Semi-Weekly Signal, 1866-09-14, Page 2_ • French girl hi dead -the girl he married. out of the convent ; efin died two yeera ago." 1 41 Hew do you know ?" said Ellice, in a voice that wim scarcel andiele. „ . - 66 He telti me so himself, when they were • deluging you with cologne and -camphor' ; he said he had spent -the two years- since his wife's detain bevelling on the continent, - and that wae the reason he knew nothieg about the trembles we had; - Oh, Ellice, Iedshro,uldn'_t.wonder if s.oineth,iii,g hippen- • " Hush, Charley I_ hovi"ean you talk suet nen:muse ?" said Ellice,- 'With cheeks. that looked as if two crimson temps. bed teen lighted behied the transparent ekie. Juiap about the floor so-iyou_ will certeiely hurt your arm." . • _ " Ifs eat:in:Ito keep sten wben all- sorts ofthinge are coming. into a fellow's head," .saielt Charley, as he went to -Frank's bedside .. to tell him ." just hoer he feltil when the - horses' t00% were ringing ofi the pairellIent C1OSe- to his head: . - Robert Leslie ceme again "to morrow," according to the _permission gruntid him, and that, "tes-moirme was -the turnirig-point of Ellice Gratiler's life. 'Before he weut away, she had promised One day to take the ,plece of the peer youngFrench girl who mai tying under the daisies -at fere La Chaise; with wreathes of " immoitelle" Oil her tomb! stone. - • • " I suppose. We. were very happy," said -Leshe-i_ at least she _wee' very gentle. and I tried ray best to be a good husband to here but' never roved her as .Ilave you, Ellice. My dearest, Ithinkthe springtime of life is „ . coming back t6 us both. And Ellice, .blopting Softly under the ten-. der light of his beim. eyeti, -thought 59 too. . " Wasn't it lucky that.yotir horaes knocked me over, Robert r said Charley, enthusiasti- cally, burstinginto the whispered cadencee. of • the conyereation. Atter all, Ellic4it's the old silver watch that haedcineit'a11,1" -Ellice remembered . hex own despairing words spoken so short:: a wbile before, and thought shihad found -the solution to riddle at -Last: ' Tet.111.E's G. T., R. g:UMMER- AltRA/40-EMENT,. _ • bongo, EAsT. Mail. ExPrils. Mixed. tiodarieh; ...-;dep 10:00 i.m.-2:00 pal -1.3:i° p.m. Clinton........ 10:30 4:oa Beaforth,..'. 10:50 2:53 4:35 Carron Brook... it :05 3:10 4:58 - Mitchell...." . 11i20 3:25 b:21_ ' -err' t 11:50 ' 4:60 . • 6:15- -Btratford dep Oil 4:20 :7:00 arr 6:4Op.m.-11):00 - GOING WEST. " Bufialo deg 7:00s m.':12:31:1 a.m. 3t50 pare Stratford. .a.a. 12:50,pime - 8:1C: a.m. - Goderieb...earr 3:00 . 11:25 • gtnti7iteltig qual GODERMA SOP.41.4,1$66i stEGAI,LAR TROOP o. We-observetliat applieation been - made for secomuloclation of regular troops Ma far west as Clinton,and we ban see no fee- - • . • - - son why. if theproper representations were made, Ire: ciinla. not haves feF. tiompanies And Perhapi a battery_ Of regular artillery at (Wench.- If :the Globe'v-torrespoti- slieet-ts correct, Godench is. to be honored lvith visit .by :the Feniantithis fall, and if there is any danger at. this.;: point, inas- Much. as it is the keY one -of -the rich- est- sectiontof count-iy,r should. be feaded„ . The repreientations sent_ to. beadvarters by Mayor Detlor during the the last exeitement, w63 admitted tO be just and .worthy of the graireat considers- I Mien. NOT We think it very. desirable ' that froth action be taken.:-. -V_fhy Should the toi6 not offer gratuithus barrack ati _ . commedatiort to theGovernment for -any reasonable number oftroopa There it a block of buildingti " Kingiten it. that, bejait the thing :for , such a pur- - • -/IIIHEBIIIIIIPIIIET; On the _ 1 ltb, iitst., the Hibernian &day of Voronto we. an excursion to 'Lewiston. At thaeplace, mike murphey ' -the escaped Fenian. regaled- his old friendi _ , _ with the folloWiew speech :.-- ' - Between twelve\and one o'clock, ' the ex, enrsioeists, male and female,:old and -young, :.- gathered in a very small and a very dirty bore to hear the exile. - It war a_sort of a " re- . eeption" on Mick!ii part after the:- manner of ' President Johnson, ,After More • cheering SO haridshaltieg'had beiti gone tkrough with, , 3fichad spoke. Be said he was • rejoiced to see them.. He was now a free manein a free country, end could say whatever he, 'wished. Ife then related how he had been arrested' - with °there Vile going .to Roston. He de - Died being on any Fenian expedition at the. tile, except a peaceful sone. Re could never - - be- on any other than a peaceful one, 'so far as Canada-WU concerned. lie had no con- nection whatever with the Sweeney Fearing: They had no right 10 io - to Canada, ---aid he valid always oppose the& in that- as he al- ways had, Ilia friends andthe friends of all before him lived in Canada, Where they. gen- i'. wally held their own, and where they did not wigh__tobedistarbed by &Feeney or -any one else. They.had had trouble them of .course, - from certain classes, • bat' they :had always taken care of themselves, -and- were satisfied m everything except that the bloody British airwave& over them. . He then pitched into England and- said that she. would *don be compelled to free Ireland. FOrty thousand Irishmen froth Canada would help to fight *be -battles of Ireland;rhit they would never assist Sweeney against 'Canada. - He said _much more to the same 'effect.. His speech was very irregular, but much milder ehert IOW of Ins Tcronto orations. Me was _fre- quently 'cheered; and very loudly wben he saM that Sweeney must never be allowed to take Canada. In opposition to this„ howerer, 1 some fellow propoaed three cheers for. Gen: O'Neil, and they were gieen with a *ill. . Mir Several bold thefts 'have :been sommittld .in teWn ,siecontly. A few - nights ago some One entered the rooni Of Mr. •Tplin Donogh toRk some four or tr. doling froM :Vic pants pocket, And, last-nigh4 (Thuisday) a iimilcr en- tranotivaa made into thebed-room of gr. Thompion, hofel-keeper,with A like result: CbseConstable 'Trainer on.the alert this morning, and from suspicious circum- stanostarreeted ode James Gooding. upon whom perm *aground sum of -money -iurivrerinito" the &moat and (*erecter of: - - ' INDIAN CONVEltilie . - -A Xery- interesting ceremony tOok,place lateliat Tusearera-Tthe opening of a new Church' by the Bishop of Huron--ittend- ed - upwards of twenty clergymen: - Thiehandsoine and elegant structu- re is intended for thee benefit efthe Six:nation-a - Indians *ha ioo remote -Trim their - parish 'church. :!The Rey. K. Roberts- hae been ectieg ea their MiiiionarY 1-4 some time,- and to render his sexviees fully- available' aud. to make hitn fortable-,they (the. Indians) haveresolV- ed' to 'erect a.,ptiisonag3., and Ito enable them' to. carry out 'their good,,purpnse they reselved* to. apPeal to their ps'e faced brethren, by giving a series _of _con. certi. fn.- the -vierieus tolinsi die first of •whielt was -given here . On 11.edileeday evening, l2th inst.,: . We have -often hearlof the sweet and delightfel Maneer in_whielf the Indians '0-onduct the singing in the religions ser: iicel of the -sancta:try, _bet_ now- we are enabled to give _public testimony,to the peculiar_ sweet and plaintive style of their singing. There were seeen Who appear - on the platform, T attended by their - leader, Mr.. Flanders, who, in the wey.he played 'the .accompaniinents On ..the me: locleon, was an host in himself, • • We dO not feel ourselves qualihed t give n fall -and critical- potice of the per: formance, indeed where ell lvas'eo beau -flit:and 'chaste and Well rendered it woaltt be clikeult. .Partimifaeisee We 'are euse all must have been delighted. The richness Of Mrs.' Wasbure's voice'and the style. in whioh, she delivered her Soles, was so_ muck -admired., as to call for al enobres. Fe :were partieularly strnck with -the deep, tich' basso note* of': Mr. perforiners appeared "full in: dila- costume, aceompamed • by then_ Chief; Mr. Johnston. What - with 'the elegont dreams, the exCelleike and pecu- liar ;style of the inuiic, it was a treat which the- muSical portion of. our cornmunity -have ad, elijkled before. - At the conclusion the Cliief addressed iedieeee, which wan. late'. The cencert-was held -in ,Irittoria Hall; which waa placed at the diaposal _ of the Indians -by Mr. Crabb with his wonted aenerosity .and hodness. - The -concert was' -under the patronage of Idise Roberts led Mrs, Laidlaw. • If • -. -ior*triir couiRm AND -Q,IJAIto. -- TER- SESSIONS. _ John ;Brandon es. 'Wm'. Elliott, defended issue: Verdiet fer plff. $810.12. Cieneroe for plff., Gordon foe deft. Jameg Pollock vs. Jet. Thotepsop, defend- ed issue. Verdict for pig, $23.94. Gorden for- plff, . David Dick vs. Paul D. Bell, defended issue. - Verdict for plff. $125.61. Gordop for plff., Moore for deft. - • - T.H L.Stannten vs. Wm. Busby. Def- ended - issue. Verdict for A-- b366.24.. Cameron :for plff., Proudfoot "for deft.. Proudfoot is. King.* Action' to recover lawyer's bill, . Vereikt .for plff, $143.42.: Cameron for piff., Sinclair for.deft. D_S Gooding vs• Jas Lomas,. defended issue. -Verdi* 10r plff, $127.81. Cameroa - or plff.,-D S Gooding for deft. • -D Cunimings vs. Wm Brooks. . Defended issue. Verdict far plff. Cameron for Off. Sinclair for deft. . • Thos Miilady.vs. john Aliens, et DA," fended issue. Serdict far plff.. Cameron. fee plff, Moore for -deft.. - - Jas McLeod vs. Sheriff MeDonald. I -De- fended issue.. - Verdict for plff. $105.- Mc - Derwin for plff, Gordon for deft. . Isaac Buchanan vs. - T Pewee. Defended issue. Verdict for plif £56.114. .Camerou plffeMcDermott fon deft.- • - H 'Baxter vs. -L 'Miami. Defended 'Side. Verdict for claim. ' Ceeneroe feeplff,Sinclair for- deft. A:- MeIC:- Wallace ve Defended issuee .Yettlict- for :claimant. 'Moore for Off. Catileroe for deft: Deverent vs Wm. Brooks:. Defended bade. Irerdiet aa above. Gorden for plff, Ceinierien foe deft. • - - The. Queen vs. Henry bitesitnnines• •Ilar- ceity,. --Verdict not guilty. - PREsENTA5NT of' Guam!. ' The Grand Jury bonded: in the following presentment :-"The jurors for bur Ledy the Queen Upon their oath preeentethet they haye examined the goal and find the rooms therm keptin a cleanly state end theprieoners well satisfied with their treatment:. There are ten pridonera in _gaol at preiente fact Which giiee us "'tenon toi hope that crime hi on the decrease. Kr: Chautpaine. the efficient gaol- er, -does not fail to do all in Ithe powerfor the health and:comfort Of the prisoners. The tribute Of moped. paicP by hie _Honor to 'the late Judge Cooper is certainly -worth,y ,.of the one and Wet „well 'deserved by the other. -- Should we -spin be invaded by a lawless band, we- hcifie the Government will haye oer Volunteer foree-Placed on a footing thet • will enable then*, to drive -the foe from our soil as effectually. atinjune last. We hare to:thank His Honor the Judge for his awe address to as on the cipening of the Court as well ailra Lewis Esq., County Attornelfor his willing assistance to us in- oar duties. , ; Den 4s8 foreman. Concluded in our next. ' - Pacture of. Port tend Harbor - of *,Gloderieli. - Mr. John Radcliff this town, has j issued from the lithographic press -Of Near& Cliewett Co., Toronto, a most comprehensive view of the Port and Har- bor of_Goderieh, shoviing the ' buildings visible from the-- entrance to the -harbor, the docks, warehouses, elevator, light hot*, gaol, Shipping, COWS,- geese,' Theron no doubt the- wink cost Mr:. R.. this. had, of cOume, tO be. done on Suoday,.. , Data' The -shore end of the _old:cable of 1865 Was successfufly landed at Ilearts Content; -froni the._ Great kastern .on Sraniday last: , This is .eoniidered a still greater achietteMene Utile' the lityin& - of the secood cable. . giarrIllr. Halliday,. :8 -tiddler, of this town; has .,Shown us branch -from; ii---:Lomberd _plum tree bearing 11Ss.-- Of -f-reit, the •btanch WaS only one. foot in length. - This variety, .; though -.latc admirably adapted for market --pureoieg. _ . Ors rills, of the first qualify, and per; featly freahe 'may 14 had daily nt Shepe 'pried 4t- *Strachan's.-- We.. tibuld direct:attention' to the advertiseinent bf Kerr 'Jr, . -whose store is cranitn4d with a:fine assort - . ment• of* seasonable gdocts cif every de- seription- gay- The gen tie: nett . aecidenially exchanted • hats with Mr, Cox at the Court Muse, will -be kind enough to -call at_this office,- and__" swap" book:: - - Mattehester Bridge. ,Serious complaints reach ns with reg ard to the state -of the _Manchester hridge;-- It was, under.- cOntraet, to be. completed en the. 15th of Atigust, but at thelkvient time it is perfectly inipassible, tWo horses having been 'killed in the attemPt to-erSs. Thefact that only three or four men are at _work upon it; while the-fatinereare do; prived of .availing,themselyea'of.the splen7 .did:Pricel•now:being paid in Goderich for grain is diagracefUl: The Matter should be enquired 'into at- &tee, - - . FRO -31 CAMP TitgqitoLik. . [From our spacial Correspondent.] • Illoancttiv C.tste, TuonuLD, 19ihsSept..1866: - • _ DEAR Slit,: -_,I -snatch O :few 1.-moMents_time - to -let you know how we are ' getting along oat here, triiakiag it might --not;be :uninter- . 0 estini to yOu avid. the -readers Of the Signa1,1 - We arrived iii catop en Saturday night at *about 8 o'clock, and Were - forthwith elaced in pcas.ession of 6 tents. -Od Ispecting these _ tents they presented a rather unieviting-....ap- pearance es•en to tired Soldier:a. They had . been left in a very Uncleanly - condaime by preceding -occupanis,;and is it was dark viben we eame, we- had no toppoilunity ..of fixing ;up- for that night. . -Ie a short time We Were 'furinehed With twerclamp blatiketa per/ man, and atter m-a-tere couaideration, we 'decided that. the ,best thine to be done :was to wrap - . ourselvee up in the- blaekets And go to .-sleep, 'I - which we decerdiegly. did, No* this may not appear se very :bad efter -but- When you are informed thet the Crimp grimed eves in le good conditiOn foe brick niakmg, and thet the hurtle of the tents -were I. We better, it will explain the difficuley- we to n :ourselves . , . under ite.teying eo-- be emeortable. Sundey morning came Ot last, and with it the sue; (whichl believe wag the first .appearence the _ 'latter has made- ;iithia- region for a Week) and things began'tileok brighter.. We got our: blaakets mit tO -dry, mid thea began- to. cast about for the whereaithal to sasesfy. the. -cravingg of the Meer. Maii: .- At S 4... co, or therkaboutS, we were sepplied with. bread (li pound per diera"per matt) aid meat (11 lb: per dietn. per man). - We Were-ftlso Monet - ed with's. em plate lied cup each, (which I belieie is duly-rhited for) and .With stiffici-' ent groceries to -fast lonr days, We get for' the entire company 7 ozeof tea anti -14ok *of coffee, with anger -to minch ; and this is ea- pected to lait .(atid is eniply Sufficient to last) I day.: There' is also a' qeaetity of pepper: and salt issued: aed these complete the liat of intiobs furnished y • the Goverment. - We are.: allowed,: 5.0ets er Men (for the 8 days) to get butter -,atid vegetables; die..- in additional" the -$8 -09 paid7us forliiis$ ortime. - When we Orrived at camp We found that only one Debi') of the 'Volunteer' cempsiiies -had arrived heforeus, Owing to some unaccentif- able delay in. the transport Arrangement -5 but we found_ 4 or 5 companieta::of .11.: AL; - 16 t h Re:glinent,- and two ,Divisiene.(49:g_unst of the ":Grey- Battery '. in. podsession of the gioiind. :-- The camp is. situated . -ahotit: 1_ of -a, mile from Thornier, -and*: I think,: ii good azput as could well be chosen : for:,,,the_ purpose, though when it rains the. eley soil is .8dt-red- u ly " pOwerfolly," and-attaies to: thet :degree ef stickineis knowte'as " bootjack:" . From. the brow of the hill-. oveiltio.teitig, the- Wel- lapd Canal, ca.n be_ obtained as fine- re vietv, as one Would Wish to see; I wag_eieerly say- ing that it wag finer then at: Goderieh, but I think I won't !':-go beek "eon the Old spot yet a -while.- There is greet: veriety_ in . the -panorama spread out -tame -you here,- First: Conies the canal andthe 'needle laying inthe hicks end basins, thee . the 'Railway stations, -and houseg, millikac., lying. nroand. rhen . comes the- town of -St: catherines, whieh it epread out in. the -valley, and girded on -the tar gidelfroni- here) by athiek lie4 'Of woods, ' OP the left are the Grimsby and jiilallii ROI Heights: Covered with heavy ivoods,.: and. be - yea can be seen the blne waters of. Lake Ooeario, and ifs white:Winged 'fleeter °farad-- ing crate -We _can eitee the far : coast of the lake _Studded :.withetrees foe ahout -eighty utiles; Linda is --saidithot ..on :clear 'days the whitebuildingeof Trironto. are .viiibie , to th3 t-1-4ked eye: -For this Jaitee-14annot vouch foe as 1" didn't see it,".bat. ia quite Probable. .But to ieturn! 'to 9nr camp ' proceedings: After tireakfaet on Stifiday all hands -.turned to set thole respectiveliomes in orderer. At first as _the went of beds was felt --worse, ,that wairthe evil first to bi-:remedied,- whioh re-_ met, was 'effectictas folloWs e.--Twe gannets went "sueolet." with the. branketC seWed two -of them tngether for a tick, end kept the. other -fair to -fulfil: . the . legitimate - end toe which blankets - are.supp.osed to . be made. We „ than Mede exitid tin a neighbOring: . far mei lot atm*, .aed lugged. enoUgh haMe: . to makatonifortable-bede foe the whele•cormi• pariy. This, unlike. Most raider Wag profit- able.for both partiesvbet . patticula4 SO tor' us. As we eiiiite lateOp Saturday nieht,-.all initial, the ,Hatikurgle-Infantry ere -NO. -2; and a heat of eouutry.cornpanies, torniest tenons whom the etnepany temmanded --by the redoubtable 'Capt. C. of Sarnia' notoriety.; We: haye tevo battalions of -Volunteers heee, .0teight, -or nine cionpaeies eaeh, together with tli.e Vobourg TroOp. of Cavalry and the W_ellaitel- Battery of., Artill: ery, whieb, together with the Ifegalars,- number about /500eor more.: Col.. Ross, eis coemand of -one battalion, and - our old Ublortel of the Simla Provisieinil Battalion, is Camp- Quartermaseer.- 'The Welland Bat- tery are, I am. informed. 'trader orders to move at a moment's. nntiee, -BO we are pot guile certairethat we 'will get home oir the expirieg of oue eight (Jaye', bet the rprobobil- ities. tire that we 1 -We met seietil compaitiete going .hoinefront_. ,cauip, in 9ttr way•here, and they cut rather a aorty fig.ure. but aS it rail ei- nearly- all their eight -dip perhaps they are te he eitcused: Tueiday ruoreing-It ia raieing this-eatorn- ing• like all :poegessecleond I don'i ehink We will heve iney a, M. parade. ' - ARTILLERY. FEINTIANIS111; itEETING THt kENIAN CONGRESS" Ai' IVERE THERE, -AND WHAT THEY S ati HAv DoNE- TRANGE ABOUT . 'CANADIAN 14 SPiES,4" - rre. -z-Airormsa. IN- VASION cie Cax:anit DEEIDED:UPON-POL-fT1- 41,_111.110:Ey FOR THE IRISH VOTE, • Frem our own Cerrespeadent. _NSW:YOB:Kt 9apt. 9. *At the -1_,"eniiier headquarters in this :city derieg the -past _week eyetythingebas been re. inarkably quiet, although amounts 9f Imoneee artne, --On.cl-Antmtinitien'ere 'stilt- daily xeceivede, " Read -Centre" Steetheite 'eoey en -a tont.. throngh the. 'Weal :Wheielle. hleediug the. -feithful,. end "Jeitereting: stereothped pemeiSeethet. ;bet_ *O !beet tiuie no*elapse liefote tal.l *ill he :ready .for the,;e: xieing". intrelande e THE FENIAN CONGRESS. . ichg talked:Of Fenian "-Conetrese" ae sereibled -Weduesdtly elast_ :city tof Troy, :ether! theyltill." remain.,inT -secret- .Auidng the --:most proMinent " dele- gltes" there are i-4.,President" Robeits,.Pees. O'Neil, SW:01:Ip'yy -Spear, and -Me C..Murphy; S:inetore qiireyeaed 'MeehO' Nevt.--,YOrk; Cieletone ef NeW Jeriey Murrisoie be .Mis- seerie Bettie, ofillinoiee Sullitarrand Fite: .gerald, phio 3 and re -host of ." head cen-- ttee" frein -different pertef tiT'ehe eouittry.:,r; Thera is also a small deleeettan trodi Canada .A. number -of have. teen, refused id - Mission, ee they Ito 'fornislie.d 'with.: written Credentiels inetead of inted onee; necording tithe rules of the heetherhaed. -The few that hare 'been Odinitted it .is undeistood- . _ t trill -take no active part le the coneress ' , 2 . 0 1 -considering themselvet :there= by ceurteay rather than otherwise. - - ALL, con.naspi*Difcri-ENctitinED. _ iety few poi -it cetera of the proceeding. of thiS secret pow,wow of the _Ventage; canhe obtained,. es nuMberi-of ignorant:and {Kee- offieious delegates,'! headed by .Frisele .Gallagheri". ef Buffalo, bait. .determined On it tidily excludine all' inetneets cif *the:pi:tea. ine Of the " II:legatee ,howeVer,- and .by. the- Most reliable accouma airead:y give -a it :Tecate they: atree lasing pretty st"wyr in" eel°etn-jeLnee. -r-Ot.tTairEZ;Ta4 as some- of his id mirers -heed delight to -tall him,. is. Cherged wit le-heing respOnsible.lor. the failure of the late: raid" upoti Cifiada,.and strong Influencer; :are at work reniovehim from the chief _corneeand and fill; his piece by General": _O'Neil, :who sueceeded inurderiug a few of the " Qtreen'ee OWnP Ridgeway... -The !".Sweeney nien,1- however, nre °lig in numbers, end lithe .attenipt is. laacte reniove !rein cominind, there ark prehabtlitybe a grand nisi in the . .cainp. • - = • - smite- senterrsn took place en Friday metering., shoetlye efter the :delegates assembled, . upon. some queitieu thei came up flie discussien. • The -loud talk goini On. within -the hall; iiiinegleet With- hilMes and .prolonifye collected e large ceoWd of per- igee eutsitle, eager. tee learn the cauee. -In howOcer, they Were- disiiiipoiated, for the -del -gates are all: sworn to the' :strictest Secrecy. . : - enta*GE Ituffolts The nitist.i.aipt5bable Stories. are riported. about. • Canadianseree," etc.,- among_ which are the follolving • • - " A reporter of the rontelLeader.:--Was diecovere.ditr &Miele attiee -4 it waitress, at.. a teiteVdivested,uf the Lifters; nd PelitelY questectto leavee •• .; - TheitOreespiondent oftheTo nto Globe iet disguised:Ai :sechaimber .maid e Awed-- can...Hetet for the purpose of -watenin -Gen. -4weette?ilinOvements. . • _ .g-lt currentirreinymil that Darer c- 'Geeis in: the City: of rehei. Trojena diagnise with teavy bltiek Whiskers, end that he is - See king= ad iniiaionr to,the OongresS as a dile- "gate Com Montreal.- ." . . - - The TroY Whie-asserts they :have Seen assuredby delegates :that leird -Monck -has been in leeene. tirthe-Feeianeise and -thist the secret of the.aKiarenteeaediness of _ the- Cenadian intheritieg peepaeing toe recoiie the ineaderse atioesea.frevesion%.0FeCANO91. ' . has -bean Almost nuaniinotntlyagreed upon -.by'• the" delegates" -now in sessloiltbe .mae jority 9r who-m.4181st that it shall -be Made this_ fall-thit-the exact -time IS td -fixed: -here- after, hy the militery readeM 'of the -hicither-. hocii.--• It also -publiely annotineed that - case of,another .ritteutpt Op the . pert - of :the United; States government, to preeent. _a -a ,ire vatiorii the Pennin bayeeets be turned apanthe -United States troops. . •• Tax. oiffIcAlls - 'weak. 1'a -currently -.reported 'here tnat several 'of tee- Radieta .111011We:I -of -.Congress hat*: ofren the Fenians periattision to., -draw epee libeinfor largetitnotints et nioney,Privided they sedure the Irielt vote* the several States fey the Radicaleticket tall. :. If is also as- serted -that. " -O'Neil hes accepted the; liberal 'offer, and that --he will • soon take the' stunip M an oraterin ':trie interest* of these politicans Whe have agreed to pay him hand- somelee'for his Services.: Shinitc1-1 the Fenian leaders now asgembled, pertait the Irish yotee to bettold . tn. the Radical oegro-viorshiping party., . another "split *ill undoubtedly take plane in eheireanks,; for is:a Well4nown fact 'that the great- niejariey. of Irialmited • fit this denary wilt go apy tioket that it " dOwe on the nagerti." • • ADSHITRNMENT ". ' • Of tlice•" Congress'? at Troy, . probably take place on. Monday or Tuesday • eeening :nett, and it see.nsto be the 'general: impriee sion here -thet the whole thhig will•ltreak up ittarow, _ . . , ---!. United State* *Lewin:- " _ _ --t---- - LboTrdhe:..-Triblan' e.,hae' Oniong Mereliants in Matamoras and on:the terey, Mexico, correspondenceeof Aug. 22nd, was .-- greatly _ restored by Steridares- . viiit- olisturbanee_between them Would do great iu- jUry 'to ' the: ropiadican - cause: . .Confidenee siya that.Gen. Sheridan, on hie -visit. le the Rio Grandee had etrongly advieedeortmes to submitto the authority of Carayakal, •as any I New_YorkriSept. 12:7 -The eterald's Mon- -the fcilioweig frOm New Orleans :-" !tellable ieforinatitni: has b n 1 reeeivel that sie- Metered sold'ara-were rece 'ly Murdered in Jefferson, Texaer.: The. mil t 10 nu' ,commander at that post 'hid the de d ' bedies ;shown to the Mayer, and intimated . him that sonic. one Would he -hela responsible for the killing ot' Union -Men in : that -section. The lives -of Ulnae men -are trequently threat- ened." • - I -- - 1 - : - ' : A• TribonerS-Natileville spected despatch seys 1-e." Uttar. Gen:. Grant's order, F, -four men were receotly arredIed to Giles: coanty, by the.military authoritiea, an4, ,broaght:, to this city On a _charge Of .murdereag a negro. Tho civil. atitboritiet tefused -to bring the inurderers-to punishment. and after the Men -cotirt-authm iz &that they be returned, quash had lain iri jiil for a few dayi the 'ounty mg _the indietmebte . On these booditions tba Provest Maishal.-eneral Sent -the priaoners here today." ' -- _ ' - . • . 1 Washinidort 9ept '11 -A sieecial to the Nest- York 1' st,,' eays -.that: Secretary Mc- Ctilloea does not intend to yield to the 'tree- . sure inadempo i bini to dispose of a: part of the gold intli treasury.: It is believed that -tlie flow o 'go d -from Europe.; With the re- Mittanees fro Califoreia, will sufficiently' :supply elie de- end, and reduce the Firemium 41.:tekareltsitd.147.- as it is &insistent _with the publio , , • ee: agreat deal of labor,: ind believe. bejltud oaf elpip on that moreing --looked Yery did the very best he could, considering thet he is a mln of about 70 years of age. The perspective is something worthy the - attention and admiration of all mere -./1121.• eur artiste. _ _ Sera We. have- ieceived from Mi. Moorhoute thenurrent number of lehant- bets' journal.' • The articles ire capitally written. ' _ • . • like *wholesale sailmakees shop7every one stabling to the begt of his ability, care iteing. taken to make tbe thread Ole out- as long as possible: Tbe length .of the stitches would rather astonish some of our seeing fraternity, and -we beWalledmouraftilly the- absence bf our tight hand Man in-thia line. We have three perades per 1day : Reveille gotieds est 5-30. a.m.„ Dress at 6, and . Parade et: 6.15, aect agent at 9:45; Then coines- dinner 'at 1,: a.in.i afmrvrards the bugle sOunds the Dresa at 2,30; and-we:Parade for the third. parade (commanding officefit perade) at 2.45. We - SEAVER .•. • A. gentleman_ residing near Bogton drew the attentionof the town council •t a plough in the road as a nuisance, btu notiee= was taken of it. -One day he found toliis amimee meta, that two councillors had walked into it by accident, and were Opuodeting about in the _mire, when he addressed them thus : " Gentlemen of the Town Cpuncil of Bog ton, I have ofoan petitioned to your honorable body against this slough but never had t • : F.E.N1.1M CHIVALRY. - excursibn party fiom Linden, who left Pert Stanley .on Friday, on hoard the "'new steabier City of London," . lei a visit 14 Cleveland, Ohio, met widen dishearMni g reception .attlieir jouroey!s end, It ap ars that -when the hews get abroad .ai Cleveland that a Canadflin excuraion party hadartived, the resideht Fenians got up a :!demonstration for their heeefit. They vjeited the Wainer, - brandishing' leaded -revolvers about, :with a vieW, it pnisiblee to incite the Canadians te battle.. Un:85.turdayythe Felians gaihered in -strength, frad all seemed -flexions to- pro- voke excursiohiste- to-. a fighth The latter, however, wisely retrained frog taking notice. of the vaporing vagabonds,: which' course doubtless prevented an__ outbreak. The Fenians were ;loud in their thret'ilta of What they intended to do during the ?neging month, when they would relish. Catuidasfan_d _make surewerk this time. • Towards theafternoote matters again - gan to. tool? sere:tete, and the CaPtamotithe City Of London was ad- vised hy the V. S. MarShal to put oet at once notWithstanding a heary storm- was prevail', in,g, - t Ire,very prudently acted upon. The affair speakie poorly eor the power or desire of our neighbors to:suppress •the mur- deceits element rampant in their. midst, when evena quiet pleasure party, einheacing women - and .chtithen, Cannot he'protected f'rom and outrage.-: fitimitfon •TiMera _ G retesque,1 y4forribl_ e. Motile. at. - - • -- . = . , • A -HUSBAND SEEPS THE COBPSE op. ma -,--- yrtee, AND, IS EOMPLAINEB Oil ' . By THE NEIGHIVIliq. 4.- A eorresp/O.ndent 'of the Spring ,eId Ile- . imblicon,:writing from San -Franeiseci, far- o shes the follewing, incident, eo,l)orrjble ii its details that the Pee er a Hawthorne might -weave " it intten, tomance : Coinplaint, was _made to -the Ilealth:Officer that the- occupant of a handscimet residence in .one of -our tis- hiOnable quarters was creating a nuisance by keeping ,theecorpse of his wile in the building, mate great .discomfert aed _ill- hea'ab of the neig-hberheod. It eppeare. ihat the . wife cf . the perioncomplainel oldiedabout a year ago, when the-ehusbarid purelemecl a Metallic coffin, andpladed thecorpse in one of -the reoms ofehisseindence. - It wee alleged :more particalarly.thrlt the day previens te the Com- plaint, he had fiaken the body -from its coffin aud washed it with: the - garden- bcise; after- ward repleeing it in the -coffin, *hem; iii„ the rime of- the cmelaint-, it -still remained. Sincere as Was-. heir -evidenceet undying -red unalterable affection, the - Spectacle ;Of thet stricken end inconsolable widower playing the garden: torte upon the decomposed re ,mains of his Nimbi- .pertner- seema 'to have been too muell for the- neighbora. -The Health ()deer thought so too,. end -the nuie- ance was ebated. The *bete : pi•Otere, 'with . its terrible . mitigate; of the ghastly and ledie,' roue, eequiree Ho comment. ' --- Deitast ng the Government. . - - al' -- -- -1-7 -N. e'vv'tlark, ie.pt.;17-t.eeThA post sals'-- one of the most stupendous Creeds upon the Gev- ertititent whiehkhas-eyer con* to light, has just beendeveldped in Brooklyn, andinvelve, a New York 5int. Twe . young Men took 'a colitradt for supp'.ies at a_ very love bid, hav- ing 'previously:entered into an arran-gerneet with goveenment officiels in the .Navy -yards 0 superiatexid- the delivery of goodieby which they weeder -get, receipts for !hive. i or font. dine ehe amouet delivered, arid gat paid Kir ‘1,,\ them. - In this way during the past -four yeirs goyerre eta -hes heen defrate'cled of over $1 000400 The hiformation is eieen by ) I '. 4 - jp one of the partieg implicated, who hits . turn- ed States evideace, . ';''' . s .. . ' , i Aliment, Sept. 12. terrible expiogion oceitred here this morn - log, The saw and pi:lining _min Of :S. d; G Rork{eoreer ot.Lewrenee and:Water streets, was blown tip at twenty minutes It§ 10 o'eloCk. Ttere were: ten br twelve Pergons-killed, and eight seriously..Wounded. The' cause of' the: explosion is not known, as -tbe engineer is among the Killed. The establiehment cover. ed an acre Of groand. Loss. -ahout $20, 000. a OLIFT0ii ,T.ROMM; NIAGAtt4 FA413: 7$ept. Two m• en,-4me named Henry /instead, ciiiip4wa;f the- other one, name - knoWn., were- crossiag the. riVer near Chip: -Pati.a it skiff this evening, -when- a gale -upset the boat, and.hoth men floated down tad went over the Falls:. • ..• - • • Wilkes -mime lost his presence of Mind, but' wait always full ; ot resdurces..-- When he- was appeehended-14 the Kites Messengers, , the warrent included Churehill;the Poet, who en- tered the'reane just as Wilkei was captured, " Thoilipson, my dear fellOw," ceied .Wiika f are not likety-t set Churchill yhergelfe hetet at if overjOyed o see 'him, .".they have seized ,me,-aud the yva rant includot Churchill. -Yee you7meet aay (*hie frieeds, beg them to warn tam to keep out of the way." t..lturohill toOk the hint.. and after- a few 'Mare observed-4ms abeut Mrs: ThoMpsone" he left the -moth, aad teok citrate be !off pretty quickly, 'directly he Was deer of the house. • COLORED-PEOFLE" IM.130STON.,-7Thelli- are B a little -over 2,000 coftiredperso oston. There are four negro lawyers in practice in IlIONTItt . - Montreal, Sept,: 11.-A. murder is sepposed haye beett committed near Caughnawagae A farmet and lime homer, named Lefort, dis- appeared -inn myeterfous maener, and search beingenade aboia the kiln, bones were fourel which are humeri; A. eon -en -law., John Wil- sonelias been arrested. • Ile was en had terms with Leftist -land it ia that it can be_ piev. ed:Wilson left the' -house at midnigtt; whee Lefueedisappeared, With an Mee, and stated he WO going to the States- The inquest has. been tedjoureed email Monday. There: is a gerieral desire here for a Proyire. eitil (ley ol rej acing tor the Cahle snecess. The iuhabitants' cif Stanbridge, Dunham and -St: orb very getterally arming themeelvee with - revolvees .aed Ballard'is breeeh-loading --rifles? and lueplying them- Aelves with pleats of ammuintione so that ill ease of another Fenian invasion in their la - malty, they willtnet be .left eatirely at the :mercy of the Anien. brigandse Let every. fermer oa- the-,frontlee do the setne, as the ainhorities -cannot be depended on.--; ceinplaineS tinlanteers bete are innu- merable,. end _there es no. redeem. Cbrpe are breaking .up, and e'nthusiasut amongst those whe retnaie la tyentUg. • Ho* different from ..lasAat Irhulneye HI ibbLd.: late ma; 'ager and, paatner • Of eheindie Rutileie convene!, has -been xe- areeited en chaseeemade Dy hia cleek Rogers. -There is A great-ecarcity of- domestie ser- e troseeettpecraby ceOlorend washene- $7_ to $8 a mouth is givpn: lt‘ralaed hetivily tide p. . ' - . Letters appeared to -day in the city Papers from, Mr. Barney Devlin., on behalf of the -St. Patrick's Society, explonatory of the course of that body !lithe Prior shootieg ease. The mettet still stirs. An article that appeared in the Telegraph; riplently denOuncep-he in, qeest-'authoritiege the cond'uct of the ease caused . inueh irritation among 'B. -arrow!' friends; Mr. Wright,' of: the Telegraph. ---was pebliekly ishiSed, and Nis- had anoeynions • threatenine-letteis sent him. • kovemenrs. of Troops. Two companies of the 60th *Rifles have been stationed at Stratford, and their place iti Lohdoe will be filled' up.from one of the new - tegituents comine- bet. - --IrjeThe necesdiees elite Ayr Incorpora. non of Shoeinalters•nompel them . to dispose ot the ,mbst valuible property in their pos- session, Ilse "auld.claybiggiie " where Burns was bora: - (11..The report thatthe gambling establish- ment at Baden-Baden has been permitted to remain ilea 187? is contradicted bythe Ba- den L nides _Zeit . The establislithent is to be broken up frit yeal. The steaMer Bay. of Wide on -her downWard trip A- _Wednesday, -brought be - twee.° -*four- and fir,e hundred excursionists Com Picton. Adelphtestowo, Beth andi other ;bindings toRing*toe. - la dozen men, is the latest Portland inventien Unhappily, theyi have ample opportunities there for testing its Ipowerse o pttel.r. eteAl_ bbyris eslitecal tar antild 131w ial lebdion et h iocehk oif8 -Actlie:preser4 Parliament of Canada -will not meet again,- the' existing government are :in the -no -vet positioe. of posseesing irrespon- :sible power . lact therein do as they like. 1 . , President Johrsenr-having been -born in '1808, juit fiftyeseren years of age. 'A wag asks-"eWhy.is Obtuse!' like Chimborazo '7" and aeswera iti -therm-Me- breeith : "Because • he is'ehe geeatese of the Andre's." • lady ...at the Louisville and Nailiville dep t the-otlierdey startled everybody by cryt g GEO, " got.the cholera I" • A fine hoy sooa sit* .his appearance into the and it' proved only to he cholera infante*: • . -B10/4,311,is said to hare been one of the fir** applicants. to thedireetors cf the A.lantic Telegrepb Cortiptini matned to have the cable raised on &lee at either endscethat might, walk over. (*.Another tertibleeollision :1;as occurred eff.the:English' co*, :mended' frith tOnSider- able less ot ;team passage. ship call- ed the .Breiser, fettere into eollisioe with a collier. Fear -teen -Persons perished, some women and Children among the ritimber. rikeNao ewnsetetn:helnelepersdant. The world tears- you to piedels°1711-ichelat` °t} Ycni 9r Stours GX-AmaxV.-A. correspcndent of. • the -New York Turf In Germapy writes: What a queer sort of cOuntry this is to e- man fresh: fromilaneticae The roads stretch stray .for miles and milei together. ender:the -shade of' a double TOW bf 4herry and apple trees- there are no fences beside theroads,_ none- around the- fields, eget) around- most Of the housee. One. --sees no. cattle, exempt now arid then a entail =herd watehed by a keeper, throughout dieitry .day ; no sbeepe except tinder :the same c'e-inditiona; no tomes* all, neawine., andeme eVen any geese and chick- ens, • AII -are kept ue-zin their places, and I haVe laughed more thin once to see a steut Donchman driving e flock of geese or a brood .of ctickene on ttheir morning.: or evening :promenade,'' : - : THE Pore's TEMPORAL Reit:tn.-A French Roman-Cietholic journal, Le -.Monde, givea expression to its gloomy forebodings for the temperal power of the Pope in _the fol. • lowing strain It Austria succumbs there -will be no state, depending upon the Vicar of jesus Christ. will have abjured the- offieial ammeter of the -Catholic faith. There will benenierically Catholic ,-people.; the Protestante Will dare to calt themselves a protestant nation ; England ind Prussia -wilLmake :shim of their pretended °alio doxy,and the mar Of the Cattolics in France,, Spain aed Germany will let fall the throne of Pius 1X -=that /risible sign of the Catholi- city of the eetions. Remaining taittful to that ;nand cause, Austria testifies to it by- her defeat. If she hi immediately vanquished she will close the -Catholic cyle- of tnoaern people. The: cheich and the world will enter neon neje struggles, struggles full -of obieurity, the conditions of -which it is im- possible to determine."- NTe1n giRritiecttsitt.nents.- , _ J.. LIZARS iTIRG-E:c)37:, MAY BE CONSULTED 4.11 surtoi -in Hotel, Goderich; on the 2ud lad 3rd of Ockther, hetween the -hem ot 10 a. ma Ind 2 : Goderect, 14th Sept.e1866. ew5td FRESH OYSTERS CA.INTs mcmdis itzczt4o l'utLir,-4171) SOLD * At --the -.:.ipitiest Figuire, SHEPPHARD STRACIIANI the courts of thee cety, and hve ccilored preaeti... by- erg- with cOngregation. There • are, two in- - - South side Market Square. dependent negro milifary--compauies. The ::\Goalioaelie Beef. 14, 1866. - syeetf law interfering With the . marriage. between • whites and blacks has -long been abolished. - Their right 9f egad eittrance •with whites to • are draledabent two- hems at elicit parade. the- _public. solute's, streets railways, and garb'. We publish to -day interesting let- EverYtaing dono herehy bugle sound, so' *that if you want to Wash your face, yeti have f any 'attention 'paid to my talon. -I now -ingaol for egaminittioo and -trial. _ Ne. Tork and the Tliorold Camp. peiet. %Ve are No. 1.-9f our battalion aS. at leo moving in the mutter. . teaches is -now fully admitted. The churches, theatetWand-hotels (with certain exceptiong) ° • rung man Wag ladgedi tem froin otir 411)4al orre6PPndatis at to send a corporal's guard -to hunt up t Den - :come forth to express my light_teee yen On equel term with .others: - • - le hold out still against accommodating negroes t • • WANTED, WINE GOOD AXE MEN AND A dOOK, TO ill go on. a suryeying -expedition, fo leatre tiodermhouthe finft October next. Apply to • YounnJosePh • - TAOS.: WEATHENALD, - Mania -Charles • Tountritebt • .;FiedOriche feit. Set:1.4'111"r "d bev4,7,r1 4EPA DIK04041: P! 41 24-0in tstVtilitMentii. ;NOTIQR. APPLICATION Witt. BE mADE nTai • „undersigned at the; December ffieeting.to the Countiese 9atncil fOr a :eohyeyap of :tea following Jelleribed line of road, an'accordauce with -Cap. 54, Eon. Conselidatecl Otatineka tipper Canada. Description ofpait ni a Cicunty Road between Morris and Turn berry. • • Coinntenc mg on the southerly front oftot tl.e .first concession ,of Turnberry, at -dsp. tance.of Aire „chains and fourteen hnks, Tram the southwesteriyangle of said lotithencesonthay• -one degrees east on northerly limit ot aiad lotia nee twt.nty.-two chains ; theace sonth eighty.. degrees west ene -chain seventy -foaling -Its; thence north -fifty-nine degrees west oir southerly [ limit or rand alk-wence twenty &tains ;. thence _ 4-; due north ohe ,italn fifteen billet 10 the primal beginning. Containin b admeasurement two acres Ana :sixteen pere. f lands - - A. -BAT, - ' P J.,13 SePteraber .1856, iin§Olvert Ad of 1864. In the mietter of Robert Proudfooll Aw ..Tasoleent. - rr HE Creditors of the Insolvent are notified that he has made an ',Assignment of estate and clients. tinder 4:he ave Act, tome, the undersigned Assignee, and -they are required tofurnish me, within' tw) xnonths froluthisdates, with their claims, specifying the 'security they hold, if any-, and- the value ot it; and if none statingthefact; tho whole attested under °Oh: with. the. voichers in support of such -claims. Dated- at egoderich .J0 the (--01,12- ef -Hume this eleventh day of September M. C. CAMER1/9; Liolicitot for Insolvent. M.1.0Li0C1C, Assignee: .-3,24 GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY. PROVIDICIAL TO, BE HELM. -frotot5iNi-zgo, FROM Mon2.8dat se2p4;hisi3 .6t6Veidasdatveys.. NOTICE T 0. INTENDING EXIgAITORS. . filliE.Company lave melds the following A- arrangements 4.- -• 1.. Live Stock, Implements-, ko.„,,interelsti - ;for the above Exhihition, will be carried to ' Toronto. ot cirdinary rates, .whicb include delivery to: the Eihibition grounds, live ;Steck excetted. • 2: lithe articles so carried be unscddsai rematin the preperty -of the- original sender .they will, on a -certificate from the Secretaii !of -the Exhibition,. be eeturned from • Tomato. Station,FREE OF CHARGE to the Great West- ern Station they original)! came from. - 3. 1 All Live Stock, Implements, Ire., se -Carried' at the „owner's risk, and underthe osual c9rditions. -- 4. When the Owners of 'Prize Cattle re- quire more space than is usually 'allowed to ordinary Live Stock, a corresponding ia- crease will be made in the charge. Drovers in ctarge of Live Stock, whine full car -loads are paid for, will be allowed to pass free, under the ordinary regulations. - 6. 3 be -charges upon all Live Stoclr,.kne. plements, intencledifor Exhibition,...fnuet be 'prepaid before shipment. - 7. Parties- lumnding te forward Live Stoch, Implements, ac., for exhibition -am reTiesIed to have them at stations,ifpolleible, during the week precedirr,g -the Exhibition, 1I1 order to eneble the Company to. frovide the necessary acconimedation. - G. 13-, SPIUGGSe • • - General Freight Agent,- MYLES PENNINGToN„ - ; Assistant Freight Agent. .• - • " - THOS. SWINYARD, General Manager. gainiltpn, Sept.11, 1866. sw5 td. Insolvent Act of 1804, TA the -miter of Bobert Prosidforg, au insolvent. • • HE Creditors of the Iniolvent are notified that he has made am Assignment of his estate and effects, under the above ACG tne,ehe 111110' dersigned Assignee, ind they are required ob turnishme, within itvo months from nada* with their Asians, speciTing • the secunty they hold. deny. and the. value of it; and if -1101311, Stating the fact ; the *hobs attested tinder oath, with the vouchers in 'support of such elaimse Dated pt Godench in the County offitirott this llthinty of September 1866. • - 8, -poLuvic, w34f4 _ Official Assignee* LISZ-OF UTTERS, Remainng in the Goderich Post Office- on the 12th of,September, 1866. :Allan Geo ?:utpt Kirk J • • Anderson 3a e Barak Lamb Gen Adams sea, Wm Laing Gae , Laing Matthew Black ft- - Bill Harriett 131e.ghislamer Brady John Black Jonathan Buchanan Allen Joint Brown J J • • Belt Yercivel IlantyneSamuet Buckingham Wm Blair Win ' Cal Biggins Jemes W.m, Black Wm - • Carey Charles Cantelon David Conk 'Henry • "Curry .faines •Crawtord-James .Campbell Mari Mrs. Cousins Jamealdrs Campbell :Emily Mrs Caniphell Walter Dalhke Edvrard -(2) DoYrp Pidrick D yle P Mrs Dougials Helmet .__Dorld Wm .e Bobbin Wm, - Evans tlizabeth-Miss Italree. Kane 1)13 Kerik Ilov _ -.Mershon If joint .(3) Manning fiddler James Martin B john Marsh Mrs Merrholiarriet Mrs - Moorehead Win , ateDoniki Aech - -elacConaellU Ana (3) McIntoetiDonald MeLennen Donald- litePhee Hemeita teleDonogh. _ - McCall T 111eDonald ..McKayettrel Idecullochlompli IVIeLean John /1/1cLay John MeLaCirie Joseph • McDonald Elisabeth:10i McInnis Allele/eke- McKenzie Maly -Mrs. McNamara Win OlGradiMrs O'Keefe Patrick ElheettGeorge • • ' • - Elkins Israel Rutherford Joilitt '- Bison John Belt ElizabilthMis . _ ' ',Hutson 7 • Robertson Carolineltrall Sinclair A. ' • , - '--,' Smiley Barbara Miss (2) Fox Hobert Falter Win (oloiri:bsoilmiThi.aalle:Yrivrijii:nsu.esillich(ad21. , 15edvir8.,::: ti..:tle,eni_coelcn.a2F7es7- i 7,-; **, /t. tiling -I Ma -' . -SeiteRwIturt 46 maceuar ' GrethamManiaretenclawsaker„ i°e.c., Tig i , Ge*ea maw . Schanck ..ritieMra- , : - -- -_,),--.•.• ". Smith Donald:Alm • Thrift; Daniel . s.BithuirterawerieR°Arbert,i2emee- Hannan Edward. ....• ThomasTTTTalkerraa"m34°1.1":"Klii:erc:lejaari:r .7 - Wortlitngton AO • 'Welts G ea -Co WraseriDeorge litatrataRctan Hinds tars ... Hyskop Thies .... Hopwood Thai -Hayden Win - Irvin Robert, - • .- liere Isom Vire find itine patrons Can1501 ptrreetif 4 TAWS NAP.01 IDTS and .-itings - generally, that agency IS oar Palace of tlie 0:insulted elai0 nightly, -And a inust hesent..' xhieb he safelfemis feels laimeelf best adviee. judgment is .J. -Y a inatter o - able for - Besides gt emperors ia fared to act - *tartest ifietiee, giving. a deeit party Ante In _arbitration friend!, L.' pecuniary fee, Advantage to 104„e .4f geog andenables service (deny old -map. Eta . the art of land- s& to the alteri of all lauditeer little obsolete. IT, =Thin li milted as to -old treaty; an sotto eliangin laminas of te :tovrn. , -Countries lilloted; is t snaps exibirig _meetly Woken lithe =met Nazinnlian, to he everted Any nation _ vereliihged; State mecrets Ilegotiatore) „ pared to gassione, ;ma 'Ilrith gee lint gra hu nt _ Aititp Address, • comm._ 1‘. pf Need 4 4 Mika %tort ti peroppolis< carpet sack oiles on his e(the natne giv_ 4ters.), who de diataly &on :sat down ein eg Hedy Vit. ate :road ; morning, And atopped4nd 41,1s-tipt Ag Br _ -Rat. . our way, et mow." - -eat sbould were About and thwaye snatch to Bet • iie was sup misted. The _ lees in gold liece ofshie -4 &Seim that sk ItOr any%old mit Siegel" - °Ube wax, w partizans we much ties to send Act as frottaeatly ,pretty littlei sions )fosiels 'itheir leader _g• WatlIMPOOr Mere arrow - .nsanderorbe fectlyybatre -int-atter, boy order. 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