HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1866-08-03, Page 2.
- uncle should. never see kis fake_ again ; and into a chair, she pressed her bancl to her
then we heard no inore till Mr: Paterson, a burning cheeks. " I never eaw hint si!) excited
relation of poor Hal ty's,. cam to tell us the beforn.- Cun Godfrey have said anything I
veleel had been run dowa, and every soul Oh dear, oh deer what madnesa it is t He
drowned. Even aLen uncle sveuld show no ought to go away ; and yet -no, no ; it -is too
grief; butseemed still angry with him. Buthe late. could not liv.e without bun - new. I
looken very pale and old ;' and one day -ie don't knew how it is to end, I'm sure. tie has
said to very sadly little Effie has never said he loved me, but I know it ;- and,
, lost her hu.sband -she must be lonely now ;' oh, I'm no glad 1"
ry and then he would leave all his money to some minutes afterwards, Effie was gone, and
1 -d
tor he always meant that I should marry Her- When Captain Lasrence entered the.room
Carron lit
winstea1 of -dividing it." - no trace of her remame at a y
He Buffalo..
Mr. Leistger made no reply, but a deep 1 paper on the floor where she had set.
crimson flush spread over his tace. " And , stooped, and, picking it„, up, opened it. It Buffalo..
now lour cousin Godfrey is to come in for I was a peocil sketch, and theword " Harry." Strittford.
f i t traced below was not Dego- Goderich.
ment's silence, ed to tell the young officer whose vtere those -
all these good things ?" he said. after a mo- which was a n ly 1
" No. ne," burst from Effie's lips ; then, fine features and earnest -eyes. Mrs. Ellis
colouring violently, she added-" at least, and evert Effie would- have been astonished
yes ; he will have this place, I suppose ; but Pnd shocked gould they have seen the lurid
I really don't know or care." ' light of fierce passion that gleamed in those
• Gathering up the dead flowers and leaves,. .1aughing blue eyes, as ''•they rested on the
she went out into the garden. Her compaii- j drawing. The discoloured exterior and worn
ion -remained listtessly on the , sota a slight edees showed it Was constantly Carried about,
• smile hovering -reund his handsome mouth, and the word " Harry" revealed plainly
white his eyes rested -thoughtfully vu the dise enough„what Effie- his couein, his • intende 1
-taint land scape. Deep in meditation. he did wife-thOught of the contemptible " scribe."
- • Rot hear a alight bustle in -the hall. and did The name of the young secretary wee well
aor raise his head till the door was flung known to him ; for his uncle, in his nearly
open, an4 youag man ot. hie own age enter- illegible scrawls, had frequently epoken- of
ed the room, Tall, alight, and fair,_ with . Herry Leicester With regard and even affec-
bright blue ey-es and re,„eular features, he was tion. and a slieht fear had elometimes arisen
strikingly handsome,. and his frank, winning in GedfreY's mind that the Secretary might-
expression Would havuaton most hearts ; hue oe more -handsomely remembe-red in the will
the keen eye of Mr. Leicestel -observed le than would be pleasant. -Buthe had eever
cold sinisterlitie roiled the -lips, and a bright dreamt of aught beside till -he arrived and,
flash in the. eye, that showed a fierce, impet- saw the handsome aristocrate young men ,
whose. loan Effie' ok with all the vehemence
• of her impulsive nature. ,
Fierce and bitter were the theughts that
rushed through Godfrey's brain as he stood
gazing at thole indistinet-linesland he neither
moved nor -stirred till he _was_ roused by the
return of Effie, who, all unconsciouit of her
his meal easy, self-possessed manner. , loss, came sluing up, the lawn, oter which
The stranger howed, and passing out with the shadow or the house was lengthening in
a light, jtunty_step, - approached -Effie; who the small°. sun's obliq,ue rays. Hastily plac-
nous, and revengeful temper. tie started
' as his gaze fell mi the sole occupant
of the room, then, with a slightlymised eye-
brow, said coldly, "Mr:Leicester, I presume.
- I thought Miss Willman had been here."
"She has just gone thicugh the window:
- into the garden." replied Mr. Leicester, in
was loittering by a bed of roses, thoughtfutly
pulling off the heads of the withered ones,
aa dropping them: into a blisket which bung,
on her arm. Sheflooked up at the spund of
footsteps, and exclaimed, ifi a voice of sur
prise, " Godfrey. when did 'you eptne ? I did
not expect you till to -morrow.' I
"I hope the surplise is a pleasant ene,”
-_ he returned, gaily. -6‘ Yen look like some -
fair nymph wandering amoneyour ,flowers.
Is that the scribe I found in the drawing -
room lolling on the sofa ? I wonder he has
not the sense to be by your side ; but I sup,
- pose?* knows hie place better." ,
" Mr. Leicester la too much of a gentle
man -to dog my steps every,t_vhere," she re
ins the paper in his pocket. he smoothed the
angry lines from his counteuaace, and ad-
vanced to meet her". -
Well, Effie," said he, with a bright
•sraile " have you forgiven me yet ? Am' I
still in your black homes ?"
et In my black books I" returned --gffie.-
" Oh no, Godfrey, I don't keep any of those
glooiny volumes. I lose my temper's° quiek-
ly, thut if I did, I. should _be alWays angry
with somebody or other."
" Thee come for a.little stroll round the
garden till dinner is ready," said Ceptain
Lawrence ; and taking her band; he- turatd
her playfully round.
Effie hesitated. She did not quite with
plied hastily, and almost angrily. " I only Mr. Leicester to see them thus wandering to -
left him two minutes ago. But have ion gether, in spite of what she had just to'd
seen Uncle Vivian?" she asked, more mildly,- him ; but -there waspo help for it, anti; anxi-
" Even so. cousin mine," said the you,„i; oue to conceal her real feefines from her coils-
- officer. "He looks rather out - of sorts, and in she aeenmPanied him-cvith a holler . graCe
'was slightly touchy. But I see yon are as
impetuous as ever, firth& up for the scribe !-
Is he in high favour? °He looks pretty well
., •
Effie made no reply.:7 She knew her cousin
well enough to know tlutt the more annoy-
ance -she betrayed,the more be would persist
in teaming her, and there was an inward con-
__ aciousness that made her shrink lion' any dit-
mission of Mr: Leicester. Feeling tar from
pleased with her compseen; Idle walked on
sa fill they were Met by . Mrs.
who ceme with'hasty steps to greeeher fa-
vourite nephew'.
"My dear Godfrey; she exclaimed, with
tall the warmth her dignity wpiild allow her to
show, amdelighted -to see you a day be-
fore- we expected you, aud Effie will be so
Iliad of a companion.. It is very dull for her
poor child." •
ligrin hot dull, Aunt Ellis" replied her
refractory niece. I always find plenty_ to
do; and as for - companione, I have you,
Uncle Vivian, and Mr. Leicester. Please
- don't waste your compassion on me."
- A slight flush mounted to captain Law-
' rence's brow, and his -eye flashed.
" Yon need tent troubIe yourself;. my fair
cousin, to make me understand that you, don't
care to see me,7 said he,:lightly ; 'Ism pain -
Idly aware of the nepleasant fact, add I shall
look -to my aunt and uncle to, make up the
deficit of affection, end solace my lonely
hours. I suppose the scribe protects your
-rides. and walks, rendering a cousin a Bur._
than she otherwise would bare done. - -
W bee she returned, Mr. Leicester was seat. hard.. 00
in d to state that the -feeline his
• 0
ed by -her uncle, deep in the discussion of
Mail. Express. Mixed.
...dep 10:00 a.m. 2:0) p.m. 3:10 p.m.
- 10:30 -2:30 4:00
.. 10:50 ' 2:53 4:35
11:05 3:10- 4:bs
11 20 125 • b:21
arr t 11 50 4:60 605
dep • 1 Oa p.m, 4:20 7:003
.. at: 6 400.r.i.10:00
Oot•G wssT.
. .Clep 7:00 a m. 12:30 a.m. 3:50 p.m.
..... 12:50 p.ni, b.10 ' Lai.
. arr 3:00 ° 11.25
GODERICII, 0, W., Aug. 3, 1866.
Ilfir They have an odd way of settling
local disputes in TOronto,-, On . Wednes-
day one boy shot , another for pioltiog a
few peas in his -Athens garden. .
GUNBoATs.--It most gratifying to
learn that a British gunboat, intended
for the protection of :take Huron ports,
will establish its headquarters at Goderich
in a few days. The other Lakes are to
be similarly supplied. '
Ifir Considerable alarm was felt hi
town yesterday, (Thursday) on account
of the non-appearatiee of the two eldeet
sone of Capt. Ord, who had gone off early
on Wednesday to fish. Constables and
private parties searched about the river
and harbor, happily, without finding any
".^^••••-.-•••••""www'''''''''llr".` trace of the missing lads. It suddenly
paddle box bridge and waved his handkei- tirne. 'it appeared with their rifiet aud
chief to es in token of success. The action; took a pop at' the gum of the deep when he
came near. A Menber of rifle balls weie put
jot° him withont effect, save in s single, in-
stance, where 4:me ati-uck him at abort mange
near the eye. This shot seemed to stun him
for a moment poly, for he was off agate. more
frisky than eyer, elasely followed by Capt-
Ffen in his bo'at. 13 telt sett forth they fled,
was responded -to by all on board our eteamer
al. well at by a:hearty round of cheers. •
. The Niger's gig then went along the Great
Eastern and took on board Mr .Field,who was
iinmediaitely rowed to Heart's Content.-
Abent 9 o'clock the Great Eastern cease to
a standstill in a hundred fathoms of water,
4nd prefiarations for connecting the main and pursuer an pursued. • 'I he excitement be-,
shore end cables_ were conunenced. -The big came intense. Finally -the whale broke. water
ship was at this time mile and a quarter within some thirty. five feet of -the boat, end
from Heart's Coutent. The Niger lay at one .the next kismet -a harpoon was, see', tailing
side and-- the steamer Medway on the other
side - of the Gieat Eastern. - A niimber of
rowboats put out from the stern of the big
tri k
ship, and after about half an hour wor a
large hawser was attaobed to thircable. The
cut was made, and the cabli and hairier were
placed on board two large and the other small
boats engaged in- the.operatten. while three
guns at the same woment thundered out . a
grand salute in honor Of the eveut. All hands
of the Great Eastern sent up a rousing 'cheer,
and a seene of eathrusiatui fldlowed: Hits
were thrown in the/air, handkerchiefs were
. .
THE BIAILVV AY -AllIAIGGA.Mste. flashed upon t6_ dietressed parenta that "jtvrettrenccirctlitTf=nflostixtlilits leea: tdheem7Z-a.
ed to the_ cheers of the Great Basiern. P
and sore eneugh, on the • telegraph being
The Bill amalgamating(the Beale & Ab I ' I • to
Trunk, having passed through- the House were Safe and aonnd in that village, -having greeted me on stepping on deck vras Mr C
Lundy, Superintendent of the Athletic Tele -
of Assenibly, the Hon, D. McDonald was g'one bY rail. Ii- was, tci Say the least _of
I the boys mieht- havel gone to Seaforth
tive in enthusiasts. (Anders and crew rat; °ad-
piit requisition, it was found that they -
Lake Huron Railway in% the Grand
• •
out ,0 o cloek was permitted board
the Great Eastern, and the first peison that
_ graph at Heart's Content. save the voy-
age was a perfect Success, not a sifigle acci-
telegraphed to on' Wednesday laid, to stay it, e very remarkable fishing excursion,
proceedings in the Upper House, if pos. but it is well it turned out no worse.
Bible. until a remonstrance could be sent . -
Pitacti.-The news feat over the Atheitic
0 cable as to peace having been declared in
down from Huron._ Handbills °Aloe a
pablic meetine, in Getter eh, n Thurstis9 Euromwas a little premature, bid an armia-
• I ---o
evening, were issued, and, we understand, "t• ce has beed agreed upon and -it is now coa-
' •
meetings condemnatory of Mr. Dickson'a sidered certaiu that there yttll be no further
conduct and in oppositiontO the Bill, eppeal to arms. Prussia, it appears, ia-to
were to be held in Clinton and Seaforth, carry evety point insistled upr.
but a telegram -from Mr. McDonald ttn- P
sINFUL ACCIDENT. -On Tuesday lut
flouncing that the matter had been hurried while testing a 'Reaping blachine9n the farm
through the three readings in the Upper of Mr. bonelly, Goderich Township, Mr.
had the misfortune to fall
Chamber, settled the fact that the BM fames' VITilkiason
was already a portion of the law of the against the knives which /Dangled his , right
leg severely. Dr. MiLean was pent for and
land. Hence a meetieg was not consider-
beitemeeded in stopehig bemorrage from the
ed necessary here, nothing remaining -to ,
partially-severed:artery in a short time. ,:.
be done but to employ some competent
. -Er-- -
person in Ottawa to watch our interests -Catexte.-The Clinton and Goderich-clubs
_and secure a modification of the tariff to' played • a friendly match yesterday (2nd) on
be charged by the railway, if possible.--- the ground of the latter. Goderich was
We are noW in so far ai our interests are beaten in one indvies with 21. runs to spare.
concerned, unrepresented ip -Parliament Another gam lev,i the irapie.:.._
to all intents aud purposes. Mr. Dick- -Purchase eSt ATMS-Change
son votes OW aoainst" us in face of
COMIlland Ot tate Arany.
dent having occurred • tiv.4 whole will. The
spliai was made on the 13th, and at twenty elicit it cry -of horror and alarm from those
minutes' past 'three -Greenwich tiM0 - the on_the bridles close 'by. ,66 Oh for my- her -
big ship started on her westward cenirse.• peon l" -eaclaimed Captain Ben, " I could
The Great Eastern entered Hearti Content oury it to the Weed." But there was no time
harbor about half past 9 o'clock. While sbe to get it -ready, and bang !vent the big bomb
was taunting through' the narrows t ae shoret lance gen. lt struckjust in tbe thiek of the
of thelittle village was lined with pe ple, and _whale's back, went:entirely through him and
scores of sniall boats dotted the surface of the exploded abont ten yards beyland. Though
water.\ ' Tbe sin colliers in port Were decked net inflicting fatal iujury, it evidently cost
with Minting,- and every house dil played a the monster some anziety„ for he got out
flag in honor of tbencession. Fro the flag- of the way it the epeed of an express
staff of the Telegraph House the tars add train. Up -he went to Vanghan's bridge
Stripas floated gayly. The big shiP also cal), whirled about and rushed. doWn like mad',
ried the -American banner beside t e Union striking on -the Ways from_mbich the bioniter
jaek, and the Atlantic Telegraphic flag pre- tras launched, . near thi railroad -bridge,
seated by Mr Field on - the oeCaSIOu of t4 With such force as to go nary high and dry
first cable expedition. , ' out of the water. Here came an immense
liwyribalety.tean, a..m:,
Tbe Great Eastern cane to anal r precise- struggle,- The huge fish rolled on his side,
i .
and was boarded i mediate- threw, his great -tail into the air, and in his
great crow_ci, of visitors; mal and fe- endeavors tolget ufflashed the water to foam
1 . Jor yards &boat, His struggles did not tieem
In the meantime the Splicing fleet_procee‘ w avail him; but the rapidty rising tide soon
ed slowly tin .with the work olconnecting the placed hint afkiatagaio - A. few more- frantic
shore and Main cable. The end ofi thentam rushes from Shore Ito shore resulted and the
cable was taken on board the. steainer Med- minister then 'made a direct bolt through the
way about a quarter to two, p. :h.! and ibe bridges, dowe the harbor and away. to the
splicinocLbegan. , - - advantage orbiniself sad the dissappokament
Mr- Kerr, commander or the argaretta of the thousimdeef . spectators the Captain
Steirensoo, looked en vibile the sailors:joined Ben and hiaxgallant ere*, who hal fought 119
Sheeklusi Murder near Oatirerm.
The Ottawa Evening Post gives -us the
details of a shocking and unnatural mur- -
-der cue in that neighborhood. Lut
winter a young lady named N. 14. Bahia,
went to reside for some time with ter --
blether, Rev. Jeremiah Rabin, at Buck-
ingham, near thatplace. Soon after the
was missing, and no account could be bed
of her till about a month ago, when her `-
body was found floating in_ the Ottawa
through the air. sent by the sturdy aim of . „
the with plain indi.cations of murder uporeit,
Cape Ben W illard: Notwithstanding
great distance the iron took effect, and boat A C?roner's jury has ever unce been
and whale were ruabing along at a speed ot beating evidence in the - case, and haia
nigh twenty miles an hour. The scene was at length found. the, followirg -verdict ---
Thatthe deceased °anti to a violent d '
now indeed a istrano one. •There in the ex -
trews back harbor of Portland -6 miles from ralitiously no feloniously, by drowneaitnk
the ocean, -was being witnestsed the most
!it the Rive! De Leirre, War the Buck -
thrill rig part of the wild life of a whilesman.
ingham Mills, between the two fells, on
'Unfortunately for all but the whale, tbe har-
poon gave way just as the boat wes being or about the 10th or 12th of April last ,,-
worked up near to give his majesty W sewed 'that her brother the Rev. Jeremiah •
I Babin was the cause of her death; an
/ •
that a'person called by him Moise Led- out'
• - The chaise was ienewed, but the rising tide
Iwo& an accessory before s• tlie fact." _ The
pave the whale more water and room ; and
evidence has not been published, but it is
it seemed impossible to get near him. . The
struggle had halted 'nearly six hours ; the
understood that all the -circumstances of
crew were about tired out,- and Captain Wil
lard determined to try the whale gun and ithe case clearly induiate that the rev:
boat lance rather than longer wait for the gentlemen -for what reason is the Inp. .
menly and exciting fight iheident to the use tery-barbarously murdered his unfor-
. .
of the harpoon. ust as he.. got in readiness Minato sister. All the parties named in
his whaleship -came up within fifteen feet ot the case are wen - known in Ottawa, and
tbe beat, looking io huge and frightful as to
the virdict 4ost rendered by the jiiry has
, .
created no smah excitement.
. 0:31e A horrible -case of rape occured at
•Dlobile, T-hursday afternoon, at a pinsnic. A
young lady, the daughter of a wealthy cid- -
zen, while strolling in the woods about two -
hundred yards from the party was attacked by
five ruffians, who beat her insensible, then
outraged her. Before leaviag the ruffians
suspended her by the neck to the branch Of A
tiee, where she was found, She lived but 20
miuutes atter being taken down, but before
death described the villains accurately..
! a a .
the two etelany which the two -greatest -con- -long and Well.. 1 -
tinents are to be united in -a bond which it is
former protestations, and he has even the Durinft the' lastten flays there has been rc-
markab e activity aoticeable in the Fenian. - -
hoped will never be severed.
circles ,adhoring to President _Roberts and
the Senate organization._ It is rumored that
large quantities °firms and ammunition have
hien purchased, and that negotiations have
been progressing betweenz Colonel Hebert',
who has just returned from Washington, and
the Government; for the restoration of the
arms and ammunition captured during the
Fenian invemon 'It is understood the 'prop-
erty will be restored by the Government at
So early day, and that the Fenian prisoners
captured by the Canadians after the retreat
of the Fenians,will be iestored to their homes
by tbe interference °film United States Gov..
eminent. The Secretary of- War has been
applied to for hit good offices in -the clatter,
and has promised, tt is said; to make every
effort to have the prisoners released from dur-
ance. The Senate Fenians are making prep-
aration -this time ni secret, ho-wever-to
prOpel another invasipn egainat the Canadian
territory, and it is said -that the entire organi-
-zation,_ particularly .the militerY section, is
undergoing a thorough arid radical change.
it is said that a prominent Confederate officer,
who distinguished himself in the Red River
campaign sgainst General_Banks, is to have
the command of the expedition agitinst the
Canadians this time, and that the staff of the
commanding officer will be _composed of
vigorous. dashing young officers, who will.not
hesitate at trifles once the cam sign opens.
soine alterations in the grounds, and did not
_seem to observe her, or if he did, he only
ores more -interested in what Mr. Lawrence
- was saying.
It was not a pleasant evening ; there was
a geiet consciousnesi of mutual dislike be,
tween the two ..youeg men that prevented
their entering into apy light, amicable con-
versation ; aud whi!e a co61 indifferenee per
vaded the manner oc one, it perceptible eon -
•tempt was in eaery-faine of the other. Effie
was silent and thoughtful, aware that every
word she addressed to one of the young men
was littened to attentively by the other ; atid
-Mrs. seldpm s -poke except to do -the
honours of the table. It was a relief to three
at least of the party when the two ladies rose
to cro. When the gentlemen followed, whii.
they swat did, ---Mr. Lawrence strolled round
the garden, leaning pa Mr. Leiceiter's arm
till far into the night: white Effie, not feeling
mclined-to talk, rattled away at valse and
"galop as fast miller fingers could fly over the
keys of her Piano, end went to her room
when her uncle came in.
Things looked brighter chenille party met
at the brealifastaable on the following .mpra-
ing. The summer sun was shining with un-
clouded brilliancy ; the freshlYeut lawn Isent
in its delicious fragrance through the open
window, where Effie, with bright eyis and
blooming cheeks, atm:id, in all the fresb
charins of her_light muslin dress: -
" What a hot day it is pin, to be -1" she
exclaimed, as she shook ha°nds with her
conain. 66 What shalt you do to -day, God-
frey? Would you like a ride this morning ?
Perhaps Mr. Leicester can fiud time to se
Company us ?" she added, shyly:,
" I aniafraid not," replied Mr. Leicester ;
" I have a good deal to do this -morning and
this afternoon. I am going to walk along
the cliffs lb Wea.stmeath, to take Mr. Law-
rences ring t6 the jeweller ; it wants clean-
ing, and the setting is slightly -.broken." -
" You will wait for it and bring it home,"
said -Mr. =Lawrence, turning hissightless eyes
towards the young- man. " The ring is worth
two hundred guineas and I dare not trust it
to a stranger.' -
" There's a chance for- you," said Captain
Lairence, laughing. " Bolt with it by al
means ; you won't get such another.'
To be continued.
"I don't know what you -mean by gthe
scribe,' Godfrey," returned 'Effie, warnily ;
"-het I do know that you always try to-teass
sae whenever you. can. ' '
-Turning aside her head 'that he might not
Sell the angry tears, site sprang into the draw.
mg -room. -and rushing past Mr. Leicester, she
harried to her room.
" Thesame littlefiery thing u ever, T fee,"
and Captain Lawrence,- turning to his- aunt
with a slight laugh.,
"It is no fault of mine, Godfrey," replied
'Kn. Ellis meekly, „raising ber eyebrows with
- the look et' resignation so common - to her.
- "I do my best to counteract the evil effects
ot my poor_ brother's weak indulgence ; bn
she is past my control': Batt My dear boy,
y?n must not tease her so, or she will !lever
yield to her uncle's wishes -regarding you.
slim will not hear 'the subject mentioned ;
ant I am sure the is fond of yoo, audit wond
be such a pity to divide the property. lude d
peel -sold not keep up ihe plate Properly
- without hee Money."
" Not very easily, I. fanc3," replied the.
young Officer, gravely ; " but never fear,
Aunt FAB& She is Eery pretty, and would
be easily .broken in, so I mean to marry her
Wine day or other. There's plenty, of time
yet." lRe raised lig atoice slightly it the
wordi. and springing lightly over the
-windowsill, turned to help his aunt with. all
the. easy grape -that characterised his every
"memeseist. Then, with a glance of slight
surprise at Mr. Leicester, who, still seated
on the sofa, was deep ht Shakspere's quaint
beauties, he said gaily, eg I'm off to dress for
dinner now, which is, r presume, still the
fashion here. By theft* I retern, perhaps
my fiery little Effie will have cpme dowr,
and, 'we'll hope, in abetter temper. I must
tato the young puss in hand," and. humining
a meny air from the last.opeta, • he left the
Mr, Leicester's fine features wore a look of
angry disdain, and, rising (fidelity, he laid his
hook doirn on" the 'table. But he ;had yet
one more shot to receiye: '
"Deer/owls things," mild Mrs. Ellis.
with * look of satisfaction, " how fond they
ant of each other 1 rm. sorry Effie should
- tty totem him, but it is her entire to
inemph over thou she loves beat." _ ,
Was it an oath that sounded with the slam
- of the door? Surely not; but Mi. Leicester's
faro crimaGn as be croued tbe hall with
lanysteps. _He was springing up the stair0
two at a time, when he inet Effie, who, in her
low black -silk dress, looked prettier than
66 What is the Metter ?" shit asked, at the
light -of his flushed fair,- and her - little hand
rested lightly on hie ann. al, _Effie, Effiei.
• if your aunt had only seen you 1) . I
Mr. Leicester seized her -hand eagerly. and
exclaimed hastily, " Effie, tell me one word.
You do not love that fellow V'
• The crimson blood dyed the fair little fare
• replied, in low earnest tone. "Nol-
-- oh no t Indeed I do not." Then, brealiine
from him she fled down the_ stairs, neerlp-ne-
fatting her 'dignified- aunt, .whik -40thitleSt.,
staiteli steps, was crossingthe.vitm:shall-
y deir Effie!" shenuetWaatatel-
monstrance, ." da beat „little_ pore 'gentle.--
- There is -no great-haimfor enbiely is dressed
Tat. qinte hot: Go
sit ' -Wainer isreadv."
'constituents has entirely changed. From
whom he could receive such information
is a mystery we cannot attempt to -fathom.
Nearly every merchant and produce dealer
with ivhom we have conversed, is loud in
denunciation of his conduct, and a very
short trip through the constituency would
suffice lo convince huu of the fact.
r _
- a
A Woman' 'wttlelierns.
It is highly improbable that there will
be May election for the Upper Haute this
far. The general feeling amongst mem-
bers whose elections would come on in
September ii in this direction. We
fine it stated in the Leader of Wednes-
day'. last, that " as the law stands at
present, . twelve Legislative Councillors
fall to be elected next Autumn. But if,
as ut noir morally certain, Confederation
should go into effect, these members would
never be called upon to act in the Legis-
lature of Canada. Their election would
therefore be purposeless. Under these
circumstances, the Ministry, through Sir
N. F. Belleau, have introduced into the
Legislative COnneil a bill to prvent the
election of any more Legislative Conner-
The Leeds Mercury says that some time
ago, Mr. Joseph Meyer read- a paper before
the LiverpOol Histone Society m reference to
Shotwick Church and its Saxon foundation..
In the paper, refereuce was made to a strange
old woman having a pair of horns growing
upon her head. Her name was Mary Davies.
She lived at Saughallinear .Chestor, and at-
tained a very advanced - a0. It is stated
that when she wastwenty eight years oldan
excrescense grew upon her head similar to a
wen, wIrich continued -for thirty yeers„ arid
thendevelopettitself in -a shape ot two horns.
They were tu substance similar to the horns
of a ram, one ofthein, the longest being nine
inches in lepgth. This singular woman is
deteribed in a pamphlet printed in 1735 as
being then 76 years old. At the soiree held
last week the . Egyptian Mriseum, Dr. Mey-
er exhibited one ot the horns alluded _to,
which as mily be supposed, was an Object -of
'ereat curiosity. - In Mr. Meyer's paper, pub -
listed a year or two ago, he gives .a sketch. Of
Mrs. Davies, copied from a pottrait in the
British Museum.
Proviaelali Fortifications._
passed on k-
m: '6 What did be,
airily:EA ass throlrinC 1°11'41h the hottest month in 89 years. d
The Ottawa correspondent ot the New
York Herald, who, it should be said, does not
appear to be very reliable, telegraphs'as fol
tows to that paper
" I have learned an important pieca- of in-
formation. to -day.- It is, that after confed
eratiOn, if it takes' place, one. ot , the firsi
measures of the confederate Provinces will be
to have fortifications erected at the provincial
points along the frontier, at a coat of twenty
millions of dollars. Of this aum,--pae:half
rc be paid by the British government. . Ai
theze tonifications are to be all along de -
frontier, principally St such Places as-MOntre-
andToronto, there is a great deal said in
'favor cif removing the capital to either Toron-
to or Montreal, as new Parliament buildings
could be erected at less -cost than would be
required to fortify this wretched hole in the
forest. , A staneling army, to be supported by
the Provinces, in connection with the ford-
ficationsos also a subject which will probably
become a reality if the confederation scheme
aneeeed, and the Bntish government? as Well
as its satellites here, ire !paring no ingenuit3
„nor lebor to force it to success.
4 -01.11 ,
ritesAn Eastern *avant sap July, 1866„
The Legislative Couticilbrs for -the
Confederation are. to be selected from
among those of ithe various Provinces. -
The aumber to be appointed is ;
and -not one - half of those of Canada- can
by possibility become ' Members of the
Confederate Legislative emitted. To
elect 'twelve more to stand the chance of
some ofthem being selected- for appoint-
ment by the Crown, under the new order
of things, would he a profitless piece of
folly. Sir N. F. Belleau's bill will pre-,
vent this needless procedure." -
dr I
of Assembly on the lat. the Attorney General
stated that he -was proud to say' _that a des
patch dated to -day -mime Avec the wires from
the Colonial Secretary, Lord Carnarvon, to
Lord Mouek. on most important subject,
andthat Lord Monek's answer had also been
sent: The despatch wait thus sent from Eng-
Jand and the answer returned 'from Canada
Pn the same day. (Loud cheers and clap -
Ping of hands.)
Steadiness oil the Great Easters.
We were now -8:30, 14•m.-iiiftbe South
Foreland. The Sunbeam, Mr Pender'syecht,
which had kept well up with pa !from- the
Nore, deemed discretion. _the better Part of
valor and sougLt friendly shelter in the big,
near 'Barnsgate. The pilot lett us at Dover,
on board the Palmerston steamer, which, af-
ter pitching and rotting- in the 'swell, and
making a seriee • ofgallant evoluti mi. to tLe
manifest disioinfort of some of et-pa-men-
gers, was brought as close to the tponson as
if she had been lying "alongside! of Paul's
wharf. While- watching the erratic Move
tnents cf. thls little vessel ---small, ioderal, by
comparison -One - could: not but I be -strum;
with the -1 fact,_even though it were for- the
hum:trent!' time, that _ on bo ad- the Great
Eastern the motion was all -but imperceptible.
Sitting onthe paddle•box, we loek beyond
the payingout machinery and the stern of the
ship upon the broad and all but ehdless path
of light which stretches back in oar wake. -
Now an American, then an. Australian, some-
times a Dutch Or Norwegianehi passes -us
or crosses our bows, and reels at d staggers
in the mcst intemperate manner,
main at steady- as a .Chelsea ste
bridge. No wonder thet Mr Br
FHNIANIA. T he latest from the
Feniana is that, in almost profoundym-
army, they are prepariog for another and
much more forMidable raid tip= Canada:
Taking a lesson, it is said, thin the war
in Europe, they are &riling themselves
with repeating rifles. If due is true, and
that an attack may be expected in Sep-
tember or October, our Government
should;be up and doing. The muzzle: -
loading rifle is getting to be behind the
age, and an immediate effort should be
made, by purchaie, and manufacture, to
arid our volunteers and militia with the
improved guns.
EXOHESION FROM LoNuoti.-f-Yeater-
y, (Thluraday)leing the civic holiday
in London, about 700 of the citizens
came to Goderich by an excursion train. gun, ilk" Capt Ben waa monla his boat with
The morning was wet and cold, but the six stout fellows et the auto pulled to
vainly seeking an outlet, and the fun cam
setild'action of those who had come tip menced. A crowd of some fi a hundred
bile we re -
mer above,
nel shoUld
have said thet the Great Baste n was, the
ship tO lay the -Atlantic cable; nn that those
who are going the whele way reg rd the voy-
age to NeWtoutidland witkaw little appreben
sion 'as the trip across the Irish Sea. At
11:10, p: m., we were fifteen miles fro.it Dun
geness, which Hashed- its brill' nt electric
light almost in our faces; and - t midnight,
As =Stephen" has. inadt his determination witha strong gale-l?lowiag, no o e remained
known to make A fight in Ireland this fall, it. to keepahe captain Afempany on the bridge.
is eiobeble that his divereion will keep the a-EStar correspondent. , .'
The fight lasted.six stud a half houni. The
whale was of theihump back species and was
estimatedtp be between thirty and forty feet
leneth. Captain Willard is of the opinion
it-sustained po material injuries, •but thinksi
he•will have's fearful story to tell the whales dencies. , -
chief of the Island a Trinidad:had its depart -
outside of Is trip to Penland, to see the
ruins. -r .- -
., Ng* Otbugrttsgutgnts.
.-- _ .
The Dean of Westminister has gives -per-
&talon tor a bust of .Mr. Cobdep, executed
-by Mr. Thomas Wooiners. to be placed in
Wesuniniiter Abbey. . A letter to Ds Stanley
taint, the necessary authorization was signed
by the Duke of Argyll, Sir James ulark„ Mr.
Charles Dicken% Mr. D'Israeli, Mr. Glad -
/donee Dr Hooker,,ProfessorJ6wett, the Hon.
Arthur Kinnaiid, the Reiv. F. D. Miurice
the Bishop of Oatord, Mr. Tennyson, and la
Rev. W: H. Thonipson.
Cps It is saitfiliat French troops are shit
arriving at Vera Cruz, and t4t Nae-oleon is
not sincere in his promos to evacuate Mex-
(Zee The Hon Arthur- Gordon, Lieui.-Gov-
ernor of the Province of New Brunswick, has
heen appointed Goiernofand Comnianderin-
British regulate at-bnare. while O'Neill and empo
his skirmishers will have another chance to ' By the- Atlantic Ma.ble.
cross bayonets with Cos. Booker and the
Queen's Own. The leading !Thins at_
Roberts": heedquarterp are very ratiment, and ,NRw YORK, Allan Herald
d Loudon,
huts no informauon Whatever ot
vulle but it it July 30th :7-A. great refor'm nieeting was
has the following despatch date
their -future plane- or operatiene,
ity730 000 persons
held to day in the c , , 1
d ted
'Understood that seeeral atands ofhreeehlondlast
week of ten were present. Resolutions were, a op
ing rifles -have been purchased within tr
doyo to . arn3 the It_ostite. . far 'declaring that they -had po -faith in. the.
M eeatra g vernmbeent.' raPeentitetiamistawperearrieaaalsenwtthi:
altered soil. - It is hinted that the anat .er .. are 14:, . p . . t the duat or Sir
battislions who meditete
militia and -vownteers Will have , aeo_ II, - mending inquiry, ,ino
war on her caj _diati _o _
Chance to gratifytheir irate wishes for fight
Richard- Maynet (./ htef of 1' line. . Thde
betore the OCtober teavei begie to raii.--_.
, ptocession was immense: •Se end ban 0
tbiew York Wort&
- ka."..1.,TriP4;11%.,:a47.~..1%,•••
Atwitter Pleat lOr ilreeckaitoaele.
The correspondent of a London paper FLEALED Tenders' will be received until
day ot AIIVISt vent
writes :-Advfleates for the breeehdoading- Thill'iday:thO era
of -what *ay be :considered a powerful COTTAITE te built on the Maitland Cem-
12 o'clock noon.for the ereetionef-a BRICK'
system appear to have lest sight.thus far
argument in 'Efavor of their adoption-- LT.,
etea mgnrs°un..11 apecifiestiour may seen t
a .-breeolt.-leader is Dutch safer than armed south street.
my Office comer of .Court House nare
namely the fact that a 'man armed with
with a m e -loading weapon not se - The Cemetery conimittee do not bind
much on account °tithe superter defensive
power possessed by the former when able
to return its three and four bullets to an_
opponent's one, as that the body when
using the breeeh-loader can be kc -pt close
Juid compiet whilst loading. All who
have been on a "skirmish linir Will hear
me out when I say that the men present
a striking likeness- to so many moving
semaphores, thui inviting whilst engaged
in drawing and returning the ramrod,
and also by fantastic movement aud con
tortion, finst attention,_ - and next, as a
natural- consequence. of „such atteotion,
their enemy's 'tire- a residt, if possible,
always to. be avoided. , -
In suppert of this assertion, that breech-
leadere reduce, to those possessing them
the chances --Of casualty; it may be men-
tioned that dUring_ the -American Civil
-war a large pleportion of wounds recerved
by the Federals in lint -of battle and in-
- the trenches' lwere in the hand anarm,
the -greater part of these men 'bei,ng armed
with the "Enfield" or "Springfield" mix-
zle-loading rifies, whilst the flankers and •
Skirmishers, the greater part of whoih
carried , the "repeating -rifle," received
their wounds in other parte of the body.
Further, I have been assured- by -men
who times and times again have confront-
ed them, that the Jewel. crackling and per-
fectly continuous itilleys from a line
armed with breechdoaders exerts in itself
anything but. an inspiriting effect on
troops in opposition to them,
1 .
EA -Ennui AT inzAwr's CoETEET.-
Heart's -C6ntent, N. P., July 27.
The Gable has at length been laid 1 At 7
o'clock itii morning the tignal on Seal tiove
Hill went upi arid a cry was raised.- that a
iteamer was certainly•tu inght. Excitement
instantly arose, and steam was goCup on
delay. Before snot er steamer could be got
boaid the Margarirta !Stevenson without
in readiness for a etart,--tticemore stiainers ap-
peared in the distan t and a tew miontetaf-
ter the lelaigarett Stevenson steamed out
the narrows. The tim cable fleet came iii
view the GreatiE eriklmaning up In huge,
black propprtions ind heading m far tele-
graph bitily, NO. 6. iln the course of an,hourt
with glasses, we could make Oat distinctly tht
different vestiels, tit first -in order. being the
Ntga'r;_then the ? errible, • and then the
Great _Eastern, fo lowed by a Merchant
. .
tteatner. : 1 , ' ' '
When we got alongeide the Niger, Capt.
Kerr, Commander- 6f thettlargarettii, Ste-
venson, asked Capt Bruce "W hat news?" ..
Capt Bruce Midi 1"AI( right. _We hive
news to the day, before yesterday from Eta_
rOpe. The_Amaxsia wa", run down Off Pert -
lend on thelrd.- Did ytip knoW that ?". -
-Mr Kerr -"Not Air. "What newt of the
war ?" -, - 1 , _
Capt_Bruce-" T e Austrians iregetting
licked. Woidd You like I to hear the latest
telegram ?" -
-Mr Kerr -"Yes." 7 .
The lilargaretta gigt which had column-
nimited with the Niger, then returned to our
vessel _with a long tegrata with news about
the wars and gi3neral matters to the: -24th hist.
The telegiamil we ' received on board our
of music were in attendanoe., Every-
thing passed off quietly.
The Tribune has a special which says
that! peace was certain at Berlin- on
Saturday. -
Bismarck and the 'Sing return this
week. - -
Prussia carrier all her pointe.
The Liberals support Biiimirolea for-
eraigntedpo. L
Austria's mend victory is much over -
The Hyde Park rids and the move -
merit to form exclusive reform' meetings
have periled the Darby government.
A, Whale ea ,PertlaatClliarber.
HE ATTACKED AND escarp Arigli A AM
[Frees the POittaied 4rgueeielji 18.)
For some ten days previous t Monday hist
two whales have been seortinglabout tbe ea
trance of our harbor, much to the atausemeut
of sojourners at Cape Cottsige. They getter- them she Was seat to the store to inquire the
ally played 'around outside, bat at one time mice of iwo articles and was told forty-five 'fnaay, 24th day. of August, 1866,
nlirblialeti et
, (Pions* Pleiladelphin.,Presi)
is bed feria man wko a .in edium sized
purse to miter one of the market-heimes nOwi
adays. Thenotintry venders,- will tell yeti
rather grittily that butt,er it 65 -cents a pound,
and they arena_ 'particular about.-Philadel- tic'Elear" sad- irwn - CSONYN CiONYN.
-pent people bitting from them, as„ agents of - tre„dinos sobeitc,,s0 "imam,
other cities will take their ibinestat their own Lamb% 0. str., hey 2%1866. weed
!Tice. The victualler Mks ytta Capt. a
pound for none of the _best of beef,' and is
indifferent as to whether you _take tt or not
Everf emall-ehop.that has handfed dol...
lars worth of groceries Mit, kerns to be af
teeter' semi•weekly with the gold fever.. - Ste
gar and -coffee go ati, and if you inquire the
reason, are told it is - because of the. rise in
gold. acase came under our knowledge a
short, time since -in which a family kept a
book account at a store, pitying the billevery
Saturday night. Hateng a stranger tO visit
themselves to except the lowest, or any tea -
Goderich, 2nd August, 1366. e282t
Subscriners offer for Sete 200 barrels
L REFUSE.SALT, satiable for the use o
farmers on land, -&c., ar 80./5 per bbh
Goderich, August 2nd, 1866. w28
THE Military School at LONDON will be;
re -opened on the 10th, September, pro-
vided that there are Fifty approved appk
cants op -the list by the lit Eepteillber.
Applications for admission should be made
to the Btigade Majors of Division. -
By order
D. A. A. G. Militia.
London, 31st July, 1866. w28-41
NOWT sad by virtue Of a Powei of Sale
contained 111A Idougage made by Malcolm.
-Camphedt, .ofibe Township of Canute, in tbe
County of Bruce, yeoman, default having been
:made at 'the payinent thereof, w3.1. Bolden- ,2
laeaday, 'September II,- 1866, -
at the ho• ur oft o'clock, P. Mtrat
AUCTION BMUS, Eiciimond Sure, in the
city of London, the fc4lowing property, eastleilf
of -1,ot Sumter three, in the Fourth concessioa
of the -Township -of Carrick, in ihe County 'of
Bruce containing Filly Acres. more orlon.
The Turnis.ot Sale may te ascertained- from
_M r.-Thomat Fairbairn, Teeswatet, frem-the Ace -
(AK tbe London Solid a part .of Lot number
Thirtyin the :lest concession of the Tome -
ship of uclr.ersanth. in the County of Huron,
containing by admeasurement One Foulth or as
as acre, will 'be sold -by Public Auction, -at . the
, Richmond Street, Louden,
were observed as far in at Diainond-Cove.-- cents for one laud eight cents for another. it Twelve o'clock to;,,i
/ ,
under and by' vittue a
Monday morning one of the monsters ancotr.., One of thtsfaenily was subuquently sent to it power ofsale contained in n Mortgage front
the store ith the book end the articles- were -Donate McDonald and wile to ..Tohn Innis Mo.
KeTn:riniesd!mtedadtebekn"otwhildalticdheMsaalreellor Aa t tphe 65 eel SS a
°film tioderSigned Dundee Street west. Landau.
--- -- Soliehor for Mortgagees.
Londos,.let Augusts1F66. w.2634
puled &MINI ao far ie. that lie evidentiy got
frightened and lost he reckouin .. He swam,
into tke bluer harbor, straight p by all the
wharves and through tue Platt d bridgesathd
the P. S. and -P, mdroad bridg . There the
water got- so shoal that he quit the protru-
sive and commenced to ran f m shore to
stit-ire„-4,tid to and forth , betw n Vaughan'i
bridge'and the ranted bridge, being able
to go in any direction more tha half amide.
- Meantime the veteran pilot d capturer of
big fish, Capt Benj J %third, as notified of
the presence of oat distinguish guest, and a
warm aeception. With bie ha us,whaling
little steamer with
we could scarcely re
actually perusing e
occurred only a few
to describe the sen
all -on board the 81
a degree of wonder, arid
lize the tact thatvie were
nom of events that had
y. since. It it difficult
non ot pleasure felt by.
en80116 Mr Kerr and.
the teems where the affright 'whale was
afternoon turned out fine, to the great
lely for leasure The Lake was too.
people were soon gatheted ou t eltridgeti.-
rough; -however, for excursionk
. - ! _ -1 end almost jumped 'mut the deck in abaolute -"Aurfaee with such terrific speed thet nearly
Mr Mazwell shook eillach Other by the,hand, Occasionally the _whale would rush to the
, .
•Clinton also enjoyed a holiday on the silful congretulaucei. ! . his Share bedr WoNld aPpenr above the sur-
• d- tube - -- At heit-lingt 13-tillt Stevenson. was alOngside face, and be would_ fall with a splash thet
same occaston, an a int:%,„,,r of the in-
„ the Greattlastern,_and (left Berrapoke with would send coludins of teeter h h in the air:
habitants found their way to.G9derton nY Capt.t.eiletson sold Ocktt!Bmce,Of the Niger: , The boot in chase wait penoell with great
,- . s ._,.
`tram, prnate etniVeyanCe, &O. Vonn411 Field find, lna' appearance on the -I speed„ but the whale avotded it fer• a long
delivered aud -enteied at 55 afid 18 ends,
This occurred on Thuisday and .he amount
was paid on Saturday,- ratlr r sounding rate
of interest fat two days, we- think. Cold is
advaneing daily. and we are told that the ex-
pected advance in freights moire it and it will
be -very high.- la short, dealers in all -mem-
ariei- of life eontinually threaten. you dist
things will advance before the winter conies.
The country- folks said last Saturday thit the
articles they kad to dispose of were high be
cause of drought. The grocers say their
coinnodities are high* because of gold flue-
tuatioua, ind-the coal dealers becande thei
eapeet freights will go up. z,
That a great many articles/tan be dispens-
ed with is -very eertainland many think for-
merly termed necessanes, • are notr„ tO the
man in moderate eireamstances au expeniiive
business.. -The emintry folks and others, will
soon find that things will be dispensed with
as to: change their, business arrangements
somewhitt, and in the meantime a- law to pre-
vent the clioiceatt produce being -carried away
to foreign cities, before our citizens are sup-
plied, would be very wholosome.
1911T -WE. 1111LE. -LOD,
Richmood Street, London, C. W., on
Friday, .24th Ilay 01' ugud, 486$.,
at Twelve o'clock noon. under sad by virtue ofa
power of sale contained in a Mortgage from John
Blackball and Walter McCallum toJoba Jams
Mckenzie dated the 13th day of February, 1.4
Terms made known la the sak oit at the Om
of the nadereigaedDinalas Streit west, 'London.
Soliiitor for Mortgagee.
T.tonden, 1st August, MI6., w263t
rather of the A
The 'Superintencieril
ine arrived bete at :I
- with a ineesage frou
Britain to the Preside
dated Osborne, July '
lb the President 1
Thelitleen coegrai
the sticceuful vonspls
which she hopes may
land Of union heteree
To which -the folio
- Breen
Ito Her Ilicifesly 0,4
The President of-
tnowledges with pro
receipt of Her Motet
&illy mciprocates th
which now unites th
ireinisitherea may ser
perpetuate peace
Governmentof Feigh
the United States.
Loudon lad ga,
- Placed In Di
Igew York, JO
California auditor
placect it:direct
lie& telegraph, tc
elelock Conran
exchanged between
Riot at. /
Great Bed
A fearful 1st: .4,e3r1
thireiso,viiyncty. e surd
aind earned to the 1
throughout. the enti
1 r. a.„ -d -The pre
webenultiong 0-Onfelifty640nt
- -45tAnteet.itasatTnse"plorlio011itt
risible Arens -to
therMethitaicei -Jo
41:4 111,•4131:47111keti5ositspestatri.fiteitalid.g-rpessTillhe.e.
building witeretlie
slow -being well sibs
get ahem ont
410.0101..thellirreltut. lifttri-6911
iliellSkig dead
-AliwttOtfulsianit.-- larbeY
• Tbere-Isait imaten
„..iideatid outside it
police surd Ihn
theaters or tbe•stimm
!lege tke-
*MAASS of truce
--werwaista.441"led talinitrewateetsee
$4.1eindlierillkintee aestittla4elterito
• liad been struck, _1
4111 bzone of the
. tt
Itt:et bothoweitic.ver Iteo. „Aiv
leyttie poises sod
titre ui force.
hint. The 'Police
trageket.hat las 1
a immoral,
Isoipktrisi mitt
"Tlis city Is "'dee
tfiedlifereat *or
Aka building hoe
itaint Of she
to .theausau
Theifferillelat the
-Etas sate Li
Tater Ulna
tune/re Irsupialsoli
any Taws bask
Amy tau, until
more thaaarill
Tile Pr
restively *low
oven orders fo
. slaw Ametiesu
13 altOts tote
ado en
rigo. row gets
from the Belie
Tates, Unita
lieWkanew sap
gen. It is ens
will out the g
* bat one -dc4
figei- The
Actress, basin
butt *endue a