HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1866-05-11, Page 2. • • , • !I s i. • • • IF SEAIPWEEKLY _ no kind workefor me-, wire Jet, me. stfuttgle •lle half Smiled at the doubt my• question. . _ • .T1.11.Er; '.1.1 A It 1.4 Ft 1.:..0/..'r i lc .. • through my hard trial; and who ne'vei= iiffercil -implied. and he lkieked- at Me as he siniled.-- .. 7 - * . • . • . -7-.-7-- - . - , a helping baud. He .iniele at tea.-tte have Roth leok mid sniire'exie:ieerated me. - : - SVIEllFlie ArtRANGinitiNT.1, - .. hot he did not, And he w_as'in .the neigh have not 'deserved this, -.Carlo,. chow h6fe.'• - -- , - ootl.ci latiii• • '. . • O,:itizch who. has • soeil- enough. Pi. salinire in waiting Or 1,:er, treetediteres he had -done horhood. -' Ile was often at Mr. Norris's -- My pnor shagel: (*ado came forwayd, Ael-v. : '.. . .- . ' Mell, ' : r•-..iite$s•- • Mixed. • • • -.- --, • • • .-..., . • ' - - the rest eft he - family. After : carryine‘ out „ ,, . Xessie 116'selt told me eo- True, bee gine les tail. --li,../ laid his:hmul -.ion mv- knee goderieli . . „.de.p 10:110 aim.. .9,:e3-p-T.."1:1,0-p.nt: - Wit,.l.t is -,.re:Illy ...bpa.u..tiful.- . -.....--t say that a • , - ,z- A%- r 3 — - , ' • • °. -• house.. : . . , . ,. -tae uouies itau cover -mg .,t4imii up .witli •Iniy, heti basiitees 0'1r:teeter- witli -her husbitad : and lo,,,kt•d n; at nie.wi-iirtilliT Ind . re se -• • : "nth"' • - ' •' • **--- '')'''') ' 2"-iu ' ' - ':.("9 • •few -Pleniki 8 llbgeribe ftil; Wiltit IS illielltred ' Abe Minderer'ivent.int6 the hOuse ' mot age, . • ' is a bendfit t ,the i 7iote imam anti when ' of the axe. Miss-I)olan wasehe next - and t. - • •• • 4, • . • - • b . last victini. She proeeedetl to -the -barn -after-. it is, accompli hed, Jim pleasure AO e tonung doein stairs not finding any. ,of i rived from. it will be -shared by every the family in the -house; andeProbrt who wag wrutene have condoled with -ale son " Tho:aps.in," I- • said 'ekeitetHy • . -.••••-•• • • 1 • .1" .`te r->eiteneli .. 10:.e) • -2:el ete - • . . _ - but. stilt, hote Leonid he de- ?. . e • only d.e-eaetta look •-a:Iten. 'th-ey vainly S.:ek tc- cai-ron tia.),1•„ -11:05 •n5s'.'. • • n • • - ineneed sevi.rehing.. fOr. ialuables." He stuted He did iterind he did mem ete_ Norris. mei Lee "mai awe. mn,•,hen ; ..; 4,420 .1.01 was throwif .otI: his, horse one morn -Ink -mid -I - was an. °etc:1st." .1 ,rlookine - • • 'Peel) . •er,0 • OM - "1.1'r WI, /11 HR.*: s I t"'""'d • .dee ced p..to-:‘1:10::. • _..7:60 brought_ hotne. dead. Jessie bee-a'tw- a _'.eit'ompsua he WaSstarvine', he- (maw - ow, alai poer tele sant the wOrld. t.2 tiqor tett neitl lei ittit o . en . . - • • ?... ho got no money, but: -ex peeted to seeure.a_ fti.r the, benefit ,of the dys- considerable tenon -tit • seated that Miss • pectic on_ei we linty ientien that I c• can- Doltiu's pocket-Au/A had.voil it• - - coiNt: wesi-. • not.- find sixeepersong ,in •toWn who are - • He saw noting., whatever ef the - two - - - ecnneriund intereet notes aud- ;120 of the . •bainc larat.tet i tar, ate mrosui.. retnaai f ed ttbdut the house tor Some time kilted u • -Norris. wax not- a ric'-'h main after 'all :11,1 ho 7 ICZVe0 it. rt9Jt.i pit•V !inso' .11„dido...•• • . • ;•..ro . p • n -a•m• • to -take his--entr•ieted view Of the-- -.• .1 •. • - • • • - lin •": left many dehts. - I only went -.-to see. htsr mat. "f;.; liks•oa crust 'to eat.. . rte. love's- 5.-1.0- • _ , die trees ,,row is ne" f.n. it eel u.ot quite 1;!Ciferiell... rt.rr 3;ue - _ "1; -subji_ict. plantii going on ,ani•t• • once-. - I foUn.I her. Witt. e:t110-115, aa•I under her infliction ; yet -1 would liai:e gtnzi. AO 11.)%v as to 'be brought to this p /et- beast's pl.....i.,v.....,-T--==.-3.1.•......-----.......--, ...._, _.....-.. ' ( ,^ ri-!"'‘ t 1 -. • • again W. Thoutps-ott•trad aot beep- Mr level, lean lake Care- of myself. . . • • .. Norms executer.. tie lratl huSintsss to set- Th.onipson- threw itinisell- mek in his , elm — . . • P • the articles -Wan& ". irr the . black valtie. • and- . 1...dt about -_dark.:‘ further mei/edit:as _that those who now. Inver the ent.rprise were.pretty muchas. brought -oat the trial. • ig • . of thecounatipity'at large. - n de with the. and I coca only inter-- lehair; and uttered a' dismayed- vhistle es I ,..:7;4•Li t• t• • e•e - - d h' • • • d f 1111 .en years hence- receive t c t ran -s- w .in aid. patent te the min s -o the •;• • whole conununity„ . Probst states that - fere • besides: I .couId not bear- to -see them- Made this. free- ealonieittitry •unon his propte . - toeeeher, was very wroug atid very itse- sal. . • , , , wenid_ !tittle neufessed_to ell the murders be.. . , torte to pieces by ..the mott. • - 'lees,- but it was go, Mes. Gray offen came- tn. i• well," soid, iveaverin; slowly, (10.1)e,H,(111, (J. • . fiee . tne.: • 1 eartnOt Say Slie--e0t112f4rttht nu" "1 e•la -muter:4:4:A tlidt TOU-ShOU.41. eare - • • Iay "11, 1866. fore, bui feared that If he teideo he wotild . much. She •-sre me world ot wearisome for Me. bta, did not expect yotl would. take •• ; Tim •Seoendrel frequently laughed -while. advice, and told- ine inn& tlett I would- it--b'O.*1 . • • rather not have heard. What wee'. it to nie "'And. how (-mild taRe it ? ceiel._ it A WAY P JE • his c nfessiuu- (A' these. horrible • • • .1.••••••••,•• . Under the headin the OW, a r ee (raised authkity" " The Issue of the deteiline o. now,. that accounts kept hire so often atubsa riT Yea g, -ire me pityi-I scori pity. Atli ..U,I.'s .;Se.vea td railway project; affectieg _tlie . . • -..- • 14. • -.. .. . . ; • • . \ crimes. • • 4•411•• . • ". ' • •. late with Jessie ? They were both- free ; Thompson. -were nat th poor, foliorn .ifiter-cits • in politica -Matters • u tshes the ol ow-. EIV.IKILY:L.SALT-1111.D.A.Y. - and if he chose to- fori.,;ive -her_ anl 'marry girl I. am, would you. feel or si...ettk' ? . these -Counties _are novion • cc „ d - • : /: / :her, tont if" she • chose -to marry nue.e., in ire i yait thiek : I tite not know -hew rich- ,girls etre the earPet.. ' gaie ii -s a- raittartr9n1 1,i...on-- • • . d 11 t ' tl i ma • - . . - . e ea on the second 1 att i for when :.1.1. vs. Grey letv.ine &tie arter_ ‘.. \\ hatinguage ? r . . -.. . .,, fartitcrS Of. Ptanley and. the other oWnsliips 1 . . . t noon in February, I f.elt the lotielieste being I •i :tVliat did- ion- ineau by ttikiog bare of. -through Winch' if would rttii, arid, in some I f. ti -1-1- ill; _fi • - • its is possible, theill. 1 . ,4 wim..t,. T said.1,..yez,,,;.. A a;ztisi. f Ivi,i,a .-ii.i respects, the >scheme- is plaugible eitougli 0 the ablt-!st,,evieest andowidiest writers' of .... u- ? -on dia.t hateful strititeeee that- Mr. 1. lietupsoti , , ultimate attainment r a red:uctionlOf the , iseereed _quitt..t tsmitten. -with :),Irs. Norm.- taAt eate of eon, --true, fond, .10-etina cere; Beeide,s secaarg 1.! considerable eshaie ot . - . ,, . : . . r 1 • . 1 . -. • - 1-1 . - ti- And what do you think my dear ?" she tnuthige shall make nte tviety i• ' , c( 7 -ing article We net.d har ly inter 1 in our base of. an absolate what-IA:claims to toarnal of eheiee This Weekly is, in our opution, pewee- • tbr moaey,-I say as -eine -what was. it -to trootid and wen?. yea cared .an atone for -doe- to Beyfield in -the Coutity lturon. I , - rea erk ia - . . . • ... nte, AVC.11171..yi.nt dere! to come to me ivith eueli seee a tuo And -yet T suppose it was after. t lang•tuf.:4-er. . Would- bc nood thattfg for the: try will iinmediately (J• reading • the Itinis••• readiog selected ..frent enrrent literature. The •esign.. -If, however? editor' has the range of all the -English- an -d njority should bare-.• tinental •Re_!ieivs, Magazines, and first - thereby perilling the _class WeeklieS, which' press into their service - • • at re c o gurcs, on- this wide'earttee She ha.I harped a.piin .tne? +.rorn t its 5). most leimense store onse, , - - '.- • franelitSe-, we belteve;it-wt11-result -in the tePe- . addealt " he thought, you were. gone. Ile Ile spoke %vanity,: and" a ininly glew roge. Ittcal tra7, its -promo.teis'4.t. at4iitie that' - • .; - . ..., immediate secession' frinn the Cabiriet of he selects the.t whielehe judges best -a,datited . 2 • .,. . . V _. t.• , . - but/t woditi ...11 t give ill, hud 1 it would urnish Means .-by: ,ithicitt.con' ' Earl 11Ussell and Ajar Glttdstone: • '. Th6Y to suit. the mute and intelligence .of. the Amer - seemed quite 'surprise& whea•I said I • had.' to -his face ; seen. Teti ,on- utitiay, .,, , tt net, is she not saitl ateirilee that I did not Want to he taken meting with the- Loudon:4nd Pert(Stan- ' will most ,probably ' be Vtep0111 Wiled by OWE peoPlo• . , '• : • - , • • . . Show that he eveuld be :a shfe leader et) thei , 33te.' • end :of time, - and Gee.. Sivneney is -equally 1 On the 4th inst.,. at Got/el./et Mrs litab bloodthirsty•and bloodless,. Mr. I Beeimillor, Sr.; aged a years. I - CX1)211111011 ig a bold illustration of how well _ l'eni ns eiin keep a. secret, . tied ;kr. y Ma houfs (1,!ttonite :160lhe..1:-.. / Wint-and Pow- - CID -0113itritstitte!tis., er s ck" we lioar'a great deal, but it -is only the nohle explialinge Feentn secrete." „ • "4.,. • These thip„es alit eett innve that Fentani are watitin4 in --bravery or ordeal., but.- first that 'ond that it is f011.y, shooting Oat _ the;mad: lbeii• leiniers re'huire eoliiipqn sense; and see- . N•0__HrIOE' - _ . II- . deg -tangent, -td . a tic/mitt .9. irevolutrn in Can- ada with a corporal's genre, or to captor. e'. T i iWnOe I I sl Twbo e goitootr ea feerri c nib et 0 metheriapity: or 301'9: Ileland with a gueboaa ._, -.el re.01;labony has , t , ,,, - -- .. ••• • . . ' ' I 'Victoria 29 wh" h Will be stele ly -enforced. - -dotie Well in not Ittiviierestecceeded and Coe- 1 * zeetiou ieeled. I he owner ttiip-tissesser Of ' rP11911.'eadi iwC(ii It' II: tnI'‘I'llitel-l-lciaev-fl°g11°°Inre's;lum'I'le-lierthialtPkd' 1 eve"rdit.'rel:ble to such ills 'shell when require that the Fenian -1.3i'otherhood, tieing_ hound 1 to fait where suee- ss is iniece,..i e, is e s t 4 s lawyti- litt .I :am feo. a s soaineeusySaoeorri e. 04 vue ele ribyv eanribi4iemwetti.oeadrciroiearcfwaseiseausairiptiLoa litmin,roariallop,avewie.;,,_ ol'the -,!Feniaes!'believee_ tn il seeoy...a•n---; foreeveery false statiment moe in „ay . (prom ike- Detroa l'ilisbluenef'0)flowin. It ; deseription• s.o turns e , sue owner pr pos. Tinc Fxiciax Teo cre.fis.- et h.II • i . .pli d It -hffi al I tei note, trout e responsible soul Se, tells its own j • _ .. . • _ be recovered by the Cleik of 'the Municipality , the public thet I have 1 received -information - - sto.sy :- . . _ , i before any court of -competent jun:diction.. ' - Wi-SNDOTTE May t 18t6 - -- - -Toile Editor of the Detroit Tribune. - . . - Municipality, Town of Ooderieb, Sin.,= -I would.respeetfakinform ; o d - . . 3°- .')- Town Clerk's:office, Ata\y. kith, 1866. aslit; . that the Sweeny branc of the Feniate-Bro. , _ JAMES 1.71:10.MSON, goner he asked,-' crone to Lendon 7' • 'No, I care o•r. • • • - Railwav-heavy gocds could- be car- advanced f-ollowers Such -as Lord Ifar. •The -selections- in the numbers alreedy is- • _ indeed ! What elioulcl et) te Liendon for ?' I Do. tot .deep these- unlucky- words," -he- • - Heil from Lake Erie to Lake:Huron: and tington ;.atid Air Geselien-,leaving4 pro- stml embraced a. wide -variet,y- of topici, He did not ausWer that, but, tram eomeiiiing etitreateiti*" aud do _tea me. whether you will he said, saw -he thought yea were , engaged to- be married. I-wisn she, i ere,poor dear - F 1 it is atard ease fo eu yetiag • --and-80- Wifely.' I luwe 'tie doubt he thhilts so toe/eau . portion, ofi the • existing iflinistrA whe all of ieterest to euttiv.ated 'flings; and nearly .marr3- me, yes:or no. Let it be, it yeu like,. thus avoid the etreuito.us ronte by water, will be retidy to.fornia Coalition CrOverif- ot a character tie bp highly' attractive to r want:yott te tat,._ eat e oi. Bat the: :objeetions iti oat- opinion; eoine 'inent with -Lord Siturtey- Air Walpole tit inn,:li-older than yon are,. yoe know." • • • - • . e mal y o - 'oft f A me igen 'reader- There 1 don't'kaow what. possessed trite said • e • atm . . •b•en exeellent Maga *ries, thrillide terbalance the adtianttioes The terminus and - Mr Henley-. e-OpposSition which d seit is to prevent Mree Norris how," svou!rl have liked td recia at Bay fiLdd Avoalti muelt too neat the will thus.- be "ferule he' a strorigit _ _ adt;entuteg, exattieite potene . graphic histori- • • d eee her s6 tlte tvord, fiat, tt• wee epoken, aud etese with • ' = • - = Cohesive_ party, headed by Alr Gla stohe frau/being-Janet-I that he goes to- - sketches, popular scientific artieles suet' terminus on Lake Ituron . of the- G -rand si-.1-1d W6' !?1:ith11-(1- hot be ilaPPY in_ the earryitie•trinicheivy o'bods °ace of the- nieinbera: Our opinieu is --- r? a.s etppeer origigally onet% Eties,Iish • aud . . everyuword, titl at lenitlesite--Ieft me:Ito ine tend net 1: -NI• renc peite. ica.s, t -t . p . _often," - and nnght faidy be esitimated at a stteneeli a clouded anti disappoiateit_tIrce, ire _ • Tit s sh'e rattled on, stalthint nie With ed:a little, and askt..d to know- Why it was No terwarraot a succe'sstul pompetition. of about twO hundred. aed fifty exelusive • - . ; h ." T •• ey esettys•hrbioei•aphy - . d• • - r • _ . .; - misery.. I sat looking at t...e Le, it• oast 9,,,i.. et. r ..t. etas -tee ea Jest tne. briehi and ' warm but •-neV -loneliness was I suppose ha was hurt, tot he did ie -St -add:a shipped conld be- cart:fed fti14-as cheap by that a Coalition . of g,.g.,a ' the .lonmer rodte and :T 1 '• •'. a'b - • '1 i 1 for •-• two- Or 'two or t ree seseions ' When a o tn. Of foretell cerrent literature, and. heavy upon mei besides, it had beensadwing'i word. _No assurance of friendship, , the crea, es, • t .. . . all - tai.oht as well be - .brotrrlit by die riell gener0 el , °bon will hail& to tittle . P . • e , • is o .tre at a rice that ben te it et, int the , . . and. the gray slteand white geeden end silent will, no hope that I wouldrelent or change • v t .„13 criticism. and aneedote. Ia fact, it_contaius air bad something both lone alta (lull , Muni, pa3e b tte duel- c_osed tbem. Yet I was not quite alone. Rimy 1111 luin. . I heard the garden eetee fail- to, Grand Trunk ,froae. Montreal - dir_nct.- _e . . the winter I had tialeu ia a &oar,- helfeetarved and telt in a eort of stupor. lt was ovev. hob-, b 11 be l& the-tature balanee of parties.-- Our read- tehe.i.:0 4 • -bra .understand. that ive this being coatole:,e hi ithe o • feriluttnis. ' stray dog, and thaue-h: he was but a shae:rv • What madness ..had mad,: me harifsli him ? •-• , . • • - • .131af- ply - as:the probability 9 he -hour which- just the. thing foe eat oilers' and . eat, , • • • ,.‘ty ar or CQU • • -ft • • •••• . • halfeltred car, hail made a pet of Ethel. Eeety step toelt himetway lartltor trbia rt6; available for -vesSo.ls .of - the-14rger class is linty bealtercd at -any. moinent. by ctirrent bet is of sue`i sterling merit that it is jiist the ' had laid by 'his .vierant hablts --Toyer never a rain -r-shetild' we meet. deUbtful-4 all events .it wOuld .require eoVonts." enough and he new foe sleepiaeeoa the' tee Perlettis he woelTitot have ;ift me then, if •1 an -enormous stun to place- .on a -par '- IS the Cholera- Vostaling - at my feet.- Poor Carla he heeded nut the cetild! have evoke!' lite truth. -it leceeule. • • • •morrow, and thouett not of the -future. have said to hint, • I cannot be 'happ.,7„with with that gf Goderich. However the how len& eoulif I keep hint ?-and if I eas Yea beeeese I love, aml you do note because disetissison= of the q4e:stion by th.ose insist ' There is paragraph in the- Times, o . thniefor those -who stay et home. _ oetret wighes the fre4liest and choicest foreign peri- _ridieel literature, must get eEvery Saturday.' It is published, bY TicknOr St Fields. Busfcin. - - • - - . hint. away, who.woult1 have. hint-? Ele had lay love mid pride would suffer ale eke Ione deeplY i\t.tereStedlan clo -no harm. .'. - : the'26tIt tilt, - bf mere real iniportance - neither yonth nor beauty to recnoirnetid, him; if71,-.were your tirife 1 ' b ,cause it. is, easier to • \ .- , - • : eee - • , I „,e - - : ,1 ) Another scheme,- and .. gat'. . 1 which:. Is probablyi than_anytliing else continued in nothing but his old. honest \ heart, a,u4.1 lylin do wiihout yoii- than to, ht.we yea on - tleise wow(' caei for that ? " repr Carle.-p0"ur -terms?' •1f I could ih4ve :said ail .-tSii., Cr'kusing mitolt agitation,- is ti-ae'.viiistruee - that_ paper. . It is a warning fram%-the . old Carlo!' I. tbou-Sht 'Land; .Perhees hOca'die".vo_ttra eur meeting hare -ended thus? It was tiOn • of a line Of having ter- Secretary.s.--:•gf • the. Piivi toancil• diat the • " • my heart was.rather fnll just their, tears rose toe bite to_ittiiik thia'nowe hue it wa',. !ea _ - - t 0 S r--- f • ' to -my eyesas thought of the fate thai lay toe late to guffer•.' 1- buried illy face the Inin;qs a Wen emir .or t le shores o ebol ra; which broke Out •in:Beypt and before him_ I believe ../ethineght. of some pii_ b. , ' 1. t. -ey ae year, ias cen-. ina nig pro - thing el -se too. 1 remember •az vision saw and ei„iied. and sohhei It my hesrt- semthainpton. ‘., fi 't it 'was theivh t giess tu luurop • - e ever Sines. nil that cases in the burning Coals, how it- came ihere bream.. • . • . , s. it - low of die couch oa 'which 1 • Wes -ittin L•i-ke Huroa at- either Irinear line- or T k 1 -t 1 b • k- .; e - . • Poor Cailo's cord nose thrusFrii•the--hand destrabcy :-to. -connect_ wite„..- I 6-1: Grand • of Asiatic Cholera have.Occarred.:a . Rot- iteaven Imows...,1" SAW. them' both, as no • . tvhich hung"dowa hy &id,: in the- folds.or sTrunk at S.tratfori, but tne was . . doubt theroften were, bendin•iovser aecounts so teirlaba Mid its This.is erious which they' read togtherr trien Leaking up my dress, roused we. looked up end situ, manilbitIy.absured that it was scion abed: a_nd before- the sumMer haS and exchang,im,r` looks_ and sreitee width no elr. 'Iliompsoo. Ile was very red and seem-, , one could 'mistake. I wonder avity I came ed flurried. . • doned; a.nd a.majority now lean to Guelph.. vcommencel When we' heard last July back- ta images whiehtortured nie.--but it 1 have to.„otien my umbral4, he satd, _leave , • aliays contended f. that the ,thef,pestile»ce woe - adVaneing,- was so. I donot know haw Iiing.Mrse 0 -ray. a Intle nerfously, • `-.. • t , • • - t f - .N w - Inc rou e or a .,. OSLetTl....iat.LW.tly the heats of Autumn wottid be over be- eatild console ourselies with ihe hope. that . bad been. gone, when, 0-aliQ" gave a shert Yes ; there_ it was, la the cornet; th.e.t. hot- - bark. the ..ate•liell rang - i•saw a. tall, dark able umbrella. 01: his I instead of going' Woulti,!..h,e from Guelph to= Southampton, in. e - h 4 h I 0 N "t 0 se s wofk is to main- • Intolvent• of 11184; tiiheeortlihOeordiloinodteinidf ,notahiksin;.wann,atritauctirt ontiCavaena:aa. th:::::::orrssfajact:esnsQL:Ivenot na .re7i.oltogitiffed I -would eiso etate -thael atn eeetre of we • - • - the least design to---clistiirb _the Canadians. rent.. Thiy (toe Canadiani). never eonimitted any T4 . • ireitherprosecuted nor oppressed that country rict yioleoce towerd( ite:a,nd;, th.ey :Ittaia tEreetme. asend_aern _theiloxbrunoreenA.t.ot„ ..to anidhl considear .ittioittjuiset: an: unfriehndly of enr leen: d a A n ersi.lne ssigneeeond-they are no chenge ofgoverinit et ' I Write this Mere-. Irceemea to --istur t ;- rna ians w o t ratfeu,t•nivisillth iy to let you know thAt We have DO liarticipa. '1f7ocinim.riellils- eion. Whatever in intradige &Made. - Ireland Inthee,irwiethiaiinnist7070mcintylmntio the security they -hold-, if any, and -the valise is w,here. we mediate etrifting, and if WO .ean. of ityeedif-none, stating the fact; the whole •Cinfre of the....0.111.4liony branch.. Of i'll'e-','Iiutpepsoterdi:f71u, ee.rit-'ect7tihn-ls';*1-8ith0 _ - this Ninth day f May 6 the -renutheri in _ hot suceceed in that:: prejeet we go no forth.. . er. - i , • . i • - Dated at Goderich in fie ieotlfitY .ol Huron :13. itu$ST.tti : Fridart Brotherhood. - ..„.. , • - : • - Wt. -0 2W Dittatti i S. ?gOnLeLe tioCrIfit 4.1. - 111017e. atittsa.ttioit .1)osliatvise's* . -. - : .. ..•:- - ; -. - - - :- - - -: - --- ' 7.- - -: - ' '.• - :. .'sInsolvent liot.)--Of 1844. . • The Ne'w York Ifecfria of Nedensday , " . - -4,---.. .... - -0.wen.Sound, May tth:•,--:"There sirls a. came : matter of William Cbarles anInsolvent contained ' the ''. forgwing- deseatet dated :-"lhe 0 . 2 . . . -here last night over Venian reports. Parties, THE Cr.ednora 'III the Insolvent :are noti4ed that he has_ made an Aseigement tents -es- . a:rived frote down the coast -mid made affida, .tantdeearrgnelee-AisLuignnaeeer,tabeedattry4,,AuLt'retquinkede.14.to l`vits •befnielhe niagit•trates that they hadseen furnish we; •withan two months -from this date; seven Fehian wet Veasets in •the GeOrgian Bay hwoldh, lilliesins:;,iseininds'-t8hPece i.rellYiiinegL,Ottilite; l'en:du fit if Ytiohueer, heeding ter titla point: -Intense .excitement followed. As all.the Volunteers.are•on front- statinethe fact ; the wholteattested under...nth, : fun P i'ttee . °- Vt. soUenhtyeciatimHSW. 011 ier day, volunteers...I-re:int:the interior towl la --.w Ditto tt;deavto.oneohdeorsrieinh_s were sent for. ,The citizens :turned out and: this.,Nath day .of May -,1a6. _ Official Aissieuee for Hi& B. S. POLLOCK,. the entire pepidation pentded the -streets. t&I-' - - ' • • - ;night and to-clay.wetne a.re s9.badly frightened : -- ,, J.B. -GORDON, Solicitor tor Insolvent. wi62yr -that they have baried the r-valuablea.- . ,. , . _ -- 1 . _ . . , ......... .. . : ••.___.y, _ -in, . :=_ ; ' - - ." n•i A• Cork papers4,tes that tenmen are . ABE [fin S2 g fif ip.al _H•atp- tta,selling from .iosvn tel.,' tOwn in • Irelaitd as _ . "'I, 11014 - .114 V V UV ' V V I - Feiden emissaries: : - ; l • - , .-..•,.? ' ,-W_ . - - - . iTIVI)f;E;and by trirttle ate, PowerofSeleiroa- -0 tained in a -certain Ittorryagetna.de by Rob- '...tUT . hrgitt .titleuto ert DaviSon . (and Anne Davison -his wifelo bar s her Lower) to David Hood Ritchie dated As . t ....,:-,-,•,--,--,-4------:--..--,--,,-,,..-s.-;--,-,--,:•;-•c„-,----vst-,.-...--- twenty ninth day of January, A. IK, 1:161 tor tie*: '....,,,_„s„,„b p .duriirr the sum .01 Eight -hundred dollars Withilie. '..1C"%iris.li•L-L7E2t:r '.'. DA:17"S". teresf at the rate 5:11. twelve per vent -per annum: - .. VEGBilfi ' 13 IFIE- and- by virtue/of an asstenment-.ofthe said Mod.- - gage made by:the said David Rood Ritehie ito 1 - William amp/tick as an Acting Executor.of the I _ Estate of the late Thonnis Alardner, -deeeaseda \dated the foniteenth=.dayot.Februarv.A.D 1866, ''' ' .AT .THt--0.IiPi .TRICE., . : :there will be sold by public Auction 2at 'the s• ii,iy. er Hotel" ut the Village:of Bayfieid and:Pumas" FElq'S .11.11.g.A.11W.Bliel‘LEIS.r.1171..T4:141f ' 7.f 'I.:77 m . ... • . • - . TIONS. ' . . .!''', - ,. . . , . Ta.,day, 111e trd day sit May Nixt, , , w14 oni : ot two of theeloek iu tbe afternoon, (union pm- tvisloN . ' . _, _ • ., viously Al:posed of by priVate'burgain).-all -that, _ . - ii 7 etc, lying and being _ift the Townshi -of Dodo. - certain parcel or:tract-of-bend and premises -un- . rich, la the said County of Huron,. : mg cam. relHE Coert Of -Revision for ilia Mfinicipalitt• r, .posed. of Lot -thirty six in the ISayfiefd-uo - ...1-. of -the ToiVii ol Godelrich, Willshold 'their -of the sed T • - ' - fitcesgmt. i ow.ns.hip -of •Goderieh,-; -containing first Meetiug on Fridey ! EreniuW the 1z3th -oak -II' Town.Halkon and after, -Illenday licit, from i ' • —x.... Y. "',.e q..,rs/ more or less., .(orwineb about bale. • - - . (Signed) -WILLIAM ItE$W.031C, • Executor as atoreSaid: iiistaut, at ee past -seven: o'cloek. _--D.The alpha. I et ty acres are - teen at e cleared.) Terms made -known st betical -Roll .1Wilt be - on, eXhib" " - th . die lioute of Ten .A.r Me ttrthree P.- Al, -' 1 - .. • 7 1 A111:13 TII0,315.0: 6 4 r 4 . . • ' Margit 17tb,16.6.6. _ • , ' ' . ' . Cie* Muniiipitlity ' : TOE above Property will bettgain offered for ,, , . I vie same.place.at lell-O'-elOek lOtellooll,10.41* Afay 1st, -1;466. . • 4 • - 'Tewn of Goderibli.- . : Sale on MONDAY the liith. day of MAY "at -.T:own .Ierk's- Office„ ;: . :$1.ile being tiecauermed. :Godericb, May 106, ISO:. . ' WI,L6'.;;I T-lte trani100. ate4. on' •Foulanutto,- - • . . The Canadians themselves are prepating to Vindicate. their own, rights, -and to punish the .misereanta "hat would. -make- Prey- of ..them and _theirs-. toetus.hope thet ehey will effect :this without trouble, and gave an example lof Vingicated lauaby executing. every" felou that lends iteeo their previnees. No coMpes iee.rir forheartinee te due to-those:mere ecopue &els. ' Irelend iepUdiaies thew by the mouth of all the hbnest and.•respectable:eof bee pet, They pretended to -no :cause bat therof robbery. -..-Peal. with- theni-aed.their ebetters withciut reserve,.. el_fbanade fiat strone,i, enough ft/edit-pate:se,. let all the force -61 thiscommonWeillth be - ready .to hack her, to "lornic -for it, lie suddently- _came- anirs .t doW--on the couch hi me. -I do net knote how look4clebat I felt i:eailv to die With. shaMe. . or_ . reae e_ -War s ores. or was. ur, ;mu form peas across the window,_and my little . as direct eline.as possihle?Tiiis line would ia: acoordande with; the histo f tla kw throughout the world -as openedthe doer, sayinge-- • tain sueh ry o - e . • -create ah outlet fur the grain. cif' die -1.;e4 disedse`that it Should. reach tis last ye-a.f...-:°6tY: °an abide. • It is civiaz.itiokand the arts; I rose. .Re came iu iiit-k eie umbrella e,s He toek iny hentletad kissedAt. , portiOne of Brude, GreyiindN.:Wellington It istlifforent now ; --and, not a day.shOuld- _the &mural, of _peace, age -ma WhOlesale I" nr., Thompson, ma'am. usual, mid -Carle- went up to litra'and wagged ‘. My de.ir Miss It iyniond;•:- he gait' - per. 1 and would -in oiir opinion accomnio-' armies. :If the UnitedStetee chalortee the side felehy, gathered in rekrimenti \ and be lost in taking oe-so precantionary niea- erimei sures of Cleanliness, both within- the hoose 'othiwiessne:ss .- and:- plueder, of devastation a. tiiendly welcome, I. totild iiot say Qne suasively, " why should: we not lie haiety a., ,_ , ' teaeteeer e• 1 eamee bear Ite aay.e. y". op,. ciaie a larger nura orro -sett e.0 tliati b f I '' anY arid without,. which are the chief means of, 'and' murder, be it so. Shoeld lei -hide Per- • Word. • I was' tiriadfully" agitated,- 1 felt . n I - • quite sure he hail, ieme to -till me that, he indeed, I cannot: . . I _- ; other that ean be selected. : Giielph. woultie averting- the pestilence:- . ..- ish, she cahoot fall el a mere worthy cause, . - eneatt to marry Jessic;„ and te•ask me to pi/. I looked at htm m doubt.' - • - . " ' - - • • •• •- • . and stay.'„with. Omar c,r somethirrg of the - Then do yoe really like:. ithked. he - Or do nobler.service hunittnity, than- in kind. Net:11111i else eould gave broaght teal ty like yon 7 Why, - what ''. else colteeeVALte -opposing. to the.iast gasp, -this viiens,S8 and f the genii* prisoner ...ias savatery. - thatiliere the, .evorld Or perhaps as Jessie had,.no doubt,. told him have' beet' saYiefe - - - I • • -e our mory- of course throw cold wafer upon. scheme tr possible, as itpwould tin doub te eu.Coff alarge Portion. of the trade hasbiilt leap but oil the prineiple t wor our lastrig o. CO I e P"' h d I in the "-You said. )-ou wanted to take care of concluded•to-da The - riSoners-' Mar- fo ' i •.• ar eace if we are allowed to truth, felt aehanted of his.longl.coldne.ss, and me." .Apr1,1'18,-1866.- N• COURT *O.F that I was- gone, he a, , on. earn g • - r terna p • • a • - . had come -to utake Willa sort ef excuse. He - '4 0, ifeveare ect -go backeto "that -; '!. he. -half a iOar better than nOne pity, Morarty -Staff° .do so. But nothing worth our k-eeping, -tart - rd flarqg . • 1.411 wowed a , I u d d 11 - • d H we keep it me are not rea y, one an a , to . • _needy- an an on were .• .. ., . at the -approaching Asstses.., The _Corn- fithrestdt,e.licezgcession nursed in'Amei lea. Th..bt [prise cannot be loncpr choketk eff• . rhat - miserable girl euddetdy became ;the happiest. - . • , of ittomen.. StIll,1 was -not quite satigied. : i %Leh _ a. rallwily , would ..Oonfer -,a -vast portion of the -•.,Ainericans them , I-1 You would net hive catne haelte if it had. Wallepeop-le tire j•ubila6t oyer -the result ; sittes will ultimately rue it as: Weil is we not been tor that horrible umbrella' of youts," ' taeteee- --e• is nethinee to the. imtriediete epurpoSe. lt benefit trion the ' farMine•- COmmun- they nre eitrencely - hostile -to': li'n e. Esaid, with a little jealousy: . - . - • •d . they are readY to do their duty, wo must he ‘c Very true," lie_ replied•with Ilia p6euliat . smile ; •.‘ Wail did earnelirmic, and / -glanced ' in. througli the Vind:ow first, Mid sa* you liel-\ rag yoer-eface on that -cushion, and ;Carlo lookjne. at Tort es if he thought itstrahge you shouhrbe so forlorn c and -so I came tn....tor my umbrellae end, to tett You- the; truth, .1 had forgotten it ein purpose.": - . _Perheps he* -only said it to please ine ;, bet as I leoked in his face I dtd- not -think so - •thea ; andethough yetu•s have paised oyer us kith, I do 1 crirthinle so now. ade none- bat he -asked how I was 'took- a eean resigned y. Litt we dul not get back, te- aceept the .tertninus e•ladly- if the enter-. Kelley-, I\ eys, • . petit all we have in withstending from .tlie. h - ' ' • t2) committed to take their trin't fortreasen-- chair looked rather lira at me„ and without to that ; we went back to nothin4. for a Waiting frit my a,nswer„ feared was not -very well.. . _ . " 0, I sin not ill, y- on knoW,"-1 replied, -a little carelessly. •"I. 'trust yon are well, Mr. Thompson.lt - • * sakt-he was • very well; and he looked at the fire. Fora, while we were both silent. I spoke first. My 'remark was' scarcely a gractoeg ond. . • - • "I heard you were so mueleengaged that I- som. ly expected •to see you." I said; I wee vexed -with myself as some as I- had said it. lie-inight thiak waS annoyed at his long absencee. and, surely, "I Was not ?- But he took my impliecl•reproachsery well. answeredthat he had, i-ndeed, beea mach - engag;ed; but Atli everything was over now. Mrs. Norris, hi.added, bad lett this morning. . My heart gave a great ' throb; but I waa - tat :te.; - . "She left bite) very contented mood., be- lieve," he resumed. ".The ',balance in her favor was lowr-lower than texpeeted: Mrs. Norris has something, like a hundred a . year. This and a few Jewels constitute the net prof -- it "shederiveStrom her nii-Friage. Unluckily, 'these apeculations.canuot • be repeated .often you. see. The eapitat of youth aud beauty •be but a tirne,-a. brief one it is apfko -out, and the tirst venture ouglitto be the beat, 1.tra, Norris not havingk /bud it io, is. disap- .tointed.. suppose. it- is natural ; but yoa kaow--/ cermet pity her v. ery much." • I suppose& heti._ but how all that cold, hard talk pained me. • • • - L1 -I have a fancy," he resumed, 'kg -that this- ity of _the 's,:ctioa through - which The prisoners were evident' -co ' bl • sUrpised" a.C.-the terminat it -would pass, we think-, altogether be. 3 b • cl t" b Id affair. ' eyon ques wtiet er it- wou df -the ready.to.do ours. Driftiitg. inut a war is:- an _ • - irnhicility that paeanzes.adour efforts in it. waris -4 Mere waste of means, hone I afford sufficient inducembnricia Convany • vca‘•-The- fellewinci fishery' :regulation indeffeet. ' If -Canada is touched or Cot- . in the way of dividends ia prospeetive,--• lor Upper Canada. waa approVed by: Eris =hie is seriou.sly 'threatened vm it.uat act as _ though London Were 7 dangr. That is die . . :and the reputation, ot Britain, etbia is her ' 1' even. witli the ag-sistame of heavy:bonuses tExe.Oleney.the GovernOr General: in leoun-- .01.0 _way to prelerve- he .wealth of • Lendon - Dr. Mar scion al. IllAltimore. • • We team from a brief telegraph in •the D4blin papers that Dr. Marsden, of Quebec, wit'e present at a trieetin„e• ef tho American AsSoeietion at Baltimore on the 3rd, inefe when he is saidio have addressed the cohventitm as follows :;..." My experieeee is e vat with its arrival itt this camel, I -ne sed the first ease on Ainerican shore, Su h harm has beeg tionedo arriving at the te th of Ite prpgress through ihe public. by th disseinination of tali° steterAets- on •etiery oc asione. It Was intredueed trom abroad On its .fr at the out set -is altogether another thing., -cil„ on the 4th itistarlt Except[ frith political strength. If it is' the misfortune of If the municipalities are argued late hook- and.illine, no person shall fish...for, _trio United States. ...Republic that it calinot grantifig, of heavy sunis mon4 for such ;catoli 11, _bass, pibkerel (dore0 inaS- control its reliblethe.na add must thr /ugh: the • kinenge, or pike, between. the fifth (lard plunderers- of the -constitution, even- defer to a purpose, it_woulll be well for %the' -tax,. kay and thefirst-chty of Jakno, uppot: .the humoreand passions- of the team of the TayerS tO eOnsidee the elftlot of the •canada.e ., • . . earth- east upon the shores, it mist learn algatiou with the Gra.pd Trunk which is- • =- - • that we toohave our pecalie, ities, and that pretty. sure to:nettle -abent The .:Deor bag mu Id- one ofethern is to deal With other .States fill: due . time. r _ . . • • _ exneetine them AO keep their own mamas- .1lowever;•the qulistion tinder agitation, CONFgSSION .011' THE -LJJ.IIDT?REft.• 641d -their guests Within the pale efeendurable- and, nosloubt, every effort- Will be - med.!: . - - - behavior • Me foresee ,great digeulties, te-secui•e the proposed railwayl----‘- '• • .110fIRIBLE 1102.4.1LS: diipa '4, angry queue s nen tea sp ene- tic abandonmeat of the treaty with Caneda . • ' • • - Probest inadeia full coeessio.t t'o hk Odd the rifusal el negotiation to renew. tt. TR.Pgs. :We expecabloody Conteit ott the Scene of priest of all - tbe inuedets Of the Vee •itite • h r• h ' . . Ile , 0 t e eries, and e,rrogant support to_wrong Te- the Editor of the 1112RON -SIGNA-2.4 • - commeuctng. wit Corneliu _ray) &eines. We expect that tee:ricsa symp- i 413 1:1 1111 • .4.1* • h Sia,"""'ll think the planting oat of. the Cie Lre_. 4 a no accoinplicein hts ers _rm....American cif ilk, • punished as. §quare wi ce t so much espense; oo y work. s felons in Canada,. will heleuded and lament th a a . . . while our, toivn-is groaning uhder...snch After describing: the. murdee of -the boy_ penile) the old world,: the,. first- caie the' baser:sort-of Ykitkees.e) it is ot no usi to -Toad of debt is decidedly- wrotr.. It' --s all 7 -Carey he says-. - • ; ' ecl and if possible, aveneed as martyrs- by kind Lady expected amp other eciding to our In - accounts. -This is not very. flattering- to -my °a . . very- nide- to •ornament the square; but it , ." The sight of -the -Wei 4.. of the bey pree-- nationet duta is tO betready to, deal with ni Lieerpeol-, where the -disease Was ram- - and !that ether improve- -.,lood-thirsty ••thenaand ia,alashion that; whatever it may must bereinerabered that the peopk hitt dueed ite me a deviliel. and i. . The. aggravation- of - the. . dthease• In ada, was in, many instances dee to, . the 1° PaY tiel PiNr) feelino- and -I determined at one() tO. n.urd the whole family " • He disposed -Of th •body ' ' ' ea. -cwersotnuifsusshall show how dangerous ' it ts to , . dice oEholding wakes'over the bodies a' thetas on the back, str‘ets are just as ne, el' ' ' • - te whole& died of -ite-': Cholera was •ine essarye I- for one, do'nOt believe:in al- , 'of the boy as deaCt'ibeithefore and 'th n def• . - - - 1Oiving the Coune4, withOnt • . pro- .• • • - - - ' - ' -- . liberately walked. Over7-to . the . fionsit . fie test, to expend nearly; every- cent of taXes , , ,.•,. - . entered and told, ''-',Ctia lie" the Iitel ' boy - .... - - 113:5tan,years to 45.,WillI 11,1 -W40 iPliA. . vli..,- . sent e- air' uvgallony it to all- appeataneo still orejlte square. mend, ine-pe et get a; um : . . - sidewalkc "1-whieh,•1 ,hear has been.decid- • niaster of the situation at -Union square. It. ed. en,) add - so on. :isit Owing to the -.theehe wanted hirnto he p Iiiinto • do. - tic/me is stated that .th% expulaion of -Lilian, It:. faet that.e majority. of-the--bOard.dO. busi-- Werk in -the barn: : _The:little,-fellow foLovied eere arict -othees irem the BrOtherhoou has heve Put:their hands la their ..olvn pockets.. barn doot he dispitahed.. icii With ignitt-41 axe- hita, and ausetnt aS hO - ' ot hint. 'inakk, tile geeti determined On;_ond•that Killian thread, - elle if possiblete ihvelyethe raiu of the en- - neat ' on -.the sqdare ? If So they shOuld ' tire organieaelon. hl.ally -persons arkuneharit- liopine• you *ill riot -refuse thiain loser.' he 'had geCared. -He th a went' back t .th. , . 9 -able enough to suppoge that he. jornel- the ..eion, - - , , . _ - • 'tense and told Mrse :Deering there was -3 me-- -in . 151 - h - f - ' • ' - . oyement oree es purpose.o _compassing its I am, yours' &C - ...thing the Matter with,om: of. the Cows and - distruction, and that he has bebn In league • ebee wile on board of vessel jitSt _arrived shut our eyes to -these probabilities.: . Our iranitee unless 'indeed aushowities onrket- Pra ' ° tho able value ; it, now t•-• - • - trodaced into Canada• by alio --c'oSitig of the - I would. n.ot answer that question. His - • tonet bis manner vexed me. Suddenly he pr raised his eyes to mine. • , .,„ "Did such a Amur reachyou-r--be asked. could. not deny it My face Wile in a game- I believe stanitnered sornevhine . vd hat pot know what. - • fa "-Even you, have heard it„°-' he seal, look- ing aearcely'pleasedi "the World -is very kind. agre in the -statement that the freedmen are_ Famine. The. seeds of 'the disense are duced in india,but one deer is open for its ission inte Cattado." • • PitEEDSIEY Vincesee.-e•The Dan e (Va.) Tittles has intellgeace from Hall,. „Pittsylvaeia, and Charlotte Counties to, effect that all large fart -tiers -and planters And yea believed it, toe I had hop_ed behaeina adMirably. end performingae r •• - es- - airibetter'i .woth- as' they could beretisonably required to Ile seemed quite hitt but r offered no Ps.- .do. They hope to Make as la;rife or larger_ tificrition..-:Then hia rather formally asked. to _ - crops than ever before --and at no greater tat allowed - to mention the _busoiess that tost. - .:Feniaaailststi -r (Front the New -York Tribune ) s *Is si EXTRAOR FQ11,_ AT THE are` to be foetid 8. illis, Unifies, -Chennies,.Tiiisues, Checlalohairs/ CIA* Lustros, Grenadines, Orgendie Miislins, Dress Ttilnmings and Dress.ButtOne eCiai attention is called -to the Steek of _ • . COTTONS., PRINTS, - . - -` CLOTHS • - LINENS, - - great variety. - '-e • • . SIIIRTINOSt • TO WELINGS„ • nippy ,Flaakeis, Skirling; Illack Lace Shawls, -Tissue ik Paisley Shawls. .1fEWEST S MUM • .-NOW: OPENED SEVgN CASES OF her to come to the barn.. s be, with the British authorities sigee his t leva AeiTI-EXTRAVAGANCE. he wanted tion to office/. . The Manhattan eirelis, after"- - sd as s • 'aside • • ' I - folleniede an scion as he entered - f 1 t f he Ca B I brought him.' So it waisiness I scorned g writer_ in .the Hastings •Chroni A Sa_r .EEBIA.111C.5.--Vertainly not ?' V'.?e_would he struck herin the_ head andelrilled her. He tsiou have abtitutted .011a -bony, Ot all. blame - myself for my folly,- whiela was tiot dead yet, and bade him speak. the Spring .wheat 5s a• failure- from - haVing not refuse a -bit -of wood to 'make a splint thee went back to the hoate and-htotig lathe 'in tile matter, and 11 14 stated thtit a report iS Was I asleep or dreammg? Mr, 7 ho p...• been too (idea repeated, while the Fall wheat for a lame duck, -Much leas cast inie thii -children out -,one it a; time, arid taking them -tO be pablished-shewhig-the woilkieg of the son spoke of My aunt, het 'eye fpr my ere - hasheen Confirmed until it- lies impove wish to -take care of me. - - t ehrogahon otahe Reciprocity. Treaty is inside the bern, dispatched them one h4- one, Fenian institution. at Unitin Square..., - - their -bodies the The Roberts party report: faVlorable pra-;• torlorn position, • and expreased the striengest hed land.and brougyt theyeevil; omana tons o p . e or- i.* a emelt aufferi tit h -with theSame axe:- In ea,ch instancehb but - rem afehrohic dyspepsia! "Anty-Extrav- their throats' and 7plaCed' iteress mid a prospeet Of immediate- action. tune for the country that could ha : . G . - . "Bar he Wed,. with some hesitation, - ;the best --t. .„, sin 6 it will compel farmers to aband ion agatece". repttegents a-. clar of '.crossgrained, . corn erih, himself, just,in the . Pesitltm they iThe -01Milionyites are croweino -to en. "/ can do so but in one fa:shibn,-as your ',Peri/ ' husband. Will yon overlook alftliose pate.. these c ops -And turn to the cultivation of flex, wretched:grumblers at any and everything :- were foued.: - a4 then eovered the bodies up Sweetiey's standard and: deserting. the. Fenie riarittes in gni totoper, which osect to annoy wo4l; . .. k -breeding and dairy -business. . wheyare allowed t exist 'in 1 b • ' ' ere y • ecause guilt. *Heetten weat back Ile --the heuse and and. proceeded to wipp- out all einlermea Of : an baneer borne by ehe Head Centre. Ste• phens has not yet --arrived, and the " arithor- you, I fear, and take what there is qf irne and' BUdobiar.-The bookstore of- 'Mr; F. ' " • • - ° - -• it requires_ a great Yariety‘Of :character to awaited the arrival 'of Me. Deering net eee ides" do not makireny more rephee- jig re - good in me?. Can you, will you, do this?" - tions4 was forcibly entered on •Igenday night, He lOoked at me an doubt. Ali 1 this was last one of my bitterest -.moments. Ile eared so/lixt little for me, that, he had never seen, never or - . - - pecting thee Miss Drilati would se -company. lative les visit to the Unite States. It is dr.d goods and -money to the- amount of _e.Ompose•t e s,unr tote o a 3s erme .Asseoeas err. Deering arrived in the eaid that Killian, whom olanoxious - both for Seventy 'dollars stolen.- .. The robber ‘‘ human- nature.'" hardiy_think it carrisegehe13,•Tit. out,- and P..robeo.ton 'him parties, jatendS to aummence his. attack hy bbers also attempted toe break Mee • the • • - - necessar tn. answei 'our correspondent's _Something Was wrong with 0? of the cows, sitriultaneously denouncing Onhony__---and 7 suspected, how' melt I loved ham. And he saf , bat__did not Succeed. That authorities- • - .and asked to go over to tie - arn with -Win, Roberts, -atid perading hineself asehe on -gm - expected ine•to take hire Bill 1 'clitaped my are on thealert, and wetrust Will be success childish effusion serionali hut we Wish te _al.Fenian Shnon Paref . The succesi of. his agd-Migs Ifolaa weneint -the hong° aid took • bands and twisted them iterVously i I Could ful. in discovering' the eerpetratois -01 this - state that While several of tint toin .00.1111.; ,offliet bontiet and furi. . Ur; Deerink did scheme is:not regerded, bY SOON Tof hifil !tiller not speak at Once. - - - -crane- and inflietina the:fall -penalty of t4e • • . - - ' tdid not even take off his loves before-- going . ents, as at all utilikelye . . . oilier( de besiness on the square with' - • aAnd.youtlii. Thompson," I sail itt -East, law • " _ - : •° : . . / te the barn bat emeede there at oficel;• fol., . It puzzels: the public to know whether fhe "and you-" :. , _.- -• -fn. Austria hai 75.00-0, troops in Venetia, their- fel ow- ownsmen, 1 't .: life cannot just lowed by Probst. viho hal- an •atte coti4ealed- --Fenian leaders are acting a tragedy m fan, "Welly what 0.00 me? • Do you meant but the numbercoUld he (knelled in fifteen or now thinkfof' one who does not /4/e ancl. ready for Use. - As . soon-nas Air. Deerieg or.only a farce in earnest. , In -e.ther base all catt,itoet do tinari • ; 'terelite days, There is againIsome prospect • • ; entered the doer, robst-iltatei4liat he itraelt cn taxes on some -of the other streets.--= -friends of the Green -Isle -will rejoice that -no -V- • . 4,4 el 09. you do it?" • • -that Austruk,will effect an exehange .of Nem. .23 „ him in the head and felled hime to the earth Irislentan has een mortally wouuded. Mr. 1.• Why surely -else I had-never•ProPosed etia for the Danubian- PrineFalities. bind toe ornamentation or tne square and then chopPed at his ilieck tv-.11; th d hony's letters proclamations orders t — • • 7 t ge a e -including Ladies Hata Is Bonnets, .Childrens Gents Hats.. 44111111:114p1ISE. STOCK fr. HOOP SKIRTS; - . . , Roe -eked to day a ireat quantity •Of CARPET :ours sir sixoows. REMY It ALL 1001.. has just. been received. CONSliANTLY 'ON •I1AND A. WELL ASSORTED - .May-llth, 1866, . JOHN C. DETLOR & 04. -w16 • sitirs-Vie linVe -for the smoked 4:glee. They ace and, as e.breakfasi ,esteeva. jos- The horse.s having Been stO -pad Sheppard wit 4out twelve thought that they 330-13; 'who found t -ass 'besides,- terltap trying -to make o ylunder hadio " :or tbiraSemI Seir, TIte large !Southampton attlt from extendini lier thowsli.-,a large Tim 'for transhipment, at *--.. th. e way thro IL T. It. Co; IMmeitse d over this _town da- - sportsmen crack aw . • -effect, however, ow witich_ they 0., - stower several warm days :Spring in earnest: are progressing_ generally, have seedhas been So n ,and mere tion, finely. lf )1r. -Iteresecnlwe -thin show the antalleste an egg :not larger marble.- kir We would to the important in the vicinity •of 31r.--Tntemateii "Oaturday.) T situated =a Ida p :to the perchaVor See - Tiloslir. Bojfieti; port onWedneada 'sailing . Ticith o elite Editor the - -'ee/S13,- I write • -1,11rough' your -col . •94nada, of -a " E occUrred this -4" by which lost instantly kill at yrerk in a w cavated to the de feet -without -en "tion- of the side - could withdraw . and make' his -earth -.rave. way betied"beneath it, to rescue the unfo he- cud(' be re _ Ins friends reside -of Bruce. Sh.ottld illation alien be aiey will address County, MeV n -Very r C.wodericcu. -"41‘ SeOlt At a Special School Section No 6 House on the I ad in nidering and Ilinen$41. Dr. Ilyenson as reet lowing resohaust we (I) Re,solved that "tempt about to be m _ .414Wenniad,triliSi.-aeharC"agailee14)11:Ctr 0 a - ---- Ink tO sod, a -wepetition the Lee -vsrl'_idtlneterest;eod::::cmeeasethef_Aet;v:eine,dtraizomir'ofiarerviznotoxtiwwn14e:ur elfischoolpf4.soureetzTwintiiieeinitestignareseceesT:eirgitotiouye:Iteen . , ' . (2)--Besolvedthat -lien it. - f7cliThat,ittanertlie-04merain:roci A. C.G0RDON„ c tetensethat isin -co .flumblySbewelti. TolteIhelifit;Wwilineraghiles •Itortfol wl'iliowionsamslupeot .lia.wve=uecAotoneatioo . The petition ofthe -Canada in Provine • tendeat, .to he . - your itoncrahlo Et • , - -.And u in- Alit iieny40:ipor Vi,eyort.• • ' _ Ametarrick 441111'4day Bight eof Belmont, wos ;war* by two- 4ellowins *iron •Irg from owl% ileeeding foot f 'Belmont, ibout :dims came After Imaging but little to /gentleman was way. About It Jones heard the - so te te* to there mall to his home; Meaure during lime not been ea Advocate,.