HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1866-08-10, Page 3!Ole trie Tees lest most nal - eki! o . e 25.00 1'00, 25.06 1001 Atiantig -Telegraph. _ EttriwCatt NCita to °tit August:. kivrmENT:- or THE et)...Ft.te-TiNG rows ox ins CON'TINEWT. . WAN-CILORERA INCREAS- INGj NAAND. -New Yerk, Aug. Se ke, - The followin despatches from Elirope bele peea received by AtleetieTelegraph.:= Locidoni SinidaY, AV3. - Reforethe arnostance had been extended e-e-;Batarta,`, the Prussian arney• had moved rapidly` and secured a good ftiotiog. They • arelf‘;eine &paper eurrenCy upon the'pepedee By -the agreemeect, the' Prussians are occupy Warburg, but the Bavarians are to retain the torte ss of Mergence.' The-Boderi troopeleft it yesterdaye. and the Wartemhurg tro-ops wilt leave it on the elth inst. 'The, River ithitie is rein eited. Siisce the signing of the truce, part of theSwiss teeops whielr have beei guarding the border, were &banded. - - - _ - During the last three 'days the Austrians base been rearing...linos the Tyrol via Bavaria te the nuinbee of. 40,000 . - The Italian navy is to he recognized:. ; The court martial of Admire Perminp,who recently contnianded,she Italiaa fteet, A new habil), /pan of 350;000,000 has been ordered. • - - The ebegera is iacreasiag in tigiand. Attached.friend ewne-ein a.boarding house in the western* section of ttiC.eity. giv- ine his notes as-sec_urity.of thc-account. likely to -be rue up. Mean' t he landlady, just- ly suspichitis,.)discovers that. the, uneuarded temale'S kind- . friend: was a Married man" possessed • himself of a wife and interesting family livingin:a different part' of the city.e The truth of, this is fully -borne out during the freqvient. madeet° the house,- when -- private- conversation wptild. turn On matters- " at honie,"‘ where- another, and ill used, fe- male would, nightly Tetuan) . anxiously , entitl- ing the arrival of -her lord. e The here -Of.' the affair wobid„ at the same 'time, repeatedly se- cure a -plentiful.. supply of liquor; . and to heighten their bliss .w heti talk, would, get • dry: - the landlady was commissioned -trir. obtain wipe and keepit on hard for Hiciit accein- • tuodittion. A Week --had scarcely triinspired,_ however, lbefore .the female to the bargain diseo,vered a; younger and lover, andtakingto-him, the old feilow.-Was left to • pay the Coet bl a week"Oresidence at the house of their host, Wt. not sithoot a fe.rm- , Wee which ultiniately ranked in the discoti-• solate toyer'& sunimoning the proprietress ot. the house to -Court, en a. eherge of selling .-liquerwithoutheense„ on the strength' of her compli-City itt purchasing' spirita for their ae commodatkai.-[Globe. • News Iv the Atlahtior Cable. 'SLIT Your, Aug. Ree -The foiiowiug des- patches were received through the Atlantic Cabk yesterday by the Associated Press :- Lo-Nuas. Avg-. 3.- Illartiat law has been. • proclaimed in Lower iiistriatand also in Ve- uice,. PriI%ia and Wurteint4rge • The Peace Conference_ is to be held at Prague. Tbe ptelimiheries thereto, se sf;reed.' upon, are as follows :-Austria. is to with- draw frOne the German Coefederation, and -is to !bee Venetia and her part of Schleswig-- Aimria lees° VS pay_ $Ii1000,‘ 440 to her advers.aries as etleenses of the war. The Gerinen States north et the Maine -are-to form a union tinder the guidance ot Prusse The Gerinari. -States south of the Maine are to form an -Independent Ceion. The Italian. patriot,. Carlo Luigi Farini is dead. the Goodwood race, the Goodwood stakes were woo - by "pecial"- and- the Goodwood Cup-hv the "Doke." Loedon, Satin -day, 4th.- The French. Ambassador to Enetand lett for yiehy last - :night, bv.commatid to the:Emperor. . The B41 fora renewal of the. saspejsion of . the writ of 'Habeas Corpus in Ireland_ wee read a second time tit tht licitoe-OrCominens: last niehte 'Mee Gladstone in a speeehsale ported -the Governinerit, and warmly pressed the treatment accorded to the 'FeeianSby.the American Gieverinumer • Mr, Maguires' -re-- a vote of 1,0o- azainst at. - Lesbos; Aug. 2. --The advices• from the -seat of ear state that Tthe Prifssiati Veers hire eateredeMannheita and Heidelberg.' A - • • •- THE MARKETS. GODERICH,- Aug. 9, 1866. S7pring ® 0:90 Fall- -do- ..... 1:10 • (0 1:10 -Oats, 0:20- Flour ..... '5:50 Barley'0:40 Pena , •S• •••+. • • • 0:40 flp, 0:45 Sheep. . . . 4:00.® 5:00 Beef, yIb ....... . .7.. 0:08 et '0:to Elides (gr,een) : .. 4:50 • (i?, 0:00 butter. 0:50 ® .0:60 Potatoes, new,.. 000 (ct : 1:75 a, 2:25 Etay, new tan 4:50 5:00 E4gs . 0:10. 6:00 •vv(Ka; .. 0.32 (it 0.35 London, Ang .8,;186Ge Fall Wheat, ? bsh Superior 1 20.- a 1 30 Spring Wheat, do, ..... 1 18 1 20 Barleye.... do,. 0 45 ® 0 00 Oats, do, 0 26 ® 0 27 ' Montreal, Aug. 8,1866. T E S THE G.REATENtILISB REMEDY -sin _JAMES C LA RKE'S • bejebrated Female Pills. Prepared front a nescription . Clarke,M.D..Physfcian EiIraorditiary ' - to the Queen., • - ..... , . .. . . 1..! This invaluable- medieine- is unfailinn-'iii,the . . . cure of all -those painful and .dangerotisdiseasei to -which" the female constitution is --subject. Ii . inotteretp all excess and removes allObstructionsi mid a speedy cure may be relied -on, .- : . - TO MARRIED -LADIES •-- it ht pecidiarlY ruited: li will, in,a short time, bring on the monthlv.petiod with reegilarity.'.. , Each bottle, price' One Dollar, bep.rs the Goy -- eminent Stamp -cif Oreat-Britain,topreyent coon- ,terleita.- - - -1 • . • . -,.:C AUTION; ' These Pills ihoght am -betaken- bi/females d.uring the FIRS1- TIMEE AMA' THS _af Preg- ^ te.aney., a, they we sure to hrOlfs, on Misear- riali.ei.hat at any other timp they are Safe. . In ail eases of Nervous End Spinal Allielions. Ming in the Back and Limbs:- Fatiglie on slight -etertiort, Palpitation, cf the Heart, Hysterics -and 1 'Whites, these Pills Will , effect a- core wher all other.means have failed; and althoueh a power- fulremed, do not -custom- iron. caloinel; -anti-, monv, or anything hurtful to t he consittut ton. - Full directions in the pamphlet around each 'package, which should be catetully pre-erved. -Sole agent for the United. States a nd Canaries, • . AM ,3IOSES, Rochester NeY - N. B.-$1,00 and six -poetage stamps, enclosed - to any authorized agent will insure a. bottle con- -- - tai•ningfittv.Tilfs, lir rerstrhwrnenaisailielt, c ....w' ., a. e•n- er- al . ' IstOR'r /MOT & LY M A N., .. es - ,.. - agentiorranada. - - . : tr Sohl in Godefich bv Parkee& Cattle and F. Jordan-; Gaidiner cc "Co.,- Bayfield; :lames elution , E , Iticksoh,Seaforth, and all Beithum, Rog:mi.-Ale ; J. PickanI,Exe: t.eru4.3Js..illy. roinbe„ Medine Ocatera.. . - 0:23 6:00 - 0:50 ' E E KLeyr Gottong...1- .0.ottOlis e. Flour -Superior Extra. .. • 00. a 7 50 . • 7 50 a 7 75 Fang.... . . 6.00. a 6 50 -.Vheat-Canada......'..... 1 11 a 1 20 do Western ,...... 1 20 1 Ts tYats-Per 32. 36 a ,o 38. *Barley -Per 48 Ibe . 511- a 0 55 - Ashes -Pts - • 5 42a ae5 47.1 • do Pearls: first •;.. 6 50 a 6 60 • New York, Aug. 8. Canadian flour. common. ... $8 60 @, LO 00 choice extra --10 25 a-13 50 Wheat, cointion . . 2 00' ® 2 00 • . prime -new Corn, WS • • • Oats - Pork bbit Veol Flour utions aeaintsthe Bill were negatived by ali wheat ..... .0 00 a.; 1 65 Spring ....1OO 130 Butter- ..... . _ 0 15 • loi . . .. 0_32 • 0 00 2 93.g 3 00 084 - 086 -0M .055 .......:.3050:. 3075 Toronto, Aug'. 8. • • • ....... $6_00. o oo _Will Haiiiiiton,-the half wit of Ar, wa4 han.e`in., about the vicinity of a loch, - which was partially 1 rozen Thiveyoung _ladies were deliberating as to whether they should venture- upon the like's sur- face, when on of them suggested that Will should- be-aslied to. walk on -liist. The • proposal was made to him. " Though Fur daft, I'm no ill-bred," quickly tespanded- • Wilt; " After the Ieddies' - ; • AmOng the most finportani. of motlere medical discoveries stand tee • • CASADI IN PAIN DESTROYER1--; As a Fainitv, Medici. it is Well andlavorablv known, reliefina: ihous.anda froth •pains,in .the ' . , ( Back mid Itead.Coug hs, C olds, S ore th Fon. t , -,Sprains. Abases, Cramps in. Stoniach, Cnolera'morbus;th-senteryylloWel com- " plaints, Burns, Scalds, Frost Bites, - Ake., Sm. • - - The GANADIAN PAIN DESTROY:EA, has now..been befine the public_ for a length: rt-; tina 'and .-wherever usea well liked,- -never failing IL. a single irstance tOgtve perinanent reit.fwben. timely- used, and we -have 'never known aingle ease..ofnissatiefetion where:the directionsliave -btenproperw followed; bat, on the. Contrary, all are delighted withita operations, and speak in tea highest -terms of- its virtues and =peal el., fecttsVe sp. eak.frem e-xperierice in this hi' atter. hav- ing- teitied it thoronghly. and.theretore those who, are stitlering. Artaii-- any Of the eoniplainto: for whieh it is 4.0mm-intended_ may depend tMenlis being. a Sovereign Ileum:ie.., • lhe astocisintur•edicaev of the Canadian Pain 'Deitrover in curing the:diseases for -*gigot is relommended. and itiewonde-rfni success In sail- duing the torturing:pat-1[1.s of Rheumatisna. acd an relieving Nervous Airections, entitle it to a high rank in the list ot remediesfor these, coniptaints. -Orders are coaling- in' (rola Medicine Dealers in all parts oftbe conntry • fer limiter supplies, and each testifying as to the Universal satisfaction it Canaan -EL Pain Destroyer. never Mils re give immediate:relief. 'All inedteir.e dealers keep: it. Physicians order and use lt,;. and no family will be witiiont.ii. after once: toying it, • Price only 2.5; cents per re.„ - usders should be add . gsed ro NORTH. t P at. LYMAN; • . • • . • --N.ewcastle,C. W., . • GenernilAgent for Canada.' 13'Sold tn. Goderieli by }artier act -sole and - F. Jordan 'Gardiner 4. Vo.. Bev field ; Jautes 'Bentham. Rogerville- - J. Pickard, Exeter4 J. H.. Conthe. Chola ; Hickson Seaforth;u1a.Inbd6artblt Medicipe Dealer. S"PRANGEs otr- TurE. Every young iadyand gentiemettafthe United.States can hearSoniething very -much to, their advantage by return:nail (free ot elia!ge), by dddrestig the .under -- signed. Those having tears of being hunibugged will oldige-bV not noticing thi,letatd.-- All -others Will,Please , address obedient servant. . THOS. F. CHAPMAN,. • . dal Broadway. NeW York. __ . TO CONSUMPTIVES. The adverticer leaving been restoreet to health in a - r!%., week's by a very simple remedy.atteihaving suf- .:bred for several years with a severe. lung affectiont and tIat dread disenic. Consumption -is anxams to inaka kI town to his fellow-sufferets the Means of cure. • To all who desire it. he will- seud a copy ot the pres- cription used (free of ehargeywith the directions for pre - id usMg- the seam. which they wilt -fad a sraz several years in L tab, and enjoyed enema, leerialaigand CoNscapTios. Astums.: Haosctirits. CorGas. facilhies, tor obtaining accurate information COLDS.. And all -Throat and Wig Affeetious.. The only: object of the advertiser in sending tite Prescription is to -,- at re`-atiga to the doineetie mariners and . . critenis ot -the Itoraiono,hairec4ritly publish- BE SUBSCRIBERS ARE SELL ing off Grey Cottons at reduced prices, oho Ladies' and Gents' Straw Hats: . To arrive in a day ot two -CHEAP WHITE. COTTOst. Lately to band - Sugars, Teas and TO ----1 ear Give the Cheap Cash Store a ACHESON-a& SMITH -Goderich, July 20th, 1866. - _ , tis remedy.- as it wilt Cost theta nothingAnd 'How Briglianis Younges Wives Lire. C. V. xsaite, a lady who his spent benefit the afflicted: and.spread imormanon whietL conceives tiThetortmluable. and he hopes every.sutfere Parties wishing.the prestiription, FREE. bY-return mail • Rev. , kEALEli Tenders- will be -reCeived until '1/41 Thursday the gth dity of August next 12 o'cloek noun. for the erection tit 'e BRICK CO'ITAt/E to be built ou the Maitlinid CeM= etery grout -id. _Plans and specifications may be seen at ary Office corner of Con5t House Square and Routh street ,' The Ceinetery committee do -not bind tbeinserves to. except the lowest or any ten:- der. J41IES SMAILL, Architect may prove bleSsing. ., Crodericli; 2nd August, 1366. an 2t juctge-willehe Widely read, FrOm it we ex; will Pease uddress EDWARD A: WILSON tract thelollowitiee account of the mode ot 1,1 ilhainsburgKinn Cis.. New Fink ed a bock upon the- subject.. It is a well wawa and interestizit work which we shotild- Iife et the women forming the household of the Mormon prophet :- The intermit arrangement affaira-"at -the_ Harem is wry- similar to that Of a: young- la , dies' hoarding sehool. Eawh women. having Ler own room,, her affairs. are • all- eentered there. The culinary department i under the ‘control of Mich of the wives as Brighini front timelto time appoints.. She is the stewardess, , and carries the keys. A cook .is employed -generally a, maa-and several servants be- sides, who are all nuderthe Control -of the steWardess, When the meals are prepared and, ready )be bell rings, and each women; with her chitthen, it she has any, flies down to the dinner table/n& is seated as before stated. . Each, oti rising-, has ner chilitrea to attend id, and get ready for breakfast,: this over, she corn - mews the businessof the day; arranges her Poius and sits . down to her -sewing work, as the ce.sa may be. Most of the women spin and mike their everyday clothing, doing their -Own coloring:, They -are quite proud br the -quaint* of clr411 ' Manufactured ta . their estaatishment every . year. All work hard-, indlakevery little out ordeer exercise.. Parties and the theatre, - ERRORS OF YOUTFI. A" Gentleman who suffered for yerirsl-CM Nervous Dgbility, Preigaturei Decay, and all the edeets of youth -a futindiscretan. will for the sake of -Seel-lag humanity - send free to all who need at. the recipe and directions for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Suf- ferers Wishing to profit by the-advertiserta experience, erui do so by addressing • .TORN G. OGDEN. No.13. Chambers Sr.. New York. • Nrrti atsuerttsenlents. X3M-rt.XLY .N710116? •-• VEOETaB PAIN KILLER! _. AT THE OLD- . .6Ell'ARX OF COITNI'Elt. FEIPS' AND WORTHLESS. - - - April IS. 1866. 'w12 6ni .VIARINE:;•INSURANCE. - are the favorate amusements. At the.theatre. BriUsk jmerieail Insurance Co . OF TIOROSTO; Brigham and one -or twit -of his favored wives altogether in the " kinf a box," but the re mainder of the women and the childrea sit irr what is called "Brigham's corrid.'•! This is in the.parquetteeabonithe centre of the area. The Prophet goes down once or twice during the evening to the corral, and chats fors few monmatseeittioneatidanother, but in a short time he can be seen_ beside his 6dear Amelia ' agaitr. Af the Mornion parties, much gayety pre- vads. Appearances are mantained. some - What, by paying mote reseectfol deference to the first wives -on such occasions. - _Gentiles; with whonethe saints are on good terms, are well received and kindly entertained at these parties,, and all loin inegiving theniselvesup b)* folluerice emir:tit and festivity. Dane- - lees -not only a fatorite amusement, it is mtireiit is cultivated to sucks= extent that it „- becomes a passion, Brigham's women, though better clothed thmi formerly,' still work very hard. They are infatuated with thew religion mid devoted to their husband.. If they cannot obtain hia lavethey content-themselies with hiskindness, andiendeavortothlak themselves happy. As religion is their only Bola* they try to Make ittheir only object. If it does- not elevate their -minds, &deadens their susceptibilities,: and as they are not permitted ta, be woinen, they ,try to convince themtelvet it is God'a. will they should be staves. 1. L music master„ daneing master, and teacher ot the ordinary branches atm:2111- %k education; re employed in the family geheoL Also "s- teacher of French. Jim have- °mak better advantages than any other inthe territory. Dancing and music -are the leadingnecompfishments. and Wert' thing else is Made subprdinate to; these. Igiarine department. , - GEORGE RUMBALL, _ • At. tGederich.Anril25tit, 'non .`w131 TENDERS_Wilk TED .REATSEIROWL,.$411-00i TEE. GOODS CHEAPER THAN EVE Splen.did Inducements to- Cash Customet • . • 1 On Friday, the 1701 day of Aligns!' 18t6, at.2 e'cloc.:, P. M. *ill be offered , ' MR, GEORGE. MOON TRVEMAki . - - 'at his a -notion Resins in doderach, Our - less prevretrey disposed of by ptiVaie VHF tract) tot Nine. First Coneeseitine - TOWNSHIP OP GODEitiCiff containing, 146 .acres. this !And is beau': folly situate ou the shore °flake iimoh oil the Bayfield Boadand about 3 thilint fro* the Town of Gnderich, about 40 acrti tif it ere &cared; with aDwelling IlouSe and Ottii houses. -This :land from the lustily a ite 1 • soil and. its pokition 'combines the-ativantsges of an excellent Farm- and a situation which for beilib, beauty and comfort ektinot mail/ be el celled:- - , - Terine of Sale ipay he ittutwit iyapplying. .. fo WILLIAM- ki-LITT1 O - -Esq3 olicitor . . '.., S 3 eLondon, or -to D.- SEADE GOODING, Esq.., •Soieiter, GOderiehr June 14th 1860: :stivr2eta for Sale by • . O pREvARt FOR FALL 600114'1.111ONS WE,•wiLt 07FER - the balance of 00 sainmer stock eft CoSt tor Cask.: SPECIAL BARCAINS - g • DR'.6091:0--A10,-STRAW • GOODS 1 1 tiAVING- torGrIT. -11:2-X7 1 *tetr-- • • • Bike the recent full in prices are prepared to offer thein eta redaction offive cents , on he yard; on Spring.pricesi. • SUMMER TWEEDS Ai\rDLINEM - _ - At a like reduCtiors, Just recited:a fresh supply of _ JUST OPENED SEN;.ElIAL _CAS 1. - • ./ .SALE•Or.. Northeni Graie1 ROAD- fiTOCKV _ TINDER, and'hyviriue of it power afield contained in an Assigninent bearingdatli, tbe i . - Foutteenth day of Septemberi Ao Doi 1861, made by flie late John Galt, .gsq.; there will he told at fhb Ccarr House in the -Town ' of thaderiete at tile hottr bf twelve o'clock -coon, on the , Eighth day of Augutil 1146.5 - . I000 Shares in the Gnderichlgortheftardittil Road Company: Terms Cash: . ._ _. D. SHADE 000b/Nd5 _ „Solicitor for Assignee. Goderich, 6tb lily, I/366: -. Made „--- - MILITIA NOTIOk: _ o.p i=t,I;;rra-sbi:1?,s Of Sew Woollen Mills, , Flour find Grist_ Mils, Paper Mills Thrashial Ma- chines, Foundries_and Ma:bine- Shops, &e., &c., &o., • II se tb.e liabric Oil 1 DIANUFACTURED EY : It is the gest andy evest 'Lubricating Oil in the innrket. : There is -less friction with this- than with .any other oil, -and owing to its excellent body a smatter .quantity/is consumed.- -While on the other hand 1 • -• - IT NEVER GUMS I but runs sweet, and_keeapnittoichearings. and working parts smooth and eloi . Sold by most respectable •driftgists, Getter - -al Merchants and Oil °Dealers in the Cobilry. Askfor the BrantfOrd, Lubrie Oil _Company's., Oil. - • -J0H111. STRATFORD, Manager. Brantfeid, July 3,166. .43t.f THE Military School at LONDON 41 be J - reopened on the lOtli -September,. pro- vided that there are Fifty_ approvedcappb- cants On the list by the ist September. ApplicatiOns for admission should be made to-- the Brigade Majors of Division. By order , . JOHN E. TAYLOR, - Lieut. -Colonel, , A. A. G. Militia. London, 31st July 1866. 108 4t/ - NEW PHOTOGRAPI iGILLERY • - OVEn 4RCHIBALD'S STORE, Grabli'sE ag RIOR -WART Atill TAireft E.ItQatIn. Pecernes taken in every style -and n all kinds ot weather. Porcelain or Opa otype Pictures, and THE HELIOARISTOTYPI.; OR. "BEST StTN• PICTITREO, • Taken in various styles Iron; $V50 to $20 ,(colored in water Colours or oil. - - Life -Size Photographs taken on reasonable -terins-either plain or coteied, 3:?• PRICES W ER than- eisewhere in Canada. • • . D. CA)!PBELL. Goderich; June 1,-1S66. 9,427 STEAMER' STRAYED,:1-. • BONNIE; : IS. G. PARSONS, Mais 'STRAYED. into the preinises.efthe „ • KIITLIED INTEL GODER1011- ---,-- ,t Et I KOSHER, PROPRIETOR. THE .1:As above is mostpleasantly situated on in emmence I20 feet high, overlooking t he Harbor and Lake Huron; -good Orchards, Gardens and Kura Walkaattached. Boa -rd $1- perday ;single MeahlorBeds.25 cents. v151110%41: Fanlike* Husband. A few days ago;- s man doing business in this sity„ placed a young girl-profeisedly an sA_LT, SALT, SA.LT. • a TUE Subscribers offer for Side 200 barrels & REFUSE SALT, mutable for the use o farmers on landr&c. at.•$0.75 per bbl. SHEPIARIl.&STRACHAN. Goderich; August- 2nd; 1866. w28 MORGEN _SALE OF a iThbr- the London_ Road a part -4 Lot wither Thirt•y4o- the lirst concession of the Town"... be;lot-5, range -Stanley, near Bayfield.a HE .„-Si,tg'AMER " BONNIE "' VILL, tiEIFER coining, two Tears oldr striped fore-- aura lartoLet r.otige, discontin e the trip to Sarnia on- Fridays ; and alsp until head, lined back, white belly. The owner is requested to prove property, pat. expenses, and take it away. _ - ALEX. BROW N. Stanley, July_ 30th, 1666. . wgg 31: Insolvent Act of 1864 in, the matter Of Inc. C. Currie, of the 'Village of Port Elgin, in the County of Bruce, an Insolvetit. The undersigned bas been appoirted As- signee in this matter, and requires claims to be fyled within two months from: this date - • ARCHT ROY; Assignee. Port Elginr28th July, 1866, w28 PROVINCIAL' EXHIBITION - .41CRICFLTURAL 0S0q1LITION • 0 F UP.1P1EJEL To RE HELD. AT TORONTO, On tlie 24th to 20th Septerber, 1666. ..MM•••• • • furtherootice, will make one -trip a-iqek to Saginaw, leaving Goderich, everf..Tbursday evening at 5 o'clock. Far. particulars and _freight, apply w EBSONS Intending to exhibit will pleaseiJ . take notice that the Entries of Articles in - ship ot Tuckeismith. in the County of Huron, the respective classes!, must -be made with tbe containing by admeasurement One Pouitli of an Secretary, at Toronto, on or before the under- . menuuned detest= __, , Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Swine, Lai:Why, on or before Satuidav. August lftth. Graiii, Field Roots, and other Farm Products, Agricultural Implements, Machinery and Manu- - generally, on Or lielbre Saturday, Sep - Friday 24th day of August 1866 mintier lat. . • an acre, wilt be sold by Public Auction, at the AUCTION BOOMS of P. O. BARNARD, - t Richmond Street,Londont C. We, on GEO. RUMS IiLL & CO. TO ARRIVE NEXT WEEK. A LOT OF GENTSi- OP TE 1•TmNrsrsT 'err -41* ALSO, A LARGE QUANTITY OF TE -PRESS -TRAIL SPRING' Being Moll -test improvement,and the first ever offered for sale in theTown tlf Goderiet • JOHN -CO pEt.I.LOrt Oda The Dock, Goderieb, July 3. 1866. wlift NIORTuAGE SA rrNDER a power offside eontairedin Mort - kJ gage made by David ot the Township ofilinlosS, inc County of Bruce, yeomen. and Mary Dillies his wife,- (better a party lb rens tor the purpose of barring her Dower) default hav- ing been made -in the due payment thereof, and -notice baying been given to alt parties interested, there Irfl. be sold on - • Thursday, the ninth ',day of August, v . - A. D.; MSS. at 12"o'clock noon; at the Auction Mart.of Ur. M. THURMAN, ir the Town oftiod- uric!), the following property, Viz : Lot number twenty fLurt -in the serond concession. of the aforesaid Towiliiip of -Kinloss, containing by ad- measurement one hundred acres more or Deed male: power cif sale in Mortgage. • -- • 11-- O. CAMERON. w291d - fat Mortgagee. - I • 2 HortiOlturat •Products, Ladner* Werke the 'at Twelskiti'cleck coon i"der -and by virtue or pineArts, &c -on -or beforeSaturday, Septesn- a power of sate contained in a Mortgage front Donald McDonald and. wile to John Innis Mc- Kenzie dated the lOth day ofMerch, A D.,1866. - Terms< mide knosyn at the sate meat tbe office - dike. undersigned Dundas Street west. London., - .WARREN ROCK, So!, Bod f Arlo:aunt.' to iuru. -Prise bias and Bitink Forms Pm snaking the entries imon, can iie-obiained of the Secretanes of all Agricultural Sotieties and Mechanics, In- sututes tbrOughout the_Province. • HUGH C -THOMSON. Solleitor for Mortgagees.' London; Int, At/pi/4,11.6. w2s 3e TOTOnttit StIly 28.1E66. - w203t - ow/WANTED 1 000 KECS OF BUTTER., Goderich Jtdi27t11, 1865. , 4 • MOMS - RECEIVED THILDAY AT THE - - AND FOR SALE ai-g,E.41#4.t) Pom, 50 BUNDLES '-B s H/tOTTON. TAR 75 PIECES GREY COTTONS* THE ABOVE BEING BOUGHT WITH ,CASEI- WILL BE SOLD LOW. STilar-A '014 ‘1--1.A.1•7-3i SELECT sCHOOL. E Skimmings will re -open her School .1:T.L I on Wednesiay, 1st August. • - - Goderich, 26th July. 1866. sw95 soa SETI'S rump sicirtirs- Nr ma. IL . • THE BALANCE OF OUR LADIES' STRAW BATS AND maosolo TA. :COST OR THEREABOUT& SIZE AN EA.nr_a-v-7 its sotACV.L.Eity. • JUly Stb, 1860. NOTICE. MOTICE is hereby givento-the ShrtrehoId- ax era of the Gotland' Petrolcum, and ItheaitShtinsPian.ntYhethaalltointend14-8SstotheelinfetcheePstaoidf Company within one week -that the said al- lotted Stock Will be forfeited andre-allotted. Dated this 30th daY of July A. . 1866. CHARLES'S ROBER -1,46- Secretary. I • 1ERR, • THE RIDGE PROPERITY POR II AVE& THE RESIDElitE. OF trigiait ai91114 • EsQ,e, 11;111.ol lr site iihtSeBP arbn 1 rP ee :TfYIs ot e adu t f ;141- Ye. 11 11 11 la t: 7111th 1" RIVER Im1rriA14134_ and on the Batiks of Lake- Huron. It eon - tains RI 740 acres of Lend more or Iasi with Dwelling House, •Outhoulte.s, Stsbleal Ace -with large „garden, Vinery and Orchard. The Wood Land consists pnricirally of Ottli., and theflowering.Linder, Cherry, Maple. The Ground's are in very good order. Thetis are three never failing springs <Spire water -- 6n the Propetty Theratiorion fore 'HOMO' residence 'Cannot he - surpassed 4ti the Prot' ince. ' • , - For terrhs appl)' 10 G41411, Esq.; _ - Barristeri.Torontei dr • b. stapt-emobtflo, . _ . - - Ilarrirdeti Ooderiet._ Goderich: Sth 301y. 1969: ' sw$011 MORTGAGE SALE 4 a. . . -LJDER Avower °finite-coin:media * mMods egage ade- by BOO IlleMonamy, of the Townithip el Kineatitine, in the County 01 Brim, tebinen, default :having teen...Made in lhe Aid payment -thereof and Some IniVipg been Sited 10 al! parties interested, there will -be field on Thursday, the ninth day of Algot; A.. b.. 44. 12 iel;rbich itoone Ohm Auction Martn.t,,O.M.-TRUEMAW, in the Toiiin °Mod= ericli, the' folliaring pteliciti4 thirty Siz,zonh et the Diiihrim Road, an the third Voneesirion of the Toivnihin of Xincauline afoie- sa. id. -Containing admeasuretheili fifty At;zos :Land, more or less.'- - Deed iihdet.posvettisaleiii Mortgage. 91- PAMER0144- 1,4914 Solicitor for _Molise* -- Far Sale cheapfor Cast 1111 premiiics no* occiipied An *oder: - _signed. itt the Village_ Of Ilaithindvilke One-quarter ot a Mile from the Salt Well. tine atm -11W a Quarter- of land ent the sidd beaniftilly situated, cominandiag* View' Of the Rivet Maitland and the :harbor, And comfortable cotiale. 4There ave two "wells of good Water. Also a selection of chmeil fru trees ltrep:tsicalars. eftp)y on tile Prralis9 sOmEttsi 1 . , -Or stibe dnderich. July 14, 1566. w25( '4Y t MORTGA E SAL - 0* LANDS! . 14DEB-and, by Virtue Os ilotterlit SillU contained , in I ,,Mortgage curie bi William Bacon. of the Toweihip of Brant. id _ the County' of Bruce,. yeoman, Aillitilt baffling . been Made in -thc.i payment there6ti irill-bo sold - _ . OnPriday, -10th day of W3 ait 113664 , .- At die -hour Of 1 o'clock,p. - at /- 1 - Mr. -P.. .,O.- 13artiareiL , kiction gowns., -Richmond Stree,ti 'ia Ad 1866. . City Of 'London; the following ttoperly, Lot .- ---iiuMber 6, tn the filth -ceOleession of thollil tOWNSA111 tst ..-iiitA--174 , - , INTA;• .d.b 11 tir t o4' ttil.utsi tioniaining one hundred acres,: -,tii0r011ilesdi 1*i. The terms °reale maybe _sseertained from Mr. Frederick Kleist; Farb/Ws; he* the Auntiodeir,and.from .. - . ' s - - e - ' ' -CR. C):4ventilorii?8-ettputjell4k0„-nis - . S to ststati‘d . - 1-4NITF.AdTtiRED. lit .-- tionctni t: Whlitne .25t1i,,185.6ee last , '--orcosJorn- sTriA.izistAix,_ _ . . . ..._,..: . CARRIED OPP THEPALMAT TRE ROYAL HIDNLAND . AGRICULTURAL _SOLICIT'S- 1.XHIBITION HELD AT I NVERNESS,SCOTLAN 0, LAST YEAR, COMPETJNG __ _, .. • ,_ _•..1. 14011TOAGili_11 OF tfilllgi . ACA thiST MACHINI,S- OF BOTH .SUOTCH AN D ENGLISH MANtIFAdTURE. , .. ALSO AN,EXTE4 PRIZE FOR A GRAIN BINDER Al THE LAIE.PBOVINCI4LI EIHIBIz - - NDkili and* -virtue ei a l'irifrei ot 8a1 - z TION HELD IN. LONDON. ' . i - _ . - THE BALL'S OHIO MACHINE Is so universally known and approved of by the f'ariners Of Can= contained ma* Mortgage made bv Malcolm ada, 'that "redeem ii toexpedient here to say anytbittg in its favor. - It • stands. unrivalled as -a Campbell,. of the -T3ovinthip of -Carrick, la tbif Combined Machine. We _ *mild simply ,-say that the success attending our introducing it mio the 1 County -4 Brute" yeomae, &Midi hivinkbedit ' country haiinduced us io deV te our almost soli, and undivided _attention 'to i14 manntectiire. I blade matthoce pasheo;renlift:11,0!ereabolii:::::: on - We have this-seasop• introduced VALUABLE IMPROVEMENTS, Which Sre-,Uot included in any iii m ' ..t , - - .."il 4 'essay; ,itieptembor Ils Itrobi which we received EXTRA PRIZES AT THE -.LATE . PROVINCIAL, EXHIBITON HELD IN) Maehineemanufactiired ui Inc V lifted -States or Canada -which -we cannot hens enumerate '..and -for i -,IT, LONDON. - •• , _ . • 1 ... a • No time, Trouble or Expense *Pared In Perfecting our muichnie& .-, We have algal. of - itit: P. a 3§AINAlurs recommendations _ which are published in painntitet form. L :---* - - , e- 1 Intending purantinirei wilt plectie Weirs their mains without delay, in bidertes --aianelibeeieelkseleAlICTION 'ROOMS, _Ilretmenci Strefif.-- I* bali 4hti„ we cannot guarantee them without. -, :- ,. . - • - -. , • •• • City of London, the following prevent, mist - EANachAMaMP6LhiEneiiwAiliti teANIsetTuYPtaoirninishedPUt inw°Peitlirodiakiehil if required. On fai j'holigsEtc;.p.ti. lierf:iistkumaraAnste.e."1 1_4. Lot Number lphrei:: IlleF716.011 °GI-113°1166°1es*. . the moneY r nines whichmeyhave,. been givelltherefor, will be refunde .-, , i Broge contammg ir crezz'intoo . ' - . . Ili aerins ot Sale may be Ascertained from ' ' of the Township..olCarrielf,-in the -Comity of G. M. TRUEMAN, Agent, Godmich. . . Air. Ttioimui_Pairlati, ;:it, Toetallyitsvatierrek.iloo:theit: .._ tioneer.andororn0 _ ' 11,. IteNCIMAN, Reference. .. - • - • tegiigesftelionviLOndosi..- Strapords lune 29t111 18664, -; 1 - 1.iondon,-C: •yr., mks% 10•55. - ve03,1;...- - (Cal for a Cstalogne.) • *i'8 -Ii RATFORP A jCUETURAL BALLS- CELEBRATE]) 01110 00111311i ING and MOWING IL