HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1866-09-25, Page 2Alloy
_ .
• -TI318;SIrsfellreEe
oomo Ram
Mails - Express, Mixen.
taodench 10:00 eau. 2:0a p.m. 3:10 p.m.
b • • 10:30 !•2:30- COO
. .2:53 4;35'
' Carron Brook... 3:10. C58
_ Mitchell.. 11:20 3:25 b:21
arr 11:50 - 4:60 6:15
dppi 1:00 p.m.4:20 7:001 •
Buffalo. arr 6:45p.m.10:00
- noise wzar.
Buffalo. `s,...dep 7:00 a m, 12:30 a.m. 3:50 p.m`f.
Stratford. 12:50 p.m; o.10 b:15-aan.
arr 3:00 - 11.25 •
phytin every way inferior -to -that- a
Goderich.-: There were etit: two aamplei
of* 4eat shown!. the veeetables` except-
, / . '
ing potatoes, Were. compatatively poor,
and the 'fruit barely worth inspection.=
The butter- and cheese, was first class,,
and tie noticed elime 'verY good domestic
cloth, ladies' work, hainess,-stoves,
• The prize list will tipper in ntir_next.
r '
Tho Academy in. contectiott. with, the;
London Cominercial College, of
we spoke some days ago is to be' opened
in Godertch ou the 1,st of October., .A
public .meetiiii will -be held on -Thursday
GODERIGIL Gt.; Ur., Sept. 25, 1866. evening next, at Gmbh's_ Hall, to corn-
Conlidelicet or Now-Conticlenbe.
As sure as a storm succeeds a period
of profound calm it maybe possible that
the people of Caqada may be led to bill
themselves into a state of false security,
merely beeause Fenians did -not come
on ofabodt the 20tIfof Sept. -That was
the deli decided upon by the rtickunes,
ana those worthies,,whose name is legion,.
now laugh in Your face when a :hietts
dropped,, that the very mystery surround-
ing the movemeets of the Brotherhood '11
one of the worst- features of the whole
- ,afrair. Of coUrseit would be the eitreme
cif folly for.our people to work themselves
inten state of idarm because of the Pos.
eibility of -trouble ;„ hut still we think it
justaa wrong to Ay sudderilY to the other
extrente, Lora Wellington fieque:itly
said one or the worst mistakes a Com-
mander could make was to underate the
strength of an opponent, and we think it
, its just so in this case. Every. -nerve
should be strained, apart from retarding
theelegitimatebusiness of the -Country, to
hurl sui-b. a force upon the marauders -7_
should they again invade our soil -which
they are very likely to do -as shall send
them back' ia dismay into the open _anis
of their liktvly found 'friends, the red -
republican of the North. The Fenialis
SienfselveiacknoWiedge that another dia.-
aster would be fatal to their cause in.
America," And' their determiaatien to'
succeed should be met by a still sterner
determination on tbe part -of Canadians -
to maintain their laws and, institutions
inviolate, This infamous conspiracy -is
hatched in darkness,-encourag,ed for the
basest of purposes, and can never suc:
Deed, _if we trust in a Power which, we
--believe, upholcg the right, tad be -sure to--
keq our powder dry.
210a. ItIlii)onaliVa **treas.
The address of the Hon. Donald Me-
Ponald, which . will be found in another
column, is a doom:neat' tiiit must com-
mand the reapect of all intelligent readers.
It bears thestamp of iartiest thought, is
entirely free from the Oatittides so often.
_ indulged in by leg,isIatnes when -address-
' ing their. constituents, -and we venture to
say that no clearer explanation of the
duties of the people, in view of Confed-
eration, could be submitted -Ao their con-
- sideration. The intention of the Hon.
Gentleman is that his vi?ws shall be laid
before every elector of the bivision at
the earliest possible moment.
Tfilk. SEAFOliT11 SHOW..
. Therall Show:of .theiHarperhay B. -
A. S. was held this year Con Friday last)
for the first time in. Seaforth, vil-
; . ,
bp is, we are glad to see, making*great
progress in the way :of improvements of
all kinds. Ca the day question litS
Main street, which is 'never empiy at this
.aeason of the year Wai thronged with
teanis in the centreland. pedestrians on
the sidewalks.- Notwithstanding the fact
that the recent wet weather had. Worked
up- the clayey.soll into the richest, deep-
est, and dirtiest kind. of mud, "the farmers
• or the_J-country for. *lief; aroind with
their wives, sons and.danghtera crowded
into the village tO wean& be seen. The
lasses -an -any ordinary gala -day would. be
- well Worth, seeing by young and suscer-
tible yoitths, hut if Lord Byron could
not endure the sight of a young and pretty
- womati eating green corn -from ',the' cob,
we think a much. less sensitive; and poeti-
-cal person conld not but regret to witnese
the beauties Of Herpirliey Ind McKillop_
wading in- and bespattered with Vile mud
and soaked with remit. Rnt gallantry is
inherent in the sterner. set, and we saw
e- everal displays' ofit on the part of young
fellows ,viho blessed tho dirty ditches, no
doubt;over which they had to lift their
eomelylaises. As ire hive- itititnated
croWd.- of viiitors was. very large, and
business- men; especially Hotel -keepers
appeared Or- be driving- a thriving -trade.
The ontside-shovr 'was mich better
- than ateither Goderich or -Clinton -44
Cattle,' especially, showing a ',marked im-
provement. The -sheep also -were very
good, and the Suffolk swine that have
been allows it tho former eildbition
ware greatly Modred, althongh an ice
lined in a mud -puddle guing upon the
-monsters rooting in -their native element,
wecould not help askingouraelves Whether -
ash aimala were. ever intended to be
70sten-by man. _Taking a hasty glance at
1110 stooks 4ta., we- htwried away to the
;dashed_ to see -the inside show, (it was
raking) posing on• the"way Runci-
mama fine ploughs„,_ifour of which weie
'pitted against one of Mr.- Gray's: Menu-
- fastate," s couple Of stOut,' wellpfsisted
is161191110t46: - .
-- Within -the drill shed, we,tauntlia-dia;
mence at o'clock, for the purpose of.
splaining the 'objects had -in view- id es-
tablishing -the same. Addresses. Will be
made by several clergymen and others.-!-•
We hope there will be a good turn out on
the oceasion, as the." matter is -Mach
• -
importance. • - .v
• - -
ser We" are sorry to hear Ahat the
veritable rinderpast has broken out with
virulenee in• Pennsylvania. • It is suppos-
ed that the discase.was intreduced. from
Texas . The only way in which the pest
can he C.0 stainped" out is to ehoot the
aulmals infected. - .
The -Meoicipal Connell 'Of .04arne
met at 'James . McDonough's.' Tavern,
Smith's Hill, -on Saturday, --September
15th. Present, the Reeve and Council:
lora. .
- After .reading the minutes of the last
meeting., the petition- of.Peter Mc.elann,
fcr of- a sheep, was laid _before the.
Council and dismissed;
application of :Samuel Fisher for
loss of horse and buggy, also disniissed.
Moved by Spence; seconded by
.Mr. Young(That tbe petitions Of School
Sectioes 4.'2, 5, 6, and 7, *ith
the Aahfield and W.awanosh Sohciol Unions
- *MO* 3.1.0 U 116.
. BiONTREAL, Sept. -22:
The 'following' is from the St,' johns
Neuss of' yesterday :-". Just •as we *ere
going to preis this Morning we;received
the following despatch frein MissisqUoi:
ilik/ Philadelphia; Sept. 21. We .have
what- We conider inferication-
that the• gkettiani: ,are scollecting .an Our
herder for 'an immediate invaaton..
. (Signed); • SM ITII."
ln additioe to the above. the writer
was this niorning infermed, bY- several.
tresty parties at St.- Armand, that -about
25.Men, supposed to be F.Cniatia,'-assemb-;
led yesterday atsflighgateS '
It is ireported'‘that peciple in kin-
tingdon are greatly excited '.by. the-
runtonrs of another FeWan raid. - Pro-
bably,n11 this will tarn Out to be a false
like Provincial Exhibition -the
Public Peace. -
The Leader of Moncley_24th, itays : It re:
, _
etaes mivir-.1x) !PI,* -6_(m_eFe argumentatim
to set faith the advantages of the . anneal..
protinaial exhibitions: They speak fer
_ themselves in the n:terest theY create, in the
comPetition they exciteaudtke henfit they pro-
duce in the rearing 'of stock ankiniproyernent-
of agriculture geeeraliy.' They have. growri
with the growth of the .protinee, uetil, they -
have beconte what our Atherican neighbours
institution tit the conntry. _ The pree-
cut...exhibition bids fair to geed- all- those
whieh have preceded its. 'The fact of its be-
ing lieldiu Toronto.ii favoi•able to iG The en•-•
iriei are larger then at ant previous -exhibi-
tion, and there is every reiison to believe -that
dulag-the week. _we: shall bait' large a
!ember ot visit:Ors in lowefirein the- neighbor
ing.town and (tics as at ane. pretioua titnean
The history of Toronto. - ihe Fenian -seare
which has beeu raised Will keen sonic away,
but the etimber el. visitors'. will still be le
von. .
Althoitgli no disterhance whatever -it ap-
prehendedin the -city during the week yet tLe
- atitheritieshave wiselt taken prec iutionary
uteasnresi -order that an eye, May be kept.
upon the Movements_ tat nny eyil duippsed per-
sons whq might attempt tti- create _trouhle.--
The: Jane cjrcular of the _Atiorhey Generel
Went to.- the . Magistrates, adVising . them 'to
- be earefell as to the arrest in large nutithers
- of itenian sympathiters, desirable asit_was•at
thatupe hes, we uaderstand, been cencelled':
andsthe autherities are, consequentiy,at
ty-at present to use their ow dis.cretion with
tegard to the -arrest of tusni out's' eharaCters;
whether strargers Or residen of tne
The trains wilt be viairherfhy,:private. detee-
itives, andthose *who carinbt give i'good .ite-
coutit of thernselvee will bp taken ehargie Of
bv the authorities. .The police force will .be
-increased by the additioe of to,
such extent ne May be required, all of 'whoa'
-will be property armed: f--• - -
" Ates-meetm- g of thisistrates on Saturday, it.
waa decided:to obtain -the service df teti
pectable Citizens for ettch .ward-toaet ae-pat
_ .
rol at .night. Thia force will be, ineseused if
necessary.: Such: ehergetic actien Will i;e
taken aswillhave etlectof eq.:uneasy
felling that may ex!st ih the minds -Of timid
eitizens. attlioritios'are fully peepared
tti disposeof evindispoied parties in the most
rigid nuotnets These is.very-little reaaan to
fear that the city will beennoyed, by s yenian
syMpathizers durnsee thepresent-.Week.
with Colborne for certain siims for each
to be levied 'and Collected me*.their differ-
. ,
int sections fer,schoor purposes, be grant-
ed ,altd, a By -Lai poised for the smile: -
Carried. -
Moved by Mr. Spence, seconded by -
Mr. Malloy; That Samuel Ilaittbe Col-
lector, by. finding: John C. Martin and
Samuel Fisher as bis securities.--Oarried.
Moved by Mr. Spence, seconded' by
Mr. Malloy, TLat S30 be iiver? in ad-
dition to $•200 granted for the building
o f the bridge -at Ben Miller's creek:
Moved in amendment by -Mr. Young,
seconded by Mr. Rhynas, That no: addi-
tional sum be granted. • -
The Reeve gives the casting' vote in
favor • of_the motion. . •
- The next meeting of -the Condon° be
1.) i4. at "J.emes MeDonou h's Tavern
Semith's Hill, on Saturdays! the 8ths of.
Decembernext at -the hour of 10 &Clock
a. m. - _
Township Clerk.
- _
The chihtixen- of NO. 2 School; Goderich
ToWnship, held a picadc jp -.Mrs Hollins'
grove, Septeinber 12th..: . The ',morning
proved very _unfavorable" a drizzling `rain
falling for Several,houra. Howeaein na, the
day cleared up; the Children began • tOs'as7
seinhle---on the greunds and saireiail yaung
men began to ereet Swings ,*for the amuse-
ment ot the childree. A - number ot the
.0arente, Mid others interested in edueetion,
were presenn to:together -with a vety _pretty -
sprinkling of -the /fair sei'. A long table af
boards was etected,s. at .which. upwards of
eighty childieh sat down. and enjoyed them-
setves as only children cam. The -atilitiary
ofthe ladles -recfuired far* the oc-
casion, and as the .contents . of 'basket after
basket was laid. upoa the table, tifey .werse-
suffieient to tenipt the nibst fastidioas ap:
petite i indeed seldonshave ire seein a areater
variety of good things.' - After all preseut
enjoyed the ." creature comforts " the chil-
dren s wilnasto.t heir :heart's. content; :Cons.
siderable- disappointment ',*1113 felt that
-several gentlemen who were to laveaddrepi-
ed the thildren, were abteat; -owing le the
-wetness Of. the merning. . The - Reis. Mr.
Dottaddersthe only 'clergyinee present, ad -
airessed the children a .Very appropriate
:manner phd one well calcalated to make aS
Inipressionon their Minds.: ;Contraating their
prtvileges with"-ivliet children enjoyed a
quarter of asceptury ago, and urging upon -
then) :diligence _in, their studies,: that they,
triiiiht acquire a °nod education s anti point-
,. _
-Mg toitelf-made teen -men ot seliom Canada -
can boait triany-e-who -withant atty taste:ling
hand,' saye their bin untiring* industry and
-,holontittible perseverance, rose to -rank 'and -
poiition in society,•and: enjoyed the reepect
aptleateem °fall who knew . thews. Havitig
ithewn the adventagee-of a seeular 'education,.
,he urged.. upon them not to forget thereading
of tha Scriptures, bet to make it a daily,
and this babit -when acquired would
not onlybenefit theai in time, but through
eternity. Mr_ Campbell; teacher,. MiDate
attire followed in ti very neat speech.
Miss Campbell; teacher. of- the ,schools 'and
ber .pitpils by siliging. a number of seleet
'Pieces, eave a very :pleasing v.ariety,,,,to the
evenieg's- amusement,. and *elicited warM alp;
please- Her Care and .pitiustalting _during
the two.yeareshe hastaught the echool have
not only merited tint received the -approba-
tion otali_ponnected with the children,, and
her kind and -obliging manner has Made her.
Many warnt frieedss sale. James. Patthe,
ttustee, then addresied the meeting,thackang
the ladies for thi-bouptifuliable they spread,
and making somewhat lengthy remarks upon
achool matters -generally duties ot parent%
childree, dm. He Called for three cheers for,
Queen Vietoria,whieli were heartily lesponde
ed to; and all, (ahcint.three bandied) " Went
their several Wey, hepini to meet some.other
day.", , ,
' '
-VISITOE: 7, -
Ranti. 01 Upper -Ganaiita.
• . .
After cohsaltation With:the leaals advisers
of the .Bank, Mr. Cassels has issued -the, fol.
lowing =cuter to. the nueingertauf the !wens
cies:of the Bank of Up1yr Caneda thrbughbut
the Provinee
C.ii,97,t.Ait.iiist 'or ty...ppER cr4NApA,
_ Torootte.2-24 Sept., -1860.
Str,--As there seems to be, some misender•
standiag ebout- the. pciaition of. bill holders
• and depositors Of the -bank, Iltave to notify -
you, under the direction tif the legal adviSers
of the -Bank, of the: heurae yeti oi•a- to pursue -
under the following :ciectenstitices :•-ss
You- May receive:in penitent of- any
hetes ar- bine held- and cliscountt:d by , the
Batik, and payableat lour brisneh, the ' hetes.
ot the Bank or' cheqees of ,depositors. -
,Secoudly -.You may receive any note ,er
bill, for ,whieh tip agre-einent to -retie* existed
prior te the -18th instants but Ao. others udder
any -circumstances •Wheteve.r: .-
Thirdly -:You may receiVo, part payment
of MI note or bill, end place' the -amount eo
paid to the credit_of'sUgh note or ` •
- I am, sirs-
- The Quebec -Chionirle„ of Saturday,
Says : "-We u4derstand that the 7th
Royal Pusileers hask receit.red orders Ao
proceed immediately to Upper Canada. -
The regiment will be stationed at Thor --
'old for the present' and the sick women_
and children -to -remain at Branford -C.
W. We also learn that 100 men of the
Aurora are under orders for the lake
gunboats." _
put inslow, late of the' 'Cear-
a'''. SecretarY Seward 12 very ill, and, sari''.°12.ge.yeina mob:1;7v, al, and is,aegatded- with
iconsiderable intest. -
Your ohd't. Bei -Vanes
- . - ' Cashier.
P..S.a-The above rides cover any debt ac-
cually dile to the. hank; wheiherii hes nutter:
ed or nOt. -; . R. C..
The Guards:Coining Oat.- -
(From -the United Seivice Gazette) :
M: S, Tnntar will be employed in
the emineyinice :of_ the 53rd Regimept.:
and H. K. S. Orontes. will take the Slit
Regiment te _Canada. Both-nre vess.ds
of gopd 'speed. A strong, force of Tartih
lery will be dispatched immediately, and
it is in- cotite`mplotion to send.: two :banal
ions.of Guards also- frail London. -
krge quantity of ninnitione of war, about -
1,500 'tons,. are: = being p:enared fOr im-'
mediate dispatch. With a three lige Oil§
in addition- tO the' -battaliens., at preSetit
stationed' in North _ Adieriea, and the
many regitnents .good account
will doubtless be _given Of aOy Feniatis
who-may.make their appearaneein Cana-
. I
, s
. Wat- stokes for Canada.
( From Me Linidon •TinsestAuy. -15.) ..
The ' military stores. department at
Woolwich; Was On - Saturday - (Iv:ace 1
throughout the day, by• special „orders
from the .War, Office, in einbarking steres
On board Her- Majeity's.- Paddle -Wheel-
steam *essel.diredusa,- Cominander Thos,
Potter.. - The steres are ita be transhipped.
at Portsmouth to the screve- ateatn trooP-
ship Oronto, Capt. Henry Wi Hire, for
conveyance with all diSpatch to Quebec:
The cargo includes 150 - tons of powder
contained in about 4;000 halfand qttarter
barrels. issued from *. liand magazine
in thit :Royal Arse -al marsh -at Plunisteacle-
Cemnainder Pott ' reported his intention
to leaVe , Woeleic this morning. by the
early tide at -daybreak the` Orontes 'k-
ing under erd_ers to -Sail from Portsmouth
for (bike- to-moriew: - A large number
of artillery, guns carriages and hareem,
and other ntores, 'for cavalry- and infantry
will follow in a few dais. -
la/fared dying;
Kr' Dr: Lizara lagers, one of the
ableit surgeons --id lvaierica, will be-. pre
-Plied-W. attend to any .taies that may Le
plaeed Udder his --ihargn;- atthe 71Inron
HOW, On -the .2nd Mid 3rd Of °Ct.-tn./IP
log; - -Frein :what WO _knori of the
standing we have no hesitation in teeina-
Mending hia services in:difffoult CaSee.
. _
. :. The : 'Fens'ana "Trials. -
. .
.We underatatt&that hy the ordeta ef the
Attoeney ,Qeneralthe Slmi•iff has- suintn-ened-
e dhulde patter ot jarers* far the trials Of the.
prisoners neW 'charged 'with -high . treason,
Seventy-two jun:Its' have beep. summoned,.
The naualTisaizel ie.: fort,yeigkii, but iiisarday
that the -panel -.shoal& metSheseXhausted .by
cheilenffes anseditilleinik-nuMber has - been
cal•led • °from .*:-thes: country: -• -Chief... jestice
DrizPerie th preside at the court: for the
trial of the Yeniens- 0.6 or ': about the 161[1',
proximo, and .ble-. jeitice 'Joists . WisonT will
preceed--with the trial of the mil docket_ aa
.usuel.-ssIstatter.- ---: - ..„ ,.
. ._ . . .. . .
. . --- : - :-
Playing the: Deaf Miite../.. :
. . .:_ . . .,_
': :- (*.tme teadays ago there '.canieta_this city,
VID the. Grand frunk and Great Westerd _ tail.
--whye, a yonag wonia,n, pretending, to. he deaf
and dumb, . She Wand her :,Way --to the - Dear
and-DemhAsyluin, tied' as -: dulk :cared Air, -
air. -McGanns the . manng r, being:alisent, re-
turned en- -.T.uesday, - Mid-, finding: --the*. youag
*Vremen iti the institution. and learning :that
ahe wes a Radian 'Gat hone, he :kept. her to
Bishop:Farrel-I, andit wee- scr titled to Admit
her into the,convept.. ' Fiiiiii . -that her game
Wei up, ihe suddenly tecevere her .speech,
mid deelared to the yoinielt, wonien who 'ae
companted her to -the - ciiiivent gate that she
was not geing to be -shut up therefsfer she
Ores not a .deaf -Mute, ...Mr companion.- Stnod
in hlank asionishutent*oa heariug the suppoi-
tel dunsa one speak; andSultiamteiy-comatuni-•
:cateci-the fact to Mrs MeGreinS who hed . the.
youtig woman orrested-t: the ' dep.ot -while
availing for tbe train- to eoeveyhir - eaetward.
Shesees brought before the 'Olive inegietrate
thie morning,. hut postti vel y• retuned tO disclose-
Lany:particulars respectik bersolt, or oven to
give, liee-name.: It is sa d: that abe .jites -since
made eel tam _revelation to the chiefof pollee.
The yoens woman is abeht tvienty-two years -
of age, small ie :Statute; 'colidu_cta- herself' pro -
pile, and- is believed to be Freseh Cenadia 1.
She speaks several hinge:wee . but - knelish
very it-differ:0dt. - What her ...Object' could
he ie alayieg offer), impostine apeli the pubs
licintie difficalttds ty. •• While in - the .deat
an 1 dam") esylain --ahe . played her - part 'well, •
tOok the reg ular- pout -Se .laif instructioni with
the, pupiie, -and was:regarded assen --apt eceol-
ar. Min- MeGannsays she -.wee rude_towards
the matron end Mhers-in. the asidains-and had
. to belecked up at times, She Carried oat
-the- deception aditdrably; , end stfirghe hairs,
_ . _ . •
.contineed it sfor solties tittle, without being.
detected:- The police Magistrate, thenght
her of unsound mind, and she ii - c-onaequept
lY detained until ifieseen it soreething cannot:
be male out respeedeg -her. s Shn- eepreMed
a de'sire :to go . to jail s she - seid she was-
t tying to. -see. - the -Werld,js end- w anted among
other things to see,- the intelior et *prison.,
'Altogetlier it, is rather a -enrich* . ease. sThe
young woman is Irtiown to' have; cotne: from
Quebec reontle, but Rays- her - people reside -
in New. York...and that -her. felthrT ia a iaWyelk.
•••-•:411der.8 Ikpiigit,id C.PrreSPO.ndenee. -
- T-, .. ' . . 4!IFf.a.
• . 7/lie Thsaiter ; af,.,...Taktistba. •
__,. .
- Qii_the arrival'Of the Presidential party -at
Johnati-iwn, pa..,*ys- the, New York lierald,
.a very large cencourie of peeple awaited ->the
train be 'ring the 'Presidenty-luid;_on, the Iii).-
pro.acb.,-b-egait theano‘t. vaidteraus and. genu.
ine•cheering.tieseihle.s - -
-* -• : • sktneitent. AccinExT...• .- . 1 : '..?
1,13ut then- joy. lit; weleopi lig the - party „was'
stiddently cut; shOrt, mid the -Whole place s•Con-
v.eeted into a plameof mei-11111'a; b -y 'one. of
the most calanlitous aceident that over befel
a comuninity The- railroad at tide' place
runA .en the- north blink Of the old canal, spew
dry), about. thirtyfeelfreat ita channel..: Te
canal was bridged- over. toe several :rods- its
lsont of w here- the train 'atoppediend-was need
as a 'platform': . for; -.business.- - A .bridgi. for
.croishig: one of the streets; and tWo taiaecr
-eiclewalica,:. • wete trapovetished. s Inf.: ponse-
queried Of. beittg slightly -. elesated above the -
around betWeen the bank of -the --canal .and
0 _.
the cera the aclidence Could dbtain a tolera-
ble.fair .viatvntif the rear platfonit Of the trait;
on:Which ' the .Preitdent , -end Others viere
standing,- and therefore ..priiivded . on it. In a
-rnaaSece. dense: that there. Was no 'Mending.
room lett uloscciluantig-E.-- .1.,.v.:..sr...ty-. • -
.. :Jeatasehe traiu was ahOut to move away,
aed those, outhearidge Mid .aroaudsthe de ..
pet_ were rending the air.Witheheera for John-
noe, Great and•Ferreget,_ en awful creah roie.
above the -roar saf the euezes thet startled all
Within hearing, land , ailended many voicea
Within hearing for ever. -• The -timbers -he the
oeeire Ofthesbridge, fally:a„foot square, told-.
-deoly. intipPed lin twain preeipiteting eversy-
-.soul on it to the -bottom. -of tbe citpal, • a. -dies
tance 'Of at. leastfitteenteet.::: . The balenee. of
the sidetialks mid PlatfOrnie -, over 'he- ,Minal
came down With the hritiss; alai filled: the
bott-oni. Of the canal with•tirehees, planks and •
the mingling Mass or -men; ,wenian.,-. and
ehildren,- ell burled .together in inettricible.
ceufnaion: .Thcise op the hank betweee . the
new 'vawiiing-galf and the.railioad.track were
trigh elcd.into it itatneede,tand tufdels to the
confusion by screamiegsyelfing and trains/ling
eaehotherinto.the mud in their frantie efforta
te eseape. , A More frighttal seene Waeacaree-
ly evi-x Witnessed. • 4 news Menietita sufficed
to reveal whet: had acteally treeSpired.:- lien.
Woinen,r_cliildren fathers; plethora, husbands,
wives, sou; and daa,lniers *ere :-now - -rushing
iti every : direStiop aeekiog. °relatives and:
friends, sad 'cryin,g aletids- With -grief - and
teriorS s S -.*-- - -. .•:. i -,. s- . .• ' .. -
. As soon as the'sinking. falling , debris:had
eettledsto the bettote, those•iii the neighboine
hOndepraog ;Ott:iv:bed Of thecluial by -acmes_
and COD& the need, assisti lig'. thOseleaet bait... ta
eXtriCate•theinselvesi :ant • to 'Pull away the
rubbish and timber that had earered and con-
fiiMCI the °there., As the. hridge brokein the
Centres. its I wo halves •tornied au inched plane
all were Slid with lightening Speed and pitcled
on top'of thoilavho iteodin- the Middle Mid
went .dciwn first.- -Prebably not leas. that:1'47.ms
hutidrect perilous Were - oh, tie" mainfbridges
and one thoesand oit the whe,e... structure. -,-
Several membera•,0E- the: Preeidential party
assimedactively itensimOvites.: the dead' and
wounded. Eight persoes -; were killed and
tweety Cir.:thirty Woended. -- - '
' -
Itepreitentitteota of 'the
= Call oil Pressden;
. A feW natives wht. had simpe time- melons--
ly held a ineeting,- and solved. that the Presi-
dent should. have a Fenian indersement.waited
upon Mr. - Jcihnicip tcenights and Mader -a
statement of grievanCes, while prefFetingoon-
siderable advice.' Not a member of either at-
tbe Brotherhood fee -dons wes presept, while
the Hon. John, Hogan,. Of kiissouri leaded
this delegation, tylieh professed to sneak tor
the District, of: Columbia. Dr,T-Anttsell, an-
-American; delivered -the address: The hue
den of the remarks wee that they welcomed
the President back,- and -milted-that Changes
be made in the Cebluet.-- The Irish citizene
by ati intense yearaine for their natire coun-
try, -havirplaced themselvessin, ins apparent
antagoniiim to the Goeernment; ' They think
some of our °Onsets in Ireland deserve re
buke, and they ask their iemoval and more
• s
acceptable ones appointed .34 their plata,
They Wrest that the Alabama, claim's should
be pressed te ad udication; and that it would
be- well' if _Been nd Weald imitate the wise
policy Of -the -PA tedStateti in Perdonitig these
coneerned Oa civil war, and hope that .au
effart will be Made to iaduce her to :release
Iriskpesoners. •! The Irish aresa nation here
-with hreest-outtlis_Cir a -million of Vetere, and
.they s-uggest tha tp appointments to bemade
Post-efficies add :in the.- Interpol Revenue,
ilea their pre rittis share Of the:offices. Not
alonejtethesState Offices; hit in the diplotna-
corps,_thefsitzgest- that ohrIeish _citizens
be repiceetited, They hope theae enggeations
receive the: President's fiiverabie . con-
siderationf end they extend their heat wisees
to hint, The President, jo taid taat
the action of the Adiniiiistriition,ehall 'be tat
directed :tato thoroughly ,proniote the- best
and dearests interests- of the nab citizeessse-
He, felt .;the foree of theirssu,tisgestionss gad
highly 'eppreciated. to deep intei•est manifest-
ed by those preeent. -He -referred -them 'to
his past lecont.- He waa always cousietently
and earnestly a iend of the Irish. was
hunself atropgly lectured' ;Vide synipatby. tor
-the _ The • dmMistration woeld do all
in- his power to promote tbe interests- -of the
Irish citizens t tend. in -reference to the Irish.
prisoners, -said thbt dmerunneu ection
ready be.en tnken to effect -thew release, Red
uttain the end they songht. in- _conclusion?
the i'realdect.ternarked that all, the -sierges
mei 'of the Ctimmittee:shohld -le deliberate,
and in all instanceTwhere it Could be'prOper-
ly dene elpecially in the interest of the Irish:
eitieens; fayansitly considered -is= The mem-
bers Of the Oodunittee then -Shook • *halide
with.the Ptesident, arid withclretie-e[N.
The Pall. alalliaznte hai the f Glowing :
" A numbescif Saider converted Elifielda and
a suitable sunply i of. Baiter aunnunitioe fOr
the same. win Insight -to Canada with .the re-
inforcements' •,whieh are to: leave England
-some title) nefere the middle of hext • =nob.
•The ineatithetele Of the Snider artna and tun -
Munition is not su advaticed. te per
-of-the desnat at of he large an eqinpment
its etiglitee.desirechand the deficiency ib tohe
made up,WithSevgral-thousatid Westley Rich
ArdS carbines ....and :moakets; -of' the- pattern
which _has. Pr ;e4ral years -been in use ex-
perimentally for elm:dry, and of whiefebefore
the: a ti aptio n of the. Snider ayitem of con ver-
siou wasdepuled Upon, _some 2Q,000 had been-.
ordered; . Seriously the. autheritieS -inay be
:-.Congratirlated oa-their deterininatien to eepd
•every Snider Enfield aud - rOund of - anima -
doe that can.he soraped tog -ether by October
to the:only colony in whish, happly, there is
-the slightest likelihnod ef their beihg required
thts whiter's:if tee) which, we shope, tuts En-
na!' colony and do English- at:tidier *ill be
without there, As re-garde...the peizonnel, it
is' stated that three infantry • regiments.: one
cavalry regiments and one bettety of areliery
win_ge to reinforce: the net incobsiderable
army ot regular troops; Militia epd velunimers
which has beeti ecilleseed- for the:defence cif
-1,shiuensi,tisT_t loyal of Ena,a.tti:ialti. tins, sej s-
Atlintle Cable‘Sttitlon-.-
A cnireepende t of the New•Tark • Heralt4
has paid a visif-te the Atlaptic Cable Station,
on 'Valentin Ishilid , •Ile writiee: . -
_e -4. wocden shad ' a _ little to• your Tight,.
from which the telegraph; flag .floats, . tells
you yots have arrived ..at the object of -your
search. _ ,., , ..
" The interiorlis jdieided inn:7 institimeat
rooms; kitchen; dining- and sleeping apart-
ments, the latter! being- very _enc-onitertable
leeking plat -es- There are fonrteen-''clerks
here, lour of tit ea belongipgsto the p -qctric
and 'Magnetic. Companieessend the remainder
being it; the inunediate service .of the Allaptie
Telegraph CoMpany; • " 1 1. ' -
' "'The latter teh ate all "En,siiitlimen, arid
for Englishmee Very -warm ,hearted, agree-
able'. fellows i andlitell You it ji; a difficult'
taskte be so good humoredso fhr away from
the haunts of civilgzation, end exPosed. to- so
many inconseni6bes. They alt live well at
thee-xpense ef the Cempanys :having 'a first-
elasi conk on the remises 'and a -good supply
of Pair champagne and:: 'arif - and. ,atrf.. Four
are Always .oa ditty- day. and njght, While
the reit contrive tb sleep as best they ,May,
considerieg they.l aSunet got the best' sleep
lig liccommodan9 in -the world. '
i• The arrange ents are . very strict, and,
strangers are proh bited froin s*iog - the ap-
paratus., or, in fa...q. anything copnected with
tee telegraph. `.1.'be iiistrunieet teem isamall
and fureished with the- necessary appliance!
for the receiving land transmistion of 'Mes-
sages. -A very- high backed -Chair is „placed
in front of the instrument, and- it clerk sits in
it continually ersitehirg for the ray of -light -on
the mirror that signals from -the -other side of.
-the AtiAntie. • 's 1 - ' • '
" 'rakieg nil iilloconsideratiop the 'cable
. i .,
teen words _per 'pi ute .have arrived but, the
is- working very; well. As Many as . sii•
average number iseight, and mere -may not
be saftely sent." I z. '
Dainn;es by!Floed. '
. . .
. -..-- --1-4......,
Cincinnati, Seplt;-20.'-7It fa - estimated-
that..20,000;000 btishels of cord have been de-,
stroyed by freshet in the . Miami \Bottoms
Reports froni_ the Northaveit rep*entsthe
`flood as general, Causing immense devataa-
tion. It will reqhire fonr or Pe weehsto
repair the Qhio -and% Missitsippi RR. bridge
adross the_ Big Miami e in the .meantimeron-
neaten is Made with Lawrenceburg by boat;
-The , Belleefortaitie and- Pere and: Indiana -
_Pali are the only made that haee been- run-
ning _trains regularly from
The _Jeffereonvilles bridge,: four Miles
Seuth of Indianep011s, is weshed'away:
tenoned that the track at Edipburgh and
Columbus; Ind.; ite subniereed. -The Colum-
bus aad Indiadapo is_Roed is badly- damaged;
tour bridges being washed aWey between,
ludianapoliaand-Riehniond. NO trains halm
beennemning\over the Cincinnati wadi siitee
Ttiesdays There are -indications. 'of the Wea-
ther elearine; -
Iedietiepolis Sept. 20,,,.. -.The chin crbp: in
low lands in' t(iiaseetion ,have been greatly
dathaged by floods. -Trains oh ail the ihsda
centering here wilt run regularly. to Morrow,
exeept oft the Indiana Central. andLouisville
Roads, both of which will Miller severely. for.
ti,efore416Coniirea, f,11.1!1:_-ea_ta,
Nel York, SePt.T. 21.-beektiches from
Cincinpatth ColumbussSt. Louis and. Chica-
go state the storm had: ceased. " Tbe trains
in Indite -abatis and Cincinnatti are runeing.
Deepatc-heit fromi Dayton -seyseesOn Wed-
nesday the canal bank breke. and the water
'swept aviay, frame" honses; shops, great- Piles
of luMbei and other property. , A portiOn of
the- hnsinesi part of the town wai sebteerged,
Loss of fences, atoelt, corn and.Other" *per-
ty is enormous. • -
- - -'-
• Regina*, Isithe Pro. .
- *ince.
. When the reinforcement& ntai . on- their
way froth Engtand have reached their desti-
oation, there will be. a' respectable 'regular
army m the colonieiS There are' now two
brigades of -artillery and 15-- battalions otin-
fautry, wbieh latter II are in Canada,tWo
in- Nova Scotia, 'and_ two in Nevi 'Brunlinvick.
A.uadditicinaf force Of artiltery. a 'regiment of
:cavalris andahree more battalions of infitn.
try will haVe been landed hy the end of the
'month, when the total -of the regular- foreei
-Will not be -less than- about -16 000. of- all
arms. . " : 7
The latest style ot bonnets is desctibed as
consisting of two straws, tied togetherwith a
blue ribbon on the top cif • the head, and red
tassels- suspetided at each of. the faue ends of
tee straws.. =
-11ipWS ITEMS. •
Puna calls tbe Om peror Napoleon CI the
-European Umpire and. Conunisaien- =Agent."
- 0:3e -Sim: Jennings a rich old miser; died
1 receutly in Obio,leaving a fortune of $2,000,-
000, which his heirs are 'already quarreling
about. _ .', : ' ., „ • -
a-Zr The harbor af Galveston, Texas, is
fast closing up witaaaed. Light draft ves-
sels now ground in the channel - where the
water was_formeny j*enty feet deep.
re. The Victorie .Bridge oier the River
Thainee,' 'at fiatteraele, is 912 feet long itad
nz feet wide.' It ii ther'-widest railway bridge
in the world. It will -have four railway tracks.
rss: In westere _Arkansas a silver* mine bas
been strach; which for several days yielded
80 poundi daily and. then becameexhausted.
The owners are tryingto find a continuance
of the vein, when lt IS believed the.mkal can
be feund in tabulous quantities. " General"
Ben Butler% serviees shoidd be imisidiately
secured. If there is, eny more gibe? seers
he Will .41Id it.". ' .1 -; . - '
-ale What vegetable . does If Mike," of
Cernwall notoriety, reeemble ? A Murphy
dug huts , - - . . ,. •
- A confirmed toper Was bothered how to
henor hie birthday. - A brilliant idea streak
int. He kept sober. -, ,
_ .
Mrs. Partingtou wants to knew what kind
of a drum- .conendrums are s She thinks
some are hard to__ beat. , s'S -: , .
A learhil yisitatien of Providence happen-
_ .
ed at *Chimp; an Saturday last. A tailor
from Germany, named Lahenheinier, residing
on the- north. side, oas accused ot. having
stele's. some -moneys -which he -positively (1-:. Ms
eds:calling upen -God to strike him dead if he
was not speaking the truth. The fearful int-
precatic•n ,had hardiy heen uttered before he
tell to. the floor it 4e1a4 :Mans -
re,- An Agricultui•al :editor repliesnts --
lows 10-a lady who wishes tosknow Why a
gardener is the _moat extraordinact man ia
the world ? We -suppose ittis because act
man has more business on earth,''and he
_chooses good- gr-ouud tor what he dam
He commands his thyme, is Master of At ,
anut, mid he DDSS* telery Army fear. b
ipaluam.badHeyemareettshatnt .owreiltawsnottliPtirnedilleamese-111
ber of Congress. He makes .raiting__
business, as Many fine gentleman dee
but he mak_e,s it an advanage, both in lie
health aud fortune whiee/is seldom -the .eaae;
and gives _heartsease to whom be pleases.aad
though he is pluin in Ins own /frets witi ids
batcheller's huttons,.-yet he encoureges -dose
combs end greatly admires prince E feathers -
and the Pride of Lc -talon. tvith _plasm
beholdsilis love lies bleeding under a weer
iintighiwslIploostes.essilioar;:sAadgarmeait anneendcrea,ritahaoisoavint
seal, Jacoh's Ladder, thestree of life? like
holy thorntend Venus? looking grass.
_p_etiosts Aceliiest.
READria, 42:4 • y &pt. 18.-eTbreettlt 114 -
misplacing of a switehot coal train wit lasts -
thrown offthe. track on dowaifrade, -
plungtng intoat hid on tato grounds Say
• .
fert, lic3lantis ComPany, The inghei
tender,andtwenty The
engineer was buried. beneath -the nine of tht
cars, enclaves taker out deatt to -day. no
fireman was vieclgerlbetween the firebox awl
, tender, where 'he -wits horribly burned, sa
was taken out after several hours of? torture. -
His irajtuies Will probably progre k -is
sapposed that the switch was Maliciously
• NEWS FROM putt_ to the 1r of Anne
received. 1 henatienal sentiment runs stronge
ly in favor of a vigorous prosecution of the
• liar with Spain. The Government has Ism
-unfelt-mate-in its ourchase of war vestielaaids-
its-agents abroad, especially in the limed ".
.States, have mei with difficulties. Two vats
sett. Just arrived„ the Henriette end the
Neshannock, disappointed the Einem' ex- -
pectationth and the Government 15 aerrtelp
miticisedfor not having provided a formidable
squadron. _ The Peruvian Government is de- _
votingits energies to developing theresourcea -
of the -country, and its general policy cannot `
fail, if peisisted in, tospromote the welfam.af
the people &siren as its:wn:stability.
THE BRITISH NATLZ:The question has.
been eften asked whether the Navy of fbeat
Britain, mounting as it does aver sit thous-
and guns, tad manned by 75,000 tailors, mei s
eeeds -the 'naviesof France and the United
States or France and Russia and wereit not
that We might he considered alittle egotisti-
cal we should say it • did exceed them
gether, bat it is useless speculating upon ibis
when there are other - qnestions that do not
adtnit of any doubt._ DO one after uaing the--
"-iCanadian PainTestroyer" doahts its being ,
the vembest thiog for the care of emit
colds, sote threats- dititleria„. pains in the
:stomach, sidei rind back; spinalaffectionssken
SOld by all Medicine Dealers at 25 els per
bottle. It •
In a. few -days agoe a Mrs, Kim-
bell was 'driving '-aloag the road, when a
swerm of bees lighted upon her horse and
literally_stung him to ' deaths Mi.. Reid,- who
was Working near by; came up and was badly
stung in tbe vaie 'attempt to rescue the horse.
It seetes that -the beei stung the horse ,
almost, at -first, and Afterwards he made no
exertions to freehinfielf from his tormenters.
'I':he horse lived abont thtee houts.
The Chi eouneil at Kingston' has passed a
4e -solution offering $1,00.0ar a targer suni if
neceseary to Secure% the,holdingthere of the
Prosinetal Exhibition next sear. ,
TheBelleville -(Ark,,) News saYs that last
week four Union men aceepted a -challenge
foam four late rebels le fight a due With rifles,
dietence one 'hundred yards. All- being
sharpshooters, each* ball" took effect three
being killed eatright, and the other fi've more
or _less wounded.
A young man, name, rank W. Rounds,
in Boston, attenipted to_ kill his employer,
Mr Procter between whom' 60Me diffihulty
had occurred ahout a- young lady. Rounds
fired. at Progerfiie trines, with a p.istol, thtee
of_the shots takiiie effect,. produeltig painful
but not. serieus woundss '
A. Jahns-on, of Chicago, Was to 'have been
married -bunday login t the wedding party
assembled Mid the bride wasinivaiting-but
the bridegi•Oom did mot appear, and. has tot
been heard af since. /Is wedding•suit dis-
appetred with -him, and Suspicions are- enter-
-mined that he has been muidered. . • -
• The_gneai lake tunnel et Chicago Wil!, in:
-all probebility, Scdinhleted ' next, months
and preperationa are now milking for its for
mal opening-. Cerethernies -appropriate ;to
the .conipletion Of so :treat a work witl i be
trotten up on a Sante ot great magnificence:
lTalikee.tun_ -7_1182 Jae! -two :mot! the
, •
Th*e recent decline:het:he price of some -of
the viestetn tailreads is attrihnted to the de-
crease in the-earnifias of the roads doring the
iattercpart of Anost- and the beginning of-
Septeinber. 'But (Ole fishing .:off Nati owing,
acme areinformeci, to the hot weather, whicb
prevented 'the farmers _ from -preparing end
drawing their grain to market,
hoai:diuz louse in ChiCago took
Ire at -atiearly hoer -.Monday morning, and
witty -of the inmates had it narrow escape,
some lOSiair e veep thiiig biker their night
clothes. s A° Mrs. William", and 'child, .about
seven yeala Were Sleeping in .the thild
story, and in -the confusion the child was lost
end perished in -the flames.
0:".. The. crown Prinee of Prussia and the -
Prime: Charles,' whet wen the great victories
that nel gives the leadership of gerniavy to
Prussia, are about thirty yeers -of age, while
Benedek and the chiefs on the-au:Arian 'side
overwhelmed with defeats are oid fellow's el
Bitty'. or eighty years of age. .Dierateli told the
story yeara -ago in " Coningsoy "---" The
history of heroes is the historrot youth.' -
asle 4 *dig* disturboace occarred iu New
-Orleens on the Ilth jest:, _caused- by -the ar-
rest of tiro colored wennan by theepolice.---,
An attempt was _Made to rescue the -woinen
by eome,colored soidiers. The - police were
soon reieforce-d; -and were met by the negroea
With volleys of _brickbats, and -invitations to
-mite on. "- The' Policei assisted • by several
ederal officers, -finally.: sniceeded in restor-
iag '
-be The woodren'sheles worn by tteasanta
of bah "sex in Beigipm are purchased' at
from four to seven ceuns a pairs ALI". never
wear out.
. •
, , „
as:ta Repeblican extrieagance witnessed
in modern thnes. to the fullest. extent in ;he
United Stites, . It dem:meth haie reached the
topmostheight -the dinner oivyt in New
York to President J phescin. The particulars
of this least,- rivallingthat. of a Roman Em-
peror,. are beConiing.,. known. The banquet
e n by forty-two gentlemen and -cost.
was- (rive
$20,043,65, an aventge of $145 38 each.
The "items Are as' t011ows -
Delnionico;," • !' -81f.000 00
'Fifth A -venue Hotel; • 671 00'
plalfcirin op 5th Avenue • 80 00
R Grant, Calcium -linhts. 9h 00
F.IKetiniton hadees toe. 227 00
,Edwards_lrau Banat, earriagette 1,000 00
Priding circiders and cards.
121 00
Dodworth's band far serenade - 300 00
-Band maiic for 24 regiments:- ' 6693 00
Total S20;643 -65
This inCludes nearly $7,000 for musics and -
$1,000 for Carriages:
Pail Of sa Great Man.
--„Conting doWn Chestnut street, St: Lem,
one day lest weeks writes a;"-correlpondeut,
I -was etruck by the appearance of an -aid map
past slaty, who nore a.threadbare coats shies
with constant wear; and whore fiat was bruias
ed and seedy. -His head was bent tewardis
the earth, and -his walk -was a tottering:shuffle;
the effects of Whisky. and Old age. He relle
from one side of the pavement to the other,
and at last brotight up against a lamp -post on
the corner, when a young -looking loafer Com-
ing along salitted.him with- '',Hullob, Jim I
Conte and take- "drink ?-ti 'The old "mites
et es brigtitened.' and arm insarni, he sauntet-
ed along to the -nearest- groggery ,with his
companion. Five yearie .ago -that. old, man
was Jaines,-,,Greie, Vatted States Senator
from Missouri, sad in the days ot- the Kansas
and Lecompton he was next to Stephen A.
Douglas,. the ableat, *debater in- Congress:
Bat the war broke out, -Mr. Green 'was sent
to the rebel Contrite, soon Toot his property,
hei position and his character and now he is.
a _floor drunkard, and earns barely: a pittance
ofje liv)ng 45 li_CI411b00513 5b7ltar. Oats-
Contnion, Sept 2k 1866
Spring WheOL...r tg 135
Fall do L40 J:50
Oat•Sp • 11,01• •••• 0.“ 0.411.3/6 a 0:18 , 0:20 -
Flour ...• .11. ......00.:0 .10. 6:00 7s00
Sheep: . .... . .. "4:0Q 5:00
Beef, II Ih ... - - : ....... 0:08 0:10 . _
1 Cdea (green) .......... 4:50 0:00 I
Better .-- .....,,....... -0:14 a) 0:10 '
Potatoes, new... ...Ls._ s. 0:25 0.25
VI ood........---- - • a a se • •,"• • • 1:75 2:25
a toe
a 040
Plums - .. . ....-....., T:00- a L25
Fray, mew .-13 ton 0:60 •-• • 'WM
IMO. •
_ .
At Goclerich, C. W., on the -15th ,Septs
Isabella Agnes, eldest- daitgliter of tee late
Captain William Waddell, late of the 1st -.
Royal D.-agoons, aged
Donsisting in . part of West of England- Bread!
cloths; Beavers,; Whitneyss. Bearskins, Duey
English, Scotch, and French Twteda,Cashmeres,
Doeskins, and a :vatiety of cseadian Cloths;
Plain. Satin, and• Flowered 'Vesunge, Shirts,:
Graves, Cara ke*,
He feels confident of ‘nving satisfaction -to all
who may lavOr him with their orders,
TWEED SUITS Oil wooly$12 and upwards.
ler lg. 3. -Cutting done to Order..1111
Goderith, Sept 25th, 1866, _ sw 8
- WUR,GraiCOW, -
Hotel, Godericb, on the /lid and 3rd
of October, between the hours ot 10 a. m.,
and 2 p. nr.
• Goderich„ 14th Sept4.866. ..svefltd
17 STRAY PIG.-Catue into the enclosure,
of the -subscriber lot -4 1st con. E. D. .Col-
borne about May last, a Spotted' Pig, the _
owner is requeated to prove . property. pay
charges, and take it away. _
Ben Miller 2.1st Sept 1866 - w35 31f
Insolvent Act of 1864.
In the matter of DANIEL .1.4ZILLS, au
insolvent. - .
' Creditora of the atm named 1001-
-vent ate hereby notified to meet at the
Law Office of Mr. Lewis, in the Court
House, in the Town of Goderielis on Monday,
the eighth day of October -next, at the boar
of 2 it'elock, p. m., forthe general orderirig
of theaffatte of the estate. .
- Dated at Goderich,in the Conettoflinron,
.this serenteentli day of September, 1.866.
34 2t - Official -Assignee for H. ik B. 1
-DIGS yaR SALE,froui 3010 14
40 Pigs for sale of '.super. -=L
ior Breed. Prices from 2 Dollars, sad up.
-wards. <Includitig the lst Prise sow aer.
Poted to weigh over 6cwt of Poika. Apply
- Rosegaid d Cottage,
t- _ 4tli n. Goderich.
Gloderich, Sept. 23, 1866. - 145 if'
Fanners Beware 1
septY:e:.ad1121 s:pot't iwt b es; eg ntr i nt a 1 11 ra
will not ,ges thaw trees :from ror,establohniett.
- jr. BEADLE,.1v30
T -he Ijortvialgie
notusrenient so'
and murder
bfaleltide:d folio
idea 1.1. Illne0,1
•precedes the //tor
has been placed a
• -tram A souree
preparatious for
is gigantic seale,
only await the
their arms, will -
Aeveral pointscd
of arm.'Iss.rguinogadesstnawit
made, without th
that the complel
aimf tmw:deititytelyvesirtaie
furthers. we maT I
• -Taidartillety will
-eustomed purp3st
- the-leadera th
- _shave relaxed not
- the failure at 1111
easioned the bn
circles have -b
entire bite en
arganited into re
stand ready 50
action. As,exa
strength of thits..1
-musters one ttr
sptroaninesgs;withiltafa gs:
eines-el, Ohio, .;
policy ot the tele
and to inspire t
_fat observer, avhso
are waiting impel
- expected -that al
Tana of plunder
THE swan=
It is now
slgoen:raelitereiog:d, sun
7ived-their ardi
-"toned. _Some
-caPelarroPesit-gasee' 1:11
tbie su
/lint that
bave been tor pri
-any preniature
It n a.1412: j th ant it LAir se elinjimbee att Ilnet aut ao:ynwttlii I is .11 lite erfeteeab,
and everethe low
'lion with the an
rems.rksble degi
-7a)of Inhale inceontuthb,;a
dliese appreliensi
by a single jtidi
4non-ThentithaeiVoilarekei roorfI ei
The raid ii doul
party oppotieati
44ff:eon himtht
the neutrality
Alienating then'
-1Lifo. Oen, Mee
- A:b,e2tancit,i:saderganceantdeuenta
P.:1211t2P111:41Te 116:Yeirinfdelidllif44'
- the voila/ ot:
and the ern int
landing.ariii be
lett tinguaidec
moist lbe deer_tt
now go Ale we,
diet% -a demonist
far above nom
New York, 1
occurnidrat si;
/gowning, lath(
suited in Ilse
Peter Flinini
15:544. Urea
sod issaid to
Foos," was &hi
sof Madame ills
itarefutisked s
advantage of ti
_ Storniug U
el, did aot
Vale enraged
man what Is
tit thu hour
be would
This lad to
And the meta
Faust who
ads -laced ,
timelier. whim
hall taking
lie fall -to the
itho to tit
146 Zhu
fired the alio
pursued and
-of its own a