HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1866-04-20, Page 2_
GOD-ERICH, W., !king 20," 1866.
T11.1E: 11:014-11NT ELI% iliINNER.
90, assent Preeent
The Dinner given list night ( 19th) by
the Corporation Of tie Tema Goderich
'le, era returned Voltinteers and the New
Pamitrirg_GO.,' was a splFnaid success.—
To make the affair a reception it was, of
itourse, _nee:spry -that- no time sheulttbe
lat, and the hasty Manner -in which it *as
got up prevented theelaboration of details
that:might-have been 'visible. under -Other,
.eireamstances. But the "Little...Corpora'
• of Air_ Huron 1.otel was equal to the oc-
rhe iask of prOviding. for 200.
men. at aboit twenty-hoors' miticeond
preventin&ii failure, -was. a most .seriona
one, and verY few hotel-keepers:would like. -
to undertake it yet is- was -undertaken in
good! faith-. and most successfully parried
_ - -
out. Thetables tied Were three in nuin-'
her,. running the full length of thelarge
. • mem, and the edibies provided-
- Were of the solid; substantial ;kind ; just
_ what a well worked aoldier *multi- wish
for. At 8 o!Clock, Ilia Winship; M ler
Detlora took the chair • supported on the
-6.right bay, Major Rosa and Ensign Smith
and tin --the left by CapteGoodwin and
Hays„.., Cameroni the
vice Chair. At the table to the-chairmates
left, R. Runciman.,E1.,presided, sepport--
ed on the right-ty Ensign Seymeur and
oa the left Lieut. _Davisoti;'
.Cliffiird acting as -croupier. • The other
table was...under the direction of our re-
. speeted 'Warden, Itobk: Gibbons, Esq.,
supperted by Capt. Nirk and Enaigo. Hor-
ton, Mr. D. -McKay heing croupier.=-
Theiolunteers,as they ente.red and took
- seats, were purposely mingled; .and while
the arrangement gave thd men an oppor-
Unity of getting acquainted, the effect
pea:du-tied by their yaried uniforms was
Yi.ry fine.
The battallion then fell at the eatables,
- which diinppeared in the most orthodox
. „
-anti-dyspeptic fashion to the. tune Of &hold
two hundred clattering knives ind forks,
and the ti-oging of as mini. glasies,---
. Apia the kus of conversation ive cotild
hear Many. remarks as te the handsonie
manner hi fwhich the demonstration Ltd
_been gat up: -The guests havidg satisfied-
sisemselwee, the cloth vras reinoted, pro
formic:. \s„.
On rising to proPose The Queen,"
the chairinan Mail greeted. with. deafenin
.cheers: The:tour was reaporidedlo right
loyally—the company jeiniag • in the nit-
- !fetal anthem:
. "The Governer General." wae recciv-
- ed with that *new- and Pepulir air„ " For
he is a right good fellow.'" -Sling by Dixie
Wataon, " and Blue."
" The array and Navi "-_being propos-
4 Corporal. Xing threw the„guests into
eonvulions of liughtet.by singing a song,
the verses- of which ended: with " My
darling Dinalt-Iiitty-Annie-Marier."
Major Rea, ott being called upon, respond-
, ed briefly on behalf ofthe Army. •
Capt. Crabh Made. a very- god. speech
on behalf of the Navy,. -in the course of
Which liktirged the placing- oi. a number
of &Aosta the upperlakes u one of
thabest -ilea& of kcepingbach invaders.
reniarks thiS Subjecf wire loudly-
cheerelL • . • "
_ :
doubt, but the -.result would -.be a more
thorough unity of feeling and anion
throughout the -*bole of .British North
America. (Cheers.) _
_ -
Song by 1K- Watson,' " Shout, shout,
shout, ye 1 gal Britens.":
The next toast from the chair Wes "Oar
Gdesis." :Major Ross in response said
he coincided in the remark diode by Capt.
Goedwin that the - present excit nrient
Would ultimately -benefit tite country,—
Many. had expressed - desire-- to . have' a
brit& with- the Fenians- but in view of
the horrible ralligei of war, he sincerely_
hoped there would be no occasion . for it.
Some thne ago,‘ the opinion was,prevalent
In the 'United States thatthese Provinces -
were ready to drOp like a -ripe -pear into
the lap of the Great Rspublie,.-but the
Cominedore Boss (an vehirani. of
the-Reistl 'Navy) wai asked to respood,,
buthe. eiiittsid: „himself by lialling-:upon.
-Meson, Capt. tofill- his plaee. The
Capt.niade a-- lew eery riensihle remarks,
and wound itisbr. expressing the pleasure
he felt la thonght- that Canada Wes
able to turn Out inch a dolga Itand of
volunteers to defend their, homes 'front
= " •
In repaint the tieit.toest, the chair
sp. oke of the lelf-aaciificing spirit
• manifested by the Volunteers of Caned,
in Coming ferward Is they bad done . et
- the int mill ot the Government. ,Noth-
'Vt.= opinion, could beletter calcu-
lated to 1 the ideas sought to be..ir.
eitleatelly ,etionomists of thq GOldwin
thin* [Cheeral. -We were now
*owing the peOple and -authorities of the
asetbez 'Country that-. we 'were both able
and to Make every Sacrifice or-
der to-. labia* inviolate the gloriotts in-
stitutionl Whielsafire lived. [Cheeris.]..
Ott edicadonaljnatitations and our
gad paging ptivilegee Were- SetOild tO
_those of neleop4 in the werld, end
. bitty devolving nion eTery Canadian to
mad at all hazards.
pipplause.1 He ha now•great pleasure
- inpeoinsing " The .V.oltuiteere of Ciao-
Al."- The Civilians` ptesent, by etraining
their lunge a little, go! tip **Ty reiipecti-
bk. ebtet,% and .mie gentleman:Merged the"
srewipenY• by sinking tip -the 'now _ana
perslat ai't.vre lave- already alluded- tc=--
"Ter they are,- stAi."
Capt.:. Goodwin. "being called to his feet,
said ketone' te Goderieh° not to make
,f0eseltes‘ Init-to do- little fighting,. if
011110- weiany-tolie done. Ile expressed
hisiself. warmly with retard to the 'kindly
- toutaimitlie * 'tirade --Otter bit :omit -
4.4 but rooked twat gte people of
Chided* hot hated they would bieak
thsit louts witell • .t.hoy• Nei" calla . to
amghta a'a 214411•40
asiiiiieireidi hews glad'this Pagan.
luid taken place. The inten
ffoti Otto rascals tislcbad enongh,
idaui sign _ of -navigntion ea
mowing; atahis point. .
114114 leaportani froin Nowa-
- ' . : -
. - Scotia.
- • ' Hs/arils, April 18.
'A:resolution ififivor of -the fOenfedereticin
of' the .Braish North AMerican _Provinces,
aud-appointafg a delegation to go tth.England.
._arrange the . details,. -,Inte..passed loth
rheimea ef Abe Nova Scotian Parlianteet.
_ -
Harpurheya April t 6th, 1866.-
_ The Harpurhey, Blanch Spring Shine was
held at Taber's Hetel -on TaendaY the 16th,
the day was allthat ceula. be desired for the.
occasion, ,and - the turn Out. Was- the largest. -
spirit ntanifested by the country
"during and best that ever appeared on the Show
the past few weeks was sufficient to prove &wand, no less than eleven horses and sea -
that, annegationists in Canada might now
be counted by- twes and threes:-
(Cheers) mit beneficial influence
would be exerted upon -the minds of the
home authorities for )ai face of assertions
that the Canadian people were indisposed
to defend themselves, they wOuld see that
we were ready to turn out end meet an
equal number of invaders. (Cheers)
Capt. Kays said he. felt -proud of the
manner which Goderich -had coine for-
viud 'in support of -the . Volunteer move
nieot, and -lie felt proud also that -Ate Was
honored with the command of what he
considered the Oraek cores of the,Provignie;
(Laughter and applause). When called
to Sarnia se suddenly, -they expected tO
be plaCed under fire at once, andisilthotigh
it was remarked that he turnettvery pale
at the ueirst he thmight he had -got over
that and could now lead Ifs men where
duty called with. Much. more confidedee
then before they reeeived,such a thorough
drilling under Col. Jarvis,. than_ whoM-a,
ea bulls, the majority: of -which would :have
been no discredit to tiny- Sho:v in the Pros.-
-ince, which augers ',Well for the ,future Steck
Ofthis Section 'of the country, mere espediala
ly m the Americans areeleaang thc 'country
o- t alt the mean. scrubby iiiimets. faot •
in my‘opinioe there are top many gone air the
good of the -country, as thereis not a Shadew
of doubt bet that Stock will bring -good' prices
• • - • • 4
for some years to .come, as when Stock ill tea
duced it is not like Graia with whielione good
crop_ will, replenish the Storehouses, _it will
take some yearn to -make Stock over ahem.'
dant, but we trust: it. will he -the Means of.:
increasina the: standard. of our Stock- and
leading.. our Farmers . te seeahe necessity of
attending, both to. thi_piotectiee and shelter
of their Stoek during Winter. A large amount -
of -sustenance goes to the ..productioX and
maintainence of animal heat; atd where -the
Stock ir exposed to thesleaty storms and tut
. Ong winds Of our tigorous.: Wieter, hearly
&sable the quantity. of food is regiared to sip -
port aniinal life, and almost arir imiount will
fail without shelter tct keep them in- proper
condition. We- calf hardly overestimate the
value Of housing and- warmth in Winter tO
our futtenitig aninials, "Mich cows and Stock.
of- eaery kind; but especially the young. The
berni built by the Germans with an:exten-
sive range of stone foendattim are adniriahly
betthr _officer or more thorough gentleman plannedland for convenience and shelter are in
ht parti X - t o • -
model to he c unty. , - _
was not to be found in the service.-- t cigar
- • - - - - , he Judges were John Hiraill, Tucker
(Cheers.) He hoped that, ere lony„, _we sm;ith, William Bailly,-Hullet, Relied Goven
should have not merely two companies on . lock, MelCill9p, and the- following was their
main service in Gederich, but ten. ' ' award-: ' - L , -..--
Capt. Kirk" said the companies sent
from here to Sarnia_ had returned with
Whole_ skins, :for Which they were .duly
thankful, hut if called away again . they
would show _theliaine *leaky,
Capt. Yeoman*, being called upoo,arose
and made a hamorcnis speech. Ile said
amongst other things, zthat,.while -it MS
crbditable for Goclerich to furnish two bf
such splendid Volunteer companies, it was
also creditable that in the hour of suppos-
ed danger 9kgood men had enrolled them-
selves as a home -guard. Got- of the
hoine-guard, to which _he had.been_elected
Capt. an „Infantry` . company hid .been
-formed,. and . as Captain,. he- hoped 1,..*
inorroi te know whether -they . would, be
accepted hy-the Government: Y
Several capital songs *ere then giren by
Corp.. Kipg,- Ensign Horton and ;the, -Glee
- Mr. Gibbons proposed Caned& oir Lome,.
14 and Mr. Cameron responded -in his usnal
elequentityle; and wound up ;by proposing
" the. Land We left,_" toupted with the mines
of eiudZeCooper and. M,r. . ' bOth et
whole made appropriate speethes. -
-Mr. Bondman proposed and Mr. Cox- res-
ponded to The Press," - • -
Major /toss, ina very neat speech, -'pro-
posed. The •Mayor and 'Corporation of
Goderich.". • -
The chairman reeponded hi suitable terms.
Mr, Crabb propOsed the health- Of Major
Ross, and in doing st, alluded to. tha former
differettoei between the tWo Companies, • of
which he. hoped we had now heard the last.
In acknowledgieg the compliment . paid
hint,.the Major said he - was- mit, sorry lifr,
Crabb had alluded to the troetile between the
Volunteer compaide_s Goderieh, for he was
-htiPpy to be able to state. pubheli that the
differencet mentioned had been- settled, and
that Capt." Hays and hiniself had shakee
hands in tokeo of future friendship. (deers.)
Copt Hays expres:sed the pleasure he rad
in buryine the hatchet forever,- and- in seeing.
the -good °feeling that -now- .existed between
the officers and men' of _both companies.-- -•
The health of Ensign Seymour waapropes-
Ana duly. reaponded to by that gentleman.
- Mr. Runciinau preposed the -health of '‘Otir
boat and hostess." Mr. - Wright responded.
The coMpariy- broke np abodt twelve
o!clock,_ all present being delighted With
the whole affair. - We may mention that the
, volunteers behaved tO the last in most or,
derly and respectable manner.- -
• ,
-Boir We have received from Mr
Moorhouse, Chambers journal for the
current montb. The contents embrace
a choice miscellany of uleful end interest-
ing reading. * _ •
LoNnost , Soot mire—Messrs. Chewett
& Co., have furnished tui with -the April
No of Loudon Society. We consider it
the-epiciest book -of the kind to be found,
Front the same soiree we, have receiv
the Churchman's Family *.filagazine:--
Both may be obtained at this office.
sir The weather is, at present, very
sPring-like and our farmers are -busily:it
work.; lr e are glad to hear that the fall'
*heat, g'ellerelif lookeeplendid. -
- -
Ritchie ARRESTED.—Wilson RitChie, the
Indian who killed tha old doctor on Saturday
night last, was arrested by chief. constable
Trainer et daylight yesterday morning, about
20 Mika ebove. Saugeen. Mr.. Trainer - de.
serve great praise forthe .prenitititimit he dia.
Played -in effecting the capture. The prisoner
er trill -be in gaol here to awnit ilia trial.
. • I
• TEC ETVICT OT Deer Cutirtvsrion.—ar.
j ohn 'Mulder of Godericb tp., this showo ua
a plant offal! wheat the roots of which ind
penetrated the aoil c depth' of two
feet. A cultivation that renders the submit
so poious,,is hued upon common sense pd.;
oplesaint must bir the best for adry .clinsaie
giro -Item. .
• .
- .
Crfise the idv;, oi Mr. Pollock " Mosey
te lend.".. -.The Huron and Mk beam
soul:egad reputation" _
_ a' P
2nd do tivorge Standberry.
Beit -entire -gorse for general purposes!, Hen-
ty Lane.
2nd - • -d "'Francis Fowler, Junr.
re the weir _at the *ems:set-war.: .
Stnra In -e late jostle of .--yorirleteresting
andrireleOme paper, 1 -observed a letter head-
ed Oer Seheol SYstein".. I Was well pleet-
ed ar;ili Most of the-reniarka of . your tortes"-
pondent,-etipeCially- _With tegard to the .pro ,
posed -change -of Trustees.-- air, 1 am con-
vinced that- 'in . country pitmen our Sefton!
System with the exception or the verr
way -in which the Romancatholica tre per-. •of.the colonists has reully , deterred.: the.m,1 if
mated. to:break .Cp our -School System - with not from an orgapized anyasioe, at least train
their .seParate sPitatils, with this exceptten. agaigniber Of- ..little filibustering expiditions..
our School System:his worked adrit. rably But; the society 'see nis .for the moment to 'hive
most institutes.. Icertaieli believe= that-, the olitaineditoo deep -e hold on the credulous:
best qualified perSerias eotalways elected:to Irish of -North America to be readily- open tor:
the , office of -Trustee. Bet I *held ask, is net argument of authority, The Roden Cathol-
thiS thd.eakeiii. -all our eleCtiObsi. rcitte.. the. io bishops and clergyhave pronouncedevery-
Tresteetothe Member -of -Parlidme LT_ And where withthe greatest decision against -Abe
I _believe that of all 'eye .aturaaipci Cerpera. se -piety ; bet oar cerresponclect tells. ut that
tions, those thatare _farthest re/of:lead from they .heve now ceased to interfere, ..froin a
the iiifluenee-Of the peetfie who elebt them; opal/teflon. that they • have tin .colitrol ',over
And whe :consequently ,hes:e most' Omer. srO their flocks, 'and that -they aely weakee their
the Most corrept. The Trustees liv aniouant. authority- hyt, injorActions- Which are
-the people *he 'elect,them,end. they entrally bevee-Oheyed.'s We .are intOfmed .by. the tele.
so .conduct the .business of -the -Seed 'that. it ?rim -that -no " bellige nt aet justifying
will be reeeptahle to• tee majority.: - hey also interlerence hast.as vet, •Co to.Lthe knoW-
have unintereit in theschoo' that t ey wotild edge -Of the giavernmen0 nd /Mat the .nio-
not haat, they a- distance:, 1 thia - inent when alin assertion is 'Made the wadi!
probably the proposed eliange would- .be. "aa.- Canadian people -are Up in arms. to ilefeed
ceptable to someteaehere, beeanse carried theinselvet againit hive -Skier the vtilenteers
out, thet would net then.he as under and militia are -called oh active dutyt. and
.the eye.Of the !Trustees. I am also pf opinion . British troops- are silmnioned from our .ethei
that, by the ,coigientious , held throUgh -the- dependencies-, ell to mart an invasion Which
Proviacey_the.Chtef -,Superiatendaht aide, ea ti- openly plenned. and -: .announced in blued
get the opieion of the - people of the rural__ daylight in Ainerican..clilii. Comparing what
didtriete. because though sone- •might attendi
yet vela/ few. of them are peblic- speahers, or'
woidd-%"-like.' to:- Speak An...opposititin to Dr.-
ityersOn, for Whatever. your fernier correie
pendent May: thieb. Of the Dr., ecrtainly-
think he-ls not in his dotaae. yet, though I
am ,surpilied- that he shonld •-prepoSe. math- a
'change in School Corporation,- for I
suffieieut reason- for .sitying --that :it -J. will
hot be eetaptablitothe .People ef the• Town-
ship, : 1 hake travelled this Township 'lately
as- Assesior, nnd heard the, opinions of a great
inany..On this imbjeet, end .1; nj:it. heard
'one aepreve .of--; the change •:rit. the Trustee -
Bet the other .propoied .changes
would -I think be,generally acceptable. .
of their warlike- intentiohs, i'.--Accordingla the
day was selected, the scheme dilly Olamied,
and last, not least, . the meney was duly .„ola.,
tained by additional sabscriptiensa if the!),
atter all thede protestations and -preparatioes,
the threat 'has ended, io nothieg,:one might
think that even tbe Irish Whuld begin -to de
teet the iMpOiture.. They may- certainly
allege the- ueexpected preparations . made to
receive thetn by the-Vanadians, and we May
welt believe that this prcimotitude-on the part
your geld aed your silv,e7.7.3re :qiinii
, .
fleets and your armies, At once the strength, tyranny. The -fisher) nuestion was mate
Ycnir tanedilri, shhicilmetolicr.fis'ay Teetwheieanglariurelat 1:ririt: •
t_,.=11.e_ g_. It!. _.:_d-:t__hi,stife_ty of...i.t2he .I.and. (.Lond ,i wgiahviechwu-pth.beheFreruniu!oti:dittaoublbdieseeektwimaas.juitelafd I e. r.:
cAlliee:- )..i.. -e, r' -----1.12-1,:-rii. 11:„-. fe—teiid- pitgag , largely upon Midair neutrality during theist.
we t
,,...-. : A ecidont."_;_i l'.t.-17. 11---7Y11:::' - • -alias 01 the peeple Of Calais ou this. punt... -
1 war attd Medea strong appeal to -um Am*.
. Oh Monday afterabon a most atraordinarrl The .nr4ting WaS attentive, but hot entlusass.
and. we regret ,to Say, fatal Xceideat oteurred tie. The applayse proceeded chiefly from ii .
at St. Mary's te a bey named Pearson, ,-aged , knot of ffenitins is one cornor of the linfijw•ho
-ahoUt 44:years. kappeirs that the tailor- 1, received' the signal froni the platfona. Mrs
tunate lad, in company, With .his brother , and ' Seonott made a long and -ranting blood *bd.
of hush a little West of St.' Mari's, and ad- Both speaker,' etnpliatically stated that 't
mother, Were colleetnigsaP-Siii-al small piece thunder apeeeli, which Xmounted to nethin
, . ' - '
addresis of the Legislative, Council of -New Of- THE LATE
Brunswick ,on the tpiettioo of the Union of 1 HATTIE NASIIIYTH.
the Provineera : a t. -..
jacent to We -G-- T. IL -...,S9nie cattle - on thei did not intend' to invade. the provmees, her
track `caused theangine -oftlie Express trail in ConVetiration. with. a gentleman -after the.
!going weat -to *histle. yieleally; which attract- meeting had edjoerned, Mr. Killian refused br ,
ed theattention of the Fitt, .ia -the woods, answer the qeestion "why they were. seeking
who ran to tbe traek.V.see tite cauee Of the to arm a force on the frontier." .-
u qua! noise. The tkittyi having ,preteeded. Three_hundred regulers are -eapeeted at
,_._tl y returned. the Ifittil,tearrying- a tin pail St..Sieplieds to-inottoWs and it similar -new
his arms_nedresting:InS-chin,on it, when, her at St. Andrear's. - • -
w; hout tiny ivatning4nailaili- fell from the top _ - - ass
-of a high map! On thelay'd neck—his head jay Cooke, who is building a house-trortli
being a little efooped at, the time—and sever-
ed his head coMpletely frem 'his body. His
niother was walkint him at the lime,
and her feelings on witnessing the dreadful
eafastrophe can be imagined. IThe unfortun- the newspapers,Ie wasale:greatest advert*
ate youth was buried:et Sp:Mares. on Tees- 4 ie the worat.
day. --(Free Preis.
New Bituisiwica.1-The -following is the TH1IIIPliE TO TINE illEHOItit
half a million. dollars. obtained hie ategatfie
by advertising. During the 'anteof the sat
of the United Stateeliatientil bonds, wlifela"
would have -been unsold to Sthit day but far
- What they say In:England.
' is itiore- hit-Mediate:crisis of the' Fenianl
agitation in Ainerica lippearillo have been
salely passed.' . The Critital moment; , we .had
been assured, -wati to be St. Patrick's day.
The. memort or oat .,Bilio wag. to...be...signal..
ized, in Lash fashien.: by. an act which
would be Alike .defiance :of the ecelesiastical
authority of -his - auceessors - end . an butrage
-upon -every printipar. of, _civilization. - ' if St:
Patrickai ghost could note be called :upon to.
repeat his -former nitracle Of -driving the aer-
min fromjreland, vie are - coiivineed . the he.
vocation -7,would Make summary work With.
Feniant: - - ileweeer; this critical day has.
-come and pasted, andihe Billie -its .have not
Best Bull over 2 Years- Oldr James ..Diekson, , fulfilled their threats; Ohr intelligenee from
.7 M. , p, pet . .:: , • .'7-. ,--- . : New Yerk isto -the 21st, and up to. that day
- 2.nd., - : -do- `:- ... 11; IL Carnelian. nodisturbance whetevet had h,een -reported.
-.Best Bill tinder 2- years- Old, • Walter Cowan.- St: Petrick's-day had been...cerebrated qtrietla
2ad - - de. ' • . Walken Sproat.- thieugheat the Union, •and no. Feni-in de
-- - --.-, -, _ ' . .-. .monstration :hail been niade_ either in the.
.1'. GODEBICH. TO WNSILIP.. - "-. United. States or in. Cenada. On 'the con-
. - - ' . . : - ...a* - - - • ' ..- I truth the Fenian agitation • is eaid -twhe
A spe-eial meetingof the Freeholders and dub:Sant:1g, end ' little...app.rehension is enter.
Honseholders of 8: S. No -5,Was. held. here on -tained in Washitigton. that. the.projeet ed. in =
the 14th inst., for the Purpose cittensideritea vaaion Will now -be attempted. , . We , shall
the "'propelled alteration 'to the-. Common, be very glad- when these pieffic anticipations
Sahoel-- Act. Mr. Jeinealifilkinsori J. P., ttre coefitmed lit a few days' later adviceS ;
tailed to;the chair. Ihe chairtnan thee pro- apt there is, we think,- good ieason to - hope
ceeded to give a digest ,tif the -various changes that the danger le now put -for a cOnsiderabte
propotied by ths Itet.-Dr ItyeriOn ; and in tiate In- the find place,- after . the lepie_of
vited the -meeting to-,expreas tbeir views on three br lour days from the-dateof onr present
thasubjeCt. - Mr. John TOrraneeSpoke of the adtices the expedition twill- have beconie for House at a given moment, that which we
additional expense that Inuit inevitably- fel, the present phydically _impossible. The. kticar to be inipraeticable, and in wine!),
:le* as.a consequence; of the edoption •of the Canadian tbaw will then _have set. in -i the' therefore.; -we,must rail. 1 .we are .told that
Rev. Gentleman's plee. .:31.r. - McPhail elso roads will have become tor a dine -impassable, We _ought to lave done mo e, our .atiewer iS
diseppraied ot the . ::propos4 -system, bin and the ice *id have brohee.0 'on the riiers. that it- Wm' otir- duty,. to t 'ilte ..iitto-viee the
thought that thefe. theaht be a -change in the CoMparing the dates of oer c iresp.ondenft senti ment. of the tountry, diSposed to moder-
time for hoeding Our annual - meetinef from fetter trith--these of the tele rem, we may. ate thange, -bid seesible of the'aallie Of what
jaw t y to_June; and referred to 'the. difficut. bope.that-the thaw had alreadr eeemnplished
. ties -that arose front die letiring Truatee not this dissetutien -of the Fenian scheMe., -Writ-- it possessedr.seesitrie with regard le bring -
having -It vote m. 'the hiring of a .Teicher.— in.. on the 1.4th front Torouto, he tent ea that ing what it., possesses into . hazard. - (Hese,
hear.I And, ihaterer mai. -be the opihion
Mcived by Mr. Jamei TM:ranee and. s,econded after heotherten dayi the ice wthuld certain!
by Mr. Robt Porter...that this meeting after be broken up, Indeed, even n( (hit date _the.
Y entertained of the .groaang . eapaeity anctio,.
telligenee 'of the working classes, and of their
dueaensideration of r -the. system and its legiti. weather was .e0allaii.atheir mild nud the wie .adintrable perforatance it, least of their duties
Mite effects;- is ef OpiniOnthat it is uncalled ter was breaking. '. teasideriog, therefore,
fetroand would be an irdringetient Of - oar thatthelate-adviceitake es- n -i • pea- ,heyOnd Maier& their superiora,-- or it has ever. ap.
peered to:me that their. siii ,- in-conanon with
rights,. and would add greatly to.fitit taXationl, ihisi or -to the 21st,) there is r on --tn -129pe those cf is all, Ai* chiefly insagniest thent7
without a corresponding benefit, Ind that this that the elenients weie already ‘o i our" side; - selves- •
(hear hear,)-----ryet a 'is true or the work
is -now happening in Canada with -what has
been going on for rn-ontha i'n Union Square,
NeW York, we shall certainlY haveltome right
td complain if _.the American -governinent
do novinterfere te check - this 'audacicioui
aonspiracy hy smite decided measure.. It
would be quite- sufficient if they would bia
officially declare., the*. they -"weld forcibly
prevent any.attempt at a- violation of Cana-
dian erritory. .- At present., the Fenian argi.
toms' are ahle. without - antfest falsehood
ii i •
to whisper te their dupes i at the government
of the United- States is rea ly on their side;
It needs -nothing but pkiin lanauage to" do
thisrand it -this is withheld t 'will be difficult
to aequit the most :ordinal- ,offices of mutual
amity. : Meatiwhile, -we m at follow the ex-
cellent etample -set us -by the Canadians,. -and
though -wehope -the delusion_ef the conspiracy
matat length have hemi eposed, wo gnust
,prepare for -it es though it ere -a reality.".•
• es • • • MIL
" .7'o the- Queeb's West , Efeeilent: Mai From Heaven she came, tou'brigftfen 'die hom‘
: . -
-city ; . : - ._- . , - -.. .- ; -.-
- Most Grculovi • Soeiretgol—We, Your
Majesty's faithful ancifeyal subjects, the Leg--
lislative couribil in the ProVinciell'arliament
. .
assemhled, ' humbly airroach- Your Itiatsty
. : : ..
- Gladstone on eform.
Of her father, here, im em•th,
Her Father above, callal forber to come
And join in his ,angel'a mirth.
we shed regretful tur
with.the conviction t at a U ion of all our TT.hale7sligYo tuoi da home above
And though she has left as sorrowing here
. That home is etercal love, •
Majesty's Brinsh-North mei:Jean...colonies,
. .
based ot, the reso'utiOns adopted atibe
ference of,Dele'gates, tioloa hese several Ctil.
miles, held ut Qiiehee-OnIthe Tenth Any --or
.0ctober, 1864, it antobjeet highlyto be de.
sired 6MR/essential to their future prosperity
and influence, mid ',calculated Alike to
strengthen and perpetuate the ties which bind
them to -Your Grii‘eieus Majesty's Throne aed
Goverronenta and hu.mbly pray that Your
Majesty may be gracious pleased to cause a
ineasure tobe submitted to the Imperial
Parliameut, foe the 'purpose of• thut uening
the Colonies of Cahada, Nora Seotia, --New
Brunswick, -Newfoundland, and _Prince Ed-.
ward Island oee.Oovernment," •
• PRILADELeHle, APril la.—The grand jury
this morning found - a true bill cif in-dictment
-against Antoine Probed for the-7munler of
the Deering The prisoner was
'brought. tnto conitrand arraianed at one .
o'clock thid afterneoli. After much legal -de-
lay, MX -prisoner havnig -no counsel, the
court assigned hiizi Mr•Ssrs.-- John 0:Neil and
J. C. W.-- Albert: The prieoner at first stat-
ed thet not -wish to 'have any defende:
at all, butsulseceiently .*ithdrew his objea-
dohs to having 'coons's!. -After I converamicat
with the pritioner, Mr. O'Neil asked that,ahe
arraignmentibe poitponed entil hirnself 'and
his calleagee could be afforded time to ex-
amine the iedictment.:',. It is understood that
-Preheat expressed a arillinanese to plead
. 0 ,
guilty to the court in% the bill charging him
-with -murder of Cornelius Carry. The dis-
trict attorney, heweVer, dedigns to try him
uponthecoutifthargieg him with the murder
of afr. Deering.. -From inforniation
ed froni persons who belonged to the same
regiment And cenipany as Probst, it is learn-
ed that- he - b011OtTlilirOper,- TAM had
entered the seriiice iseveral tunes and had
received large bOunties. hi/Alleged that be
shot hisahatub 'Off dehberately in order to
gam his diseharge. Ani-ong his eomerades his
• ehameter was anything but entiable. .
"Oise compUeotions, xn_ternatt
- and • _External.
Mr. Gladstone made Xar ry able speech in
introcluein the Governme Befoul' bill into
the Ilonse of ComMons. IR occupied two
hotirs and half in -the delivery -and fifla near-
ly: eight eolunins in _the ,Lendon- 1;,
The following is his_ peiliaation, . Inch is
peaceable,. graceful as well oarsdihfogreti b va,.
!' It iS probable that, eccri6, all be
mous tempers of -nen's nil
told thm we bave done too little or at we
'lave done too much. Ou answer is that we
have done 64 best. (11 ar, ?hear.) We
have endeavored to take cough of the state
And condition uf the Count y, es well mot'
thi-.qualificatioris which t people possess
for the exerciee ot the p litical franchise:.
-We are _mindful that the hub(' of abortive
Creations ie peopled, u *rah th
'skeletons Of Reform Bills. (Laughtee4 We
doet, wish to add to the ne ber of those un-
tortanate measures. \ We ay- have erred,
but we have endeavored see how much_
good, by the Measure whi h purpose, we
have a prospect of effectin for the country.
As to the danpleteness o the Measure, I
hare given to the House- at r think are its
clear aud distinct objects ; but 'equal hoiiesty
of purpose compels us upo i.careful exatnina-
deo of the -facts not to atte t, by -any mee-
eure that we mild lay, o the table of the
section petithan 7 -the Legialatere against it;. :gad that we may . dismiss our greveat -.appre-.
arid that the form -of .pention no* read. be henaion. -Neeerthelass, we shall • waif With
adopted and I . t with the Trestees to be sign- interest to See whether thoie exiieelations Are
ed hy the Intel) . ent cif_the..seetioti. and foa- fulfiltedrand Whether 'the. notion', which Gan
warded to our einber..: .Cittried. -. - - - - 14weeney.aastires hs ' the _Feniana r might take
. ,Moved- hy b... McPhail seConded by-: Tilt. for -making a little -excursion, tO Cininda' hus
,LITOrranee that iil vote Of thanks he awarded tren got beyond:a notion. : .1 -.- - -
Othe Tmstees for their zeat.in-matters• re-. : ,,' Bien Peninniiimi howevie, i.te not with •
lilting to the seition. - Carried. • •,. - _,. T . - ent its attendant advantages, Mid tertaitilt
, 'loved by Mr. ft. porter seconded by- Mr. not the least Otthese is the displiy , which it
alePhail, that this meeting consider that it has called forth .0 the loyal..and enei,tic
would be -for tba interest of the -proviece that disposition of _ the - Canadians: -. Our cerrei-
the Rey. Di. Ryerion be . retrieved. froth . his. pondeat apealis of the spirit with which he is -
present office, lied a successor appOintedaa- sorrOunded inToronto ea qpite eethusiastic in
parried-. ' . ' . . .. . _ . . its locelty.; It "ii :not wouderful that they -
., . .j.`tgEs NritAiNsoN, chairman. should be unitedid one sentimeniof .indigna-.
. . , . . _,.
' - The following ii the . Petition addressed: tion against tne ontrageouwattue apon their
lives and prOpkrty with _which they are threata,
.711 the Thitorablei the Zees:atter -Aileen- neaed ; hut it is gratifying to observe that
.. b4/ bf Oanada, in: Promaciat Parlia. -- .
-.. 'this. feeling hatieveryieltere ferniihed an oc.-
,. .-- - Intent. AsleMbled: * . ,--
. . - ,, Cision for the .WarMest eXpressions of attach
. The Petition 'of the.Thidersigned_Freehotn-- ment to the English' contiectioF. : The Cana-
sta' in .Schnnt Seetiron' No .5i TOwn.ebiP Ot dians repel -with -contempt the interested sue-
GA.:Irk:he 06111itY 0111104 : ' - • . . ...mien of the 'New - ,Yarh. -presS, '''Whicnh
- -. ___ • f; - ' raTABLY STIEWETII:- reaconintonds . thee'. to. seek a shelter -from
-..,Thit. pint Petitioneht. having:amen, -. With -Feniauism under the :tying of the.- American
the molt profoimd regret, the- Introduction or -Uniont mid 'net Only wish to. - be:faithfid ta
sundry. liciiratiorte uptin'.our preSent Bawl the tnotheaceeetrV, but•cordielly .1o*e. i0a---
aystem, at .propounded: by' tke Chief Sueerie. Englishmen will reidiee at se& a .diepositioe,
indent of Education, -.whereby Many excel. and they will be sulll. more -gratified'. to - see
lent features. of the old systein will -be -super. that it is eFprestied.iii sets at well. aS in Worchi.
Reda& TheIroposedannovation has &weir. The arraigetninM ler defence,. whieh I Were -
°tied a sPirit of enninryt_snd .unwilling tagit made.it so short. a- noticedo 'credit alike to
any ef -our rights be trampled upon,- we are, , the energy :Indio the .organizatiOn of the Ca -
therefore, after mature eemeideration of- the Pathan forces. -The-officera in comiriand of
-purport of -.the proposition enunciated, - Most 'Yoluuteers received& -.(telegrant in midnight
thoroughly convinced :of -the pernicious . tan . direeting then] to e,all'Out theinMen, and 800
deney -of-. tae client° prOpOned. The 0;eia, were ready -far duty.Ft.:: 10 ;,o'clock. the next
ficin contemplated -in the' School -4W Of tit& mernin& Everything is said to give way tO
Pr vince-, miggeited by 4he , Chief _Saperinten. voltinteeting,aud our .correspondent has little .
de t et .Educational,.is n aplojeet Of .tbe deep, doubt that on a 'aetions emergency the whole .
est importincet. and .. will . 'greatly 'effect the Pipulation elpahle of...bearing. -arma-. %pied
Ethidational interaitief thrliProi i 'mid wb e t Ogee. thennelves-at the disposel . of the goy.
every' individual has much !at- stake. - - The eminent... Itahis is the spoit -..-in -avhich the..
School. COnvenions. _wlitch-.:have eirried a Canadians are prepared tra. Meet any danger
vote in their favor, have heen cOmPosed prin - of aggreseionl- they Willnot lick effithent Sup -
ciPnill Of the hilinbitantil of Cities end TOwns. .Pnrt--1° thie country. . .It is suggested, -no
nail School Teachers, -.who,- howeVer eapaole doubt with p rfect justice,. that a gunboat- ott
. . . , , _ .
of judgmg. of them in other rasPectaf . cannot 'the lakes we.' d probably .be 'of more Casio -
.bei supposed . to be..:acipiainted with . what_ ii, - tance,boihilf epelling India meeting daneer,
suitibla for Rural ilietrictA Though,-:. this theit meny th. pseuds of .trolips scattered.over .
qatem might answer Well for - 'Cities and -.Oat exti,ndel frontier.. - Now *it the.. ice ,ii.
Rata, Ahoy do notat aa express -the views broken np there. would probably be no More
Pad'wants Of the CoMitry. . -.... - ' -
- efficient r i ..foreement, and - it is.' clear that ,
AA, further, your Petitioneis ate Oppoded there *mild be none morci -welcome. -...Notli:
:to the abrogation- ofthe Present School .Sec- infk-however is -so -likely- to! discOnrage: the -
tions and placing whole ITownehipa under Fetuantatthiaresotute ettitaiie • oll '' the part.
ode 13. 0 clef Tenders for School purposes, date *hole _Canedian _populatiOn- If_ they-
-it Would belnjurionato the interest of Educa . can obtain no syinpathy in any 'class .'of the
don prodictive Of eonfueton,. discontent, and community, .eVen General Sweeney would find
strife, aitlaringinfringemint upon ourrighta, it diffieult te -ga!o thet - Tfootlitild itt Cinade
in deprimng us of the privilege -of selecting ilia he very:4;44i' thinks ...would:involve
Our Teacheri who pay .fortbem,' besides we t considerable aatagee. : . - .'" .- . ... -
.cleirly forties: that, the new *cheese wOuld 'be ' " It is; we fear, Ih.attiljeto be expected that
difettilt in the Cariying-of it ont;_ifilot- hi.; even to Manifest a tailiwegs the Collepaeof
'practicable; it would. be mere espensireiend the- inneli;vauuted invaSion- will.put atrend tit
less efficient_than thepreeent. eystens. - ., - theFenian- conspiracy. : Ifonythiogiode4•-
,. And we would most emphatically-. express. would open.* eyes: of the untertuaine dnPes
enr approval'of the Board of Piablicinetruc. Of the :agitators it Would be not so much the
ti66, - as , AU present .cOnetituted, u having Were Of this attempt at the lad that nO at;.
Worked well„ and greet improvement hits:bete tempt should be made., The bolding .- of the
realize-1*in its- oppsration and should as mOvimentorfter a-Jong:time "-: &Ong little be
be -doge Airaiiiiti- • --,z -. ", -. .-..- - - - . - - . Ond 0iliting -words andAleing. comicirta.
.11obing Alta:t yod:will.Eltie the Prayer,er 1Y hi Ne* Tor t appear'to feel that it- Was
thin -Petition your hipartig collide:011On,
and Securing tor nitintintautaineneeofthine
right! ot- our ?remit &lied S_yitem, '
l'our PetitiOnett *ill ever Pre'',
ing classed, as it is true of laity class, that it
is a dangerous. temptation ?.o- human -nature
to be suddeely•aevested iWith a prepoud.
erating poirer. (Hear, hinet) That is the rea-
son why I, think we lave nbt done too little
in the way of enfranchiseMent. We may be
told, on the other hand, that we have done
too Much I hope that will not he said. We
do not entirely abandon th expectation teat
even. those who have prote ed almost in pan
ciple sigainst the extensio _tho ,framThise
downwards will he dispose to accept a Irma -
sure which they do -not vikiolly approve if
they think it offers the proefise of the settle-
ment for aConsiderable period of -a grave,
important . complex, and ',difficult subject,
(Hear, hear.) 1 would best -them to consider
what animmense value there is in the exten-
sion of the franchise for it4 own take. Lib-
erty is a.thing which is good.pot merely iu iti
fruits,- but in itself. This hit what we -con-
stantly say in_ regard to English legittlitiola,
when we are told that affairs are \managed
more economically, 'more Cleverly, `and ef-
fectually "in foraign -coun lest! we
managed freely;
iseuision of pol -
ense power both
for the people.'
taken adversely
bb taken -directly.
answerr-but here thpy ar
_arid in freedom,: n the fme
itical duties, there is mini
of diejpline and education
.(-Ele*, hear.) It issue- i
Open the bili, I hope it wii
(Mar. hear.) I trust -it wit1be taken 7upoe
the question Wbethee there -is or is not to be
an enfrauchisment clOwnwatds, if it is to be
taken at all. (Rear, heretj 4e- ,have felt
that _to be- emential—easeptial _te character;
essential to credit, eisential to eseftilneas;
-essential to the _character and credit not
merely - of the,. government, net merelt oi,
party, but to lb" $01111ei. abd_' successive
Parliameuts and governme4m,,avo all.stand
pledeed with respect to thia question of the
'representation. -We cannot consent_ to ;cook
upon -Ai; large addition, coilderelle
the working -.classes of !hi - country, as if it
thougitit may be; to the lolitical _pcitver of
were an addition fraught 'fifth nothing but
danger. - We cannot -look upon -it as - the
Trojan horse approaching , he wane of the
sacred city, and filled with 'rmecl men, bent
upon rain, phinder and onfiscation. We
cannot join. comparing j with that mon-
stiantintelix—we cannot y -
aacandit fateful imam, mom;
66Fieta snuff: medieripie miaans illabeur
urbi,” if _
I helieris froin those persont whom we ask
yoir enfranchise might ratheeto welcOnted
as you would-We:dome recrulte to your armar.
(Hear, hear.). We ask ,yoit -to give Within
what you consider -to be the jiist limits of
prudeuce and- circumspection, _but, hovieg
determined those limits, to give with en ,nii
grudging baud. :Meer, beer.) --Consider
what yOit can eafely, and jasfly afford tO do
in admitting new_subjects and citizens .Fithin
.the pale of the parliamentry constitntien
end having so considered it, -,don't do it-ris
yoe were compounding with danger and in*
fortuns. • Meer, hear.) pp, ifyite Were
onnferrinic boonlhat sad- ma, -
probated in grateful ettachinent. • :-.(sive to
theutoerions new tatereata in the constitution.
--atw inerensirrhilh, by the beneficent
buf-for the:p0Werof 0Ontinulog die delusioni-- dune; Allan beget in fh641"- new attachment
working Of the lawsof nature and of Provi.
necessarya•-• ciatoot say for their credit,
tir- make some show -for money ihei hid fe6P1° tbsi "thitme "'it° the lele
received._ snd to giya scale tangible fieidenei under:which they lives, 'after all, More than
It seemeto be the purpose of the leading
Radicals in Congress to -complicate the rela_
dons of -the Federal GoVernment,- both', at
home and abroad, as much as. 'possible. One_
would suppose, that our present internal pea
plexities leech' es the problem- of recon-
TIM! short was her stay in thisstormy
A void she las left behind -
Ne'er more will we hear her joyous laugh
Or feel her soft much so hind.
' •
An angel she's now in a realm abova
Where sorrow can coine no meta
Oh may We all meet in those realms.of love
When life's weary task -is O'er. .
S. E. D.
Rletv tivertionuents
4 .
z T•he above Society Ispreparediomake
3ra *Me -iP.iicorieritya
The east Of -ittlecting abLoaa yid- be foes&
•much lower than in -other SocietiesTot sane:liar
nature: The attention -oftlie BorroWer called
to the -fact, that be will :receive the mew of
;the Loan. without.anylleductiou being made fol.
interett or :payments -hi -advance.:
_ Advairees may be repaid Monthly .-or.
extendifig evert period of coin _one to fifteea
_years. •
Agent'and Valuator for the Soviety at tatiderich.
Godeirch, C.W., 1866. • - I w13
Insolvent Act of 1864. -
In the mailer of Jelin Braila.- an lissolvest.
rpHE Creditore a she Insolvent are notified
J. Abet br has tnadean Assignment ot his estate „
an I' effews, under the above Act, to me the 111--
dersigned Ass,ignee. anatheyare required to fur-
nish me, within two niariths froni date_, with
their claims, specifying thr security they bold,
any. and the va:,ne °flu; anal neat. statine ta*
Lei; the whole attested nudes oath, leak die
vouchers in support of suah -
tut hht reen hcrteeil ?glut: .teh3oerapicgoupt sepinrr 67ridain, nuesdt tamoefi a 1. eh re tidaoxuaen.strartypo Dated it Goderich'in 1:7p0CoLanttooy-of:b:osi tut
Twentieth day ef Apra. 1866.
sections. ofe ;al K- Brew.
ences...and the restoration of the finances to J:11...GoRtx3ic Alen- " gu*HuiPli a6. -
a, specie bniis,-. would. .afford employment Solicitor for Insolient._ • -vrialw
enough to the Gevernment, without- ripping
up old international sores, which had but just
healed: It is net enough; in the opinion. of
• Morrills„Piliesi and Steienses that we
should be labouring - under internal pangs.;
niust als6 be _externally endangered. It
is not enough that eight hundred thousand
square Toilet -Of our territory- is in the occup-
ancy of a warlike though defeated population,
lately iu rehellionf.--who -.have flung down
'their arms And neknowledged the supremacy
of the Federal Government, bet whose sub -
:flagon is nit,. ou the pert of leading rich
.cals, With. nothin bid obloquy and contempt.
We must also have, a perilous issue with out.
'side nations.. The fidhery. queotion, which a
fear years ego threatened -to eventdate in War,
'and _which the Wisdora of Weimer and Marcy
finally amicably adjusted,. so that our hardy
fishermen were made as•-fiee of the interdic.
ted waters:of Ne* ,Branswiek and Nova
Scotia he the 'Provincials themselves, thanks
to the7folly cif Our Morrills, is igain- opened,
and. the fiaherman oflidape- Ann end Cape
Cod cannot approach Within three miles of
the British Anterican toast :Without incurring
the danger of capture by British cauisers.
Consul -General Potter and Representative
Morrill, by the abrogation of the ReciprOeity
Treaty, were goiug to compel British America
to beg to -be annexed to the Gieat RePublie.
Sapient stetemen ! Wonderful .diplomatista !
lat the Talleyrands And Ounsteins of other
days, if they are still 'cognitiant - of earthly
affAirs., take notice ho* they have- been out-
done in state -craft -by our Pottent and Mor
rills Repeal 'the -• Reciprocity Treaty, and
Canada is out:vita:4h Petter! Well, the treaty
a thing of the -past, and how have the
people north of tit - been affected ? Why,
Cahadiah Cocfederation,*hich bung ire be-
fore, has received a new impulse. Indeed,
there is i prospeot that 'it will ;shortly he
fait accompli, and that, ._tne long a -compact'
British Ameffean.. kingdom, with a 1:fritish
prince for viceroy or hint will spring into
existende to the north of us. Such will be
the fruit of the diphiniecy pattee,-;Bas.
ton -Journal, -
, -. CALAIS, April 17..-.--A large. 'Fenian meeta
ing was beld at.St. Croit hall last night; and -
wee aldressed py, Maisra:-ICilhanand-Sennott.
The ford*. apoke for_ an hour on Ireland's
wrongs, • bat dechired that in the efforts of the
brotherhood free _Ireland they would re-
-spect theta of the United States. -Re aaid-
the AmCiieti a OWO the Irish a debt of grati-
tude for their assistaice during the late
straggler and 110W -was their time to -assist
Ireland in her hour pf need. They could do.
Able by sympathy'. and by tarnishing arms- Or
-the means to. 'buy - them. The brotherhood
no* emb,ped. 1,000,000 men.' It woe , the
-true policy 011ie American, nation to prevent
the establisheimit cif . a. monarchy north of
them, as- _was foreshadowed ih the British
Scheme Of confederation. If thou -opposed
Insollfent Act of 18640
ln the matter of William Irwin ait itte‘
rHen:Efr-ereditors- of the :Insolvent are notified!
thathe.has made an Assiaamentofhisestitss -
and effects, uader the show. Act, to me, tie un-
dersigned Assignee, and they -La retjeed to fur- ,-
nis me -within two montlui from thus date, with
their cllims,seeci4ring tbe security they hold, W
any, and the valui of awd aone: stating the -__ -
fact; the whole attested under oath. with 'the -
vcuchers In support ofsuch claims. •
Dated at Godertehin the County ot Huron this
Twentieth day el Aprisl,.1p(s61.LocK;
omelet Assignee tor Huron it Brace.
Solicitor for Intioleent. -w13.20
Insolvent Act 'of P364*
ic the matter of. Ian W.7,Botematz -
soleenf. - •
*RH Creditors ofthe insolvent are notifiedthat
A. he has made ha Asaigninent ot his estate med
edicts, under the !above Aet, me -the nedeta
signed Assignee, and they are lequire‘to tarnish
me, within -two-months frcim hatdite, intk their
claims, specifying the securitythey hold, VARY/
and the vaiva Of 41 and if -none alattnathe fact;
the whole attested under oath, with the Touches
in support of such debits. • . -
Dated at Goderich in the County Of Humid&
Twentieth day of April, 1866. . " •
Assignee for Theca ,-
.f. 'CORDON.
SoliOncir 1Or lneolvent. .
-TToder a Power -of Sale contained in s.
y Mortgage made by Bernard Hofele oft*
Village of Zurich in the Township of Bay,
the county ot Huron; Mary Ann Reale hia-
wife, (being a party thereto for the pu
of debarring her dower) default having
insde.ie the -dee payment theieof, reined!!
been given to all parties interested, be Wig
be solatort „
inday, Ili 18 lay of May A. 1„_. 1866.,
io ii'elnek a. m. st the Village of Zwick
in the 'Township of' flay, 'County of ;furor*
the terming property namely, Lot numbest
thirteen (13), fourteen (174), end fifteen (WI
"three fifths ot an acre in the Village abide:hp
Township of Hey. afonsaid and Cote* of •
Iluron. Deed under power of solo ut the
April, 18tb, 1866. - w13
SHERIPTS smivor uarDs.
itaitatConntiesei ilaptYvirtue oftwolTrilser.
Iturott and -Bruce, A., Aries FOOlgili isseed)eat
To Wit: . of Her Majesty's Court
aoirt of the United &unties urostend BM"
to the measure. in the.provineeswere toreveIts and t° me directed again" t e lands alla fel
menet them, and in doing le would lb. carry- 4 hareseized and taken to Execution -au ther;eit
at th:tgas Oferaert'ilirrell alid_11471•1"tigagarBoea,
on account. of it, the Fenians were ready - to linen
ing out -what Was the -tree AtiteriCan policy. tide and. interest of thesaid _defendant is 21141.0
at Ottawa? Ile declitied it to be the Hann- 1 the TOwn of tioderiehl on Togas?' the 'Mitt
.If the .A.mericians Wanted to remove thonarchy Lotallambers laineand Tan la ilia Tarsi' Cosa
' fthc:nyitolteticothiPtotwOririaeallb ninootreoncarie cleft bloil:hgekdt i t)isigezBnicei"Itioruiarthelrelucel: 2.11%walt-uldahiPaard:1:117.1°11:Zilae.nill 66100all".1111111.
lion of. the Feniins to continue holding al first day of July mil at the hour ofTwellw 'w.
conantion on the border until the sonfedere• i 4140' clocks ileeei- '
attia aot I II, isisilivieuesbie.tibsildellialeatild 0.6":131trilririedtismitaultil'Etiliralbad'-iedlifIrce.liki'64t1*1: s. h'n'tifi. t:h8.°Inu.preed.;7:5;e:::. ib 1144-. - C.8.1"rs'D°111FAID'441.':13*
. •
Whereas: in en
vation ',Atli Pubr
othee-Abitigs a
Piovinte, or.- an
therein. Appears
_forMalable rookie
_disease, die Grover
, to be by -him f
- _. '*...r---niulunertrtdifevillikovir;rrelliceaiCrinaetssilicielare%sallitielinne°Con:nraeltlialartiel,dtri.:"Infteigil
or any of the parte
7r-sr:coati Pimiroelatiamaon tionep
- agitation Land refiett
though_ there Ork-IS
le: isamerltrer:Pediencen:
ahem, the Provi
threatenid *Rh f -
Within the meanly
tio' as should be
the Public licalib,
sat to declare the 1
__airtue <lithe power
Aat, ..I, the said,-Gi
by and with the tu
Executive gouncill
.-,__ :::itanhOlistacuel:rndw-alidbarlintfteYbeid:a4:er-aecjiabeultullnelre:pr,eanurgdo )temyisli:ilet-a"0.1
clailatimi be
monthafrom The
all others whom t
any wise toncern
notice and govern
__ Given -under my
- - the •Governmen
1.1 -taw t. lathe said
- 4.pni,u. the 5 -
eight hundred
twenty-ninth I
. - - -
B1 torn7.11/oN:
tuTreticiereaLtalstinon so;usnhai ,a_
It, is a goodsig4
of charity to Nair,
It is a had sign I
It lia g90a Sip,
"%OJAI'S fild -.01
It is a baisiga i
hi the windows- i
.f.aws-lithieleig:siinteieteedld:ttensii ,li
Pte5Piration fro
' 5 lietit'illiend- ilrfacirttan:alnxtPceee3aitirY.tr:Ideloofesre-sia:112
- It is a good -id
tacit isbutbal sign'
- It is a gooa eig
tree _evening -Ciampi
• -ma
----- 1
.Shauirock for ini.
erally supposed it
-duty on the cosat
needy ready for ,
sail in a,few days -
rock •was built atl
awl is of the " d '
. .-
_ _ ateaprSoiueirioilann.:fxas:ext
...f. 'a . •
- . at the Brooklyn
'1,. mattobe,,vklie.eyeSaelpanajand 1:ande 0.
- 4111aCiatheinimblegaw-eatiandtinmeeara_Aind:
*---daty Lithe sbai,
-Aetubled there.
• ing--a battify of
- thEagattediern"coastAithf. ,
. be relieved
tile filini -As
Loa, -
Gittnifooists I
_We are gliel
WeSending out
to learn that
Agenda -tem -nit.
• meat ive find in
- Bs
io expedite the
* frigates titre;
- mattes Jason 11,
- 1Frent the size a
thatithey are
and river St. LW
• S dock at Der
- gof ready f
- atm is in Key
for repair; her"
removed, and
dock sallow -
sieivelier heel.
Aingterthe fast
1The Satellite is
*be artisatia
gepairs. shell
'The Pthel is
40 InOrrost,
- :active
ifessey, left P
. lot Iamb
Isabella -d*
'ems of lige,
A011, Mareltallt.
very distraught
- Jut. On the
tome zo
the river, velic
oT bKolen
'unit hour,
when it vas
-ban et school,
Ilea by Mr.
lama ker-
AberrA was
It was
dragging the
the body was
- feet. of water.
fu *be was
ice. Much ay
in their sad
three hundred