HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1866-04-27, Page 3A.
TH. J�-: S E .1 -W.-E _KLY -ST -N A-1
tte so�iety ha, 11*ep.1-re for tile.- , st debate E , RROMe -0-V VOUT116 UIT
Fah3i '-or--Sal
I r1j was �vozu, T'Ll-esdav nigrinug. at tiir- 'A G.itleinln whastafrered Air vearq. (,,III- Nervous
'c* Ito p
I_r &
P. Ddlyilitv.Trf"Onit tire -1
Ut I W 'A -Vurf.)JIowitig Wedri6sdava i o'clock )rear. at - Idall.tilty ell�.61*dr.yoti i Ill- firm of . exe
sc,� BER ellent- land Bic y
e I w. is as a Va. tit-, 4ak�,ol-,,-afl e ring- I itifinkIlM
till the &cisio
ir ba -SUB A 'A faciiii the Rivft- Wailtand, aad
where is bonsting, it is I think exciiided. I - _4t -w! I'lee-to -111 whameed it. ilie rtvipe.sii(l iii-rectinii,; C, -r
0-4 1"AtNTINU.—We �-ha�vc just re-- t, Aimple reincdv fw ..AGENT FOR"TM. i --ithin .3 of,ille 00urislillig Villagp of
11 0,111t: tit he n�',- cure(!. uf-
as ',wn a wriie these few reniarlain a friendir sprit
lerers -wi-Intit., t.; prohl L!y Imilt.
-ba.m. b.cinji-the %vuth lialf
,it -that tit. s: or efs- of -Ut
e thes miil W re .41stle Call do bV ;it!tl(t: �zn the niuth con. of the Township vt
ln'zeancl ** JORN R,061)1`N� -will ave oil hand at Iiis 114,
and are to're -ived a 1,411
cc h
rderj ast Street for
�xtc a Y u pi, & C. AT THE
fbi It h d iv." nsive d -I h
caqbe -fillea- 'at, the -3, Chztii;Ler.�..� k. sem
alid th 1 L New'..17br," kta lar --,e Stock Turnaerryi containing 40 acresi 29
ie during next,
V _NAm0 W. !�nlr ZZyll:e till otar-.
11:11�4 -
ofil�ppie. -r b d- 14 ac which Oe stufts will
inf-. and Crab A It: I recs, and andurds, c _e
IV -Is, res of
a - famee 4itions to our very large ock of types.
S t
a -ants and 71le'Dig-60 Oil Strike Yete come -out Will be Sold cbeap for C23116
al� Fi�rlurtheip%irticial*zrs app'll 0
I vallua. `at'd merch . so a fi: %v
jobbiAgg POT08cs, I --tto -otaig lallyand gent! e anJu tile !:yiwd. Statez
n' it Cali -arjpmcihing- very inup!i Ili, theii�
others ma� rety- upo that theiF or,- R-1- JOHN W.-"
'iC 'ETS PER 11Q� I B 0 %V.Af A N,
ON ZED RAM. r-turu mail- CC cha 2
1L Gen6ral Az&kt. lVinghtm.
7consisting of.tho,44�, It
in our line-, can- i Zil -�mondml Ile.-
utea as elie;tpl H_ I U q__
be dxee y Tht-W ha% ing 1 ttill�, Jim iabi%, rew
bblitze by itlx 1106R-qg; ink Paid. A I ut '111 plea�
[sruella., Adrvotlae, 00awrre. Rm
[he lai,,e establish- 0 xv -.-c Jan. 2Q. ISS6. zolf:
as r.`-S-V,z -na m52.
i.,- addrues� ilwir i4wdiciif- eriltl.t� - Pqrvn at,d untario a -few 0.1 hp,old var.eites,
vi. atre was rat 1111014. F. CHAF.
ow . -Srro
k.iet. our fasuaili. q,uirt I her 1
roqtcv, Hamil-ton Loudon: -l' � "..I- � . . D:alk- o have 2, few- TTA J
xclt- d bV the iepor'n-i f on 'ce, the t3i Bruttilway. Wx-�� Vbrt-.: -. : i
lia, I wi,t.a!s
ments of To slid lentli e' el t 0 e IMMENSE JL*. CIL- �tiol Notice.
but'first el ss i largest.slio%Oof oil that has eery Seel
zad spofijl� -workmen- b in it ft om t
RER- HY S.L(Y :.c_
non a bubs(�ribbr 3 !ti -18 he Pto.
"he we! I
employ", TO. 04) U-11-0�kA .13, A B
Enniskirlen regid. I for many a day.* .1
'itze'i Wft -alia -no- expense or trouble is qpar-ed to Tire ill' leith in' a. r e.
6 . vertir
W.d., U J a rk rurple peieltii�!bip of the .-Uniun ()Jel"'rGotf
had baen drille& about 22$ X�et. in. 0, a new variety, tilt verr ar,qj,.ol
te, rock,
iest corored I , I . OF. rutor, g all J -;Irdi-
-hen it 't fe�vweeks by a very I . z . I , n si2e; h -sin ik
w i t It se re. MI v, e re zicity atter )I. cere that a for the
tottdorl every- -A), th�- fit --inip, -tvin- suil rich, begs toiettan.his
ert good shows, Nv Was
. 0 ed for several ye4nc willia. selve�e linivr.affit-kion. -and libi�ral.patroa7-ge which he has enjoyedaUd
:1 Others, - 'tie -%V
ne.!�- and braim-Pa M. P ii e
66 , otiv
to- the plainest 'hatidVill i"credit to decided. to- put in the pump thiS %vis Uhifr!
-)thers tq I* - g iveu
card th:11 dread d6ease. Com;wul"t"oll-is auxions- it) inaka oftlke arri ..val of the ec.-;. at tbe'sadietime inform lCis fi -d the
4 N1 PBI iends at
f *!ow ea Foirfl.- kv� CA, -;LL--�
public that -in 'fotnre; 1b will be
e Ifteeri -icrqt .Tti a' 1I whti de -ire it. - -be. A,�Kl 4 -rid -it et spv -of A �Fqlkfi erlch,� Apig l3th, )$Gt!. travelling,
a , -I it- v i f r
Tile iI Oemstoiiishment oftwelv. cir f 46� tite pro.$- 7
eninitin used (ti'ei! ot enartze)., wi direetioh,; for pre lound at h s gid, st"d "Triuce of , Glange
6 tile tyro 116
plenty. of it..' nc�, mc -n. who It w El . a s . r I R I,, Worts shall. -Ne
-1 - is -1 Cheap done oxi'Wednesdav about 10. a.- m., whe I to
-t-ho,. Sig,, � office- . ()ur-moteo 31, 1
work.. and aJ ritade a visit t paring and Ill tal nn0n, witeiie no e
r04 � - "'c" -
--- V-1
ny ev RE for 6).N� t!%tt;Tto-.. AsTuN.,.. 1;rw*N'rnt - E4.14�armif:. JLll
-ri,roit and Linig (.11; 0 -SAL'r Dull -a
-require thkee or four years without a object other than. a en.�
of parties4ho AUCTI. - w.Lntina on his' part tomukethote at lothe
e al rnorning- tour, Cie -oil -.suddeul . 1. 'a
fillti,411:15 to., I - '. Ia rhim with a -call..
wh.0 vo
hied.. fro.4i tile ell t n. 'd _' Inc of f6gra 12., to benelit timuffilicird. ato V.-Nich. he EMMI.ACIINC T H F_ 'LATEST ST-YLES
�-znguishecf aredit is Mpetitfully. de w 0 ist e
AN TH 0'-\7
0; an hour vatz- ajiffhe1,1 - �tiff' . Y
-feet above the surfac *and for about -pf4 �Qvt4y ere.- b
'defieli. April
VFrl as it wil c,4*t tit*
wofald,di.rieet at "tion to '.ffie I ;I- .vilf Irv- pill 119i'lli-g-n aiid TT 0
1 contiatied.6 pour to,.- th 'a, r-3lume of pure oil 0 w1l
Amy prove a I-Irs, -it
R filf.the';�ril sian tuhia,�_outside of'. if., tie, ih*, aFE"t-y return nlai� L
iz-Min, r. avage. F : pres VILUIRE UP111. - PROPE
11is-'. aoek I s,,fflcLqat to
�_t�:egMP4, . -_ . '. - _ .. - 4 -,. I . - - (2G -i, -RE
n W-1 L
-What Ili
the piz. ip�� ade the thitlik -n;ore -sar- c
very.. DJV.� --I.
[e.e mad E
e lact:that -the se%. Was -ot.,
e �e voll tiffic, i.
of't .3
bat no't sweilt'd, and th who 1 V WVS-; TED by the subsci u,iood0fad
risftiz wa3 th . - tri'L ctj_ N c. %v Vork. TRUST- A -
b ITiffiltillsbi King;
p ND
�hftn,-,e ok % 6.kPINY
SW-ThL-: weadier: daring the pn st
OF' ck
lust hav�- pass bla smit If e:ther by. -tile month,, or take
4 Smeri of oil thaf w -m thus. projected n' E. 'S's 0'00 D. -S riber,
D. R
-oil -iiharvs� r, here there is �ferity ot
a shop
A2.Ts lx�s beeii extremely"cold, Ia, couse, ed i t a i"ZI.; CA NADA
rid another strange eircunistahce was,., P. jp P--
In zd
ti -SOTA) J3Y*_'PUI3LId J.T-,CT10N AT TRF_ township of Greenoclic,, which is to'be gray
c . . - -
or X;GLI
111ch. tfiat u& oil came through the. puni but all -7- w6rk, it.beinmo -the Durl)a Ito- in tL-ar
ence of the N�,-orthorly -Win s- W p
The ra'l')�. t 5�
i tan& warra, 'tubing'.' SH_- IIEH-Ebf-" 701 Z L I St C 1 14: X
'have evidently sw6ptover va�t JU3-Qs--s 6f tbaweeti it And the.buter JCTf6' R002NIS OF G
summer, none
�eted 'dro�e the M. TLWMINIAN -led ne-,xt- nek-A apply littit, IL
was rqJL
iditv with: which it, p
Ve-etation' is- 4t a staifd sitill, and Ste dr man.- Applicatiwi to be, Made to
1111.11t out-ot the derrick, -complletey:.- coy6ed,j ql�, J AM S'S C L �VP. fN: E 'S
Olt 4DO '.the �nderstjgt.ed -Enniskillen, Greenock P -eat
rations -'are a, r J 0"
'gardeni* 'o itionth -late- with oil. Oblebr
i- ot prisoria r,ela surfa*ce, Office couiltv of Bruce -0. W.
ati�d Fe mmll-e.-Pills. 'D1ES---..*:SH MANTLES,,.,
-txe,,QiL drat vo,-m thiown ofe 1A
is I I . . . -1 I . , ' t
T r Ull
..D., 11h ysirian - Lc'.cliaoidifiary
'e was it
oy! tit e. a. fall- 6f snow in mak-ing several targe pool's �On - it.; wz?,Y- t. Alle v
on -I . - - . I - - . . &W. A_�o fIC G 11 M -EBY.
.;ban. last. year�l N%r-e are informed that repared frovi pmcri . Of I
.4 urda 1he I y -nex, ai r__60.111.1i
dioe 0,NT6031
raa er ilre ound in all. eiioz
E at Tuesday tb arch 1866.
N -ee' - w
Df� It' power f n a Vort-.
a 1� dv. i . -atioft,isa c- hich were �0, �omplet�. e ntalne(� N G T 1-C
4f _X, ot, ppep _Sali - c
N * e I " �L I --- -i,
nv lie. V g _�f it Jo, aamI.S011, to
tit as soon -a the.clit -was st-, ii Ca- T ba -_t
ere being with it that for a mile daw I altiable medivj ill*
unfailina in
b as the ice eleauk aw little T-5 4c> .,Nr* mlg e Company. 1.ol nwp
on the water i i all the bprous i "I 'extre' of all', hose'r-
a.d and-d.Ldzero�u�s r six in tile
1EJr,-(,ou-.1.vf-P1evMnn far* ffie Townih*vp
re -�con ess taship of Goderiell.
tititesthatevety.,ene- s is- -.0110ject: it fthe ToW
tTr sho it willcommetice vigorous!y-7- such quan a.d. it� Woul-J it) which the feinale, (:on,,.t.:I lit loll und' c :ion. 0
Or -- ----
ath r i T 0 stimate we- mo rates all excess and teinovesaM 6 -sty , i n-. cont2illmig eig.tity a
-pay to gi e i he I west e de� & tivt o i-? 1�:
)earing, ffotel Varna Oil 1141andayfifetwvu r.St dq
j.. of Stanle7 will be held ai Mr. T.urneft.
Sprqy, ow, e. 'a' eedy cure-inar be reked oo
Vr* 'I wo miles
on the,. w .. y
& a., �iust' bav' a.
bettor aKa * �. . U _ . I
f= hbus�e.' Loz a d. lr!'%i.
heardia the flow w -.8 60 barr�ls -ter. 1,6u.,. and 10
ayl�upi ai�d -while n. 4 rchaid,- -1 1 r of May
tiia-,v-mai�it:dned. th t It
e -1,30 MARRIED 1AYIES-- -SWSE r SEMENT -NEXT W]ERK.*..__' train the -Tewn - 0 Bay&&f ttittl-ello irofien olclo
E:ADVE 1-1, ZZ
Alsti, that ihe allibabetical cop sstkaop�,
_v-ol A
-I loll -.rith re-ru
�b roll.fortlie.l�resexity.tiar'wilI be -exposed to
tholithly ps harm_._
4 r
will arrive in port,' to �ea6r'-tip n '"her uve--&_,e,l tit lenst tiv�) barie19-P. ar minute. it-*-sLpet-n!iarIv._-u;t6d.. Jt will, in. -A sbort'ritne -
The N� ell'is on the Slack� !�ri".0 in. the e,
sprine route itt a w s.. I I Elich bat Ile. prit-&'One Dollar, beR-17.1: 1 lie' G
: - . I . � -a ill
4i3- - -and N ov -r p-)- Sa qub!ic inspection at My office in Messrs
_Conce&, n -1r. Laney is the. fortun. kte wer of'
Antoine -nent &ailip of GrewtBritain top %vat coun- fe 4n' fort-
''! t 144
_,to. - r _e Pmis A. C. MeCilin -Ivc Golrl� Canitilmlls store'.Ba A lea
to pro t,rie o.. P yfield. ays
_It i elieeripgl E -BP A,11 iell And wifew, to totAIX "iolis` to- if e C,u t of
- . I - . - - J I -_-ro,�mshili� rrilicontimma'
'TED ON] bers one t
JW, 0 liv X 10, wo in tile. iw�th
TEmF-im WHEAT. -v J,ots nliaii
ia! doow, A
prey I Willa
c, _v �riio it I T R( ,
ILC. ai,'res more or Je*s,-_ex_
-3. Aiter ledra fro!u, farmers in'tbis Ticiiiity that -Froni o Tiese Pifl�- �06114,1 2,101 be tal
I C. J(.7t7J ne hundreil and nineteen
2'111?.EE �110 X 2118 PirW�.'
V1. �,g ceiltick and reserkinl cut 0: `tll� above &-lillsed CletL�
dl - - . .. .
N or iezw�, with rot.d ivl2id'
11 in tile- 'Co t -e cirinz wi- Miscar-
at -fall wheo, getiera un N OT"PA'N -c, nineteen acres pwke, y, A
the g Yowz: _k bril 2 5.—Tbe steail�ief _M)ro I ?Mrnrti� as th-11. at $14 �t GRET C
ANA-DIAN ALM _Pie in I.,: e, Statile pril 1:6. UK
-splen 6n ';ces tj the -21s'. -me f714 'lick This i. a itpod larin.
eqp, -H — �Iil ai other ti,
arana, adv. Lu
ofiffurou,:, is i . n did ditio after Ctzst1e.,biinq.
ortte-, Rins I an I Xervous nod:5,vinal Airections. very cot . ivenien
Voi of. . ;
JV'hite7. w Q.1 ilia ter from -axin'it, ' to
Wt C. A SE of -the" or, lll.� -Will -hani Gra I klift-
1 To select inter fra�t. h Senor I zilps i ie 13ack, and Limbs, Fatieve oil ,liirld 611 "e
.'ItST: 9P;Ell 4. ve Road. 2tb MONEY T LENT37
Vera. Cmz bip the 19uh.. '17 des* LrQiu the' -0
_-Franicelz arra t!d from exertion, at'�I-atieta c t I tie Heat) I, H%-stlirics.';6d-
12 mdes
..e To-auviGoderi'
-tL _11th, -bifes, these.11rd's Avill effe -'a
NflItutidoubt igure: It . iah in the. State� Adr-ces from th.- eav-of Slexleo to e froin (71ititon. tn- nit
et C11ret-wheli-all
fill renledy-.tlo- nor-ettrita,111 frki�i..ealonlel. aliti- 0 71r?
Uirder-power Sale -iii -a Moii-a-u- froin Pat-, -SAYINGS
I C_ia
urtfillto.' mecatiz, -to the
- , -V
e L beral
_1-thin-ifourfariner,, "D LOAN 90CIETY.
ill be a poc
are xe'brved- other jiieatis -h-P T H r-- A ER06
this fail. -20 per eent dti�� and ard 1:7erzi Cruz to 16t ve aNed. and Alilrolleb a wer
desp - the
The-hattle at Milizit an, between th
�r B011
-,erie- sts. was commenced b5 We M - I e pa. around erch. rick Ileali and wifie A_
W.; aad . lim -i Fit'[. threition4.in'li njfni.et RoatL in'the The abuv-,e Society is pre-p-Orea -toxa�a.ke
peri & :ts Lot -ti ti`hib�r. Eleiep...- EasCor.Lake
Tn!t S H- w
a, e surplus sto '.ittackin- Cbronas' force.willyin a -Ii: - I ag-h_ 'fo n..;bIP,.of-CoIhvrne, *4st in tile Counly of
C, - -4 11-bts srV%1d.*at_-16VW,.est� _Rqtei
rl- I pack. -e. * tell shigild be vatefultv pre�ery.cd.. "
id - th6 -fi,ht- - - _R: .-rh c h- or C
qnarter of a -mile of the town, and Sole az'ent I& tile ed S�tates.inii Canada4a._ r
-or,-containinz one� hundiva acre# niore� 6
intimated. some time: '�110 'Alle' lasted fr6m: .4 to 6 P. m% - -the -Lnper.,a`.St§' I J08 MOSh',S, h*"0(;IieS'ter-, N.Y'. -Hurf,
AIN t less This is:,aZ0ZlA fk.rWAtu,atd about S all["- ON IMPROVED
&dbvlaunches' thcannomaif-Ar-as N7. B.—
h C -of be SIM and -six, po.-faze stanips., t!nqlosed 'TO AR -VE 03-T-MONDAY-1-1XXT 'bea timil rit�ad, 91D it
f6urtk regular meedd . -of- t 0 04117 ty iil_� 6, rized atzent w�i otil, Gdl&rii-1,, oil the-4aiia
-A 'o, t nie d.6relting. c$i-_
the. fi-glithig, -co to ativ atilho n,�Lire it b e con- 3-3 cres e ea
tile est haff Lvi- nun -L. _ Tijife ili'tfile- ?otinh MOST ADVANTAGEOUS -TEu46.
V - 0 N
hL ol' ry N A sion '0 o 1 40' tile I %
Iffurort Teaeliees, Assbciation wil"-b '6:' CAS
1: The 6xt &ty ntinuA.
4eld, Flos' Ialningfifl� Pills, b� return inall
when all the '-reserve ..of movabl6artt'le TH RJ W..* OODS stern, Iris 'owashi;) of:
0 here to- or -row. rei out. to aid tile luiperialist.,. but
. , , ;: - . . hunared The -cost of eRcting a Loaik win bLe-.
in tha. Central 'Sc - . . , 1. C od
orde '-W., -ert--ro A.Afleld in said 01111tv, on il�:a
Vel 'W "Q 1=11gr
00, odll�. -e'n up to the departur&* of the steamer' no decia e. s-inure4jrI4vs*. Awil,Flui;�it and la
onti aze ill for Canada., uated oat- lich lower lbanin other &ic
aftern W. commencin- at acre
W In - . . Tilt-. attention, ofthe Borrower is:iWled,
ve res - unts. f- Sold in Godeurlit br Parker -c- Cattle aild tion, tile Villa . of Duuminnna, nature.
per, -- - . - �11" . .. . 1. * a a ll-lf-11116
hope to _Q "ar-e'attehdan ufts �llad- J)'_Pla t -, a it 16.1. 'A & c e) k , * , I . I I : I : 4 ' - -CO Ole
frorm thu- Co Vh Ta tn
_h 'Jame'. .03EN UnDETLOA& -;�V'el 130h e., it) thefact, iliat be will reeciveillemlamoutme
ea a, I. untry, z :)w ..e Jua-i-Ae v St. 0 h tit 11,1 Lad
'v12 gim
the Leap, without a ny deduo-tion lheis j�a&
-e -it v -is rife itt i lit! flentilum. Roxeiville ;J. PLeRard, Ex6ter-; J." -A ril 1 'U4 1866.* a I.,orpayinentsin evauca.
_-�r than ev Coast-ir. Mott
Stron 12w
11to. I - - -a
_1 _ - 'or interet
xico; a'tid Grett: in ini- 1 w -,Ja 'lea. IV
. . 1. . I W I-" - -- , - i th...�'a dA -p
Wbeat in oinbe, an
Virz F-ti.L WHEx .--Thd 7FJI: oE In �,L%fojt
eav Me Galvez: be - I 4dvanc-cs mav be repaul, Aloptblyor yorly
_V i trader power of.Sate ge made Ibv
AV_Tl Wa.S-ly 7 an
_J. Secret'
:e citize! is I I lb the -abrive
this vicinity, we are Aad tb. learn, loo'KSL ell alld WS 11 CbmPa- ext ending -overa ile
Aud #f froul oae.io.fiAft
' 1111IN-
h*v -QoI_ It' d1i"'tiet, ift-ar C )elllio- Divis:i. ownship of Colborite, FOR FUIL P -A
the fears ot rnaliy that -it. suffr� . d -excellent cultita itim with - go�a,
a' Da- PAPER,
A t� tern,
and gives. proln; c of an e �ell -eat crop, not,- d' ulotj�
x r itif-thie third ct �:,Jon J years.
it T
hai t ti%`eif char,d'of thb _Far S Rin- BUD
G.:n, Grare an
-Alitio%li. Sma'1
tanz P0,U
evergly, durii.-the widte'
patirnen t at. Mt�X-160, -Tile burk bull
V A-ent and Valunior forthe .88ocielvatVII
J -'ffo 0.
ave oq,boa, l7tider.power of '-Ale i ?p_Arfirtzage rrad� t04
portions of it have -been wjnter-lki iied, still on r d zi hii;-e [-- . I . .
Anthony was uf -1 to- Ill i 112 P OI�Lg
"lit - 0, , 'A U eirch" (%W�. 1Z
h u, 0 s and ina�bbc ]�ARGE A _N D-: VV FE L L A SOI(TED STOCK�TOF - - I - . I I
I b and wife:
-whole it, wear.g.'a heathf aspect -and t e cruantity or va -I n 7 - - . - I - love conspany )
the 'beia'i; the last ofthe pafte.rn!�Ovii e.so d In I ad l&w.�Poiiogh
the fIrst
Wall of 1;0t
firse weather 6f the. -Iasi fiiii davi� ha�i caused. f0und paper addttiied f6r Gen. C. a 4, i d 7
X -m -a t!..% ee
n 0
kin tire
1.9t-nunibe_r Forty'one-, west _,ilide ofAVellington
-cobedo ha �t� about'I'llirl-I i)r les -g. B-
Snu Lu a W io-na In'tbe-Alattero!-WillilimArth
tied i
1JS er. -odA zt-e�t in-ille7 Village ol.Pwt Albe a - qof .01V&�ni
hi CI -R a
'Gc D16 1119 00 stron-an load#* -
ir acres 0111 Ins
a ofthe'jownslu c nt-
ra It :s- 6ou _�,ht ihit - thils. was -a trieX lt.��spersa et-Riol
par J it to Shoot out eaC6n. s. (11vent: Act of I 8_1
char. 0 - NO. a�-d. A h f
Jj:r_A_xT1ciD' --On; W_e�aesday - Ia ri, -ii
-reditor- _thjl�lnq
Itis re'oitedf faci S -itetiul z_t1*1t."
E4 hel, -!d� c6fftair are notiWili*
'TO H A' -\'D AT THV, ship ufA_'ha ring bib an ai!rL- ofland, THE
iwo, bqy%,*while �pearin- P10 tha U1 �Jla Istirly an lie bag made An Assignment othiffetitattio;
I Vi - P-1-1pem- , site. Pi tl"J� n. U Of re or Itss. - C�-Thiti'%Vft. _d Soullierf%
fish, ci.p :.,ot1i ult! 1110 - - eirt-cig.; i.nder
2t4L'- d bLt**.% 3 T b. -s You r -eho' ed of d d i ff— ai a '11 t
CW I a -7,1 we, i_t -the above Act -the
und the weTeJ ae quiroo to Turav&.
ih 'lo*n of Godefr6h, containin-
L ghthduse to me,4.
-thisAown, fa ee' H�anbsea it A halt (lf*Loi nun
jitirl'&, ALE s, near, I -ignee, and theyape
I'd torn.. signed Xks
hie, witbiuv�,p month., ft
co. 'A. later rcpat, ifrom. ilaz Van St. ft the.
L a qualter pefelle,'k, twie or le-
faiins,specirki g the sequ the
`G va
a ve. all(]
body a zouni,female clailti kin V
near that the 1ai;_,t!r:a1tsts liadretu n04' the ei:v -y hold,,if an
e Farin, part of Lo Inc Afllit,- none. . tS#tiffg Ike f804
i good lot ofidl
the ed, ate� ies. TLe__F reach- e'a"lit to.havi OE -
nd !he
'S I GAT A L - 0.F1!.4 r,. 31 Bv it i,"Jst c0iicessiou Qode-
impst, and in a
-a of the into -which, it bad wit'll sm. Tios
the wbaj� attestvil'under oath, 1"h the ftlechoo
va Q MI
ZF' in Support of surbctahns.
Ulled 350 ofthe Jt aristi, V-4 -e QuIldrd 2. 011 q iion-�- iiia 7;Ie from Dode-
r- -11 G66d
dtl . stat e
ide y been throwif shortly.after blah ST!Jli IRY. STOr otithdBayfield G:avcIRdad400d log iwn Da on
D N 'Dd
rich r
lieds aiiiL log hou.-e. Tho Port. Albert prop -
B Wa and 'h cen:re- st iday of April, 1866.
A, S e . Ibis tWentrAr-
gglitla e- ert r, ison W. ffington S It Jn-a oat
We.. uaderstan& that Coroner NeD-odgall- SEiL 4ter ' numb -r,.,. ted'at G. e ich,'. lit. the C
'Pal ' t -]ECL Iff, MlrLet S4 pare'. Dr s Gail POLLOCK, -
0P.1111 Jhat the child as rio -i'properly Is e ligi-
lgives it as his on. Vilia-ge. Tile
fed �:i TUNIS 4 X0014'Wic-ittirs'for Jusovent. 13,wk
7 bi 41tu -th, re Official Assf�nee ip
the-Tbwa a"
Liveyness Couri W9 -iiile barii�._4-e
me ow ii*,�
ers says : ellill,
ateog 10 R. T G A GEE _8ALE A fra art
bom alive. -NTo. 0.1ne ta t e -p,,
-rpdrator -The Thti ttff Ai
outr has. teca discovered, af%ur countr nlflit;a, have couitreac'ed their
ofthehortid a9p
erectei upon tire WAN
but the matteis- ia'-tonstabI6' T' sprii.cr driL orep-zatory to t I. - TT NX -DER a P o wer- af Sale idntw indd -in a
f0r ts ratner E -lich vv -e untlersvi,
reMred' to�, he trail
f 1. . ,,i I SERA
t— -T.ERM-S
in- of tha regiment, U- ..Ve in'arle by"Williatil t);. -Ott of -t -Le 1 Ll
P14 or ito i
T W-ris ip of 1:1.the- oull�v U It flIIcPUrC�ha titf: rLPO Tent. -4 Grist 3
sft nott!jib- . aw b TUrded6, A moniev to be pa
wii;tak -placii as.usua! eatir
Theregiin6atiisuptu)-it ull-04.taj,' v hs and Ten pefcel
on"' C' 0
arld iane78 c;tl,. bein'.a.piirij-tber�'_1 (Jown,at the tinie ofzalt4 a44 -fill --.an Ble
timus ?or the f5al -A 3 ) bv experieac.ed )h
e T -B.. Goderieb P. -0.
e� btis;aess stwir.din- thi num er o casm0ties urisitly nO 'e of. barr dc. T ance will t1sin bi riadi kao*b,.
having r nd fed iknecessary-.th kt 2nJ Lieut froln' diiiiiratiou,, ex�iration se ev i e. F. ibb nst I Mortgage% can be
Tit pressin- calls ot b f
P its
Oat --of .1 her d6wer -wadi
_e 4'pavnierit flif,.r& A bstracts ofTi;fe Goderich April 2 & -6
Lie seett hjr &z. ..The num e � -o AL
I -tile office of th S Ii -t rs..or-at the plaev.
Irdti-Jers- %o line re fi.nentS _,e�ft lit
Hort6a Should re Is -nosition.. -id- t -ed t a -ties inter- It.
hi . _e . - �A*natida beenari% Lr 11 'pal
_MtJ:5ter IS a .. 1. 1..
her cxected bont- - -7 1JQ -of .0
it to the ronimulsid e�, Trust anc
as catio Aef
lainiag, his reas.1' 'for-_tb4itep nad -th ro 0 ' -- " I Loan iisolvent. Of
-Fiinber iffiormation. ca ve o tainedon- titipli
Artillery; compariy.. lie� did so t�liji -e �;illbe zzc�,fl on. ho
est6d -ibet I Yeat er'
V wor note t h- I-1 ii V, A D
aul t i. f 'd
after 6P r it,' Uvin- tile Tush-yt, the !St. &V of
rfTeljnl:a� drill of Inst"year. -no le --;:s tluiu t Company of- Uli�r Cai!Ada* 1(inp. ton AeSSM A 33
a' P 1�61' at 12 t;'e!6bk 1100, 'rc
af at �
'he Mt, i
I h1acdoa: A C,
140�n '[�aS M y 3
sw&a a OW I lwkr6hed- 9
ftp.r parad bkt� Jame'., Th' 4 reert �)
glar 5 slus from the Westem Islands ild, ratton-Ancl Michar, Solici rs., in
to K* In the 1��ter ofJohn saxitk 42t 1AW&W.
- tC_l ihL t1le
_4 r -e
orttiejro af n free; il', head 16 HE Creditors ot the InWirefoit are motified
% . I or to ti. uuJ
ultanitnous -electid to, fill the vacant plae6. inio-F t6ei-t o -w N*i!!a,,e Ina B
miGa is. a popular- inan er- X TRUER -ANO' T thrt bo bas made an'Asql*�-,*nment -01 wvsta;c
the 3eman-, Auctioneer., ill fillo"vifia G-10 ova
Mr. Tho d Ili a, laoer,� and stated to- C-amai a Dinald� *p 0.7
son that t"�-ev had -come &r M lill'i-pose of ty. t;z: t4p _1�orrh'balr�f th. _Nbith of -Lot- V. P
Kin$staa, I p-il. Ifoul W112id
Rn I eff
_Ortly h"li, Ith A ews, under the ab6vQAct, to me, the vo;
dersigned At-signee. -1berape ret-mired'Li -for-
Kea -1-dr
psy jhe im e r a,
J;d N of the No of
cor "and -will ai-ake an efficient officer. ,IYe -Th _e rth '
him.- enr6ll�d ill ent. e. t - 11 011 tery Chi ens
lin p4ospen I I r -e t`;.d �-611c diin twow -jig doic"rvilk
ha ' Lo0iumber 9 ,Ih esifitin-of. tbp V.
no. vacancies at the worfiant-,. but t. it, et sof -nisbine, wi a
=7 _'A , rif�ri -r-tinty they b". W
disfatice' of* 300 zlile& T.bwnsb'iD of.V161'ris,in ther oul)t .41
0dir havin'r-come a of Hdr6n. their 461alln� pe ng the st
-":ueof1t ndifnohe�atiti he _1
D- MI under oath, mth fte:*
rd _1 S AN 0 0ES1 any. aj�d i a Inc j
]Flwrr TUBBS &7cl- iiiiiii,; b -y ath oike: bundtid -MR .
r to'd- so Strongly in, th6it faiodr -ihat they eonG- nedsureniefit �e 4shery, BOO
V, .4ip i _ct.; the iviliolo. attested
-er i aid -vouchersin. 4tip w*rt of�auch,,c Ms.
-s i III b -o pl� Dated at Goderich in the Goddly of Hatran lliw-
for the l�rd.Pqcltest6r"'-'�u;sery'(t*.le verr beFt aloii- with �tfie*irl couirades. sev6ii- tiltle of Sa e. Sale lots "at' in'1411i -C weutieih day
, q - ;
ties, �icres ol land; ruder "the Jion -Fbre�. r (C
were azce-)4-c , toid otfs.) diff6re 'I', a
Mr. William: Ca upl6ell-1 the energetic. amef.t p- e od-uted at tb d. I
ing mornin.saw dri�r. which &I, Htrtgag�
and tha� follow' tlli60M. t
Abi)dt Con or.the T
-40 acres are
we believe im the Unit;dS eights of tile re-yrme4it spea'r,- Gaeac'' a'd For 1.7ailie-ulars apf. y to., I' Towlibbip 11iii 25Q acres, officialAssigoet for 11urtin &Akoce;-
1 1 : ECTION INVIT 1)- 41- _.cIeared,_andthCTe_tt`;;4 . . L on
tates) has ii�itkt. re BE �SOLDC CAP. 111OR CASH*. 0::jr- �NSP E &Ai tit- -house
fiUit trees, --rap e-. lacq. he ant
m IV of tl.e--we*a--t e6st ladz�',Iafd instructed P MAJILLE3, F.*.CL.�R-:KE_, VILL t. J. a- lit, ;w tirame
cerre hia'Sliring�Stoek"
d T I' l,"' excellent qt 1. H. GORWN;e
e 'eetaive COMII.. all r ortgrogee. -on t1l a (3 i7L11
ril-bth� 1666.- JR ra iro.alutiad.
_C0 Situate
rileb asid slime distiiii&4roiri Clin s_� lbeland
'KER11 r InsolvertV W1132wr
s m ily ' .. L _11
top, A
'Flues., lk�e. and as the seaso . n is rapidly iLdva- diis lan-u.i., the e. 0 cito� f�r M the -aid," I I miles Solicitor fu
berlltr however, in Efi I h atid it J.
in of
te 424che.-,tlit.- Thewhole
ing-, wb would. idvise intanding purchasers * maderful ff) --see with- what vp.n_bs. a05e
ow 11ouSp. 13th April,. ISLA'.. 4s CIO.Ne to the I
-oir-eit clearing
t Adft 0
to call at his offiti- -13�4t, St :without de!,i-,. hardir fellowsqim-k up a. kil -1heir. .2all acreb, Villf or-witbutit
Qxledge of
E s N -cof-IT-illiam Li-xille-and Atadre%i will,'be dispose4 of,
drill and. tht; very flatt�riWg, �iieomitisn III
e in -
w n tbe-whol
b T. -
tabliiiinte t in* the five years�'ijr io q
tent - iii Of Millinery es
ed-- ni the insppeting officer t the d6d f 7- - Lit ri4 Ins6hre ts
From personal expeYien�-e,. we can- v u ft r 04�R- In 1q. X �6. I wi open -hbr Te ca, -6h'
31 ITH
as am
Mr. Campbeles ittl6bilit 1864
etaeg ftaininx'' is. a convincing thA - blreuisttre not- I " - - -prope-fi t te of.
pi&of t HH'0.7046rs-of tbe� fnsl I not
wman an1n. st & Itan f
-n-- IV - f by -Parker feted at',public. Auction'ait G. -Al. TrueniantIT0.111
Urlidew have, -As� and armerIV, bedupied I Sold l)oncr, I its
tL 3 -eep- Ii� T - dde-an pignment In the iiz�tt ul .�r Joh. Bo'
eaell, a'd alVdo their at4dlo t to k tlijir ified that the �111
nt. S.- Bloc
tbe a ore S�ke' Cattle, Pakson� k," oini - or ibout tho.
character �filfe ri-crimen'L f I oftheiresta:wanUfffects UTid-er b Brit od 7 z
ash.. ico is
-:7 p May;* 0111.
-U� -W Slikgular JL11.rdsenta-t101i*. 1 they -A
M i I .. 0 , a df -A ril.
That. -IMbisiton. rs'-oithi I.Liven't are notified that.- 1: -Godeikh a- 12th
f, A6t, to:ntei..tbe -tindersigned- -Assignee.-and Creditor .. - �.th
to "m es a an& -
hi, two T"he ha., Mean ssigrilmeat.olks t te
ire required furiiish me 'wit it Foe -fa-therportibulaysL*�fily on-t1he', rpintses, Vw SUBSC ERB t -
']Ntzevale, April 24,.4866. iiiiats, unde� to - me the linder-
Mb tbsfromt the above Wet to ijoan at: reasonable rates or.to
vrT -the this da�fe, *ith' theii claims, e re reqiii to MIA. -3-W.
an th7e*ir Apply to .;G()#DON,
'DuringL signed A siu-nee. and4liev a L DONQUARTI
To the Editor ot the Signa"'L' sessioii:oUthe -United-- Sta&s i specifying the secuirity they,bold,-. it'any -*-niri this dit, i, witl: A011EY
aleti -within t*o iIionths f J . f I - loft -
r " L � � .- "
StitLing tfie fac; vin- tli-e-seelirity they'l -old, iean* g.. CAM]?
DrAit Snt,—1 wish to makie-afewstatem tie,- -claims, spccif3. 'T r66id THE k, DTNh3LR6
ents Senate ot! INIbaday -twenty or: thirty color6d .and-ififb - C.,
the viliqe bf t owln') -
'th �uudles of fl6we d iinoiie *siat thei faci 'wil Gilderiek, 17th AL,41.) 2110
ed undEr OL ath� 'with th'i V011t- and-thevalue ofit; -all (Idderich. -THE WJ-.,Tr.A1lA0$,TE
in reference -to. the debates which have -taken
women, Iddienwi ;31 -iPP-4r- th�-wlioieattest R EtEVJE%VL(jQJCAJ
tweeli 'Ibi W ` BljeV� edL in the.re&epT!or. 'room, and 'delivered* io 'hole-attested.under owh,- Vrl� Lh i he youche rs -ORT SH RE jFrdi:_chUfA-J I
cbers in auppclrt of such clai the W THEN -la'aarri
offfu rof . I . "thi. -BLACEWOODIS
S f -A pril� 1 66.
9t Bravo 18661 titietil day -6
se ators w o -(in kriday'last for ied it'Goderich'in ill, '&Co'
raxeieL nd 11, thi doorkeeper a Mige boqu�tfor el th- of -the Re Cou ja supnort ofstich
rich 1 .6 t
Dated it Gode * id 1. - s S ED11N=R0lff
17th-diy April Twe
an Recount of the last,, was Be' tit' to. ; al h ' votq"d thie 6is' Da -MORTC ALE
to was a c or ur a fro
ctmbs S. POLLOCK. r . I jt L '�
b7y some one ofl ille fiirmer, Vitil. Rights, Bill; Attached 61'each litiquat -ia ta�
No a ' - . '. IFOLLOQK - L - _ -
-em Pee ' ; - ndpr -a 'P6wqr of' Sale contained _R
MS. ta W Bake 61--cial A -I de I
ard upoil ivhi hwas viritten thepqTe.
jw-cAargeg' soci�ty iee ant I -floffl
so fficial ABI, ee H..'& B
owinz, - - I- - - - by Bernard' of the
hq:pub e-that-theVL are inscrip' I rich April -17th, 1866.' w Z
--of these Sent U _Mori',a�,e maae
a dispJa W iel' atbrs;'and the foll Go e CORDON.
% and it 11 We exercid w J. 8 Villiage ol iuri: 1w & Towns
the Civil-Ri,:bt td �ex- ch hip of Hay, in - I-orai
i tion e. g xy-oue�)ilbe, lcoitows ...... M&W perangp!!
efi He'fele his
-C Foranvi%re ot the Reviews ......
J&_T (b6tig a party thereta-. fo
1� Tusolve -Ant � - d. 3
)WGV 4%0 r !lie pfirlidie 'For itily three -fthe Revi
Aon onei. Th rst de�,, which ia.e QLOR' count� of Huro Mitry. Ann
the vie eus pren our gFa itu e. 8 n d, IQ ut the
4=010 oTitffroretqr, masi by, the chairmaiij. zr,.j;g,.
6 . . .. .. . L 1. . - . . ' 12.00
"ter. Oil c! 3 TUE. 'o -dower) deladIt 0aving been
Q.A& � - f.dehariingher k1oh of thle Re
Xf��46rts�, decided, j'aiainst us;.�but we' OWING to -he Abd 54 -
Ar.: Abko-
1� the matte'r brKenhcth- -M&Lg�Adn Ill- I the dtie paynlent thete(;f,,aud noti�e . �0 will A+be Ivok-in-
made it -Tiestv, manystimpers For 131da-wood and oiii�7 Rev;ew.— 7.00,
-to; nd tonees�
the pleasing.. satisfaction. fl]i 1-10W G:J.;-Almast, 0 difficulties mij be overcome `.or e -liable agentilni UZIntreal-l`Tbe undek- Forl3lackwood.AW alty' vro ofthe -
that 10OR Sale been- given to all partitas inter Stq
solvent. . 1,6— 1 d; there will otil for re
ston - oderieh, lvifitl g tiffei6g Their services � Reviews ...... -10.w
I a6od
bejdpla on sit,"
am -know by -diligence. �-tc . - - .; - ed have c6lifidbut in,
iiiertofiud, efits and"Ieari?ipg; who lwtlshlp of .
Cr6dittirs dfille1psolvent.iie notified ft& or the Re& - - -
[u6-*:-Iiouse and. uilditi, sale. qf BjtEAn-,:TtFr.,, AsnFb- 11.00
I as, and, gond uch. fiir the ForWa&wood
-were ziaintii,� "-All ictions shotkId be reer :Assfinnleiit ..of his dwelli
nd-religriom- Of A. A 1866 .. ....
arguments and who our. a' ulate4 f�- THE the I CoA 9 GzAix
that he It made. an. zet failinl� sfresiini Friday,. 8.
r asou a' IS Br.TTE]i. CHEE. Ar8lacktirrIodit'n*NgWi� Resiews
sit 'state' -Al c They -have idelf'a- -dvpartuient for
k an;J - I -
.4@W- on both aide I I uIr that the abova act, - to bearing oiella g*c&I
d p di ettate:and. effeets, under the b i4nniti through -t- 16t .1so the Sto ge 9 mich d The-,interestottheso--Pe6xfiLmls to American reo&ys
-e -,ned Assi7neo an i ey- are at 10 O'clock.a. na.;,- afthe Villav f Z I xu. under the gfnient of an experience -h I
m? th undersi israjber.iticreasedthaiidimiittdie�f y jbe�artides,
'-diciSion oua1fio have.beezz g1ten to us, an rilitia ut,611silBi ounty 'of Hurov,". lsaltwuan. e-oniablonagr CivilWsr.-&nd,tboog� sorntllme�tjaVW
1 1. -7 h , . - ths fixr� - . - I I . . . I . . .. ill the Tdwnsbip -O'f Ray,
warrvear.: fornis --me, .,w In two-., won -the as`tol 'umber
no n premim winal,property; n 11 __J )OUGAL.L-& Co., u�ithprejudtee.,.they lilai sffl� emigetrin grem
-6poaderozis and unan' Apily the tolld' -ot
xmt -and vi&- account ofour.py required to
swera- ft I& thisdate, with tbeif -claims, 80.&Yig Q JOHNSTONIT' Mel lt� abilitymod ;he-dif'rcjittlaiW-poinis:froms-bia Jher�
afi�onMerrhauts _Ae
ble arifumients.. `-bi kO BP,'R
'Chaiirmiu�.- to say the At Sandwi6h - on the 11th inst., 'by - the rc thitteen otirtedn,(14)i and fifteen (15). Gon urewratten. beread mid oui!W With ag"Units4i-by*&�
X. e. and.th'd value , , I- I
iz parcel or Re' Mr. Bruiere, G;,, t�. the -security -they h6ld, if any, W11
V. Girliestotie Esq., Yee
lemt.siemedio hi' -p' *�dlcec�'Ior. -tie even, a statiOg the -fhct-_-.ihe Godielgh, lApril,10* ill- fifths. of -an acre id t . ill.age ofZurich, W8 2 pe Iscountypofereryergedanil
6�a- lyina- and of it -� and if none
Am. Express -Agent, Wilidsor,'to MiS9 Louisa 2-- t
nship of H aforesaid -I' County of
ih chers 7
Pren#ums to NeW
an L]k - I
q fie%�- 'quIlserillefs 10. any.1woll at tbe Above -
0ontmilieted oar ledde'r in'the last -speech to Rosalie; second danghter of the late - William 'Ifurbri. Deed er pl)wpr of'hile in
M. tho wholeatteiteduiIddr.6ath),wi the.-Vou Tow 'IT'
dvilk Ia fw. MOW wis in support otsuch'claims -und 7R, A
it h business to say. right. Babi F FO
of the former Pace. or cracre. -
t Go6rich,. - in Alle unty*. ti periodiallsAs JN66-%J rLem
-d -Dated W TERMS OF SALE -CASE. eotitw to
569. _`anV` - �0;"-' of -the F011F XAVW_"
ztq, io runnin g 'rat"
Gt�orge7s* Cres
-the Township of 'Ti -EL F td* W13 �-T-ovvd- Of(,' -Lots a beauti-. calls for 1866, will- receive, gra .111 Y
'L An oi�-Jezft" wilh ow to 'OLLOCK-- M&US ST LC _NTe;v ilthf-6 ,
iverec ng n OIL the th April, in cent in -the I S& ribers*to all fi e 6fthe)?e_rro&_
ef nos vhici. McGrattin, aged '60 HE -No- h
0 _' B. 1 .1 fully an tua commq. I -hot *vs or 1865,
&rgue the p I t' k .. _.- 1 0 RENTS
Sw wrong Ao any. argament whlf�_. being 66
d of Rii on this 12th dAy of prll� 18 FOR SUE W -T 0. N
;Campoie r
0131 w h him! at aR Wawa -iOffiAal Ai;tsgp�ee H, 4�011. 18thit 1866 rllartcel XG I -tis, P twof!#*
P eAbovf
4inc It. a. River atid ForirRevi -f
_.y. tim either h, 31r. J well knowd J�jge' FArmtJot; jerid
Soficitir iorf6solvent. Ia
0QD* D.,
Ata#y notice --;-so much for- years. 8nJv6-cribexs'ma -
rM I back-unnoM
AA bi PriTAft 40r� PUVJit-1 J. Y. ELW J LarLe Nnews ca -a4 t. 'tie acre of.LRUd, _Y-alloobta n.
_uipriing . in o
fi within GJ Miles of
m - the 'first debote. Th�. fast o - _Goder rif'12t 4866 w12 2wL God6rieb, &rtl is 711 acre ery dttii;ir�ble niatimro for a &tell' thb following reduced ratm �VIZZ
came _Off at ich Ap L, Oile and Jr3rnAm a v,
wffae�, al- aL
r- nd (;Rce r price
house a and termsap B/oz4vowdlivern.September, lo, AM
L teel Private rest,[' 2 - -
Blueyee. The, �ubjdq was clia ed, �idd a f7dine I lier, JE65. inclusive,.at ibe,rate of$
ar -.A .6f ply direct to Uie 0Vpr4.e1br
,gued -mais erly -othiFr hLlf &'-a' �� L
tumps,.and the lot to -
'has neve JOHY-A -b1LLAND"i The WartA Brituk frow Jawya
br all oar men, Pewi col7eu; powei-ful, iind - ' I ,
10L balfis clear ofS'
-ihopdd* slid- unlity St.
r 9,to 4 years hisolV61it -Act of tith, Deo�mber,,180, inclusive ;'64i Bdi�&xreA &OL
GODENUCH. April,. 2T 4,iU� United
, 186 . - _ -' L -
unanswerablisarew#Ats.�- ' 'drivdn hWe a' orchardL--pr
were re also ayoung
home In-the'Clou"nt Mutt. I �L '; ItInzwisterfrom April, JSW;l 136eeoii�,
y plough0jt. 1 0
!in _;..;$1:2'0. 0.00,: 'f Ilid best Rggo- - nient .-of fruils in t7tg rwin an ad 'the Londoxt
4ur xi4e. The rt *Wer of ffiillid�, Z Ins RACERO CnWeliph- 1865, incirlsive, a
Ser 40'
ower of'We.. .-by&IU � WhL
-Wroxeter!..eI1R1b, who [.00 tiei of Ruron a,�d Aruce..'� JpS trees o r10
....... (a A, to terms,. -L -c.'
tits aMitaiiim
ojqe or two, ex'cep p Thdinas, Currie, and A� d d ' .11 aad'p .0derieb, at . It
with [am 1 tME u 4. e r. a aoo we- Imp.
u to or anv Iteview-
5:00: n ew copies 1 To JUn of_�ff
de% confined themselvis t 11' d ..Flour Gerrors McDouiyalt.- ..signed hL a 6 apply
he -sllrow. Act, to me4 fi�- im-.
ignmen 'R
E0 Re wsfbr-18Qat -W
4: '0 -.s* t of his estate T A -f
02i ,�6
e Idsolvent re iiatified
been apgoiilted ITRICKOARR L- Tthat biila� mi4q an At -a set, or f,1.WA* =,y
0.50 Al -
what=jumeats'we, ad' 0:40 P1 infiff. TW once.
this, 7 :90
6 050 0
waaced, one of eeir RirIey
6' 945-1 m and effects, uader t
Alexander Campbell- J.-Awlgniie.-in Afiis- -Zalborne._NbV-`3 .18
Iran. aersigned Assigniie� and.thi�y. we r6gin"mit to ftir-
6ndaut.. matter an --.re' a H Cdurt ot
number spent fifteen, ate
_Wm -sill kind -0f D f d ReVisionfior the Tb* -of
Shee .00 e.
. !.. & R nis me, *ithin 1wo mon If this date� - with
'T their c rity tl
'4ialiielf enly fire' minutes to p- 1 1* 'to.be-Oled.*i� ivid months laims; Specifying tbe'seeu �iiid in the'� 1%41` J TM
n�!oixr, lesving ......... Suites c a ms iev.hold, if
"Tuft "inents. 'The rM sda F. *Air
ork 25 - al 7:50 frorw te. lis rue,
be �i.. b
iLL; &nd if'
tl�&_ GD=601' thi ody.and thi vafii� ot nolle'i stall . ng 1. 0. First ofma No.zg W;dkerZtreeL1K"
5:00: 6W
C hai at -the Beef_. 5:50 ori Tuasdav the T-' - A�-!' I - - - 1:
W*4,1 I the Coulliv of Huroti fact -,,the 'whole ktterW-undir.62th.�with.the hn
- .. . t en6h in -'fD liers in bupport _ak oM 11', fort A
Annonacied 80pp dq .-,-one. So-_Itides(greeny .48 at lbf
C161012 adrawn slifu&,, of 4) ih6, at 10 lock
is - V the village -0 u - i . . L. S.,& Co -,also PuVishdw
4 0 ofsueb cl us.
Defereneff butiter . �. --- 1. - . - I, t z e 'Dau ' I taai�qi �A ssespiment, !irrd, re�-
14th day.of Apeil A. V, 1866. Vs. ue .2
inn, thiags -conadere4, r or, h Riv- -1*1r. Gomilv-ovff�uroin this heir-ingapp" s
Pres h It Of Mi. rsaid- Towfishi
ode that the 0:19, 0:20. L -ent, e nt D.,ted at Goderich iii the I 60MF
cannot S. PoLLOCK...-, JSWL
.t P" to, otieth day. of April, tb�-AswssZ U)II-fo
*a'F6 *!IY MOM for bduting also' tfie - Potatoes 0:20..'. a 0.06 Terms Two P9
7 Official A&
2,00 easy, a Tdwus -Ver�, 'ff"*T0lt'6fy1d6C01l6C@' A
B S. PpLLOC�K11" UAX 7 'D, BTUVMT5TzM3rF.,
ei dffir.
0,15'aVAs" V%In�
*ignee ADMO'.\
50diCtY 4�dkous theni"Iselves; qu- Iflo irk iMinister Qf_ & *Uct�
ff4 - - it,,- %ood....._ .... ;� ...... 2:25 1 Poly ta, 14 ro tp
Lt Asent, abld to &bat@ with said socie tffa -W-ton 1 14" TOW& ORE' aelens. 4_n6it tor stidna
ty� I might, G01MONe Met
W licitors f ssignee.. 8t.
Bie". C., .. . , -, net
. ... . .,�. ... 4- 111solve
new* 0 10 x 1711 tf.
w14 �ert aft.tion that al th U 0:00 oi A soliefto 1107 417
-April-itib IS6
.7 W12 2V
'19- D I N G
D w�
Ile T