HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1866-05-01, Page 3.Olt tSa, et sett - OOE reel ;el) Dr. oz.ct re 00 - elect VP4t-fit -311kile =kit 31.55 -103.54 . 25.00 f.17.40 t M„zs. 4* 436304 If onto 'w.e3R; pany�i -7-$1'scine enacts. AMU ' , ny -6y It nike Mira* * fuer chola -- c'ent. LH: mem. - cranes ot Px°mPt- id, by their nofits, thin c than ern - de for feria ; ; -appointed. Goderic1i ;is& to re. Dtil branch,. adoring- ALgent, est St. - str70. ET t for tItir - He Auction Eav. at the dThonison • to find lea payniett • advance. ' t.isc w1411 AN, 1 • -Esq.; Pro*. nit toying' if retideice.i, 5th WY* e, compris- • Bott4 • One. ane; Seated inner- • Damaik, rayS,Cesiw Mpg, OD* - IltitleriCM' ,713reakfast, sk window • Lot -of "clawed', ailet Setts,. • awn Stove - ions kinds. S. • Tin tram - r * DIA Coir• h, patent Landry Other stwletti 64. Insolvent. are uotifiest tuteld Orbit ie 1,ct, to, d ties 'fowlers.• y of Herrin, 666. • a a Bruen. 186t. - losolviett_ ire Notified nit of bit re Aets $ilt, • • 44. county- -.* 0 ••• • - consequences of the Fenian . Rules o_f. - Airitattoo to -4.tmertea: Never go to bed with your feet stickieg- (FrOnt tdort Aprt/ 9) out of the window, particularly_ when it is • --tor. As an evil sometimes comes good-, •s6 even rainingtor freezing ' • theFenien conspiracy has prodneeil its bene- - Never stand tie -the rain -wafer barrelall - populatton, and that the plotters of rebellion saw, or box their ears with. the shaipl ed fits both in Ireland and Canada.- .1:o Ireland night. It checks perspiration, and spoils it hasshowa that 1i -edition ia now confined to the water for wa;shingepurposee. - ' the lowest mei least responsible class of the 'Never spank' your children with a band . . . can no Tenger expect 041304 from their the tr ot a hat t, as it „Is- apt to - eaect the era n. countrymen or proteetien from sympathizing Mor 6 than three pieer's-feet and halt -a Mince jurieltIn Canidthe ,reniiinshave giveni pie, eaten at, tnidnightp will not .generally , a . the colont& c:inse the consumer to dream- of-houris. Para isan oppertanity of demonstrating 1,„ey2rat all possible question their -loyalty to dise, accommodating bankers and:oilier good' the British Crown, :their ettaehmekt to the thinzs-at least they are not ape to do- so. _ Bar ache is a conitnott and vex:it-ion§ British conue.ction, and.. their resOlution as well as then ability to protect their homes coloOlaint, To Cure it ad once; bore a hole d their institutions from-attackWin the tympanum- with a gimlet: and pour In an. hat plan of Operations might: really have ben Oil cfithipgs. : If the thild keeps en cryiag enterteieed hy_the reckless conspirators Who bore it all the way to the other ear. -direct 'Feniaritsm in America it Corns may be'.'„ easily cured. The most bard to say. Probably Ge iersi Swaney him., lorinenting cora can at -Once be expired- ns - stir told pret.1 nearly hat he hotilddo: the troth when he said fiii-!0*-s:- Take a sharp knife and find the that be didnot know joint of the toe whereuponthe _ cora resides n‘s. but itis plain enough := that an insasicin of 7 -insert the knife lathe articulation." pry off the toe an throw it aivay. It' will never Cant& was included in the lelietises of &elicit) proposed for the approbation of the Brother- ,returnagam ..-(patent a plied t ) - - hood. The Fentans -must have been half . crazy to imagine that they could Oust the Canadians from their but it wa:s. by no mean& hnprobable'that they . might cross . V. please address • the frontier in strength aufficient for the work -.A match factory in western New York -Rev- 'RD lv-A.R. -46 w N.‘ eliamsbnre. tunes 0.. New %irk. 7 7 p . or. . . _ Attach Factory.: G 71• .ERitufts voivriv. • A. Gentletnen wit° Stilrered for _yeari froni-Nerrous • Dchilityi Vremattire DeChi, and nil the elliFets of youth.: ful indiscretion:will-. for the sake ofiufferiag hunianity sendfree to rildwhoitecd n. the recipe aldiie\t\icintr'for &eking the -simple rented:1; by which -he xi, scar d..Suf.... ferers wishing to profit by the -advertiser's._ ficpe.rimice, "can do '0 by addres'sing- - ' • - • • -.10 I 11.1-1; OGDEN. ••-• •No.13. Ch,ambeiii NeW York: STRANGE,'BUT . fount.; lady and geinleinan iin the Vuited.States can hear somethitig- very much to their advantage returnti mail- tftee ot charge), by. aelOrcqiing the" undey- .signed. Tho.se having.62ars. of being humbugged sull oblige b)- not notichig fid -1 card.. All Others _it -ill 'please •address their,ohedient servant-,• - , " • - THOS . -F. CHAPMAN; yrZ.- . - 831 Boottoray. New York: , . - • . . . • . TO ICONS -Ulf P Tit E t_ct. The alli-ettiser. having been risiorento heel -111.-m ai few weas by a very simple, remedy. after duiving suf- fered tor several year:: with it severe Ittag otFe•tion. and that dread cliSerts`e.: Cense-unpile-in-is aniions to maka known-m-his-fellow,sufferet. the means of cure. - To alt de.5ire n. het. goo- of the pres. - ctiption 'used. (free -iv-charge): with the:directions fur pre- paring awl usinc the saute-wmch tirey 41 suet ' cults. for tiossuNteno7s. 13RONCII; CiitGpt. Throat :Eat Lting:Airections. The Only obtect.ofthe advertiser in sendhig.-the Prescription is' to - benefit the atilicted. and spread -information which- he conceive's tobe ins.-aluable. and he hopes cvery sufferer will try his remedy. -as It will costthem nOthing, and maV-prove iv blessing. . Parties wishing the prescription. Pak& by return Mail of rapine end murder, • - is noted for the* euilons machinery. ;Used _ Iff four -and tVienty hours ten 'thousand in the manufacture:.. - 620,000 feet A:•,f. -* volunteerS were arrayed for the defenceofpine of the beat quality are used annually their- counily ; in few hours more orie f • . hundred thousand - would have- been forth- basswood . for cases - The sulphur used - . . • :-, THE- GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY or the. matches,. and 490,0 00 feet of comin.. for -the same duty. There s7asrao - - slabkness nor taintriess amona them; ' - .. SIR ' JAMES CLAKE'S _ annually for the matches is 400 barrels, : .. the people of all classes, English, French and the phosphorus is 9,600 pounds, . . Celebrated Fema. , Pili s. Pli e. - and Irish, fro-a:Upper, Canada and, Lower The machines run night and day, and 302 - .Ceoada, to the chief towns and In the - rural hands are employed at the works. 500 Prepared from a prescription ,of Sir j . clarke,,211.D., Physician Extraordinary districts, combine& with- elk- minci. for the pounds of paper per day -are used he make • - i to I he-- Queen.. -. 7 protection ofthe colooIand the preseryation the Hilo, &mall bcties for h-olding the matcnes ' . ' -.. int was the demonstration that it- sefficed. for . larger boxes. Sixiyssix pounds of dour per cure et ell ,ho.le- painful ki,41 dangerous:diseases _the purposes _witliont furtherection. The a • a t - d to which ibe female constitution is stibjeet. It ci . ay are use or paste. ab the penny stamps . • - - • ;evaders neer nppearid.... . Them is no. long, . d , . moderates all excess and removes ali ebstructions, .„.,......- ... : . _ . ,r. . , require by txoternment on the. boxes antount . , er, we are told, an " ann,Vitton party in to thesnug little stint of $1,441:17- per day.- , - - and a speedy cure may be relied (is - ',-Cistutila, n� appreciab.e section eft thellana- There are four Machines iii use for cuttin . .0 . Tp MARRIED LADIES -, . - • of their institutiont. o prompt and - poWer-. and tour tons Of pasteboard per week for the • This invaluable -medicine is unfailing in the diem people desiring, to cast in their lot with a- - d d -I- • h • ipping, an e iyerme t e inatehrs. . rra peeuliar Y'suited: It will, in -ti Short'. nine, Thit e, brino-'on thelnontlilv pliod with•re.,ularity. Serinusil ente'talnedt has now 'LlIsaPeat---- of the matehee, which is two and a Tarter eminent Stamp of Great Britaiii to preveet come. 14 14e-Uoited State,S., feelm-•T If .4 ev-r twostnch ptne plank is sawed „up the length Each bottle, price.' One Dbllar, ltec'e.1,3 the Gov- : oria.eoeiinefi:teahandful of persons not ale es; terteits. • • • ••" - • • h Th t -th f t ese m o e mac me cu worth consideration. Th.e question ot Pro" tine,. where el -every stroke twelve . matches - • CAUTION • e co , an y t e suecee ino-stro e -pus _e ;These Pigs -rhottld not be token bhfentitles during • ar e t d -h h d' k • h d confederatien too hai been " mated - the FIRS1' THREE MONTHS of lirorr- - ally advaneedby the Operation ef th e SnIIIe into slats arranged one douhre chain 250 feet- - • If the Brit` f 7 e THE Ripley, ae they •are -sure to betrig ins illisear . load; which gni-ries theta into the -sulpher.yal, ?taste, but at any other time Meyer,: litre, - couvititionx - - is provinces o - North Anierica are to lie independent, self- and7frore thence to the plinspho-r.us. Tati add . eripperting and powiefitt; rt. is Obvious 'that' In all cruges of Nervous and Spinal itifections, _ thus across the tocan and ba.dr, rettnnitig Pams ja the 5a.ek and Limbs, r-a012,1!e-°11 blight this- reSult can be best promoted by that union ' . them at a point jus.t in front of the cuttia a etr,ertiOn, Paipstation ef ine if cart, -Hysterics and • *. . . ..... %I hites, these' l'ilts w/ in effect a cure when all which -is uniformly strength, The colonists machine,. and Where they . are delivered -in other mean* have tidied ; and akin:41,0Ln power, seem to understand that: they .14 on t113evetheir natural order, and a:e gathered up - by ful retued-y.1 do not custom iroii.":Calciniel, anti, or a natural chanei and that • the course of a•hoy into trays and sent into the" 'pockin monv or anvthine hurtful to.* he cens0!elhan: events is under their own control. 1..hey re- room. Thus 1,000 gross, or. 144,000 smail a Inc r -p I d • h • kaae which Atiould be careiuliv re--erVed. garded the prciposal of--confederatioit at firat boxes of Matches. are made per day. The ‘Pa.. f toted Rtathsent:1Cenadas Ivithsottie differences ofopinion and some machines for maltieg the . sma.11, thin paper_ ; 7 JOB- AIOEs, Rochester. N.Y. not unnatural jealousies-:, ° was thoughtboxes and their covers ate quite as Wonder- le v itt though the scheme might. be undoubted- and six po.tage Stamps, enelosed' th \fa and as irigeniously-Contrived as those that today authorized agent Will InSitre a.beffle con. .ly beueficial, Canada woutd get the lions make the matches.A long Coil of paper, as aaininglittv: Pins, hy return mein, s ; share of the benefit. It was fancied that the _ Witless the box is loto, revolies on a wheel . .--NORTH11() LA MAN, smatter ga}vernments *mild not only gam less but lose more, and sundry objeetions to Federal union -were unreservedly advanced. But these disseneions seen to have. dfaappeer - ed under the. influence of recent events, and we are now - told that Nov t Srotia, alobe is standing out for administrative independence.The other provinces unite desiring cal consolidatuitie& great dependenoy of the - British Crown, and to this they look for :the political iumortance and national - strength -which form the. beat guarantee- for independence and security. We can 'only say for ourselves that these sentiments- on the part of the tionadian& will be 'cordially reciprocated in this- country, and _that* tbe colonists may confidently rely on ail the sym; pathy and succor which h will be our duty, to- gi 0, and which their • loyal affection de -serves. . : But there really,is a feature in all this:affair which demands not ouly atteatiou, but some more active notice from all who desires to -see _the peacrof the world meintaiaed. :There, is a code of taws which • has been -gradually tramed for the regulation of the proceedings of sovereign, States An1014:- theinset% es. - The • object is to, prevent misunderstanding and isar by substitutingiales or maxims •by which 'governments -may be guided and to .whiCh appeal may be . made. Now. we request One end being in the machine. It first passes • -• Ne'wcastle, (;. W., geaeral ei 'agent for Canada, through ro.lers, where the,priating is 'done, L., -;• Sold in Goderich by Parker Cattle -and from thence to the paste boxes. where the . E.-. Jordan rraidiuer -cc "Co. 13fix.fietil ; -Jameg sides. and ends only are pasted ; from -thence- Beiohurn 'Rogeiville • J. riel'iard;Exeter ; J.H. to the foldiro, aparatus,' where the ends 'ate rombe, &mon E. 'Hickson, Seeforth, and all nicelyleided, and the whole box is pasted Medicine Dealers. • • v.138 -1v •• EPABRACMC. TH LATEST STiLES ALIENING. 6‘, • IsEkt-Nr. 0 'NT M -wolfeeis. " ger-SEE.' ADygitimEN.Eii NEXT sygEk.: FRUI U IT Farm for - Sale. TEE SUBS FIBER • 5 AGENT FOR THE OLD -• _ itod-kx-msivEn. : will have- on hand at his garden East Street tor -0SfaAleholieri,eptienaier,during fiat week, a large _Snick._ imp. and crab AppP;euTmical%heDirwya,,r1 parii.co,t, 47e:eta% also a, - IR, A: 1:7) S- - ASMALT3.44rirrl-of,excelleet land nicely - situ:it-P.- Siciog the River Mailtited,' and within 3121;1es-oaf -the-lititishing Village of Wi-igharn, ficibgatie- south intlf or Lot No. 14 on the niistli!coty: ef the Township -or 'fur:merry, combining 40 acteer 23 acre' Ch•Ppped, 16 acres-,oftWhieh. tile -stumps -wilt' come ont. eoldskbeap for- casti For further particulars apply to JOHN -AV • General lizent,44Vititfitititt. San. 20. isr.6. w52 116tel.-119tid.e.' - Consisting of those Inghly receinmended new va- • :les. viz Iona, Israefia, Adrinodae, Dela-ware, and (naafi°, besides a 'few 4)1 tbe old -var.eties, Isahelia;Concords,, 01,c. wa also have a :few_ D H Y to P.- CRAB, a new variety, Fruit Very large, of a dark maple surpassiag all other sorts in size, -hardi-. ness a nd.beanty-Prwe al .091 btle notiei will be given of the arrival of the Tiees. _ • -fM: CAMPBELL k , THE 8uhseraber in- reteing•- tronet .e ro. prietorshio or the 'I V Lion 1/01e1" -Geode: rich, 'bees to ietern his sincere tharilis forthe liberal patronage. -which he -and at the iame time inform his friends arid' the • ravelling public .that Ilititre =win jper totind at his .old stand Prince of things Hotel" Dungannon, where no effOrts-shall be wanting on' hie Tart tosmake those at'higne who May davor him with call. . .ANTHONY BLACK Goderiele, 136E: issaaef Godieneh, April 1**,166 , sa6:44 • • AUCTION -1-SALE --SOF VE^IY YJIUABLE FARM PlIOPERTY CN ACCOU-Nt OF THE - - TRUST AND LOAN'1.-00*PANT, OF _ - - r•PPEit , • 'h%ILT PEsion ey PII8L1C ‘41.-17C:TION AT Ina AUCTION ROOMS OF G. WI:. TAUBMAN- - • •1E 13J. C' ii, NTLES • on •Saturday, -the 12th y next at Leone , N Mit power ,of Sale Contained. in a Mon-, gage from Joseph L wrason- and ivife. to • 1-alTST OPENED ONE 'BALE ,BEsT NA N EY COTTON -• rST °PELTED ONE CASE _ • the above Companyi Lot %dile six in tlie see - pad conCession of. the Wnshiii of -Gislerieh. contaming eights, acres ni re .7ot 155:1; who Log Log and traMe • Darns; bearing fire hard This tarn* eitnatm .about two miles from the Team auderiep, the Bayfield Gravel Road. ; • -11 : • . • ' . . linderlrisver Sale -in \tottgare from Gu- m& A. C. McConnell and de' to Ile above 1;01n- , paeY - bets numbers one-aed two in the .tenth cbitoession ot the •.ro,i-nAii il.FfMorris eon -minute one hundred and -nineteen ne ginurevi less, ei- and•reservilig.out of- be aboieilenii.sed preniises,• nineteen acres more sr less: With gei'd .Log 'house, Log barn; &c-, 'Vs. is a good !arm very conveniently sittiat031adloining trie Village ot -Blythe, on the WinghaM Y7ravet Wind.. about - 12 miles from Clinton and 17 Runs' troni the olGoderich., , • • l'HE H9RON: 84 ERIE -BLICKS1111111 LOOK HERE , . _ ........: • : d IVAN TED by the subscriber, a good etea y elr blacksmith either by themonth. or take a shop on she'res, 'here there is plenty ot work,it being on the . Durham Road in the township of Greenock, which is to be (Travel-- IIUGH M 02,ITG OMERY.' ' steady man. Appat.anon to be ina e to the undersiened Enniskillen Ureenock Post led next summer none need apply biut it - Wale county of Bruce C. W. 0 Zit' t March 20th,ISG6. Z.- • THE Court of Revision for the Towns -14 J1 of Stanley will be -held at Mr. Turner* Hotel Varna, on Monday the meal-. hist day of May next, the hour of ten o'clock a.M. Also that the Alphabetical. copy of Assessore roll for the present year will be exposed for qublic inspection at my office in -Messrs • Campbells store' -Bayfield. at least 14 days previous to the Curt of Bevisidie J OHN KEYS, Towuship Clerk. Stanley, April 1-6, 1366. wthd ONEY TO LEN1r r/S\ 7q/71 T ktii\IT. c tr 11 if . . 44,4 4 All of which will be sold at Lowest -Rates for Cash • _ TO. A140.v:E oitr..mosu4Y:Nrxr. ES- STRAW,. GOCIPS. April 12th, 18,66. - • 1,•••••••=•••6 ! de..•.••••••• •••••-110.- reachiae is at work at the -corers and thus CHILDREN S CARRIAGES,: 1866 together and drops into a basket. A similar • • p • -144,000 boxes per day are manufactured. , - - _ cHoict home atter along voyage. Un her -clean_ sale at white deck stood many a rough weather -beat en sailor, lotg ,anxiously at the white cliffa • ot his native 1i d, and a smile of joy ples.sed over his eanburnt _face at the pleasieat pe -r thought,. "-we-shall be at anchor' to.morrowr - To-moneow..e-A noble ship- ,was nearing A_ - of latest , LOT OF BABY CABS styles,' received and for • -TLE WS. I I) II -ape 1..nd therewere old ,men who . not sten ! _ . - their childhood's home for long, long years, . . • A. terve quantity' of the. above papers and the tears stand in their eyes as they look , • • . at the distant ehoresand " we shall land , In every- variety et Quality and Pattern FOHN o DETzion Go. 12w SAVINGS AND LOAN SOCIETY riek Healy and wife to t i .-alxice ' Itli y' . - - - linder poNver of•Sale iri•ie hlsorigageliom P -at- . ,Lrouivt iiiinsbniipberaf+f(1%riebanr.ie.lea,stcyloefALiethEeocacto,uruittyile)ei . The aboye-S-ocieW in prepare] 19 inakci - 13i.V.ALIV Mat ' Huron. containing one hundred- acres more or - less This is a go-nd farm! shoat:about 5 -miles, • ', -0N .ThiPROvtD - • ,,. fro - .Goderich, on the saticeeti mail read, _about . :- 35 acres cleared' with ..large .friim dwelling, 4-; Nita rt• -r= poxecoroort3re . concession Eastern Divisinn-of Abe Tocinshio in B: the ciest halt 1.4-4-niiinter nine in tbe :-..ourib 1 Ashfield -iii said County, Containing one Minified The eon of effecting a Loan vim bo- found acres mere Or less. A wild ioX =ituaied one ted lima lower than io otherSociefies ol a .sunihir a half Miles from the Villa ' a of Duananinin •on 'nature. 'The .attention -oftbe Borrower is called the Northern. (Travel _Road, ad ahont 'Ili miles rh et4Lenfaanct.-Iwthital it'ohiiet any rdecedeulevtiolihiebeluil.1Ziniffimiadnetfor.°1. ..ifrom tioderieh. . - • -. IV- ' interest or 'payments in iadvanea. . i . tinder power of Sale in a Mort_ _ire made Lw stdvances may be repaid' Motithly or Yearly, - Peter A. L2irnmons and Aliftela th fifove-Compa. • .extendieg- over e -period Of -from one .to fifteen 6 ny, Lo n timber eleven in :the t ' concession . reer.e. - ._ • ON MOST ADVANTAGEOUS TERMS. -PRI FOE FULL PARTICULARS APPLY TO an e tient eultivat farm with good g. bEuaiiitdemr.p.Divisian of th.e T.opTsh. o1f Colborne, S. POLLOCK, LARGE AND WELL ASSORTED STOCIC OF _tinder no -ver Sale 'n a Mortgage made to - Codeirch, , 1866 V- _ • - and Valuator for the bo...-aety at Godeneh. d wife: w13 , the aboVe Company by Andrew Dobogh an -11 e_ port'on of. Lot au bet Three in the first I einog.„,:hossuiotilohfrtill.veacTorewsnesib: at.:4Cinoodiveriziepie.sesTALn- a t matter_4;.! insoll.rent insolvent. Act of -1864. - he bl • _ ship of Ashlield. eonfaini g halt an acre of land, he bas made an Assign ment of his estate and more or less. -C-The es erly and Southerly oring- o0U.S. TO FIAND AT THE • - Loi number Forty-one e.st side of Wellington t .11 ' WiiiiamArinslrongan •ILE:creditors nithe Insolveni are notified that . Street in the Village Of3P it Albcrton the Town- T. halt td* Lat. lumber •1; ,ii .rth of Lighthouse -setffgn•lcij:L.7fignereelb:ard°tvheevAac:4-tet'lgtinnerrlhtoefuunranist Street, ia the. Iowa o . .0 ' erieh, containing me, Within two inonths-froni this date, -with their abont twelve and aorLactit Ir.pe4tocuesn,6entiroe our ode. . ,,,,,. e e_ , e . 1 ; ' claiths, spesn6Ino. the •security they hold if any. ps, lIC HI and the Value ofit ; and. if none. stating the Ana- ' rieTiri, eisFa4grToldPalorttof land clearof- stem d the wbole. attested under oath, with,the vouches,' _ and sheds am. loc, hotuie. . The Port Albe:rt prop- ot he Village: The MA640 properly is eligt- ' ' arielzho'astiabteeisoatycfineitidira:atioal,roei Road -good -a m Da.s,up,tedp:r..ar tolz,vaw..hverciiliklicTaiiili ,isiiigeneceo:a;:a. at .li:dnikto'd..: . prt , is on -Welli;gton Skeet in about the centre this twenty-firsst cd..aryooLtLAscriKI, -,1866. . • - e. lily entuated-on the atarket•Nasere tri the Town. . ' (meant hou 4se. frame barn 4.c.. are TOMS,/ MOOR. Solicitors, for 111801:cat. 13w2t to-roorio* !" _. And there, too was a mothei% • t • lifting up her little one to leek at the far -off.. ust to hand-, prices low, Staple Goods, landd 1' we shalt be Jit beige LER _ to morrow • - - But their to -morrow never.: came. That E Goclerir.th 27h, 1865. stv6.9 Dress. Goods evening the -gentle broeze becanif a . furious • . storm 1- the rippling* waves. beCaine foanting, Pansy- -Good! ii. . PAPEk . . . envy hi:law§ ; the sails were split Into rib- ' ., .. bons ; the rudder was brolteaa the vesiel. ,, . - -I- became unmanaeeable ; she dated upon the iN uy.rs OF from 2 id 12 RoLLF, . -publicists and Jam:that& ,•of all_ nations to terrible quicksands; beeline a wreck, and all- beliig. , t..aw Hats, _ ebserve what kind, of proceedings, _ notwith- on board perishecie . • - - • - . the kat of the patterns, will be told . . at '. to morrow that may ' never Come ? Do we . . Bib].) . standing the obligations efiateruattinial law, And - ..t are there not 1838y of es expeetial a - ' :are' still regarded as adinissible. 1:he citizens- : o a soye egn Stile IX PRIC - raa'. it se.fmr ma". not lay plans for the future, forgetting that , other State at peace with their own. • They, Feathers, open preparation for private war against an any moment our traii-Gark may be destroyee,- - EMBRACING, - I liens' Boys' Youths' and the daik waters of death close over us Your choke of a Hiindied diffe.rent - • . • amay establish a yisable machinery of goveina • - forever? - - - meatier the promotion ot the,se purposes. . ., _ i ...._. _ . at the ." • _ . They may • . , . About three mutes e e _.. , . _ pa.,tter.n.si. . : The -.key contribations, 'amiss funds -__ rye Ab thb hi ,d-B-oeliVille- i; organize military _ forces, collect Mille and SIGNILL- OFFIa .. 0 , - .• -a sheet -of water some two milecin circumfer., . assume a flag, They . may constitute and ance, known as the Black Fond and- from - - proclaim theinselvea a nation ivithia a nation . whence a stream of living w •ter flaws:all the 130()K A..N4 4 , , , . , - In gT ' TIONARY ' gTORE. _ ,i . . . . 7 • PitoeY• 'Mot may 'all Vh'1-1!.Itimut ally freeze, in the winter.. Th e stream, at - • • \ Market Square,. for' the spectat purpeses of filibus.tenng and year around, and which streata Oes not •usu-. --- -least pretence of: concealment and reserve, oreSent le only ten feet with eicl ,h;to it - calling all things by their right -Carnes, and crowd, abent the, cbange of the moon. in- • publiahinttheir arms for the infornation• of numerable suckers and a fish lionnwhat ,akiii ,40277/ the whole world.- 'At. -length-they may an to the ecl tribe,:called the bull pout, to, brest 1 i • Romeo their intentio 1:1t. taking the field - the fresh air. • So thick wtre the fish in this - - immediately and actu Ily cOutpel.-the goveru,. stream lately, that a man with-- a hay tor!: meet met aced witb, illusion to c.1*li 0,11I Its i icould easily load a waggon :with thein in -a .- fermi in self-defenne, and accept The costs few- hours; and the people in the neighbor- , - charges of defensivewar. This is what cer- hood of the.pond have them in such •plenty tain Americai eiti*ensf "Kn.. thealselvea that they feed them to their log& and fow:e. 0, Fetnansi-have really done, and yet it appears A acoinvhatanaloions . circumstance -occurs that -in so doing they have done ' nothing in annually at the outlet. oCehl r tatim.lake, Irintatina a :he Inirs by which theInnd Un- fifteen miles behind Brockville: at •ithe time derstandiat Of nations among- themselves is of the spring 'freshet, when. . fine. fish with - which this Chaining lake abounds followahe flood oyer adjacent6eitis and are then effsily- , caught in large numbers in the Shallow water . 0 . by the residents; of the neigtiborhood.-e-: [Brockville Recorder. - - .- (0.- An old Laird of Grant formally de- spatched one of his clan to the Earl- of Find - later with a present of chickens and venison; but the Highlander, not being a- -good lin- tending invaders have committed, no cogniz guist, delivered his message in a most defer-- - able offence. General 'Sweeney patadea his ential manner its-followa---g The Laird Great 4 1 regiments,. and Colonel O'Mahony opens his compliments.to the Laird 'o' Fineanter, and _ depot& of arms tin' public inspection; but the sends him some sieline•ss and vengeance. If American government cannot interfere, for he wants more be Can have-them•11 - ..- -the-offence has -hot been earned Jar -enough. . i, s We repeat that we_tlo not impeach the legal Accuracy of this view. --Mr. &lard may well ihe supposed to know what he is saying •and - to be Preeared in give us.the • henefit, of the ' - -upheld and preserved. Wre are- 'slating this vtithout• malice or prejudice,. a simple matter of. fact. Mt. Sward tells us that the United.states government tioll*„act with- oetlesitation as soon as the reniana break thilaws, without ieternaticitial or municipal, applicable their case; but that hitherto these lawihave nct been broken.. A" British -colony has been , put epon its defence, at • heavy Charge to the population,- but the, in. •,1•11.1 JUST !' RECEIVP) LARGE gr.90K I. OF IEW t - _ GOODS . OF EVERY DESCRIPTION A ' itt..SAVAGE S. siAnKsi . • GODERICH, April 23th; 1866. THE MARKETS. GODE1UCH,. May 1866. law, though no mere. ' Bat we think philoso- Spring 'Wheat.- ® • 0:00 !fibers andjerists should-ivait themselves of Fall do 130 - 100 .this occasion to observe What is still left un-- Oats - - 0-21 0:23 .-forbidden . by laws which are presumed to Flour 5-00 5:00. keep nations at peace With each °War. The, Barley 0:40 0:50 X4inans, we are as.sured, and we 'willingly Peas 0:50 " 0:00 believe, will not be allowed to dubs the Sheep. 400 5:00 5tritish frontier if the Americans ean Prevent Pork ...... 7:50 - :them, but it is sirely- Worth !mite to con: Beef. . ... .,.; . : ...'........ 5:00 5:50 _eider whether such overt and undisguised pro: Ilidea(green).......... ; . 4:50 . -0:00 . -Amiens, of a purpose heiuntudianlawful inUght &Mar ................. 0:18 . - 0:20 -. not be brought miner the _ceguisaitee et law Petitoes ........"..... 0:20 0.09 .-• se well, es the attempt itge4: , ' • S-ood ............ e..-1:75 2:25 Hay, new tici ton ......... 700, a •• 8:00 1L -TYPO II Lneit.-A .1011Dg Man named . Eggs. -... -... .. .. 0:10: @, 0:00 . . 2' IL Duni°.: h worked - the__:De-„,, - NtIV Sibberit/4111,EIS. ilertatent or the Globe last year, was 0311"awa •-e----------- last'Week in ehicsio to a young lady, diught- a6........0,13.3Er3r er of 4 Milwaukee merchant. The." -bride is vEGvr,eigig40 ,.... said to he worth *100,001), and -wcireet her , -7_-_ -,.' • , __.,.- P AIN . KI -LL E weddsag$15,000 worthof dress and jewelry_._ _ .. f,..rdeaconwassatechitt a Alt 'VIE OLD PRICE. Aees1Prglz fAietile liair of "en to a ' 7 ' - shot- . BEVARE OF : COUNTg.g. largeload of *ma. A neighbor asked asked him 'F,EiTS AND WORT#LE82 11117 A - bine he expected to get se:large a Iciact to voNs; IngriKet with so poor a tenni. - The deacon -replied that be expectal to have some Divine Aoriki8,.1866.- - RA-IFIstance• IPA 10411149r asked him whither it . would.a4 beim stell to dispense entirely with theezentandlet. Prosidenea draw the whok : load/ • . - -" ENDERS "WINTER nmmings, Owls: Hosier WILL BE SOLO C hery, . ..._ Clothing;* - , --- - _,-- ''• ' . - - ot s and 11--weeatig.-- el h - - ' - - - - - ..i„. .7 Ivo: the prenifires. ..•TERMS- l'EERAL.. . .,...--------'- - . . .,_ - _ Ten .per cent- ofilio purelitie money_to bepaid . _ . • - Ladies i-:-. . . down- at the time OtSide, end terins 'bribe bah. • angeevaislit,IhActilisiolitreabeects.-07:11:Teeit Fiedinteelstertorga,..sair.oteCap- niate...-., _ . seen - . , -.. .4-.-,4 • -- , .- . • °f. Further •intortnation'-eint be obtained ,on appli - cation: to: the -I oinieiasionera.:Trust and Loan Company of Upper Canada; -K-ingstOn',..111.esisrs.. Macdonald, Patton and,MaChar, Solicitors, King- ', 7,7; 01..0 the..u: nJelei.c4lietidc,i,.'',..ux..E}m- , (;404erich.. - - - • . - 4, M:1111JEMAN, - Kingston, 1 lth Aptil,-184. ; SOW Misses', Boys', BOOTS AND SHOES, ISES. CAP -FOR :ASH. '81.. INSPECTION -INVITED'. :Ca . . . 0.- KERR .311:, & CO. . 611131,r -OW MUSA. 1-1.t.i1 4 Fit I _1866. - w12 sw65 Insolvent Act of 1804. -'• RS. J.- C. SblITH will open -het blillinery edablishment, in the In the inattei of John IV. ljlouinian In- stand, fornierlYr. -occupied' by Parker & • - - Cattle,- Parson's Plock, on Or about -the THE _Creditors ofthe insolvent are notified that .12th. of ,efrects, under the above Act, to me the .sinder- signed Assignee, and they are required 10 furnish-, NioitTGliGE SALE.. me, within two nionths from his date,lwithl their - claims, -specifying the secunty they1mikl; if any,. - • - • _ . he has -made au Assignment ot his estate and- • . 8W61 .- . VOR Sale lots 42 an 43m 1th Con ofjbe 1.: Township oflitille 2.69, acres,40 acres aru cleared, and there isa I e tiny flame house on situate on the Gravel Road 11 miles irons Gode- the place. Tue land :_ist. alt of -excellent quaint' rieb and seine distance from clinton. "the land is chnieto the \Tillage 01 Manchester: Thewhole 250 acres or either halt with or without clearing .willebnendsisiposor eigieofw. 601-gisapol,' _ rash _b--aviapee in fite ye.trs. or in several ye..trly- payments at op- tion . it not Sold sooner" this property -wilt be of - •feted it public Auction hitG. M. Truentans ro...uns t - - - -Gederielk on . 124 Vey,- at noon: For fu.theipertitailareapply on the, iremises; or to -- B. GORDON, Golerich. wiktd and the value of it ;- an d iroono_ stating the fact 1 I Under- a Power of Sale coin:tined in 8 Gielerieb".17th Aprih.t8f36. . ..- 1 Villaire ofZurich in the Townshi of Ha - in support ofsuch elaiiiis. Dated at Gciderich in.the County of Huron this _,__..o . the county of Huron, Mary -Aon Hofele his p y, in -Twentieth day of April; 'SM. . _ ce. of debarring her dot,* detault.having been . - - - i- 8: roLLocK, , - Wife,"(being a party thereto for the pupae .1. B. CORDON.'" . ' - . • ' - made jil the due payment theteof, and notice - Oilicial Assignee ter Huron drillrit '- Solicitor tor tniolvent. - • f • . : - , - - • . • been given to -a parties interest 1-t, ere will 131* - be • . 11 - " • ed h - - ' - the whole attested: under oath; with me yoachers , . Mortgage -made by Bernard Hofele c.f the • be solo' on _ ' FOR SALE OR,. TO LET. Friday; the 18.di f A.D.-1866, a. t 1.0 o clock a. m., at the Village of -Zurich, - , MIOR Sale or to Let lot No 8, 2nd ednees- . _ in the Township of Hay, County of Huron, L Bien -township of Goderkh, with goodd the tollowing property namely, Lot number , dwelling hoilse And out buildings, and goou- thirteen ills!), fourteen 04), - the Town orchard, and a never failing strearad three fift of an acre in the Vitlageof.Zurich: THEBoardof Common &hoot Trustees of bekring, extend the time for receiving Tenders for lay. farming utems. a of Goderich, has resolved ' running through the lot, Also the st,-.117 an township of Hay, aforesaid and County of uron. eed under power of sale in the Central School; - • Apply ou the premis_s to ROBERT JOIINST Mortgage.- • _ono- a Floor, loc., on the Second 'Fiat ofthe TERMS OF SALE CASH. lOthi 1866 - Groder c p , ' • ' April,18th, 1866. td• w13 applying to t,he undersigned: , ' WM..3IACKAY, Secretary. • Goderich, 25th April, --,1f366. 1 ew69 2i- tin noon of htirsday 3rd Maynex , STELCK. • Plans and rSpecifications can be seen by • - By Order of the Beard WI2 ONEYtoAlJoantato- Tea! was- rat. Di. C. CAMERON. ,Goderieb, • -ACENTS-•WANTED: MO Canvas for orders for Fruit Trees for the • Old Rochester Nursery, in. the Counties of Huron and Bruce. Monthly Wages given or a liberal commission allowed. \References required, apply, if by letter post paid to Wu?. CAMPBELL, General Agent. Goderich, April 27. 1866. --w14 3f MONEY- -TO LEND oent on improved Farms, and no charges iirlde against the borrower. - -, Apply to D. Stl_A.Dt GOODING, ' Barrister. - -West Street; Goderich. April 26th, 1860. 'id+ • TI: , FOR SALE OR TO TIENT. - MORTGAGE SALE. THE -well known Judge Falai, tot .'No. 8tli con., E. D., Colborne.. This farm is within -4 miles ofGoderiab,\there is 77 acres cleared, and -a Pante' house 'and bare. One half is clear of:stumps, and the ()the; lialf f 9 to 4 ears chopeal and hat neve been _ ploughed) there are also a young orchard of 158 trees of the best amortment of fruits - a good well and pump -As to, terms, ac. apply to - PATRICK CARROIa 'Colborne. Nov: 30. .866, w45 -1m • RY virtueof a Fewer of Sale contained in a AP Mortgage made by Jacob Hunt and wife to Valentine Boehler dated 25th February, A. D., 1863. • All that ierteia parcel or inlet. of Land and "realises situate lying and being hi ,the Villige of Egmondville,, in the. County of Huron, .contannog by admeasure- mentone quarter of an sore of Land be the •Mtnie more pr lees, and being composed of Viltage :Lot,,number Three smith side of Stanley street iii_Ejmondvilleeforesaid, and the buildings thereon,,will be Mild byPublic Auction at Brydon's EgniOndtille, OD FOR AL- • Tir the'village of-Diinniten, Lot No 48 at - :Minister of-the.ehnrch,of England.- . ..atinti. : .- _ . -.: .5. present orcupied by _ he - Rev. Mr.,: aunt easy, .-apply to . -- -- _ . - _ . -. - mtg._ MAI'LfERSI St. Ilcbns: wlltf D I N Saturday the. Twelfth day of May at _ _ 13 of the clock, nootr.i - Ternts*-eash. Peed under.Poeler of Sale, - . b. G. DITIUGIIEY. Soliertor for ittiortvilee. Seaforth, 28th April, AA, /866, If14t4 CI WI Nt's.' to the Abrodation of -the ReciProcity ki Treaty, many.4 hmpers will now be looking out reliable agents in ontreal. : The under- tallignsednehhIli.2vre tevalfidstaelle!coef itILEeaTzl,UsTv. Liphresif:Sear:Rieeess. i3rTTEE. LIKEESIS, 1,0AHS LTBAVIS. &cei Wee- -They have also* specteI ailment tor LEATH...- ZS under the maiagete t an experienced Sales112,an. GALla fit Co., Dorn ision Merehauts, viS 2mosstap . Montreal. . . OR S LE .'" • WANTED e fro 'refit. a Grist 31ill, or a alteation- la Mill, hv -Apply-to B.. Goderich„. F. 0.- Goderich, April 2341860' Insolvent - Act: of 1864. In the matter of jolts Smith an Iitiohlifir; • rrliE Creditors of the Insolvent are notified I. thin be has made an_ Ass*nment •othis estate ant efiee•a under the above Act,16 me; the -1m,, dersigned Assignee: and they are reluired to lin- nish.rne, snthm two months. from datesiels their clatmS,specifying the security they hold„ any. and. the ye -meaty-- and if none..statiug the' f•ict ; the whole ett&e:1 -under oathi w4ie_. the votiebe_rs in support orsuch claims Bated at Goderieb in the County of litgou Tarentieth direr &prii. 1866 S. FOLIDOK, . . Wien! _Awignee for Huron 45i Bruce. - J. 8,',',GORDON; Solicitor for Insolvent. wi32w r OTS Kos. 485,4a6,569. 570 running Nes. 1.4 actuate on Si. Geor Ts; Creseent -tn the er Town. of Coderich. The hove Lots are beanti- -fully situated, conimandi g both a. Bmrer and Lase view, comprisine, about one acre ot Land, •teel private residence. t?, r price and terms ap- plyand directfornil nt og it th very dreg: tir;o: i e _sitnationsellte 1 na ngde.n -_ - Jolipi A. pa.LLANDER, - 40 -Quality Si., -Leith. OrtoitORACE HORTO , Esq., Gode.rich: -Godench,13112 April; 1ti6. *v12t; t" O. _ pug Court ot Revudoti for the Township of 1. Usbortie,:will be held in the Township Hall on TuPsday the rtht of May, commenc- 1 ing at -10 o'cloek, A'-: ,- for the purpose of hearing appeals against Aisee.ment, and -re- fitincrlhe Asaelsment II for saidTownship. - - ' WILLIAM' EDMOND, - • _. ., Towing? Dierks- -• --g borne, Ap:ii 12E111:U66. w12 3 - ADIFElt11-8.15ME-211. British- . en PREMIUMS TO NEW SUESCRMER8t THE LON 001% ialJAIITE114 Kb:VIEW. Cuseervatere4= THE EDINOURGHREVIEW *AT - THE WESTMINSTERREVIWW (Radical THY BORTH BRITISH HPVIEW IFterA(hareba.) J • ASD BIACRWOODPSEDINBURG1131A64-2111/EtTory, TERMS FOR 1066: PATABLDJN U. Sv-DITRREry., • e oranvone et the Iteriews fferittuym. For aat-two :Intim Reviews 1.00 Forwiy three of Hie, RevieWS 10.011 For alt four ofthe Renews 11.00 - ForBlackwoodIs Magazine.. 4.00 a ForBlackwoodand-otie Renew. 1.00 t ForRlackirood and any wo of ibe - Reviews . •• ; 10.00 ForBlaekwoodend threenf the Re views13.00 - - If ForBlackwoodandthefouriteriews 15.00 - TheinterestotthesoPeriodiCils to American maiml issatberinereased than diminished.,.by Aesthetes they e.ontain on onrciritWer.and. though sometimestinged withpreindice, they may istfiL ceasidering their great •abdity-and the different sand nig-from %thirty they, are •wrztten.be readiuidsunk with advantage by**. people -of thiscountry,orevery creedand_ pony. Weii2iume to New ;Sstbseribers. New zubseribers :to any two oi- the Aber. periodicals for 1566 -mill be entitled to veeen-e, gratis„ any wire of • the .4c_Four ;Retinas" fag 1865. New subscribersataall ofthe'Periseli. ears for 1860, receive, g111188,88Y li08-01 ",Fortriteviews11.-for 1865, Subscribers may also Obtain -beck ambers at the followitigredueed rates, viz: -Blackwood from September, 18114,. ui .ltecein ber, 1265. inelasivefat aerate --01-$2.51, a The 111-ort6-Britak from January, lest, to. December, -11365, inclusive; the .-geliailorrAifisi1V. the WeatarneisterfrourApnl, 1664,1oDecesehea, 1885, inchonve, and the Loudon grraresoli for: the year 1865jat .thcsitteolS1,50-ayear foe vas* or any Renew. • ' _ ' fl A -few woke y t lemaRA -61.11 aiso 70aft, .Revievfot18b3at$400 eitet, Or $1.50frer 44% ,one, 14.7.0NARD SCOTT-8re° I • - _ - Jr 11....3J441.4110, ;6.1 :4SIN0 1••11 .--lio-48•WalkerStre0Pleyelferts • . -• . , -;.t• "Ir.S.,*-00.Jasopillingit the :L-11.4,41)1ER3SEMPF, By., N gass.Royal --Oetavoj: nameressUigrarings. Taireatrioro•14;woo1uiae,-bv Mail, •••••-