HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1866-05-11, Page 37
7 T H. 14 -G. NA I
u. -S �E, W E � V K L Y
1101cralt, WNO
IV -864. -&Pj 2"TGAGE SAIL "F -R U I T .-FIRUIT I
X ..ot �-ot 1 U ra
a, D.-1:04
�,i5 tFivin Qiq E."tra Canada Gazette of. May -1.1 ent
Yortl-z ay 3.: Tile lie I
-AaI6 `�o�iaiued in a SUZ V-
1.—� and -1IILTIi%!hys niust be jui th e 1, Tattefe of T holuas All' Ijllsolve�.t. TTil-der a Power 'of
tjo . rtgaae ma.
'filb' Credito iof ti) .'It'* U V e o ii e
eV4 liv'ai IlloSh 'd el
r S' dijklers rs e isolventare-notific
We have. to th a nk- 3 1 a CTR) t rcttik.ns To . -R TH.E. OLD
I r's report shows Hite tie' cases ,III, SO
alledf.m. st) cble (ir ivit v c, c ta 11or, I f b
an;rnal -t�b- lirce dt�aths froin.. -I sitibe IA I -Of ZUricli n'tb�z iwhship of ay, E
ble aud, j. stat'ices in' that sta,16 of*de- A G. NT F 0
to our bowhileseet!t: pla!i nts., i-me.b.cen e Ili if tile T roli,-Alury. A-ti&,11ofele his I10 C J�XJMOrE;IIEZ IqTJn 197V
at 0 1 tilt-- 'Ilospkal ship to tile the Sim
estatelpid. effecjs� ujidei, . ..above, Ac.t.' to . -. 2-1: -
ve on liand at his g!irden ast Strea-lor,
r (beitiza pai,ty lbereta Tor �Ilie purpose will h,
They: axe�"very- tuel- tbe-tindei%signed Assign.ve, in(] fljc�% arp e-
--l)ared. a "ERS,
for ihe smoked, Whife-fish sent, C01110tis MOM With 11101tv -niaLerials -tfe to -be- COIIIAY Of il-111
nice v - me cl 1,
.ka I it
C,!irit;d ilway from tile l.lIi`e'rio'an-d imate . diat CARD` K that ]I'- has ni�ie .41
15ixty-fivc � I' . .
tr - ist:crr"d Trott n.
JL -.1
wit III On, 0 U
'isli nip
4A dish are held io Ili, t ,r avifig-ouly 4,7 -rib r dowel.) d I I't having 'been Sale some tivie dming h�xt week, a large Stock
tbwus arid V' i.1 I a,tre-4 t4ii.p.8aratog 16 -fit t6spi-
and, -as a break( C -I L�cf firti Ljjs of deh4t atid,r
al. lie tota nurnbef.. 6 atl
:11,1111d, if lot actually P t, T from This dat6' ii�, o(-Apl1ie,.VParj.Pmm ell
milloyed! ftir 'iiiarturili.-r uh
l witi., their claims, ipeciftijag C. Payrilicill the" c(.f, ind(;riiibAjjAeT' s, bwahA and Sfxtida�tdsj'.
tq b irit'i III I Ita cholera haff been en 1.0- all -p -u,-- int�j4stl r
land 'I" i
esteem. a bI w1hich are uoi, T, e e wit
-0.11 it (Fly
X -de, �s by made in tb6*.du
.Ile securitir tl,tq hold) f jinyj and the:: value. also afievir
wh In ��11
ell C16sedl to be inWrtered with. tAil the stlitill fie so on-
iof it i arld it'
Nr wl atteVed uh d e e, voit e -.esday D
17 sspools,-. conijw%ts
r r I t 0
ell"lle'rn season lias passed --over.
w- The.hors�cs� itictitio C
n d in our List r �Aj,,Xitli ih ch '18.1 Weili 3011idaYbit ALVA.]) 1866
in 8illbort -of sliWelaims. COIIIJS -h-, -Re-ominen e newrill.;
N �'S tingotthosellif r�r
*bf-coutellAg 0 co 7 AIN D U.12, DE RTAKE 'o"
at f 10 We
a -lock a. in -at tbY,- V;illa,&e 4 zliritill"
-eq ws. -14sys- of attillilds lie RAV, R. AvIliti* 11ICed Godefich- III t -he Co4nfv of flur,on did
as� having beba sicierr f�otit 3 1 -len orial's -,ilellps 0 1111:11luve, Caren, p
Oapter- 39,i
i1sr, -this (lay tit) T o : uror, besides -.I R -%v of
gud Sh�ppardr were recover6(1 d3v stiaka aud otlieT filthy sub3 zln&s, inun be- ill the livrsleyau G.fiderieh, 1f.r. -,iLeTo f 'H and initario,
't Ilu, her -Zabellq,pon- e Od
a Anup blcKmizie followinL -opei -0 cords, &1�6, I will a so, have a 11
4-tra nitles franx hame. lt is �,niov4i�d and othe placesiiituated William Irwitt tp Mis r pi A
both the L
tliL -orin the iin It( -�County of *1 - -1 O'ffi . c fulAssignee for J-1urot . 1 211. D
VO&Aeslor of 1w ' ' �611i l*CK,- -ty iilill;�Iy.
' tweliffy-eiglith diftjoi
ds Go d oj
ree& aboat rro yar. H. -milt,01 -vt SANI.LJEb* P
-witbin, limits -diate lciltit�- 6f'the Tom sl'ip -ol
holl requir. � . .* iA I I r Iluird-ii. in _.tl;e: 0401 -nd fiftetw(la
were� n by one p6r- of lice. R ED' R Y S L
thoac-Ilt that they -stole s of an.ucrein tile Vill agre of Zuricbi 0 -P C -R.AB
iscri Citics,.towns and viflage', Woir6 .'tile hot 1-3ruce. fb.r,sale aft.- a i- thre'e fiftli
ptioil, in
11 - same cles: Ili thpir Tow af6r County of a new variefy, Fruit very In
sog, who found thedt�ro 0 111an- $011goll getgr in, to be delt with' i ".tbe flue,.such as- wid.-.
ituron. ce it e gpw, r Q'S '�ilie -Ili the �olor, rts-in sjTe.�..A(d
"r possessed dbleionia t PA4 i0f rize, of a idaik vuip4'
long- ok
maiinli l aa preseri6ed by. OIL- p eqedin- regia- 3B a T -a n8olvent'*: Act-. of -A 'D' d lid `i- e 1pq- a id lka 6 fv- iice buL-. notice V-1
--t-fixW, to dc, beside-,, pa-haps" way ill- rC -'Cholife
ag. -1
at THE 151AR S
ps ro,
E, Kin �an Jv- Ts o r. 9A LE CZ -S, 11. WM. CAMP11ELL-.*
ifatte- bf J -be-glren of the urfiva) of thel'
-so that: -thu�- whole. I if ---�Pool� of statfliftilt w . . - . I i .9
in, - mi' 4cli's-owers, * - , . 1. 11te I
trying t6 ke of; ater� . TL
er or pos- - S 0 . .. L- - .. . - such �as
and. ol eii dr- Rinitim kinds. of wood-turnitia-do 1�'M&GS TELtLit -
11. Goi)mncti -m�%Y. 8, 1 Aveil 131h. I SW
sl -IjL� Crr itors*of the
dolla* tor ID111 hacl'ti)Lbe abaadoRad- ai d -a'' A prij, I Sth'. 189G, odet
oilezisivd -m-atter-
Nool r ba vent re -ho
d ie has-'rnadeail. A.-isigh4cot 7
d Ins alTi� to 4�- sullplie -of, Nis- estate and. effecti ubder: tile above X."MR9. J. C. ASMIT11' vill open her
must e di,�illfectecl, "Ind either einptie,l or Slirmir,
'k1unicipwiw -*li 0�00&' 11 ITIsters, I] be iyok
or the rascal has YetL be ii Iona' -�o '00. Alway-.3 Oil 11,11141, a dol ipl, e
Ca atid, wharievei- pricticable. :m! er- I. -all , do. 1-40' .
:stables, cow Oao,..,�-.'..
d- to ION 4407Ft'.
rX -- r. rik A t6 iiie"
6- The lair 6 (prantitids of, �C&-.O& etl
-10F VIC. ftl
istl :and pr-lvi(,SL that are at presefit deff-, Flotir' .`00 -00 A16 ifindefsirned' -"AsslArne st-A nlJnt,, in tbkl
house i�k 5, und�h IEIEAltSE -to oil- a4puable terr [.3. t6
t oc hire re
preveats ArLieu!ars. Parl 04b (d) 0;50 d't c;tand formerly '""Cupled �,Y. NA -66 7&
atlignipton, ratill the-8pra are require or furl -e,
I'AS69-. sw4f eiinnit. i I 8.,Lch- I). y .... .. . ay - -- - within two
Godelie ,q
Ili 'vl -3rd, 5w.Gin' cattl arson7s IBloek,��n .or' A
ths froin thisi (Tate; with t1feir
.......... I
'ii. port, -? fall Ila
froux. extendingr hei ttips,to. tit. 7 . ., lli!j.. r. - 111011
.11 ana slau
IV. 0,:-.-j 0 (Yt (10 TA UARE
-)k tile s
ify t - liuld'. if Anvil -al 7,
OL 0, 8 - t. 'SW
cattle, tli �Cu'l hey d
nd st6ritio of -fi eel). 4:00
ie e6iIeeiiGii,-,a- de�i Is'of Sit J
thongh -a4arge juantity Qf goQds li�i R. 19 t� �f A pyil. 61:
ere -i- sueli� -Ia js"'�Ils 11) at'"108 e,v;Ju,e%t- it; -gild if n 11 the fact
h �CN ACQ.0 -o Tift'
Q, flie-whoie attested.und
t h6i)E,, Iloik
-.00 ):50 J, fl� oath "Vith L116 voul
L r - I JXA#
an, *1 - -c- RU 11*
-'tiek-etff ate is�ued boulos-&c.. Plp---.crIei, malfuh,tatorif-A .5 1 1- .
for transhipmenixi )f acids, Be�f. rZ UiM
11 p C
wa-V OF
, -,-- : - LZ Ell
(a) 0:20
fineries, s6ap and' Nater ............. 1411 d -We
allr'the throug1t froml Toroutot 3 'T
by. the lime veAretableand animal bharcoal, - artfli-' ti:&s een) ..74-56 00 -ahers i su port of su Ii 'chaims.- Am
cialn-inure,.coal oil' e 10 IlSale 'East ialff6t.15, I If D'te4 at God rich-, 1ii tbeYoRnty-of.ffur-on.
oi th�
all, S
rK Y
G. T. R- -Col candli facto-ies, tanneries,'11tid; -in a 0:3 0 T.. 1Q.t 36, in c6n:.. Townshipr of- this Third day of May. -1866. vii-Ifie 'f aPowdr GF-SiIia. contained in -a UP A -
Lie it PoL '0.35,
- I . . -_ - "S. POLLO PJEU-t �0 NTAtk&
Are, votifie4- a. -ood. I �16 2:2-3 -1, - fit the County oi: -ffuro;ll DO
equar Y obnoxiouss cstablisihn�ent,,. thus' 11 VI .1,11 `Alort,ragm.icnade-by ja ob"lIunt and wife
t be. .... ..... o%
,B s Air lift
intexiuf of and- Ifa if 7. -cs� 60 acres 06.1rod - iti-ft
ent of h-
7 Lgmeiiie 6&es of Ili -eons :pass� ren�p.N 6d froin' tile e y p tell. 8-oo act d §tite of w 15 2w] Official AM -n et, for n. w'LT. PF solm 13Y rusLic AiicTio. r
to N a*leijtixie Boehler dated 25A Febru
ve AC4
tb, OF �Ci Al. Tit U.E�14A N
-�JJL dru of .0-10,- @1( 0:00, cult -h -ti -don. 35 acces.i.q -crop,- 120 IYI Lore c I.Q,p. AUCTION R00��
of -A. D.,. 18 W-3 All
nd they am o . ver tlii.s town- dailiand a�Sni. 1-Y A matillre horseiliuid ot . ]ter' "g, ed I --a,�Otiiiir Fiame Suible iiid Shdd, at �ertnjn p1rW -or
"�itlj litt'e Litter art co ]EX
Land and prewises - sijii�te lyiu,,, and,-'
r 4�b.od irl, gluplil,r 0
-rtsmen -04Y fit then. eahard 0 a -tra6t of
t tsolveiit--� A 't
�7vo, rnon:116...' - - 0, b
7 p k .4 1 DIE
spo craekra Iiii1lowed to ba kept withid. tile limit.- iiiftcd -fr4itl---66 Vilhi,,,e.of E-gffioudville; in th
b�ingglin tile
of t e alit -- be -E-IfRons 'OF' -two n4ev6r failing Credl(s.1 -- -. I -
effbet, however, awing- to. the towns must -freitiend r in,
-lit ;1 11
U1. at )f* JjU on
hd the valui C�
such ct�.Iltres A oteutleman u -)in stiffeiL(t for.yemrs front. Nervous 10 14; 1 d is -wajuo tw -0 d --�Z Or.
Y . Ti I n. the iim o r Joll rutherfor an; lnsol� COuntY On SalurAfl Y, the 1211IMaymext-atme
plore to A,-.66 dis'auce from'
1. U I ail- atre. of -Lana be the
whole whixeh, they :ffy-. vent. ment one-quarter of
Doe- -el -or:tll I` '
of ljo-lulatioll., De.hilitv; Premature ay-and.alltile. 11,�atsory nfites e.,Graircl. 1,01 1111 eg
4jjIjjb'r more. 0`17. les§, ii�id: beill'" 'Composed of
and fid indi-wtentm. will for'die ..,ake orstitreriair- ittillanity. 'd f
lie ll-dmins in and -about cities 8ly.the,. ii, goo(l- wa ket, .�n d 16 "ini les- r6ditona of theInsolvent are Ifoil
Touch rs- iu�, rill
e., I
bb. L - e Lot im a e roll in
mus are z, . it r o, %,v o net!, i ILI. lie timt-he has mad' wer.
sliower oil- T sday 'night -.,Ind. t!'3* Jo be properly -directed and tainied: rvi-106. 10ILz, for -blintoll" at wh 'tilt oil, tlie� w
Assi hintent of his
-."tking tilt- ,jljlplt� relliecl y bv U�hL--jl lie cil red. tzllrL er tile it ova Act 'to "�anleyslreet in rj--r aid, aud
severA warm da s since h i sold.in ojiie loti. dr each a .ft,,,tsr tin b mondville'. res,. e front Joeelitt Lawribson -itild wire. to
tve in ferers'withbig tit -profli bv -the adverflier;.s. e-xiietielic-&- set), f t
��r 'If Huroll trbduced audvvery poi-sible- miLatts niust-be adopted to
.1.1stoillicient I- Wlftte�*- sul',ply- of pure ean d Ircssilig fliere-oij, W11-1 lye d hf Publke
rnest.-. QarJenitkg -operations T;, -i(,e low411 teruns - av r 1, 1 not sc1d, me tl.e -under-zinied pici arid they .1he but Lot number six in the '4eq.0
o so I,Y &t( -Assi. are I d on t
Sprip, r divIille. on e -ion 'o he T xlerie-V7
g in e.a Pt A ction at Brydoti I.Tot: ]I
pwa:ship -of1Gt
Toli �'00 D E, N. 'be otreye -quired to 'furnish mej *jAh'n7tWo
(I it. U c utaininated :by. tile diiellarge before, the prmertyWilf - .11C u t s Hot �jtkj 1
d -.8t. I jLiiere�q Mare, or
-1.13. C a "New York eight
fir H. &.9.
froi� this d tit Jay At -house,- Lirg and lrame Barn'
re� progressing -rapidly,- and. farmers� *4t. vontaining
hal beni. I
Tetteitian'i Auc 4te, NVJ I eir claitils, spc s, at -11, bearing
-ftorn �-ucb dritltls.�, tibil 1106ms* HIM
.Qwderi ie peffyinit, Salvday -the T y of T
r.( "itilatC-d RI)OUt two
9Q e a-i'and ol4r 6loilies an& o f ME a Y, illst., 4t.
r tiny, "Ifid the valu'
nerally., haVe--finished -sou' a! of IrL 'WP- XG 1,' Bu- ille iqe�urity flipv hold, -if IA e, -0 -hard Th.i;s farm I
n1g,- it AL TIZUE-L- 0 t ; - _04011*. The Tewn.
!-*v;cry yoting !ail i f liflile, stit 12 of the �Goderi�h
een sawn, upon -a gbod dry -d -nimcf.8taw, For farther particulDi, I tinit tiv. fact t1le bn the Bayft
seed has b L bed vestu: ents in market places, cra%� i streets, yand--Ken& alrintilej:. -s a6 u'th- - C.-
0 e.pre n 'ravel Voad.
L_' Terms -cash. 1) fsa e.. ts
r tile r I use to house" lit hear sonjoilting vt.-ry-*.ji' uti4eiq oath;* wid�tlw v(juchers
and -t le harwkim, !z. wholeattesied
Q a pill to itteli to their attvat uige-�y ises or to ice under
and aLrt veirb a� reuirn mailAt'ree ot chai-ti) by- achire-sitig t1w - isfider D9 in-supp s
m Insolvent. a little more.-r4,iji: will st.. M t must be proiiibited.- I � - Ort of silt:11." jrn.� 81'L G. -AI'CA:UGHEY. uniler plwer of $gle 1%k a jfort;ra e
.1 !. .. . - . .1 - 13..�G 0 111 Godeei�h. lit LIJ.:_
b fnillillagged uJil
ecL-d AlNil Gtlde ay 2.. ctfis A.". McCrunnell -and wife to il-e abofe (,Iom.
es conn 1 -31 i -bat�dat"Goderich in the�C 'ro
-Privi ivith dwellin w
t atr noti&it licit, R -d J86 R id
tion, finely. -(Zlig& hy not 110116in". ti
'tar. ortlit, eii;- m- :16%y2t; litits, numbers one ar.-d two inthe.relit
frequetit!3�inspe -ifortli, 280JI: I-:]- A P$t -wl-4t -116112V�
an. arid put throutrij ad6es': ilinic i blictlietit sery ia, -.this U day 9f Alav*
the p A
-jiEjr-� JS .11r. -13ooth, can one un red
�T, to. me. the oi disinfection -and ot interment- "4. POLLLO CK, - nce--.5ion of the
w the, Ia-.,,- cs t It d' and nineteen aeresmoreorlesi, ex-.
ve requiti4 to" - ho 831-13iipatw-,�,,N N.0 T.1 -701ricial Asshrjjee M4 B.
this w llo-111yer "I', e�essary. 'Ili order to carrv6ut
date., "eptir and reserving outof above.ttenitroA
�f P. n -well)
. . . . ': ID
0 it vision r -1 teen ficres more or lexq. with aor&
ct of disinfieciii. TO C X S C U, te �,Jl 6 Towns4
lalcurity th we, tbink 31r.- Trueman can Ared -cible o ride o I. I11'90IVe A
tl:e d, si 13 1
MPI'T 1`1 'At' G 1-1011 - S-A Lr[
-e f P] 'TA
heale' z M
lest' One of his per, quic -
tact it Aclow. stih,h-.,Lt(-s of iron aud coil k Tlf t u rs
show the mal hens lays 1 i tuey-, of St.inley -will It d -at Ur. Turn -i Lo- ogbarji-,&ev Thisjsago"J&ft&�-
-Thendre -'r. havin I be Ili , .
A I., e - L 1.. 0 F k,err%" x:0 I I e
g eva ro..�Iorial to..'Ite
llyl;ituited,.ac�oiniirg the Yiffagi
under oath, 'Lin a (1t:edlit h [Ile iry eacth aud 'cliaiccal may be- made .4 illple renu --atter lntviiig- Varna,'oiti Monda� -t -enty.fir Ito, A&W
ghan. 2rim', 16
xt.i. at til e liour 6 r I
cra, th Hotel nsol*Ant... Act. "of". 18611*
an e-'njo,t-- la�- -Use fered - I!;'. 'day lie 030 �HoLr r 12.�niiles- from 'Clinton' and .7 miles from f
0* .,er 1 01 13lyt le, onzthtft Win
R, rs ItL with a h6i" atlW-tinii.. and- tell ock.a. ul�- D
Huron, marble, VAL UEABL H-019
IX -s and urinals of steam rnak alpli-aUelical, ie - find(-rsitmed a�-eT it, 'ruwa pf Goderieh.
that dread Coijailiption :;hjtxians fo copy. of 14knessurs 'for"f 'lot,
di" Alsjolhat the
nice I e
w y-- ars, raikvay� stations, And public kilawa.U1.11IS fellow-sufflirers this nfeans bfcuie--. %Y Wi I C e urf G. F U, 11-Z —1%T
"roll' for tile pi, . e -exposed T t YJ I?. E�
fioil,. to -A. th rX
Tiallwho �t. lie tvi. ell(. avoi,ylit. ti serityear will be for C jark,
Ion (fte in -or Sale in a Mortgage -Avail Pat.;
.MV 0 00--.11i hi t lie LTnder power
'1(f '',, r ", r 'AN k- Ilealy and wifelo the-above:Couillistrij, _j4ji
do. L -� -OON 1' FLU M
plapei ly- kept within*.the jurisd I of the using the �allle. lind a iva'v (janipbel-Is store _Ip�C�j G 0
W- e VYO Pee-i-al-atterld prite,�m,,isLbe-�ispectL-d;-.tndi'ijidere(I to. bo' 'cIlibiler inspe-kion"at fri
6 & Uld-afflicts Cow,ty bf day -the. 11 Gtl M ric
1111. o:..-,. �dTfe-s
ast. 14 vs. Lot number Eleven.'Ea
- to- 4E sah of farm PrOPeftY L" 1)'.%%zV.V1I1T10N, AST11,11 * 6' n e ore A of La1r; toad�in'A#
.the importa I , oad floatilzab? Hrealtli- by' lihe' liealtl:i offli-* VP2�11i .2 -1-rf, 1, "1 1� "L., Brox i, OCGIM, da-yoof May -,14. 6-7 -tit Ten (NIock-i th Llsq.'�
previous to t1w, Wirt 6f ReviS*K-)?f.,. s -instructed by W -ownship of Colborfie; west Lin the County
-cii.ps.-and alialtroat and I j�i I ;,- A lic -of his affa
in the vicinity of Goa6iich, io be h, eld, -,it cersr. Y nooli to receive stittemeilts
10 if N K 131, iri, and - 'riticifil Land -Surveyor (who is a )outleavi uro t ore or
j�,Cadlt�jgr tile. rescriptivii-is tit , . - �_ - . I 1 49 13 * I,. qou aining, due zhutdrod nereS
X.-- ail war cars used in- theL Co JjVer-� r Vvilic-11 lie- p'name ail Assi i e
,Yhe r s -a glic
Xr. Traeman�`LsAuetion Mart, to -in o rr -lit tile aflii6red. and 1) t . . . 7 . . To-willilp 0.,�nada) to sell bj Akticin 'at I is r ideace, less This is a zo&d farm -siluate-aboulF15.1113iles
OWL every in ercr, e , 3
c, e " 1, r , . Rifed �t Clinton tlli� I otj� of April)
ancefflivestoe-k.must �6.e removed bey -o Z;d. 00116VIVe.S; 11111CAUnd 11�11 1. 4 _ StAilley April. 16. ISM !I ar the L t Rouse, 1j.0 �r Goderi(th, dn-the daureen U)8ij read, atiotit*
%vill try IiK� r�inedy.* ai it will'. �j,)sr th6u fitol png,- and Y wntd
In, L Y 3b acres cleared with large frame dwellin
(Satarday.)r The loth- are Most, 61�- e.11iihits -of itirs and tov�n irt order. to- be, a
-1i Tiliesday the. 15th 1114y;, ali tonumber nine in thwlipujj�fi
aled.w r -rRF duid m
gibly t!, 51 ari 'S'LviAliti", til. (yK 0- jj�
na&'by kob. leanled"It'r-1 thoro"EffilyVellti!, Bjfie'v6est h
-sitifated and WillL prova h godiii nt el it 1) es�riptitni. *.brretpru inaii; L GXXE les of :]I& &bii6i
I . _tr - nvestm X[T:_k I L conees,%ion Eastern -Division-o., the Township vr;
if buni
'To-wn9hip of 'W.a a SI, 0 -4--lifield -, ill said County, cotitaining one triti
11 lease ad C.:- 10tz hath, Couiit�lr jlur�
a bar I a. lieles oratiltin TO o d and, Q, 'coil Win
to, the purchaser of p asersi. 18G6, comm6w?i.n� at 11 A. -Nir.,-
;e`- Cratei[L- the tile o.. i.Vc%v Ytxrk; iq, r -ho' cres more orless. Al -wild iot 4ituated-one d
a 'Im I., . - I - .-.' - urg. lintgs� real -on-or ah' it ffie'lsl Decarn.!-. t, d Furilittire, rompris Li
ritik ust btt subject 6fsl,dci,,tl Mtentio, PY -.he valftalofe -110*11s, snd�
slice on
-19(tor I
is req or -11.SCL
'61- for st- gee adv. a$ to Pre'vent kedulteration.. aii'd tile sale o f b�r hi9t. The owner nested to �bwl a half niiles front the Villa& 'of rDiturgauniiij, on
Is - - t one D.- W l4r,rd Side 'lloar
'tars with6 ii�.. .111 ILI parr, CD
May 12: lot d! I U-
nd a
-decaved-imen'tatid Y6 -,et bles, unrlpe praperlyyay chiti-es andla.cc it itivriv. Al 1866.' 2t. the Xt.0hern- Gravel Itoao, a bo t -J;li
"13. W. Moil 4.1.1t4slidesl - ie froju itivaerich,
It pe
ralinnina. 'HO
zame 011f; 0. 'S
*:aid Mort�- such z aquailigy &tie*
fish aindt 610n, upd all J .0 -S E P� 1A 3. -airs fe ted fV
sEr Th% s enny om e�fq -
w t
a with ihit6d 1- 3 * D'u, WjLj&0r',CL
- like must be proh, Wifwahosh. May. 31 OL -AMoi '
4, Hitch W 2 di -Sett,' Underpower of Rale in
rock ift riner ricalre made
tr Chiffa' Bir I- .:T arniisk Peter A.�Sinifttoll$ rand wife to the above Compa..
IMPHE' DY r I Sett" flers.- D,
theatres and circuses ny. Lot- number cleve-6 in -the third-
TaY6 Cov'lls. Table C16 d%1 Trays, Cexi�, concemon
arriveil !if MI." 8hoald diolet�:ar Ife ia-existeric.d.jIfe- THE',GPM, G L JSR
t�ctztor,�6f thpi yffeld, ade heiai
p4kt onlYednesdaybeing the firstakrival of'' WIdin- of fai--s, races,'
r. A.D e ths
are to%e �Drehibited, a64 the early closin P�JtWil I lid- endlosure of Abe Subser ber on - ` 'i.,r ' .. - 171.., " 1� Eastern Divls;ion orthe TownshipoUColborite
"of s I �111amps. on
�1 of-tavj!rns; public� hallls.atid%uch"� lil TIC -TAMES 0. IIF "."S tre. . bles: -ClockQ'� 5 Co e
-the 30th -of A a-sinall 3, years-bild
vessel with cargo this season.' ail excellent weil cultivated fulp th
nr e -Pvil last Wi
-:e' ai�e tor I L. C of-Mvii.on for. the Tow. ship 7 -611L parlour S e din iooi
4 and Covnty,�- HaJL Stoire
s Stalliort.; lie h as -a Brea
be Celsbi;et�ted YeiAiLIO -IVils. JL 'liix' tnut. dr sor'
eIjLf ii
a P1 'Jj0.j,, of L 6f Gr,-y� %�iil- be, iield:At tilt colincil'. vht c re '�rdck; a quantity. of Bijolip, klast v -
_�$C,?_, Sir J� th Cra.ill L B66k
�ARELL nil t , pl'� . 'r (tVij. ' - o ead lind white hind 1_3
A) 31 licil XIU.' 111. cities a owns: lifivin -.4 -popu Prind f L., n aae-o tce whi te- oh the F'reh ble
hitioii of uv ' 6.000. idli * bz. X mo, Cla *e, 31. D. J_%YZ.jCL* -r. -noo1c, 11 410-nda, the pl�-A it i I d I'l _�jd 0 u, -,I I jjrhato6l, �ir Daufask windolyLr- Under po-ver. of Sale in ar Atortgage. ina4e te
lie-ali eft, &n6shoe
ej�' ' ' " ' L '' - i I` Y,
May er 1& itaids, one o re I zan 'Ex6a6rdir Ia' '' ar, inst.lAo I artr� he I 'Ur I . - - the above C.nipan by4ndiewDoi�qjhaud-wLtW
ry Ifearinix ast Ist -C tams with cort a
toL JILLe Al and't-l',ation, thdoff !-to 1:foot.- k.nv dine lizes, bide-' Ile, i Lot iff
qhole.a lillsli.tila musi be -A� e� A �-aqpnrt;on of Lot. jimi'Aber 'Zhjree in 'the. Arn
provide&1n so6e- tie asle - a'd'Fouiid-:. 9 -Y '01ii-irpetin.,r of various ki-ids,. 6 iiedsttads 3
To, the Editor or thiii.:iiana' I S -stnenisi:61c Patli'lli 9 ti
that whuti.sulated positions, irltere -tile �c Tivilla- information-tfiat win lead l6.hjS..F06ov- Bu . r6au.- colices4lon.6ilbeLlow-u��iijpiDr(;oderich. contsm,
giwr I w -rite to inform you elt�rs n-rointe aine-4.Y ".3- iv�asli Stands and oilet
It be _.I
and poor ar.e , , A
Slttl-L . . . be ittitably riwarded.: 1
to be r'emoved for carit�aiW treatum�utj i-trease Thii I,nyahmM, inedie,ine, ix�,uirfa ilin" the several TQ&t Standsil-oue Bedroorn
L 1, 1 11t, G�
vure o. r
-your columb's- his friun&L jut and d -M Z -eide of Wellington
idpW Gode- through in. of n, cessitv. f- all t lia-e -Nin �in-rerotlq aise-1w4cs- THOMAS STOKES, Stove Lot number Forty orne. -west
I - . -ind -Stme- t inthe Village -of Poit Albert,
to %Vll ie ution ls.stwjec uship-Le-lel 11. aild P Yprious _ . in'the Town-
beidg com eTery ci y. an. 101 fl' �eniade conttit -1 t, R Road.!, Mm, Crla�ses of:,- I ship ofAshfield,zontaming 1alf .-An Berl
t -d _a
Canada .6f a� -havi;r.-. moderatMall ex`m.ssand-rentoves it -0 ay Ist; 11,80) -
Ila -�P� U#,N I 'WesterIV and lt
Cckatal Ac-c;dent," which town Bayfield
ii confaming, pol and aspeckly cu're may be r�liccktki XJTC HEN more or less. C -The -%ullidow
r pAlation of over Jbitm `its, One or He
more - iliS:Jellgarit-s, -a seperwt wl- 5 Lighthoil-
-iys siade �Alny'&d;juc -1 number.,rwo,
occu recl in this. vicinity 'a few- d Cxude hallL �)f jrjot
lutte firom* the c6oldhfr siov,6,�xiteh�fi s: Tin *are,
ablished arid- Will, intIL'S till C 'rock 'llassiVare one- Se -Dish
-.Ira t6 he e9t riselvent �.-'A t. C
wwoz about DIES- -,treet,, in the lown of Goddrich,
"o ita6 pel!jllilrl,� �tjitcd It 11prt t C -cry and; C
itdo koowa at Hf! NeSwain: W.
by *1�10h -� *1 A IED CA Df 118
e K. -sm super�& bath, patent- Tlie*Fz:rm,-p&rtot Lot.3'.1st. .'G
Ittwelve and a quarter perch mote-orlm
Inost instan4 killed. He was rari- fit r n i�h e d w'-ith �ueh medicinesrand . 'fell !Lr-- briflu, on the ilILL.I-.til]3*pc.11ocl'x,&,ith.rt-'-':L]IaCitr A 0 YA L" CAiNAUIA-N B A h. ey-2 Clothes Hoi
lathes drieri Jr.
tempo tic, E: .bep.rs I ie InAbe matter:of %Joseph -CopOl d It s'
'es or cloth lid bi -is Ina be re� bojLtle, n
in a a, din:r, .
c ardeq tools, vKThL undry othdr rir-fi: is a good lot ofland clearof stu
ToR oi:Blay Ist, arbf-IcSL't nim-ain 7
a Tell which hid been ex:
ly at work-jin
quired for tLe� i' e speeiallv if tli* State Of-CltljltiVfflion�ope mile sirolin 0
I.,ftinneril Statill) 61*Gre. ftta u�to pre-vent.6onn- -yell, o numerous toc a high'.
c e
'The Stoz!]�b olders at Gb'o rich, on the Bayfield L
dapth, of.- -iden-d s eet. -um been pr'ermr�d subject Terihs,of Sale Qr.A. Oiaveflioad goodlogloWn
cavatecl about, iiinetepn Ito 0 r It I
to o JeCtion:U11tilr tl.14-,
b- - and sheds anL Jog bbuse. ThellortAffierip"
0014cm,ci, ior x�4,L Reftj J e e
Q866.- ;it:e u-6-tilied that ail Offic of th 'Danki will 1Y. B. The Hi)l's� 1-0 10 be rented.
fee:k. without 0-4rbill'i It- gres, to, ve-� ootivalesce'rilt 11iiej
whe a smilI por- -srbi rhl-- t q an Wellingion 8 fop
TItese Pillsth ?i j,
Ztl V on the. -.11)f _of
bly "Utuated on tfie Afarket'Square in,thoTovill.
A frame dw�lftjjg house, Aam
e sim are
ivo.the fitst instalment on stbck�sitb�- vrcoWd Upon tile pr�iIllllles.
re to hrzitt, 1118 .) ' - ' . * I NG1
se 5 rrou disease,'ni.Lst I it- all cases -of -Nervon,s -L!zd , pinil I ieq�uoh.lz; to re
2 - .
Ile --d by tfie local Ll heic
.0 in"S'011vant
-A Ii �T-O--
coutd. wlffidraw4 liot-�ed.pf llbitileoce bizing fdruted - ill ovOr rc'a Ito at -an other ti . me . t tey'are safr�
-A ;p.)or whenever it ia, thought.u.6cesstp-y RO e- Ju -att,( -nce ak Goderich, April 27 i the -Village. The Goderieli.property is Ciat-
.-Y -fly -P ji 'anla NIr Gordoa's ce
o 1"Inot4i7tax ?bit ' A wrIt iT. LEEC11 b reet inabout the cienfai
ave some fo'CUS or owick Mar.9 d' 111%
f -1,9 ME 1': 7!1 -A ro-N 7 J Dated II
1100%. to. tion id� e * d and�befbta Ile truar4r it the d n ev of -are'. sic
of the� A cg t7w?
his fe�t fro , thp saiid
and. xn�aker- - hise ape . thb: it adin 0"Lllydell I d*,4 visited by, ihe OL
t Xt, -scrified at iJoderl.ch.-Stockholdeis %ilio aesire
Pains in tlie-.K and Liml),Q,J: 6ff L -h-111
rovid llt[ioritiLs of. c4it it TD.
an oWns lay U1.0 IL Y dmiso., E
-air i.. 7T RMS LIBERA-IL,
he was- i ly t re th; n one.- if-stalti4tit insi
ea gave way an d nstant t e�xvrtion, Paipitation earr, fpikterie. lit so van s.
Wliitt!;�,i these Pills will Oreef. a. eitire when f�o
in - 1� I . . n the &atteriofjohn Fuir &cd I t , 0 - X 4� f -per cent of the purchase
-tpriedbeneat4ft. Everyefort a everyci-ty,or town -of s i ir 5t d T. 1170 U D.8 -1 -DE, Qfe
Owe in other�jneq -'and althouch a -power-- A L parties indebted to the Estate of the C, 18N 1, oney tobe p64
ade ns have failed", L en
a 6 Own rat the inue of Sale, and a fur the 6'
p.)rt lice -one or in -ore health Int-dict.1 �o f1i 1- e, s fill rernedy, do not coo6i tit - ixon. 6aloill a abo -n
ILL �rt, el' jin rd jimed Insolve titsy r li�ieby- re -
to reseue� the ' nfortanate martr'btit -before
mu -i be ap�'ointed, whose- duty. i' s611 beir- clon-41ifiltion
uired to inilike paynient'to th pubije- ance-will then be made known.
t 111011r. ornnything-hurtrill Sabsciibers bem to. inforT e
e carellidly into the'sanitary ..D.L-eds, Abstilictsoffitleand A1orll;aKqXrejjQjW
the Solicilw-irs �or a
'011mbefo e the'Mh'day of'Miy.in- "RITI-S[ -he
16*c uld be, reached life- was extitibt.�� vis;� 'and Full dl�cjrfon;in the iaiziph!et raround. ach tile 0 U d itioil tot
r . to In v. -ORT' THE-
A twnt ot! r N R that in a di
Cotinr�y donoition, of �Uc' -package, *4ich should .1k.!40are!ijljy pre-erved, 6 -ceen at thii office of
reenol r -r -towd
h cil t -
Cote aircut- I;jr the of Sale..
Mg out of ihe dis[j0SjLjiojj8 E ri WO R K nied dit "A!0Pjj
His. friends r- ide in. G 31 ty o to'cliful ce - t. e ti dt .0
08 L.InIteil Stal�s:--t4al Canada.-,; sta herwise c6sis wil'i be neurred. -0 L
W.'J.- FI W 0
car a the - I a %v
Jull+�AaosjiS,ii uti�-1142�tiii- X.Y. 1,1\- f ) L A Y' 1�urther intormition can beobtai
OUBraed'. Sho.W they desire -"-
and of the preseiii Regralations, and. to rq o' DIERXINTAILE FIRE' IND -ff, .Lave
-_p rt, N.-J3.-.S.r.0(lrrnd six pwtitgesfranils, ell(,10.%ed. Official Assignee.* in: cation. to -tile Voulmissioners, Trust XrA ji'sint.
Jugston is,
M glixii 'to furni4h it -if t -sanie to- board of Utalth.z to anV'HtJtl10TiZp(l aticul. �villj�iwstrre it buttle-'co'll- -
ation I ShAr'. he' the local T Company of Upper Canada. Xf
J.011N. F-AT11, Insurance
XV11. ' The'dwelling recentiv or actulilly- ta-i.n.rig M11, vilh:, by return dia Ia:: VID RST _olieitorll
a . ILE Aladdonild
Slon'; ,pnJeiikzned,,
they will addraga -at Isabellai jsabel a Godericb� 4 of
vi�ited b.3r. �Ijolera, znug:�Pt be his�,eci�d r ill NO 11.11111 GP a NY ti may, 18G;< z��0.2 4tL
or, . - - , . I., . . . L . 7
to -us concern- ESTABLIS119D `1VG- :1111 &MINE
County, j e b gierite pz-cautio 'N�OWCaSjje, W.�. ge& CARDIT
T �rentfor(,, "A ieriek6
ons of thii iijck," en lem 0-. 0 -.on lihoi.t
UM, it deri
Very reaptictfalli, &c.-, ingithe removal of the a. :Which will able tl i rk stan,
jil'i in Goderich by Parker. and CAI'I*VAL_ X2.0'r 101 .-King, I Ith April, M6. W1
00,000,'ST 711 r v
anq the .4isinfectifig a. Pf C ' , : .. - L . - tice; aud--a -he -.i io e
W-.�,I. -M- c�1?1113, RSQ-NT. id - clea:us C1 . r' — no s t
o BavfMcl ;Jzimes
I . GODERICH,. -3rife, Departmen MAO H L NNE RY
F.Jordan*; Chudinpr a
cliiiihinpt And beddit" in ickard;Kxelef - J.14.
'g, 'Bent, c tile ; 1. V C14SSds�, 6i
'Go ±VU11--overcrowding--of hiltels,* public. 9 effected- � -a] I
der Votnbe,,'Vintoa.� l3i Hick on tj
-�h 11io'SY11SUIP, 8 5-a.forti),*and all &M
On- roW*,t
-ly P id. it QN-Al AT TE TIM
- 0 71 s st xers n'd rail -ways, is to be I IiIe.jj'(*('IerS,' --g� ?j0;;5,x W 1 fitted OD 1:PY
1 d' --. Ich as -(;S�z pre Wed;e At iiiioderate te Loss�s li and. 61
Section Nor
ail be Life Depai
At a. S X ar g which. may come a
-Lioll Sale -lots 42 and 43 in 14tii. c--
[filitia School ance,- or of- tljpy-*feel confidpilit of iriviag, g'"erul satisfac-
-tu Cr -alforded b.v tile..
held in the (*Ierjt import. V; In vii of the tiarulitee
ifZser on die 2nd that., to r Ili& ]purpose of 7r'Ctij5ekIltY is to -be repoivad to th4- -Atuoil- thc,i-nost -itciportafii of niodefri 4nedical. -V Town:ship offlullet-2M ae
accumulati?d pi-Aiis, lo wait'call 4&lea rge a Are,.
Chges sqg!restL r1ye, . . . . : cini.la and Acre , Ia .,tie r
C1611' -f ts4li�ieordina-r lit
pecia! 41eetill, of' the, inh,lbit, it.a
:hwl Section' � 04
er of sufli
siderin- and discussing Me ch; diitc-overies,standi -1his
ed red Isa .,tie
by C tral Board of Health, inz order. thAt tile wis.; r , el
of I party dre
Pr�. . yersoa as rega e ec% w n: ftifther g A 8 gr9i ir ralls bdi�, ;--snpe day. the flace. The land is all of excelle t
in b d It miffew fro
-on were is, �sed* ctii�able by many other offices.
lowing resolut. snuate on the Gravel Read, Is
is As a Family Medicine, iti�.well-`ittia favoraW D.ISff;.1 - & BE LL.
rds' Sell ool Tiustees, thefi MI. re "latiou y CAWA.61 IN PAIN i)r..-qrRoYlafu, com n' adopt �xutesi ierally'jetth 1i -it
roal. Y
Dutig. ING. WI&4t,--V� clo*c to tile -villiage otr aneb ter. Thew
he At- kn®.wn. relieiifig thousands fron, till To Nirm - , , e distapeeftolviclinton.- The In'
let (1) -Resolved that we view with alarin t ch mayL bee ome hece�sary to We nieh and sam
/tim e.to time, as by Iaiv F p" sin tile ApeqfiM low rates -have. be -h diad or arm. 7 hW
mpt abcut to be made -by the Chief gtzp�rinten irbiided. - ARA U - -- - I
-Sid�-,,Jiaek And hca*d.Co Its, folds,Zore tliraat-� Ma INGRK�, IT . L
4eni otdchoolseifion.kti� rights OL acres or either 'ith'Or
pr'twfeges. The above 'I4--iflatioTii s If f e -d to- Y- C um";
ra n -ffi--tbe Vtp. will be disposedor.
a- erisolaiedfisks.
and ta darnager our b) were Am praws, aps rnac I 'buildinas and*otil' bg1j'* writliunt- �ejearh*
I -b Terms-Abr-tbe whole$]WQ,�-c
mE y. tits Excellency theGoverno 0 "morbus
stt!d Co S
mmon $Wool act ad r -C T R -E L E -A V E N Tlzel -�ndersigm.cl, hiavino� been -appointed-.
afh -bidairce - I
1�11z� the 6hangin;r. of our present system of ap- Geoeral i idil - on the 3rd d4y- -df 31ay Cn lera Dvsentery.,
ingTrastfts.itfid-formin-eLTowtiz-hip Boa d paints, Bfi.rnsi:Sealde., r., ii,�;ent of ihe abo c for XyMericb. rerit yearly payments �sit -a
point i -CoillW�fiy a
0200ki five ye rs. or in sei
.,bfTrUjrft3. ' r "" &c. jidstirroutiding cou gll�d to - re- - tiotit It not Sold fmioner.41lis Propenv
Uu( .&C., &c. ;w -
U1 ed. feredat publif.- Auction at -Cl. A-�.Trttematwimw
twIlhilgly q -olldit
to of -the 38thr r of. the Con, 'The -M
provisions -of the. .8th 'see� intry, will be wild Le.
(2) Resolved that werr will r. chapte 0 A NADIANI PAINT DEST-1140YE It has 4 ceiY6.,kop68aIS fo
Mit . . - . r uian�e: in both
such a trespa$SL Upon- and tha_ . 6ad bej&e the'public for �a letigtii 0:, t-
our night,4, t St4tites. of Ca'
a.. now been Imc.
Ing ei and %ill always b6 r6adv- to give ittfornia Vy
And where -Mr -use," -is "well lik6d,- never fail ED Godefich on 12th lily -it
i - - W31. IiILEE C.I.E. C.. J10QA9
petition, thi Leg'i.,41a,ttv6As4ei�bly*notzLo'Bane- t�blets Titble-tT 7--
fion it, -perinanentreliatvileii oil to 1). -to insure.
-it. a single iistance to gve ing
-For fulther parti6tifars appLy on The pronfism
R. W� PUJ-INI Secretary ii-melyp'sed, and -we , bio Free Stone kppt- ion ligrid fbr.R4Rd-; Win. RICHARDSON,-A 0
AGE --have new et, 1,
X -May - 8.- Th 'G ercialzv lie' C -or to- A
CXORDAX, Pnairmah'%*. g0lt]Kt� issatishictitin -w re the'direutipn.s have :Bank.of MotItreal.
-09ps _r
�E T k - sills, 1�a.. OF'
spotial sky9, that U. S.. purposes such. -is
llowing- is. the petition 'addresse'a. outrary, all fig Pricb,* lqay'lst*, 11366.
dictilielli are
To the- llonor4blethe. Legislative Assembly 4c; 'Chea Cash.';*
1 Mandlelf lins prepared a -bifl- of deNrlitediwith its operatioris, and- s -ak for
Xhie fo k Atto�ney bepti prop6riy fbllo�red) but; n tile 6
in _pt -Jn
'A 1 -0 Iii C. -7.
from experience 1 nittter.-bat-
The. pet1tiott-o-Tthe-ullidersignell. jnhabitant� of rstood that Chief Justider Qbasexill not
f2e fiM WtL
ownsh 17
re w
thot;6 ho -M
:School. Section No*6 of the T ip �1- Cod&- prpside at tkq trial. We speal n thii-I
Wo fulki i
-CartidtinPro.v�ncialPiLiltauient.iLOembled. against Jeffersoli hVjs at 11ro highestterms of"itsvirtuesand ftlag!cal,ef G 00 .06d�r h, 17th Apr% 18,66
z' -Q I , - W
M44 -un0e lec ALE,'
rich, in the Count* OpHuron. Apr in tesLted'it-th r6ughly;,atidt'lie'relo QP GAGE.. S- Inso Ont Ad -of-
. r : - . 10
ween 11 OF 0V
areL stillbring Irorn any of' tile complai ts t'
Humbly Sheweth. Balston'of or
New York and Sam Callier i� . reetitliniended may. depend-liipon i -,YTNDER- a� 6 contaiiiied in a -
That after due and*.eareffil cofitiders oil. 6trtfie at Wti' L of Baltimore,took which- it s is of sal --In the Mattei
D.E.30' ON
lalce td House thIS.ritoriiing f6r $30or 'being. a S6verergn 11�jjledy-.' U Uoruragiii rinade. by J ohn Rutbb�ford..cif of J�atnesHowzo anjuso1v
'hange that IS.ilrr contemplation br the Chidf Su- P -ant.
I he astocishingeffleacir-of this C
fill H.6, Creditors of tile 1tisolvent-a
de round 'BkIston. broke AnOian 11 the Village of -St. Rel6ns
nntendeat, for be introcitleedr Into the Common as! On thi third � -11 - .� W� A N -T In* the - Coun t -Y of TT
tfiL DdIstrover rin eiiring the di -seas ttotified,,'
rboof Actvfz,. the taking- fro hand and on- es dr, whict. it is i6kaiilithp Cathc 1�15,
�6mijiiended.-and its-woudetfaf success in sub- -rd his That be fiai inade*.-Ali Amignmetit of h*
So In e ratepayers his� riaht tlie tentli nj.urdd his rt:L
Id C RDS Huron, rine Ittithirfo
rol and manage- reto f;
ood, 102000. YJ pAtiffy tbe' undef
M4 T
defouW' een ine. the findersighed-Assigree, audfhejj-*&m
inent oftaeir oiWn-Skehools, and ine we 01�h A-000 0 �j eiri. U.
ofthe several sections the eQnt left, battelfsed to yie when`his second dning'the torturing pains -of Rketifitiatisin, fir.d m o ri 4; b e i ng a - estate and
a vest the sa threw'un. th-e8pono'e. Ile fight lasLed*-i 'a relleving.Wervous Alrectionk,- ntitle'it-if cords -of Heildek fdi of - b4'rjing -her46* RKIZ .15413 -ARE
lit a, Township Roard ot Trustees -'whefrein the : ... 0 - -baying
woUld'be-'jittr�r cared ty . .1113ter s, -witich the
� 0 - - ran kin 66 list of re6ledtes:fur these cquiplailli tj�Ae4--will -��paid,Zl I Cj-" W.
-interest of Solue Se�tiong in -. ; . , - I . . � - - I .... "llpy, -in due payment.of- pi-incipal U'll,d ier -two inonda
-himbes do requir6d to furnish niel, within
Orders aie contibg in' froln MedicinL6- Dealers in' to
n ell A ril 25ffi 6.*
- ' . . 1p . � � r. P�T
LO SON '11'parties interested- th wi I be -if aj�y
-in 'dilseussing-ibe he* loan ea'uh reaffying as td. the inkiersal �srtt k given..tb the security they bo]# 'and the Y*1
bf it
or G1 -hone, Etating the fSet; IM
We are bonvinced- that.such a
kt challgeL "iyes an
for, while some-dthei teivoured � seCtiQUIr Would T. .0 - .. est -secured, it d hbtici� hhW W14 fro
he, PosCs sp-deial says - inr the Senatet?s --thereby n in this date,- witli their claims. spew lint
have undue ilttention.'paidro. them-. ierluithersUpplie8'r d
finance 6ornmittee, Lsfitctton it J,. DID T
(jif ever biltj, objections j -ere made to, - tbe- clau - z . LL Cq., iola, on
se ex nd if
roducid. into-'ofir School Act) 4t and indorng 'Tea. - j -he n :A. . - M.
whoee-attestedundervaili, with-th Youchers -
Would be a ff. from state ta. 'aia Qs coyer never tat s- to at-the,Wlim.l." 'h ay May, 1.86A.
-source ofjeafousy and Zontinnal contention b --hiptia- b6nd dams' 91 C-aiadiin D t 8i aTdq, 261. d - Ofr e
ve irnihediat6L roliet... I aledidihe dealefg*keep -7th. 18 6- 1 support of sueh - eliltims,
-tween the-ditlerent'seetions-, andthil c -as AtiThie'pirflea implidated in the A t -
Al Go - dericb, lffiiy� 6" set. 2 tf
I -Su It tat �hystcians-oj;der. and use- it,; Fifid no. fatuity 1- o noon the A' tion Mart of, in
at -12 ck Up Dil�d - at -Goderieb the -Con4y Vt
'-this twerity-eighth -of April, 1806.-
..-Truernan,-Bsq., in t46 Town ofqP.pdk. Hurou
ding etouldbe a great hindtan '. to. the'al bbiry in- January t barebeen hhout it after once trying.l.
of lei 1.0 F�.� i'exliiress rQ will be..�wi
varccillent of Educatiob, G
arri?sted, and all or the half tuillion dollirs -I.
Price only 26 cents pdr.botre.,
proper Y name
ul rich, thb fb5owing t I' I' ts numn
Whererbim YO r pefitioneri humbly fpray that ex6ept-about W,,000jrecover&l. - The. origra;- All orders g�hould-be addremed to yj -SAA101K FOLLOCI�,
Your-H6licitaliforHOUSC wilt be, pleaseditor be'rsi-Thre'e atid Seventeen, Mailiers'survey,
concur ir NORTHIlt-P.WL -Official A@wee H.4 13.
-in. .4tor of the. rob4eryi.J6bn G-radyi a brake - yivux w14
our viewii..
tTilip 10ILLE -adm�eaiildre enit-one li�lf - an acre* of -land ]ffo
by* tel ,
W r t4e game more or- leps, with house�,and
Conn. Martin Alleh iUeneralA9eIfff0r'( 'ttle'and I ON`
iii le� 0. -W in thd si.id Villige of 8t.-'.HeIerjs, contalhiaLirr, --
And as in dutj bouild peution ra -If 'MaolontherNewHavda traiii.-was.-r6cen Y Vewea, - JEW- tit
ever pra3r e wl at
arrested at Bridgeport,
Sold in Ooderieb�'by kark�r & Ca
-arrested in Aordan; Gardinir � uo-., Rnvfield�, James ke k6�jWjj
Bkboklyii last Saturday, Gilbert-McGlarpe. Benthatil,Rogerville, '-Frjckaird,-Ex�t�r;J. R.
f. T Pro,
thq engineer of the'robbe'ry was NotiCe
PHE Subscriber in Teti-inio - frotd
'C on applicatiiYa to-tibe'Solicitorpi-er dn.thGday--
'Nano, AWFAMTED RxonvAy RoBBP e, Cllnto_n-; 1E, Hlekjoll nd -ah T1 -
my. "a -weff.'kn6wit a U A priet-orellip the U
'da t, atf, ir Gilly McGlory -a ineak , omb lbeaforth: tL of iiale Sion
tt*� f.
40' -Fill
-V nigh aStL ihe ReV .1 r Jamea hlqdicine Dealtzra. BNII)FFS* adilregsed _JiD t4a P L osl
jj�o ie was arrested- i� this city�Aast - Friday ribl,'begs'to return his simeere.-thslaimforlbe
4of n", J". W SINCLAIR.& .
Soliejto�S _f6t,
!Belinftt, W1119 64�bject&T to a ni4' ellsi a broilteiin-Jaw of Marti!' _M 'reepivbd at Otiawa un t . liberal patronage-mlirch
_oft&. G he Us enjoye4 WA
en, at- e time inform Ilig,rfHeintili-ind the
-IftaZ& by two -unknown M under. the' Allen, "was also Arrested in this city theLsaille gee. the sam
CK I:. ell" 0 Fhft found, ii -bis ol'i stand -'sprin f 'D
c MbOir. flotel" D ngan o r -o-effor
for the onVoyance_
usive It ioW& the -poliee
of IU a n wheez*
diag on j oor frpm -NiI;sto*Q towards f
He w�re all taken to Brid travelling, pnbl' thei --in futtiie he H he
ALL. KINDS 01? 1 -May, .1866... w1bia"Sq
0a.delicb, 4t X100111
umstanqda was return- P They
anq. A The pro4r.igaii geport -C 1$6 je
Iwg_ roMr e6dferenc�,-. 'and.."Im. oTmItt list theiiii is 4 ce o
F, &Z
just pro� con6ci of this' city
know who the. robbers T A- T t tomake -um
... ....... on proposed Contracts:1 or dtir )rea�ri, -on and-:
0!016.ckl When the two - SELLING AT
-were itfirnediately afWr w
33eluiont,, a�oljt. thd- fact' zt.ing oil -his par thow -at
A th7e.robbery were known, but EM.L the. lqt-- !lily next. between B3p fiald Javor him with� a call.
f rdm
M- mad Seaforth daily dich- way, Vi 't a I wA3
"ffia= Va'nla lf a�dL'Colliredhi � little or no e ort to arkestl-th _H ;)in YBTAM
6 vei em; _O.LCK RARX WAY."' ANTRON
X -J400 W
��tationtwice daily eack. zeter & Far -Godefleh, Ap 866.
rjle!th, I
After riimagino, his -pocketsil findin�gy e hrrests were effeeted -through. the ag 10
ency. ffHE subscriber' 00j.cords cf Reifi
bui little to repay their.siarch, the R- - -of Pinkertonis national- P�611ice.l- wants
At THB, qu ar-Im4ce- per- -ch, vicir wa.
t C .0 CV k "for which -the highest- in rke an. Ooder-
OVER J lock Bar A- a & wily- A.CFENT&W tTZOS
%elatleman was allowed. 6 pkmeea -on his'. -ich Railway Station tivice eac
Ce in cash d livery., at -his
rrived'TAii 081nato STOPX� Cr4bVs AL60ko' Pli �will be paic It e.
may. JW- A newly. a an AP
About half wd our after this 'Mr J Pri'ted nod6es co'�Wfiangf�rtiler inforin;t-,
-Dock. 'fbr the
Jotte6r.he in California' purchased yard at the ions of -Or6po ts rl 0. cam" zz
ardihe m6a again M - . : - - 4
follavring-hi . some ice) and tion as to Condit for orders for Fruit Troiiii
1ndina it- 0A]MIAGES'y iv.,pslij §Q lm. H. SAVAGE. -may be. seen, qnd blank forip's.i f Tender may Old ltoehesterNirsbry, in 66.CounVett
W U t04- a the W00-dS and, remained very wet, laid it -out, to dri in
Idre , It's C46S;L -("ar*' Ifikeaji; ityle?. -ano j r be-ob a the Post Offfeesi, above men of Huron slid Bruce.
thei-a ujjtU-. Le profted At tW sun., 0 it- going t6 a -Largg6 assortment of -Chi p1liazuRps vivery t4ned r t W
'10 b,5 MOrn,14A when i. -look for it- acrain 0
_hDM� riages - : _ OVY -0 e r. -or a Ole
& Feirambulators- 6u. hand and on ihe b 0O.L. a. wo'l. U d and at the � ffice, o i 6 Subscrib ral cominission s
eary- Ara Xor6 fjoW bij it
he'! found - i irinds ot -weather. W L- ticl e
t had diia�peaied,'atid f
ofth- '10
tter jios�iad,
irtpii. PAICSS'. LoWE -BERT G 1IFFIN.- required,. apply, if by U
ly. 1RT #n jiseithure in., 01L
sa a
re .7-
Ot W'. TPHE b criber .-is oreipal P., -Inipecfo�. ---m- TCAMPBSIU.
]Dot beeli. eulprits f6i-Caik4tAfte- .. T; _ .. - .
the' -w h-
wa" will bo 65bred lq.,t eX'4624
'Mar -or duri�g the uight. a;wused' the whole Ohine�e ii�ig
afiada.. d`t6-.paY --the. Oil
caughi, veng, - , . . . 4- -a "lily of
olid" ".E b6rhood of larce"Y gene ri as GeavrsdtA -
1. hialhist market piide for any -qu ipeetiorli Office
VAL 6M& Post Office In.,
Go&rich,.Xiy Stb r
ef topsequence,
866:* Wl. 1-1 -Godaex 4prill, ;Tj
A _ 4'
Dist 1w15tf- London Ap
I Y G-
T. J.L T.
I r
e Idi
I Ia"