HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1866-05-08, Page 3a
poor, rather
.50 bright rot
ter day white
r,re brood of
ht a fine cm- ee
i.ecfar before.
‘ing what tct
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Via for
or air, ban -
an opening --
41s presently
u got fax your
▪ said Nat
thrergh the
. ze•
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:elaimed z. ---
tier come in
ip ner trows-
yea or the
intended ex-
> •
Cabs, Car.
'd and on &Ar-
iellaw- rates-
Odern raedicat -
tt.,17ER! •
t arat favorably
painsin the
•, ore throat,.
;owet corn-
mt. 13ites,
..eng.ta o. tune-te
▪ riever fading
tent rclit.f7hen
-ghitewu a snigle
directions have.
%a contrary, an
and speak.14--:-._
siat magical.
:ure those who
iepend upon, its -
t7anadian Pain,
for whirl. it is
sleees-s la sub-
rola/it-2n. ALA m
We it to a ingh
ese complaints. .
eine Dealers in
1* supplies, and
satisfaction it .
r never aids to
,tedealers keep
and no family
tte,C. W,
for -Canada.
Cattle and ;
eafertir, and aEL
10,000v -
Oek Bark, for';,,
t paid. Apply
t the WW1,
awn tr
11 Meek,.
le an in
Estate of As
re hereby re-
ati Or to. say
• .•••••
-O , •
e, • • 16'
we-- The com. frotit S. S. .NO 6.
-Goddrieh Townshigwill- appear in our
next. -
meeting of the Goderich Cricket
Club will take place at the British Ex-
" 1.
change hotel on Friday evening next, to
anake arrangements for the forthcoming
holiday is fast approaching, and if there
is to be any-denconstration in Goderich,
there is no-. timn.t be lost-. Cannot
somethinn- be done to- enliven -the town on
that day 1 Whe'speaks- first?,
Mr:Teimilatis repests as to State for
the information or -tho menibers of the
''flcnie• (xuard-''' :and "Infantry Company,"
that both ofthose Companies are disbaaded,
and. that any person belonging to the In-
tantry Company -desiring to join' the Ar.:
itillery or Rifles isat liberty to do so.
_ -
gar. We wOuld direct special attention.
to the Insurance caul of H. Horton. ES+.
The comp4nies represented by him may
be considered perfectly r4iab1e, mid -rates,
on application,. will be -found very reason-
tine in some planksin ihel3ayfrild bridge at) .PftftillIIS OF YOVTAI,
Turners -mine; certified e. by lir. Sheplutrd A Gentle:faun who suffered for -)-ears- from Nervous
amounting to $1.80
Moveciliy Me. Sheppard, see. by -Mr. Pat,
That the accoent of James Anderson- be
paid, -Carried.
Moved by MG Patten,. sec, by, Mr. Shep-
pard, That Mr.- Acheson be paid 'fifty five.
dollars, being .the runount- of his Baler)? As .
assessor for 1866 - - •
. ,
As the By law in reference, to grantinVverY-YOUlq latli and g.;iitternan the isaitcd stat'es
License in this Township was _confirmed b; can hear somethiag very Much tO, their advantage by
gar 11. Garcliner,,Esq, is lso agent
for a first-cIass Insurance institution, the
-Commercial TT nion, cards of which will,
be found in ail public- places. Mr G. be-
lieves he can give satisfaction to ail insu-
rers who. may•fhior him with a trial.
Mistsearri • Eca.--11r. Booth, merchant,
of this town, has prese-nted us,with- an ..egg
laid by one of his half bred Cochin -China
hens which is the biggest thing in that line
we have seem measures.- 81. inches
around the longest' Ni, -ay, and 61l inches
around the If any person can show
a larger, we ,ishould like -to see and eat it.
AT LAST to the great satisfactiog. of
, northern merchants, who taw been
, starving for new goods, the Spray has
been able to get to Kincardine, -although
there is stilt about a. Tmile of loose ice at
that point: Ot° course business will now
tepusbed with great energy.
stir The -steamer Pounie, ig" being
thoroughly overhauled, repainted, and re-
fitted generally, -preparatory to her 'farm-
- iner's business. She will bereadyfor
.sea in'a day or two, and will afford ainple-
accommedatioa for a large passenger and
freight business .- =
-sarAve. have. received,a few copies of
the.. " Memorandonkon. 'Cholera, adopted
at a Medical Conference held in the MI-
reao of Agriculture ia March, iI866.• The
imaiphleti contains a great -deal of valu-
ablc informittion touching this terrible
scourge,. and we are grad to know that the
4Governinent Jitive caused a large nurnber
of copies to be struck off for general dis-
tribution.„ Mr. Adamson,!. Co. • Clerk, is
prepared to furnish a number:
Goa/ Clei_lotENom3tENT.--The Town
Council have at last taken up a matter
which we have' urged for -Several years, •
..a Petition adopted to be sent to our Member
we -paean jthe -planting of shade trees for piesentation before the Legislative Assem-
- • - .
-Debility, Preinantie Ditcay, and all -the eilects -of yotith-
tlil indiscretion,' will -for the sake of:Attic-ring -humanity
.8mill free to all who tiee.t1 it, the -recipe and -directions for
making the'shnple remedy by Whielilte *mewed. Suf-
ferers wishingto Prolit.by the advertiser's experienei.
can do so by addressing -
- - JDHN B. OUDEN. - _ •
. Chatnber#Y.S.t..New -Yink. -
the householders and freeholders of said
Township) That a Tavern- Inspector be sp.-
• Moved by Mr. Patton, sec. by Mr. Shep-
pard, That Jones, Copp he appointed In-
spector ot Inniuthis Township for, the
enrrent, year and that he forthwith ' go and
see if those- InkeePers -wishing to. take out
Licenle have ths necessary acCemodations
according to la*, and that be -receive $3. frorp
each Inkeeper, and pay over the License
money to the Township -Treasurer on or -be-
fore the 1st day of June next; • I,
_ Moved by :Mr. Piper, sec. by Weston,
that the several Tnkeepers taking out Lieenhe
Pay thirty dollars, including the imperial
Lieense. The Council: then adjourned to
meet egain on the 3rd Monclayin May.
Township Clerk.
The Court of Re -vision for the. ToWushiprof
Colborne metaccording to notice at Rem'
Tavern, S it hs Hill on Wednesday the 25th
of April, 1
Present the Reeve and all the ouncillors.
After tea tog the minutes- oft last meetisig
the Court was epened, the' e. being no ap-
It was moved by Mr- Y ag, seconded by
Mr.. Spence,- That the sessment Roll be
accepted. -Carried.
Movedhy Ur Young, set. by Mrs Rhymes,
That By -Law inspecting ,Statute Labour
be repealed, and the: •By Law, revised, -Car.
tied. • - .
Moved -by Mr Spencer, see. by Mr Young,
•That the Assessar should " receive_$10.00 for
extra service of dag assessment,-Garried. -
Moved by Mr Rhyne:5, 4ee. by Mr Young,
That the Treesfirer should loan the Trustees
of school sectien• No. 6 the sum of $50,00
till stich tiine astheschool Tax for said sec-
tionlbe Colle-cted,-carried. •
- _
Movedby Mr -Young, Young, see. by !-Air ;Rhymes:
That the sum Of $100.00: be expendediu each
Ward, at thedeseretion.of each Councillor.
Moved ametidment by sec.. by
Mr Spetice, That each Ward receive $.100.00
and assume the -building of stone_ abutments:
of a bridge to be built at Bermillers -creek,
piovided the amountdoes not exceed i3200.00.
The Reeve gives the -Casting Vete hi favour
of the amendment. -
• Moved by Mr Rhynes, see. by Mr Spence,
That the Bylaw now -drawn out _granting a
certain right Of road, between Lots 10 and. 10
on the 7th and 8th Coo., Eastern devision -of_
the Township to Gordon Yount? be now uass
ed, -Carried.
The salaries -11f the different officers- of the
Township to be the same as last year, -
Township Clerk. _
retummajl [free of ehargej,lby addrettsing the ander-
signed:- Those having.fears of being humbugged will
oblige bymit atmeing this yard. All others will please
address their obedienfsevant,- - -
wz-ty.S., • - °noway, New -York:,
advernser, baying- lieeti Te.stored in -health Ian
fe.y.weeks by a. Very simPle
fered for several yearti with a seiter-e-lintjaifli!etion,. and
thati-dread diSeass. Consomptioa-is. anxious to maka-
''.kkown tu las fellow-stiffereis tlte rnettnAef care... -
To all Who desire send ty-eopY the- Pres-
cription -Med ((ree of charge). with the directions for pre-
paring and using the same, which they -wilt foal h 'stru
ekes. and all 'Pliroat and Lang Affections. Ibe only
oljees ante. advertiserm sendith,T the Prescription :Id
benefit the aifiicted, and -spr-eadlniltrination which hits.'
Conceives to be invaluable. and he -hopes every sufferer -
Will try. his remedy. as it will :via- ;peva mithiag, and
may _prove a blessing: . - . • • • -
Parties wishiugthe.prescriptiori, ?au. bY:return mall
address -
• • . -± Rev. D RD -4: %V 11,SeN.
Williatusbarg.ICiags. Co.. New York. -
Nati. Ott' erttgentritst
: :clarke, M. D., Physician ;extraor4inary
P .r e_Pp rl,ee frr,6et: toel.lat.hep7reesiillariieePanilie.Ort7of. 4188ir:
This invalaebie medicine- is in _the
cure_ of all -4 hoe ..pdi n I Mid dangerops°diseases
to whieh the leinale constitution is. subject. It
moderates hit excessand reintivea all Obstructions
and a speedy cure May be relied -op. .
it'll, peetiliarly- It '1,01, 'in a short tune;
-bring on the monthly pet rod. With regularity.
' bottle, price; One Dollni; beer:s the Gov-
ern ment, Stamp Of Great Brita into prevent coun-
terfeits.. - .
These Pills gltould nat.& taken bn.fentales daring
tILe F11182 THREE- 11101)11111S Preg-
vianey, 'mg th.ey - are sure inhi-zeg
riage, bar at any other time tliezi are safe.
- In all cases of Nervous and'Spinal;Affections,
Pains in the frack and •Linibs, -Fatigue on shah(
!exertion, ralpitation -cline:Heart, ilysterieS
Whites, these Pills will, effect a cure when all
other - means -ha-Ye failed; and altboueh a power-
ful remedy, do net .conta in moo. coloniel, anti -
Joon v, oranythinghurtfulto he coirstittn lon
Full direCtions in tile Patriphlet around each
package, which • should be catefally preereed. _
- Sole ageat for the United States -and Canats-,-
, JOB 610SE;S, -Rochester, N.Y.
N. E:=$L.00 and stir po-tage stamps, enclosed
to any authorized agent will insure a bottle con•
tainitig fifty by return arab: • . •
,Newcastle; (1: W., general
- : agent tor Canada. -
Sold in Godetich by Parl;er. Cattle and
F. Jordan Claidiner oc Co., flaytield James
• Benthem,'Itoge ivi k a rd, Exit ter 4J.H.
yombe,Plinton E. /*lour!, Sectforth, and all
Medicine 'Dealers. . • 73F-tv
„FHB subscriber wants 100.0.: vortia-ef tem -
I loci; Bark,: for -which the highest:Market-
pi ice will he Paid hi cash bn:delivery at his
yard- at the Dock. .
To the Editor of the. Huron Signal
Sii.-,411- Your liberal and widely cirmilated
-Joarnal, read- with intense interest two,
commenice.tions, the first ot which- appeared
ill your issue of the 5th April, anonymous, the
other on the 26th -int, over the signature ot
Assessore both ot which are in eXeCt harmony
with my_ views. on the -nosy agitated Scheel
questioo. „ Your correspondent's aforesaid
have well expressed the geeerel. wad* wish-
-es and *opinions of the rut al districts, • and I
shall not here farther debnte thereon aSbeing
superfious. In. your tssod,Of the 26th ult, the
report of a meeting of S S. No 5,G-oderich
Township, where resolations•Were passed and
dromiti the square. Over a hundred trees 'blY 'the prayer or the Pet!tion; I most cord!
'lave been. Ordered fromi Mr. Leslie Of T Illy agree with. Mr. Editor I would farther
, . - •
-0- sueffeat that air Other Sections of the Prov-
!ronto„ and freparitions hive -been' made ince, were they to eonstilt theinterestsof the
to -pla:it , them' in_ ;largeholes. filled With. country .would do- Well ere 11 is toe late- to-
adopt the same mode of.tielion.: Let the tioc-
rich earth. ' it is thotic.nlit:that nursery sin be sounded, and let every ratepayer of
trees ivilL do much better thaa tlOw grow- the Proviuce come out boldly, and_reaist-by
in' t nativee:froba ale hush,and they are, eifery feria' mehnsthe unceIled for ine'ovitiona
in the, /out; run, about as eheap.r We fdel
satisfied that the amount exp4nded for
such: n purpose will be am' pip -repaid, as
anything tending to beatitify Our town
and render it attractive must prove bene-
ficial. It is to be hoPeethat the first boy
or man seen mutilation- one of the new
e. •
trees will be made an example of,_
Extensive Horse Stealing. ,...
Some -party or parties entered the stable of
Mt. John Glen,9th con...Colborne, last night,
(Ttb) and of eight horses -*elected -,the finest
one,-.vataettat WO- together With a saddle
and bridle. From thence they -proceeded to
• - -if:undated, -and .the managers of it. can npt be
Hama° S•te G derich,
VEEP constant y on hand fo sale - all/era-
-IV eles in their line, such as - " " - _
Bedoteads; gliairs; Ta,bles; ,
. .Sotts,. 84c; -, . _
pl- All kinds of wood -turning Atone, such -as
Nool posts, Stal ; bannisters, neckyokes,:40.
Always in hand, it di nplete -
ASsORT.B iiTT OF: cornrzt
audit HE hire- onie isonahle.te, mi.
- Goderich,_ SlaY 3rd, -186-0- - - 1Sw6nelrf
POR Sale, 'Ea t halfIt-4 35, -iid West -half-
": 'lot .36 in- (1h .cen., Of 1 Township of
Wawanosh, le- the. County f Huron. 200
acres 60 acres eleared,.:in coed-- "Mete . of
cultivation. , 35 acres- in crop, 20 more
Log dwelling, Feanie Si ble-and Shed,
_Orehard elgood grafted fled , beginning to
:bear. t wa 'never - iline,tr Creeks -
The taind _ i within t‘ve and a quarter
miles ori.he- ravel Iliied,_ 7 miles from
Blythe, Marker, and 6 miles from
Clinton Itailwit _Station, the whole willbe
sold ie one lot, r"eacfi half-seperetelr.i
- Priee.loti an terms favor& le, if not Sold
ttefore, the pr petty will he offered at Mr.
Trueruates Auct on Boom, Gr derieli.- on thei
ltin of Nay, tat., at noon. • = -_._
For father 11 rtictilvss 6,ppl on the prem-
ises of le : _
. B. GORDO , Goderich.
Goderich-: Dia -3rd, 1866. '1 w1.5td
. _ 2
-TnE- S"bserib , beg' to inf rm. the pablic-
. -
. that 'lir eddit on to the
,. • .. _ -
WO-014EN _ WO -R ICS
- they havo put in an tber.
, -
hicli will enable them 10 do mirk on short
notice! end at the -
and well kited up. By giving
- I
the feel confide -1 of giving general satisfad-
non .
T ose froni-a igance wishing to- wait -can
gene ally. get their -* rolls home -Ion snrne day.
--4)ISH.Elt it, „BELL.
u gannon try w15
. _
VIE subicriber . is •prepared hi- pity the
I hiAlest market pi ice for any - quantity ot
0 .. _
wool., - , . ' • - wl5tf.
. .
Insolvent - t 1864-
Iwth-e- matter ot Joseph Copelited and lesol-
vent: ' *.
- Dividend eheethaS been Prepared Object-
Jaa• to objection until the 18th Of lune, 1806.
-Dated Howick.:May 2iid 1866. w15 3w
7 a .
Torioirb Mar Ist -1866
The Stoelthelderi it_Goderich and vicinity --
are notified that an Officer of the Batik will
be in attenlance ai Mr. Gordore.e Office,
Godetichil on the- 3.1st ' of Slay; inst.;
torecese the is insta.inent on stoCk.sele-
. ,
. i' l; fi t ' • I
scribed it Goderich. Stpckhalders who desire
. .
of thahig Classical visionary. - 2,- j to pay more tharrone irstaltneut may do se.-
AN OBSERVER. '-silr5td _ T. WOODSIDE, Citahier; '
New York-,Heralclannonecea that
a new matzimotli express company, -to be -
known astheMe-ehants Union, has, recently.
been limmturated under a charter obtained
frorti, the New York Leeislature,--witl(a cepiz
talr of $15,000,000, antwill.soon go into ac -
tie operation, running over all -the great bow-
iness routes of the country. The ilera'd
suggests that this company, like:many of its
prZdecessors, -may sell out or copeolidate with
some of the older. 'eoinpanies, Who for years,:
by this process, have had a monopoly of the
express carrying - trade.: -We feel- sure there
is no danger of this, as the Merchant's Union
is being orsranized with the express- under--
standine thatitis not to be sold out orcon.,
. .
the stable of Mr. -Geo. Sheppard, adjacent,
and took twet more valnablenelinals. To aid
in their recovery, if possible, we subjoin the
description giveii,t0 chierconstable Trainer,
Mr. Glen's hem Via5 a bay, 161' hands high,
white face -and. noae, 'one hind foot white,'
shoulder sore and 7 years old;,. Of Mr. Sher.
pard's twe, one wasi a dark brawn horse
bands high, feet white._ The other was a bay
-mare, 4 Trim old, dark _mane and • tail, strip
awhile in the face, fetlocks - of hind feet
- v
white and aot shod: They were all Superior
animals.- l'he thieves west, appit rently, in
the direction of Manchester; and. steps heve
been taken to,.head them off. - This is the
eaviest horse tlieft thathas- occurred:, here
for some thneiand we trust the perpetrators
will have the priilege-oflearning a hitter
trade in •;Iitagitoti.
.-qopisurciti TOWNSHIP.
The Couneil met at Holmesville, April
30th, 1866, according to apPointineht:
After revision of iseessnient roll the Conn -
cit went into Tqwnship matters-. ' • .
The Petition, of Colin Clark and others pray-
- iog for nut svidoir Pepst to be exempt from
paying Taxes for the current year:
Moved by Sheppard, seconded by pl
• Weston, That the.petition-of Colin Clerk taa
. others be not complied with, as this Couucil
,think the property- is worth too ra.uck. to be
exemptfrom taxation -[arried
Th; petition -of Richard 'Young-Junr.,
writhing to perform Os statute labor On the
.side line between lots 20 and g on. the 1st
commotion: '
Moved by21,1r. Piper, 'See. by Mr We.sicin,
That limbed Young Muir. bistilioived Ici do
14.0 statute- labor .on the side line between lots
20 and 21,• an the lat con ,-[Carried.
TheAccount Off/awes Anderson for put.
forced -from this position. The capital stock
of the company has all been, subscribed, and
is scattered all over the country.- Our Chi--
cago -merchants, 'forexample, have taken
-$800,000 Of it.
theta Men' wear beards?- Because they are
a great protection*to the throat and- lungs and
add -much -to their personal appearance. Why
should we use "Bryan's Pulmocie Wafers
Because when used for coughs, colds. _tick-
ling in the throat, hoarseness, &C., they act
like a charm. Ministers and lawyers tiati
them, physicians recommend thenkand sing-
ers and public speakers sayithey are the very
best medicine_ in existence for the cure o:
such complaints. Sold by allineditiae deal
era, at25cts per box. - -
{Warners: _ -
On the 7th ingt, at the Maitland Hotel, by
the-Rev.-,Jas. Shaw; Mr. Robert. Paulin of
Woodstock, to Misr. Susan Chapman.. of
Clinton. 4
At Formosa. Co. Bruce, on Wednesday
the 2rol inst., the wife ot Anthony Mesner,
Esq„ aged 26 years.
- May 8, 1866.._
Spring Nth
call do ............ 140
Oats,. • • •-• 013 _
Flour ••00...ilt.f.•11,•••cm MO. "
B.arley 040 -
Feast 0150 '
Beef... IP 11.- • • • 5:00
111444 (green) . . . .. 400
Potatoes 0:g0 '
[lay, new 1111 ton ....;.... 7:00 (--4. -8:00 - Terms otSale Cash.
ESL # # •• • • •-4*. P.' ;- • t • e 010 @ 0:00 aosiericli, May 2nd,•1866.
-* Insurance Co.
CA:l'Ir AL £2,000,000, STERLING.
• . 'Fire ▪ :Department. .
INSURANCtS. effected on all classes ot
risks at. moderate' rates„:: Lasses prompt,
ly paid. •
_ • Life Detiartntelit. '
In virtue of the guarantee afferdecrby their
large- capital and accumulated profits,- this
Company • can, -adopt. rates _lower than are
practicable by many other cifficeS:
•To Farmers; = -
Special low rates have been' made for farm
,bniidinge and other isolated riski. _
The undersigned J.litivinkr, teen appointed
agent of the above- - . -;CoMpa-ny for .Goderich
and enerounding country, will bp glad to -re-
ceive proposals for insurance in both hranch-
--es,-and will always be ready to give hifornia-
'Jim' to !hal-ties wishing to insure:1- :`
- Wm. -RICE.ARDSON,:- Agent,
Bank of Mputreali _West St.
Goderich, Ma,y1st,-1.866,• •sw70.
- - •
...i•916 7
ilordinDsTim mg-tymisirairvv
will have on hand at iris -garden East Street for
Sale kiine- time d Ming next -week, a large Stock
ofi'ppie, • Fear, Plum, Mein?, Apricot, Nectar.
Me and Crab Apple Trees, Dwarfs and -Standards;
also a ft:*
consisting of those big hly retonaniended ne* -tafi
rie.ies. viz lona.' ISraelta; Ad rin odae; Delawarei
and Ontario,.besides a few of the old trartetiet. ,
_ 'Isabella, concords, firb. -I will _ease hate:a tew _
a new variety, Fruit verv large; of a. dark 'purple
coftir, surpassing all other eons in size, hardy,-
neb-ct iavielidi 04eftaluietYa-roi'vraliceol$thle°°71m1:2/11.le s=amtlee *all
•Goderich, April 13th:12366. ' ' MO
. smattAct.No..-.*HE.LATESE
11 of whic
, ple VERY_ _
. - -- _ OF. - -
, _
AU T1ON R.06-143 OF G. 31. ittUENLMI
n .11, 1. CII, .
On Si Way, the 12th Ma next at noon.
wil 1S.Irsold..:at; j-i.o-Orasf-.R416K- for cash.
304N C. DETL04
TINDER power ofSale coatainecild a Mort -
.t..) gage from Joseph Luwrason and wife, to
the above Company, Lot number srx in the sec-
ond concession of the Townsbip.of Goderieh.-
containing eighty acres more Or less; -wita Log
house, Log and frame Barna", ai.d bearing
Orchard. -T.'fbis farmAs situated about two miles
from the Tewu oi Goderich, on the Bit) fieli -
43r.ayel,,Road. t
. ender aver of Saltt in it
rortgage froth It▪ &
cuis A. 0.MCConne1rand wife to the above'Com-
paror .bots numbers one and two in the tenth
concession ot the Township -of Norris:containing
one hundred and nineteen acres more or less, ex-
eeptieg• and reserving out of the above demised
premises, nitiete-en acres more or lesswith gond -
Log -house, Log barai&c. This La goon iarnr
Yery conveniently'situated, adjoining the Vtllage
et Blythe'on the Winghan. siravo Road..atanlit
12 mites from Clinton.' and 17 miles from the
'row"' of Godericb.
Under power of Sale.in a mortgage trom Fat -7
rick Iledly-and wife to the above Company
Lot number Eleven, East. of Late Road, in the
Township of Colborne, west in the County -a
Huroncontaininu- one hundred acres mitre
less - This is -a coed_ farm -situate about Snuk4
_fro Goderieh, on the dangeen mail read, etiodi
3jacrescleared with large frame dwelling, 0.
,..snetetimoneeEtabsailetrun DiAgislipbenr9111: illheei.ito_twh:211111.0hr
A.Aifield in -said county, 'containing- one hundred
acre's more orlets. A wild lot Atuated one and
tahhelf,tillieesrnfrGomfav-theet iteVillagisheano4f aTonulaintalovtln
from tioderieb.
7IiisOlvent AOt o 1864.1---.'MORTGAtr-SALE:
In the 'aratter taf a:f Iasolyent. , a Power :Of Safe contained in h
Creditors of -the Insolvent are notified UMO* rtgage made' by -Bernard Hofele of.the
• that he has „Made an AsSigifinent of his Village -of Zurieltriii _thy:Torridity of flay,
estate and effects, tinder:- the above Act„ toI the. bounty Of Aaron-, -.Mary Ann Hefele his
me, the uildereigtit.td Assignee; dnd the 3 -are wife, (being apartY thereto for the purpose
required to furbish me, ' within two months !Ade -barring- her dotveib default having been
from -this date,' With their clainis, specifying made in the dae paympnt_theleof„and notice
the security they hold, it anyi'• and the ,v-tilu_e been.given to ail -partitrs interested, there will
of • it ; a:id if none, .statippi the feet ; the, - - be sole .on •
whole attested -Under -oath, with, the - vouchers Wednesday 3q1-11.daY bfl‘lo,y A D 1866
Dated at Goderieh in the Coiatt Heion 'a. t - &clock attthe.:Village of Zurich,
tollowing property namely; Lot ,numbei
in'suport ofencb ' 10
twetityr-eighth day of pril, 1866. tit the Township of., Hay, County' of Huron,
tit A
flO•DEILO Ili C. %V:
April 25th; WI4
j liVet•
11" dir_-1•1
OF -
thirteen (13), fourteen 0.4), and fifteen.(15),
w14 Official Assienee for Heron & Bruce.
f 1-864 -Township of Hay, aforesaid and County .of
- Mortg,age. - =
three fifths ot here in the Village of Zurich,
In.solvant- Act 0 - Huron. Deed undrr ipower of sate -in the
l_pnii.oitHicennitc.a.rtet.dsritoorfs- oJ :et_ h_l t eud.rilEso:iv1.(iiintg:trne ....l.nrt.0.-t ,• .Aprii, isibl. 1866. .. . : , te w13
_ - . - ' I CLAUS STELCIC - .
2- ified that he has -nntae alt - A.,ssignment. _ • .. . .
US. Ti C. '91ITIL will open her,
Of his estate. and effects, iunder the. above
-,Act,- to me, the andersigned ,..Aser-gape, anMillinery 4.tabliahment, in the
, they are required to furnish. Mel' Withino tw
- stand formerly Occupied by Parker -St
. . .
leek, on or about the
, ,..„..., ..daresied to the Postmaster,
1 -General ..w 11 be - received at Ottawa until
• Noon
. , Ffi-
On ti. y1 lst- Jan
• ..
.- -
foe' convey !leo of Her !elegy's Mail
on proposed Pt ntracts for fp years, on and
I rorn the ist uly next: bet een Bayfield &
Seaforth daily each wily, Clinton 4._Itailwa3
Sta:tion twice- ary each way: Exeter tit Fat
guitar' twice p r week each say, and Godee-
ich & Railway Station twice daily each way.
-__ Printedpbti es containing further inforina-
non as to con 'tons of pro osed Contracts
_may be seennd blank for , of -Tender may
. . .
be obtained a the -.Post Offices above Men
dolled, and at the -Office of tin Subscriber.--
- P. 0. Inspector. :
Post Office In pector's Offic ,
Lotidoo, -20th April; 1866. - w15
HOUSE & G,A.rt,DENo,
Is ingructed by Mr. William Bingham, -to
Sell by Auctian-on
_ . _
Friday, the 11th - day 12f May, .1E36
. • - - - •
on the premises, :that eurietior•Frathe Haus
40 feet x 38 feet, and Garden well stoat
with choice - fruit trees, ;ie.,- situate.on- the
Huron Road in the Town of tloilerichoilsa
the whole .of the Hctsehold_Furniture, ' eon]-
prising in part, Tables, •Sofal Chairs, Bed-
steads, two Cooking Stoves, Mats, Box Stove,
Bureau. -Cupboard with glassfrent., BOORS,
Crockery & Tinware. I Secretaire, Clople;- 2.
Toilet Stands & Toilet :Sett, Whielbarrow,--
one superior hand -Sleigh, One do' ope Vend
-Vert, Clothes liors_et Childs crib, a quantity
of Painters Teols, 'Paint -Mill SeStatie, 3 Lad
contained -in it
i . Ritherford .of•
the COunty of
e Runlet -ford his
.for the purpose
ult having . been
Made in due payment of pri eipal and inter-.'
est thereby' snared, and n tice having been
given to -all parties interested, - there will be
• ,_
- sold on :
Saturday, 26th day of May, 1861,
at 12 o'cleck.noon, at the uction. Mart of
G. M. Trueman, Req., in th Town of Gode-
rich, the following property . namely, lots nuei!
bets Three and .Seventeen, • ethers survey,
in the said Village of St.- H lens, -containing
,by admeasureMent one half an acre of lead
be the same , more or les ,,-with house and
other buildingsthereon. T rots make known
ontapplicationto„the Solicitors, or on the day-
. .
of bate.
- . - Solicitors•for Mortgagee.
- Goderich, 4t. • • May, '1866, wl5trlik
TINDER • a power of sal U Mortgage made by -.Job
the 'Village -of St. Helens,
Htiron, Catheri
wife, being a, party - thereto
of barrintr her: do wer,. fief
Months front this date, with their claims, 0
attle Parson's -
seeeifyinir the securitythey bold, it any, an.d
the fact • 12th of April.
the value ot it ; and if.none, &taunt,
the'srlioie attested under oath, wtth the-voaz
chiers in support of Such cltutns
Dated -at Goderich, ni the -County of Huron
this Thirdaluy of May. 1866. -
_ S. PgLLOPli,
w15 2w] .- Official Assignes, for U. bi 13.
TiY virtue ofaPowerofa1ecnntaifledia
I." Mortgage macle by Jacob- Hunt and wife
to Valentme Boehler dated 25th„ February,
lvent A 86 4 A. D., 1863. All that certain parcel or
Insoot of
8- :tract ofILan'd and premises ,situate lying and
AL, of Statile
'Hotel Varna,
of Maynex_t, a
Also that the
roll tor the pr
untie inspec
anipbells eto-
preVicitia ton
f Revision for the ,Townsh;p
will be held at Ur. Turners
n Monday the twenty first day
the honr.of ten ' O'clock m.
Ephibetical copy Assessors
sent year will be exposed for
ion, at my office in Messrs
e. Bayfield., tleast 14 days
'Court of Revision.
deo, 2 pair cif 'stetiii apndry othv arti.cle§, _
itiPle• Ap 16;1:866.
In the mntter orJolin Rutherford in Inset -
- - , vent. :. . _
TINE Creditors of the nsolvent arenotified
I. thathe his Made 411 Assignment of Ps
estate -end effect,,, undee the - above act, to
-me, tie, undersigned Assignee and they are :
required to furnish tne,i within twO montha-
froni this date, with their elaiins, specifying
the seeuritystheyshold, if any, end ;me value,
of it; and if none, stating the ' fact). the
Whole. attested under oath, ;with the vouchers
in support of such. claim -is. -
, Dated at Goderich itiahe-County of Huron,
this 4th day of May , IS&6.- 15W21 -
-- . -. S. P - LLOCE,
,- i Officio Assignee 11.4 B:
J. Y. ELWOOD, Solicitor for Insolvent.' -
Insolvent Act of 1864
rpHE Creditors of the ndersigried are non-
*, tied to'rneet' at th Law office Of 0: F.
Clarke, in the-- Villag er: Clinton, hi- the
Coantv of .on ednesday the 16th
day of May, 1366, at Ten o'clock in the fore
noon to receive statements ot his.affairs, and
to name an Assignee„thi
10th ay of .-April,
Dated at'Ciinten
A. D , 1866, - 13"y 060K
-- Wm ham, County auron.
Solicitor for insclyeet.
May 2nd, 1866.
bein,g hi the Village of Egmondville, in the
Countyof Httronil. eqetatiting by admeasure-
ment one quartet ()fan acre of Land be the
same more or -les; and being composed of
Village Lot Three south side of
Stanley -street in Egmondville aforesaid, and
the buildings thereon. will he sold by Public
Auction at Brydrned Note], Egntondville, on
. .
Saturday . the Telfth day of May at
12 of the clock„_noon. ,
Terms cash. :Deed under Power ofSele.
•_ S. G. M'CAUGHEY. •
. - • Solieitor for Mortgagee. '
Seaford', 281h April A.D., 1866. wl4t
Is instructed by Walter Lawson; Esq., Pro -
sincitil Land Surveyor (who is about leaving
Canada) to sell by Auction at.has resideaeel
near the Light a,,use, - -
Goderich, Tuesday thel 15tk May,
Iv -
Under power ot Sale in a 'Mortgage -Made hi
Peter A. :Simmons and wile to the aboveCointia,.
ny, Lot -number eleven in 'the -third concession
Eastern Division of the Township ofColborne,
an excellent sell cultivated facet with good
build -tags.
:V ;-•-•
Untlei power of Sale in a Mortgage made 10
the above Company hy Andrew Donoili and wife
A -a porton of Lot number' Three in 'die Brat'
concession of thelOwnship.ofCciderieli. containing about Tiortraeres of land, more or less. /3•-•
Lotauntber Forty one, west side of -Wellingtqa-
Street in the Village of Pot -Albert, in the Town:,
ship ofAshileld,-colitaming* halt an acre_ of land,
more or less. C -The Westerly and SontherIV
halt of Let number Two, north of Lighthouse
Street, in the 'I own ot. Oonerich, containing
about twelve and a quarter perches, more or less.
The Farm'pert ot Lot 3, 1st:concession Gode-
rich, is a good lot of land elearof stumps,.iied in
a high state of cultivation=. -one mile from Oode- :
nob, on tbe-B4field Gravel Road -good log %saris
and -sheds ant. lot, house The Port Albert ffirop-
-eft r is on Wellington Sleet in about the Ceigre
of ihe Village. The Goderie't property is eligi-
bly situated on the Market Square in the Town,
A frame dwellilig boest, -frame barn, 4e., are
erected uponthe preiniss:w. -
Ten per cent of the purchase tnclne bepairf
-down . at the time of Sale and terms liJ the boil -
mute will then be made k'noWn. -
Deeds, Abstracts ofTitleand-Mortgligee etttlie'
seen at -the office of the Solicitors orat -the Plkee
.of Sale.
eurtherintorination can De obtained on sippli\
cation to the 4,ommisinnvers, Trust and -Losir
Company of -Upper Canada. Kingston , Messrs.- -
Dgiedenald, atton ahd MachaviSolieitors,King-
ston ;'or to the undeisianed,
- A ucTionsElt, odersch.
Kingston, 11th ,Aptil, Iting. • w12idt
vOR Sale lots 42 and 43 in 14th C011.01110' .-
1.. Township -of flatlet 250 aers;s, recite are
bleared, and there iga .large nevrframe house Olt
the place. The land is all of excellent -qtuditv
situate on the Gravel Road, 11 miles Irbin_Outler.
neh and same distance from (linton. the load _
.is clome to the Village of Manchester.' Tbe•whole---
20() acres either hall with or without. elia,rinf
will be disposed/of. -;
'Terms- for tbkr Whole $1000. cash VailiPle_et IW
'fit years. or in several year1y- payment.* ht
tion 1tnot 'Sold_ saonerilhisproperty will t.eet.
feted at pnblie .Aumion at 0.211.-Truemans Tame,
Gdderich, on 121h May at 31001 •
For .flother'par.ticulareappiv on the reinistr
or ta- - •
I; B. -GOSBOItt,. ,
_ -Oode,ricX.', •
.GoderiA,17th $641 • :a wit4itcl'
1866, commencing at 11 o'clock, A.M.,
w15 2t the valuable Household Furniture, compris•
'ling in par, one
one B. -W. large Side Board, 1
B.- W.- 'Pimaroom Table with slides, one
- Doz Windsor e'Chairs, a !vomitv pane seated
-Omits, 2 do rocicina Chairs, I Dinner Sett,
F -
the of April last, a small 3 years old
light chestnut or sorrel •Stallion , he has a
little white on the Forehead and white hind
pasterns; and had on, whet he left, one Shoe
only and on the offilro it foot. Anyone
-giving information that win lead to his recov-
ROM the • "enclosure if thi Siihscrther. on
l'aible Covers Table•Cloths Tee Trays-, eine
- 1 Chita' Tea SettjBetlets Tray, Damask
tre Tables, Cloelth, : 5.coal Lamps one
Hall Stove one parlour Stove, I im?erior
Book reek. -a qatintity :of Books, Breakfast
Table, 1 VIThatinitt,-g pair Datnasic window
Curtains- with cornices, bide Table, a Lot df
Carpeting of Various' kieds 6 Bedsteads, 3
Bureaus, Stands and Toilet Setts,
several Toilet-- St*oglit._ cine Bedronin Stove
and Pipes. looking 91assenof various kinds.
ery wili be suitably rewarded.
Rayfield Road. . •
Goderich, P O. _
May 3rd, 1866. w15 3t
nAME into the premijes of the Subscriber
-w Lot 30, con 14, Township ot 'Tawanosh,
-a yearling,sheep, on or abopt the Ist Deceit'.
- -The-owner is ,quested 4,0 :prove
'property, pay charges and take it sWay.
Wawanosii May 3rd,1866. -w15 3t*
' • .1C.ITCII, •I‘11R.NITURE.
Conking Stove,IXiteben Tables, Tin are
Crockery and Glassware, one Sett,Dish Cove
ers.-2 Clothes Hams a ,superior bath,. patent
. clothes drier, gaideit000ls„.withiundry other
articles uumerPtia o mention-
Terms of Sale cab& .
B. -The HOnse Jo to be rented." •
I Goderich, April 2Tt1, 1866.. sw7Old
insolvent Aot 1864:
In the Matter of James -Howson an Insolvent.!
TFJ G Creditors of the insolvent are potifiecr
,,Ithathe h-6 made an Assignment ofbis
estate and effects, tinder the above Actto'
me, the undersigned. Assigree. and they striii:
required to furnish me, . within. two months'
from this date, with their claims. specifyigg7
the security they hold, if any, and. the value'
of it; and if none, Odin the fait; the'
whole attested under oath, with the veachetel
in support of sat+
Dated. at Goderich, in the County Of
Huron- this twenty-eighth day of April, tom
w14 OfEcial Assgnee H. lt B.
Hotel? Notice
rpuu Subseriberin retiring from the
1."prietorstip of the " Union IfoteP' Gods.
ricb, begs to return hisTsincere thanks for the
liberal patronage which -he hat enjoyed, and
at the same time inform hie friends andglie
travelling .public that in. future . lie will toe:
found at his old stand PrinceW (hangs
Hotel" Dungannon, where no efFortailallbst
wanting on his part to make thiseat home
who may favor him with a .eall.
Goderich, April 5th;1866. -wilt(
• _
rip0 Canvas for orders forPrnit Trees for the -
I- Old Rochester Nursery, in -the
cif Huron and Bruen. Monthly- wages gime`
or A -liberal commission allowed, affermicli
required: _apply, if by letter tplii!1: to '
c• 4 sine* ""'-dint.
904cticlij 271 1806. '77'7 -wk.$ ft -