Semi-Weekly Signal, 1866-09-21, Page 34ghbOr. it hang. 116 Pan M3ently . 'armee. beem bitx zd. Yeets" hem." rsizeme; friends 'ofessoe bjefo!. 'seoPal hed he man of a- , ere ever rtitere, repines der the 'ant en leg - intriee. iawe at deriche- ) - reef ef 4 until rdund k, and ) meat - .0 had LIP eeete haw • with her? ta% Peso avie eno orseg gee; k. A Omit. >Irene.' to the. - ;•ge rerof: per Nein- < a bY _ rien �f Till- • never-- -aer owing Ideate, "1414 - MP's - 0 of een. Pere If of Loa' In 074. will rt.of M. sale, sena t Hare- _ _ 'Tornado -in 118'ew Jerseric ICIID gillbcfitMltelli5...e. . . - -• OF A terrible end destructive tornado eccuired re , -1:27-EilaTer. .. 1:149..VISty La -111. 1%T-'7:),.---- _ .. . _Idelint Klat,rou Friday ,,eVenitig -.last, . qui, inst..1- The Slime seys, it .ccitemenced. .'• -7f. .1EGte'lr eii! lial-; ' ' 1*.4 D.PAt -arid by virtue 0 n Bowet ot S.eie .f..e eboat a tette audit 'half troth: BUctdtewn, ate AIN KILIE RI contaiited iti a Nlortgage- mane: bv. }high i, •'""r'r" . - . . . . . '. 'rooting trees, prostratifie corn ahdefences„ . .. -,.. RECFIVED Dstr.r„ attn. soLD - .Mcocint ileoi;Borti.;telite,_ ;r:toznizlin,pd'isoi!luiliricktisit_i;gni!ti,..othei!. .. . 3 . madein the pavineiit thereof, will be sold...... -._ At • :the lowest-, Figure,i evaded the residence or,notioah-- Alcoa 1AT piE OLD TRICE. • . . rid stere. One the - north- road froin Medfit -0:Y'e 'BE 114R11OF ", dO.UNTER.; - OIN--- TU i% S_ 9AY;- ‘.. ()Obit .1-q, ' ',. 1866, i b 'SHEPPHARO-- & 'STRACHANi -. thi- latter I laee.- As it . neared:- tie- 1.70...vs.. . : . • FRITS -AN-1:1- -11:0R-77114:S;g• -141.11 A ..: .. -- at ttw hour okotie - - : • - •:- - .....1'.''C-. Is "RN #111-"f - - : '';-- i . doderich, SePt..14,1860. • awPtf --r- ceclocteep. ne,:et . . -- - ' , . - - South able 'Market Sqteire..- Bev- ea reelbertote. &mile and. e halt frote_ . . , residence'. of thc/l-Slisses .i.r2 6m 'Auction Booms. II iceinund Street,- in the City Ott .• - • .• . , Alcott, It . prese-1 - . trated everything hefoee- It; forest'tret.s were,* < -.'-A- eenra.Wi .1.866C :London.- thetollowhip• proper y :.'hot NO-. -3; inl - -torn: up or' twisted off, as though - they - were friiE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY - the 5th Coticess,ion Cif the ToWnship-of.Coltoss-in.1 , the County of -Bruce eon -taint -no. 100 *a.cies ante trees in the rear ot t1. i-ii..entiseS, four- '.., -, SIR JAMES CLARKE'S- ' . troin. "Mr. Thomas Fairbutn; Ifeeswater, from' - .. ' ' : . '-COLOMAL,-'1-10ITSE! sapli4s-tences In -id low -L. -nod of sixw en ' • ' ' - -- . - . - . .or less; The Tel ins of le.- ntay he ascertained Celebrated Female ..Pilia.. the AuCtioneer, and li•oni - t. - - - . : _ _. • • • _ - . teen- Wkre up rooted, . and -et. me - el there, reeved adistar.ee.ol eight or tea ',feet. -1.'he . . --.• _. CRONYN 4.- CONY.N. ..: r • .. . - • . TIE . .Subeeriber attlwayskeepie the largest ' Yendor'S Solicitors:Leedom- -- - T . .re,,,,,, in its track. and. They were 1117eeren: Pc'r.t.eaProkreedufprouipia .P.re.seriPtion of Sir j- Claderiele C..e.V.-., Sept. i441866; L,1-. variety and best Steck of house barn. weggon-house 'and eiegpen . .. .,... . ... lybrrtan Extraordinary. - fete mass- of& &rise Sueli utter: ch;stfuctfion * - - • . '. - tirelv aestroeed and thrown to-eetlier. 'a. ere ' to the -Queen. '. . - . . , Insolvent- Adt•-'61 .186.4., .. 11.'T.ii0I.. BERT' -.:&-::-:GLOVESJ . ..•,. we neerbefore witnessed. One ot the- sts- This invalunble Medic tie S - -itilin.". in the • . •- •;IN TUE COUNTIES rorez-01-.Alt those,polithil and itlaillignefrbus'diseaseS '- .I; the tiatter of !SAMUEL, WALKER. an - ..- - - - - . ../. . . - -. - CHAS . -E. ARCH:MAW. - tete teas absent .it the: timeeellannah ,oe'lv ie wee -e the teutalexonstituttoti- is.' stibieCt. It ' . IiisOlvent.. - - •• - : - .7 . - -, - - - . •-. . • - - - • I - being eat home.. -tshe ' had.. retired' foe. the ' , - - - - ,. - .- - . Gd' "b Auffust 22nd, 1866. , s.w 103 night befere_the storm.. cerne ne. ,and When -41P.41Cestlynru'r."tie-sisTZ-11)reeZliveesdr:initi.°b.striicti"n84 f BE Crediting. of. the above named.- Iiisol, • - -. - • : - -.- . ' : a' TO' -- LADES - vent are. hereby flee -tied to: meet :at „the, . . found was on her bed, Iv hi eh had been feircedi' n • it's pechIlarly suited - It- *id, in ti- short - time,. 0. ice of -J. R. elorden, Esq., Barrister, on - - agiunst and amour the branches ot otee,of the - - - • MARRIED .tart" fre-es tprostriacd- near the fence.- ' :--.A_ &Ur,- on the Mouthir period With re.eilare.v: - 'W - *t. :Street, in the -Town _ of Gedericle :011: INT: *It ,,,,,a., linily-was directly over iier.serv.inLt as -a. • Eaeb bottle, price:- Otte Dollar. be -ass the Gov- Tileaday..' the iiiiii day lif,-Oeiciber, tlekti-nt - - . le otectiort from the broken, timbers. fernitnre, I erament Z•7tamp • of Gi•eat Britain to:prey 411 t eoen- tne hone of Eleven 0-`eloek, a- we for the . etee. She wee re -cued from her- periloes situ-rterfeits. . puhheeearnitiatiOn of the insolvent, -and for • 1 having putehased at. tin- - Y • ." la4 - .7ae.ce,PillkOtozati. notbe taken bvPinalcs.tht ring. the general ordOing of ethe affairs- -ofhis • - -. .. . , . _ . . • - : - , . _ . . . ... • . triton as 'soon it.s possible -Proeabl h• -- •y t -: C.! At..PriCIIST. - ". ' . beett lyiug theie Itir linitan bout -itud 1.:- I In..eir i - The AIRS 2 THEE1E. IIIONTITS or Pre,;;, • -. . • . ENoRinus 11.EDUUTION-for. CASH - tckli friend house in Felnherton. wheat it was 21.47tcy, (a. 1144 (Are :iare to hrtng on llriseari- . _Dated at G.oderich, in the County -of Haron, -, escertained that her fee u -as broken ia two , rrage: but at, any other time they are safe.. ' • this seventeenth day or- Septembte, 1866. Rom the:Official Assignee :at Hamilton, the en- _rrsees, bes.,,ides b.e.i.ng cireadialy: „mae..i.p.: In ad. 'Circ. s!ol...\'erloiLs_labild tz.Filiiial A Ifeetitonhs, "w34 2t .-sv'S.' POLLOCK, Offieial'-Aseignee.: 3034.33., wiaiir •cs0,:.Q.;:)..,. tne Stoelc-in trade beicingitigto the 4state o ... 1.1iiii.it.L.prepalocl to aerie the public:- le . DR. J. 'LIZARSIIZA. Itig- IMMENSE' _BARGA.INS. . _ v -. : .•._ • ... _ .., .., --11TORTGAGE SALE FRESH OYSTERS o .4GIret•Bi: 1?iI"st4 acing comfiartitively no other deputize Until funs. in t let up s. :mane On ig t gle_d, tied her head severely'etteand bruised. exertion, Parpitation et the I leart, Rysterics and - injuries are et suCh a untar0 as to 1,Ve Elites, these Pills will effect a''cure when all warrant but little- hopes ef her . recOvery. [other means have ; aud althimeh n pov‘-er. 'The house was lifted, front iis foundation3futremedy„ go not costain worti. calomel, ante, mowv.or.anythia;g hurtful to Hie -constitution. _ moVed five feet from the road, and dashed i _ - Full direetwes. in the pamphlet around each te atoms, breakin i ito piece e eveiyttnue-packa,se. which :Should be caletolly pre,,erved: 7 it, "outbuildings sarnig- the same fat?. The. Sole-aaent for the United -States Fled Cantatas, _ . -hey and straw and broken farniture were. . JOB- 310SES Rochesterf, scattered in all directions,. and eliing les rind -pieces of boards were carried oiei edeomieg fields to the distance of a niile. One - half the roof of the house was foetid some seventy or eighty' yards off, and _heavy pieces- of tine- ber and largenuMbers ofbncks were carried to incredible clistaneese The toroado passed One across several fields, pro -se -ether .fencees trees, corn„aucl evervthing ete in its track, _until it reached- the "John O.: Al ison. farm - three quartels of a mile- from the Misses Alcott--- owned by Sanniel C.e Rambo, rind 'occupied by his son, where. it urea a Doi tarn, forty feet square, leaving eit an entire Wreck., Two horses were in *the barn, but after the wind had spent its -furveehey Weie gotten ontapparently free from eaerye 1.he keoWnerelleiin.-tholisatids from.pairisin the - -XIi Gitteveey department in , =.07 "Dg CONSULTED. AT HURON' D1Y G.00I/S, ditOCERIES, MANTLES; HoteleGoilerieh, the 2iid and 3rd • - - . ; MILLINERY, HATS, CAPS.--iteet .kee- 13 _ 1•`71` 2 - beautiltil Hair and Strati Bonnets *till be altnost -literally OEIVEN AWAY'! Yerreargendditional purchases of - on of October -between tbe beers el 10 a. ne., 00and six pif_tage Stamps, encloied end :2 p - e to any authorized agent will -insure a bottle con- taining fifty- Pills., I:a; return-mai% Goderich, 14th Sept, 1860: - & LYelA-N, - - • . f 18-64 agent-loveanada. . _ • . ' er, n maiter o . . , . . . insolvent. , ".Neweastle,.C. W.,general Insolvent Act- o - • Soldin Goclerich bv: Park Cattled I ti 'Lt. f DANIEL L SILLS an F.J ordnn -'Glidiner ot Co., ,Bayfield ; James Benthurn,.11.j.geivi-lie".; .1, Pick ard;Exeter ;- 5.1-1- i'ombe Clinton E. HiCkson Sealdrth and fill 2 I i i „. Medicine Dealers, .., . Amon.the most important of modern medical ' 'discoveries stands the CANA DI1...N*PAIN- DESTEtuYEB ! As a Family Nledicirke, it is Nkell and favorably course of the tornado was frope autehweet to - Side, -Back and h.ead,Coughs, Colds,Stire throat, Sprains. Bruises,-. Cramps, in the 8totnach; . . tiolera morbus,Ovienterv,•Bowel corn- - - : plaints, Burns, Scalds, Frot Bites, _ , . • . ...t7e., &c., &c. • , .. 'The 0 A NADIAN PAIN DE STI1.0 YE a dm s now lie -en before the public for'ii lenirth o- lime: ahd wherever uses' is /cell liked, never failing ii;'.a SInaleirstance to give permanent relitfwhen 'timely- Used, and we have never known a single case Z,f dissatisfaCtion where the direetions have been proper y folli....ved ; but, on the Contrary, all are delighted -_with it- o pe fa I io us, and speak in the .highest terms, of its virtues and magical ef-, Way..-- .- • - , . teem. : ., . W -e speak- from eaperiencein this matter, bay- ing; tested it thoroughly: and therefore those who are sufirtng --iron any of. the COniplaiuts tor Whteh it is re( ommendedmay .depend Allem its . t•etnr, a Sovereign Iterriecir. • - . . . .z. - t he a...5=tinzithiiiir eifitiaev ot the Canadian Pain Destroyer in cuing the diseases for Whici. it is reeommendedand its wonderfut iiiccess iiisuf.:- titling the torturingpains of Rheninatisin, a i.d le- i' lieving Netvote:. Affectious, entitle at to a high ank in the list or remedies for these complaints.. v.ith. the - Viriihoney ordatuzlition. to leave 1 )rders are coming in from Aleclicine Dealers in the eicy. and proceed quietly In detachtnPots to Bud1a1J. or .,,s-ame vulnerable point ot, the Vida -sir Proi,luce's. which May „be adjacent, tur tbe---PurPose ot Ineren-e,au mi.-At-nu-LIP:al `i;e itnineuilte relief. .All in-alren.e dealers keep the-tie-trest, town arid vale =el. wituie.thei'l it. rnveciens o-rdi and use -it ; and ma familv - rem:IL • - . . ' . - , .. s will be without it after orae trying.n. Priee only 2.5 cents per i ott e. ' 'The leaders of the propos.ed movement -, All -orders should be addressed to - followed the troun ps of SWeeey _durin r the 1 - I I, s_ LN.,,la AN ,• A . ._ ,. lust campaign to carry- -off- such plunder ass 1 Newciu-tie;C:-NY they might find, and they were at (nice re- " • - General 'gent for Canada. _ _ tiudtated hy the Fenian officeri.z,' awl were - ,Ir'S-o- la in C•roderieli h .1-arkt•r-&-.. Cattle end: F. Jordan - Gardiner - Co. Bs% field; jellies northeast- and. extended not -fat from ten miles- in some plecee its track marking, three hundred yards in width, while ia othera. it tovered but a 'flan ow spac itt some loca• Itties ifs course -would be .ziezag, then for hundreds of yards its course would be as straight'. as au arrowand again it would take its crooked path, and so went on in its work of destrusfion. • . • Thkeving Expedition ow Hie _ . The New Yor.k..E.rpress of Tuesday: eve- . -ning contains the fotiowine "1'1.e have -receive -CI frc m the most relia.ble Sources. this afternoon the report of another conteraplatedinvasion of Ceaada< in a short time-, It appears _that three hundred- men have been orgattized in Boston by certain -parties, one of whotri was formerly coneected ail Timis of tbe umintrr ler moiler supplies, and each. testitVing as to the Universal Sausfiteztion•it . .1 The C-anadnn 1 iin De -t --over nevvv-mils TO - I HE Creditors -0f the above. nailed Insol. I vent are hereby elotified to meet at *.the• Law- Office' of Mr.' Lewis,- itt the Court House, in the loan of Goderi-sh. en Monda_ye the eighth da)'of October neat; at the hoer of 2 ifelock, o. in, for the gettrai -ordeying of the affairs Of the estate. . • D.ited at Goderichen the County ofIluroe; this seventeenth day of September; 1866 _ . ' . • - -S. POLLOCK, . w34- 2t. Official Assiguee for H. & 1000 PLUM TREES „-- T" Subscriber will have on hand for Sale • . '.at his -garden, Elst.. Street;- about ..the-- lasi- of October 1000 Plute:Trees; of all the , leading and men -hardy varieties..; Puelica desirous Of platting out - a ,PIIIEII Orchard. will fine it to their .adrentage.to_freve me a tell, betoreprderine elsewhere: • jilrery few- fiurseries can supply good -Flinn he es this year, they are very scarce. I will_ also haVe on hand A stock :ot . z . ' :- - - - - APPLE TREES- PEARS- (Dwaits and Standard)a ieveral differeet . . eerie* of Crabs, lucludieg Red Hyslop_ and 1 Transpudentie t i ° Some ofehe best earietiee . cpereircoN- ,ob.i4ed. to:return-. It Is centeeplated bv the - ...111: Bm entila,ii.gervU i; J. Pickard, Ext. -ter ; J. H. raiders- to milke 3 (-1"s1 °E1 cr.' tank if Pi* Cornhe, ChiAon; E..i.licuson1:-.erittAili'tand lli ''sibie inseam et the bee.er-berns.. ' . i leedictrie .9-ealeTb. - _ - he Fenian Senate are new le cession m order toeake the necessary- measures rtrilee- vent thia plunderifig, expedition frOtreleaviug . Restore At the. members -of the Sepate reid Colcnel Roberts have denounced _the more and they willuseevery possible meaes. prevent itersecomplishment."' • 4 , - -resee A thick veirr-of coae has , been diseoeie efield 111. ed near SprioIt ie `one -hundred , e ,- , and -fifteen feet below the surface.- The min is to he worked- immediately. - - WEE1SICB115 Niti HISSERS Dr. L. O. Moseee? Coraenz. the greatest slim= stator itt the world -will foree---WiiiSkers r Lilus- tat hes to grow on ,the -smoothest face or chin;• never known to fail. Sample for trial -sent free --tcfrany one desirous of testing its -merits: Address REEVES ar.: Co.; 78 Nassau St., y. • (No letters ten unless prepaid.) - w29 C.:- A 'TT-TORNEY-AT-LAW, -S-oliwitur in Chan - •••11.. eery, Notati;I' Public, Conveyancer; &a., Clinton, C. W. - 'w343t • • - ST11...si-NGE-5 BillT• TRUE. Every younghulya.nd gentleman -babe tinitedStates caa hear sorneinr, very much to their advantage by returamail [ffecot charge): by addressinglhe Under- signed. Those haying fears of beingtshumbugged will oblige by not noticing tam card. All others 'win please seeress their obedient servant THOST-F. CHAPMAN. --' _ S. Mtgeonisoni -LYAR1USTEll, Attorney, Solicitor, &A -&c., ..j.) Clinton. C. ' • w34 QTRAY SHEEP -Cam into the 4) • enclosure Of the Subscriber, lot 28, lst concession, Township.of awanosh, about the 1 -5th August Test, three eep. The owner is •required to prove pro- ty, pay charees aed take them ilVay. JPSEPEL- S•ept.1Stb, 1866. • wak-317 -8 pe re P(1.1'll • . • S & GROPERTES, . _ are just now -being received, a mongst. Which -may - be sueetioned especially. _ _ _ Factory_ Cottons .• from -.8 to20cents per yard, ineluding, aboet a 1000 yards ukthe celebrate.' Lybster Atills.” Can • - .aa make." LEAcIIED COTTONS - :from 10 to 25,_e.ents per yard. mg's: to, GO TO pgan's Woolen Facto . Where you will .find e'large And varied stock of Folled Cloths and SOnetts, Tweeds in great variety. - - White, Plain, Grey, Striped -land Chcoked.-Winceys,- . A great: variety ,of all wool lieme-nfade lebeelced -flanuels; one yard wide ; • Striped Shirtin..e•s, Scarlet Fie White Flan- -Far_ey ,.Fnnels3 Rob 11.4y de., Madder -Mints. Black a na- Colored Coburgs.; Blaek and -.Colored Lustres. French Merinees, French -de :LaineS,•Tuveellings,.. Tiede Linen, and -e large assertinknt of car:. Fall : DEBSS :Goods }wok every :description ! WHITE; GREY, SCARLEiT & FANCY FLANNELS Feder _Sheeting, Baggine,, -Bales - ot. Canada . Seaniless Bees Vere heap -- • Bales' of Canada Insolvent Act . Of 1864. • In the matter Of John_ .ingrarna :an- insol- 'vent. . Eug-lish-GeOseberries - 9 Grapes 'Beaver Mills &C1 . -Irery,Cheapi • . .. , - - • • ' -- (TIRE _ unders▪ igned ha( been - appointed Assienee iu this &atter, and requires claims to be filed -within two monthsfrom this date. - -Deted at Goderich in ,;the _County of EarOnt this 15th day of. September, A. D., 83i HroadIVitY. Newlorkr th6tt g . - 'SAMUEL POLLOCK., sw6 --Aseignee. VRRORR:. OF yorw-11-..- -- • - A Geutipman who suffered for years- from Nervous Debility, Prematuie Decay,and an the efleitsof Youth- fidindiscietion, will for -the sake ofsufferiag huraaolty sendfree to all who need la the recipe anffilirections for- nakingthesimptetemedy_by which he was cured. Suf- ferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's experience, can do- so_ by addressing JOHN D. OGDEN, - • No.ts. Chainbes St.,Ne-w York. . - TO CONSUMPT1VES... _ -The adveruser,•having been. isestoredui health in a fewweeks by a. very simple.- remedy, after baNrig suf- fered for several years with a severe lung affection.. and that dread_disease, Consiinapiion-is anxious to .Maka known to huifellow-sufferers the meansofcure. Toaltwho-desire it, he will send a copy ot the pres- cription used (free ofeharge). withthedirections for pre- pirraf and using the same, which they will find -a scat' coax for CONSUMPTION. ASSILdfi., laRoxcliiiis.,-CouGHs, COLDS, and all _Throat and Lung Affections: The only objeeit of the advertiser in sending the Prescription, is to_ benefit -rhe afflicted. and spread information which. he - conceives to be invaluable. and bebop „u-, ever)' !offerer wintry hiss" emedy- as it will cost them - nothing, and May proveablessmg. • Parties -wishing the prescription,vireethyreuirn mail win please address - • : . Rev. EDWARD A; WILSON. . Wilhavsburz. - Kings C... New • BLANK BOOK FtilLAssortmert of all styles and sizes of BLANIC BOOKS, made Of beat Eng- lish paver, Comprising 2`. _ DAY BOOKS, „ LEDGERS, JOURNALS, • CASH BOOKS, ?MIMS BOOKS, - WASTE BOOKS, INDICES; PASS BpoK8,- POCKET LEDGERS, - • MEMORANDUM- tiOOKS, Pir AUCTION - OF VALUABLE -REAL ESTATE: TN purinance of a power .contained in a A. certain Mortgage, bearing dem the twenty irat day, ot August, A. -D., 18031, aed made between WillitineHood of the TOwn- ehip of Kinloss, in the teminty of Brute, Yeo. manof the first part, Elizabeth Hood,' his ife, of the second part. and Mary Anne Murphy, of the City of Hamiltcn, in the. County of Wentworth, Widow, of the .thard part+. will be 'Sold by < , • • PUBLIC- AUCTION _At the Court Hauge; in the Town of Goder- ich, On WEDNESDAY, - THE TEliFIDAY OF OCTOliEtt A D ' 1866 at Twelve- o'clock noon, the.fcillowing valuable property, viz: All that parcel or treat of land ana preniises SALE CUjRRANTS. &c. Wm. CAMPBE_LL, • „East Ste Goderich, Sept. 18, 1866 - w3 tf _ •- GAT tENTE T HE Gates on: the G-oderich Northern 1. -Gravel Road will be let at Mr. True - man's -Rooms Goderich iCtnQOu on Satur ROCERI ES 1 A 17./T OF FIRSTepLA-SS BLANKETS,IE1G4T TO NINEPOUSTDS PEP. PAIR. - Stocking Yarn, Fine Fingering Yarn, Fleecy and Berlin Wools, aU in-62iclles? ;variety Fattory-tottons, Hotlands, Prints, Alpacas-, Impelled Wincies, Dress Goiers, ReadeCmade Shirts arideDrawers ; liens' and phildreus' SOcks and ,Stockings THOIVIIAS7L0..CAN. w12 itegreat variety. re:,- A call hi -solicited: e/- - • _ . `. WoOlen Factory.Store.-East-Street, „e10.th Seat:et-0)er, 1866.- - S Hegsheadent Muscovado Sugar, _Very. Cheap. Barrels of Br ilten Loat du., Very Cheapl "i White Ground do.; Very Cheap! Chests and Halt Chests of Young 'flyson. Souchcing aid -other TeasiVei y Cheap r Tobacco, Vinegar, Seeds; Salt, Snuff, Spices, . . - coffee, dtc. - - In commene:ng BUSINESS the Subseriber begs most respectallY to annouece to the - ItTRA33- ITANTSoli.aop.wqr, . knit the stiFround_ingw:eierb0 the preiciPle ihe 22nd day- ot. September,- intant-, for.year ending 30th September, 1867. T''. • , Each lessee to give two good sureties. for , . the payment ofthe rept and pertormaece of conditions. e . - • - ' - - • • • . .. _ . „ Further particulars may be had on appli - cation to - • - - J: 'B. GORDON,: • ' 1 ' „ .i'.2earetary.- Poderich, Sept. 18tb, 1. 866. aw6w34.tf - _ rocKEr DIARIES, -- and METALLIC BpoLs,' Very cheap for Cash. ' &LSO-, - - constantly_on land a large assortment of SCIWOia, * 51110ELLANEOUS- :BOOKS, WALL PAPER, • WINDOW SHADES: TRAPPING.PAPER,'- • at the SIGNAL Bookstore - August 22nd, 1866. solved -Act..._of:1864, itt the ma- tter of Robert Prozirlfop.4,a24. Insolvent. . _ . _ THE 'CI reditors. of. the -Ipiolvenf are notified that he: has made Assigunient of MS _estate and effects. under the above. :Act, tente, thelindersigiiedits:sigece, and they are required to ften.ish within ttv = months from this -dale, with their claims.. specifying the securitIs'they hold, if any, and - the value et it, and If none,. slang gthe fact,- the whole attested under oath, wit h -1 he voiichersin supportof such'cliume. - Defect at-Godeiich- le the County...of Hurim, this eleventh day of September is 6, . - S. 139.I.LOCK, • , Official Assigpee. M. C. CAMEIL1N, Solicitor for Inselvent.! • w44 14 STRAirED OR STOLE* QTRA;YED or Stoleal from the inclostire in 101Goderieh, Aug: gOtti, a black Oros:rush bleak) marepony-4-ye:,rs Old past; -with small starlit fotehead, also a • diu k etey mare 3 years old past; with narrow white strip in torehiad. Any rerson or sending information to the. un- itersigned Whereby they or either -of them rney be obtained will be tilierally re warde.d. Address. - . J. A. LIVINOSTON; w33 3t*' Goderich C. - Goderich,-Sept. 1 feleb6. NEW GOODS 1MPOILTEDDIRECT. . CA814 -prt,:pert.)DUQE, - ane every effort -wilt be made to sell- . . GPOD GOODS, CITEA .-GessG• ALL STOCK is now, being 'daily" received; and we hope. by Monday, 10th to -be able to show to our friends,and cus-- tomers one of the most aimplete a portments of Staple and Fancy Goods in Godericli. Di KEFR, JR., 5th Sept', 1866. GUserow Rouse , *24 _ - THIE.IONDON .00111E1101411 gOLL:EC.1 TS THE OLDEST, BESTLOCATED -*ND 4.- practically _conducted Commercial., eel= 'ege ln Biiiish America. The system of 1.011311 BUSINES% TRAININO_ pursued nneclualled for efficiency and' practical application to the various armee ;.ions of reel life. - The.Staff of ProfessOrs are more r.umernus and hattee_qualified:tilast. Can be found elsewhere' the -Province. Ile Expense 'if ttaking tie - Co ,rse is much less that at any other siinilar Institution* The'Price,of Scholarships for Full liesineur..- Course (time unlimited) purchased betore lst of December next, will_be 425, after that _ .time $35. - - For circular or other iuformstiou addresg- thee:Principale Several_ lira- Class Teactert may- secure remunerative employment by • 'addressing. the undersigned with- stamp to - prepay return postage, - J. W.. JONES, Piincipal of London Commercial. College:, Leaden, C. W. September 10th, .1865. *321: coLoNIAL _nousgt- , ii... HOOP SKIRTS ! -HOOP SlaRTS1 THE largest -variety- in Tuwn at prices to . , .3- defy -competition . . - _ . CELK8.- E. ARCHIBALD; Graierich An est 22nd, 1866. swl?3 paok lot No: 2, cen., 2, k ft., Township -1.: of C ilborne. about the later part of May last, 12 sheep-6,old -ewes. I old ram i these are marked with a holein the righfeare ' 3 ewe lembp. 1 wether leinb, 1 ram lamb, • with a long tail; all the others have their --' tails eut sbore. Any person giving -such information at Betimillar's Mills as will lead_ to their reeov-ery, will be suitably, rewarded, . or by letter to Tailorin Inspection is solicited ,pn. the part of attend • mg buyers. • -: - . 3:0HN HARRIS. olligosgo Outfittbig- par, Subscriber..tegs to „inform manyaustomers -ane the puhhe generally that he keeps_ ctinitantly on hand the largest variety altal_hest sae -aloe . • - . • • : English; Scotch.. French:- Suriss--& German Tweeds, - .; .1! - . IN THE COUNTIES. ALSO A-- LARGE VARIETY OF-- Canad Ian MaOufactured - -oods EN.cusH,.FRENcH & cERN1AN BROADCLOTHS, • CASIMERES &- DOESKINS, D .1`,11,ENe H BEAVER. A D PILOTOVEHCOATI-NOS1 OVERCOATINGS . Axil, OTHER DESCRIPTIONS. . Raving seCtitred the service's of - . ---11:711turMl=r6;" prepereiiiio exeeutee4 _re -clefs with oproniptitutle, end in EL style unsurpassed -.b day eputment Gesiermh, August 1b66. • swativ29' • ' LIST OF LETTERS Remelting- in the' Goderich Post Office on. 'tbe 12th' of' Septemhere 1860. Allan -Geo. CaPt Kirk D • AMuladearjsoa Janeiatali: Lainb' !Geo. . Adams. see, Wm :Laing Gee - - -Laing ItatthisirBlack _ - Bell trriett Kay E. M Mrs Rane..,t/S _Biggins James „Kerr ..L'S Rev Brady John ..BBIraocwknJ jotijathaii-": mmirtionhionnie NJJohfl (3 . BuatietheiteeiacnivAe ti lea "J.obn. niter James iiallantyne Samuel . Martin John. ALARGE lot of various sizes and weights- . .- ' situate, lying and heing in the Tovinshi of N -OTE PAPERS1 Buckingham Wm Mai! Wm - Bigginsiames Win Etlae4 Wm • -Carey Charles Canteleir David Cook Henry Curry ji.111`38 MoDonogh E • Crawford James 1V1cCall T _ . Campbell Mary Mrs. ,McDonald Isabel:a Mists to:limns-James MTS McKay W.1 " "rimpbell Emily-111ra MeCulloch Joseph Campbell Walter elteaean Joh!. • • elcaay !obit Diehie Edward eee tit:LI:eel Mrs DoyrePat-ick - -McDonald .0 -yle Fleirs • --Douglass' Eobert Dodd Wm '1Dobbin Marsh Mrs _ Morris Harriet Mrs -Mocirehead Win ' • McDonald Arch . ' •MeConeell C Ann (3)-. McIntesh Dotteer • McLennen Donald : McPhee Duncan MANUFACTURER in this PROVINCE, ,Cities not excepted.;.- Trythiiit and satisfy gour- .• - -selves. A 'perfect fieguaranteed -in every instence. Constantly on band the LARGEST STOCK and LATEST: STYLES. in' Gentleman's -Outfittings of EV ery. D.esCriptio AMERICAN MONEY takee at the highest rate. • - E. - Goderich, August, 224, 1866. • aw1.03 EAT SEDIIIMIN AL SALE GA NCED THE I' - MeInnisigaleolm• McKenzie Mary_ Mrs - -McNamara - _ O'Grady.3Ins- Kinloss, in the County Of &twee- and fre- Large, and small quarter post, blue line_ Evans blumbiee Neiss trlieefe Patrickl vince.ot Caliada, -contte.ning by admeasure- cream laid. Also. some first,quality- mein one hundred acres, be the same more orless, wbich said parcel or tract- ot land may be otherwise known as folipws, that is. to -say :"beinecoreposed of lot number four; teen, in the sixth concession of the aforesaid Township of Kinloss ; --there. are thirty-five acres of the said property cleared and under cultivation. There are also-- on the said Premises a Dwelling House and Large Barn both in good repair. --A never failing spring brook runs through ,the farm. The -Vendor will -not- undertake to give any furtheror better title - than -she has under the said Mortgage. TERMS --Cash.- Far farther particulars apply to -- iMESSR;) DANIELL; PARRY 86 MILLS, Vendors Solicitors, Hamilton, DANIELL, BABRY. & MILLS; Soliciting tor - • • MARY ANN MURPHY, the*Mortgaitte. - awl° ) Dated ibis 17th day of SeptetaberI 1.D.1866. - • - -English Contelranthig- Paper -ElhottGeorge Elkins Israel . - Elsriteleha • Rutherford John -Rift Elizabeth Mis Rutson F BESIDYS..-RObertson Cay,o• lieeMrie - ' .SEVEliAL THOUSAND ENVELOPES &miler Barbara Mtn Poi -Robert . Yostei Wm af all sizes, colors and quality, -which :illong Griffin Yarnell (2y. P , Gilmartin Michael 8iitt 8 JaraeS - for cash. New supplies of , mra - Stewart & McEelfirl; with the papers were bought by -e011102iSsidit Gallaher John ghannon J (2): in the best markets. and will be sold cheap_ GrahamMargaret vieletvshertfilek . FILNcnr - GOODS 1 -- daily 'arriving. SCHOOL .BOOKS of all kinds kept on hand, and sold es low as any 'House west of Toronto.' -44 - - BITTZSR' . Goderich, -Sept:1l, 1866. - o STRAYED froM the premises of the subscriber, Maitlandville, about he 15th of Aug. last; a light grey horse, a little stiff in the fore legs. 1:liberal reward will be given for ashy information that will ' -DONALD Mo/CA.T. I Kali" Chid" Young R°1211 leach° his recovery. Goderia, Sept. It, 1866. w3e3t I w34 AB H. DICKSON, Gibson Wm tiebson -Mary Ruff a Daniel Harman Edward Hicgme toren Hinds Mrs , Hyslop Thos : Hopwood Thois - Hayden Win • • lrvin_Robert Jenkins Vim -.Sc nick Jane Mrs} _Smith -Donald -Mrs • ' Slot& -obert Stewart Thomas • ricer 1..ThompsoJeneet Miss Teror John Tratthe I Taller Hercule Thomas Mei Jr. • Wortiiingion A - WelheG en Co in Vinieer J George, Young Joseph_ . :CHEAPER THAIN:-. - 2- -WILLIAM ELLIOTT, . - Benmillar1/2 p. v. . Sept-. 1866. w32 3t PA -RM FOR SALE. THE farm known aa "Sharp's lot a. con. 5. Colhorneg gest Division. 100 acres, 50 cleared • Log Amuse and frame barn. Soil -good: About miles from Goderleb. "A large Stream rens through the . - property -filled withepeckled trout. Apply to - JOHN IIALDAIsT, jr., Godericbt or ALEX. LErra, Barrister, Toreuto. Goderich, 1°.Sept. 1866. . w32,6tep" Notice. EALED Tenders will be leceive413y. the undersigned until Wednesday the 26tli L.:Sueoprdtseinof!lNeTro, Oppi-oax;it--hfoereathoei.-id: ritaliveiyorb.:.2890' Cords to be dry. wood and 20 green. The wood Must be all made hardwocd timber free from knots and becklogs, four feet long and bei delivered is follows , viz:- - The -dry -wood before tire first day of Jan - nary next, in neautities of not less than $0 cords per month during the Months of OCee- gb woodreeu r tenebbeefrol ea .and eaDecemberday of f andipinibe neat. . Two Solvent' eineliei Will be required for the due completion of the Contract. The - lowest or any tender may not be accepted un. less satisfactory. PETER ADAMSON, - enmities Clerk H. O-aderieb, Auctat19th, 1266. w323t Sp1endi1I,nducernefltS:to Q4sh-- -0-40toniers. 10 • . PREPARE FokFALI4. IMPORTATIONS AVE: MIA . -OFFER . the batauce of out suanret.Stoeli at (Jost for pask,, p E-C-1A'L kft C A, S' IN ESS-- GOODS. *19 .-ST13,AW- GOODS! HAVING BOUGHT _ Since the reedit fall in prices we are prepared to ofter them a on the yairdi on Spring prices. _ - UMMER ,TWEEDS AND At a like reduction. Just -received a fresh supply of • MT 0-33" sinalI 3 1csi IUST OPENED SEVERAL- CASES reiluctinkof.five cent8Portni such Dated at Goderich, in the County of lietene this 24th day of August, 1866. . • - 1 w33.2w,_ , _ . -.SI' 177,1:°_ Atisklignee.11 'SCHOOL ItOTICE:.. ... wANTED a first:Aims male -teacher, to 111, teach in tehopi Section., No. 31 Wail. anosh,--for the year 1867: Applications -will, be received. -up to Monday, 15th /day ef October, 1866, when the applications will be opened and -e teacher chosen. Applicants to state the Salary they will teach for. . None need _applyunless bolding •-first-class eertifi cities, apd certificate of good moral Character Apply to William -Durum, trustee, if by letter prepaid, to Dungayinirapu.om. j..) -u. R. Nitruillee. . , - Wawancsh, Autztist30t1i, 1866. 'w33 5if* - Insolvent Act _of 1864. In the mutter of John ButItirford, int lusolvent. - MBE creditors of the Insolvent are notified to meetat the law office of J. Y. Elwood, Cu the Town of Gocleriete on Friday,- the 5th day of October, A. 184 61 at Two of the clock in the afternoon., for the public ex- amination of the Insolvent, and for the pur- pose of ordering the alder of the estate gen. etally. •- = Dated at Gocierich, this third day of Sep: tember, De 1866. s.rct,Loca, • w3321 Official Assignee for IL &� - It,tsoltrent Act of .1864. In the Matter qi.Robert Crowds alt Itt4 solvent. . TILE Creditors Of the Insolvent are notified 1- that ha has -made an Assigmeent of his estate and effects, under the -above Act to me, the undersignsd Assieeee, and they are res reared to fureish me, within 'two inciaiths from this date,- With their claims, spect4ing the - security they hold. if ally, and the veltie-of ite - lend if none, etating the fact, the whole ate iestedunder oath, -with the vouchers in sap. , • _ ' kTO ARRIVE NEXT -WEEK A LOT O GTS' - - • - OP 1111.4111111- smemriamS. ALSO., A LARGE QUANTITY OF THE PRESS TRAIL SPRING SKIRT- I Being the Week improvenianhiancl theifirst ever Offe:e3for,selo in the Townjof Gaol& • JOHN CLDETLOR 4100. /87 WANTED 1000 .!)CEGS OF BUTTERI Goderioh, Jul-ir 27th, 1865. ' - 16w A -PPL1CATIoN WILL BEIMADE PY THE .11. undersigned at 'the:December Keetillg LO' the ounties' Connell for a conveyance Of the - following Jeseribed line of road, in. accordance with Cap 54, Sen. 342, Consolidated Statutes et Upper _Canada. - • win li•Lkteit.- Description of pint of a Meet/noel betweee Morris and berry- - - Commencing on the southerly fronetifisot414 itt tbe era zoneession-of Turnberry, it the 'its - twice of five chains and fourteen links from the- southweverly angle of safd lot, thence condi dity,-4 nine degrees east on -northerly el road ale loWancetwi:rify-twochainsi thencesoutbeiglity. degrees -west one diain seventv-four tete; thence northetty-nine ilegree_s west ies southerly. - limit of road. allowance twenty chains; thelor.c. due north one ohatti fifteen Inks to tile iliac* of beginningt Containing by ,admeisarerient ;tiro sem" 443' 4 sizteenperehes of land. it Beptember,14,I666, gee _<