Semi-Weekly Signal, 1866-04-20, Page 400000000000�­ 1\ X L -E. 11.1-WEE.-KLY.- .10- T -1 -SE Q `C t _T_ llsit Ili elle S ,it i aia -1 e, 1 `71 PIT Al fly 1.1', fill. Al - __ 3! a fy Tt6 Vol 9j range 13� ii, A: ftxit and Doi id I-,-; j*or I lot; Jill rpozw�-s there in Illcll� TLD 13.04 G- T 0 P -it A W hir,"' _`M�TE N TIO ',NL 6r, CM 1'631E� itS -IN OVER r . I , - Z 4, - a - i -1 . _ . 1- ­ - - Oft - N 1" 7 T Uft i t - -1 v - LIT \.W ___1_ SALE -0 4 A 13 �L7- yr BF) GI: la N rk v and 'D ATJ LO-Staillev 1.420 pr_r�lcre ; Kwit 25-acr� oLS luth I tiered- O.I.&IMPROV14, -FA1'%XS) -Thig 1� ille BE 0 r.1 ad a up 1:4 1 %V 1) tilt of a Od du ble iel' 4 earterlyquRrter of'rlot 2 lll� tile gill etin._ IV vIVl. C 0 .4:-, (�o 1 laA., il.otef lil. wei:tern �'G 4111C U.. AT_*. -8. I'Eh.* CEINTT- Amfield, $4 per new; air.1 �20 �Towa L�, i;" 11MIE'AS' the C;irlioraiion 6r the Unitt. W0J vit'it e ach ana A (Ir -tile! -art -ill(] improvi!i TW VE DS thnw .b�,PrIC $^(X) P nd Brui-e Ila.,, U iij D CM I xils. Ap- W collittles of [ItIll t, .1-e-olved Ca'nadn' I i FL, 0:AND Goods-al-li ` f ply tol E I!HOS. 1,V. tiriage's for fbit., oil RALD;, J 44%. L% ­11wayN. �iivitil tit brillges, for tile 14:7 100 JIcIl _TV lo t. hi ToWil _P PertY' it. - wrle, (Alm. Pay -31f, VN.iL 0 0 I'D --k N n .. 11 _1 C fit-, _*Wto .8'arlet. andRrev-Y -all MIS ry.- S41e 4 C !'-hindii (A weml;er., LU WER th b els. P 1"Rffm� 'CE Godericb, 1. S . epf-.J3t1_864'_ i q4%1'3 tf At J B A� :at d.., ftirel r -withitt -t lie- Cattiv v o(Itfirou.-ty),ti If;(. Lr 11 CKED AV N p't"Fe of, 111-alcilig, - tile saille w. to- Ire (le(ravvil 1w TSAIN S T R11 CONSULA tile sald; ew ez!e Ill ..TE. -I C NEY A*rh -a zoli-tv Illvn� tile niteable 0 -AT 8 W-27 Ira; school TO'CALL I! I" Dec. 1 1365, property Within the,4aid ColintN, of I illroll. A+,rl.' FOU1 - FARME-119111 0: a ob- subscrilicil has mofipy Ao DR to I loail -at a' e Wso A -id judge for t 00i SEE-Riff's A I A jeet it A.Ill Co, it a L FAC""Orly-1 0 tX wherers - 14.) c- :attl Stal at G -d r c -b- �frrx. tfiet. 'A "r AD A R I 111RE. 5 LT low 1 0 T 19 N D. _1P -#all Or.d(."t Wilir. ht�; pa)(i I)v I lye.-, i I t"totitity tit 1-furColi, tit] A N. D Q) 7- T a th(� rate lit-roinalier intit. -3 .1 OF 1 tioneif %vir" bty iscd'� Goderich, -I se, tit I woo J ,kNWE 8 Too to rai, :um I AD I .1v msefvc.s befor put lismir e .6 eree. demte hife of" tie Ili. "nited ik of 4e zo it IS.VXpet T-ky 0ill a vrjt,,01 . - - - I - IN BRU( ' 'terit Fi at And wkereas Iftint,to ("lefine the re,q_ A. 4GOOD' j -.J 1, -,1 (' - & 111M d oill R9 of Goods ailff MetAlindize -tive. aill to FAR21 pev T to of Her tont. Seaforth,, Stratford all -road Intended to be li-idg- tip t6 .4 S din id other -e A- 4 a1*01 0j, ircil wie_.�t .30. ac"res eleaii d, aod h, Vhlti',qbl � -F f" order in..anyxcqu, l(OlVICK rmtao J wit:1, c4kfitroii and Bruce yoints: within- the. limits of, atiil-. nearest �o ed aqs'et out In tile �;vllt.tltllc IIVtl livo v Intl iq t, e d1rected agami- the apd tepe-' ie ellEr of tile- 133' sale�in Tt ekerstaith, mil's froni.Se;iTortb,, �e i & lands Law and to --partLorth v -4arn 'Williall) Co tave ecized aiA takeli in ele -roo sel Factory, IS65. this -Donsulate, a -Li intorined, t1liat by Just I tic, T�11 0 MASI L 0. G A.M. .60-ucrc� climi-eu, a e d friiine hall Jueob Par. ilio V at tile �sull:op Its it-% requtt the �ujti -ol'tirree Ifitursa tions -froih the, Department of State,- all I'd "0,oder4cb%Wii0 arid oi-cha-rd- a tu A P 3 -.0 R: -bi-spoeial I . . , . - ­ . . . I - , ­ _21.- 11111111led dollars to lie rb wd .6tillieloit. Vould Vern. .1-, stand in, a goud .1 a . rt paymenj_ vo' uf' Goods Wares and e audiz(-s ilLthe ri-ghl tillic aflil interegal the*ai�d;: ztali -taild lees N1 rch. rate lor1fie_pavaleni tit tlie,-�zild 1t);rlf"ordcb 6balilyAll:P B lendam i4i anti to Lot lKiiijiber thirty ft he i I , * destinea for Port -SL ill La;r� and\.-' J)PI the Uuited-Stit0s-are -interest as al.<J hor6natler Ille -fit; It'd. -concessid-h Oj the tfl_,V,Il"hip a Yh lie&, c6illAilling One bun4 _d aerps,, lnote,,, by i nufacturer. Pi(iducer, -esiveti-ve tf U _.Solie whicli-lands alid le"ic"le'll, I shall ',eer for sale .1 "R S-- v,�;u I, tv of -B CIIJIVS& in 'the. -bourz do"s 'S H '' 0 Y"�S T. io bi presifited for-verifica-tion at thi& Coma,; And of tile --tvilole ralealyfe, 'a"'I NT R JE dtlier ilie_Mr� property C.-AV.4'-4tbDQ6.&,-186-5. �SW12 Purchl%6 4neri.o;dulyatith6ri�ed Ament, ai�y­lutura increovc,�- fri-thesanir, all I IMMAIS.ift, A_N1) t. -Irrespect-ve. - __1 - - Ti, -, . . U, P Goderiell; I , I , , _C nirl tf-ouse in the town 0 e .11 in 0111-ve in tile '0. . - o 't". L F0 I of -.tax, Itycollye. to he derived'ikom the, tt,in BY T F I -od&iO, 'on uesday�iihe EigM111, ;day ormay Of' said Xauufaetu�ler;_ Producer Pqrchaser or K%_ -_dA' -11 0i.-COUIRT '13 I Ive-461ent of thestyitati� lutiet _bere�trlallk*17 Illel - -t,- a, twdre tif th K; tii�ck. llp-Q11to 11 ex B of &CLONALD Owner. tioned or any -part, therealaccorditig'. to tlIi):-Ia,,t- LOBSTERS S' A RD I IN As-c�;,$Ipcllt Itolk; I-cinc for the V�_Air otiv- 7 CIO . LT JOHIZ3L, -7 7 m ST -01 thousand efiht hundred -attil six' was Iii-dit GODE FUCH T: JM RUOTI qS OF THE, 3% ircti Millions".fild filtir S. POLLOCK, 1)epu6;8herifl; V MrARTZENT' AUK THUS-:� A -175- F F? A"; OEM to r Wi 0 %"Z -j -0 RA N G F:'z BATES. anclsixtv two. -7 1. S :3 Ist Jati.. Izo.0 V. 1)elfor son t ill rL a.l- equa. ant, fund 1161- Kryi I tile' Y. e C -�""S C-ft0aink UtSj, Fir- SJL 0441 I-V ""'Whe llf th -L -) te ds And %where,4foL neve e-rc r$re, oi es r 0 S Xotaries iN6.:io W- B &o., at, lilire produced for rificifion.. to Cormufail Of-- PLE IRIF _EN M,�z iS ffi aut 0. T wso.; P! f Shipment or Mint tied, it sato stilly. ol'tweiltv thow-and dollavc and intereit lz� fieeis residing at places which are itianites :Ely -tit e ciptal __RELEAV n6i th ac& 16citirey ill anutylils:preial ra'e of' fi-tir-feitt Its: (It -it tilill ill the 4 '' # - . * dollar,. in addition 1.6 0 other ralesand ta ids to 'j".S�4a the sense ab6vw =w_ljoned itz. West. side of � *Jfarkev litirs 01 1 T virtire A--wr, JDT it p a - es are not to be -ei I car. lk 11� 6i -30; JK sliall Invoic i -ifliod1k the; be levied, i I cavil. N, Ilurmi andly B 1" Facias i:sstied Out z Consuls thepl4ces last nientioned. respect. �o wit Alajo,�fy-% Abount-w Be it therefore enacted I'y the'corp'��rlati&il' ail�nr Job. -C.01W. ofIlle. rT filled Colwt:tzs offIllron apa Brpcq Cu. ITRRISTS -aild -to mt- direvictl agnlll�t file lar.as En, _71L- and lend- in Chaneeri, 7 NGIN_� i_�L_;" _ihe Consuls, 'UnitetlCountie 'a Iron 'id 136i isrEA E"""'i hely, but are to be �remitted to J M lveftq of Jb.qepliSmehzi I.. at 1he St -10f dnfi&� Lliave -ei7ed'and taken 4n exceution 1 .17 A -the true place of -the -t UT7 -wit residing, titearest t6 , *..er.w.1l i - hat it shall bt.- lair-Ild for the. Wan ;!I k-4, _r - " .. .. - - .. f�. I - . i . t tile eltic oft Shipment or .9anufactur -of Sue oca-s, tile b` Ile .46-resaitl Cor Oration to. atse by %zi: oi` U( y lit: a tM -bodyor bodics-Vorporate UJ,PD to, defivh^ liultr tL( ...... t. ces- Ceti] 0 sa.-ne uP0 V, o J�JS. all Invoices o . z;n- STOMY & bAi N3, byilutual -ture. -d; Isylin (;f ttlofi�,y n Gri f i advail it Lit vr,,�Iit' f-416 11 o the wirri-ship 9j Kndvss.� in tcct.�o Shipped-- iat Points eons ti VA "And ----,Flo IA.' 110-1 K 0], S ;f i f uniber six in the fifth -con Li, .erSl, Wame-S or VWrchandizi." - ),tit frain . : .,' . _. K1_ _ - I . t - - Iiv,� d iweret:tat e -_ ;d de 4 Nrson or., sons . G_ J I I - lit'441 aL Ili sa an, pet. all,th or.i4 S .410.1111 0' "Shippers of GoodsiL therefilre. will, liake- wilt; [nav tw-%vil 21anufac it r- I I I CIT.. tice that from an&�fter to, day West of P. Bruce, colitnining o re aere% -4 ne hnild d Goods 7 Lllil �Xeeedl"Ilunln tile whol 7 lands and tevrojenis 1;k -halt ofl& -jor'sale. at mv- L withinAhe Himitsof this�Consnlate,-treto bepre- sand. dollav',L "ttto eails:e tho saille to. fie Paitl Tol.4b�­ -'b*e-- . I 1%4� I I -L . .. cd Or E R-1 4 11 N 0 It 3 1 DAM. �lliee in the Court fl-oiwe ;nIlic lou�n.df Oodench 1 Southside of NVe'- lay. i, cii 11 Tuellida v'the Eq.; hib day 0j'Aid3y ylex�,, Use Syctuo, of the Tremweer' t ar, sented firr verific'-itibu herp e therby, ih&_Manti� Into the hands -of' tit tTl1i'Lt:(1 L % Cire I d"d Sca',,5h 03aw-lilillsil I v I -T -3urt f Producer, Purebaser, 0 . wrier.of d . uly' Coitnti s a60resaid,lby-the purpoz,7esn-ndwith the "1= 0--fs, 0-:6. c. at v 4io acturer, or . I " I � houtol objecit'above reci C A_U&iiie4-Af,i`e-fti di said'Manufactureri Pro' t'd -Ali Prom it.-% LD, 0. '. TR r511, 2-1-11 C-1 mi k -GOD&- to illt. fate firn; havo tile "kill'se'ri- ME -4 EVS Pol-Locii, Dephty Eltertir. nju.;t be it) -rich, Stairs '13i., w -to t1lover t- nlav be required notl P!. do y. ll�tynj . ent Sher4fl',­Oilive, Oi-,de ed ANq tj th-mi- lice of* -W 't owp 4-`jid. JOXY- KA IC D OXA or 0 wrier, respectivelyi. That ir'shit'l 1.6 Iaxvfiy,1 for- tile. sn;d ar(lely' i to cause ativ, nattiber tit debenit're.s. to --be' 1­�I;Je k --eAvise the - G(.ods wilt -not be a 0 36 14 d d Lr, f Purchaser, -th d e, IN, (I JL le -s-111-111 oil 3 enteethe United StaVs' Uhtnlllro.�a Do"n'r.k caelt. and t'.Int litc, Shippers- at. lhosd pfi�ces itbovi name' Dolptittires I-J.L �L-Alvd with the .-of r cal i evto, Lenct nd their lnvpices, ) _to: their respective I Ille -611 a t Wilk - Be it! rriorat; tidsig-tied bvt 0l Goderich-.470i J n1viA" Gb� 2 7 iv s -,v 95 A -gent. here by tho� train .�ccflling jilli'.. and dell, 'A rich , V�-ftk 0Y V-1. er_MS-o""A1_J1).1y LO.,. -S_&io:7ff5z ZV10 0f"Z=dS. Y A 1,,.Tn -ij n T -vir1ue__ iof -a writ 0; it �, WE . ) I - - .4 - payable in tell year. -t at 'L itliCitArotii the _nited _.all t voices inns -.state he M .1-S11" B'L .-DO 1-71,R, 13 , all art! -ued - 4. t be Mt�r?ried b tile next traifisgoing �h t. the :qid �dezlentllrc.15 A�ali lie -Juilde dimity. All,sullh'l tioned for-. this '11v La w. to ta to e ar b- Eh 1- T 0 " ` east hereinafter.inen HT R If a Fie F quantity and qu of each article and -the rae 1": acras is, effc�t in Lond-od, Enaland,ti �11 relice to tjlt� above_�it I tiLy-be stated that' soinj PI s i 11 NIL To Wit:. - Ile Her Majestyo-_ V ion aelied tj theill Couponsr6l. tlIe"pa3:- 1-8 6.5 wMlyr - rs lfrecledagailv��t tbe lands a shall 'tt, -1 ak- Cralib's'new Blocl. it t' .3,wurt oflih t1440rjeft. Auxasl 2' e ca and 0 true-marlet value. of each at the time wid ad* to edesignat d ­ id debentlises ap ng aw, at W.14g. 4ad.1te i x1aal ieS': W. 60d S e United Colinfies offluronalid-Br. place, -of shipment. have a % - - __ L .. . .1. � e ­ I , D 0 X and lb nie�( aciddriell, 91,117.Tan'.' nd tene-4 weht at inte"rest. :st.11 all tFetri6c, and will remain ih &e-D�mld- trvmj. or-ral-ri.eit-'A.100 -e to at the suit of GcorBe relz and ."oupoos V"? lr� Holforid., Lhaye *C! -and'taken inexecti-tion ;a1l' be made dn-1, cert d -in trb titate., ta f Vebc-ryti; Viltil Jli� ne- slicti) I s ied p sh.sAneere inlauk�; the right title all de havicerr No,141 alley oi- irkonipirted. 13 c Sul -stlugstan, C�a -a nba-talld.�61)�Ihijtj.tll -anner - Qln 'd nd I' in fir r 1. '14* tile 111.1elld" lel,da rit �n and. U 8 0 BrassO C flil"S vhii have for 24 to ]o�.11ulub -,v Provilivial L!urrvuc.V peovince ;,t tile oil- B-01MY. 0 1,5 er , ix in the villa" cis -jqT.N* xm shall 'be.niade. obt in- cinier Steriii-ig tit d inteimt Ithe I t , a - as 'ywars exlvhd(�A their ciikstl mit to his shop, -a!rA C.01,11, -ti: be: o. �gevJBli e in i 'I 10tb 66. w12 tion of Tilv-z-aid" W-arden so 'e -whole.: Pn� quhrifr�i- Srare -0rablit"s Moe Go d6 rii c An is 3t 11 inade i- -order. -Alsol ot ffifrrory, 1 0 'deruch, - Jv [tat ill all kinds of 111,101im cillainingpne c h! '0 *till to awrij. it's cont'jh9f!CC.� a erc V it -of tile �.lkl: R' r;,rV5 L CKM .. . ...; '1 1, - - . -1111, D.,heuttuesshall not execed I'VY Rea "st-Itei, -a .3 pe'r' coent.and* ar&. lldii),-SIf;cre( on, anO, _7 s--,reasnj e. 4- Jlall-offi�_r ibir-sale at -tile befi)re inentoned -Iltii of twelliv . . - - I - - , . _.. . , Charge' ahl Apply- lo -iny efli ce �n -ther- Wai. ISTORY. - xelley to LOA Cobrt, HOUS0.111 Ille - W-,viI'ofG*dt-ric)iOn Tu wit27 ighth clay -rdxllay nCxt, at Ili(-, ho -SEN-CLAIR & NTA LK_ crich-� August f.: Mjb. esday M dallars anti they shall- bear iliterest ait and. 8 1 1? Gad LoU.1p M. celittim lyerantinny whitih.in-. I K 1 -7 ­ - -X - - ST rul T Z. hv- el 0 01 AND I Goderich, 17.tb January.1866. w523m- Lwelve-r-filie efock, noun. ur -A. R R r S T B R Auctiuft S'ala Of a 1 1; st ate., I , * - ­ . - .. - terest,-hitlt uco--pava'Alk�-ofi the:rimt, dax- Of Jan"ary Idly of otir. S 6NALb OFFICE crab Alwayson-hatid., Surt1r1lottles, lVa-ron arrd.Pi.pe_13-)�es pat d -r ITT, D'A T JOHN M.AV,-D 1 14 oux. t tiboretire. 3 and first tlkr of Attk- in- etewh -and eveiy year -dur of the' r F'Q �u -virfil" ol'a ower of Sale con., Utlit- iiiid-debe )f'thii mostappr`d tilaies ai tha�, oved kind -ou d soli�it-aa If are matIV p nf;,, x V 14' A CT U 11, E -EL _AA, D BV S�Tbytovk, -Deputv Sheri-ir. KI)rgand. by R in- ace o 7 we. v. tock bd too . . , f6re pul a-Jeruial, iNlortgaige made1xv Koh- place wheie, the d!�beitlttre- ax kib., c C186W re, ..is we -re ort,41:1-w-, abhioe'at t1i'la 1&weat -renitilierativk'. III.. 4. L IL a A talred lit tees for-C.".91i crorap, 1A NT D 0 "VA, 0.1 -DEA _R ert DaVISO Davison Tbat- for-thaptirpoize of- f plonifll.�jIlld 'C&ting$ '01 de- n (qud Anne his- W116 P_ "Cor -Y, �nd all I kitid s of tir d e* Lt.- ill, Office. cGroderieli, t()L bai V t)l" rw"t .51til rov6d. Uredit. .Old iiiefal, ac ien T '%011- able term�, 1 10 an-d-il tures 4 DoWer)L fo. David -Hood Rity-hie, datrd, the' fund for tile pay-trient of the-sdid debe-6 veri 31siJan.L. IVE6. dnthdayof-.Ja9uarv,.A-DL,1:bl Golerich*Octo6er.18b.4 wag, 'T q- scriptioiI. ill CnPPcr_a.I!d Sheet Iron Wait:* a the intere*t tile d Ile "Ile oll.ren.5bil. -lotf V I - . . I criloaki-t! cet 'quar 'NEr, _,KOz&a, 'Oulity of illats with to e�bcpot�-4T;Irk. e,' L7 .0y 1011"i b a , Willa lately TV The fQ18 .0 fl Ur I to all other rate.,: d 0 V .,7 --- I - 191..: ruep 'S11E1"?,1tFq SA iot- r a 11- thei eon, all equal si,cei.il rate.ot fo, 8-0_1 a ­ . ;.­ - . .. �, . - I The 11,�rli*S =c iu%vfBi-b_i buAdrq(l: D� -I trJoilth at the ratte afuresaid, to b6eo 1 40 1 tereittat thii tai�i0i;velve,'Ver-cent per apliumi, ty If ta the d6ll` zhali in a(IdItIol and. by ao,-igglimentoraftisal , bto�i_ and tax�s be raised ex -ted iihd collected - 1- 4%, c.ea�ed oil tile i w'�) I 'The lu�h�fb. Int -rate virtue otii _��sq, Goderich. .4, F DOM -IH� red - and gage made by Ae said. David. HOW Ritchie to yePr,-snJeIv­itpon all-tlie i-Aleable.properly"within quibered.. No buddingi I ljllitell�Connfjeq Of -A_Isc.lot4 s3ilal Oil �Laln e X)l a -W wri. Lit en0i, over, Jr - 11t ''Old Iron. Cup- and Brdee, Fieri FaL a d u nt wiliani Renwick -a ::1. mv y i4 4an actng Fxelrutor, of file tile blifil-0ouillyof-Hurwi during tilt-, coptinit" f7 andilK.con r5. to III Of Goda! -res e t w.. fistate -of ihe !ate Thonlasi blardner, deeelised, dtice6fsaiddebentureso* ny-oC -.SO ac .100 cleared arl.lb L a) S Six 11 .0 en -in Ila Rl wl!li-wawreEtlhijd� 'd ; em: . - . . . - peFr,)�rass, Rngs a is 'D., 18613, - 4 oo To %vit - ']ell 'Aij J�.,Lt� - C + 27tj- Ounly'. dated the fourteenth dav*of Febr - tiary, A. - L Yi That By- La w shaLl take Lflect. --,Intl T rielt:--'Grt;od Ir"n a 1. ­offl uron and Bruce - A ihem. will b&so(d bv- �uhfiGr Ailetiot; at. the I c -R about 5 lilt les front Gode 11 to hard. f the United cuuntiez leme- the.y6ar of our Lofil6ne'ftoutyancl eigl�a hundred ard. '%VilV be "F 'Orpo�;L#7j t If _11.aSf (-yJ -sold �sepanffe­uT jcAgetl,c r (a a -at thesuit Z, 0 00 FEE."�, T'V`17 Y - (if is IN -I �. X 2! iziaz_111 _r, INK Irl- M 1"If -1 L_ L K ..;. . - I ' - lr� comeititt, operation up&n the first-da%lof.ltdy ift- �B C011 &-w , �-;:­ - ��:- �­_lk it-nd sheds and cait)fokai fe lox cled mawnst the I er Hotel" in thli Village ofBayfield and County ho, iise,- an d 1i il'it and to me diie on B "Id ay� PR _E1 'j Ftard� C-6 'well. -1 ba-veseized ab& -taken i and'sixty six.. —2 Jahn ry, purcha*ers, AVI)ly m E a The right title apd imeresEo ulo!�. Yo -,-ro J Tuesday, the- first d y of t, jibe it W 171Y.-virlue of two w.ryts.oi. in -ard to.Lot'n6li)], 'or United Colinfie:'s of e R"DITLE�:- AX.T.1135 Canad, ost -irt it it 01: _J) st . I -ea 'T r fi in fllej 11 11 Uro" (unti-s pre- W. 3, 30111NST01V I out 'iO)l 01 the'l A) rilship �I Carrick in ibe C'ountvot attwo6fthecloc I i L3:p 7-.— . ;, 'f ve ternooli . , . . eni"- - yl,.and Bruce, D Fierl P1 itit; k ialh� a A -niake applicatifin -to' tile �Le-lslaturc er, b fo r e �s 'couiltv Bruce, C0.11118millo One�lfumalrcd'a - I'm -'W it H r" Milj�-,qt%r To VIDusly.dispoved of by pywate argain illh that- RFx Forivatc-7or- Lo ajL L 7;7fgderich el,esj w FOREGOING. ipr for- gritrithim: Court . Of the -rodutyes of' I.Jur j, , Ila L- n d tene' n - J and iindpreipmles.situ- ERRERTO IN -,E:Kr* �C'luslire -pv�vileg' Vulted a Ig; certain, parcel Or tracti6f I Sept. 23, 1"865 o me BrIlee': -ex - -9, 1. Bruce, anti to tile airecled- mi-lill-RI Tile -lands !iiid ofl*ce- in the C' ate, byring ond - being iri the Towaship of Godt- 6es�iy confpr in" -e6morate - pw t i: re her 0 (3111.1 floure in the 1w. blind' P of vode� red d.14is t 'be ex� or, Ot 7 tell.;Illellts cf. XV I flaill f-111111,0 -T-t ibe suils -of -T.D. rlell-f cit Tut.-.d.lythe -it ully'day 4 1wenly -gill Clarle c- yz&f next, -at the kout'_of _1y' Ock000n. a il the ]UJIL title 4WEST 0DEItICH OT for doing'qnvt nwt- nly t6- the -NA LD Sumf . I J0N.HN'_1i1AQDb of. the said Townsh i containing '.G 0 - . . _I;d il]Jer: . - .posed of1A .7 _S .41 F7, finis and Allexqudeil ssfititti. 1h.a.1-C �:,e and r-hre mild iloflar- Road tri,4211 11;-.i!,xecutinn Dtt Bayfield concesmon e rei-itilatircr weyg or -bout IPW T : purposes of fildy six in the vrofit; rich. Inthe saillCouni-Y of Huron, being - p tided Qu the Port Albert Poalf. H TVI A K-.9 R i & e thou, son the Winglinin -tend; L ST p-, of Gotreri6t6 Th and- Dollars, tin the Setiforth anti ....affee t4aid defeudalic-111 aild,�o the. wi-st liUlf , .. r e thous eigilty nilti acres, - more -or le.�4� (of which about � 1 -pi ollier-par,fies; are liefeby Belin e It, ad. ri rl tS br - -operty of of Lot litinflier tell in llle4ifth "auce'si 6 It Axty aqres are cledrW.) Terms macte known at re( r o., lie o� A -C 'Yo. 32,' Lake- Of Ulsborne in file at it v )-I dOor e 0 f Al r. St 6 118' S QA d I 'are sales, T iir :16cill-ard DtAlars -on the .11 owick Road' N�Texl-, T)v st-' y : "Ofified that fhr�y - luired by 'j-�--dot East 1"o I By"S. Folr&leir, Dep"tV.5berifi: Sth atidl9th Conves-int.s. ilie OF7 ad H"ay. E y respeqn 6 by Life E xecuturs Of46e late A. riublisfied n .7 __2 M R66. 'FIRST, --,,-RAT' L `V, 0? -31, CL-OCKS-, re I fu in I f- Vdimila i John Nlo.ij, _%Vhi�ll AX and-followin - fiftv aci NVILLI .1 LL Rules of thli.ljec�isla'tive --'Can]' tile. d REYWIM, XINDI (Sigueo refro I rO WNtIAL- L E cutor as'afboresaid-. Two,thousand one hundred DOM on - the ill one acr i9fsaidlot itbriner ISM -4 ars cit all(! 1j"risiaflie. Asse- bi * I" WATUNI March W9 t . itephen Alail-11ond. AND 'JEWELRY (wi i n �Twothousnnd-flollaysoyi the rR 1) ON H 110 RT TNI 0 T I G E leain", We In Is Treat REPAIR 'J-G-'me�tte), to give oflul for--; I fr. , �hl thqAN-Surt -oijs a Lond6m and -Pail -Mail Road. Nin'eiccll hundred.�.Dolfais on1he J Wo MO W of 'the 'applicati.oh - (C-learl* find t�illcllv; .-Termi eas melit jai runn.ngto-Town Pkil of(Y'rey, di Y.. ap"lly-tv the To -,-f 061�riehj an--Tu1_Kdiky 'the twenty -1-n-the best-�Styll wit Vollars -Ott tlie-Bayfiqld P9 ill e Ctfvl� �NTALD SI -I T­HE�zwNTD. m.inth` dilY cf &Tay next, at. -he hall ofT bttud,� �geat aa'� MORTGAGE SAL T �vo hundred - (30116es, gp�Cifyi * i6 -nature itr 0-4j- S sio= t;it� al_d th c Wt:Jve at C&IJ �N.a 0 a Alo r t!.. --T OF a - in -1 -spaper. pu)- ci� Po4erolSale contained ill AL.;O,,A: GOOD K5fOPtT.AE.% da 'eft�, . I also I, tie%, on tile prem"isps, or!. the locl ation. In tlL le .0. ( f1l _ ty� or Aft V7 cloc1rig, So, 0 ete , st 'and last i L B. n GA2.111LERON I 1-1-q M cD 0 N -consulate -01 e, and Di e County;of Huron, Jane Glark, hiIi, affe* offic'" ts,%qnsart, purpos� IV -se6d�M01--copies of i -he fir sllc� is iec IT11io Cotilleips I ��made_ by William Clark of Egmon& ewel A - ki 4,61d -P] cited J J 0 ­,wifelo (being aparty, thereto for the --at ayid!,xarrant 'the Priv of id a, tftTe copy vrifizndea liouro k�a4A siJo _,_A. a 1r of spell 116tice been madelin 13 S. polloelz,Dii Rbi gavin- donstautlyanlianct edto'fie szn 'ale- Bill 0,111ce Goderi *!14 ti y Puty sipe'rift. f3arring k er dower) default Ot itiotte !rill offieti; Godenc ent thereof it nntice, een -,I . ven The abo'Ce of a. y h House w4l the due payin w- to: be laken into'eolusideraii0it -hy the iMu- . _'in J led, there -ilF be sold La G a' 0.h..Ja'v271h.IAI4-.­-' A.All -Petitions for'' Pt-hrat BiM - must 'be 0 If to:afl parties interes . i. . . . ..e nic palitv, of tht: Uniti.4 th)uuties of flurotl dild'. it.0(1. likilln ille Fafilamepitaxy&--De tal first -three-w6k 'of the partme Porthe -Cure o Claroni,r C4gj,7ai7?.ti, se-rofwa; : C113, _y -r' asesqjtlte Blood, Coiinity of. Iluron, On the I ff-413oINE INSURAN0.13. - - I -. ' - - - r. S a EP Xr 'On Friday., the 4th day of -TgaWl D- I BRICe.-it the Coiinty-C6�rt . 10,ini ir- tile Town VS of Goderich, in th.6, iwoat 12 o'clock noon, atfhb Auction Mart ofi: Tourfeetith day of fUlie,,186G.-at thp lioWof TO DI.- W_ wo 'Priv1Ite?:B ofmiles:01' :a -writ of ,�ry 0.1m. Truemilift'L in -the Town: of Goderich, the :-Q-9cluck in the alleryloon Untied C pfflY virtue "of Conz at which. time and, I iisiifrane� '0. AgS�nlb afindBioticc Fieri Facias ic 8. A. 49 10) X -r-- OTTAW 0. W.. 'n -1-1uro ioperty namely :006 fifthof an aerL--I* ILace the embers'of the C(iun'ir are herl�byre_ Drillsli Amerle.,azill �Iolloowlng pi In 0 �a but :,49 (.f Her Majbsty-Is": County 1t-4011N-,-OTV,L11TE Of-LONDCX a nd be the mainie 'more or lessi-and Iming com-.- 3"ired. to-idt oresaid. -the, Ur -,flurdii. and 1 -''foo, 0 rlee at the Or- ,TO11ONTOi E. DOUCV wit: eMd for tl bdrgh;Atnd 13arts; t Yof i*d 'Comities of -voteslus. attention, ruce, and to !lie directed. ag thelaudsAnd -Clusively, 10 Lbe, Tro-alincul. of the -At Sqllarelioa -ricli d of Village Lot number A., East Eide of .1erl"TC11",! ADAM, -ON. VIC. of Privitta Bills, If underarig;tfed AevOie* apeciAl attention low. Ott 23rd, Fd).k..-- 186 6" ii -of Patentsfo all 0. Dob-artmiant altiffily 45don�don Street in FginglidVille afor4aid, with .. X CO n T ainst D e : , -_ CountiesClerL W Marin, to t6.pi-o�iiii r Lail& d tetienientq of Oblirics-Daynteni!ai ill relprred to in.tlij valuable-Builitluip.thereon. Terms.made;cnown CountV C.lerk's. officel. e suit of At- Al'allyy-ear8experle.11001A e of, . q - f Lan -and Ian S Fil-I pitritylei , mi ejand,t e- Ifinisli Co 'i4je iti4life Mort- rich,'9ttL March, 1866. d '09 for. lllve�tionsl- t1leod itef,' t -u nrk'ing�- In Europ e ist sate. - -10190d Lfid rL PoVier of. 'Guile wo GE1 RUMBALL, th and 7 A;- nt. Qtlle efiliniSk."ii F ��her. I have sei da�l' cilr zo rforinilbitfe vervrei�-arlaibTe 4,s and ble, lls� ihb` GbvQ 0 fil I gagei, ent -pto-, I xecuti6nall or e r id taken in E. III title alld tyfterc.-ALW -the: said: de,56ndatit ties'far -obtainim- the G.6derich pai;sdge of 'rivaie 09 of th�- 1-iie irdifto PaT- besnand laterstp6ie�-'. xrklet 5 X. 0. CrAME RON, Aprtl­25th,1:fl)n wi-itt durin'ir t1fe I , * �_ 1�aoxt Co. ft , P in a itor rtg,14 k 'Lotsjium6,T$,6, S, la, 140,4,, 19, dies -are, such.beingm corres7pondener. wj�th'ljm i/ of busineii 20, ".)1; (,22 find 23 in* D�usley's Terrace- ii,.4 'aid mbA celeliraf`i�d lihyiiicf�lls of Toddy, wifta Solic jfoir-xo_ Leigislature; q41F the -Old-,_nor1dL1hiftt'\_ nerally %vit drtment4, 81 X" a i'l t b,e: A rst er of A, vo J ge 'Out on Dart QfLut murillber i becall OR'- inducements to the unf6rtujii te 'Zillp of ,_Ianj 3. speedyand perfecte' 'r-5 IT 7 Ify i-putAll e . lire. 7 in 1116 fin, -J:IS. 8k6ad.11._ .0 Huron, whWi,`Lands and lenemenIg I ' I--- STOLINGTEE TO' TilE NVE&K 1, rwr. good imnrov4 -sale ill. "the kou V shall- oftei'for 8:iJ6 at'tily- ffi lie Court so'] A ce in -1 !z.Ketnedieo will iesiore. in il:tery short flinoe; Ron M, Qimeron. ftouse�in t UJlwhn L 1 �arms ior Pb 8A. 1F.1 ;R; 11 hir'ty AXE fe I "FARM& FOR h fhe S()vbl-.i , P , Del) ID S F .0 LE A ^.-ES L A A 0 oo lffipul T "TOUGh K kacDoiiald. Sub A or" Ounties of HuJikj,'PeAh,Aud �iiddlesex� 7, 'J sc "b conitniQnedd the' Pon. J. .09 TLIP . . .1 0-! . . �41 ; . fic.Tow "''f Goderich, on Tui&lay the aPe-inflTetedwitliwerroas Debility, ticuldrs all�ply. tbL the uudel;9i,,ned.- -Axe,rnakiri Fbe pj�r urriee,9-,qJT1-P.-P. jos.A-aynofid,Esq. 'iii connectioi! � with'.. the twenty ilinth day' 6"1. next' at.th e N NC E a fthe death of INT r X M e- hour of of.Memory. Vicor,* GLASS,; 13arrister.. j - ac A H TWeLve of th6 clock.1 oba, YOUNG I ""ITS tlie.bubine� WE in Slit lwreiol�re afid. cortfef N, TAYE NOTICr,—There 19 Xt ID. rf rjr- ILIVID libmith J Igiileis at t6ir old k " - - I t3 S.T.&Mr.Pt-NNOC TATZ 7 STIR' ; --- All Q swain evil ha�bit oftea'contracled by - boys, at sch-oor, aifte hntl.- style of, ouse gtreet)- where vFriTI: 9w* grin Idto viz—Lot w8_ t Lundo 01 W, --a aterloo 'an _&-- Li rJaf wJM 'ITACbO . o". a . 1, On Under Ili of W, ?q N- 'to manhood -,the � I NE cellent f graws vill -them _Jng. ex farmers 'ban g!�t which 4' effe�ts ofthise-ij] prant -idi T36* d'concessio i in thi'Bdvfiel it of the Town - R ice is. most aplorame$' b. Co. Huron, containing abo-4.. All who are 00=3 oVar 4iill, "76ozi iffidLedshouldapplyoto;Or Johnsonimmedlat J-.xnuAr -ship. ofGoderic W I E -L. I A T -A '18 obt.-- 2,1=inia. & -j H 6:6 is -'W] 6de. A' e XT. I ti -I - - -leared. I., ., T J A*Cood go a6kits of which about: b0L are c tjie _d X er C 14 and lie will effed a A!peed . and Derfeet 13ortir balf4afthe north I -of Lot nineteen, Lak V"4 e, V'[Ct J." 0 -IS i At'& reasonable fi*,y*ure. We are alj��prepax. y =rejo East in Ifte.r6waship of Stanley;, c - - I mus* �4ie c ose (,,I or -before the. ed.,tojurh -la-fixes dtid ni-a- e a DISEA aU in, 'thi 0 0*0 ris d, wo'Kar rks- r and 0 [a Mel' d P o ke ill 61 s�fy 0. Wo Wo coulily of Huron. containi Tabout rty -SIX -L" - OV 1XIM BLOOID, r1t is aL Or melancholy lact.that thousa wase a wingto the. unskiltal and- impro D RIL 18- kv V bf1percurv. Dt. Jallyl Der use' acreif inbstly.eleared, also the-west,ptrt of Lim as new, 1111 1 -fide Jall victimill4o., A -I J11. L tsn.iathettbirt nth coneettsion ofthi,-: i-ald Town- IN ALI, THE DIFFERENT STY1, A 10YAP _T -011 0YCk'S EM -TO'' .0ommmioner, _P ED Son$8 Compound"$Ym, will thoroughly �erad;6afe allLdist-ases arisill,71roa, ship 6f ileyi- containing about thirty acres, Ulu Stan A,11 0 16mir illerei cl aities'Indebted'to I he Of6ve1r.m. are herer lwiih eamoco, -also park. Lot twoj 906191 thchlood. -Itemedieg was 1N - ing- one' Mill hoks Made: S� f9rwQkdrd ill saftnito ally addreis ollice - 1110trii, milez firoxil-Bayfield, on the Qmvel K&dz and- eon I . I . - . _or arpqn Itange' I in thtk "tile To. h b6 Ilhigfxated'Gah, �.by notifiLA that all hofesand book accountsover adi-zen-secloriiiip*e,-,tateol* A� _U And-warka nmed'to do good work % I-st-day 'of - PM3910 next, .,.. . . � -. L . - . _. . . . 1 4 F'. Job n sozfj, taining, (ten acreti nibgly cleared ' th Toronto from 8 till 12,and frorn �2 till 8. Allp-ofilmunwil- _1 wl , good: ADDMRSw4s So,., William's tions -sbould be adilres�edt yr. Ch stream olvikiii3r, good Dwelling house,�Mrnland or W. T Coi, - q., God r E's e w4who.will Sul) —Met a'bl Z, fl4jattle� St..J F -ke 'thd cout0scollec -will beliand' to t eir Siyfieltor lot* collection 'a -Lot pyc R ENTS, HXADSTONIDIS -ames8freg-s, cutreal. -1 Orchare, and alsib the south westerly half of atal' O�AN' xbp JONUM I I ocrues. HE SON &-C I eighteen in th 'eijzbtb concessiou bf th Town ed A ombg -Table-tops,-Rol Offic�_ e Gdde ell, Dep.'5. I r stedto ludma will 866 - p :rePt,,_:ne_1Kt-- the Tiilegorapb The siock oil hard *ill be said 'EN ship"oll Stanlev 4retaid, containing-abofit qixty L -ipti rr ifrid T!:(- P'r6prietor P of every. de�.ci )IiClt� Share V sty e of. Sf I . ar�- -of lainif moitly cleared, *and witLia of the I)tl!)Ifc pat-idn D ONE v;L-V ai =.11efw orth# Villagd of Varna ISHEPLIFPS SA LE -�-ar LAM)& V 401RI, C N 1. 9 1-1ilo, worknianship,. fnr9fibbed `qn. shar�t Mye' nd. he will j1'e his T. S satisfaction. Xt 3010 n6tice-Land. t endeavors t'6affb at. the- lowest ices. rd T 40 A"Ir, A IT ru� r I ion F" particutam apply Trwitally or byprepaid UifittedConntiei 6P. SHONT CHF.Dirr, ed dt' a . . . r 'assED .1U 1oter at the Na offic ayfield. &of) T Libe - I hladp for J. ROSS i"Pa Y virtue - cif a Writ .'at cash. �e I argeuss irtmento Fy:elas' -Isisqec out - f P106 ��!hs, Gulti- .--ordero-prompt Moved Farm Pr6perty, Huron and BrtWe. X nil -Ste of 11i I N. -R' ­ , ON 0100 J Fiert, ALL ORM IMiTH il : . . � eirer.Ij fedin -,both diod 4.1 ATTENDED. To akim, arid 'of, �Her' fiffi)esty -.a gy . . .- Ili, oufitv 6Strd*.V(. -era. e P To wit'. vato G d esions r --.of Monuments, &c m -be -*seen July 1 Mill t �tb. 1,96.' T. iOR40E HOPMUN ucq� and tonie-ditected apalns7t the lands and -eittles, n. and pipe-' shop. N0111 Gourt of th* - -THRE-SHINGM.AOHIN S . I 'c -6 :.Br 6 United Counties 'of fluroil anil Pdt-ash and ongiiii-L w2.54 m Crodiirl ii, th June, isrm_ W. teitements of Gi6rge'&gga�7and Nesb MoaZ`go TTAVING rented'And &ted. -19, 1865 w-47 I t irgar.,. boxes MP-.the'store''.. Goderlehi Deei. yr, -ell ortIEL '.&Uhscriber hereby cad tions Ae public. at the suit ol.lames Hall, 1-tave s6izedian t JLT�L lately Y,3 "a sells f 'coda amilies VV'ith one, in I eel, McIff-J%u,.'amomit._S3,ry and 30bdd cents, h ighteellf 6011 se. -fi*ncl r aggaR a r, swir ifi !a Ahe said.-deiltindiat in and Lb. tbii $Out west to ar to dinish h Maling, I Uacurrent, vor, or Hugli 0 X" e .-. �­ .1 . . ­ L, "" ' 3K .0 T -E lu oti -of o in B --StOVeS. abQve'busj11pss . a �1 Cf occupied by- A. F. Bush, for the Bu �..JL agaw4tput�chasingori-egotiatingan IQ, Executioll all the right, title and tile- St of dk- �`,- rar or& D -AT S, hind, jria& by JJ)hr'LL ble A 6d Af� no* prep - d. dde7 orne ofloi Nh d cf' W Jan" "tL 1866 as. the some is lostij-'and cessiou of -the Towhsbip of Grey, contain I ' one 19wM_M1 za. MIM situatedan th� Grail I Hood'- running from 9. payment V mommaq oceries ISID&S half litere of tana'-witly the buildings I e stoppild. Any p@Wy retutning the same to the ereon P o JL Seaforth to Fouthampton; one mile north o ownerw ify -Of.Nranfitnery for a nyoneirtiv -iltlWattitati -iowardelf. erected,"and knqwn as Bio4ars Titvern - ww6i� andalot and Saw -Mills. -Which I shall. ell t theidivest 'Cash prices where it Leads 6117to Wroxeterand a' 41 JFj.. ' . - 4 .- . _' . L ', I - 0alp leles Would -to t1Ut;HXCEWA ldnds and ienements I. shall ofrer for* sah�, at mir. " All parties kequiring -tile above art., BlueVate, MaTCh 27%. %66.. - office in the Court Hcuse, in tile Tovin cifGode' do well -to call- and-litspect the siock ikl o' 'w1Q3 ... r. lice as our.and, 0 NKT'.of the the they well get:barg iinS. LL, L'. ' 1� ]a - ptJoin M - Ich, on Tuesday �and&L -nige. Walke Q -Co _01i the first day of it Bel rto SouT � z ­ .11, .,tocfL hour dfTwelvaoftliecloek,noon.. R IITCIAAN� A -Shar.0- 6f.your -.Pat-' "'It be tbank oranyp 0. Fotbej6 Lot 2' ul lohagp:: i4i Insdivent Aid ef -18601t, JOH� AIA.CDONALD7 VS lyw 7 -and faithfulTy attended.. to. fully received so aeri A- .9, Z N rence-'Co tl cinian wil Ilk 1 6 i*e above, It. Aun b t6 -Matter of A 6bert SteVira and, Sheffff Is' Office, G6deric L4WAYN 01q.-_ HAM rt pi:t�pariid to "carry -on the bust es6of an,, Vbt6s- aitit- Uq� h orsj A' Gecirge F."Stewart fusohrents. 21rd J* U 1, RO-N FOUNDRY pods U� TU meeting of the Oreditors. the al)ovb 1 and GiasswkejF .4 Mai HE 'Undersicriled-.- wovII& respectro-ly. in-, OFAT; XMInsop Mtao zgpwpo n ractfor tfke'-6Td0tl0n'of'a_1l1-fn Thhe Anatned, Insolvenu wiltbeL held m thd o1lice a 'it 0611t ds -i ' o f INI -mea n y Tx6ut Tocrum .9 0% m e c A THEBUILDINGSTOVSit A zTHOF on 31onday for TX rd -Barrisier &e, Goderict., -a&y as.nsual,�nd Will siti �'f Hu'0 of M. Q CiAtne a. chi AGRIEC ULT KAI�- 141-FLERI-ENTS h he 1 ana't e.pAblic_.�enerally tha 1HUN]DRED _F i - BMW& Life T FEF -the Assigned a st%temepl� ov,esa6deasting, lilence& 0 V, St Shoit -XS lit CHAUE S DAY Of theL elock pdrp(*6 'IND, e4orention for, the _IFT Al 40 10 S, IV the A * ve'buiin J T- 11[1-v the'Tth day of blay next it e 10 lou'kwh f4erm rs r It and Brucl fpa% las com- afmai6liableiates.forCASD of rewivingerfrolit 00 E SUCII AMUR una -1g. 0 Ibrtthe J J -d h(be If &ff1drs oif tile. Estate'aud *ia. arGoder owlf!2*48 -M-9 Day Bureaus, Sof� g -t a rth- 8, LOuI2g9i,-Bedstead,'zja"- endlest Gases. mtitirasses� 4-colApal C�nteyT�bl wei itprep bnAhand texbllehriagsort. -variety, Wardrobes�. B66k-' Ordering of the-�If�tri of .1c AND Proprietor. the- estate geneiO illy. LA t -"' I he- isi prepire'd t Tablds, Brei'lintast bles,, D" at (lodfiriciL this 16 day, of Ap- C AL, DIL in ut bf,the Wist ma eria 0 es,'Dlnllui� URGED X P s 11' lands, Chairs- -4,nd many cat S a -4-s-10 mention, Ailkind AMES, TH "THE 11RICF or TW 'S I 1866* - Ablei,- W USON 6xecute all orders. in his line iu'A 70�j whic ToiletT as experien ce r IL 0. CAME: ate, pl�rfof tbe-towff., -and.all work p-Iiiiin d G MEY. T-9. -END ne -Fc business Iiiiiho fo 60 5 will .-Ne re In Haiing- bad great in this Afbignee;- inot faR to givi�'sati faction 6 _Ostoo 11 ,in .0AESM . Z - 1� a ,w12 2w.1 flelive' d' IWN lgti,64oc . ts, the Wt STL Any Gode fi. �IjA in I qne 0 & , - - _'0 _. - - . A LA:.11-019 QVANTT EW erhis personal ifiperinteiid&be� he ciin -Promptlyattefidej Up S E ta L FA 11 _.G V1 1 46- uiid 1101., 1, 41 .000SI.- ATION OFe, OF R" 0 f rra KSMIT-H% '09AL K tra tit every arti4 ini to. be T PF ea, T]a w-onhandhavebe' ­ BLAC WURT. MSION't OF All. kinds not ell greatly _V , jE A� w J ............ . . hile his term -,the best quality, S;Nill be found Rbdu�e 4 musi be sold to m4ljo-room IN SUMS..4"' ON IIA:ND AN D RE Court 0 S 1p 0 TGI loft or the Town h* f 49 nable.'". -�eiy re f Re* 1144u­Gdods, e OX 1 -49. fo; ers g h IS 6tock. elfu 1.11V teslan. o . i e a- �ap,7_-..,._" rm flivefii e "fild ofthe best m"' J Oil Hftndred Dotla"rs 'a -h Uffifdo�. -S Y T Colborne' W111-beL hold at 166a' Tivern For ale. Mr. R. -respe esda: tho, 25t i it. z C �Pply. to _. I . .. � . .1) - I - stkk' School - 96 ks, Fa NV'Ari it Wedn nst. 11 New A -terial'and work 11 1 ndlat, grf-ativ reduced' - a I * -w MOORE add o a of all kindejuat re in at iPric6s j6bMilir of -all priees. Cill' at lai� OTM,Sth eon'. Bru�e.::20, 4th'it 'N. B.74Ho 'e-shoelr�g bad smitvr Hill; 0 and:see for"youTselves PRONb%' Sol aiYd busat:sfiedbefore JU clock. a. m. - mlved'andsell e I " I.e. - �� W 15W. -I JAMBS TEWSLEYi-Tp q1erk. OSS 22 1 - as. Low. ag- an '- Hbtisii. lVeft W T6i6ntq, L I I InI rs going P sw er�,�'. y uro �ryply tiu. J. - -Agents 11) 4indso -F-arnierospj .-M. Coi`C*�VEROXio I lorlwobd�and'q Insura, omp eon H n .-GE0. '" _00ftrn Ap;ril. Ath,,. 1$4q, wlltd C"BB98 NJ G -W 81�OCK- kinds strietly attended to. lit -ducelakeniiii exchan.e. Wva� Muddr SrVt, 811!; 1864. *LEWIS VLLI TT At Goddric t'- _-Igoderidh�00tober�M.1864. R:3* Warerb oom on F" 1941 Strett G _k4y 29ib, 1865, W.YT SWIG "Oodefic Deci., 27thf 1865.--., 94 Giildertchilklarc!I2416 0