HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1949-04-06, Page 1THE LYTH STANDAR VOLUME 54 - NO, 29, BLYTH, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 6, 1949 Subscription Rates $1,50 in Advance; $2,00 in the U,S,A, AMONG THE CHURCHES Morris . Township Council Blyth Municipal Council i Fine Film Showing Tonight PRESBYTERiAN CHURCH The Council met in the Township A special livetin,:{ of ]Myth \funic) Under the auspices of the Blyth Rcv, John Iloneyman, Minister, ]fall on April 4th with all members pal Council was held in the NIcnlorial Public Library Association, the filet, OBITUARY Lions Hear Address By Belgrave Minister - Sundtty Service at 2:30 14111, presort, the Reeve presiding, Iliatl on the evening of March 9th for ..The Rooks ))rive Onf, will be shown Mrs. Annie C61cl0IIg11 An, enthusiastic and cujoyablc meet- \linntes of last electing read and tete 4,urpcse cf .111ediCV a deputation in the \leinoria1 Hall, tonight, Thttrs' 11rs.:lnnic Colclutn h a i1 Sl+.l.rrt of in ing of the Memorial Hall Lilptts o11 b%vasiiheld int TRINITY CHURCH; BLYTH ;1�1oltc(1 on motion of Saul Alcock and from the 131)th Fire Brigade, Reeve , day, Phis filet, taken in Huron Conn- 'Tuesday )' Palm Sunday Bailie Parrott. (and all nera:b,rs of council present, ! tr, has received trick acclaim, apt` : Blyth for the past 40 years, passed with a carload cf Ilcmick Lions as l2 rennet Morning Prayer and Ser.'�, ',(.way in Hamilton oo Saturday, Ap'd !guests, and the Rev, W. J. Moores, ,\lovecl by Charles Coultes and Bailie Messrs, 1i. Dever, \\'in, Thud, and hot 1).1 be seen by every Hunan native, 12 int he' 84th year. \Ira. Colcic)u,;'h castor of the L'elgrave United Church, mon, Mr. Garfield Brown,11a rout that the tclt(Icr of George \I. I1011:na were present and the mat- For as enjoyable evening plan to sec t TRINITY, BELCRAVE • Radford to supply, crush and del:ver ler of fire 'protection Was brought this fi:en, 'ml others sat yc`he was born in Glasgow., sorting it, to- ('r. ad bc.n in failing health for the pest It goes) sgnalcer. Musically, the ).ions 2:3' ,101 1a•ert:11ti Pi1)er and Ser- gravel for the Tow'isllip at 65 cents 11;). Prcposc.l costs were ot;t'i ted anal Mold. The National Film Board will ` I ow., Scotland, by Stuart Toll, of Auburn, accompati- Ienjoyed two side tnclid saraphone solos nton, per yard be accepted subject to the ap- discussed and \Ir. Dexter and Mr, •present it, Admission is a silver collet- keeling to Canada with her parents, the heel at the piano by ).ion Monist, Miss ST, MARKS, AUBURN pt oval of the District \Ittttici) al 1 n- •1'hiw11 started the swished to circulate tion, The follott•i1 r item is clipped ! 10,30 amt, : \lornitt r ' 1 ' I )' g 1)l ' late Alexander Baird and f1'onie Stu- 1 \grout Daer. It is hoped that Stuart ;, Prayer and gincur, .Carried, I a petition ;un_mgst the ratepayers from one of our exchanges, and should ( 1, art, in IR) , when+ she teas 4 years (.14. and his goblent-tong.„1 sax, will return Sermon. I Moved by Sant Alcock and Bailie asking for new tearer plains :ld a he read tcith interest b • those who in- 1 J 'The fancily settled at Brampton. Ito entertain the club at some future V-"'" Parrott that a regular grant of $50.00 well, etc., for fire protection in uhc lend to patronize the show: BLYTH UNITED CHURCH In IR Wie married John Colclough, date. ! amt a special grant of $30,00 for re- village, i c 'Treasurer has been received by County of C!itn'o1, Following their nuturriage' llwo int�u,rtaunt members were rtb- (Rcv, 1\'. J. Rogers, Minister) ' pairs he. {given to Brussels Agricultur- The Council informed these gentle- 'Treasurer Harvey Erskine from \\'. !I tl cv fa aped in I?Int oma Morris town il- 1 '11)1 Sunday School. al Society. Carried. )nen that if such a petition were pre. GohU11„ \i. ['., Huron and Perth, that sent, Lion Tamer Stan. Sibthorpc 111 11.15; \looping \\'orship, slu',ps before coining to Blyth 4O years jail .twister Grm•1r Clare, 'Their Keening \1'orshi)• 1 Meowed by Sam Alcock and Chas, seined to the Council it wuulc( receive the National Film Board at Ottawa Was a,,l. work - Mr, Cnlclott;fi died in 19?,1• �johs were capablJ filled by. lion I3ert 7 ppm,. I. g I Lonites that the load accounts as pre- every consideration, 1;.) •in+;pressed tviUh the Huron County \Irs. (1liluurh ryas an active work - 8 1:111. Session ,\iecting, sentcd by the Road Superintendent be \Icetie,r adjourned o:) motion of „ „ (n•ay as 'Tamer, and a visiting Ligon Satua:Qly, 3 p,nt, \fission hand, ' Redd 1.::.aary film, 1 he Bonks Drive On , er in ripe local wooled, Institute, haw from I Icntick, hen. Edgar, who took paid. Carried, \\an, J, holt) and George Radford, gnat it has purchased a one quarter in- iiig joined the organization in 1913, Ion the tail twistil1. duties. 1 1011 Ken, Morday, 3 pent. \\ \f..S. Thank -ed.; Mosul by,Chas, Couhrs and \Peel, i :1 special meeting of the \!1lI1111(1 (crest in it. in a i11 ter to \ir. Golding hese ,nanv czars :•e served as sore feria; meeting, Guest speaker, Rev. Peacock that ily-late \'u. 4, 1949, to Cottreil of Myth was held on the ev- it is s:atecl by floss AlcLeatn the Nat- tar and district director. She was did an excellent job, H1 is the tail Reba )fern, ' ,1 Ihatc poultry included i11 the Livestock ening of \I'aach 23 at 8:15 p,nt, for tonal Film ('.o:n:niissiuner, that Ili y l I t c twister of the }lo'.tick club, and headed 8 pan. V.P.U. 1 rettcction Act, note having been read the l)r ose of Leading the re,,ort ona 11u'.r per ut the A.1 It Buhl. Class 1 , r V if cause' of the quality Of the flint which Myth Utraed Church Sunday School, the third and final time, be passed (to Sibthorpc Drain, all nlcunbers las b.cul produced and Uhc interest ;end held ti record of many years of Carried, r present. I r 1 1 i 5511(111 it might be presumed other part:+ .1)1rfcct alum) `once. she was also CONGIt A )•ULA'1 IONS Aloved b • v1 m. Peacock and Bailin The Reeve called the meeting to 1 J '* of Canada would have in the stthjcct, active •in the work of the \\ M.S. Congratulations to \i r. A. E. Cook :Parrott that the Att li.tors Report be order, explained the { ut pose of the the \ational Film Bo.trd is prepared to I v.; • •vit•trr; arc tw•o sc-als and tw•o who cei^brated his birthday on Thurs. accepted, Carried, nieet�ng and asked the Clerk to read undertake to meet one-quarter 'of the tau �'htcrs, Aare t Go !c-ic•'t ; 1(1 I as day, \[arch 31st, \loved Icy (:has. Coupes and Sam th`cEogineer's report• 'production costs of the film, �Imtrrki;); \Irs. \la',el \liflcr, f;od:- Cortiratulations to \Irs, Sam Drier Alcock, that we request Uhc County cif ; teed of the ratepayers •concertned . In his letter Mr, NIcLea , adds, "Aly rich, and Mrs, Olga Burnside, }lead tubo celebrates her birthday on April 8. 1luroull to have •t district set up for were present and while questions were , board also swishes it to he clear that ford, Congratulations to Lorne D;ter, soli rho irussels ]sigh School and to ha• e a''!:ed, all seemed satisfied with the re-; iart.clpatloll on this occasion was not of Mr. and Ales, Bert Dacr, of \u - 'the portion of \1Orris 1'ownshfp 'n Port, - to he considered in any way a peci!- I The funeral se15)C1 was held from dried in it that is not ahead the Lockwood uttered Home on Mon burn, who celebrated his end birthday, y Mewl- l-� Motion by George Radford and \Peep �rdeni for the future, and till -at if similar on \Ve:'410sday, Api11 ((11 ed ill the Clinton and \\'nnghannt 11:gh 1) ,1. Riehl that the ropoet on the Sib- )requests are to arise the Film Board day afternoon at it 2,p.0 1 with the ,R; v, S , 1 I \\ , J. Raper. , pastor toe erf the Myth th Cort;raUtudati ns to Mr, and Airs, drool Districts. Carried, It.horpe strain be provisionally a(lo,nei •w•ould riot be able to participate unless NI 1) r United Church in charge. Mr. 12og- \\'ill'ati \'north, who celebrated their J1 Chas, Couhrs and Sam and that the Clerk contact the En- a prior agreement has been sought aper 29th wedding anniversary on Sunday, \'cock that tl.e Real Superintendent's ' gine er for fturti;.er information, Car- a eo-openttiv1 project entered into, 1115 spoke words 0[ comfort to the 6 salarybe 75 Scuts bora and X15.00 ricd, fatmly arra remarked 00 the fine qual- April 3rd, - per( 'Phis is a necessary limitation, because , Congratulations to Jean Kirkconncll, per month for bookkeeping ;and seven I Alotion by J. 13. Watson and \Vat, J, of Auburn, who celebrated her 18th cents Per mile for use cf Ids car, sub-; Rich' that the Court u, Revision on birthdayoan \\tcdncad;t3,, April 6th. jcet to the approval of the District the Sibthorpc Drain be 11e111 in tie Congnattulatlons to Mr, Fred Arge , \lun!cipal Engineer, Carried. I sIemorial 1-lall, Blyth, on -May 16th, of Blyth, who celebrated his 80th birth- day ''Iovcd by \\'an, Peacock and Belie 1949, at 8 ppm, Carried. day on Tuesday, April 5th. Congratulations. to Mrs, Andrew Kirkconnett,' Atnhut n, who celcl;rates her birthday on. Tuesday, April 12111. Congratulations to Judith Cowan, of Stratfo:xl, who celebrates her birth- day on April 11th. Congratulations to -M iss Olive Craig who celebrated her birthday on Tues - we can not be confident that the films itu•s 01 the do{,arte'd lady. pro(litt(I will be as acceptable 115 the Pa'ilhearcrs were NIessl•s. Franklin: for his charming wife, Mrs. Tieider- film 011 11111°on county has proved to be Baiutoty, Freeman 'runner, jack hail- son, Lion John nepli-ed, sincerely ex- on this occasion," ey, Harold \odder, Irvine Wallace pressing his regrets at severing Blyth (and Borden. Cook, 1'lowerbearers were, friendships, and expressing Ow ltc>tpa that he would be seein(; his Myth friends from time to t!rne. • - In asking for the Travelling Lion, Lion Ken. Edgar was asked to sing a solo, which he did with the aid of Lion Nerv, Kyle. The probability of sponsoring the \\'ingha'nl Lions play, "Not -ping But the Truth," was discussed and a com- mittee appointed to look into suitable` dates. 'There are so /natty dates taken for the next month its the•_ •Mcnnorla1-- Plot 11)11, that it was felt doubtful if a sttt1- Cont;ratnlations to the Rev. ,LL,. 1l, Warble lily Campaign be held on Sat- i scttiug the estinnales for Road and In -Huron able date, could he arnangcd, but the (year \Irs Alcock had been in poor hcalUa fpr some rim • r• the. ilowick dcJcl,,tu_;t t came down to pick 11p the Travelling )pion, before returning to attend the first meeting of the 'Teeswater club which was also on Tuesday night, and which the Haw- ick club is sponsoring. 1)11)1113, 1)is- trict Governor Berl (;ray also left ear- ly to attend this meeting, Lion. \\'iIhur Rogers was called on to present lion John Henderson with a parting gift, Lion \Vilbur spoke o•f ).ion John's many. excellent qualities, and of his (work in connection with the Blyth Lions Cltrh, as well as with litany other local organizations outside his regular Parish duties, Preside:It Franklin liaiu•ton theta presented Lion John with a parting gift, and also one Thus it ds evident that the film made Bernard hall, Leslie Rutledge, Norval Parrott that Green Cross Warble hly Adjoltrnrucnt .moved by Geo. Rad- ion intron County is considered an out - Powder Dan AI'cKenzie and K111nclh 1 owder be orderod. Carried. fore'. and Lewis Whitfield. Carried, standing one and it will no doubt new \V1tiUluore. be shown frofn coast to coast in Can- lntcranel:U was mad. in 131rth Union oda• CrnnMtcry. Moved sly Sate Alcock and \\1m, A special meeting. of I31yt11 sIunl:f- Pcacock 'that Ronde Jamieson be hlr- pal Council was held o111 the evening ret to assist with the \\'arblc Fly ' of March 23rd, at 9 ppm„ for the pur- trcaWnont. Carried, I pose of setting the estimates for Road' directed by \I r. and M rs. Glen Eckmier and Street expenditure for 1949. Reeve id photography was done,)), Bob lien Mrs. Eliza Jane Alcock and all Members present. r3,. of Goderich and the script and conn - It twill be recalled that the filet w'ats ;Moved by Went, Peacock and Bailie Parrott that a set of filing cabinets for the clerk's office be purchased. clay, April 5th, Carried, Congratulations' to Mr. Gordan Moved by Chas. Coultes and Sam Craig of Seaforth, who celebrates his Alcock that the meeting adjourn and birthday on April 1001, that a -Special meeting to consider the Alotfon by Lewis \\mtitneld and \Vet, mental.). by 'foul Rafferty of Wing- \Irs, Eliza Jane ;\sock, beloved w'tc J. Riehl that By-law No. 2, 1949, be re- ham, of Richard 13. Alcock, Merr;s Town- scinded. Carried. --v- ship {p�.asscd away at the home of her 13.. Watson" that Ily-law No, 3, 1949, Triv Planting \lotion by George Radford and 5. son-itt-law George Thornton, of Grey on Friday March 25th 1949 in her 54th and Mrs, Henderson who celebrated 1urday, Ain•iI 9111,' at 10.30 1.111. Car- Street cx:ienditures' for 1949 as now First hoc planting of 1949 m the c: committee veil find out and report. I fourth w dd'rr anniversary o11 turd, read three times in open council be Stratford forestry ions took place clr teas born iro Mullett 'lbwn5111) I Lion Bert Gray announced that the finally passed. Carried. ;near Auburn on Tuesday, when plat°(- daughter of Uhc late \I r. and Mrs, an11h1al Spring /0)11 Rally will be held Actiournanent 1110V1d by Lewis \\'hit- ing' stork started in a 10 -acre field of Joint 1(irl5connell, In 1913 she married in Blyth -the first week 101 May, and field and George Radford, Carried, the }lump County Forest. General Richard 13. Alcock, and has since re- 'asked( that Myth '.ions tarn out �P _ ,.� The regular meeting of the Mtuti1i- distribution of trees for reforestation' sided on the 7th line of Morris Town- force for this, his Zone rally; pal Councils of the Corporation of the work frcnit the nurseries of the On- '.ion John Henderson introduced \'illagc of Blyth was ,held in the Mem- tario Department of Lands and For- sh\Irs, :\kook is survived by her bus Ph1 Burst speaker, Rete* \\', J. \loores, orial hall on \Iunda�y 15111111. at 8,10 1s'ts has not yet begun. 10,009 trees baud, 2 sons; Beacham, at borne. Eric, who is a native \cst,mmillande�r, pent. with Reeve liainiton and Cotte. I for planting in the county forest near of Stratford; 7 daughters, (Isabelle) 1t is 35 years since Alr. NIoores vis- 1ll'.ors Riehl, \\Tolson, Radford and Auburn were trucked there Monday \irs. Jo11n Alcock, (1(11111) \frs, (ted his 1:4aliwc' hand, but he has kept Whitfield present, I night by the zone forester, \\, A. G, George "Thornton., (Mary) \Irs. Char- m constant touch with his honncland, 1 Minutes of last regulalr erecting and, Thurston, Stratford, so that an early les Storey, (Helen) Mrs. Clifford Czar- Ile gate a. most interesting discourse Car - three special meetings read and a0- , start could be makle on a 1949 planting diff, (J -can) \Irs, Leocnr,d Lamont, all in the home -life of Canada's tenth proved on oration of \\', 3, Richt and preovan1 that calls for 75,010 baby epf Grey Township, (June and Joan) at Pros11)11 lxilresstng sincere)} the hope Geon,4e ltadford, trees to be set out this ''ear in the that 141e 11111011 would be mutually bete tote, Also surviving are 14 grand- 1 Correspondence from Huron County major reforestation pnojccts in 1 -'trop children, 3 brothers and 4 sisters. rficial. 11e was 111141rrd a tote c% Cctut^il and Canadian Section of \\^at-!eoli,1ty'' funeral service, was held from thanks by Lion Bert Tasker. c.'wwo rks Assoc11(1011 ordered filed, I The 10 1115 forest 015 Concession 7, ih:1 holue of her s0n,•in !.•1w, Gloige 1 Business discussed included. enter- TheI Thornton, of the 9th of Grey, on Tues.;tanlit,g the members of .the Lions Band play, slarclh 29UIi, at 2 pmt, Rev. 1, }1, and their Plater, amid the Boy Scoots Kerr of Brussels officiated, Interment at the second meeting in May. )..ion in Brussels cemetery, 1 Norm Radford was a.., --pointed to fill ' pallbearers were 2 brothers, Tem' Lion John Henderson's place on. the and :)redrew Kirkconne)I, 2 sous, Bca i Scout committee, Softball was dis- cllant and Erie Alcock, 2 nephews , ;missed and 1 111nt1011 by Lion Bert 1.lo3u1 and Jim Alcock, Flott•erbearers i Tasker carried to sponsor minor soft - were, Billie, Kenneth and Betty Alcock,' lr>,II this summer, . ).ions Tyrculau, Bobbie and Margaret Thornton and I \\allacei mut Gray w•cnc appointed as Doreen Kelly. I a ball committee. t 101r our 1 l I t4 •' Tuesday, April 5th, 1 The following accounts were paid: Congratulations to Beverley \lark Jas, ,licradzean (honl+s on. Treasurer Afacaotnalld, who celebrated her 1st and tax collector), 34.50; Beacham AI - birthday ort! Tuesday, April 5.0. 1 cce:k (fox bounty) 3.00; Cecil \\'heel - Co,: radulations to Carman Mardon-; 01' (Gorier Drain) 9.09: David Craig aid who celebrates ,his birthday on ((levier Drain) 7,(10) ; Mervin Govler hric'Lry, A(:ril 8th. (Gov'ier 1)rain) 5(10; Gc-.rge Nesbitt (Got•ic'r ')rain) 5,(0; Cecil \\'•heeler (11c11y Draiin) 27.(:0; Richard Alcock Youngblutt - Nethery (1<111y Drain) .5,00; John Stiles (Kelly Drain) 5.(0; 'Trevor Moore (Kelly ))rain) 5,00; J, K. Krang Co., repairs, 18.44 R. S. Shaw, refund, U.S.S. No 12, 673.8); Nelsen Ilig>,dos, llccll,•i)y- 111111t stamps, 11,09; George Martin, iposltage ori chains, 7,18; C. W. Hanna, relic,( account, 11.03; Jack '.owe, at- tending' school for \Varble Fly Cain- paim, 12.70; Rev, George Milne, grant to Brussels Agricultural Society, 80,00. George C, Martin, Clerk, On Saturday, April 2nd, at 2 p.m., Trinity Church, 1313,111, was the scene of at early) Sprilltg wedding, when Elizabeth Isabel, eldest daughter of 'the late Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Nethery, of East \\raw•auosh, was united 10 marriage to William Leonard, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Yoong- blutt, of Londcsboro, The bride, given in marriage by her d)rother, Mr, Alex Nethery, wore a street -length dress of blue crepe, with black ,accessories and corsage of )sink \'irginia carnations. Her only orna- ment was a doublet strand of pearls, 'the gift of the groom. turned froth Vancouver, 11,C„ where rota) fee of50.OU old that a contract round), planting o•n the Robertson Airs, Jack Stell, Of Londcsboro, sis- they spent a most enjoyable winder be drawn tit) and signed by the Cor- (place this year are to lie used for re - ter of the 1 le, was the attendant, with 1.11,:1• (Intl' tillers an41 sot -ill -law, poration and AIr, Nethery, Carried. filling work on 10 acres of land plant• wearing a grey crepe dress with black Mr, and Mrs, \V. 1-h \\Tile and Alissa •Mo;ion by J. B, Watson and George o''1 in 1948. First planting ort the piece accessories and corsage of red Briar.' Clarasa Carter, \f r, and Mrs. Car- I Radford that all ashes old garbage be was of white pine, spruce, nod Rump- eliffe roses. ' Mr, Stanley Youngblutt iter returned to \\';oodstock on Maren cleaned) try) by the householders by ea ./ larch, planted by uachine. The of Guelph Ontario, brother of the 13(11, where they 'pare beet) visiting Apra 23rd and that garbage concerto) refilling, to replace trees that did not groom, was best ratan, The Rev. J, their son, ,Al r, and Mrs. Clifford Car• be s'arted again by the Corporation on 'thrive in their first steason, is beinlg 1.. IL Henderson .performed the eere- ter, Mrs. Carter is still (herr, Mr. I \lay 5th and that all garbage for col- atone with, Scotch pine, white pine moot,. I Carter is back at Auburn with his son, ice'''• must be in proper containers and Carolina poplar, which are being The wedding (limier was served at i Mr. a111 Mrs. Harold Carter, Mr, Cartery that Vancouver had the and that a notice he printed in the hind -planted. the Commercial clic ial I-Totel, Blyth, to 1 reports113:'yth Standard to this effect, Car- The planting work is under the (11 - guests of the immediate families. The worst winter in 'the past.40 years, Mr. tied, Howard 13rtmsdon, of 101tia11 of 'William Marsh, Auburn. bridal couple were assisted in reccly- Clinton,, vas a°'' Tile following accounts were ordered Mr. Thurston, who is in charge of re - Mg by the gnoom's .another, who wore so a visitor with his daughter 111 Vali' I paid on motion of W J. Riehl' • n 1 J. a 1av3' blue pin stripe suit with navy couver at the satire time and he ntul I B. \\'in Ili i accessories and a corsage of white Mr. Carter spent scale time together.' john Staples, salary ...................... $123.92 Olivet carnations, ' Otte Shy they visited with Mrs. Dable , \\'111 Thttell, salary sloti11 br George Radford noel W, Colborne township, two utiles west of J. Riehl that this village conform with Auburn, Is the former Robertson the surroundings towns in observing: tamp, honk of the late John Robert- 15ay9ight Saving this year and that the soft, It was deeded to the county to Reeve issue a proclamation to this ef- beocole a paulx,ic forest, by the three feet. Carr:ed. Isores cf its former owner, Ernest Ro- Back From West Coast Motiat by George Radford and J, • bcicts'on, Toronto, and Charles a:al B. Watson that the. IGw'lli (111011) be at 11oward R01)crtsoll, Goderich, NH. and Mrs, Jack Carter have rut- \Ir, Gilbert Nethery's farm for an an. The 10,00 trees assigned to the (forme -1'1Y Lattra Johnston (10'00 For ttnl^clbing, the bride changed to , Y of Blyth) 1i. Lcathcrbat,Kl, salary forestation work in Huron, Perth and Oxford counties, was at Auburn Tues- day, accompanied by W, E. Moore, of the Stratford office of the Depart - 25,00 ' trent of Lands. and Forests, to help Spring is defit11k143 here. Reports of a blue -grey suit with black topper and 1 t y toile, They tuade IL 1eatherland, firing at rime hall 5.'..1 r accessories, I the trip )nth treys by tnaily get the work started, organization meetings beit>I,c, held in t Postmaster, 1lntemployanent Id- I 0111er centres have been appearing to The groan; couple tcft for '1ora1>tiof.._--.-011,-.,1 surance Stamps 2,16 some issues of the 55•eck13. newspapers. aaad other points east. On -their re- Severely Injured 13y Truck) EIlinittInsurance Ageuey, ins, 16.00 t Boy Scout News The Western Ontario Athletic Associa- duetn they will reside on the grooms Elliott` s Sunoco Service Sta- )tion annual iutetiuvg tyilf be herd \Ved- (lay \lac Taylor) ncstctay esenitng. ;\,pa'11 20th, in \\•in;- .farnl in Hallett township. Clifford Dougherty; 51h year old son tun gas and alcohol •f.:0 Guests were ,present from Guelph, of Alr. and Mrs. Russell Dougherty, Sweetest gap -age, gas, alcohol4.23 The weekly meeting of the Birth ham. 1\'c have the fro dfights and a Clinton, Myth, and Londcsboro, was injured severely 00 Tuesday when Jack Johnston, watchman re Boy- Scouts was held on Monday tight, good hall r .park. Its time to be looking he collided with the the back end of, Berthot's fire127lwith the investiture of these new around to set what materia' is availah- 1'rlendrhip Circle To Meet a truck travelling south on No. 4 Sigh- 1)r, 1'. au Price, inV'gett 35.01 Scoots: Doug. Mc\all, Jim Chalmers, le for a 1)x11 team, Some replace - way. The accident occurred in front Dept. of Highways, material re - I W cndell Grant ani Robert Charter. Flnen•ts will be necessary because sev- of his dxacue: The little lad struck the ! :surfacing* pavetneult 670,73 1)11 1'tewits are the 110150111' Patrol, 1 I .nal of last ),.ars players will not br rear of the passing truck and' the im- George Ra•clford, gravellingand with the Beavers taking on the duties. available. 1 '.ion President Frank presented I) e i lion Vont Sheeran; with a key, signify - Dates Wrong I ing his admittance as a key member In a brief obituary report of 1411'1 of Lions International. death of Mrs. James Armstrong's sis- The ladies of St. Michael's Church ter, \Irs. H, C. Canavan, of Sioux were accorded a rote of thanks by Lookout, Ont., contained in last week's Lion Les. Rutledge for a vet'y delicious issue the dates pertaining to the death dinner. Mrs. J. C. Iletfron accepted - ald elate of funeral were given as Jan- the thanks, and said they would be nary 201-11 and Jantlary Mrs, most happy to cater at some future Caiclvatt died on \{arch 26th and was linty, buried on 'l arch 20th. The electing closed with the Roar, v WHAT ABOUT BALL? Cinderella Friday Night it's high time something was done Tomorrow night, Friday, is the date about the local hall menu, now that 1 of the big Horticultural -sponsored I show, Cinderella, which comes froth Brussels with the highest recommen- dations. A cast of ovett 50 presents - this fine show•, with a supporting cast of almost 30 more. The Horticultural Society is another local organization worthy of everyones loyal stspport. Fill the hall for this fine entertain-' meet. Sec the advertisement ort )rage 8 for further particulars, v The "Friclidsh)ip Circle" meeting will be .held 011 Tuesday evening. Apr. 1201, at 8 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. Frail; Ttrretnan. \Vc'Il be' scene; you. Hydro Turned.On The hydro was turned on at the fatal residence of Mr. Charles Machan on s1ous.y, April 4th. • pact almost threw luhn funder another! snowplowing ........._.._....... _....._._ 27.00 1).oal't forget our paver drive on A.p- car as it passed by. I Manning & Sous, cnnl 21/0 141 23r4. ON THE LAND The full extent of his injuries are Joe Ewing, labour re fire hall. 2.5) Farmers generally are quite busy 15-4 yet determined',- X-rays will be Village Ccutcd, expenses to , taker, today (Thursday). He is be- Toronto t BIRTHS use clays preparing machinery for , 31.(Y) L ser ting operation's. tiered to 'have a broken nose, and has Pa'sslie'et re streets ....... 71,30 DE\101.,M-ln Gast City Hospital. on on 1''edir.sbotod he general by next srsrslllp of n local church group itt thee' numerous facial'and body bruises. At14ournnlent moved by 1\\'. 'Whit- Aoril 41.11, 1949, to Mr. and \frs. Jas. 8.1 Mr, Pete Little reverted that \Icm-'rial Hail last Thursday night, It is to he hoped that nothing of a field all1 W. J. Richt, Carried. Den.hoint (nee Helen liardistyl the the started working the land on Mon -I was wen' received, and th• cast gate moreserious nature develops, I B. Hall, Clerk. gift of a son -John Bruce Hardisty. day at his brother, Bill Little's farm. a most creditable p::fot3tt;trct, ILL AT HER HOME \Ve regret to report that Mrs, Blatt. 1 lcrrington is seriously ill atherhoarse. PLAY WELL RECEIVED The play 'Tempests and Sunshine`, given by a \\Talton cast under spoon beilOR=NIIIWAR WHAT GOES ON • .0 1N THE WO4 NormanBlnirliLD THE UNITED STATES 11) Washington the full blast of the veteran's pension tornado is whistling tround the corridors of the House of Representatives, and the Congressmen -taken somewhat nnawarc-are looking for dugouts and cyclone cellars, In the past they have been protected against such pension demands by House Committee rules which prevented such legislation from cooling to the floor for discussion. But the first act of the 81st. Con- gress was to curb the power of the Rues Committee; and now unhappy representatives shiver in the sud- den discovery that they will have to stand up and be counted in regard to a super -colossal pensions "grab" that would cost the Treasury, in the next 50 years, as much as one hundred and twenty-tive BILLION dollars. (That's $125 with nine O's after it.) The Rankin Bill -the measure sponsoring the "grab" -calls for ,$90 -a -month pensions of World War One and Two at age 65 - regardless of need. The powerful American Legion, with over three million members, is strongly back- ing it; and while the Veterans of Foreign Wars organization, with a membership of one and a quarter million, does not directly support it, that body is pushing for big pen- sions on a somewhat different basis. The chief trouble is that the Rankin plan runs directly athwart of the vast Administration program for integrated old-ige and unem- ployment insurance for everybody. Some people argue that both ideas are wrong. However, the scheme which the House had had laid in its lap would give special benefits to a special class -and would give them to this class, the veterans, regard- less of physical handicap or financial necessity. It seems certain that President Truman will veto the Rankin Bill, should it ever get to hint in its present form. But this seems un- likely, for the present at least, al- though it might be different if the United States were going through a depression instead of hill employ - anent. The fact remains, however, that the average Congressman would greatly prpfer just to forget the whole thing. No matter how far the Rankin bill gets before it is finally greatly modified or killed, they will have to vote one way or the other - and from past experience they know that these Veterans Associations have long memories, especially for those who do not fall in with their demands, however grasping the lat- ter may he. EUROPE There is at least one elan who takes ap optimistic view of Euro- pean affairs. He is British Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevin who -al- most on the eve of his departure for the United States -told a cheering House of Commons that the \Vest Las won the struggle to save Eur- ope. Ile said that: Western Germany is note ;fife from Communism. France has surmounted its dis- ruptive forces and is fast righting its economy. Italy has overcome its strikes and produced a stable government. The Atlantic Pact's machinery is 'early to organize a western unity which would have been thought int• possible two years ago. In short, said Mr. Bevin, by peaceful means, by pacts and firm resolve, western Europe has been saved from comnnm(ism and chaos. In the course of Parliamentary debate, Government spokesmen said that the Berlin airlift would be in- creased to higher tonnages. "The airlift has been cheap," Mr. Bevin commented. "One year's cost of the airlift has about equalled the cost of one day of war." Anglo- American aid to Greece is to he stepped up; and if Russia and its satellites seek to close in on Yugo- slavia's Marshal Tito, the west will render any possible economic as. aistanee, but not on terns that would ,mbarass Tito or bring about his undoing. Which all sounds very promising, and it is hoped that all Mr, Bevin's dreams cone true. However, this observer somehow cannot help be- ing reminded of the small boy who thought he had been snubbed at a party, "What's the idea of Johnny Jones high -)tatting me." he tearfully demanded of his mother, "Ain't I just as good as he is?" "You certainly are. Willie," re- plied the mother. "The trouble is SW Johnny Jones doesn't know it." So we are quite willing to accept *lie British Foreign Secretary's word that Europe has been saved from the dangers of Communism. . The oily trouble is -Does Russia bum. JUST -SO STORY In Cambridge, England, Rudyaid Kipling's daughter, Mrs. Elsie Bainbridge, went to court to com- plain that her wine cellar was being depleted by a tippling butler. Not Vly did the butler liberally sample - rare vintages, Mrs. Bambridge but he refilled the half- tr- ;,,,;its' with water, tea, and Lets Sleeping Dog Lie "Lucky clog," snorts Woodfair Farms' Sport Page as he passes a habitue of Hialeah Park race track snoozing in the sun. The dog was altogether unimpressed with hard-working Sport Page, who had just finished an early -morning workout. Those in the know say the horse may prove an upset victor if he goes to the post in the Kentucky Derby. PORT b/ A SbTC We ace by the papers that we are on our way to have at least a spot or two of 'Television on this side of the border; and just what drastic changes its corning is lia- ble to make in our beloved Canad- ian sporting picture is something to worry about, that is if you are the type which worries about such matters. Personally, the doubt if we will be able to get more than 11 or 12 hours sleep per night until we find out. J . 4 For acc;lyding to the announce- ments our Television is not going to be of the every -plan -for -himself variety, with the field open to any. body with a bankroll and nerve big enough to build a telecasting sta- tion. No, it is to be controlled by the CBC or some similar body, in which case the kind of sport we will be able to observe via the ether waves is more than likely to depend largely nn the kin,[ the Sports Director happens to fancy most him:cli, * Think of how it will he should said Sports Director, when, if and as appointed, turn out to be the sort of gent who thinks that Cricket is the noblest of 311 games, and dish out telecasts of that sport to us low -brows who ire far more inter- ested in what is happening in the 7th. heat at Duffcrin Park or some such. Although, to be perfcclly fair, we notice where a couple of cricket fans recently argued so rabidly that one carved up the other with ',ighly fatal results, which soundF as though the old game must be hotting up a trifle since our last visit. • 4 But 1a try and write sense, for a change, is 'Television eventually go- ing to have a beneficial effect on sport -or rather on sports 'lttend- ances-or the reverse? That's a $64 question which nobody -even down in Ncty York -seems 10 be able to answer with any pert Television has the sports pro- moters doing flip-flops and nip -ups in their efforts to find out whether or not they should encourage it, or try and nip it in the bud. A quar- ter-century ago they were in a sim- ilar sort of dither over Radio, fear- ing that folks would sooner stay hone and listen to oral descriptions of sports than come out and pay rash to see thein. $ * 4 Those fears proved grondless, as we all know. Instead of knocking off cash customers, Radio made countless thousands of new fans. In fact the evidence is almost unmis- takeable that Radio has been the greatest boon that the business of promoting sports has ever known. 4 * But does the same apply to 'fele- rieion? The Television folks, quite naturally, say that it does. But men who have money invested in sports, and who hada bit of experience with Video, are by no means cer- tain. "Radio provokes curiosity, but Television satisfies it," one spokes- man is quoted as haying; while an- other puts it that "Radio has made sports fans; but'I'elevision will only slake Television fans." • 4 e "A spots fan, getting a football Esme on his Radio," as one writer pato it, "hears some sportscaster with a musclar larnyx describing a thrilling touchdown run. The list- ener finally topples over the goal - line with the ball -carrier, emotion- ally exhausted. Once he gets breath ht's as likely hs not is sad 'Gee, 1 wish 1'd been (here In sue that run.' * * e "On Television, bhouph, he hat already seen it; and his reaction is notch more likely to be a casual 'Nice run, eh? Does anyone need a fresh drink?'" * * The Dempsey-Tunncy fight at Soldier's field in Chicago set up an all-time record for boxing attend- ance and receipts -and 10 the people in the back roles the ring looked about the size of a dish- rag, To people sitting in those seats, Gene and Jack must have appeared about ant -size, and what was actu- ally on in the ring they could only guess. If 'Television had been op- erating then -and if those salne folks, free of charge, could have had as good view of the contest as those in the front rows, is it likely there would have been 104,000 people crowd through the turnstiles to eke tune of $2,658,000 gate? Big league baseball promoters have little to squawk about regard- ing Television -as yet. They're do- ing quite nicely on the ever-grow- ing sums which advertising spons- ors arc paying for the privilege of televising their games. • But ask Newark and Jersey City, in the International League, what they think about it, They've been losing customers in wholesale quantities, simply because the folks would sooner watch the Yankees, the Giants, or the Dodgers from a com- fortable seat in some saloon, than sit on a hard bench in the hot sun and look at minor leaguers in ac- tion. • 1 4 Well, as we said earlier, we're go- ing to try and not lose too much of our beauty sleep over it. Crowds attending all sorts of sports, in regions where there is Television, have been Lalling off lately; but whether or not it is because the fans have less loose change in their pockets, or because they prefer to take it on a 'Television screen rath- er than in person, only time can decide, So we'll conclude this dis- course, not any loo soon, by quot- ing part of a ditty sung at a recent meeting of the New York Baseball Writers' Association -sung to the tune of "'fake tie Out to the Ball Game," It ran; Take us home to the ball game; Take us home to the wife; Get us our slippers, they're just the style Plug in the gadget and spin the old dial; Then we'll root for plenty of action, If a tube blows out, It's a shame; But no matter what happens, we'll never go out 'To the old ball game. 'Nle drastic regulations In effect In ilcnnlark by which two-thirds of notch production is earmarked for export arc going a bit to far, ac- cording to the story of a young Dane who had just become the father of triplets. Exhibiting the bonny infants to hint at the hospital, the nurse inquired, "Which one do you want to keep?" LITTLE REGGIE ;BOY WSW A CATCW ! RUN GET THE CAMERA ew-GGIEI+ 411'11" : CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AGENTS WANTED OILS, GREASES, TIRES insecticides, Electric fence Controllers, House and horn Paint, Hoof Coatings. etc. Dealers are muted. Write iVurcu Grease 0. Ulf Limited Toronto FOR 14.1 IX --LADINO CLOVER, 52,25 LB, GroLotsIof( 10t� poundscnrseed, more, express Grade exI, essprepaid. Popple Ilre.. 11, 3 'nlnsvllle, 0n1, ____ MAKE YOUR OWN PIPE !Milan Briar Stork and Stem, 75r; Semt-finfbh- A SPLENDID et'portunity of becoming your ed pipes, 85e; 4 Birch or Cob pipes, 11,00, (M- own Lnrs! Retail one 250 Guaranteed painted plaster wall decorations. Postage paid, household necessities Including the full Ilse Stonehouse, w'allarelnu•g. of Insecticides. In a territory o1 your choke. - Fart time scents eontddcred Hundreds of sue. IIAI.EU IIAV, ¥teas and legume, for hn- Cessful Fealties ascots started with a uorron' mlydlate mile. Apply for price, sorting gunn- e d 175 or SSC, \r, risk -- it Is \vomit a trial i11Y required, to Hawahorne'e forme, Prescott, Travelling equipment eaaentinl In. rural dig. Ont. -^ trlcts Uuxuless lb I;uod WI Ito today for "HISS Melody.New snot. Nice dance tune. detnrlr and I'nl:E eataingur. I'% III.CX. Send Ile to; A. K. McCrea, Brown's 11111, 1500 Delorlmter, Montreal Port Esahtgton, H.C. HOP SEHOLD Furniture and Anpbancee ore fast Fellers. Mahe a lrurthw•hlle extra in- cense aelllngh fins' lines on n full or part time bests. Generous cnmmisslnns• ProInrtlon nn111 daily Complete selling kit provided. (Vl'Ite for full details to MUTUAL I'I'IINISIIERS I.I11• ITEU. Dept, n 41' Crate St. W , lfnntrenl. Quebec. _ SEEKING EXCLUSIVE AGENTS Automatic (ire alarm system, bell ringing thermostat operation. No wiring neceesarY• Very interesting propooltlon for active agents, as 11 can bo easily sold In every home for Ilfe Protection, Few choice territories still open. For further details write to P.O. Box 17, Sou inn '1'., Montreal. CHICKS Till: TOP NOTCH chick does the trick. Whether you avant them for egg production or meat. we have them. .Alm for the right market with the right chicks. We have l2 pure breeds and 13 cross secede to choose from. Day old, two and three weeks old, Older nuncio 8 v:eeka to laying. Canadian Approved turkey peons dal' old, two and three weeks old. Free catalogue. Top Noteh 1'h1ek Sales, Guelph, Ontario. MONKTON Poultry I'nrnm Chicks -All we can sag Is try them. Results tell the story. Ail Breeders pullorum-tented and government banded Write for 1949 price Inst and cata- logue. Atunkton Poultry 1•'orme, Monkton, Ont, FII031 government b:nrbuL blood tested breed- ers, 'Unease bre, ,ullorutn clean Light Susses, Barred Rocks, 'lamp X ilnek cross, Oscar Anderson, 'Fro', Ontario, Tw'EElLF: CIIICKS have what ft takes. Ae R poultryman, you know the importance of certainly of egg producing qualifies. You know the v11111e of gond body stamina. Tweddle ',Melo' have these qualities In no uncertain degree. We have containers who have been bilg- ing 'Meddle chicks year in and year out for twenty-five years. 'there oust be It reason. Profitable chicks Is the answer. Day n(d chicks, hyo end three week old started. Older pullets eight weeks to laying, 'Turkey Molts all from Government Approved breeder'. 'l'weddle rhlrh Hntehcrlee Limited, Venue, Ontario,_ HOOKS ALUMINUM ROOFING R SIDING Cross -Crimped Corrugated and ribbed styles, 5 to 10 ft. lengths immediate delivery from stock. Write for samples and estimates Steel Distributors flouted, 600 Cherry St., 'Toronto. FOLDING CHAIRS, new guaranteed, eturdY. NU flat. No. 1 Maple, natural finish, 19.96 rack. Paramount. 168 King East, Toronto. IIAUCK Flame Guns, weed and brush burners of many useb. Immediate delivery, Write for lluetrntrd catalogue. Canadian Cooperative Wool Growers Limited, Lennoxvllle, Qncbec. TJLA(h and Decker Electric Urllle, braid new portable. 110 -volt, 60 (or 20) cycle, guaranteed, ;it" 040.00; !i" 421 00, Surplus Tools, 168 King East, 'Toronto. USE F'INN'S S.F: S. 'tablets. Stops calf bemire and pig ecours. Coat fifty cents calf, Ten cents Pig. Easily given, Guaranteed or mnneY refunded. One dollar trial anomie. R A Finn Co. Ltd.. London, Ont NEW WAR SURPLUS 11-eav'y Duty '('Ire chains for form tractors, heavy trucks, road graders, etc, All sixes Write for prices Jack Wardell, 764 3rd .Ace "A" 1.Ve0. Owen Sound, Ont. WOOD LATHES-, 12"436", henry dun' Timken bearing, reduced from 149 to 430. Ogilvey's Power 'fool Shop, 14: Resserri• Street, Ottawa, 6.8002. 11EInCA1 IT'S 1•NiCELLI:NT. Ileal results after taking Dixon's Remedy for Rheumatic Paine and Neuritis. Munro'' Drug Store, 386 Elgin, Ot- tawa Postpaid 81.00, THREE DAY -NA ,UELESS -COIL) Remedy, proves IIs rellahllity, treating Headrnlds, SI\1'f+, Hayfever. convincing trial 81.00. PURITY PRODUCTS, EXETER, Ont, PEOPLE AltI7 TALKING t' ut the good re- sults from taking Dixon's , emedy tor Rhea. mane Pains and Neuritis 1lunrn'e Drug Store, 885 Elgin, Ottawa. Poetpn0 11.00 NIUItS1:Iti STOt;lt DAHLIAS FOR EXHIBITION As low as 12.00 per dozen, write tor cata- logue to I1. iI. Johnson, Box 64, R.R. 3 Kel- owna, B.C. IVAN'I'F:DI First Elution "heaves of Grabs," RUY DEPENDABLE Seeds for your garden, by Walt Whitman, Brooklyn 1855. Pay New Catalogue now ready. write for Free 520.00. 'Treasure island," by Robt Londe Copy. Ontario Seed Company, Waterloo, Ont, Stevenson. London 1883. 18.00. Send deacrlp- ilon only, Howard James, Vernon, British Columbia. Aek for Price List. BUSINESS OPPOitTUNITiES AN OFFER to every Inventor -List of Inven- tions and lull Information Bent free. The Ramsay Co, Registered Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank Street, Ottawa, DYEING AND CLEANING IIAVF: YOU anything needs dyeing or clean- ing? write to us for Information. We are glad to answer your question'', Department 11, Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario. FARM iIELL' HOLLAND i'hmtgrant familia available, with one or more workers. Arriving during erring. Farmers here le your opportunity to obtain reliable help. Apply P.O. 234, Chat• ham, Ont 11115 SALE FREE SILK TIE POSTPAID Finest quality mercerized broadcloth, white and sniped dress ahh•te, postpaid; 12,75 with a free tie, Two for 86,25, Refunds. Wrest' Textiles, 1311 Ontario Haat, Montreal 24. A MODERN, electric, automatic well water pressure system In first class condition, Good reason for selling. Write F. A, Henley, Stoco, Ontario, IIAV1: A fine 34 -room brick hotel for Hale. The gallonage la 37,000 and price 1110,000.00. Also a 5Iaaaey-Ilar•is Implement denlerahlp, The building Is large, new, unfinished however. With other machines there are two new school buses. The price le 842,000.00 A general store for sale, has water system, Turnover 448,000 per year. Price la 87,500.00. Stork at invoice. All of there properties are near Sarnia. Apply to John Habro, Ileal 1:stule, Alvinslon, Ont. Phone 611-31. RADIO Alen, Anutleure, Experimenters and Electricians. write for your copy of Special Parts Iulletln No, 6. Radio Trade Supply Co. Limited, 695 Yonge SI., Toronto. LOW COST WALLBOARD For lining garages, attics, chicken house'', temporary partitions. Sixes 48"x00", Packed 10 aheeta per crate, shipped in crate lots only. Crate 510.30. Freight prepaid, Sample on re- quest. gummed tope for Joints 150' roll 30c, Send for our bulletin un other building materials. Canada Ire ti Cual Co., Hamilton, Ontario. 12 • 38 'CIIIIESIIINtI 5111.1.8 vurluus noises, 25 - 48 Threshing 51111a various makes, Used grain binders, standard 4 -wheel tractors, Write us about your nada for farm or saw null equlpnu 111, nese or need. Rlelnnond Farm Machinery co., Box 566. Thune 655 W, Amh"rnlburg, tint. HARDWARE BUSINESS • Toronto. Owner retiring. Established 30 Years. 1,000 litiPP. Stork at Invoice price, Including builders supplies, t'uuwlian Dement 11'ct1•1,• frnn'•Mh;e. e.'lerlte rrmuinlnt;. ATKINSON Hrol,o1, 1059_ Dulfcrin SI., 'Toronto. HE, 1347. BASKET uu'r'r01t nlnchhlerY, Including WIN le mlll, dragsna•, edger and trimmer, shafting, pulleys, bangers, beatinge, also 'tip saw 1,1,15 with ball-bearing mandrel emery g rimly. Rosa McKinnon, 1Itllehurgh, Ont. 1.1:.1...:, 11.1'. Chain Saw, extra chain. Good clnuliUnn. Jantzl Bros., It. 2 Roden, Ontario. VILLAGE of Athens, brick veneer home, all city conveniences, largo lawn and rose gar- den, low taxes, near schools churches and Mores. Write owner 11, 'r. Green, Athena, Ont. GRINDING and teed business for sale, no CNIl Irncl:e; new cement block building. I1. W. Boyd, Mnllorytown, USE !INN'S fled Blood Qucly teblete flevivea Renk, pale, scoury baby chick, turkey poulta, Coat quarter cent chick, half cent turkey. Gmn•nnteed or money refunded. One dollar trial rumple. R. A. Finn Co. Ltd., Landon, On( FURS -DIRECT FROM FACTORY Fur collars, beautiful Silver Fox 16.50 -Wolf, blue or natural 13.50, )'lneet For coats from 118.00 np, Write Leslie U. Scott 366 Mayor Street, Montreal. FLAMELESS LIGHTEIIS No wick, no fitnt, press plunger and tin alone red hot. Attractively boxed with complete In- etrurtiona. Only 12.50, Just right for out of daore. \'airway Distributing Co., 223 Brown St., 0aalt St Merle. Ontario. STEEL NAILS Compton wire, 1.6 -Inch; finishing, Ili -3 -Inch; bright shingle or plaster board, 11.1 %-inch. Independent Nall Co. Ltd., Write, wire or phone Beverley St., Galt, Ont. -868. TAKE YOUR TIME -AND BE SURE TO GET A GOOD SHOT PLANT a hedge -Reserve now for Spring de• livery -extremely hardy -quick growth; Chi- nese Elm -will grow two feet the first year - enough plants (25) to plant 25 feet. Special price 26 plants for 12,98, 12 -inch etzet-or, 26 pinta for 14.08, 2 -toot elze. Write for New Free Full Colour Garden Guide, Brook- dale-KingawaY Nuraeriee, Rowmanville, Ont. AMAZING VALUE! - 2 evergreene, 2 shade trees, 2 ornamental ehruba, 9 chryeaMhs- mume, 10 perennials, 18 plants, all different, 11.49. 6 apple trees true to name, all differ - int, 4 /b feet, 12.95, Complete nureery cats• logos free. Afeyfarm Nurseries, Galt, NURSING NURSING PERSONNEL' I NIGHT SUPERVISOR, MAY 1st, 1 ASST, NIGHT SUPERVISOR, MAY lot. 1 SUI'EIt1'ISOIt FOR SURGICAL WARD, AMAi' 1st, GENEIIAT, HU'T'S' NURSES - AT ONCE. Apply, stating qualiflcatlone, to Afien, 0, Watertnan, new. N. Superintendent of Nurses. McKellar General 11oepitnl, Fort William, Ont, OPPORTUNITIES for MEN and WOMEN 125,000 FOREIGN JOB OPPORTUNITIES Central and South America, Africa, Asia, Eu- rope, etc. Copyrighted Survey explalnl»g where end how to apply, with list of over 350 select firm, with foreign interest'', $1.00. Industrial 'Cretin Surveye, Dept. 22, 105 Ade - Wide St, W„ Toronto, 0n1, BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Hairdressing Plenennt dignified profession, good wages thonennde successful Marvel graduates. Amerlca'a greatest system Illustrated cats loguo tree, Write or Call MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 058 Bloor St. Ow, ro ontn Branches 44 King St., Hamilton & 72 Rideau Street, Ottawa PAINT'S l'AIN'I'! FREE 21,j Ibe. of Concentrated Soap Chips with all ordere, horn Paints, white, gray, green, the red and fence Pointe all colors. New 1949 Enamel, Semi-Gloae, Fiat, not a surplus paint --$2.05 per gallon, Quality guaranteed or money retooled, 11. S. Steiner, 21 Russell Street, 'Toronto. Man Orders accepted. PATENTS FETIIELtSTONAUOII & Company Patent So. Bettors, Established 1800. 360 Bay Street. Toronto. Booklet of information on request. I'EIRSONA1. ASTROLOGICAL Readings. Scientific. Ac- curate Please write for throe:tntion. I4va Winfield, 559 'I'hurlow, No. 206 Vancouver, Canada. _ HOBBY, Pen Pal ind Lonely 'leans pep'r stall in one leen*, 10 voile; with Ilene 25 *5111H. nox 187. WL, 'Toronto 1, Ontario, 'I'I'ttlhINS FUR ,AL1: TURKEY POUI:I'S all Cunudiuu Approved, hatched front 001110 01 +'nnndu'a moat out- sUutdiug br.eeding flocks, Day old, two and three week* old['roe e(rr•ular. 'I'lveddle Chick I latcheriee Limited. I'ergus, Ontario. WHITE HI01.LAN1) I'uulta now available, of- ficially handed and blond tested, Picked for the floret In their IVPs. 176.00 per hundred. Sunny Acres 'rIlrkey Farm. Patricia Nlchnlaon, Amile rethurc, Imt. _ IVAN'1'I:D ISAN'I•I:0, 1» (111tIn barber cbsir. Write or Phone, Hamilton [leanly Supoly CO.. 110 King 11.. II;unlllma. tin1. (VAN'I'1•:11-.Iny number ratite() Free Church of Scotland enthral books, good pries. Secretory, \e1*1InLbrook gaited Church Choir, Newtonhrnnk, Ontart°. FISil STUFF \\with his job as chairman of the Hoover commission over, ex -Presi- dent 11erbert lfoover leaned back in his chair, puffed on his pipe and said lie guessed he'd go fishing. "'There are only two occasions in life when people have a regard for one's privacy," he said. "One is Mien you arc at prayer. the other when you go fishing ... Whatever your associations are, you are in the presence of optimism, gladness, joy, and of course fish .. There are three distinct social levels ill trout fishing. The real aristocracy use only lh dry fly. A step lower are those who use wet flies. And the lowest of all are the bait fishermen , , Mr. Coolidge , , , used worms, This raised a dreadful outcry from bait fishermen." Curvaceous Angler- 1 lard to sacs if Marcellyn Gulbransen well catch any fish with that outfit, but she'll certainly cap- ture the eye. She's all flecked out as "Miss Sportsman" at a l'et'ell1 Sportsmen's and \Tacil- lio11 Shosv, MINARD'S LINIMENT 16.16 p Anply freely, and rub. That's a11. It's erteseless, fast•drytng; hes no strong odor. And it brings quick relief to muscle and joint soreness, stiffness, eche, LARGE ECONOMICAL SI2I 65c For constant Smoking Pleasure dfog4 001,44 EXPORT" Cigarette Tobacco ALSO AVAIILABU!' IN 11h POUND TiNS By Margarita I�III� 1�l y p� jf I. Ili Get Rid of Odor In Furniture Perhaps you have picked up a de- lightful old chest of drawers or a handsome old Morris chair, only to find that it gives off such an un- pleasant smell that you cannot use it, The odor may come from inside the drawers or it may conte from the upholstery. Don't be discouraged. There are several way, of deodorizing furni- ture effectively, and if the piece is properly treated, any smell can be eliminated. Here is how to do it: First, locate the source of the odor. If it conies from the corners of wooden drawers and is not strong, the remedy is simple. Pttlt the drawers out and set them out of doors in the sunshine, where they will be exposed to plenty of fresh air. Repeat this procedure for sev- eral consecutive days, In most in. stances, by this treatment, the odor will vanish. If the odor is more stubborn, it will be necessary to break off any wobbly pieces; they usually are tainted with the smell, Then put a good deodorant, such as a milddew- proofing preparation, in the drawers. Moth crystals containing para• dichlorobenzine are the ntost effec• five, However, because the fumes are very powerful, these should not be used for bedroom furniture, Onion or garlic smell often is retained in kitchen furniture, Even these offensive odors- can be re- moved. With a brush, spread a strong suspension of chlorinated lime in water on the wood. Repeat this procedure daily until the odor leaves. Odors from upholstery penetrate deply, and more effort Is required to get rid of them. Try the simplest method first. Sprikle an cffectitve cleaning powder over the headrest and upholstered arms of the chair, Let it remain there for one day; then rub it in with a stiff brush. After a few hours, brush out the powder. For a complete job, run the nozzle of your vacuum cleaner furniture attachment down behind the cushions. If the odor conies from beneath the surface, however, powder alone won't do 'the trick. If this is the use, first clean the piece thorough- ly with the vacuum cleaner. Then obtain a strong upholstery cleaning preparation. Beat this with an egg beater until it is peaked with rich suds. Scoop up the suds with a stiff brush and swirl them on the upholstery, rubbing one area at a titne, thoroughly. Rub slowly, with a rotary, emotion. It is important to use only the suds; see that none of the liquid gets into the fabric, Wipe the upholstery with a damp cloth. If you wish to be absolutely cer- tain of your success, follow the cus- tom of our forefathers. Lay a piece of genuine camphor in a drawer, Once the odors are out, keep them out, Vacuum upholstered furniture thoroughly at least twice a month. Air drawers in sunshine immediate- ly when you detect an unpleasant odor. NOT STREAMLINED Recent research into artificial rainmaking, has discovered that raindrops aren't streamlined in the usual sense of the word. It found out about them by using an ultra- high -speed stroboscopic flash cam- era, together with a sort of vertical wind tunnel which virtually "float- ed" a single drop of water at a time in an updraft. As a result the drop, moving only slightly In the rising air, stayed in focus for succesive pictures. These photographs showed that small drops are either spherical or football -shaped, Larger drops shift rapidly among a variety of shapes, finally taking the ,form of dumb- bells just before tliey split apart as the narrow neck breaks under the strain, "Contrary to popular conception," the scientists concluded, "raindrops are not tear -shaped, and for that matter neither would be tears' If they fell very far." "V" Stands For "Visit" This Time—\Vhist on Churchill, Great Britain's wartime prince minister, greets New York with his famous "V -for -Victory" sign as he and his family arrive aboard the Queen Elizabeth. With him are, at left, his daughter and son-in-law, Capt. and Mrs. Christopher Soames, and, at right, his wife. TIIEFAMFRONT JOkA1aLL Some folks call then "tailor made soaps"; others "wetting agents", The correct name, of course, is "syn- thetic detergents" and they've really revolutionized two jobs that used to be dreaded on many farms—cleaning the milking machine and separator. * « * As many of you no doubt know without me telling you, inside the tubes of a milker is an ideal place for bacteria to grow. You know what that tneans, especially in hot weather—and it used to be a wise custom, although something of a nuisance, to keep the tubes full of a disinfecting solution, * * *. Soap never did really work with milk, It formed a curd; and the old-style dairy cleansers caused a whitish deposit to form on rubber and metal parts. But now the milker can be flushed with a syn- thetic detergent, and your worries are over. * k * if the whitish deposit has already collected, you can remove it by first soaking the utensils in vinegar solu- tion, then brushing. Here's the formula one dairy equipment serv- iceman recommends. To one gallon of water add one quart white vine- gar and one tablespoon of synthetic 'detergent. (Ile claims this will even remove lime from a tea -kettle or hot water tank, by the way.) * « * However, don't soak your metal milk things in the solution without watching closely, as too long a treat- ment is liable to cause the metal to pit or become rough. Once your dairy equipment is free of the whit- ish deposit, wash immediately after every milking with the proper deter- gent, and your scouring days are over. 4. F ,: You'll still need to use a brush, however, on certain parts, especially If there should happen to be garget In the milk. But in most cases the equipment will flush out clean. No oily droplets will be left inside the milk tubes—consequently, no bac- teria can live. A rinse with boiling water is always recommended, this leaves the equipment hot, so that it will dry quickly. 4, H * "But our separator is out in the barn" some of you are probably saying. That doesn't stop one man I heard about. He Inas to take a couple of 10 -quart pails for milk and cream anyway; so he carries Aid to Farm Mechanization Bringing the farm a step closer to complete mechanization, this new field forage harvester automatically picks up hay from the windrow, chops and blows it into a trailing wagon. A quick cluing?. can be made to convert the device to a harvester for cutting and chopping corn. these full of warm water from the house, Part of it he pours into another pail for scalding, and boosts up the temperature with a small electric water heater. * « * 1'1'arm Water and detergent are poured into the separator tank right after the milk is rinsed out. This solution is caught in a pail and then the spouts, discs and other parts are whisked through it before scalding. * « « Which should be about enough regarding the easiest way to launder milk equipment except this final word—for best results, never let milk dry on the utensils before washing. * * * Now for a few odds and ends, picked up from hither and yon. If you have electricity in your barn all the wiring should be thoroughly inspected at least once a year. Look for broken insulators, uncovered switches and loose connections. For additional safety, brush all cobwebs and trash away front the wiring. * « 4, Many bins of oats which look alt right are worthless for seed because the oats just won't grow. Bin heat- ing, so slight that you will hardly notice it, will destroy germination. Bettec test before you sow. * * * Early planted shrubs and trees have the best chance to live and grow. Prompt planting and heel- ing -in after receiving stock from the nursery is also highly important. * * * The real test of a brood sow is the number and weight of pigs at 56 days of age. Pig markers, and a little time spent at farrowing and weaning time will tell yott which sows are good and which are bad. You might be surprised at the results. * * * The mud season can waste a whole lot of feed, There are two ways that feed can be lost, 1. Some feed may be tramped Into the mud and, (21 animals may eat a lot of mud -covered grain, get out of condi- tion and make poor gains, Self feeders and feeding floors should get special attention daring spring thaws, * « « And just a reminder—winter oil should be drained out of the tractor before itis taken to the fields. SOME RECORD Mrs. Doris Acosta, Columbus housewife, is out again for an alti- tude and endurance record—in kite flying. Mrs. Acosta had 5,000 feet of string out on her 10 -cent kite before the string broke and it disappeared. Now she's bought another one and will try for 6,000 feet. Mrs. Acosta, who has a 16 -month- old daughter, Norma, said: "1'11 call myself the champion until I !tear that some woman tragi good enough to beat me." RECLAr. FELLERS V11111111•••• MIS to TH' MMUS& ttgsr'ttunrr IN 1VWN' ("/"\o/Aio-GREEN 1THuMB e4�: ,� I;, . Gordon, Smith ti GARDEN NOTES EQUIPMENT If necessary, all the tools needed in a stnall garden will be a rake, a (toe and a spade or digging fork, These are minirntttn requirements. With a little more equiptnent much labor can be saved. Digging forks, cultivators, special weeders, dutch hoes, etc., will make the werk easier and more interesting, They;are de- signed for special jobs, All will do better and easier work If kept reit.: sonably sharp. For larger gardens a small gar- den tractor that will cultivate, plow, cut the grass and do other Jobe might well be considered, These are now coming on the tnarket free, ly, They are not expensive and are very cheaply operated, A quart of MONNE STOPWATCH OF A LIFE When he reached his eightieth birthday a Swiss recently took stock of his life with the aid of an un- usually detailed diary. He did not reach the conclusion that he was moderately successful, or rejoice in his brief triumphs, or bemoan his many failures, indiscretions and stupidities, or express any opinion about himself. He looked at him- self statistically and thus saw him- self in perspective as the sometimes bored, sometimes active, person that he was. First of all he figured that he had spent 26 years, 12 days, 18 hours and 22 minutes just sleeping —about a third of his life, which is what is to be expected of any man. Work accounted for 21 years, 85 days, 14 hours and 40 minutes. He was angry or annoyed 5 years, 346 days and 5 minutes. He wasted 5 years, 302 days, 16 hours and 45 minutes in anterooms, hotel lobbies and other places waiting for men and women with whom he had ap- pointments. Eating consumed al- most as much time -5 years, 346 day's, 5 (tours and 12 minutes. Shav- ing occupied 228 days, 2 hours and 52 minutes; signing his name 42 days, 14 hours and 58 minutes; scolding his children 26 days, 14 hours and 3 minutes; tying cravats 18 days, 12 hours and 6 minutes; gas will operate them 'for several (tours. * * 6 ADD TO VARIETY By adding a new flower or vege- table each season one will make pleasing discoveries and add to the value and interest of the garden. Each year the plant breeder dis- covers new types and varieties, and turns out better or hardier plants that will do well in a wider range of climate in Canada, In addition to brand new flowers and vegetables, new shades have been added to old standbys among the flowers earlier, more tender var- ieties to standard vegetables. Some of the old favorites would hardly be recognized today. Flowers have been greatly improved in size and color and vegetables are better too. It Is a good plan to gos over the seed catalogues carefully and note some of these improvements. Even for the colder parts of Canada it is n ow possible to get varieties of early corn, tomatoes, melons and blowing and wiping his nose 13 days, 8 hours and 28 tninutes; light- ing cigars, cigarettes and pipes 12 days, 16 hours and 4 minutes; look- ing for collar buttons 6 days, 21 hours, 25 minutes; yawning 4 days, 2 hours and 26 minutes; telling the barking dogs that he owned during his life to lie down and keep quiet 2 days, 14 hours and 20 min- utes. The saddest itetn of all is the last. Ile laughed only one day, 21 hours and 3 minutes, On the whole this is not a bat way of viewing one's self objective- ly. The omissions from the table tell as much as the inclusions. A statistican who notes exactly how much time he spent each day merely in eating is not likely to be thrilled by a sunset or exalted by a Beethov- en eethoven symphony perfectly played. So we have no statistical insight into his spiritual and emotional life. To be sure, there is an entry which reads "in love 4 years, 39 days, 8 hours and 27 minutes," but even the blood of a statistican can be stirred by femininity. Evident!) this recorder of yawns and scold. ings was no Franz Liszt, who had twenty-four grandes passions and at least a hundred minor affairs of the heart, nor a Goethe, who was still kneeling at the feet of inamoratas in itis old age. such semi -tender things that will dc well, The plant breeders have made this possible by selecting very early maturing types and breeding from these, Certainly this point should be considered in making up the list of purchases. And It is also well to add something that, solar as tht reader is concerned, is entirely new but that is recommended for hit locality, « « * FOR PRIME QUALITY To get top quality in vegetables growth must be hurried along. Real- ly tender' vegetables are those which are grown fast, that have never known a set -back and are picket when they are at their best and quickly put into the pot or on the table. When a vegetable stops grow- ing it starts to turn tough. The wise gardener will help growth along by thinning property, cultivating fre- quently, adding some quick chemi- cal fertilizer if necessary and soak- ign with water if the weather turns really dry, HEROIC TRAM MOTORMAN HALTS DRIVERLESS TAXI WINE DOW AWARD S. B. MATHER of Torenla Sr* rvwway cab to step sea st parked shed ea On duty in his Bay Street tram 8, B. Mather noticed a taxi run. ning wild — with no driver — careening down Avenue Road! Realizing the disaster it could cause,Mather raced his street as until e had passed the taxi.Theo, stopping his tram, he rushed out.., leaped on the taxi's running board and got the door opts. With difficulty he managed to get inside grab the wheel and bring the ab to a halt. S. B. Mather has been gives The Dow Award. L It was about 7 o'clock on a Saturday evening when Mather noticed the driverless cab gaining speed as it rolled down Avenue Rd, 3. The emergency break wouldn't hold , and Mather was forced to bring the cab to a halt against the front door of his parked street cat. LISTEN 4, Racing his tram until he had passed the taxi, the fest•tbinking motorman got out and jumped on the running board. NATIONAL t1REWEMEt WAITED T� sim, and IncluE DOW dD des to Elm ten anode nSul~ air of t 71. Atom! Contrnitte& a SurMs Bond, TM siten newspepe,l Mode * from r. e/ meddle Ce made 1, rNHonetl /rout namnrendoffene made w y �neun metol ar8ontmflen, DOW BREWERY MONTREAL eA+M TO THE DOW AWARD SHOW, MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY —? 1 d F.M, By GENE BYRNES 1 NOW 1 UNDERSTAND e ERV'rNUtn! THAT MW' DB WHAT THEY CAU. A'IA CARTE! 5' ;r .'.ii,-- ir a 114 •w•rl 4.411A4444 4 -MAA 1.64 �. int 34- 1141. PAGE 4. ROSE BRAND CHOICETERIA FEEDS Rose Brand Calf Meal Rota! Purple Calf \lea! 1 :ttchford's Calf Meal iitatcltford's Calf Pollens Iodized Sat Blocks Cobalt Salt Blocks iodized Cobalts - 100 lbs. Robin flood Flour Purity Flour Peat Moss, Chick Starter Chick Starter Pel etts Growing Mash Growing Mash Petlatts Laying \lash Laying :trash Peltetls Broiler ,\lash Pig Starter Pig Grower Dairy Ration Chicken Grit ♦rr. --- WATCH FOR OUR I. G, A. SPECIALS --- THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY. HOLLAND'S GROCERY AND LOCKER SERVICE Telephone 39 -- We Deliver MEALS MEALS YOUR SATISFACTION ISOURAIM WE FEATURE A VARIETY OF WELL -COOKED FOODS. Ice Cream, Cigarettes, Cigars and Soft Drinks. Hours:--- 7 a.m. to 2 p,m.; 5 p.m. to Midnite. Sundays:--- 10 a,m. to Midnite, Caterers to Parties and Weddings. Commercial Restaurant C. Elliott, Proprietor. TEE STANDARD Wednesday, April 6,194 W'ESTFIELD Y.P,U, Meeting - - Mr, and \trs. Kenneth Cant:n'l c�On NIondayevening, :\pril 4th, the - were 1.end::t and St. Thomas visitors 11011 Young People's ' +tion held the - last tvook-end. third regular meeting. This Union was , I Mr. and \Irs. Howard Campbell vis- organized on March 7th 194`), and it - ited on Sunday with Mrs. A, E, Johns- was decided that every s;cond week ton, of West\wawanosh, there would be a meeting. _ Co;' ratttlatious arc extended to Mr. The last meeting consisted of a gen- and Mrs. Ernest Snell on the arrival eral business session, led by 11111 Man - of a bah girl horn, on Thursday, Hiro:;, President Miss Alice .McKenzie March 31st, at their h::+:ne on the 4th then read a kriL t stc y connected with Concession of East Wawanosh. l t ht ishFellowship. Felloship. Ott': Recreation, \\'c arc sorry to hear that Mr. Jim al Pe:lod was dire. ted by Rev, \V. J. McKay is a patient in \'ktoria 1lospi- Rogers at which time we played Sing- - ttai, London, we hope for a speedy re- log Games. corcry. Next \foo,day evening, ave are holding these _ ' *\1r. Douglas Campbell is busy- our fourth re•4n':• meeting. This days circling wood for the (antics. meeting is beteg moved ahead oste Miss Joyce Brcekow, ,of Gederich, week im order to avoid the Faster- spent *the week -end with 11 r, and Mrs, neck -end We have invited the Young - Howard) Campbell, . Pcop'e of 1.ondesboro to attend this Miss Joy Lutz lysis able to return to meeting. All members are urged to school on Monday after spending a tuns out at 8 p.m, sharp at the 11Y}tth kw days in the hospital and comics- United Church, and give our guests a CII''; at ILPtlte'. really good time. Mr. and NIrs, James Doak, of Gode- I — ridt, st t Omweek-endwith \Ir. and FOR SALE \Irs. Fred Cook, I Quantity. of Orchard Grass. A!ipi)' Mr. 1.hyd Walden's crlony house to Edward Quinn, phone 34-19, Blyth. borated down on Tuesday ts'ght. Tho . l-1, • toss was heavy inau.ding the colon)• house and 5 (1 chickens. \I r. Walden' TENDERS WANTED was waken�ral in the night by the fire, TENDERS twill be received by the which was fortunate because other gn tt,tdcrs`;¢ned el) until April 18th, 1949, buildings might also heave burned. The at 9 pfor 7,nt yards of gravel, loss was covered by insurance' l five cighth•inclt crush, -j .\Iiss Margaret Jefferson of Don -1 llatight cheque of h3Cll, must acccntt ny:brook visited on Saturday with Mrs. I1lary tetddch Walter Cook. t Gravel to start in �e;ltcnuhcr. .11.. Japer \1cDricn, Gndcrich, anal t GraveLowest or any tender not nccessar• ' M rs. .:•.mie Wal�-er, Anhn•i, visite!) fly accepted,or OR Monday with \1 r. and Mrs. Gor- donLEN. CALDWELL, Snell, Road Smit., Mullett, 'Township, We are sorriv to hear that \frs " act) R.R. 1, Londesboro. _ G rdbn Snell is under the doctor's --- care wth bronchial pneumonia, \\ie wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. AUBURN Mrs. George Wilkin and baby son Robert are at ,present in Goderich as and \Irs. Bert Craig spent a guests of Mr. and Mrs, A. Wilkin, • few days in Toronto. I Mr. and Mrs, Roy Farrow of Mit- Mr. and \frs. Harry Arthur and chew visited Mr. James 11. Johnston. \frs. Carrie Armstrong spent the week , Rev. J. L. H. Henderson) preached lend with relatives in Woodstock. 1 his farewell sermon at St, \larks An - Donald Ross, of Galt, with his moth- glican Church here on Sunday ntorn- er, 'tin.. Fred Ross, I' Previous to the service he was pre- sented with t+ farewell address and a Mrs, William J. Thompson and Mr. purse, of money by this congregation. and Mrs. .Mark Armstrong and Tont Rev. Henderson expressed his deepest Armstrong, of St. Helens, with Mr. gratittrcfe for the .gond wishes an.' and Mrs. Mel. Craig and family. 'gift on behalf of *himself, Mrs. Hen). Mr. Charlie Pilgrim of Varna visited Berson an't son John. Mr, and Mrs. Charles East. Guests with Mr. and Mrs, E, Law - The maple syrup season here has son on Sunday were'NIT. and. Mrs. been a :'tort one at:11 the supply comes lofts Finlayson of Seaforth and Mr. .'far short of the demand. William Kritsc of Galt,' The (f::a) epidemic is still very pre- valent here and every day someone , else is overtaken by the dread disease. Is Your Subscription Paid? e For Your easter arras e Our Cleaning is GOOD, as in Good Friday • Our Service Quick, like an Easter Bunny, Which goes to remind you it wont 1)0 long till Easter and Soling Cleaning Time, and that is where \t'l'4 cone in, MEN'S— THREE•P1ECE SUITS . TOP COATS TROUSERS UNIFORMS RAINCOATS CLEANFID .,...__._.. RAINCOATS WATERPROOFED SUITS PRESSED ONLY .. LADIES'— TWO•PIECE SUITS SPRING COATS SKIRTS (Plain) SKIRTS (Pleated) DRESSES (Plain) DRESSES (Pleated) DRESSES (Two.Piece) SWEATERS HOUSEHOLD CLEANING -- $1,00 1.00 .50 .85 1.25 1,50 .50 $1.00 1.00 .50 .75 .90 1.25 1.110 .5l DRAPES per pair $1,25 to $1.75 FLOOR MATS each 50c to $1.25 CUSHION COVERS .25 WOOL BLANKETS ..._.. _...,....._.75 BED SPREADS , 1.00 1.00 WO':L COMFORTERS Agent for United DeForest Dyers, Toronto Mothproofing, Waterproofing and Minor Repair Service. 3 Day Service --- Rush Orders Accepted. Gliddon Cleaners All work done on premises, King Street, Clinton. • —WE CALL FOR AND DELIVER— Phone 466W—Clinton. _----v --- DONNYBROOK A BARGAIN IN HONEY 'I'hc shortage of dollars in Europe has tefl"O arily ruined the export Mar- ket for honey, This gives you the op- porItooty to purchase a (15 -lb. tin of op - Mr. aril Mrs. C'arm,an Ilorlry, Jane, mild amber honey for $'6.50. If tlhis Ruth and n111, of Sarna, were Sunday quaan i y is too large. we can supply visitors at the home of the formers ' e„Haller autottnts ; clover at 20c or am - uncle, Mr. J. C. Robinson, Other vis - bur at 1'r. T. G. Scrihbints, Victor;a ytors at the Robinson honk inchuh,d' St. "I"”' 4"1-"e 315. 39-20, Mrs, Elizabeth Naylor and MI'.\1'ntt. EIsley, of Benaniller, and Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Robinson and son, Russel, of tl_•eiv have purchased on the 7th con- Winghatu. cesac0 recently vacated by \f"r, and \I r. and Mrs. Win, Hardy anal sons \Ir:s, Joe, 'ready, wo have moved to have moved from Carlow to the farm t' e r hemi at. St. Augustine. We're Saving for. Family Security... Every dollar you deposit in this Bank can be a step further toward security and greater happiness for the family, Out of savings will come important things in your family life . , , good edu• cation for your children travel ,,,aswell as security for all. The manager of any branch of The Canadian Bank of Commerce will be glad to advise you about opening Savings Accounts for the entire family. Consult him today. "Commerce -- a family tradition" AO- THE CANADIAN BANK OFCOMMERCI3 229.111 Blyth Branch --- N. W. Kyle, Manager. Blyth Phone 9 WE DEMUR MNIK•rNrV f)reer•+{rrrNNllNrererr,rr•er sereNMNIN�eN#N'N# Success Begins by Shopping AT MADI]LL'S FEATURING A. GOODYEAR WELT BOOT WITII A STEEL. SI-IANIC •-- FOR MEN WI -IO REQUIRE GOOD FOOTWEAR, VARIOUS STYLES OF MEN'S WORT{ BOOTS with Crepe, Leather, and Panco Soles, ALSO WORK BOOTS FOR BOYS, Sisman Scampers for the Children, MADILL'S Your Corner Shoe Store in Blyth, .~4,....04W MrNNJ+eNaraams+*M• *SW raa MrrfNINN•I`I�NN+� 0498•N•N•N•N•N•N•/ / NO 0♦01 NOf•1 ••4.4..944"04N44 ,0 ••NOJ♦4444 0 01 ON GILL 'd -4 • _; : :• y; 074 BLYTH --- ONTARIO. Special Low Prices on Full Course Meals t. 45 Cents And up Meals at All Hours. FRANK GONG i- Proprietor .�• a 41:10 414.44+44414 444:4441:4 •�•�H��1•�H�.1�N�N�11111�•1�N�•�....•.�N�11�N�11�H�1 •�N�f •�N�H� •�N�N�N�fi�N�N�1NI .1, . L. ., 1 STEWART JOHNSTON Massey -Harris and Beatty Dealer. See our Complete Stock of Pipe Fittings, Beatty & Massey -Harris Repairs - Pump Repairs, all kinds. Dealer for Imperial Oil Products, For Prompt & Efficient Service Phone 137-2, Blyth Boundary Farm Forum the final meeting of the year. No dis- cussion was held so the remainder of (Teo late for last 'week) the even`n; was spent its recreation. On March 21st, forty members of Prizes were given to winners of the the l;ottminry Farm Fo:ati» sat down to various games, \Ieotiug closed tvit'h a a 51; l ytuotts supper at the Rollie of vote of thanks to, the host and hostess Mr. and ::rs. George Watt, this being - and the singing of God Save the King. • All ashes and garbage must be disposed of by April 23rd. The Village Dump will now be located on the old C.N.R. Tracks, south of the Village, on Mr. Gilbert Nethery's farm. On May 5th the Corporation will again resume garbage collection in the Village, All garbage ]oust be in proper containers and left on the side of the street. Householders are asked to co-operate, thereby helping to beautify our village, JOHN STAPLES, 29.2, Sanitary Inspector. WOKE,- 1 OOK - Specials for Thurs. Fri. Sat. PURE LARD SHORTEN- Aylmer CAT - 20c LB. , ING - 31c LB. SUP - 2 for 31c l Sunlight Soap 3 for 35c Dreft per pkg. 33c 1 Yellow Sugar 10 Its, 87c Cream Corn .......... 2 for 35: No. 1 Clover Horey .._ 4 lbs, 92c Grapefruit Juice 48 oz. 25c Luxor & Red Bird Matches 3 for 26c. Canned PEAS 3 tins 25c. Tomato JUICE 3 tins25c. Chicken HaJdie 24c Quaker Oats (China) 44c Gold Star 1lour .......... 21 1':e, 51.25 Beehlte Syrup ..- 5 iba, 57c Blue Ribbon Coffee 3 Ib. jar $1.97 Bulk S:ap Flakes 2 lbs. 45c Rennie's and Steele Brigg's Garden Seeds. Lawn Grass, Dutch Sets, and Multipliers, Leave Us Your Order for Certified Seed Potatoes. STEWART1 GROCERY Webeatay, April 6,141!6 sea MAKE THE CO.OP YOUR HEADQUARTERS for all your FARM NEEDS We have on hand a quantity of GRASS SEED, TIMOTHY, ALSIKE ALFALFA and REI) CLOVER. We will also be ordering other seed mixtures. If there is any mixture you would like us to order for you drop in to see us, Don't Wait Until It's Too Late. We also have a good supply of WELL -CURED FERTILIZER ON HAND. Get your order in now, Don't be Disappointed by Waiting Too Long, Carman Hodgins, Manager. Blyth Farmers Co -Op Association TELEPHONE 172 • BLYTH, SNELL Profit•Proven CHICKS (GOVERNMENT APPROVAL) HATCHING TWICE WEEKLY --- CHOICE OF BREEDS --- S.C.W. Leghorn F. F. Marred Rock, New 1lampshires. Light Sussex, Rock X Leghorn, Ilantp X Leghorn, 1Iamp X Rock. Sussex X Rock. Sussex X Ilantp, Started Chicks When Available, ALVIN SNELL Local Sales Representative, Telephone 35-11, Blyth, :r Next Week Is EASTER ORDER YOUR HAM NOW Arnold Berthot Telephone 10 --- Blyth, Till STANDARD Ktt+RrittttRtt+E t c• ,1 10 , ;11A. • Elliott Insuraiice Agency BLYTH— ONT. INSURE NOW! AND BE ASSURED. Car - Fire - Life - Sickness - Accident. J. H. R. Elliott Gordon Elliott Office Phone 104. Residence Phone, 12 or 140 COURTESY AND SERVICE, i10t)gDtAt7tSOXIOnmZthIlli lronatWar7tgrStrant rnanrontM)1/0lgtltt1001161M3t 00anis 5 Prepare Now For The EASTER PARADE with A new Gabardine or Wool Crepe Suit, Beautiful Shades and Styles. A new Dress in Flowered Crepe or Jersey. A new Topcoat in Twill or Velour, A new Shortie - Plaid or Plain. SHOWERPROOF GABERDINE COATS FOR' THE LADIES. Kiddies' Coat Sets and Dresses. 'Teen-age Shortie Suits and Dresses, SPECIAL JUNIOR BOY'S LONG TROUSERS , .. , .. $2.98 Boys and Junior Suits, Ready Made. Odd Trousers, Sweaters and Windbreakers, Overalls, Work Pants, and Shirts. MEN'S RAINCOATS AND TRENCH COATS Stetson and Adam Hats. 1 I W. J.eon Phone 211 --Sanitone Dry Cleaning--• Blyth, CHESTERFIELDS AND OCCASIONAL CHAIRS REPAIRED and RE-COVERED. FREE PICK•UP AND DELIVERY For Further Information Enquire at J. Lockwooth Furniture Store, Blyth Agent, Stratford Upholstering Co NrNN•PrNr"M"rN,oresmrNM.*: Seed Corn Now is the time to get that Seed Corn ordered, Agent for Funk G, Hybrids. Also have on hand Ground Corn Meal and Ground Alf- , alfa Meal, H, McCALLUM r r ; PAGE 5 +rrrrrr++rrrNNv ItOXX TIiEA'rRE, CAPITAI, THEATRE REGENT THEATRE CLINTON. OODERICH, • SEAFORTH, (Vow Playing (Apr. 7.9) Walt Disney's __ Now Playing (April 7.9) Danny Kayo "BAMBI" In Technicolor. All children should see this attraction Now Playing (AFr. 7.9) Walt Disney's and Virginia Mayo in 'A Song Is Born' Mon., Tues., Wed., (April 11.13) l great hit "BAMBI" In Technicolor .--,�,�, In Technicolor and Barry Fitzgerald, Howard Duff and Mon, Tues,,.Wed., (April 11.13) Mon„ Tues., Wed,, (April 11.13) Barry Fitzgerald, Dorothy Hart Franchot Tone and Janet Blair Howard puff Dorothy Hart The stark, realistic story of a throb- bing tnctr(4 olis, stripped of its Wain- 4lresent.o: a riotous comedy based on 'rellinj about a hard•bittett chief orf our. An authentic mystery fileted in 'Ihc experieiuces of a ratan who wooed flitilectites and the crime thtt.t made Gotham with the. co-operation of its I 'p,01 hits fatuous mayor and police department it "I LOVE TROUBLE" THE NAKED CITY "THE NAKED CiTY" narrated by Mark Hellinger Thur,, Fri„ Sat, (April 14.16) Thur, Fri., Sat.,, (April! 14.16) Thurs., Fri., Sat., (April 14.16) Edmund Gwenn, Janet Leigh and John Wayne, Harry Carey, Jr, and "TH,E M,AN FROM COLORADO" , Tom Drake i Ward Bond In Technicolor! A simple homey story done in '1'echna- Peter 11 liyne's ss kk]y read yarn be- Injustice fans the passions of strong color by a flawless cast comes' something definitely diffurcnt men its an epic of the Colorado frontier "HILLS OF HOME" in this Tcchnicolorect Western ' Glenn Fcrd, Wiliam Holden and --- — ( THREE GODFATHERS Ellen Draw �� Comin3 (Apr. 18.20) "A Song Is Born" Coming (April 18.20) Franchot Tone Coming (April 18.20) Wallflower & In Technicolor, with wDanny Kay` in 1 LOVE TROUBLE Mat.. Saturday and Holidays, 2.30 Mat., Wed., Sat,, Holidays at 2.30 I Mat.. Saturday and Holidays, 2.30 NNNrNNrIr�rl�rlNrN1 NNNNNNrrNr1 NNINMIVNINN�rfIMNN1�4hN.NNI•IlNrM1 V'INNrrrMrNrrA "THE BIG PUNCH" Phone 204, Blyth, FOR SALE 1932 Ford coupe. Apply to T. Law- rence, phone 16-6, Myth: 29-1,14 FOR SALE \'ikiirg electric separator, almost new; 1948 Ford coach, with radio; 1948 Chevrolet sedan, low mileage, both in excellent condition throughout. Ap- ;aly, phone 11-13, Myth. 29-1, DRESSMAKING • I For 114essma)drq a1:4 setvirt; of all kb' 1., amply to Mrs. Pratt, Myth. 'l'ele- 9hnve 467, 2)-1p, LOST Car License Marker No. 83T96 also (tail light, on the 8t11 line of Morris on Brussels Highway. Finder please coo- lant Millar Richmond, Phone 13-6 Blyth. 29.11) PURSE LOST Purse containing sunt of money., and identifications. Finder please return and receive suitable reward. Rohcrt Baird, Myth. 2)-1 p• ATTENTION, PLEASE! 1f you are in need of any of the fol- lowing building utatcrials, consult the undersigned, \Ve have building nluter- Iial in wood of all dimensions, also frames and sash, doors, trim, and built- in kitchen cabinets. MNa1 barn roof - g, galvanized steel, and aluminum' mgalvanized stock water troughs, asphalt shingles, insul bric siding, instil board, wool insulation and builder's ha rd ssa re, plumbing fixtures, tubs, built-in and on feet, toilets, and basics, and pipe and pipe fittings, shallow web pressure systems. \Ve have these all in stock and will estimate for you. Phone 36, P.O. Box 71, . L. SCRIMGEOUR & SON, 28-5. Blyth, Ontario, Coming•Mar3l PLAY, ENTITLED 'TEMPEST & SUNSHINE' Presented by a Walton Cast and spctusorel by Group 1 of the WA, of Myth United Church This Play Coarses Highly Recommended ' t •NrtNII.NiNNIIMrNrNN+NtNN •#••••••••••••••••••#~ ***** IJIP#41,r4PI. Get Youri Dutch Sets OW AT lack Wilso n General Merchant 1 BELGRAVE - ONTARIO Phones: Brussels, 14R8, Wingham, 644R22 OPEN EVENINGS FREE DINNERWARE Renfrew Cream Separators and Milkers. Fleury -Bissell Discs, Plows, Manure Spreaders. •Lime and Fertilizer Sow- , ers, Spring -tooth Harrows Land Packers, Rubber -tired Wagons. Oliver Tractors, both wheel tractors and Starting time, 8 p.m. Admission 35c and 20c. 27-2. PARKVIEW BEAUTY SHOP Where Better Permanents Cost Less. Have a Lovely Permanent _ to go with Your New Easter Hat, • YOUR SATISFACTION 18 OUR SUCCESS. Phone 35, Myth. 4 1 11 1 HIGH CLASS DECOR- ATING AT LOW COSTI If you are interested in - a high class job of de- corating at moderate cost, we would be pleas- ed to quote you a price on your next job. We use the most modern methods for decorating, either naintingor paper- ing, . We will be pleased - to serve you. F. C. PREST crawlers, Plows, Discs, Spreaders, Mowers, Hay Loaders, Smalley Forage Blowers and Hammer Mills. «'e also have repairs for f Oliver-Cockshutt Tractors MORRITT & WRIGHT IMPLEMENT DEALERS FOR OLIVER IMPLEMENTS Telephone 4 and 93. Blyth, Ontario 1 1 NOTICE Started pullets; Ready-made Capons, Available in April, May and Jun& Several breeds to choose from. Ber- nard Craig, 1313-th, R.R. No. 2, 23-e.o.w Phone 37.26. LONDESBORC BRUSH AND SPRAY PAINTING Sunworthy Wallpaper - Paints and Enamels, --Y Gasoline, — Kerosene, --- Stove Oil, __- John Deere Fuel' •-- Furnace Fuel, --- Motor Oil, or Grease, Phone 806r3, Clinton, COLLECT. se. Ray Cartwright Imperial Oil Agent .,.�, .I a 11. ., Ia LYCEUM THEATRE = WJNGHAM—ONTARIO. Two Shows Sat. Night • Pictures subject to change ARTHUR FRASER INCOME TAX REPORTS BOOKKEEPING SERVICE, ETC. Ann Street, EXET'ER, Phone 355w without notice. • Two Shows Each Night starting At '"""'+r'"""r'"''""""y = 7:15 1MATINEEt SATURDAY AFTER - ; 1 itc pouitrWANTEDlt'ortn. Knapp, NOON AT 2 P.M. - Myth 16r9. Ilighest prices paid. 13-tf Changes in time will be noted below . • Friday, Saturday, April 8, 9}Huron County Registered Music t "16 FATHOMS DEEP" s 'Teachers will hold a Music Students' Lon Chaney Jr., Tanis Chandler Recital in Blyth Memorial (fall, on Monday, Tuesday, April 11, 12 . Saturday evening, April 9, at 8:15 p.m. "SO EVIL MY LOVE" Admission, 25c. 28-2. (Adult Entertainment) Ray_Miiland, Ann Todd ' Wednesday, Thursday, April 13, 14 "FORT APACHE" J, Wayne, Shirley Temple, H, Fonda 1 L 1 I I I I I i. ,► •• r"N N4Mk t N Nd N N NNrNr1I r•I. Gordon Elliott J. I-1 R. Elliott ELLIOTT Real Estate Agency BLYTH. THE FOLLO\VING DWELLING FOR SALE WITH IMMEDIATE POSSESSION: 1!i and 1 storey frame dwelling, soft and hard water, hydro, ' fur- nace, situated on north side of t Drummond Street. 114' and 1 -stony frame duel".Sat„ situated os the north s,nle of North Street, in the Village of 131yth, Ap- proxtanate'y 2 acres of land, frame st:,ble, garage. Oi'e-and•orle half storey brick 1h,d!lint; t;n Morris street. One ac- re of ,'1)n11. Small stable. A coed buy, and possession as. required. One -and -c: e -half storey, frame a ,pl•alt shingle dwcllinp; on Mlcr:.fs street, double garage. A number of other properties for sale, Particulars upon request. FARM FOR SALE Lot S1/2 25, Concession 9, Morris townsh ;t, 125 acres. Apply to Win. McCall, Walton, Ontario. 29-2p. FOR SALE 11/2 and 1 storey brick and frame 10 -roost dwelling. hard and soft wat- • er, hydro, full basement, also gara;e, hen house 15x24, and 1 acre of land, on Horth side of boundary road. Immedi- ate possession. Apply to \\'m. Riehl, phone 198r2, Blyth. 28-3 FOR SALE Jersey hall calves, Cheap. Apply- to Bob Henry, phone 150, Blyth. 28-2, FOR SALE A Colony house, new, (never used) size 71/2'X10'. Telephone, Blyth, 24-16. iWalter Taros. 28.1p DENNIS C. DRAPER, M , D PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office Hours Daily Except Wednesday and Sunday. 21 Farm For Sale 'fenders will be received by the un- dersigned up to the 9th day of April, A.D. 1949, for the Farm of the late John A. Mills, being. the South Half of i.ots numbers 4 and 5 in the 14th concession of the Township of i-Iullett, in the County of 1 -Huron, containing 160 acres more or less. The said Farm is good Clay Loam Land, web drained, and no waste land. Water is supplied from an Artesian Well and a spring creek. 011 the said farts is said to be erected a Barn and Straw Shed, 40 ft. x 60 ft. and 30 ft x 50 ft. on a stone foundation. Also a Driving Shed with steel roof, 24 ft. x 40 ft, Also a 7 -roomed brick house. Also on the Farm are 15 acres of ex- cellent hardwood bush, and 5 acres of young hush, i-1ydro avaitabic. Lowest or any Tender not necessar- ily accepted. F. FINGLAND, 1:.C., Clinton, On- tario, Solicitor for the Estate. 28-2. Cement Work \Ve are modernly equipped to handle all comont work. No job too large, or too small. Free estimates given on request. Contact us at once if yen are planning - any of this work. Lawrence & Haggitt P41ouc 16-6, Blyth. Cont-racto s. 29-4x,. 2 p.m. 0 4 p.m. 7 pan. to 9 p.m, Telephone 33 -- Blyth, Ont. 47-52p. Doherty Bros. GARAGE. Acetylene and Electric Welding A Specialty. Agents For. International - Harvester Parts & Supplies White Rose Gas and Oil Car Painting and Repairing. • ..rMMININJNN 41####,M~I '. A. L. COLE R.O. OPTOMETRIST and OPTICIAN Goderich, Ontario - Tolephon/ 't3 Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted, With 25 Years Experience 3•fI Reid's POOL ROOM. 3 SMOKER'S SUNDRIES; Tobaccos, Cigarettes, Pop and Other Sundries. 4442414414144444444.4.44.1014440 THE McKILLOP MUTUAL - FIRE INSURANCE CO. HEAD OFFICE • SEAFORTH, ONT, Officers President, F. McGregor, Clinton t Vice President, C. W. Leonhardt, Brod• hagen; Secretary -Treasurer and Man= - ager, ltl. A. Reid, Seaforth, Directors ( W. R. Archibald, Seaforth 1 Frank NOTICE McGregor, Clinton; Alex. Broadfoot. \\'e are fully equipped to handle your Seaforth; Chris. Leonhardt, Eorn' seed cleaning requirements. Also feed holm; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton( John flax for sale. A1p1y to Earle Noble,' L. Malone, Seaforth; John H= )\fc1?ty=' phone 114, Myth. 23-6p. imor, 131yth; laugh Alexander, Walton; - . I Fuller RR' 2 Goflerich S. -I. \Vhitmore, Seaforth; IiarVey ELLIOTT'S NURSING i Agents I-IOME John E. Pepper, Brt+eefield' )t. '. lccotnodation For McKercher, Dublin: J. F. Prueter, I3rodhagen; George A. W.tt, Blyth. Parties desirontl to effect insurance or transact other business, will be. promply a'Mwde6 to by applications to any of the above named rfPireri addressed to their respect'• r rvat v4 BED PATIENTS AND INVALIDS RATES I:F.:ASON?:\BL). Nursing Service Day and Nicht. r113lephone 367, Wingham Josephine Street. 27-4 71,nvit QTes "SALADA P ANNE I4IPST taw..HOST. ANNE HURST Perhaps you, too, married one of those inarticulate men who seems to have forgotten how to kiss you, and never, never remembers to tell you he loves you. Read one wife's aornplaint: "I am 32, Anne Hirst. My mother died when 1 was born, and I can't ever remember my father telling me he loved me. I have always felt unwanted, that no one cared for Inc. Now I've been married 14 years, and have two girls. But I still feel the same way. "My husband doesn't drink or gamble or run around, and I know I'm lucky that he is good to me. I know he loves me—hut I'd still like to hear him say so! I get up at four o'clock to pack his lunch and get his breakfast; does he say 'thank you' and kiss me good-bye? No. "You work hard all day cleaning she house, taking care of the chil- dren, fixing a nice supper. He tonnes in, picks on the children till they cry, then raises cairn because they aren't quiet while he eats. He talks only about his job. Never a word about how nice you look, or how the house shines, or how things went that day! "You say to yourself, 'Oh well, he'll talk to me after supper! You're only kidding yourself. Then he wants the paper, and the children td 1 aren't supposed to talk out ud, or laugh, or sing, He reads the paper from front to back (ifm- eluding your column, so please Print this; maybe he'll realize how much we all miss his love.) "Vou think, after he's through, maybe he'll tall: a while, or take you out, You guessed wrong. He goes to bed, How long can you a woman live like this? I'm not old yet. I Re to visit our friends or go to a show. But I could get along without those. It is the lack of love I feel. Why it a man so dumb that he can't ky so? I can viear a new dress for a month before he even notices it! Some day I'm going to forget to clean up the house and the children and see whether he knows the difcrence. (I doubt it.) "I guess there' no use in hop - kg. But at least I feel better to gat this off my chest! Thanks a lot for reading it." (Signed) Loveless * TO "LOVNLL'SS": Women * blossom under appreciation, A + little word of thanks, a kiss given * as though the man means it, an * awareness of all you have done 1 during the day—these small • things are what keeps a wife * young and alive and attractive. * Your husband is selfish, with- * out meaning to bc. He takes • everything that you do for grant- ► ed, assumes that the home cleans 'k itself; he pays no attention to • his children — those youngsters * who would respond with love ening rur ebrni 14N4r P water onounevleaetivs . Style 1G. d (Lat.) NWbrtBtdaa dog . Ground ptee* f§. Cover wishstare St. Casua.I obsevati(n 94. lttiVeklastT4(andn*.i are Rebew fl. Collo.tleea�yM.F1 wayof 4l. N>urOppcn ogountty (abs) Catom. Mer4/h .leather 49. Neative pColleeMoreoer ). Fat Ietem tree 16. Basebll aeo s 17. Vapor . Tale emdenture 41. Charaeter FtArthbrt4teend CROSSWORD PUZZLE mer le.vee 1. Dried 91'644 L I;evBrags NPronoun 4pBurnlug Exclamation 1. Metltary efutien's T. Anger * and confidence if he would only * let them know he cares about * thetn. How much such a husband * and father misses in life! ... I • hope your husband reads this * today, and examines his attitude * toward you all. He does love you, • but, as you say, why can't he say • • • Brief Answeri * TO "A LONELY MAN," * "J. R., "A. J. E.," "T. A. P."; I * am sorry, but it is never possible • to reveal the identity of anyone • writing this column. * *TO "OBEDIAH": I'm afraid * only a lawyer's advice can be * really useful now. I am terribly • sorry, and I do hope that things • will straighten out for you soon,. * TO "HEARTBROKEN B'; * If you haven't done so already, * write this lad a nice apology for • your rudncss, and say that you * hope he will forgive you and be * friendly again. More t'lan this you cannot sensibly do. To men readers; How long is it since you told your wife how you appreciate all she is and does? Do you realize that is what she lives for? Think it over—and If you want to know how to cherish a wife, ask Anne Hirst, Address her at Box 1, 123 Eighteenth St. New Toronto, Ont. Modern Etiquette by Roberta Lee Q. Ilow should the forks be ar- ranged at the plate, when setting the table? A. The fork to be used first is placed at the extreme left of the plate; this is usually for fish or ap- petizer. Second, towards the plate, place the meat fork; third, nearest the plate, the salad fork. Q. When writing a brief social letter, may one use the first and fourth pages? A, Yes, either the first and fourth or the first and third, leaving the other pages blank. Q. Is it all right for a woman, who is dining in a restaurant, to place her purse on the table? A. No, never. The purse should be kept in her lap, Q. When introducing two per- sons, is it proper to say, "Mr, Brown, I wish to make you acquain- ted with Mr. Smith?" A. This phrase could not exactly be called improper, but the prevail- ing introduction and the easiest is merely, "Mr. Brown, Mr, Smith." Q. Is it permissible for a business or professional woman, who tear. ries, to retain her maiden name for business purposes? A, Yes; this is often done, when the maiden name has become estab- lished and has advertising value, Q. May a woman retain her coat in a restaurant, instead of checking it? A. Yes; it may be slipped over the back of her chair. Q. Should all members of the family remain at the table until the meal is finished, even if there are no guests. A. Yes; this is good training. The person who is not well-bred when at home is likely to display the same manners when in public. 1. !wattle e. Donor W. no nt*411*4 14. Impudent IT, Thug U. Harden K. Partatnteay to Arius 24. Division at mankin.. a<4. Customs 40.14411. 41. Une000mp*. nt•d !e. Kt hMees 44. ie eplbe al. for 4e. About II. V'arlabte nine 48. B rib Aerate II. BI • els the N.libattar4. cu • o0 OAP NV gAllure 661. Garden plot .l English *neon 24. Mounted* 11. Afternoon (ab.l affair. d. Not oat Answer elsewhere in this issue STILL ABLE TO GREET EASTER WITH A BIG SMILE Putting Up A Game Battle—Marion, a small leukemia patient, being treated at the hospital for Sick Children, '!'here is no known cure for leukemia, or cancer of the blood as it is some- times called, but research workers are (toping that -- WITH YOUR I-IELP --- eventually substances will be obtained that can control or cure this dread disease. TABLE TALKS iSr clam Androews. As I think I may have told you before I'm the sort of person who can take my peanut butter or leave it alone—preferably the latter. However, that by no means indicates that there aren't plenty of others who do like it very much, in fact it seems to become more and more popular every year. So perhaps you'd like to have this recipe for easily made: PEANUT BUTTER MUFFINS 2 cup sifted all-purpose flour or 2/ cups sifted pastry flour 4 teaspoons baking powder 3 tablespoons sugar 1 teaspoon salt 1 egg r4 cup peanut butter 2-3 cup milk Vs cup water 1 tablespoon shortening, melted Mix and sift flour, baking powder, sugar and salt. Beat egg until light then add peanut butter, milk, water and melted shortening. Add liquid to flour mixture all at once, stir- ring only enough to combine. Fill greased muffin tins 2-3 full and bake in a lint oven over 400 F., for 20 minutes. Yield: 12 muffins. VARIATIONS: To make a de- licious sweet muffin to serve for tea or supper, fill muffin tins 1/3 full with the above mixture, Add TA teaspoon jam or jelly to each muffin, then add more batter until muffin tins are 2-3 full. • • • You've probably heard of the small boy who was taken to a museum where they had an exhibit of many different sorts of fish— stuffed and mounted. Pausing be- fore one labelled "SALMON" lie said scornfully, "Whoever put that sign up must be goofy; I thought everybody knew that salmon conies in cans." And although the development of the Frozen Food business has made fresh fish far more easily' avail- able, there are still a lot of us, who live inland, who still get most of the fish we eat out of cans. Here's a way of serving it that may be new to some of you. SALMON ROLL 1 pound can salmon (or any other fish, flaked and boned) ;a cup mayonnaise 2 tablespoons chopped parsieY 4.4 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon leucon juice 1 teaspoon minced onion dash of pepper Biscuit dough. METHOD: Mix all the ingredi- ents together until well blended, then make your favourite biscuit dogh. Roll out into a 7x15 inch rectangle and transfer to a lightly greased heavy baking sheet. Spread salmon mixture down centre of dough to within two inches of either end, Fold over the edges, Roll over so lengtwhise seam is underneath. Tuck the ends under the roll. Make slashes along top for steam to es- cape Bake 12 to 13 minutes at 425 degrees, Place on hot serving dish. Garnish with lemon wedges and parsley. Serve hot with creamed vegetables, such as peas or aspara- gus. Serves six to eight, • * • There arc probably hundreds of different types of Cookie Jars, but they all seem to have one thing in common, Especially in homes where there are youngsters around, they all have a way of getting empty in amazingly little time, Next titne it happens in your home, try these: MOLASSES DROP COOKIES 1 cup fat or shortening 1 cup sugar 2 eggs, beaten 1 cup molasses 5 cups all-purpose flour 1 tablespoon ginger 1 teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon soda. 2 cups chopped raisins or dates. 2 cups chopped nutmeats (optional) 1 cup warm water. METHOD: Creams fat and sugar; add eggs and molasses. Sift flour with ginger, salt and soda. Al- ternately add flour and water to the fat, sugar and egg mixture. Mix well. Add raisins and nuts. Drop by teaspoonfuls on lightly greased baking sheet. Bake at 375 degrees for 10 to 15 minutes, or until cook- ies spring back when lightly touch- ed. When cool put in cookie jar and try and think of new place to hide it. tj GENTLE SPRING 1Vatchmakers have their own sign of spring—the mainspring. When a deluge of watches with broken mainsprings arrives at their shops, they know the vernal season is at hand. Spring thunderstorms and showers bring an abrupt change In temperature and air pressure, and tax the brittle steel ribbons until they snap. • * * An obstetrician should be able to tell the arrival of spring by observ- ing tit. size of the babies he delivers. Infants born in the spring are taller and heavier, on the average, than those born in other seasons, accord- ing to statistical studies made at johns Hopkins University. * * • It's a common belief that many people suffer from extreme fatigue when spring. arrives --- so-ealled spring fever. But a biologist at Rensselaer Polytechnic reports that these beliefs are In error. Spring fever is only it mill form of scurvy, he declares, due to vitamin -poor diet in winter months -- particular- ly, vitamin C deficiency. * • • Police in Witte Plains, N.Y., don't bother to watch for a robin. When they begin to receive complaints that baby carriages are interfering with pedestrian traffic on Main Street, they are sure spring has arrived. CORRECT Heedlesa of an impatient queue behind him, a Scotclmman at a Grand Central ticket window count- ed his change very carefully -three times, The ticketseller watched him sourly. "Well,' he said, "are you finally satisfied it's right?" , "Aye, mon," said the Scot angrily, "but only just right." ISSUE 111 — 1040 COCKER SPANIELS Of all the dogs that are so sweet, The spaniel is the most complete; Of all the spaniels, dearest far The little Cocker spaniels are. They're always merry, always hale; Their eyes are like October ale; They are so loyal and so black; So unresentful 'Heath the w•liack; They never sulk, they never tire; They love the field, they love the fire; They never criticize their friends; Their every joy all Joy transcends. The Aberdeen is quaint and sly, A harvest of the anxious eye; The Bedlington is blue and true; The Airedale fights till death for you; Yet why compare? All dogs on earth Possess some special charm and worth. But Cocker spaniels? Every way, They are the canine angels, they. 44e:'e• 'i Helpful Hints For Homemakers 1Vhcn baking custard or pumpkin pies, place the empty pie shell in the oven first, then pour the liquid fill- ing into it. Not a drop will be spill• ed, as might happen in carrying a filled shell to the oven. o 4 s '1'o get rid of the smell of fish on your hands, wash them its hot, salty water — before using soap. When you rinse off the salt, the fish smell goes with it. 1)o the saute with dishes and pans that have been used for fish. t 1' 4 When you carry Baby. wrap a piece of clear plastic material (a small -sized tablecloth would work fine) around time outside of the blankets. This prevents lint and blanket fuzz from robbing off onto your clothing, 11WilliIR lal41sl.11.114..tll1. Bare'► e !misfile oaer—two klu for 14 pyla et one. This seating eau made 10 1st you started le lh4 ludauol bobbyrnit. Novelty jewelry kit No. 13 cootstos 1 lute cameo, 2 mall cameos, pia ear screws, safety dup ;debark, cement, ores doe led IatrucUoa leaflet. Second kb Ne. 14— aatalas rico shills, brooch tad aping discs, eu mews, ptob►ck tad loetructlos,. Tbls La enmity vsmud For tut s rola sed today. OoIy 5100 for two kits, eat to you postpaid. Waite your swtat store. Nowl Lewis Craft Supplies Ltd.; Breed anent SI Water St•, Solid lobo. N,a.; 44$ Yoogc St., Toronto; 425 Graham Avenue, Wielders. DOES INDIGESTION WALLOP YOU BELOW THE BELT? Help Your Forgotten "21" Fer The Kind 01 Relief That Helps Make Yeu Ririe' Te Go Mors then _half of yourd1g!anon due below the belt—In your 28 fest of 8o when Indigestion strikes, try eome thee help digestion la the stomach N below the belt, What you may need Carter'. Little Uw Pals t4 ere needed help to that "forgotten 91 het of bowele, Tae one Carter's little Linc Pill Were and one after meals, Take them auordbegb dl»otipgne, They help wake up a larger lew of the $ main digestive lulus In your stoma* AND bowel —help oouown ��diigest what you have Thulom14oet get the !dad piamakes yoy 1 • Nu from your tops nyt be eve ya11 pt $h. geefit. Little Uvea Pills Iron your rusgtst— lavvry, FIakthptg,, Lof' Economical—made with Magic Minoe 1 lb. frankfurter. and mix In )mi o, chopped drained pickles or pickle relish. Saut4 iS a. chopped celery and 1 '!iced small onion in 2 tbs, hot fat, Add to frankfurter mixture and combine: eeaeou with salt and pepper, Let stand while you make MAGIC BISCUIT DOUGH: Mix and sift together once, then sift into bowl, 8 c. onoselfted pastry dour (or 2)f.. once -sifted hard -wheat flour), 4 tap. Magic Baking Powder, f f tap. salt, )f tap. dry mustard, Cut In finely 8 tbs. shoe - toning. Make a well in cents, pour in 1 c. milk and Hili lightly with a fork, Lino greased loaf pan (41.4 x 8H Who) with two-thirds of dough. Fill with meat mixture and top with remaining dough, sealing edges; slash to allow escape of ateam. Bake in ■ hot oven, 450', about 30 minutes. Serve with tomato sauce. Yield -4 or 5 serving.. 21. CINNAMON BUNS Recipe bleaaure Into large bowl, 1 I. luke- warm water, 2 tape. granulated sugar; stir until sugar is dissolved. Sprinkle with 2 envelopes Fleischeann's Royal Fast Rising Dry Yeast. Let stand 10 min,, THEN stir well. Said 1 a. milk and stir In 0. granulated Culler, 1)i taps. salt, 6 tbs, shortening; 000l to lukewarm. Add to y.ut mixture and stir In 2 well -beaten egp. Stir In 8 c. onoe•aifted bread dour; beet until smooth, Work in 8 e. more onoe-eifted bread flour. Knead until smooth and elastic; play in greased bowl and brush top with melted butter or short- ening. Cover and set in warm place, fres from draught, Let rise until doubled In bulk, While dough L rising, combine 1H a, brown sugar (lightly premed down), 8 taps. ground cinna- mon, 1 0. washed and dried seedless raisins. Punckallowp dough and divide Into 2 equal portions; form Into smooth balls, Moll each piece Into an oblong ('1 think and 18" long; loosen dougb.� rush with melted butter or mVgarin.. Sprinkle with raisin mit- {toe. Beginning at a long edge, roll up each piece Loosely, Ilkm a jelly roll. Cut into 1" silo... Place just touching esoh other, a out -aide up, In greased 7" round layer-oake pans (or other shallow pans). Grease tops. Cover and let rixe until doubled In bulk. Bake In moderate oven, 880', 20-23 minutes. Serve hot, or reheated. NEW FAST.ACTINo DRY YEAST NEEDS NO REFRIGERATION! Stays fresh and full-strength on your pantry shelf for weeks! Here's all you do: • In a small amount (usually specified) of lukewarm water, dis• solve thoroughly 1 teaspoon sugar for each envelope of yeast. O Sprinkle with dry yeast. Let stand 10 minutes. THEN stir well, (The water used with the yeast counts as • part of the total liquid called for in your recipe.) Geta mo47ths se/ho/ He'd Sooner Have The City Any Tinie—Snowball, a white Spitz, gets a double hug from his mistresses, eight-year-old twins Carolyn, left and ,Marilyn Rogers. Sent to a farm in March, 1948, the dog chewed through his leash after only two days of country life. Just one week short of a year later, he ;showed up at the door of his home after a 250 -mile journey. This time, the twins will keep Snowball. • HRONICLES ¶tI1NGERPARM Gwen Have 1 been busy this last week) Hut definitely — although the weatherman tried his best to keep rs thinking that winter was with as yet, But I said, "No, you can rend as much snow as you like; ;you can drop the temperature down to zero; you can blow and bluster— int I'm getting ready for spring." So I started in to houseclean. This was the result of a brain -wave which convinced me that a little room on the south side of the house, which for some time has been a Latch -all for every kind of junk there is, would serve a far better purpose as a little hide-out for my - aril. If you want a better name for it you might call it a den, an office or a study -- hut I'm calling it a bide -out. So many of these old farin houses have a little room tucked away in a corner that would make a splendid playroom for little children, or a sewing room for mother after the children are grown. It is nice to have a corner you can call your own — just so long as you remember to have a comfortable chair for father so he can conte in and read his paper while you sew or knit. It is fun to change things around in your home — don't you think so? I do. i am always thinking up new ideas for re -arranging the whole house. But I never get very far because Partner generally takes a dim view of my proposed plans. Not that he is against improvements — far front it As a matter of fact any worthwhile changes around here Wyss been the result of his careful planning. The trouble is we don't always agree on what are improve- inents. it is little things that Part- ner dislikes to have changed — such as having the bedroom furniture moved around. Men aresuch con- servative creatures. Just because a person has been used to waking up in the morning facing the south, why should anyone object to facing east or west for a change. Variety in the spice of life. However. there were no objec- tions raised to my latest move, so i was soon at work — sorting out, tidying up or discarding the con- glomeration of things that the roost contained. What I would do if 1 bad to live in two or three rooms I don't know. Probably buy a chicken pun, or something, to take care of the overflow. My little hide-out is only 8 feet by 10/ but by the time 1 had water -painted the ceiling and walls and put three coats of paint on the woodwork my enthusiasm was on• the wane. 1 knew I should give the walls a second coat, but I didn't. So I was not surprised when Bob looked around and said — "Are you going to paint the walls?" 'There was still the floor to worry about. My first idea was to paint it, but Partner was all for getting tongoleun. Since that meant less work l was happy to agree. With the oilcloth down my tired• Hess vanished. d got Bob to move my typewriter desk; Partner to fix A cupboard :.nd a loor, ,chile I trailed back and forth with papers. hooks and my ,n:t►f firing „sbinet. la a little while my new working centre was complete. Now I have moved in — and here 1 am at work with my typewriter. I have only one complaint with this new arrange- ment — it is just one more room in which to lose my glasses! Now that I am all set with every- thing in one place maybe 1 shall feel more like wrestling with income tax returns — that being one little job which Partner very considerate- ly leaves to mc, He says that Is only fair when I don't help milk the cows. And so with jobs of houseclean- ing and income tax we come to thoughts of spring. Ah, yes spring! The crows are flying all over the place -- in fact they were when the snow was inches deep. You can hand it to the crow — he's an optimistic bird, At the barn spring has already arrived — my menfolk have six calves to wrestle with now. Of course with extra cows to milk we are getting quite a bit more creast, More creast but less money. Need I say why? Margarine , of course, We ex- pected that, as you know, What we can't figure out is why butter should be down and milk up. It just doesn't make sense. 1f fanners are discouraged in selling creast then there should be plenty of milk,, Probably just another of those problems to which noe one knows the answer, IN DARKEST AFRICA "Butterfly snowstorms" have be- come a driving hazard through Cape Province. The butterfly swarms envelop the autos. t 4 t A dog show in Southern Rhodesia, was broken up %when a large gray rabbit sauntered by. Lt the midst of the judging, the dogs forgot their pedigrees and took ont after the rabbit. Dr. J. G. Lone of Capetown, not caring a twitter what Hollywood night think, declared that dark glasses were "a refuge of the neu- rotic." $ • t "Grocer's itch" has become an occupational disease in South Africa, caused from handling certain spices. e * s Port Elizabeth, South Africa, po•' lire have been looking for the thief %vita stole the teeth front the jaw of she whale in the museum. • * • Kailahunn, \Vest Africa, natives sent $22.25 to churchmen to combat the 'evils of civilization" in Chicago. • r L Northern Rhodesia is changing its witchcraft ordinances so that medi- cine men and witch doctors can be punished only for "black magic," not for "good magic." e A Harrisntith, South Africa, native, finding his new shoes too tight, cut off his little toes. • e r A new sloe• has opened in Johan- nesburg which sells hippopotamus fat for natives who want to jinx their enemies by smearing It on their front doors. nINDAISCI1001, USSON By Rev. R, Barclay Warren The Future of Life John 5:25; 1 Cor. 13: 20-26; 11 Cor. 4: tri 5:1, Golden Text: But now is Christ risen from the di ad, and become the first fruits of them that slept. 1 r"or. 15:20. While preparing a gra c .,;i d point jutting into one of the numer- ous lakes of the Ottawa valley the workers carie upon the s.kch tun of an Indian who had been buried there many years Before. With the hones were arrowheads and l other trinkets. There was mute evidence of a belief in a future life. Such a belief is well-nigh universal. \Ian has an instinctive longing for im- mortality. Cicero, the great kunhut orator, said, "Yes, oh yes! But if i err in believing that the ,owl of a than is immortal 1 willingly err, nor while 1 live would 1 have the delightful error extorted from in; and if after death 1 shall feel nothing, as some philosophers think, i am not afraid that some dead philosopher. shall laugh at nue for my mistake." The rising of Jesus Christ from the dead is the most triumphant event of all history. A spear had been thrust. into the side of his life- less body as it hung suspended from the cross. Blood and water gushed forth. The body was laid in a t,omh on Friday. A large stone was placed at the cave's mouth, .,ealed and guarded by Roman soldiers. But Sunday morning all powers, includ- ing that of death itself gave way before the mighty conqueror. "He arose, Hallelujah, Christ arose." This is the pledge that we too shall live after death, This life is very brief in com- parison with the life to come. How important that the should lay up treasure in heaven. This life is just the place of preparation for the great eternity beyond. "Sow a thought, reap a word; sow a word, reap and act; sow an act, reap a habit; sow a habit, reap a character; sow a character, reap a destiny," Let us sow wisely. Not long since, American GI's began hearing Germans greet them with the cry, "Heil U. S. A.!" This seemed very nice, the story goes, until Army Intelligence came up with the news that it meant: "Hail Unser Seliger Adolf!"—flail Our St. Adolf! • The blouse for Spring or Sum- pter. Very new, with that soft - shoulder look, tuck -in waistline. Easy crochet; washes beautifully So popular! Goes with every- thing! Pattern 852 has crochet directions in sizes 12-14 and 16-18. Laura Wheeler's unproved pat- tern makes needlework so simple with its charts, photos and concise directions. Send TWENTY-F1VE CENTS in coins (stamps cannot be ac- cepted) for this pattern to Box 1, 123 Eighteenth St., New 'Toronto, Ont. Print plainly PATTERN NUMBER, your NAME and ADDRESS. j1TTER (6101.°114( 00401 He Is Risen But Mary stood without the sepulchre weeping; and as she wept, she stooped down and looked into the sepulchre, And seeth two angels in white sitting, the ont at the head, and the other at the feet, where the body of Jesus had lain, And they say unto her, Woman, why weepest thou?. She saith unto them, Behold they have taken away my Lord, and I know not where they have laid him. And when she had said thus, she turned herself back, and saw Jesus standing, and knew not that it was Jesus. Jesus saith unto her, Woman why weepest thou? whom seekest thou?, She, supposing him to be the gardener, saith unto him, Sir, they have borne Him hence, tell me where thou hast laid him, and I will, take Him away, Jesus saith unto her, Mary. She turned herself and saith unto him, Master. HIDDEN ANIMALS In each of the sentences below you will find the hidden name of some animal. Example; Do not criticiZE BRAvado too readily. Answer; ZEBRA. Should you get "stuck" on some of them, you'll find the correct answers—upside down— underneath. 1, Fireproof awnings are safer. 2. Small boys tag after their older brothers. 3. '!'hose who do good may be rewarded. 4. A classic attraction was the art exhibit. 5. The enormous entrance dwarf- ed him, 4. Hot terrapin soup is relished by many people. 7. The bootleggers would high- jack all trucks, 8. Wholesale murder was prac- ticed by the bandits. 9. The British are expected to do their duty. 10. The mother asked the rabbi to come at once. 11. if you would be smart, endure discomforts. 12, No followers of humanitarian- ism arm others, IL 'l'ranquil lamaseries still exist in 'Tibet. 14. \ Vith the conquest of Australia the emu learned what hunting meant. 15. Abandon keyed to such a pitch was certain to be disastrous. 16. The old monk eyed the young friar with sadness. 17. Trictrac, cooncan and whist are old card games. 18. Despise all evil, 19. ft is well known that husk rates high as a perfume base. 10. Dare the go? 21. Islam began with the teaching of Mohammed. 22. He seemed to be a veritable pig over the plum pudding. Ansn'ers To Hidden Animals •.uaneag •gme'1 •aM,,T '1C.t)1sn1V •22 'I2 '02 '6 'IaS '8 .9 •t' 0 6 '8 '.coup '9 •asnoN .t e•.i '•8oa •uoortell •.l itto1i •,iayuoCl 'altt1C Innen •ioutaeit •nai.1els uMe4 "We have more telephones in Russia than in any other country in the world," the Soviet trade mission official boasted to an English ac- quaintance. "Ab," the Englishman replied, "but no doubt they're all party lines." • AS OTHERS SEE YOU Would you like to see yourself as others sec you? A German inventor claims he can arrange this. He has made a gadget that lets you see yourself as if in a mirror— but the image is the same as that seen by someone looking at you. In this "mirror" left is left and right is right, not the reverse as in an ordinary looking glass. If you held up printed words to ft they would be the right way around In- stead of backwards. Franz Muller, the inventor, who lives in Bielefeld, says he has not yet found a name for his gadget. "You can't call it a mirror," he said. }Ie won't let anybody take photo- graphs of the device, which he says will be exhibited in the German trade exhibition in New York, Answer to Crossword Puszle And the RELIEF is '' LASTING Nobody knows the cause of rheuma- tiem but we do know there's one thing to ease the pain . , , it's INSTANTINE. And when you take INSTANTINa the relief is prolonged because INSTANTINE contains not one, but three proven medical ingredients. These three ingredients work together to bring you not only fast relief but more prolonged relief. Take INeTANTINE for fast headache relief too , , . or for the pains of neuritis or neuralgia and the aches and pains that often accompany a cold. let Inuantine todsy and dways top ItIndy nstantine 12 -Tablet Tin 25 Economical 48 -Tablet Bothe 690 ARE YOU DISCOURAGED\ because you suffer distress from eriodic' F E A L which makes you NERVOUS HIGH-STRUNG on such days? Are you troubled by distreee•of female functional monthly disturbances which makes you suffer, feel so nervous,oranky, teethes, weak—at such times? Then do tr_Lydia E. ?inkhorn's Vegetable Com- pound to relieve such eymptotml In a recent teat It proved helpful to women troubled this way. Why don't you get smart and try It yourself, I'inkham'e Compound le what is known as a uterine sedative. It has a soothing effect on one of woman's most important organa. For over 70 years thousands of girls and women have reported benefit. Just see If you, too don't report tacellent results. Worth trying! NOTES Or you may prefer LYDIA E. PINKIIAM'S TABLETS with added Iron. Lydia E. Pinkham's VEGETABLE COMPOUND/ "Do People Really Call Me Crabby?" Do you sometimes feel that people are beginning to think you are high-strung --always tense and nervous—so that you fly off the handle easily? Your Nerves Can Play Strange Tricks on You I Many %omen find it bard to realize through the most trying periods of their nerves are "bad", Yet it's not life—by taking this time -tested unusual for a high-strung woman's tonic containing Vitamin Bi, iron delicate nervous system to get and other needed minerals, Give of balance—especially during the Dr, Chase's Nerve Food a chance functional changes she faces In to help you, too, when you feel edgy, girlhood young motherhood and upset or a bundle of nerves. Get the middle life, That's when a good large "economy size" today. The took,like Dr, Chase's Nerve Food, name Mr. Chase" is your assurance. an co you so much good by helping 21 to restore your nervous energy, It will help you feel better, look better, rest better at night, During the last fifty years, thou- sands of Canadian women of all %ttea have gone safely and happily is;1FU8tils MINIMS MIQ..WOW,AMA sair/ ti -Dr. Chase's NERVE FOOD IMMO By Arthur Pointer ON• /•C fL e1jitis.,p 1 Susis's. NIR(! ala mew tb ovaita.Wbw HCR HArLOOM un stsltk SARO NrA Whether you make yon: house Dresses, or buy them Realy-Made, We can $tu,tp Your Needs: PRINTS, CHAMBRAYS, GINGHAMS, in a wide variety of colours and patlarns PRICES FROM 49c TO Sc: HOUSE DRESSES Sizes 14 - 20 36 - 44. PRICED FROM $2,75 TO $1.59 FOR YOUR QUILTING NEEDS Broadcloth in an Assort eat of Colours. Quilt 13atts—Popitlar, Economy, Dominion, Cotton Queen, Swansdown. WALLACE'S Dry Goods --Phone 73-- Boots & Shoe's I THE STANDARD PERSONAL INTEREST •* ,\Ir. and Mrs, laugh S. Canting and baby, Glc ria .\lice, of I.ueknow, visited on Sunday with bhe former's mother, Mrs. S. Coming. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cole and :laughter, Ellen Jean, of Clinton, vis• 'ted tv'th Mr. and Mrs, Leslie Johns- ton' and \Irs. \iargaret Johustin. \1 r. and \Irs. 7'. 11, flatlets and \I rs, ii)le Armstrong and Mr. Walter Mason visited over the week -end with Chatham, Harrow and London friends 13ev, and Mrs. 11. 11. Farr visited amt \lonlay with Rev. and Mrs. J. L. 11. !len lerson, NI :s. I. J. Powell, M rs. E.NIc\til- 'an atr.t \Irs. L. \I. Scrimgeour at. tendril the \\'est Huron \\'caueus In- stitute Executive meeting held in Mc Kay Milk Ge.lerich, on \fol:�dly. ''.'M+M r444,4 ..N.r...•.M....rv: \I r. \\' ill iaan Bowes underwent a `'i 4,1•414r4y4�i4+ • •l•+l,•�e,�+,44•x! 044,.S••:rye• ,'•,,,�,,•r+,0•wj48.4: 04-,, 4.r ;nc:cisIul rperatitin in the Clinton eri 'tos.pital last Thursday. \1'e arc slat . Al r• 'o pita! t lie is ursdat•ecovcrint,* nicety. _ s) ) \Ir. George McGowan is a paticn .. Sup s_. 'n the Clinton hospital. \\'e trust tha 1. lis recovery will he speedy and con' a cic. i; ., FOOD STORES -- Mr. Ross Tasker, Of Toronto, s en wee!< -end with his parents, \Ir • Beauty Shoppe - PERMANENTS - Machineless, Cold Waves, and Machine Waves, Finger Waves, Shampoos, Hair Cuts, and Rinses: Olive McGill Tlcphonc 73r2, Blyth MIIM..•.I...MN.. M.M•MM. ~, TO NIGr' T • For Thursday, Friday, Saturday •• April 7-8-9 i.. Mr( Rr':crt Watson return, cl h: n Thurs., �r� ✓ KELLOGG'S OVEN -FRESH CORN FLAKES 2 8 -oz. pkgs, 25c rent the Clinton hos,_)ltal on I'htn's.ho n STOKELY'S HONEY POD PEAS ... 20 oz tin tic �' old \Irs. Watson returned on \londtt: The National Film Board showing ''. Both load been ill in the Clinton hos = AYLM,ER•CHOICE PUMPKIN 2 largo 28 oz, tin 21c ,,, if ]inrun County's Outstantlin; Film = METCALF PORK AND BEANS ................................20 Oz. Tin 1Oc 'ital. , t �� \I r, and \Irs, \\',fleet! Oat ley o '•Mie Rooks 1)rii`'e. On i MAPLE LEAF SOAP FLAKES .. .......... 1 Lb, Pkg. 29c >• , )etro�t y'sitcd wnh Mrs. I. \lark GLENWOOD FRUIT COCKTAIL .20 Oz, Tin 39c ;. t•.•1 fa;ntily, ge,cntcd by the Myth I'ttb'ic Library WiZARD GLASS WAX .........._.. ..._..... 1 Pint Tin 49c Urs. \I try C'r:ttt'furd of titt•atfot • Association in the SUNNY SPAIN BROKEN OLIVES / 16 Oz, Jar 27c . cut last wcek,with her brother, M d '• BLYTH MEMORIAL HALL CHOCOLATE CHIPITS Per Pgk. 29c \udrew Kirkconl;c,l. 1`hey attends' ' he funeral of \ire. R. :\Icock, held tt' Another Film _; GARDEN SEEDS •• DUTCH SETS U. ;,these!. but 'I'ucsa',:r}~. ''YOUR LOCAL PAPER' FRESH FRUIT •• FRESH VEGETABLES, '..1, will ahs .the featured aloe' with CARD OF THANKS several other short sabjc.ts, it PIONEER OR LIPETERIA FEEDS, hackie CalIw.Il tushes to thank al t' tis friends who thouglhtfully sen' All proceeds tt•II go to st•.:••port the •itts, flo vers, letters and cauls, din• Illyth Public Library, 'S rr'u Deliver. - E. S. ROBINSON. •- Phone 156 '' his sickness in the hospital, and ., :\dmlSS:.oat Will he tt Silver Lcuccuow. �• 'tame, '29-i�p PLEASE PLAN TO LEND YOUR .04.3;44+440+4444.4+444.4+491.4.44+4:4l,H,.•,.�,,. H.,i�:N,M,.i..,N,H��•4j,:••r,'rea+:•;H:H, SUPPOR•1' BY ATTENDING, Wednesday, April 4,194 -Arasfintiliasaik Royal Purple Products arc favourably known for the results obtained with Stock, Poultry or flogs, Royal Purple Stock Tonic ..................... Royal Purple Hog Tonic Royal Purple Poultry Tonic Royal Purple Disinfectant ..... Royal Purple Roup Remedy Royal Purple Diarrhoea Tablets ............. Royal Purple Sweat Liniment Penicillin Bougie (12's), 10,000 Units 60c and $1,75 60c and 51.5 60c ani $1,75 .....................„... 30c and 70c 30c, 60c and 90c 50c and $1,75 60c $3,00 Penicillin Bougie (6's), 25,009 Units _.....................----._.. i2.5n We also stock products of Dr, Bel, Hess, Pratte and Howard., R D. PHILP, Phm. B. DRUGS, SUNDRIES, WALLPAPER—PHONE 20, .r.44(t+>Ent1414te1614t,z1c41610 +e1cteKanew a416.4K1 14c+atr10autt44+at 141c+a'a • 0=01 ,0=0 .0=0• ,Oht=10i�` CARD OF THANKS - ▪ George \V. Cowan of Loideslmro --- -CARD OF THANKS vishes to thank all those who kitt•11, ..tmieimhc:•cd him wills a �pattent in \\`c would like to express our thanks Gies on h, 3 tits!, with cards, visits amt for the ctu•d; of sympathy sent in! the passing of ,\I r, Kirkconncll's sister's :ratuirics, Sncciltl thanks to the n:',r I atlt in Brussels. „ ccs and staff of the Clinton hospital. „t -L Al"r, and \I .I. i�irkconnclh and to 1)r, Draper and his assistants 7-:---L----- '—CARD OF THANKS • CARD OF THANKS 1 wish :to thank all those who sent I wish to thank everyone who re- cards and letters tvhilc I was a patient ntcaubered Inc with cards, treats and in the God;:rich hospital. visits while 1 was confined to my home' ,9-1, Jean h•rkcoiinell, a uhror gh illness. - - p 29 -Ip.__ \Irs- \\'illiant Carder. LONDESBOR0 „o„ CARD OF THANKS The friends and neighbours of Mrs. o The) family of the Unite ,Nies. Antic Fingland are glad to hear she is int- Cale!ott;h desire to express their provhtg after having been ill for the sincere ap;.t•eciat:oa to nit''V 11hottrs and i past few Weeks, friends for their kindness at the time l \Inns, Clarence Crawford and Char - of th,c''r bereavement. S:)eci;tl thanks 'lie s•-ent a few days at the home of ho Rev. \\''.,1. Rc;crs, those who sent her sister itn Forest recently.0„ IfFonal. tributes, loaned cars, and all Miss Fern \\'atson 0 f London N Allow- who assisted ill any wit,,,. spent the week -evil at the bcsiie of her O i 29-1p neon::cr, \lrs. Nellie \\'atson. COMING IN PERSON TOWN HALL, BRUSSELS Monday, April 11 9 p.m. to 1 a.m, BOB MASON "Radio's Tallest Singing Cowboy" AND HIS WESTERN SWINGBILLIES. STAGE SHOW AND BARN DANCE, Hoard daily over CFPL., London, at 12 Noon. Admission: Adults 75c; Children 35c. 1 THE TEST OF TIME "ASK TIIE PERSON WHO HAS PURCHASED ONCE,” BUT IT IS WISER TO ASK THE PERSON WHO HAS PURCHASEI) TWICE, The test of any business is REPEAT Patronage. We are proud of the number of customers we have Nerved regularly. We appreciate their con- fidence in us and in our merchandise. James Lockwood FURNITURE — COACH AMBULANCE — FUNERAL SERVICE I'Itone 7 ur 69, Blyth Y)t>to;rt,tlrawalwalw>1ilimti+titioniattkAtftglatittllt>ttlowt9tlitAaPit>ar iovwdeiwtDtROt lotions ,0100 "10=0• ,0=0• ,0=01 u CASH FOIL USED CLOTHING O O O 0=0 .01Ci0 -0=0: -0=0• .0=0 #4~#4,..N4..MMht " CINDERELLA " -- A Musical Fantasy -- presented by the Brussels Bowling Club, under auspices of Blyth Horticultural Society In the Blyth Meihorial Hall, on Friday, Apri1 8th commencing at 8 p.m. This promises to be the outstanding entertainment event of the season, THERE IS A CAST OF FIFTY-THREE. portraying vividly the fairy tale characters we all love so well. A good orchestra will provide musical accompaniment. Admission, 50c and 35c. DON'T MISS IT. Speiran's Hardware PHONE 24. SLYTH, EVERYTHING IN HARDWARE. There's Something Here For EVERYBODY Ceresan Tractor Cfevises Alarm Clocks Bath Wire Fence Staples t' Hot Shot Batteries .Cupboard Hardware '22 cal. Mushrooms Poultry Founts PotiI ry Peelders Disinfectatnts' Fishing' Supplies, Dust Mops \\inflov Cleaner Screbn Door Hinges Screen Door Sprints 11,1mdow Screens Roller Skates Lawn Rakes Garden Hoes Fertilizer Anger Hits Carpet Beaters Formaldehyde 4 New Farm Tractor Fleet Three new Oliver tractors to fit your fartn power needs! A arty 2 -plow, 4 -cylinder tt66"1 A new 2.3 plow, 6 -cylinder "77"1 A new 3.4 plow, 6 -cylinder t188". Your choice of three great new engines for all three! An "HC" for gasoline, a "KD" for tractor fuels, and a diesel that will be available later. All three are equipped with 6 -forward -speed transmissions. The remarkable new direct drive power takeoff is available for all three. A choke of cast iron or stamped steel wheels to fit your traction and weight requirements—interchange• able among all three Row Crop models. All three are farnt•engincered , incorporate the same advanced flew features. Oliver's full line of c:•12.ally mounted and rear suspended tools are basically interchange- able among all three Row Crop models. Available in Row Crop, Standard, Row Crop with Adjust- able Front Axle, or Row Crop with Single Front Wheel. See us first for facts on all the modern, valuable farm fea. tures on this versatile new tractor. , 1. Morritt Wright Implement Dealers Telephne 4 and 93, Blyth, WE WILL PAY CASH FOR MEN'S, WOMEN'S, CHiLDLREN'S AND BABIES USED CLOTHING. We need Dresses, Skirts, !!muses, Oddt Slacks and Slack Suits, Sweat- ers, ?'ends and Women's 2 -piece suits, Women's and \Ion's Fall Ov- erccats, (No tt•ittter coats tdeasc), Odd Suit Coatis, Neck Ties, Odd "Trousers, Shoes, Parses, Babies' and Children's Clothing. We pay from $3.00 to $10.00 for Men's Suits, We Pay Fair Cash Prices, Satisfaction Guaranteed • • • Or Clothing Returned Prepaid. Therefore, there cannot he any expense involved to the sender, DIRECTIONS FOR SHIPPING 1. \\'i';t) alt.I tie securely in corrugated box, paper or sack, 2. Make sure ;yap,:u' return address is written clearly. 'Phis will help ^u1;.;1 our n:tslt remittance to vett. 3. Phone the express coa;pany. They. will pick up the merchandise t9 at your .or. If your shipment is over 100 lbs,, please ship by freight or transport. 4, 1)o not pr,,1 any tuorPy for shi;•plmg. Tell the driver you are 51'44I'fr the parcel co:Ilect,and,nwe will pay the shipping charges fit this end, SEND PARCELS •1'0— THE GREB TRADING CO. Dept. F-13, 67 St. Nicholas St., 'Toronto, Ontario, .10=0; .0=0r 10=0r ,0=0,• p t' O ,0=0I •\hiss Doris Coc,per of Clinton spent the foriner's parents, -Mr. and yrs. the week-crrl at tlltc ,homte of her , John Snell; grandparents, Mr, and \Irs. Thomas �-t Fairscrvice, • Londesboro Plans "C" Soft- M•r. Tont Moon of London spent the ball Entry In W.O.A.A. week-eLel at the !honks of .\[r. and Mrs. 1.ondeshoro Ath'etic Club held a .1 (Inns 3ICCool, t meeitirrz in the club rooms, on 31011 - The friends and tte`gthhours of Mr. (clay night and decided to enter a tenet (;c:: rge Cowanwish hint a speedy re- in the 1i l•.en.ucdiate (C) grouping, al- covery after having undergone an op -i so a tuf,t.zet team, oration in. the Clinton ho3pitat•1'he f.ollunviu; officers were clef, ed Mr, .andl Mrs. Ctrl Radford and for the .caeca: dut;lhiter of St. Catharines visited with , 31attitger: Jack Tatnblyn, relatives In and arou:illi the village ov- Coach : to be appointted by manager, Business manager: JackLee. M,r. and \Irs. l., Govicr of Gode- Equipment snot,: i1ugh Millar, ritih visited at the home of Mrs, Lillie Grounds committee: hank 13loor and \\'hbster on Sunday. Jahn Peckitt, Airs, Roy Fisher, Douglas and Gail, Gate mans: Jack Webster. of Galt, arc visiting at the home of 3!aitager of \1it'igets: Dick Bloor, er the wale -e tJ. 1 Buy Your Bread Fresh from the Oven ALSO BUNS, CAKES AND PASTRY. FOR, YOUR NEXT ENTERTAINMENT Order White or Brown PARKER HOUSE ROLLS. u .1i The HOME BAKERY H. T. Vodden, Proprietor Blyth, Ontario