HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1866-04-24, Page 2as -sera IIPT ler mr morn .1 ) t .) • - . d ere and provisions down turd: in- fish end .Wpst leelieusted .he hew .stodle by than -wealth, .better thing than life itself a 3 Capt. -gays, Sere. Phillips. rind other ; - - ays ago, a a mines t.a :no a ti. e .11-1 • -'- - rhyme and tie see the sanie trait exhibi- d • - t 1 t d h 1 if t ti • t liws. of freiababdats from ;Montreal to Ilali- eaveetaade betecen Canada and drives ;eel tvet r- 1 -lie be- etiful t d "- d d cl th t-'11 - • o •• ri fa t lair four gentle aiel w216* qpent dirn-rs a tulles uort 1 of this b faxa• The . . • • - - • - la in ney een I le, to het% ceit tne !queen of pietism.): yreeur.ed also 'many pew fight for their country .and..their'Queent.,..• ulty--of torturitigIthe 'language so that hie- and at nbon preseeted licr turd' ce aunger ..staere we rneau tlie eating an rut ing.part7-,_. d d poetry and the mere fac- mer w • bb' tf ) - town t e wi e o a ar- - I is 4 11-1,-.d. :This is censitliired al }test tail t the Niaietre c•tital..- the ErieeelMuld . ties of ;Metal -eat :wad. Hali lea,' in a readatuffs idresses!and _seat( jeeelry.,- The inphey: was c ova. culla meet be c nefly No. children ihere hi a better thine -mica th) - was Of.- up in Mr.. Hesker s beg style . . t f.• - • .1 f.Taa_POETIC-XL MANIA. *Mt* et t. p• - - • - • - . • •••••‘• • • • 2707207.772i.A.70-.02*77.2.-2-27- weiaia+7 • . . _J.:. 7 _ . • : ' - • . - . • . • • .. . • . _ --c. __.---.. t - Goderiele April 33:e1,.1136.6,. „ , N ft A SII1R-U.A.INAL. • - • The!46- advantiL4es being. established; they etarigilla iSt Try of a.2 Woman of 1% pt for the E.4he G .? • . To the Eilitot oe the Beteg -Sig:nate , • - . _ - , . , # . are sauecisave -at to leave no room- tor - • ' This project is now before.tion,rre..ss.- he troversy: Put -then-come twpaother-question8: . • . • • • - - • The noblest deeds %vhich have een does file mania foe writteg doggerel- yews - -I bee' leave -td take this niethodeof • • ' • • ' • Men liebilit The New_Yol correepondena of the Ro on earth have not been done tor • . • • - New -• york eu-ine .ereeks _ago, le Sponger repeating as ree . . c'offert for thetthisteleratioe. of -the stude.tit- retavniage thanks tO Jones. , - -censer uetion ,1.1ee' to et -Out of •-eutitaas the Enfield ? - i t Urrinti elat‘the felloWing : -- • , wet not foe. the .atek.e.of Vend Abet ire 11,.041 are to th.e eareeept -a Very: ',came flown- and diti7d,..: and the upOstlesmi- eeedent'fine hub, in Peris,-,: oat and pisnelted the good lietts !tea - -‘40DERINT. uf. Arilt44 --ofhtunan nature a meat inferesting theiee ter,- Of -the. Saugeen band Of Indians, f°1.' the. 7ezi. nal antleMa • hohoer. -of' New lroilie hee sated the siuhe meg and -agar. in the actual. ':“ eernies fi . « 0-3 t • • -- for specidafive• a iseusion.- licier are we va,ua ) e assiseance rendered totem by, hint, report,:d-o, tiiti to Congrees, from the Coni- business- of •a• carnpaiair ? For aiiswera to fast -awl not eery . - GEOECG-10-.S'• 'SOCIETY- - - - - • - - • the arrest of W-1- " ••••'- -1" d, euesaidee we must eo. IP / mei lean testi ._ ota .4; pther day by:a ledy , lands. -.The Spartans •looked for n -e son :to ne, -e mare wit ' 'mit tee.-oit fa". eats Mid lanais 'in .1th:favour. these • ; • - • o retake' • • ' al• • 4 II' " • I - 4.‘ if • I I • I • • s ta 1 • r •hl• in mone I ' -they f writ. ai-d a - to account for -the faatetevery .hrother - . - _ DIANEA - • "t " o Juts weic rtmeat- ,o war,_ nicety oat -ties, on 0 icia. aut Innis is 'At 1.111 ) low 1 tat 11101olin 16 0 WO1 ty en- y w ten o - _ a, at Thor - -"tor will vouch *for its Moe a fact) that Su:, 141 . . • • t -the murder! of the ,ItichauaDoctot.. 1 ape: • • • . lIuk-h Johnston Pisti.i :Will; write:to the indiaif: was .ga-y -re.„ New_ yuier, and pay from liis'countrytheii, bat livid peoevie . The -annual dinner id cotinection with people -.wile° have not rthe temotest idea- o the - Peetine. -ram high, eMontreitl Gazette, = • . hi • Paris' bed eiani. eel- _late Miiiister .Mr. barefoot all his days also those wit DePartment, and'I think. When ',the faets ate• 'runs highe attiolig the gemitiercial • and rail- ' - - the- State bagisiaturee both tor and iteanat it le teeagneette supeiwain built eespecte.- yeeetient. el. . . • . through n inopyta; ; wee soerates .-the .d • - -s heti • 11 o ' _ 0 Otte:11: ••• t ' • . . - • - t • - _ • the St. George's Society 0. this -WWII' was the grammatical constructiOn- er the Eng- represeteedeif the de,pOriteent . take: tha road men urNew On elle subject. • The- Ship Nits/ gat ion far the G Is 1 f --,. • -0..y I t treuhle by frequent' up- . . deeds, but not for gold. eitcoverersditi held. at; the Maitiand-•Hotel last _port:N. •• - pireations ler peeteerary aid.: Changing - not go to make themselves witen-they lish , eeerlastijw-ly writiip, }Yeller steese it will reltiiouritee persoile or man) Sources tlt,e'antagotiistie influences, • •••1 • that knul a;stst officers- in; arrestine ere it Buffalo and Oswege.. The, selieme • - : • . • ledgilege, shoe loited. in a burtetadrawee -of her sailed, but, erne alter another, into theAr'eari 23rd.. bum some cauae, chiefly - Ire wretched verses, upon every -Subject, from - ma s, an. ig a ("real measure.erevetit crinie y. represented aby 13uffalo melt as a. project ie the .1‘11*--Finh-LY, ael•ent of.the Quebec -arid 1 _on- he, w residence to ilea sheres of stock high in frozeia seas • etor did the ladies whO w ir not exclusively, 01.0swegvie tiTai thins .coneerned in or igineting tut -titer eaate., .She preleably lieew of the existence last year fo diudge in the hospitels'_eouft . think 17 want cf. entepeise -idisposing- of sdnie great ig.tion exCitentent detail. -to. i mpressi fig :upon lids .unfortuitate- closs the 'interest chiefly,: tiekets,"_ the attendance was not so large as ttie, death Of a oeio.hbor.s. b-aby.e; reey_eitiou• that it eennot be bonunitted with while the oth'reseplitee . their lairomei: epee Colenial line: Of steanie.rs adds to Atte infer- ere law in Parie iikaiug, it. a j•eral offence, Rae; making themselves pope Ana -. eiepteley. The_ ilt8er.tiou ef this aiwiti „trowels.. • _ - • .mittunt before the pitblie, '•soine _further paaishable with neir'esone mit orehe galleys might be eieh ie noble weeks., And yam; - former occaslona but, still very_ few of "bey Sleith-;. hi- Gni: (If his leettires lord eb. A• 2 en-culated purred well assist the enids Aitlaw oseego_leee end thejr :sup ti.eu els, in a, time t it, a „ ax Ch,rontc/e. take? anything/ Aii.da not having -delivered inen, "too, whom you know, Children 1 he says •- • • tlw police - 1- r a - the.. seats were empty. Besides the re.-.• Philosophy, mentions .the ddight• of a, Of justice and Oblige vourbitinble tenant.- 'poi tore wei•e able le ;get thoiteh -the 1 • - • It 20 1.tt-11 °Wile g 13C• dis- some ;of them in your own kin, did they sip gular members. of the Society, we noticed ; batch_ of laborers wh-h one of -their mini-' ' New•Yortale:eishe (me it.erietetrs --that- -their ; Peesidesthe Hee or reeceq pae-engeis and] covered,. M es, , imseteetilouely negetiated • - - 13.EIINARD TRAINER. to theinSelves: how much moneyabeu,eaeur. • - fed . • • „. freielit steamers front uebee zo Shoditic and the -shares reali4ne • tWenty. th eland frames. ,••• • • • - oraionen.s•eurnmaric AUALL0 innlioh, AO • .0 , _ _ when they went-out:to war, leaatng wealth - amongst thoSe .preserit Capt. Goodman, hers 'is lucky :enough to. „strike - upoti A° PaCkealtoths few etek, on a, proVise whirl renders. the feet Pl'eteni it is arPoes`:d that .thal'e shall he- a 'This suet supplied lice extravitgaut wants and eonifort, and e pleitsont hothe and a- t- • ' military crentlemen. The -dinner itself -t-- ted by tinr children almost dollSt: Bue - - .11 .f f a iteceoary eliniinary -to. an.....ythink.,. s . . • - • 4 1. 1/21 1101111 s an ea la t ey einem; 9 I.0 .1.11t2 11112 mare, an , - • 'el d d Indies _produce tip. As 'regards all these ala !accident aiscare •ed who hedatiegoliated the and that is to have done tioinetliing beam; • • - . • = - - • fliends- ore tee fiew project wii -um on 'Le "every artiele-of4theseaSen.bi.ieg famished,: lines eeds with. wo•ds More or less .rhyth, a fine son, ---early _in)„he afternoon one Of renew tree frelat ut „next seSsinn of the `ticks, _ end espee faey sugar; It is or the ut- !shares; Ee deinueded -reimbursement.; the you die, for Which ITOOd men may boner yew - . • eta Served up" in exCellent St3le. The midal. is be reason Whypeo 1 -"el d 4-1.• d d • d 1- - I f h 6-=. and 'Clod your tether smile upon your -work,. - • • - • • h • " f I -I 64 it ot:i re to ay nshipment and • p t, lett. SO, the farnier,s cciWacalrea, hour or so Legislature, to secuiet remov t re_ ki np t is, . of, a , avoided establislmai 'tuition. Bra the fraed- was 0 d -he - i y wee a ,now _ge o t e tran- The teeth:8 thfs reau only bp hest deserves great-pr-anie- for his exertions- .. • I their elfusions to. tiM riearest newspaper later ono -flier had. ttr ealvns, 'arid st-iletien Irmn the• Z5 „pr le .0 Vas -Charles Klageley. _,. • Melia throaeh da line, as water carrel.; uot !tried and senten ed- to St.- .:or six• - f g 72 i I fl d d tl • - &sleeved by -(he 13ulfalo -parte n _ to render' his• guest's chniforta e so ar_i office. have, in our rejected that ti g it one so s. ewes roppe cc_ • - - t r t. teasomade terms • I • • d • _ to e a, t p es_n on . - hie tlie coestrtiction of the le iteetea canal „enont S. • et ) air was ehaven, jambs I _Beat this -who. eau. 7 - me e`f eat ilere,„-aron, liatifax te Monteeal. - _The mereleents•Eshe was put to lairdavotk, her delieate„ hands' as an excellent tepas.t eolild Contribute to droierq more of such- stuff Ian would ttependent-upun the enlarge- . 2 . deriaiely -slow --much - ehreiviblese, .13y--thet -on the..-Atlanlie • seaboatd -Ile _Provule ihaviti'r never before .coitilesce a to do `more ' . _ • - - titat h.tppy,..resuit:-.'. . Af.fer_ din.ner. the : . niake up a Volnine ii.slerge asthe eamplete _ - S 1.`-.A..N.114INI.'. -etunrot fai. to appremate the , impurtence, ellen flirt a fait.. .:Even iii the Coarsectoneicea= aieimeenienirthe matter. ntaiels thus :----iif, the the now 1.11:it• the Treaty -Of ReCiarticity is eibi•es= -dress and ugly eaiie her ,beauty was _ inedenie Niagara .-arlhente. :lie ..earri el put, enlargiameiti * Pr-, ,. the • .(31,11,3.7 cuma .*-ill:.g.:21e(1; . 2.21..4aving - flour laid- 'down withold ::able; and, set -6#.- •bey a Intilv:e.coquetrii-- blur: have emea-jsedgeed ; if the enleeeen....,eitt Cerise" .gr:.;:..,-aii.iiirrPorni,lei.rtItiii.34811::),1%.,:,sa:*1111;dieleilstitliii4ant,:-Itil.pileiTile:rn.,.."fitrso-.11per);t1n-ints•iteigeieiillaii:imilazin;einotinuti,lizemla coifleiseilse,. '.., the. hated ri val.: echeme : will - fie- ittrpoa,ible-; ket teemed to theta ie'retore lur 1.11Sposing of nied to;Otiter eriSoiters„:".•- :Many Americaus in ' and; ragai.e. it:tie& eirlargeineut lie-a:fleet:ad, it tee eote-er: taiair.yuriotta • imports, te te.p0h Ilia arrange-:" Peels --visited her".1frine earlosity-ivhdein lime: is seoposed that: the riceesSitydfer 1....)...linicli: leRs-; ibat meats how: liehatinede •_in the WPst ledies ance aile, _SIM • •eried her time out, •:and le- canal•will .tliareby- betiOare ite tricede will fail -to conenand influelice an -al Brazil &lee lik(de to add 80 Inri;e1l: - - 'mew perhapa=ag, iii -eilaleveyeehearte. by 14 P'11AUrtii,g...11\,!':,1c1;'0"r-TrYt7sC.iButiiii-4:!,e'09iitlges:n1:.-ilal?7:,iigi.litni.„;If7:.1',;._;.iit.".t"eA.thl,ien:iisi::..rtirieje-gehettiohihieolVt%1Yieatirrio41:ilileCitieland°;' :ciprunzte3.r•c_elle„..bhie.j,ktu'iditis%il:4Aett.yed,:krOslisainrine9,S.:ir_; vStail:deais ' tehoataiNatilr;eiialit.t11.1•seliiT•iiiiteititintalititStvit)-litieldelbo,usatiiiii.:Citlijoili:.:4tOi...f' Itiltir_iitino.gr,,tblioeliCi u,gt•-•-piellf;Cliti,natisocau.ttol juilc,gli..itigi: jai4, ex. life 3 eftereauth abe Jived m Ligiv- York, out- . . Ship •Ohia, tylieltashe-eesided..nitefit Of her .tharried • usuil - routine- of loyal toasts was- gone! werks of Shaktispeare- and • -14_1 . I - -rThe Steal Sorhig Show_ .at• Varna cattle through With. „Each, as proposed by the its' conies, Until we are bored beyond - all "" . • . - _ Chairmar;-* Crtibbl Esq.,-- President elidurance. For iritt•ince, We reCeived, a elect of the Society, being,recei%,,a with 1.day- or two ago, the folloyiug, which- is theenclbuteuitable songs. In- proposing 1. gieee.etoire :.___. - " The Day. we letter " the chair•nan ! :, When old Adam be fast -Weie/created _ rose to .eloquence. He traced the bis.tory 1, lie was lord of the universe erownea, Ilig baoluess wai not tAftupleted "' - of E4land's tuteliir saint,' and showee until that_altelptueet be--tound. ' .. . s ., . ., 1 Tile .11.wise glean, 6 tentor , - that whilele was aaoptea in that capacity 1 ..:. ' - _ - , . . . .. 1.....tw that he wanted a wife - 4: . etone`t Lukill:ileriralZ tic -it ip.tiirt of his side a -slumber - by other countrie.s, he Was in a -peauliar 1 If 'Y seTtnise the "Geicigge of: 3, lelrie England?: I r _ t e in.-,rtat. won( cr. AtIlleanli)(211227 n-lo:t. d-nran-g: e speaker t en recounted the heroic.- . ; 1,eelaylludg-a Or food that wasi.tVanting (teal- •Or the 'Britis-h: peep -1e,-. how they "cv h '''' • ' ' „aces ue ton ten tc; our laves - - • lie had liorsesand foxee tar I imitate - went on rcenque• rieg.aud. • to-comptr, anti Which some et..e...11 ;hurt: than Oren. u Ives " , now EngItind's Mandate_ was listened te If aaythiiig. morc nonsensical than the- . With ivte and „respect by natio.ks of ; ebeve could Le ceneeived we think the t the world. :-. These seatitneuts were lontily t folleWitig-titpe the 'clithax, ' It- is by_tbd , . .., I ,_ , .: 1 same • enthor, who Signs._ hiniself .",Live . .. The VICO- chairman, Lieut.. Jelin Davi,: 1 Forever. -• • . , _ - - son,. in.•n.pioposlitg- s.- The Land We left,". . .. come ail my loat ie. How- s - That -wishes LO be free m de a quiet but affective,. sensible speeoh : , Stoke -tip yor noble courage- - lilting attained her high- position as a • . And entnr vuiunteers.. ' . tre k eniaus they are saying, -warlike power, England's pii_ssion was now a hey- 1 pulaourcuura-ge down, • We areehe hop: Oat fears 1:0 noise - _ . cheered. - - - one of peacetbeadvancientent ofscience, literature and_ ait, and the development of dose vask commercial enterprises which -tended to make her the. richest, as she was the niest-pewerful nation of the earth- Our- Guests" was; responded to in a suitable Manner hy.!Jaines- SVfitson, Esq, Capt. Goodman and 31r. W. T. Cox, all ot-whom bore testimpny to the_ value of a seciety the maid object of which was the- ' alleviation of the'sufferings and the sup - When tne. thundering cannons roar. 7_ Like-he:arts of steel - _Well make- them bleed, ..-.. Minty come _upon our shore‘ The loyal men ol Caaada= - , We'll never bit -put Omen • Weal. right them tali te-otre '7: eLike the batee of tht!i. Boyne - hunt them bas -k to Yankeetown, . 'W here they Will cry oeh hone The protesthias 01 Ireland - Wile never yet .beat down "- s. W.bile we_have receive& ancip a few .exejlent -songs hased-n plan .nian agitation, the quotation- just Mulled he. Pe- en is: a fair sample of the pires of trash which ray of the waifs Vpoor and `distressed Lunt _ of hale .come -to hand only -to be -copsigeed persons, not orilY1 EttgliA, to the .,steve. The „worst we wish' this' - British bubjects 'generally...* • To The Land_of AdOPli011" last gontribUtor is that he mai/ liVe- until 'Yeomans made a very „kood,_ speech, in which he set forth the -vast resources of Canada, add -the high positioti she would ....ineritablj take in future yearsaniongst tha, -nations of,the earth% - Capt..Hays Also responded -in his usual off .hand;happy style. - He ' said he was - prOnd of the landof hisliii-th, and he be, - limed it was tlie Grin determination of the rank, immediatzly ouqUitting the schools; • Canidian people to maintiin their insti.- he is able.to write better poetry, in c‘TI.ii.ch - ease the_COunty of Aaron will have et- - - least. one. ceutenariane - ga-Volunteer officers who- may- have resigned thei; commissions for the pur- f t the lkiirt 1 - pose o en ering ary c oo may rejoin their companies, -with their original • SEAFOR Unions akt, 'hist whn „might wish to trierthrow them- . MAGIsTRATE S COURT. • - °RAM- Wilt: of Canadian Yolun- • trohn Hickso-e and fifteen otliers were - teen' being : proposed, -Corperal J. J. summcined .to. appear before Woiship , *right was :gilled upon tO Make a speech Peter Ramsay Esq.- J. P., on 1Thursday • in response, which ‘he -did, lie lauded . .• 2 / t last, to answer the chirp ot assiulting w. the spiriV that 'actuated tnit voluntecro H. -Bullock alids BacIdy, on the evening atandiktween-their beloved country an of the 13t1i, destroying: property to the_ amount of 1105:00, and eticlea.vorina.. to upset his Photograph Car. This•ca:se - de hia ,daty, uniiinchinnly. For his own pan he iould re;ret the time 'be spent in Rarniti„'and when he jook his place araonpt others on, the banks optie St, Clair, he noticed that eel.. 'Jarvis' a threatened invasion, and expressed his conviction ,that every mae was 'prerared Z5 face brightened with a smile aslie gazed upOn his (the Forporars) gigantic: propor- - Froily:' that Moment the Col. seemed to think that the couutry was -per- fectly safe. The very fact that the -Fe- - nians elaiined to nuinber themselves by the million,. while their oppcinents num- bered only fifteen thouiand, and yet were afraid to attailywas proof positive tha4, ihey had but little Tro &wet of conquering lire to dey, thee Ite` iietewerthy, as seimeiling-uneSually itgaceahleethat the e;e4 Intents werea proeitious; so ehat-ive . gew . betiet,..thitt/fne on-ce rit-htut we have had . fiae dayaftir Shoee • et • a. large ettend-enee. :the -,Favine'rs - the, Towaship lend- :tteiglib-4arlated Who pound to take. a,deep- hiterestin :the-. pa.ciceedatals• the dev • rind' Mine and keen We're. the - mei. passed epee the, aniurtleepehtleited.-- There . were eleven :ontire-horses upon -the .'grOund; and four Bella': Fear:6011e Ilorsee weee entered ea-, Heavy' :Draugh-tr!aethe rest foaueuerel iterpoees.. -.TtieJud,ace crOrtt Hathewc'Westiake end JelmaJohesten;Senie, Esqrs., of Stanley, and. Hee ry .0 It es ney, .-E.- q. i - of Tuckersmith., ,Theafirat -P.rize tot heavy draughts ..must have heeni misily :decided;•it -.Was awarthid io _i'llatchem" - oWn.e.d. by George:CrptherS, 4 poWertelderk bey,"stantl-, Mg °yea; 17 halide-high:L.- the largest .11iiree I have.seee. in the Quaaty„of: garen.„ :The. cry usedtu bp ainogeStahritteureof Studious at the's? Shows that 7the. tkortea were a II 'aloe. light, too lielia" but On• g'etifiig ,alatig side. of - this monster m-en)"thook -their bends, cantina, ously and said 4.. too big,--toabig"-7se hard iS Ait Ito sittisfy heineel: Lettere.= The ' Second trize wits 4 -warded to. -Soinareille'ta 'a7Prifice of. Welea". a Hprse . well kitOWne and jus_ily_ 'appreciated -ie 'these • parts, , " le-tir . gorier:el- p urposes."i :the first .- Pt tie Was- -awarded -to letite's.Pi ace. of Wales,. a fine,,lookine light. ity.- Th -Seconde-Prize-'to.IL.- Orr's staRob ii geey., wit- any quantit•y 9f mtisele and oettv- Itoy,".--...'atiplendid4 year olddark bay, raised je • Matichein, I expecte good, stdelrafrom this a nimel, If he. has -lora:. he isacP me of a. "good li kind. .Considera le ; Interest 'was teken in three Colts ." get " of tho'.. ' Bay_ I-Vella:ea" which died:three .years.ago-eit is•.d.M.htful - if ther will .COmenp tit' the. weight 'ottheir. ="( Sire !'. bet -114- are - ser viceidile leolcirea tali _ . e. Mats. - It was -the gegerele .eXpreasion -thee this ,was - 'altogether the liest show of lloescs eaer seen -in StanleYe . 1,- -... - , " - , - --There weee °lily frier' Bolls' showne-etStane 'ley :should turd Out. twitaeii.thatieunther at -least), two ''' thpeoueli - breede," and two e-Gradesa'-' '1'4e .. "-Grades'. 2- acrere• bat SC) so, and. t he.leest saideibout them the better,' G.. Andereou'e :" Ventere" te.one year olrl Det - .hatn of great beauty and promisaemid Devidittatep out --of their darhogatiou • Yule's Galloway, e"..Placa .1)ouglass.1-' • Doug- .World dues mine Ihrwai•d, arid .atleitst in. thechailleid ingenei• lets .got -.the Pi ize ratid--_-_We . thought Us _we • . looked at him thakeur-GeveraMentaeouldemt deserlhed as ..vvolideiful. Pe,I;Itie. who _have . do - bettet iti the-. wey. ef.. saying the North Made themseives-acquitinted 'ale the great.. •-- = West question,. than' to drive. off the iluisanil cornetts. - -that ft:flower:1e ill fii•st. pretaili . ant military Ineasire and -it prOvides for c1-11)1 _fur -the- Pnr-Pi'se 0r *mad n°1 dciing even thelasteet denies, : and dazzling _ . • , 2 • • - . lica'advisai,le to toilet at any ether 'poiut, the many admirers. _ epecialeeppeopi•letion hy the Governmebi. • ie to be -150 feet wide -on ihe aiirfece., 90-- iit great pbject. heing the:thrOugh traffic with / • tee tee:teal, With 14 reee aqui et wiqor, -anq- the utmostsavink WO in. tithe end insurance. :eViceon.-. Heel°. ere Vietur Rego- eases, - leeks reit lese 1.11:O1 teet--in'leegth and -46 rhere would be special exceptions, of:course, Wiiter end seamier, Witham sun: He lights. caSes ,Wheeti large shipmeets off•red: for his lire-und 114kes -Coffee '3 then he;eriteaa ite b real h. It is to be Fla& frOJII t oat ter -the- .trapsaortatroti ntilifiul •stPr.a.si the- Mterreediate evloeh could reeda or composes untie eleveite, arid. during. comenothaeq Me:the othei line." • , . that time no orieltreahles- him .- his _readj-,- rities ortoll On .counnerciarvessels ere not "to • e • - exceed the rates 'eh:aged ou. the Weilend ; • - - tationt. . At eletien,..-.evhatever the tempera- • ture inav De, be oes out on the terrace of -his canal in. 1864, :fhe sum Of. '$6,000 000 is • - Itzlexleclie _ • to be -loaned lar„the 'Urine& Staws• to.. ilie - • - •• 7 -at • . house, wbich is o the Emile level as ins Rion), - - 13y advice& farad the -city el Mexico. we avail - ekes ion inlet ons with c al water - Bruns PREFER VO Fltir ApAIIIST /Er _Wilin.-_---gewever much 'it mey be in epposie- tion -to received opotione, it Appears to me that birds pr'efer to ,fly against tile wind, aid to dive against the straarn: ' I am Well aware) •dear reader; how - often you have -read in --e--woi•es of authority" that the very reverie of this is• the ewe 3 but I ask yoe just for , once to ta.y atideworks Of autherityl ahd observe fen yourself. Avery spring We baye a long, succession of biting winds frem-the' notth•easa abd my experienee that Woo - 'Migrants select those .biting Windslor thee passage f?ent the shore8 of' }ranee to the shores of Englandeand fly izi the -very eye of lite wind; when" -the -current is abaft the wind or the water, It matters ,notwhich, :gets under a bird% _feathers- ia the -Most as-gravid- ine manger, and upsets hie-et:0413mM -and eflanitnity-at the tame timea, -certainly it Ihe ease with quails they abreast: inva .WAJ, stitre on their pessege of the llediterra- peate-withalead_wind, and if it chops round end blowa ,fiesh 'from the south 'west, they ere drowned by thouseuds, and- eheir dead bodies Ma': -coshed ashore, for iteeks after, .waids.---_Ptlfessor. Newman the Field; - - - - - ceineenv at the late ot -R-.00 000 for eeery tri g u • afIreealaury'sammigration scheme. Then -eoliies the= ibreelefast " home. devoted -to ___Movemsarls. iliooes.-----The only' moves 4300.-06V aeinal i ex'ig'-:11"ded.; IV ilee:lifilint!pla-ein a eoreplefe- swindliag opeeetion, taeley .ebet eud_le4eding newpapers and. nami ambegehe trobps•stationett, hereedurs Cent Or the-reeei id:be-Pad arintiallyiotO • - • • thetreaserpof the Mated:Stet-ea -to *he ap-. enreiatits., nig at wises of lendetiod. assi: tilled .to the Proenr.to, of ilieeprincipal. .of th.e - lures to eull t hem -and o - ordova, bud the pro-. Jettera. This en geperaily last fot 1111"heur ance are- air_ merely '" and a -half; Itlie poet takes long hey are -returning to waaks aceuss the', isand: Ile works. while . the United Strifes. A re _ oceerred in the rwalkineer, and.oftla jays before the points w•ir v. o v r. ex!. • 3 -- ea Mal Cif' MI the 2ard ,tw,hich doestrolyedc prho-. spaced -1y adtxprei. Ile not mucli given „uutits; P911-3 -to. the. amount of e.,00.,0• 0. - n to militate • is table is•sirnply set, aud he is - . tele the Imperialigts suffered zr defeat at the silwayt sailsfi d witt&the dishes-befute •- - • " harids of the AI ',cleans on the 1st ult ; losieg Although he,h_ as- a d'ouel uppetitehejs .modere- Shcield Our- Volume- ers be- arnied with. ' • • . , .. .d1;pisOultkoi!_ledht.11-11,;,Itteerregoti.vie,,,,ireono. tiiii)ert_i•Ificesiladtme..i.i+-0; _4:06101a t he .-least.,"ea--eess• ITY:i.dtor J-LIT2.1425 goes _field be 'disaleced 1 -1:11..is its:" ,ivi•quastien ,-quite •.le .t;, 1.1'. e . r r + W . . 1 I n to bed early eerier/illy - before ten e'clock ., i.Gvern , ea. imi ian S ()I, an. sta,es t -at aeout as pertinent fur U8 .tt5 3,9r taewiamppeurita i.)1, .t.1.--. Imer-i_eams bad it•-:vaded .4.6•140rat 0-s,tptia.ihi-y in. re.ns„. irri anord.iet)ellit.i.„"r.i,42.7iiphibereo.dt-gonn isheeeptil te.e: ment iu the way in Which it 6 pursuit et ihe Iiidiatit; bt tenothing positivejs nigh hight , . . 2-• ' " Makin, ill":01C, -11ceise of Commons, th Icilown ai tothei r inteeti its. The Imperialist other 1-4; -The Caitialian Clei,ernnient -have , ti. f 31.'h . ua., on the. 27th of jsootins tdt.Qi:irlenst.th: %tvi: ,tuesgf;mrs .tthbe_at -dcarroks.sahuids ,milidici eds. _ in .feef._ pettily Misi•ered . it by, alist•rIbittnig , sonic ef these weapOnS among .:. , _ , . breecaloadine Terienting and the En- . , - a . ate, and no one eatesaythat hehas seen .him ti 6 volatile -pia • e ebruaryshot tbreo. ral chiefs whom 'he .hierocrivphies th • in the moil iii had eeptured. - in ou'r ; judeement-a.nd • hays. ',bestowed • • - decipher, - 0 J from time to time. careful' 8(1)4 1.1Pott-it--- AlexicTin news via Ilartina-states On11 Coro- . • VSSi0_11 Of Sinah.ta minesa,and is coining oti . j et stated ,-it, is one "of vital interest for tbe nen) IS an act of nceeezansm or; the earl,. of 1 - I le- P '6 P .• • • I o - • - - the censideritton of the. cpteatieite as we have , ee_ . • . • za is heeiteriter alcizatlan tie has also pos- • The Tel -Onto :Mr etlg hav.0 ffirth Cinfor- o. • • ht, e one' pop.. Ihe mon' important his own_accomit. The centmeree Blazat- train hi. -V . -people -of this. coutitel. . pessession of_ •-1 • there is a 'point at Which no &dor cart stand etetst, was in the bends 'of the Liberals:- 'TIM he Irene:h. suPtalects have the keel -an& ' 01 e hui sd-.3i night gome or for all netiens'as they. exi t tos Clew cleduly erms. .8iall vistal question day . . re bielaea urie - them • • • • • " cased flop _Baetpprt to Inman Island _ . I . and set fire lo the ebstem House the, nem subjected io tereed loans, and *hole iteainst etiaerior arme are ye the - Ult;Mete ana.aitd- steatite; a flag, comprise the who:, Ordm of-J.:Cop-pia -.and hat ot -Isaliel- the - - 1. Governments itre naturally low to make a them are muvrite•to C•tlais an oth • . EMperor has :given the prised Cross of the 1-1,111.minc el•t1-1-4 'S 1 (1°. tesert tai dote -reline the .'statzs of nations. at • Catliolie -Alrnonte, I of their•oporatioil so _tar. Suaill,acteads of aliangita which invole serieue ex ' weo as now -the niti pense, . •ne. Yet the: e , e. • _ d et towns _ of 'the, Enipirea Th -ere it official evi-- • -- -milit try.. -oftieials: are prover ii-alie• • slow to. sn' tit , his• on the 'Mile freintier. .. Miriam hi .61311 ha'. aP•ne0 that bouis Kapoleoh- *a withdriA.i. i.ar,. French - trooes", 'mid_ that' .Stitaimiliai s - ub. ',retreated to PortlaurItial- itis tautight not . the progress. ; robableepat lie ' • Is f it 1 stei e or New 'York. e. I; reneh, . Aosteian _end Belgiau 9 . "Pt' -• • - - - ' ti toine ' ••• y,.ertir onle be ..s • . . . .. . where protestant mid .arme- are of a mu h c . _ . Bay- Coinpany-purciletisea5,-fir 6000 cattle of this Breed-esend them on to the Re.ct Itiver and Saskatchewan Valltes to take the place uf the Buffalo now' becoming seerceeeethey would soon malse goble Puffalo. _ e‘peutitleit.• idde,seraipitsiodcstehr,L1-ino. ucoate t hiNoinbniadinead.n.-alit. Diseilifeciauts.; ---- • • Of freedom has t -as set produced any vety - - - .Revtantion, knew how Napoleon the first' Attentian has-been recently ..e4iNg . . greafeeeeatioti. eondetivied rifiet forithe use -of t-oldims,.drcler- i f t t I • I I es% bee • s St a Meade is determ-ued to. Fete down, sow e in pc me. w tic n ric e . . , . . . with a- sttono hal et -any-. attempt. eci. distetb. Lig- that the• mid trouble -o-t loadine - • • . felly Used:hem.. A -perm), eneioed in empty- 0 . them mbre then -counteepeisect. their superior irecisimi end •greater ritOae,- had Teufle'red eflluvi. •edueilir the cot uts to the mere treeps. move compani• s -of ing cesspools certifies at it destroya ell the pPace... With this yaw, hellos palled for r. s • United tates soi iere aria) ed yesterday-_, and - hem valueless for the actual business of wet. - The_ euelpt for the --die- - ee • of the_gfeat crew -bars; fern -aide- deemed so • „ 'Then aeitin there Was- the enormous -weight _ . iiteeta it is as ,i-ellow-er • etheii are - nii(-"w; While this is goiag en "e h on -the AMerieatt (5ide the areiVal ot another . . ; Tilike.equal Weight ots-ful ' .1,-890 an res _ effectiveln .the United Steles seevice: • Con_ I I() 2d• d h British man-o..•war unnouneed. - -iu oth unip ine, say , or • poun a. o eac , "Zurich" A•Cril'90th LSGG sideration ot such nnture kept tae.old's ° ace(); ding to the -size of the cesspool( dissolve - - Th4 No; 2' Hay Branch A. A.1 _held ;heir bore amsket the betide_ of" EaorPeen. sn-1" them idaeparate Larrels Withboiling etette•ra.-.. • FIENDISII Robert Lewis of the- ta this da here daYivas-favorable DAC disicovery el' the- exPenditie -bullet' did .1 first tpridg Ilthihrtinn . for Entire.Horseeaand diere up teetIM.tiene or the- Crimean- Wtli. -the lime to the eausisteney of white -wash- - Tilwnshig -efeel•Pni.lrufner Lot Ilumbei threei d a I] f 6 in the third CoheeStion had ,one of his • aral tle;re wae-a goo:I.:attendance.; Theatani'- awe- • tl 11 • s tc." - t le So a s A nt e propcilt on o ati ut ewe._ _ ' . y e o eleitt , o re_ use, o ., • h • - tatart of oiling teeter to.eaeli pound. When horses.• throaf'cut and 21 COW 21/31)ed llte the • The •t e . • - . hag the past week, has been -the return ofthe •Goderich rides .to _their homes, en Metiday last, accompanied by the,liatuburg jofa,,ntry _ Company, which is tole stationer! at klod- eeich for a time test the Chicago fiilibusters - should carry out their threat of sending ,a squadron tO capture all the Lake Porte, -Gocl: erich beingfirsf in the Ivey,. will be aptAo139 first attacked 3 Sarnia, mixt, we suppote,and so op, . I'lie Goderieli Rifles, like. their toWnsmen, the Artillery Compan,y, made_ many friendiduring their slay _amongst utt, hiving behaved, :without exception, like gentlemen; aed we are „glad to learn; by a .correSpondent, tha,t they are well satisfied -with the treatment thev received born Abe citizens of-„S.trina.---Sarnitt Observer,. - a elie• The Wa,shington Chroaicie following as the list of Vetoes issued since the formation of the 'American Governmeata--- By George Washingtop, 2.; by James Midi! sere fre by James Xonroe, 1; by Andrew Jaelison, 9; by John Tyler, 4; by James K. Polk, S by James, Buchanan, 15: by Aedrew 2.. - 0:5 -There is a.goed story of, att Vd lady of unfortunately acquisitive habits, to the el - feet -that the was on one OCC98i00 80 tiffeCted by the preachnig of a- charity sermon, that she borrowed a sovereign from her neighbor • de * he thpee. ' Norman 11-eLood was before -00 presbytery of Glasgow in reference to the , _ ela▪ tes lie had expreased.in that Presbytery on the Sabbath ileestiona). "l'here was a sort et negative Ending,. which practically charges him with _aa admonition to he, Pore -gum-tied in future. e ; beet card in -the eli'anee game ofiMatrinionn sometimes -overcome by diamonds and knavese often -weal tticke aed occasionally, treated hi:shuffling, manner, and thee Mee alto-I:Tiller- • • • ,e Ilow.ildiuld a ioet resent...a false ;charge striking the/yrealiar'e eg course. -• I • . her of •anima.ls •shoviga tetanot large; bat 'ail; .rifles by soldier.s, andthe Et -die -ad b-eileimeethe en -the elig .of fi,12 tit _hilt., -bycsornee each is disselved, pour the sodttintei the lime • 'TIN 3IARB.ETS. - der:the eircurashincesait -was as good a -eoin kieg pf weappns.--- t bes npee r•• mixture stirrt no- them we,I_ :Weather. Then SUSpected villiany Wheb prohably teok thig - mencement as could have beett eapected,- mies threw aside then. o,d =sects to adopT .6nipty • e the mixtureinto the cessaeo' sprceid„ diabolical Meth° Of V 11 log hIS Spite aTrist . . . o Inuit This will bait to be done quick Mr. Lewis. Th ecevi died after the W"c, d gpring. cfp, 0030. . Six Horses and theeeBulleaput in an Upnear- it and it,' or rifles on its principle, wet the un ' GODEticii, April, 21, 1866, anee There .a - iy - - - wa on , eene.ctasei of Horses, created great excitement in Seiforth, every • aiz, fot Agriculture( pieposes. 'and . 3. priiei personbeing anxious to hear thetrial, and - . - 1; 4, and 2 dellats. Tile first prize went to Inng before- its Coinmeneeme it anxious-. the "ranee of Wales ". Ileary.laina -owire TuCkersmith e the ket'aild . eo ellobeA 0 ii.':. crowds Might be se -n wending their way ot Stauletel.- tied the third. io towardt -Leyd's Hotel,. _where_ the: trial --'` g')1.1 lteh.." another Prince ;Of :' Walet,• o;ened bir i le was, to he held, - The defenclinta .being entitle of Brecefield• .. - The "1.3"ulle3 James' ,all respeetably-eonneeted, hired Dr: Ore- • g°111. mas' stately carriage to eoficey.thim" to aiiiviate:dtoonaEshe„ .otf, -HiJiy, • got -1st prize- fur nuelalfitgoeodd-siee bad ehape, court, on. beiog seated,Wm WeSt. ban dleT pereriaied Irataery tbe amid's, .1117d.friend Porterkindly act; 2nti prize to --Wm-, Itieth/lgsnq cno1 1:-?..i.iy1174 the from the stolek of'ilillar OfiAlearrka• ed- as footman._ Fortunately They arrived GallatvaYi ham. The Judges mere. Geo, Anderson ES% , safely at their destination-, and, found -his John Blerein -Esq.. of &matey, and . W-orship expounding the law to the Crowd 9f •Sta°1"' 47 *Laren Esq., of Ha -ye ,Nothing unutual there assembled. . Boddy being Gilled -on 'took p4pe.deri4g. the.d,ay a' stranger might stepped forward whilli w.es the signal for a beim thought that there was an:extraordinary" cheer - for. him -cries in Court, q three amount pf -.beer, -drunk, ..(enetigh to - have . cheers for Boddy " Which were eiven with -dr-owned a few) -but We who a.re irked to it, • a will. 'Bullock ciuSed •ereat merriment think as little of meisteinng,. our litsidesi: at _great-weapaa hi -the recent Anterican .Wer of__ „. - . - . • . Jr es ,wnen Inc two logvedieeta are -mixed -r.a,bele. 4114a:tree d4red' .ponipletely • Useless, .Palf do - • 1-1 fiectilhis. -.BM in that .wittea netieafid _seven _they .nutyleiti over: • Th6- yee 'of this Mixture '1 Ina ectotint• bee orneete- us five'. reliable ,,oats • " " 01 times -merefOrriiidable weapon. beeauto ineke not merely destrayseipel smells, but prodtieeS Pere.en,:i 0.:•SaYs. 'that: the yagabood Who - -7 -7 7 - °:,- its.appeaeance, -nod-by-its paetialPete ainone: the etrederaleoldierai made the turning' paw. Alrhich they arise' andrendets them - to book for his ia ulnae couduct. - Fee '0-50 _ - our 5:00 - a) .5:00 a-chchlieal• CI1Unee - the..,mateiaais aunitnitted theeeee vera shortly be broneht 6 - - . 0:40 ce), 0:fi0 Thie wa8 -t.he innoeuous. oleo red3cet the mass con sinpeeneav:rrielre;nepatoirnt;nticifloen.-teeAtsi. the beetle: crf After the eiti; :wiled:tee piece • Wit„ TT D‘ro' it' :t . cee on its punone.-. • . Sheep.--e.a:e • 4:00 - . 5.:•00 " ' Pot.k 20. (c4 . 0 Ithas'beentheebonSt.blehet Chiceimaugrafer instance, the ineetaiespetate delditliat w.. eniid carbonate of lime househo " .;" with care as it will destro • all zu•ti les -of It laid its head u n 'the arm of - - r.equ es to he ehendled row teere i.,theauturneit74.repi ete:da.nerdoinchelie:cfrolitifipihlism..epsafp:otidonss;Orrs,••;_. y neW,113 ton .-- 0:00 a :28:2500' 1110. Shot:tittle:I coiiered up tighi for twe or three pf snow._ to the hed of disease; mid the 5:00 • 5000 -Ist..-Catridgea have to- be titken: out of the can e oa ineeket. Put lo6k at•the motions rerptirett : _ "deiesileifienegutiutt nintetritt cwliailm1-.6d4sfo_er uwnhie;o1;wimpulsee sod sitied h - i hY i h h 111 • at .stretc,hed forth'at thiem twin Elms 00;610 .00;80074.. bok. *timely the end -hit off aud dropt down in . 0 - grate and ride. ' -hope, im_y Coed ? Raye valour of theeprime of the Cohfederate s heti -„ ie -product of the -mixture is a_solution of . of peade and:-.;ertelarance.. It :went to the itiffeter's cretin -13,9001e smileeethe emblem ll'cles-(e'reen) 4-50 - tilers 3v -as utrathle to- withetahd . its .deadly effects._ - e. - rthe' haerebae2nde. The ranir d has . to be. li e - - - . A simplefe and wethin ' Detler;_ -disinfee- it. Reckon it on (reside. lireestle with it drawn, and the catridg•e raratit d home, .arde fftente is sulphate of iron, Commonly- 11110W, as ' that it may aot d part : it -may repay year The 'ramrod- ha's to he tepla 9d.- - 4th. A . - nd usedin the same ma ner. lt is not only shill lead thee aver its mountains, and sus - cap basto-136 tahen out Pt a °eche and: put n cOpperas, imPorteclit for dying pierposes, . pains; •Lif'e fa_halideneugh at best, but nope Canada. The:. "'Little - C'erporars” re- op -the nipple,before the peac ready t cheap, and eaa he 'used, WithOut any datieer tale thee amid iate billows. Part with all • • • • marks wete Rs -totted to _attentively and he -Wine- as, usual " tight as- a brick ." by: 6re• Ail these Motions take tit% end! i.n a but its *action in deodorising _is confinuous, beat !e, butlkeep tky ope.. that rate, as the softenieg eur outsides got - . %dap. the Ane thender showe.e tve had re' the alter- very low temperetue in this. atentiy, they' For water CI " i osets and deraint it ,is pa „ v y ef bein • raUMAN -Lo er - total! chcere-4.-. . • - - however he sworeto all the part- tos • 'b • II ' f • d I - theS - noon. - 13y the wav We have had a few days -could not, e at e pet oeine en , , . • a -- • resent assaulting -him and inodestLy - 2 nian* other' breacn.loata vatuaole sweetening teem- at once -ftion- ••• • - In rnsponsii,4o vo nuteer toasts speeches • - of ne erowine weather veeetation is makine cer, in common v., ith y treat Telegraph,.. - • loved "gives sir and comfort, an; . were mada bYjudge Cooper, James Viet- t ell ma weapons the eateidge cont I I I - - the damages at ,$10o.09. .At this stage a r pid'staert f•all "vi eat s eratmenter u ameEstaa aiteofbeest: - ' • --- citeesticio the plaintiff; 'and quoted Black- commenced in this loeality..-. . 9- • " , p , o the trial olie of the .defts wished to andtprine seedine may be fairl t h• , 1 7 --b II nd powder A -detonating - = ' . . • no love alafee us '"all men. turn glances -tr . makes trust in od a real living feeling e. e y sat o e c wee e a a Geology 01 No-rik America. .thEtt influences t daily life... lf theie powder, carer:Lilly 'easedan a h satube made - • _ Mr. Cox reaponcled "to fg.. The Press." - Several capital songs. 7-riere given...by Sergt. Phillipic T. Andrevis;-B. Trainer and others, and_ during the -evening the Glee Club -entertained thi company with seine of their choicest 'vocal and insult: - mental music. . Altogether the evening:'passed very` • . stone as his authority, bit his Worship - overuled hini, and said he_did not caie for he said Was law, and to his lavr they Must -tteIY a yeeag road called MeTarigitt pis may 60 taken in the hand= at oneee and - we bad a thereby dere& fr 'tlis P • f "Ii -t h 1 ' d it -iffieul to rise at once wit lout - -Blackstone or any other man; that what 'on the princirdeof cOmilion gun .caP. -7.111 .pree Aestesiz.ceines .to: the- conclusten • - loa,dinpe the muizel is poitaa dewnwarde. and e. e ilbberitsentens.t- .FRANCIST.OVV.N. • hat tee` continent orth Anierica was : h .Vitris grow hard' -awl Marna:Ls Oh *the 2Ist April cirrente at Goderich W, by theaRev: Charles Fletcher, Mr, James Purvis to MissjaneProudfoot) both of this _ 17110. • On the -16th of April mist, in the Township of Goderich, Mr. William Walker a pages of Latm,,th, Lanarkshire, Scotland, -aged 68 years, ,7 • fd 1 k - d 1 tl h o e upon u,f, c ose an s - a tube in the bat withdrawn.- Seveft catrid • • - d th 'I P once .covere ice- a,. e t m ness, Ili, WI 10 C COC .. • ' • I ra' • - oneLafter another .drOpt intt 'AIM hole -or other eminent geol6gicar;.writers coneernifig the aiil cif hunt= stefli, ahe're eartblY pain • submit. The abOve decision caused' a ° "ed in the etee41.-savr all• e' 'having asion to Ma S .some repairs on the belt 0 areat uproar which could net be suppress-- elution, he says that the slop,siot the A God • rill has a t udency to bee e k ed until his -Worship threatened to react at au di ' They might. ell be dropped t once ifekept by Ante means or other. w d • • it is teehni celled -- - • grANTFD - the glacical period-. Iii. proof uf tins con- and desolation to oce •an con cote in :g! m ea.znie, ' 1 d fid - - 1 %YU' in paper -tubes. - The tube .ageme. inserted- ' . - - . • . . . ; . _ - _ .0ra ar the Riot act, which "'settled their hash." Int efnur -Pond -and round, torn limb from - Quiet beina. now- re to d 't beha f ot Bu tack were called- upon, nd This isehe second. accident resel Ling in death thei evidenc amounted to his t - ill Ci • la - ui • • • . limb, the life knock•ecrout of hitn in a Mi.- • s re ; neseea on ale„t_awl. „aa --.00,0 a:_hornd • c e ., t a t s m . ice r sa s -r q .te caietu _ -they_knew none of- the clefts; saw' no as- handlieg-there is danger.. ., . , sank, and thatthe clamagei done' waft- the - . : ' - .1. - ' '- ., . Ch?loya News. .. 'breaking of \an empty :hottie and three - -panes - ef glass 7 x 9. His -Worship ,ati i 17- w YORK-, Apri :7 --Dr; D,. a. Bissell, once dismisSed the case, and--pobr Boddy - Dep tYllealth"Offi.eer, lugharge- of the hos. .Wae mulcted for eoits, $9.00, and ordered .pita ship Falcoe; in the lower bay,has made tie aemove the Oar off the street. Upoe !,,i• relx)rt• to.day from the lower • ' leaving court- B II k b .- .• - Ifietrolunteer- COrplt: wilich had not _ completed" the natal , annual drilla, 'pre- vious to being placed Berrice, will be allowed te return for aim iny_the num- . • bet of drilla- actually performed before that -day2,-- but no drills fot -the cturent Ow wine allowed tole'. rtittirhed for . by wiyearPs nei formed- pp:Oil-Ms.* its:being placed On . Service -or on the redueed.duty of two dayit tyal. - mar Snvfial i;istapees have lately ,oe-e- -otrrad on _gin, -10110„4 iiiitfers wart( laying :been itiL jilted in conseqmi• nee_ of the men entering thecae with their bayonet!! lied. The Consmander-in-thief„ therefore, - directs that in.futtire voltinteerS will mit he al - knife! tnenter'ne- to rein,* in. the cars I with, flied bayoneta.- I - a 1 qualantme.-; f hel tospital ship Falcon came here yesterday- , 11 00 , eleg asked what: he thonght.of Seaforth law -replied, "Gad nly-iIngo,; anehored here, . mid . rex-plied the Immediately boarded file- ihip 13oddy its What I calkone ey-ed-law." I - sick to the 'hospitel.6•T in number. Five " 7 - ; new cases -were received from the Vireinia r • rr A rot for $40. a- side tame bn this:morning. There .wete four deaths 41 the Menday list Seaforth 'between Mewls_ hespital latani,ght ; 10 knit Liverpool were b_uriaciyesterday. 6:3 cages _are bow in the Forsyth and :W. Fo•wler's lust Nees a great t f- '11 edb edie- h hosPital of the arrival of the steaniship _an.10110 0 0)000Y 0 ane -e. en MI ' t 0 jar- 4. Dr. Bissell eays„“ ihe stearnship Eng . eventt_ we append the summery.. - • land, Capt, Grace, from -Liverpool_ by way of_ ,t Match for $80, niile stretch catch weigItts -Halifax, arrived het?. to -day. he:rerports -a --p. Ji. : - . _ - _crew of 122 men- with 16- cabin passengers 1st Mr, a. Forsyth's g. c2finial 0. lourke. Lind 1203 In the steeraee. • Tie number vrho . 2nd &tr. W. F0WerS S. c. Voltig•eur. - died otethe passaere to lielifax fifty eat-tiali _ _ , . e atey Twee o :mouetainsore gliteerevorn .-...itheee as it is-, d- • • h - :0 -rent, a Gria. t Mint nt' eitaation a catch turned, and t e,„pi ce: is . oa e_. an were•:abovelhe.level of thelev thatat ...Alaunt - Mill -bran isperier.ced Miller. -April to the eery .tope eacept 1 • t ' h h . - . : ;- 7 • ' - --- ', a ew poln 8 . W le - kindne -- , s_e keep otirt hearts (lien. Dear lov- .i. B.. ,40derjaha -p. tc. . - - othea ;like 'a rerolVer 0861. .. 'The 'wh-ole _ ezipped for seven,,shotsi.to are one after the Washinetog for-instaime - iScver .5000' feet - leg Pe°Ple 14';" 0 14!'witneSeS'er ti.° 19ife• - . . . Gliderich, Aptil 23rd. Ifi66 W.13,4t! g and the rough, enpielished .7 suiflice of ' auct , teetle-Feee,i.-., -," P./fled-are. big ange10: ' - ' - . • • • 1 . e• ., , ,, operation of _towline for the setiegsitete wiieel. ei eh, - .net take More title then: drawieg and eepiate 'its. summit,' -cotered ivith lease fragmente Whoa1 he sends ihow us that he ,has not- , ,- .- • -. • . WAL: - PAPER, jag the ramrod ofthe-E, .1fieldif,.!. - It Could just- behave the level of which -glacier markt ; foreotted- ti. - ' . he -performed, tool in the lowe etatea iha • -Lady • .Uw,endoline H.. fiN TAMS OF, fr. om 2 fo 12 BOW"- -s--- - 'the Enelich ' !II lainPerstiire•-.eeme tO au end, tells that it liftedaits bead • - .0f. keepin'g the' ' owder. ',dry- itnultaneously timiee anow. In thia, regiontthein,tbe- thickness_ of Pilieii this kind,' Moreor ,e, the:old ,_ !Irian maxim aiii,.: II: y_ 0. id _loVely deughter.ef .the cannot, heve been Much less thin . :Of the patternS, will he la -Duke-Of Soinertete as just been -married to ..16.11 the:het L - alone above the desPlate, Waste of ice eta': this "country.- "Ind with .rmullition of MARRIAGE IN IF . • • oiet 3 for the 6_00() feet ; and this is ini keePing. _with- the vvitli truet ice Goide ini . piece mi dit he le ,t in water 11 and risme kind of evidenee in -other arts• of the . Sir J. Ratesden, thr pang Yorkshire baronet - at . • conetr •, for Whe the niolatiteins1) are mueli ietvery_ ir13 jootat, fired the same as if kept .q.ait dry,- in the who CI"'411ilaldcr . Ottawa -with onatf these we. p_ons, thet risingio the t ale le untouched. haS theieh • ft Th • le - - „e„, save °neon u e 6 6 d. .8 offered fabulouis suits for the :property; . -Your ehonte of a Thindre, d dilfr Morning, fecte'We .are informed -by ,e below 6000 feet, the iee seems to . n fell lett) the river -with . --rifl Just at the glacier, he ergnes, was God s great plough ; .Qaalier. and- on Sir ti ar„oijering to pur-- - erent have rrentleread-w.hii went -deer h nting up. the ed direx.ftly Ovet•-tiienb while the few peake 13 t • vain The iland belonoi to an o d . i 1, ICE. chase' iefrom him replied. ''',When strang--patterns at the: mama of firing, 'get ala 'Vat ed, the water end .w.hen the. lee veinalied 'from the face ot k th Whaim the toWn of Iludders- but of his guta'and,a'red witheuthe slightest tba land, it bet pi•ei•brad for the --hand of 'difference. There ie still a furt er impot•tant the husbairdninn. •Itie hard surfade of the GNAL 017'10 thee 'and me.'-!, The -batonet offered to give _ field-belongs,-tlioa I,eaust say it belengs te I • - . era as ee _ z consideration:. The way in which the charge reeks was ground trepowdet',' the elements of of powder is eeeuredinthe bratj tube. Secures fte soil Vie:e ni g:ed;in fair proportions and the owner as maffiasaYfrPigna ler the:land Ile BOOK -AND STATIONAR *- would cover the prdperty, when the Quaker - - • - its pe.efeet cembustion-undea th einost favora- granitewas berried into the lime teiions. arket Square, _- thy is-rea ly used, till le th ball is made a produttive grettite districts, and a soil was - knAlfired: "Wilt thou:place theni edgewise' - 11 It -it -Ter aps, edless fo . to state th t • the BLACK it h ne r US a , • -,. ....`,.. • 0-1114 assy0T14 AND' ble barcurnsteneet, areithereitite a lefie gum s lime vies micgled with the more arid and tin: , ' i it ' 0--- ' (ensues its perfect fitting -in the grboves, The There are evideaces all over --the _pcilar: re twonet declined eo place them edgewise, and 1- ,nd the owumethie eAthe towe•of Huddeni... ,' limes Wilson, -boot black, (natio fighting . little larger than the bote afthe barrel, .w-,hieli prepared tor the agriculttiral mei -of man. 1. - DIA.IiE- EX SIMMS. - - I STORE neld IS therefore lie e ween u- b ) b t th t is preps to, ;" Won with the erestest euse by -ten tenths. fax one hundred and fifty ; lastlight-eone e effect of aft this is, that while-theeutmoit Pre- gions te sbotv thatutotie period the' heat of I - • - - (1,g8 1311 a Raeisden end ehe Qtea4ters - .po g :The-protpeets of war hetween_Austria She white quarantined the. lower bay."' bullet ieispre-yeelled is.prodigienne Atte Wit-. led petiodiS euppoeed to be lone subsequent_ Bee NoSes,--We --inuet suppose that men style atereasonable ratronage . Esti ents boots in the most approv-ea nay - _ *me! - infant. The pessengeriand crew -e all well. ciasioa is secured, the force with 'which - the the tropics exterided•all Over:the globe. The and Prussia were inereasiniv The crisis wav reipert etisinadelo Cy0s kips m tiened irt tlieHouse of:Crime:Ions 'a,' _ to this, and next -to the ise•beter;e1110 advent. value red noses jullYina from the enien,re •fully _solicited.. :Blackleg and.bieslles -oft 0. teneIlioat. - • dent -the tenarautine C.onniiission. rause Of 2,ctqo " ' • . . • . • ... . • • . Pe- 12 of man.- -• • they are tate get theni. - best, iegardless 01 expense. • • -7, . Pres -sire inlitave- - fey; ln:Aci ll. °-_ur eitial IleportS ma !Mee at plIplieaUone year, Meg -T7aot:;;Ielaa itad.11:1 _ were tash - Tbe folio mseless in a st "are, :00 the tO k'B1• :85-8111:7:3a1170: tions in Tenn .._41Wpliatowis,sabetti_rast.04: %Ivo hundred 51 arh:ato,t e 1 r - for theifiiew Brief ift: When meg -close of the A Ante ofthe poi I3y john Ada xl„ght of Amer jaceirt to thei ,did attiat he would rath ihanabendon tordingly right of the lel to fish 4..i.Wheri The Aluestio 'elusion Ofthe - right eleifned Aimiuttions`by 'October, 018 the commissuu -.States, evhilkii bays -and er `curing their 6 alsorie ge exercise withiti theteasts, laaa - This state ofij years, butin :_ made a *nee AraOrican thingreit was at ed The treaty '13 inthe Bays of 1 the:straits Ci proaincials, ths Chaleurs Audi _measures sixt.ye 'iiralt must be el itself, hut firma froth headlan WA:Massed to tome.- ro e veliferall •eridt. English Caaiwna to make tt pert read the teate;', At last grew`ini weissignedotA has lateq expi Treaty.' By alaimed ended liberty waggly Seliethronahoui O. , rovittees, avitti 'twice frote -.4tubjects were :on AftiericA sixthsparaftel reeiprocal -opened the err most initeoftani __which; froin . *heritage pent J.Loodua: Cesuers there is a 1112113.1 t0 father:1 4111ittsffibaucultet 114weend viellfiusedue ttomespiexis eubseenently.le with his father • timed so until the father, afte A-eel/Gang to de - -united in this o - for the child to proved their et , • • ..,:iscoSifistil.n.wvri:neareac:doommitiniluturdon:i crime in the lei rsons Inne-t itg Deer iit-f • c'thfe-Deevictiltirns° aenels inunder seems Roma mad eat lb be in a retail 011:3ey inGeetaiminual Parliament for- thei):leecansiT,hetiCii; obape4anednotAimayet-agt _ ON THE SAVINGS The aboaM aiati) 1PO mom' The ten of muchlower natures Theat to-theAtca, that the Lonna, with interest or paym advances ma extending <neer Tears. - 4,14. FOIL G•odelreh;-?..Vi ' Agent and Val