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Semi-Weekly Signal, 1866-05-08, Page 4
• • • .U� -oar-GroaryFrOsin- Sta. _ A INC tented and fitted up the store lately occupied. by` A. F. Bitsli'; for the above buslness,� I ani nowprepared to furnish ,families t'UtCt Craceries a - nd �' `Provisions P�` o. which :1 shall sell at the Lowest 'Cash prices. • T%our\and: Feed -t4�o• w•Ano . • .kept coaslant}•orihand: A share patrouae eb. jnd18C6 a w illI r-be 1t h a u l . fully received and: faithfully-- to. Vines.Ctoc e y' uG1aswalC,Fancy Goods, �C..oatmeat'Cornmeal, . Cd _ lucbclieatTIoir &e A• LA M P ~FTGUS03. •:Goods will' be delivered in any Part of the Gosercll.F - Sts•IS' NO I ABY–LAW - 18GG Fa inlse:-by way of. Loan .the sunt. of ,Twenty - •a •rein-nten- 1866 Vita -and Du[t.trs-fur t►lepucpose._the. . - tinned,: . - . . • 13EtiG.�S t:he Corporation -0( the United `' YV Counties of Unr in and Puce hes re -o lved to -ramie graven and- tnprove certain Frieda pnd HfrIrtrys with the evesary bridges.tor: -the _ same within the sant- Comity of Huron _ . -And whereas the said improSctneotS: -are en- tirely Within the: County 'of Huron, and the ex- pense of making the: same is to: bedefrayed by The *rod County irrespective of the County of Brute,. the -roan or debt will bepaid by, the said _ 1 tuinty of Huron, and the rate herenlafter uteri" tionec,;iwill be raised solely ripen the ,rateable property within the satd. County ut II uron,. And ' rwhere'rs to carr.'-intoeffect 'the said melted sob. . ' /''1 -jet•t it e Flt be uecescar�- for the said 1 orporatioli' -Goods the suis of Twenty thousand. dollars in -Staple t0 raise _ T 1F E EKL.. iNIIf/f --�- LARGE AND WELL ASSORTED STOCK Olt nd w .a ashionable _Sptiiz. - TO' HAND AT 'THE "OW Ea1l3ria 1•NG. : the manner hereinafter menllnned. _• Anel- tv-he:reas it is expedient - to dcfinerthe Tess; : wctive amounts tobe t:' pended. on ear•h:line .of • road intended to beam proFed,1i .malt.. be'espe nd- ,`. t 1,13 dulc.ttt the enc of the stc�;ts set tint In lite, �.clte r y ' . Law and it:tinin, part ofihesame. And'where- as -n Wil: require the sung of three- rttohsand two hundred dollars to be raised annually bvspecial . . gatetor the payment, ot the said roan or debt and interest as also hereinafter mei tioried, • And whereasthe amanita at the whole rate able Prert oldie Said V aI1C1 alit 'irec ect ve of any, i,oiul'e ini. em-. m the same; and irrespective_ of any income to be derived limnthetemporary. ' int:esinteiit-of the sml.ulg fund. hereinafter inch - alined tinned or tiny part thereof-ac•cardrne,g to'the last • -revisal Halls bin Y for the year one • 1 a _tr ' ' thousand eight hundred ani. sixty five, was Eight 4 'Riots and iitty hire thousand seven hundred �lr : r_ _Sale • .. anc.,rvty ttro_llollarc:- - . '-� • And whereasfirpaying1he interest and creat big- an a tial. anieual sinking Lund: for pa .in ;:the _ SMALL -fartit of excellent. land' nicely a -`I .• ` • td rater st II " situa!P, facing' the River Mailtand, and said sant of twenty thousand dollars m e . ' as hereinafter mentioned, 14 wilt require an equal within: miles of the flourishing Village.. of special rate fti•ur�:tenths ut it null. itt the . 1 - r � � animal spec o Wingham, uteltam, being; the south half of Lot N.0. dollar, in addition to all other .rates. .and taxes to' 14, on the ninth. con Of the Township" of I be levied in earth }ear: Turn"errS.-containtng 40E-aeres. 23 acres'°6 e it therefore enacted bithe Corporation of the = choppedi 16 acres of which the stumps will, United. Counties of IIiiroii and Bruce. come oat Will be sold cheap for cash,.' - lst That it shall oe tai ttil for the i,Vardian for For further iarticutars tt ply to _ . the t.tne being of the aforeasaide,C'orporation to -P i s ns .- � Jil'H� fir: BOWMAN,: --' i'utseGyw:t}* ut. Loin tcontany-per.un or der a whow I to be tl are c � may Corporate die_ (<u�., -or .} R' I ez• body tiulha " '.e era[ eat. Y m G n , ahere- i• t.the De tic the credit o ' - advance the _a„•e upon _ 1'cr wi' �, Tatr•:20; 1 - • � tures tierelna ter mentioned, alum of money. not c - then- : _ ,-exeeet4_tng tithe whole the sum of:rwenty } samea1(t �mS FoR, sand dollars, hila to cause: the to he paid into:he Bands of the Treasurer of the United t oanuts aforesaid, for the purposes and with the_•, e - + term: tots: lo' and 11 object above reent-l. - - • . Clii'rsale.•arr rea_unabte. r , I) . R. rotvrrshi a lGreenuck Count of , -11 1 hat it_sha l be lawful for the sail -Warden ,' p , ; ' Y to? cause any uuuiber. of debentures to be . made each.. 30 --Brttre '1"he Iota contain a0 acre_ e.at. i.. _ is hrat-rate,, } loi suet). Sums of money as i ay be required not_ _ ,earw to the' tend l time' lir. land _n ,c than ont. Huai red Dollar: each. rind that the �wate reel and tnnhered- No buildings. l�- tl. w 11 e , . cal o - - with the . i sealed I. a Said hall l e s 1 De >ettttlrta . c -d •r h _ata 1 P ,al of Go e c - t:- township ►_ ' car � to - 17 and 1S t�.- iol _. Alsoloth _ , l two, • the stud'1. orloratton: and signed by the'said War - 8.0 acres each, Over 100. cleared a it. the t .: �- - -. f '. - . Excellent welt -watered land -,timber, Nardi t o<1, [-den.- • about 5 fatless ficins (Eodcrirh- flood Inure liars _1 • art Ttrt the said debentures sl ail be -r made and sheds and comfortable tog house, anti fine. payable in ten 3 ears nt furthest from the -day orchard Will be sold Separateor togett.er to herematter:.menttoneci• for this By Law to take butt purchasers. Apply_ to - eflect in London, Cngland, orone place in Can- - - - THOS`, JOHNSTON, :atla, to be designated in the said debentures and - a Dress Goods I . GN .A L .. Dods Fancy _ Goods, -Sirs. - Hats, . Ribbons, faht hers. f s: rim�ning , -Hosier : rdash s - � ab a `��� ZYILL BE -'SOLD CHEAP: ens, • t:otn>tn,erci.a 4>�e ,lllitclacll't .1V ;I 1fttIlV11J and Paris Treatment E N DI - 0 IY1011EY � e •A th ,•. d 1 -. ON. .IMPROV D FARMS,.'. JOHN HICKS Proprietor,. This t Boys' Youths' Y U • o C1 thing. 'and weeds. Cloths s b� 'Ldics', a Kens s se5� •�1 Bo. f • Childrens',. iOTS ANNB. SHOES, FOR CASH. 'INSPECTION INVITED. 1.1.. KERR J , Glasp House:. lath April, 1866:_ �otw w12 swf5 • • THE subscriber in returunerthanks to -the public for the liberal patronage bestowed upon o n him for ,a periodof iearIy twenty five years, begs to announce tint in order to -effect at reduction of Stock, and to make: read for New Goods, he will commence • y • DRJO.HNSON'S - J attr�*es;taud:bestCnyiiltry llotel,in L1Veititern w1 TCe an• .i�si nsar-- , AT 8:Pelt: CEN n . ------------------ -Al�le Vit.. Ja .unClet - a charges r 'ro rietor. Good u' an fur `James NI lichen. Stage Proprietor. -- 3- _.. - Street • 10011ersef. Elorse. nnl Carriages -for Hue, on' ' -' , t 4' 14 TR AL Invest in .:Towle _ Property` „e14..7r_e. ,lvau MCJN _ . . -e to n .om _ J. B'. GORDAN, "ch,• d err. Y •� _ :Go � i ter elvc air S D : s For:t/ze Cure ;o, elern�zre •CGmp?ai�rt 4 ;5erafulaa Diseases o rho Blood T • •� s ra/nes n�.d . E mrrrczl I1 _ alt w. - 1 3.186 swd tf - •h Sept. oder c , p -r v Nem/Ifs-Debility, ♦ : • i` .l 7 -Female Complaints, 4-r; - - _ "::�,•-'i,, ' - Ii.,JOIIltiGUhI,LATEOELOIVD(NEDJi�I . _ a r • -devo es his a t - - D,bnr hxnil-3'a r t t enilun e r ..;A.• l�T it C � '.:.,� ` � � � , :FOR .Ai• T, • Itt.OR •1r , D. 8..111 T T�1I_{E following excellent ftirtn jots, viz—Lot 36,in the Hayfield field concessioqtif the Town- shipoGoderich; Co. Huron,fcc)ntaming abb. t 90. aerei3 of whi •h about -b0 at cleared, also the t{ Lake- yy bt nineteen north halCoftife.nort[r � of L , Road, East in -the Tow-nsh p of Stanley, and: %ounty of Huron, -contuiningl about thirty six 'teres, mostly eteared,;:'also she west part -of Lot ten in the thirteentircoucession: of the said Town ship -of Stanley, containing about thirty acres, .t: -' withr park Lott o sato r w acres clearance, _ our e = _ n p Range 'c I" in the sane fornship, being. one Mile nom Bayfield on idle --Gra e1 Road. and con} taining-.'ten acres mostly el . ared, with .good ?-stream of water, good Dwellin house, barn and Orchara,�and alio the south w• Sterly -half of Lot, eighteen in the eighth conees ion of the Town— ship-Of •ftante,}-af�.re_aid, n „ sixty 'acres. of- land mostly- cleared, .and • within two • miles ofthe Village of Varna. • - For earth -mews apply or by prepaid. �. - letter at.the ort Ufhoe, Bayfield. • _ - ' March 27th. 1066: w9 THE _• V NTSI � O ON THE 4th OF HPRESENT selling at prices greatly below the usual rates and will.•continue_doing so until on, the premises., shallhate ttttaclied to them Coupons for the pay-- • or ,JJq_1\. TU\, Innkeeper, meat olinterest. • • goderteh. IV That the said Debent-eres and`Conpons 1 ' ` Q UN Z. - as ortme of -His Stock c gelate of a varied and extensive nt Sept. 23x1865. - - w35tf shall be_nlade o'ut in either-• Sterlingtnone}'or Prof tnc i:al •Currency edits Province- at the op- tion , whole. -tion of the, .std. Warden, so that the � le a ttonnt tit the said Dcbentnlw shaft. not, exceed' the before mens oned urr of t Xenty thousand interest at an atter s all bear tae t d dollars and they h the rate ori six per centum pen annum; which` in Januar. iciest shallue.pa�•able on the. first-day of y " and itrst day of July in each and every y year dur- E ' G1iE TO. `LEND sen per cent on. improved Farms; and no .charges made `against. The borrower. - ' - Apply to .. - - • D. -SHADE GOODING, - • Barrister. _place where the de.beritures are. matte payable. : West. Street,; GDderlell, V That for the purpose of forn.n g a.sinking -P _p - Aril 26th,_ 1866.: w14 fund for the . payment of the: said debenture; arid- 1' the; interest'at the. rite atoresaid, to--beceme due. _. theieon; an=equal sreeial_rateof four tenths of a• Dull in the dollar shali in addttton to alt other rates 1-������ r' and taxes he raised .evted".-and collected to each $mPLF :AND FANCY DEY- =GOOD S, ckr•Wines, -�Cro � - - • _' Groceries‘ Hardware � ! Had ae, �--- i3� � ins the continuance of the said debeninres at :the AND 0� �1' B]R.tl NDI S .i7.i� 'LIQUORS; • articles .kill be sold at and_ under cost, an n ortunty .-will- be: afforded • of PP. curing great bargains In the_ meantime the. usual credit busine as mill be= discontinued: and. as m- any • • JAMES Wik SON• ew� arb1F Pol lo.k's_E VUt 1Sa CfL1 X11 o $ °. _ eons : S� A..i'ii.Joh . ONUMENTS _ EADST(NES, e l � s Posts &... Jj - ab to pi„ mos T .. Tombs, -p.,- , of every descript on and styieof workmanship, furnished on short. notipe and at this lowest prices. Liberal-reductiotz+ made for cash. T' ALL ORDERS PUNCTUALLY ATTENDED TO s d1�.. May ':be seen • . Designs of h'Lonament , ,• , y at the -shop. • - elusively, to the Treatment of:the .Complaints _ referred :tonin this notice. Many years experience in Europe. and _the British --Colonies, el,nbleshinz to_performsomr veryiemarkablccnres; and bis . facilities for obtaining tbe hest and latest/eine. - dies are such, tieing in. correspondence with the :moat celebrated physicians ce the old world, that • hecan-oflerrndneetnentsio the untortanate.ol speedyand perfect cure.% - _ ` - STR ENGTR _ TO THE WEAK,—Dr John #1� • son's Remedies will restore- i n_a eery short time, �ousD`."' with °:�Tert coil all who are inflictedt _ Debility,,Lou ofMemory., Vigor, lee. l ;. ESDI YSTEBS FRESH wilOLE8ALEtaND BETAIL, e T • COUNT BY THE �gEG 'CAN- 0EC - LOBSTERS' SARDINES, AND CLAMS.- T • Es DATES. .� RkNG FRESH LEMONS s'� �coan uts igs :Cra : es. C p !; ice ! - � c. _&c. :&o. at & T ' -, _ ZWest side of Market- .,Square, - -s .9g - w o ,;30 I..�o (l:oder.ch, N v , i works -NOTTCE• YOUNG MEN, TAIC£. N otter-.: There is -a evil ha'iit often -contracted by boys at school, which grows ttS with them -to- inanliood; the- eflects-ofthis evil .practice is most'deplciralje, mac.- &c. .1111 ._amt -who r n In oftenprod lc. g insanity, _ _are afflicted should apply toDr Johnson immediately, and erect cur speedyperfect e i effect and 1 lewd a 1. a ' :lam DISEASES OF 'TSE 'BLOOD, AL'C,, It ie At ndstall victims thousands t Met that h ins melancholy fa o m Y disease :owinuto the unskilful and improper use .Com ound of mercury. Dr 'Johnson's p Syrup will thoroughly erail cate nildist•as, s'arisingfrom a diseased :orntpure state oftheblood. � Remedies orwvrded in safetyto any addiess7t.fce bonri from 5 ti1112, and from 2i till 8. All eotnmunica- tions should be ade.ressed, Dr, Chas, F. Johnson; 64. Little St. JamesBtreet.Mcntreal,C.. E. • A S' • `HOTEL ock = � - - � W�i��XETSE�_, n IIL Partnersbip- heretofore _exiting in the o Road runningfrom - . , ., - Gravel M215, „��.p ofT�sttuatedonthe r tt o Uodert • • -under- the • style Towu t t. 3 slbar o outhaln ton one mile north ,o•- DAVIS,. , b- : mutual. s• Serf th t P � 'STUII:Y-� .,,_has:beendi.olved by - an .one's .av ” W xeter and r . d OtTtO r0 consent.. _ - . -. +• - where idea s_ , y _ - --. W1L-L1:M. STORY;,- . - ". • tiling to • - - Qoderich, Dec. 19, 1865. - - w47 Tyr Waggon and S11 h Makin� fir• ;401 III 414141 ..v v GEUJitt�l i11(1Iii12. N DAMS:. Belmore. Walkerton, Southampton, : o. b 27a-sw95 .. Jul $ 5. icy 7th Coder 1 , y' tom- _ - or anyplec•eiu that atrectronwl 1 find accatnmo- elon to dation sgclt as he only expectsto Andel -first -elate All Promissory_ ode- piid Aecounts b g city hotels, n alire3pects. to the late firm have h;n placed in theSubscri _ . bee hant.s'for collect o islipastsDii TE payment 'ICE A�,wAYs ON • ND tntist be made,• _ FQ3Hifi 4 A 'GORLiQ 'rleiid$ shy. _ {yes: t �''i --;'•ter Barris ou r g 27w•s 9 • Gotierlch, 27th aulS� B II .-- ' w _ THEB131LDIhGS.COVER ALENGTHOF g - FIFTY FEET U R ,1�H ND E_ reference to'the a `owe Amoy iitay be stated that - •in efe1' f .. •- . '- eieumv..S DAYS, Y TOR. OLD . _�-W46--4: ro Fie#ot. 1i_. is„still•on tl:etrael , an ring at present oeeuple completed: He li-reb returns h:s sineere thanlrs1: to the friends_ and `ctist�oniem ivho have_for 21 years extended their custom to his shop, • and sli11towerititschntinuance. ill remain in the build- ntil his nes►- -shop is: hopes P WM. ;STORY; Coderich,_August 1.lfi65. -wn27 G N DAVIS - 'VIA ltt U b' -A (,Tlflt>;K.A1V.D DEALER 1N - Stoves Plou�rlisand Castings o! :ever de- s t. :tlte ;ydarketatove' : epot3 ar e. :quare, o e- eeription.: `Tin, Copper and -Sheet iron Ware, 'R uld� res ectfull in r tits ped wo , f th f cf R se- tom- •and the public_ generally -that a as . HE, Und t p y D Tl b t Gid :� 'tion -and Bruce. orre a torment rich. •• menced tbe,above business ffAT. - OIL - 9 and St. David street, ' tt •Coal•Oil Laine s, Ste.,&c=. Old .Iron, Cop-• - Al his :oldst� �' Goderic:1. lid 'April, 1866 '. w10 and having now. on hand an excellent:assort• taken an :exeharg' 27tf the best material-- he is prepared to °' tient of P P which ` •- execute all orders in his line - in a -waySHERIFF'S .Si OF T. Al TI. S dear, solely upon all- the`tateable:property within ' • peri Brans, li tri 1-ei ki gs and Sheepskins a7 _ o9 fc `tn Fran' or Second Class Teacher-- wanted to the said County of Huron during. the _ contiqu- - b eaching on: theFirat-,of next ince• of:saiddebenturesoran.y of them. com5ne ce: t- ,ul VL That this By Law shall -take effect Sufi (virtue oftwt'writs in.- e - ' -, • being don .- '-' � his shop ATTENTION , -bisstne,s and;,all work to Huron and Lruce,: ��1:'ierl;Faciael issued out= r y. •':j GAR IEr N `LD P.. bioDO� A , D. SCOTT. .l un •- l+T. $.—Second . class need not appy • e 'rsf'da , of J rd• in `cuonth h � 5. S --.-7=g0 gs come 1ntt,. operation p - d 'ouaaucf eight hundred. the year of our Lutd one tri: g ` tZ'T Trustees 'Morris. :and sixty six.- • ' want of a good durable article .of- T r �ro gisatisfaction. _ cannot fail to rive • • this; 'aexperience iR Having .had. creat Walton P. O United -Counties of '1! 1 N 3 OF UST �L S NTI NC 0 � 'DRAW- T xE Al r1: o OULD BEG TO A - warrant every article made by lam_ to he of Court of the United equnttes of 'rluron-Tina, ound Bruce, and to me directe ;against the lands and .tlsofT.D. William tinn at the 1 scf ill as - tenement ri - under his •personal' superintendence, he ,ca TO Wft: pf ger Majesty's Councv. SCHEDULE - Tess able to teach First class branches, and • • •e f todo so. - EFERRED.TO IN THE ORSGOING, bind himself R S.S. No 9,, Morris, April 16th, 1866,r,-, wI3tf _ • Five thousand' eight hundred Dollars to be -.ex- pended on the Port Albert Road.- e w FOR SALE c 1 t on ih m_ham Yiratd ex- FARM (�Jllr -!.7 a ' sot a •s. �' AJL1riY1 �O Three thoa nd • Three thensan.d Dollars on the Seafvrth'and - A•small Farm of Excellent Lands •situate to the Belmore Kt ad._ - Villageof.Suintnerhttlfacing the Base line Twothousand Dollars..on ;the • Ilowie Road,_ Gravel road, being. the soot'. halt ol. Lot number 8th and 9th: Coniesnor,s. 15 in th' 17th coneesston Township of aoderich, Two thousand one hundred i Dollars on .,the County efHuron, Forty acres. Stephen Mail. Road, ' • L For particulars apply to . . -Two thousand dollars on theBay Gravel lioad. CHARLES F. CLARKS:: Nineteen hundred Dollars qn the Mail Road Solicitor, &e.;_ Cltutoa. run. n:ne to Town Piol of Grey, , - vett reasons e• — ,'1+ims end Alexander'ethitli, 1' have seized and -•- - - h a call ! taken in Exeeuti�naril ihe;rrehtotic aunt inter:, Farmers-, 111e C 1 010101-title the w•�si halt . gest of thesa�d-defendant t White --Scarlet- and Gre � and see .for , of number t n yourselves.of L e :i th •fifth c•oncessk r-. of • 0 11' c t.County of 1 r B.—}3orse shoeing -and- joblsln, of a Township hip o, IT abort* i the , Huron on EY • STRIPED & CHECK D =WING � the - PLAIN March 27tii ;1866.; • w9tf Two hundred Dollars on the Hayfield Ounces- sio Goderich.. - - _ #NOTI E NOTICE. rpHE Court of Revission for. the Township _ •. - of '1*uckerscriith• will be field at. Loyds The above is. a true copy of a proposed 8y. - Hotel Village of Seaforth, on Friday the 18th Law to be taken: into, consideration by the -141a- of May inst.,. at -the hour of _10 o'clock. -in the forenoon. ' ' WILT:Ism mum, - - -Township Clerk.- _ Tnekers.mith, May. lst, 1866....' • _ w14 3t PAITE-RNSTA-ND- o IN . - TOWN OF GODE RIGH THR tavern' lately occupied by -Mr, Beggs, 4- on the corner or Kingston and Victoria streets, (part of the Allen Estate), will be: leased; for a: term of years:: Apply to A.ALLEN--, Esecnigrs: COX,,. - G'oderich,-Jan. 166- w52 4 It -D' V. It• fi 1 fi E &M N: T .- • British Periodicals -. PREMIUMS' 10- NEW SUBSCRIBERS THE LONDON Cal ARTERLYtREV IEIR_ tConservativr ) • TSE ED1rIBURGHR EVIE%V _(1t hiss) THEW S'IMMINST1:RREVIEW(Radcal.) .Z TSE NOR.TR _BRITISH REVIEW (Free Church.) - - AICD' - - itBLACKWOOD'SI DI BUR.tHM.eL( ZINE(Tory) TERMS FOR_ 1866. • PAYABLE IN U 8. CraUtENCT I • - • 1 oranyone of the [tevtews ...... $4:00 per annum ti'oranytwo attire Reviews .... TOO Foranyy three ofthe,Reviews ..,.,.10:00 • Por .all fourofthe Reviews ..._.....12.00: c( ParBlackwood'sMagazine - 4.00 : - "cc Son Blackwood and one Review100 For8laek oodand any, wo of the ` -- Reviews .,.. .10.00: ;i. "For Black wood and: three of the Ke- - TICWS . • Forelackwoodandthe foprReviews 1500° . i The interestof the`sogerfod calx to American readers sratherincreasedthan diminished by thearttcles they common our Civil War and, though Sometimes tinged withprejudice,they may still, considering their great ability and the difrerentstand-points from- which they are wntten.be ead and studied with advantage by the people ofthiscouniry,ereverycreed and party:Mt Premiums to New Subseriberti, New Subscribers to- any two of the above periodicals for,1x66:�.ih be entitled to receive, gratis, any- one of the "Porer Reviews” for. 1865. Newsubscribers to -all five ofthe.Periodi- oafs_ for 1866, wilt receive, gratis, any two of the so Four Reviews"' for 1865,_ Bnbseribers inay also obtain- bank numbers at the•foliowingreduced rates, viz s . - Blatckwood:from September, 1864, to Deceni bei .1865, inclusive, at the rate of $2,5f I. a year 2!he Nerds -reach- from; January, 1863; to December,,I865 inclusive ;Ate Edinburgh and the Westrnznisterfrom April,1864,to December, I8fifi, inelusive,-.and the London. Qizaiteriz for the year 1865, at the?ate of $1.60 ayear liar each or. any. Review. ;- _• li s' Afewcopies: y•t reliant -ad/ the` Four Review,-for1853 at$4.0O aset, or $1,50 for any iiieipality ofthe United_ Counties of Huron. and Bruce. at the County Court 'Roots% in the Town of Geder ch, in the County=of lluron, on the Fourteenth day af.I.trne,i56b at the: hour of two o'clock in the. attertroon:. at which• time and place the members of the Council are hreby re- quired e quired to attend for the purpose_aforesaid.. PETER ADA 11.ON,. ` Ootarties Clerk • . 'County Clerk's office; - uderlch. ;lth llfarch,1866- w6 S the best quality, while his terms w111be f �7 �1 ©�T T: - EE �T `� �y CLOTHS �1• AND �X FULLED V�O Hh7 reasonable. f • 1. • :- a LQ-NlET� AND D S © iICll(1'iC . YAR • :TO CALL AT 1IS.. ,WOOL FACTORY OFFICE; E'A$T: STREET And judge . for themselves: before purchasing Iseivl1ere FARIVLRS' -WOOL =C. 133:3 7::) Or made up to=Order in any required style at reasonable pric s.- THO'5I-NS L0 AN. w12 GoderichWool Factory,-I8Q5. OWING to the Abrogation of the Reciprocity Treaty,'many shippers will now be looking out for *liable agents in Montreal. The under- - signed have confidencein offering their- services to such for the sale of BRE &D , ,ASTUFFSSIri:S. BETTER* QUEESE, COARSE GRADIS":&e , este •- I atnufao urors They have also a special department for LEA•rH- Ea. under management of an experienced '.. • - ; Salesman. �, Circular; _ - JOHN DOUGALL & Co;, Gontmtss on Merehents, _ - - wS 2fnos*$p - Montreal . — IUD _`: uu„ a 4 5 e1 1 r Asx' ,r r��� srnra y rpi,o: (anal 1I1 'l'pryl1ue„l fu 1' t�II e'�ll.t hhl �Iyflli httilll� :.11$TEa; },ti,.,�dLJbL.... % lA&(tAN1tl NGI,NEf•W RKSi.h. N4 `FOR SALE 4. Taube village of Dungannon, LotNo _48 at present occupied. by,the'llev. gr. Daunt Minister of the Church -of England: Terms easy,apply to. -• HENRY MATHERS, St Selena: x (I - wrltf WilkerBtreet,New York.. By TIZISSYSTEEDX:04 ofcEdirburgh. and the late -J. P. • ISAAC FREDRICK TO r+. stersomr OLD $TAIID WATCHMAKER* JEWELER Next door Wist of Mr:Stotts' _Saddlery. WATCHES1'. CLOCKS AND JEWELR* _ ItEtaliZED ON SHORT NOTICE, In the beet Siyle & Warranted. • • • kinds t• • tl I tte ided to containing fifty. acres •avin,. and eycepti., to s s crit y a i therefrom one acre of said lot formerly -c,nceye`d LEWIS ELLIOTT, Executorsthe A.Maho 10 one ' by the of n: Godetieh, Dec., '27th, 1865. - .w49 :John Nloggt; which Lands and ienemeuts i. shut FOR SALE r MS 8 and a; range 13, in _the township of - 1,4 Stanley St 0.per acre ; East,25 acres of s-mtb Hy 5; Polloek, Deputy Sheriff. - eaaterlv queue of lot 2 • In tne 9th eon., AV. D., Sheriff's Mee, Coderieh, Ashfieki, $4 per acre ; -and 20 Town Lets in 16th Feb. --1c6G - I offer for -sate at myibideetin the•7,ourt louse in the Town of Coderidlio tai -Tuesday the -twenty ninth -day of May: nex1cat ;Iixehatouor ONfAT;Deilv,e of • the clock, noon, - • o Grist and Flouting Mills - _ ' . LAC -I1T S,. .SEPERATORS � ANSROR'- PO'E • Mowing and Reaping Machines, Wood' Saws, s, - .gWQWLE1�"CA'41.rT�� 1°.T-iV .WANTED • I110 rent, a Grist Mill, or a situation in a 1- Mill, by an ex•perienced3liffer. Apply to COOKING, PARLOUR AND BOX STOVES Alwaysen hand, •SugarKettles, Wagon and PipeBoxes. As our-pa-tterna .of the above tire ofthe most approved kind, we would solicit an inspection 1311r stock- before purchasing elsewhere, as we are offering -the above at the lowest remunerativ'e prices, for cash, or or ap oved Credit Old metal Brass Capper and all kinds of oroduce taken in exchange. , Money to Lend) For Sale Cheap. Estate, at -8 pitir cant and ipWards. Charms reasonable.- lepply to :I Goderieli, 17th January, 1866. w62 3m MONEY TO LEND One Hundred Dollars -and Upwards. CRUSE'S NEW ISLOVIE -- GoderichiSept, 8tb. f864: /43 • • • • Saln or o Let lot No 8, .2nd Conces- sion _towns ip of -Goderfch, with good -dwelling house nd_ out buildings, and goed 'bearing orchar , and- a never failing streani running throng the lot. Also! the stock and farming. nteasihi Apply on the re—mises to - - • Goderich attiate Op.; St. Georcels Crescent in the fully situated, ceminandime both a River mid Lake Mew, -comprising. abbut one a.cre of Land, teel private reseleeee. For prtce and terms ap- ply clir,eet to the Proprietor. - - 10 Quality_ St.,sLcoetiitahn.(h. Or (OH -MACE HORTON, Esq.; Goderich. ill SE 'judo Feral, lot No, fOlt SILK OR' TO "RpTi gth con., E. D.. Colborne. . This farm is within 61 miles ofGoclerich,-there is 'T71 acres • cleared,. and h fame honie and barn. . One half is clear. of sturnris, -and • the ci!kor half *front 9 to 4 years choped, and has never been - ploughed; there are -also a voting orchard of 158 trees *of tile., best aisortinent or fruits eciod *ell and pump. As to tering, &C.1 Colborne: Nov. 30, 1865. • w4 -SEER.r.FF.'S•-SAf4B OF LAXDS. Huron and Bruce, .1.-I'Fieri Facias isimed 'out' ', to Wit : of "ger Ualesty's County Court of •the .United -Counties of Huron and Bruce, aid to me direetal against the lands and tenements of Charles Dayment at the suit of Al - lab S Fisher, surviving partner 01'Si-filth and Fisher I have seized and taken in Exeoution all .the light title and inicrek ot the_ said derendant 20,11, 22 and -23 in Densley's Terraeo, as laid out on part Of Lot- number thirty six, on the first concession of the ToWpsInp of Stanley in the County of Huron, whiolt .14ndsfind tenements I shall oiler for sate :at My' office in the . Court House in the Town of Giaderieh, on -Tuesday the twenty nintbday -PfliVlay next,. at the hour of ShernPs Office; Goderieh.- A. . AND PLACES FOR HOLDING • DIVISION COURTS Huron and, 13ruce._ Southampton Clerk of.the Peace H &B Ogee of the Clerk of the Peace t Tp,Ite Notice. • SAMUEL POLLOCIC; Esq., late Deputy” ee, undertte Inscdrent Ant -of 1864 for the rimed -Counties of Huron and Brace. Parliamentary34 Departmental AT OTT. 4*Ar; C. W. TIlKunciersigned devote specials -attention to _the paieuring,,of Patents for Lands and for Inventions, tile adjustment of Land and other claims against the Govereinent„ pro,. curing the passage of Private Acts 'of the : Legislature, and the transaction of business generally with the several Departmentsx ;Feb. 1866. - sw3m413 SHEEIFF.r3- SALE OF LODS Huron and Bruce, r..13 VenditioniExpOnasand sued out of -Her Alijeity"s Ceurt;oft:ommon itNelson I have seized nth taken hi- Exeeution all the right title and intereitofthe*aid Thbinas M- tge in and to Lot .Nttyper *I ikenty three in the first .concession of the-,Pownshija of Brant in gm County of -Bruee eonfaining fifty acre* of land more or less, wiiieh Lands add tenements 1 shall -offer for sale at my bffide in the Court House in the Town- of Gederieb., on Tuesday the fifteenth day of Mir:next, at th hour of TiVelke of the .SHERIFF'S Si4gt OF LANDS.. Huron and Bruce. - • Pieri Fames issued out Court of the Unite.d veneties-offluton and Orme and to me directed •rigoinit the bind and tene- ments'of sled. Bea ten • ' it t• -the suit of „ruin. IS Ne- well, I .have seized and_flaken in Execution all -the right -title and interest of -the said defendant in and to Let number &Ye in the fourth conces- • Lands and tenernenist thrill -oiler for Sate at thy office in the Court Hou in the Twon -of Jude - rich, on_ Tuesday the. enty n nth day or !Key next, at the tour Of T elve of the c mit noon. _ --.- ' -_-: JO.. 17_11/ACsDhOLAI t Da i B . . • Bsyht. Pfitleoeigee, 0,eGOodut4Ssighbe?iiff. ; ; ' -• -Coa At 80 S AL Fl T - RATE LAND • Terms easy,apely t* on the premisos, or . -1L.C. CAM, ERGOoNder- jet, SHERIFFS SALE OF LABDS. _ United Coottes o1., 11111Y vihne oftwo Writs or Huron -and Bruce, ..1-) riert Facresissued out . court ef the tailed counties of Huronand Bruce and to me directed against the landa and lane .r... - ct the stiits of Peter Rehertson and 'Robert Reed, 1 beve seized and taken in txecution ell the right' title and interest of the said• defendant in and to. Lots Numbers Nine and Ten in tlie4fecth COD. , c ssior d'the Township of Kinloss in the County of Bruce, which Lan -ds and Tenements' shall oiler Jor sale ct,iny office hi the. coiirt Room in she -Town of _0°dt:rich, -oe Tuesday .the Thirty ... first -day -vt duly -next at the hour of Twelve ot theoloak, no:on: - , .skerlit; x4;13, Hheriff's"Office. God Kiel' l• ;United Counties of . latlY value oftwo wr lasvio:; _ sIrrairmud. -SALE OF LANDS Huron and Bruce,- -- 13 -Fieri.Facias issued out Court of ille United Counties of Huron`and *nee - and County Court -of -the, County of Wentworth, and to'Ine directed against the la_nds and -te-c- •Stewart.and Ebenezer 0 male, I have seized and taken in-lieention all the right, tale and intermt of the said defendant in and to the North half of -- -- Lot Number.. five in concession A of the Tpwri-. ship of HoWick Containing fiftg. acres more or less, which Lands and Tenenients I shall safer -for *ale at my Office in -.the Court House in:the . Town -of Goderieh, on Tuesday the Mine elvi Of ' silEiarrs:_saf,\ i.OF :tiliDO. _ lInitedCountiesof AD Y virtue- of a writ .4' Huron and Hive, .1-) Fieri Facies 'issued ont Common .Pleas and .to ine direct egainst the Laneis and Tenethente .of Anton' tz at_ The in -Execution all the riglitlitle and inteist of thee Number' thirty abutting on ste•sotith BotindalY of the Towntilup of Stanley in the County of u. - rim, which Lands and Tenements1 shalt ofler °r- eale at my office in the Court House, IQ The To of Godeneh, on Tuesday the Seirenteenth day - JOHN MACDONALD; mai 3rd -A.pnl 0661 4 • MONEY AND A HONE t FOR• FARMERS. snhseriber hos mory to PAIL at a 1 moderate rate of interest. ATP, 30 heres cleared, :and h Valuable -Farm for sale in Tuckersmith, five miles fromSeatorth,. 60 iicrei cleared,.a good frame house, barg Astpallpf;La, kiti.4,si_d. locality in part p. aym.eit FAII,MS FOR SALE. riTpr. „good iinproved Farnis for sale in the 1 Counties of Ouron, Perth, and Middlesex. - For particulars apply -Jo -the undersigned:. GLASS, Barrister. ILL* 1.313 AT Ift tation tin to 11 Kt ViSiL patients at a Sips Ensca, 1.3.11r; -31 11110HYS1131 AN. eeasid Central Seho operations up,on the ey 1J JAW,. and !ioliet *coon Rouse b Swath sule Of West tratisoli's Bros" first-l?gior west 01 (1 .staibir4bb's Bloc* A:MR.1ST 13,1t, follit1;:11143;11 Irsait MTZITOR jal 1:re rfm:111"; Land SuryttroN: Office hours fool on 14-1 r Office al the Dr. 11 SUM pplcr tune r.IR AL am 410- C miss gerchan •Pateountscoll ted. ICEISED mrsAI:syrtc:c.F.:0:17,1:1": Forbes, Lot, 1 ir I 171 rEi :2117 friii nude -nig - Age -Wart LlteranItuno Oodsrich, July,