HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1866-05-08, Page 2• - .TILB-16E, SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. • - • loam; - . _ z •• -E:cprem. - Mixed. tlealfeneb. .drp,10:00 2:03 tO p.m. t 10-30 ' 2•30- 4-00 Seafiirtb........ 10:50 -2:53- 4:35 Carron Erook.. . -11:05 - 3:16. 4:5S- _ I1:20 3:25 b:21- . , , Arr 11i50 . 4th0 6:15 Str-a"°n1 -deP"-C 1:00 p.m.4:2_0 5:00 Buffato-...`. Sir 6:44,-Dh10:00 . GOING WEST.' . Minato . .dep 7:00 win. 12:30 a-in•.-3:ZiOp Stratford. 12:50-pni. 6.11) i Goderich... arr 3:00 7 • t • judgett;.. We think such -a' plabtice- was Great DIScove ry But% k _ CQ114non in former years, but is to be • • ••••••••• hoped " that few are mean \enoUgh_ to enmage in, such practices- in these superlatively' horiest times. We feel satisfied that those 'who lave taken first prizes -for ,wheat,,for some time .paste have acted honestly and on thi spare... - However, it strikes us that to. do ejastice . . to exhibitors, and stimulate to the -ut- most possible extent the Cultivation of our s.taple serial, it is. absolutdy necessary to judiie the wheat as it stands -on the tc-hlw ffir3 field 1 By this .means, we could deter-, g 4z4m. mine who could erow the best wheat - and the thost Of it per acre, and- we could,dis- ^ GoDERipa, a. Itt May 1866.. WHY T'AltirIANEENT DOES NOT 111.EE'r. _ - It is generally Understocel that the de- . lay in,the annonnelement of the niectipg Of the tlanadian P(rliatient iS caused by the expectation. thlatie a few mcnths_.at, [speaking of the honor attached to suCcess-. fiilgeobipetitimi,- ifitelligetit, mita- inost the Maritime Proeinces will have prisieg farmer but- wend consider it the settled the vital question Of confederation highest honor that cculd be confbrred, - in so far -as they are concerned.. If the were he to receive the first prize._ afered new ministry in iew Brunswick adepts the _principles__ of the. icb•eme; as is eon& for.thebest cultivate.d farm, takiag -into nsideration _ drainage, -and deafly. expected,. the -last 'great -obstacle cultiiation generally ? We wont men to will have been-reinoved,:and our Legisla tura- will assemble" at' once to -ratify- the- tike a pride in one of the noblest of pur- suits, nnd to encourage -thrift other Union,' yihich, for Weal or for 'woe, is t6 prov- Means Ahan the - mere taking of A few, join together the `family of British which are ,not &wags -tokens or inees on this continent. -The chanie will Prizes) eiperior husbandry. These suggestions'. be a mint i_inportant- one; .and as it ap- ire 'thrown out. in the hope that the di- proaches its final consummation, • quei- tions Orr*. iniereo will arise; one of rectors 'of the Co. Huron- Agricuhural Society -Willi when making Up -the prize. these, no deubtiwill be the selectioU of a list for the present year, 'endeavor to de- Auitable-capital. - The expenditure of vast sums of monty p*:.i the construction of magnificent Parliament Buildings it Ot- .tawa,- and its leentral ...situation, if the " acimis.sion". of the -North-west " into the tnio< is to be considered:a possible con- tingen4; 'point to•our CanadiaO` Capital , as the: I:alive seat of British -Ameriean cover by what 'system ofelrainage„culti-, vation, the successful conipetitor had _arrived at siich a happy result. AV e.hold that th_e man mho/received the premium ER -4 GN A dle lier along wit& poles, t reened innaltie urtrufl laughter arnishoutti- of c - keeping close .. AR Intir.itAltkir. ABBEI3115. The Tkhell .0! -Jeff: Chickell to.Lis Baia , ' +I water. -Their • : - . . • A V4DABLE -LEAD MOE OPENED., heard -by .severiil nelsons as they floated mere ' rnittee of conference hiivine. aereed, on the • Judge Undenvood, wha is now here, states • hildish elee -were The -World' s --telegram - cow-, The World's Winthing.tbn teleginin says: t a a. • - - rily along without thought! of danger-, :Rut . amendatory Habeas Clorptis Acte it has pas- .thitt the gran jury, Which meets at Norfolk (Opi.nion qngtr /rm. L0gart. • . untoitunarely their innocent mirth Was soon. tied .both Houees, arid wily awaits tho sige on Monday_ n .xt;- bries in trtle This risually cpiiet little hUs.. been' breught te an Untimely end. In roundiag 'a 7nature of the President to oecome a law; _It against iliffeesee Davis -for treasen. This it • ; , - he thrown'into a -fever of axcitenient b the Point Ot• land. a sudden gust of wind blew their protects every officeie of the, h ederal-Govene the first stl-p. Asi seon-, therefore, as -t unexpected discovelar of a rich vein of Lead freil bark into deeper twaterrandout of the- merit villo, acting under orders, made what is Heuseeudiciary eenenittee have acted;uprin cedai poets put of, a siearnp, accidentally tmable to bring the boat. lin. Again. There It also'removes ati suits brought by Briley the nekt ten -days, t ie Government . be_ or Galetfine"--A fernier earned Birks, drewing dehth of their poles. Of coarse they 'were kpown as,arhitrary arreets dunag the war. 'the_ subject, :which probably, be :within strhck; a rock with his wheels :whicL were ha Oars on •13-earcl) mid. if there bad been ed parties against such officers from the°State ready io_pr-Oceed wipe his trial, provided Con- eplintering. revealed mese of almost pure it does irot-appeae that. rely .of the children Courts to the Federal*Courts.. As hes Oeen gress throwsini ob-lacle or the way. 1 -he; . . Galena. Elated with the'sight of 'what _he knew atow _to uso theee„ The wind blew before stated.it tranifirs over 2,:`00 ot that Committee, howeiere are trying. Very hard to. supposed to - be .sileere lie breitight .iieveral etrongefrom'off the shore, the . boat -drifted :kind or cases froia-the Kentucky locroorts Make Init n-cate Wh- eh wilf warient them in - .uncottered the-ve n•Gif feet' lone°. and- 4 feet: -wide, of al moat . pure 'Metal. - ,: -Howerei the oilseed altogether hem. met of sight arid heat. vides that the production of a telegram or ContinisSion-1,:t In ties. thq w - t , or .e vein extends rentable -yet tplie fOund Out; the iug. ',-- out readers Will reniember ': that WCdt. ' Order • hy aii offieer foy-sooh.an attest is. suf- -Presidh.nt does nOki.iteild tO Lave ken, -or - vitae -elf it -will probably -Aeon b . e ase a ne , ea i d uesday was an eXtrenielylwindy day, and ethe ,ficient foriris'defence in the suit. -.• - imy o ter person coneetted -with •the rebel'. rake wee yeryereiigh in : aonseqUettee. 2the - ,, • . • - - , . - - ' inn, tr rie we understamrSir :Wiii.. Logan proposes knowledge of -the mishipteaused ve,ey Mach- 'GEOLOGY or Noaiei -AMERIOA:--7,'PrOf..:Ag • tribtin visiting the -apot this weekl'and haa-Pronorme. excitement in,Pitkville, and Soon- nreivda Of aistre cOines te the•conclasion that the conti--• • . . _ aPecimens to the and oh further search furthee aed further away. fronr land until it. to the TJuited Statei ...The ill pro- reconaltaendiag _ berore smiliterj' ill f tt din rinrother:Way. than before *.etvil 1. yet in -Canade." • The valtie of • the- land on. many eyes gazed anxibusly towards the heri: with ice a mile -in thickness- thereby aereeine ulitinolinforin us that the Imperial troops -had 'Ai/vitt:es froth &Angled to the 9th - et ed the -specimens sent hue as the -"best fodnd' people were attracted t the beach - end fetent. of North A'menca was once severed , . • which it is situated has assimed fabulous zelli ts.ut-notbing bould _be seen of the vessel ; with Prof. Hitchcock and other eminent geo- inflicted a severe dpfeat on the - rebels in the • vahre ; $4,000 havieg, been offered for 1061 in whiah thepoor liule wan•ferers had:drifted i writers-cinicerning :the glacial -period.- north. It is ended: also that 50100o cattle 'acme -and refused, 'the' proprietor asking • from halite Mid -p trents.. No' time was leaf: . In: proof of this conelusion, sayetbat ehe had beOri-• caeteredior elaughtered.' for the best and largest crop oe wheat $10,000 and R. -share Jit `the working of the however, And aeon Ciiptairi Murray,. .ivith "dopes- ef the Alleghanyrange of mountains - _ ' would consider the hOnor of ranch oreater • . boatrs erev. from -,the '.the Nary , are glacier worn to thevery tele exeept a feir 'Writer in :the "Brit?"14 . GrOver and Mr. gohert Melbourne: started': Pointe Which- were .aboie the teiel 'Of the -icy • {Fidel easerts that he apple trees in Canada Nat. a friend Of it,air.s, isfery -poor, ratter light-fingered, and tt is said net so bright -as . his parents coulu Wish. elle caner coy 'Nei passing a neighboerae Natesaw a -brood of- -chickens, and immediately caught lee Dec tiioe csaatwryoheomowe.neill. Vdiandontoktn'googgfary-ibileafto: do with -the chicken to conceelit, at Nat see. ceeded in 'crowding it ieto his hat, which be • .. • ain placed on ins head.. . - agBut the chicken, having a longing for je. berty and belie). also4ressed for air, man. aged tra thnist his head 'through au_ openin g • in Nat's old straw taL Nat was preSerOly accosted with -re 14 What have yen got-iniour "-Notliing lint my bead." said Nat. " I see a chicken's headstickiue throeghthe topN°10:-tatrliNinaioff bis hat- and *ling At it- , with feigned astonishment/ ,exelaimed ;-=-• -A, -Wel, how Ion sirpose Am critter come in — there? roust have crawled up my - ers leg 1" Tbfoinatio, hos been received or the safe anevar_of Dr. Livingstone at Zanzibar, He was aboulto proceed on his iMended-ex-. ploratiou of. Centeal Africa: , hapOrtance than the sixtY dollar& Again, Aim Asiteracilie:_eama' ley Affiance in seereh ef the missinne onee. 'The %search.: mess; Mount- Washington, for instance, is Me everywheredeCaYine. Particularly in the . -e,-- . • power. Jf Ottawa is selected as the seat of the general Leeislature, the expendi- ture on our Parliamentiry Buildings will be iirranted ca could. hardly be the case were -the pile to be devoted to the use of the dinadas alone. Those who profess to ko‘w Something:of the -movements go -on in the LoT'ver Provinces„; believe that- Abe Legislature of Cansida will not assemble „for the 'transaction of business until the middlelof Jae or even July. The Cof of Huron -A. S.- ExIsla bittone. - Hitherto the County or Huron Agri- cultural Society Isis pursued the even. tenor ,of ;its way, doily,- a, conskderable amount of good, no .doubt, but clinging tenaciously tol.n certain 2routine,t o\tit of which, Mite 'think it would be dangerous to step. . The' devotion Of a -larger amount 'than nettatto the, encciuragemerit)of hor- . with queen -vittOrlatt - " . ties -Preseeitterthy-them for hours without ovor 500 feet high, tied the rough, -unpolished -old, -orOtaids: •Tdeeause of this, awarding. ,ti -4131, alkirtf$C11101tit. - - -, , ' - e - ',--- - .---e---1 ' - - ' '-- • •:- •.- . _suecess, Nothing corild _ be seen ef_the -_seoW .surtace ofitsurnmit, :Covered withltiose frau _to litnieets that frith teeeineeeenerallyplant-. _ - - • -the Princesi Helena,- of Englandeby here or its precious freight.; br pan -whrotkeictoil.- merits just above the -level ef which glacier c4 -in cultivated ground,. whereas they ehould -. ,1 :iii-- --vnitrcir ' '.147).."..71TX:41P _ - , -niarriage with Priem Christian.of -Augaatene nee • Coktica, of OsWego, ebermanded by- nitwit; coaae:to ah epd, fairs that it lifted ile never he planted lieelit in virile 'soil 'winch -°- -ffi-aa' . , bfirg.. wid •-becorne- the: niece ail a; .New York -Captain Faulkner, Red beund down the Lake . head aloito abet% the desolate waste Of ide plongh or spade hasjnever entered. Perfect- ' - VEPETALB•rjr-% lady named Lee, - The family or this latter. discovered. the Scow keel uPperreost. The and Snow. --In. this reiion, then; the'lhick- ly new_ ground,,he-says,'has a .bright ---Potods and hoped as Is net uniiiii 1 with richAuter. reaehing it found twO boys' on'the top of it than 600,feet-; aedIthis is in keeping'with the -onee ' the platigli'enit,ori it, and such ' ground' • _ ' • • - . PA --IN KILLER, some_ yeara ago settled theiteselees• at Parise sihootiarimmediately bot np la it, and on Reis of the ice 'cannot haeeheee Much less' maitre, Which. is 'completely and forever _feet - leans, _ailt form. allia4c with some noble alive, and -one= of their little Sisters be- saine kiads of exidenceinAther pins ef -the alone is fit tor the giowth-of fruit trees. _ European' family. Where rre two yoUree la.. tween thim--dead Sbe had periahed -from country,- for when -the ,niountains .are mach 'tie A cririorigmenage hes Just heett es!ab- - - . one 'rimmed Baron Wachter, "Meister -of airtight, and -the other t No _girls had been. directly over theme while the few _peaks ris- Cage have been pia d a youne lioness; an 1 h Th dies, both or whom aftai eci their wisk. as- the COMbined effbets ofcald, exhaustion, and - below- 500 feet, the ice seems_ta, baVe passed r d d es Plantes - In en non -_,Wartemberg at Parrs,. and the other sthrie washed_ Overboard when , the scoir cepsieed, ing to that height- ar let untotic ed. - •16 Algerian tvild boar and a little doe,. -This .AT THE •OLD 7E10. .13:". • BEWARE OF COONTER:r ;FRITS AND :WO.RTBLESS 111117A - ' _ _ April 18 1866 ev12-6m 'tune after inspired' mile the :warmest Iota ?nd Wer .entembed bewatli. the- waters- -of glacier he arguese w s Gocre (Treat ploneh - - • - • • • •. Prifice Frederick brother of the -late Sever Lake 01 eign Duk -e of A deustenbure -and uncle of the' -twang f the 1lUited Statee • Embaisrat Paris, 'and the ed them - -9, , - . q, . _ . jinn:teat preseet prince. - -I he marnege took place at bride :tad bridegroctin staread for the Eaet on' Paignan &wedding tear.. They had -reached Beyrout. swg hers term. '': Caetein ]?arilkner, on areeer- ii,nd when the ice ve ished_from itihe face o I doe interferesand re-establishes order., ALL 'KINDS •.0111. . -eremite, .herself with teasince the boart ely niade for 0. kville, add rester- the husbandman; The hard. sarfaCe nf.the . last is quite the master, the lioness generally Om the two boys wh.ere ithey resided, the land, Melt it prepared for t e hand 9f Wheir;bnovrever,tla lieuess go°O-too far • the ' • _ -.. : _ t . , to _ their 1 aeoniJed . mother.- Iffle rocks -was eround to itowder - the elements of 0 e 0 --; o _ . lf airs sudden] dePrived Of her granite -Was carried into the. liine regions, Tears of age, was lee dowa by a rope. forty- - - r SELLING AT . .. . anenish of the poor woman Or find: the soil were miegled in fair properteens, and Othera refusing, IMrs. sixty-five - • - in.Syria, when the Prince was taken ill and three da ghters, Indy pe aps-be =agreed, lime was -Mingled with the rnore arid and un- five feet into -a vault At Cincinnatti, a few -rletalor 3E9E1.TC 30S died. Hie widow returned to Paris, -to the but certlY cannot be asc:ibed. —Basil. productive granite districts, and a soil was dais ago, and, there fescue(' her- grandchild, - - • . himie ofher sister - the. 13arouess %yachter, ton S. pe _1 prepared for t'he - agriCultural uses of man.--- two ,years old, wit& had fallen in and was . AT THE . • . . • , - part a little from the beaten track by way land now becomes itintl of an English prin . . Atileint t A There are evidences all over the polar tee perishibe The child will live but the old _ cess. of experiment: Difficulties, _no doiibt will presenftheniselves, but a little eneray - 1 • - -- 1----- , i ice 'period is;supposell -to be long subsegifent tempt. ' - , - i , _ _ _ , . - and enterprise. wilt coequer every obstacle. ' - ' ' ' • - Aericulture is our main stay 'andla little 1 ----4, • • peror's escape from laslaassmation. -The man I -,Frettclt. Paper: • p to seetesenatt. e Czra glens to show thtit at one period -the heat of lady is et the poini•of death from an Wary' • the tropics extended -all over the globe,. he to heespine;sumandfl the penlous At- - 1", • • . ritu-Bitalloo astits of the _There are great -rep -no gs at 5t.. eters.7 to this and next to the last before -the -advent •• • • t „ Bank.of kettp•sta. n_d. - _ burghafidelsewhere on account of the Ern - of man. - - . . -f A.."Tekr le 'eatery. extra ` ains b t 4 npen 4 - ment will be- the -means of dour, aT-tireat deal of.good: • - 1 • -=--- - -=--- - = ::-_ - - ANOTHER MIRAGE.—Yesterday, (7th) ir we'were fa4ored With anothe of _those splendid mirages which, in so, far asTwe are awaYe-1- are a specialty in anadian at- mospheric phenomena. - For :hours the Whole Michigan .. eoast - from near. the in -Oath of the St. Clair to the entrance_ of .. . 'Saginaw Bay,was Clearly visible, together -with the fleet of upwitcl -.bound. vessels numbering 7Q Oe 80 at a• -time, -Some. of them appearing to be sailieg throirgh the air. Vesseli QO miles :thitant were distinctly seen. The panorama was beau, ia the extreme.- .- • -. . _ _ _. • A SERIOUS CAst.--:On 'Sunday -night; last a private of theRifies, nanied- Silvei- ter itall, was, it. is -said, caught asleep at hiipost while. acting as regular sentry:— The unfortunath _delinquent - *as imme- diately -arreSteeand -will be tried for the ticulture during.the past_ few__ years, was offence at Sarnia, by cotirt martial. Ac - articles _of Ivar this is, the an innovation which sonieof the directors cordint-to the . could *brook, but as a large portiom of n"?st •-ierim" °rim° sqldier -can eolith*, the fundi for that purPose were sub- the penaltibeing death. We trust there scribed -by' the enterprising class of fruit growers and gardeners; --which toeether with the handsome shin taken at the doers On eihibition daye rendered it a self sustataing brmich Of ithe'Societz—no WO Could reasonably -put -forth his_ hand to stop it. And hive:the results_not been Mk satisfactory? Horticulture reeeiv- ed. such an 'impetus:that it has made more-yapid progress inithree *yearathan it did in 'ten preceding__ the change. Nei varieties of -fruit have bien introduced in all directions, and person, novii-when absentirom home can have the satisfac- ; tion ofasserth4 truthfully that a better sec- tion of the. country for fruitiroling . n ot- be nund in U. Canada.* For exam- _ — _ . ple, a t,few 'days age, 'the writer,_while in KED =VER./YEWS. conversatioa with a 'RoclieSter nurser (Front the Nee West.) , may -be sonie extenuating circumstances cerinected ivith the.affair. - *LAMM- e0D AND THE Nr;0114TH BRIT- ISH.—T. scot, co., N.- Y.,' Moor- Tzoitae, _ Goderich,.—Thq current number - of Blackwood is a first-rate one.' " Sir Brooke Foshrooke,7 and other ihteresting papers are continUed. The following.are the contents of the North, British -t= Palgrave's Central Arahia, -A Jacobite Family, - Austria,- Panst: A Dramatie Poem. by Goethe, Ecee Homo and Mod- -ern Scepticism, The Poems -and Fables of Robert- lienryion, The Eeclesiastieal Commission, Reform • and 'Pp -Racal Par- ties. Of late years ithestores of golcl in the Beak who attempted the Empeior's life is a guasie [Er91, tfie Fhicago Poit.11 of England have generally ameented, tn an land Owner of small rataa,ns, who consider, (a -Palls Presse hes been rindulging • • _ - • . , . . • . - I - rotind numbers, from -L13 owb000 to- L1-6 edlihns lfinjured-by the mancipation °fibs's" late in tOmparisons between modern binelish The inmates °Lan --hotel on the north 000,000eeThe amottiit micordirig laite -week's ratUrn Which waS about .L14, 00„a„ 0.00. Such an amonet of •bulliap, we have often. thought,' ninstbe a'a good sight to' see " -and_ we had a longing; desire: to ,sen it.; aud the eovernor Of the- :Bank- mede, Our -editorial- . _ mouth, water, -and out editorial. eyes sparkle, where be eold ue that he had °rice seeit,' at , DO less than:16. atilliens of Pounds sterling m • gOldballion and eaini - the rulee adopted by theeBeek directers, even amoegst themselves; forlthe "safe -• biading. -and Safe fiedine of theigeeeritiee end treasures Of -the bapki are eiteeteely striegent. All the seeunties are every eteoing safely ideked up in their proper dep-osiin-ries, Mid' the keys thereof are placed in a bag ;1 .the:_hag. plac. ed in a oupboard there -are luck! arid -keyi, ot the' three keys is kept reepeetitely by the goVernor, dePuty gorernor and aneth ee of the directors of th,ebank. • EVereenore- ing therefore, 'before the .'husiness or the. bank parlpr can contineece, those three gen.: maet be present, esich . with his 'own proper'key, indoek-the cifeberd.and- ebtain the !mare. which unleek the safe where:all the securities-Of:the bank.- nre deposited:: .And -is regarded es a Point of enter With each director never to trustbis .k, ye oft of his.Own -.custody. The vanit itself, 'We believe, is -ab- solutely imiregnable, :tied !would -baffiethe _attempts even . of alr.' ..-Caseley„ - with, all hii:4 Inerful".and -appliances. • In _feet We are aware& -that Mathiefe•-less -then . powerful arti;iere petesibly:' effiict an. entrance. -4ed, uTeh as _the hank is nightly _ :guarded. detaehraelits of the Queen's troops,- lodged 'inside,. seta-it:ere there is Intle to apprehand any -clatiger.tothe -Bank'estoek of gold freia:-hostite er-barglaW onsi Monep--: Market Repee - al,Alternaliwe. •- - • - . , A. - correspondent sends to . 1,4nd and Water stime particulara relative eo tho.luitib- fer-inen of British :North Ameripa—one -ofs -the hardiest racei in the Worleleetand. relates the Yellowine incident : hirriberere noted. fott his 'givat strengtfi, and firniness of character, -Wei at -work one cold_ day In.January in theforestilone, - was sagagdd in splitting.: Operieit long freak -of green hard wood, rieely felled. :For this perpose he used wedges of hard Weed, chiverr in.alternativelhesons tit '-'exteriet the: rift .oe :epee the teriamouti ' fibers of- Ai tree. . Al- thoueh. tap 'clay was itterly.-cold, the. _wood-. man's ekt ping d Lint te perspire. freely. He paused for a miente to whilee the moittare from-le's brow. While turning to rage& his handkerchief ip the poCket Of big coat, atirliiCh Imegeon a Strensip beeide hint,' he did noillOtiCe that the wedge 'that; held -the tree open had been graidertlaj.: lobsenict and: was working iti wey but. the- eh ,of suMing • "InS Ier; foot' which had - been eetting on the tree;= slipped into the - dirt, and at this critical Moinent lite Wedge, was forced opt With great •violence, shooting .high- into theair, fell att.sonie yards - distance in the 'silo*. 'Instantly the being of 'the tree united -with suCh-fekirful 'force _ as - to •orush. and mangle the Unwisely.' -:fori.t.. Seinteete wee the agonyat first., .that'natute was overcome. . The stropg.riate became in-- sepeible and -fell .agitinst. the stump, whieh iregtained hint -hi Verdes'. poiture, . agent, on the cars nesr Buffalo, mention- ' There are said tobe over 'sixty lodges of Sioux at the Portaee and iti nelebbOrliood athe fact that in Voderich and vicinity ive hear that' the° Hudson!s Bayccin we were in the habit ei ringing apricots, " b • • • ' . Forf at Touchwocad Hills- has.- been 'ePutirlrly an 's." and kindred fruits to perfection in the destroyed by fire - -'0ot .-914.- buildings but - - - -trading Outfit and above 1 00i) r-obes were !Pen stirr 'And araa. treats& in turn -to an lost. - ' ' ' inctedulott stare, and a •rather broad hint Anudoceupied house. that' Of iinila Boi- that. it was an invention.> 'h.'e: Suicess am.' vett,- wai entered by robbers on Monde last, and considerable property - MIS Stiilel; :One - rapid Progress of horticulture, .. has 'of the windowdvras battethet itnh,eand beinumber , been atl • we have already' intimated, • of 'blacksmith's MIS; „, greatly. ,enhaneed by the favOrable action axes; saws, -Area taken. Part :rofwtre- aille` were afterwards' discoiered seetthed -inetehee. of the Society,. and in this waY a perinan- Sam near by - • ' - . ent benefit 'has been (it'eterred %inn the . It. is thong...ht. not unlikely thid-w'th- h enmity-. ' .Now, We- pit it tO the 'intell' coaling summer steps will be taken te - esttabe. -.: • . - t. lish a new corset at fSt. John's. The pre-• ' gent directors if sOnie. improvement can-- sent Bishopfterieris° stoioneaerl the need of such an tensible ptirpose of promoting the inter-; iestitntion one can doubt but that a properly conducted - not be Made ia the means Used for the os- y•parpeses, arid fie eritablieltmentlet thig sort will he a great &Ma est* Of -farming profer. ' It- is:perfectly 'to the eountry geuerally. • • - - Front a late Pembina letter we' extract :the' liglit t4:1; °ffer han48°Me Indtmements:to foilowingi—The mail carrier from St:Joseph those. *hue -aye e.ngaged in the. ; oex work int in lest night, and. repeits that 'all' the of in cing improved breedingistock, -winterers from House and .Taines Rivera "are is 04 deparlmentS of horSes, eattle, sheep in' and•that the last of the Devini Lake pece and Mine, and- it is preper to aie every igoetteerilin sight of the village when . he left. oantlaitetopwe thtges;leiniteuentst of tkhe kgitimate means for prometing first class prairlest ' ploughing i het that an'improveMent eaa es a visit: The Gove_rarnent ars egife:di : ,z,:ziobioll of them .ihat give theinselves be made. upon" thepresinit.inethod of Com cnet twotebiltmuaatdenct wasitl; them, petirig in imprint bratiches, cad hardly for it ie not RplePaesaa- be • d.eniid., . Lief us. taie,. f„... -,r -exa,thple because it keeps both this end yonr__•coedielfre; r fitiri fitting.up with a good -class of peep' thew:tide Of Wheat; - Deesit fiilloir th t whe are desirous of c • ' - - • - e °ming einella US: :.- " --, - the maii who is ableto show the scbrighteat T e'‘ . __ _ 0 and heaviest une ...mutt. .02( '0AliALLLIT WO . 9 esceu Committee hive decided to aeund rhe smnple Of fall or spring Wheat II ge ra v cif. - 'fisariimot;thorythof "en. couragement as '''..the best t° s oaliiiciseiin the new tariff bill _ ist 4. . a County. 'Let an agrii3niturt Lima drreawah anadian wOot imported As manufitecthieredeinto lanolin for flags. .II _ W i 'titivates a dry hill of 2 ., 0 acres, 4 necessary iCk USQ wool for- this- purpose , . . . . f the 100 or 200 - sift twenty . bushels out O grown in 7- [-Washington Let- lanshele grown upon it, and nine ch ' ' ter* . : .a latitad9. .rrsttofiritTe areo e.in• favor of bis takingantleise SAL.X or Ow Wcio4.:7,-ibiessrs uhas. .1.4tie a; .aeight*-. whik, " 4 Oct.,. sold out°their :en re stook of woe', thorOugh Oltvurre,„raisen thirty -fire bush i "J amounting to about 300.000 pounds, at AMC% 4 on yesterday,- at Prir e (mg fr 45 0, . 3 rane...g .fro -- 1 l'a ' !TIT : e acre,. and who. els feth consideis his time, 594- 'cent • per :poen a -too ous- to be i peeciof engaged in riddiitig for 50U.0 to - a0,000 . u d Thg -1;1,toor was , Prile 011°, Ana.bi not brimatOne filwillYb Ittir eatP 2;114'. - . t ma, used -._to - fall.ligate the lieavli P Pe!, t :.: April. : _ 0:„._ n• eigliest 'price.--°[rsoced %op r2103 ft t t - out iv. brotenbrohe.,leir,arleri. iiia. el -Tim "Great Eastern!': is-be:jog freig'ht, • wsity bushels- **of the Tear f • . - . . - 4--, o eat the: ed. with the 125W 4.41 ' &elle cable. ' .. A -Fear serfs. e discharged a feet of t e.Eisperor, and probablY taken effect 4aa. ed aside the assassin's ar %lath perfect presence of tbe culprit • asking him have' everdone to you • • ist?1 within a few . he shot would heve, pot a- peasant turn - - This Emperor - 'nd hiriself sereed quietly. -66 What tat youshoeld acek Awful liatrtOlde : A Paiis - correspendent tella th folio*. lag ,:..-1-" - - . . -. On the I7th of March" 'Pierre ' flanois was. tondetneed for the_ i-lautier of:- his _mother. She was siek abed; and in the. night when she was sound asleep, • her son. streck her twice in the head, and efee expired without it' ' struggle ire then took all the money he could fir d (12 •finncsa and went away -with the intend°, of passing the -eight in the' grog shop.. In the mornine he proposed to return and feign a great supiese Et the. marder. ..11e I Vic& with him from his li use •an _Umbrellas the property of his sister : • 'That destroyed ail his pities. Seme polic officer met hint, and he fold 'Mir -that he d sired. to sell -the -.umbrella in order to obtai Something to -eat. At the pelice-Cffice he w sefirched, and as • soon as the money was fo nd en luth he con- fessed that he had killed pis tnother; and- he__ advised. the Officers to go and take her from the bed in .ordeeteeprevent the corpse from commonicatinee. a lied smellto the aparfnient. During.several yeah.; he h d bsen addict -ed. -to the use ef strong drink, nd he slolded his mother frequently beams Eshe could eot uive, him oioney to. fureish him -with liver, Dur- ing hie trial he appeared yerybransh and Bal- kh, and when- spcikentis about -the act come mined, he said it was to late _toe lament, but irle had it, to do egarn he would not do it. 31E3E1 0; .- and French oratory. rt maintains __that the recent debates in the CQI•pti Legislatif peeve that- there ere still: Oratore in France who carry Off the Palm- for. elaqtience by their power„elevationrof ideas, clearness of eenti- Meet; and grasp ofsubject. - This superiority is claimed to he inanilested both in -political, religions etty an staemi c discussions. -M. M. -Thieri, 'TWO Fevre; Emile Olivier. 13uffet, and Rouher, -Minister d'Etat, are- proemmeed -Superior. to theeritoricalcelebei- ties of England, who are ,enumerated as Earr' Russell: the Earl a Derby Lord Stanley, -John.-Bright BenjiinnieDisraelt Robert Lowe; Edward Horseman, and "the . most, facile, and most elogeent of all cOntemporery -de- baters, the man with the mouth bf gold, .the ehrysostem of . parliament,. Wm. • Etvart Glaciate -rte." But the Presse thinks that in Weetninister Palace they knOw better how to debate aed how _to listen.then inthe Paris Bourbon. . At Westreinister impatienae of lassitude is never manifeeted, (is this quite true ?) nor debate ever stifled till exhausted. :The executivepower in England doet net -regard difference, of -opinion -as en act o'" hostility ; • the " Opposition" are -just as well received at BuCkingham Palace or Windsor. as -the _ministerialistse for the Opposition are an eesential_part of the British constitution.' In France, On the central, the Opposition is looked dpoe and treated us enemies of -the _ _ emp . • .7 -- A Nova -Weusa.--An amusing itory is going tbe round pf the Paris' clubs._ It ap- pears that a -short tithe ago a foreign :prince made a heavy_bet thet he, would be arrested by the pcitice withoukerithmittiag apy offence whateeer, (Fria any'way provoking the with. orities.- The bet havieg beef' taken by a niernlier-of the Imperial Club, the prince went to eneeof the Most_ aristocratic cafes in Paris. •, dressed ii. a battered hat, a ragged •kleuic,e ISenoieRomero has ree, ived official _ and boots all in holes and sit -tine. (MP at , iiews one orthe tables, ordered a cup of coffee. -- With from El 1);,!rie Del Norte to March 30, The.wariters ho.wever, .paid no attention th so . the. official reports of seearal important vide -sespictona looking.- a , customer, upon which torfes.oVer the Iniperial firrces. - The Cit of the prince:put his hand in his pecket, 'and Chihealina- wait captured by .titinan liy the , Liberal forcesuuder Gen. Terazas &veneer of the St te, on the :25 af March, after An olistinat resistance of the gareieon, of whom a large umber -were made piisoners,- and the entire in terial ofWar fel into 'the heels _of the _Libe als.- The.City 9 Hidalgo Del Parer was else captured by aim t on' the 22. d '1 the sante month, by the liberal forces tinder Cole' -euez wao is said, routed entirely the Imperial garriien of thrz Plate. The occupa- tion of the City Of Chihniihua; and the tore of Flidalg-o,hes reito -0 to thePossession of ihe inithoritie the lyhole of -the State of Chihuahue, raid as opened .the way for the attienal. Govern ent again to -take rip its math to -ward the ancient -Capital of the . ublic.• : Presi eat juarez was te leave 1E1 Palo . for t e 'City 'of Chihua- hua; in it - day& In the - State of Ohihteehint. Gov. Viezea and Cols. '1'1;i:stripe and Ner-atfjo bailee united. h • re. sr gain- ed an important Victory- ori •the lit ntto., et - Santa Isabel; 2ofer a considerable 'filrce of Impe_rialists of the ((Olen) Legion, ise greater portien of -whom were -eft er killed or Made - prisoners, the Commeede a. French Afficgr„ bent°. amen& the feriner. • e . - The Atieraer.Greiteral, thequestion re: Ithied to him by the Seer tary of State as to When he recovered conscioesness an appall- :. ing Alternative lay hefote him. ' All efforts vibeth".0e qcPcirtatum °f-arn4 bY waY .01 to withdraw the brnised-limb *ere - fraii-iess _ the frontier to Mexico Was inconformity with - Night was coining- on.' A -few Aleuts in this-- the laws,- has decided "that) such exportation ia present petition, with the thinperture Several- .perfecti7 legal. - • - degreeshelmi freezing:Point involved certain .. -The State Department -in Washingten has death. A. quarter ola . mile' distant -a read receivedoffieial. advices Cenfirthing the ie.-. wound -through the &rest.- ; Ills only cheece Ports that' the . City2Of CI rilleahua: hie . been lay ie leaehing that read,. and _be rescued by occiPied bYlhe- Mexic-an R6Pobtic4O fcirces, seine chalice passenger, -or 'his companions after aftevere battle, and that the authority retraning frem. work to - the - "shanty", in of President Juarez has been restored t broigh- which. they camped. • His resolutien- was soon. oet the entire Stew Of Chilinahni. • -: - taken. Methodically-, the brave fejlow re- Tn addition to the late diplennatie corres rooyed his handkerchief; aod hound it With pOudence relating to .Me :ice,. Mt. Bigelow_ all his.force arefend the left ancle, so a's tO Alia "written to -Secretary Seward that he had -cheek and alniostimped_ cirtufattoe. - Then 7a personal interview' with M: Ditrijel_de raisine-the heavy; glittering axe- -.high above 'WW1, 14 whiek _the big had, he struck-m-ereileesly with all his tvoulalhe very glad' if it -were practicahle to lekter stated that he stienght of disparei .'heloW, „the - ligature' on • open -domaimpication with Juarei lin the pre. his own flesh, -once. The •-tiericheet strekeAv-seci evacuatiori, and niake irrangements divided nerve, iniscler sineytatid bone. • The with him:and-hie party rel tive-to the stay ef foot ivas_severed..- Ile wee ;free: . Forttieutee *axial_ iliall'amOng thorn. ly, when he. had" with great -difficulty neared - - • ' . t'•."°1-...,,7 i . the road tbrongh the woad, he heard :the A TREASURVOY A .biCITSEMAID.—Mas- faint tinkle of a sleigh hely and havinginade ter—'-lliarr.have -yeti :peen a letter fa- a his sheets heard, he waw=resetted by a party - pink entpc-,7 -that was lying about on the 'of passing. travellers. tits' hardy-eonstitation !shelf a ,ay Of twe - ago ?,' . : Maitle-=‘Let- enithled him to sralIffromi the effects of a te - , - • 1 r in pink enve ope, sir, Let me see Wound that Would .. etherwise,- have proved - - - —was it about- Mr.and lira Samuel -F fatal. . i - ' • - , • Shocking -Calamity- at . • We have receive& additional- inforbiation in connection With the sad affair, and regret- tO say thatahree net 'of fieei, have - petished. It appears that the childten belonged to ltIr;- Thomas Walsh, -who resides shOuk two miles east:of Oakville; and- were aged respectively 15, 13, 10, and three years, two °fakes' being boysnird -three Of Iberia. girls.; On Wednesday moraine" i e :Party , entered a a cenmeneed to ped, small scow,- end:the° Johnson and 3118§118 to linner next Tugs- day week at a quarter to eight ?' *Idas: ter (aghast)=-J--Ye-es, was l' Maid,- ' Then it's tinder the cl ck sir.' - • ' • (*eMother, what's- in the pot? " A pig 5 ••• head andiarnips, dear," Little Xary being of an inquisitive tun), she got peeping the pot, when ;the savi ode a the turnips in the pig's mouth. "Mother-ethotherl" efie cried. " What's the- matter ?"-- Oh,' mother, if you don't Citmne quick, the pig will eat all.the tattiest" • . • • _showed them a- bundle of bank. pines. The •proprietor then ordered the coffilatteebe serv' edesending meanwhile .to the- n•earest pollee stetion fer sergent de The -prince was -duly arrested and taken to the commiss- ary of polio; Where he stated who he Was, and, Was afterwards taken to_ the_ gentleman with whom he made the bet, to prOve his identity. A eamilar 'story was toldatt Vienna some time ago of a liangariae Prince &an - der, ad. de _ Metterniel's sOn in. order -to make -his arrest- quite sure, took the bauk notes orit of his hoots. - Mrs. Jefferson Davis: >,/ • Fortvazes-Moenoi, May ..feffet- son Dayfs was permitted to bave,au Utter** with he,r husband in the presente of one of th flIcers of the guaeison _at 8. 30 .o'Cleek yesterday Morning. All her baggage .was moved inside the -Fortlast eeering. edince herarrival here she has made, her hoMe at the residence of Dr. -epee!, the post sur- geon-. Mrs. Davis is constantly receiving letters of advite and inquiry from all parts of the conetry.,:1-She..- hes- secured the serVices of Messrs. Charleti -O'Connor and- George Shea of New York,..in whose einnpeteet hinds the case of her husband rests. Neatness and Order. • • : , Neatness and order are eejoined not bnly by -economy, but bY cethfort. Every flea- , gent mother resigns one of the choicest plees- -ures within her'reach;that of seeing her hause surrounded by the Mark; of neatiresssindustty, ,and taste., She bringi up her:filthily amidst -confusion, Aud presentli to her children an example of aegligence the most utipardona- • ble. Can she wonder if 'they follow.- her ex-. Maple ?.. They go further" • Li their partialities, -they will haie a. 'Vicious prefer . trice for what good sense and armed economy vieuld condemn. They will regard: wit h less reepect the decencies of _life,sand he more likely to abandonIthe_ paths of virtue and morality There is such meanirig the. old adage' " Elsie a place for Evierything, and keep eterything in itaplace. • . . . . 031, minis .1. in cot an recent y,when his deacons hinted that he might preaelethree eermons on the Sabbath, said: 6 Preach three sermons 1= Never 1- That -is an invention of Beelzebub:for' destroying, the effect of two ' good ones, and killiurthe miuister. ' A singular accident hag just taken, place at : • = Neufchatel, in -Switzerland: At the death of -a merchant_ in that city, on the credit side of, his books the nettle of fa -God" *as found in- scribed for a coneidetable.-sum. No one knew of inch a creditor,- and An investige. tion evidence was obtained that deceased, whP was a man of great piety, had opened an atecouet to the Father of All, and entered to if each year a share of his profitat The clergy have 'claimed the SUM on the ground that they repreisent "God' upon earth,: while their demand .is opposed by the Canton. The affair ,probebly be brought before the tribunal's; - • - - -side were ihiO'iriokilt4 treated to a real sen; - sedan such as.they.staoin eejoy. Th.ey oce. caeionally, -while' clieeesehig brolefaet, getl A- nimation- fiinni:'motering piper, but this -one' seme before brealrfitst; arid- *seated, the 'severity of being geduine. . . i 1r Laic night a.yorin and rather -good oo - "rig Womawarrivecta the hotel referred.. to. She calm alone, Oa is. no gentlenian ace leempaured herr whit:01ln her arms she cat. tied an infant, Which, semi carefully wrapped upitecure froidobstiyation.- She asked for a room, end being arespeetahler smardook., ing girl; she was alioted one of .the beet id the horise. ., Somerhieg in her appearanee, ber simple, yettiendhrfel face, the care she bestowed upoeilie.iiittle one,. oresoinething 7elie exeited the interest ef those who sate bee. and 'ittit a few Asked -lithe she was and ' where she came from.--41is. may information -that could he -learned iregairding her Was that she came from ilil.Wa, k4est. bet what her .business w is -in -this city th iliOstmquisitive vodld not -make out.,... , 4 - . , - -.. immediately op . ing to her room she • took -the little One ft in the :shawls in which it was. wrapped . 'the utmost Carel __and .alaeed-it on the ..-, .Some-ef the chember- maids, whoSe7miriolity was aroesed, could not resiist the pharice -af having a peep at the infant, and they saw' it was a puny, .delicate, pale little thing, apparently only a, few days in this world, ang likely -0 remain only ---:a .‘ few hours longer. :':The methee. seeMed to bestow every Care on it in the .presence o. the chamherma,d, atheimiii it was 4vident ,from the appearenee of tie child that -it had been eadily eegleeted.42 heal:email and child -were left . alone in :the moot for .the eight, . And nothing more wee beard - of then; 'twill :this . morning; _ Shed' after 9 .o'clock, the per - ter was engaged,',1 siveiping.Out the office of the hotel, whet) h. iv.ias surprised, and alarmed te see the strenge feting. womAn Rater - With a very small coaquilder her elm. Witherit Stoppiag to-Addrest 4fin, ,she Went quickly to -her room, jtrying: to conceal. the coffin at :she passed threngh -the bills. e Thorouebly Wee: wed, the portera Jrised the clerk, told -bier. whet -he had _:eee , 'rind the two prOceedad at ofice totahe 'room 9e:cared-by the' woman. - ' d -II Ir ' - ' d ' - d - 7 . • l' e t°' P - herin the act ef p,e ing t e dead- . in the -.coffin.- .01-3 -geeing them she fell into .11 seat aad burst into trealiii- .They proceeded ,at once to--etautine the collo end its eonteete, - and great Wad their horror tit. firtding *let the child -was Still ;alive. Creating -as little alarm as possibleraphyeiciae *as sent for, and the ladiee of the houie brought to tla -trim, The child 14s found to be in a very tory coeditiOn; seemingly -Mt the.: pOint of death, acid sliewedtleeery symptom of !having. heen drugged .4 I -was ,removed to another riwioa svoh fintgbeactintodzic oa foefouel 111 iiel itste r;d4eedot ao 0, ;tt 1 dt kwol..z4hs I ill ht it eou dnot :possibiy live- mere theme fewsliourgle ger: - - . - ' The unhappy mot. er,..en being diseoverrd„ i sought no longer to ..conce-al .anythieg„: With tears i -n her eyes and sobbing as if her very . . . . --heart would bitak,-.She • Aoki her sad story, which was_but a, rePetition Of the same,,old • tale, 'thst :the= oeld. hail h?ard time aid- / again. = : .,... .. -,-,7 -„ = - - ; She .belangs tatsiespectehle family >in Mil- . wauriee, and-arrirtdaa -this city only last: evening. Nthout ia.::year . age she: was led. astray by aseurie.than residieg neat Milwau- kee, and this chiIcisithe reedit ef her fall. On her ithnily hearieg of her disgrace -they - east her off and the was thrown outnpon the' - world withoet a *teeter, the. Netball - who, canted her rnia- havini, es' usual,. deserted: het. 'She,1Was. -afferded-friendly ttlelter in the house of some hirat:Opople_in. Milwaukee and - there ber child was horn. -In all,her -trouble 1 the only friend whi remained true -to ter was, it brave brother 'Oro :-.ite in. the arMy.' - im-' media -lel); On heaing _ of : her . inisfordine. he ' sent her Money, and:toots her -that -he _Weald. aid her all in his Perier. even thouglvaill the . -rest of her. family 144 cast her .off. But for thia nobie brother lithe would have died lathe'. -streets. : ' ": ' 1-4 " ' :. ." - -- . litieclrild wairbern three weeks. ago, and is soon as she wo-4reng etioeigh ate cAme ' on here ilth it.: - Bee reason -for taking_ this titeP she says, was thr knowieg it -ethild net live,and wishingto- (ince-al-her -diegraCe as. -mureh as pOstible She' came 'here in --order tO /airy it as seen Atilt should die: . She' utatea that She gave it no drugs but that: She teak. evil jare ofltlhatIlie 'could take and- Wa8. --anxiMis to have 10 -live. Frotti iti ;appear,: ance thiamoritineely. thoe.ght it dead; and. was only anzieus to -bury it al decently -as peseible, without alarthing -the house,. as dire, closing:her secret._ -lielvever this may bar the -unfortunate infanteettainly . shows every . gigue -Of -hiving teen peisoned. Thoegh.not , in thellands_or the' officers of the inn. the, women -As carefrill+ -watched, ILO if, after the death -of the abildlit : Is. idertein that it was poisoned, the will! be 'ermined. We conceal the names of all cbnnected_at -tfie aarnetize-: quest °Utile .girl, IOW, after}all, may only .be guilty of that fiOt Sin. She seems reality : heart broken, end.it ean hatdly • In --believed that She cotild•rjuivie!.eentemplated -Making. *Way with her child iti such a'horrible -.Mane - . . sier. - '- ' - - -' — • -• SIGNAL OFFICE. CHILDR,ZNS -CARRIAGES, a Large assortment of Children's Cabs, Car. riages Perambulators on hind and on Ws way; will be offend at extremely low rates for Cash at the ' , SIGNAL OEFICE. Goderich, May -8th, 1806. 4 11 z; ,he mdosoctoivmeprfesttasnainodfi..4440edera , CANA Dllisr PAIN DESTROYER(' As a Faimly Tvletheine, it is well _and favorably knew. rehevingthousands from pains in the -Side; 13ack-and head.Conghs, Coldsr. ore throat,. - •-• Sprains, Bruises, Grumps in the Etomaeb,f -Cnolera inorbuseDysentery, Bowel cam- IpunatseBurns,Scalds,, frog. Bites,„„ dee., &C. . The GANADIAN PAIN DESTROYER haat now been before theriblic for a length oltime. and wherever wind_ Nell liked, neVer failing it. a single.insta nee to givepermanent refiefwben tciamseeloyfi.i.sfli,itgewtioenha.wyteeureevictreksiirceeiwtiloaussituagviee 'been property followed.; but, on the contrary,a11 are cTehalited with its operations, and speak la the highest terms of its virtuo and magical el- . feeWt8;_spealefrom experte‘ mem this:matter. hav- ing tested it thoroughly. and ;therefore those Wife ate sufiering _from any of the complaints for which it is recommended -may depend upon its _ being a Sovereign Remedy. • lie astonishing efficacy DJ the Canadian -Pala Destroyer la euribg thadiseasea for which it is recommended. and its wonderfut suede- ss m sub- - doing the torturing; pains of Rheumatism, aid Mt relieving Nervous A fertions,,entitle it to a lugli rank in the list of remedies for these complaints, Orders are Coming -in from Medicine Dealers ia all parts of,the country ler lurther supplies., aid each testrfying as to 'the universal satisfaction ill glvTehmel Canadir.n rei(i) Dest;over never ItUld Ore iMelediete relief. All mediem-Fdialers keep - - it. Physicians order and nse it ; and no fainily will be without...it after once trying it. Price only 25 -cents per bottle,: - - All orders shmild be addrissed to UNORTRUUPILIZAISN, nt..sohl GodeGnecnhtirbaylte:relaneitrtfidre:r7CCalltWnflead4aa'ad F. Jordan; Gardiner 4- (Jo.. Enfield.; James Bentham, Bogerville; J. Etekard,Exeter; - Combe;' Clinton ; E. Hickson; Seaforlh, and at Medicine Dealers. — w15 1 ANTE — Ann CORDS of, Wood, 10,0001 cords of lleolloek Berks.,* w ich the higiiest_prices willbe paid.- Apply to - , ' L DETLOR & SON,' . or GEO. ItTIMBALL .16 Co., • - - suite Wharf. Goderich„ May 76, /866. ..siv72 . NEW 1110TOGLIPR GALLERY one- ARCHIBALD'S STORE, Crabb's31Selrf, - a -0_11E SeGn. _- $U61.71‘10 -1t C.tettY sstryitsTetteLsooms- j3ICTURES taken in every style and In Si kinde ei weather. _ _ - -Xee PRICES LOWER than elsewhere.* Cauada. D. C.NNPBELL., --Gaerieb, Dec. i, MB. - . GOI)ERICJI MARBLE WORKSr vv. 0 TRELEAVEN. MINH Si ea s om Tablets, Table -Tops, &co Ohio Free Stone kept on band tor Bad!. ing purposes such as Caps, Sills,Ba- serg, Etc., Cheap for flash..„- --- GODERICH, C. W. Insolveit Act- of 1804; In the matter of John Fair k Cs, Iisolvents: A LL parties indebted to thwratata -of 1.Alt.' above named Insolvents, are hereby lee quii.ed to *nia,ke. payment to ine or tor -Jo Agent oner before the:26th day ofiday-io. - stant, otherwise costs mil be incurred. W. J. FINDLAY, _ • - Official Assignee. . . 'RAIN -FAIR, Agent -- Gederichfath May, -1866. err-7240mila • e gaunt The ---$30% GOderich ToWns next . "WA. meeting Club will take idiatir 'hotel on_ Janke arrangerne 4417zEtt's But juis tot :ay iimiltbo• der seniethingc+ell013 aid that any 'pen {lompany" e or Mies e 4 r 24-1Ve woul to the insurance The wmpaillein Ate vonsidered applieation, At ea.* , 7 or r.t.Gardit -1hr a first-class Iv Commercial-1bl he fouta in iieves Be can gi.et rers 'who may fav 14amioni EGG LiliS town hese - laid by nue liens winch is the 1 imve seen. around the long %round the saddle, it larger, we shot: 2 • „• Anscaryt3ArtZeint:S:fliorifet°: leen able to ththaetr-apoisinsttill, -'401x): 11 pnsitea with 13, -11EirPie ste thoroughly °Veit itted ma's buslue". - 4seit in a day o4. accommodatioa busitnieS iarWe have _ the if .at a Medieitl--Co reau of 4-rietiltt pamphloti tonta able informatioi swam, antrtie•-, - flovernment- hat of oepies to be st tributroft.l. .J prepared to furti GooPt;OXI Council have-af millet-. we hoe we mean the 3 aretrad the slum lave heeii °Mere to, :And prep to plant thew 1 rich -earth. If trees will do mu ing nativeie fro in the long rail= ' satisfied- that ti „such a purpose -anything- tendh -and render is se Itisiol or man see_r_tir trees will be ata! Exteastsv me party or; Jolm Otheandofeig:ki one, valued vita and -Froi tbe onble of Mre and mak two viol . intim& recorery;• description gives, Afr. kileda horse '• white face and ; 'shoulder sem and, 'pard'i tvro, one u !tends 114k -feet orate, 4yearsold . of white in ilte white,andAotabt animals. Meth the direction of S been taken to- he _heaviest horse thi foraotne Omer Ari 4ave the priS -.bade Magato GODElal 3°.ThAtaleftep1r7eati6rfoki-lec:ener gti :62°"ineatO TO thin tbe, Weston, That °thereby not co meinTbripetiamiltiOn aidetill2nele tat:wit-7. Thale°9"1491:4011ard' statate-Ithor 20 And' 21, The account