HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1866-08-21, Page 3re the fel,- . dzes.1 of a r.ler t, 4 -the !it uobody.„ hy a twice tor tv: his sane sot .rtrain per. e` that he leighearid a hour, 71.1 Wines- -le White * Orleans, au a de - :se -led an ttb t waded kr- aria ewr havite,4 fur,thet ccSON. sw102tfte' iz the/ G. a Street, _ tit'S ' ieS ek•t- ItriteaStri44 e-, w30, V4: SW', ienc erriahle art • ?..t par. :dud rea-, -;;;hasera* counter - Ire aey fin° de - Imo an. ereiist es7g. towed aPie-a--- - fireueraL 'artnersh-i7 JOHN if wider 'roma or Province NM's% «at lLe -cutler the e sar-i31r.- Os:US Rod :said Part- .('-antae w3113e August [MN UeS anager-. Band '4* Tustruk. - great- - ...... ...-- lf-' rut •.! K- ._ 'mat Flood , . , '..isea. emt sue, fact _ Lyait les to, ember* _ z re. laetrile% ter: test • 6, United States. News. ', I Nair YORK. August . .1'ribitnee Leavenworth despitch says that repOrts from • tOrta Sedgwrck and Laratnie confirm .tliose e-timouneing the burning of seven trains north of Fort 14.40, and two between Laramie and Br &e- terryliesir:es other depredatiotiS hi; the latlians. The . officers- tieorttheir commands iesiatficielit- Indian -euides also report a battle at Fort Reno ri ti.h from 35 t 40 eolthers &ere killed, and that the Indian war has commenced with untiOld fuse- The/8th 1.7.itited .Srates ititant4 have been repu:s, d north of Fert Rene. Whole treine. -of etiti-Yrants are fide:n,-* from the - mountain. ;-alleys for safety, . stveizil despatelrfrem Troy says that an immeie FeL nvi demOnstration took flake there last. night Col pre de be t = -'d t t r • 0 fit i.orgavii`zati,,,a, anti Pricers ni de addresses - __The adrahliseatiOaS interpretation of lthe 'neutrality law wa-ssever-e/y- criticised. was never known in that _rezitin before, al- though it is iemarkable for the number and extent -of its freshets.' The heayy rains: in Northern and Southern lo*a- have caused verv high water in the Cedar river." .Bridges ihave beeu..ewelit. away, and much oth..e..r dam- reee done. -The bridge at Cedar Falls has gone down, stream. - An exchanee le responsible for .; the foliowioe:.--"A Baptist -minister yisiting the oil regtou in Kentucky, t ouud one of his breth- renactively engaged in the work of getting petrt. leum, who insisted -that it a -as -altogether_ Scriptural occupatiolit doh having' beep in the ell buirness. 'Soine doubtbeing espres.Sed at this uevel.etatement, he at et:begot a bible, - and tartan.' to Job 29-: 6. read : •The reek. poured me out rivers-efOil.- •Now,"‘az:LYs be. 'what use do V-ou Suptiose Job had -for _three. 'thousand camels and five ho.dre-d voke of -oxen. unless it was to carry his otl• to market? He certaily did not need that many for farm - ie. As they had no railroads then. -he eeecle ed them if he hada flowiag Well of oil.' He says he -gives yes interpretiop for me benefit of_h:s ministering brethren. etigaged in the haisness, haping they will use their oleagiie ous weeIth, when they get it, as liberally as Job did his.". ' A, St. I despatelt as that • eoldiersand c.t zt barred the.. dead -house :mar the arsenal, on Thuteday nightconsura ing five bodies lyiug. there -cause; fears of _cholera, - A Cuicago speciel. despatch says -there were 11 cases ot cholera there yesteiday, two of which were fetal. •-• - - Tea cases and eight deaths from cholera wereerepoited in. New York yesterday. EepOrts trent. Brook:ye ehawed a nnaterial- c1iartgeio the epidemic- . • . Infor.aettort has been -received by the.navy deiiaronent of the 'eapture of a slaver fe Pen- sacola Bay, FT -arida. by the staned Statee stoop Anftustinelia.viog an board,150 freed- . men fro-ur Mobile, Alabama, and bound for Cuba. The system 'has been to en:TA-colored Iabe's about Mobi-e. run them up road tO Greenville. Alabama, switch' on to the Pensacola road. and ran down to -a- pition in Florid -4. -near the Esealabla river, place the nezrees upon Ilathciats, • float:dew-1i zo tide water..shiretheen on hoard estoops, and: pa.ssinz by Petisace:a. -Tata the sea, and land their humen_freleht in slavery. 'Persons in New Osleat.s', and New .York are im- plicated in the affair. . • • Two-Proe.jamMloha. . - - A. proclamation was issued by Makirnitiari - Emperor- of Mexico, dated - the 9th day of July last. creelarineeh.e Mexican- ports, now in nye-session of the ibera!si. bIoekaded; in _the following- words ..:--"‘" The pori of Mate mere.s. and all those of the; northern • frontierwhich bave withdrawn from their*Obelience to the rrOVern n ent are -closed to forevn and -ccast- P__ ., . ,_ . --I-, , in?, tra=„ue tainerig such tune as tne praperor sul thelaw shall not be therein remstated. "-Article :1-31erchandise preeeeding filern - ERRORS- OF YOUT Et., said ports- on erriving- at any otleer.whereehe A Gelittetran Who'sairered for vears I -ern Nervous . - eXcile of the Emefee -is cohected.'shaill.pay Debility. Premature llecayjand all the eflects of von - the dutiee im artation introduction- and elgial.stre".-ten-wat t-er 14-e-gtake-ofiafferitlf..-E- 4tutmlitT - • aers.lfree'to all who need. p. the tee -me and-threccons tor eOnSaniptiOn, at3d. on. Satisfaetory proof_ of i et -skin -the Amer rem cs - h - -h 1:11 3 f- -cantraentku, ellen be irreeneelly confiscat- lferersvis-hing-i4; prtifltri!Y te-N%-adi:erti..e-ze‘rvas's ceusrpee‘rient5ctie: can do so by addre4,..-.1ing , urietual eiecution _of this „dee'ree " In reference to this manifesto - of.. Maxi. NI:i• 13, Cha.ufners St.. Nel.V York. lcifiN_T3-0C6EN. ' with thep1 ed. -Our 3.1htiSter-Of the Tieasuryi-s charged . milian. President Johnsen . has publ'ished a proclamation 114.ed toe I it:km:stn. is a.lowing • it so far as' the United States are -concerned.- en the ground oftheir neutrality, and that the E L. STRANGE, BUT- mikuu. - Every young latlyand gentInaninthe tinned States can hear something very much to their advantage by return snail (free ot -chargt ). by addieqsitig the :under- signed. Those-baNing.t_ars a - being, humbugged -will oblige by not noticing tntscaid. AU -others will please addresstheirobedtent ,lereatzi, • .- - TilOs F. CHAPMAN: , 3$), 9,, -3L Dime %yak, NC33' York.= . , TO COINTSC3IPTIVE1g.: ! The wives-user...baying -been -resicired to health in a few weeks _issy_a„ very SIMPle remetly.after.haviir, stit feredfor.several years with A .5Vere lithg.atTe.oron, anis that -dread disetese. Consuniption.,-is animus to maka. known to his fellow4sunerets therneasss et cure. . - 'lo all vv-ho.desirett... he will send a copy M the pruss eriptnes used kfre.c.:- oteharge).-with Lite directious:forpre- racism- and using the-;•ause. which -they wilt find a sear. cuasTfin Coly. c. NtIvrION. Si.,;i11.31)....' BROYNO I Ts, Cote as. .., . COLDS. and all Throat -gent Lung .3 &mins; The only 'Ladies : and Gantt': Straw Ifhta I .. . . . - - _ object oftheadvertiser 01 *smiling the Vreseription is to :,.. . - - -. .-• -. • ' . •- - ,. . . ... _ Leticia the afflicted. and spread -Mt -imitation which he conceives to be invaluable. aitsi-he hope.s' every- s.uderer ' . - _ . -. ' '-To arriVe in a day or two • : ---: - • - - wintry his renieds... as it will C•sst theni notiiii-sa; - d- may pitwe a Messina= • ' - - C.a.EAP -WHITE--;c0TTONi . Fatties wishing theprescription.aata.-.by return mail . win please siddreis - •• . . " . . '. ,, . : .- . - - 7.. . . • Rev. EDWARD A: WILSON: ' . _ Lately to- htttld : T • _. . .14 ithanisburg..Kings tte::-New yOrk.' . . • . : . - - • '' sug-ar,!:47ii,s paid To otto _Cottons COTTONS! - SUBSCRIBERS ARE SELL- - . off GreY&Coitons at reduced -Prices uliO - C:Is-The"-work Lyon the lake 'tunnel in- cago,waS proseculated vigorously &urine lust .week. The total ieneth of. the tunnel is-, 2112 feet- The workmen- have wow accom- plished UT .feet more -than four fifths of the entire .distance. THE- MARtETS. - GOljERICS, AOC.: 16,-1860. - Sprieg itheat.- _SO:90 - ,haiI do, 110 ;ere te1:10- Oats, 0:20 (re, 0:21 Flour 550 -01 ;600 - Barley ...................040 050 Fas 040 --let', 945 Sheep. 4:00, Beef, -1,1 008 - 0:.10 ILdes 450 - (et- 0:00 Butter . 015. (i_e, 916. • Potatoes., new.. 0:00 0.50 ood 1-175 2:25. • hay, new-? ton 4:50 -- 5:00. F.,eeee - _ 000 0.32' -0.35 - London; Aug 1.-3, Fall Wheat, V supeator 1 10 e. 1 20 -Spring W hear,. do, : , .1 -os €,..1 1 12 do,. : . 0. 45 - 0 06 Oats:- do 0 30 t 35 • - . . .470-11N.UAJIIIIS WHISKERST HISKE4S Dr. L-� Mosfez' Cor -1w. the create -5 stim- ulator -in the_w1 rld. wili force Whiskers or 31 us-. cleCtee of Maximilian by'decIarmar a belie tajies to st'rew on the i.zrnootht_face or chin ; • gerent bleckade unsuPportect by ccmpetent: ri?ver kno-a-n to fait. f.,'..anzpIe for trial sent free , naiIit•a_ey or naval force, is hi vielatiba of the io any one dcsirott- of telturaits merit -S. Address neutral righfe-ofthe :United States.. as defined itEkVES to 7& Nasa" Y.; - (No letters taa.en unless prepaid) ss -'1q bythelaw of ea.:lobe- as weir' -as of the trea- ties exisdri;_r between the United. States of America ar.d t.e aforesaid. Ucited States of _ Mexico." • The Fcntan Pic ittNic a; Sartain.- . The priegramme for the 'grand Fenian _ sac, near Buffalo, on the 21st, has: been Kb . lishel It is ae follaws'e----, . . •• ' • ' - . terartd Fenian eic-nic at'Clinton. grove, on AT THE OLD -PRICE. .. Tnest14- Anz- 21st, 1.346- ' -...--. '-p- B1..7-11 AR E . Ok COUNTER. - Song, dunce,. oratory, atheletie - spoils', FE !Ts AND ii-oRTBLEs„s• -431/74.1 . mixed milltaiy procession and sharn.I.attle, Trov.z. counterpart of the- famons•laines--tone Ridee 1 April 1 st. -LoGo. • To be partici:1' ated la by es, those w fib ku olv . - . w12. Gni bow to da -it." . .. • THE &REIT ENGLISILREXEDI I- SIR, -JAMES -CLARKE'S , Nrm aOrrtiscut. Mts. 1;tilL"Sr 1:),AVVISs TEGETABILE IN KILLER! Gen, 07:Keil and staff., and hi -s '1,3ideeway .offiCers catititreckily the United-Sestatste.-m- -er .111‘citigan, June .3rd. 18%6... President Roberts, -Gen. Sweeny, Fenian Sen tte.aid the moat prominent members -el. the F. B., wi'Fbe present_ • The exerciees *of the day willopen at 10, a. m., with a iniitary prOeSion through the- etreet-3. and along- 'Niagara street to.- the. grove- - - ' Dancing and other arans_ements to coin- raeliat ten o'clock. Ise the course of the • aftereoen will take.- place the grand sham bat- tle between the Qieers Own.apd atS, laader Cel. Booker, and the Feaians un- der Gen. O'Neil. . • ' - In addition to the street • ears. excursion banes, under the, superintendenee of Cant. P. Darling, wilt leave the leOt of Main street - tor the.. grotinds at 12 30- and 2; p. - Of the line ot marchz ttc.;dite notice- will hereafter be elven. . - . et, .-Great Fiend in the NortikWen;.. .1.1=11=1•••=r (.Specta to! the New ork- .lierald C111C-Aq0-, Auguste/4th, 1866... • Complete returns hive. been received 'here -of the condition of the wheat -crop in the - North west since the storm ofSatarday and 'Sncday, which was one of %he severest of the season inthisStateThewheat tnasbeen mat the u.hpatltiherueerraiiraRcrp of lig fifty Pills,NhorraeTturn niain et_ Newcastle, G. %V., general aeentlor t'anada, • 3 * VP' Sold in Godmich br -Parker & Cattle and -F. Jordan Gaidiner Co, Bavaeld James Benthinn;Beeei vine ; .1: Pichard,"Eietee; Contbe, Citnton , E. Hickson, Seatiatii- and all Medicine Dealers. w38-ly Celebrated, Female Pills. Prepared, frims- a prescription qf Sir J Clarke:2.114.D., Physician Extraordinary I. • . fo 146 -Queen. "_ -311:11sanvellable inedierne- is _unfailing in the cureof all *hose Paintitl and dingerons diseasft' to winch the fee -tale constitution is subject.- It moderates all excess add remcives allobstruetione, and a:speedy' cure may be reliedOn. : ' TO MARRIED LADIES_.." . pehullarly «tilted'. It *ht.- in a snort time, brin2 on the monthly peirod with rx......gularity.. Each bottle,. price One Dollar, beers -the GOV- ! ernrnent Stamp int Great Britain to prevent coun- terfeit* . 7- • 'tisse Pills thou& nn ot he - bitfemales during - the FIRSI THREE AIDA THS:of Pr'g- ia their are szcie tofiruig on itriscar- mtge. but at wig other'tt-me tizev ake safe. - - In cases of Nervous and Spinal Atfectione; Pains in the Back and Liinfet. Faturne on btitzht> exertion, Patpitation cf the Heart, ifYsterics and Whit, these- Pills effect a cure- Whec all other means have failed; and althoueh a. power- fulremedy. Jo hot contani Iron. catomel antt- monv, or anvthibi heirtful to the constitution. Full directions in the pamphlet around eaelt package, which -should be carefully pre-.eryed. „- -Eole agent for the UtutedStates-and-Canada:=, ; • - JOB AfOSE.S, Rochester, N;Y:- B.-V.00 and six po-tagestam, enclosed to any authorized agent will insure a bottle On. • injured.. In the Southern part. of the Stele the crop _has been pretty generally. secured, but in the north moth of the wheat .was in the shock, and has commenced growieg had - Alone; the Galena branch of the :North- western road reports from the Wheat are _very nnfayourable. - The crop- in Wisconsiteis al- inot eadrely ruined. . The harvest tbere is two weeks- later than, in -Viet)* and. the Soods of rain caught the farmers in the field. Fr_qmone end of the Stateto the other come ditUnpf 'of flouils7and mundations„ bridges Altept off, and the whole Country fir miles _4' under water. The crops, both eut and uncut, Are completely sub tuer,ged.-. suet are. 'heating .and sprouting to an extent that -must ruin . _them. The loss of this crop wilt be severely -Ifelt all through the Wet. The . crops in :Minni.ota are better 'off, 2.khough teribuily . Amazed. Ohio, Indians, bliehigan and parts of Illinois, Iowa and Minouri have ,secured their Crops, and the Reality 18 report - ad very good. In Minnesota the istorin was very severe.. At lionbatler several rods of the Winona. and*. Peter Railroad bridges Were ',reified away.. Fear or five houses were s_wept away by the rise in the -Zufisbro .nirar„ which rose fourteen feet during the night. So sudden was the rise in the:river lhatthe occepants of the bonsai on the low jitads had seemly time to canape- in their pight clothes and ,iesie. their - lives,and on Tuesday morning eleven: persqns„men women goad children were rescued from trees Where they bad taken refuge daring the night. Ali the bridges between 4ocbtaster and Owftonna Jive swept.away, and the railroad hi:We near jieseoa has also gone. Near Houston, Shoat _ . • Among the most important of modern medical discorenes stands the- , CASAU1 IN FAIN DESTROYER' As a Family Medicine, itis well and favorably. known. relieving- thousandsfrom -gains m the Bac* and head.Conahi, Colds Sore -throat« Sprains, Brais, Creditor thef:Stomach, Cnotera-morbin,Dysentery; Bowel .piiiints, Burns, Seelds, -Frost Ekes, - &e.,. &C., are - _ .having purchased atan. ENOR.3.101.'S REDLUTION for CISH . _ _ from the Otfictel Atme.:nee at Harniltrin,the it; e l'eteek-ni trade t3eionging to the .Estaie of ". J7C:01:123. Fla:1M'. '4E6 _ no -w prepared to ofier to the.pablic IMMENSE BARGAINS • m every dep‘roncrit in DRY GOODS; .GROCER1ES: MANTLES INEilY, 13.1,TS_,- CAPS., ibe., &C., :INT -,1.3L1' _ beatitdul Hair .and .Straw Borinets will be almost • GIVEN AWAY" Very larzeoadditional, purehases ot • INT IrT 17‘.0 7". IN BOTH DRY GOOT S & -GROCERIES, arejustnow beina received, -Inontr-st irfai- - be mentioned- especially.. Cottons front- S to 20 cents per yard, includtnsrabo it a. 000 yards of the celebrate.] Lv.i.:ster Alills " Can, • _-. ,aaa' make!' COTTOINT.$ _ froin 10 to 25 Cents. per yord.-7 • trijedSturtihvt, Scarlet Plannek, White Flan- nels. 'Facer Flannels' Rob Rov do., Madder Prusts. Black, a na Colored u.}burgs, Black and Colored s Lustre*: French Men noes', French de Laia_es;* Towelli nee.. Table Linen --And a -large - assortmc ut - : Nice . li&w, --firegs:-,Gands HOOPSit LRT S of every description' Forfar Sheetine, Bagemg, Bales of Canada -Seaddess Bags.. Very' Cheap Bales- of Canada. . . . cOrra7C;ON Beaver .1.1i16, Ven - Cheap! baccoss .4er.Give the Cheap cas.h Store -a call t. . . _ AQHEF,ON.81,141TH.. Godcrich, Ju1y:201h, -1S66:- w19 ; , -EVERY- LOYAL MAN .SHOULD HAVE A 2d"..:§et Itk-AIM' 8Revolvers111:li FOR SALE - 1, T-sEARLE" 41- B/w's's. GO:OD. ENFIELD RIFLE, With B.iconet the me as used by- the :Vol - u teers, - FOR Slit DOLLARS &PIETY CENTS. -Caps and Cartiidges to suit tbem itt. .12 15 - • per hund..ed.- PRUSSIAN 31ITSKETS WITH BAT- ' ONET lmo-Alt-borewtil also make gcod.Shot Gana FOR FOUR DOLLARS & FIFTY CENTS -.Parties cleb, bing -tOgethefin .-twenties -will -be_allowed 4iscoant 1.‘i• sending on the tno nev mad o& rs. hMnediately, as the flemb.od is large dnd.the piles will advance. ' METALLIC t.1ARTRIDGES FOR. RIFLES_ 0. ' R T-0 S - • HENRY'S SIXTEEN SHOOTERS for $45 to $50 The best in AmericO, for sale at SEARLE &,-DAVIS".S . . ,. .. _. Al TH-E STOVE ANDTINSKOP, SIGN • r -OF THE LA.RGE KETTLE ,BASE 1 TIN -0, CLINTON.: .1F29tf, a - TTEE 4O1 -TO] AT TAB 1 ' • • .1? 4..4.4.r. CAS ES BO •-• ADDED TO OUR LARGE STOCK THIS DA_Y. 3 CA' • - STRAYED- illwm•••••••, • 1al;1111.ATED Thto1 the prennses ofIlle-enbserre §tae1ey,•1;ear Bayfield„: HEIFER coming WO "years oldstriped fore- head, lined lack, whitebelly. The owner 18. -requested to prove Property,_psy, .expenses, • and take it exey. ' ALE:K. BROWN.", - Stanley, -.liar -306 1666. • w28 St' I Far-- SA .tileaploi task. '- ... .. , _ 1,..11E premisei 'IOW occapiralav the undetft ' sig-ried,lii-the Village of Maitlandialle,. one quarter ot a 'mile fromthe Salt Well - 1 tine_ acre rind a quarter of hind on the tirree I hi:1, bea.tifully seuated,_coamandiae4 view • ' of the River Maitland abd Cut harbor, and a comfortable coitaee. There are two -wells ot wdter. 'Also , a selection of else= [ fruit trees. . .- - _ For_partieulars apply on the praises:id WM, SOMERS,. • • or at the &gnat office. - Gederiels,- July 1,4, 1666. w25t - YORK ELM- . EXPIECTED DAItY. • _ - .MOIITGAtf SALE OF: LANDS. , CAPS-DIE.11 of In, -'----i 1 3, I u.-NMI_ __;_ Ir_rtue of a Power of .1-. are . contained in a Mortgage made by 'Malcolm Campbell, of tl.e Township of Carrick, in the Count y of Bruce, 3,-eoman,detaidtliaving been. _made in tbe payment thereof, aril be sold.oa - Tug -days. Felitember. 11, 1866, at the hefiroft eduec,P..,M., at' , • And by 1st September rixt an entirely New, Engb.sh anclYatied, General Stook, raore than usually attractire, at the . ' '• - - GLASGOW ROUSE. -E. P. C. BARR-ARDIS . IAUCTION BOOMS, RiciOnond Street; in Ifie- -c ity of London, the followhic property, east half of lot Number three, in the Fourth' concession ' of the Towns:hip ofGarricir, in the County of I Bruce contaiiiinii Fifty Acres -more or fess. - The -Terms ol.Sale Maybe ascertained front .• Mr . -Thomas fairbarrn, Tewater. frornthe Aliipe li°11eer'"d711 1 - C11.0:s.i:VN -----Sc CRONY'S. -A GOOD ACTIV.E1NTELLIGENT -.14.4D AS AN APPR TICE, ATTHE - - - August, 10tb,1$6. .1 • - Vendor's Solicitors, Loactsir. '- oi 18E6 - GLASGOW HOUSE. lammi"'.9---w---lutY.-- . - : . . - ' w21 1 NEW ITOTOGRAPii QUM _ . , _ „ ,...,1 ,-------- GRUTSIYITAINULIAL,EMENRI) Hogsheads "cif Muscovado 5iiizar,. Very Cheap. .flarreli of Broken Loaf do. Very heap! 4-• - White Circnind do erv Cheap !_- -- Chests and Hatt Chests a Young "Hy:ion. Sonchong and.. other leas, Verv,c b-e9p! Tohaeco; frinersar,-Seedt.. Salt, _ -enutf, Spices, Cotiee, , In commenc:ne BUSINES.5 the Subscriber liep most•respectlidly to announce le the • .• . • .. • INELA.BITA.NTS- 01', GO.DER,IC.31, and the stirroundingcillb ounterY;that the. principle w , dASI-1 OR 1?R0b1:ICE, and every efort wiUhemade to sell The CAN -AMAX PAIN DESTROYER has noirbeen betbre the public for a-leagth ct:: time. and wherever uses; gell liked, never fading it. a single iest.ance to givepermanent relit fwhen timely used, and we have never known iesingle, caseof di-watisfaction erhere the directiens here been property followed ; but, on the contrary, all are delight with -its operatkons, and speak -in the highest ternis of AB Virtues and magical if= fectK . WesPeak from experience in this matter_ hav ing tester] k thief:Melly. and therefore those. Who are suffenng from any of the complaints for which. it is reeornmendtay depend upon its being a Sovereign Rentemr: • - I he sisior.ishing effleaef --of the Canadiaa-Pain Destroyer in curing_the diseases for which -at is reseraniended. and its wonderful success. in Sub.., Ailing the torturingpains of Rhedmatism; ar.d in. relieving Nervous Affections, entitle it to high rank in the list of remedies for these complaints; Orders are coaling in front -Medicine Dealers in - Sweaty mike mese, of 7.,a Grum, thirty _per_ .311 pedant tbe equal ter further supplies and recoververear Ximaeszlab,urieowelvTetboclisoeittaire-be.4- give. Canada-- n -Pain .Des=. r neV-er la- its T� pesota, or Root Bayer fa_ fo a9mo- pestles& seven or ',eight _teep ander water. town of HouSton iz almost entirely' - 8111}- jberged, ash also eopsiderehje portion of pike village ofRushtorii, Retire 'farina. Imre been swept Over by the raging iipirent, the • inatereven resoling above- the top tit the growing corn crop. The listruction of pro- troji= reaching, probably, to a .htute Combe, Chianti; beakth, a" *It dollarawr more. &telt a fieodPiredioine-De.alell• each testifying at t e universal situsfaelion it oona were drowned by a spalden the of ROU , U em kin- give immediate relief- All imr.edealers keep it.' Physicians order and use it; and no family will be without it alter once trying it. Price only 25 cents per bar e. All orders stionkl be addressed to NOW/IA P & LYMAN, . Newcastle, C. AV,* - General Agent for Canada. Er Sold in Goderielt by ticker & Cattle and Jiirdair; Gardiner 4; c.o., IS:al-field; James Rentliam,Itogerak;---J-Picia0,-Earid41- H. GOOD GOODS'fr CHEAP , feepectimi i*solicited on the.Pit o1. intend' tir= buyers. - ' • Goderich, Au -gust 10, 1b66. s's&w29 PL.A. -r) CURSI TO BAYFIELD The new and splendid side -wheel steamer CAPT. ALBERT STEWART, 'ill Rive an excursion to Bayfield oft SATURDAY;- AUG.- 18; Leaving Abe dock.' of G. Remball & Co. at 2 (Mock, p. m, and returning- to God- erich about 6 p. m. • TICKE'TS, GO CENTS To be had on board after 12 oieloch,noon. ' CHARLES t. SLACK, sw100 2t • • • Parser. n. Stanimry, fiRADUATE of the Medical Departincnt of Yitoria University, Toronto, and late ofthe Hoepnal and Dispenser!, New= York: Residence Polieck's Rotel, Bayfield. :•• :w30 4m*0 0 .1. 1 I • _ - - • ' A la" -: ti•f - 1.1 1:11*.t-Etts..ot S US....017110.141.11)140. • 311NVFACTURF.Ii S : 'It is: trig: but runs swee.tiaticl- keeps the. bearings and working- parts -smooth anii toot. - Sold by Most re-spectable drtizgists, dene-r- al MerchantsandOil Dealers itt the ciniutry. Ask fifir the Brantford lubrie.011 _Nripair„.! Oil, JOHN.11:. STBATEDED, Maitag',er. • Brantfcrd, JalY 2, 1866. . w_23tf Of SaW' -Milts'Woollen. Mille,. Flour and Grist- hlills, fla.Per 3jitts -Tlin.shhie: chines -Foundries and Machine_ Shops, Lc., - LobricatinO Oilio the nsarket.. _ - There i:less 'friction. with I this.- than,' with any other oil; and owing.' to its excellent body a smaller quantity is eobsunied., While on the other hand IT:NEVER- -CURIS Insolvent iizt of 18640 in the matter of jOhtz. Smith. an Insolvent rPHE Creditors of the above named -insolvent 1 - are hereby etAilied to _meet at the oiFee' of J. II. Gordon, Esq , Barrister, on -West streetitt , the Town of Goderich, our Tuesday the . Elevci th day of .September neat, at .the icnir of o'cleck, P 31., for the Pubite lharnrna- tion ottheInsoivent, aua tor the onlering of the alla-rs-of this Estate genefally, - Dated at Gedertch in'the off:loran this Tenth day of August:, /866.- ' - - S. PC LOCIC It , w30 OdlctaL Assignee for H. di B. Insolvent :-Act - :of :1864.. itt Ike matter of Wil!iain-Laterieattd An drew Laivrie,InSolvelits. • - TUErehereby notified to meerat -the -offic ee are Creditors. of the above named Jii.olvents. Mft......ws; Sinclair-& Walker, Solicitors:pp Remit - ton street, in the Town of coderich, on Friday thO foniteentli day ot September n ZS!, at, the hour 1 the township utStanley in. the t,onnty urort, Of Tyre!. o'cloik,j) M 3 tor the Public 4xalliina. whieh lands. and tenements I shall oder flit sale ruin of the Insolvents, and for ordering of the at- at otfiCe ia the -C.fourt Itouse.in' the Twit. of, tairsof their Estate geperally. Godench, TuesdaY the, Eigtteenth- day of D-ated atCoderich.-.in COnntf Huron septeinber _next at thi hour of twe'Ye 16f -the- .. _ •: - c , • -- • ••• this Tenth day- of August, A. D., 146. - lock noon tap . OffiLial A.,-sizitee tor kt. k: B. IT°T17---KIC.:Ds°iI!ifiALgjik SherifFs Office, Godench; - ' W30 Igth August. 1S66. ODS. E R - -1 • EV E .41611.01..4•_iit.d4e0.i.ito:to•.:C.A8h.Ciistom6rs; _ °TER. • ARCHIBALD'S STORI, Cralilt's Block, ° GODE4tIeli. .s.veasitaa maul- -AND TASTEFUL segsay. PICTMES tplen in every, style and in -itlI kinds o1 weather-. .,Poreelain Opalotspe Pictures, and THE IIELIOARISTOTYP1A, BEST, -SUN PICTURE"; Taken in various sqles froth -$1 SO .W $20 (colored in water colours or oil. Life -Size Photographs taken on reasonable terms -either plain pr colore4 - PRICES LOWER than elsewhere is PREPARE FALL PO S O_FFER CuiPada* D. cAmpBELTi'L) .4 Goderich, June 1, 13_66. sw27 the balance of ofir-stunjper tock. at Cost tor Cash: - E C 1-.A. El- AR CAINW. • I N. SS GOOD STRAW_ GOODS -,HAVINCT' -BOUGHT feltf-;.k" r 7-.)tri7 T. • .dt5 : Since the recent full in -prices we are prepared to- effer them at a reduction of five cents on the yard; ooSpring ?Hem. SUMMER TWEEDS -AN • At a like techttion. - Just re -aired a fresh supply Df • . *Er aEr= jUST OPEls,TED SEVERAL -CASES - - 1.3 . TO ARRIVE NEXT ZEi A LOi OF GENTS; - op _TE1•TM-VirMS'T ST-45r1:.ES.. , :ALSO, EMPRESS- TRAIL SPRING SELECT SCHOOL. lyriSS Skimmings re -open her School AIL on Weditesday, 1St Anf,-nst. Goderkb,- 26th Intr. 1866. ew25 • PROVINCIAL EXHIBITION'. - OF Tlik. - 11GRIfULTURLI ISSOCLITION • . 0 le . Thji".E9E.EL CA.INTAiLI.A., TO BE IHIRLD AT -T- 0.110. 7.1fT0-4- Op tl:e 24thip 2Sth-Septernber, 1/3!).0. ' 11.1,1EtaBkSe°r-tic*Intflitladtin--tghetoE7iiiribesibitol%SesPiell7; the respeeave eldaes: mug_ be Made wait the Secretary, at.Toronto., on or before tIte under- melluotirwuned, 'tiattft:InShetz:-p, Swine, Poultw, on or - bet3-f°ramisuSa, tFulretildavioots-Aug,uestualslothher Fano Products, Agricultural implements, Machinery and Mann- Tacturei generaltv, cut Dr betoreSaturday,_,Ser- tenalibeorrticlittnral- Prod:WWI Lathes' Work, Ate -Fine Arts, dce.; on or before Satan/ay; Septem- I - 13e- Pr-rilze5thLi Is and Dank Forms Fir reeking" the : .. - entries upon,' can be obtained of the Secretarm of all Agricultural Societies and Mechaniais. hi- sututesitbrungh. ont‘B-thseireeePyirio;icnicie:. 0Avisogrio4riciumil.l. Toroaleyialy 28.1z66- , --w203t` t Being the latest improvement,and the first eTer uffered for sale in the Town of Gocierich. • - . , EEN ell DE .1./111011 lk CO. ECS OF BUTTER. " WANTED1000 Goderich, Job' 27th, 1865., 16*. SHERI:FT% SALE .01' tA15.D.s. United Counties of TOOT virtuecif a writ of.Vere- Huron and Bruce, 1.1 &ion' LExponas issued to wit. t . out of Her Majesty's Court ofOomincin _Pleas -and to -me d.recteel against the - lands and tenements of Anton. , Bentz at the Suit ofJohn McKinney: 1 have seized. and taken in Execution ell the right title- and interest.' -11-4. said detendant in and to the _North part el lot nuniber thirty abtitting on the south boundary c.t .-• -. GAill. SALE DE :.. . , MARINE- I1NTSVRANPEIMOBT. the London Road ri„ii-part, of Lot . iingiber_ Thirty iii the 2irst eoneion of the L.Towii- ship- of . uckersinith, in. the County of -Huron, -containing by admeasurement One Fouitb of an an acre will be sold bv Public Atietioa at The AUCTION ROOMS of. 'MITA' AmN" NJ erican Ininiance Co Of TO/LOA111, Marine' Deriatttnent. ...GEORGE RUMBALL' , Agent- -06dfnebrA*1125111., lead- Vr13u Insolvent Act of 1864. - P. C. -13ARNARP, . Rudiment! Street, London. C. W., on Friday, l2ilth dty of August -11, 1866, at Twelve o'clock -coon, der'and irtne of Do* taldermeQ17Gosaleeale°d anirilllAvediteijIto4.-lioliclart-trg.fat: september neat, at the hour of twelve et the . - d ed the 20th day -Of Marchi A. .D...,1b66. of the undersienedbruidas treet serest London 1 ' ... -1°".MAT.1?--0.j/fl,Lia.,1:i„.... ,- 1 WA.B.B.p.FRocx, . ... ... _.... . . _., } . solicitor for mortgagees., jsnesA.rin: ttruince..twalse6eiro , . -10440Ps 14 ilL104# IF6' ' .. : - i'. .I.PF2S3;- - 1 -11W ---..9k :!. , SIIERPTiS. SAis.'filll- trnitid Countiescit MOT Virtue of a ru or i ,fluren and Brice, .1.; 'rendition' Expo for - - To Wit: - rad and rieii Vac as for residue menedont ofller Majesty -VC -aunty court of the County of Went writth„ and to -rne directed against the lands and tenements ofToseph Mur- ray at Dig snit of Ebenezer Currie, I have seized and- latch in. Execution all the right tile and irk; s. tereat ofthe said azkndint fir and to the Ilyorth township of flonnek, containing fifty' acrtes rnore half of lot nmiriber conce‘mi A-01 the in the motter_qf Ifillmm-Bobert_slts solvent. ADividend sheet has been -prepared subjec Or less, arlikh. lands rind tenemeints shaft offer for sale: ai:my. office in t.:e Court Rouse ,in t town Ot ilriderich;On Tupsday the. -foirthday or . Terms' made known: aethe sale o. at the ofEce eikr'k" n°911- 11 en to objection until the 28th August, 1866 - *eine*, - • Southampton, tth- Aug., 1866,-.. • awiw2_4V It_ H WAT OUS . 9 Offers for Sale REVOLVER S and RIFLES at the following unprecedented LoW • Prices, at the . COLBORNE ,LIOUSE, GODERICIL No. 2 Smith* Weston; Large Size.„ :$13.011 No. 13 • da • do - .1200. do- ' . do ._ 11-00 Nati:iiial 6 Shooter.. _ 12 00 5 -do - 8-00 Ellkittss 4 --I:do • ------ 8 25 Star 4 do .--------------800 to 1 loir,te 10.00 • Co1fe6 Shooter, 41n 12-06 -• Breech Loading Revolvers 1-00 Coles Revolving Rifle; 25.00 Rimington'i Rifle. -, 25.001 Ballet& Breech Leading 1101e. 25.00 WestonlyBreecli Loading gale. 2200. - Breech_ Loading Pocket Pistol_ 3.00 Also, for Sale, CARTRIDGES :or -evil'', description for both Rifles and Revolvers. _ ben SHOOTING MATCH. at 4 o'clock. Arias and Ammunition furnish: ed Free of Charge. Come one, come all -a fair ehanee of testing all of the above mime: Goderi,ch, AuLgust 8, 1866, ow9i 1 MILITIA NOTICE. rraE Military School at LONDON ma be re -opened on tbe 10th. September; OW vided that there are Fifty approved lepplt- cauis on the list by tbelit Eepenther. _ -Applitations for admission should be made to the Brigade Majors of Division. By order JOHN B. XAYLOR, 'Lieut. -Colonel; D. A. -21:G. Militia. -..- London, 31st July, 1866. - w284t • Insolvent of 18(14 in; the matter of *Aim C. Currie, of the ,Village -of- Part Elgin, the County of - (Bruce. an insolvent. The. undersigned has been appoirted iiiinee in this matter, and requires claims 10 be fyled within two montbs from Misdate. ARCE11) ROY, Assignee. Port Elgin, 28th July, 1866. w28 111171.111 ROTEL, GODERICH- . HOSKER, PROPEIEfOR. THE --- .X".‘• above is mostpleasantlytutuateti on an ' emniennel2Oseethigh,..overloolang. the:Barba and Lake Heroin- .good DichArds, Gardens and RdrilWallsattaened. Roard$Iperday.;siUgle McaltiorBeds.26ceatia, _ • ti viSatettpr- SALTt SALT, SALT. 4 TEtt Subscribers offer for Sale burls . REFUSES:ALT, surtable fo the use 0 farmers on land, 4te„ at#0,15 per ' SHERI:CAW STRACRAW. Galeria, Almost 2nd, 1866. 28; HEY TO _ON DIM VAD FARMS; -11L PEli CENT' 1 _ Sm�*tO, invest in Tows fripty 1.B.1:10RDAtIt.. - Barrister, ke.„ 6.94eriek Goderiel,Seg.1311864: Fait F 2 -