HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1866-09-07, Page 4, • - Ipardivskrakaasiramulleo• New -Marble -Works ponock,rs. Bock, wIrzyckata _.q10.&:61..tyczicirsm- A..41.1,, Johnston. , AION'tnig-NTS; IIMADS:ICNES, Table top, Posts,:k.1.,TorabS, bf every deserip . tion and stylebf workmanship,Surnished ct. short notice and at the lowest prices. Libe- Val reduction made for ensh. All order. `punctually attended to Designs of Monn ments, Bte., may be seen at the shop. • Goderich, Dec. 19, 1665 ' W4.7 lyr ANDS- 1-Qiij- 10, s 13N'P. . t. • 'ME fair -At -lag ex. ellent fartn. lets, viz -Lot- . JL Won -the -B.1.004 eenee§siou Of tlie Town- ship,* of God.erich, Co. Hawn, containing" abo t - • 190- acres- of which about tAl are cleared, also the north .half ofthe north L •of Lot nineteen, 1... -e Road,: Elit. ia the -Township of Stanley, 1n County .of Huroncontaining about thirty ,kix acres, -mostly cleared, also- the west.part of -Lot ten in the thictenth concession Of the said Tenni- ship of Stanley, containing allow thirty RC:res.", with fonr acres clearance'also park Lot tiVo, Range ‘‘ I" in the same Fownship,..beinc one " Mile trom Bayfield on the (II:wet Road mid con- i Itiiaing tea ricreif niosily cleared,- '9th good -swam at water, good Dwelling house, Barn and Orchard, and also the south. westerly allot Lot eighteen in the eighth conCession ()lyre TOwn- -. sliip-ot etanier.aforesaid; coma inmir,about sixty acres,,oflaro mo.stiv eteared; anif within two poles of the Village a Varna.- .- For particulars apply per,onatly- or by prepaid letter at the l'ost Office, Rayfield. • _Mare1127th 1866 w9 , . Hotel. Notice. TRE----Subseriber-inreti-ing.• from the Pro-- -prielorship of -the " Er:ion Hotel' -Code- ?la, begs toreti.rn his sincere thnnlia for ibe liberal patronage whieh.he-bas enjoyed, and at ai sante time inform his friends at the - travelling public- that la fare he will be tound nt his old stand "Prince of (bongo. Hotel" DUngannon, where no efforts shall be wanting on his *part to -make those at home who ma7 favor him with a call. ANTHONY' BLACK. Gadeileb. A:i-rril.htir[1866,1 wlItf ‘NagEoti an T llE ' jgh M.altfigt -1‘1. _THE HuRossi se,. ERIS -„ SAVINGS.. AND LOAN socivxy. The i Society is prepared to make ID) .41.1V M N•1111.1)110 V ED Wla 702-1:14-. 13!31I.<3.3f2e3?tSr; - ON MOST ADVAN TA(.3.EOUS :ARM TIW-Undersi,.sced 2wouM respectfUlly form' the . firrincis of_ Huron, and Bruce - And the public generidly that. lie:hits' tom,' :muted the above business It his ad itand St. -David stteet: ind having now on hand an excellent.asSort ' -tient ,of the best material he is p-repared to -..xe'ente 11 orders_in his line in a way which The cosi of etlecting a Loan be found much loWer -than •in other Societies: of_ a -similar niiture. The attention ofthe 13orri.vvcr is_entlett to the filet, that he will receive the full anionnt of the Loan. without any deduction .binirg mode tor' interest or payments in advairea: Advances mai, be. repaid Monthly or Yearly, ye:trs. ending ever r, a one to. fifteen • • . FOR.FULL PAIITICIT.f.42S ' A PPL it To • .,dnnotf nI to give satisfaction. . . S.-POLLOCK', _Having ;had great experience in this Agent and Valuator -for the Society at Gederich. msitiesS,Uild all _work m bis-slioP being done 1 Podeirck. C.IV 1866. .• `iY13 ander his Persoi:.al :superintendence; he can . the best quality; iv hilc tdrms will "be found warrant every:article-made by 'him :to he of G d h - nth aroploil 'Yeiy_rensonable,. Fanners give him a Cali! iind see. for yourselves. N. 13.-HorgeshOeing and jobbin,o: of all kinds *ctly-. :mender:no. Leiden and Paris Treatment ! , _ ,o— • DR.JOHINISONISOffice .014 Digte..iisary, No 64, Little St'lames Street,: Fortlth Care or citron -le :Corapraints, Serpfula, Arervorts.DeNtity,.Paeases of die Blood, &milt al Jr-ectkitos nate- CaOzpleti?zts, 4.e.1 ' -iniR.JOTINSON,LITE or LONDCN,EDIN JJ burgk and Paris, devotes his attention, ex 'elusively, to the Treatment of the C'ompiaints referred to -in thr%-not ice. Man y years eperiepea ur-Europeand the British -Colonies; ehableshiui to perform some verryereai•kableeures-; and his fee -11416 lor....obtffining the hest And latest retire -- dies are such, beitigni correspondence -with the most, celebrated physician's of -the old wort& that . becanotTerinduceinenfs to the unfortunate ot a speedyand perfecteare. _ • - t LEWIS ELLIOTT. Godneh,Dec 27ih 1S65 w491I LOTS OF.. - AND C K S AT T ALSO_ ]B_N-?-40.1LAT]j71$AND_ A IN /I Gocleria. -June 8, 1266. sw81 JAYS' HOT -EL WR.OXETER • d situated °Ole _Gravel Road running trom Seaforth to Southampton, one mile north o where it leads olr to Wroxeter, and any one traV 'eling to- Belmore. Walkerton, Southampton, or any pinecia that aireetion,-*11-1 find accommo dation sueli as he only expects to find at first clas eitvhotela,ta all respects. WE ALWAYs ON • 11A/CV - roll HIS 'READ' THE ,FOLLOWING VALITABLE FACTS. , _GYA.R1)i:S- 'ROYAL P AI N_ IUME Tilt: RIVAL V. EC ETA.BLE REMEDY FOR P-AliN. BMi -oth an .intern al -and external- riPpbca-. i: Akin''its-ei illoy is 11 fellibhl. A- whiffle might Oe written le explain. its peculiar cheinienl-and .rnedicitial prop flies. but it needs no 4imillt!•.' e a single trial will not fail to prove Itb vabiabie cura- tive powers. ,iy it and ne eonviliced,. -1132Any -Orsini purchasinita Bottle- and not iiittsfied with it alter a Mk trial wit! An -returning it reveive their money baek. .1 Price' 25e. Fuil Directions . for iising at:company each bottle. Sold` by all Drug and country stores throughout. Canada. -.., , - - ..A;1[310.:]Ez.N.14.7-,twlE-T7s7-9,s 1UGE—CANflY, kt. HE most e ieetual Worm Destroyer knewn, pleasant to :the taste, and as they emitain no _macro! 'may be adnimiStered tothemost deliCate constitution. • .• • - - Dr ernettly, notwithstanding -Lis abrupt and ec' euituc inanners; was considered One ofthe nick skilful Physicians that ever tdorned the -nob.eproessio.n of inedieine. RiS experience,derived frOm the most extensive pier.i•ice in London, _Engluttd -on:ether 'withinis very superiornatural' talents; plueed nim at the head .A_the.Paeully...: -It has air, itys been ditlicult,to-fo7m acombination withwhiedi \to "eicriel worm:I-iron, the human systein. Abernethy,eveireame. this sclifficulty. vi. -h -en. he discovered the orintilit-froin *hien the VeimilugeCandv is prepared Whether worms exist or not, the Candy ,vetil at alt times be•fonr.a: beneficial v;hen a purgative inedicipo is remarked. r Prict. 2h. eaeh or 6 -Boats tor one Dollar:- ' t_.old ov'10;J eidon,-Parker.44 'Cattle, and Mr. Gibbons, Oderich. James II: coral:Si, Clinfon, B. l'itimideo', and E. klickscii),-&- Co.; Seaiorth, and at-ali Drug and Country Sioresni _Canada LI.NDS •& MILBURN, *eprietor,S;Acton; -C. : swik.w4ip - : & MOST -DIRECT_ROUTE I1E-Iste;iii A 'VD ELEGANT WIILCL - 4-0W- PRESSAIRE STEAMB9AT. • : SILVER SPRAY. CAPTAIN D. IICANAN, WILL Ply, in-coansPetiou with the -0..1'. Railway. between ' GODERICTI AND SOUTHAMPTON TOUpiliNG: AT INTERIMED1A11:: PORTS- - _ EACH. WAY. " LEAVING' Southampton, daily....ar5 a.m. Pori Elgin 5; Iuethiron, 74 1- Kincardine- 9 Aiuiving in Goderich in time for passen- -aers to take the 2 P. hr_ Train reachino To- ronto sanae evening at p P. M., •and Buffalo_ 9:10: _ ,BETtXBNING Leaving' Goderich after the arrival of the 3. 11'..14. Train from tlie -East, touching at Kineardine, lnverhuron,- and Poll Elgin ; ar- riiiiig at Southampton same -evening.- AG EN TS FOR THE 'ijt.A. NIS ACTION OF - : = -FREIGHT SI-NESS- AT THE PORTS 'MENTIONED. •TICKErsTou SALE ON pOAT.FOR all Pointe in the Province ar.d the United / ; -States ' Troutliailitg • FrJOHN. V. Mpg.. & - SON,. THE ITILDINGS;COTE.lt A LENGTH w29 -GODERICH ;IIIIJNIMED -AMY FIFTY FEET CHA.RITES DAYS, - Proprietor.' w4671. , TUBER' J. G. PAIWONS, GENElikl. INSURANC. AGUICI r MEI' LIFE agittkiNg. k.) • - - British Ainerieun Insurance Co. Head, office",- _Tonowro. . Capital $400.000. Marine Department. -- GEORGE & Co.,;Agents. , Western Insurance" Company. _Limited, 'VILE STEAMER " BONNIE WILL, • NON-TAR1F-F OFFICE, ENGLAND": .- 1 uutil further notice, • discontinue- the FOR FIRE LIFE AND MARINE. trip to Sarnia on ,Fridays • and also until . . 100 Sxaszin•ra To ran We4E hn- soiiis Remedies will restore, in, a. very short time, areinthesed with Nervous Debility, Loss ofMeinory, Vigor, Sre. la-, Yens% ME, Tix-E NoTroz.:,-There is an :evil habit often contraeted by boys at school, which, grows • un with them to, manhood; the effects ofthis evil praeticie-is Most deplorable, °= often prodnuinginsunity, &c dee. All who are fillfieterIshodIdapplyto Dr Johnson immediatety. and he will effect a speedy and perfect cure. DisE,sts rna Bi.000,' &c. -It is a • Inelaneholy tea that thousands tall victims to disealeo.---vingto. the unskilful andimproper_ use .otrnercurir..- Dr.- Solinsort'S'ecimporind Syrup willthorouglity.erad;cate all dis-ases arising -from adiseased or impure stateOf the blood. Remedies orwarded in safetyto any address 'Office hours Intro 84.11112 and fromi 2 tilt -5. All conimunica- lions should be ad..ressecl, Dr. Chas. F. Johnson,: 6-c.lintle St: JarnesStreer.,Montreal.C..E, srmiAL NvricE. SL-CATIERINE$ 1111RSERIR.- _ . TNASMUOII n egrtain persons are selling -treeein the Counties- of Huron and. l3rnee inider the falsepretence that "the*,...are 613` tained_ from- the St. Catherieanineties,- this to cerftfy that,Meirs. James Stewart and Robert Gordan are' . the -only persons now authorized to sell ; trees -front iny nurseries in -those Confides. -• 4 D. W. BEADLE, . - Proprietor. - 25 May; 1866. wlS lyr THE undersigned, Agents for the above 1..* *Nurseries, are prepared to fill all order ;in their blue, and as they mike their selec- • tionspetsonally, their patrons may rely Upon itthatno. pains wilt be spared to give satis- --- faction. . - --;- • • STEWART & GORDON. Zlin61.Se further notree, will make one -trip nweek to -Saginaw, leaving Ooderich every Thursday; evering at 5 &cleat... For particulars and -freight, apply to GEO. RUMB & CO. The Dock; Gederich,- July 3..1866. w.23ft, HO WAN1S A HOME1 KR...FOLLOWING P.ROPERTY:. In the Town -and TownSbip of Goderieh is offered for sale, on the most reasonable . , . term, viz..: - Lot 902, . tfortIr street, adjoinInz the Wesleyriiillethodist Church, n GOdetieh-..- - 2.. Lets 12 itnd 13 on the earner. of Test and 'Wellington Streets. On 13 there zs a good frione house and -bakery.' • 07_,- These Jots fornraii exc011ent site for a hotel 1 ' 3.- Lot 113 on. Lighthouse street, upon hich there; is alarge. fame house, So at ranged'as tq actonimodete . Lot 191,s'on the - corner Of Essex and , _ . Elgin streets, upon -which there is a Smelt frame horisened good or -chard.: S; Park lot 14, con. " 0 " in the Town7- ship or Godeiieb,' containing 10 aeres of. ,ex:' Cellent land. :Upon. this lot there is an ex &tient-Tara Story Brick House, Frame barn and outbuildit4ta. • ;Also, a -goat -bearing orchard of choice :freit, . is one of the beat situations for a private-reSidence in the town. ' 6. AN EXCELLENT -PARK -Ink -acres. Lots 97 and •la, adjOirrindlotai one fronting on the Huron Road, and .the other on :the. seventh --concession, • hi. the •ToWnship _Of goderich.-- -40- acres cleared -and Under culti- vation-J..00On which there is a bazick dwelling house, frame barn and - A. -LARGE 0:11,C11AttD. TIN .D Trip. . in opkinTv 'Aisle= is situated 52Thilei frOn .Goderich, • ' .1.1.Li 1 1-1 DU 1..1 _1 Li .ILII I. I 1 and 7 from Clinton. It is goodb rolling land 110 R SA ; , . . , . , LE„ . o sides o it, -- - - to/ •ctes - f ' ' - . . . For terms and con.ditions of -. TUE RESIDENCE GF TH-E,LAIE JOHN GEogGsale ipply to M GE Mc-AHON or to' ' ' - - • • . ALT, Eso, ' - - - • welhwatered. and hana good gra-vel road • On4 S.IP:YEOMANS, - • T Attorney, &c. Goderieb. HIS property is bealltifally situated opPe: _ Gude*, l'ith July, 1866, w25t1 site the SOWD.. Of Godenoir, on the' • • North Bank Of the • RIVER MAITLAND , June:2611)0966- il.S4>N14 FRESH. OYSTERS • WHOLESALE AND USTAIL, By -THE KEG, CAN OR COUNT LOBSTERS, -SARDINES, AND CLAMS: RESH LEMONS, ORANGES, DATES, Cocoanuts, Figs, Grapes. &c.3 &c.3 Bit Trail side of Market Square, - Goderich, Nov.30, 18C5aw9if • • • .00 11111 el• -1-i- ITIO _ , .ASSURANOE 0.01V/PANY.. .p,_ AN).) .0, COgNAILL, LONDON, ,EN, GLAND.:. CAPITALi (Fully . Subscribed) . , , - - L2;500,009" Sterling.; izririlsTrufkol.r..ER; $2,000,000.- DEPOSIT'llin IN; CA.DaDA,$50,000. • . -- 1 - VIRE -DEPARTMENT:-:- • - _ -- - . • . - . . The distiti;r.uishribleprineiplein the Company hes been the ei,tablishmenkof an equitable elaSsifi- cation, oho rgurg in all cast s a premium- Kor.ortionate to the rad:, . ' ' • • - - - The bUee041,WITICII has Aitte.nded the Company's °Permit:Tit has been siich.as fully to sali*e. the. •mostSdnguine ' tpectations of theDirectorS, v. ji0 -114%e resolved tO extend tbe'lksineis more widely niul now oder to the Canadian public. - •- __ ... - ' - I. : - PERFE0 -SEOURpY guaranteed by large 'Subscribed Capital and Invested Fundi; ---' : - - '.. , i „ -- - - - . ' . - , ,- ! - . • -, ' Pronoit Sentement of Claims. The Direetors and Generi:1 Agents, being gentlemen • iiiiely en- gaged in Coni1meyee, will take a libeial a inihniiness-1 ikc vie* of' all clueionsetuning-befoie them.- _ . ..,„, , , - . , . • . - -- . _ 11.• TI riONSE4U ENO g- ofthe death 'ofM r. M.141 .WEATunitA.i1). the business heretofore earrielel on Under th nameandstyle of. - Robt. .11,unciman & Co.1 vc)i-rwi3ias 1ST DAY OF APRIL1,1865.1 MATCHMAKER & JIWELER GANNET MAKERS) 0 OD - TURN AND UNDERT/Uc Ilsinfiton Rs) Goderick VEEP _constantly on baud fo.i,eale 41 .arti... II cle0 4t-,eir•Itne, such as •-4„.• LiO '. ., Ads,- Chairs, TabIes, 0j= All kinds of woo&turningilene„ such as afie Sofisi ae-, : . ., _Nool. pts' is, sour bahmsters, ileckyoltes,„&e, . . . _ . - , Always on bandra complete - ASSO*T17.7 0,.1' ' -COT15776-tesii. . and a EAR5E to Iiite.otireasonable.ternis, ! Goderie-b. *al' 3 '4 1866 3 ititAtIRE:111 ximlitvcrv-mr, TOr+ na-sonzst xi • , , CAPrr.til. L1,600;000 sysauxo:. Chief Offices -7, Waterloo 'Place::: London • 77- King St.; MancheSter. manr.- Tomlinson Hibbert, P: for. Oldhain; -Reform.-- _Club,- London; and the.Grange, Urniston, near Manchester. _ General Manager Art:11er Serateltley„ Esci:01. A., formerly Fellow and Suillerian Lecturer, - Queen's College; Gimbridge. - . . Head Office for B..N-. Ontario Hall, • Church -Street, Toronto.: Ir.!, • _ `S0OTT '& DEGRAS.SI,- Rana rs,IB„N .A. CAPT.' R. -THOMAS; Marine -Inspector. • - .GEO.:-RUMRA.LL, & Co, Agents.- _ _ QUEEN fIR.E,86 LIFE.INSURANC.E. . Capital ,Two • gillionaStrling. , -Chief --0ffiee. Qileen Insurance BuildmiTs -Liverpool. ' • ,CANADA-iaANCH OF, FIO,Fi UNION:BUILDING* 314;litEAL. ” • ,_ BOA 11 " • . WILLIAM. MOLSON, Esq., Chairman, Thomas; Ray', Hon. John Young, Hen.: ry Thomas, Esq., David Torrance, Esq. -finnIcers-7,-Molson'S Jiarik: ',.Legn/ .Adoi- seri-Messrs.*TorttiO0 -& Mot rts Medgat W in. Sutherland, -Esq, ' M. D., Surveyor -James 11.-8nringle, Esq.: Audi. _tor. -Thomas. - Johnson, Faq. Resident Secretary andaenercil Agent -11, Macken , , . -zie ▪ Forbes, Esq - - - Union Buildings, 26 St, Francon; Xavier 'Street,: : • . GEO. -RIMBALI;„ -& 0ci., Agents. • . The above CoMpanies take risks on the most favourable-termfa; ' GEO;RUMBALL „& Co. 'Goderich, 3rd Aril, 1866. wl 0-, Gradry ,and Prevision Store. HAVING rented ' and -.fitted - Up thestore .,•lately•pcenpiedby-.4...F.-: Btifillitfor the above business,: I am now prepared to•furnish families with ' CrOceries. and ,Provisions , wilich.:1 Shall Sell-at:the Lowest :Cash prices, - 1 ta-cl„,. reed : ! 1 VflOYED 14,11MS:for SM.; ip ..., li,....t.-.,.:,,.?t1,10r. . .. , . , 7.: : . ... -- _ .. A share or Tint. Patronage wil be thank and on the:Banks of Lake iikron. It con. Or A:4-,-, eon 4, .1lowick.; 100 arcreS', 50 fully received and faithfully 'Spelt .ed to .- tains: 31 7-14 ..00res. of Land more or less, , with- Dwelling _House, Outhouses, Stables, acres- Cleared,. also Lot 33, - cofil4, -Wa. "Tines and Liquors, CrOeliery , &eq. with large Garden, Vinery and Orchard wanoSli, 200acresof the latter- 100 or 200: --•_.- and_filasswarelFaney GiKids, The wood- Land consists -prineiraily of Oak sires to suit parchasers. ' Terms liberal,- and ' &e.1..: eatmeali,..COmiii01;- .fth&the &went* Linder, Cherry, Maple..&e. a reasonable credit given on n payment down. . . _ . on the -Property. The Situation tor a private _ _ . - . -. - - . ..: ' 13, FRALICK, Dingle. PIRkWlielit_., flotiri _ Thtl.egounds.are in very good 'order. There .__Titica indisputable.; . Apply to . . are -three never failln3 springs of pure-- water ; '- . residence r Cannot -be surpassed in the Ploy- . - ,w19tf May 31st, 1866. , . . _ • - ince.' • _ - .. - - For iins apply to . _ THOS, GALT; Escii.; - -133riister, Toronto, . or D. SHADE GOODING,- : * - ' . • - • - - \ • - Jlarristerr, Go_derich. _ _ Gotierielre, 6th July. 1866. -- ... , sw90t, 511;FX1rriS-SALE OF 141141pS. United Counties of. lipa-tvtrtueof 41criteiven_ tOrwit t'• out kier-Mapstyys Court t HurOn And Bruce,: ,.L.1 -ditioni E*penas issued o'fackrurnion. Pleas and id .the directed -again -41)w lands and .tenements of Anton" Bentz at •:the suit orliihn.,_91.011inney... I have seized and taken in Ezewitirealr the right -tale and interest of the *laid' defendant in -gad-to ihe' North part 'or lot nurabarithirtyihtittincon the south boundary Of the tolinshipotOfdafoylitihe county .or Huron, - wbfr4flands, atf&tonentefits„tilahalf-' uller-for..sa le 11 m3 in the' Court House in theTown ot Goderic,h,r ' ox Tuesday the gtirEteen 6 day of September next, at the hour of Wel e of thp ctocitootr• - , i',..:JOHN .31,A.CDCINALD, . _. , Sheriff H. kit. _ ,... - f . 1-.. --SheriFit-Ofilee 'G.:Wench I — 16.tY. Aii, g*It.. _ .418-6.0!-• w30 V ittaria, ALL TliE:DIFt'iRiicf•S'i*Es. - St.e O421o ma - - AND-, COAL OIL.-.L.4111PS. - FERGUSON. The Company offers terms to these desiring -Life Assurance tinStirpasied by any -Life gifide. Moderate P •eninuni-Pertect Security --;.Economy of nianagefintnt. tending to Increase the --Benus of thuse on pa •tieipating sale, -among ivhoin 80 per cent ot profits are divisible. Ciaims paid one nfonth int-c-rpri.of in death. - • -I And other advantages, whieh mny be seen In the Company's --rt•Psircetos. .fiflorland,--.Watson & co., - ,-Generat Agentsfor Canada:. • 1 "‘• ,.. FRED.. 0151,E,- - SeerOary. , . I • -0FFICE,-7-385'AND3S7., ST. -PAUL - sell E E T,.MON TREAL. r -. •-• „ ,- . HM .-UNRO,l . "ociswassr..- _ . . -- : ' . - • - — .... T . C . L VINGSTON , 2LS . . . . inspror of -Agencies, L. Surviiyor. - .:----- :f -1-1,GARDINER Jc CO'„, Agents for Goderich and Lucicr*.v-; -Win:ritatirall;"Rincardipe 1- Joshua Jam eson, Walkerton and SauzCon.: '_ : _..----- 1 ' - sw74 11.. .. . . . . • • - -OUP. REG- TO,s1)1t4INV THE A-TIEN:T.1CW,,OF. CIT.S,T0i141-t5- IN want of a good dart Itlne-4 article- of PULLED CoTTIR AND ¶WEEDS, 'NI PLAIN, -.STRIPED - 9L-ArKINK.71-`9.A.ND - TO CALL AT HI'S -WOOL: FACTORY.i0FFICE,.-EAST STREET •• •.-••, • _ • .• • And judge ferthennelveabeforepurehasing elsewhere. - Cir wade rip to..orderin anj.7-ieciOire'd ist.yie -at -reasonable 'prices. • LOGA:N. 7- • • wIZ• • • • -Godelich Tool Factors, 1865, .123) _CM Nat lEC fa= 21-3111. • RITIVVVZ, tsi w..itin.1. MN s• tz sji.-dlta; 91/:;!STE-AlillE E 1V1 0 R plii::"1.)._11Hig.'' , Manufacturers N -0 I MA N:4.:- - of Grist and Flouring Circular, Mula70% And Sasia '91 ts ,c • r][11TJR,WSTAI1NG1r TWALACIPLIFINIES, ?ERATO D _•- Mowing and Reaping itichiiiesi Wood Saws," CSETIEsTiliT.ILWC)3ELIS, c.71-..A.1%Te.ri,t7C.scotIGIESES, pirae-sq4, stisismaile,ahd Blaek,sujithe work done in t ; a a ner, 1 caStingsoll4ny desciiPtion made-tO order. Also, all kinds of -machinery reniired on short notice.-- A large stock01 _ COOKING, PARLOUR . AND BOX STOV 'pnist 1)eClOdOu orliefor the by potified thatall tiotesand book: aceannts "Alt parties iarlepled -to the above firm a re hore- • WESTS'ver_ Net door West of Mr. Stotts' 'Saddlery- ., GopERIcR, - - : ilue•on t he. • • l'st- :clay: of PEP"( next,. - ?yid be handed' to their Sot miter tortiolleetion The stogic on hand will be sold - lr 4C.) W ilL702R - • _ 011; SHORT :CREDIT, - It consists ot alargeassoztmentofPloughs,Cutti- • vators....HarrOws.StraviCiitters. THRESHING MACHINES _ ..pot-q8h and sugar -kettles, waggon and pipe - oozes . 3 Cooking;: Parlor & Box Stoves, - A good iecond-b-ind : - ' and a lot of -aelunerytor:Grist add . All parties requiring. the above :articles would- doWell to call and inspect the gee k at once an they well get barglins. In reterenee.to the :above; R• Rot elluan will be prepared to carryon the.business.of THE 1-11.3,110N FOUNDRY and Contract tor the ei ection•pt all lkinds-ol .4fa - chinerpaknsual.and will. sun'. • AG,KFL lf.4.41111.1A14 f 1ikiLlt3lUENTS oves,and 'eaSfings,airtroPr.ableyeter.forGASB Si snort Creiiii.zz • " ' • _. - • crGoderic h ,Deei.-§,1 St .1E64. :sw32W48 • - OUILDRENIS CAARIAGES; ACHOICE LOT OF BABY CAB S of latest styles, „reeeived and .for sale, at Wall Paper Paptir A ,Large quantity. a the above papers In every "v4fiettot-Quality -and- Patttrn yst to hand, .prics AT BUTLER'S. - Goderieb, April 27th, aw26- EllERIIT'S- SALE tit' 'LANDS U mite& rounties.or -,191011 --Y virtne of two. Writs pi - Huron nne• Bruce, - 13 VenditieniExponasand T - v _o Wit:Fier' Facias tor residue is- sued out efifer Alajesty5ti County ,Court Of the County -of Wentworth and Courily Con rt Ali the • United Counties of Huron and Brute atid 1-0 me directed against the Lands and Tenements cf 'DavidOlark at the suits of Adamoffrown„ George. . Hamilton Gillespie, fle.nry' William Routh and Absalom P. Stfob-; 1 have seiged alur.ralien 'do Execution ill and ,sintr.ii la r that ;certain parcel -or traet---011and'and pre -Mises sitiple lyingand: be- - ing-,:n ihe- ToWiishio-Of Colborne in -the Colin t„S-; sit Iliirotr ain't'. 13-r,tyi:ire et Canada-, eptitaininir by.admeaSureinent A wentv seven berei, lie lee saine more or less. beingCominised ot the east part ofiet nniriber ei lovi% n tin- ninth concessicin „westiern diiption..ot the said Township; which inay be better known and described as tbliows-; that is to soy .commenefng -al a point on the northern Ii'iiit of said lot distant twenty ehainsfi our tbe .north westerirangle thereof, thence east along sa a limit Aye --elisins and forty links more nr less to The liorill east angle of.s.dd lot 4henee soinn along the eaSterii 'unlit et saidlot, fifty: elmins .„ inorc Or less to the sciatic eastern .angle_lhereof, thence- *est aleug•ith- 'southern limit of said -lot Ave cliairk 4nd forty:links -more or leis to a point distaet twentk chains flour -the south we -Stern amile Of said. lot, thenee ,north in a line parallel with the Wegern linrit- ot said lot fifty chains inore- or has to time place of liogitining,,whiela largs ard- teiiiinents 1 sail iftfrer for Sale at -My 091: -Ce in ihe'Court flOnse in !he Town of Gale - rich', on Tin,sday•ilie t.:igliteenth .day -of Sentc.m.: ber-_, eXt...a 1 the hour oft twelve ot the clock, noon ' 301-1N. MAGDON'AriD;Shei•iff-E.--. ai.B. --i Sherill'ks i uni-e,.(4oderich, _ 23rd August- .S66. -• f • ' W31 BilERIF178:S fila"; OF LABTric. ..),-._7 - Always en hip42,SifarKettles, Wagon and Pipe Boxes. „ ' As onipatterns of the.^aliove are ofthe most approved kind, we would solicit an inspection -pf-Our stock before pureliasin. elsewhere. as we -are offering the above at the lowest renuirierative .prices for cash, Ot Or ap . . . provedCrediV. Old mita; Brass";Coprier, alt allkinds a ucek orodtaen.= exchange. . .• . • - :Godericb.petober . i 86? • • w39 HEMLOGK_B-ARK WAWftD. iHE li:rt< 111; bafei ogr r. ttfi 11. '.:0?t(r1 cleb99.irlrgdvhseeucs' tf market f_ekhwepricewiIL i yard at the %ex:. •SAVAGE. WOOL! WOOL! WOOL! . . P. S. ---Goods will be delivered -in an THE subscriber is prepared to pay the 1 1-intrt of the.lown. - -- •_. - . '- -: _1 highest mayket price- . for any- quantity 0- _e*45 wool. ..- ' wlSt ...— .-_,--... Illustrated Zaplogues Free. I Goderich. Feb. 2nd. 1866. 0 b Dto T x 8E: -s wd ,n w' rvi,6-rivi I 151 los tk,VrtaSnleavni290.'pentnriacere13: Emastth2efihtlic°rIn8oWilfisPluD-0t.hi dly catalogn.s. . - easterly -quarter of tot 2- tne 9t coin, - • , 4 pAisyh, tfioe. ‘,1d, $4 per ae.re Lots in • looderieb,price $80400 each ann- upwards., Ap- rjj08. si Q A ACRES- of Lot No. 32, Eqlt Lakel ‘-) -Road' Hay • * FIRST -.•1- RATE -.LAND Terms ottanitmilyte - • - .DONALD STITHEAL'AND; On the premisAs,. or, • 4t • pRoN; Gadericii. Apri130th. 1864. t. 4 '•g -FOR SALE Trb '. ship of _Groderieb,:poaltaynng40, acres, for ,artidulara.apPly,ta', , • 4niy 3rd, 1866; ' • -; Sin °lit L 110 -en per _ . -. - . ,.. cent. -on Improved Farms, and no charges made against the borrower. - - ,- Apply to . ' '. . D. SHADS_ GOODING-_, -, .. : , _ Barrister. .. West Street,. Ged.erich. - *pill 2-6-ibl 186t-' ' • -.' - • - - - - • - _•,- - w14 N yeryrimionable terms. Apply -to. • 1344-, - s 'net -Bleck, w50-1yr . 4Ora ,Goderich, 91h Jan,. 1.806. T RENT. - A Farm of 200, acres with 90 or HO acre s .clearech a good LOG HOUSE -and LOG BARN. ant Oifehard; hearing fruit for Seine three. or fair years.' Theabovefaini is lot,4 and s,1 eon iTownship *pf 'Ash -field; Conveni: ent te a Mist- aFict Saw VII, ittitra 11101; state of etilqvation-ind lesees in• good .order...I APP,'Y io- . - • JEREMIAWSTJLLIVAI% Ashfield, August 23rd -1866. 1'1 f OR SLE. . - -r OTS * s0186;.,06;_569, 570 running. Nos. Li s:tlitite: on 'St: -Geor4e'S,"Creseent in the TOwit ofcqclerich. 'The'above Lots are-lidauti- fully situated, commanding* both a River and Lase-Vieiv, compritiifit about one acre of Land, and foreff veredesitabie-Siteation for a gem.- teel Iresidence. For price and. terms ap- ply direct tothe proprietor. • , JOHN A:.09.1.,LANDER, 10 goalityswaoeta, ilh,,d. GptleriPh; - Or to HORACR /10 131,11')iP 4.10annt1?easo1ab1e rates Apply to 114 M'CLIMERON. Goderich Witseit:Coonties Of. 13.Y. virtue. ,of n writ fa': -Huron:and Britce, VenditiontExpolas and .To wit: •Fieri Faoris far residue hraiied out of --Ber • Majesty's County cOnrt of the IJrntttd Contitteilpf tam anti Brireo-rind to. Me directed against the Lands and tericinentS. of 1,tiwreot•e 'Eli -on and Peter ElliSon; atihe suit of Allan S Fisher anuJohn Dittigr." .1 bave Seized and taken in'eXeClitiCill all the right title an interest 'of the said Defendants -in and lo tlie.North half of lot_ 1N-ri JO, itt the 8thl-Coneesston olthe loWirship-OlMorri4 in -the Count offliurbn;containiug-Onciltindred acres, ...brg,pr test!, VI-hiCliland and teneinentsJ shall offer lor sale at mV offii•einthe Court House., .,in the Tow nig: Goderlich, on • Tuesday, the .tid day of -Onto -her neat, at oe,liour of Twelve of -the clack; noon. 4 4. -Shertfils 1114;,,Ge'0dairich,A -nirkL136• _ J-111sT MACDONAR , • - e - ..30th August, w - 321d- . _ _ SliEWEI".S.,W—ALE OF LANDS: , ,:kie.rog... . - ; •• • -, • ' a i *61;ii - - - . Y . r - 't - *I B - ...."..."..eci nties o . -virtue .of a writ of mon Pleas, and to: me ditreoeted4chelagra.inistidie. } Huron anitHroce, ' .. Venditioni ExPonasand to wit: _ _ Fieri Fames. for female is' sued out .'-- !A Her -Majesty's Court of corn.; lands - and -‹;tenetnents • oz '.1killiant., - Canip, hell at:the ;:surt, -.‘.ii -Jane f! , sr . have semen and taken' in -et-mutton all ilie---right, title and' interest;._ of Abe. sai,i , defendant in- and to lei .miiii-bii one tii the, fourth ,-;rionceasion„, and lot number three in the fifth concession of the town- ship'.of.Arraii, 'nate:county el Bruce,portaining one hundredracres ot-land-criefi - more or less, -which lands -and -tenements 1 shalleffer for sale — •. . , . l• • - At iiiir:Offlee In ---Ihe 'Ceurkiloulie in the town of -limier-mil, oa Tuesday tne second clay of:Oetober, next, at th_elfnuiaftWeive 011tne clock -nano.• . = " • - -.)H,..N MACDONALD 3 .': Sheri f14-Ofice; Goilel'eli.-7.--11:1!-7-1'1.:4.-- -ll• SOth Atm -1866 • t • - tice. 31..L amps oF WAfiniES) • CLOCKS AND JEWELRY _ REPAIRED ON SHORT NOTICE, In the best Style Warranted.' ... -ALI G tat.0.3SORTMEN Olk - - (old& Plate.d-.11eWeiry,Wattbeth. Clocks, arc Zcc.. - ConstainlyOnhana alut-warran-ttitto be amopresintett - not motterrefunded. - -fine4rich Ju7t. 211h1tis1, • _ ulanS frOlt :SALE Olt To RENT.. . rrirvw-orknoi.in Judge varm,mt asro.1, 1. --8th con., E. _D.: Colborne. This farm 33 cleared,alo1i 'Iin!39' 6" clear hall . lioe and a4mri yearsle:ffc:sari 71: ord.' spi le e'rPdi 11 $6,al:na4 and i"4nthl thereldaehas never barn. 7te lel_r .r acres1)1 IQill:been areI :n pump. °_s8:,,,.3.,o. s,rot,um_t_no.ein assortment ittfa'it dl, r et.' i:t si,, a ,P115°g8t2ogtori :lee, p. well apply to . _ - ° - • , . ._ s fPATRICK CABItOL. Colborne. Nov. 214 IMF!. — ;45 -lin 'el. loihf.:1.t ir,404 FOR SALg . . , . f TEAM ENGINE, twelve hone power,niid LA hotli it 'and the boiler are mearlynew btriqni been in use only six -motif* For further particulars apply to. -f DAVID LAWSON. - Goderieb. Aagy2Otb; 1866. ":. --swIII2troll „hecle' - ... Take -Notice. , - -RIAlliTgli POLLOCR,' Esq., late poppy kJ- Sheriff has been appointed official .Alssign.7 ee. tinder the Insolvent -Act of 1864 for the -United Counties of Huron _and &nee. • , .61 : '1 Ea .'''.- Office_ iii.PalilercesAMotk, King- ston street.- - ' s, Veliruarv-20th.-1866 .w50 - ... , ... . . 1 1 a .:E3 e - . . . . . . --DIVISION COURTIL: . _ ._ . THE FOLLOWING ;•,Alf -t- THE vim - 11)11 -HOLDING# THE DIVISiON-'-' -. COURTS IN HURON AO •- BRUCE FOR THE RE,-: . •1 IlitiMIDER-OF THE • ' YEAR. 7, -. _.- - • • -SEPTEMBER! '. _ - - 10th.-blvision Court Triesdaii -18.....Clinton: 2nd don ' WedneSday10...S.eatortli. th ----- • dip ' ' Thursday- 20-AbileyVille ' • do_ - . . :Friday - - 21..-.Exetei.-. - ..77th ' do - - •Morniat. 24...Bavfield.' „..-, do ', , Tuesday 13* -.),...G en , -Gib': do _ . tinturcav-- .9. .Dininon. ..20cvngp.. : A ' -1. .3rd Diiision COnri'Thur.day 11,„:ili-eraid_fae•*, 12th : -do - Friday . 12,41.1ve6aal.r:.e. 81.,11 . - do Saturday ..113.,Wellkeiteni , 4th xlo • . 'Tuesday .16 -Paisley. - 19th do Wediiegay 11...zonthamptirin - •- ..novamsnal - , '2nd Division -f;ourt. Monetty - 10.Seatenk. ink , do: Wednesday 21.Wroxeter. Viti .- do - Thursday. '22:Clinton. tst •do Friday 23.•Godeueb. lith • do . Saturday' - 21..Thingtainett. • 7th _. do . Monday __ 1.6;.Bayrield. .5th. .. 110. ' . -Tuesday 27.Ekeler: - - The Courts open at 10A. Mi - - ISAAC-F;TOM?,:- pep* „;_ogge OA • Entered, - • --.- • • ' Ditti LIZAR81;. = ' Clerk of the Peace. :Ooderieh, 24th jolt. '4161 - - • r-_, .411. Yalu.. able_ Pie-oe. -of Titurd• ' ,,-- . poTti,:i a.A.T..., - ay ra e owe , purlieu . ' . .t.13e, I 0 Nf -:b bi't ` '. f ' ' t ---.?0/ loWtnipropertly 'viz: _NiGirthliar om ntiniber 30,. on the:, 12th gob., Of Optional -tOwnship-,7contginiog by admeaauresnent 41 attes„ more or less, upon winch There ari: fifteen arca viewed....,Tbialand is 30 4 favorable situation y beingisithiti /me mines .01 the - town - of Clinton. Also, ii :valuable propertfin the .,vflinge: of Uteri; one liali aere-oliand, a good farm hcaec,, ;heti/ ,.4.1!I Stable on the This be atood situation for a tailor or saddle and Iamb! maker as - rther& is Irene in ,The vicinity. Leather or stool goods atwholesale prices -will be. taken .:for;-tithei of 4111 Abovi -places. , - i''.-: : - „ , --: JAIIESOANIai. , . • • ._ , 10.24 , - --- COnstftneel);:t4 ' . - --; ANDS FOR- BAIA _ ._ .. , . , reasonableet(1-0.;1,10;i7iwssv;iseIniiniiitpia1nerif..ie dim): ierere: neianal:70nr. Noee kidosi 1:17v 8'6 1;0,uer 4 t. 4 aili nit:14. _ p p i., �t:111.l ' .4,.F:.irioic7.:tel..-,.s,00t ea, Iniert R. AlsOotts 1-7 and Iff,con. b,, township of,Godeticlii .80, acres enclm, over - 109' cleared on the•Vraf Excellent well -wine* .Iend-i-timberanirdsv • abed 5-indestroin Godeliiili.. Good Irlins,nsi and "Sheds and ioi nfortarili! log Itotisn, and he orchard. - Wilt be sold 'tePaInfe :or tc40114.0° *tut DureflasOrs- - 4131:Airt°-- ' THOS: JOILINV011i-7 . - . , , , ,_ _,... _ , - - _on the ptcoors" : W. 3,10HOTONsimilleePers- •s• - - . - - ---riodennis. Rent: Z,1665 - -w3502,- begs -toinform ithe.inhati- -1. •isots :111'1VIANCHEN:Tgli, and viemiur thin, he is about to leave his present lovably, and all parties Indebted to Juin will lplease,eitalnad settle - immediately, or-lheir *mounts;wjL be -harded' over Collection. - • . 17-A1111JY/5. MAI Manchester Anguit-23rd. 1860 sw103ifimltss - . ON IMPROVAD PAWLS," AT 8 PE1 p4NT — .140-":10: II1VOSt. 111 Uwit rpei 13;01-i1t)03 "Barrister, tiell-Godericb. Goderich, Sept 13,1864. itiv/3-tf 1.3L BEA _tation not win visitimien or day - tip airstaA.x,,, zat611, CAST , HYSICIA.N,i Sce. ()Ace a. Central SellOol 13 -pc•tobR:AuD:AnotTeEi. B Hospital and Dis* _Victoria Um ntlYbICLIN, teud,parneula .,operations opon_Th kt,owlejt X7).LLAG RIELIST Law, and . Crown Attorney,0- ii Court Swift • ARRISTE AINICER;Ne-sK sino -A:aar.sTER' iuvEy4prova, 1/JkilorZz nmtrustsg, an 0hance:1; Corntro.iliingston A rroux.EY-- Chancery, Goderic b • Southside of AT 'art -Route Squa' - 1.4`.*` ARRISTEa. • / SWIM Watblia'a _.ftrat.1710or 'great A TTORNIES, -nth' V& -BLOW( • - *toderrch.Au '- ITOIINgY-4 phaaeery,ivoi Iona, . store, 0rabb'4 St 1101103r to - - 34. ARRISTE Orarca-7Q nAsarsTER, 'J." -Coo veyaneer • °Awake ;et- -Nat January 3, i • A --rTOR'Nfir- -" hameorsh e G). .4113ru1e. Wixom rWirth ENGIN Xs./ Limid-Survey am ENGL. LandAgeniI. Voolluiate o 13 _Ala it -office boors fro zn. • .11 -A avr AR PLASS A -NO ingIcike., got a r Office at the ket-Seuare..47'rederi 11.arket Sq t,3114*01.-tamo44_,r. sr. a... - -Commissione -a-Saavits.Con way.Ytilageofliin. _ .04e PORWARDI&B, )1erelttilvt.3sv Ancountsculteats4 - !tedto willr RIM a4 sel backa-Nat zuni uncurire.nt .e4chinsei_ • ' 1.911 Oge.„ 186 )1 rOz oBt igtyS rig)! r 0 t anctsativritt5dedt. Boons; over Jannarc-131-it,LS - GUAM A GENT of the frtock-COntin . Forbes-, dirt avS -Coin Inercla TQHM_ HICKS Utritestangi Canadati-alad �a AlittrIteli.- iStufg - 100 /Loma- flOrse tie.Shortesttiottee Walsh 4Xpie FIRE Bayfield. C 11317*TUDS eats:. 0 X Vt;f1D)10 . - td":4111133 "Ttienritice CO- vr.511 .1%/4R2 o.,•4enelieltrt