HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1866-09-28, Page 37-7777. i•9•••••,‘"•••••••• •••• t • Beitortil- List. Hoasss.—Best BrOod -Mare, James Broad feettsen -, 2nd do Wm Walk-er. Best Fital net Carnochan - 2nd do, Alia McLean. Best yearling entire Celt, Robert Dennison. Best two year old -- do, JOhn. Gibeen. Best yearling colt, Samuel Carnechan ; 2nd do, "Ames butherland. Best ta'a years old filly, Anctrew Archibald ; 2nd do. John. Elliott. Rest yearling - filly, Isaac Curry, 2ed do Robert Govenlack. -Best pair agricultural horses -in harness andwagon, jaws Broad- - foot, jun; 2nd do, James Watt. - Best- pair' of carriage horses, Wni. :Chesney, _Best Baggy horse, 1-.) 1)onavan. CATTY.E:—Best Mitch. cow, that had a calf since Ist January. 1866.- Robert Cartnichan ; 2nd do, EcIwut Creswell.- Best two yeas old heifer, calved since 1st January, 1864, 21id da, David Walker. - Beat one year old heifer, calved since first January, b _ TILE NARKETS. °DEMO'',Sept. 28, 1866- Spring Wheat:. .$1:00 ea 1:36 Fall do 140 (a} 1:624 (faIsr - • - - • 0:18 Fleur Ai: 00 Barley 0:35 Peas . 0:35 4:00 (d5:00 Beef, (10 0:08 6 0:19 Elides (greet') .... .... -4:50 - 0:00 Butter 0:14 0:16 l'etatoes, new. 025 0.25 Wood. .... ........ , 175 , 225 new %I. te 4:06 (.0, 7:00 Eggs. . . -010 ap, ';0:00 Plums........ - T:00 (a.). 1:25, • • 0:20. (A 7:00. 0:40 0:40 - wrasxEltp, laSHERS !! .•• Cottons 1 Cottons 1 COTTON$1 HE SUBSCRIBERS ARE SELL- 1. ,ing off Grey Cottons at reduced ,pricei; also. ` . . Ladies' and Gents' StrawHata I ' To arrive in a clay cit. two - CHEAP INVIIITE COTT01% Robert Carnochan 2cd do. James Dickson. rfg Meoixsz' *Corrotta. the:greatest .stim,.. taelies togrow on the smoothesi thee or chm ; never known to-fittl. *Ain* for trial sent free to any one desirous. of4sting- its merits. Address Rztvs.s Co.,18 Nassau St., N. (No letters taken unless prepaid) Rest yoke oC worhing oxen, 'Wm MeCtta; m the world. will force Whiskers or Mui- _2rid Tilos Govenlock. _ _Best' Fat Ox, Francis Yowler, sea ; 2nd do, de do. Best fat Cow or. heifer, -Peter Ramsay ; 2ud 4o, 21/ex Broadfocd. .• " • Suzzr.-L--Best Leicester Ram, not more than six years old, George Sproat, juur ; 2nd do Georae-Stanbury, Best cots old -raw, John Carnochan , 2nd do,- taeorge, news. BestLeicester shearling ram.Charles Lai* 2nd do, John Cowan, MeKillor. Best•Cotswold shearling, Robert Govenlock. Best Ram Lamb, John Cowan, McKillop; 2nd do, Andrew Cowan .° . Best pair of ewes having -suckled lambs till lst July, David Walker; 2uct do, da do. t Bestpair shear - ling ewes; Walter Govan. ; 2ed do, Peter Ratnsay, Best pair etc Lambs, Jobe Cowan, MeKillop ; Vid do, Andrew Gowan-; . 34 do, John Habkirk. Best pair_ tat sheep, Edwia Cresswell,. 2a1 do, Peter Ramsay. Pias.—Best boar over one year oid; John Cumming, Hullett ; 2nd do„, Edwin Cress welL Best Boar under One year old, da do. Best sow: having littered in It366, -Peter Ram- say. . Best sow.' Under one. year. old, John • Cumming, HuIlett 2nd do, do do. . GRAIN, 71100T.Sr &C.—Best two bushels of Fall Wheat, this_ year's growth, Henry Ches- ney, 2nd do, Henry Chesney. Best. three named varieties of fall apples„ five of each, James Diekson ; Best three named varieties of wi,nter arpples, J imes Dickson: Best two named varieties of Plums, 12 of each, John. • Hugill. Best half -bushel of cora in cob. E CoNstnt - a._BnoNcin George Sproot, Best half bushel of btakfur CoroHS, • wa• • ST -RANGE, BUT TRITE. ' Every young lady anegentleman in the United Slates can hear sotnething Very much ti/ their advantage by return mail (ftee ot charge). by addreksing the under - Algae& Those having fears oc twin,' humbugged will oblige by not noticing this card. Aeothers will please se address their obedient rvant, THOS. P. MIAMIAN, - w3-1y.S6 831 Broadway. New' York: • - ' - ERRORS OF YOUTH. gentletnan who Offered -Tor years front. Nervcius Debility, Premature Decay, and all the effects of youth- _ _ fut indisc remit,. will for- tle saki ofsutferiag humanity send free to alL who need it. the recipe and direct ions thr making the simple retne0:zbywhich he waseured. Ste-, terers wishinKto 'profit by the advertiser's experience. :can do so by addtessing• - 1 • - . . JOHN B. OGDEN, • No:13, Chambers Sti. NOW York. TO CONSCIIPTATES. • The advertiser, having been restored -to health m few weeks..bya very sun* "reniedyafter having suf- . feted for several years -with a severe hing affeetion, and -that dread disease(_c ousumptipfl-is anxious to maka known to hts fellow -sufferers the means of cure. • To all who de ithe will send a copy ot the ,pres- cription used (free of charge). withthe directions- for pre - o‘ -parinand iitiiig the same.: whichlheywilL find. a SURE Pewees, James S2ott, 2nd do, Jahn W -ilk and 'all Trir";'&1111T1 Aff.eetions.- -The only' object oftlie-advertieserinIkendlit: tic I reseripnop TS to er. Best six Mangle Wurtiel, Robert C '• benefit th afflicted:41nd spreadint rmation _ultielt. he Chart beet concelves to he itv'alteil •-and, e hopes - every sufferer reSsE Best d - will try his temedY„ as it will c .... re carrots. _ohn inichaa. Beat six blood b st t tem nothing,- and may proVe a bleskina-. ' UL. Best 12 white Belgian carrots, D:. Parties wishing the prescription; Elt-tE.byiretum mail Fitzimmons; ` Best- six heads:winter cabbage, wilt please address • Rev., EDWARD A: WILSON. J 4ux - Walker. Best peck red • onion, titharnsburg, Kings 003..Dielff York, Richard Thompson.' Best peck white onions, Robert Carmichael. Best Peck Tomatoes, - Dr. Fitzimmons., - Autry PaoDr CE.-13:?St 25 pounds -of pack - ea butter, Robert Carnochan ; 2nd do,, -William Etder, 3rd do, Robert Scott.; 4th " do, David Campbell. Best 5 pounds of fresh Butter, John Rugal, 2nd , do, , Peter Ramsay; Srd do. Robert Scott, jun, :ith do Robert Scott. Best 25 pounds *cheese,. Jame liMtchael 2nd do, John 'BicAlitlan ; .3rd - do„ Richard Thompson; 4th doi Robed' _ Scott,. Jim. .„-TioitssnO MIXUF4OrtitES„ &C.—Best set -"double team harness, Grassiek * Twitchel, Clinton. Best collection:of leather, Robert Brett. Best variety of tinware, John Kidd. Best variety of . household furniture, J&. a - Kidd. Best 10 yards of fulled cloth, Robert Scott; 2nd do, Appleton Eleoat. Best 1.0 yards cottca waroliannel,, Charles Ltiwrie; ..2-nd best do, Peter -Ramiay. . Best pair woolen stockings, Robert Scott. . Best pair mittens, James Sutherland, Best, pair gloves, James Sutherland. Best pair blankets, dressed, William Chalk; 2nd' do, Appleton Eicoat. -Best pair blankets, • undressed, - Thomas--McMichaet .1 2nd do, Chit -ries Low- rie. _ Best homemade counterpane, Appleton Ercoat. Best home. Ina& Quilt, JohnHab- kirk._ Best Crochet work; Robert Carmic- hael. Best Erohroaery in muslin, Thos. McMichael., Best- worsted work. • Richard Thompson. Best raised worsted work, Samuel Ca.rnochan. The judges recOnimend- -- ed a prize to Solid Kidd for copper • ware. And alao a pair of window- blinds, Hugh Kohl>, a discretionary prize. - 5 isieumerats..— Best Threshilig. Machine, Glasgow; McPherson '&. CO... Best wagon (iron axle -tree), Robert Fulton. - Best wag- gon " weeder. ailetree„, David MeNaught ; 2ad- do, David _IkNaught. Best wooden plough, John Gray. Best iroa--pkiugh. ao. Best.dull plough, do: -Beat set- of horse shoes, Thos Hills. Best punip, John Ross. Messrs. Bell, of Stgeorge. exhibited one of his improved 'Combined reaper an mowers, and the followinfr day .made it trial of the mower;on the fame: cif' 'Messrs. Cresswell, in heavy second crop of clover. - Although the - grass was wet, the machine worked splendid, never chocking in the least, and for lightness of draught" and efficiency, this machine as a Mower cannot be surpassed, and as; a reaper she always carried the paIrn and' We have_ no - hesitation in saying Oat the St. Georg? . machine, Ath the new iinprovemeats, is tabbtrturamits. IELsr .1:0ALITIO • • VEGET.A.B (-AK. • PAIN KILLERI AT.--TIIE OLD PRICE. t BE-III:ARE 01' -darINTER- FElTS*AND. ITORTIILESS 111117 A TIONS. . April 18, 1866. w12 6m THN GREAT EiGLISH REMEDY • SIR.: JAMES ChARKE'S eletrat ed Female 'Pills. Prepared frolic cc preseription of Sir' :I? aarkerill.E.)., Physician Extraordinary to the- Queen. • This invaluable medicine is linfailino. in the are of aff 'hose painitil and dangerousdiseaseS to whit:h. the female Constitution. is subjeet. It, moderates all excess and removes all obstructions awl a speedY•eu re may be relied -on ' secondto none in. the Prevince( Schoea --- HORSES- AND• eiTTLE, Valentine, Stratford; John Hunter, Goder- left ; John Hamilton, Mitchell. SHEEP An Pios.—Messui. Sarvice, Vitcb- ell ; Anderson, Stanley, Hingswn; . Ainley- vzlle, DOMESTIC' 11:,.AIMPACTURES. Fishery. Clinton; Alex. Gourley, Stratford, W. T. Gox, Goderical J Hicks: Mitchell. An:" Affecting Incident. . _ TO MARRIED LADIES it 's peculiarly 2aited. It will, in a short tune, bring-, on the monthly period with regularity. Each bottle,. priee One. Dollar, bears the Gov- ernment Stamp orGreat-Britain to prevent coun- terfeit*. - C AITTIONT; • 77&ese Pil13qlwality et betakeubu fomalis darina, the FIR,S2 THREE :IKON THS of Preg-. uaney,-a.s they are sure to bring an rusye,Aut atzaty other time -they are safe. . In all eases -of Nervous -told Spinal Affections, Pains ia the -Bac and Limbs. Fatigue on brig:lit exertion, Paipttation cf-the fleart; Hysterics and- Wh•ites, 'these Pills will effect a cure Whet:all other means have failed, and &dimwit a power- - ful remedy, do net commit: tron,-ealomel, anti - „mon v, or anythingliiirtfuI to the constitution. Full -directions in, the pamphlet around each package,which should be carefully preierved. Soly.agent for the United -States and Canada, -: JOU ffOSES,' Rochester, .N.T. $i .00 and six po,tage stamps; enclosed toany authorized agent -wilt insere a bottle con- taining fifty Pitts, be return mail: 'Lately to hand Sugars, 'pas anFI laccoss elar Give the Cheap _Cash Store a ca11:1 r. ACHESON & Goderieh, July '20th, 1866.. 3r-19 - _ V. VI Clarke, . .: . . .ATT ORNEY-ATiLAW, Solirutor in - eery, Notary Public; Conveyancer, ate" Chnton,,C. W. . • • -. vv34 • S. Malcomsiiii, )ARRESTER, Attorney-, Solicitor; Zen &c., 11 Chilton. C. W. -w34 LAN P. 1VT AC_LEAN 'r- 13. -AS -JUST' \RECEIVED •A'LAROrE ASSORTMENT OF- CLOTHS - Consisting' _itt' part of West, of England Bt ad. cloths, f3eaiers, Brit itneys, 'Bearskins; Fairck, English. Scott- h, and French TwtedicVash mires, Doeskins, and a valiety offianadian Cloths Plaui Satin, and r lu'vrered Vestiogs, Slfirts, Cleves, Caps, - • He feels confident of swing. satisfactionto alt who may tavor him withthetr orders:- _ TWEEDSUITS(all Wool) $12 and opwards. N• done to:Order: 40 poderich, SePt 25th, 1866,” sw 8 -.-.N1) 0:PEN-INV= FALL.STOC is now. received, we . • - - by-Mondiy 10th inst - to be able to:-shoW-to.our friends and . . ...tonlets -o0e. of most complet‘ sortments .9f Staple and ,Fancy Dry - Goods in. odri-eh. KERR, Glasgow House,. 5th Sept., 1866. P - - - w24 • J. LIZARSLIZAB,S,-- STJ11.Gr3W.5.3.1.ST-; -- 111 &Y BE CONSULTED' " AT HURON +IL • Hotelyttoderich, Oa_ the 2.ud and 3rd ot OCtelrer, be.t.weeit the ,hours 01 nr:-, atid 2 p: in.: _ - ' -• • -G-Ocierich„14th SePt;-1866. sw5td - REORTGrAociE-f SALE' NDER. and by virtue- Oka 'Power of Sale Contained' in a Mortgage Mai re„ by Hugh McMullen, of the Township'of in the Coun1y\o1 Bruce, yeontaa,_detault having beeu. made in the _payment thereof; will he,sOld- TUISDAY.- Oetobf4,16, '1866' - tit tne hour of one p. m., ,at . •C. • Auction Rooms. litcinnond stret. t, in the , City of London,' the follovirinproperzy : Lot ,No. 3, it.. the 511i ConcesSieti of the.Townstrip 01 Cullom in:: the,t) ou ntv of bruee contain tug .100 act es more or less. The Terrns ofSale may be ascertime troni Mr. Thomas. 'Fairborn, .:Teeswatet, frein the Auctioneer, mid from 1 • • . Vendor's Solicitors ..1;aotidon. - Gmlerich, C. W., Sept. 14,18ti6. w34. QT Y •SH EP. ---Canis unto. the enclosure 0-- the Sebscriber, lot 28, 1st doneession; Township of Wawanoah; about the 15theAhoulStiast three • Sheep. The owner is required to prove pr0. perty, pay charges and fake theninway. • JOSEPH. ;TB wauy. , Sept'. 18th, 1866. - - w84 3e TREES TRE LONDON 001111EICIAL GOLLEGE TS THE OLDE3T, BEST LOCATED AND. practically conducted (commercial . Col- lege in British' America. The system - of ACTUAL-33USINES5 TRAINING pursued is -unequalled. for efficiency and practical ,'apphcation to the various avoca- ;ions -of-real life. • The Staff of Profepsors are More numerous and better qualified their Can. be found elsewhere in the PrOVitice. The Expetse Of taking rthe .COarae. is: nineh Iess than at any othersJmllar InstitatiOn. • . - The Price of Seholarshipi for Full Business Coarse. (time nulimitedy purchased .betore. ist Of Deemither next, will be 05, -after that time $35. . _ theFopcienizipulat r other. inforagiti_ou Address Several First -Teachers _ . I may 'Secure remunerative. employment .by addressing, -the undersigned with stamp- to prepay .return postage.. W. JONES • Principal or London -Ceinmercial • Colletre London': C • W . 9 September 10th, - • w3.3 via Sybscriber. will have on hand for Sale A. . at his garden, -Bast Street, about the 'I -'et e.f October, .1000 Plum Trees, of ,all the leadiii6. and most bard,yvarieties. •• Parties desirous of planting .7 -oat' a Plum Orchard Will Mid it to their advantage tO give . me A call, before ordering_ elin.where. , Peri:few nurseries- can_ supply good Plum trees. this - year, they are very :scarce-. ' I will alsci- have on hand a. stock of ' . - ' - - i APPLE-tREES; (Dwarfs . and 'Standards), --seveial different varieties of Crabs, inelialiog Red Hyslop and Traneendant 5 also some of the beat. yaiaeties of - : . 7 . . ' • ' - Inglisik Gooseberries, - Grapes, I . . -. '. CURRANTS.' ace_ . - . ..- EARS, Wm. CAMPBELL,' I 1 t At' of- 188kt Insdvent: Act 1864: - - East Stieet nso ven. c . . • _..__ . • . _ In the. matter of S.A.MUEL WALKER:, an, Insolvent; di HE Creditors of the above named Inset- ' _vent are hereby nutified to 'Meet at the office of J. B. Gorden, -Esq., Barrister, on Weit Street, in the 1.'own of Goderich: 'oe TueSday, the ninth day_of: October next; AV the hour of Eleven a clo4k; a. tn., for the public .exhinthutioxi of the Insolvent,. and Tot the general Ordering Of the affairs Of his •estate. TheMnicatine (Iowa) Jcntrnal., of Satur- day says : • ' . gentleman named McClaren -passed - -through this place yesterday, for Solon, John- son County, with An .infant child, • his. dough, ter.- only three _months of age, .,which he had brought in his arms all the Way 'from. Mon- tana_ Territory, having been fiveweeks on the way -ii nursing the child from a bottle,. and taking care of it as best he could, withno assistance except such as was occasjonally volunteered by persons with whoa" he travell- ed. The child's -mother ' died eight weeks after its birth, and the bereaved husband was complying with her 'dying request to take the child to the home.* its maternal grahd- parents. Every.- mothers heartwould swell; and eyes overflow; to see the bereaved young • husband and devoted father striving with all a man's - willing awkwardness to care proper- ly for the delicate little baby, whose piteous cries it wouldseent must almost waken the prior dead mother so faraway." - •Geneial NM • .- X*0 RTHRUP & tYlIA_N; Newcastle; G-. W., general- - ...-agent-forcanada; Irp Sold in Godelieb by Parker St Cattle and. F.Jordan Gaidinr.r a Co., Bayfiekt ; 'James BenthumAtotieiville-,J. Pickaid,Fizeter Comba,..elinton , E. Hickson, Sealed)), and all Medicine peelers. AV38.511r -Washington, Sept-25.—The President has appointed Gen. Dix Envoy Extraordinary, and Minister Plenipotentiary to France. Was 0.CgAir Cainss.—The possibility of maintaining an electric cable at the bottom of the Atlantic having now been fully de- monstrated, there are efforts being made to mrittiply the lines by_ other companies. There Are seven of these compaaies, and their routes are- varied; but all fulfill the. purpose of linking the Old and New Worlds. together.- . Thew are not all actually new, .but they have -111 hen spurred into increased activity by Oe- success of the Atlintie Cable. - -;_4 4 Among the most important. of modern 'medical • discoveries stands the \ TCANAD1\N PAIN D.ESTROYE.IVO „ As a Faintly M,eclicine,tis well and favorably known, relieviegthousands from -pains in the Side, Back and lead.Conghls, Colds, ore throat, -Sprains. Bruises, Cramps in the Stoinach; • Cnolera-morbus;Ovsenterv, Bowel coin. • putints1 Burns, Sealds,*Frost ord., Sic., fire. - - 0:7- A negro, st.Bergen, 14. J., becontini angry witk-Ina sister, threw her over a cliff twelve fiat high- She iarnek on her head On ,The CANADIAN PAIN DESTROYE R. has now been betbre the public for a „length- o time. and wherever use' is Nell liked, never failing ba single testa nee to giVepermanent retiefwben timely- used, and we have never known a single case of dissatisfaction where the directions have been prOperiy followed; but, on the coatrary, all are delighted with -its operations, andspeak in tne- highest terms of lis virtues and magical el - fees. - - • wespi,air from experience in this matter, hav- ing tested it thoroughlyt and therefore those who are sufrering from any of the complaints for which if is recommended may depend upon its being a Sovereign Remedy, the astocishing efficacy ot the Canadian Pain DestreYer in curing the diseases for which it is reqommended. andits wonderful success in sub. duing the tOrturinTpainV of gtieumatisin, aLd in relieving Nervoue Affections;emitle it to a high rank in the list of remedies fcir these complaints. Orderti• are coming in -from Medicine Dealers in _all parts of the -country fer thither supplies; and each testifying as to the Universal satisfaction it gives. . The Canadisn Pain Destroyer never -mils- to giveinimectiate relief. All.medicine-dealers keep it. Physicians order and Ilse it; and noftimily will be without it atter oace trying it. - Price only 25 cents per,,fflon e. All orders should be addressed -to • NORTHKUP dc LYMAN', Newcastle,C. General Agent for Canada. lErSold-in Godench by Yorker &Cattle and V: .Jordan; -Gardiner 4. Go.fieId; 'lames BenthamaRogervillet J. Pickard, Exeter; J. 11. Combe. Chilton ; Hickson, Sector*, and alt Medicine Dealers/. .‘• , Dated at Goderich, in the County of Efuron, this -seventeenth day ot September,1866, • :•••S. POLL CK, - w34 2t , - Offieial sate nee. _ . e. - MARINE IRE& . • . N SITT-1-12C]E- • , _ . -...... 110011.2EN1X F.I.T3 E -Assrnx N GE, Company ci 1 London England; e,stablished in I78, orte-it the oldest, largest. and best offices:in Canada.- • . - . ... . , 110R -ACE BORTON, Agent:. . -DpaoyiNCIA li: INS UilANCE .CcimPany o . . . I. ' Canada, Head Office Toronto. Will lalce, -mks On Country and City Propeit-v.Miirine. risks taken atlas tow rates as any other first, elass office. - • -' ' 7 _ . -• : ' : - : --HORACE HORTOANgoInti . . . - , _Godericb, . w34tf I In the ringer of -DANIEL L SILLS' an - insolvent.. _ - -j.TOLL. GATE mewl( TO LOAN:, 20 000 on .good fa security payable . 5 . from c ne to twelve years, No interest retained lit advance. ' HORACE HORTON, - • - . Airent: Goderich.- arch 3181. 1866. - ..sw70 AL , .3:,-.diLiisis, = IHE Creditors el. the, above- na:ped Insol- . _ vent are hereby notified to Meet at the Law Offiee of Mr.. LeWie; _in the court House, in the Town of Goderich on Monday, the eigpili da) of October next, at 'the --hour al 2 -o'clock p. m.,for the general ordering ef the affairsof the estate. • !Dated at Goderich,in the Counly ofHuron, this seventeenth, day Of SePtember, 1866.. • . S, POLLOCK, w134 2t Official ASsiistee for A. & B. • .'.211THAAINE$:i .-rakzOrs. _ rriLl3 is to caution you against bngyintri,es c3I'JOSEPtf you NG, who has.been takinn• ordeis on the pretence that he \Awas an gent ort the. .Nurseries. 'He --is not* Mitherised to sell mom these nurseries, anti parties buying froin him will hut get their trees from my establishment. D. W. BEADLE. >St. Catharines., Sept. 21s1, 1866. w35 ETURNS, RI§ MOSTS.IN02RE-THANKS L for theiteryflattering'encouragemetit he has- reeepiedstnee he.commenced business I n Gcide, rich, not being able to execute • over oee-halie theoidersbrought to hint last season :'hityiag aow secured facilitieifor " • „ • taminEen Business [x.tnsively and employing none bat first-ettss tradesmen Andes D. A . be heves his experience as . Putter is second to_ndne la the Province , havingcatried on busineSsaztensivety ands'uccefullyt n Hamilton; pri cipallytirst-classcustomers;and having been Cu ter in one of the Principal Establishmen s Ed ubitr;gb, Seotland, he.. fearlesslystateis ;o a' • ,._ . dis ern in g publuc that OW/THING; CAN BE.MADE at h s establ ishatin eenaitothe Nest Sstablish- -1110ntin Toronto or Montreal. Coderieh.Oct .30 868 'sw17-1vvr40 • • GOD E AIM( PANNING MILL. ELL -NE1G11130R, hOvt7 your Plo-a-vc°:iyng°Iittl''higse:reaitl7vnetathw-eiri171 STRAY PIG.—Came iato the enclosure El of the subscriber lot 41st con. E. D. Col- borne about May last, a -spatted Pig, the owner is reqieated to prove property. pay charges, and take it away. _ • • GEO,_ VIEBER6ALL-, - Bea Miller 21st Sept. 1866! .• W35 3tf STE,AYED. from the premises of the inthseriber, Maidandville, about the 15th of A.ng. last; a light grey horse, a little stiff in the fore kgs. Aliberal reward . _ • I the acal reek; end .reniained insensfble .for will be eiven for any mformattoo - I several hours. In tha -evening she dressed lead tots recovery. - hereelfand went ts? colored ban six miles DONAO McKAY. wear, and till st a•wleriob Sept. 18 1866. w34•31 - - _ r -AND 1E-Ninap. Factory t Why, I have throiVii: a iiooa.plOw that cost 24 dollars, it wtts like plowing'' with a log, ro BE ENT E • VIE Gates on the Goderich Northern Gravel Road will be-• let at Mr. True man's Rooms, Goderieb, at noon on. latur day,- the: 22nddayof September, instant, for year ending 30th SepteMber, 1867, - • Each lessee to give two good ,suretifs for the payment of the rent and performunpe of -conditions,. • - - Further particulars may be had on .appli. cation 16 - J: B. GORDON-, : and went to Searle -& Davis' arid- bought a steelplow for sixteen dollars nowlI have no trouble in piowing, my -horses go right along, it'cleans so:nice ; they are real thisitie entters ! HE SUBSCRIBER. BEGS- T-0-IN-FO1M I. the inhabita.its-Of the Oountieli•of Huron- - - andBrucethat he isstttlMamiufaeturiflg, and has on hand 'a number 01 his SUPERIORFANAINGAILLS16- PUMPS. He would particularly draw attention to -his Mdls as he -will warrauttheinte free W heatfrom oats, cockle, chess, &c.,Pumps maditor order and warraoted. : , • - - Padteryon Nelson -a., betaeon-Vietarcastrie and,Qamfria Road. Aiso, agen t for the sale of Morgan's premium and patent (ICTLTIVATOR, -whicli. has never vet ailed to giVe generaisatistactionto farmers whohave usedthein. , ' : *, HENIttDODDt. Godericl APri122nd.1P64 . - 39 .• • ' LAudE 16; OVER 80 'KINDS: ALSO A LARGE STOCK- OP TINWARE' On .hand.: Sign_of Long Tea 1Cett1e; - BASE LINE, PLINTON . Secretary. Goderieh Sept. 18tb 1866. sa6w3Itf Insolvent Act of - 1864.- ln the IncMer of John • ingranz, on Insol- vent. -1 rilHE .u,nclersigned has beenappointed re Assignee itt this matter, and requires claims to be filed - within two months from this date. =• - Dated at- Gorlerich in the County of Ee6r66_:?,...th. 15th day of September, A. b., 18 . SAMUEL rm.' LocE:,- sw6 - ; • Assignee. NEW GOODS IMPORTEDDIliECT -A laute.E:lot or various sizes and weiglits /1 of - ,• . • " • NOTE PAPERS Large and *small • quarter pest, brue Hee Cream laid.' Also Some first quality Conveyancing -Paper.' BEstern . SEVERAL THOUSAND ENVELOPE$ • •- SEARLE t* DAVIS: 'Clinton, Sept: 20, 1856: 'w29 ' Insolvent Act' of 1864 and 'Amendments.. Province of Canada, 1 ll THE 'C'OLINTY- • COunty of Huron, 1 COURT of the ane \of - the United. ed Count -let of Herejt Countiett of Huron 1 and Bruce... and Brace: j • Inike matter of Tirilliam...Edex;istilszioteene: ON Monday, the twenty-sizth day of 14 mein- ber next theundetsigned Will apply- to the Judge of tne sidd' coart for a discharge under thd icticts. . . . • - LORIA.L IT US}.11 floor. SKIRTS BOOP : SKIRTS! TUR, largest variety in :Tetra at prices w defy competition. CHAS. ABCIIIBALIY. Goderich Au net 22nd. 1866. : , sw,1:`3 - • WILLiAM EDEN: TOMS iSt MOOR.E, Solieitors fq I haolieht.- _ Dated at Guderich, this day of September, 1), 186n: w35 2in A. _IGS FOR.SALE from 30 to 40 Piga fpr Sale of super- ior Breed. - Paces from -'2 Dollarai, and up- _ wards. 1 (Including the. 1St Prize sow sup posed to Weigh Over 8ewt of Perk). Apply • HARVEY HINCKS ESQ., Rosegarland Cotta&e • - - . 9 _ - 4th con. Goderlch. Goderieh, Sept.:23f1866. Act 11 864. in the matter -of Robert_Prouclfpot, an ..lateadent, HE Creditors of; the Insolvent are -notified that he has made' an Assignment of his estate and effects.. under the above -Act, tame, the undersigned -Assignee; and they are required to fiunishane„ within two' months from this date, - with their churns, specifying the sectirity they. hold, it any; end- the value °tit ;_ and If pone,- stating the fact; the whole attested under oath,. with the Vouchers in support ankh claims. Dated at Goderieli. Of the County of Hared; this eleventh day of8epternber 1r6._ • - S. POLLOCK,: A - • --- OthcialAsfugnee. *34 St la -Solvent lei Of 1864 and Amend.- Ing1V84t steak- _ PrOvines of Canada, IN Tilt •COUNTY. (Ionnty.of Htiron. COUBT. Of the _Unit - one Of • the United. ed Countiett of Iturcin connties. of Huron 1nnd Braes! and Bruce. - J : in the:matter' _of &mind danision. an Inioitrent. sar:: tit° .n .da.vp the twenty-sixth day 0.1:-No7m-.. Judge of the said -Court for discharge under the Novem- ber next. the und_e.eigned Will,apPly to the. • - SAMUEL. CANTELON-. TOMS st MOORE, „. So lic itorafor Insolient. ]ARM FOAL- SALE TA,Hsfar co i:5m. Colborne,iowaa8 East"8I'aDivvraolrif .1,71 05. 0 acres; 50 cleared. Log- house -and'frame barn. SO11 good. About 7 miles froth Goaerich. A targe stream rens throngh the property filled with speckled trout. - APPIY to JOHN HA LDA -14; jr.; G.0) Jerich, or ALEX: LEITH, Barrister, Toronto. Goderich, 1 Sept.1866...- 6tSp* • • af all sites. Colors and quality, which along with the papers were bought by conitnission in the best markets: and will be sold ;cheap for cash. New supp les Of ---- 11ANOT GOODS! daily arriviniv„ SCHOOL BOOS of all kinds kepton. hand. and.sold low a§ any House west of l'oronto: At Goderiek Sept. 11, 1866. Nati ce.. cZE A LED, Tenders will 'be received, hy the L 7.. -undersigned until Wednesday the 28tm September,- pros., for the -delivery of 1...80 Colds of WOOD at the Gaol in Goclerich, 90 Cords to be dry wood and 90 greenl'he wood must be -sed made of hardwood- Wier free from 'knots and- backlogs, folic: feet long and be blivered is follows, The dry wood before the .first day of Zan - nary next, in Quantities °fent less than so - cords per month during the Months of Octo- ber, November. and December. and the green wood - before the first day of Apnl _ - • Two Solvent sureties will be required for the due -completion of the' Contract. I The lowest Or any tender May not be accepted nu,- tesi satisfactory. - PETER- ADAMSON, • Counties Clerk H.& B. Gederiek August 29th, 1866: w32 3* SCHOOL NOTICE. WANTED first-class Male teacher; to anosh, for tbe year.1897. Applications Will -teach in Sehool Seetionf No. 3, Waw - Chancery Sale. FRES.11 OISTERS In cis 41.143a Tr MC21-S REOEITED mum, Anu..5olir At the Lowest Figure, by SHEPPRARO &.STRACHANI - South,side Market -Square: Goderioh, Sept. 14, 1866.. - eswiStf plUltSUANT to a Decree and final order of . sale, made in a certain cause low pend- ing in the„Gourt of Chancery for Upper Canada, whereinone John, Hervey is Plain- ippi fr,eufbeal rieddaAiSutuses;tal;own nni bebyhe_u rscohlidl j1 iane d 12Oetli. ...br . . Mr. JosepliTrine Auotioneer, at the "Commercial Hoteli''. in ibe town of -Clinton, with theapprobationof David Tis - 'dale, Esquire, Master of this Court at- Simeoe, on - MONDAY, the 151h. day, of October, -next; at Twelve ci'elock, noon, the following be received rip to- Monday. 1.5th day of PERT That is to say: All and singular that certain parcel or tractofland and premises, situated, lying,' and being in the .Township of Monis, in the County of -Huron, in the Province of Canada, and containing, by admeasurement, one hundred -otitis of lead,- bc-the sante More or less ; • being. conipcsed of the south half of _ Lot No 19; in the 4th concession of the&said Township of 'Morris: _ • These lands are (guide bout 2 mile, trait gravel road. they...life well tented and sixty acres thereof arecleared: is log house and barn are erecterrtherminn ThesptimihaSer will be required; at thulium of the 'sale; to Pay to the Plaintiffs Solicitors, one-tenth of the purebase money, ` and th_ pH E Subscriber always keeps the largest variety and best Stock of - ELOISERY & GLOVES IN THE COUNTIES. CHAS. E. ARCHIBALD. Goderiek August 22nd, 1866. sw103 JOHN HARRIS -' baying purehased at -an ENORMOUS,. REDUVTION for CAS% front the OfficiatAsaignee at Hanulton the ens - toe btock-m. trade ,beteiging to the Estate of --3C:101123. 'Tlifstilte do pCPay now prepared to Oilkr to the public ImagNsE- uARgrAufs in every department rn DR X GOODS, GROCERIES, MANTLES, • MILLINEBN, HATS, CAPS. isc ken: .11\27.:21\11E1-ffill' s - beat:tidal Bair and r'.trair Bonnets Almon • •1. GIVEN, AW.A:211 Yerrlsrge additiOnst perehkees of 7 1ST Vir 3N pont DRY GOOT 8 &- GROCERIEF are ju now being receivedoiliongetwhielisalisly. be mentioned especially. Factory Cottons from 8 to 20 cents per/aid, lneluding about a lopc yards oftheeeIebratei Lybeter " Gant lade inalteP =13zatAcmgri cos -Toms. from laio 25 eents per yad. . •ittiped Shirting., Bearlet Manna., Wilterfau. • nee: Far.cy. Flannels, _Boli Rost do., Madder Prints, Black and Colored Coburg.; Black and Colored Lustres, Preach Iderinoes, French de Laine", Towelliags, l'atfie Linens and a large . assortaunt 01 - Nice low Fall fires! Goods 110011 SIMS of etfery desert/Aiwa! Bagging, Bales of -Canada SeamlesaBags, lier# 9mapf • Been of Canada ' cc/triTC)N.a. WAILUE's Beiveimityaie., verifheapt GROCERIFS „ . 1-feesheatig -of Muscovado A- hear, Vary Cheap. Barrels erBroken Loaf do., Very chetipi - e• Virki:e Ground do, Very Cheap Chests and Halt Chests of Voting-lison, Souehong slid other Teat, Very C eapl .Tobacco, Vinegar, Seeds. Salt, Shun; Spices, Coffes e &c - _ In Comment:ler 130SINESS the _Sulistiriber beam inOst respectfully to announce to the. - I • INEABITAMS or GoDERzeirj - and the istierouhdifigoountry Alit the papcijilit • - - - AS1711 jOlt .1121-013t.1-04 and -every effort willdie made le sill 400D GOODS§.-Calt, .ituisy3;ec.tioli is solicited authe pot -et intend miets 3�HN-HAILItiOd itiguid 1b6g# gowt-ewa9 - . UST 01 LIT TEAS. fietniinn4 in rhe dodericit Post Mace oil ihe 12th of September, 1866 idiot deo bapt Kirk Alland . - ; -- Anderson Jane Sarah LCnib Gd Adadia Mai WM: • Laing Geo Leolgistaiiheisf Black F bilanee within tour : weeks, .thereafter, -with •Dell Ifarriett - Xay 2 31.211ra interest at six per cent: ' , . ,.. . Biggins.jamei Kane Ds., , There will be, an upset price of. $1,074. Brady John - Kerr LS .41.ete In other parie-ulars the conditions of sale will Black Jonathan * - be the standing Conditions of OW Court of Buchanan Allen joldt mestime N Juian (3) .. Feeler particlars. ann., conditiontr Of Sale - • , , ., :. ,BB:ollwrneirdie. 1 . , igyrveneitr4 Chaneery. , I itallatitYabSomtlol . Martin 8 Jelin may ,be had at the lair.) office Of Messrs. Buckingham- Wm - Marsh Mrs. Gwynnei Armour A Hoskin; and ot Mr. Blair Wm (21 .. ,mbrrig Etittrica fits "Alfred Hoskin i Toro -alto; Mesita. Toms - a Biggins., aniett,Wni - looreliead Win Aloor..,.Goderich ; L. Meyer, Esquire, Har- parhey3 'and' of the above Auctioneer. October,..1866,' when the applications will be - (ighet1„) ' D. TISf.jALE, openedanda teacher chosen. Applicants to _ _ --. Mister at Simeoe.- 1 state the salary thot *Ili teach for. None GWYNNE, ARMOUR A-HOSKIN: need aPpldy unless holding first-class ' certifi . Toronto Yeador s Solicitors. cates, an certificate of good moral character- Dated Sept 13th, AD. 1866.- sw7td • - • - Apply to William Damn, trustee, if by letter prepaid, to Dungannon p. o. • WILLIAM DURNIN, trustee. Wetwancsh,"Aughst 39th, 1866._ w33- 5t o _ , NOTICE. It PpL1CATIONI WI LL BEcMADE FY THE. II- undersigned at the Dee-einlier Meeting. 10- 'thecounties',Council for a conyeyitneo of -the- follovring Jeseribed line of road, in :accordance _ with Dap. 54, Sec. 342, ConSafida4d, Statute's of Upper Canada: < - •• Vfin Descriphau tiftoptol a 06iintyitod between Morris and Tutoberiy, !-- - ' Coinrnenoing vn!.the.sobtherly Wont of -Lot 31in . ttie: ark donces.sieti of Tonberryoit the dis- tance of Ave.chavis and fourteen links from -the soutfitteSterly tingle elsiud lot thence solith-Aftp: nine degrees east or northerly'limit-or road -att. loviane.etwOty-twoebitinis; thenceSetaheighty- ,ax degrt.eis West one .chain seventy-four ; hence Mirth fifty-nine degreesWest on ,aoutnerly -lunit of -road atloWaiiee Iwenly Ail:ins; :thence. (due ,north one chain ;.fiftee_ ii,links to.tne place of beginning:• , - • - Containing by admeasurement Iwo acres 'sixteen perehes of land, • _ . • :Sept eniber,14, 1866. , w34 • - _ - _STRIkirED OR STOLEN ST;RA YED or Stolen T from the inetoture in A Lt those indebtedto Win. E. GRACE' by .La. note or book aepount, will please Dated at Gocermlf, this 191h clay of September, 0A.mBRONi, -A. WHO, - ' wasaos _- taolicito, for Insolirent. - _ • - • • AND SETTLE - The seme aintao-ut.delay, • OffIC On PththOuSeliti got to Mt An_clreco-DoOky.1i. • 27_ c)._ 200 - RARRELS:'::SAL . • AT .$125: A QUANTITY OF - • Ataorted, :WO POT(Stos wm. caAot . ttodetich;,DeeembeinAll 11364 - • W32ati GOderich, Aug.. 30tn, a _blsolc -., (brownish blaqt) mare pony -4 tears old _Fun, with mill staitn Jorehead, also a deilzhay Mitre 3 yeare old pastwith narrow white strip in forehead. Any rersoii giving cir sending information to the un- derisighed Whereby they 'orgAther:oftlient may obtained wit( be liberally tewarded: Address.. Is1VINOTON • W33 3t * Goderieh C. Vir Sept, 11,151 cDotiald Ateit - Black Wm . 311cCOnnell Anti -(1) Carey Charles .311bIntm,b DeWitt Caindlon Daind ' 'MeLennen Doaaki Cook Henry McPhee Duncan Carry Jameat MeDmidgliB,' • Cravitord T 3 ,.„ tiainphelf.litttil WW1 " CotaitaslaMeisMrs . MeKat W • ;. Cernobu,11 Emily _..r. cam:pbell Walter MaLean'Johis • - • " McLayiohn balhke Edward Noljaoldeloatle Doyrd "Aria McDonaldElisabetifitti D yle P Mrs - :McInnis Mrdeelta • ooDolluadbinitawIrert Mary Itra O&M MY, tit • • biehlarecttamaramoW7 • ti goh, EvansElhwi ant is j( 3h, s.:1 dri 412 arlh 15. Malt Elizabeth Mlah • ,Ittillobelwrtson 1F -n -Carol- ine31ra- SinlairA Griffin :James 12) Sinlle*-11arbatitMiss(t) Gallaher John :. Graham Margaret liticiovrcllenl'eK tiilmartin Michael •: -slot -8 James -1,3141 fa- -. Stewart& AteXellati 134 . Smtth'4DOottertnald Mrs; ....0a-Sestehewitheniirtetjvitothisiane Tracer A Taylor John Thom.I Mrs Jr - .4i/cab-Noun -• %celibate C.6:- -770711:117FLie°4far-14Pli Pox kebert . Foster Win Ellison Win Gibson ics.ary IluffG Daniel - • Harman BdWard figarom Koran - - Hinds MIS *Slop Thes Hopwood 'rho' Baydeti 1MnRobert.• - 3ankinaWiti Italian Chad" YoupirAobta, Altai . IP,