uired in the hoglish market. making a goo. market here a Matter of certainty. . Of large lireedh in Yorkshiies there are 30 enttiek. in Berk- shires; 6 entries, -and in other breeds 17 en- tries. Ameng small breeds there are, in Suffolk!, 45 entiries, in improvecl Berkshires. 56 mitries, our old friend Mr. rhomas Stock -of Flambe ro- being among the exhilmtork, tssex and.dher smell breeds, there aro 34 eutAes: Theie small breeds are deserving of special attention on the -part of our farmers, being the breed Moat valuable for our Cana; dian petit factortea. " Portant. The -Poultry department _presents ve much the mese appeerance-as usual, crowil owned by the same gentleman,- is a .4 yea old steer, not gene 80 bilge, Fut smota round, and?ti fat as it is posaihle for beef t I be, weighing 2, 375 lbs, - „; - this *conneCtion mow 'notice an -ex the groperty of Mr, Vine/ of St. Catherine's which surpassed everything ou the ground for weight and size. It 18 seld..to - weigh 3000 lbs., and is as '0 fat' as a roll of butter." - Mr. Vine also shows two very_ Ong' grade cattle, which -are sure trcoet pri4es. Mr. F._ W. Stene was the-largeat exhibitor. His herd' numbered ..31 head 'all told-. every one of which was a superior animal, so that it. is useless to particularize. 110 -had 2 timed - I -be found necessary to - send for witnesses h - it a distance, o The Grand. Juty then entered their room, under 'charge of ypeatable Addison; and- the Coda at once took up the civil business. cows, 1 three year old, 2 -one year old; 3 ---hei- fer calves,. 2 bull -"calVes _and ene . tare year- old bull—WE Durhaaisi : 2 aoed -cows three' year olds, 3. two year Olds, rime year. olds, _ . 3 heifer calves. -and -a calves, 1 four year. -old bull, 1 three year old _do., 2 one year old; and three calvest•--all,_Iderefords. A- good .nuniber of these have taken prizes heretofore, and Many et_ them, ne doubt, - earry Off prizes this time. ' - Mr: Thos. -Stock, Of Waterdown. sliewed 9 Ddrhams and grades, %three of which took the Fergus cups of late Oars. T.he whole Of -Mr. Stocke herd was-6iat, clase. ry Ilr. Ilunter- of Elois, 'showed a lerge, ig..1-Very-fine,.Durham BUll. d Mr. huller, of shown 6 Dur - hams, all very fine-stocli. - • - -Mr, John - Snell. of Edmonton; is well, known as breeder' of thorou&hbred stOck Oii-the ground he had 6' splendid tuft calves • -Some fineberds Galloways wsre shoWn. "Mr; MyNeil,-of Yaughao, has 6 a this class, which were not surpassed, we jud,7ed, upon hasty glance -by any exhibited. . • - • - sitEse. . of roosters, pealing of geese and ducks,- azi cooler, of pigeons:, snaking a melody charm- ing tobtle oreithologisf. We have -clorkings and Pwands, gobien and - si/ver and white, game fowls, Cochin -China, and Bramah-poot- ras, Spinish, .biack Haniburgs, bantams, tur- keys, -geese, :ducks, 'tte., t BUTTEIli • . There is a plentiful.Supply ',of butter, both flesh and salt, 'an apparently of first-rate_qua- lity. Arnoug the exhibitois are Messrs. J. .M. Dayison -of Ilarkharn; Grant, -of PUS- linch ; It. SI -Hall, of Esquesing.; J. K. Hun- ter. ot Elora ; W. Benham. of- Guelph ; D. Clark, of Piislinch. Great .praise is due to the -exhibitors in this department. .The better, titte the Cheese, elicits many; commenda tions. -.YHE DISPLAY:CIF GRAIN. • &QM somecause or Other" farmers have not brot4ht torward such an ah_andant plan; thy of glair' for exhibition-. this year aa they have on similar Occasions, nor- does the omit- ity_ Of that shown come ip to 'former steed.- ards. These deficiences ean hardly be °win. to a bad. harvest; for heyendthe injary done - by the late heavy rains the crops this fall were large 'and thequality of grain excellent. - „ - The failure to bring the best slim:plea forward .mast therofore be asbribed 'to other causes," chief among them. being no cleubt the-uneer- tainty as to the success -of ,exhibition which arosefrOm the cries -cif alarmists who predic ted a Fenian raid to interrupt it.; Tits caVADA. COMPANY S PRIZE. . . . Some of -those Who;_entered for this prize failed to ihew their Sartples,! and the compe- tition -was limited to five br - six exhibitors. The judges eXaniined the : different saMples and in the a fternoon-eivarded the prizeio Mr. stautatieous drying of grainis well Worthy F. Berclay, of Int isfil: .Thla -sample is a . . . • ' very fair °vain - of the -Soule variety. _ The - .of the notice of friends Pla; Savage. and ears some"' of which tvere shown are small 2. f other heavy. dealers in wheat. As far as bet closely fined and withoet blemish, an4 . -- i mu learn there are no horses, cattle _ the_berry is tolera ' - i bly plt\rop and ....clear: As ;sheep or hogs from Huron.; -__ _. , Even in the'article Of_ithe.it, our great . - OTHER PRIZES FOR FALL WIIRAT. ' _.. . _ . staple, pitch slackness -has been -displayed, r.: The Asseciation prise Of ti 0 fo -th second, 4 r e . only oie -sample Being shcm;iby Arr. p. best samplegf white winter wheat (twenty- - ffie bushels) was awarded to kr. J. Mitchell Carroll. I am satisfied thaktnany of our or mono i and thus the two chief priiee-offer- - Huron farm:ers can turn out aa fine a Sam- ed for grain have been carried, off . by the coital.), of Simeee, w.hich produces as good ple as that which takes the Canada Co's- ..,wheat aa any grown in the Province. .The prize by djudieious use of the fanning .third.prize was awarded .413-. Mr.' T. Slavers,. - mill., To say that tbe. two byshelswhich Uf Hamilton toivnship. Both7these sa:mples were foir. - . - . _ -:.., . were lucky enough to carry'nff the prige The first prize.for the hest' twe- bushels of represented- the best and finest crop in" the white4inter wheat was. aviarded to Mr. .T.. _ &gantry is sultply, absurd. _t- was some.. Mitehell, of -Mone. This is i very ;fine sato . . --. ple of wheat, superhk to that which took the Wil -at disappointed in the show of trait Canada -Company's prize,' but we -persume it -and vegetables. In most of -the latter I - is -a very choice lot carefully selected front • a . lower average standard: _ . ...', think Mr. H. Johnotan could make a glean Thire is but a small display Of wintei'\ ;weep, Mr. Pa/1261.0D' :could challenge wheat. Mr. M. M, Bell, of Toronto town. - The exhibition tolerably good on the whole, though not much of an improyethent upon former shows.7 In -Leicester rains there ere 41 entries;.- Headrie & Co. of -Hamil- ton ; Ktrby, of tsqaesing ; Weatherstoo,- of Bronte, are among Mir near neighbors who - ire eXhibitors. ..ln shearling. rams there are 84 entries ; jn Leieester-• ram lambs, .1;5 ; and in other varieties of Leiceste'r there are 123 entriei. • • - . 1 In Cotswahis there are 137 6071es. Mr. Stone, of Guelph, figures 'largely in- thia de. pertinent, exhibitieg _some . aminale in each division of -the class. ilenchie &-- Co., of con4ete for prizes- in .Cots- - wold _shearling rains. ''The -,'show of „Cots welds, on the whide, appear' - be an fin- 'prevenient- upon -last year: - Southdowns -the entriei number 108, end antong them are sOme very fine initials.- . Shropshire and- .Elampshire :DOWns fOot up . $6 entiies.- Theie breeds; if ode may judge, . by 'the entries, are not favorite ones: • Of the fine wdoled sheep there Seme pry goodenitnali. - In Spanish Freon!' and compared with former ize samples, "how ever, this onatuust be said to be interior. ... Saxon Meritios,:there_are.61 _mass, some 91 them very good, a steaay improvement Wile . • e. perceptible, -but tiee. Whole these fine -wooled animals have not become general . favourites. - The Leicesters, judiing by the anitnahrhere,_ are,still prized more highly 'than any other " class, Besides these there haie been 28 en- tries in fia sheep, eome ef them beam fully edAed to the appellatiOn., - , Czowski, Leslie, or Fleming in grapes, !imp, took the firit prize. . . 2 ;and either Mr. Ross - or Mr. Johnston SPRING wHEA:r.. . could compete in.dehlias or verbenes_with. Tiy Olptisiher7rcief svparriienf goodtespeeial- a good prospect- of- success. The first kind exhibiled by All!Thomeas-salPo: Alett prize apples, I am confident, do not Bur; Scarboro,' -who took the first prize, is ail ex - pass thostof Mr. Stewart, and 'candidly believe the Signal could beat the best_ plate again& . the .matter- of fruit and Hewers kturon is too lazy_altogether. The nurserymen, withlheir great number of varieties try to sweep all before them, but if our farmers and horticulturists- - would bat display a little enterprise there is not a shadow bf a -doubt -that We wonld come off with- flying colors. - Sing,ular tn. say, the greatest -honor con- . ferred upon the great agricultural CotintY of Huron is in the department.of Fine Arts. .Althongh Mr. W. 11. -Cresswell of Herpurhey-had to compete iiith works in biedepartinentfar in ad.vance- of forther years, r am - proud to lay' he comes ont of the contest -with untarnishe:d rels. Resides flattering notices- from the TOronto press, he received the 2nd prize for rA.nimals from life'—with due.defer- once to the judges it should have been lst,-71st for Landscape paintbig, Cana- dian subject 1st for Landscape or marine - - painting not pauadian subject, '1st for _ best landscape; Canadiao subject, 1st for best marine view; Canadian subject., The tact* in the midst of paintings _which may safely -challenge the continent of America -for beanty, correctenes.s; and purity of tone, the Worici-of our Iltron 'aitist, W. -H. Cresswell, stand out pre- eminent.. All honoe to himl - • As the_prize list is to -o voluminous, by far, fbr publleation in the Signal al). - 'pea 'a few_. general notes with regard to the articles on exhibition:— THoliolMit-MIED HORSES. To horses some very fine animals are shown, altbonzh thenumber of entries is not V917 large.. Li thorough -bred stallions, 4 years old aminpwards, there -are 5- entries.a-Mr. Beatty of Markham, is the sole exhibitor of a years old, his thorough -stallion 'Plat' being 'on the- ground: and Mr. White, :the member • fin -Halton, shows -the only thotough-bred 2 -yearoldstallion. Theret are two entries in thorough -bred yearling- colts, and four in thorough, bred stallions, any age ; -two in _ thorough -bred- filly, three years" old, and one In the same,--two-yearsold t. two in- thorough: bred yearling fily, and fourin thorough -bred nitteend foal. The member for Hatton,Mr. John White, is the largest ,exhibitor lu Ibis class of thorough bred horses,and shows some fine animal& AanICITI;TIMAL Holstlx8,_ There in all 131 _entries, dittided into .01eTen_ciasses, and thef give evidence of the 'toady: improvement which is taking place in ther torso. Ofibe cottatt7- SOM. verY. fine, PowerrOl =finals: err Ion the groend ia these c hamar. The - - Oar• Salt- at the Provincial Ex Whitton.. • - The q/obe of Wednesday last remarks witti reference -to the caioderich Salt shown at the -Provincial Exhibiticin and whinh - we:understand was a great point ofattrac- don, as follows :-- '"'Specimens of salt from' the tedious Gode- rich salt wen ire exhit;ited by G.- X, True- man. Most .of oar readers: Will remeinber origin 'of this discovery, • 'Soine of the pe9,ple of Goderick striChee :rt.h6 Oil fever; clubbed their meani together:and -sunk a well, but soon_ fouod-:-out that- there was 00 prospect -of stricking oil, and,- becatne -so _disheartened that the works were' tempor arily abandoned, ancl shares cbuld. be bad fer a sting. Now their shares *re aboite par, for bering a little -further they discovered that they had a eplendidstilt well," - The Leader says r-- : "Notthe least interesting; articles cin bition were some small bagi of salt extracted cellent one. The prize for- ordinary goring 7efirQicrati.thetshaelyt ..wweletre\wie*.tbinibited by. Air. oi wheat wai awUrded to Mr. J. Carruthers, of operation at God Traeman, wife state& that the well ir how Haldimand toWaship. _ lusts:Y. - . _turning outsalt at th6 rate' Of :Sixty-- bagels per hour. • We presuthe thatthis" means_that_ There.are only a iew samples of barley enough saliee water is puniped out durina shown; but they are fully up to, the i-itandard that time to yieldoe quantity of salt: The of. prize% grain: Mr S. L. Patterson, ol specimens exhibited were of cOarse• and fine Scarboro,' took the first prize for two -rowed, • - and- lifr. J, -Mitchell, of Mono, for six,rowed barley. - - .qualities, and in oar estimation were equal to any imported salt" . ." Tin DISPLAY OF riguT. . The show of.ftuifs at this eibibition, taken altogether, and coneglering the state ot the weather 'during the -ripening season, is.'ex- ceedingly creditable tO our pomologists, pro- •fessional and amateur. - There is not perhaps great a. variety as- upon 'some former oc- casione, but whatislvantinte in this respect is fully madaup in -quality. The arrangemeoti for displaying .the collections are:much superior to any -id- fonrer exhibitions.. The building clevoted to • horticultural and deity proeucts is thesame length aa the Crystal Palace. In_ the middle two large. tables stretch the entire length -of the repot, a raised. platform 'between them being devoted to plantsand,floWere in pots,, The fruits occupy one of these tables almost etelusively as -well as a portion of the other: They are admire !Ay pieced for inspection and tbrai an' inter- esting and pleasant sight. these ahown by protaionalnurserynien are separated from the contributimis of :amateurs. ' ' APPLES. The quantity of apples shown -are Very large and the _varieties- are. alinost without mimber. _Messrs. If. J. -.Brown, of Niagara ; Gectrge Cooper, of -York, and ifecurge Z. _By - keit, ef St. Catherinesi compete lot -the -prizes offered for the best twenty -varieties. -Mr Itykert's collecting- ceetains spenimens .ot the " Rhode Island Greening " One of the best varieties -grown_ either fo' r copkiug or table use. It IS a fine whiter apple .• and an excellent bearer.- -. - • 0ATTLEi. - Theiotal entries 'of cattle were 470; of which,90 were Durhams,,, 106 Devona, , 82 1terefords, 90 Ayrshires,• 58 Galleiv•ays, :12 Angus cattle, 55 grade oattje- and 27 fat and working cattle, Making altagether.a large re preeentatien. in. this. department: Our well knoWn stack raisers, such ae P. U.. Stone, of Guelph, must sweep the coarse:each in ha line, so thafthough the -cock exhibiticin is ill% best that could bedesired or expected, yet there is not that general nitholescane .com- petiticin amongst -farmers antlbreeders whiel is desirable, and. to • stimelate which ins, ili- a large measure, the design of the projectors Ofthose anhtial exhibitions. • • Some Of Ihe finest Durhate cattle eihibited Were bYthe Hon,..ttavid Christie. heid consisting•'Of three aged cows, one -three year. old cc,* one• two year old, ode yearn*, one - heifer calf, otos. hull calf, orie grade heifer -4, - nine in alL These -animal!' were in excellent conditiene and always command their . share of attention which they are sere to do ill thia instatice. • . kr. Robertson, •• of Galt, showed an snot-- - mous Durham -0114 the largest hut -One on the "exhibition, a perfect heap of-• Beall and bones .weighing 2,550 the. Thia cciw is Well worth• meta:if-Mid nisitors shonid. not fail.. tO get;a Peep itt bars Inthe adjetiohigstall; and PAIE4; ASSIWES. . k The court of Assize apd Nisi .Prius for these Counties ' opened yesterday, (Holiday) at noon. His Lordship Chief Justice Hagerty, not. liaring arrived. the Court was opehed 'formally by the Clerk, H. Johnston-, Esq. His_ Lordship ar- rived at. 3 O'cleck,. when the Court was opened for the traneaction of -busmen.-- The following gentlemen ccnnposell the Grand jary :---' • Wm. K,Y, Baynee, S. P. Chapman, C; Corbett, C. Girvin, Henderson, Wm Lawrie, Jno. McGregor; D, Mcllwaine, D, MCLellan, •-hco, Mc- Millan, G. PickfOrd, John Smith, John Fair and W. Vendersoit. • - In addressing the Grand Jury,- Eh; *Lornsiii4 said the persons confined, in the gaol were not numerous,. bat pile -of the _charges were of a serious nature: . There were two chaiges of --Murder against InT diens and as in sucih cases the Services Of an interpreter was usUally necessary the cages wouldrequire very careful consideration. They were to -understand that they were not to try the cases, bht simply on hearing one side to determine whether the evi- dence was' suffieient to place. the accuSed on trial, and if the evidence.was consider -11 ed paltry.br trump.ed-up, it was only tight' . to Ora the bill out. • There were cases to be brought before them of: robbery, 'honsebreakini, stealincr; etc, There iris one Case where a medical man ins eharg_ ed With manslaughter. It was Painful tosee a professional man placed- in such- a position; hut theirdaty_ was to enquire,. siinply,. whether in. -this, :oasis a there had heen a criminal neciligone uptii, the part ef the accused. His fordship ilInstrated ' the principle he wished tO impress upon the jury by statingsiveral- cases in whieh, a charge of crimival negligence inight or - . - -might not :be - laid—such as fast driving, the , running _ of -locomotives. Ac.., :His Lordshiprutged -upon- the jury' the lie- cessity'of .attending tortheir 4tIttes Wit4 as niuch dispatch atkpossible, as -itliiight _ There -.being _a large number of cdses for trial, the attendance orgentlemeit of the long rphe was"- enustially lerg& We noticed, aniongsrethers, Robinson; Q: C.; of Toronto Kenneth McKenzie Thos, Moss,- R. A. Harriscin, Q. C., M-. _Crcloks Vaineron; Q.. C., of ' Toronto, Miles O'Reilly; of, Hamilton; -and. u large re., presentation of the local bar. Ira Lewis, Co: Attorney, wes --ippeinted to -act is Crown- Counsel,. - _McDermott, vi. McDermott, ejectment; `Yerdiet for' plff..-1s. _damages. O'Reilly and Moore fbr plaintiff. - - .McCpy vs. -Rtitherford, ejectineilt.-7- Verdict- for 'plaintiff, damages: Sin - °lair for .-Barritt vS Stewart, ejectment. -. No de- fence: Verdict for plff. ls: damages, Moon for plif. . --. Bogen vs. Williams, ejectment. defence. Verdict for plff. 18. &images,' ;onrdoognerfsorvsp.lff,sim d-er-s,-: eject tn-n't. Ver- dict for .plff. 10..-claniages,.' Gordon for off. - _ _ Rogers -vs; Liana Iterdkt by . con- sent fbr plff4-41-25. Gordon for NE, _ Watkins vs. McLellan, tresPais. Vet -- diet for plff.1100.damages. _O'Reilly for plff Shaw 4or deft •• TUESDAY, The Ceurt opened atil o'clock, a, in. After roatine business; Pat Kelly; who, it Will he remembered: was -arrested and lodged le gaol Some Months ego for express-. ing Fenian sentlinente, 'was- placed in the- doc_k. gis,Lordship.gave the Prisoner_ a eau° he -is notlikely Soon to forget. He told him latiguagesuch as" he had iised woulclat One. time have -been laughed:et' in this country, but after_ the events of June -last it win not in flesh and blood to ' endure snail conduct. - The _Government hadleen fit to tate a lenient -view of hia case, but in diseherging --him lie (the judge) would advise him not to get drunk in -future; or,if he dik to take care how he uttered treasbnable language. The prispner was then discharged:, --A CLEVER' ARREST. I . • - Jacob Hobson; who has been ‘wantea' here for some time past, is again in gag* On Thursday last the Co. -Attorney re- ceived a telegram froM Capt. Prince,- of . Toronto; to the -effect that Jake wattin that -city, whereupon Chief Constable- -Trainer Wasisent dollen at once to arrest him.-- -On -.Thersday niiht Mr. Trainer anived in--•:7oron tot, and- befere he slept found out the stopping plies of hie malt and where he- could -lay hands upon him. Next- mornilire armed with the nenessary authority he sallied forth and "after a _ ; ; tedious parch, stembled upon.the 'young man on Rine. - street and nabbed him instanter. Securely handeuffed,- Hobson _Fres taken on the 1 p. m. train bound for Goderiek "Ali . is, known to be, the smartest One in these parte, Trainer was not out of collaring alistanee all the _way up; beqest- as he Waelet ont of the ibuS at -I O.. o'clock it night atlbe kaol AloOr _ .6. made -a 'bolt, ran.. Up . the road; end -Wheeling- io :right:dallied -down a_ -eteep niershy revine. Trainer wesafter hiin, however, and. after falling half a dezett , times- Otter logs and stump,. end , recenng: sundry -bruizes and a liberal "ceat . of mod, they arrieed.-. at the road -leading -to Retest -MilL _Trainer: then drew. his- „re.volver end .fired shot Soros?. ,Hehion's -bolis -declaring he mould --send the 'next hall 'through him if he didn't stn -p. Jakeivail:hy- this time pretty well - blown, and making - a vincte Of- necessity decided that he niight_as well march back to: gaol, •whieh he dick _The racedown that r(ivine on a .pitch-dark night des7 -cribed -eye-witnesses as pne the: most, aching Trainerer, tainly, deserves - great - credit _,for .his shrewdness, spirit and pluck in _the nub ter, but we submit_ that itis hardly fair to impoie such. a task upon one man.: IMPORTATION& We. Would direct special attention te. the adv‘rtisiment of Mr. Moorhouse, who hag. selected person- ally in the hest European markets,, and imported, the largest and mast varied stock Of stationery, faneygonds, &o.; that has ever been Caved far Fele in ',these cOunties, or, we believe, inittey town Of Western\fanada. The very favorable terms uPon which the goOds were pur7 chased will -enable . him _tol ebeaper than ever before. Give bun a sag by all means. THE Einoainas is" again crowned; with seasonable goods -front cellar to gar- ret Messrs. J. a Detlor & to: have - , „ . _spared no painikto meet the wants of the pul3lic, and they will, no doubt, enjoy u. .cotitinttatiete of the liberal support that has` always been 'extended to the eatetnishinent trje-. The gunboat Cherub ,Protieeded. -env on the Lake some diaferice oi-Eriday`laat for • . • target practice Maby of our; eitizerns comptutied-heil and Were deliehted 'with.' the splendid firing.- .-. • .--r 1.461.0 The Ifur?ii Mider -040, Heys, departed for Cai9i-TliCeold sateafay:taet. The bp: Jooks-'citp3tal its new zsg-- and • as _ , the Weather it.fine, theLnien- will ne dorubt enjoy themselves very much. oar gpecin--;E''n :b."1 the wheat taking prizes at the Meat exhibittan may be - • seen -at- this office. , ' •Eitattra,-- Owing to the Obsence of ihe . - - ..;- edaorant_the in -disposition of our proof reaci. er,,the articleiirr lag Banff anent the exhibi tion was tulf tyliegraphical errors, some of of them of the g a,vest deseriPtioni . 3 us VircAiiisa, just nOw, after the: late heavy rains, ill glorious and „(although late) out ferment_ 0,41- reeling ;forward theif fall wheat sowing. A eonsiderable breath will be . put under this valuable. serial. Or Attention As directed to the dard e Mr. J.-111.:(1. Haldane,'who hail opened a law office in: Key'e , that Diekson;. Esti M. -P., en beini appointed . Itegistrar : HuFen, will .pur ase th? splendid pro- -petty owned by our' late lemented .Regis- trar,:kapwri as " The Ridge.f1" A Bright Idea. • • _The New York telegtedis of Sept. -29th, Sgys,-(1e4: Santa Anne. lins 'locatecl'on. Stalen Island anti I °petted. a basilicas lin- for the transaction of 'Matters looking- ' to the deliVery of *aloe from Srem the French. - .enlisted -the- SyMpathy of the Fenians, Col R.obertS, _en Ssveed • G - nett, and other Yeniao chiefa are zealoos. in their-attaching:et to his and are -edueating_ the Irish. to that belief:, Three large sea,giiing --steamers have been ptir.! nhased -tor their _tra nspoi teatime to-. Mexico: -It is: steted_that Sento Anna is Soon to teturn to St -Thom* - • MORE G UNDO A.VS • • 'CANADA. , , The Londcin Thnes of the 12th tilt; says :-: . " Thelfetley and Trineulo, 'wooden gun. _ boats, ptting out in the..steani bas -in of Ports month yard, willf in. a short lime be ready for triel ender eteam and commission. They are iiiiid to be intended for service -on- the Cana dian lakes,but h cannot well be believed that „Sir John Pakington's Board - of Admiralty would despateh uparaied wooden gunboats to a part ofthe ire Id where if they ever met :carrying -armor- lating." , S with an enemy e would ' certstioly be. one There are no irmi-c9atedgunboata . on the lakes,- and a fewimore British wooden vessels on these vvaters Would be found very - useful, - even although the Times caimot -believe it. . _ _believe that if .France had her last "-nataial nletiskge.of-friendsbrpand love, •from: warns . - -frontier," -there-Wonld ' prifipaged aelog booms, should turn otter Cold green - peace and ProSfierity! never before - known bones :Of men and women *hose hes • - asolowseadrma;jaad roauarereg; Illievreortigsb.einth_eee nettimaJes4g:gatilje mai:wide /itid neigh- • • bathing townehipsare now wenprovididwalt 'sfilige-hattritlidsr.edlli-iriftisnlihaevePelbeter disposed ef in town ;• end there are !ow levee- .. • -The London Pally News of the 13th -ult., build; ed serriceable with. g bayonets eitYsk" - " ' It appears that weiluty at length 'calcu- Ataehellweideidtheadbey°.6altdrobeng'!aarimillealiinnr direeetedqu*,nbny': Hudsdn's Bay question, hitherto delayed late otrtbq,' appreaching • settlement of the -eatrreowegjhoeuarartsa,:latinct meired ,pein -alloputeratantritterue through varieus difficulties. The conditions are in good-earnett now, and are dete - pf a settlement IIOW aPPear-Io redaced :to last no 'lawless horde shell unopposed- puce _ more than a matter of arbitration. The: foot on lbw soil. Nearly every .fatinees tompanyNate.underatood to Oak .X2,006,000 waggon that has gone ont alto town tlir .-a - for thesovereignty and the hulk of the free- week pest bzsitht boanytaimeeet affittzmaidrimitotree m-F.atan; hold, while the Imperial governmeitt 'have -field rifies, king undertaken tO guarantee £1,000 000 • in otherparts of -Canadaare well a - abgn dnto9wrt rgisopt hi east abfo tahro'iptaiarotieasait_liainvde when they may, will have a warm reee_ptioni _ those of Walt Durham, the Feniani; Colne - that the bailee of two - eminent.' arhitratOrS and be apeedny ptit out of earthly troente,..g hive already . suggested. The share- [flowinativille.ftateantan. holders may, therefor!, look to a .bargaiii 0780k;aVicime Intervening price. 3 he latest propesils appears to be that the ,COILI- paey should sell; with the -sovereignty, three... fourths ef' the freeheld, -.resereint to -them- BeiVeii one srpiaia-nnle'out of fogr; and re-' mining olso•righteAn :the linutieg grounds.. 'For this fourth'of the freehold the company may exareisathe-right 'Wiling land war,. rants oe the :. Stock . exchange ; and as . the imperial aad 13rifeh Ainerican governments. ly aiterWards (the :persona on the eastern side . • having meantime 'lett the-sbop) a package, :which had teen laying ,on lhe totinter be- - hind the_ iron railing near the doer *as Miss.ed. This was it package of money and ebegnes -whie.b had been put tgi the proof:As evening for deposit in ,the :city •benk meat morning. - It cOntained eearly VMS .Canaditte hills (about two thousand of -w.hicle - was in ten dollar billet of Cominerchn Bank) and over' eighteen .hundred &liars in cheques ever .$3.200. The permit whoutook the package must 'haie partially raise. dilate. Self on to tlie court -ter/ .1e:staled ovee and 'ex• _ tended his hand round:the tailing,-whichxunit - before and coteplerely acmes the conntee, this we-have.to add- the emouot tole derived Tbe personiton thit side are described as ;roil) the sale et the territory-e=whatever looking -like Aramaic:ens, and lad come in 'be .fized at, betweea 41,000,00.0 and ZA.000 it: ostensibiy to :Change .greenbacks. The policy 000,- and the- predgee also of the Oregt‘..amtthte°rri.•ittniest7.epret.iTigettgilr-jin:triTedigh":hithcle' claim; in order -to. estimate the, amount that net been able to' -find the _guilty party.-. will, be dispesableaniong ,:the shareholders. true. . . When thit divided". -the .conipany :will be -able to deal *I.:I their ProPosed Wile Of land til.iba•otAanrglreriaEttr: oNorr,eycoinhtt juaza to7rjrikia wariantS, cad to continue -their tride,, which is at preSent yielding them- abbot _Al 00.000 England, and, the still outstanding crepe Iel‘r net. It ;a -tinde.retued th"t the British .rere sustaining cOnsiderahle .dasseiew . North- American delegates in, this country, Frenchagricultural journaksuna •up fel- mho are 'itow stout concliidin4 --the terms of lows the latest itecoonta Of tile harvest :: ;confederation With the. calomel. office, :will en, jointly with the- ,governmen,t, come to aFrraguanetttyhea7Teisisenaditltbaerldtbeaoltdoriniaaitypattaasittityjaa rine with the Iladames Pay Company, in a adateity \tiosid„enceeejtheibundsato ofaho, der to .coinplete the contederated itystem .pett thee yeatsi Enidang ;8,000 beginians DRAM IN LORD r fOre they leave England." to .complainpll'anaionat.o4fi e. eya tie zitiioesetnyt1.3inwlitelowetf. .hwes:uallo,bt. t Mails it- hi stat that- His Extellene much *more fortenate than Trance. _:Tho herd !Monck -reeeived • intelligence of the- uloneilltellted.slitese rataerdhlet-Atitt greAteterte.th' ianhe ' deatinpf his sister: s-..AYe -.underetand that, to the nountryifor the -limpire would then - have no grave- cause `with her neighbors andsthe would be so large and well-yote'eeed that nobedy would dare to attack . • • . _ qr he Hudson's Bay•Territory. . , DARING ROBBRRY TORONTO.---Nigt Morning a ronbery to a large &monk tack _ place at the establishment of W. R. Brown money broker, King atreet. Abobtlalf past eight ye -look a number of persola were at the counter changing mane!, some five or sizat 'Whom -were on the eastern lid& The Werke were for a few minutes on the other side attending to other cuitomers, and short- 1:tropose _to carry out ksysiem of colonization la earnest, 418 iikelY that this wilt prove a source of.increasing value tO the company. leis rather calculated that this transfer will 0..t int erfere with the -trading interest of the company, the colonizable lands _being- dis- tinct from the hunting grounds, the practicat monopoly over which, will probably, remain with the Company, through its superior then- ities-ancleettlemenes. While. this is -so, it is stated that the old claim aeainst the' United States under tae Oregon terrattry is -now oh thevergeef settlement, 'and that tne compro- mise will probab:y be somewhere -about £250,000. Under the hat report the -get assets -of the company • weep X927,000. To th 'ATLANTIC MONIRLY.--The October number te • of ibis standard American magazine hos been r received from the publiebers, Messrs. Ticknor . be & -Fields' 12-4 Tremont street ' Boston. -The I contents' are : -Childhood, a study ; , Her Pilgrimage f -Fenner Hill's -Diary -..t The las" Darwinian Theori ;. Viations aspects of the woman question 1., Scaralneled Altri; Mien- towona ; Passages from Hawthorne's Note Books - The Norman -Conquest - -The-Novels ; 1 - of George Eliot ;T Griffith .1:Jaunt, or Jealousy -XI ; The-- Usdrpatinne, Reviews, &c.- , For tale by book sellerS eenertilly. 0 _ __ Return 01 -Irish Emigrants. . - - • . , . ... .. _ - The Cork ...v`rtminer of the iard ultlino, eiintainis the . follewing:_ " The City: of BoSton, of the Ininan line; which arrived on Taesday ni.ght free]. Aiiierica,. with dates to . tile -illth - test.; landed at QueetistOWn 64 ste,erage passengel* alit of; whoM are . Mill. Abodt fiftY Of 'them hive. not been ill Amer- . . . . . ira more tnaa, six months, and'. they corin- iev borate the ifatenients of numbers Who ho,W. aan already arrived, that there is a_greefscercity of emplevnient in the:United 'f:Statea, and mref those who. ha,ve already emigrated there . are — in a very destitute condituni:- ' Several of we those whb landed froni the :Beaton ire ;-al. dui! do-st penniless„ mot "posseasincr- _much* More se" tthheama .wenTlhde. pa ar ci. i!vai ds tee angbeedki; awnedreabre.oaakrefatehet4.,f.bo; ley? ' hel the poliCe ahd custom officiali but nothing , .was seized."7 If these - Men who have thas r:c ieturned Peattilesiliomstlie .Stafes had dome 1,dis,.. to Canada, they. would now ha,:,e • been -earn. :;:-: ing good-wirws afictilviag *happily_ and pins- "1" perously. • aUtiforpriately, ..hoivever, -the chi United. States • is- still Iflooked -Upon as the ' lf .,., emtgra-nt's land -of promise open this Contin " •?:"' ent„ British jourueli. would _ be, -doing good.- -ee Serviee to their Own country auct their own Al nountrymen,-as well as to these .provicc_ps, if ii';., they would: tha0e the peOple legeointed WIth ; " the real poiitioa of aff14.13 here. - .?Any man jtai whO will dome hare be he English, Irish -or .-"-' Scotch., Or whatever his Uationality may *be; ten if he his willieg te WOrlt inclustrioesly, ond 6e 'ra a law-ahiclinkinember of !society,- eeed ' mit ." h fair -that he- will ever- he sent -home in a Inr deatitute emiditiOn. :: Het* there Is toOM. 'mid It-ta weleotee for , all. - I.- ,. atio .. A Ricianottd; Va., 'epeeist. says : , It iS teo'r,c 'October or -November. 7 • : _ r - ‘ • UudenttoOd Jeff -Davis Will hot be 'tried-, in- iwne-au --New .York, SieLl 22 e7The race Yesterday -..;,i,,n hetween TAicy, Core, 61d Rosamond 'Was Won ';',,'„ by-latcY. Time lait heat, 2:23..., - -• :- 4-7 The St. 'Petersham BOrien Zeitiing. sari yoi4 thatall preparatkais on the -midi-441ft' :lig; she:4 the sounding's in Behrine's ,Straita cOmpietion of the- lihe of; telegraph, betiveee- posi Ramie and Anierica Ott nearly finished. - - • New York, SePt. 29.-1The vornmerciats mehey 'article says t- Spe tilatiie movements in cienand, and advance...1 i to.f. peeN*ni:; _ i in railroad stocks.-41.7mat ring • jute au ex- citement ; .ahares ate .re ,dily , _taken •up .at fernier advaoce-; gOvernMents rather niore -Money atillaboneant and_without • change in rates ;: call looms 4 ner Cent.; :gold -shows an upward-. tendency. ,-: - - . . in France. Northern fiermany appearslo le, -- consequence. he• -will he unable to eitTli the divided. - The -Soethern provinces of Han - Provincial Exhibition,. 'in -Toronto, as he gary have suffered much. - • mtended -.to do. • A bashful lover about to be married, took Singstlisir. Meeting In the isle OE morpihine to steady his neries. • Resin -ha; An 'English paBkperan.tells the following' nitelv postponed. forgot to wake -up -at the•wedding lienej thei bride was disgusted, and the -wedding indefie story : •. • few evening -.ago a large party of gentle- men who were -assembled in the .commercial room.of the Victoria Hotel, Rartaay, Isle of Man, were spending their leisure hours -the ening being wet -in relating circumstances counection with their individual lives ; arid of theta being -of a.superior older, both as NTS/B ards-posniog in _ life aoit inental attain - ma,: many p easing:- awl exciting *vents re uarrated - solue, " while other anec- esmight be eharatterized at- the tinie es er.. Oile relation Appeared to ithset a isiderable den:pea-interest, and ran near, as follows . " My father for aome- years d government sitqation in the, civil ser- e, biit company and alove of. gaiety were principal failings. :He began . to neglect duties, and, 'after beiag reported :several ea by his superlor, be was ultimately cha- rged. To ,aig he Could not, ited to beg was ashamed. His- wife's father commen hitn. in 'bus-inese in Liierpoof .es an lim- per, and here•the struggle ieemed to be ether he ur his wife... should chink moat. course:they itooh _drank theMselves Out of use and borne ; my inethersoon after -died low Judging house, and my father wait ed, while tuneeling, on a 'certaia railway. gaged. myself on iessel going Out to a.ter artiving,..1 -went to keep erd goats, for which I got such pay as bled me,to sett- a little cash. • Soon after via little apecelation and.migaged in it: . . %nee out weil, and. has been the found- !' of my fortane. I'm now in comfortable unistanoes, and have onee more 'reterned isit dative eountiy, from which I will . few days sail, and to bidit a lasting fare-- . Otte, of -.The coinpany bere ingly with a _choking -voice, ,ocAnd any ftielids; brothers or. sisters, when left your native cc:um-try ?" - - I -kid a tifotherfatid a sister, lor s priecipilly I canie tO England, -but tti hear neythine-of them. 1 auk.' they have followed "their untortiinate parents to their long :home. "Notso," re. o r, IX. 1866, at the hour _Of - Tvre• plied the saMe speaker, for your -brother is ilk -400. poen, all tbe-right,title ard interest - of... here, and also-ui cemfornible cireumstances, -prope. 3:131z part.irvfitjage.Lot nuntberoge, t 11bori VO !tamed rasoiv.y.nt, in the following and m. yoadve2ntureamshal.i. alao. be related North side. of s3tanley street in -1,1iCTO. IMO: Of ; yotkin ue- time: y sister is marriedp-audi Egmondvilleoin theAntrit -all • -• thongh met wealthy. isnot poor " • e • In Predopia, New York, the Health Board, in order te kir the people to aetion wait . gardto cleaning up, lave posted the- follow: jug notice ; " The abOlera is ' coming! By - order of the Committee.7 -r OST, some ilayi mince-, by Dr, Cassidy', lbe-- tween Goderieli and Smith's Mill, a roe of instruments. The finder will be suitably reward- ed on leaving the same at this office. - Oct. -2.1866. W36 SgERTIFF'S SALM -0111sANDS. .. United Counties of ir !virtue of a Wri lit . and singular that porrioii :Or tract ot Iand and i Harem and Brace, rieri ,4Filents residue - To Wit i : issued ont of Her Majes- ty's- County court ofthe County _ of Wentworth, .and to me directed againat the lands and tene- ments ofJohn Meal/ley, at the suit or William Darling, 1 have seized and taken in -execution-0C premisessituate, lying and being in the TOW- thip of Cnirosaanthe County -of Bruce, contain- ing by --admessurement -one u..iefred acres et land. he the same mcie or tess and being eel* .. %....;..1 oflot number eleven. in'the fill -tenth 'Con- cession of the Township of -Outran, in the County of Bruce, aforesaid, Which Jana and 'tenements 1 shell oder for sale at my race at the Court Meuse, in the Town of Godench, on Tuesdsh the eighth day .ofiantiarv -next, • at the hour of- -8TheerffPlirs e:s°-Ofifith.ceieG'ilrod91:11elrilifhinli: "CD°71412:!Nrttil KB. ;'*' Rs 27th September, 1866. i - . , IttsolvOn. :Let 01 1064.: Irinlebnet7att-!r. -B--8E127-.171 aft- - 1)17131.440 NOTICE is hereby given that niern .L -will be offered for Sale to parsaarce of 18 1;11;0111tiO0o1 theereditors of the' Mitt Insolvent. approved -Of by the Judge shortening- the veiled t advertisement to two months it -Stronee Hotel, in the Village oi.Seiforth -in the Conlity,' ofIforon;_cm Momtav, the _twenty-second day et tierett the -Cable. In4.857 Edriard Ereket in iiimemerable - - Oration deliVered at the opeiang af the'Dad ley Observatory at Aibady; thus spoke of the theo projected Atlantic telegraph.:" I hold in My hand A portion of the identical electri- Cal cable, giren td me by illy frriend Mi. Pea; body; : which .ii'how_in progreas - ef manufac- tue to centlect Atrietaca with Europe. - I read upon., n tte.followiii; words 27-A part of the submarine_ electric telegraph eittle.-: inanufaciiired by ;Messrs. Glues, Elliott & Po., of Lando% for -The Atlantic Telegraph' Otimpany,-6.;_,Contiect St. 4Ohns, NesvfoOne- land, wish Went*, Ireland. a distance :in : 1640 lIttlItiel4i or 1000:statute milei. Does i . - ::.--. not almost seem iacrediblkto yOu- that irk., oundary now is tbe-dttine ; tri do it, - before 1 telfigence - ahuuld _travel :for, tup-_thousand all Germany it orgenieed :under one heed: i miles. alOng those-slencler copper wires, far 'The armY, thinks, .too, that it- has-- played down in the :ell but fathomless Atlantic . ' ge er WO sinall a rote "ii lateeventa, and thist it has need of regainiu the ground.loste: Bat, -I -bel iii* -it -May be tie ely'predic- id that i the, Nmeerortntends now tti" make tuck, de- inandiand, Open such neifitisktious'. as :wail . enable•-hitir JO keep tbe estio ' - - . . , i Frisnee'4114 1Peace. The European correspondent of the New -York Times thus speakevith regard to the 1 unsettled state of public feeling ie France, and preditts that a great Europeire, war is certain to be oronght about before: the peace of EurOpe cen be definitel Settled : • ofi - Notwithstanding the m ny- .evidences of _ theEniperor's glesire-t i. maintain peace. there is an uneasy feeling an regeferto war which. manifeste. itself in.• _many ways. - -The- ariny,„or.poucoes is: responSible forniuch. - or -most of the ligec feeling; for the army thinks that if -France as ; to oho_ ge her northern . . ., ." . never before penetrated- by tiaght' pettiming to hUDIolity, &MT soda fthindeiing !easel has plunged with ber hapless compeity to -the --eternal eninCe: end darknells •of• -the abysts ? • Does.at not -faith, I .kay, all bat pe nurecle, art,..that the -thoughts of taam'teprty,-tl_';c‘Ev,xj4h4hiti-wo4,:fri..t..titimdpi,I_ativliadhieto:'wf4orn!Y:ati:t. Meneethe _thoughts thataie. tinnk up here on - then grass* • hn-YO 1:0 -9400Pt the Proeesi7 tioni unifier' noW in -a wild -form; . -Or light the: Emaorsatp-teeaarri balaeill.,a,rwhheicrhreliaSso;yaer,mt b;aenadtepeeatip-oine will accept' this -sirratigeinegit ant nothing tilitirt.of it- 3There is a Lind -demand ler peace certaiely4 --there ithvitI a in iery couotry ; bet in-; France thd try- tor -peace otafextenda tO these Wars' the _goveininent had been le the habit of Waking: ft frit' :hit - idea." When it Ontea,to the._-eixestien oldie Will be no; !Ire in -the reit?' in France everyinanliona-an- 'end- child will sepport the war, and trill subscribe t y the, eattlea stirface, in- the cheerful -light of date.aboit the markets. and the elehanges, and the seasons and the elections, and this neatiei and the wart, and all the load noth- ings ofdany -life, ..ishould *the themSelvei .withelenients! _sparks and shoot -with* fiery -speed, in.a nioinetal -in the twiekling.-. o: an - eye, from .;..--beeiniphete to' hemiepherei fat down among thenneontit that wal- loW 1ti :the .nethei teas, siong-.the wreck -paved flogr,s through the -onzydnegeotis Of the ray-, lead deep -that the-:_ateet intelligefiee ,of the cropss_whose &tieing ittaitels 77Tii leer monthibe With -the .West wind on - tholi,bouridless •prilaie-4 ihould go fiashin loaw .the government :--Ma'y !damn . • The deCiEll of old smitten gellecnis, , 'political economists, even the peace wee whia bave been rotting , tor ages i'• that 1 - Tlierefet a good buiMing nn the Lots admirably adapted for either *Tinsmith or .1iciernaker. " Tennsmade known on the dayntlfale. - Dated at Se,aforth, this 3rd day of' ally; A. 'Dv - .JAME.S w361d ' 'Atwell& DISSOLUTION Or PAIII2VER- - s c. _ XOTICE_ is hereby 'given alai the' liartnership • - heretofore subsisting hetween us. the tla" dersianed, aa retail 'greens, bar been this oisydig- olYedlArmutual consent. All debui OWRILIO,the said partner:shit silo biped to 'Sant LII/11011.• tine at Goderieli and all, chinas - again* The sticipartnership are to hepresenied thepteieat Era ShaiinenIla Doyle": *Awn: :tha will be 'witted; ' - Dated at Godeoct, This 24111 do, orSeikitliber W. D.SHANNQN, -1,26 matrix 13.-14kmosnlyz; Insolvent Act of 1814 and Amendsents, of Canada, in the County:Court claw County ofituroa. United•Countiesat Enron. in the matter ie James Roes, solvetst. - • TIN Friday, the thirtieth 4ayofigoiember INV" -the-Undermined will -apply to tbele '- the said -Court for a discliarge under the sia 4.et. - • • . • -• .hy43.-6..Diceangliey His atiorne* • • • . odium. -• Beaiortt, Co.-}furcinitePteMber -2_2nd. A- isos. - • „Wilt , .„ VROM lot/fo. cona.S; Da Tovnadno COlhorne, 'Obi:Mtge-later part of WY Ilia; 12-'sheep-:-4bld ewe:1,1 old rain, these -are mark.. ed with it hole -le -the right ear S ewe tarehe, watherhunb.- raniliiinfi wall& hat ta041111 the others have ihoiruileout*ort. ,Anyperion giving,stich information 'at "Eisnmillarta AIWA' be *01116*- ^WRIT14:ds or by letter to • • - • r- • - ArilkiAldlarlacrit Sonnnibies pee, • Sept. 4,1866. -1W36 Int* • g tiartihig, vac MtalMits ?Boum 'Russia ogll tisulesitYmPati te the Cana - new -sensati GlAdsborougb Weems -orate Austria bad lit - =ban. Nowl .and Corfm 1 bap ...answere Patha, that he fah:aims this the Christian flag t, 'ca. The last been complied .Croidatereugh J the whoee - this be one of austio-Amexicat -need satatiOn f Assn; ,Nonie he to year goon fear the ir • • asarleal in sue sick man at janestion ItOw _Tarldst bonds, 'Viatishave bee , this time. A good terms wit Rondia ; the e-ehow that ain Napoleon ? i3editioni dr•ed sad eighty TirL'EcitAMI -7.- of the Pritvi 'Telegraph Coin ditons to its li in ease of eme t Waterloo to Kit by two branch " Aberdeen in will pees thr Flat to the front - Armand East. 1 ,hate line atom ,..atit.0118078 Point on the East -news ofenv ho Gas ' Ameng tbe t Nen are =al .ornaments. -Anti the birth; Mori's the bird is set in less richly,. Ban bird -ornaments- . -are sold.- On thi cach-witha geld Made in aname wings being dia* -roe% aepreeentei matiCiiisalmg etc • %melt. BA 1 which. lave cora "ot altyllue :with 'racy amalt Tot tstrioxoo ' - MeKeever, while tasty isstd1 the t, Anession is now al by which McKeie - et the horse Both 7._ The projectorof 1 talculatitig fleat the .gank, which I were, slanted apo plank,was mot -eel aind as McKeever blow well sufficieti We liepe that the will be cleared that the -driver trattear_mse cc, -ausiver any veldt - at all titniA near :1 was not fliffecult-V what noterred to _deeper:deo of gal ootonous. moment to kill .the - .Keevei, if they .00 P, S.—The test quest gees ttriltov Voi to murder 3ft - • - - • 1; Jim axis Ins -‹ - remit* that the Bast -CIA Lond - seethed during the lain and its in= three or foor _cas! place, and the vas exceeded those of Alailltir -exception the Retiree, comni 2,000 RN comps eband populaties - 1014000 .C.f.the Cb Then, as Bowl the --certaht obeervanee theiewisli of all Padova& th Vera and *Tort' I'M --Amnion-3 morellos the tame room Ow nometinten eceuiti, thelower orders of tion4 consider -obit Anality *fit iilitona being prosi beitkCe.r." ObY Andr* of the.octialattnit; though the besove Conti for werichos . matted. :Thiriy-two year York Tribune, trim bionntainhOinet fC1 Iii1100113. was _keep; • thegloriespf the 1 Johnson was Mayo Tennessee, Jeffe ,drageons,.was- was grieving titer :Beenketnidgewas Cicero against g mai *Sane bac Be Grant wise seltixol raga was Irate -bill the tpnid coast or Timid peOlde lover about to pop deeinet •to be tiet - Pe tap 7set: iluitiCathe eau, I Uri --ittt 0 1,,,Mtit•was made of luzjewels, Ira _-ePlitlY collection, tl w-Mlimfess'a r4tisat their Ithath *al& tot ,01 airtiktO eith 4,044 noltfor the core of 411 The a ..tosiiett, 1444 Ait - asstia,