HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1866-05-01, Page 2•
, .
TlLICR-TAISTAIR7 bY 9 P. 'same day, -and rettiruing lower unrehtme Iva proimbii -he allowed head with a aide, Me. 13- l'ew his right boat whiehlied beee launched to the rescue.. 42-0a. The gigs fla
- h• TI b the nasal organ, whereup rthd . eanothOr moment and he woilid With his l'exceetling $4 pef
to -come to this city: soon* There has been a lieemtn and gave it to t; 1.13..0, oi(y sneceededin reaching it almoat exhaust- I government, as to be
can leave Toronto add be at home the
• - ••••••••••••••••• " • ' "
. 7
same day. The Railway Time table to -110 isense aineag-..1 ern. le attery art
-14 - ee •
flowed rapidly:down tbe stairs and the ru e• companion h f 'd - 1
eve oun a watery grave.
---r--. -. _ - - ' racks are being put in ordei for "the use of the
4- Mail., Express. _Mixed. . - f
' Th. teainer' The general- inipreseion is that the (1.' B• C. -could riot s en named Ityard and•Mulrooney,
: Oodenek. „'..dep 10:03 Ctn. szogium,-3:toip,iii...
: t•huieu-....... 10:30 =, '. 2:30. - ' 4:00 ' r
' Goma tairi. - • ' -- . be reund elsewhere has been- arranged: bontd othetilth but it is. ihoujht tikey Will of:the alobe remaineCinaster _ of „the' fi id, -He fearC. bat: two.. of. the 'Workinen,_ whO
, .
- peen r fetencito a safe connection not e use . tor some Me. - • # 8 . •
at Goderich ft in Northern ports., and we , E_Inpire CO 14 eel) ..fai , ' ''' the GeV. got %Omit deeerved,-Toriego Ciorresil ndi' -.Wive peris 'ell: 'It' ii -auppeSed that in ,all
- - from eight
' ..--' ..,. • .., - •erurnent for'quarautine.us6 , _
• Stall -nth. 10:50 2:63 4:35 ,
Carom Brook.. 0:03 3:10 4:5•V
11:20 3:25 13:2t _
arr ri:50 4:60.
- • .
• Donato dep 7:00- a .rp. 12:30. a.in . 3:50 _p.m:
. Stratford-. s. a, Or- 12:50 p.01,.' o-.10 Link
Ooderiekt. arr 3:00 11.25 •
k 1:04 '1:00 :
arr 6:45p.m.10:00 -
- vo wasr.
Hamilton Times. to ten persons were drowned be -
Ma arrived.
on runs wild -in attempting to ur•
- foie the b
.know that i is: the - intention, Of.I kr.7 : - -
- - - - , • a 411. - 1
a route, whioli must :preve' fbeneficial • to . . _ - DE, coil:II:not:ea
= '' - Ou Saturda morning !est- aa the 'halt THE DETIt01; • -rDiYe-°trItta,"
I -the merchants -and people kenerally pf the . : . -- • y . .. . por.i.A;NIND,luIlliti,WslUKHli, . filled with
County or Bruce. Now hat a really first past ten train . war coming West on ,the - --• .
. - • ....
aa 'ounce
rate boat has been secured few the coait the 'Buffalo and, Lake 'Aaron branch -of
. . . .
the G. T.' R., the !Irvine ran into a team
route; we _hope to see her patronized even: 0 _ .
• .
Any '
seed; iatported, by- the
-SW at the price not
• -
itimate of the fearful loss.- The ; _
T.Lig.0ourt of Re-vsion for :the tOtinship
.11ilwaukee tomproly are of . of l'uckersinitli Iva] he -held at Lopes
eaviest losers. Hotel Village.of &Ablate -ion niday the 18th
- Their Depot was
aluable freight of all kinds, net of May inst., at the hour of ler. o'clock in 'the
ilrydgea to do all in his power Le promote. - Itgawswiair Ateeldant.. '
.e. e.t.a . • - • • of .horees at CainevOle . station - beiovt
Ji - bc ond the most 7 sinviiine expections of
tints Oil telvig*Frii Y - . e' . - B
• . . a I ,
hare. rant or ... rs. ikeni,..an e er y a y
f ' d 31 I; ' 14 1 I d
s . _
t .,., , . the enterprisinm • proprietors who
and a Mr. Clerk were kilted, and two sons
i. risked- a large investment ia her. . .
- pf Mrs. L. severely, if not fatally wound-
'VODERIC1.4.1;.: W., May ,1, .1866 - '... - - - The horses were killed.. It. isi re-
.,--,,-,...-__ ; : • - :.1 • `.. . ..._-__ Goderlels aild earnis Ittiette. -- -et
• . . . 2 -- • pitted:that the engine diiier did.net blo*
. WHIT NEXT t '.. . 'Messrs. GC, Rumball .& 'Co., .hase his 'whistle,•but- we hear that the -,_aceident
. • . .
--Ilaving,gaide a complete fizzle Of it at
Eastport,. the renians have fallen back
upon their "base , of soppltesi-the pill
. manufactory _ of .New York= and • at is
quite natural for us to- enquire, .. what
next ? will We be treated to=tt fresh bateh•
of sensation spivehea, :man fresit Volume
• •
of, threats, Tallowed by a des:cent, upon
one of the uninhabited Islands- of the St: 1Ietel April 3, 1866, Present Thomas
*more to say about her. ' •
. Lawrence, or will‘the thing be abandoned -
bought the steamer Bonnie Altaggiepwhich was eaused . by the fratitiousness of the
. .. ..
it iz their intention to place sr. the Got1O-- horees. which Were draFti ep top near the
staunch little vesiel; -well known ip-meat.
rieh and Sarnia,- route., The Bonnie ii-a-
tinin approaehea. '
track and liceime unnuniagable-jUst -as the
. . .
of our readers -as she ha,s been plying he-.
, .
tween this port. and. Southamptioa. and
. -
:-will-be a valeable acquisition to Goderich
• - on the proPosed route. The time table will -Oonneil :met according to : adjourn -
appear in a fetr dap wben we Shall:have-. m9n. t a -i • arna i n r!' '. Tur-ner 8
- Sinipien Esq, Iteeve;Dr.:WoOds ,Deputy
_ -
u a hopeleis task ? The action taken The- 1114.tw Tone Table. . Reeve Messrs M. LI...Gardner J Elliott
by_ the- American Government, and ' Thos. Baird. - -
the conseqnent slit:grin of the; Fenian In another place we publish the new
Moved by N. Woods, seconded by 4.
authoritiesleads us to incline to _the beher time table of -the G. T. R. The arrange -
Elliott That in accordanie-with tin vote
tliat. very litth more will: be heard of . the
awful fellows *ha _were to eat us up so
quickly. In . all probability the wbrst
- they can. do, henceforth,' is_ to cause a
further expenditure. of money, by Canada
in watching ihem. The- following, ire
a New paper,; The ' Tribune* id
worth reading:- .
ment is -a beneficial one- fee our citizens, ,
taken on the 'tavern queston Meisre Mee
ai under it -they have three trains a day, :
Donald- and Roily- do, net .rebeive any
and Wleaving at o'clock, p. ni., either lice_ _ : .
nse inasmuch'. is the full. numbet..
Toronto or Buffalo can ibe reaehed the
al\ lo.ived by Law is only .14,e-•••Catried.•
same nightoind vice versa.. We' have the
'. Moved by R. II./Gaird.ner,--seconded by
assurance: 'from- the .authorities I of:. .the -.1ft
..1-: Ellicitt that!) C. MeLeol shall have up
Toad nat. tie: Pains -.will' b . - • •
-.e spued t° Sir. , ta the tsti day of :Line 1866 for completing
dui° everY,travelling facility to the peCipie -
his buildines itfac rdane.e With 13 -1,21r•
whieli-was saved,' Their coin: foren9011- .
, te rom tne .1.fectatt Oreeettesie). ahd t cket cifficea destroyed;;Viitti - )Y.11,141..331 Mean,
A few deYs mOre than eix murices aao it nal er *near all their valuable contents-. A • - Toe/whip aerie;
was our painful duty: to chrelliele tbe-iof . be feN scatter ng papers and some bookie were
Tuckersmit Mayi 1.1t, 1866. w14 St
-fire of the•Central 7reight dep t, iaken ti thrown froM the iindowi bf• the -
- - - - •
this city.- To -day We annoi ince anothe and brick buil ing, but nothing of velue- res Garin ,A rrilPINIDENIT
comparatively inure- terrible loss, inthe Mire cued. Th'ir depot and freight building are _
destruction °litre depotegl offices o * the nop mas or blackened ruins, presenting a
Detroit & .Milwisukee --ehigau So thern deplorable icture of the horrors or a conflag.
roads. At the Central eery the freight de ratite, F om twelve -to -twenty carte itiost of' • -
• F ' -
depots, wannrg :rooms, ticket . offices; tele- eau Southern are also • losers to an enormous •
• • FO{..it 186,5. •
• • Tile: •
ABSTnAcT tIPEN121t1;RE Panes&
15oVensinent 31unleval Loan
Fond.. ° 3638.00 •
County rate 348u4
Public schools.- 1;1, 3630.13
For Municipal purposes4034.66t!
D. . Tata - • " $tes27.411
to balance trim : • • 462AI
tiOVATSIMent sist00
'3C:dui:Receipts ' $4244.if
" " - .0r.
. - +eiCtiers>
.otfieerir salarips. - att
parti4et suffered; here everytbing -a-wept: thenfpaCk d with freight,- were consumen, TOWN' OF GODEtitt
"' F
--away. Freight depots and Aces,. paeseriger _end others were badly damaged. -The._Mielne
of this section- which, if carried oat
"01111altoney's Fenian fah-fic neje totter-
- " • , and that the Inspector be required to
ine.a- end shewssymptoais of a speedy tumble; Pea boon of no mean importance. - - -
* and alreadeorys of 'stand from under' are - • - _ _ e - give to_ Mr. McLeod only a' provisional
-beard on every side. The Eartport 'fizzle' THE WEATHER : duringthe past few License which shall be candled if the
days lids been. eetremely-•-disaerehle - buildino• be not completed in , tuns, -Cat-
. , and..th faIse rumors of imagi-nary eipecii- 1
Awns. despatched to equally imazmary: for- a
. a
tressess have proved a -little 'too inuce for as cold almost as •ia midwinter. - As we fled: „ •
• •
even the credulous Feniansi tendon every wit* en.' the. first ee Mai, the hail es Moved,by Elliott, seq., byIT. Bair
liand there -are murniurs off disatisfaction and • - •
sod disgust. mr. Kim -meg .dietematie phrase. ratkimg agattist oar windair., vegetation Thatthe. Clerk to *rite tO -the county
okay basjost its-ebarm 4mobiliaing the has made no. progres3. N;virration Treasurer/aiking for a list elands liable
funde it generally looked Ution-as-a barely comm. enced and in - *SahOrt things' 'for sale for Taxes _in - the.- -To. wnship of
The. mothers of-fhe %an rem" on at the ' '
tourt of the Head Centre, has :sensibly dint wear a verY "bIuet appearance, generally. Stanley indicating /the amount due on
. .
inished, and the visitors to that Fenian cen- Itia to he - hoped, ho*ever, that- there each, the yeAr for whiCh due ' and where
tre of attiaction are for the meat pert ind4- wm. be •bi • - '
0.2 practice e distinguishir. whet er for
bl • • h -
a• avora e chanoe ere Ion
nanti boral-hoIders who feel that .they have ' • °.
beeu- duped,. :and as may be. naturally wee., _ SChool or other 'fax -Carried -
ss -•...The London Saturday RerieW 1r •r% Tr I _ tri
expected, arety no means choice or elegant . - • - e.s.01reu MY' axr rr 00‘413) See. •u3-, a. -.Dalin, log around to,aseertain its meaninge hi saw est and most reveeted fdopeers of the towa.
graph offices, ducks . ateL huildings Ot levery amount. Their depot' alao coritained large 11$65 : . ..... -TAXel, De. • ..: Lit.
freigh.t ' lie; this morning, . in ene i?lack.- veriehed; -
Smoeldiering . ruin. With: 24hese,- too, is a tut in ell_
large number .of freighecr.italoaded: wit • flier- were *cone
-chandise, te complete jtealo 4. paiiiene cats _ eight freig
•made upfor Grand ttaeen. and "Milweukee, Great Wes
-aed a number „of ethers statijing 0n. the side Their depo: hart never been so -crowded with
tracks, .biit feW being saved 'and these n the gouds is a t the lime -whet) the, fire occurred. .
leaieeepoeedaituetions. 9,....areely. un thing The ill -fat d ..Windsor had been engaged -all - .
Was seved tfom the offices; the -flames s!read . day it brii ging over heavy • loads of freight,
ing• with such fearful iaeidi le that the em. and extr gongs etinen had been empioyed-
ployeee, in Berne instances, were harely,..able -to store- the Meicliandize.. All; has- perish,
to eseape with their lives, - -- - - --- ed - - . . .
,Tae Wenn was fitst given' about 10.0 chick BefOriethe-flemee had epread fir, and whey lila - .- LICENSE'S. • -. '
by..the heavy whiltle or a Steamboat aoutiditee confine% to the paesenger -.depot on --Bruiill March 1 To If Craig remjtted = - -
y for. _ sreet, e dog • beiart-reeding spectacle of . - ' • se .,- •:, .; 1000
lurid the ,eve ling occurred. 'Fourteen- or fifteen Aug: 25 ..1.1.. ---Wright flo
into meo. •tekritild. by the sudden" breaking out Of . ' .billierdeable... • • 15.(0
the air, lighted the streete if squarea Armed the iteet, leaped iota ..- the river and floated ' . k "4111 etreepra--lielonse._15
end broeght the -steamers te the spot•A The down, drifting with the current, hialding on.. ' • . - 4 Livery stablei.
streets in the vieieity -were meantime, filling th -pieces •of bOardi boxes or - anytging . 9n - . 1 Beeare table!.
description,- liesides nii-emilense amount -of, piles Of fre ght;all of which, evith-their offices, Jangy 21 To M. b. -came on,
robabiliteabe more valuab'.e oiibs march2!-- - Tit virmill'h°P 1i° . .1?"1
Seine of -1 the" books weie-saved
med. ,. taxesi-emitted• .*.e.- • 5.04
'Vol-. also hmt sev-q° or •APril 10 Co 'Treaacsurer itelk - 44
t cars leaded with goods. The. - - taxa.. 4 4. 4: "*. '',:.'i • 265,54
ern -Company are heavy losers; .July 21. . C. Hutehinseatai. ___*.
es remitied-... 4... -50.uo ,---
Bv cash baleace ot tax.
' es tor 18f4. .. . 8484.19
. back taxes...! • .. 265.I4
Friating and t Ivortisiu.s„, id*
' texsil
' •••••••a ••,• 14•00
Writ • Jeaa.• !JO • • • • • 1.1A0
: Apparitos sr' Prizet...; 264. .
Snntirws rti Fuell036111;
ittrifice 87.60- sundry
parties36 ,
• Vaal Eapenditure:.„.
By balance to Ait
*Ms.*" ism*
L London England, estalblisbed`in1189,-Ona -.-
the oldeit,:largest and best officeil Canadi. : ".`
11COROV1NCIAL liNSURANVE toil jany::61
Canada; Head Office. Toronto. W11 tarte -
rniks on Country and •City Property, .
risks taken at as low rates as any other *retch*
- statute labour. . 135,12 ofikeir •
eiices !or AO. .21-14.34 411-014/ka 110-112011;
\ To Balance.. . • . 4..4126647
11593.1 9 1169919
$20,000 4ardcallortwiefe zttirie
440.00 interest retained in advanee. .
40.00 _
_4;00 '3odericht karch-311411366, AgedLsW10
fire I fire I- tire 1 lythich was immediate)
lowed by the bells of the, city, -and the
flames- at the same time shooting • high
up with dence erowds of petple, attraited by which they could-lay-he:dd. ' . To Balance .. 864.00
Seinertecar... • -
the magnitude of the wefts atiou. 'Just as we are going to press, w;iel) learn
- 16"-°0 688949 NORTH - TISH
out in a I directiolis shot u *Ward wra ping in' the Detroit•ind Milwaukee freight -depot - re NORTHERN RAVEL ROAD CO. , . 131131. _ .
• •
gigantic Cyclopean 7 -forge from which. u. was seen - to -:beleakirig slightly. . teteed- h bo 69 44-
Hugel- lurid Baniee, fork og end briiiteliiiig front a reliable vette that the.fire or- intited :.,
.the mires:in-tiding buildings i'll -their terrible through te. barrel containing Oil, naptha or •IonRy 1 To -amount f..;19terest • -. •
brace then milled and mire} , like aolne ben ine -which- - as healer koolled out lied : - ' Aites teWO-1- e. .. ---2461...133
. .
eiri , . g e , w , .., . • • _
deece-voluine of -sinoke r. lied off, -gemmed art came near with a. light,_which he' care.' Dee 1., .BY mown Pfeealt at . .
• ----.. on t e a ye.. e . • . . . .
' -de do • do
and sparkling with 'diadem had -embeis from leas'', _passed above and near.-- the. Iiii-rel to - sundry dates. ... , .. : S115.45
h, b tibl tit te i 1 f d u o Stieem i h at e fit ()menet when the Dec 31 To Balance i.... , .....-584.18
Insurance 00.
but- without perciptible elfet for smite mtn- work of destruction. was. betrun. Its' result, • •••••••••••••••••• ••••••••• ..•••• •••••=••••, --
'of water were Poured into he bureing aseaping gas ignited and- in an instant the, „ - TAILIsliel) 1809,
• . $3115A5 3115.45 CLIITAL 2,000,000, STERLING-.
Fire aDepsi,rtniint.
INTUR.A.ZkICEs effected on ell. classes 01
_ - .1865- GOITEKM4
• •
utes, and "attention, m the meauttffie, was as we have seen, is tae iota . • FOND.
I destruction- of'
••••••••••••• •
called to •the neeessity ief Sarin°. the adjaeent all the effieee and enelosures of two Litelort* Joie)! 10 To laneeeluelteceiver
of houses betWeen Brush and l3eaulmeii streets .of the leer. • , Petee ' Bet:elver- fIeneral due ,
building,s on 4.twater strew., die entire. iow ant railroade, at the busiest thne atid season - Ce petal ieir 1863.,... 1319.00
- in 1 • • 01•11..4319.00
beine saved wIthilifficulty. -
• • •-• • •
liemost contradictory r liners are afVet • /-
statement made to our repo ter by one of the' --liter Escape. -
as to t eo g e ae.
workmen on beard the !Wi idsor we belteve 1865
followine V be ibe 7eal__facts , a(FronktitelockPoY! (N4/E) "TParnal.) -A4 6
h ri in cif th disci t r Fro a Forceble AL actions)! a Tonal;
.rit'elf 19 By cash paid Receiver
denerst.i...•• • . • • .:5633.00
' t S5638.0e--56e8.00
MARItET,RENT...„ --.
To R. & J. Walker forte- '1
pairs; •-• . 14.16
BalanJeef Whiterys •
worketan sales 1 that he ries the frOght A"letter in Newlanie furnishes. us. the' par.
depot of the Detroit'and Milwehkee Railroad; tieulars of,a very novel end exciting' adventure,
taking a driuk orwater, when he heard shine- which took pl4e recently in that town. The _
tliker like an explosion- behind Tuve parties add their families beloeg tce the olde
inehe use Of expletives tearartts the powers
that-berii the Moffat ma9ttion. The- Fenian
Tolley of the- Fenian wArriors luta produced
the well known effect of 9lope deferred'. and
it is extr-e-mely doubtful, whether even
Stephets, should ,he atteeipt_to task, would
be now. ahla to enkindle- the old 'enthusiasm
or ewake the1y-gohe excitement lathe cause
of Einianism. The..Fetstport bttsineis is now
regarded as silt= pits, even hy the pro-
pnetors, and the harmony of Fenian councils
and the equanimity or Fenian tempera are
Considerably disturbed by the disastrous con.
sequences which have follewed the issue of
Cenadian invasioni The actors in the farce
slpwly returning, and the. pest raid -will
be on New York.. ,Imorder coyer the (Ifs-
' 'grace which, attaches to them from' the false
rutnora of armed stettadroes which had no ex-
ieteace; whatever. -Fenian. orators say at
• their meetings that thei ace net- to be. held
responsible for newspaper- reports, bat in the
case of the late armed expedition. of fise iron.
clad steamers alleged to, have departed from
New Tort for the -Bermudas, it- may be well
testate•thar the information to' that effect
was sunplied to- the different -newspepers by
the Union senate officials, and wes not a ree
portonal fiction." •
. .
• Tate' Gotterilki Sasigeeit
• - Roafe. - •
On Monday their* Elite; the Silver AS:pray;
Capt..P. liowan„ arrived in pert, te take
sp her route IR e.emsection with the G.
- It between Goderich and Santliamp•
ion as sood 'as the Northern 'Ports ire
clear ori..f When it was announced thht.
the Siray had arrived,:finite a number of
citizens proieeded it) the. wharf to inspect
ter,: find the general decRon- was that- she
was just the boat far the coasting.trade
ItatIoeelarge, andyetremarkably staunch,
and sure,with ample accommodation foathe
passenger andgoods trate of the -route for
• vrhich she intended. Raving inspected
the boat carefuliy,.we hare' erery . reason
jo. be pleased with her.. - Ilei Iengta'
'455 feet over all, with .33 feetfr.tonaage
113. She is proPelled by side wheers, the
engine, ofcourse being outhe low pressure
triueiple. The- geritlentert's ea,.in, be-
low decks, is commodious,- and ,theladieS,
cabin above it, is Pad up in a very ele-
gant Manner. The- pronien.ide deck is
One of the_ finesi- we have llier seen on a
boat of the size, there being an unusually
Inge ciar-apace, seats being arranged the-
lebgth of the boat on eaohnide. For
excursions, am., we :are *Sawed thereiwill
te aiapie room for dOil passengers, _Spry
• Appeisitirt retinue:a ois a first-class boat
bees aitended asd when ye men;
tion that Capt. 110.. Rote= masterl_
- think tbe patio Min Ilea no- further u;
soave. that it is the intestimi Of the pro.:
prietois, .J. V. .Detlor 00., to- meet the
:wants! of -their patrosi is every respeet.---
parser, *Mr. !Naos. will iiidoulited
ly endeavor to pieise nit 'who mal..patran..
lee 11ser vessell either with.freight or ...as-
plaringers. The :±gpavzi- **Woof new„
_ laving been built only. 15i mantha
fAast year she sailed. on Lake -041i* be-
twenn °rarest° l'ort fj.hilhOnsie, .and
during one of the..severesitlitertna, of the
season ebe carried teee blls offlour with
perfect ease.e. Id addition. to these•, 'facts,
we may ntention that Capt: Rowan, (than.
Wheat better sailor is not to be found r
the Meat) est3ra 84. the'peit vete bpat he
ever eats: -Site much.larger than' the
Argue, tbe.bater being only 105 feet knig
says --"..The teleration and encourage- .Th B 1;ati be framed. rescindin& that teal was ofNewfame. he • hero of the -affair la tk
that- oil or some _other livid mate
portion of -Tavern By -Law which. fixes - Ile. went on board the boat and soon _ -after- gee:habits. The Oung lady.is the. dancrhter
east:, and was on fire:- lienediet, 4111900 Somewhet noted for his
mept - which are awar e e en an
d a' to th 2 - i• ._ -., - - .... , . . r, - _-oozing‘from a barrel_or
- - - . . • _ ; , 0,,
conipirators furnish matterfor grave cent- the aMotint payable.. to the' TOnttislip for ' wards heard the startling cry cit -bre \iingina of a highly esteemed_ widow, and hi described -
plaint; - When arms and ammunition- are License and fixing the stint it twenty 'dollars _.threuebont :the .leegth and.breadth.*: th°e. ai iin inteligent and leveatile girl. It seems
publicly collected for the invasion of a for each Tavern exclueive olitiriount payable depot:- •- ' .--
. . . - --. , - that on the :evening in queition2she atcepted
'friendly country, and while Atnericana are tO Governmeat,=-Cartled.- !'' • • - • . - - . So rapidly did the terribl i eleinent spread in opportunity tii ride hoMe sv-iiii him from
. , . . . .
publicly inuatered into -the service of the _Moved by J-Ellote sec. lik V Bald; -That lhat almost the -entire -teirg;=, iif .the tie,-ight Lockport, and when out of the suburbs of -
so-called Irish B.Opublie, it is ivoridetful the Clerk be requiredto aotify the Court of depot along the dock. Was o 17 fire beforelhe the elty, • he avowed • his inteetion of:driving -
Queen's Bench as to thereseleof action taken engiues were fairly -0a the •-•groiad - arid M to the Palle, tneantinie entertaining her with
that Americans should .still brood Oiter ..; -c 'Hence itith I writ _ordeting a new work, and from -the -first it . yes eeee that the -yebeinent protestatioas of regard, etc. We
the imaemary 'evil of a want'of Engliiih edliee,;°01,1:P.for
0 . Ward:, N 01, 2 Stanley, -,,Carried, most that:couid be done w is te 0116nel-the have only to inutenee tel. 'terror as.she vaiely
Sympathy. for the North i.n thelate ant moved hy-1` Baird,' sec. bill, H Gairdnee lire to th,: depot -buildings and t,liis- *as lone remoostrited. -- - ' ' - - -
_ /
War." .That thirty . dollars -be grantid to assist in :with the- greatest diffiealty arid • most h oic He met her .tears- with- ridicule lied the re-.
- ""ff, makine a* road opposite blifeolnue-Smith's exertions on the pert of the-fire:Men • monetrancei with scorn. till hapPily her last
Eildestee a-aiusi 66 Mike,/ -" -
expended thereupon bYthe iepresentattee of weaken -road had ;" made. uk," and wee_rait-• Feienine indifference; she 811Oeeeded- ie
- *ea 23,feet wittel, 'with a corra.sponding
- Tavern, prosided if the ty- *Ilium more are . The night express . on- the Oetrbit,-- Mil -resort - of -strateey - efreted hoe ' escape, .
' '
n • ..:...:••.•_. 462.09 '
S.-Sloane/3 rent in 186b 69200
By cash frOm M, Whitely - 462.00
do do -. Sainll Sloan " . 430.42.
APproprtation for repairs - H.-16 -
Balance due bv.I.Sloaue - 261.58
• : , i - ' . 4•••••••••••im. ••••••••"••
i .$1i68 .16 116836
To- amount cameo& in
18.0. ... . -.4 !..--4e.-; .2933.55
13y.county.trea urei &ed. -
it on Co rat : .1.e.... *2233.55;
$2233.65 2233.66
-COUNT i ES' RA.1.E.
To e'curity treasnrer non
• resident taxes.. ......2223.55
Bounden/. Lines. • •-• . 165:12. _
Cash . . . ; ..• ay . ;1064.57
By boundary- lines. . 166.12 .
Counties rate. (lesslhe
above)• . , . • • 3281.16-
" Interest . . . 11 • • ik 16:Q6
1 33464.14 3464 14
To Get) Bumbeill...::.. - 3.00
Coupons. • • • • .....432,00
By gash. irom sundry ,pe..r1
148:14 148.74
.- -do do Clert,'.div court 6 • '62.23
Balance.. '234.92
1 1435.00 435.00
To cash at -sandry dates. .. b4J30
By appropnation....... e1.90
- • --- $64:60 b4..-tr
20 fie eainuel ... 72.00
Bank discoeut on silver 17.26
, co Tres ?e-reon Co -rate 10.86
Coupons-3401nd cern-
debeetures•." .432.00
*N. Germ Road co '
-- that Toad as an ,equivolent from the- general. ilex- in -the-depot fortheengine, - There were hurriedq, alighting where a erm o e was _ -
grant so appertioneb,--Carriet - • • ; two 'passenger c?iiehes, a sleeplag car *ad -situated in ctese prosimity to the highway, • 1365
• 1
The Hamilton Spetator. says the politic
f ue
uthoritiee. on Fiidaylast,liecaine- posseased.. Moved: by, j sec. 'by Ganda mi b.aggage • earl.: -• triside; _It he .aiid-asked.- Vora the :eyinpuhitings,: inmetes •
ofthe following dacuntent, which faund . e rent n ely one'. hundred _tileeping cer was partly eectitpiect p en. shelter and protection' till the mortitez. Her
upon the person, orao individual in ,that city ' and -twenty doll or each, Ward for - gers, seine of -whimi had retired to t eir 'persistent cavalier follossed Imr,- and while
A Toronto April 24 rse4 --
Dixon, is a member ie good *standino• a the Ward --Carried.
- the year 1866 •fcir road improves:en:tea-id - When .the itartlii, alarm that the he was insistiog-to theigentlemen in another .
This is te certify t lat t erer, icha
e that no further special -grants be given in any .clipet was on fire svaigiven the wildest.- • ria apartment 01 she seou.d De given to his ,
sternation &availed on bci rd the train. A care, she,quiet y wok her depatture from the .
ved b N 'Woods, sec b ElliOtt,That mini- rushed throwdi the ars -arousher the front door and lunhitehing the. horse- drove
0 1865
oronto Circle of the Fenian brollierhood, m
established hithe aethority of the • IL C,for ° Y . Y
- . "MORTY MORIAlitY . °facet' in ward No4 . at .seeend : election be deers,- pushing -pad jarorning,..alnieking air, hind. In the ten Miles of her daring and ..
rf.31rdliAL -MIMEO, b. e."71,- - _ .If er and trampling theta under foot. Those ie publicity iii the Metter, but. 'murder will owe' -
'Casale:led by i Woods, lee. li. y .1 Elliott. That the sleeping car pushed fo ward to the •toe and the story tail passed repidly around, 1865
If the document shefuld prove to be eenu- • • • . • Feb'y
t t t e , . go . the opp si way. Mean. malace arid ignorant*, and the -emerinned ...,-
home to Murphy, it. wilt- be po_sitive proof • - • • "
the constable employed by. the returning. slopere, all or whom made a reab fric the eWaY, leaving hiniin bliseful ignorance. be -
America, jehn O'Haheny, in 1860. -
a Head Of Circle Tor'onto paid for 2 days two..dollas_and fifty centie- euVsing, the stronger overebeinet: the weak- -rapid flight, .she seems to hive ayoided apt" -
the returning officer he paid for holding sec ward -coach, Where -they We -0 met hi, those in -alloyed by verkiut degrees -of - prejudice,
ine and that -the siert-Mere can' be brought
ond election in Ward -No 2,- and ha - h the latter - -te ' • •
Iteeve be authorized V order said eiyineet tithe the flames, like 41 'thousand; hissinii-r- Bete.' arid defeated hero is about leaving the tea- .
that, es the.representative at a treasonabfe • constable,---- Carried. pinta, were coilingeheir iv r arotied tlie roof phiespl-his lost battle field -fer a more ctuiet
organization, he has beea plotting agaitist als'.°-P"mc°i i"PPcial
Moved by 11. Woods; see: bY Elliott,Thak tied ralter4 lickint their way anion, i•oste home in the 1)rrivoisin$ West, . -
. _ _ • Mr. Bresso be le?aid the-imopet ascertained and pilfarsLand envelopm$the duo:PA-
the government ter some tirne.
TowN oinwit it/ERTL-NG. to be ptid hint for- sta te lab ur fo 864, hin then. fiery folds. ense Yoluelv A, member of,tbe Legislature of .a ,
rights at moderate.mtes. - proms-
/ Pe • - - • .
Life Depaitmea. •
In virture ofthe guarantee affordaa ty their
large -Capital and accumulated profits, this
Company ean adopt. rates tower than atie
practible by anytother riffled. .
• to Farmers. -
Speciallow rateS have been madkforfarnt
'buildings and otherisidated riski. -
Tbe Midersigreo. having been -appointed
agent of the above Company for Godetieh
ate] surrounding country, will be glad 10 vs. ,
--ceive teroposals for Inturince in both branch+
es, and will always be ready to give in -forma-
. .
tion topartiee wining to insure. .
Win. RICHARDSON, iligent, •
. Bank ofMontreal, est -;-
Goderieb ray 1-st' 1866. • -7 awl.
• on arreare........ -69A4
By Balance•-• 46e-.68
• -;-.
- _ -
tu r 1 wit • ' •
.. . . _ it-havine been certified -to the council that he, sunike rolled thraugh- the avenues, and ith State lying 11eyotel the Ohio which is noted-
„ •
Dress°, had perforapiatatute_ labour, -Car- their &mond sister fire presented a friebtful fo i di de as 65
r ts vorce ma -e y laws when it 18 '
•The Town Council met on Frida ever
. . . .-• ,incture of impending dwell; cr,the frentie- was:lately • introduced frei tile purpose of.
lug last, present,- the Warden pro3iding in_ - !loved by g WoOds, _sec. by I Elliott,That crowd stregeing foregress.throeghthe ear- tightenini 'a little on applicants for the'sever- -
the. -absence of the: M.aYor from - towii 'Averle be gr
anted the sem of ten &flare row aperture Qt Meny rushed aide •Of the -marriage *Ale, '6 arose 'in his -
Councillors Seeamiller mcKay Runei to aid in- the support of her tinily,77Carried.. their assistance, and as fas as elle orte place" and -siid ; a Mr. Chairman 1 am "
, * $536.12 638.12
Tarelief to sundiy,peoiOns
, during the yeer. -
_ By appropriatiOn for that - •
_pupae, • . 476.46/
• ...,••••••••••
_ 1111E. F'ess cif the Godarich Market for the
J. ensaing year will be let by Public Auction
on T.hursday Oat the 3rd day of Mat. at the
. .
Auction Room of Mesas Small endtionisort .
at 12 o'clock nnoathe Purchaser -to find ' ten ' :
good and sufficent stirtiees foTrowthgei opai_ey:;zt
ofrent, tine months rend payrible in advance..
Goderiels, April ._28tb,18“. - wi.4. it
• .1Er .111/1\T 'JO IT II IM:.*
Is instructed by Walter Lawton,' Bsq., Woe
vincial Land Surveyor (who iit,about ieaving
- Canada) to sell by Auction at his resideecet
Aerie...the-Light Rouse,
Dederick oil Tuesday the 15th
1866, commeneiti,7 at 11 o'clock, A. M.,
Horton, and 'Clifford. • - : • for Stenley appoieted for the 'current year close behindi The-ilaaies came OraCkliug on, the way Icf the parties marlin a chylorce:
- . - • .Tfitili:Pdprryijo:pierEonitVe.s._411.;‘,-8.b.:112.146,42 47046! :the valuable" Household Furniture, cOmpriii•
Moied by R11 Gairdner, sec. by T emerged they were toreibl thrown from the opeosed to the bill befitre the House on !Fin-
_ ZS y
Caraeron,_. NeIntoeb, COXy • That the seveial 'respective Um:impel-officers platform to -make *ay r those folle,wing eipie. No_ difficulties should. be thro in
The Minutes of last meetin:7 were reaA be required to give in sufficient sieurity to • and woe the rear' end: -0e the Bleeping car avoice is a 'good thing -a blessed thing. - By alveoli for th fpurpose , 721.72 lug Per„te oeeB• W-• Jorge Poarde 1
and approved.‘ Th • • • • 'T •
• - • •
- - . , - -. - B.. W.' Dunne- v00111 Teble with slides, one-
. of Aped inst., -et noon. .. e hark to nottfy muds, begaino and mon ino ter aid. he personally divorced- seven times.- -1. tell !you , ' .
SALARIES. -. -' - - . cbaire, • 2 do rocking Chairs, 1Dinnee Bett,
.., ..., i $727 -.71-,72t.72 Doz Windsor nhairs„ a -,•quantity cane meted
The- chairraan explained- that the con/
. the aeveral offieereland the anteuet Of security window& were eineghed in, had one or- two it's a good -thing. -I advise you all to eey it . s - '''•
uppoin-ted ioSitiPly volunteers with boob; reqiiired from each- to b. e baded- il-Pon. lut rescued through the opening -thus Made, but before you .commit yourre . ,
' ' Ives on Allit bill
o . Reevean or before lion0ay the' ninth day took fire while. several p were yet !Speak from personal experiedee.- I've bon .
To J. Thomson T. 1:lerk . 269.17 . 1 CI3ina Tea Sett, Butlem Balmiest -
onionnerAssessor 160.00 tre Tables, Cloc .5 Coal_ oil intik., One
James Smadl }inspector. teem° Hall Stove, one,,partour atoee,_ 1 -su?tirior
C, Fletcher Treaeurer,..-160.te Table Oovers Table Maui, Tea isiCena
- - the 'di • • • • -
&a had dealt out some twelve pairs'each Years *eangements)-Carried•
rapt ty eith which he flames adviced_ There'l nothiee like experience "Mies° Ands Mackaft Collector 160.00:
or boots ant:1800k% _ • Moved bf N weed% -sem nen Taaird. drove away ail larteer asiisreece, end. t - metiers. Go ligine and get -_divrireed., and.
., ea: a- feared that several penahed. It is almost- then you'll -De in a -Condition to act iiitellegent -
Tbe Report of the•Auditors' wax or ' ' • • • . ' . certain that one Mir old an idea ith - ' • • • ' ' - ' ' • • -.1. MacLeod Belt Itutge-te100.00 Book rack, a quantity of Books, Brealtfialt
- nsr That the Reeve _ e .retpured 'to-
. . - ' public meetingto asoutaintheviews ef the rate P _ ip 1 ' !! ly on this bill. Mr, (Amnia% I ve raised _ .
&red to bc published; - - ' . ears and \ sickness,. and another, Mike; my warnine voice, and niv duty's. done and Table 1 Whatnot -4' 1 pair Demask wind**
The Report of 0h.ief Enhineer Fire the coastruction of a railroad feom London Heaven torgive, watin a beastly state ol ine so'nf I.'? - The hill -was defeated. e . -
, . . By appropriatund4„..; ... 989:17
-,-_, '
., , / --"r" Curtains with Cornices bide Titbit, *Lot .of '
-payers' iif -this MunieffialitY with- reference- to 9
a - P , tIg_••• 0 Sorn . wnshi to be in Varna tnicatiOnl, perished in the, Homes. ,Whe thee . ' ' - -- - - • • I-- - • 1865 ,„8 e. • - • . -
. pt.chet AERereog • - _Carpeting- of various kinthe G Bedsteads, -.1 ,
t . 989.17 „. . _ r
. .0 . . .
Bricrade was read. '- The onfilieer a - t e part in this3o
additional hose a d th I f l't • of April -Not carded. _
at ten o c oek a. m. ott Satur ay . the 14 dey
certained, in the fright and confusion 'and le - • - • - •
there were_othere lost cannot a.s yet 'be as. Iu what eolor should a secret he kepi ? ' Bureaus, 3 wash -Sum& and-- Toilet Stitt,: •
gested the - proprie of the purchase ot
n e sa e o _tie x• 9 •
s '
' ''' ' ' - fifty co ies of audi ' '
and ladders could be obtained in its. r 1 P - , ta e • P • - • - - ,:,
press Elloille if possible so -that hooks
p ace. - Moved by N Woods, see. by .1 Elliott, That
tors abstrae b rutted to. owr-another. So rapid wee the proeress " • - It
hurry ..te OScapei "bliattle attention was: ipaid .
of the hre that seme of the latter unes,ai the the St. Lawienee all, efo3treal.
be Mrs,..-Jeffersini Davis hae arrived 'at'
. .
Ref. to giro Brinde Com for distribution e-Careied.- -, - '
• sleepieg cars escaped oily partially clothed. -The Irish -People' riewspaper of San
- ' Uoved•by -It'll Gauelnee sac. by. Tleaird
• Rev: E L Elwood Was appointed Grain- Thateh *0 t: r • b - t d t'
a oun y reasurer e.- reques e - o Teey were completelyitupelied aild bewilder ,,_ • * •
rancisco iti entirely printed in ereen inks- -
- •
; Kr Miss israridee • the SenSatien lit -y:114 I
Mar School Trustee laplace of bit Themes- fereish statement ot details ebowing-particelar ea with the suddenness ef the entbarst4:
license ebb.. Craig; vii,-; te.5. per eent.:
the &Vey es or. betore the Ise day of:May.1866,
...7varrie . •. 4.- .,: b - •-• - .rd -• :Which lay. aloetsicle of the dee!, ie termed
shore iiear-Sa wich poin , Whether: she. was ....1*eAn'internation exhibitienal of Agricid-
r .. *1.:The-d3s.tli of the Earl of Beam tatup
. The ulual reduction was -made in
_ ' Petitionlrom- Jno MePherson, esting Moved by _T.Baird? sec., y !t. If_ G n
al er' t wait) Mee t eoramun eating the thanes toil laiplemeats and Machinery has been or.; .
tliat a_ polio!' of his license be refunded, That. this weenie, do- now adjourn- to meet- 0. - P e
to ether boats or docks own *goner Which ;ganited to teke 'place at Vieuna- in May
, . , ..
_in. consequeace of theiCommerciaI Hotel, at Mr Turner's Heotel-Varna, on MondaY the'
she. floated blazing pile ° the omit infirm- neXt. ' - -_
21.4 day of May at tett o'clock ii.. in. for' the
ocCupied-by hiin bising burned4own. The purpose of holding the court of eevision, and mable Material... Sfieetit i ted : within in or Ole -American COM licit in Melia 't '"
beginnine to bear, fruit ; the Ranee, brought
. Ace P. 0!Dea relief furnished $14.69 ' - . • 41°40'Kesico• - - I/ • - • ' • • ''--; ' ". ' back $350;000 of 6.20's, .aatt the Asia .1750i
w rah narrowly escaped latrine: : fire w en
.. .g. „
3 . I . ...Tow/Whip Clerk. - erhuman exertions,. in the no. - • - . -
after a.t.noet sup
Iu addition- to thee_ the- steanier _win , la to edit a new London Magazine. •
who has removed from town. of accounts between the Colinty Treasurer of
• d - - • • - t3 the wateesIgl e a id hes on the Canada et announced. - • - . • -
• • 1865
sum .of 75 per cent was remittA. . -for general purposes. - - - _-• . . eight feet of Brady's dock and wareh Uste -- • - P- m
'-was read had ordered to be paid. •• - face of the intense heat, a line was fast ned
.. ..
It Wasresolved that. no relief ,Ike grant- .
$ Y 0 liOre - • - _ . . - . .......• .. .: .- . *teenier rot . _ e :is prii y , a
was resolved to tity.pide phsinking on .: It will not be uninteresting to ilte readers of joie. . : -4 .-
t e Sidewalk arcnind the- square,- and re- the Tina: to be 'made Orem Of the faciathat • The abiolute Certaiety -that .-from "si
pair theither sidewalks. '. .. . - - ' . - the dispute betweep the lion. George BinentrielVe. human beings Wit. their lives on
A coma was.. appointed tO -Novo a and.hiii broiher Lisa ' been settled, and that oceesion es the *most -dep: °ratite limn
the eatittrophe. • In ad ition _to these al.. Forest, end after a smart hunt for it .by a . - - . - imicsirra,
ter whiehihe connoil adjourned. -: 1- tisind 'vigor. tne ealt9n81 Pone"- - The Ron, ready mentioned,. -eye . w tneeses State that .large browd of men.and boys
18011 !--.-wielts with hie-
wez ,brought -to --. TO -Wanda fro4864,..... imams
Torm. Ilionson & H. B.
atUouner 48.00
Returning Oificers..• • • 61.00
Auditors . . 24.00
• hones Smell. . 47.09. - -
Themes WeatOerudd... • 9 00
- Nicholas Doyle...-. .• 4:15
lgs;y5 Viockery and Glassware, one Sett Dish 4otd
BY $.----""1138.75 eacirsrl ch2leestil.ltihei:aru Hories a suPell°r Peat
- 81514liitIES. mg:rt.:mien:0T dri-,4$11"'
• .. -
TermsorSale Cash. - -
N. B. -The House ;solo tcnted,
Godetieb, April 27tb,1866. .
• several Toilet Stands, • one Bedroom Stove -
and Pipes. looking Glasses of various kind&
Onolina Stove, Kitchen Titles, Tin wares
• p. W. Moines torPet-
- roleuifi
B .Gordon: ',b.: • • 7065
24. 0 32.00
W; T. CotoP:inting. • 4710
Bent.-... • . • • -• 60.00
Ilavor for #Penses
1Setroit 23;00 '
Insolvait Act of 1.864.
• ' ffu4nd-Brycn:wponriso* nth. 11.15 the- Matter. of Thorne' Minim' lase. lien*:
tam .
that he bee raaie misignment °TVs.
Beeppropnation...;.... 757.80 ritHE Creditors of -the Insolvent ate notifiel
I *laud 7574° state and effects the above Act, -tb, =
tal drawn Irnm Memeo in three detachments ; To fines collectilEinle.itt.65. 'mu; e a the undersi iited Assignee ind they Atte -
el after this date, =kik; b th M .Personal tO her, and-- she was rowed away by the fr)e The French trooPs arteTto be with-
- to. and third November, 1857. • _
m 'lured ferniati pie Within :two •aiientla
first in November _next • aeoind in_ March, By cash froni•J our _
tee., oeise filie deer, fro„m .the'l woods:recently _
ABSTit4C- rOF ANI\iiitir;ii
ik=ig as """*": the ieenrity they hold, if any; and . -gsvalw-
agrA. of • .; and -if none stating the fact the.
- do Vf. White 12.65 Ng -from -this- -date, with. the-.ir claims,
• inade its appearance uethe villege of Mount,
FOR THE TOWN OF DERIOH FORUM& wh e attested under oatb,;With tan VoaCbent•
ihs pport of such cliiims.
tedM anderich in she „County *of Hero*
this twenty-eighth day of„April,„1866.
w14 Official Assignerfor Huron-1.9mM, -
Insolvent Aot of 18a,
nuinher or shade trees for the agnate at*. Mr. Gordon prowin
Government oolkTit grew
7 Mr. Br arn's resignatio_n ofactire daty in the theY saw several' JIMP f the -Win or bay and secured alive. -
Cholera News.
-edt.Orial chair wits matked-- by one of the - into the, water, Struggle r 'moment and Taxes coliectrdin .41599.19
'Licenses I. 800•00
, • lc • • 1 .1* Mte Grdely recently stated ,at dur
. most weightLand straing articles of mike sink to rise no more. 0 e Patric ca ro , . h - • trawls 119.66
\ •
Nor Yorltd- Apra 18., -.Dr. Swinburac,
he has ever en.the author.. It las 012 Mr.- with wlafen our reporterl CO nursed s ted t e past twenty.fites years -s motions
hundred.daily etvispapera h ve been Market rent. 892.42 -
No ern Gravel ft. Coop 1116.46
Capreol of .GeOrgiati `Bay ;Canal renown. 'that When the, alarm wa.s given on bo' ar the like Oie.
the tick wets transferred from the 'Virginia ..entered the sanctum where the Hon.; George. w o as is -q .. .0 a Mg,- _ e 9C - - • • '. •
if le v t le r ilildi s I th k thail- 6" arvive" Non resident taxes... .. . =1.63
,Bousery Lities(:_ .....-... 160.1S .
Maitland Ceraeurm..4,.... 200116
health officer, Publicizes a letter 'stating that Offendea ae-previoue st_rie.ture_ te_iier. c!apreol hmt au nie°65 of•eacoPe :- ere ea off- The Stetted-1'1*We*. Yrirk city, Of. whith not mote
been - transferred- ufider-:sliannaine ia ia. :lur°i:esia vortsbisaittniifogu,thavidin:red,uvatoiotiepeaninthoef
' works ' Grille boat •had already %Eat It thwz announced itt it Salt Lake- 'paper : G -re .
Was one. vest sheet o fie e,- afid,tilt( .... u 'Ter - - relie The ..-deathef a Mormon lishop is - BeTassebeoog rieadeoenniuto.t..7.........,;.,
exreeprenis. -
Inaba same- maneee in which ethers „have n _:. :.
li°ethifairldee:ffus7rent°efeightleetrellierdietisee-reselY, °tIlthierilmnothirtarhYileiithetnaL -11.iiniththhas- ' " GLiveeevu:nrnseedm::e.nd.te134....5:!A°
L.,a7 tenn, hale.as great as that Which- oeCar, 'Conine rate;4,1i•-••••••,.. = ' - *tit - me. the undersigned Assigeee, and they
rearm Eve pima a i sets eetate.and'effee!s, tinderthe -above Act, itt
land, *despatch has:. been- reeeitred her, „ . - Maitland Ce elety, ' • -64-80- required' to furnish me, witiiin two. ifloallit,
rirgi- Tiiis, lance .her arrival .- here, heti bee
at Haliiai,ainong- the istaengers of the En
Irma 4olifitz • statol$ ihat tha rtsgengelli of 'informed the G. B. C. Una Mikes the strewn; alternative. Carrot states - that. he • was Savtli_ is -more threatening' than at ani. one
the -Enema who werejeft- there, Are now eeeeee easeet he would • havelo change_ . it,s- amoni the letit tet leaVe s60 boati.-. tearing riedi.4 since the defeat of Lee'e.:A•rtuyi"- -If
all re.etivered, and that- not .azia- death -hal .direotion by turning it down stairs. G. Bo O. that if heplunged in he•wOuld .be baughi and thia beilethe North - in -Somnion prudence
towage, - Thu route_ for. , the_ ..qpray has ocdatted in the weOlt pain._ The 14 twit
-711-k- reluseti.to go downstairs, •Whereupoii Mr. Bi dragged down ,with the dreatinemen, 1 He ehonid heei-Oitrefuls in :how fir. it Piert with -
barrio etwangee. MAW lk 13
_ , . , . . 8,. .1111 ra13.0011L. Oirt? . *id sop:- The -cabin pas-. :The 0. Bt. -O. everdinved ilibitisks hi Wrath,:
s. • • . at 1 • 1 a • •the -Fenian* covementl for. It -a war -shetdd -
biiare, lett, finding that -the boa was-- ot no break ont slitiery stands in the;wity • of - any
- ...--•..- _t__ -k. - . -„,.. ,,_ staborit0 bail .41,41iT;lied- -to, ,8end, thetife.. Advanced -to turn him down- my male fates- ength took a BUM I box and. leaped Yee?
7 4stre douthampton. soil ariive. iii,: yoroito eeniers itielaisetk-on * alielere *Fib,- in and, righpipaboie * 16,4 bit, gr., B. curdle ,terVice,. be ahindonde it end. streak out tor s foreign billigetent acting .with;the-Solitth'. •-i, .
i .
abates againsfelleb and all Of the ' Globe pee- was some. time before the veasel wigt -east was' thirty-seven years old, end leaves -an in.
pie. -flaving received sufficient OF -the flow. loose, and by that time the filmes had diiven tending family of eleven wires- si‘d forty.. .
ing stream, Mr. 'Brown &vitiated the fearstriketi workmen4o . the; oPposite i Ode. seism innalt children to mourn hie deith."
Georeian Ray Canal to be damed--I don't Some shouted 'agenizinglY for help, s king . - -John Forney in an- " occasional"- letter to
at they Could not swine and-we:MN ter alit. the Philadelphia Pram seys that he Speaks
'menet° say that he Used profane language' t4
but itelted him to dam •current Of hie remarks.. IY drown. One by one- they drepped into- " by -a card; when he 'asps • that at: this.
T * B Can I" fused M B then the water as the flames. drove them. to that "[very Moment the conditions of thihgs in the
1/4"4"a In the Matter of James Howson anbillettiate
man .
WOO • firiliE Creditors of the insolvent any'Wetiralel_ -
mu 00 a that he has made an Aisignmeiat
. N -
Intetestaceonai,;..• • ••
Soli 1 toinmittee
Public works '
rediries......4. •
Special asrviere_it.;
Sundries.•••41••••• . •• .
89•94 from this date, with their clams, s
4,„,„74•46,,.,1 -the security they hold, if any,. an& t Wait
- • - ,
seat/ of it ; end if none, Mating the sect, Ise.,
leS•le whole attested under oath, with the vase**
in support of such .
- Total direments lanai Dated At 004eriett In the -CounV. '--
" -Huron this twentyeiehth dia ofApill
d* sece"-$21681." s taffEL rdultiote.
ay balance to . 2
• - -\ 4 4Iffteial Assgase
• 1..
$216113.1% 2100,3454 • \ - '
• ,
• ;
1.. "
4.-; •
2.0 evil somei
F• lto:iithbolan:ni°0:14:0414:i
on no longer- -le
Ooentryreen Or pro
-3:.°171,,,,,W1111 el ;jell 1 St el r:144-10:: el:It Cerir a:r111111. 7twolta
• avietpogettbeg:::11:1041 rut helce1101'
Citifies was
"direct Fentanisat
bard to say. Probst
'Canadians Irma tbei
the froatier an Orem
of rapine and taurde
in four and twen
_ ;riboeltinir teetott woeti: inatrr
. toadied thousand II
--warning for the llama
able:nets nor taintne
the people- of all
and Midi, frov Uppi
-Canada, m tfur,dratef
dialticts. tombirted I
protection titthe
of their austiietiorti.'
wets the .demonat
the purpeeeg
- invedeni rievet uppea
oerant ralcareuloalptl; rock%
elirdasoier irlideoutnedentetiO
• cluoitn:dwebraeti
-Noith America:Are
ally *bellied by t
, tonitietione.
.111:67:inaaPertisto9limengitund:Td_ stritand7
;averdnitats isaltioniejlteorposetheir
of *natural chai*
itot 11033141111/1
thatitiiitigh thee
ly beneficialf
iinViraie =titer.
Otte!' peOleete
.0,ecittioithelitkvoesittomasuirsetto: ourlieloub.thitsdieeoica;liwta
• Ant there fealty -7'
.witich demands nOt
*ore active'intee
. tode of hews_
:butted ler:the regn1
ofisovereign States
4v?"4-1tbuorernaciii4:11-?;r44,04.:40: 4ittit;t1"ta.tig
44011diat 4hit,
Oplitt preparation
*or *gavot*
assent foriha pro
T,,hey rfay let,y con
-14151E"itetr°411:11iilealtifkaTaukedoo 1117ree,17.4:140811114f'!..inre":40,01Peelal'440176771121461174:44freitlitioaLaili:faiir.7:
- put beeltetieuee
-the ,Efrititeel
depoti of arms fo
, •
• a
gibers endfiaristi
this ocessien to
Ifitbeerbicidep natIonsbi Slat
Astioas) we ate
Abe% W. it is
jiiteditteoltalrhathat.toxisofis !ize
*Iva as tbe
-1-Trra n
Iparnaerat of the
Itstveek in Ch-
erie* Itawattit
aside* be worth
-large load of
how he edipeeted
varlet with ao-
laPlied *SU
- woald noiba
the oxen, and
load I