HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1866-09-11, Page 3LNI) Cele N� and men- rs limas eters ▪ that- 4rests !ors* et( w3.1 er0to Waw. a will av of -1il be nts to None zertifi- =ter. letter tee.. a St."b Ocoee. konnoe4.4 evrent. siontel onnind Andertir skuata. E ert ny w•• tat 8642 as- noti6ecT L of hits . ;Ma Iner- are re- - hs frogs jag the; ue ofit hole ate rEurecte• he tTnit- to „ 4*- vember.- ttet '•.tirekr_ fAugult. DEk, Zw •,• B of tits oropany (CrabWrs eelocir„ solf. eatetarr- k great rEtIL L- i 4, , osocktng occurrence in New Tedoatts. - A, Boat/a Crew.. r oeis by_ vinumbatts. .. • . - • The Union. Company's Cape- Royal Mail stein/13114)- Norseman,_whieb al -rived at Ply - on Wedneaday„ the 15th . inst., With _south the Cape Mail, brings news •-of a frighttul itsgelJ ree-e, nay perpetrated in New - Cale- aro& in the P.acifiei ediploYed as a Frendh - convict establishment His Imperial French1 equttirY in eonfirctioo with the azrieultUral, gaiesty's - war Mesmer Fulton, from New it is the basis upon .which this government' , tv'earonia, via: Boui•don„ for Brest, that put.! rets; and when we refer t9- ihe pi ofessioe • into Alpe Bay_on June 211:and leftiee July 1 that -you represent here to -night, in connec- • 6 for Brest, reported that while she had been I tion with you, my fellow -citizens, in common, cruisinground New Calidonia a, boat was let pie say that our great, father and head, - dispatched into.one ofshe rivers out ot sight I the lord of the world, was a tailor by trade; d not return, l and when _you refer to tbe historic account fOr.their presence. He said There is -no 1,poeit1on in lite thatT- would be placed' in that 'Would Make me indifferent to, or forget, -My earlY history' and my early profession in lite. There is none that could make me forgetful_ of them, and six far as theprcifessioti is co_n- cerned-and I do not intend to be factions here to night, --We -Mould remember - when we refer to the mechanical interests of the f the ship, for some -purpose an , mach anxiety was felts respecting- it. The steamer then went up the river in °search ad upon a link eland discovered remains, whieh left rio peSsibility- of doubt- that the iinforinnate. seansan had been captured, - and thee killed and eaten by the, natives. The Fulton then proceeded fertheiinlited-, and some natives who were taken adinitted that the Corijecturee of the ship's crew -*ere correct ; that they had come suddenly ,tipori the boat's crew, taking them to an island, killed them ,theee by splitirig their skulls - with axes, and- had them cooked and eaten these, Thesofficers and crew cit the , ship, having- beea -hiehly exasperated at 'these horrible details, procec-ded to take slum:nary vengeance, upon the savages, and killed eery one they came in contact with, and set_ -fire to their villas. In addition to those who. were, burned, no lessthan one hundred and fifty were -either shot or bayoneted. of this thing you will find that my remarks are literally true." Last week, siIteen pounds of 'tobacco three gross of matches, eiefits, pounds of pepper, and three bottles of whiskey, were found under the skirts of three females., by the Custom -house officers of Ogdens- burg. . ` New York, Sept. S... -The Times New Ore leans special says that a private letter re- Ceived front Monterey Says Maximilian abdi- cated in favor of Prince, • islapoieon on the 10th ult. • • • . • • • * and the Canadieni aereey and one is that the • VatralliS RELIC reps- Iftet.AND.--One wiusicERs utursitERs1J Dr: L. 0. Moritcz' Corroltathe greatest Stith-- ulator in the Worldwill force Whiskers or,Mtis- tarcheS 'to grow on the smoothest faev- Or chin, never knoww to fail. Sample for trial sent free to any -one sicsirme, of test mg us merits: Address & to., 78 NaSsau N : Y. (No letters taken unless prepaid.). w29 - -STRANGE, MIT piery: young lady and gentleman intim linitedbtateit cad- hear somethiiig very much to their advantage by RECTPRoCITT TilEATT.-The Ameri- can Press do net seem to- be at_ell satisfied whether the Reciproeity Ti eaty is, beneftcial or a detriment to the . prosperity ofthe Ameri- can Government, but it is gratitying; to see that be some points the 'United States press return Mail [free ot charge), by addreqdn the under- signed. -There having .learg of being .huni igged. wilt oblige by not inineinginiseaid.- .All 'others vilt please address.theirobedient,ser ye in. . .._" ' . • - , . TOO S.- V. -eti APN AN. . W3-1y.11.i .- . - - . -.S3t Droaciwav, Mzwifo,ric: ' , . _ fllitliqRS OF -VOA:Tile. ' A Gentleman who<sutfered fox.years farm Nervous . . . _ Debility. Premature Deaty, and all the ekets. of yotith- , making thesimnie remedy, by which he was cured. Suf- .ferers wishing -to profit.by the ,advertiser,i. c:cperience. ful indi-scret,i_ot.171711 .for the sake .0f sulteriag huntatiitY ' send free to all wine deed it. the recipe and direetiong for can do so by addressing - . '_. .. . - . ...TORN B. OGDEN. i Ohamhers St.. New Yolk. . Canadian PainDestroyer, is the best thing. otthe passengers per steamer Manhattan, Which arrtied at this port a few days ago, brought with hint it sod of turf about thr. site --of a common brick, winch is over a hundred -yeara old. ;au& which preserved with religious care. It once formed a por. tion of the old Augustinian Church in • fhe -city of Limeriek, and was usedas part ofthe matenais required near the erection of the altar„ and was probably. used, as. in other buildings at that time, to prevent -damp and ;ware a dry receptacle for articlis oiprecioes metals or other _ valuables. .It wee felled with a number of others similar .in size and shape, some Years ago, by a worktnan- en- gaged in pulling down portious of the old church wall, and is regarded hy its owner as pos-sseseing considerable historic value, and is to the Irish in this city . quite a ,cu- nosity from their green isle.-(Nevr York paper; Mineral Wealtk- of.2,, lewfoundwr land,. - • A eorrespondent writing from St. johns ler the: nitre of coughs. colds, Frostbites, rheumatism, &e. Sold by alt Medicine-. Dealers at 25 eis- per_ bottle. romi=tx3.-3E- --. • "VEGET.&13 GE -PAIN KILLER • TO :-CONSEMPTIVES. • The advertiser, -having - been --restored to health nt a weeks by a very simple remedy:atter havMgsuf- fered fOr seVeral years with a severe -lung iffeetiPn, and. . . that ;dread -disease. Consumption -.-is 'amcious--to make known to hts fellow-suffere.ig the.means acute: , To all hu de,Lre it he cop Y ot The .pres-.. cnoion used (free of cliarce). with.the directions for pre.; Parole and usinz the ranie. :which they wilt find a sea* C'CR-Clor Ctxc1tTI0N.AsTliiLs, BRONCHI; COUGH!, :C01.-Waild all Throat mid -Lung :Vat:et-ions: The onlY object oldie advertiser in sendiig-. the.Prescription is to benefit the affiicied, an.1.,:pred information which .he - conceives tO he invaluable. and he hopes. ever v sufferer will.trY his remedy.. as 11 will cost them nrahing,and may prove O blf!SOlg. -- ." Parties:xi-Mug the prescription, FREE. by return mau will please address - • '.• • - . Rev. EDIVA RD A..WIISO.X. V6 iihmashara. Rings Co.. New York; . AT THE OLD -PRICE. • BEWARE OF COUNTER- FEITS AND WORTHLESS IMITA- TIONS. April 18. 1866.- - w19 6m - ; Ti1E-GREIT ENGLISIIIIEMEDY - SIR- JAMES CLSRICES Celebrated- Female Pills.- Prepared 'from a prescription of Sir J. • Physzcian'Extraordinary • to ihe Queen. . _ • . . r. This invalnable medicine Is linfailina-s, in the _ to the New York Journal of Minzngunder eure ot all 'hose painful and dangerous diseases „ respecting ,to whieh the female constitution is subject. It -- Tate date, furnishes • the following moderates all excess and reindves all Obstructions the mineral wealth of Newfoundland I- and a speedy cure may be relied tin. '' ' . This island abounds in minerais, brit as . • ' TO -MARRIED LADIES • rt the workiree of lime, the-cleims.is in truly- ver - hie peculiarly 'suited. It will, ia a short dent infancy; !.The Union mane, is the °hit hririo-. on the montbly.pei rod with reguliirity. - - one being workel with vigor, .and yields -12 . Elicit bottle, price One Doltar, bep.rs- the 60‘,-.. trent. of copperrhe- shipmente from ernment Stamp of Great -Britain to prevent coun- -- .- - terteits. : • its° tar this season. reach i.i0,tons., but.._ the proprietors expect to ship 2,000 tons- -flits Sear. There is another mine it Little, Bey, whicieha.s been/worked seven years, and pro- duces ore-containinz 50 per ceut and only three to fear per centeopper. It is cA:1-3'ri • c%tiv cAdvratoinItuto- UW -PIE 'FALL. -STOCK is .DO:w. being • daily,. received, : and we hOpe2,1)y3y1.ond43i, 19th inst., t -e able to show to ourfriendsiand, cuS-- tomefs one of the most edmplcte .soitDientS or. Staple and, Fancy Dry. Ft , Goods in- D.KgRR,A., &Oa. hisgo-w_lioni.: 5th Sept, 1866: Cottons ICottois COTTONS RE SUBSCRIBERS ARE SELL - int off Grey- Cottons at reduced - • - prices, a o _ Ladies' and Gents! Straw Hats! I , 1 To arrive in a day or two . , . • - - CHEAP WHITE COTTON. i. . , , , Aately to hand . 14, Sugars, Teas and To . ,.. .-- -r baecos. - War Give tliC Cheap Cash Store a call I riE Subscriber always keeps the largest Piffs ghozitel' not be taken 1v:females dniing - th-e PIRS7 ;THREE .11101V THS of Preg- ' nanry, as they are sure. to hrtng on Miscat- nage, but at nyot1aer time theyare safe: • In all cases of Nervous aud Spinal Affections, Paws in the Back and -Limbs. ;Fatigue on slight lessees - _ .(-worked at- preeent, eel e ee.i...tion, Palpitation et um Heart, Hysterics an notextensivele el, cii about to extend their ,operations; el, bites, these ping will effect a pe rig', as they descend, that the quality ‘telitittreermlneedanadhave failed; and alth:unert awp.hoewn earit •of- the ore_ will improVe. Besides these, . ,n do not curt ta in ' iron. calomel, ante- __ eta_icciPPer lodes of great:richness- have moat-, rola' been discovered, and' wOrk eeintneneed:11 of ,u rections lathe piniphlet around each 'afclkaltoediwiti. eh should be carefully pre-erved• I tr, hurtful to- the comstitution ' • , . variety and best Steck of -•. - HOISERY GLOVES.! 6' THE COUNTIES . CHAS. E. ARCHIBALD.' : Goddiicb, Aiignsi 22nd, 1866. • _ 03 these, some have • been since abannea,. while others premise much success . ' Private capital alone lea been employed, andt-to com- - "values formed yet. A. lead mine Opened- at La Manche predeced a large qua.atity of good - rich -ore. - It was coniinericed by a company be werein some degree connected %Vith the pronioters of the electric telegraph, and yet, although a Very rich- meta, and yeilding lar,gely,..it does aokappear to have been a -succese. - ' - Ibis merely indicates that the management -Medicine De.slers_ was faulty, and persona well qualified. to rt n ft judge are et °pillion thal there is an iminebse 'ainonnt of metal there, -aud that if, would Among the most important. of Modern Medical I yield a haridsome return for tapital-Judiceoua." -1 discoveries stands the fli- expended upon_ iL At J...avVri 'there pfs an- ' CANAD1 1N PAIN DESTR6YER, ! _7Si:de:agent for the United Statesand Calladas, ". AIOSE'S, Rochester, N.Y. - g N. B.-51.00 and six po-taee stamps, enclosed to any authorized agent will insure_ a bottle con- tairong fifty Pius, by return Mail: No LIT fiRCIP (E. LYMAN, - Newcastle. c..4W general agent for c-anada. JOHN HAR _ having purehesed at an . ENORMOUS -REtUCIION.ifor CASH, from the Official A.sSignee at Hamilton,tbe en- tue Stock -in trade lieloriginn-tothe Estate of • 44;72134 • P. 'Aar ct lsenow prepared toi.Ofter to the Public'. IMMENSE BARGAINS - an eve.v epartment . a °ring or Sale cheap for Cash, piemises now minified by the under- . signed, in the Village of Maitland -vine, one quarter of it mile from the Silt Well. One Acre and a quarter of land ois the side hill, befiatifully situated, comtnandieg & eiew of the Rivet Maitland and tbe harbor, and a comfortable cottage. There are twe-wells ot gond weter. Aloe a *election of choke ° fruitotteerticu s.litrs- Fepa-apply On the przn' faesto WM. SOMERS., or at the Sisnal Ace. - `Godericht July 14, 1866, ._ mud" EVERY LOYAL MAN -SHOULD HUE A. _ _ TIM -AR t Rifles, Musk -eta, & 310yo1vers-, •Foit'SAL . AT-SEARLE & DAVIS'S. A-, GOOD ENFIELD MFLI, -picHEsON. B,yonet thesisantemeenast use:d hY the Vol- Goderich July 20th -1860. P01eSnIXd Cla)!LlidgeAsitt! EITS Caps iet-S.2 TO•• per hundred. s • I!RUSSIAN :MUSKETS IVITIrBAY- Smooth bore, will°a-llisoEmaTi itegeod' Shot 0M3e, FOR FOUR DOLLARS & FIFTY -CENTS. . Parties clubbing together in twenties will be allowed a discount by -sending on -the mo ney and orders immediately, as the demand is -large and tbe prices will advance:, IIETALLICOCRAApTAIRTIssDoTGE9SLF.s01R RIFLES_ HENRY'S SIXTEEN SHOOTERS for $45 to $60 The best in America, for sale at SEARLE •&, 'DAVIS'S . - COLONIAL -HOUSE! HOOP' SKIRTS! HOOP SKIRTS I -THE largestvariety in TOwa a't prices to ,defy mitepetition. • _ CHAS . -E. ARCHIB_ALD. Goderich Au net 22ed,.1866. " 0/1'3 INMAN f0R.FIENT 1 TEE Subseriber 'liming opened out in the Outfitting epartthent_ 1 o-etni-ies lately occupied by B. & G. F. Tat; Subscriber begs to inform -his many customers and the publie generally -that he keep? . constantly on hand the largest variety ancl, best selection -of_ - THE COUNTIES; ALSO A •LARgE 'irARIETY OF English, Scotch, Ffench,,Suriss & German Tweeds, DRY GOODS,- GROCERIES, MANTLES,- . . MILLINERY, RATS, 'CAPS; lee y &eo; 3E3 C., 111 S,; beautiful Hair and Straw Bonnets will be alinost literally - ' GIVBN AWAsYtt. , Soldin Gocleiieh br-Parker rattle and . F. -Jordan • rral diner oc "Ca., Bavfiekt ; James B.enthurn,'Rogerfille ; Vickard;Exeter ; 5 1-ombe,Ctlintori• Seatorth, and all w3S-I-v. - As a Family Medicine, it is well -and favorablY either lead mine from. winch -valuable ore has been extracted. The operations connected with it are as yet, however, in their infancy, and it would be pren3ature to. say much known,relievinc thousands from pains in -the _ _ Side; Hack and head,Coughs, Colds, --.zore throat, SprainS, Bruise, Crarnii in tliec:ztoinaeh,_ ' Cnolera mcirbus,Oysentery,Bowel com- more wail respect to: tts!,probable'futu . • -vaults, Burns, Scalds, Frost Bites, _ &c., &c. • flarb,or Mille in •Fortune Bay,. was likely • enough to have, a; few years since., asaluable- vein of silver ; the working of whiele, how- , - ever, was abandoned for want of capital an energy on the part of the_ -parties inierested- h- 8-* timely used; and we have never known -it Single single I Psta n ce to eve perm an cotretafwben it will, ao doubt, at a feture dav, when• `the ,.. , . case ef dissatisfaction where h di t_.e _sections haye knowled.n et .mining and the spa. it of enter- been proper.v followed ; htit: on the contrary, all prise become more general, be resumed.- . From. ail parts of the island samrdes • of cop- per, and from eve ry-direction,' specimens of good lead are obtaineZ, but until smile capite - . . -al "3 broufelit to hear, aria some "new hte , The OA NADIAN_ PAIN DESTROYER has now been bet -ore the public for a length o. time. anti where -fifer use44 liked, never failing are delighted ,with its operations, and speak. in ttic highest terms_ of its virtues and -magical ef= facts. _ . Wespeak frOm evperience In this matter, hay- ing.tested it thoroughly, ancl therefore those -who are sulTermo• -from any of the complaints for. - . . Very large additional purchases of _ - • • anadiars Manufactured Go cis, :EPICLASII FRENCH ikCERNIAN-- BROADCLOTHS, FflTTA N.D: BE*VER:- fl NI) PIOT' . cIVEROO.ATINdS DAY Gpors & Git.00. C.E1tI-E% are'jrist new being received, amongst which May be icentioned especially. ' . • - • 1ETii DOXSKIN OVERCOA.TINGS OF ALL OTHER DESCRIPTIONS. • - . ' Having Secured' the seriicett of ;10ra`- it -Mt CirriuMMT*.,, STEWART, Corner otHanplton street, Market Setutre, with a lull aisortruentof AT THE STOVE AND TIN MOP, SIGN .FAMILY _GROCERIES I U OFLL KIND, he is prepared to -execute all orders siiih proMptitude; and in a -style unsurpassed by apy MANUFACTURER, in this PROVINCE, _ Cities not excepted. Try him and satisfy yodr- , selves. perfect' fit guaranteed in eliery instance. ' I Constantly on hand the LARGEST STOCK and I &TEST .SMES in dentlennan's Outfittings of :Every Description! Factory. .Cottons- rti,th gm 20 emits -per yard, ifieludi.4 about -a. 1000 -yards' of the etlebratelLvhster " • Can- - : - ada infused the preeress of development will be -winch. it is ref:or:amended may depend upon es- bein, 1 he astocishieg efficacy ot the Canadian Pain Destroyer in curing the diseases -for -which it is -relommended. and nix wonderfut success in sub- duing the torturing pa, ns of Rheumatism, ar.d in work it - yeti LIM assured that St( Jo ns relieving Nerlous e s, slow, and the most valuable deposits -re- main unproductive. - Coat has beee discover- ed in several places about Bay. St. Geoiige, but no attempt bas hithert.o be.en, 'made to. - ction entitle to a ig rank in.ahe list of remedies for these complaint... Order's are coaling in &our Medicine Dealers' in ail parts- of the country fer,further supplies,- and each testifying as to the universal satisfaction it gives- . • - The Canada. n rain Destroyer never tails. ro give immediate All medicine dealers keep it.. Physicians order and 1140 it; and no family will be without it after once trying it: • Price only2e cents per nott e. All orders should be addressed:to coatis seldom or never sold under 2o- shil- . hags, currency, per ton. . Plumbago has leen- found Itt several quarters, and lately some attention has been paid to it, but no- - thing thing et importance has been dene,reg,a4reling it. Valuable marbleee-a_ bound on:dhe north- ern portion of the island, and hist _yeare few men were ern?le(yed in opening a quarry., which is still proSecuted;:but theceper. ation one.on the most -limited scale. Sp much for the minerals ,of Newfoundland, Which, deipite their known. richness, Only employ about- one thousand men. a fact which dors not redound to the credit' Of -the • _ wealthy residents of the Wand, and the"many more, who, having made fortunes in it and retired frOinit, will not invest a share of there ' winnings in properties which would enrich themi white they would afford a permanent source.of employment to the poorer portion of the _community. -Napoleon Said to have Soften,• zing of the itrain.-, CO*T.0$•S' from 10 to 25 cents per yard. ' - • Striped Shirt-10gs, Scarlet Fla n nel-i, White Flan- . tiers, Fancy Flannels; -Bob Rify do:, IktriUder Prints. Black and Colored Cobargs,'Biaeleand Colored Lustre. Frei,ch Mernioes, French de Laines, Towelling, Table Linen, and a large - • assortment:of • ' • . Nice- New •Fall. less Goo sp_. . • . . . , - - 110013 SfaRTS of every deserietionil . _ _ . . - • . , , - -Fei:far $hectiter,: Bagging, Bales -01 Canada - . -- , Seamless Bags,--Verv Cheep! ,:'-.. ••• ' :AMERICAN MONtrinken at the higheit i•ate. : Chas E Archibald. GoderieN,August 22nd, 1866. 8403 - _ TX _ MISS HAMILTON :begs to intimate tlut AU she will open a SOARDING •and DAY SCHOOL for the _Edtication of Yonee; La, dies, On the first Of OctCh6r.." Instruction will be given in French,' Germa.n and Music; as well as the rnore elenientaq branchs ef Education. Miss H. will give specill atten- tion to th:- bomfort of those intrusted to. her earTe;r6s erate and paidin advance Be _fore removal quarters 'notice will be re /Fey Testimonials and Proseectuaes apply_ to ' - . MIS Et.k.IIMT 0 NT, • Ca•mbria. R -T44. Gcderich August 23th 1866. • w3I 5t* The mo3t alarminfr reports are in circul- ation about the Elneror's health. It is sant that theezcitement and dissnpoittments to,which he and -his policy have been subject ed during the past, few lei:tabs have develop- ed.a disease of the brain either a wept" NORMA LYMiN, . • -;" . . . : Baielet Canada. • -coriFITOisT NV.4k1-11:7,, . Beaver Milli,;&C., Very cheap ! GROGERIES !! - • Hogsheads of' Muscovado -Sugar, Ver--' Cheap. Barrels .of Broken Loaldo.,' Very Cheap! e. White Ground do., Very Cheap! Chefais and Hall Clieats of.Youno• likson, . Souchong and ether leas, VeryeChean!-• _ Tobacco Vineolir Seed- Salt :Snuff Spices , -• 9 3 conee, &Ca • - In cotnmene:na BCSINESS-the Subscriber begs most,respectfeliv announce'o the s • , INHABITANTS OPGODERICH- , and the Surrounding cOuntry that,the prindiple -1 - Insolvent Act • tA: 1864. In 'the. Matter 9f ANDREW DONOGEI, 4 LU Town of Gederich, ie the County Of . Huron. an Insolvent. HE creditors of the InsolVent ure notified that of bis estate_and - md‘ the under - Literal to fur° sh • me, Withintvro inonthsfrom thi.p. date, withth ir claimi, specifying- the securitythey hold, if aay, and the value ofit ; a.ad if none; stiting the fats tee -whole guested under outh, with tbe voucheis he has made an Agstgnmea efftcts,-rineer the above Act,' sroried Assignee, -a ad.. they :aye- REAP! 1111DE- CLOTIIIIG ! BOOTS &:SIEOES- . _• ./._ &c., - woutd respectfully. solidi a share of-Piblic • Patronage.* TERMS CASH, or Produce taken itt. ex- bhaCnallte:and compare Tiriees before p-nrOasing elsewhereGodeii eh,20111 A." u.gu-st,' 1866.1' '.w30 John tn support of sueltelaims. - • _ - _ Dated itt _Lodertch, in the Cotintv of nurpe, this twenty-eighth day otkugust, D 1860. „ B. POLLOCK t• aficial Assigne for }Land 13;• - .1.. B. GORDON, - - • - Solicitor for insolvent. . w32-,2in , - : he • Newcastle, C. AV. - • • • • .:-General Agent for Canada. - STT `OR PRODVOY-r - ,lerft_okrin Goilerich by karker &-C-attle and C F. Jordan; .Gardiner 41- co.. *need ; James • • Bentham, it(igerville • j. Pickard,_Exeter ; J. H. • and every eflbrt will be made 10sell Combe.' Clinton; E.' Hmkson, _Seaforth, and al, Medicine Dealers. ' ettb-6in LANK BOOKS. Akiln Assortment of all styles and s;zes of E.NK s0010, made of beat Eng lish paper, comprising s DAY BOOKS, • - - LEDGERS,. JOURNALS, • 'CASH BOOKS BUN UTE BOOKS, WASTE BOOKS, • INDICES, PASS BOOKS,-- • 'POCKET JADGERS, _ MEMORANDUM -BOOKS, . '• • POCKET DIARIES, and METALLIC BOOXS,' softerUng of that orgad, whiclt ren ere Very Cheap for Cash, . . . . _ . A LSO.. • -ago. Many tease statements and absurbspeete • ' Constantly on hand a large asiortment of ° '' ' WALL PAPER, with almost very knownand mime unknovio • :WINDOW SHADES: .741iseaseitithati-should be disposed to. place VRAPPING PAPER, - I -not mformed from, - it - source in at. the SIGNAL Bookstore 1 . • tbe present rumors- in the. same cater -714y were _. whia 1 ' August 22nd, 1866. " " . - -- • OW _ place great confidence, that 'there is some - - -tiller more than mere speculation -in them, and that the emperor nervous and iateileet- . -int System is in nmalty daegeronit Condition. -- I saw Ititatite-day before yesterday, when he inadebis first visit to the EmpreZt Charlotte, of Mexico.. at the. Gland Hotel, and it IfeeW -.4 to Me that he looked much More eareworir .and: ill thin I Badever kerma. seen him. , lint utterly unfitted. for any tetellectual labor . The emperor's _health has been tbesubject - lations during the past few years, dunng SCHOOL & MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS, Which tjtne. his: majesty has been charged • - • GOOD GOODS, .CHEAP 111EAT:SEIIIIIINTIALSkLE,0011 •.. -• Alt I I _ inspection i8 -solicited on the part of intend • 151 -buyers. . • • President Johnsonandthe Tailors. . • On pausing *remit Pbiladelpia, President Tohnson.was waited upon 14 a deputation , Of jailors; end did not feel iiispleasedt because be was reminded ot, his early occupation, but $id That be tendered..theqiiia sincere thank!! Insolvent Act of 1861 In 'the matter, of _John Rutherford, an TfIRE creditors of the Insolvent are notified to meet at the lew office of -J. Y, Elweorl, hi the Towd-of Goderieh, on Friday, the 5th day of October A. D., 1866, at' Two of the clock in the afternoon, for the public ex amination of the Insolvent, and for the pur- pose of.ortlering the affairs of the estate gen- erally. . • Dated at Goderich, tbis third day of Sep teclibert 4. 11, 1866. S.PCLLOCIC, w33 2t Official Assignee for H. & B. - JOHN. HARRIS. Goilertn11,;&tigusi 10, 1b66. Ira& w2,79 • s • - • • Insolvent -Act of 11364. VP ER T Sp1endii Inducements to Cash Customers._ NOE V ER 0 PLIEPARE`FOR FALL IMPORTATIONS WE WILL 01 the -balance of our summerstockat Cost km Cash: R -0 A 1 IV s- TitAW_ GOOD - SPECI N. BOW= - Farm to Let rAIIM io Let in the Township of Culross, :for a term of five years, being coMpesed ot Lots NO 8 and 9, Concession 4, with about 95 Acres of clearing, well fenced, and a large creek miming through- lot 8. - There is a good- LOG BARN and LOG -HOUSE upon he place, there has been 20 acres cleared this present Summer, and. the .tedant will have the right to it from and after September 1867.. the farm is near the thriving Tillage of -TEESWATER, -where there is a gond Grist mia and a Market for all kinds of .PioduCe- ApplytO lias.J�IIN up"' BELti," on the premises. ,„ I ILEX: GIBSON, "• re.nwrs' JOati MARTIN. Au -rust 24th .1866. w32-3 0 . . (1IRE LARGE KETTLE ,BAS - CLINTON'. -w-2.9tr Insolvent Act, of 1864. - - In the matter of e the .Tillage of Clinton, in -tfte County op' .fiuron: an Insolvent, THE that he has made in AsQignment at his es- reenoro of the lueblvelit are tiotified tate and eflects, under thelbove to me. the nut!ti-signed Assignee, an they arc required to furnish .me, within two months•from „this date, wi h their claims, speceveig the 'security they hold, if any, and the value of it,- and if zone, . stating the feet ; tbe whole attested- under oath, with the vouchers in support of such claims. - Dated at Vroderich in the County ot Huron tilts Thirty Ailit day .01 August. lati6. , 2 7 S. POLLOCK; • 1 official Asswee tor H.111; B a J" Y. ELWCOD, Solicitor tor Insolvent.-- 'FER fZI - o IP‘ - c. 42 ' ,*• . g& a • - 14 . a er 0 r•-• .., co "Or ." : re WWI let No. 2, eon._ 2,E.- It, Township ".1: of 0 ,lboreeabout the later part of May last, 12 sheep -6 old ewes. 1 old rain, ;hese are marked -with iholein the right ear; 3 ewe lambs. 1 wether Jamb, -1 ram lamb, with a long fait') all the ethers have their tails eut short. Any • person giving such iliformation at:Benintllar's Mills as will lead to their recovery, willbe suitably -rews.rded,_ or by letter to . 1. -FAM ELLIOTT, p. o. Sept. 4, 1866. . w32 3t 7ARRE FOR SILLE: TBE farm known. as ig Sharp's "lot 3. ." con. 5. Colborne, East Division. 100 acres, 50 cleared. Log 'house and frame barn. Soil good. About 7 ' miles from Godencb. A large stream rens-through the property filled with speckled trout. -Apply to ° , . JOHNIIALDAN, Jr., GoderiCh, or ALEX. LEITH. Barrister. °Toronto. - Goderich, 1 ,Sept. 1866. w32 fit,.$0* - NOTICE: • irRETown. Goderich, under the style of Partnership heretofore eMsting in the STORY at.,DAY1S, bag beett aisolTed by mutyl _ oorent. 'WILLIAM STOlifi - GEORG& NORMAN DAVIS. -Goderich,27thj 180.. !by -4145 All Promissory. .biotes and Aceutints belongia5. • • to the late firm have-lieen placed in the Zubscri. ber's hani:s for collection3l.xuanwrx•pqment mttit be made, • - . • ' .0. GORDON', • • Barrister, Ore. Goderieh, 27th -.341v„ 1865; -27Tr sw95 - - In reference to the above it they be.statefi that •. OLD ,STORY ••- Is still on thatrack, ahd uigat present oeeopted until his new- Shop is completed. Re hnrebyraturnalLs.sibeeremanks- to.the friends and customers who have z -for 24 yours extended them. enstimi to his shops mad hOpesisiditomeritiekeentinnanee. • Wm. STORY. dories -id'. August ' wit27 G. N. DAVIS -woo ArCTUILLEL A140 D,BA.LE IN .! Stoves; Ploughs and- Castings ot every description- 'Tiff; Copper and Sheet iron Ware,at. e MarketStoire Depot, Market Square, Pr'odos _ OCOILTA trOotil Oil Limps,dte.,ke. Old Iron, Copo _ per, Brass, Rags VerOn_ and Sheepskins taken in ..excholit,•&.: 270 Since the recent fall in we are prepared to offer theni at a- redoOtiOa Of fi On the yard, on Spring prime MAIER TWEEDS:.AVD'.L ,At a like reduction. Just received a fresh supply of XI lit M SS 33.x i -4UST OPE4121Er SEVER -AL CASES ve cents 3Etai In the matter Of Joseph -Prodor Of the Towns/Hp of Coderich. a the Con nty of Huron, an Iniolvent - - . I tHE Creditors °pile tneolvent are notified that I -L • he has made an A.ssignirietit ot his estate and efrects :under. the above Act, to? 'me the . under : .• signed'Assignee,:anifthey are required to furmih • 11:m1.v/obit) two Months from t his date, with their claims, specifying the security they hold, if any, and the value of it ; -and if iione stating thefact ; the_whote attested under oath, with the youclie „ . in support of Wok claims.' • - - Dated at Goderich in the County Of Ifilfon-thia firat day ofSepteit#ir, 1806. . - .; • - - - - _ - B. POLLOCK, - • w32 2w Ofilcial Ali‘ignee tor 'Huron, & 13rnce. s , Insolvent Act of 1864 In the matter Of Teter 'O'Rourke, of the Town -of Godetich, in the • Comity of Huron, an *Insolvent. , HE Creditors of the Ineolvent are notified that he has made an Assignment of his -estate - and effects, nuder the shrive: Act, to Me, the vn- dersigned Assignee and they ire required to fur- nis me within. two inonths from this date, With their claims, specifying tbe security they hold, if any, -and the value of it ; audit none, stating.the feel ; the whole attested under oath. withthe venehersin stippert of such claims. -' Dated at Guderich in ttv County ot Huron this first day of September."1866. TO ARRIVE. NEXT' WEEK A LOT op GENTS' OP TEE1.7-m-govE4 SIMS. ALSO A LARGE QUANTITY OF THE iL B, it co PiRxTO S 'Of Saw Mills,- Woolin Mitht, Flour and Grist Mills, • Paper _Milli, .Thrsisbing Ma- Chines,.Foundries and 1 Machine Shops, ke,, &c., _ 1 1 • - Being the litest ipprovenientmal the first ever offered for sale in tile Town of proderich - • - JOHN (11DETLORI - sir WANTED 1000 'CEPS OF BUTTERsi. . - - .S. robLOcKiGoderich -.4itly 27th, 186d; 'w32 Official assignee tot 6.; - • . - . • ' . / Tenclers Wanted& _ 141.1 .Efillettptiottntsgwaile-6°1 httin•rPec91:itIclitylitihar biliunddereSiPnedlieeis _Committee, up to 1 ,o;:lock,..P. M.' of the ifith September next, to bui'd a Wesleyan tfitoch itt iwiwiLlfitigsotonfebeCco.orapeatle, 4.4ziptlearrii,inh;T:tnusht, 200)..0 'Tpehre, sons-- and to cost $:40. Tivripe of ViMizicist One:, half when tethpleted, the rtinainder .one year front time fi •peyindit. The *hole tele. completed one/ before the lst reeember TT.- -The Cos -mime reserve tne right 50rejectany.. # alt, Id Pa- THOS WOO, 1$3,ii- tioriees swap; ii.locti„LAktiNg 28, 1%6V). CO3R2wit. • Notice. __ A.,.. • Use t brit Oil I ......r,-.-- ..., . . - iti.....Tuar BY 'us: : . - 1,atALED Tenders will_ be reamed by the 6-7undersigned-fin il Wediel lib 2 It siSs'Y'--tht gest .:antl: Cheapest I; 1 " . e 6t4 t bar rox for .thuddivery of 180 . Cords of W -OD -at the Owl in Oodericb 90 ...,,, buThrih:reatiisnalle0sislitricit itilitin likalwititilti:2tti.bdi.s thy- sishilewiotha 4.iCwreen:dril:73itesi.-rmulc;71:klie:70(lred::111.1sInvinadd°:dobiroe:win;d:::11971°f;":reer feelis :Theo.berns - nil other -oil, and owing to its excellent 664 The dry 'road before the tilt day of 3 a smaller quantity is consumed. - IT NEVE .CUMS i - -am- nett, itennantities of not less than 30 cords per montli dtiring the Months of Ofift0-.j. - the other band - I, ..! .. ' -- - but runs isveet, soar, ps tire -bearings and bet, Iffoventber, and December:, lin,i/ the .vrorking,parts snwoth. ;and cool. - - green wood before tbe first Airy of Apra i Sold by 'most resPeciabie druggistt, Gene'- net. - • • - . al treielLants and pt. Dealers in •the country. Two Solvent stiretles will be re4uired for - BTantfOrd . lubri0 .011; Conipany'g- Oil., lowest Orii tender may not be accepted ua, the line completion of tire -Contrite Asti fur the . . „ . , - . _ ;ORIN H. SiliATFORD,. leig latiradtprri PE-igEt -ADAMSON. - Manager. GodieriesiAv-gust 29tConuitt ist6less.Clert It.w43/k21. . 16w Bp-Intim:4 hay rj 1866; w23tf ,.