HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1866-05-18, Page 2V
S I G N-7
A lk-41
S. D&VISI.- 7RIAL. L.e. day' afternoon
'cities 6 this. -A was fi.-fli,ditt-with-the, seco I time was
ll . JP,o -LoAdon
Ur. famous tI -the the niore fimorable position tl py'now.vec pi -Paxileju -and 'we he Iroilh(d st 1he"Molith &04
Iro ,.out - . I . . - a -1 , quentlyi especialik on Sun 0
as I , - - — At
f I ad, PP 4, this ti
A little . mati-wiith..-Vfe wL.itd eotlt, the..smpe :but -odnsured them save' for n6t.-bom,
and tile other sile of the lakes 90-th The77ines' sp6ciatsayq: Tt is Mated -on irostrils, -and yelod. at thessmi
ado icle)
-ut_ - - - N
t%jck was abo The.L6 ' -a Timesi(city arti of thet
ci inted: ot. I -it . i Yen d1clocic -
I b tried' time shifig his leeth. A se
5111-1131IRM AR-RANG-KNENN'T. - in. --P I the room;- K ifi6 - hat:'tbey high Jeff. Davis wl I gna 4
T extTa. tr6uble. -aud.-expviise nd I
-Vas'fir a -0 -L, sayi5._ utithority that
t et;ty feet front us.when the-shbt- ing lbrward it oned a Lo
making*,things 6 a. - w lit I toon .-the -indictment on, Sunday ev6nincr the poor mim
c nifortable-and attractiv A.44661d,. kneiv iiity man,- who '__"'A attite of ator-than has-- _ eu in. Richmond. in une, L -that ot
Robe 4 a
Robert Harper Township of ashfield gre.
Ao that the -really
was, 6 ep rty.timedurin, Roava -of H"
601"M EAST. -101 ,'- t1orouglIly et'6upcel and Ili _h -1ime;t
wo4ld yi ld- before Ioni a han1saima-ra. >P6i t Al4ert rerienced ath .0,
Maili a Expre, sworn.. [ ti, the road -flea' 01 the past nine recently 1INvid by .3djury av Not
th *b1ch eloc1c, via -
tfi house heif -was.in Own until late on onday murain., ticer 0 ons lit to Ilia Jea 6cctfrr dat nineo'
-c e
aarl. 2:01 paii. 33tO p.m. oil Stlt;.d..ty. +r. ie W years ha's pi-e4ailed inall the markots to -day. Chief Jus- Town council -consists
Godench. . dep 100) -turn. evemit- i wr been ar a irt. there to e,.ton- CoMpar. 'As sh,(/.Wjnf the pm.
linton 4:0 -saw )U,r-. could I -u Cc 1 b allvely calm.
)0. 30,,, 2z3o . -the' resti A. nd brc gho A ffirther fall of five: per centAn Italian Stock P"I'giole its "OC"
"raft Trusting iny remaiks "II-ly fucet with I heard a eqportol solie-kil love a witness -stated-
&-this di -wase,
to: 4:R,5
4:10 oills -Sig is Willis J aggvrorfh -810d R. -0
""T e Wbune
.50 21-53 t tied. Vr neh r6tesy oupled v", L The Ir that for two hours on Sunday afternooi ' -a*
with all -heavy Utflo* 11old 9!icp Chase has
carton Lgrkk).k-. . i i:a! your apprpval-aud. -be prod.uctive of]good, gies my - .1louse the coverel bu and -of -.1 por-ce-ut. in ii0edli. Ignes's to\
the in e other nu. the
oas ifan k o f E. n;,w -which jiug ests the eatly lit town -re lr
J reniain, sir Tu dl:tll lyin Mi. Kimball sai whs his: ie -i preside oveim ccavt iii Virginia, on the con Ndecf-ased. coal 6 slightest noise
mactlelt. 11:20 afterwai,4.0' went. up fro d no bear th
11:50. 4:60 g over tlje- telled, ti ]and, 1*bolut
arr road and saw a: -th. -tile Plea,.' V oil. -ite ;rdbrh witbott OXpe
lie Honda the movement of the rate of dis,
b ca I imme ate w Jon
Yo-ir o edt.sery ditian at
-diet :" f I)eath frorn
p.4n.440 J:oo wits de;,02 I o notkilow the itii' Of Ilia early on I den0istio a pi o lam rieticiig a, fit di A
p have give posEibility of. d a jr -e
'tiob, 'nd iy
09, m;f I Idiv fn,the State' so.far as ju , returned a V I
Buffialo arr 6:45p-rfi,10:00, -Ilo toi 7 per". celit." haVe been- -66 . J - - its. . . . - I
1. L.T7,JkRES LIZARS .,Ae ill- had, &ken count ', b
a ma a dot
weeessary i for' tile Ull t(_J States forcoils M 4 " werned. - The by&"hohia.41 e deceased'wasa respee
N ter, states.- I Was in I le Pai causes.6f ille,general confusion Mid -'J?JAZ LOT G_
.is - . I' *' - -h
OING WE, W. Ili, C. 8-. Edin. & Ern,,4 Mary, Anh I -
-0" _7_'00AL M' 30 R.111:;Wo P.In. "kho, 'or -it:II6,iew wi ill th e Man -being'p ri 7 16 _r, etola.,_
A2. dene.e. The sharwoftlievarlous a 91t 6 - - Ir Mi&
ilea from
0 Cc npardes Ifave
b -could a om - 'dent oti the blibJec.
I )lit I gal* eoaasel.a to the proper me Chie-0A. h4d 'aii r
t4tra house on Sunday evelilh ,.v Ogg cotifi .,Pl: it.-'aad the- prob,.V Nor!Aer -,VzW t
fivanee 'coi b6en-soid at ur _pru
11oiderivh .... arr 3wo 11.25 through t4le-window I licard.so.me'. Ile 'Jalk d0imp so* ut thit b6finti he wh r -by jilt
7 'Id be obtained and.buenies., bt
peo doht k- now bag bilities are 01M tle latter wil "ligten -to Mr. ethe
pylee tii . con 13:19 - 4
ple'down 0 ro4d -Tlhe Fenlau TkIALSUrf, - known,
P. dell a Jell obase
ind fl4ht, ingt1grator -
th - I . lish- his.parpose,. a was -arrested. a,%,he expressed
ReOnt- 0 how tuativ thei . o -were quarntlin't'l. Sjoc
6dNj The 1. h Ili rned'itll We'duesday (the ik U.q
30 0 Jo
Y. 0
Ira Lewis esq -_Qo At torn 6 ,'wathhcd Exchanve bein-'elostid to morr wj undir- cirm
llk',- olle man had off his coat and h4d'some dl'c'
- -ebellion. r7he Hous e. Com Is -not -lh a parti6larly- prosperoas cov
QM CJ hi curnstAnces of' A of.t.he a mittee is -j mtity.,Of ; -
ONEIV INQUF -Otle 0 the C wrailable funds Jor
IST CLOSED. lie was ki., dng i.m; ti the _rt of intense. anxiety, -n -Tb w1tole awa Iiinbe,
C1# Cor) the ar und - ki i pr ceeding wd nana -report iri.fty6i.,of this trial by. a tion just. OW.
there were two bul-rie,; Americam sebuihies re included- in Off preparl &CVou which, we av
States -five-Liven 1- 111
an ilitury commission ulations of to chArtif
Cam*eioa' iuc1.,B.'-Doyl' on for viIrious-vi ott amonht'fQ inore than 810,000 or 'I
I the
wprller l ihe.- --United
theta. 'aU kvrockin g about, tke-oile' at-lud d Mesa doe]' t; e. 0.1 A% 11r. .9tiplien'. will'bave -was no insurance.
e a prisoners. to 687... a Cent
Verdid bf "Wilful -1.111rder 4g.dnst, - hii coat off had black liallts bif dard SOM closed at 68r mi.-s'llares. the articles of war, an in e
d iiinplicity of the 00 a
1.behalfoif th at least 400* 66els tO'lransport.his
t0513 assassin ery latentigii- to -make xrra
did a good d I to E e,,s,: 591 r.
H,. G% - W Ma .18?;-- 1866. it a ation co- spkriicy.. Thd-report is vi - anq of
41 , . . , .0 is of '782 1 of 'ci 200iOOO'
not see - 1 created 00:.the lat t
ocke i
y kind.of a repart, Jie P faon'LW.h Th* dase.has 79.., ri I inousl. and willcontain a chain men to Ireland..Vill alsore4airi ilm
1i , a%#L AM not, -g f her Ure b1course tran- vO oft)
d, s. two Iddians, 1 o outside; - 9 no - services' of It
The draiti 0 e. of ons. Ho By
to aritial videtic the vari an iro +lad -fleet to &t bLs bonybyj
e in, Town- -ad opinions vary -an the Stock Exchange. Multi
GederlehL nr' ) !I-1 ' sactions besiaes -30 or 40 lieJol -batten6s with La mo
the buggy, he bad oil. the coireetness 1i f I I"Unitlons Of War Jhip , 'RISE IN F1100VOR
&L I.Rumineir The: Uoion -Joi-fla towards -o h ederaipy.
Res dy. of' I saw a man with *d, whit v6ut on ;. he was on of t rag to. th L which were obtained out f,t e Coull
00- er's Inquest a the bo' . he- It Ttiat hi of gold Trom th& !Batik '6 Fn---Ia id r e
tha-.road, . a - . - I :L* - -*: .1ion and.all the-requis ite
ift 'the -T6W"_ Ina *11 h to colftL '4f
reports it Will
m.: Kesick.was- resdni man who t se Yanked Feniars *1 aye
I was lookilim ut'tho Wind cob I
IV &:hAlt cont. L titient, continued. 'The dis:wuiii -,4e nd
eonfidently w ems
on -b Locke is the, fired the'sho active, -aw CAL
w, ien, 0. - a a- is m of millions Advanced to
With t- a pan d . id I I heard the gli t, the f% -was prett I in t.fie I WaTlfet The , Jramal kraiixbiex- anasto
_6 _.i-' L . - liberally4--The small on *e*
Hall on. T`tte4day evening 15th, and hit' _, t now perfaj3d oloi!r,,bat he questio sa
the there, were vei rewtran tious
par Jes 'hola
t that no spot iwCanada U'6t. -6iffers .v I e coa was doin noilling at thit Lithe below six
SWAM. a- y Pquired, the (hole -of ing ov
M rs.- G u ruey and- 73faill
"dollar"s urgLefitly T
notAose antil near midinight. The fol-* o - 4liti R yal -of
as- -was a maii,si ing--io Why was hie t -ar vell as. the per penW' ess
mor"' inducenients to thosa,wh %shct w. fired,.fhere rested qw V. delt will be'
e o wi (;iJM[fti8gjO erS 'fJ Jaifthilea- have arrived repai& A montlia aft)-tr -the *nee ij
., . $a higher poce
'blie; dr
L% the Isondm
t lQwia-'is the other evidence adduced each. -L*u,i during the fight, did n6t h The', Paris correapoindeni o* tablisliment of the Irish :. Re' 1w,
resor n - - Pu
(, , Was. otherg ?; As -far., ci. we :can Iqarn, 't a Daii
healthful-suntiber a coat iiiiiii- he - I . 1 1. . V X home but nothing bad tran, i bmijil thought that the Iiish-Republic bad bbeik
sant and the .'filatroLwith. the whit vws writei: jired as
'joWn is ve _.
a as of the report they w'ou'. VOURVOTION
T46i`.'F,'McLean M., D., 4wQra..--1 theb :ry NLr_. the sh tot: was. 'order fo given, by 'the Id it
_Sita tea r --his arrbst w to tbq nature I
. . . ; Ia befoi tablish9d in. New Y6il L- -1 t.e
tiAlm. Goderich. a d 1.,i4out a,, eek a -To, -6 the &Ustrian - as. fat 7the as
L: - .... , -_. - - of their layesiigatio,
of witli - Dr. Shannon,- pefformed a - ilost I fii-od, 061onci etty J- I disarmamen't which
15& feef above. the, Ii, pr -e:trly.,.o on ay Mot r 0;- propowil 6F&76cipl oea Saying in'Our last, tu
on a plateau yel ien months.
V r or
me Ma 9 -acted ai -a jack o ant orn I RESITI.T OF TH TIGAZON.:
i time
was Up at b t b. 'he co to p Shannoa fo
it 0 an 16 co -for .1i all E 11167,FS'_ ad_ WM.
one : Of.
vtortem. exanAmation oil the-body Willi'lm Shantion, S%iorn.-1 did -not -know'
0 of Whie-l'it colin deceased 'Wilflalu K43i
William Kesick...- The only' thing- to be in the aate. known. I- iiiikesitatiagily put upon 'afi. "In. the
man was London 77nies, Mayl) CgBeware 6fihe'firisfgrl ssi Ik d
t 10 F
left there How or what' direotio" aictuted
lsui iouided by de- on' StIlIdAy I to that interesting youth.Ae other rLvwg
musurpossed'view ancl 1*'Ort MI' 611 sea 'Mrs.
atina. wou't)d i ; a last we If article in t,h'e P4s,, clearl; by the partV 1317AD
noticed wql a sula I perf6r, I& li'afting- down a dangtitroA ieiolt, what. PartingtOn
an made -hls* a aper t h- C*xo've nstructlou t %t
0 Jock* 'IN i and myse -mt c -b 0 ill a'.1"mic h t6wn:-about 2 P. in.1,
-Aftut five Doyle L p inintertil the co
.01211op dq Is fo
I*btrul. sc nery, evpry sense -is g1ratified, the chest' not quite.. a a t6 ofan.itich ieft-11awkins a iew minates-befo? -others the. prfii4le -oif cAsti.-titque
IL, - '.Ltei - d dea -now - - 9 . r When a man psases the Rubichn4
qu r r e'th e* va possesses,. has been called
My Y, the . ji0as -w twascolotaim. T t i -without he is liable at any Limb to become -an un-
*hile-thiteciol bieezet ,which-. t6winuailly. from the centra of th,% Chest. Th6wout.id ridge I heard a whistle, notwithagodi g 8 audilque must someiiniesbe-4dopted
on tile wefy inind. Th6 611 -oil the irregular. -
I a U .done;$o".as- soon as tX
more 01 -wh clal n4flced his - been
e Its rutin D, ram ..the. '.foe 01 "B arsd of 'Suadea scruple; order mist be. i restored #r-st and blusbing-&-unkard, to _O'Oj from- 10
rs .0riL L - _y, a -he pawn
d rievunces re sse t
with. h th a India 0 0 i a 0 d
over it. laden -ginno p netrated the breast bone., and took a I loot --ed round an i sa
sweep 01 - fio-r.us, J whi e dre d 'aft4rwar& B hen. worse, unti 3 his Ifist shir Port Albert.
nward andto the left, a 1prted the hoft d made him sudLi "adopted afid surpassed to-d4y.- The Panic is tf and *67
rimmings.12 loar..
-purpose of obtfinir o .'of their Et;'timesoon c6mes'wheni.--arnied resiEtartee curtain with Ailiriuna t
flin., -the brow' -s. -Pt thttieu who ours"dightly _w his having been engagad Ia-` an ex
it penetrated -thei p-.reca rfwlm Reute fell. _more thad it -has *-ever I ceased- a6d p.any -of. t. e rjipd awbLy by the lady's elo4u
rdival, and passed galloli for the lit 'fiot the
rsion Vic t iaving, ence, Ike Imeil-
10 sliaktast 'lea T
-come from crowdbd citibs'in search of rest y, t hey augtit It p to its bout lialfway' up cfi hink - that fallen in:-ou6.daysince the..Vipifr h rinMeaders
t of tho 1pillilionary _wa eliension -of luil
an eddowfi6nhishomd$and.icnees--aud's re,
from - the bich t itsjunction. with. the hi 4d_ Ito
- - ; :, a franC, 5c. -for cash,.. and
t1itouall the cen re thehill nd'*.iLlicau. '-,Iit.ljultl6fL.tlrewa,v ioni* it a6ed to Mr-- Kimball -in- _pritVailod,_ I q blivillg, beun punished, 1he diity of i tt:n
Posts w blame can'be Lt war u -i . 114jitittee - of: wilitary law is: -ki Neil- Dowii-and the State.of Maine, -as
and artery, Jgs at rt., orf the toP7 I ot. e d. It for account, CIO ing, at 65 fran es - the
thi hilt -1 l(faked back aiid* daw. enif to
f As -except aftere6tistiltinga phyitdi -U
Iii-dians-hauff trig on t e. peremp ry. Now -it
s. it, is im-- it pas3edAhrough a small --portion- of the the thie so -e-qu.jlly tQ Is'l.quite cer-_ toindugle
avored. localitie yhr the rdtir si concernei He fra 'a 25c
cdwp lessf bdcL-'of ihe
65 n. suffe-ed y
Ltbeywauled;' ` r-Itirt- the ca " i- gre,-and.in fact 'dW -,all I -
' pa;sed thro'ggi - c.' and 65 -Ami cs',15c. lialia. t severitie b judic
the as$ 6t fl short. heart, -aft -if then di almost the w., -tlie fain ilin- mjst of the Oth 11al
rr a. -daCline of 4--franco- 40c.,
pomble within _-ron,, we a kSd,thein what., neve thetremendou5, inflicted ofi- -persons - ausm I)WING po')
CoMp J -a-aitist tl;e - d they wanted a fide, they ollfi4ed--five and extra judicial, I. THE GA
co -0 n . . train- his 43 franes 90,c -
Centre of the left lun-.' strikia- comp nloui iiist b
tie se :forih (W thqw & Doy I power to res lot% eintr
wspnper artli W. I ]so ollered a I'III_rJ Mr. e
Ieto the upper. borddr Of the sixth., rib.a littlp 'cents-, o ie a A pected'of eomplicity with . t e. Morita Bi
1.1 - 'his a klic Mobilier foll. 2-- fraid2:4 -Credit Foneier 55 -are bapp' -say th-
-were inflicted'after this stkoye ad We v to it wilater killing ?f
riu- and from- any 40.'Vof *iolence.,. ad i d, rio.ers, h
tages our good town offers to the class li e I
*an moria. towards the back of the fib thcrethe limided back both t e thon all
a -fraile.g. ; Comptoir d'Eactimpte 35 fkanes. -7 the aliho s
In' J -so -been 1akelk *a' fuI-ddcd'w' -44ie Nal thein ftailwaY 20:-fraues'- Urleaus' -1.0 Those vyll'o were 'hunt or the Falf wbeAt,' ugh very destriietivd 4a
who, was'. aboat the oula no ' -&e Vir
fperso s -,n i th, the" f nlilies,. will ' tpld the t6 leav ; at thii ran I Yeaebod
-ball stopped. The St6PDagC w after -the by brileir, of
L - - -75c. "The oh-ly go,_&a - firit week- __f
0, fi aroutidan-1 vot ubon tile step of ithewa-rou -rel the front iownships 6n. Lake. Ontdriq,_ anCJ Ir a of
i .., ME fr4n-cs Ly -13 fran 0 1 -1 . , .. .. L I
t Am- the ore irowdea an inch-- low -0 xtendi?.g as ar Yestai Galt has not proved
. i [ and'a young ons: es
er than the, eurnknee.. Only Ploe' to been oinmittc(, ordf individit4l. officei-2 mitht in.&rana
Ir Ze .'y -t
be-eage _6 1,nopped-0 horse'and tai a t -rr pi e couttry., In- sq
rai.-witv which.- did no falt'yvas I Southerh so injuriona in othetparts -of th
Anti ar-, - - "7 .(. --. I - I : safely'llave beenL re er d
-nited .9tates, examinedthelunp and. thie, litzart --of the h -hitherto kornc--an t -646hable. 6h _Irancs 60C.,, for ifie dinTary-
im of Canada- and 'thi U One- -side. ..Alr.' lj )yI6 iheri'4& out as !a
-if . . -which- ios
elt . . Irogaramme I
civil tribunals,.(ir for a.speci I Corn' district the reports are exeeed-
both -of the Fall wheat a d It Jilke
found thd Very I T lie deceased Indiati caught, -a mission.. the Niacrara'
ill - heal hy. gon aeter wouldf n6t at thi om
moilths, but iq will present wag and ai he did so: the efit b s4er
n o
during, the hot such a ai which -stibseqdeiitiv 'tried' Mani ingly g6od,
A0171111, ng ol r" sAh "X, It
Co.ald' jilt: have .existed more thau -a' Intri - anotber ofthe Indiatis, camoi, i rds
r emor a. the truit crop,
.-tile i. othe e offeric -and to the North of Ae ffid- esY
of theta,. !Jt1i tbd a&ttraticd that y %iere, I fliowrfx he _%%ras g&in,g to - . -:' I - . persons _. charged - wfth li ea. This boats; 911al
fqw wound.' wliere' The New -Atlant bile.
-tilin after 'havin TeceivQd the s to ill ca v of ges., and West from'London, througout Kent,
consideration specially aPI ie
in 'fielp the ut -tile' m L. . .. - in it
ber , 4 out of -.411, 19.0-1 - 1_.
they m relied upon *4h i plicit !file cause of death -was: per 4r, I jumpe do e
fectly -cicar'as . hton..Xiddl ex and Huron e humi 20
d I told the* 0 U es.
6 In Thofre is" the' same ifference bptw It e here may hav# been s roug rew Liim t -accounts
e , tb Gord, _ _,T
f d oil.
fidepw Tn the fi st. pi ace, the oldest having., been produ,-ed by tholiall- which'I OrILVIail 0 of.the wheat.are favorable A finer season
COB t him go, I then- turned to ill) . odarance, of the Atlamtic xable of this year sous -for arresting Gord eso:as to overawe lated td dr4w au
0, in court w( 'hitig and wl
.136yle to.le found Airrivist .0
-to.thd fact now P170duc L havin- faund it for Spring ploui 6QUICI -not
inbAitant "bearg - testimony tha ii ekt diiiig I.6q'.w -and last as b -a wl iite inan and a black. Jils suppos d followers, but th6re were none so in f! -the eoin
watch the'..other Indians) b etw; en a 31embers, o
-rely external; and i
Fathei- Point, Xay I t. __B for buriji4gr him. (iff to -A: oulA-martiat at bei
ill the body of d2cca ed. f1lit! r a IiJf ey- ut --this differi nc a is pu sh .i a edirand the -results. of the h 'a
-is DC)y!6 arid Jackson. sau C 0 egin V
-case 9f cftoleria- has never h eat . j Ile 6 JUUMIPtions, an "a
'h n we are now
towii since D oard -the Walver;ne which enjoy -jog cannot
60 The 8-teamc eCo'nducting wi e-; Morai t Bay, instead guol
-r M bathe bfineficial to.t grains and gmss. In -
that a. -in ffoiie eratcA when' li ltld ; ra n t e erpbcl oil -no way applies either to ill 1"Of ko plrlg
its first. sottld . Son. . svtorn.-I, a _e an oravian, froin Liv him it.
Ili d ked st ne,, ia. Is ndonderij -on the 4th. -has'. 'of.- the- matiy t6oatiligs of utta. pdrellw--and.
n cLean-, p:-- r upa o IV . 0 or on, b Tfie most search -
1 -told passed ihis ppint'en . ro : for. try, -ran crin.r. over'- a period of fifty.
P e stolid ute! - - it covered. Th M !P
1. itgue is unknown, . d ieti'l idiv hi'm-f 11"Y'
con ee'ion with- Dr. 4oimed road it, s4o't diitaitce the 3i#,, spite of winter killing I effects of
an 6ompotind-witirwhici is ise i g.iuqui
Elad- iu. daYs,* s fdtledtogi-it!i-tany-Fh-oolofGori 1_X.,!WJX9
7., sent. a examinatioal iin the body wl a''dod'x. a it ViO"reo'ned later, than -e precisely* I he sanie -" -last.'yeir, the cold winds of April, there is zio eason. to
-Fewr an, g yost MOT tc ha
tit- gSlubjity uch [D ay
of - or one ftiam K4ick- ; --wol perfortned-ie t yle ita look out, Doyle tle Mail. ad - I per'steLingr gi fear-agreatdeficieury in the v -bf .18-46,
fhe'atmoisphere -is 8 1 is heaJ,.-.Doyle_-tIien- C ity. of Paris.. - sbape;-make, and size, the cable- a of to.day is.. having instigated: 0-6 --fiiuKderous.. Asiault. .on
a sione we"t .0ast rop
PIC u* t The _Steafner telgian di- had -iden'tical with the onj Co"Cerning which so court, -house.- was -a, in ..0
0 feger;&c.. ard,very rare ho I p astme d returned it,.A V. 90 i-orn-Po"Alan, -.60mviet in t
that cases. this inornin, . I have, tirA th evidence All h the That ischievous' from what ha _tra spired. Ue
auguine tops . re misec
mu In 'is 'Wd in. he west of Eing-
JLrainflZe rrived out o many 9, we tatot-perhaps -an -upscrupe a
P.z _ ad, -mot &)wil on* i ts.road-. N - - a, [ J)onaid, committed
of n,' cLea6 -.and f ulli orrbborafppt- 11.1to' a -the 4ih. I twelve'- I o& aaritator-
4 of the toen is com- D -111 tin holds agaia ai utlis ago. The gut r -dqubt, -I re n go so TAr in al by-
lliii g P -P11 t -
I haVeL n o eatJ_iJj'_e &6V T adipits of no Footei -trav,e 0 &t in I
othin- hiord, f an _41up Pe REA in latid,,dined-onid dt ly at an inn. When the.-
-ater any- y- qtt 6 to Just at this nioment the other protect' n _'co
no'stbacman, -G T BRI 41ii in y at he'
igil or wirevovi ed with as to say"that but lor; 14 -that crime would by whi*
ilia; PQ!
ng Liverpool, A
Alfesttiipe a LiW jurn 'd out .-of
d- add to 4.. up and 4. wmwT6 gteamer HV Manilla coatitur pr6bably never d Still cloth -Was removed the landlord asked 'him -xionaxy snotmi
-a owia- an ift; the have been eo;nmitte
-the linifts of th U rem-ained. eore,bu"tasthe'sent-en6'winadoofitilyca,
t riap lli. Kimball
r I w
re, just then".Solomoti ran the n6ce e wits no evii Q11 he helike his fare? 'thiave di
Wheft withiij woru,, his: former froin Livirp6ol_4n tliti 2*t d, Joi liewy ssily- or -'a -tairry co;erincr ther 'feuce awains up
ned as
eaith. h-6; -be6n. Solomon Otter was. s tow rds nized. iron, f well as any man in J?n -1 said The aos-
*ant carniag "th the cholera on board. TWD
an- effici Boa-. d. of 'H on has - put back wi gland,7 Foote.
j t statement n6f having. WO h, hri'ven, iia ime- w Ic 'a : but EL MiJit4"Lf,.L edq - Iffietild -Ve:
un-ler Doyle and Jackson,.,D4yle- let"go 4eks' 0 J, atid the cable being at tl t h*,hcnv it _ha
deaths oi cu Mf 31a rl". -,cried -the landlord.
a jaelf3on go t up 4n W I - board the Great Bastern at 1herutp- of V ritured'to,courict,a iisoner--that "Except yo
ried'befdrb- 46 re' ens, 6 4b lisho a 166rt
formed. whose obj. ct. it- IS, to - see- th estrop and.. him hiet, pqt,6 I is, no
-a- so neai a I d,) notr_x0ept aitybody 'wh6tever UT, d I*a i
Liverpoo . ,/ I t to 'ha
ce ma ely tile 'from I'" Bed,
his eviden' town e e
is. -removed The -water Oath, but Jackson Caught Westrope and' th- -a hundred. ml litr - 'evigleue'that was nut u A f 4
.-ew im it* than es. a, iveek looks ousisOnt with'his it&-
-1 . iotw the sam him
every impurit The ii'itional &teamship ,Lind haVeF de(ided -M be. - so BA -you must, b ill (-ar. -11 - out
thit of the*ni-ht b6fbre,.th#:-.w Ild jumped oil to .- Of- hini an oirditiary ships'.rope' .-left c(Ince of ifie.eharge b:,06ghc,a91aIl1st rawled eh
ithstandinat a as h *14ell, ha's just 00
limes bat, duwn ori the rbitd a p to - stop -Germail'immigr4tiou - thr(?ug heir woe v g t
(i Doyle !I L has t You maiVI At.len _4 Fife
all -ran, -eruom, to The. trd.th is -that in'-Clordan's
and Wdst'rorte called out bick' 'full the p ot -and has iieen case, as in. gth the -9ofica th
-1(1_be. deem it unnecessary t;q.repr6duce it. vessels. Tile Gov ernme ordei d 'a' neither P'tel 'In -by u tLy
AV 6 he acepsed -.was assu'Med to the laidloid (who was .4 r.0
b miseabywou 'down to aigi, nany others. i ended
pmuffibessoughtto.'e. st him; 1 a!so rin myself -and -all Germ&n-emikranti lit fore titr.'. The -Great bad, no grappling LOO I a 'o A-
estie .
ifiation -of madistr te)-takin -r Fo, to be ori the
era een customary i
ozities,. we cart, point W. the John Jackson, sworn. -'r knex. thq do-' top3s.6naher-last'e4entful d -a M&Ory
call rhi him and pulled hiul.. bit, then,the pis The c Oyage, an upon - be.guilty uolbAs lie -could' prove- himself, to a
si auth Nib last their admission to Hnglwid.' who -observed it put an end
deceased William Kisick.. . I saw. him ar -porti- I Jva:s stand- their absence. and the itiefficieticy-of their sub -be iiinocent, and We are compelled to add had b n ilat
toV was'fired, I.beard tha rc (nade its firstaplidartnee., Lmong ihe G a an- ]ad -'a t&hqo ah
'fad thit G r el' , Wellingtoni. tin . Sundai, Ia town for a grreatnimber of years idways, to,
Huron, to in the evening. at Fort Albert stitittes, the 'Milure! d di - 0ointaient: -4)1 - that Gor43n,.at least, was. dili6rately c n*t 'workoa a
I ia i, %rith--my bapktowards % be;-e the, rel;ori -an usap
'iit SiO1 him.- - .,:We.. w'a_q_;,- I turned- round ahl ia*.AIr ., , c put- gai rrarks while they wen ii Liverpool. _,u this bXcept the ma
Www Iiiiiestone districts- escaped. simc omon an myself were with, La ke y rests. This ufF-lrom tho,mean d ' yori andaccordingly frnbd War
Wr-. Gladstone's' Buda ft- repealls the July- Jast year's eirliediti6ri--inhitil- 401 0111k. go. -ulio
lag aloft.- a abilling- for
not cauf6riming to this ;anciont
vijltationi of were walk*' --the top of- the -bill which I suppose year Ae will -have -Da kpard a giant rope now cruol,aud unserapulo -ag. well- as upon
us act
tin-, sotnedfing in his Pocket d pr.606ses ar,
limber tind pepper, a 1 'Upon this de0slon Foote -paid'
unscathed _from former till the wag-orl'overtook us. I asked the oil t ar e stom. the
vas the ptit6l- went'straight, . 'tial, 616 viy approaching completiolt, which ' the reekleis disre.-ard of "mail ii,hts itnot a
ne The' examination at,
Got therelie saidAp. madp, on, an iml5r6 ed- principiti, aud-has beeil the itillual disphty6d. _ y !a ra. willita- abillini, at-the-saytie -hi otserving thtt he V,314ony men
a. r5 I - - -
-offered- him a Ste om=6, W4 thought the ':'tell; -greatest foul im 484
a1F thi
is js --no rement f6r tile re act oa of .the natbu Unity
&Dlera. a da eviiaenq th an to give"us ride, and to the c_ rriacre' wlien h6 0 t ave I
d tested to. bear nissi- landlor e
e:bf 00"mul llai7eil.the Zid Ifist, -tridnt . tar mo d than the ry A&T, _ZhowS
&.Wback. ant Pece ; he todk it* the in,%n to!d us- he uharlie you 'slluld:not have done, pliantly -may expectiihe-100int 'oners
;-ive --str I I a ever ueeded'ofitrin fo, the pieking- Up L pra to proncutift a deciewe I condemnation.
-h _,then_ they -thcnjumjpei into-Ilit, 'carrian and In'tbe Rods ra. -rexe Pt Mr
.11id not.wonfus in the- waggoti,' the bill,legalizing.marri. e-witha, dkmwed by selliu
AI - . - wife'i sist6r was rejected . 49 majoirity. vess Jig appar; see4quarters,
.6 'an -1 i -ay V;h, - I - S nu -re --
is b4s, b4n so improvea
good fishing, on -the - La mve-bitek thb piece. -he thanked: in .;he ditch, Can' t arlie. was. thb it -lit: fly remove&fr ui illeir'ecitrin- OR14A EL MEL
In the way- ofrecreationi- we cau - offer L t - a` The alledged enordihies of Mr. UaiiisAv'h'
us back the fire cent picce. As sooll ris, be- Si6lk standing en the lu.10e4i. Ftirther the lesti
drove olT, I last savw X,
ke anct 'Inland f6r 1P otli r *tdp. of by inventions -Ir There J4
Satterthwiaiiti!s. -circula datid the eye Ancr vbtained.
e e 7 - ' Jri Will-owgrilby zatiQb by. the it, r
on and ka in doiii r whan the p6rsdii shot hial- Twas., stand and.: additioils' made v him" fo
"Idea trout, exe Hcnt aAel r6ids jumpedoutolith a ocked, by k ict.ment. tiffains 00
0 d We. h ve to report a weak tie of the, me
-The Srottisb P rmer says: 6'S lt acts
u, the A sa, i.
gr down. . Thema'n did 0110?1 strike mei-but'Alb1c., 'vent' I f Suilthp tlUtt a flaw willt e-d' -dqr, will call for no. sp pial com ent.
s -til(r. a OAlt sixty- or se Y. e0can secur ties. etected-NiLli c.er- rum
untry, in _. arket.for
-co 'ii aud declinip'g 14 instant it bas A maie deli6ate and -difficu' -First, as.food 'for the -plaut;,
tural do J madd p 1- thi ti I -,'citli-er' before, or the It task ivill bel fhat in tworways
edo . e, ' Al.soonas-I was . w .1 -tiTe pisjol.- ,Ls, fited --%%e -6i were together,. There -_ had beett but. -littl demand for.. 'de2red _of co I secondly, bi renderiogodii
fimlit.because it-waxSitUday.. beet? no substances
e pi idcut. Add to'thiF, tb Ir of awardhig thepr6per
Irpt.class . blm%r - my, mind. not.10 :L:), close to the - catiria-ret. ftetF 'the at the pickin
tables ana bowlin ck6 wits A
-bile I w did not-want.the accoutit-j'and quotations *** 6 been almu .114 mr1licularly phosphates, available for the -
as doivn,I d to-his-br' ai -, I tid operaLioi i maiciiiiiery h* rehior, Eyre. A man wh
'a- prgdilectiOn, nian to the cooddet of 41os
have report the ludian Put hislian ty up as boon Vastly increased in
,/rooms for thow who'. kick me oft the preast;L illmod. I hiLve. b tirely "verned by bonti it flielpilef, slid. -it will be y4udily..seeti tli:.t the acO with energy.aud urposex of nutrition. We have -bad loam Abod three O'clock
vas Shot he'mt&y een uuder'n sense of duty, P-
t of
then- thou-1it he i Thd-Ell."lish tunds c6tit uod dr. ping, ad e -experience in-Alie use of-ialt
t h 0 d a half before' an gwifflary rtlp
kindi bathing in then,heaid -another wa-rom6ming up.-- As 1 .1. Locke #v el 4 of
fbr amusemen 4141 64:fa as experience 6flast,-yeai I aprible ergency, is c0itle'd to ..great
a wititite. alue h be.;Lviness aud&une siness revaili d.- oi co as hot heen/'thrown; manurei and in most enses have founi it. if- e Um
wti ame up an , - - - ' -5 1000, Weft vb
aw.;a standif - d aliai allowance for -any ereorgL
waterafthe greatest' purity, strawberry soon as the other -.-oil c. Lj Ia, -about the.. mi,'Idle ot1he ro4d " It ig ursO."hoped'that the-addi that- lie may commit. aroused
at. the side I -of -the. he d4coun 'demrqiud .' the Batik 'had bee n" -first - '204*, own 'Ito how
man jump out, he -1-did t much service. There. are parts of the coun;
garderis, 'rear towni char-tEdim'groinds 'for _00n.a-11,11itcoat. the InLn_ was roild I --did tiollatp.1-.6cautions taheii will - reader flaw'i and -.On the Zither. handI -it is* among the md
heavy,' ind - LI\e drain, of I' f r Life nent -try where An application of Not will:
riot perciive a wigs under Ir net pro _
Aot want to look ds I was afraid I- would* get ny smok , Westropi j 0 fititill Al'but imliossible- 'but it. is It cheer-. -obligatigni of a- Govei-ndrto-abe. above xmw-" but after A
If u0suran06 to _at ti Ims-1hions partizanifilp. ar vW
a, )n know th ley -are 'and to
Thesti iad a I%heard ihe report ; - - 4. 1 duce any in ked results Euoh fis districts emv
Q0eM ut-61 are kicked ill the face. .1 -time-. thi shot iv s. fire' coutinuo union d7 foviod
the Ind 6t the 6ERMAX . - 0 - .
oppose, t )e extiem p'
p,r wit. ple_ fact t0egrapily -WhOh 4t :such ideritble -part of the year.L 1mys lbot Ud4r,, WIU
Tho' Germ _ n qt!testio' is an,, _Irfu-gt 4e O, d -cons
If then- the inert jum into the wai;-,on-- I alli n that Lickeshot: theL t Upon this aim Voutisels posed to lieavy rAins:comilog direct from tbe
I persous.atz a. of the opinio N o - ma n' e-
varions epoqgh,'anc ,d Ped
- _. Z then lookdd sa*. saloke aickesi kg pal4talf sea urtt?g a
j fit ritent to rest. imell. w,
4:ian;. I didnot dee any -pistol in- Vie po.Aet III be forced u on hini.' `Lqrd` 'Can -
'a -only gj te.us a, trial,, werl7eoL con- b . - has Ad bgraphed to the It u, 440ming yard WU0
tauft V l hot; he pUtL i4d, on- :Vrathe 0 e-tn pbiiihrely etisAire aggairist, ing.proved equal to this'-offiep, - Go -v. This - we have -noticed esileelally ZLn-. ceftata xaml -
reast. AammasX6sick-was'SL sio*h- of Westrope, -Locke . _1 Italy - . - casualities -and Byte- _bl3s e 'ued the doo
1j."Jit COL it and c6rd - oatits, -iruweii that'an arretimeak. h4i -c Jftht
we, have said will. be: failyfhis-bab4 to.his breastand then fell. Ili f4e, French 'Gov it t U., Mrd Wd as A workslu
Ment that'aR WVSU Erl oil $1 60 obvious ebasidefation Is,' how -to make 9as proved si-ifially +,.qu`41 t ' it. ',He di- Paris of the western Oast.L(
den enteie no s ae A
haruitess'.' re Ia militar b
I -did not know whatL to tii-ink. did ii r, li' *rht 11 ll n Coat' over'. li b d into. Ctol tt k uAriw. n c ide' ble'- skill tf land Where much town -manure ist used -a female who i
in their exiie idnee. 'Then, as OL iis bla tik civilialities cupyti Aiiderson cted.with, oils ra
nerldly speak. ,
'the ft 'jilio fi hat Kesi- '- W ny"thing iii'th. ... - t . afte, 'salt is also less eflienciouR, je utb,
cognize perso red -,the pistol, as t " fr .1nitillinioed", ithe expedition of last year,, dons, which he trii-lit well have left 4u he'should 4M
ICK at a opem I
e u
aye no hesitation alantle cable ouo;ht to -be Gen. O'C d -y.jzorou$.y C10
to, mommodation, we h aw the constable in; . -assuch manure iFinall
:my f short -d A 0 Mri*'al -of theL
360e, wa j covenid. .1 T I)t-.. , . . ounor, aw then jelded to the.
Ia Oat Picking tip sin A
j.he. Jndian w
as a
'to th a hL'L h, amount 6f it. 'The -4nauti-dea we -used are
in the person. -iQ is room who wore `carr wre, K-mba' ar I 'r n eW-as paying, ofie.-out. and. tqhave made panic of his.udvisers, w ere oluibt ib6ve Zs a Mr. f qgeea:
in de Uring that a better chn of. *hotels' briq lb ' I_wa4 r me
e0not be fo:itt(Tin an . own iti.the- 'km -q I.tapsure, -piui cLit to- fbllows: fbr green crops, 5 cwt. to 6 cwit. ObWy to jJftj*ra L-
-Sunday.' last. Solotnoll;, Yo 'KI 1-Y 16 'ibe-o on of one eipAiiidu. 64'fact 611tille hit ;ti-6tumed,%i-;t ill' 1-ud,-
Te ill ,ment.
6th, -Cwill be itqossible. for"'tbe - Q hamidissioners; erial a a I
-to,eiller, "Sthi.aa(f 'queQtpw f. arrive
,y Pro-] the white coat on'. ebuld not have fired -tile, shot I
nd I was sitting at the door; S fired the -5hot Liverpool. speaks volumes fbi- the getting of the- .Cr&r cereals and youlig- -homem e
a, J 610 tione'a the four who ure herd'
vi We hav 15 w. -m. bmittimr thi Zu -4=
DW. e: some ten.. or. twelve lo 'idan did not say that is the tuan.._ No one th;iticillk the India*u, I think I ought a 92-toSeWt" LF.dr roots itmay belQwn,
4006_ h meeW ate, and for the.iiI. chances of sa.cce . to esca -.over the ]a ud before -the dFilig- *to
-tol"d me that flow it,was LIvE%POQT,- Fatuiday' evening, Wy` tw Her Z to *ir 'Purpm
SO _pe tho paid]
lff_f,D.r oi.five of- them affordi - .4ri he wasin 4 4 bl ;. I.did not. k fudians ihe_A th
that the were. oviirpowering.us, w:lduty of-,
s4f.' I reco-mize. Thosi. lliestio e As, toAay 710( ding ina&, and in thit -case of cereals the qui.niity
it.my all done onithespur-of the*m6mdIIt;-1;o0ke. Cotion sales, 0 -riales,-Inel'i -ting opoll it wiu:of coilli .6devol. ' on JWWA
d4M.ammmodation aLthe very !eason- S. ve the, lobe a0lilied maybe:ofividtad into equal paqs,
beinot the min. wCo wore t . whitti -it -oil, la comitig.hoibe.. boys- I aiix.very s6rrylbi- 15-00 baleslospeedlators atnid-dxoorte i_i T e.':Tfi t -Ott -ebbery on 11 s *'w 'Hagan, vh-
g Co- CL moo ;,&ds R Coloni-al.M`si tar
er the occasion. U r. M a of rebelar'. shot' -.Or
in. what ecor one-bilf being grat'applied, and -tile remain.
rate. of ftom 0-00_.- ti), 44-00 -P. ot.th rde I saw them a -ked is -quiet -and unclisinge ing d Tbb total numbei h"- beretofore
-occurred' and appeared 6 feel veiy bad -mif d'
s. It Co 4e after `thainWtyal of a 'foilhi.,ht , mo t.
men L -1 =111,
weeIr and., if they are tledi qui the tavern- in Pori Albert. The white' tlbout ir, ban- during the litintianpe d martial law ar,004 or a *mIal
ite';L num- he -cried Kesickmoved,ltip t6iakds -uplands aliput1s; 1-1d. quiei u c -
e ViSt011ildin-'ro%beiied of, Jb_ahks eix has been , carefull -as - -wea er
Th -for the-purpos
and Provisions dul 'Presses ajad i dividuai' Aire surprised missioners, and, we believe,; fidpaupts to 438. a 4"1 bitiWit
the Indians 'ment ahead -- the -ew E certained by'the- I ing -Aelectid biang taken it"
left firit' where the Kimball emy. Com A be
able private boarding houses irriage wilgre 4).cke
ber- Of' mpat Indians crOt to the to -of the. firs We fian, Livwoot.. Sl y S,,T" 64 i I Whin gram cropsard apt to J,A; imw
were- voi-pqn- WeStrOIJe was bvlGw the 1tv eft Queens- n. 8, which- h e, salt
to. reeelye - gux* on fav Rr-not atten arid- called* T -to tolf.. us d.uring, the past tw)
. . I . ,_ - 0 In
0 ipt io-st;o- them but merelf-ask- lidk Lodko ave-'hear'd 'town - assist (he S. .8 ihii str; we lhd e no-
tZe. are "a- 11artastrength to
ready mi' ht.' h City,of washin.; f Q'Ithsi-eW to mind Thiis itstated to iri ltfdea; l iiiho W. -1b.lico - lribUnsp &C.
A e a
We would howeve reported to have p se r i L eath ty Couff-m4hii], "hoLt in 9 so In heis
r ' red6 traend edtbemfora ride. fam.tl6ite'certain"Illat h' bav cati't say' Iasi .-i similar affair which oecu' dabotltt%iej totleed. 6 d' ticedthat the (gain i 'al i prored in edlor.
the Indians got up*fi.rst, thewhite men.then -s go, and,i
1 04thau. Kiamb,411 I was iii five yeai i probakly the shrewdest btlsh Anterican_Farntei.,: lit 404 -W]
evening.- or oil tite Ill eis; br.huncr In
e topoit the...hiff; th6,doub e & be;*-t on.8anday Wfj M arles'LodkeAn -Nothinorhaiyei I - thd.lt i ca , raguery
Ch d sea ei 0 w pr
'others' the ne - ileatJ of n re- witbott form of ia . 'Abbui. 6-)0 liers-ous are JM :no
i sworn, Fort
to iftr hot dlke6pers and. )asged as at t1i m. ' se of on tue lArgest
(wileft is G Fx 41 Mwers Taumblesp
-_,4jWjT ot in team pasited u first. I do not La I& D. iyle and, ihip.Cify'of Washington dinize' f r; f - asAT Ztui; air sa.-On
endeavoriftg ' by all -means GW -What 1-11 ) L . the' Pro&ntis cotd.. It was prece.ded by the7 famous o ound to bav6 been flo, r ,ed,- and Friday lut an
-orn 9!" .
rh . as. .1yestrope - were wit ab
611.her. rted off tliner)-- 110 lega thM] IWA': h"
the othe _. re -were The-disAwled sidamer a aeries by" Col.' more'A r as of -catch Offish took place in the. Yme
ra were doingf 'as they w6re some Shannon i game up.in the aftern6,i)n _po a 000 ho es. immense
the' omfo
pckw -to, secure and w ich led to the duel- - -elween Rogtrij
5 we came lit sig en wa In b In one- 1"I SO
-rcof their. lime'liefore, the came up.,- I -am'quit6 SA-ev alull wh ll- J;,hjL of the- Cro'ok Ha* 4 fro Me'llbaurne. $62 '000 - -the peAsintry, affordin- -ightilter for so -me Wle-ACreelt-. near Niagn
raise 1*78TRIA, PRUSS! -sliall, oFKe i 'may ex- White fish and 670 lieriingi Were t . Aken, au - a
gmb- as good treahimat, is.surejo, Tom' intit utubky,,an
4 was the Aouble team, as we w Anted to ,at d Oen. James. jo.00 soals, ;rt
Ilia ludians are, ixp.lfwl r, FRANCE. re a Umlabsequen y
_F New Y
'to p e n1a 11 F n t vi Seepri hitul. 250 white. fish wad 40
Ii r Z'In-cs' rope -Ejverin ,. r1l 0 " if: - a
In when Westrope said b t d W
-est. We put. our -h ltits.?a. Webb of the
IS -out towul'it the estimation bf th6 pu 1c.. -3 o t a thrashing the -boys, let -me' . i. -.e -9
ad -.41 negoirations on ithe., p6iiiiiiierp whereby. the Qener. l g t, a -ball In the, t
t L the side 0 L t e,waggon, and Walk6d. -with. it _out Oil L olte- side and Locke on -the o er side. said to bay ec i e missioner Agaidat rocee beKrinf(j
ands on L pro at
q qr 'Y- iiig; und thai -the floo-mm o h IQLierl,09 _andtWb` *ngfor
9- -the AAMCe Alle le and:. 'u it' were landed. The white fish. sold -'on;
The tiavellin facilities of Owa are weither. trie L lit
4 to get ipto. the:jliugggy; ters in i eutiat
wB me se thei herolueAton of the Duch,- 0
sa 0 liffing oil the, road when soluti t- womeb -avowed t a
' "a b UStiiij. err.
-PerfW rqquested -by tha itio, bac carriage* en whire-of-the'o Id'er of our reade
o e ra. will ramem- -by one officer arid. 'P JIM
t. Three traif 7j5 `g Ot f"
as - ovQ'r - the: G. T. 6n1L _d a r! bei to.the .-th 1 ies on the b is c
I proved to have ..been in
A came rand euts
k L Rl$,_LM 3 -y'- f It e -e will be St
P. - IL * .2 . . b, -r. The robbery -orf rget ppr. 16.0.'
ians tb O-so.1hemen told 'MemoriRf."D HictedL elsewhet V
ait, daily ue%v what was.up, saij to.,L-66, :PA r 5 in he. t
arrive a6d- dep a 6I. -her Ind us to w ichtw reprobated
-en -the hi dal pan.
have 7ou done ;' he said (I d6n: otes-:48. Jin' L if
Railwayi keep off ;'weedid go. 'When -the - mefil spoke speik,' was -ori-inated- a6d reP -r d in he A serious-Andn 10 eqmmeoped
as er It kniilrwhat 'ploihatioiae denies-%h4t" madc 'The*evidence, indeed. will 'b L K, mi I
134nk of Louisiana, i -'brla fivi but -bi of All,- a
2*ndid-steal 6as Woids we reft, them. There Were two made m6-do-it'l am so;-ry; bitt b6yi you shault erigetie remo uce's at- Vann% -relative -to .16$ Sol
ndr the a New I -vatuible than the !7b -the London Stack 13: b ge 1 0.
lidillardly be less' ii h 4,pli
r gue
One of the moin-Judiped-6uti whom never positively knowQe I,,he-' o r- dred,
lAween, Godeitch. -ancl' Northern -ports id the buggy. suffer for afirthing thatl haie-doii e-`I-danot i;strian--arma-mie' sinVerietiainindsayd.that reportitself;Utwetrastt 'Onialissioners extended to the Pis A
ris -Bourse, and prevaXed 44
-of jisowewL
and took, coat and,. st6cli and Westrope coold have shoi:t1le' ln -the disliateb sent to -Vienna oil the subje was -w litiralar Vill ot avAsh f rm ore * r less seve
his it i;e as supposed to be 6 noted Engli
think t6t 1 u runk from dia, inj their own in both ities in a o' m 0
but this was I -re at Set
an from the .pos urteoUS L iterius, 7 ns from Ji al L Points. It the latest- date. :The panic in to
Jlondon was
aa;Dther capital his - di ition'lid was -it); IN, 66trope couched in, the -most io done on all m rh
"y IPIN. the Bougie., missed me 'I th-n put my arm round, and 'uurn6d Reed ievdr Ortived7 lusio
-only- two pistolt etinfideniial, ex.plan oils re* uisiana had a spbeiat-plate' 33* WN h6wWAS 4wt
ruldr trips, tc but then let Midi wo as -I did' *aat Were _or
otegmbja will nii1-6--ita, P eir- vraist'. Want -had no istol, there lely requisted Ati -The b Lo was to edlighten pdolic i3pilhioni no leiss than areater than An expiri nced Jariugtte out
'at 134y.field; c e so for ial to infor a t
an I st4e*Tap ra- wa. its bankdrarts; and"a spec st 'a Boikernment, t - -sto6k I
m -that I know of dxOOt ill I y ears, Italian fell Eve pe cen4
hi isiound. 'Solomon spect ag the object of the Austrian -prepa' Of its 0' ni Wer Mliie y Ai Xwe
lost ciffing to to 6,,ht. gw ng among-the.partv ew- L cke had The 'Austrian. Government reRied, -paperfor n.ine 1.
correspondelicitaud spe Made - the inquiry *as --initiCated. ay this
all M time.. -'I did pie tions. I - ies were ancluded i - -
stood ther-3 . k. up a one I myself,had and,one Cliarl I iWly. 41w,
i di4 not. thro w- it, as -the. white man Loc6- made no . secret of it to usanof was, rotestiqg it wblild mainiain a strictly 'defen- rat seqared a ffed ouly ha. and American secutiti as.
! Isei&bpring viTagi . atone bu: Mr wrnitig ilik. The* burgh fi ivould be lfutiain4,'if should be generalldeeline of &reigan; and schol
There was es great . -01
A#M,* - " LIT!
takitig keys io tifemi left iti. ourselves to grapple,,' ' h a. -chaot of outflow of gold from the Batik of E uglaud 10,
As application1as been mwle by parties told me hot to do voi,, After the man- h id sorry fdr'itj LocW lia:d on cord pifils and 6vewatt4idO.' France ace6pietithese-explan- -entrance.to. the bink,
III --d raissad m;, I icked up 6. For four mduths, ft
struck at ' e "a; -a lin- e t was estimated; he en year
ol'opr I r
his pleasure, - lid
vest and a lightdoat, Wiiitriipe. hi ons 'and the -iesuh- was a matti4l. unde t099d Aisputed: factsr the Continent.
to know the it, -but -did--lit)t intend to toi w
f hr mouth as N6v Orleans atone and. thre
hi -4 black o nt,'Whem- L!)Qke was-' staridioc aecordim, at
ilattiat Over' hiali Aigtria ade ihe bank iti the nic;h4 0::),- A practical andthorough Agriculturist a
he grouna. suppostid to fire'16- was not eye e -bAcked V manufactilring kill Ld vapi
uld strike him. - We- were I ollinm over t !g. Zoulot Ital"atta-7
tionsi we We y- ck Xeneiia,-Indeti' a Ible Death lFr
extent orour accommoaa r tw -'Iv e feet iake -without disidr tag. anything; proceeded at- hit,: Hork]
me li , afte
up;. the from
er bugg;_m
t the time the oth . a I tOnform hims0f of th Of A
wiihing,16- pity Us a visit to the Indiant-: did not see iheL Indian wbb. delitly.of France,. not tor securd-for h4rself eisure qL roiltiae- ()f thd vim
-in t a, r, =refulaehpctiouof the seed and ibei-
-of the eye
was s4ot having any- quairel w, -y- oaoo tiny Meat results of viet6ry-withotit
white mati was On, 'top the white mail was ness- h
penow bink's busi' 1&An*hdelpme6bing _to -..plant it t Aix** 10 Who -
locality where- be Proposes Men
it I I . -
as - possible 'to ]b a it to tra te. the handwriting of th Mas Ia n.ihquest Was he i, uesdaiy.,- t Middle.
xWke appr kipking, me all. the time. -I did n 7 A 67d on It
wation: as. -soon Ot "C"11 the -Richard Doyle, sworn.-1:h6rd--the `eyi tho diplom4ic in'teeventiou of'Prance'. le. e to the United States from Emice aslapme J*eL
a aJa mentic-
-on -su ject of AusL8 Wbetft u eas s4ason- approad Darliugtdn,t 6n th6 body
Ae,kading- lotel-keepers,,: who are T. Indians: to help me:- X.did not see Kegick -I;ad-lon 6411-b sini"" bid ton -on -Row, near he'finest$i1esi - beet yootj_.
and ftilly.c orate his asierted that I x tons of -t an
going towards me at al 'is to force - Ei -died ,!,Bois is the ebogan
luntill was fuld,bY Ott to' of Humphrey Ue, 3
DM*i ]L #oeker L 'J!, si Nr men in the last burggy eviden' tie say t6t re i 'l 1 _, - he took a schedule of the. vaFtous arriou - 9 yeAf0*of q gej' who for this e3qmriment
-of the the a bank, -in the bands -of- otler Oil -L Slinday eveul
right,: 4.6a. Solomon. Two cef I heard same o he -Prunia autiltali, igl nd to h*_-&rft rJerks it -th
o4y-shot.; saw Locke indke so a kind- x9sent.to the couveniio of a Suropeaft . Cour' ng from.- 'hydrophobiai _mm AulAhe
-someb cred, of th and upori -the property Jetroted ig the culture- -
d 'Wat; bitteh'
Dow* sea blri Thompsme, althouirb, we, jjimped out. I saw none but 'the mail with 6&n,kBL 'knke oks a o a dece9fe the wo
of a movement bui -did 'not sea' hith - fiie 1: irress. and- b rs, on..the'rout6 to New YO* rk Abotit all we
lar;e refinery is to be immediately erected
Atith ' the latter the light, cost Jump out. T UL ' - _1
me, nalt prepared'to say, or il he fell, - f6\6ONf., May -6.-Prunisy. a pea d t --cut -1 mfts froin bj ed 0
Ioatlyl & 66pply'of - blank d .a dog, 0-heii enogac.'
hero' was -Or'IY- -drove slow and W&.ched ti.oIndla . ant ill doping him Iroth the fresh - so may b&7
say e Qk- the' carriatire the Diet tfiat the warlike' -gar
n. t h had the. reati of the.diaf`L6d6k --Vrn a, rabbit trap. in witif the' hope that
one buttott fastened. - Cit tlien. we drdre on'and overto re paritions, r ber, vided.-him'self rhich he -had been, caught. raise in tim or
all 0 . P - 0 . I ith di k " f b W11"l ldt OLUt-of the trap flie,-ft atie -iiii next wintees
6r coat der it. Can't tell. -who the The Au trian IN _4 4adpre , Pared
anoth I are entirely defensive. UTt the spe6ial-paper an in , o 't e bank
-Ot into, the ca fria, e and KimbalL.--wOut Parti L I I . .1
m0l d- marke
d e, 0 conellp and, thert -a w ,oto te il
oBowing 0 yussiad, . note was -proceeded this wtse.:
The r a n `w what I te, nother peison preseiii,
letter, from. goll'of onj man4a., who kn6cke m' down.* :.I threw iat! urs i L oike_said iFdid- noit k to bi *ad fitially es -
ply to the last P letters in the cashier's style t6 cirtat havlin*cr siuce-lbeeu-sei WISGS
dowti ; ian't w., 0 a banks capeds, c
end, man y who he was will other Itist' atoiv, iFirm- under 'rea- Tax -!Wi z SpitzAmis iosmr ibe
of -the.. Veaoe.. is- sm-, Was . doing I bat ske declines .16 d Thd -_[
-never carry an - . . Q Fourtit
- . . i . - k - takeno wff ba;
*a on top,ot him a little iihilq.. and - while 1,live all fhdy.eaudoL*iII*-,be tG ent Widamstances. afid batik h _ 6tii:d was Mei) Ti n says i t 4
W ong as - era, notifying t em 0 at Mr.- -bad wound healedup. and ho Q MAJOIC.-The -Houston . 1* J69
we were lying thdre,l heard the repqrt of the: haincr Ome, bdt.neither- f you boy -:-will isaffi Warlike pr -'V4 purchased -drafts -ofi :them, of - eqrtairl dat" OF dticeased upon the. 4qestiqpv. 'Wo%
eparafions in etlet W Ab itt, i week before his d ath town half 600 y pajigg her
a -a" new
re tag." with ireat A All
iite sure.. of that. Thefifst t I have dotfe,_'Mestfopea ws' -forwa: -toiho same felt unwiilli and afterb gentleman stren
pist.61. -1 am. qf d a mrounis. .-Her then wrote - uously urged the measure, in.
TOTO for w1li; pp Ill toi puibed ditiglin ar ington oil
kh symplorns, -to e
k arties, -iw his ow ri in- Friddy I t, illowed v ry'telveriq rd Lr -"'that the yount,men o
t .-uji.the 'hill. was painted' fie, too,westrope -Us ta an- plkqd- in u ln id-, motifying, ther its
very muck affected abouf U. opular demonstration he f our townawr
Was jft$tL me m%nuer, and each artipg pains in -hij' lugerg,,_ -here ',a suitable-plice i -a -be io
55 quem ftzals% gettin-d- u hot was fired. adu , wher( meat prevails, _it t re- . , to imemble, ad
red'; 'i here was an. empty place behfitd _whe[it p ).great exciti draft, -as i4re- feltAm
I Was fi. ti
wa wanted. toor get, in fig with d tha y i did not like to 'imbued with th qui it of liberty and pAtriot-
rte -he, 'ha If
yi. QW.
Thomas Westrope, -sworn.-L lia've'--htiard Js ruinore t7eneda*ill imietliately' be 0autlorifigainstan nistaltd. Hethensta d., hzid beed bittenaad said 1 0 V2
al points ai hb wenti his sleep with his wi kill be
ledio"OraftheRMOKS CAL-- two men -ikE- first Mali jumped out -61 the the evidence.of the three last-whilesses plac d in. a state of 1pelgq f0 8ilia'filt'dispos6d to lay- ism, that everyhalrof -their heid 1w a LffrnlsOve the t
MIN t.; w L agggoni c 4nd e pollectin sit the sever
willoonfir a avior - 'libert 06,wlib. iho sftr
Pa. shy wheid, the othdi. mad earro or The Paris-boarse. clog -ed lli aij. laafe've'lim"g' draft being $22p_0004a. Jacali'Little &.CO.1 hold of herlike a dog. id _P1 spangled- baqn J&Sft WLfh 4be
N b ate the wliai 'l got d T44 chief eiii ence
0 at M it
_y P I heard
3 an' 8 ly the report -.o a. pis n F, at 61f to 65f for the rentes. amodut 6 Was that of thd isurgeon w tided the de, Roming fro
came from he had a long coat o C t f tofarid iaw_ Locke goi New York -the Whtfle
fi4 jim lffotel Boardium. Hoien, Livery 8 ppi
W at color the ecoat 'W". andthen.disii red*. It -:*a,' '01il" 'ceas6d, *iih
aw one vitan. to-wiLrdSLjhd carriage iluttift h Th' Bank of Frankfort has ra A__*
something in e iOd lts,: rate 0 weeks the vecasiotio "Sig Riled- 6fthr' Mir Watt has _11OWY'rek- Polt
as Migg
deTi0h. sitting in the. single *aggon while I w- as' goreidd-but the. Oth" 'in 4ical' meft. hi dedian. Mr. Aj -9 Twelve-Moothawlih Frede Aadw waarted, for
Boatmen of Go 1* 'Oharlitit-whAt. hikv oun re -the Era -ads- were dis T'
goW koq" and 99 1, liefo ajland; Ljro
pocket, I ad do 6 ofd1s7e t toVoer cen rika, Epiner
thaT L ion -0 before R6bert-Pattie, itated that O4J$a.urd4y the de- in
f5inviththe man. I did not see only you d b4blyt
-we ibsk guard against a,ni& -tiot. of seu one, you mus a beon-c-miy'17jaw 'the. thiel wis in E
!Ig ini'.
an M d kfger. L SweJen "
e.-ie6nd viagwon - -but Put his' hatido _L 0:)-Recenoy q" *m
onaimairget out of th I in' dian * u . - I -accid nt of nii mak U
le -1. Bita.-, ae e aaa -to his breast a r Mid sale fto teased -on his -ffrstze6
mew __ S repuz
-%ture, happened -to a. !:JF -TL is 16ored that -the -01taw-9,Citizent
ws but Oft] at -,this 'ime the pupiis,
am"& Few. saw two get -in - c ftq jay whether went t sh(,rt time; 6 r aim 40
ni nee to water, !Lti
is to chance-bandsi-andlwill
A, At
his - eyes were- dilate
4:3e -, he. northern. verlanI telezi!tph, en- D eceased got-
& _WLile in th
bft"' of, -W& stad other imppFe thd man aith to coat or he came. ropetin, Enslin T" D d
a.firm fro* Molitreat,
Meet i!I.Z the
th me. It was after ti e man, came out of -the -he bvidend6,-having- been, -taken, 8 -of is Pe w9rae, a gati aim IJUC the W_ V1 JL
All t the V1, inimitatingthe strus d' rid on
dodas the summer moti S. 9 grigintle affaiii, Through"hritish ple
M Don
roo a be* andke rfls if
to a 'r an : is aerosq.
eay-thaii Ito age i and on t he ni'vinal I Ute now. -MuRers 448107
t Goderlah is -one the grou a, Can't m: was.eliared,ana rtar,-, binging.'a th ation sn&, on 'of t wthern 'Qreo in A I ible
ggy-that I was sti ugglingi a on 461ibe . rating. ing a _AmerieZ Rftsaian'Ame, moCI h Ad ijplying
ba. Wth, the - 11311% m a 11200 -miles, through a:)P-Nb
U 17 Pantil. oatr tgo and folb-
tha d h' ditilon' just.
Behriug "'traif I chloroform cause3 hird Ld Id'
acrogs AP #vm his bed.,!
At as.diico ee _thCo -OfA- -o
at fie4t -y p1wea i1a Can't say' p.ositively-thEit fwas fighting. W- h: f9r about an -hour-- the iendir6d. 0 ilasteuing :to his -aid pf badyr ZO and thenci ver a ad 0 _ap 'd - k rie Aver *bich I
it J ju y 1:1 8 a otld II opaufreAce.,
ofatt PVU104 41id .'O. d9w 4*11 hill h di an. nees in. one. a; - I I -
_hd had orr.s -was inati j, 'hir triottih 1 800; corner of tile room, ' i - RJP- The Lie
hite coat against be ir miante r. lbi moor River.. baiking U Zplttlaae utenahtGoxernor. of the State
advistad- severa of the zqAn with. the -verdict of I wilffil murder issible., A fte 0 br. he A d
'it. this 10 0'0 - ght, with was tag i total 4,29 1 it. is. JEW-afterivards porbilli y] NeAdti - *We. 6n a dralikep froli
-Locke, heagiob t6 proper 4 mi es.- At t
siaik. Tlie second man I fou, . . _ revived and as&tK't6 thd a #
r wt.fnen4 to.- t fot ihosti a he id1l 4ed to o' the dtuo of
ppre _ec6 i - 0. maw
to _b At e 0 q oc on on. recenti, pricon an
It Was th ing - the --.four Jff ntinned-by-i%RiWr*h.lin.e §dnnbetinb, but never'wbollyi levela seut to
steps were taken.- Ia. bind is _ y -
wy ph= -h - - 1,
U160" at Onois, Niigara,. St.. IiAdviloag, coat - Cah't-sily. the color. H
J6_ _ 8
at 0 time Should i be Lac e;4td ISJ _I _
r Wei to'bei be d OUT.
I Dim wat a tall eaim- man.-, 0 it. with Iikoutsk ttrou' h tern he'rodr-Wlow. bad caped c
or tba RL 'Lawran-Joe aac 4M Siberia. dAY DiOinibg t got es
f *ere oni Ze ground that. I hewd: the, repqrt. .1 the hero of _SLJJueQrqm-a be. ctiaimuniedting - wi, -N# tQ the Jiedoliia feet ind-h-ead, h *ever, heirl _b3en'--sdnteneed i New
tat witnessis to appqar for the of exclaimed lewfti*2
th hiNovgorod :and g Aman ILA;
4*51owthitt they shodd- be. -pled -WI or G Ailing Purpose Y.--- 0
Ia but I think jnL
not 'sde thd other In concealed i a . cl6iet on. h - - ' T d deeiias;4 -was genorally taten ds 'f
a ry-Ing - 911`1111
t ext, - AS914,ss the, himself ii t e 614 :Moseowj and th cd to.StiFd%ersbdr j. The Ivitat lib
96.8hould. be dyscoveiei 'Warne a-114-bOuthi- 4b - a-thie- prisoaQa1ZgttL or _0
Wo 9 , -
Imi , they did not. d6 ' nythiiig;' 4
.or :La- fli IL givin d ev idtAlce at the,up illiess of. C se idmissloa to W Masoilic Lodgej, n t bein-
e L iW%.,LJe4- - i"olied. a Onsei and
go( rep yow, capitil mounts 40 ten m d
on, S the 2411 ry. dolli ysms -mep
p.0?x_ ca poll 116,_ Wliidb haftenedf membeeof the Orde-
J -tiduk, .'.the mian - 7xho, Ooionei coia ratit 4m
.Apr* so doubt the place, Pult nie-L'Cents V0 Shinn a6d.'ihe partie . t6
b , y
h F