HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1866-04-20, Page 3naumt. Rritisk rt".. war another tr - vIls justly see. tireat Ile4welt during the Tate to the symea- • thie potea_-.- t riot enthuse's_ chiefly - frOm :‘r the half,wher efatform. Mr. fog blood and e zuf nothing. iterl that they provinces, --be - .Eman after the - ...Ian refused to: .v -i -rete seeking rt exPeetect isk 1. tatius.-' house wortli weeeteee of the sal., bondX., whicb! ra day but fotr Qtestadyertisee !//iffIl://rMOBIONImma!fir rE*0-111( . 6 gzt en the bonne ..-fgretrui teaf. growing here 4 stormy pat ons laugh, - eat t above •InOri• ;eakto a bre D. IIMUT 4••••••••• 'ND. k- ERIE 8001En. red uyniake CUM'S lateart--3rate TERMb. ei via be fools& erre" *of 7fIelittilar :orrewer is (tatted _her fullamount_of a. benig made for ohty or Yearly,. • one ter fifteen. 5 APPIX iety aoerkh. 1864. k an insoteent. rent are notified ment ofisie.estats to mei_ the en- v required to ihr- na tars. date with • war they hold, none. stating- the r oath, wait the ay ofThttorr this , -littreie de Bruce. Of ISM eat ate notifiesif meta Instigate _ tome, the mi., - s' required to far - this date, with rity they hold, if sone..stating the oath, with thee los. • ig 'farm this .0.eXs litnen 5Z, &nee. w13 f 18640 man an in: luitare notified that of his estate- and me tinders- irerkto fur1113h tiate. wait their y hold, if any, statzegthe fact; the yoticbess ofatiroi this - OCL oBi de eontainedien 4 liofele of thte Ship of Rayon iitt Horde hi& et- the &vas, *int been. ' and ticitieet there welt 1666, lege of Zurich, - sty a Maori. r, Lot notelet. Id fifteell. (15), liege of Zatichk ind Montt rif Df sale in thee< sTELcrr. t&v13. oftwoWnis or amass:issued out COalir Oros and Bruce - Ilan& aria teae e•beit Magalrett id Robe:tilted, • ioa *11 ther:sit w hoa itt and r• 11.* Teeth Como, - Nile the Comte ie -A-- I shaft • Coast Koons iit ty the User ofTertive- of brALD.,. 4flf,II43. ^ — ' Approach of the eholera.--LI PROCLAMATION'. tir vie- GsOTERSOR-GILNERAI.. . Wheretis. iii and by the thuty-eighth chap. ter of the tonsolidited - Statutes of - Canada, Intitated : : " An Act Respecting il*.P.reser.. intim of the Public -Health,'" it is enuingst other things ` enacted that, whenever- this . , Province,- Or any pen thereof, or = piece therein, appeals .te.., be -threatened with any -forundable-equidetitic, endemic- or contagione. disease:- the GovernOr'inay, by 'Proclamation . to be by him Triani. 'time to time issued, by and with the advice anti cOnsent of the Exe- - -eutive Council- of this - Peovinee, oriit any • part thereof,- or 'place_ thereinmentioned- in - - auell Proclamation, and halm% thereupon be .iit force accordingly j'and tbe Gbvernor may - in like manner, from time to time . as to all 1 or any of theeparlia or places which any eueli 1Proc1an1t2ort extends,revoke or renew: any such Proclamation; and, subject to such -re- . . that dread "discase.:ConsumPtion—is anxious io maka • vocation and renewal:as aforesaid, every such taeowanliu-hwiello-w-suifereis the melt - t c r")ciam`iti°n e_xPro-wil i and whereas, al- I -,1; io2,11.hs•deeire it he will send a' Com°t--colfrhe Pres-. tahaough there" exists no reason fol. _serious paring nude cuive ror co:41 t.„itplie same, which they will fitaifsnr!• ii..(ill'Ir of charge). wititthe tfirectio:ic f - p - t_l rail.: the Pr os in ee-. . appears to be so far Cous. and all ?'171 Th"i• AsritmA, BRosentrt: Co f'. breatened with Asiatic Cholera, at dasis_e,s.0" obbieci cethenairritrIretr laniustelLiduilli&lithdereit4e7sise.r.ip.- Ttith,i.joGitti Within. the menning_of the- said Ant • t - - enetit the aillieted. and spread unbrination .selich , he tvider it expedient to all -necessary precan- eeneerres. to be inetilutilde. and he hopes. every sufferer tiOnti SitOU/d be taken for the pi-Gtectien of wilt r.ry his remedy. as it Will COSI them, nothing, and ,- . Y P = - , tbertiblie-11- ealth audit is therefore-eapedi- Fa•rnes wishmg-ite prescr' ii n--YRE by -return- man- na te, declare thesaid AO tate in force in win pleaseaddress . ill ° ' ,- • . , the said Province.. Sow kaow ye; ' that by - ,. et iniameeerc. Kings* Co.•.:New YON. . - : Jter. 1".11.WA RD A: WILK*, - sirtne of thepower iri Me eested by the sard I . , - Act, I, the sail Governorof this - Province, l 7-----e,,,,---------- -- • - . ------ -- by and with the ' advice and 'consent ot - the ,.-.-, -.N1 tin gb. 11 tr;!SCIACIIIS. .. '- . • Executive Connell of the said Peoviece, do — ........, leemlay declare the said Act -hereinbefore men- 3E".!W7Et...1EVir 3:0.-eilirisey' tioned to he in term' in this.' Province. from -VE0 ETA B LE and after the date of these pfeseuts, - and that the same -do and shall teatime in finee p AIN K-ILLERT for and dniing, the :period of Six, calendar _ — * mouths froneahe date hereof,: unless this Pro, , clatnation be pager revoked and :recalled -V AT TILE OLD, under- the provisions of the , said Act ; of ee,e BEWARE OF .-COUNT-EB. - all which Her Majeity's, roving, subjects and FEITS AND : WOR7:11LESS; .1.11 -1/7A - all others whom these presents-, do or may In T/ONS. any Wine Concern are hereby requ4d to take April 18, 1866-; E-RIM'0118- OF YOUTH. - Gentlentim who suffered for years front iCervouts- - . . .. • Debility. Premature ‘Dectiy,-and alt efle.ets of yauth. lid indiscretion, Witt :for the sake of suffering humanity send free loan who need it the recipe and•directions for n aking the simple re niedy which hc-was cured. -*el- terers wishiug to prohkhy ntfvertisees experience, aura° so by addreising " - JOHN No. 13:-Chinnbers St:. New rink. WitAXG13, MVP -TRUE. _ _ reep- yonne lady and gentlemaninthe United' States can hear smut:411in inuch to their advantage: • , r -tura niail [free ot ejtalge), by addressing the 'tinders signed. Those has ing tears of being humbugged. will oblige by not notteing- thitt eatti. All Others:will please. - address thereobetitent servant, . - • - THOS. F: CH A:PlAN. • - .13"tuatiway,.1ew -fro The advertiser. having been restored to health in a. few weeks by iv eery siinplef remedy. atter lia;*ving suf. I -WEEKLY S I G PAPE Large assortment of-F,00m paper atways OA hand, at the . , . SIGNAL:OF-1'10E. A` Variety Of Patterns at 5 and fieeents - per -Roll. WINDOW SHADES- Finin andFigured, Cheap. for Gash,- at the - SIGNAL OF .ICIE . • • BOOK AND STATIONARY STORE. Gpelerich; March 8th,1866. Market_Squitele. • fereti for several yetirs•witli a severe lung -affection. and ... . NIONEv to. Loan at reasonable rites. 11 Apply to • • .. - ,- - - -,-M.C.CXRON. wl 1 - , _.•-• - Goderich. ".• ivioN4y TO _LEND oit inr-•.-roved Farina AeL• at a moderate rate of interest. . For par, tictilais apply to the. undersigned. - -DAVID-GLASS;-.Bartister. - :w86t . London,- C. W.' " UCTION ALE VALUABLE TAR! PROPERTY. w12 661- _ notice and govern themselves aciOrdingly. THE GREAT ENGLISH ItEMEDI Given under rq band and seal at arms, at the Governthent House, in the city of Ot- AprIl in. the year. of our L'ord one thonsand, On Saturdav the 12th. May net at noon. • eight. hundred and sixty -else and in the - twenty-ninth yetir of Her Majesty's reign.. taw C. in thid.l'roVince this 1,0tle day, Of ...Or VERY -ACCOU,ST Of. I:11E _ . - - T111357 AND LOAN- COMPANY,. . - . I5P tit CANADA.• WILT. PE So7;ti BY PUPLIC 4,t.C.Tri AT TIIE AUCTION,IIIJUMS OF G.....111. TKITEMA.N _ „ , Gr JD -T XL _ • • MOtecie. -- By command, - • • W--st. 3fcDotqati , Secretary. -emee--------- , Tag LANGE-AGE OF SIONS.—The following interpretations have peen patented.. and. may be relied on. : • • It is a good'sign tiesee a maw doing aa act of charity to his- fellows._ --. It is a- bad sign to hear him - boasting of it. - It a a good sign to see in her e-st Man wear- ing ent bis cld clothes. - - It it a bad sign to them„filling the holes itt.the windows-, -, • is a "croed sn to. tee a man wiping • the • prespiration from his hpaw - h is a bad Sign to. se him ipine his chops _ as he comes oct,of the -Cellar.- . Eke. good siga to see a woman. dressing . with taste and neatness. - - It is a. bad sga to teehier husband:sued for her finery. , - It is a good sign to see Si mart advertise in thepapers. • - • . It is a bad sin to- see the sheriff advertise for him:, - „ It:good to, see -a man sending children to -scheol. • - It is a bad sign . -to see neat educated fit free evening chimes on the sidewalke It is a good sin i heuefit-to the eyeight in fact 3 to seen man pay tor his paper_ key advence-. - ,,IA:aES CLARKE'S Celebrated ,Female Pills. Prepared front prescription of J . Clarke,M.D.,Physzcian Extraordinary to the Qtreen; - This invaluable medicine is unfuiling--in the cure of alt those painful and dangerous diseases to wIneh the teniala-- cementation is .subject. It moderates all excess and removes all obstructions, -and a peedy cure maybe relied on . s - 'TO MARRIED LADIES it `s-peculiarty suited. It will, in -a -Short time, bring. en the monthly period with rec'aularity. E -ach bottle, prieQne Dollar, bears the GOV- einreent Stanip of Great lintain to prevent -coun- terfeits. - • CA,..T.rrIo.,-Nr. • - 27eee Pilis should not be taken btt females tin g FIRS2 THREE Z101%71112 ofiPreg- TINDER Power of Sale cOntaided.in a Mort.: 1.-J_ gage froin Joni& Lit*raSon and wife. to the above Company, Lot npirib,r six .in the sec- opd concession of the--1TOWnship- of Gederich, • containing 'eighty acres More le a, -whit Log house, tog and frame 136ns; aid bearing Oreharin This tarn: situated ahopt tivo miles nom the Tewn or: Godench, on the • Bayfield Gravel Road; • . • - - — - Under power ot Sale ni a MOrtstage from Lu- cuis A. C. McConnell and wife to t Fe above Com - party 1.ots nuinher§ one aid two in the teeth con -ssion ot the Township of Morris containing. one hundred and _nineteen acres -more or less, ex- cepti g. and reserving Out of the above demised aremi. s, nineteen "atres mere or less. With geed -Leg h use, Log barn. are. Thiti is a good farm very • iiveniently situated, adjoining the Village saucy, tts thew are -.titre to hrtng tm tlItscar- sine, on the Winghani Siravel Road. about ,•. riage, but at ctny other time they etre safe. 12 milei „from -Clinton and 17. mile4' lioin the • In all eases of Nervous and Spinal A Itectilms, Godetich. • • Paintt in the Sack- and Limbs, Fatigne on SIIgIIL exertion, Palpitation el the Heart, Hysterics and Whites, these Pills will etreet 'a cure- when all other means. have failed's. and althoneh a miwer- fulremedy, do -not custom iron calomel, gnu- inorty,or anything hurtful to the constitution. Full directio.ns in the paniPlilet around each package, which abduld be carefully Pre-eryed. S ole agent for the United States and Canada!', SOB -elOSES, Rochester, N.Y. N. B..--$1.00 and. six no -tae stamps. enclosed l'c'"-)--'3'41Fro.soneno -GREArt:AUGTION- S • OF ^ •••• ••••••••••••.• bisolvent. Act of, 1864. _ In -the -Matter of Andrew Muir an -Insole', tent - rrtiE Creditors. of theInsolvent• are notified I- iliac he_ has Made an A i ..ss.Ometit. of his estate and .effecta, tinder the above Act, to me, the undersigned Assignee; ;and_ they are required furnish. me, within two month; from this date,' wftb their claims, specifying the security they hrld„ if any,' and the value ot it ; and it eerie, stating the fuel; the *bele attested under oath, with the vouchers in Ruppert of sueh claitns. • e - Dated et. Goderieli in 'the County of Heron this,16thday Of Aprit-1-866. •• S. POLLOCK-. - Official Assianee . -41; B. -.- Goderich April 16th,1866, w12 2w READY-MADE CI. THING GROCERIES,. S.EED ce The Subscriber% wil • - - : On TUESDAY, the .24th- INSTANT, ceinmenceto Sell -by Auction t e belance or their Valuable Stock, coniinui tg. the Sale from due te day, until the wbole es disposed of. ' As the Goods are all firat chits, and not such as are ,usually offered at. Auction, tins Sale will elford such en- oppeztunity- as rerely occurs for those _in-que ;to( HilNreaFlAbiiRritilliciso... • oderich, 17th leprill 1866. iC12 2w&eie • AT THE ea.mmmmmmmmMneiamnhi • EMBRACING THE LATEST STYLES - LADIES tp any authorized agenf willinsure a bottlecon tainingfitty Pills, by return mail: ratted Stales Wessels ou the III able - . • -4.mammaa4 . - Orders have heen received at the *Phila. . • - NORTHRUP it LYMAN,. - , Newcastle, C. W...igeneral • agent for t'inarle.-. - ICI- gold in Godetich by Parker 5r. Cattle -and Under poWer WI -Sale in n Mortgage from Pat- rick Healy and•wile"to the above CoMpany-; A. Lot number Eleven, East of Lake •ROad,in the TownsHip of °theme, west in the:COunty of -Hiiron. Containing one hundred .11-prei more or. less' This is a go-Od farm situate •ahput 6 miles fro GOilerie.h, on the Saugeen Mail read, about 3b` acres 'elated with large franic dwelling, B„ tee a est half -Lot number mac in the Fourth concesaion Eastern. Division ot the Township of' Asiffield in said COulity, containing one hundred acres more odes& A wild situated onb and a half miles from the Village of Dungannon, ba- the Nerthern Gravel. Road, and about 111. miles frota tioderich. • - ' 1V • et power -ot Sale -in:a ?Mortgage nut e bv A. Sinimons and wife lb the above Ccimpa-- ot umber eleven • in the thind cOncesSiorn Pastern . Division ofIthe Township of Colborne an excellent...vett' cultivated farm with good F. Jordan, etaidiner et "co.,Bayfield, Jamesi 'rad Benthurn, Rog...myrtle'• J. Pickard, Exeter; J.H. Peter rombe, Clinton ; E.HieksoneSentlorth, and all 11V. L Medicuil Deater.4. - Easter delphia. Navy yard to prepare the gnriboat NOTICE' Shamrock for immediate service. It is erally sepposed that she will heseTHE Court of Revision for the township of to 7 ' signed day on the coast of Maine, and, ,,as dig . Valforne, will he !held ie. the Township nearly ready for service; 'She will- probably 1114"n Toesdey the I int of Mayeecominenc- sail in a few days for ber station. The sham. it -1g ..at -10 o'clock, A. IM., for thirpurpose of • rock was butt at the Brooklyn Navy yard, hearing appeals ,again t Assesement,, and re= and is of the 4' doubleender',, cless, carrying ten guns, and being 914 •tons burden (old measurement. - - Several of the vessels now belig fitfrd ort at the Brooklyn navy yard will be ready for • sea dung next week and will ,be at once provisioned mad armed for service. Among the vessels nearly reedy are the Pensacola, Lackawanna and Impost. The new iron • doubleender Ashuelot has been, assigned to daty i•ethe Mtherra.ieai Stet tdro le but in • the meantime will proceed in Eastport • Maine „to keep an eye on the -doughty h'enians as- - sembled there. She was built at the Boston navy -yard, and is 1,030' tons ,butclen, carry- ing a battery of tea guns. s• It is -supposed that the Ashuelot will- not -remain in the Eastern coast for any length of_time, but will be -relieved as soon as the vessels composing c••4 'the flying spladron cell' be got ready- for -Gunboats for the St. Lawrence. We are glad to see the Tuae.s advocates the sending out Of aeiniboats to Canada and to learn that arrangements are being made to -iiend them out. The :following annomice-ei merit we find in the 7'zMe8 of the 30th :— Orders have been received at. Devonport to expedite the preparatron of sevetnt ships for active service.. They arestated to be the (rigateatilrey 4,0, and Galatea 26.; the cor- metteelasort II, and the gunboat Rainbow. From the size of the.ae -ehips it is -coneluded ithatthey are intended foriervice- in the Gulf and liver St. Lawrence. The Liff y is in .No .5 docket Ifevonport, repairing- and cannot lee got ready tor severak-niontraL The Gal- -steit is itt Keyham basin notyet taken in hand Lor repair- her _boilers and tanks have_beeii -removed, and she - will be placed in sNo. 2 - dock as soon as the blocks are ready to re- ceive her keel. The Jason is rigged and fit; iting Torithe lest division orahe steam reserve. !The Satellite ia ieblo.--1 dock at Devonport, -Ithe arthans hare,been ratter- busy na hea. trepairs. she will not be ready tor adocking --before May, urless extracxertions are made. The Petretis repag in No. 2 dock at Keyhana. She will -probably be usidOcked 40 morrow, Sa,tuiday, after which she will .receive btr maw, Ate- "Tliezaishow is in the first division. ' The screw steam frigate Doris,32, Capt. /lesser, left Plymouth -yesterday.- Thursday,. for Noah America and the West Indies. visite?0 t e sseee I-Efor said Township , - WM ILLIAEDMOND, • Toe riship Clerk. _ Usborne, April )2th, 1866: . e 12 3 0 TIOE. r 1111E tart of Revision for the Township - -IL of Stanley will bei held at Mr.- Tureers HotelYarna, on Monday the twenty first day Of May next, itt the hour of ten e'efockn. .Also that thalphabetical copy of 'Assessors roll for the present year will be exposed for ranblic inspection- at my office in Mestrs- Campbells store Bayfield; at least 14 daya prerionS to the Court Of Revision • J 011N KEYS, • _ Township Clerk. Stanley, April 16, 1866. ..„‘. w12td inistressing Accident. •••••=. - Isabella Jackson, .-a little girl shoot' six , yeas of age, daughter of Mr. Anthony Jack - Agin, Merchant. Men Mills, lost ber life under , eery distressing eircunistantes on. .Thnraday On the afternoon of that day she -lett hotue to go: to scitool en the oppcjaite side of the river, which at that time was flooded and fall of broken ice. ,Not returning. at the usual hoer, enquires were made abbot her, when it was ascertained that she had not been at school, and was laat seen on het way - &hero bj bIr.-Jas. Wilson's children. The - feats of• hit parents were at once aroused, and searcliwatt made by the villagers till- nearly' miduight without finding any trace of her. If was mused neittay,.. h-owever, and after rlriggirig the river fora considerable -distance the body was fomid ni‘r the bridge in eleven feet orwater. It fa -supposed when she fell in she was utrried by the current `under the ice. Much sympathy is felt for the parents . in titer sad end atiddint bereavement; SHERIFF'S:SALE OF LANDS . . tinned Counties- Of?BY virtue cif" a writ. Of Huron and Bruce, Venditieni Expo:ins s and To Wit : ) Facias tot minluo is- sued out. of Her Majesty's Court of Common Pleas and to ine direeted against the lands and tenements of Thonias Bilkie at the silt Nelson.' hive seized and taken in -Execution all the right title and interest of tbe said Thornais 1311- kie in and to Lot -Number Twenty three in the first concession of the Township of Brant in tto countf..of Puce containing _fifty acres of land more or le&, which Lands and tenements 1 shall offer for sale at my office theCourtHouse-in the Town of Goderich On Tuesday the Fifteenth dity of May 'text, at -the hour of .Twelve of the clock, no n JOHN MACDONALD, Sheriff:H. & B.- uffice, Goderich, i• • 13th April, .866. 6 W12td buildings. - Under power of' Sale in a Mortgage made, to the above Company byAndrewDonogh and wile: A...-7a.port'on of Lot nuinber ?Mee in the first -concession ol the Township-of.0 oderic contain- ing -about Th Inv acres olland, more or less. B- Lot- hiU1hI&r. Forty one. - west' side of IV elk ngtcm Street in the Village ot Port Albert, in the Town- ship of_Aahtield, Containing -hrilran acre of land, more -or less. C•Tbe Westerly and Southerly hall of Lot number Two, mirth of Lighthouse Stnet,, in the I Own ot •Coderich, containing abenit twelve and a quarter perches, in'ineor less. The Farm, part et Lot 3, 1st concession (lode - rich, ist. a good lot of land clearof stumps, and in a high state ot`cultivation--one thile from Gode- rich, en the Hayfield Gravel 'Road—good log ban) and sheds an ltyr,house. 'Tbe Port _Albert prop- erti., is; on Wellington 5 leer inabout the centre, ot the 'Village. The Gude-net property as eligi- bly (nuked on -the Market Square -in the Town. A fi-ame dwelling house; frame. barn, 40.. are erected upiin the -premises. " Insolvent Act of 1864; - TERMS LIBERAL. Ten per cent ot the pure lase money to be paid down'at`the tune of Sale, end terms for the bal- ance %vitt therebe made knbwn. 1 Deeds, Abstracts of Title.and Mortgages ean be seen at the office ot the Solicaore or atitheplane Of Sale. " • Portlier Information Can be obtained on slupti- cation. to the rommis_sioners, Truk and, Lean npany cif tippet' Canada.- King.ston Messrs. in the Matter qf Donald Mclaiiih an Inz solvent- - ' . - flag Creditors of the Insolvent Eireeotified that he has made- an Assignment of his. estate and effect, under the above 'Act, to me, the undersig:nedSsaigliee, and they- are required to furnish me, . within two months fronathis dale, with their claims,' specifying the security they hold, 11 any, and the value of it and if none, stating the fact • the whole attested under oath,. with the vouchers in support blanch claim& . - Data at Goderich, in the County of &rot, this sixteenth day of April; 1866. • - S. POLLOCK, - Official Assignee for 'H.- &Bt. 1r3P.' Ere preatrEdgeme proposes to build three hundred motel lodging homes forwork- tag people, in ona of the suburbs of Paris.. w12 2w] _ Macdtmald,- Patton and Al stellar, Solicitors, King- ston ; or to tl,e unieisiened, G. M, TRITEItt&N, • • A t;CTIONEER, OcoderIch. Kingaton lttli April, 180. wl2td •••.. FOR .SALE OR TO -LET- 'DOR Sale or to Let lot No 8, 2ricl'Conces- i: sion• township et Goderich, with good dwelling house and out buildings, , and good bearing orchard, and a never failing stream running through the lot. Ahio the stuck and fanning uteusils. Apply .on the premises to --1108E11T JOHNSTON: Goderich, April 10th. 1866. . wil • , 64 - ti - AWLS ANTLE eletitee.. _ . . _ \ gSEE ADVERTISEMENT NEXT WEEK: • _ - WWWW - .4trsT 01100 ONE -BALE BEST - A nyst ND IP -tHYWDJ of which will be sold at Lowest Rates for Cash TO AR VE ON mONDAY NEXT CASES RA GOODS, OTTON PENED ONE CASE: RUIT•- THE :OtilascraDER, _AGENT FOR THE OLD • Ttocificwr ort will have ein--hand at his garden East Street for Sale some time during next week,. a large _Stock -of Apple, Pear, Plum) Uherryi Apricot, Keeley. ine and Crab Apple Trees,Dwarti and Standards; also- fe w 14ns:sting of flitige Inghly.recommended new va- ri&tes iz Iona Israelln; Aciiincidac, Delaware, and iintetrio4te;ides a few of the old vanefies, Isabella, Ceiricorde, -ere. 1 will els° have a sew RED H Y S LO P CRAB a new variety, Piuit very large, of a dark tairple color, surpassing All daler sorts- in site. 'hardi- ness and beauty -Price $1 00 Due uutiee will begiven ut the tonna cri. the Trees. = WM. CAMPBELL.. •Godench, April 13tht 1366; s sit 65 MUNICIPAL NOTICE. irlIE Court of Revision for the Township of 1 -My, -will be held in the Town Hall, in mid Township,' on Tueeelay the Eighth day of May next, commencing -at 10. o'clock, A. M. WILLIAM 'WILSON, -Township Clerk. Hay, 3rd April, 1866. wl Ltd- ItIlINICIPAL NOTICE; • • 'FITE Court of Revision for tbe Township of Morris, will be held at Shane's Rotel, Blyth, on „Saturday :the nineteenth of May, next, for the purpose if adjusting errors of Assessment, and other Township business. . • W. KERR, Township Clerk. wil April 4th, 1566. RS. J. C. SMITH- will open her - establishment, in the stand fornierly ocettpie4 by Parker & 0- Cattle; Parson's Block, on or about -the '12th of April. ° -sw61 April 12th, 186c. . OHN DETLOR 00., 12w 1866, .• 0.11,110/0i LARGE AND WELL ASSORTED STOCK OP_ _ 0: DS 1866, ••• VOR -Sale lots 43 and 44 in -14th Cott of the- -1, Township -of nutlet 250, acres, 40: acres are cleared, and there is a large new -franie house on the .place. The hied is all of excellent quality situate on the Gravel Road, 11 miles troin Gude- neh and same 'distance from lite -land is close to the Village oi Manchester: The' whole 250 acres or either balt with Orwithuut clearing will be disposed of. . 7 Terms for the whole $1000. cash bilarce, in fise 17earsorin several yoarly payments st- op- tion It not SOH sonnet, this property wilt be of - laud at public Anctionat G.M. Truemans retain"; • Goderich, on. 12th7 May, at 110011. I For (lathe rpartieulars hpply on the preinises,, orto- _ B. 'GtaltDON; Goderich.. Goderieb; 17th April. 1866, • • " w66td TEACHER WANTED. LOT R., ist.CON, B. D., COLBORD,IE! -AUOTION `S E. WIEST or Second Class Teacher wanted to - 4;._ commence teaching on the First of next July. t - : - WH. GA.RvIE, S. S. No 9. 1 P. McPONALD, Trustees Morris. P. SCOTT. Walk* P. 0. N. B.--Sectind class need not apply , un- less able to teach First class branches, and bind himself to do so. -8.8 No 0, Morris) April:16th, 1866, wlati i 2 n ashionable Spring 0- HAND AT THE - • oods ." ER13RACTIIG, Stalge-icioodS, _ • ,Dresi; Goods, Fancy Goods -.Straw ..!Iats; reaVirEi, Trinpnings;- (41oires 1104idashety, 11 eng„ Youths Clothing. Clothsand Tweeds. Boys', ‘, Childrens!, BOOTS AMY,SHOES 16 T OST in Geszlench,: light -coloured Mink Li Gauntlet, right hand, the finder will be suit- ably_rewardcd by leaving it at the Signal Otlice, Goierich. _ March 46, It 1866 - NOTICE. TRFCourt `of Revision for the Tewnship - of McKillop.- will he held in Mr. S. Dow' ney's Inn, Seaforth, on Saturday the 28t1 day , of April, at 10 °Week, 4. nt- for the purpose of -hearing appeals against issessment, &c. WM...JAS. SHANNON:T. C. McKillop Aprill6th, 1866. 4 w12 . . 4 • FOR- SALE.. Farm -fo A SMALL,farnt Of excellent land died, 11 aitnate, facing the River .1lailfand, aladi within S miles of the flourishing -Village et. Winghant, behm the south ball of Lot No. - 14, on the ninth COM of the Townithip -of Turniierty. containing 40 acres, 23 scree chopped,ffi acres a %chid' tbe stumps come out. Will be sold cheap for tub. For farther particulars apply to - a0113.1 W. BOWMAS. &mug Agent, 1Vinelistr, Jan. 20, 1866. - w52 3m• WILL BR OLD CHEAP' .FOR - CASH. INSPECTION INVITED. D. KERR, IR., ;GlasgoWllousib. 13,th Aprill-1866.. w12 sw65 irn the village of-Dimeennon -Lot No 48 at J. present occupied by the ,Rev. Mr. Daunt Minister of the Church of England. Terms easy, apply tee - MATH MORTGAGE BALE. rirlon,14:ftEr:-E4flePnow;an:yf Sale eontained in rsd U Mortgage made by John E. DincyLef the l'oartr of Godericie• in trie teittify Olive ty thereto for the purpose of barring her 0064 et) default having been made in the due pay- ment thereof and notice been given to all par ties interested, there will be -sallow, Friday, .41h -dor of, May, A. -1108.64i - at 12 o'clocknoon _ at the Auction Mart of G. M. Trueman, Esq., in the Town of. Oodr. rich, the-following-propertr_nainelystotijak her (1309) one thoueand three hundred and - nineaind number threekundred and nine! int& in the .Town of -Goderich aforesaid with valuable buildings -thereon. . Terms made known st Sale. Veed Mahe power of Sale in the Mortgage,_ -- M. C. C.AMEROX, .„ wlO Solicitor for Mortgagee. St. Helens. . wlltf , • Hotel7 in. the Village of Clinton, by -G. 11. IIIER111"8 81LE OF LANDFreeman, AuctiOneer. the following proie . '... I ty viz : the North 'half of the. North ol ,IM . SIIERIFI"SSAIE -OF LANDH. United Counties 'Of B-2 virtue ottwo writs , Huron -end Bruce, Pied Facies issued out of Her aineineee 'Couttty Court TfwitheLlloited Counties of ItUrt.11 and Ikure and Count) Court of the County of Wentworth) and to me directed -against the lands and te 'Mans of Joseph Murfay at the suits of David Stewart and Ebenezer Currie, 1 hai-e seitedunil, taken in _Execution alt the right;attle and interest of the said defendant in and to the North half of Lot Number five in concession A of the TOWe. ship of Howie]: containing fitly acres more et less; which Land and Tenements shall otter tor sale at iny Office in Om Court House in Abe Town of Goderieb. on Tuesday the Third day of July next, melte hour of Twelve of the clock. noon. - _ jOHN ,MACDOsheNAiiiiLmI) Sherifi's Office, tiodenchi • 24th March. 1W6. MORTGAGE-SALE UNDER a power of Sale contained in a - Mortgage made by William bcott of dist Township of Morris, in the County of Huron, and Jane Scott, his wife, being a party there. for the pui pose of barring her dOWer,ae- fault having been madam tie payment there--- of, and notice been given to all parties inter.. ested, there will be sold on ' Tuesday, thet A. 1st day Of May A D81 • 1868, at 12 O'clock -noon -it the Commercial United Conntielof .1]trl" intim of . writ or i Ifunin and Bruce,' 1-, 'lien, Paciaa issued Out . To Wit : • 'alter Mete -sees Court of Common Pleas and to Inc. directed against the •Lani:s and Tenernents of Antoni Bentz. at the "lull of John McKinney I have seieal and taken in Execution all the right title and interestot the said: defendant in and ao- the,North part 01 lot Number thirty Quitting -eon the south Boundary of the Township of Staeley in theCounty of flu ton; which Lands and Tenements 1 Shalt offerlor aids at my office in the Court House in the Town ' O f Oodench, on Tuesday the Seventeenth day of „tidy next, at the hour of Twelve of the clock, neon.. •-•.''''' "* . r FOR SME OR TO RENT. XR, 1•1C STOCICli - IIOUSEHOLD -FURNITURE 8th con..' E. D., Colborne. This farm is irHE well kno- n 'Judge Farmelot No. 3, G. M. TRUER/LANs Is instructed by Rev. Frederick Scliarffe, who is leaving the neighborhood, to Sell bye.A.uta • . tion, on , ' THURSDAY, APRIL_ 26th. • 1866, commeneing it Et 'olehick, A. M.,. on Ins 'Farm Lot 9, ist Con., E. D. Colborne, er Settlement) about seven miles from Goderich, the undermentioned Fenn Stock,llouseholdrurnitures er,u• FARM STOOK Span superior Horsed; 2 Cows; 1 Yoke Steers; 8 Sheep; 1 Colt 2 years old; t Colt 1 year old; Waggons; 1 Sett 'Jou- ble Hameei ; 2 Buggies 1 Fannin Mill; 2 Cue; ters , 1 Creeeeut-Saw • Bleeding Sow and five Young Pigsi.2-Large PI; a cprantity 140HSEHOLD nigh Bedsteads; 2 Tables; 1 Cupboard; 1 Sink ;18 Chairs of sae nom kinds; t Desk; 2 -clocks; Stoves; 1 Watch; 1 Cradle ; 1 - Child Carnage; Teba; Milos, dies with eundryother articles. TERMS Or SALE :-Eight Months Credit 4 lowed by furnishing sppieved joint note* . Goderich, Aped 14th, 1866e-- w1 -2/d -} H T REVISION COURT. - JOHN-MACDONALD ' gheriff if. dB. Sheri' 119$0)Bee, Godench, 1 - 3rd April, 1866-. wit - • 1.411404••• 1-1WING to :he Abrogation of,the,Beciprecity Treaty, many shippers will now be looking out tor reliable agents in Montreal: The Under- signed have confidence in'offerilig their aeration; to such for the sale of BazAns'entra, Ames, _BUTTER. CTIEEsE,_ COARSE GRAINS. &fag &c. They have also a special department for 'Lkietif- ER. under the management ofan experieu6ed Salesman. • • - JOHN DOUGALL 5i Co., Gortimiscon Merchant', Montreal. w82mos*$p NOn0E. wHE Court of tevision for the Township of Wawanosh will be holden , at the School House on Lot 27, con. 8 On -Saturdar the 25th of April instant, at the hour of 10 in the forenoon. JAMES SCOTT, _ Township Clerk. - Wawanoab, April 18E6:- WIT St and the -North telt of the:North of' - Lot number 9 in the 3rdiConcessiOni ef.tho Township of Morris, in the Chunty of Zunis, containing by itdmeaiurement one hundred. acres ot land, under the' power aforesaid, which said Mortgage will be produced atl,Im? time of-Salee . Por _particulars apply_ to CHARLES F. cum. Solicitor for IloojgageL Clinton, A.pril 6t1i, 1866. ; - LIST OF LETTERi. DEMA1N1NG the*. igle)Post011be .1%, 2nd April, 1866. Aemstronglane Merger -McCracken Viands:: _ et Miss McDonald Hai " Arnoti Buphemia Miss M.eDonald Peter McDougall lobo Blake Patriek..2 IleKsy Ueorgig Butten Thomas McLeod John - Barkerlonn McKay Hector Burgess Henry - MeQuurle Hector, Barr Samuel Uhurchilliatnes piorton.Thom_aa Carr.Jamea 2 Campbell Thomas, Pearsoditobert Coleman Danf Ji Phiihp. John CampbeltAlez.:::, • Parker bfr Dowd— Mr - • ilufgkir Owen Dornyoiltobark ' Quinlan Inhie Pinta' Mk.haeli _ Eraser Shia beth.itinni itobertson Them Fleming Raven Amos Frain Francis Bois Mexander 'Bands wilua* Stillivan Johanna Smith Joeepli Sloan Itobeit Smith John Stvles-Calherine Stisit - Shea Pairkk - S.hae Theneie Slueldsdames = Stcyhenson Insolvent Act - of ,18134. in -the Matter Of Kenneth. AfcLiodan solvent. - qinE Creditors- of the Insplvent are notifiescl -thethe has niade an Assignment of his estate and effects, under .the above Act, Ip me, the undersigned Assignee and they are required to -furnish me,- within two months from tine date, with theirtclaimi, specifying the security they hold, if any, and the value of it ; and if none, stating • the fact; ' the whole attested under oath, with the vouchers in support of such claims? • Dated at Goderich,-,in the. County if Huron tbis12th day of - April, 1866. SAMIV: POLLOCK, _ - Official Amignee & B. I. Y. ELWOOD, Solicitor for Insolvent. Goderich. April -121h 1866. w12 2w 1 HE Court ofiteviiion for Ashfield wilt beheld' L at Dean SWilett Hotel,. Dungannon, on Tuesda , the first de of May next at this ,hour of within 64 miles Of Godericb, there is 774 acres one o'clock in the afternoon. - ) cleared; and a fame house and barn. One JOHN COOKE, Township Clerk. half,isolear of itumps„, aid the other hall-Aebfields March 31s1. 3866. • ,wliit -from 9 to -4 year ehoped, and has never beenf ploughed, therniare also &Young orchard of Insolvent Act of not 158 trees Of the best assortment of• traits good well and pump: As to terms, &c. -apply to - , ...PATRICK CAAROL.- - Colborne.. Nov. 30. 18,65. -• . FAR FOR, SALE imall•term Ot Excellent Lind satiate in the ..C1 Village otttummerhill facing the Base line teravel road, being the south halt of Lot number 16_ in thiklith concession Townsiiip of Godericli, County of Mame, Party acres. Per particulars applyto • ,,CHARLES F. CLARKE: - • ' .,e4tocitor,,ogol 1Prelitt7114 1046. - . . ^ in the County Coutt of the lIntted Coun- ties of Huron and Brute. Thomas Currie and Adam 1 1 HE under Gerron McDougall I 1 signed It as vs .Plaintiff. been appointed Alexander Campbell Assignee in -this fendant, J matter and re - be filed within two months quires :claims to from this date. Dated at Gods ..ch in the_Connty of Heron this 14th day of April, D.,1866. S. POLLOCK, - o., Atiiiignee B. TOMS MOO : - SolicitOrs.for Assignee. _ Goderitek, A?ril 16th, 1866. w12 2w Ins�lv�nt Ae: 4t 1864. in the Natter ofRaboit liannah, of Sea• forth in tlie County 'It ..,11uron an 1*. solvent. ; _ ' ' ma Creditcirs of the insolvent are. notified ^that he bas made an Assignment of his estate and effects, tuideithe above Act, to me. the undersigned Asegreee and tliq are teqUirediolurnisle me,,ewithin two Months from_this date; with their -claims, specifying the enmity they hieldelf any, and the value of it; and if none, stating tbe-fact; the whole attestedunderroseb,- with tbe vouchers in -support of stiCh Claims, - - Dated at Goderich in the Couniy. of Huron this Tenth day of April 1866. " POLLOCK,' - °Sail Assignee tioderiCh April 10dt 1866. w12 • - • Ghent -Thomas Gibson Ann titbson'Robert Hough Willistm lirslop Thomas Hanna Hugh Hammen James . Herbertson Mtge* .Hogg Mary_Miss Johnecietanier VtinnbleJohn lohnsontfieryttee~eylorIanies fewletemel winejam ekeentae*-aemeia VireiBenivare biabbadlohia Menereirkise Viiiisk.Robert .2 ,Mietiadtrusuklirs**) !runlet Sound fleOrieken flames 2- _- 4141 3t WILLIAM 1:11aftTg.rolittilaststfc FOR 'SALE. • Hotel Notice rpnE. Subscriber in: retiring .-frOtil tiseTid; I."Trietorship of the 'Union Hotel"! andi. rich, begato -return his sincere thinks for tit liberal patronage which he las enjoyed, and - at the same time inform his Mends and travelling public that in future he will be found -at Ins old stand Prince:of Outage Hotel!' Dungannon, *here no efforts ibelI wanting on hiS Wirt 10 make those st Unit who mayiaiorifint, -with* Wiz - - - ANTHONY -14ACIL Goderiet, April fith,-18661: OTS Nos. 485;486,669,- 570 running Nog LI steam on St. Creergies Creiment. in the Town ofeoderich.- The above Isati are beauti- fully situated; commanding both River and Lase view, comprising about one acre of Land, and forming a very-dear:14e situation fior a gen- teel private residence. rot pricepad terms ap- ,pty direct to the proprietor. . - ..1011N.AeC4LLAN/iE1t, ' mataiiiy 81., Leith. Scotland. Or to kIDEADIAIORTC/N? Esq., Goderich. • Godericke-LItisAord, • , • ey BLAMER'S* I 11-rANTED-hy the subscriber; lima vi blacksmith either by the moutlaorailm Athol) on shares, Where there is plenty ol wort, it being on the --Durlittni Ikea 'in *4 toirnabip of -Greenock, Which Tato lie led next summer, seem need $OY steady man. 'Application to be -uade t� the • undersigned -Enniskfllen, Gressiock PASt Office county ofBruce C. HuGit moNivoutan 111801. ' •••-• Insolvent Act_ of .1884.. , Ili tbe Matter of itgliaint..Liswrie audio's*, _ 'Lawrie iniebre#4. ars THE Croiitont'ef tite Insolvent, . urns., . Med that Inive made= Aastgaepiseek, :idors of their total,' .". elructal unde'r the_llarrik... -; Am, to isit:40._ igwel! Moirwt, they are *plead te *disk me, likhai months fronr-iblede*' OS,: Tytottlie*saity UM bad. It villas et -1U - tie whole* them in Dated at this 17th day 4.19 witul • - • asolftick Prit,1 11 :-7