HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1866-08-07, Page 4THE 'SEMI-WEEKLY S GNAL. LANI)S - FOR _SALK Goderith .and 4tithamoton _ - aft rir OCV N; co - CD 'THE foilewhig excellent -fann• lots, via—Lot 0) 36, in the. Bavfield concession of the Town - hip ot Godern,.h...Co. Unron coetaining abo t 9_0 acres ot winch about tiO aro clearedalso the norm hall ofthe north 4 of Lorninetecn, Lake • Road, East in the Township -of Stanley. and - County of Ilirron.- containing about -thirty six neres, mostly cleared, also the west part ot bot ten, in tbethirteentheoncesiien oftk aid Town- shiv a Stanley, containing about thirty acres, with four news clearance, also park Lot two,. Range "1" in the same Township, being Ober' mile- trent Bay field on the Gravel Road and con- taining ten acreri' niostly cleared, withgood stream °twitter, good Dwelling house, Barn mid- Orehant„ and alai-) the south westerly, half of. Lot eighteen inthe eighth concession of the Ton 1 ship oliftiintey aferesaid, containue, about sixty I GODERICH AND SOUTII.AMPTC miles of the Village of Varna. TOUCHING AT INT El91IEDIA.1E PORTS trar partieniars apply perionally or by prepaidEACH WAY. . _ - - letter aLthe DosfOilice, Bayfield. March 27th.1S66.. • w9 LII1VM• SHORTEST; CIIEAPEST & MOST ._DIRECT ROUTE. TllI MW AND ELEGANT S1DE-1V11E,Ei. ZOW PRLSSURE STEAMBOAT - _ SILVER -SPRAY, GAPTAIN ,D. ROWAN, urthi.., Ply, in -connection with the G. T Iv Railway; between • acres- of land mostly cleared, and Wuhni twd Valuabie Piece of Land pox?. AN favorable terms of payment. The fol. 41- lowingaironerty, Nia:- North half of lot number -301 on the 12th von. of -Goderich township, containing. by admeasurement 40 acres, more or Is, upon which there are - - fifteen acres Cleared. This land is in * favorable situation, being within five miles or - the town of Clinton. Also, a, valuable Southampton, daily at 5 a:m.• 1 Port Elgie 5i Iuverburon.........•71 1 Kincardine* 9 t;Ariiving in Goderieh in time for passen lgers to take the 2 P. hi. Train, reiehing To- ronto same evening at 9 P. M.; and Buffalo 9:40. 'RETURNING: WS rr. 4:› 11..1EUR CANADIAN; ...READ- THE FOLLOWING VALUABLI FACTS HA GYARD,'S ROYAL PAIN REMEDY - • REAL-VECETABLE REMEDY FOlt PAM. Both as an interne/ .estereal. tion its efficacy is rifallible.: :A. volinne?ttught ie • written to -eiplain• its peetiltar, ohetnit.al and nedutinal properties, but it needs no eprotiief 11 single trial Will -not fait -to prove •itis valuable turn- . lye powers.- Tie it and no eenviiiced. ITJ'Any person -purebasnur a Bottle and not satisfied with A- ltera lair trial will on .returanig it femme' their money back. 4;31 Price 25e. -Full Directions • for Jim% actlampany each -bottle. bold .b} all Dicug. and country stores throughout Canada. r •• .A_13 UR.° !..18•E's. 4-1'Y ' VERDI IFU GE C N • 41' -HE most effectual Werm Destroyer known, pleasant to the taste, and as they coirtain. no mineral 1. may be. admiiiii,tered to the most delicate constitution. ' . - • . Dr. Abernethy, notwithstanding his abrupt end eccentiie manaers..was considered one of the inc4 skilful physicians that -eve r adorned- tne nothe nrote.ssion or meilieine: His experience, derived from the most extensive praolce in Louden. Englimd toaether With nts very. superfolf- natural talents; placed him at the head ot the Faculev. It has .nla tiya.been difficult to fo-in a einnbin thin with which Ifi to expel worms trom the-liiiman *Nem. Abernethy overcame tlus difficulty. 'hen e discovered the -formula from which tfie-Veinuf uge Candy is n. Wheit,er worins exist ortio the Candy will . -, at all times be foui:d beneficial . when a. purgative ineilicine-is-required. - • ... • ' . Price 250 each orb Box.s for mie Dollar. t3old by F. Jordon, Parker & Cattle, iind Mr. Gibhons., 10i -stench. James H. Voinbii, Clinton, B. Luinsflen, and E. Hickson htC'o., Sealorthi and mall Driig and Country StoteS in Canada. • - . i LYNDS & AIII4IiITRN, 1 C. ,1,-. ,‘& . •Acton, • Lenyiag Goderielt after the arrival orthe• Proprietors; 3 P. M. Train from the East; touching at Kincardine, ' lnverhuron, and Port Elgin; ar- riving at Southampton some evening. AGENTS FOR THE TRANSACTION OF 'property in the viklage of lianburri"." one hair • FREIGHT BUSINESS . acre. of Iand, *good farm. house-, shop, awl • . stable on the pretiiises. This would - be a good AT THE PORTS MENTIONED: . eituatiou for a talloroin° Saddle and hartiess . TWEETS FOR SALE ON THE BOAT FOR. - maker as there {is, 'noile in the Vicinity. I . Vgoods or store °roods at_wholesale prices an Poith Faints in e Province and the -United witI be taken for either - of the above . States. i • -.JAMES STANLEY, • . JOHN V. I5ETIOR at ON, - *.-tu _ Constance -D. 0. - w20 GODERIC If -places. • ' DIVISION COURTS. THE FOLLOWING "ARE THE TIMES FOR HOLDING 'THE DIVISION , COURTS IN HURON AND - BRUCE FOR TIIE MAINl5ER .0-E`' THE TEAR, _ SEPTEMBER_ 10th-DiVision Court Tuesday - IS.. .Cfmton. 2n1 do: „ Wednesday 19.. .Seatorth. I ith doThursday 20. 5th • •do - Friday 2.. .Exete.„ -do -Monday 24.. .Bayfield. 1St- do Tuesday 25.. .Guaerieb. 6th. eatarcar 29. .Duitgannont. - OCTOBER. 3rd. Division Court Thursday II..Kincardine. 12th • ' - do _ Friday' 12..Riversdale. Sth do -Saturday 13..Walkerton 4th do Tuesday 16 -Paisley. 9th do _ Wednesday 17.:Southainptou. NOVEMBER 2-ntl lYiviszon lint- do IOth do - Ise de 6th- do 7th. -do -5th .46 The ° • ' Court Mone -ay I9.Seatorth.' • Wednesday 21. Wroxeter. •' Tbtirsday 22Mlinton. • Friday 23.Goderieb. , Saturday 21.Dungannori. ' Nondilr 26:Bayfield. Courts open. at 10 A- M. iSAAC F,TOMS, Tuesda 27.Exeter. .1 Dept'tyJudgU & Bite.** DAN LIZARS, t . HEMLOCK BARK. IVANTfl THE subscriber warm 1000 cords cf Hem- lock Bark, for which the hiithestinarket: price_will he paid in cash on delivery at his • yard at the Dock. , W. M. SAVAGE. WOOL! WOOL1 WOOL. THE subscriber is; prepared. to pat. the 4 highest market price _for. any quantity o wool. • wl5t THE GENII} ST. GEORGE tambin4 Reaper -and 1: Will be on the Market Square at Goderich on the 25th instant. in Working order. ffeean'd Examine for Yourselves. tr_Zs.: Send for Catalogue of 'PriCes aLd RecompiendatiOns. s ALEXANDER THOMSON. .Agent,,Rodgerville p.o. Clerk of thePeace. Tuckersmith,lan. 5th, 1466. ' w20 lt - Goderich, 24th, July,1866. w27 FOR sALE: RENT. dition)- upon reasonable terms in the Vil- lage of St. Etelens, and lately in the occupa tion of John a, Wheeidon. k. -desirable stand for a person commencmg ;business.- ' -Apply SINCLAIR & WACKER, Solicitors, &C. Goderieh, 20tb dilly 1866 w&w26 lm FO.R-SALE 1.101111•11. G.ERERAt..7 'AGENCY: FIRE,. LIFE. -& British American" Insurance Co. Head Office, TORONTO. Capital $400.011Cf. --Marifie-Department. GEORGEAUMBALL, & Go., Agents. Western Insurance Company Limited, NON -TARIFF OFFICE, ENGLAND, Fr gas_ Nos. 98:57.486,569. 570 =oiling Nos. FOR FIRE, LIFE, AND, M4414,NE• 1.4 stuate on St; Georgera-Crescent in the Town ofeoderic'h. The aboVe.LOts are beauti- -CAPITAL-000' 000 STERLING.- - I I . fully.situated; commanding both a -River and - Laac view. comprisi-a-a. ahem, one acre ot,Land, Chief Offices -7-7 Waterloo _Plice,, London , and forming. a very desirable sitnation for a gen- KP inn. StP .- Manchester. • teelorivate residence. Foy pnee and terms op.! Chairman—J. Tomlinson Hibtert, Esq., ply direetto the proprietor. P f 01 . or - dham, Reform Club, London, . • .10111•1-A. CALL ANDER; 10 Quality St., Leith, . and the Grange, Urinstoti, near -Manchester. • •Scotland. •General Manager—Arthor Scratchlei, . Or te HORACE FIORTON;Esq., Goderich, ESQ. M. A formerly Fellow and Siallerian • ooderich,- 131h April, -18,66. 'lift Lecturer; Queen's College, Cimbridge. Head Office• fa? B. N. A., Ontario Hall, • . Church Street, Toronto. , •SCOTT & DEGRASSI, •• • Managers, BS.A.- CAPT. R. THOMAS, Marine Inspector. - GEO.- RUMBALL,16 Go.; Agenti. • LANDS FOR SALE. VOlisale, on reasonable terrnt. lots 10 _and II, D. R. Townahippf Greenock, County ot • Bruce. The lots contain. 50 acres each. 40 c.eared ou the Iwo lots. The land is first-rate, well -watered and. timbered. No buildings, Absiilots VI and 18, con.5, township ofGOdench, - 80 acres ° each, over 100' cleared on the- two. P.,:xcellent well -watered land—timber, hardwood; abOut-5irides fiOnt tioderie.h. Gond frrine barn and sheds and cOmfortable log house, and fine orehia, Will be sOld setimate or together to 'tut purchaser's. Apply to • ' THOS. JOHNSTON, •on the premises. or W. J, JOIINSTON,Innkeeper, - goderich. &Pt: 23,180 • w35ti j- OUEEN FIRE /6 LIFEINSIIRANCECO. Capital Tiro Millions Pterling. Chief OffiCe, Queen Insurance Buildings, - Liverpool. , ' _ CANADA BRANCH OFFICE, UNION BUILDINGS -• MONTREAL. • • BOAED WILLIAM MOLSON4: Esq., Chairman, Thomas, Kay, Esq., Hon: J,ohn Young, Heal- ey Thomas, Esq., David Torrance, Esq. • Bankersr-Molson's Bank.- • Legat Adri sera—Messrs. Torrance & Morris. Medical Adiiser—Wm. Sutherland, Esq., M.- D., •• Surveyor. -James rk. Soringle, Esti; Audi - °Went " Aot o.t' -1864. to—Thomas R Johnson, l'sq. _Resident Secretary and General Alent-11. Macken- • zie Forbes, Esq. • Union -Buildings, 26 St., -Francois Xavier Street. - & CO.sAg9nts, ;I:nlho Matter of Remy. Haache .of the - Village of Bayfleitt; in- the cOinty of itiamt an- Insolvent. • . • THE crislitorsof the Insolvent ure notified -that lie has Made iin-Astignment of his estate and effects, Tinder the above Aet,'-to me, the under- , The above Companies take risks on the logReil•Afiagnee,and thev are required to furnisn most favourable terms. inc, within two months from tin* date,with their . , claims, specifying the security they hold, If any, . , GEG. RUMBA LT; & Go amt the vtdue ofit; and if none, stating the loos . Goderiek.8rd kirk -1866. ' ' will the whole attested under oathovith the .vouchela M support of suebcfaims. Dated at Coderich, in the Conlin( of Hurcia, this twenty -third -day or J ul ,v .A. D.71866. S. POLLOCK, - • Official Assignee for B. W.,T. BAYS *; , I H. and i. NORTH BRITISH. ' Soltenor for Insolvent. • sw8= 2w4V- - . .' , AND Insolvent -. Act .. of 1864. MERCANTILE ylla AND LIFE ../- the _matter of Robert PrOsir of the! - • Insurance'Co. - °_ ..,___. ,.TOWflShlpofEldersJi5, n; (/z County of Bruce an Insolvent. . .. - . itme Creditors. or the Insolvent are notified I. that be has. made an.Ainignnient --of his _es- tate- aud eflectuander the above AO, to Inc. the undersigned Assignee, and they are required to. • Wth their claims, specifying the fungsta . Mel within two months froserneutrhityis. Vasil I_ . NSUBANCES effected on all classes -0 t ire Department. itawinfire Act- t the whole attested under oath, Iypant. - - -.. , hold _ win y,, and the. value et it ; sad ,r none*, ,i risks at ,mOde!ate- rates. Los ssea prompt- s_ _ .. . with vAlieherS tit support don& claims. - - Life Department. - ‘ • vow at Goderith in the. 0 mew 91 Huron a riga virtue. ofthe guarantee afforded by their nu' TwerlY na-irdaY. °14'.'134-14466' ' 1 Capital a- 1 edthis POLLOCK. e. an SWUM Rt profits, is w26- ‘01-0elal ASsig•nee tor 11 -..dr E. .Company can tdePt- Tatou, .1Ower'thaU are .I practicable by many other offices. ' W IL L -LAM ' S - ' • TO Farmers. - • , : • • ..- - - - Special -10w rates have been made for farm C Oita: i ang.aft - e 0 IIIIS VI t , huildit0 and.other isolated riiika. ' - . - :•--- t --: The undersigned heving been apPoiated .. - . ESTABLISHED 1809: - - 'OATITAL 42,000,000, STERLING. . -agent ,of the above' Company for floderich T#111007BBENT BMW: COO anctsurrounding.countg, will be glacl to BO June•25th, 1866. • . . sw&w23 9m HE COMMERCIAL UNION _ ASSURANCE COMP. ANY-. 19 AND 20, comtial TIONDON, . . VAP1TAL, (Fully Subscribed) - X2,-500,060 SteAing. NYESTED_ OVER, 432000,000.—DEPOSIT PITiD IN CANADA.,$50,000. FIRE -DEPART-MENT, The distingnishable principle et the Conipanyhas been the establiskinent of an equitable classifi- cation, oharging in al leases a premium proeorounate to the r.sk,7 The success whieh has attended the Compairerf operations has been such as fully to salize the mostsanguine expectations of the Directors, wile lave resolved to exteudthe_business more widely, nad now otTer to the Canadian public. -PERFECT SECURITY guarantied by large Subscribed Capital,- said Invested "Funds _ - 'Prompt Settlement &Claims; The Directors and General Agents being4gentlemen largely .en- . gaged in Commerce, Wilt take a liberal tied laismesi.like view of alt questions emning before the -M.- _ :LIFE DEPARTMENT: • - . . The Company offers terms to those desiring Life Assurance unsurpiissed by ani Life Office.. Alodurtite Prenniim.-=Periect Security— E-ccinomy of management. Winding to increase the Bonus ot those on partieipattng --scale, among whom 80 per cent of profits are- Claims pad one mouth after pr.of- m death. _ • . - •And other advantages, whieh luny baleen in the Company's Prospectus. MOiIand, Watson & Co., (lateral Agentsfor Canada. . FRED. CoLE. •• _ . • Secretary. - • 0Fii4IpE,•-385 AND 387, ST. PAUL STREET, JYI.O.NTREAL. • 'Surveyor. , - - - H,MUNILO, Morittifae. • • • . • 11: GARDMER. i6-CO.,Agentsfor Goclerieh and LucknoW 'Jamieson, Walkerton -and Saugeen.-• - Inspecilw of Agencies,• T, C. LIVI-N. GSTON , P. L. S. • ; WinItasaH,. Kincardine ; Jushua sw74 TEtsubscri.ber in-returnimr thanks to the pulitie for -"liberal patronage bestewetnpon h for, a period of nearly twentf-five year8, begs to announce thin in order to effect a redaction of Stocki and to make ready for New Goods, he grill Commence -ON THE -4th' OF THE PRESENT MONTH selling at prices greatly below the usual ritett and Will continue doing so WW1 ' 'I'IIT 1 OI - JUN]p4- • ]M rr. • ins Stock consists of g Varied and Wein' ye essortinentof STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS Hardware, - Groceries, Crokce.ry, BRANIiiES . AND OTHER - LIQUORS; - and as many articles will be sold -at and nailer Coat; an opportunity Will be afforded of se- curing great bargains. In the meantime thej rail credit business Will be discontinued. a FRESH OYSTERS. WHOLAN ESALE D RETAIL, <, BY THE IKEG,CAN OR CO ,NT LossrEhp,- SARDINES, ANDCLAMS. - FRESH LEMONS, ORANGESOATES. Cocoanuts, Figs, Crapes. &o., o., at 'iv 0!1--1..A. ''s West side of Market Square, Goderich. Nov.30118C5.. sw99 . .1 . . NOTICE. . ......_ .. i -TI. M -Partnership1heretofore existing in the - Town orGoderich. under the style of STORY & DAVIS, has been disolved by Mutual consent. . - 1 •,-- WM IAM STORY, A 1 • • (.{EO!UE NORMAN DAVIIS. God . erich,27th J id , 180. 27w.Sw95 i. ' •AllPronitatoryt.'N tee and Accuunts'belorigin , to the late firm -.hay been placed in the Subsen, her's 'ItanEs for .collectien; 1itm4DIATE .iiityrnent must be made, , J. B. GORDON, . - Barrister, -die. Goderich,271h July', 1865, •27w sw95 • in reference to theabove it .may be statbd--that -OLD STORY Is inll oit thetraCk, and will remain in thebilild- mg at present aeCupied until his near 'shop is • completed. He hrel,riurith.e sincere thanks to the friends and customers; who- have for 24 years extended their eostom to his shop, and hopes si Al to merit hi conne u a nee, i• 1Wm: STORY. • Cederich. August 1. 1866. • NV n27 . Ga N DAVIS. - Tut A N C.FACTUKER AN.D DEALER IN 1V1 Stoves, Pleughs and • Castings- ef every de-, seription. Tin,,Popper and.Sheet iron Ware. t he DitirketStove Depot, Markel'Square, (i -ode- • telt. ' COAL -OIL . • rpreoril Oil Lamps, &o ,&c Old Iron, Cop- per, Brass, Rags -Wool eickings and Sheep -Skins taken in e.s.cha Iva% 2721 I) A ICS -sr-EL WROXETER • situatidon the Gravel Road running mom A- Seaforth to r:duthampton, one Mile -north o where itleadsoff to Wroxeter, and anyone trav •ieting to - Belmore.. WaIkertiz, Southampton or anyplaeeirr that usrec:tion,-wilifind aceommo dation bilen As he onli. expectsto Bed at brsi dos tidy hotels7in all rOSpects. ALTITA.Ys ON: NAND. F02 BIS trout-Fis. ing Friends ! • ,THERBILDINGBDovER A 7.r/GT.17 61:10 AtilaiiittD AND FIFTY FEET • , cHA.Rusimysi • Gciderich, 2nd April, 1866. J -1114E8 IV/ITSOlf. Z4,' IT 13 C la I on]) BEG TO DRAW THE AT TENTION OF pUiSTOBIEKS- IN want of a good durable article Of ' FULLED CLOTHS ANDTWEEDS, White; Scarlet and Grey Figable.i,. • PLAIN; STRIPED- 85 --CHEMD WINC-EYS, - E-ILANNE1r-8 ikKaa STOC6kI1 'IrAIRA, - , • . . TO QALL AT HIS WOOL FACTORY °FOWL -EAST STREET- - And judge' for themselves before purchasing elsewhere. P.A.ILAEMR-'' STO OI a.AIR,t)mm, _ Or made up to order in any required style at reasonable Priges.--=' ' THOMAS LOGAN — 2 -Goderick,Wool ractory, 1865. -1 4ED JIM Mt 1.1E tifIgnigarif in 4414, WAISTEAMENGINE-WORK - R. _.R.U.-.1114 a 1 1VI anufactderif of Grit and . SaSJI • 8 1 w46-1. Proprietor. - • INIPORTIT-10 TN CONSEQUENCE of diedeatti-of Mr. M. M 1. WEVIIIA ERLD. the business heretofore barrie'd- on under th 'name.find style of • Robt RuAoimau-A Coo • • xrpubrulac.rt,.s mustbe-eh:Hied on or 'beinte the 1ST DAY OF .APRIL11865. 4 All parties indebted to the above -firm are here- by ntitified that all rintesand book accduntsover • due on' t he - 1st day of FEBW-next, vvill be iianded -to their Sidicitorfor bollection Ilebtoclit on hand will be mild • L40W FCR CA -S11-.. • OR SHORT GRFDITs Et eensistiof a largeasso;linentof Plou,ghthrui0* Vators.Harrews.Stia w Caters. :THRESHING MACHINES - Pot -ash and sudar-ketties, waggonand'ope poxes4. - goo)ring,Iar1or & Box Stove, _ A good Se&.jard-leied 7 -#NTE and'al of ofaithilnery for nriskand All parneireq iring the above articles would do well IQ call and inspect the•Stocksi.t once as e they Well gevt.horgalns. • "- • - IttiNCIJAAN. S-A A0_411:ED a Nit-. • M71.::.714t4;__IPlEnMICA • TO 1:4-NITSWIES'. OLD STAND. •imire7nliMou WATCHMAKER & iTEWSZER „wEST:sTo;,:GoDEx$.xon, Next door *.st of Mr. Stotts' b.addlery. ILL RINDS OF . • •WATOIES;, 'CLOCKS AND" JEWELRY REPAIRED ON SHORT.NC/TICE. In the bet :Style dc:Warranted. • . ALIKO., A G ootisisoxv•Erm itiold di; ilated Jew -0.11y. Watiebei, Clock's, &c, . confitantlyenhanaarat %va.rranterf to he strepresented ant- 'antral" refar.den • Gaderien 27rh..1Rod •"-lenst , • 8 6 6 •-EPB Mb' ARRANGEMENTS. ay.^ of)DE-RIOH, .BAYFIELD, AND 0 s Tv I At. , JAMES 0.- PARSONS; MASTER WILL tunas follows moth further notice. 'FY Leaves Goderieh (weather permitting.) every Monday. Wednesday -aid 'Friday. at twe (2). o'clock. P, M., for Sarnig. RETURNING, .leave Sarnia every Tuesday, ThurscliA:and- Saturday, at 6 A. M., -arriving in Goderich at two P. Mc. calling at 13aezeid each way. For freight or passage apply to r GEORGE RUMBA.LL & Co.. Goderieli. •Oi to W. B. CLARK, Agent, • Sarnia. • Goderich. May 15th, 1866. sw74 • THE SF(4criher has just received 15 Mi— ._ BABIT.'i CABS CARRIAGES feretit styles:Aid , = T.OT 14, can 4, Howler, 190 acreh, •2•A acres -cleared, also Lot 34, conplidniallive . m -chasers. Ta • .entrznisAliibatexraIl and Titks indisputable. Apply to • a reasonable ereditliven on a payment down wanosh, 200acresof -the latter 100 or 200 acres to suit p :Ma! 31s4, 1866, . • _ yrItOtf SIIERIFE-$5 $ALTE OF lima trvirtue . wriVot - Huron utron-Can°413utBrite°,!- Y Fieri Facutsahd'writ ofB to Wit - • Fieri Facies Mr residue issued -out ot Het 1Vrajestrii -.comity Cort the County of Wellington and -County Vourt the County of Wentworth and io Inc directed -against the lands and tenements :of Alexander Graham at the siiits _of Walter P. Festrinantihd - RChert-Sanderon I have seized and taken in Execution all the right tale and interest 01 .the said detendant Miami to Lot number Eight int* Tento Con'oession, and Lot...Number Eiglitnith• Eleventh Coneesion,folthe TownshiporCulross, in the Bruce in all cozitaniing'Two hundred and two acres ie the ssmemore or lest* .which Landsand Teuemeats1 shall offer for side at my _officeln the Court Rouse in -he Town of .tioderich, on -Tuesday the Twenty Eighth dayof August next.at the lionr..pfT_VI:eVerzi:1107e4.-olzOtki 1100119 j'OliNILACDONALD, erill's Mice, Goderich, - And Niav.180., 1101 New Marble Works ponockis Blocks MAMA giro @t/1421Ints _- A, M. :J4alitistickn,. MONUMENTS, HEADSIVNES, TALI' - Ill tops, Posts, Ae.,Tombs, of every deserip. tion and style of workmauship,.farnished Ott short notice and at the- lowest prices. Lag. . ral reduction made for cash: . Allorders punctually Attended to.. Designs; of -Mon. meats, &c., may be seen-it:Ube shop. Godench,Dec. 19, 180h...;., w47-1yr _ QTRAYEDOR STOI EN from the premises oi 1-7 tile undersig.ned,.Lot 2.2 con Township ol 00rie hec do; ie. elarrel: yyeel led.a, reib sing yg. FI.111. 1111 d A8Si ItiIEllit ha 17 w2.:: it the 0 fiale en al,e last,oxa- who will give inionnation_that will lead to their • A liberal reward will be given -to any„pensori • ' , , -- ROBT. JOHNSTON. .. Juil, 1.1tti. 1866.• , sw91•4t PgICAllthiLATORS • FOR S s effir:during the present trilled stati4ol affairint eciat (addineTreieht only)Tor ' - T. Z. 146m:0'017,o. siaxit-OFFICE, . •' June 51,h31866. . • • IIVIA.RNE INSURANCE. Irrreferenee to the above; H. •Runeimati will he prepared to carry on the btismelisof,• , THE HURON FOUNDRY andenntract tor -the erection of all binds ot Ma .ehinery as usnal,aad will sun — Aortic utirxr Aix 1 n ruggitNIPS oves and cash ags,atrtnesonable ilites.forbASII St -short credit.. • oteoderich*Dene1st.1864, _ sviPw48 . , - -GioLeit..4pt _ffivisloit tote.1 luAlTING ie4ed -and .fitted up the store 44 -lately oectipied by -A. F.- Btish,lOr the above-liusineati, I ant now prepared to furnish, - families with • . - . - St Crodeilis PrOvlsions which I 'Silk!' Sell "aithEitt'Oireit eiish piieretS; lrlour and Peed- keit cotiefiutly pnhand.", slijkie of Your patronage . that* fullyrOCeived and faithfully attended to. Wsitle,siiia:OngdswtirrilitrteltOte.011114.7_ -. Bu�kwheat toil: — owing and. Reaping Maohiaide, "Veal' SANS, csk.a.ctJc BF410300Stbiliiiiiid-01 an dkeitnitlie;*orkdone in .gmeat and a' bitantialmanne4 Cuttings of arty descriptioti_madeio.:.order. Also, all kinds cffmachinery • ' • : renairedon shortititice. ; A large stookok-•-.1- " 111tOtrated Catalogues Rees 41.11DREss.R. a William's, Toronto °Kiri 'TX* SscFr•Giiderich, Wht) will sap dtratlikaaN,. • m5011 ceive roposala for insurance in both branch.. STO efff flag Will alwarkbiready to give - informa. Always...6'n hand; SOgarKettlegt Tragion'and„PipeffeiFeep •••As oittlia-ttaniu l'Ofilie:aboVe are 0.011 I(.1 parties wishing to insure. - 'ofthe most approved kink we -Would solicit an inspection of our Stock before purchasing WM. -1110.tiARDSON, Agouti: elsewhere, as Weare`pfferioithe above at the lowest repitinertiOVe prices; ffir'daithiOfOr ap - Bank of Montreal, West St. . provedCredit. Old metal, Braes,OOppetood all kind it of prodnceta.ken iu exchange. . Godericb,"- May Ists 18664 S*701 GodeSoh,coctoter.1842:-. '• • -09 st) 'FSEGVSON. deliiiered inati part of the town - • - '.godatricli, Feb. 2nd, 1866. Of45 .8rit1s American InourairoeVo 6 OF TOROATO, Marine --Deloartirerit 4ORGE-Rl.711BALL. Gciderich. Ann] 25th, Imo KAMAN!) 110TELA01)EpUll HOSKER, PrlOPRIETOR: -TuE above is inostplesisandvaituated on ail element e 120feet high.- overlooking the Barber find Lake firron ;7 -goer/ Orpnards, Gardnns and, aural:Walks attached. Board perdayqsingle MeahurBdds.25 e ent a. vriniOrlv • D UNDERTAKERS, • ; • iir°8 .or1S41eavn4d'ig V.09ptnraeeral3;l El:tSt11e 2.5ofillisturb easterlyetaner oi lot 2alt 4be•aiTed•fe'rie4Vil,04 Asbnelo, 1;4. per -acre; an 20 Town Lois ia ply to „. Godeneh,price $30„00 each and unwinds: -Ate: ;MOS: WEATIIEBILD, 11 SA:: : ,:- mrmimmismimmomai. c9R A Acitus ofLotNO.320 .East /mks 'Road, Bay. RATE Terrnseasy,a_ Doig4nSTITHiRLAND, pn the pretnitiPs: or ' IL 43- CAMERON, Godericit. Godericb. Anrii3Oth.1864. *3441 ler -Sale °heap. _QT8G,,8tb eon? Brune: Id, 41h Kinloss; 9Lbiou.thiron. Apply - G. C•AiROIT.' •Goderteli..October:28;1864 swI9 • WHO WANTS 4 EOM , THE xximownco IrsinAimig 4.1zOintittic In tbe'Town and Tewniblp _of Vedericit • is offered for sale, on the most 'reasonable- jermf-71t; 0,02, .North street, adjOi L ning the Wesleyan Methodist Church, in Gallen& , 2. Lots 12 and 13 on the corner of West " and Wellington Streets. OR 13 there is it °"4"Tmteesell°1nOtssef2unrmdtaankeelteif*eut site for hinet•I : • - 3. Lot 113 on Ugh se attef.. , upon *ha There is a large "frame houseitio,!at's Astrged as to aecommtidate.three IMMO. 4. Lot 191 on the corner of Batte* -zod: Elgin streets, upon which there- is- a -BMW • frame house and a good orchard. 6. Parklot 14, con. "C"- in -the Vivra- ship of C4odelich, containing 10 acres if cellent land. :Upon this Tot there is on exo celient Two Story Brick House, Fretuallarn?", and - Also a good fies,iint: = -orchard :of•Choieft'fruite tEEP constantly on hand fpr:sale all .arti- It rieiin thvir line; -ski; as -Be. d. Fte:_adsoi Chairs, Tab1es sf tz).• All hies of wood -turning done; such as "Nool posts, ;stair bennisiers, neckyolies„ &e. Always on hind, it`-compleie AssoRTMENat.ur coryiNs; aiicfa HEARSE te_14re on reasonable tet ma • Gd hMy-$ri866 151 - algal an Slei • .! •••:,.- I'llig•Unclersigned- would 'respectfully In- . 4' form the farmers nt Huron and Bruce and the public generally that he has -colu- mnar-ad-0i .** At--..his.,,o1d.stand$4iiktvUtstreeti 4 r ; and having nPyr ionliattd inieseellentassort Tont Of the, best material he is prepared to execute alt "4e/a in bi line in,a, wig which -catirtoffill'to give, sailifitetrOa., -Having- :had • treat_ "esfterietieo, in this -business; and alt work in his slop being pooe. under his potsWeal superintendence, he cn warrant eyerrattiele .thada by him - to be of the best quality, While his terms will be found es y reasonable.. f Farmers give him wetilil and see for yourselves. - S. R. ---Horse shoeing and jobbing of all kinds-st-tiptly attended --to. - ;: •Lgwl ELLIOTT. • 27ib.,1865. - , w40:tr * ithipa4laretiifera egiSthitr!betirierrf John .1-3r".* OTIGE hereby given thlit fhe Partner-. MePbenionand Witham- Farquharson. as 131ackstolth,: fiiufnal onsent. John MC -Pherson- to pay al' debts and. collect all AC-coirfits .of the late iris.. AvOILELNiAlstomPFIrSgu04.150N.' -Galena, June 20th, 1066. w25 3 Itr, thiS.kone of the beeiltotkins fez* house, barn and .• seventh 'confession, in 00 . Towealik. trj . A LARGE ORC11- D -P1:11-617.t:rretti.idd4Xingt,;a7dri-61-1Rhillen:11:::A.0..t40,071_0117rOliCtliri:: on the 11Vron Road, and the.- other. On the. Goderich. '40 aerescleareil and ender ciatt- victim nponwhich thee° is A brick flwaipt , . , Thisfarni is situated 6 miles from Goderiehi . and Zfrolii Clinton: It hr.good rolling land .well-waterad.ondbat o, gOodgraiatOs4 OR twosidesof it.. - Tor terins and conditiOnti'lif . sale apply ta GEOl47 MOMAiOx,,0- .s,pyE02A'tsl atiie710.aerib. , .-Mideltiebt 11111. 'oPlYi 4666' -411151C - R 1N .4ZA• ^3.11SS, DEI -URNS -HIS MOSi'SINCERE'T.HAittla Al for thi very fiattering-eaeOuragemdhf -receivedsince beeutnnieinced busieess in rich, siotbeing able to -execute over one -bail .0 ther-eidersbrought to buil, larstaenaratt-04011 - .aow securedfamlinetfor CifffigE an. OUSifleSSfliglISIY libieollaeindstDPsole.::Yjoe-.01believessvnI 1tynneaehrnisbdr;vs:Plicee.essinfteerrsietAlegillitguileirmulell"ilitri.0:: principallynrst-elasseustotners,an liavinC _ )1 _ ,dCwitesittieiininu"ognpeuOisfitcliiej:,rtineipa7stablishrnen Sin , ZditilitwghiScotland, le fear ess Is i O-",1' GCLOTRIN „WI' 13* 144.3,* , athisestahlistupen.vertattOthe • hest isisublishe' . . mentiliTorOntoortgontreal..41.w)17".300..1y. ., leodenek -Qct20" 86; _ 3r.W. • ILL .13E, • _VV talon 1.4 - WiII visit patie - '•or dair. DU-MOJA: aumxt cr. IjOHTSUliA! Zzo. Central School ba.A,71 1011YSI0 I• IN tend,pattug operations upon waiwwwiiewwww.• • p A.RRIST- Isaw, and Drown Auornee, II court iii pe.A.URISTE. • ,siu. pt ARR-tSTE tt-YvayaNcen.,- ir.lfetlor.Zz Ilepintasr4i ..c.) Notaries ch. reD ARRISTE 40 Chance* Cornerol_Kingsr Jo, A TTORNR, c Chromerv, A.e., 56e., Gode • h Smith side of lurt-11CuseSq 0** 1,AHUTSTE 11.1 , Stairs Wat*ou •First Door vies, •TTORN -- BLOCK riTOXS;,. A TrOlISE, Chailee4' $.1 sierieh, Store, -Crabb/s IfioneY c. Anuis omcg-- SDIACITO nErt MIT Corner.of Hui Esq..,,Godene .13PAREIStE oppositelne ir january PTORN.E 413mcgti. flIVIL tand..Sur -NJ Land Ag- -4C00.601. °Mee boar 0 oloelry p. A24 faYL118 Office a ker-Siittare.G Aroketis - TondsCr.n4T .0 .Coris • alfidaviti.O warsirdtakee LIORWAR, titeraxott ultszi: d UYA•on4 1344s- and- auccirke exam*. nth Dec: 100.1SE „„coiraty ol sieftisavvatie ZOOMS Jan A tit.E;la Stook G. F. xVIS 114- - Consrize _1 • Clintida;en jitMitchelt. 100 Horses. he Sheerest ' ploota