Semi-Weekly Signal, 1866-07-31, Page 2' ' TIME- TABLIEI G. T. It. SUMMEtt ARRANGE M ENT. -r °luso tan. latMl. Expreet. Mixed. thentrich leieo a.m. 2:03 paii.3:t0 ritnion .. 10:30 2:30 4:00 &storm . . . 10:50 2:53 '4:35 Carron Brook... 11:05 3:10 4:5A 11:20 3:25 5:21 sitsim,d arr t 11:50, 4:e0 6:15 dep t 1:00 p.m. 4:20 7:001 -arr 6i45p..m.11k00- Emma WEST. • Buffalo . dep 7:00 a m. IWO a.m. 3:50 p m. Stratfind......`12:50-pais, o.10 e:te a.m. Goderieb... arr 3:00 11.25 *t -mi GODERICH, C, July 31, 1866. Nowa troll! AbrOad. A- correspondent of' the Bruee Herald, writing from Ottawa, 'says :-" It is our - rend,' reported here that -the. lucrative office -of Registrar fOr Hu:on is to be con- ferred -on your meinber. Doubtless he has the beat -right to it, according to the rules whieh regulate the distr:bution of patronage." We should like very mauh to see a copy of the rules which entitle our member.to the Registrarship: People around here are quite ignorant. that the distribuf ion ?f patronage 6 regulated in such a fishion. - ..The same paper. -says, editorially " A deputation from Gederich, consisting " Mesars,Gibbons. Cameron and flor- a ten visited Ottawa lately. BuSiness " not known." It is a gratattous insult GILEAT CABLE. to state that the visit of two or three Of AT LAST the Old World and the New have been nnited.bi a telegraphie cable, through which_ messages pass with admir-' able precision. Thr/work- thus aecoin- plished la the croWning glory of onr age - the most wonderful feat, we believe, that - has ever been accompished hy, man. While we think of the stupendous under: taking, vte are forcibly reminded ot the ne pack: aliji'mn_ he will be prepared to grant lieensys to energetic assertion - the fishermen employed in the Goderich fishery, on Weduesday next, the Super-_ intendent of Fisheries having authorized him to do .so, and that all parties refusing. to take out licenses at that time will be prevented froni using the fishery in future. - _ aer In quoting our -article on the Goderich Salt Well, the Hamilton- Times says we aru too sanguine, as the Saginaw salt works hardly pay although they pump brine nearly 100 degrees in strength. Our contemporary also throws doeibt on the assertion that our well produces brine 80 degrees strong, but we can assure him that; yesterday, when the fresh water was shut off, it Came up for hours at 100° - that is just'as strong as brine could possi- _ bly be. THE ATiatiTio MosT0LT Fria AuousT.- Ticknor & Fields, offers a fine variety of inter - our most respectable citizens to Ottawa was a deputation." - A deputation from whom Mr. Cameron was only in Ot- tawa a few hours, while on_his way to his - old home, Perth, and Messrs. Gibbons and, Horton were upon private bushiess. THE SEMI-WEEKLY SIGNAL. TILE MIDGE. . du tile Aesotiietion . diacredit, The- above . country for the puiellase of Cattle, and,hencelapirit. :It is one of peramennt importance. Doh Siosal„--I see by your ;ague of ths efitted, and the tnWn.where Such for is held Uecte kd our -tutention during our four site, 'both buyer and -selle would be munially ben- I not to the teachers alone who are now active- certainlyn 11-4 impoitauttnatters to huve •01• ly eneaged in their daties but to the cause of from the largely benefitted byt th-Finffax of visitora.- 26th, inst., -that a' correspondent portant matter off bringing oerselves into ex - education at large, nbr Wag lean Bey narrow selfish spirit that you, discussed iiris import- ant matter.- And I _am_ sure the country- ould not look uponIany means that'may be employed to raise and better the__ position of hies foi• the past 5ear-besides the very itn- - - It is welt iinnwiethat where -said Fairs . have S6uth pert of ihe conety Iris seat you an _ear , been'taken tip Witict pirit end regularly ,etin- istence. Lei us go on. es we have began, of spring wheat infeCted themidge; -but,do tinued Ihey have be accompanied with a there is a great- work to be accomplished, jet not- be alarmed at that. dear 8igaisl; although loge measuie of sticess, hut to accomplish us manful yiry to no Cur share in leaving the he adds, -every field he examined was infect- the end nn-sopmenes& mubt, e . 09wn On the teacher as a favedring et a class to the scheols of -this ,great.county very -much supe - pert ot those who have the management of Injury of ethers hut aar' amens of doing good dor to e hat we fouad them. We have the el efour 8 luthern correspond-3ra must be a them It - is an old and true adages '1'11314 to the great and glorious Cause in .which i _Kane d &ethics to contend with; the same several t ears past. I have fisund rti:dge in 1 wenit-an it on y wants a ero 9 acme, are otiier proiesstons an. pursuits which are m =re cutivate that. urotherly repeal and res - d - • l d - -' -• I, c3 ' C • ' A is or oneht to be deeply - istereited. There hopes turd aapirations-Lst us then more and is!' new Arrival, for such has been the case for i ' ' e • . whatever is worth doing at a.l.as worth doing ` The fluderich -Fishery. Mr. Yeomans requests us to 'state that mer-Night's Dream ':. e I'd put a girdle roundsthe earth . In forty minutes." What the bripant imagination ' of Shakespeare conceived has been acconr- plished, by the hard, dry, but prolific science of our age; :Med by en amount of patient labor arid perseverenee daring eight -long years, which is almost incredi- ble. ' What would Columbus- thrnk ithe had the privilege -of knosving that the Con- ,tinent he discovered after- a innw lona _ 0 'voyage into regions untravelled before, - was joined to a country more distant than Spain by a little thread, through, which peiple could talk at nill What it ould good:. old Dr. Franklin, the father of American printing, ' and of electrical - science, tliinkiif he coilid witness this grand consummationofhis most sangaine ho 1 The most important news we every field I examined (except one) betWeen -, wooing committee, with an active busiuess now attracting , tbe mint laletited. of our pect forone another.,,e-hich will encourage and I Who engage in the work of teaching are dis- _poselto regerd the profession as -.their life one. W-hy is this ? 1 hope those whose in teretitsit really is, more than the- teachers will ponder 'well this question: The true way, because the only sticassint way, to railre the standard qf Education,is to raise thrstatus of the teacher. - HOW is this to be One ?,_ This is the most impertant problem which it most concerns those at the head . of the Educational affairs of thjs, Province to solve? In your -discussions upot this matter you did not rest satisfied by 'merely pointieg oat the evil bet you have in the conclusisms at which you arriyed in this -discussion, as well -as in -some other matters irieclto point _out the remedy also. Yea _say that it is ne- cessary to . secure to the teacher a more - per- menent, and independent;if Ildt EL wore lu- crative position than it Is postibie for him under exieting circumstances to enjoy, and you .have pointed out one means by which this -can be dime. Again you askthat all po- Kippen and Redgerville, and I let none es- . young men., How few of the young men chei r us iii onegreet work. la retifieg from man its leader. - . ' ' cap_e along tile gravellroad for that .distanee,-; lest two thousand persons Were brought into. But then; my dear Signal, it Was only - in -.8 = the, toln; three . hundred add fifty head of narrow stip.aleng the fences,. ioside of . biro ' cettle and -a laiee nember of Horses were on cuts of the-,,,Reaner; there was none. to .be 1 the ground, -Saleevicre rapid, prices good. foiled. I found -also,. that where -1 had .aiai. , end upwards of Nine T hOusand- Dollcirs - ' i At the Monthly Fair -in Guelph in October ' the honi-nrable pnisit. itni -of President ot this Association I would conclude my remarks m the words Of tint 6reat" poet of all sties and countries, and address them to yen mdivid- ually :-- ' - ' -6 Be just, and fear not, _ Let all the ands thsu ann'10 at be thy country's, Thy (40(1%, and Truth's; then if thou fall's!, --- Thou fall's!, a blessed Martyr. , • • I changed hand& f culty ie getting to the _ wheat after crossing T • • the fence by reason Of a second fence of her- Guelph would warrant Middlesek, and Huron hie evident suec ss in a place the size of ry_ bushes and weeds of all sorts, that the and Bruce to try a similar experiment in the midge was worst, but even there one rod into several towns within their circuit, -only let the effort be made and I for one have no fear the wheat and. there was no midge. I have of the result. - - - raised spring. wheat and other spring crops The President of nur bociety Mr. Johnson more or•less in this vicinity (between Kippen to whom I have alieady referied is alive to and Rodgerville) for the last quarter of a the importanee of such a :movemeht,-so also 1 is our whole Boarli and we anticipate a -large century, and Iii that time I have not- seen at this season of the year a finer prospect. kair:-ere long in London. The Mayor of our have never seen finer crops, ot Barley, which Society David Gauls, Esq., has promised his in fact my neighbors are elating, tor I just see the reaper busy thitting a aplendid crop of support, add we hoPe inat the people of Lon- . barley. But the exception was a field of Rio _don will feel the intiportanceand necessityof Urand, I Could not fled a midge in it. will these fairs, and -strengthen the fume's hands, while they Must sse that at thesaine time the farniets thet have au oppoitunity ex- amine, perhaps it may be mid f if they will‘be benefitting theraselves. It weuld be impOssible in -one letter to enu- ge proo . Se, it might prove a benefit it the midge Merate ell the advantages that would follow should_ infest the.sPri" "eat. ---Com. ° the 'establishifig of_ such Fairs -nor can 1 . point Mit how yotir Society caa take action Huron Teac here, A.ssociat ion. further than by keeping the matter before_ the public and givine assistante on the occasion The Annual Meeting of the aboveAssocia- of such -Fairs the- management and ar- tion waY held in the School house, Clinton, tenements necessary. -on Saturday 21st init. The means for beestablishing_such Fairs I would submit m st be by the united action 'anion and °Pod judament be manifested .by • e 0 1. The attendance was greater than usual of a num ier of Farmers agreeing arnongst us at 11 times in our meetines and dis- cus one, as were manifested' dering -the 'past year, and we cannot :ail 'to. secure the sympathy cif the intelligent and right think- hig men in the country, and tLis will ultim- ately lead to increased respect for us as a profession. Allow me to say that •anythine done to. ameliorate the condition of the- -teacher will produce a correspendiagly happy 'influence tipon the community.- Any benefit, conterred upon him, is sure - to be like good seed sown in good -soil, which will yield to the henefactors an hundred fold. -The next subject in order was the abolition of the pre- sent system,- of school inspection. The reasons _which you.- have advanced for u change in this unportant matter, and in fever ofasystem of county Superintendence are irrefragable; -The tactthat the.petition, which you circulated wae so numerously and influentially signed, shoWs the feeling of the county on tills matter, mid although it failed to secure;the change asqed for at once, it is And th s akve, al!,to thme-own self be true;_ A ird it must foildv.r as the night the day, lhou (quiet riot then be false to any man. -Farewell! my bleising season this in thee !” OUR IRISH LETTER. Epecial Correspondence 01 the Suntan. The war.--Medle Gun invented by a Ca- nadian.- he British Ministry.- Gen- eral lrishNews. • Wedvsday, 11.11 July, 1866e Since I wrote you lait so many import4nr 115 A' iscene In New OriCallS., - k New Orleans correseondent Of a -Mobile paper furnishea the following vivid descrip. lion of an affair in the Creecept City: - A clear case cif retributive justice is now causing seine excitement in our city., For is number of yeare there hits been a person in New Orleans known as -Bob Johnston, who enjoyed -the .reputation of being- the very - worst character of a man ever allowed to breath upon the earth. 14pending -day, . in drinking and loafing on the street comers, his nightein gambling and rioting, engaged in every row or difficulty thateroseandnow and then indulging in the luxury cf.' killing a boon conipamon or uf insulting peszeffil mere be soon became the terror and abhorrencel of all good :citizens. At election thnes he came out "bright,-'1-and,carrying a Derringer in each pocket of his pants, a revolver in tin boot leg, and a " tooth pick" under his coat - collar, Mr. Johnson would swagger small the roils, a free Ameiican titizen, and ---gen. erally made a practice of winning half a dot. en votes by putting as many of the opposition party in a. conditioe that utterly precluded the idea of casting a vote. It Johnsonhad killed three er four men in bis day, and- had wounded many more than that numbers; •but at length the day ot retribution came...Night ' before last Mr. JahltS011 bad been indulging treely in arderit spirits, and, at leneth, after an -unusually large draeght of " tangle foot," smashed his glass down upon the counter whh a great noise, And aveare.an oath that he had got to kill somebody' before the night wail over. He was fully armed, and ongoing up stairs from the saloon in whieh ke was driniting, into a room filled with the devotees of St, P-hareh, he spied ooe Duffy, and swore - another oath that he was the man to be killed. With a kind of rude chivalry be shook his fitt in Duffy's face and told him to • go and sum himself; for he meant to kill him before the night was Over. The nextthing Mr. Johnson knew, he was -wrestling with his antagonist in - another room. Duffy grappled with the re. donntable "'thug," and appeared to fall ahut this we's merely a strategic movement. With - the enotiote he shook a revolver from the leg of his pants, throwing it down upon the floor; He then stooped to_ grasp it, and the next moment was sending balls through Johnson's body as rapidly te the pistol could be die, charged. After receiving six -shots J01102011 took refuge_beneath a table, but Duffy shook - out another revolver, and kept firing away until the hero of many battles fell de.ad.- But this •was not sefficient. " D—n-you,si he cries tragically. " if you are pot dead finish you," and. drawing s poinard,he plunk . ed it into the body, up to the hilt each stroke. Can ante one imagine anything more fiendish? Horrible! . , Thus ended the career Of -Bob Johnson, a bad man all his life, and a bad man to the death. But as brutal and fiend -like as this, murder may seem, no ape - will deny that Jobusonavas at fault, and that he brought it upon himself. It w.is his fate. - He had sent many a man -out -of the world in the same way, - now he had dealt to him wily that which he , - dealt to others. It was a clear case ofzetri- butive justie4. _ How the Great -Battle was NV on. sitiona of honour and emilument con -1 events kayel occurred on this aide the A.tlan- fleeted. with the working o our system l tic that a brief resume of the principal must 'should belong exclusinely to teacherse-and suffice. that offices of this mkt should be lamas- The historic &ids of Germany have once ed and the emoluments attaphed to them- More beep deluged with the blood of one of made such as to makeletn prizes and wor- the fiercest -contests that perhaps has ever' thy objecta to be aimed at by the teacher& stained the pege -of history. _The Prussians Meetings and associations, *such as this can- hare by a succession Of, rapid mid decisive not fail ,to produce an arnelioretion in our victories renuced Austria negociate with - condition. Let but the -same courtesy,modee Franee -for- the cession *of -Venetia. These vietories are ascribed to tbe use hy the Prus- and several names were added to the member- themselves to bring in Stock on the days pro- hive yet receivedover the cable,procIaims esting articles, How my -New Ac - its great mission,- ".Peace end good will quaintances-Spin" by Dr. Wilder. ‘, What towards Men." Wehave news from Lon- dicr she see ivith." " The Great Doctor, don te Priclay last?-(thiek of it) and Part gives the Conclusion of Miss Alice Cafes absorbing and touching story. ---" the glorious intelligence has, been flashed a deluge Maniac's :Confession." " Passaos- froi4 beneath the Atlantic that, after el blood, the° like of which, chain the 'same spate of time, has never been wit- iiessedin tlieworld, PICACE has been pro- claimed between Prussia _ and Austria. This important news would not have reached us for ten days yet by 'ocean steamers,last as they run. __ An attempt_ is to be made to pickup -the eldeable, and in the memitime a cable wfil be stretched across the _Gulf -of- St. • Lawrence, after which we shall not be subjected to the intolerable delay of 48 hours ere receiving news direct from Europe. sh•P : indicatine on the pert of the Teachere claimed- for -a period of thne-others would „_ I 0 9 follow, an ) such courses the Fair would d b • 4 cf e County, an increaeed appreciation a be established. . _ the value ot this Astiociation. - • ' If your society have grounds and buildingi _ The retiring President II. A Cameron they should be -opened free on the oceasion--- Esqr, headmaster Goderich Central Schiliol, , a smelt fee only being charged Sufficient to delivered an able valedictory address, which pay earrent expenses such as advertising, printing biils, ac. will be found in another column, and to On applibetion of a number of your fartk Which we direct the attention of all interested ers the Mayor of yout , town -would eo doubt in Public Education. Office -bearers for the issue his proclamation of the intended. Fairs. Elawthorne's Note -Book" gives continued sketches of Hawthorne's life in the Old Ma nor at Concord. FrOm the " Chiinney-Cor- ner." " London Forty Years Ago." " A Year in Montana." Prof. 'Agassiz contrib- utes another graihic article on the Physical History of _the Valley of the Amazon.- " Griffith Gaunt" is continued, and fine poems are furnished by James Russell Low- ell and Bayard Taylor. •-• ler • Seg.Two- young men were -mulcted on Tneeday in the sum of $5.56 each fur fu- rious driving on our streets last Sunday. TOWN COUNCIL. The Council Met. on Friday evening last, 'His Worship, Mayor Dettor, pre- siding. Present, Councillors Horton,_ Seegmillar, -McKay, jlanciman, Cameron, Clifford and Cox. - Minutes of last regular meeting were read and approved, Mr. Smaill reported that it would re- quire thesum 04'23.50 to Quick's house, and the amo -ad to be expended, Several email accounts were react &id ordered to be. paid. • . Moved by Mr Cox, seconded by Mr Runciman, That the firemen receive the - sum of $36.00 tor the Purpose of renew- ing their uniforms -Carried. • On motion of Mr, Cameron, seconded by Mr Seeginiller, It:was resotrd that a building be erected for the sexton of the Cemetery, not. to- exceed in value $500. _ Communication of t14 County Clerk, askine. for the sum of $33-1.00 as County 0 Rate, was read and ordered to be fyled. - Communications froui the Board of School Trustees, asking tbr the sum of $3000 for school purposes, same deliver - pair Widow t was order- enaiting year were appointed as follows :- and give such other publicity as the import. ance of the mattek deserves and demands. Pres:dent Arch'd Dewar, Harpurhey. 1st Vice do Mr. W. AV. Nelles, A,Clinton. 2nd do do -Mr. John Shaw, Hulleta- f Treastirer. Mr. A.rthur Molestvorth, Colborne'. Secretary Mr: David R. Gordon,_ Londesbor- With e Committee Of management cope. prising rem. teacher .frone each r_suwneh)11 prosperity of Britain's choicest colony. represented. • - - Messrs. Dewar, Cameron, Nelles and McShea were appointed- to- represent t he As. aociation at the approaching Anneal Convere satioa of the Teachers' Association of tipper Canada, to be Lid la lorento next VAL EDIC TOBY A DDR ESS 1month; and by a series of resOlutiome they were instrueted on variuus points to be i B Y 11.D. tLtatznow, Esq., brought before that4onvention. If the above, observations on the beriefit which will follow " the establishmest of Monthly Fairs Meet with _favour -and be' thought worthy of being acted npon,-the writer will be simply compensated by the consideration that it is his duty and privilege tb contribute in the smallest degree to the buildina up of' his _adopted Country, and the I remain Mt Editor YOurs sincerely - J. W. LESTER,- Secy E :at Middlesex Agricultural Society. MoNUMENT To FALLEN VOLOSTEERS.-We have received a communic.atien from the eecy. of a committee formed in Torono fot the purpose of erecting a suitable monument in that city to the memcry of the gallant voluuteeri who fell during the recent Fenian ihvasion. The subscription list has been placed in Charge of Mr. Richardsoo, agent of Bank of Montreal, Who win be happy to re. ceive and forward aubscriptions of$1.00 from parties who May wish to contribute to so good a cause. Eriast 1ro LivERPOOL AND LONDuNDERAT. -Messrs. J. W. Lester * P. H. Carter ire the agents of the Montreal Ocean Steamship Co..au 'London, Parties- from Goderich, and surrounding neighborhood -wishing to visit , - Europe, or send for friends, -may obta;n . pas- sages by calling upon, or writing to those 'gentlemen. Sir In reference to the above, we would say that, having the pleasure of Mr. Lester's acquaintence, we can Confi- dently recommea_d him as a safe and reli- able agent. - • awe. A By-law was based upin the following estimate for 1866, and passed in -due courae FATIMATIC FOR 1866; doveniment $4,319 County • •••••••••••••••••• OOOO ••• 3,934 School. ..... .. 3,000 Salaries., . ,........ • • ............ 1,100 Public Works.... 1,000 Cemetery 44 Plates '‘ .....--,......... 7 Council Chainber rent......- 6 Insurance and.printing. 7 . .... . . . 10 War claims... s. 6.4•4••• • •••-• • ••••• 50 2 0 0 the Httren Teaehers' Anniciatirat. port, which though sumewhat lefaithy and Before The Committee on "abe !test Curriculum . for our -Com-inon Schriels"., -submitted e re - murder met with -very general. acceptance, and" was _accordingly adopted.; •Rsports of Building at Cemetery 60 • 0 0 318,165 CG Cash on hand $3,6 Due by Northam G - Annual *mond due, by them... ..., 2,4 Market rent. • • • ••• Liman • .. - . • .. Boundary Line -app• •••••••,••.• 49•1• 4.• • lion -resident Taxes.....f... • •• • .. DogTax. ...-• •• • 1-1! • • • • 61 61 July 21st, 1866 Fellow Teachers :-Ogr Youtig Assozia- tion-has just closed the first year of its exist - other Committees were. also handed in and ewe, and I hope you will 'permit me before adopted. amongst which the financial re'port retiring -from the position in which- you were showed a balance in the h ds Of the T vas; pleased to place tues to make a few parting urer.. After disposal of the arious business :marks. As 1 anticipateed, it 1sas atferded Jetaile, the members set themselves to the me nothing bht _pleasure in presiding over your deliberation. It is a matter of congratula- discussion of the question. " Is the aWard- lug of priees in schools, a proper incentrive ?"1 tient to this county that it possesses such a fhe discussion beemile very anima ed and number or polite, intelli,4mt ;tad able teaceeis eeneral, neatly every one present taking I as the ladies and gentlemen Who constitute part; considerable divergence of opinicei was our associations. 1 ceuld wish to see- mere . . 0 I expressed, yet the greatest good feeling per. of the teachers in the county availing them-. ended the whole, and a hearty earuestness selves uf the adiantagea of such au- iustitu- in all --that pertains to their proftesion, -was tion ati I hiS and at the_seme thne contribating evinced by those teachers; who took part in by their experience to its .usetulnees, There the debat it.`hd -witeout coming to any 1 tire, doilbtless: a great runiber of ,zealous particulutedecision, on the point under dis- _ t, schen who trom various ceasee have not cession, it se emed.to be the prevailing opiuion yet joinal us. I hope to see pre long, if nor that rewards should be given to every -Scholar, all, at least- nearly all the' teacherssitt this according to his particular degree et Uteri; great county members of the AssociatiOn, rather than a few prizes to the excellent meeting together, and interchaegiug opinions _ s upoe the different subjects he which we are all Ones. . - The As)nciation will held its next meet: interested, and -at ehesame time cultiVating hie. in the seine place on Saturday _ 20th that prefeiaion il feeling, so conducive to our October ensuing, and it would seem to be supeifluous to point out to the, l'eachers. of Allis County .generally, the importance of identifyine themselves with -au Associatioti gams oldie _Needle Gun, a new breachloade! now extenSively. used in that army. This weapon is af so extraordinary a nature that the soldiers who use it can_ load and fir it five times a minute. 'I may mention what wiil be to yeti a gratifying fact, that this in- •strumeitt is the invention Of a Canadian, who accidently discovered its superior qualities while fixing a broken rifl& 'Ee came to England With it, but the invention was re- jectedt he tried France with a like ri sult, in -despeir tied ahnost destitute of means he went to Prussia where the merits -of his gun were examined and found to -bp of suclia -nature as warranted the authorities in adopting, it. The Liberals after a reign of seven years have resigned the seats of office in onse- quence) of their -defeat on Lord Dunkellin's mption on the Reform Bill. . , The following is a list of the new appcint- ments likely ao be made. • • Fint Lord ef the Tree:Minn-Earl of Derby. i -Chancellor of the Exchequer -.M. DiSraeli. - eeratifying id know that et . was not because Foreign Secretary- Jord Stanley. - the. change asked for was not reeognised by Home Secretiry-Mr. Hardy.. 1 theassembled wisdom ()tithe -comity as. reason Colonial Secretery-L-Lord-C;awbourne. able and right, but .hecause the law as sit Secretary fen India -Mr. Adderley. elands at- present is in---the,way.. It IS aure Mhoster oT-ar-:-General Peel. - however before long to be an accomplished FirsaLord Of the Admirathy- Sir 1 Palsington. . fact.. - The report epon- text books rya!! and adopted at our laSt meeting, which although. - ostensibir prepered -by a committee was -really fee work of.Mr. pewat of Harpurhey. -and Mr. McShea, hoth 'file, experienced's-aid (c, Rucceesful teachers, en -..acertainly a credit te the :niormal scheui,lis he heat - matter of importaece Which ncelipied•your fttlentioli.. Next in timportance a -the Teacher in the schonl !ace Text - books.- - _ :W bile 'no sue- teisful teacher Will. coilfine himself in hustle rat satiSfartitia- in consequence. of Ins being .structions tit th-e mere !letter -of en,- text book an Irisleladded praprietor. .He has extensive yet it gives eonsisteney, and continuity to his estates in Miter and a nidre exemPlary and daily teachings. which 'could not.exist with indalgeut lendlord is seldom 'net with. His -out . itS . A goad text hook ie a titegr impor brother-, as , Mearber for the County Tyrone: tant auxiliary to the best teacher.. In those end twoef hiesonsrepresent respectively the higher institutions, where .sotnetiines attempts Pity of Derry and the County of Donegal! in are ' made: to impert instruction withaut teit the - hoiiie el ,Commons. Sir Hugh Cairns hooka?. the instnictors 'ha4-eqn reality to .du -The me.mher for Belfast ie appointed Attorney what Is already -done for theta in textibookse- 'General. fer-Englend,. a sithation. he in every to prepare a courte of,Lectuivis upon she sets way deserven.1;iuch 'Irish .members as he and ject, Besiderabeing a-Ygaii4 to. the coarse of Me. Whiteaide reprepent- well and nably this instruction pursued the textsbook eitfords.the lutal of brilliant sideocateaand orators, and means of enaleingrthe pupil -to prepare"..him- their names worthily deseree te be enrolled - self by priVate . study loc ' temere intelligent Cvith those of-O'Coenell, Grattan and Burire, understanding and- apprecie ion of Me expla. wao. no carer What 'their views, have -left be - nations or instructions! of t e - teticher uporr hind them an iinmortal memory and gained_ any matter -that may be reAted _-of., No tor the -oratory of Ireland- au inperishable pains slintild bel epared toi produce the best tame. ... 1--. -, - '. • . _. - possible text boolfe'-fot our settoele, both as Before --I 'efeee- this letter I would wish to eegards matter,- end typagraphical arrange- inform myllriah friends•that the -great Inter- ,. - . meet. _Every 'factlity shonld be afforded ee, neitiotral Itifte- -Match; recently held at Wim -perienced teacherewho may have talents an blettni fin' ;the Irish trophy -value X600 wee-, this direction te producesthhrOugh. clear and weir by te Itithinan, The trophy, in the' instructive class him* ° -And those publish. shepe of atenNiii a masterpiece of Irish art. era whO embark in the enterprise of furnish- The. covea represents the -Irish. kin°. Brian ing superior Text boek deserve encourage- Boreimbe at, the - battle of Cleated inciting .nient. It is only biscentie ethical thut. we are his men to oppose the Danes, end at the foot likely to develope our researoes in this 'natter are two figures of Brittania -and Hiberniafthe end attain to any -thiog like'heecess or perfec former boldiag her trideat and the latter an tionitit. I regard that policy as far front. be-. Ideal harp. . The scorings were Ireland 51, lag either an enlightened Cr e patriOtic One_ England-. 40, .Seotlatrd 45. • - . - - which would strive to give•any.party the mo - . - ---- - - - - • " leasis Referring to Lord Monck's Approach nophly of either writing or publishina Text al intereite shouldinaintain that lofty posis books. -Those at sheheadi of .0nr•Education: -Mg .eleVition to the Peerage:the London Sun- day Gazstte-Seys ;-" Apart from his politi- tion 'whi-ch- would enable sherd to judge with cal assoCietion -With the expiring Ministry, the striateet impartiality -of the merits of any Lord Mena's- admirable administration' of: book -thitt may appear -irrespective altogether _the Goverpment °Klan -aria amply -justifies this. Of who the *titer or publiiiher may be. .(ye. distinetion.".' 'The laindon Globe also seyea cupying such a pOsitiOn'eas this:their Opinions. -it is .true. no douliti that L0.211 Morick, who_ if, men of gond Judgment, wituld earrytweight is tolreceive re Braish peerage, is a member with.them, and the 'result we:mid-he that -ell. of the- Liheref -party. but do one iiho has interested would be hkelt to rely, uppn their watahed -;his -career. as Govereor General -recommendations.and acquieste in -their opiii. of Canada will deny. his chain upon the:1011c All experience:. geee to sliew that gratitude; When LoidsMenck was recital- -ions. any grad. laced fonn of --Governtnent will mended fOr the _appointment, - some of' our_ never do. lt always producer valet it,- tries contetaporaries expressed dissatisfection, and' to guerd against. " Wide ivill . wear but considered that: the Duke.. of . Newcastle had tight will tear" iti it preverb which contains - e -great _deal of seined Practieal .wisdom. - While t thus speak id•feveur of great letaiide- in the matter oftext books1 am by,no flidanr- in faveur of a system which Wouldignore any oeersight ate!! in this matters Wide doeanot _mettn --. boun'dlees-.- . the Board ot Public Li- struction shoeld inatieteie -the ,dignified eesi- tion • et heieg entirely -4,0 r from -all Writers - end -publishers of Textiboeks,. The einem .obscure backtvoo.de--teachea if he :sent his -maitasCript to the Board ehtiOld-reeeive just that Attention at their handeavhich the Merits - et' hisproduction deserve end the employees ef the Education Office salietild• reamve no Entire.' Stieh in -oversight - ihoalct , be exer- eised over -our text baoka ati would exclude Melt - iteeentain any improperties, but there aboutd.be such a visriety as would -leave -some scope for the. ju-dgment et Trtistees and : teiseber. throughout the country." It is wallies talented and zealous teacher._ No metier ir a. very harmlesa and, inocreent kind of how perfeat the syetem may be, it Must and Will certaintafail -of accomplishing- the greAt °eject, of a-eystem, cif Public -instruction. that of giving a tibend education ' to the mass of the population, in .niber .worcit that . of in - 'rutting them in what way- to utilize elt the sources of happiness which nature- suppliei, how to:use-all their faculties: AO. the greatest a tvanitige te themaelies - and othera -aow to livettinpletely,' I -soy it inust Jail of accent- Plishini thit without tpathers of real ability end eiperimmete Any scheme - which' tenth; . , , . to elevate thesteacher is deserving Of th f iv -arable cOnsideratiOn of all - well_ Wisheiii of their oeufitry. la uty. epinion :Mir' present . systeui is deetsioly detective iu this respactS The teacher Occipieisaii•entirely too. -depend ent.positionis -So- long -as the positionot -the teacher ia so precariees,tha indocemen et held - out era not !sufficiently strong torLiticars tO -the pruleasien it fair share Of the talent of the ecnintry. 'Of -coulee under': -theile •circum-. stances there sonnet bethat degree of .practi- cal ex; erience which it is.eo -des)** ami netessary te aecure, In Alladaig lathis mat- ter 1 de no( do sti in say neerow pyofessionat PALMER 1 ADAms.,The. firm of Painter and Adams, Phothgraphie Artiats, have' set- tled permanently,in Lendon C. W., and in the execution of Photograph's, Oil paintings; Ise., are pronounced iniinitable. They are to be found on Richmond street, namely op- posite the city Hall, and our, friends visiting London, will have a striking likeness of the 6 human face divine,". If they will only call and patronise Palmer aed -Adams. ewe ' Rennin lizzemo.-A meeting of the Ite- formers of Godcrich will be held in the office dm. G. Cameron, Esq., n -n _Tharsday even- ing, the 2nd of August,to take into considere- tion matters cot vital interest to the party. A full attendance is requested. 1,150. 850 270 800 1 Income from Cemetery..... - • .Assessinent Or 1866_ $64400 at 13c-.- 7,9 $18,165 00 oo 411.91“11 - usefulness ard Success. In a valedictory ad, dress of this sun, however, it is more in keep- ing to take a review of the past, thaa to look forw ird to the future, leaving this letter task baying tor as object ; " to etteortraire the to my successof. 'The. several mutters, which frequent interOtange 'of ideas, and °kindly have come uncier your consideration, have intercourse among Teachers of the - County, received an amount of careful and impartial at - the elevation of the profession. and theypro- tention white) lutist covens -end your conclusiens thation of the Cause of education generally." to the reklect of all parties. The calmness, ea sew. - and respect to the teelines ot others with 0 Which the more delisate qaestions hive been Monthly Fears in COnneetIon r with Coat lay Igrie unarm discussed unist receive the. respectful and' har- - SOneelites. MOM.0113 consent of all more immediately con- Lord Biel ilhancellor- Lord Chalmstord. Lord Lieutenant of Ireland -Marquis ofAb s ereorn Attorney General for Engl., nd-Sir Cairns. ' General --Mr: Boval. Buard of Wi'nts-Lord John Maimers. , Postmaster General -Lord Colcheeter. - The appointment of the Marquis ot Aher- corn as our Lird Lieutenant has_ givengene- mar London is to enjoy a civic holiday on Thursday next. An excursion train will reach Goderich at 10 o'clock, a. M.j. when we hope to meet a large number or vulfriends of the Forest city. His worship court' tulatod the board on the favorablerandition of the finances, but - urged economy aa the ‘only means by which the reduced rate of 13 as on the dollar *dull he made' to Mee. require - meat& The council then adjourned. • - ses.- Illesseese .1•••••••-40. •!,,r7••;•.• • I, r=•••• ser J. W. Lester; Esq., of the 1Aondbn Prototype is ruralizing in Godirich for a few weekif-, enjoying thefresh air of " our own -broad lake." ••••••••••- cerned. The; kindly and courteous spirit TO the Editor of tholluroaSignal. 'which, has without exception pervaded the de DEAR Sins -Through the mediurn sof your betes-is above all praise end @peeks much for Valuahle and widely Circulated journal, I the intelligence and petiteness of our profes- wouldrespectfully address.a few remarks to simi, aud 'Jeri a pleasing nontrast ea- the ihe linnets ef Huron Slid Bruce on the sub- wrangling and violent eXhibitions so coalmen ject of Monthly Fairs. Last winter the I'ms - in publieriodies- On reViewing the subjects ident and Direefore •of:the East Middlesex which- have occupied your deliberations; 1 Agricultural 'Society met London for the find some of sPecial interest. The subject of purpose -of discussing and reporting opou this the rel-atien euesietiag between Trustees a id important metter„ sub -committee wes ap. Teachers -as well ill order as in point of im- planted Who having carefully eonsidered tne insaortance, occupies the first place: LI any question its beerings-having throtIgh syetem of public instruction themost import our able_and efficient President James John- ant eleinent is the -teacher. -4 really good son, Esq., of &wayside, obtained -reliable res Teacher will, eccomplish much under very ports from towns where Such fairs had. been unfavourable circumstances, he May have a successfully hetd, and the result of de- poor ill ventileted schosil ,ill arranged and ill liberations was that an able report wits laid adeptedin every respect to the 'perposes of before the Board; •end theinfermatiOn they instructicin he may have -very indifferent text coinmunicated in detail I deein -of-such hn. books, without maps nor apta atus e a portence to the farinera and peopie generally blackboard. :But giVe a getod Teacher had that I desire very briefly to place"- it before chitdren to teach ear! yeti will 'find the work your Agricultural Board with the view thet Of educrition making proves& - You. may -they too may take it up, aod that -Monthly have on the other -baud a bedding conitrueted Fahs inay be tritablishect all Over the Pros on the meta approved plan, furniehed 'with vince. the moat magnificent apparatus and the beet The -design of sneh- Monthly.' Fails le for maps; Which theart ot the premed day can the sale -of Live :Stock, Horgese -dsc.- At a produce, yoa may place the best text books glance any one . will see that th,e benefits de- in the hands of the most- intelligent !Cooking sirable from suehgatherings will be two fold, children .you can anywhere find, bati over the bdaging together the Agriculturist end theie .piaee an iefericir teacher and yen the firmer ; the purchaser, and a number- will find the werk or educatioe Making very of either friends interested -in_ the -welfare and unsatisfaclory progress indeed. The minor advancemstit of our coinnion couetry.. " details should by no means he overlooked, . Let it be made known by .advertisernent . but the first end,. most hnportant thing -is a beforehand that e, Faits will be held, say in Goderich, or any other stated -place the Coutities, on the fust -Wedoesdey in every monih tor the :sale of Horses and -Cattle, and it wouid feud to purchasers coining notonlY frem other parts -of the Province.- but also from the other side -Of the Lines, -and thuese. `Cure outside competitors.. for the . Stock brought to market. The feeders of Stock. would also &Motels ourselves ettend for the purchase of- theae -animals. 3 he Butcheis frond II te..wise be present . t such Fair to pur- chase their, supPly. It Would also be desirahle I apPreliend that according to the elasaificatioo oftbe Stock e uniforni price abOal4 -be agreed upon, and thit could be efi'ectually carried out.by those who sell meeting together Tor that purposs-1. while atraightfortverd- dealing; and fair -play. ,shotdd chataaterize this arnmgement. merely throw out this idettin a deferentiat- .. _ manner. ' - • . Tue firmer Would by such an arrangement find a ready aud good market fur ill his ex- tra -stock 61 -Save mach- time and expense. The .buyer on the other hand would not be - necessitated as he now -is to hunt throtigh the - Dr; Russel, writing to the Tiines from the austriun headquarters, does net sittsibute the Prussian successes entirely to the needle gun. He says that- the Pra sian soldiers were more lightly equipped than the Ass- trians ; thatsthey fought iu forage caps and linen tunics, whilst their antagonists were long flapping greatcoats saturated withrain, aud -cumbrous head -gear, and were laden with heavy knapsacks., cauteens, and all sorts of mil'imy impedimeats. Bruseetts Austrians undoubtedly are, -Dr. Russel_ coneiders that their morale lies suffered enotenously from their impression of the supeliority of the ussian weapon. Hi says _:- - .• It is certain -that tbe fire ot this weation :hi terrible in its -swiftness. In the assault against Kluen,all the lee'ding officemand men - tell as they peshtd op the hill. 1 have been told that a eavalry iegiment, breaking into Si charge at ihe distance of 600 pods, hid been so pelted with the hail of these bullets that more -than one-third ot eyery equadrou at front, horsee-andanen. were down before they could deliver a sabre cue; that the - second line, tumbling aboht over the men and horses of`the flea sauadron.,Were "iota- erly smitten with annibilatiag fire ; and that when the. regiment withdrew on -the flanke in disorder. the plaiu ovr r which they advanced was piled with their corpses:0 - A Short Chapter of Shaine lira Misery. sir The, number of visitors from American and Canadian. cities, noW in .ecderieh is very large. Extensive as the hotel accommodation of the place ig; it is all coupled, and .there are daily requisi- tions for rooms which it is imposible to comply with. In view of the heated_ and sickly term, we urged upon thedwellers in large sides to come hither; -but the rush is po great suggeat the propriety of the immediate erection of a large fashionable hotel and bathing conveniences. A. joint stock company established tor such it pur- pose could -not rail "to make money. I - COMPLAINT OF ABDUCTION AND BMX. TION. -- A most startling development of facts transpired in this city yesterday afternoon, which, as set forth in the affidavit of the compainant, shows a terrible state of de!._ pravity in the very midst of our society. The brierrecital of these facts as taken from an affidavit made before 'S. P. Par- dy, Esq:, by a young girl named Lizzie coley, is as follows, charging the crimes of abduction and seduction aiptinst John S0ely, well known all- over the -city u " Cheap John.' The facts are almost beyond belief,- and the trial will be looktd forward to with intensajnterest. The girl, whir m scarcely sixteen years of age at this time-, declares that'abe made the -acquaintance of Seely aboat the 4tho, of Jul); one year ago, ne having some business with her mother in the matter of amusement for the secretary of the Board ret Public instruction to spend hitt Attire time in writing school books although he never in his lite taught a single dats And I am tare we 'should all rejoice if ae we:midi be succeisful in' prodicing.good works...141i however far from beiug -either harmless cir iinnecent for the Board to ose all theic Po[sar, aud the Educa- tion offices!! its immense *'nfltience to induce all the ichools in this Great Province to use this gentlenuties books-- to -the exclusion of Others that may in many respects be their ate periors. . - - As to the very importitats subject -of diens- , made a place dema,nding great Judgment and capamtv ii means of providing for a political secoud-handfurniture. That sherodeout 1 inend. But: th_ough Lord Monek had not been with him occasionally, and one .particular _, very pronnuenily before the ptiblic, those -day went to Miller's Garden, where he wholerif die criticat period ../f the great Arn- I beer, aftef-which_ abircreat who know him were well aware that he wits I gave her some jud the man for the place: and during the arjean warS and in the various measures taken ntae:r.tiyal-.dvmarki ;etehmateteoni7r.iiiitildor.oleingulal, waeftlule shelill . far the defence Of_the two Provinces, Lord _was under the stupefying influence -of the li uor She was taken to some plane -where her ruin -Was effected by the defendant.-, He thek-she says, took her to zooms on Michigan avenue, where_he kept Isix for -several montbs,duting which time she du not see her mother at all,and to whomSeely - explained the absence of her:daughter, by saying she had gone -into the ootintry,-- /hi also, it bead, furnirhed the mother means to go to Lake Superior, where A* is now. ' - Some time ago, on the pretext that be wished to rent the rooms _ori Nichtss avenue, he ;miffed the girl. to °thee sbetT- . _ _ sips at our last. meetiog. IIS improper to say 'niuch ai the matter is not finally disposed_of by the Asiociation. -But ho mote iniporiatit matter could occapy Me Consideration of a body of Teacher; than rieQeestion "n'what to teach 77'. Beery teaeherritimat have some well defined idea pr what he Om at in his teach- mge-mnet - have .some elsehe must cer- -.Minty fail of accomplishing mach. Our dis- cassion upon this all:important matter will hive' set some ot us a thinking, end I hope, the report upouthe matter will besuch as to Mduck has shown himself an eunghtened and accomplished administrator.. He well deserves the bonour'of a British peerage; and, . when he returns from his -charge -beyond the Atlan- tic, we haveao doubt he will prove a useful and valuable hi:Milieu to the Upper House. I - - Frrittleal Disaster at Bea. " AS EMIGRANT SHIP Fan- 700 LIVES LOST I Thelestehope of the Monarch of the Sea has vanished. She has gone with her almost 100 passengers, how gone no one eau tell. -e One of her boats has come ashore :mon the coast of Ireland, conteining five, or six dead and halt decayed bodies.- Some rest ird com- mitted to thearaves may yet be found to give artments on Jefferson avenue where , us intelligeuce ot her fate but it u no* a has remained ranee._ 1 b. de SIDS t at 1 mystery of fire, iceherg, collision, or fuunder- his lately. abused her shamefully, by best- ifPogc Nit:: Ysto°rrkal- otr 1:121.19Sthheolfeflt.astht:3MMearsere4 iconguyeanildedoybeyrwhiseis,barnadtartayt, lob e ocialinie beekoutt with '639 -cabin, and 'steerage passengers en . The- Monarch of- the Sea was an American -built ship, and ten years old The prevailing Opiiiion among experienced caPts. in the Naw York trade; is that she foundered among the icebergs; . . The-meaits otesafty at la- need much int- •provernent. Wehave just heard of a new. excelleatiPerfectly -appeinted naval steamer running Into anotber,on the Eughsh Channel, on a-elein cairn .night, and both going to the bottom. r, The Cork steamer . was -built in compartments, bat that did not Sa913 her, for she -was stmck exectly between two of them, and both crushed in. The Amazon had no _compartnients, she was° the first a the so-. called Mebane" class, and. hes followed her aaniesaketty.the beittelnof the channel. declare her shame to the world and redress at the hands of the law. a We forbear remarb upon the Owes lot.7 .if it he true the community may well ,be dunib with horror andshame into 144 such a state of thiegs will drag the fair - fame Of our city.and It -seems: incredible that ouch a state of 'things should be and continuator so many mon- -ths in our Midst.- • Tbe defendant in. this HASS gave Iva?* in the atm of 32.000 to appear for tag on Monday next. -Detroit Free, rico. * Gen. Fitzhugh ;tee is' fattitig- his plantatien neer the .White House. ENGLAND' , uNr irbe 0 3rerinifroln:Ing„ TREATY -7i.. FA:L.:Ate:1 3Ir. :Craig It is 11-n send the, following Sheernest_ott $atar waived at:Berebaii Great Eastern at , William Coil", and Allinny, the Ttlij - nth. ,-Saturday,/th-Ja. shore cable was Is. Corry at 2 e30. was successfully 'buoyed in 94 fad aitee. On the Iltitinst VOW arrived at Be aistance in Ber -per . Thursday 12. - way, Albany, Ten from Berehaven. held at Table/Ai:1n auccessfel laying of Fiiday, July 13, - to the 'Main cable < st 2:44 p. its. The Newlonadtand, at Valenti& The u following -orde_ra GreekEaatern oar on the starboard - foggy and heavy t onamaid the Gres graph house aeVe Setterday,Iniy 3 cable paid out EMI 128 miles, pit) iince run 115 mil -11, -distance run I Wednesday, 18, d -out .123, Thane miles, paid out 12 9_miles, paid os len21111/1.iii d3::::43iganc;:soies eadel21233,3;4:1:111elv031 2v14:7„fie alesistantse,.thtleitale2ranpsii8 211,1; Jaly 21th. ',The frem the time the taw lared_wassad sitiges-an bona The weather ris.7.1iate:telivaeTI:eyli7alsvn; at this semis o Venkiia-stne-e th 13th instant,and front Euro; e ids outside Of the tel talon of edl on 1 snd signalled to. After takingi will sail for the 1N11101:81rMelf.glAudigeItowe:e°relaidcreiti; itadoirdiVIne:ammdti abbe newo!tillat conduet6d 5,11i5 A satae:sa:mtifoille:s4`telCollibeei Bay, 291,11.-T1 who, have *Ade AvOlia Aria Pig '721115"3:77dt.ziefactilareallt sphere? jeg1G11:::-a' -Aushia.na claim Barl Shaftei liouse of -Cali • meeting. in sliecassiiJ .ti&jawdeenveratimu"allaiiferieija .20th, offtbale iren-clads, rem pigszwceites4visii:70Thimg -"EiPletedub' our country and' Yew Ilia, Mari, 1 heartily1 _your enterprit join efkrts - -.cable under .,:betweenthe soma -meat (Signed) Exast's W fiots in .11..erey . Hale Park. .diehed on t Asrr BAT Ileart's Co maialy Masai cable have this point, alterriO0n411 Another day, morale further - The tel order, %-e:"1"-The isak the English erho headed quarter of t