HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1866-05-25, Page 2, .. :. _ ` _ -- , - ; . . ` -
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RreaE crimson eharaMecs o� the reci ice TIiIE• T�1BI'i� :. T 1�. are n Tlit� Fttner.-.al'oY .tlt� l:�,tQ Jtfil�n •� �.to this eriuntry two year�•since. �'�.hen fi�er�� three w��den oauhoats. in less 3han b
p P r � Gi� ., them.. Tne uns�ver of Lord Cl ndo . STANLEY A�a 2,.nd it36�. - - �lf�
. bis fiats of`daotn a ainst me and thundea•in, � - = "' - ' _ , • G�lt� ' �;s . . :.. - ' � � - � he was a_ rifle vo;unteec anf1. won a pri�e a� - u �illa 'de Dladri � �
- - � � �yas in the-`ne�ative. �le suid tl�at it � � � � '� , � i�� r �he d bad her :mofi:�t
;, lo the E�itor oltLe Huron aional :� 'Wimble�ian. F'o� t�e tast two eai•s he ha3 •
_ :� his errsth: in_� cur e�trs. £or d'arin� co: iiitrsde. SU�I.DI.L+`Ii .�iI�.RANQ�IIENT. • o _ y.. .� w •: n
_ t�era .hAd been the least reason to_auppase _ Took plac.. from, the Yesidenee of- his _ 1'de s ' ere �nd ;• � _ po er deran�e�, �r�d �vas:t8wed:outaf$c%�
� �p.oa; i�is: solitude. I�thznb at l.�st I jc,'rned - . �,�Iti, 1.'ou �vill ob � ubscrib been stud�i,�s p�l.ucal ecaaoiuy a� Ho�en � •
/ . that the ood- offi,oeg �°of t•l�e Government Futher� - T.be Berenanela:gsve out t�sent _minu
-nsl �oic� to the war arnund� me: I felt a cci,c -F.�$T. � - tn IavP, nan. Lizars, E�sc�., on 1'Yed-- .others interested in the ca:i�e of E�iuoa- heicri i�2 �Vurter�ber.a. His family bad so lit� .,- �_ _� ,�
�ort of ins:i e': - m > - � - • � �ould have been freel offered and oot�gei- + �' • l� � wa en�aoed in i ter recei�.ccl a heav - xifled sfiot -
n �ov , � spi►•�C seLmed ,io l�ea� . Mni1. Expre�s. M►x ,d. Y. neadaq,23rd inst. ttt half- ast f'our o elock . 1;1e reason to;aa�po3e t6.�t e� g. � o. , = y nesr :�_ ,_
. . ,. - • = ,- t, . ., . . . , . _ _ � , , _ ,�. P _ � tio.n b .inaertin in the Sa nad the foI . . �
. vut: and ot� the st►tfu- �u mud rev�1 nud so��r °��r�� h.... d�p to.00 a.m. 2.0,� p.m. 3.t0 �,,rn.. entiousl em to ed. But m- Lord Y �` 9 � dPs er<<te ro ects .-�k•,� s.l�e �reee ex ectin� 1
3 � Y P_� � Y + - ' _ P P J. r Y P .D , waterline� ]eaking badlf�:Etnd tra;�bligetj #o.
R • . . c•n►�c��«. :�. . ., . �o:ao 2:so 4:0o p. m. The attendance at the iuneral �a9 • �, ._ , . . ..� , , : �
tnd s+�ee�.and c3asfr ii3elf aoutn�t tl�c preci- � f ,� .�- . said ttio Ii'oreinn Secretary sign�ficantly, - -IowtnD . � sh�s•tly to-see `L'ini; �h�i�tt.�„ lately i•ece�ved a! careen to rev�nL sinkiog. �t �+a]f'
� eai ortl� . . . � . . . 10:'i0 2.�3 A.. �. a - � P ►�Rifi �{�O
_ � `ee and iIun;=e inta the �h:�sm and c1eH�e - . - �. . • ry.oF tlie. mQst_ res eetalile . cliaraeter. 11�r. - - � letter xnnouncio-* ihat ke �ras -co�iu� to �
�[" � � o• , r. C.nrron. Bruuk. .. t�:o� 3:to. 4:,s .. ne h1�e stQod alone, �ve cvuld cio nothtnb . � P A s ecial meetinm of tl�e ratepa ers of o, _ � the "Llanca-and iiesotution ze�ired° to - -
_ • agaio upwucd. �lt t�s�. the it,��,tE:i�i %3 be- .,liitclu•I! . . ... . . . ] 1:2Q 3:2.5 ' b:�_1 •' n . p �' 9 En land.. ;' _ . _ . 1��
n � n�ainst the determi�ation �that-waris the G1-alt� havinn beQn a Lieut.-Col, in the -► � _- _
- sme fainter -&• ` a •s - b - � Sehooi Section No. 1 1'owtlshi � of �,Stan- �c „- iaijucies� but soon returnEd .�,o position
c s t, r. tuunc�ec a:id u:ind qnd, r:►in gtrutfu arr t 1�. o a:GO s: �:i , - ,- �. , P . In the ah'sertee of dir�ci �nd auik,.nfic �_sL�['
. �• �� : , �. , • mo�i effective meads--the onl effect:ve 111ilitia serviue t�e _bod �was conve ed t - • � '
. ee:sYd. 1-he -sta�s: a arti caroe out'� s:ark- dep � 1.0 �,p.m, 4:20 �,uo 3' . , Y,. Y. � le �vas eld on 17th insti: for the infor�ati��n the car� o�l su ase .t(�at liv- wiib tbe i•esx •�f- t;he-=�eet, exce t the � _-
� , P - � i Y� � tlie , Y. Y �P �. _ P r�t
- • o • � Bc�tt�tu. . . . arr s':�l�.m. �o:oo , nicans of aceom lisl ' � an aunbitwus• - - -.P
� baa like•the�eyes•of�at�hin� ttn e.s, nni the p�A the totub with tnilitar honors i�e: w olo - in i,i that a�t of Germ:suy wl�e� . Count--1 �ramed contiuued 1he fadht to the end ;.
� cor.c ����r. � _ Y . � . � purpose; of tai�ina into serious considera- �g p - , . � p flf t� .
dsatp perfu�e of the wc��'js �ermea ed th�. , _ pc►licy. �ord Clarendon went on to say ., $is,marck i� hlte�l vrb:�ps more. iniense. -
g F � , A�te��o. . . .dep 7:oo�.�n.: �1:so a.m.3:�o �, �n. , _ .. , � _ of the troo s.undec D'Iu`oi ii,oss oonim' n3 r• � � • � �• �' - � . s action. �$oon after the :eommQncemtn�
sic� T6e laud hootinRs af ch� o�vl-- � ti �.- � _ - that �ar is not actnall declared but � p � �- �ion the ehandes ro os.d t� be made_ in tl�an a�uv�vhere el's� ou-es�ch lie �vas car:red I Ai
o , a ec oea ..tratf>nI. ... .,., I...�n p.�u; �.10 5:1.. a.in. 9 �- , a p�_ , _ �
tbrc�u�h: h == Gat r� • � -�.�6 bein� o:dered out for that ur ose. Be- A_ the battile a P.eravian bs#tery,,containiu ;xo
D t e dar6n.ss, and a�rhipporwilC neur _ � uh. ..!!rr 3:00 _ , i mare .tlian a wiliion of ruen are now �rm a,a P P the �esent School law as su��est�d b the ��y�y by ti�e ,pfll:tic��(: iufluences that . ur i.. n a�
- , tae aet u its munotnnuus-' �vailinR. I be�7 n p,- a" 9 r�uiided him aad led :to commrt an act tt� �e . 344 pout�der Armstrongs� was blown:. "'' :d�:
P , oa ____,____ .____ __ . ed and prepared with a�ar for �vhieh :sides ttie military �.nd � larn€-number of Ci�ie u erintend�nt ofEducfi+ion. Af.- ' - � �'' �
to feel d�awa ,an�i I cool.- the precauCion to � - -�� P .. re ro.bat d b all hb vrsble msc� and re ret- �mor�ntxn all #he uns, killin and �,
. - Y� ; . ��ti , - .. _ tl�ere�� is no cdsres bclli. and for wLich there � �' g y �' �. . K � � , g w�•
backte:the.stra �hich: coit6ned m hun in�= � � - ,�_ , our most respeaiabl'� und in$uen�ial citi- .ter:thea efrr�ment of.the Ct�airman �ho ted� b none riiore thac � the atr�ot whosa �� o - �
R y t ^ r t �: p� � � is no_ justlfiaation� ' � . _ - _ pP a � Y � �.. P �� ioa ever-y one in the ' viCi.nitp. . �a�
_ ba� �o my nxist, throuah�the reot•�r•h�ch I;�1�'l ��`C����t��1�� -E�►f'� ���� i zens, �ve noticed in thc �funeral eortege, in a lucid .manncr stat�;d ihe �naturc of name he had been,pe.rmit�ed to bear.
J�a�clas �duriii�.the st�rm i•ith m �rms.� - . � �. � � %••'� � ' - - _ - `batteiy� _ a 200 p�under Armsfi�ro
�i �ii ¢
• Pe a Y _ . i the Hon, A,. 2'. Galt; I+'inance AZinisfer the chan ea ro osed to be made � b the� - � dismounted �at che firat :6re. _�V3ih
• I firrcy I must Lave sl.ept, ve �t�ier lain in -- --- - -- _ -- I TI�E t�,UEEi1T�S BIIiTHDsiY . g p p �. In�prisonmemt :for Debt in EiTg- '�'iot- _-
- thaE twili�Tt�t of st.ee wherein o e' n9 � �� �� r ,. , and b� other to deeeased, Iion. D�, 11'Ic- g� , D - � -,' i�n�l: - � ce tioc.ihe fire of the Perarian bstts '
r p n is o � UODEi��(,�j� L. ��1., j�j�.�1 2J, 1$66. -- CEL�B.RATION. _ _ �- .� r. The meeting eater.ed ia,a live- _ . - p , r�eiwa� .
� h,�1f conscio�� � ot' tue hours.y �t �tl =eve«ts. _ _ _ �Donald, M. L. C., James Dickson�3 ., , - � . . � - beav and wefl difectedi p�d :egt_
_q ly and anrmated diseussion •upon .tfie � �: Y _rl _�'�e-
I have a: din� recot(ection of the hoots of the - • - i _ _ A new . reform i's �prop�o3ed ia �neland. # .,
- - - THE EU U� . A�GIi,EdT SUCCESS. Vl.'P: P.; Thvs. Gal.t �Gs ., and I)r; J. ment became more� atsl and siea�rac�,
, - o�l snd waila �,f c�e +vhi er�viil ih�au�►hout R�'FAN SI'i`IIATIU�T _ , q several propose�. aIterations resultin� in
- PP �. _, _ _ . � - �.. The lria.�ik�upt::y Uill uow pending in parlia- .. eoon aiter five o'ciock the S aniarde ',,�_'i'�, ,_
. ihe nigbt, and •et tt�e: d:��Yn a l�enred to come . L. Lizars, of �oronto,� J. J. L. �inton, =thP ado tion f th foll wtn�^ resolutioas : - - p -��L°� . -
` � } � " �Zt,e demonstration in G de ' -; � p o e. o �, •. ment provides for the aboliti�n of imprison-
. n�cL-IS. I� unbuekled ti�e stra and saL doK n. .�Viiile Euro e is ansiousl a�vaitin� o rich; in - , �. � the batte�•ies firing till they� were,oBt ofne , .
,. P. , P .3' �._ � �. , .i L+ sq., Clerk ot tlie Y�ace #or I erti�, Jad�e I;,esolved Thati in �he o inion of �his ment for debt. ` The -London �'inaes savs':-- �
� iret the &r-tree came out of tl�e �lo�m ; tl�eu ' C � ' • a honor of Her Ma'est s bu thda _ vgAs a - - ' � P - � � T:l�e �last ua was �red b ifie Monitfl =' _
the .�s_ue of the pr�sent . complication,, J Y �� / Lizars of Stcatfurd aheriff DZo3er�vell of =
� -, ,� the ceci ice 6e •:io to aliste,z s=ra •lv a�id the �. � mee_ting �h� a ointmeni of Townshi "_rhis chanae� at ficst'�desired on the •� �- y =�,=��
P F a a y. r u on �rhich lian� the most im ortant o i= complete suceeas. The day �rae a fine _ pp - -p - • - tor'ia. The Perucians are said #o, �sit� ,:
_. =ua�ed outtiues of tl�e decii� ity shu«•ed tl�em- P a o P. P 1 Pert�l�, - Jas. �1�ebsier, Es ., � l�,e�istra r Tr-�stees in the lace io T t��round of humanit �a now �e defended � �
^ one And the number �of visito'�s, oceafer q �a p oi Sect _n . rus ee o . y. Y . 60 'killed and 1fi0 wounded, T�e a�o�. �.
�- aetres: The bottom- of t}�e ah�m strur�Ied I tioal e�ents, the Emgeror or the _Frencll .•�� - ., a ot �Yellin�ton •. Hon. T: - Fitnam ' n les rinci- les :of commau- sense.
_ - ti uniil t�e:fPatures of the �cene stood out - `` a. � , as now egisting would lie preja�3icial 'to. a-��s simp t p p_ : ablinQ tl�e ateam i e of the Yilla;:de lidaticid
p � st�o�es his. hand in �a manner calcula�ed to by fAr than on any forn�er occasion. �The -- _ -. o . p P
� in butd relief.; =1 �urhes of li�l�t ati a• u � �lmericau Cunsul I�,�bG: (�ibi�ogs Es .� If it wer� craei to pnt a �uan in prison : to lie
, Q �o nd . . _ _ � ,- �i �. the�i teresta of ed_ aation and incur .un- , killed 1$and wouudeti 21.- It was ����
� �
at last told: the risir.� "af tl�e siu�: ' ind�,ce th� ravest a rehensions as "will echoes of tI�e eznnon 6red to uslier tn the ..�, • / � , xher� for ever it is absurd t� ut . fiim . there - ��
. �, . � PP �. _ . 14,trden oi �uco�t. and Bruce, .T. V. �neces �ax - es ense. . � - � p - , � tha� tI�e total S�nish losa ezcee�ied lu#;�f
, t had b-� this titne become some�vhat ac= �be seen from t6e follo.tvin� da had hardl . cea�ed ere a s�ream of y p = 7 hi �out a�ar � �'
_ .r , � � , . . � spoech to tIie Y 9 � D�tlor,. �9c�.2 1VTayor bf Goderieh, ; l.ru � � � only For the purpose .bf tabino m h _n, . , , ,
cnstomed to the: ptatform aEtl�ou h I was Ii,e oived, That this meeii[rg eonsider , zhe Pernvia,ns.
_. } a. i1la or of__,Auaerre u on the resentation peopie f"rom the surronnding eourrtrp be- .-', � . . ,: , � arrc3`that a,t ti�e public- ea�ense. With�im-: _
more aa� more 6aur�ted b the terrifrc ro.b �' . . P_ - P . Lewia, E, , GounG 1�ttornev Jud��e - - - ?:
_ g p . Q - q,. y_ „, . a the v�rrous innovat�o�s propr,$e3 to be : � p - - reb�nl �" � The liritish Government 'haa ,
sbitit of never esca 'n� fi•om it. Stiri e.of �;n address :- - ban ta pour in from all di�ections. St�eam- • . , .. , . , , �,r�son��nt far. debt f�slls, .as we app , (� _ _ ;¢n�
`e Cooper, Hu�,h Johnston, L+ sq., t,lerk ot inirocYaced ipto ihe School aa an tnfria -
t� g almost�the whole ur'.isdictiQn . of ius�lpene com leted arran�ements Tor utfiau ius o
-� re�nrn of the suu 6co ht tivitI� it a ho�e also �� Un the. 6tb, the h1a or of Augerre �rs un3 stages bro�ight tGeir quota; and ,� � � _ . J Y � o � g Qe :
. thst mi�htb� rescurd� a-�1� • 9 t Count9 f,ourt,�D.:►n. Ilt��rs, E3 ,, Clerk �ie�t�of their riahts and liberties. •a - n a _
I a. - , t e�ent� :t re- q � as o osed to bRnara tc A, vast ..$mount r�.tiioa st Hona I�ona :a,m�ns capable flf tart�
_ _ p�esente�d an� addreas-to 'the � E-m ror. Na- long before ��t t�e side}vali�s were cr.pwd- _ �_ �'p �' 3'• -__ _
- 3ieved' the scene of its eatreme lo eliue p of' the Pe�ce aC� t�Ye - - -
�z ss und- , � o_ r, gentlemen of .Resolved,,That:a corsmittee be=ap oin t- of 3ime and t�roulale hiterto,eg snded .in �et: in� $80,�ii00 in siiver er day, `The :_"
P . P b . P �� _
horror., ° , palsan, to �vhich Ais i1f sjesty raplied as ed -�vith �people- in .ti�eir holidxy �attite,:and -_ � - -
; - _ -_ _ - � Provincial �nd Tocal oelebrit :: As the ed t� draft and sinn �-.�'etition to be sent ti� P debtors �vlio �ad no means of. _ ment -�ac�o ted for L�e new coin :is an e� -ot� '
follo�vs : - Y , . � �, I�Y . P g7
_- The morni��e passed o�.. �i6�v and: ti�e�, _ beni upon imakin�; a day cf it. _ At noon - - �`
t9 .
. ' �a - ��. � l�n� "roee�sion wound its �wa tlirouah-tlio to t eaislative Assembl � et'ti��in� r�leased . fcom ar��es�,, w'rll be awe t awa , Queen, witli encirc�in w.ords :3n En�lis�i sn�
_ , �be b e1. shape of a rsven wouId sa'rt ALI��arr _ I. ee �cith pleasure :�hat ttie memory the - troo s mustered under command � p -� - y " �e i' � �' P i a - p y �� •� �
th9 chasm atterinQ hi� dee' omin u �• - P of and rsons sili no lo���*er obtain eredit on �h�nese. -.�Thrre ; es� s o svken .the. �7a1ce
, , ,, p, o s croa6. : of the I'irst �n�pire hzs not been effaced. streets, _ it was observ�ble that. _all the tihem to oppose the in�roduction of sueh . � . _ a , �- - _
Qne Ii��hted oa the fir-tree and-loobed at me � i�Iajor Ross; and v a�inb �uiarched• to the � � - �� . of Ne�casite advacated the eata 1' '
a firon- your ininds. Believe me, for ni lacea of�busiaess i��.d ttieir shutters u the atrenath ot the' chance� that. some �com � b �ai�went�of
Y.« >• „ p p, innovations, y ��
_ solemnly, as �f to usb whv I Na, tt:ere, arid .I - - I �int fired a eu de 'o e in s leiidi3 � 1 this mint �he said h
- oc��i part, •T. lia�e inherited tli� _%elinas �. � .� y P� .--. passionat� relative will release them ' f'ruai , .� e Britiah'�hsre:�f�6e
canght� mFsel`f 'sTm�st smili�r�. UI�, how I as a token of respect, anu that tl�e flag Resolved That the roceedinn3 of -i'his . - � -
entertained b the chief f tu a' st le a ro al salute�bein�. ficed at `tho % - - � � " f�re�au tra` of C6iaa and3a a�` -
' o f tutl fi� Y� a �
= lA1ti� �ttII IliS tMttt�*S SiS h@ flelv 3�ca 1 - Then . .� . . . Y Y= � ; . : y � ' t t 6 - • ' �. _ ' . - 11TIpC180i1t11@Rt, -It:IB.:Tn]pOS81j3I@ lp $j3e1,Ii t00 e .. f�e _ p ais �at.'im�itel3 -
. - t s. .Q h American Lons.alate $oated �t iialf ineetiii� be ' ublished in the Iluron Si iaal -
s robin rc:lied` l�im�etf o� #Ue a p o' 'ha tt�is enei�ettc and �patriotic- pop�lation, same time.from tlte bi�* u�i. The zes- . �� p _ 9 hiU�l of this ehan�e w(�etl�er view,ec� witli : at 'ivirty fi've m.iiIious sterlingi and f,6ie.�
�• p'r" f L , .�, . _ a g mast. The funcral obse aies vrere er- � y a_ ' �. -
tree and piped a'nierry straui. It seemed a� �ho sustained the �wperor in aood �s in ectice coni anie ilien �na�c6ed to _ � q P. and C.inton Era. _ referenee to .the � i�iuci leA of o�itical econ- tra�ic is .cacripd on chie� �b ,'means of a
._ R � - P F �, . the ,� . p P P _ Y 7. ,
iE_ 6e had been sent 6 a»tFm 1�eaveR t� e�il fortnne. I I�ave a d�bt of iatitude �formed b the R.,v A: blackid. �'Ve H'�T '1 * •�» - .
s�- � = 3 � s uare and were d� tl�rou�h .the c�ist y- ' �TO � 11cE �VE�T,� G liairman. amy, of law, or �E maralttf. -, currency coirie3 _at the �ppaaite -:aide' �f :tise;
ctiePr'an� en�oura�e me. Flope� or�. ! hop� �to diseharpe �oti�vards �onne. ` This de= � q - ' �� � -a °�� renret �r � �� � . � � _ ' ' " - - - -
e �. , a _ to sa that throu h souie blurtder D. VI� ALI�LR Sec . lobe the s� ]" of which is so uncertaia _
, on! he seemed to s.is in his cleur n arble.- ° arim c � R � ar battalioa movemeqts. - Tlie Firetrien b y- a ' y' � ,: � " � g ' pp y
�_ ent �►�s� the fir,.t to at�e i#s�_ 5uffra- : y � n°, • -��, • ----� .+. � '�' '- y� rfenea af the Pr -: and �nsuffi 'sn ha i`Usars a r -
Bnt be, ai�o; 'fle�e. Presen#}f a aiitter ti� ,, •� of the .. egt�n; as;is alleacd, the . f�llin�,. in , o � he anthor �o€ t6e D o ci i# t t ,p; eminin �sd �
a es in-1848 _ bec�use ii kn_ew with tlie also marched t�hrou h tho .streets �vith � Re alations �ido ted �b Local --
- a ek- s mece- dot �u �yinas threaded the � ' ' - p a � f � n *' " p � vinces" �naiies the< falloivino dis osit�on of loaa as it coatinnes `nndeface8 va in -�rom-
_ Pe r., _ o the sides . of the nra�e. caused �"much ` a P o )� 8
� I m5a `6 fi� hp � h;` ui�jorif.y of ttie rrench people, that.its in- their' nail ornaniented ea�ine and ad- • B.oard �f� Healtii� Gocterici�. �_ - :, ,-
i of E e J t,n $ c � away, arid I _ - b y , a' anno auce .an� -trouble at a eculiArl - -� - f�arc�s to meet.Feniau att�zcbs :- five "tn ten;per cent. �he preiniamon �i�ati _
s thought that tfie haud whie� auided t6e litcie terests �rere �y interests, a�d tUai, i- de= � Y P, Y � - - 3.
ded much to the success_ of the occasion. �.. . �ia : 22n�, 1866. . , Men. can dollar$ was �•elied nnon fa,r' sneceaay in.
_ p ,hamminD bird so� •far up ia t[�e ntmos t�ere tesied" equally �ith the�u;ihose treaties� of . ,, - � - , . - trying moment -to the �friends of� _ the_ 3� . - �� - - . _
' . . . 5 p - • � . B,.tiveeri l and � . r�.' il�e G:►litl�um ians - � � ' " Montrea� io reserve . . . . . : _ . _ 3f40U tfie : Ian of iutr�dncin a new coina�e �► �' '
•_ coutd' gmde'del►v�ranca. to me. _�I�e thou rht �� 15 wLich is i�ow. sou�l�t to wal�e-the• P�. p �. Lst. A�l l�ouses, �ards� oathouses, stabl�s, i ). _ = _ F g a.,� -��
_ � , - r _ .t o e depar�ed: �_ , �, From the Richetieo to �t: Ii,e�is-� . -- - -Z,000 '. . nol�sl� mer han ' no • .
_- for awbil.e; caimed e�e.. sole basis of our Forei�n olic . I than(c -aame;out of,�iheFr den. 111i13o.ua1� no� so _ pi�stfes� privies and s�aueh�er-houses, to be . • � F a c ts w.espe� x�tl :be �ss
. • u .:, . ` _ , a P ,p - - c !
, ' AQa�n, and: a n�n �I�d i «'iance n :�acd hn - , _ :. n - . - , a � : . _ , _ tit� other posts. : . . _;- - - , -_-<- - •- . - . : 2,000 n ular as the �ld - and : rha s vitim el
- . o a �. P ► P Sou f�r the senti�ents �oz have egpress��l nuu�erous as usual� their bet-up� was cap- _ . tho,ou,hly eleaned aod l.ept sa� to .the sa�s . f,-ram �ornwsll�a Preacoit,_...... _�..._2 000 p P. ' � p ��
� ing same face �nia&C be: peeping.over fhe ' o. - , , . - � ADDR;ES� : • -. . = _ , - 1 mi:g lace the �exican dollar a�ieB Iias,'
_ o to�varcls me. Awona y�u I breathe free- �tal, and_ the motley crea� ns the ro- facuon of t6e insneciing officer. Back of Prescot� (in reserve�. _... ...5,000 P . . ,� ,
. edoe -npon me. i swept ehe accFivitp a�air., .� p P To tke Re�exend "Asrrh.el Hurib.urt, C"n.- � �- •a :
- 1 for it is amonm the �orbina o ula.- 2nd. �Il honst ea r rivi iri u or n Nia�ara Detroit ani� St. �lair ri�ers 5.000 ';so loua .ur hioh favour amo.ng xi�z ;Chit�� _
sud,,�oain di�i i �aze doNuw$�d. Once I?� • � n � P P_. .: ceeded through the. streets to their oc�n Delegate and GTkairman of the Godericic = Y a p es ae a y . a � . ._��..5 000 - � � � � ''
�ton both�ia town aad countr that•I find _ - � - :othernuisances o.f-the I�i�id �ust be remored� �t �t.�L�tt�erines. . ,.
-_ • sarr a. deer, luokin;; not Iaraer than a rabbit, � , ,,, 3'� _ unearthl mnsie attr�cted Distrzr.t. � -' , , , . • At Lond'on . . . . . :... . .: .. . . . _ . .6 Q00 -
y , a_ areat crowd - , _
step trom Lhe tbicLes� aud dru�l:;at t�e_bruok. �be real gemus of �I+`ranoe. . _ • Q- froin t�e vicmit ' of dwellin� wells Ieadmd E �O`IL :STBII�H AT �PIDD,E$� � .
, •o - - cc � - �, of:laaahinn s eetators. -Some of tho l0- Un :Wednesd'ap evenina I�ast, after pnblic 7� , _ � � _ On Gsorgian Bap, _ .,..... . ... .. _1,OD0 � _ _ -
ii,aeemed as if I m�oht d�:op �a��eble upon 1_hc pania on the Baurse.follo�ma - a o�. - aervicR a.handeome teaset of la e r roads snd streets; io_ a distance of not less. � �• _:
, p t d silve �
his i►ac�.- At len?th I sa�v a su nrb black, thts. s eeeh has been ver severe: and cal hits were firsi-rate and.caused mucM . �. .. �_ .. : - - .�- _ - liil has heen struc� at�Piiider m"�Stw�
aubscr�befifor b thc� b��uisters attendrno the ,thaff twenty fcet; aud no offal or filth of aup- - Total :...30,00�1
e�sgl� ris,e oaer'che aeclivity.and s�9oop down-. ricesPshoW a furii�er considerable`"de• amusement. '7.'he a - y = � -�
_ xsrd� 11Teare sud nearec h � „ - musements` provide� District Meetin� hel �' = descri tion to_ be`-thrown on the ubli� streets. , The eoncen ration of reserves would 'l�e �_ ' Y�rds from .the-track--of �he Q-r�nd' �'1'auk
� e cs►mex h,swbice� clin3. . ,� d in G.'Saderich�on�T'ues , P � P , t y , ,�= f�
braa� �gteamina • t�is deeo yellow' claw� _ _ - for the afternoon a±eFe �aried enough to da - i'Ved.��esda an Th r 3rd. All cetIaes mast be c_e�ns3 ont and in a f� uat i� vasi �n .�,I�e � f.,ree on tne ra'rlcFay. 1'he psople �f the , yiIl
. � ,. . ` . . . . '' Y, y, _ d u sday tast, �vas.pre- - . . �.�, . . c se o act n ,o , �?� .
dsawn. ap. an�i h�aproud' head thrUst �forWaed: - The mamtest d�slibe of �he Em eror of suit all. tasces._ t1 raee �ietweeu a-num deca ed repetables rem ��
_ P. _ ber' sented to Pev. hlr. Surlbnrt, when the fol- , 9 a oved. • frontier �to be tue onlp one put ia �arms as'�s �esteFday #fiiown ��to ;�rea� E=citemOsli �
In s moment`mo�e. he hadrliv6ted on the fir - , �• - - .
, a ihe Iearninn and intelliaenve �I�ose s cead o£saii boats �as a mosi bea '� � tb. an of� t6e nuisancas me ioned �• _-
. tte�: �u cl�se thu�- ihe �eam of his . Serce . �' a � p . uttful faature iawino Address was: read. by Rev. ; Mr. iP�it- % �' - 4t line� of picket. , bir. Ihiseall truelp says tbat. oaer the fact:. The �3oean�tte�' oil :Com-=
� - - �
� oldea-brown: e e: s�tmosx d�zzled cne. So �e cdasiders inimical _ to. the carrying.out of the _ denionstration. Rory �f_urra 's ��e �- _ - above, �r �aciy other oi ti�e kind, mnsc � be -chere were,40,000:fi�hcin, me�; orgau�zed :in an urchased :some lota'there�t`' '�`
8 s , . . ,� _ 9 2 - P_ � P �
- etoae,: tl�at I could count tbe rin s aronnd of h�.own ideas is ad � n" a "' " ' RevEreud an�i Dear Sir.-ZVe a' r li� n-R�ateii or = removed' when re uired b.the ril lasZ to thraw a�aiast E;anada and t�e � ��'- ��-
g , b enoual� m:an a�e Y ankee Jack wa3 the �vinner. _ , pp oac yo _ Q Y p o, ,, i time sinee, �and commenced �lwnng ..;��t
hia taRnp feet. fihere he stood, his� rurple & _ � t6is evenin+� �vith�mi.nnled emoti ns. of love i.:specting offcer.. . are not� et dis osed ut. �= -=-
uch as _Qurs, bat atteution, at the present. Egcursions whEeh were take � a ' - - �-�� p - a fortni;ht -�o. .__ 'The resalt: 3iab
blfch winaa foided� his reattl fropt turaed' falt , .„ _ , . n advan- and re�ret. In reviewin7 tbe ast we do not 5th. 1i11 I�o�s are to be revented trom � - -= -
i �
_ � npon me. There he afood. - tiYss he 'm �.uneture �ill be riveted upon the fact that tao g� a' � a• � � ' �' - " P - , ' ' that :a c.opious $ow of :oil ha� bee�fonnd
� ae o y larbe pumbers, t�ere biveri by' _foreet tl��t infleaible inte<�rit - hat �sense runriinQ �st larde � JEF� E Ii,SOY: DA VIS. • -
�.�[ood gen�as� ussuring me of coeuing ai�, or he: now appeals directty to the passions � :' y '��' - , . in l24 feet:of iock and �4�feet _�f
- bofh steamers darind t a afteinoon and of hot�our and-. _candid s'i ii tl�a has ever= 6th�. The� �Uove resalstiaus to be earried " $n��'�•
- sl .evi[ one, prophesyino; in mute st;orn. '- � a�� . P�� � - a mona thP on di�s flo�iin�- arQand la 1•'"_ °' �
and re'a ices of the clsss w6ich - A te
d he ea .
e �
-- certsiu doom 2 He e ed. mE. fur s. few mo- � � ,. • evening. -The a t h i e�ic aatnes &c, a c l rarac t�rize d .� our co n duc t� as . C airman o f o� t wi� din a wee l� from nntice� � b t he rn- • - - a � � �• The ad�ant a reo�s sition :of #�e_ �; _
- - � ' � b � +- �' - 9 � � y �s one of vilal �mportance, from the fact ot - � - �
mea bia keen � tanees shootin throa� ects- to Com os� the armies he seems in- � - _ - Q;
�0.� g g oh @ei P P tca�ted eacited c�owds and � ti�is-Uistrict. We dee 1\sorrow i� learnin� a ectin officer otherwise the enalt � ' T � -�, betnb so cont%;uous to the� line of ramt�a =
, some of- th P Y b P � � p y pro� its pavino a v�ry disfinet, in8nential bearina �
theo ha a read `6is. grand ini�ns - li6e the• - � �.� - - - -_ ; •.
_ P � � clined_ ta throw into ihe tide .of - events he robabi 't tliat' ou �rill feel � � � ntict t �ri t- �f . -
- . - conte:,ts. in � runt�in � and so on ivere t p h f y yo� s..lf eom- vided. by tve Statut., w�ll 6e required. �. :�poa the a �a ed . t a. hir 1)ati�s, in will make it_ very valuable� to the `projlLe-
- Bnfolding. of a'baGuer, rose' tnajestiealIy, aud, : _ �. �� � � - .° - � une and whicl� can be trac�d :o a ver au- � �
s ria as if about to rch ut m side abont to transpire. .. a uite shar .`1 he trottin� . race . � PelIed tc retire f`roin the �active wo�k , of tbe 7th: • Mr. �3. 5maill ia aopo.iuteci iusp�chna J-�, y•� tozs. �; . -
PP� S Pe .. 7 ,.; •_ � = p D v�as won .� - thoriia:ive source. Tt w�tl be.remer�bered d� � _
awegt pa.L me,• wiih: a loud cr -, aud datted : The London Times, �of the� 19`�h, asks r •�� � « 3Iinistry. at 'the ensuina Cor.fere ce. W.e officer. - � �- � .
� by �IY._ �� m. S�h s fast naa Gre �. .� . � that Secretary 1licCulioch made a Sunda '.
dowa the ebasm. ds id the case`of the ra- 'n �� � . a� y csnnot c:,ntem late evea ihe ,rob h�l,:t , ofa - CHR,ISTOI�'-HEIi, �CI��t3B, y Q� $ere,�s a$torp from� .�. �ate_ $ag�it
� . EdiioriaiIy, SYhat will Franee_do, and Eanle.. - � - p °y cisit here a short time aoo, presniuedlp. ,.t
treay I�outd' have give.n tbe world for eis � - � •- _ � �- , Cbairman of G:; erieh L�cal. o �� a gaper . A�voman :named Hacriet L�iitb�l�e
_ lono�s iaious. But tie� disa ;- goes on to sa � _ c�an;e of_four celation wit[�out un igned re- . � thou„t�t � b� when bel�ft Wash�notoU, ll:C.,
g. p_ ppeared, h�s _. Y� � � I'or tfie delectaiion oi a ceriain lass � � �� �. • n� � Board o� Iieatti�.. �e ev nde ut�er Nortfierner r was :missed from her !hotne ;at _$rocltle ;4ios- �
,wi �a `.vin�.one fias?t in the aonshiue �rc - , gret, you haxe beea o�nc piesid�no .:��c.er for - iu t_ r e e � tne elp. a 1
Re 81 o- . �� Only one oower �ziats which �ean eliecL' - � - _ . - � � - ' . w' ' ar � f ia ' .* - �Bters ire on h � • �
��� � .. ._, , of geople, there �vzre some fifteen or a nuinber oi ears aad durin? tbat iciie our pteasure trip ith ;a F ty o dies and ren c h, i e�.�Lh uitimQ, ;sp;d n,Da �: .
. _ . ..�
_ Y o Y , � . . �_
. . .
tho�e t�eo .ambitious stares - (3ustria and . .. , , , , , ►�, : , ,. ,. -�. tlemen� _ An f shurEi •siter l�is acrivat h�re
: f�fier fionr then �ed I o o' ttvent fiahts the tw�t�� n I__ � HE GROWI\f} C$dPa. The S� 1 hom- � y , o�er could be discovered by �er �tisbsn�-�ir
�9�, p , ccasi na.lf pFa�qa). It �s the atrou�l� eapressed wiIl Y a , at�t ho;�r bein� fairness and �mpartia �ty yonr-wi dom and he t�ad an Lrsnr.' rivateinterviesv tisiih �r, - '= �
:tias �e�t to m I'oad"est sho tinQ : _ a . � , . .' , � . . � - ., ` - . as .I�oa� ` • � •-= � ' . . . the � oIice. � Un �t�e lvth �insiaut .
g' a: . �., .� =es.. I. knot of tbe �rei,ch rnler a�d lns people. Ti-.e a��- considered aboui the b�st time for a'o'p0. �oderation �n the exerci�e of your funetions te �our�ta� . remarks . Enqutry Davis xn his celi in� Carro4l Hall at tis1 ich no p `� 1��
isd m �hite handi�erebief to a-root of t6e. �. ' . , . ; b � � � � was assinQ alo�� #Ire = SYar ,
,, � taaomsts vave aluiost lost Llie aliility� to �r�l s�rim�a�e.� As u liave ever elicited oitr. t�n ualified a�rov�l; l�ads �u�'tu� the couclusion tltat tne �al� secon� �erso.n, not evcn Gea l�iiles, vQas �rQ- , F � o ?��� ��� •
- _� clie b hemse�ves • bo if Na w� sual theie �vas a q p p _ _
._ -$r ao as to canse: i� to Sanqt clear_ of t6e � 1 , t oleon, ere to ' a� - `. ' sAut . At the. timQ the fa�t-there had heen l�orih�v5ci�'s estaie. vih�re thEre :is� "` -Q ��
. t�form to attract b its flutterin � � . ood deal nx�re ssv ar' � � I� �t be ti�e ,vilI of the Great He d of the tv,l�eat .of t�i�s county is �to a� reat egtent ��- � ��"
''pis , t p g. nny one : Gid theca nauser� if`he were to utter a, �arn- � e inn and clotlies tear• � -- - - � suci� an tnter.view �va: ke � remarkabl uiet -
: d - -. � • � _. _ , _ � ,. , . . _ _. '. : . , : ,:: p . � q � me�ital 1�;ke, nearly 'surro.anded b s �. ...
G u ch t,l�at y�u s6a11 not p�esid� over. us �later btlled. The_severe frosts of Jan: . ��'
. , c6saciva ic tfie cjiasm, shoald my cr�es not it2g �vhich ahouId be a me�ace to wl��,;ver :ina .than_aetuaI dama�a done.�.. � and 6ut oer _iew outsiders, iiot ecen ihe nbi-
�-� ' rexcli betow. - o R.'. � • - _ -y wlien<he heard a moor-he� mafcir a ��
e strnck the first , blow, peate u�io61 Fei ,.be aaaia, �ve would yet pc•iy `�nd ebeci h a hope and I+'ebruar and tlie �en ' � ai•ts.la�attachea of che ress were eo=ni a� •• - �'� ��
�` _ Nooa was now biazin�.. The whit � Of course the hotel tire ab..enee of c� � _ p , a z�t
n e elond3. rt.served. Unfortur.atel the nr�iter of , s atid `. truit sI�o s fhat oa°r life ma be lonn s ared a d that' . y' „ iar noisg 7 he_ proceeded 'to t�� .� �i.
` � �' ' p Y y ��. , n snow tih�ouahout the avinter left of �Iz _ c�ceurrence.. Somelime afterhis reiucn _
xent� wr�athin slo�vl b:` Uh t6at ocr� d : a° � , no .i�om found the uest o.f �
g Y Y: , tiie Contibent apea s only to apread dismay rea ed a_lar e l�arvest .of uarters " - � t� �'i�'� °r' ��Q .
�� -- . _
E � -
t`.a d chande itset bark Q' ' �'' � P. b q; fr�om you mas continue to cheer as bp ,,. ur p:•es� - '' �: io tV:ssiiinaton, atthouoh the egaet �atuie ��` af
n� �, i to a , blide to th� Qn ever Exch�ate:b _ same do-�rl�tful utte:�-_ � -� ., to hope for an aban3ant cr0 af fall " �, � ? .
- y F- eo Ye wlio •re ir e e an ins r' ct us b our c`asel and ex- � P and object of the int�rview whic.fi• trans�ired t e oman s.bod,�, �hich tivas $oatin� ia #hs _ A
platformt aad� �aft me to. safety ! Bn[ 'the x�ee: i�Vhat.he ma do none. sn tell •� w�at F P qu ed refreshmeut, and nc d t u. y y ou _ _ _.
- � � �� - _ wheat • and the cold dr w.eather of tfie : Was not in�mediatel made kcrown �r Mc- aa cr. Tie- d "" e�
� �o[t thiuQs moved alon�• at�d a�va . and I was -• o- other� �v o wen't in '�' am le. - , _ - � s Y Y. � a� �n t bo �r i�eina reaioisd��t"�as
a , he " in Taia b ae 'b h id h for bein P. .
� _ F is do a is p t e ry e o. er.. Qis : ,� �ol1y simplp _ _- �� • o Gulloeh;. repeatedly co�versed npnn che r�gid , -
_ left slane. - � � s.prin� Lhqs far �has :no�_ been faporable to - f�und _ to7isve :been in �t►e -`st r�or � fise
i 3 s C a s e w h er e,in a e t i op;i s in t er t ereace.: -. he beca `� ' ;� A u d n o w E� e v e r e n c I a n d D e a r � i r e d� s i r e s atew o f con ficieme�i an d �t herstricLar.es as. - �� � -
, � use�°like (.6ristmas and L�ew 3.'eai s- � •� <; /.. . .- F _ .�
�`�.f isst �otai des sir be�n to-erQ� ouee `.� �' ''Q - : a revivaf-.of that �r t � . t- weeks. . At the in ' � � �
�P � a_ _ p� ,. hole wodd ia be�,►nmr►a to thtnk that sou�e : . . _ _� to res�nt ou this ?'eW Ser�zce as memen-. , b o�v h and v,� Qr Wliteh ��.his mannei- o_ livin� and da,il :h:�bits t9_= . quest s�srdicL of _,.�onnd__� :_
�� . �h osk � t wa : - - - ,, aa _� _ � p . Y Y _ - -.-
� y 6u c{ t it mv slow but cer�sin reat sebeme o•:�uro �an chanae fias been , Y � he Quee� s B�ri��d a_ _ cumes but �• "= � J ••` - a �- : ; a. •+' . �°•_ dr�wnd �
- g �.�- P a � -. � � to ot onr affLet�on anl esteem thai hen ou our . fiClds � e$hib�ted l�sb. Q„tober. If : whic6 tl�e pusoner �vas sub�ec,ed.= This in ed was:r.�turned. �i�eueat s�c►�aiq�d..
. doom 7 �Yh� no* cast mpseIf dowowai:d forwed ivyich �g to be effacted b a war -nd '. ' " - ' ' � y � ' ; - - -
, . a •, - � � s
�ne� a s .
, ear -
Y . ;�� - eih� er.ce comin fiom so hi h an au fi rit o� .
_ ..+
t to
, seven � E wI�`
�_. ich were �n rl _
u�d eaca by a s edp death the tortores of 'of i�hi h u�tria is .to b tk�e first i` � . - � a��� . behold thi� lattle ezpression o our ai- ever circtimstane.e betWeen:tlxis aad har- . "� ,'- � y ag � ea y�tatC�ed. .
� Pe „_ c A, e � ctim:. If , - , , _ _ . 9 5 � . . and ev��eutly the opinion -c,f. an'unpxej��iced � . �
_ one approacfiiuo�on the s1II�Q�sh feet of tihe . the a wron� t�e ma be e i� 3 � tach��ut oa- ma . be reminded t at there - _ �`' � -
_ aa . p re o y p a t r aht in a � 3' _. _. . vest should prove favorabl+� not moie mind, forined the busi• of a t�l.earan� ia �l�e pa; �* - -
�o�,.;t no� aay8 z , _ . aa .- ` Na oleon has onl' to dis�taim com- OUIi. ' �. , . as ' re , -- �' . . �, , , . p LOi�a� ��.�t#�[CtB��
_ , Y , _ T. . , f.. .p , y �A�.T WEGL. are those �ho ce � �ot fo reve c. and �han�a a�od avee��^e cro � - . - preaa containino �„atate�ne�n� that:�Ir 1lteCul- � _ _ _ _ �
€In t5ts state; of�ee.iug, Tcast m; e es once licit wi[!� t6e des��^va of his ne��hh . _ _ _ �, -� ; p caa b� . se,eured,
� - y 3' -T F y a o. -jO°r�: . - . . ,-� leve' �u.=� �Ye lift`�oar 6rarta to a t� roue of loch inte�ded usino fiis influence to .nbtain'' Our mannfactor inte est con#i - -
_ aiore: doc�n�xard. Snrely fhere was•a hnman , ccill_be ❑ce more trxn �.�i - � , - � y = , , . - . . and ii-tn� nut r�aeh an averaae. o e . . . .. - . - : - �_ r _ _ ��t � ,
sr�d Furope A q. _. ,.piib , ., y . 9_ S m_ an ametioration of lhe ri�on life :o� M� Daris, -
form ? It� was moviu� siono Gruce and ra th�yonr declimn� d' 3 ma - �' , to increase. �Tl�is week� vice haT� ;to� n'�titce
, a � the.ehasm bp :lic ��ste and grivate raiu.i�vili,be chc.cbe3, at _ , . P Y _ _ a Y y _ .%ti ��
. _ iow;nships affor3 a_ inaeh niore favorable It is-now very authoritativei� anderstood°
_ the- bzook, Yes, Fes I Jc, : nns eal�able least f t� .� � � be. radiant witf�. jcy and a-prospect o. gioey, � - - � another new establi'shment �+rhieh �ir� :�`�c - -
Y P _� ar a me . F �. � re '�rt tH n ot �rs - �liat President' John3on h3s iatal�•dire.cied _ � _ _ _
sho# throogh me. 1;;a.ve veri�to a. miahC .- 1ht � - w n our wort� is dons an ou� warfar p- a � • 4Y�hile in Southwald w• ;
_ _ y s happy annonnc.,menf ss, we� fear; not .. -, , �� and he , . d, e ,� . _ the sarae�n of the post, ivho has bee�, attsnd- . iiI attract consider�ble atientiop �d �,s�.
� - ��hout,. a kesn enetratiu� �vhon .: � But _Lh�e ' z _ - se�er l elds a e ee � � - - �
r P, a_ �:� fo: be, espected. - j� e must be_content to �006�. - accom lished z�a we meet-in-the s'.ci s svhere _ a fi h v b n plouahed up, the iaQ him- durin� Lhe. ast ;seven'mont�s and ver �rea.t-im oriance. g. m'� -
4_ fionre passed•onwaFd - 2t drd not Iook u:- fi . . _ �. . ,��
P Y o P , Y.b � �u ,.gau� is. D�;� "
�., p oa the saddest spectaele that ihe world has, . • Q t���t�r ortion Of th� tocvnshi of Y ar- is thorou�hl ac uaiiitecr,�tith t�e eaaet st:�te a. � •
�> - A sin I.shonted,; but in vaia. Uf� horror" • a, _ pain and partu�a shall be no more for ever: ,�. p, p .�_-y. 9., forcn .t� here of aentlemen of Ne�► 3�or1c-�iud ,.
8 , �. seen.in onr time. If tfie accottnts we receive4 _. . - -. � of his health and `underst,ands tlie medical � - _
horror l Aid so•t,ear e ' o� � - _ Si�+ned mouth the iow shi of S uch -��rche� - - : Ga1t �or the �ranafa r u � - -.
. , g t prov�na so futile ! : be ear�•ect, Lor�' Clurendon s estimute o'i a�' , - � = ' . ' . - . �. � _ � • � � � <=° p . . � treatment � wliich is r,e aired :to sustain 1�i8 ct re 'of . psper c�I1#p�s,
� 1 ain I wiwo ; aQatn. and aoain ! He auses ". - �� - _- R�c'�ard' �'hihng� _�'V. R. Dyre, - q ' Q: `•
8 P � a p , miliiun enen in acr�s�falls vet�y ehort of the;� , , . _ i�er a-id �the no.�t�ern part of bTalahide wania . s icitis-to -make:a speeial reqorC� of &c, The_buildino for the .�se�or3hsa ,
Ise Iooke a : , He Qesticnl�tea - he s�i�v me-� . - �` � - . H. Ctzristo herafln� i��bt. Bcewst� � - . � p , , , � _
- P $. _ s j ti aih. .'Pruss�a aas placed five Arm�• Corne � ��,, p• fiad �littl reas u c -' - ail the, material surroundrn�s i�ifluet�einQ `the been leaseci a,nd is in � ro�ess �f bse�_
, I �Cne�r be did!_ A� last Ne disanpearrd.-. in her centraI and.south-easieru� rovinces on�� - _ �dtivar� Grsea� tiY.. Tuci+er; o to _ omplain, o . a i� . ��� -
, _ p _ - � - �ame to liim direct. . ' #�r the macI�iner . which is nos► oa 1he �►�t '
Yds, bat to my. reacne; t_ I�new i%I felt it. a w � �� ,. , . �ve�son Brotvn, Cha,s. d; Hane� n�. �. 'We minht _add: �ha,�, a similar cond�tion -� �� - ��
arfoottn4, and foar more in other parts�� , _ a �. _ lhese instruetions; it is- understo�d� :have _ _ -_
Au hbur pa�sed -�a sec2nd-tfi�' d. A faurtv - -, � . a s± _ � - �'t�: P. �IFen, . . Jos. H:.. (`hantt • : ` • -d • '. . ' - from 1�T�rr York� We lieli�sse #�e
�, x. �f her #erritory, the:. whoie amoaat�no to.. . . . •, of th�n�,s esist in 11'11�dles�g. .. South o:E: . been very recently: gie'eu 6y the 'hand of t8e .� , • � ,_��
- �u progress3ng. $ad he aes!ried: me ?-� 9 - �` _ -. _ Thos. Hadwin, O..H. Ellswort6� . • ments witl a11 be eam ieted;snd
� 365, OQ men, rese.cees� ivhich maY ba ral.ed;. , _, _ .� , , p ; • ' , , Presiden� "himself ..and eeems. ta �warrant: _ - P _ - - � �`
. • Couid buman �iatvre be so heartIess.f' OL - -� ... - - John 1�ebster, G. A. illi.chetl��. rospect Hi1T, cvher� a verg mo3erate � � -
, out ac anp moment, w�uld ad�: 21.0,000 to;�i . j � the-opinion that aleeady serious donhis of the tory iu operatiou.bv the raid�3le�f:��:,_"�
= na; I would: trast. ggain.the ehades were •� v : - Jas. W6itin�, . � Geo. :MeCrae� f uantit . of-. snow fell � durind the winter -
.,v tbis force, orthat the Pivssian Army,. �n�. . o. _, q, Y o . �, propr�ety:of ttius.�submittina.D�r': Davis fo fieldfor �this branch' :o� finaineq�io
wheei�n sronnd i�fhe afte�nooneun. Dinst fl � : T. S. Ho�var�: Geo. L.ech� - _ �,.,,,;
, a �, .cas., ef war, may be made reach the enor-; i _ , the �fall wt�eat has be�n reatl d�ina�zd. such a strict and ri=*id � stem of eonfnemen� - -
I �tuother•;mQht�4ere and after all' _ :� - � . G. �V. Rich. , Thas: Hanna. � - . � 3' a.� � y , is wide, as fei; Lhe mar�r�t bein :
o -..> > .. � pe�� mous nt��nber o#�575,000 men. Un the morn-_.,. , � � . - � are bein� entertaii d. �not onlv'b the Presid- ��g��
;, ' zs����?�,.. - 3: . . „ �, . . . t , . i ; , . . ; , , . . aad many fi�lds have b�en wholly plounh- - � � . , - y . from the �States and Britaia irith #he - � .
,. __ _ , ane of the �ad mstan , an order to p�ace a[l� ,- -. Mr. u lburt, who szemed to.be_coknplete• . eut alone, but bv i»swentsre cabinet. Th�s ��l-
�. . ds I tfioagbt ihns,; I-.besrd �a � shont , and _ • Q � - :: t. ed u b the �. farmera. North o€ tha {- - � -
_ , the Anstrian Armies on a war fuQtine was is-��; _. .. - . 1 tal�en �sar riae r�:connted hi� iniste- p 9 - C,_ si,ecial report ca�led fur bas beea made, I�am �ion of whaf, is :manufa�tured�►�r a�msli�
E!� A alight. rustlina. _ I tdrned: noosed :sn d nd 6' ' 8 `� � .� Y P � _ - - _
., e, a 30. 00 men wilI soon_ be under; ;/ _ _ hoWever thz oro looks a� resent vec told, in tt�e most .em"� atic maunec . and I tis�ment-in �Lontreal. ;It i9 tlts ia " - -
� _ zope wat lowerin�' over the_ Iii *6ti ust ahove ar �a•e - �. �, rial_ c�reer� as the `se�ond . oldeat t�V steyan ._ �. P �. y P'1, . , a _t���
_ _ b� � ms. T6e le i s oi ltaly wi11' proliabl� _ , , -- �; n. have every resoon_ to believe,,fcom;the - hase t�e - r�: ee'tars af
5 - �ne. � f knew �rb�t it meant. �• Sa Read ' • ` ._ _ . . _ Freacher in �etu service in Canad �4est, eQoouraoina._ T"he , greater . par� Of . tI1B _ , P j1 J �I1'i8 IIII�CrtiYClDg, �br -�j ` _
, _ Y, p� aaionnt to 400,000 . wen..,� The mmor Gr�:. . _. � - of oiher attendinr �circaa�siance �� t��at a` .
. was asn►in the: s6out.. . I. sli e�the nooae - - _.. � and said he wo . d. ever look u on the rticl.es winter_ the earth .was covered• b lar�e � : aupp�y (,anadian dea]srs aith Lre �
PP man po�ers have eonsiderable stru►ies. SucU , , . P_ , . 9 r, cl�ange in the prisun life �f Mr. Davis wili �� -_
nnder mp arms, and ciasged tbe r.ope wiih ara tl�e forces abont to be =maraGalled � this . r�ented to �im s memorial ot the es- - �r ' � their line and iGe_ $mounx �;atoeir tarNi ,
�E - m : fisuds «R�:a " , • �- _ . . . _ � P � . - .: - :-� � . quantities: of snotv, und the protection s�on follow. _ - . � _ -
y . . dy. , I�hoi.teti, .- Up X�trife, t he wars of fora�er t�mes hard{ bear - - • � � : H:s ' 6ealth� is failind ' aad ' aili �- '' out� wilt'b:e �mt�ense.' (��lt Rs ° g�� "
Y . teem and aff�etioff those wfiom e had .� _. .�Q�a4��s;
s� e � - � _ . from �frost was consequently greater. - �11 , . - o, f n' very �� , g�
�F _ nreat--np, . ug � mp - head was leveT wtth tbe compecison with . that whiah° chreateos. =us. . � , � �- � � � -- . id( . This statempnt ha's' . been ofien ��-i-^--� �� � ° •
� kno�vn aud labored wit Cor so many y ars. _ ra� y
�_ e�iQe--hi�her� Tiioher! I,s�ip xp over the Gesman haa not valfthia number of inenin - � . � � cociaets.in� tliis �section are unusuall - i�Pom�tn�saE�ubaii$ �i��ti�u-� -
Y r. , . . - . _- . : . � �. , P . . Y made, at difieret�t. times;. .with more.=or less' , ; �
'€ � authorii � an 1 '' -�� �� ^
� _ slippery snrface. � AL tfie slantiao -he�d .a�f the field Ahen she folight for 6er nat►onal � . ' _ bac�kwar�i;- Free Press, �. _ y,_ d a tihou h it ma . not 'ae the - �� _
� _ tbe roeSc sto _were thrQe dr four' en a - . . - � . . C - . . g y
. p pe . m, Aa eaistence io 1813;: �e can only hope that _ ,. GOOD FU`R 99i INAW. ' _ • - �- direct �r�sult :oE-°an settled disea.ge 9 London correapondent oft6e Mwci�e�st
-' �. � . .y . _ or a� �� ,
Gua�dian �xrites. t�Pe' Pe •sa ' oa ito0w
. r
harrsh! ibe s5oufed.-
. o etiI � - a
at th laa me r = . . -
1. e t mo nt F anee will- iu r to . -
te pose � _ - dis os�taon to ; eiiodical attacka of sickneas _ �. 9 r
._ . ,
_ r.. - . Atit�mpied Assassin-a,t�ou oI p p� '- ins '� fastin o r9
+ns. sffioag thenx;: tbe noose=wss r,ast loo§e t revent t6�e f�sfal war. _ _
. . P . " � -- ` � . � a . . . � i�een ett �oloru l� A m�anet� .�
� 9, tele ram reached us. 2s _ rda 2�th ' ma be in a teat measure a'ttri�uta-bte to a � .a
Qti,.ml;i�anL-s to those mea,•warm; gns6ing, . . .' . . t . . -- ' � . , o , � . . Y� i _ _I3ismsrcl�. ' - ' he FYeat En . The resen seasor.
) f.equently broken rest, stnd the unCeasing� i � �! t _�";,�
_ he.es�fetii OL,. ms t6anks t�o tup God�l_ I Tho same suthoriiy gzves its opinion - � -.� from Eas.t Saaina�v; annouuci� t e faot - " ne e: fnr�I�eriie9elo meutof feaua�s • ��
' = t. �r �. - . _ An atte� t u on the life tiresome vigilance af the gaar'ds, -wt�icli' $ur- $$.d �. . .p. -�'• .
� �=was regcueci,. Hurrah ! tt� shouted as tu the osit'on to be tak�n b� Endland, � - p p. of Count Bis- .._ j, , ,
z « ,, «�-i . r P- 1 y a - that a"number of 1�ading gentle ` n had �, �, � rounded h�s celi lioth da and ni�ht. - riependence. -�adies .cIuba �Pa tbi� �st
. -�nrrsE�l I respoude�. �urra6! � hur.- ' - � - . _ -�� � �uarek'was made �t five �o clac� ia the aftec- . •� -- ' r �' -� e
�. „- as folIows:- - �- an to - the health ot "Hec - The �osrs'an� aoldiera, �of �i►e twa reoi_: the go a�ihe mvsi fasi�ipns�file, c�t�cles. . TL�
' r a h 1 a n d: t b e e c h o e s r� p l i e d.. • W h a t a j o y.. : - �- = . tt � e t a n d_ d r k - A_. -_
� � � . , _ _ ,/ - , ,� . _ . � ��ooa of-fhe 6t� �u3t., �ss the. Count -waa re- ments �*arrisouiad the . for � r - : R,� `. oung-and oamacried ladtea do �o;t;�t►�X;
fut rou we were t- �' _ ria. rhe ��ind - ,-b �,. _ t a e.claily g�= �
p At this'momen.tous .erisis is the uffaira � . , 11Zajest , Queen Victo ,. •�. �, - �n i�em -io. ;an reat CztCRt°• ti�s .'
' . . � _ " . - � p . , , , r: ; LurlliRo qa ioot alonp the Unter den Liuden ing'piore wear� ;uver the :reatraint im ose�i, . - � _ � :� .
,�: , ... - . . ,° -
(� � 8
�+�Q ot tbem bad via�ted _#ii� chasm frorn uf Enra it• is eI t at t f � � . Q o
, , pe, w 1 h �ie po�ition o . xamemibrance of uuc S�ainaw frian�a was - -� and their absence fr m� man en`o met�ts ' matrons �hey rei„u �i�prsme. ,;,1�,�:
� Na�, a at Bennet s ona to fish. The �rat � - , in Beriin,�after hayino had an audience wit,�. , o y yJ :y �. . -
. $ t • P � � ihe. British Governmeni should be etric� , , • ' or � . ` � b ': th absorinn : these assemblles which are �eld, :as � � �1 _
b.� � a� �aa noc b��a me. Th " - , reci rooated b an eztemp�re.. gat "er�n� �(1e �- $in� . U' ou resching th y;: e . g nature -.of inexoraule �'� ,,
t g , �neat, . Q ' � � . I� Y . _ . 8 p e. e �cbadow- . - ; rute ' �he afternoon. at � il:e � hoaM�; of, �
I defined, T6ou h.the s m athies � of . _ d�,ttes� TI�e strenn3h 6t ttie va�nons .�nards . �� + x
. � � � :. : . . . . , � . . .,.
a�:tin� aa a� ni8e tu, fhe: fe�r�visitors: of the. Y a- � P of oa ric ;citizens at which N!. C.- ecr � h u a- _ a;. � �:� j" '-
;` o.., � _ r ... . this antr t .�, - ._ .� .. r-T Q.� - �_ , ass., e w a fired t from'behind by:a man: must.b� ri�orousl ke t>.0 a: h ole membere, are called le�di�s cluba, g�t1��
: _ monneai �ud `beiu_ some what�fam�l�ac wytli ca p nre.tivi h Italy, not oue Qoice, . _ � _ .. o- �. P; : P, �d t e�ph _ � �
' g' Cauierou �Es . ave the retarn t, ast of w6o d�sehar zd at him two barrel"a of - - �' � '� • �.are not .ezcladed. A,ticket �o �a .
has been heard ia favoux of an � ressiv8 � � q� g -_ �_ �. € . .._ a re foi�ee of the two rea u�enta betn� reqa�red #o . , - _: �,.�-�
' - its_ asvage featuces, fiad �hea�d' my shout,_ .a �, - - r- : c
� - u » or :to the �c� 1T. D�"o� s T-tbese :iir'e "t ���as
- �- the A�nerican�IInion which volcer. ' Both'_stiots . however "missed't�e furnish `the esaential tieiails oE men .aCad is .9
prec�Hted � .;situat�on, and l�d his !an for �ar on her_part, and ee:tainl no'British ' _ , ` . a �ucoess•to , � _ ,> ., : . _ _ . -, , : ,
- P _ . Y . , _ , ' ot two cf#�e mosi��ue�ivuabls-ui+xlconid�
.. � � su�b'eeted to� oue,ceaseless io.aad of dat ; day
aa relie€, .I'�re t�vo 6ad left instsutt �n th ir staiesinan � has snapested� or would en- � d b t 1 a ��nnt wna iinmediatel turued an�i `seized , - , .%.
` 7 , Q . . S , � � - , .,. , was"immediately transmiite y a e�r. ph � . , 9 , . . grea� -favor, and �an �nly be obitine� 11'
- bost foc Nus� s.for s ro and-more aid an� o; _ r _ ,- _ e , _ after day. _ .
. Pe , , , coura„e an �itacl� on the: Q i�drilateral. ,-. _ ,. th man: � thc�3e wh6�are in:hi hz� f�vor' wi#.h: :;° .
- h� remaini�i� e �e o 1 we ' . . - � , , .: _ , � � _ to_East Sa�inatid: _ �" . � _ _-
_ � �.e i 1 o d. _ , $uc;h is a' hasLy deserip�ion of affxirs-here S,. i��l
� � � , • . . , So far the lcsson of 1864 as been well - � , - . = = , ..: , In the stiru��le whieh ensued veiween tl�em . ° � ' �uthortiea;'- amon, st �rhom more tbas �
Ga t did I make s3 iitt,Fe du�- u sk m . . ' _. .- - o� . as.the� atand at prasent, aad it is bu�.ect�oiog; g
. I I , � a o t i l�;arnt. �e have 1 Eured . n . - - .. - - -_ - -; _ �v . �
- o , . �c . obody; we . . _ .. � pO;LICE CO�T$T. �:" - t6e assassin fired three more s6ots from �s t�ie�thou iita of �naa .snd xhe _wisl�es�. of th� ��uchessi�eeapiet<aprominent'ptiti�1aa 'i�
uTer the di�s�t�na waters of Labe Ylacid, go1- . .:. . ,�
a ` - . � � � � _ � 9 amus�menia consist of;conv�raatio�r�►t�sq�
' -- . h ve �ven mueh less ad.¢�e than uaual ,. . . � '= .� ` , . �. ., prisor�e..c himse,f when it is said, it ia to be _
desn iu t�e sunset, in compan Nith tfie cauoe � z � _ , . . _ -. . . revo�ver. Count Disltare�t retnained uni�ni t,.s - . -. , . . , ' . . • - _ . . - _ _• �, -
• y s ee - 1 . � . ho ed his trial ia noZ �ar. off� �nd tUe dreat ' 3°�--x� �a�� aoing s��= ���sol�iTl� `
cc�atsini� the ot6ecg toward- Nush?s an �o _ theTa ha b n no-appeal to treaties whieh , _ . - His �'Pors�i tlie, DZa ,or w�ll fip' d� hig s- � , -.,- ,,.
�' d t - P . Y _ . wicf� tlie •ezception of a. slieht contusion: -H�s z, .: - - „ ; �;• .-�
`' . - - " � . .. , - � t � � nestron is ;,reaaon a crime ?- forever _de,. .�th,theirei�arettc-e. To_�gire some �a o�'
. rn �d ia da � I sh�,ll reme�ber old White-. we do_ not :�nt3�d tosu port no hints o� - • t • _ . , • q , _ . -
_ � � � g . . . , : � � h�ands .full this �Priday.) aftern on. . clothes were alaU burned:by the nearuess of , _ ' . , : : _ - . : . the freedom of manners Rhich 3heae� .
`; . � . , = - . ._ . . . ... ... :
�#ue: - ' ` - resistance which are afterwards `to be re- . . e►ded.. . _ . _
< � � � � � �- - � � �� _� � � � - �� � �, � . � �m � �r �ten cases o�.t�runk an dis-� ��.the three� ltis dischar es,� The assassin wh ` � �r �Davie�_fre ueu"t1 ����eonverses n � � ���ra�in*�udetl:to� to�ote I�_, �
. _ - - - " � , � Some ne o _ _ t g . _ , o _ _ q , y pvn the ; P � �
��tracted�o�- lainedawa ��..� .6ord-Ltaren-�� � � � �- � � . � � �_-; � - :. ., - , � , _ . . �
; ;� � , �P � _ � � , . , . - �- � � ; . . _- . . . � , �. . ._ : .-� : . . . Senffiera� are -.so �.�alied ��e_� `
n � - � " � � � { . - . � -� � was immerl�te]v arreated� -b tbe� ��oiice � �is a `subject,of 6is iod�ctment liy �the- :(,i-�and .T�ry � � _ . -
- A�i4�� 1i�►nrzx�.-Tfie 1'ulL� Mai �'�_- � doa could � there£ore� last� . even'n �- � t� -� �. r • orderry, and one Hobson,; for a vioi � us as .. Y P , _
: r - , t ba _ ,� �. 1 g mee � � � � �� � .. �� � �. � : �' �latet �in-sessior�;ia oa"r �citv�� aad his � aati�i : � atherin �hai}�s_� �and �:tsbles �ace� 1�stt�� . �
L . « - - . . � , _ . . ; • - . . . _ , -- - ° . -, . _ �' f �e. it s ` Y Y . � , g � .
man thicE twu ears o � _ PPeara uhat - - - . ._. , , . e `
� _ xeli�° s��s.- T6e last ne� �.6�n�m ve e- the uestions.of at� t�� suion eer with .= .. sault on Chtef Constable Tratner, a Bay . Y..� o -- - _ iram the rooc�r .snd the- � beiri� ioe-
. . . g .q . . . .P� P_ : . . _ . . . . pated trial-�n Ju��e. It :may �e pe�fecl�Yy re . � .
- reall uite s startf�uo wun - - ii nheim in �Vur e � � � �� . �t � � �
�y tsbie� u� y q ,, der. entire �e uanimrt .�.tiss answer was sim- _' , � I�e came frQ►n .�a e �
t mbere • � ` � . . 'lounde� on .the $oor �r �on, 7ox �
;3 r ,.- .- .. q y ._ _ : field,. �ilt be �zamiued� and. no: doub pun- , ,, : t�ed upon that he has ezpree:sed unquaiified Q -��•
' Thin� of`� rxd:str. xrth aeed ode abont. tLre.e . . . ._ � , � - . � . -- ----�,�
t - . �' . 1� and . as f•�r a� British interests and - . ' - � •�� --�• •• - «�� ti11e del�lier.ate mtent�on of ass�ssrnatino a roval and ' leasure.�ver thi's action of the - �
, •. p , _
:. . � � . ,--_ - . : . - . erel ii found_ uilt ., _,. , �: ., � PP P _ _. _
fdet�t sndsometcrnes �ro,win fiee or sta . . ished $ev y, g Y - . - _ �� �a�inesa #race3� �o�slo�il �6s#'' " . .
;- � �°r. , o Q,ed�t `ur 3 f : � - � � �ount Bisuiarek: . • ur ,: confident that tbe Cro ernment�ill not -� � , I . .. , �` ,
- � e Qons�eraed, s tis a�otorg. - Lord - , - - l Y y ,
� - i�tehes in f�ur..-sud-twent hon s. , lve can• . , - ,i„ • : . • nd n D�il 1lterv3 statea th " :c - - = .. ' er.� aoon oyQrtakea ber. , .. �- .
, n . : , . � _ a oa$ . . - . , .� . . - � . = . �he Lo o . _ at Lhe interfere wiih h�s triai before the ' United �', . . , . _ _ .
� - , G d „ e, ��ter some pretatory •remark3, i . . - . _ - er tand tl�at Ho _ -hsr. . � - - � -
, .' tfi»Tc of not6ici�_hke it ezcept ,�aci�'a iaimoc- , ��e und s '° r
•- < - � • , famil r of $arl Blind have been profiiandl ' ; �Statea �ircait Conrt. - �#�' no � h n �
, f = . - • asl�ed whethe � �3er Ma est � . •: _ . : - -. ) . . _ 9 . _ _ � �s t s e.gold or #ha -di�e�[
;' . tsl� `Iiesu stalk, wh�ch aut6ept�call� described , r ���Gevernma�t �
a , . . . _ . ,, - ' _ - a t and o#her aeritlemen from a di tanee- affi�cced by the inzslhgence irom �ierlin. The .. : - . -: --- _ :a �
. _ ___ _.-_�___- _ � P r, G 1, b . . , . , , bout a �vatch .#liat kee� iims.; - - ; ,; ��h ��
°�_ �'' vertGetesa . not> s keu a�s� ood •fia� m�de an o$�r medi�tion either. aloae ' � 4 �:- _
� aart a� �i� � _ -.
. . ,. . -
, ,`. P� . , F°. . - 6 .. _ . a � � _ .. � -. - . . . . � ° : ; _ earliest tele�rams statei6at l:onnt Bismar�k's :. = Bombar�Iment oi Call :o. _ � �
� � I aoe tor=hometamorrow Sdtnida . �. `�
: _ , < . , . a t6� rad h esid . ta be: : . _. . . . : e . _. _ .. _ � � � . . � . . . . . . - _ . . �'G'�at 'len 3s ou ht a tad a :
. - _ ia �a��_ Y�eze s s �s �us a� .or �n coacert wtth the �mp„ror of the , . -. , ; . , _ assa�Ia�t, who has smee.diedt �ras a son of . : - . : _ _ ., .-. : `, � 8't: S 7. �'
. • . _ 3 - _ . _ . . - � . �'- We rc re� to learn that C t taia , , . _ _ , . . .-- _
- 7sttab�e as ;�: �s aionstron�. -Tha Isnt � S � >. P . . _ e nen r .� line to be ?�d litt�e ;abo�e txo �ee3�
" Y� �P Fr. nch anr� Em ror of � ltua ii �o the -_ � � . _: _ ,� �.. garl Bt�nd � and subs q t y ott�ers have eDDITICIvAi ,PAATICIILeSB.
, r -T - . . .. .� - . ., . .
: _ • -. i . , o: , ., . . - f
. c Goodmsn of i.ha Ham r _ Q -. . � , . . . , _ _ _ . -
� . �'i�si Java but xe�re f,l�..that �t ha� . . , ba Infuntr fia. - i . a fi _ � �,: . .:
�: Q ��oe3�s . ,, _ co�r�"of An�t�ia .Yrussia or It�l t�ith . a y� _ �n Tn�ednesda the officera of. the U. $. _h.een-re�eivesi. denyina_ t e relarionshi . In _ �_ � , .� work-I��ae 33 �' &II IQ:�� � .
b - . � --- a , . � > : - 9� . . - : . e : . : _ . y . . . _ . N�w York Ma 22. - 1 he _Peruviaus ha�' Q�'
. . .. , ,. p _. . s . p, . ; ���
. : �atrt rtr�� ir� the o t�round � in En . , � . . . . � e _ . . ( . , w n of Mrs. . b
. �iu � PEt R . � . Q b en nnable tb: a�tend ta� his _ .:militar . _ . ; `,, . -n w trat : :=he as the so �l�nd, a. for- - , . , . ; � �r ,., � ' , ,
� ,� a view of assis�m �he GovesnmeaCs ot - Y sfeamers Mianf�onomah. and Augnsta o.. �. -- _..: , � . . _ �all�d becaase no flriz3s d.one n Y�. ..,.
� � , t . Arelt. ' �� , . a .: . , . - . . . . , _ _ � _, . : . . . � . � - , , :nme batteries,�ounted with 32 ponnder gnas . • - _ -
�Snd �ad �neeeed� r%et . � add to , , , , , . mer husband bat has b`orne his ste fa h > • -_ . . � . °
P� Y : _ � . . t er . . _ ' . -, ' _
� �.•�, ihese coun�rie� in �rnving st a paaifio seL- dutie� for- a_ waelr- or. :two . ast throa h l ia� at Halifaz were entertamed :on ;board � - � - �: Y _ msn who con&
, ' < a�re read : �for � �n Iess . . . = P z g Y a . � -. , .. ,. ' : . �: _ ' =300 ounder �lrmstron�s and 450. ouader �' �he aes Iutase�+f��'
� i�ie�i� �ts p�ds X , . name. He was twenty two, years of a e ana . _.p. .. t . P _ .�. - ,�
. . . . , . _ . ., � � . .
r , _ �- « ' . s, . �u�S 04S � 1 !1C bC v . - , , , . , . ,.= : .. . ; _ 1, ; ,,�,
tlement of ihe tr t. ss. tweeu � ,indi., sit ou ,. �raI nsh� . h. Aancan. -.. n ,.. . _ _ • � dnnk best for h�m��s tvvelLaa_ li�.
,_ �kr,�8 tri�ul���fter�the.�eed.is.�o�n.� _ . q _ _a . e� . po � �.. -. . , :, . �idm H ��o � � t � , . . : ..,efr Enntaad foar eara safl t aid a.'v i ($lakete ri8es t�esides .t,wo .1rot� � n . . . _ . �. :Fp _ . �
� ' . . - . + �'. - . -. _ . . . . _ � ' . ;:. � .-3 , ' ' . . . . . . . _ _' , _ ' F: � � .. .1 . . -. . . . . " . _ .. , -
' � � . _ . � - - . . . . .`.k . _ . . _ . _ . . . . �. :
� a � o,�• �F y � �a��a,
.� . . .. .- .. - . _ . . . . .. ' . • . - � . - . . ' i . � .� . - . . . . ." . _ _ ' . . . ' . ' - - - .. . . .
�. -. .. . ' . - � . - - . , . �. _ � . ._ � �� ' _. .. ` ' . . . . - _ . ' ; . . ' ' .. � .. . � ..il _ " . - . .
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�/ �,ater--�f�e �ica�
- �.�ins, �oget�er �
. • �tnd �. iar�e $!on
1#th �tree#, �iso I'�c
-�p�aer ut 3rd �ven
szten�ed scross 3r�i
` � Co'$. �arge �iano '
nearly des�ro�ed. �
ilrtb streeL ��ssiso:
_ j�ge ��iic�nga co�t�
lisiste �nrned: - �i is '
�t t�ris �onr �ihe �nisi
�bl� reach �'com �;8r
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` ��ro �fre�nen na�
- ` �'etch ar,2 �ap�os�i1
�n �aa� A�ght. �uQ
w� badl� �nrned, b�
'#�e �nrdrobe belon;
_�f�Ye h�em� �ras:
i�t� �troy�d. ',
t}t�ed .at �2�,OOU, T
�l�s %s atated bp one
; i�t .dolisrs. '
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