HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1866-05-11, Page 41.. ; (-. - • • - V‘.1 • • • ••••••••• numirra•maicavioannum,gslv. . .- ..-..........._,.......7 •••-•-.7.77•-tr."7„.......---..... - . ........ -1.7 -.17.1...:.41.% „. 1.',..- .'- ... • ''.'-'.7-1. .- ---_•:. M.....7. ...7....7.7".: ''.--...= , "..:----=-17- ...- - • . . 1 rt- • . - - 1.. . roLerf . and - frail -slit .-Stuig:11, "--t. - A 1.1, '.. . . rz*KI • . ...'0. m:s.- hy.wa:3„- of Lean- foe suita.of ..%.wellty • :DI - ••• l . It •lira- ahal Ltullar$ for the plupelsesa thert in imm-: , - . HATINee tented . imd:fittca- up 'the- store - -fis..-r- :. - . ' - -_, - • . . .., . lately occitniej hY ik-- 1:-. 14.1.414 1.°2r• Ilie• itxtillliti.EA-.9 the rorporattOn or [jt t' A .. . . - -.above busieess, j antnow ed to furnish v.- . (•„„Ittics-br I.1 t:ro„•:i1% to ili-ne, 1/.0, N. -6 -Ni - .• I. .!-- families- with. . . . , . . -ta'• trrade _l Lt( and • improve ti 11 roa-ttls- at& C.rocerieS and. . P rov.k$ ion , -i4te w- tit t bi1s .01 the county ,:i ilitran. • 1 which 1 shnfi sell at. ate I. iwetif._ (7,11.111 pries; - Aid. wher„ as - the--satd - tin prpvc. ittentS are vie: -our :and reed ii t•Ey wal.in the,Coittliy ot littrott,,:t rid .the ex- i 18W. Ali ,„.,„„,.,„„1:mg. the sante, is .to In detraye l by_ . kept constaaly•ott leind. ' ' : "-.-- _ tilts slid reatany irrespective c.01:tbir ConatV or , A. share or your Patra.ntize will .11i-!••• 41,41.1; rrature,•tite- ionn•.-nr debt Wilk be pita br the.saial fully receiv"edamt fa itbfittiy attendt:!-d to-. .,:: s e i a 'Act. w... .a... Pa",,,ed sak-ly up::n the ratijoble ,.. tautly ol:-.1turon, :and the rate herettsfiner men ' Wines. and:Liquors/ eroeliet'y -• _ p iliperty within the NtIli.I.Ctninty L.i• 11 (11011 .4,n‘i - ..., ,., 4.•e•.••.s. to enryy into.elli•erflte shad reviled Oli ' - . _ - . . '. . rand GlasSware,fancy Goods,ii .t.et,it a PI "be necessary tot theisittd,.(1.‘ ; 5,r-P,Vuti'lli. ‘tapla CToods : ..„ A.1 .. - • • • . '4.1 Val4.4e.tli'• 4‘ille. arSACIIIA• thillIgaiii.. tilhiallg ill • - 3- - &e.4. Oatmeal, -. Cotam:eal,,1,1mntentioneich 3a•Andwileix:sitis 4.xpe.iieet o d efineathe re • ..I Dre G-oo.t5ealour,varnotaitstO beexpentivdon ealell lint41 t _ - i• :: •- _- ;•`,..SZ.t.,• •‘', el- -: - ' •- ..t.,4, as st-t oat tn. [tie ty•eneduie at the +ono of the fly 'lad intended to be unfirawed,..ft•sliall be i•xpiand- . . - • a a •_. ik. Ttincy- •Qoods, - a o .A..r.... _ o_ 1 r.... 1 . ilter --iut. forming pairt of the same. A tul w 1 • ere- ••• .., ' . . - ., - . • .. . AND • ' iiS it wit: anti/iv the suni ofthrce tnausgind -. -.--- ;film], ett 1()I t1 to• he IN ts•ed aihnuall Ey- lar'sreitil' 66. • . • ' LY • . eiVite$4299, L... "AND W ASS0.11.T.Eli i.:311(115K TO H4ND AT Tim_ . . .. 01 - ss, V' ix .,E-Augaci.-NG; C.CIA .0-.1 it LA -MPS - tor the payment lat .e.satcriouti or ilebt and • • *°- is 'terest as also hereinafter tale. t toned.' ,11.• PE1GUSO.N.1 .A nal wItgri"misatheamount at tfievIrele rateable • - - propertylolthe sirid. Muntetrality irrespective of - • P. S. --Goads - WiII.be deliv.ied in 'ate a ty future inert -ass.' in the s411114.`, -and 1t'.1(partofthe town:7 *•••.. -, - - . e ' am" 1 co41:v-(71 be derived front lite tempura IT Goderich-Feli.-2nd....iecf;,..... sw.-.15' ' •14}vt stini.sut oI tht.• sink tugItuitl... hereinafter inett- • >. filmed or anypirt thereof" aceorchtter to -the last --. • ' , ..sitvised Assessment ltoll:4i twine' to r•the Vtar one ,.. - , . Farm. for , - t,,,...,eight hundred an I.stxtv live,. was. r•iglit. . ... ate -.-....„,..ilions and fittY five thousand Se.v.en_ bum ten _ ..... .- • . . -- . . .tindsucty • --,---L-L-- - ' - ' . . •- ' And wiu.reas fot-lia.ytnit: !tit utter( sr and ereat- . .• -. . . A SA1ALL &fin of excellent hind _nicely. _ it:g an egthel a n nal sinkinc fund for P'' ingtherrt -sittuktat. calcific,' .thft liirei-.1titiltand, and r" . said sunk. of twenty thousand dollars atm! interest - t .as' hereinafter -mentioned,. it iwt11 reatitire-aWcipaal - within 3 tniles of the flotirishine,•• Villa,/e' of _ - . . . . _ -• . r.•• a in tint iqweial rate of four feinits of it tudl in the. • Witighem, ;being the south half of Lot No: ditIlar, to etelates'and taxe.s to I-4 on the !that) eon.• c,f the ..T.-ewriship• -of bilievijd in. eaeh year. , •a- - *urn mrrv. containin:-,- 10 "acres - 9 4 acres 34 - 1. r- . ' 1 1 1 r - chopped, 16 aer'es -of w-liteh .the -ittitivs ovill- 1- Vniteil Conlif les ofiluron a!iiii Bailee. ' • • . ' come,eut. -Will he'sald_ (14.4 4.') for cash, , . P .... - etnacica, or tne...'orporatton of' &he •, .. .. ....t. ir • TA•ft-41-t-0 -- ..• .tst That it Slia!1 Ini-1,1%.t•ltd for the Witrcliktr.tor - 4 1 1 .13 fl . .1.. - :( . if. s, s. S • , . k ...1 ., 4.1. ...... j ....,-•-• .. ft •;. { ,..... (,1 i ., C 7 Z ' Ill'''. '. . r cq r) . . • • • ' • - . - For further -particulars apply to •• - - ; • ,., • .. - ., • JOHN, W. 13-0 t\--1 AN.' • r - t le t me bettta- 01 the- atiaresadn Corporettion to itse•fly w•iy o'f;Liinti fr.nn•iiity persou or i•elsotiat. ..- - General Afrent Win ,rlelin Fddl; or 4)1, I4.'. O'rPortlit"kYito.ttlay IIC •01:Ititrg' -tO _ LANDg FOIlt SATE 1..... -..1 j_ . •• .stiad. deitars, arat.io- caut•e tile :Kinn: to2be .. i iti tliC liaads 'of the Tteastirer of the- [Tit i'- ' '" • .1:1th April, 1.866. . .- . - " - -,_ - - ...1 -. 1-.._) .., 'W1 2 ilir , . - - .• .... ' '• • A., . ‘a 20, 18Gii., ., . . a I • ' . -••••,), .1. ;tram:Q(1,w satti.e 111) 444 the er.Nlit• All the Deism.). It o...., •-ant • . - - t ti•t-s bereft:Witty Mentioned, a sum -of nuiner -not - - . . .. - etx.c•eetlillt; la the is. bele the ,tietil 01 T Wenty then - 7 . .. . . _ . • .E QUAIL 'S ateyi."4.41111101'.1.14e plOper....S.allyd 70,711.11 tlie -- -von sale. on reasonable terrnz.., lots 10 and 11. .t..}.'it'("1- •illi•w-"•re°'t°d• -I; S. ile•It. Tow -yrs -nip el' (4O:cattek, Coittay Of `...11 l'Itat. a shall be lateVfni for the saal--Wartien Bruce. 'Ile. tots* conitun .50 acres en'y h. • 411 to 4. 1[..t any number- ol Lichen? tirEIR to be,- made. k...:. . A-- - c.eared on the two lots. The -land •is first,rate, "fin-- ste-fesions- of moitey as :nay be required not. •welf-watered.• arid - limbered. No ..billidim.ts. Itottbatt on - ilundred DOEla-es ea (.11, a n,t- tliiit.-11:e, Alsolets-17.alut Iti-. c*On-ri-toWnshrp of (I:alerich .$ lid • 1)1. 19)1014'. Shall be a..:ealed willt the! seal in .1.,. . . SO aeres eacli; over I00 cleared on -the two. '• tile said Corperatiou aud sigited by. the,bittelV,,tt-. . . -' • Stray/ Ift.ats, Ribbon -s,, e thers, rim ingz, Glovsz. -• .311,as:fiery, • .-, -- G N prrng. Goods ,• I, ens! • • -B#8'- •••••••' • ^ OMIT TO coin 32i C.13! London ' alit. - - /Paris Treatment I 11 ON 1111!•11(),YAD :.nlIMS, AT 8 PEEL,' CEN - Some to Invest in Town Property Sent.13, , siv3-tt ' Ci011.1)AINI "-• 11arriAter, Godekia.. • . • _JA_NDS 1011 SA ()II r-rb 430 1E-4.; INF . . •'11;1•E leAos-Virer ekeellent la nit Os, ,viz -.7.1.0)t • . . .1 • :16, in" the-B:1/001d eoncessiott Of -tile. 'rev r- - ship Of Goderieli, Co,„11.-Iiiron; c.ontaitung. ab,..ii 1... 90 _,aeres of *Melt about -1,0 .a1.4-• cleared, -alsti the " - north hall of the ;tomb- -32 -Of Lot 11 1 11Cteell, Lake '- - ci.othin. g :it,,,,,,,-Elisi .i..• 0,--,, -,..,•,,,,:„...h,„ „, ,.,.,,,in,leyi and-.': - - - Oopiity of Huron.. containing abOut thirty six - . Youths • j011iN Vropriett.,r. Thie, is the 1 ° 1.:oensar 1-.1••,•e•-1 ind bk:s•tcountrv lintel 1.11 Wetter!) ;Cr' d 33 •• - OR. -j01018orres . Yi -cam la,a1111 1-11:trta:esf--2.4:1111;thiritle a:= any El _awe ' • _chef!. •Httape Pralii•atimr, Eloodstalding fin No. 64.; Lillie St. James Street toe iiels:cs; tor on• lie.Sliertcsi Notice •_ • ...• /4.'7 , I _ - - 4-.Frir.the L'hioni0 -Complaints. &mild*, 1471i _.14.117--1?-111; •1 - 4 4 ! • it$ INtilifg;DtSea-Se$ V the Mond - - mina/. IT rat:twee 'anti _tilt • Complzrznis-- kr. - . • ri•-11,41011•Nfl'ON,LAtE tilt_LONDC)V,b,ne / / biinili and Paris, devotes -I -WS attention, ex- elusivily, 0, the Titratinent. 'of the Complaint* rc-ferrttl -loin litik millet!. Naforyearscricperienet in Emok. mantic British Calonies, enableslifin ' to peribrin some' vel-y1191:11r1ilible:.t?pres ; and hus Medines, for ebtaining- the beie and latest reale. • dies ore such, beingan correspondence with the - ntokt celebrated physicians of the old world, that _ i. li e can ollermdpeemcnia to Hie unfortunateof * speedy and perfecl -cure. - -. ' -"r -‘:•rni--,u'r-tir -To Tim 'W-nAff...-•11i • Ad& sou's Remedies Will restore. in axeryshortfiniej . an who are Milieu:0 with Nervens Debility -40w • ol Memory, Vitior,tte. • acreg, mostly cleared, also the wesrpart of Lot 1.1 ER s ouNG.Lkimx, -TAKE ,I.S7017017;.0•-•TherC1Sito tp.h in Itiejltil tcentkeoncest,ion of the said To,vii- _RESH -017- T • Italia often contraefed br. boys at sehooli- of'Struiley,. 0:m1:Lining about thirty ogres, • linnge 1" in -the seine. Towitt•hip; beinp; ono 'T. •BY• THE KEG • .0.11,11. • OR CO UST open pk,dueruxiusu.oity., &Lt.: Alt who are - - • Iviroi,•ssALE ANn . wi -leur Hetes ocaranee, also park Lot 'two, . _ . . 7 • .cfreci-S.ortlus evil - practice as -most dephirable, • vbieb ...grows no -With them to manhood flhe - from Bayfield•on the Gravel !tend and con- ' - " . I 1.- . • -•'afflicted should apply.to Dr John immediately . • taiiung aciru.q with wi_od -'-PSSARDINES wilt effect a. speedy and perfect -cure - -: stream or:water, good Dwelling litiese,•Darn and. • • ()reliant aiid tilso sonfli westlily ol Lot • • - • AND. Ars: • - OF sHE 131-00P, Boys', deli tee!: In 1110 einl all I:olives:4o of the .'l'ovvrr- melancholy tact 'that -thousands /alt. vietfinela • PEgf' LrfitiltIS 00AfiGEQ.. TES - d • • • - • • acres. of latuL-mostly, red, ail' W.ithni two. Cocoa.nutg-Pig7 Crape= of mercury. Dr_ .1.-oltiason4 Compennd -$yree Stnnleelaft.re.:said, :I.:lily It ' I .., y 3 a -ea. -L.0 ving to the unskilful and improper tie thoroughly cri:gbeate all distastsarisingfahn miles oldie...Village of Varna. • „ 7 - For- earth:gimp- apply per.onally ei :by prepaid _ • - • a el i".ren.sed or int pure. stile ofthe Blood. Reined** id e.4a., rens P: • letter at the uost-Otlice, 'Hayfield. _ lorwqrcled in saietylo auy address Office .hours - • - 'INT a- LE -1- 1\6: S from 8 ttll 12 and iron) 2 till All minnume.a.. . - 427th. . • wg, OQ:.-. S.A.41) • . • , . . . . - :New. DiaibleWofics. ,1Ves,i side z fiodshould ad,ress-cd, Chas, F. Joiniscur rt. '4" . . _ _ 2 . C , 64; _Utile fSL,JaniesStreel.31.cntreal. C. E „t . . - • Coderielv, Nov.35, •• sw99 % - - ' - • • NOTICE 2 DAYS' T • WR<)XETER... - 1•41-.)•P011ock's131ock - WILL 13E. SOLD CIIES1? FOR C.A.SEL Ca-•-.INSPECtION kg (1 tr-t-J -1:ta_CLUL - • • • , TAB' Pariners)up -heretofore exiAing in the $'.T.TeT/tFILIN(;;Jd.eiltaiVt.CeilaTZIOls4-elicr P T 11) • CO - 7 • 31E" jr°11-113±-°- wILIJA.M:STOkTi „ • • Ci • .e• • • 14 14 .kU . - • • ' ' - - • - • . . . - -t • ..• 1 • 65 •!. Ul 186.'4 ""-- • 07 r•-• 79- • _ • .11 • • • • . • ke 1)4 IliLitOal • . • ' GEOlti;-E NOR:VAN -------------------------------- • . tr. ft g Tombs T•ible-tocs P sts JD- • _ )- • _ • .of:every: description ' and style of I p N • • _ • . • ,-1 ip furnisi d on hcirt ' Liberia rcduptio I n nutdP fOr eash. ihnistbe'made. • ' I _ • • for a eeriiid neat•ly tAventy five yeav:,•, begs to. announce itb•it dit.„Order to tAret. ut the -shop. situatexl on_the Gravel Itoad running -from 1. Seaford)._ to Southampton, one mile north 0 where itleads ofito Wroxeter„ and anydne tray Ong to more ert-n, Squthampton; 4.74. pl nee) n that (nrecticn,will.findacconi_mo- - clationA itch as re o,,ly exeectst0Andatinstedate • ram' •Or.), (4'-'1-a114 -ce(tuPls bel'anging eitv hotels, in all-re,snects. _ 2 •:•?. „ • • IrOlkin."•: , s o the ate rni- aye ieen :placed in the •Subsert- • notice and at the- lowest pric; s7I fOr colleaion tesizny IT payment ICE ' AlWAYs ON HAND - --• Excellent wel1-watered.land-tirnberi. ha rdWitoil ; den: - Natglis ATTENDED TO" - : mu is mg rien s. rfiIIEeubscri her retareiny thanks tO the puirlic-for ihn.liberal•Vntro'iliage.hestoweal upen J1JesIgns of Motturnent$, ninx be -seen Goderich, 27111-J ely„.1-865; --27wsw.95 • 3•- - • - • reduction of SteCk, and- to -maid ready. for New Clbods- he will corn ence---- about 5 miles- from Goaterit-h. Good frtme barn- I ill- •Thlt the. .-J•ad eepenfores he nettle • :THE OF THE PRESEN -LION TH . . THE LYII,DINGs1COVElt A I.KNOTH and sheds and condone/4e hut lient:Ze,..!nd tine I, al-id.le iii•teft Jiars at. fut-thet.4 them ila! day . • Orchard.. 'Wilt be -Told sepal ate of- together to eremafter mei ned for 1ik3* Ily Law •to take. suit purchasers. Apily t,', „ - • - ' '' area( in London -England, or soine•plitee in Can- - - - TIMS-../ .1 01-1NSTON , _, de, lo he des' lte:1 it le -said debentures and e„ - on the pretniseti. s . cent on unnrored•Farms -dud na eltarges- .111110KEY TO Lt 1O 2,:„g,„., _,, . _ . ,„,ti. Wr. That 'lite said e enti-wes truA Coupons Sept. ' . . or ; W.:21...JOliN'.STON, la akeeper, . it i• " ,.- . . o. ..LEI,,,,I; q.derieii: . s tad be made- oitt it 'tier :LIterling 'money or .t4.1)-Iiikoliftniflutliefla.sildi.IVaiin tinel- - t let Jo interest. - ._ • t te otfore ment oiled - it) of (*.i.-elity • ittottsiud t ice/m.1,d Currency: ,f t es- Province at Me oP- - - all have mut -It ,d o diet i Cerupons:forstlie pa- . still:to- -itiltet tw.holt.i . . . .,.., t MI-ars:and they shall efir interest In andlilter made again4 the borrower. ' the. rate of stx per centuin pier atm tun; W! it.'ll-J a.- .„ - . Apply.- to -- • .., - - - t ret shallue payable Olt t hp first day olJantfar,- . Ba.= GOODI.V1 nd lirst day ot -July in eaell and evety year dur- -ISEANDI '--Argp,. oTn. . 'QUO: • • • Blur -4,r - . itig the costinuanee of the sittd-clebenwres at the • 1 Ince where the debentures are inatie payab!e. •-' West Street" Codelich t - t *-- ' - V_ Tlmt far the puipese of ibi.n.ing a sinking April 26th, 13611. - .- - --• W14 - Ind for tlie payment of the said debentures and . t le -interest atthe rine afore -said, to bei•onie-ilite I icteon,:an 01U 11 speciAl rate ot;four tenths ot-.t TEACTIER"WA$TE ill JR a...don...A:all in addition tit all oilier rates _ . • retii, solely-1mM all the. ratezible tro le..t ' A • II, tiled taxes -be raised levied a n d vorflecited. 1714; alc.liii 'FIRST' or Second Class T•eacher wanted to file' said County ot 'Huron_ dprina.,the- contain- ,. - ' commence teachirion the First of next once of said debentitres or any of them. "• • ••• i .• AlluivD4ED Am) FIFTY FEET - , - --..,. Godeneli, 1)ec. 19, 1-865. ' w 17 Iyr fit"reference to the above.ii may be Statedthat • , , . • . . , --CHARLES-.1)-PAr 0Yr.Sril ;/ _ -- ...--OLD IST -p11,-17._- -- - ,w4-671. sollih,r at pia -es rfreittly-heioir the usual rateS and Will• Continue dnity, so until Otiagffon. a 01.-„;,11 Maki-figl-.0.- aepresent &eel:vied ilia -his nem. shoP is •• : - , • . .. 0 - o_trr s still on the t rack, and will remain the build. • . - •-; .. ' ' . ompleted. Ile h n'eby rettir)-.sh.s sinpere thanks . . Parliamentar_y 4 _Departmental:: -- I IL' 1 94 it, • : CI - ..fol Or IL T-,..7-% 1±i - • MT 1-.11 N.-1- ' ALI-. , .. _. _-- o the:friends and custonter'S. who allil\?e ,r01`. 24 ,40111•45 extended. their custom. .to .1.1143 shop, anti , • ilia Stock consiStq of ii Veiled :Mid extensiVeatiseriinenti of ' . . apes sill i t o merit its:UoatinitatuSe. -. • , :ACEIN/pAry :, - INV3:l, STORY. - 111:...0TrilA WA 71 - C. W. _ • coderielt, Aironst •Wn27 - TARLE, ANI) FANCY DRY GOOD Hardware Gr,oceries, Crockery, .11trlites •and as niany ['Alleles will bo sold at and. limier cost; an oppertunity. Will be affei.ild c. urizug:gr.eat liarge.iftla... --' In the meaPtitne 'the, .1.-.Sttul 'credit business wi▪ ll b diicontinue ,TiiriT41_,S -V/ • .• - .. . . _ ITS0 o erit, 1, -.11 1 pri , 1.t.bilr.. sr aleto ' a ,..... . , 1.. .. : :Jury. . • _ • L V1 That this By;" Law shall take ,efleet ancl * er T"r W3r. -GARVIE, - S. S. No 9. I dome into operation upon the tirstslay-olJtrly in - .--64 4...724‘, t..:1's , P. McDONALD, Trusted Morris. tdls:Fxtaryostix-71: . • -. , Lotti otie itantsand eigl.t hundred . . . • ••, 0 ULD -- BEG- TO DRAW TB E .: AT - D. ..9,COTT. . Walton P. 0. ' - - . . • • want bPa good,ditrable article:0 - • ?fr. B.: -:-Second class need not ap,plY um- -. . g 0 HE -D- III; E . , • 'lesis--sble to teach First class branches, and- - - - . _ UL i7r5"‘fr-r 7D - 'bind hireolf to do so.' . . - - REPERRED TO IN Tkf•E POEGOING. . - ' S.S, No '9-, .gorrik April.1.6tb, -1866. wlsItf - - --- • . . - - . Mt& lei-a�SearCi_ey F.Lanneis _ ---141Alisi.FoR SALE. erect on the Port'Albe•rt. rood. ' - - • : .. - •1 0 THE undersigned devote special .attention G. .DISIVIS a "1" -to the proem.' jug of Patents f_or Landsand list,I,A .6; ti -l- A CT UltElt AND DEAL -Ell 1.N If or Inv,entions, the ,ad- ...stment- of Land ant - vi staVes, Platt r S.tind C astino-s 0 eve.ry de- "°ther el4ims against 'the •G°v9rthileilti Ph"' jt• Sheet 'on Ware.at curing the 'passage of Private. Acts of the thehMarketzifor,e'pepot-,..111. rIcel Square, tilitle- Legislature, and the transaction orbnciness of. ia.. ! form the farmers cf Huron and Bruce : _- .... .. --'q - - generally with the several Departments. KtiderSiened would -respectfully' in- ;8er'Pn°11; lin,"111)..er-"" • • . . • - 'tlelL.-C.oa" I, Oil 'La inps; Ar.e.;!..e; -Old Iron ,"Cop- - • fond the nubile irenerally that he has &nil- • • • mOneed tlie above bus 11014S • • it -his old stand St. pond street -• • • • - - per,Brass,: Rage. W 0011,10 ings:and ;•••71ieepskitis -wig' mid linvirer noW op Tumid •an excellent assOrt-g.takol'in oe•Jhang.---. - • ' • Cr)AL OIL -IlEPEDE.NCES 13Y PERlitlaSON. Bon, Jae, Shead, L. O.' 8...i)::;..cDonald, Bon. lti3OnmerOn.. J. 31.Currier, jos.Atinticind„Esit. • 527t1 S. T• skTir;:.12ENIVOCII. 1866: uss•Sai414 - • ..`1*•"-` ••••,..•‘ ••••.44. 41E61 nie tit of the best materia he is -prepared to • _ • 17,3-1,•474, • execate.all 9rders in Ins line -in. away which' cannot fail to. giVe satislaction. • . . .: . • . . f e, - ,- avino• bad oreat experietice. in thisl .INVOIN'T OF -C STO,ME45. IN . heSiness,, and all Work in big:shop *being dotal . . ' . tinder his persoCal superintemience, he ca4 .. - . • -.warrant every,. artiele made- ti biro to be of- ." the best etiality, while hiS terins will be,fOund - - - . I •-__ Veiy reasonabie. - - i • mid see for. yourselveS:- Farmers give IliertAticalill ••• Ftlre thousand eight Imedrecl Dofiars to_be ex, ✓ thousand' dollars mi the -Winn -hoot Road' - Three: th.ousand• Doliiirs on. the f...ealottli and I\ small twin. cif Excellent' Land sttizatein. the eltniire Rt ad. • • • Village et :.•_luminerbill facing the Baseline Two thaasand Doll.ars On -the Ilowietz--Road; Gra.vet read, being, the South halt of Lot eninber S 11 and 9th .t onees,lons. • . , 15 in th.417th cOneessioa Townsiiip ofGederich, Tw thousand one huhctred Dollars - County -of liuron. Forty acres. "... n Mail Road. . - • . 1,....Forp•articulars apply to - • .• Two diousand dollars tin the lio y Gra vi!1 Itoad. • CHARLES F. CLARKE: Ntnetoen hundred bolters en thel‘ fail Road , Glint°11;,. r to ToWn Plot Grey.. -.* Mateh 21th,18-F:6;/- - • - w'fitt • Two-hundrud inr-thc Bayfielt1 Coneci - on-Godericli.1 - ••JIIITICE • • •,,•• •••••••••••• N EWE. THE Conti ot Revision' for the • Township a 1 The • above is7-ii. tree copy of -a bropese.r liy•• •,. Goderich Wool Facteryi 156574 a Tncleersmith will be held. at Lbyds _ Hotel Village of Se-a.forth, on Friday the 18th Law to be taketti . into consideration hy the .1%•Iii, of May inst., at the- hour of 10 o'clock in the nieipality. of the United Counties of -Huron and- fOren0011. • e • . ' ' •••-, 14. ince, at the Conntv_Cottit -Room ir ttic Town- . ' tILLINU MUIR, ol Goderich; in the County' of Horon, on the Fourteenth day' of lune, 1866 , -at die. 110114 of two - ' Township Clerk. . O'clock. -in :the afternoon. al which lime and TackerSmitli,- Mtty Izt., 1866. •w.14 3t ace die members Oldie Coutreil are hereby re- - . . • . mred to attend for thopurpose aforesaid.- .'. • ' -PE rElt:40A4--ON",: . uounties Clerk. . - County Clerk's office. - i - . Wench_ Oth Alareli, 1866. i • - - WO. GOL FA4., -POKED AVINCEYS • and johh_hig - ofai A " 1 kinds strictly. attended to. - . . . . ELLIOTT i A a D.). 0 Ir."0 VIC 11 VII 0- Y AIR r' i Godeiieb, DO.; 2.7th,w4.9tIt TO CAL AT LDS: .: -- - • . • SHEFIFF)" SALT, OF AN7 _ - _ • - United Counties of • -Ill virtue of two writsox . TO. Wit : of .Her Majesty's County' auron and Ilftlee; _LP -nem *Faciasi fissile(' odt _ . , Court of the 'United. Comities of 11uron And Billet; and to me direried, against the fonds and teeements cf AN illuenclunni at tne sues of '1. 1) Tints land -Alexiandet.-tlinith,.. I hare seized' and talien --in Exeetnicni- all th;iirt..1(111 title cud- ,inier- est of Me "-,aid tittfendant i etral -,t) die w•is.t. halt 0 - ot num cl ten' in the -filth ciinces4ior of t••e -rdwnship of trOlisirne in- thp County ..)filtiroe pon,tanung fifty- - -acres; ,. sitting and excepting' • • . . . • . . John 1.110gir;-whiCh Lands arditerreni4nts-I .hal therefront one aere otsind 1Vet_forrnerly conveyed !JAY- the -Executors of - fhe fa A.Mahan, to go oiler for tetie tit-nirollire -ln the 'Joint - ouse in • • the 1 own.. of Cutlet:wilt • op Tueday -the twenty OFFICEi EAST -STREET1 -17711LE., the clock,Ouon. _ . ninth day ofilday next; at -he hotq.of_Tweive • . -------------------1.• Andjudge for themselves before pnrehasing elsO)Vhere-. •' , • - - IF.1-A-1:t.MEM.P'7: - WO 014 -CA:RaD:8.3::0 Or made-up to order...in any requiredistYle at . reasonable pr -ices . - - • _ . - - . .. • " ..." . • 11-101k1AS i:-OGAliJ. . , 4 . TAVERN -STAN ][4-EAs IN :THE .TOWN OF (ODE RICH I • . rpHE tavern lately occupied -by :Mr: Beggs, on the corner or IC1.4gstini and ATic=tiaria streets, (part of the Alleu Eitate). will be lemed for' a term ayears. Apply to . A. ALLEN, ••• .r.,xecutors. - . GEO. COX, • Goderich. jau.°23A 186G. tv.52 #1-.ERTISPENNI.- • , British Periodicals PREMIUMS TO NEW SUBSCRIBER'S THE; LONCONQUARTERLY- ItEVIEW, • - (Conservative.) THWEDINBURGEIRIWI8W (Whig.) THE IV*ISTMINSTERREVIEW (Ratlicat) _ TIIE Npirra mulls all EVIgiv (Vree-Church) • • • AND • - BIACKWOOWSEDIN.13t4pligAGAZiNECiory TERMS FOR 1866. • pATAnt.r. s. clutsssur.3 orany one of the It $1.00 per aantnit Forany mate Reviews- .-...... 7.00 Foram/ *ree_of the Reviews . 10.00 For al four-v(61e Reviews 12.00 .-41 Fort3lackwood/sMar,maine...-..▪ .--.4.00 For Blackwoodand one Review7,00 _ForBiackwisod and any svo of the' Reviews 4... . '• 10.00 ' _ Forlitackwoodand three or the Re- • . trie%vs la.00. VorMaekwoodanittlilfourtreviewsis..00 _ • Theinterestof theso Periodicals to American renders it,ratherincreased than diminished by the articles- they contantonottr-Civil War; and though sonietimestinged witlipreludice, they may still, considering- their great alfilityanct the different stand -points from, which they are written.be read and studied with advantage bythe people:ofthiScountry,ofeveryereedand natty. •RregaWass to Ne* Subscribers. •••• -New Subscribers to ank two-ot tbe above -periodicals for 1866 will be 'entitled, to receive; gratis, any &vivo'. the t('our liefiews ibr: 3865. NeWsubscribers to all five afire Fei•iodi-- eats foelS661, will receive, gratis, any two of the PintrReviews-15 for 1865, _ • „ Subscribers iniy also obtain back minibers at thefollowing reduced -rites, viz: • • Xi/whooped Vein Septeinbee-, -1864, to • Decent b.0_2 -r 1865, inclusiYe, at the rate of $1.5o a veer 'The Arortle British. frotn 'January, 186, te Drecembel,I865, inclusive ; the Ediarergh,_and 'oar Wes-trete.iiter from April, 1864, to December, 1864, inclusive, and the London ,Quarterk for the year 1865, -at thereto ot -$1.50 a year fore -or atty Review, -113"' A. few copies •jr .t, remain ofall the Pear Review for 1863 at$4.60 .u.- etr,or $1,50 foL•any • • .LEONARD SCOTT & CO., Y•11.1313LISFLIECRS•- : lici:38WaliterStreet.Nevr York. . • . _ • - WING to :he Abrogation of the 1tediprocity Treaty, many shippers wilt now be leoking! outioirenable agents in -Montreal. The under-, - - ••• - - - . signed have confidence in offering their services t ench for the sale of Thissierreves, Asues, • aTraa. GITEESE, COARgE GRAISS, maul acturers hey_have else- a special departmenj-forlAA'rn-. • it- under die manageinent of en- experienced, alesman. • • JOHN DOUG• ALL & Co., -• • • . Gonithiss.on- Merchants, w8 2iads*Sp • • tontreal. • • JQIIN incDOAALD, r sOT $ -S and -, range 1-1, In the t o wriship' . • : , & B. 1.1 8tanlev R20 per mire, Last -2a acre.s sluth s. 2tiPot.k.sDeputi, Sheriff. - easterlrquarter 01. lot 2 ni tile w 1.);, Otile e, oileischji Ashrieid,. per aete ; - and 20 Town Lots in • Godeitch,prt_ee $304.1.0 -each ana upwards. Ap- .16111Feb.. 1$66'- 1*- w4 • ------•.w12- . PIY t° ' : . - . '' ... Gedericii ' rHOSMEATHEltAI,D, - ; - . - - .;..,_..L_ • : , - • • ' '. SE; El:Lk:FPS SA.i.',' ROF :LANDS. •' .:-.runito counties of) - BY -virtue- of a writ of . , Lots Numbers Nine and Ten in the Teeth 4.:on, 0 ssiop s..i tilt...Township of Kaplossin the Conn* of Bruce, which Lands and • Tenetneuti5I shall oder ior sale at tny office. in the ,f..ionrt -11.9om'ia the Town of Goderich, ott Tuesday the -Thirty first day of Jnly_next at the hour ofTWetve „el the clock, noon: ' s. __'-',....._ ....T.,Q,.B:N 11ACsDh0612,AT.I.ft,1171,11. . Sheriii"'. Office.Godetichl -17th April, l'A6. i %United Counties oL' 11,%3" virtue ef tWe WillvtitS130.1 • SH.ERIFF'S SALE OF LAND -. Hatton encl. Bruce, 1_1 'Fieri Faems issuedOltt to wit: of 'Her Majesty's 'county Court a -the United Counties of P.uron and Brutes ' and County court of the County ofWentWorth7 'ana to nie directed against the lands and- te::e- trieni$ of -I oieph Murray at the suits -of liavid IStewart and Ehe'rrizer Uurrie 1 have.seizedand - taken in 1.xceution alt the rteit, title andinterest _ -of the taid defendant in hiiil to the North. half„of Lot -Number five -in concession A of -the Towit- ship of Howiek containing fifty 'acres Mere itt.t. less, which:Lands and. Tenements 1 shall Ater for sale at my Office in the Ccurt House m the - Town of Goclerieli. on Tuesday ihe'Tbird.claY;itii July next, at the -heir of Twelve ofthe 1100111 • - " JO. IIN MAC'DONALD; - '.` - ...• ., - • • .44 fq_Bi ' AtTIA eri 1.27M. ims 4.. 11 etl. LAI I.,a r • • * • ‘ : :: '-'3,--,.. .' ,..r-Orl.S. ...., ,.. . ...44.7.5•••••."7", '''''.'-'‘'7. ri.W1.07,;(7470.11741.-rriirktig- HWrr'-'01tr•A% 4;..;'lf: -''.1-. TiI4.,,...., .1410.7. i rot .0-1-0--..•-wlitiattle:rtilt:1,101ft -.1,14,i,.:1:1' 4,144..tildiiilib,bililIt.,,,' • .„,.., ;„: n111,t'lligoi!!..11det ..„ .. &IiI:ikriNSTEAhltE-NGI-Nt.WOnicsiA •••• . .._ .. 6 - 1,...1411 A RI & 0 O.,. 4- ..... . . of --,etist Mel. ..,F. .fOqi' • T , CirculAiti4.:_itol4v..-ei,4-a. -Sas.b.---Sa,w-' - • {13(n village of DungannOr., Lot 48 at -1618E. present occupied by the -Bev." -Mr.- Daunt - ERAT�RS D _11011SE POWE S . - FOR SALE. Minister �f the,Church Of England.. Terms easy, appl.y to - • . HENRY'AIATHERS, St.: Helens. wlEtf • ISA/IA:FREDRICK TO r# ICTSORZS' OLD STA:SD* _ :FOR -SALE Huron alualriice, . . Fieri Facias; iss,ued oin . - to W • ' -. of :110 Majesty's • Count% ' Crederich-, 13th APO. 1860. - ' Or -to 11.9RAQH IfORTON, Esq., G-otlericlr. --- "atid•foint!les a very desirable situation Mr a. zen- 20, 11. g2 and 2j in DeosItiy s Terrace, as !aid 1.4 's:tuate on St. George's Crescent in -the letit_ab' Fither; ...-inryiyin4;• pafth& ot Smith and .fully situated, eomrlitmcling both a • ltivfi• and the right. title and interest ot the teaid defer.dant ylp ,direetto the proprietor. . . - cot-met:non el the owitship of ...tanleytn .the Town*Cbtlerich. " -The ah•me-bots are beauti- Fir, 1 hare -sei.zi'd-- and token in Execution all Laste view, compris hit.; about one acre of, Land, • in and to P.aek Lots nuilibesS 6, --8, 13,14, .1.q, 19, teel private resideace. FM. price and ternis_ap.-rAut en part of Lot number th ty six, .on the first r (yrs -Nes. *455; 4S6, 569: 570, running Nos. tenement:: of Charles Dayineet at the•suit of A.I - ' JOHN A 0 ILL A NUE lt, :County of/.Heron, whit -Iv -tends And tenements 1 .: • . .„---_____ , ! . ., - . _ - • .• .1 . • . , . .10•Qiiality-Sts-teoctilialit;d. salioatlii,etetrilefoli..0Swanile,.0-iatanoid"30,- r.ief.6h,etnini.uleilaCyoithi r et: . , ,„,-. "w12t, T 'xi -3. . • Bruce, and to 'no -directed a:,,,,-ainst-the lauds and • Couritrithee.d1.10.;lie jikttrii...i.lioNo_Cul._un4toicio"ofN.A11. itijrDol,1 60 tweaty ninth dav of May 0 xt,' at- the hour of .. • ' ' - . IS iiirli. -*-1.1 er S. Pollock, Dercitti,...,herifl. _ _- 80 AC11 of LotNo."32, - East Lake Read Ray. - .. _ 1 .. . . _± i . , FIRST '1' RATE LAND Terms easy,apply t* • - DONALD 811TEBRLAND on tfte premisns. or .".... a.'0. dei.iciti, M. O. 0 AMERONt - fig oderielt, Anril3fIth.1-8,64. - sv14-tt 1 SALE OF LAiDlitH _United Conntles of ,? TilYvtritieoftweWrxtsit . Huren And Bruce, ..1.1 tier.) Facies issued' out. • - To Wit : of Her ,Ilajesty's County Court of the. United -counties of Huron and Eruct and to me directed against:thilands and tene Menti of Robert 111cUltrrell and It bere„Magarriii et the snits of Peter IloliertSonand Hobert Exec!, 1 neve-seized and taken in Execuutni: all 44. right title and Mterest of the said detendent •and 10 • • FOR- SILE OR TO. It niv-•>-• f rinE wen known. Judgn Farm,Jot _No: 3, -!--.11e.:11611.1fibe.Mlio.(ii..41.:e. ii. i •. . . . • 8th eon„ E. D.., Colborne.- - 'f is farni-is' .Within ai tni les of Gede iich., them is 17i acres . SHERIFFT 'SALE -.OF LA S 'cleared, and. df...anie _house and barn. One ••• - ' - - half is clear of stumpii, and - the other half United conntieg.01)1)17 !virtue of a writ of . . • trent 9 to 4 -years choped,:and has never been Iiiii:,-;rnoa,ndallrace,:`?).11_31e,riVp-and.iiatise.nioir.Exipazndnuseainsd.. 'ploughedythere rev- also a young. 01 chard 'euid out or Iler. Majesty's Cont.( of common 1$8 tyeps of the. best asSortment of -traits P'eas and to ma- tlf-reol ed 'against the lands and a...go, d 41/011 and pump, _As to terms. .&-c. linemen ts. of Tinai,-:is Bill* ,it the *int Of Simon 94)-111Y to ' . ' . ' . .1.Nbeeliir.)41t-Illi'ause-ea'sirzed and tokleit in Excention all _,„.PATRTQK CA. • - ' Colborne. -Nov. 30, 1.86c... ' mis;;1.67-..n, .kie in• and lo ',Lot IV umber 1 venty three in the dime-re:4.0ft le. slid Thaindslal3nild- I first caneessiaii -of the Vewii„hip of Bkiint in de. county Of 13rnee Containingl flity acrek of mole or Jess,..whicli Lands mid leneinenta 1 shall - offer for sale at my office id • he Court House in . -' • the Town of Goderieh on Tu ..s4ay• the Fineenib dav of May next; ;at the hour of Twelve of the- . Selloiercki;:s001ifil-;e-;;Inderich, I, ' l.mi,md 1ath April. .366. -, •t • ' JOHN: MACDONA.L.D, -S116611111. & .13. - _ -ills,. lyIowixt, g:an.d Reaping Idacb.iztes, Wood Saws-, - . OVIE.r.s..t. ."./ .4i...-arC),X71.:0,- t....*...a..i,ippr: imaialrp-4- Brasseastingsmade, aii;1 Blaclssiniths' work done in a neaiand snIstantialman er%, 1 " Castings•of any description made to -order. Also, all kinds of machinery renaired on short notice. A large stockloi. . " - •Aft i COOKING,- .PARLOUR AND: Box _ _ sTons ,;_zi...:7.-------,-",-.._ . •.-.A.Ivrays'04 h -and, -.S. niar Kettles, Wagon and PipeBoxes; As our patt4rna of the abote are . . 1 •\:. : • - ' ofthe moit approved kind,. Are -:would solleit.a4i- inspectitni of our tit4Mr before purchasing * preyed Croclit.iOld metal, BrassOpper, a.ndall kinds-blur/41:6e tali n in exChangr: . . , elsewhere ; as we are offering the above at the lowest rerninerative Pd. es for cash, (si br:ap, . . WATCHMAKER &JEWELER' WEST GODNRICH,' -ext door West of Mr. Stotts' Saddlery. L.I• KINDS...OP • • (AN Real EState, at S pOr cent anti upWarils. WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY', con:...13rucer420, 4th Kin oss; 22 kJi .Fliaroo.es reassioNnapbtle4•:, - • . • • PAIRED& SIIO/IT NOVO; , RAI)PWIYAttkEit, ' CAITER0 - L 71.18con•flitron. Apply tt, eirtest Style -4 .Warrfinted. • Ylth J.aiiitary; 1E106.. . w5 am Coderieb. October 28.1864 • - "••• _ , . -ALSO, A. G 00,D ASSoRTAIL Or • :.* Goderich-.OctObtir.1862. • - Dloney to Lend., -Pm, Sale Oheard •141fr 44, Co.,also publish the -- EAltlittER'S GUIttE • . . , 9 . BTRE0RTS:rtresrts. of.Edieburgli„.and the late 3.P. NORTON.. otTalecollege. 2vols• Royal Octa.io, 162 pilesandnnmediusEngravingi. ••, .... ige.4-..$74..••I'e .woroltitnes---by-Mill,postpati4-1 ti.o d -Plated jewelry! Watchea . , - ' ClocIrs Sze Sze... C tistantlyenhaedand warranted to• be a.srepresented . . , not moneyrefnutled - , .. , ' Gedertch July 27th.188-4- - ' ' --16n31 • •- _ WANTED! • -• _ ro rent, a Grist Mill, or situation ih a . .B., Goderigh, F. O.• . oderich; A-pril w4341, Godetich,:iept, Stb11864, &,.33t • Mill, by an experience • d Miller.- Apply to MONEY TO . _ • LF D FOR\ SALE T. - EIGHT PER CENT IN 'SUMS OP • • • -- One _Hundred Millais andcufwards... ...Apply to -• \ • • - 191.th & MORE, • Solicitor tRAIBB'S NEW istopli 1 Ar. POINT TIIE(C170114-1,-.) OWING _TIMES - AND .PLACES P011 • KOLDING-- - .• DISTISIONCO-1311,11.8 riwou.a-,nd. Bruce.. 1, 8 ..p 8 ,... -' A..P.RIL.. 1 Exeter . -.....%.-....-.......... ziath: Kinleyville.-1-...... lith. "it/ A Y , Walkerton ' .•....' Srd, • 1 Riversgale '-..,.._. :-.-.-.. 7 . : - ..: St. PiliSley....., ...-...,; ....fith, •SoUthanipton ......"..... ,.... 7ili. Kircardine .... ,',.; , Goderich.. .-....V..-.,..-. fr, ....14 h. -- 1 _Clinton ......, . .... ........ 1.1 h. _ Elopurhey.... " .'... - ' 14 11;- • - . - ' . Signed . ' ; R.• COOPER, -_ .- . ... . . - All at 10 A. Ajuld.ge ll'• i & B. .,;!:,N.,.c. iLe1I.kZA0fRtSh.e.pe4ceErt. &B --.. . . . -office of the Clerk Of the:Peace e - . Gaderich, Ath April, 1866. I' Sw51 • _.., - • pon Sale or io Let lot -110 8, 2nd Gonees- • -Sion township of G gciod; dwelling loase'and out at, I good bearing: oreliii:rd; And • a, never failing stream yuneing through the lot. 'Alsothe stc4ck and farming- utensils. - - Apply on -pretniseato _ ROBERTIOHNST DN.: --- -Goderich, April 10th, 1866.- wil Notice. - QAMIIEL POLLOCK, Esq., late DePtuty IJ Sheriff has eeen appoinfed official -Assign- ee under Ate Insolvent Act 11364 for the .UnitedG4ties ofilluroki and Brace. Vebrnait 20th 1.866 _ • -r - f- • jt,• ' . ..• -. _ • SHERIFF'S. SALE OF LANDS. . United Counties of D Y virtue -of a wrtt 01 Court Of the Muted counties of Huron and Bruce -Huron and. Brace; ..L.V.Fieri Facia's Issued out . To wit: of Ber itleje.sty's County end to medirected against , the land' and tene- petits of 'Vail Bebtan_i at thels.iit of From is Ne - Ave% I bayeseizect and teiken tn:EXecution all the- rig•ht title and interest ofthe Wind defendant in and, to Lot tramber five in • -the fourth (fences- . Sion of the,TOwnship ofCarrik In ihe County oi Bruce, 'containing. Oiie Huhdred ares ; -which. _Lands and tenements 1 blIll jailer for Safe at iny offide in.die...Couri Himse iyhe_TI,Voit of 3ode- _.rieh; on.l.. itiesday the tWok !n nth day of itity . next, at the iiiiir Of T well I lie c oek neon. . - •-'' 'JOHN _ :AbDONALD_ _ • - - : - ': Sherif IL &B. • -' By S,-Pollootr,'Detinty5herilL Shertfi'e Wire, Goderieli, nth-Feb.0866. ' w4 Oal Al ARGE -QUANTITY OF BIAIACK:p\FHIAITIFID COAL xio# .p„.tefrji.am e lia,rf ' .4•.; 0. Arnt.- svoo, Goderich May 2914189.: - sw7.7 Sheriff Slierill's Office, Goderich, 1 , '24th IV.arch. 1866. lvd8 - • 811E11.1FF1 8 -United-Ceuntiesof ''' 110 Y virtue of a writ 43t • Lancs 'and Tenements of Antoal "Bentz er_ Huronand &nee, .L1 Fieri Facia* tamed* To VA:: of Iler Majesty/13 Vourl -4r ''Corrirnon. Pleas end to me directed -agai suit ofJohn McKinney, I have seized and. , Ireit .in Execuuoii all the right tide and interest, 4if ifie, said defendant in and _to _the North pert of jot Nutnber thirty abutting on the south. Wititditry - - (lithe Township ot-Stanley in the Conaty Of ron, which Lands and 'renemental sluillofierfer sate at my office in the Court. House, in tlieirOW.P. I :of Goderfch, on Tuesday the Be‘.enteenth ilaj_SI July next, et the hour of Twelve -of the gopro. • :h0e0rili.il:s Office-- 'GO -aerie' ii•,. ) Taeriggi*.-17-17' . _ 2.013.N MA.CDONALD., _ r Srd April, 18-66, _ 7 f . "al .BIONEY AND A .110/tIE - *POW FARIVI,ERSig, ..suisseriber money. to Than . 1. moderate rete of interest. Also, A. -GOOD for Sale: IN 13111100 30 acri% cleared; -and a Valuable Twin _Pr sale in Tuckerstaithr fiyetailesfrornSiararibt •§O acres cleared-, a good fratne %easel IMF, and orchard'on the let. Would tare a-taverst • stand in a good locality in part cpayallai 41)1Y t° S. - • . J. . _ Godend. C. IV., 4th Dec., 1860. ,FAttIS. FOR, frEN good imnrovid Farnii forage -in the I ":"Counties of Huron, Perth, and Middlesex.' For Particulars apply -to the nadetnieneat 'DAVID cmAss, Barrister.• • -w8 6t Londist • • • - ILL BE AT E Union toll visitsatients at 4 or day- _ Dia'SWIAN",,S -anma, 11 Dinstfirlt, .si Zte. 0:fleeted 1 -.suentral &hoot- • JpEt A.. Vira 1111011YSICIAN, st eend,particularly, -operations upon the e 44-ovintititti.tacar. JOIARRISTER •1-, Law, and Sok, brown Attoruey,God n Court 1-fouse Xxemi.ir".1tlu•= r'• -p 1ST1it3 I-P*EIZANCER, Dellor:35-Sett;- . • lienry „1-.) :Dietaries Plam ch. Joh •rin A:ants-61a. A: 1.-P in Chancery, !NT. -r.orneroiKingstonS - John. • 1--T____TORNEY-AT ihaticterv- No Gjerieh, it South side of W' mrt-House Sena - • • litatISTELZ, 8_1 oa;3501, Ini• Stairs Viatbuntfs • rirst,Roor we.s1 el . Worl) TTORNIES, •=01.----'--4• Welt, V. W. _ F.,ecess. - tiodertch.Amrust - - /1._ChaceerYoNit A l'on,NEri itivio4c-w•-- stdis;-ersbb/s Blu Mona: tale • O. .:3104L'ItrrOkfl • fiC.4...3ornooner ofwvimanorevi.ite thetawldiagtately 1)tARRISTER;-- thopelite, PAK' January 3, VA% 4 -A trouNKT- :- i4 L1'oani r01.:7141141I, Surev oadmorm tivatIngine + I Ls, Of EIGL :1 Loma Agea , 1.6 0,1§ce boars ft :40.14cOrf in. AIME E - AR 11. ff$ AND 4- Office -ail ItetSeuare.t.kidt • r. Itirket Sq. • Toads ablat031, el prti•s3 .11:33M 114 04_311/ AVG] • jain,aarff 121-41- 2,e ••• f_I-31%4 Cotnmisiii --iitifidairits.Conar orav.V.111ag"f TWA: litel-Obant ntecoll tgititta - LIPENTSE anetall .••••••.- 101t1JTS and A -P Ania udearrei - ,191.12.