HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1866-04-13, Page 1'Pr Nvrtt 01 issued oit 7---11--1-Y's Count, an ;1t t.rzek rands arta. -tVor , %et. Neon E:fr Zi.t6.,iidanct ,r twentleth thezn teremeinat erlyt • twell,-e, ALtrf ew-12 ef Writ ot :Ares issued ofit : • 4 --.1r$‘ eounty :-;07I.1 Pea Frucei .anda-Und-tene C mut:It otAdatn, F.NanS,1 have • the l'Ighr, title and TO Lot • 1('"-,et's..t4iert tst the ollitttom eon_ /ands- an& GJ I.: fry ollice ' •Gedetich ,ApriI next:4k, rcen. . • -writ imued out Conti_ty .40-‘ntittii Bruce and enc L:vr. at the sun -a taken in exe, refi ed the salc•crei: in the ninth •-ess. in the . 1-1:f.larta acres, •t -ser foesale • - azi trier town of . day of May !re:eck. neon. 1-1.& w2 or a wrzt ot isSuecl Out Courier l';e:ron rted-Britee and teue- i suit eprurtiock in execution Ve said defen e. fifth conceit. tne County cf.,< d nere%, -Which • 1-er-salo,.:--at_artv 1; next, at DONALD, tst de. !, 10:r a writ or msuedniatt. "t:§tyY.11 County .1,itronand Bruce :Xs and Irene - t Oeorge • eXeeption all -Vei- dant in arak iythe in the e one quarter or ix-F.:I:blends and t diet. in the `- 'rLeh on- Tuesday the hour bt• )0.VAL1), Nvz '4WD'S. • • of- a writ oX i.sued ant Sesly's County, . tam and Bruce \ ittra aTnm tene- t *lf Fran;isNe- i=Excention aft s:aul deftndant tomtit eonees.. • ', c the Geunty atlett., which' r for .5afe ER lworr of -rode-, 'o\ • clitr of May re Ocli neon. • ONALD tettlIlf.&: H. - Et MANDL. 'Prat writotren- 4.orta.sandFien res:due and tier Ittalesty's x.rnivr Court eit 1 Noce andte Land tenements r, &ceased, at [an& of Janet sinatifarthe-- Which were ot he time of hpt‘_ turehisou anct rand taken in irnterett. tba- _ haveft-of rots leession ot -tbe rtiteroce,.00n- • vibioh lande- at nty office Croderielr, on prit next,is. '• - WALD, FirdsliweiC lii w -"OI -yowling from mth north, of' = anyone traV thaliiptair ilkalitemoz00,- tdetfirst Clue • , 4011): fends GTE Or FEET tYs, *Qprtetor# six tit 1 I Cei 13 • Oivcctprg. -- Q • TVTIIAL 1110 AT 110 FOR N8-l-rf; 4 V tattoo- no to o'clock, a. m• every day Win visit patients :Wally hour _ntierWards, n igh or dux. . ••."&t..13. DUI:SIOUX, S• traCkHO,Sce. 'GOD_ grtien, ; 13:40-jy ' Mgt 14/.1,:4 ILAN 13 I-SWF N, S. I Rt11110'N!--C 0 RON' E -L aod Reside live third door ens:t t Lientrat • Dr. T ATE OP:-.8-T.A.NLECIANTON1111 14 nos Bond- . (Mr.Thwaites'sfersier Sort- . July 1, 762. DR .:..A.Vir011,THMIGTON I-11.1X14CISN.; 8131/013ON, ▪ tetir, i-rtictitarlf.,t d isc.-ase so t a net s urgi e a -c-ifor-ationk, upon th-e oye. taucy"ics. rw47-1.4 - - - J. F. CAssloyi, D" ' ;' (OratInat - of MetiiI1C0Ilege. Montreal.) SLIRJEON AND AO eorcitsu.t..• old hu kItliee• Dungannon. C. W. ' . • •.I.ra BIR 'MISTS ANDATT(111.NEY-AT Law, and: Soiwitor-ia-Chanet-ni, Counts Grown Ittorner,Croderien,-ClanadaWesi• yntiev- v Linn - n. Court !louse 174.. C. pan-Lofroa,,-• , • rEtt,' „tt fOgNEY. Cefi-VEY 1-1 1.:`,NtrZR••• ta:::••tOtt•t•treet,Citr.fertell...C.W Skl- Walker, ARTS •SOLIC,ITO .* 171:17..vizga Oiliee,:,oyet the more of • 11- Dittor '•011,..Goderie_ h. _ e mew- .11-030errnizn, . S•rtytIST PA, Xrro-Rszr--.A.T • 'Notaries: puhtie,- &e., West $treet,Goder eh. . * ..1.0iin, 'Ll.t.vity:cn,• ' Tito 1.1,trtfillif113i, A.riott.N.....A,S()LIC11011 ..i. , . 1, .• , • -- -1...!..: tit c.I.I:Ljerk:1 ••\:t.t ....- 0 liCt..`• :3••larket Squari,‘, Crzx'ef-•i'..ititttonStrCct+otl.crtcl't.' 9:42 ' ----1--. - ---- __„...:••• - ‘...-- _... . : - .kirrly3.k13.-eo•oicton.• , Al ITINEITk.„t-T-Ase. SOLICITOR IN ..- e--tiiiileei*, .-Ni-3•4i_rt-1".iiklit;•.,_-_Q•etic•eVa neer, - .,.i.e........N..4.7„...,-.Oriderl0nriada. _Weitt.'-=-14:11e,-,-,-on ii.`i• S. &lib anie of Westreet, Cu rddojr from the" r.; hi rt.-11.onse7.*tiitare_ _-•• . N.71?,Y, SOLICIT Ut.mica, W •-OFFWE: trp Stairs- 'West ;• entrance Daa-,,w4-4 GiaA-ziri.v 7 1Ioore, 1TORNIES, S'UtratTfiItS, rich, 02 W.. .0dice . . :41c..ttn:E '.4sitteXteli.A.u.tustilith, 1864. • siv103w3-1 " t ITO '.17,1-31:-.1.T.-1..NW. SOLICITOR_ IN r Pitaacerv,NOtaryRuNie,CLitiveyanver,Sre. G q.lettelt, W...-0.11ce, over G. E. Archibald's Sore, Crabb7s ' 'v15629 linneY to Lsni• on Rnal P.ronerty „ , • B. 7:10Llyte, ' wa s II; szo: Go:H.:luta', b. Ur. • 0 kietes--arabti*-i-ye'm fitoek.• • S. P.. vEolrAlt; ci...OLICIPOR, IN: CRANORIZY; N'rroR 1/4- 71 my, cox•rmr_kxcea, - Co'rriC`r. of 'fia-mitini:street and the , Square, in t re aiding Vitely eredteci by J. C. Alantosh, Pio Go.-teriCh* - - - • _T. • 'Y. , „ AVUTLII AtTORNEY-- T LAW, 1 Con veya.icer. &to.. Odicez--Blake's Brock, er-posite t'; Post Office„Goderich. sw37 ,Ar. 7,C.I.O.r.tre, c, • ATT011.Ni&Y-AT LAIN't S it!: Chin eery, Notary Public, iCouVeyaneer, kc.; .Cliat-qa, • . sw39.' _ -11.iney to- todn.oii reaganable terms.' ! .14E1Mat, I - • T. COX Elitoi and Proprietor. - ANN. usin cs.6 Direparn. HQTEIJ I TON, -C. w., W. TUDSBURY aProprictor. - THE establishment 17; -furnished ivith alt the - requirement* .essential to the euitifort ot nests. ' - • W34tt RUMBALL & Ca. . . FOR WAIWERS, 1:n'COM-DIISSION Ileregaats, • -"The Greatest Possible Good to the Greatest Possible Numberi" ERICIT, • Busincs-. ircrtorp3 DIZU-GS - -DRUG S ! THE subscriber hi rettirniner thanks to the public for the liberal 'patronage bestowed npOn redection-of Steck,. and to -make ready for .New. Gtoods he will co faience . . •3•• -••••• ) AY APRIL 13, r • • 0:54aeob Bei er many rears ngo "Cflere§ somelgood paper r discount in. one off the. . ,,i Wall .street bank, ben the beard of di. -- - rectors met, theyrait mature delZeration,,, _ , -. threw 'the paper out, -tv ich displeased friend - Jacob, - Slt‘gob; and he coesequen 1 soight reretige. for what be considered rat , -r ungentlemanly treatment. - 4 few days ela when Jacob • presented fortythousanddo! • rs of the bilis , I of the,bank and demanded spe I which was ci\ li rolled out to him in kegs of one th usand rlol-- .1,,lars each--the-teller of the= tank "-informing-- . ' • 1 hitn 'that .they regretted they were o liked to. ' give him small -coin five And ten cent Nees „there was a dilemma; but being equal . -t e . -------- - - ' emergency, Jacob requested the porter to Un-; _head the casks, which being done, Jacob a -handful of the coin from each, and request. • • ' ed "the. teller to place: the remainder told* • --, credit. It WAS said*: the time that it re- ii- e,. quired the whole available force of the mad-• 1 ga pa tut;qn to count the coin. . - - . - ' his correspondents thus ::;- Don't 'write 'EDITORIAL ADVIGC-Alfedit.OT adviscs : _ _ ItG, IN.Ell_M.-111SURANCE .AGENCII . . notes upon the vital questions of the bout. short,practoal common sense ond-bricf,) long essays:. Give us new ideas, giveus 'FIRE, LIFE 84 INARINE. Mind thelaint to behrief, yeti brief. Lilo- ,. - --= • is short; newspapers are circurnsexibed ; British American Insurance Co. Head Office, space is Ya1uab1ewor4s are. many, mid -'. Capital $10S,000, ltiarinlDepa;tntent.oRo%To-‘ cowrnitveirirrincedrethoevteyr-ognacrralleaudsa-anIifdejraPuor I:, . • , • -GAORGERUMBALL, A Co; Agents. item that will benefit or enlighten your Western Insurance -QPnlia'n3r Limited,. fellow to00sw lusibelne 710eit. ' butposit it i"takenthme nay r;7:11-- - • ..i NON -TARIFF OFFICE; ENGLAIND, - in hand to inform you -that thesefewlinea - bun for a -pen -id of nearly twenty five years- begs to ainoun e in. order: to effect -a' • - -(gueuer.;:lariolt.B..Ileyn`ollsj -.1)EALf:RS maps oF • PROM; COAL, ALT, WSTER ! • - ' • -DISPENSING4CHrrST E6- DRUGGIST i'...gents for IIrSt class Mtbyininnd- Fire , • . - , . • Insurance :Companies. . sW511 //ARBOR QUAY: God e*It, - Tula Laitupoot., ix" .Cotypox TITEAtli OF 411,E pREsE MONTH, selling -at piiees ffreatlibeloW the usual rates and w111 Continue doing so until 'I" ME E . V' *.1- UW E - 1\T E His Steck:ennsists or a varied and extensive intent of STAPLE AND, FANCY -D Y GOOD , ..., f - b , Hardware, Groceries- Crockery; Wines, , .„ yeateon,andlinporterot - - BRANDIES AND OTHER 1.41QATORS.i .. . . .. . _ -3,---- , . ..-. , and as many titticles will 1 t sold at and ander cost, an 'opportunity Will be afforded. of . .G-F...,NU I:.STF - -I.) ri, u Gs • cnrin great bargains ' In the meanihne the usual credithusiness arid be direatunted: _ - • ' •• CIL 'meats, P,erligi!eq 1 . . . , • •FIKE-4 LIFF.INSURANCE • • Czpttat„ z-2,000,000., Sir.; Aregnzulate d Pun d .11•111,1111 5•713 7 17.2 • • Brittania Life Assurance Co. ofElindon. 'F‘i-nsero„ SOIJIGITOP, IN - (Rm.-teary, Coaveyanner.... 1c.2t, .it3riace, - v16n foyly '• _ - • - - • - fstrri 11.e-11117i.-iitr.17NL.3717411.71.N-diAr.,. kj Land survetrOr. Toronto Street, duc6.1e:!. • • - rt;y,. t41?.0 VI'AGTAI; L I SUR VE OP. AND Civil b_laginee Jut) • . 'Lc. ES. Elfrikiirt,; • el:VIL'ENGINBEIt .k.'ND SURVEYOR . Cotten/ate oi the tinited,5tatekok • Amerwa,.. • -FITE ondersignec .tal, till ',Pen antioiriter ...kgentfortbe above- tigItIv.',ispeetabl! Companies.ilprPrd-reit'Ai accept h Fireantl , Litertsk•s ffidderatert:itr4 01 u nt . A ,.1get.0 . ;:rif2nos ornic indebtedto Win. E. C-117,A:Cl?1,:b. • no.LLte or book account, will please flair ::'IST: -111 • )3.eagile"; Goderich, Zad-April, 1G 1 - JAM S WATSON. • • •• • o I -64y CotoRS..1,ii-vz §"TUFS, • - ggusE--kok,TTLE SIEDIOL,NES , • • CARDIAS:gF.DS,, LiC1, &C.' 's Prescrii•tiOn! ii-„arefully ills- - -pens:cd: ' Cl-cdericAi .1 an .1 .1S5S. 49 - •_, Order:Aiwa nod a'af men pitnetuallyattendeilCo at Zwbest ,..7;:ade 2iires. ' ..., - LIG-1111 ROCK & COAL. OILS - - Buiningnuid:Lamp Oils ALL AND --SETIU Godert0b. : J-ORDAN. !1For Sale•by • ;7,ftbp . 50 _rake same-withoutdelav,- Office on Lighthouse Si\ Next to 4r.. Andrew Amo:0 • • • • 900 For Sale FLS PER BB A QUA_NTITY' Of' .' • • Assorted, at - • POIThi-DS-1 W3f,; CMACE.;• Godeile.h.Veeernbei 22n4 '864. 1w32-tt 'T. 3,E 0 11 E T - LIND. AND -GENERA.ik - AGENCY T'"? X . t the Seat Of Governpleiit. • (•(-) .a • it, • ri A • • Lin and. and General gent.. -AN'll Patents, taken obt, 'examined, searches made, letters patent' for invention secured, municipal funds and aceqiints eolleete_d :REEtE.Etv0ES BY PE:OHS:31UL Denison: Esq..-DoverCourt. Toronto. John Poss. 0- Tomtit& •-ir. aitoet. NT.P.P2. Chippswa. Jabn-F. Tayfor. Cloche& Hon. AV., 3IcAltt_ster.2.1. L. G.. Toronto. Lion_ Geo. Allan, :AI 1..0., Toronto.. • . - Finding that there exists at theera of Covern went the necessity for a cheap, reliable -and pedaloes agency, through. the. medium cf. ;which parties hying at. a distanee and having- ,business with any of the l'oblic Depaximents.opliy be. 'saved the expense 2nd con veil ience ot journey, atteinduc d to open ao ...Mee in the same buila- Mg; and just abov-e that of. the 01!.yr lieg-i,,trar, ()li- the Corner of ketcalf a -.1-d. Sparks stteorai• Desiring' Oct in sem ides shall be made avail- able -to that ela.4$ perstms who- -are u nablt.; to tiv larae tees, I hav-e determined- to aake an er...eedingly moderate charge for any business that 1 may be favored with, so :that it niay' be within the power of everyz-oneto have ayelia.b.e agent at the Capitol. • 1• • Alt letters to -be prepaid."- - - WM.. C . BENISON, vl5n3 • band -Agent, and Oonveyaneel,Ktneardint • ' -11 AL:R..K. • • • - - (Ace hours.frona a: 0, erock,, a. 01.„ - cioc_k,.p. • .jsI1s1114; - . AROilITECT; 0 I, A. .A ,Nt.) .ser.t.;IPIGATIONS. of inad L • lip in a rteat, and correct style it.nee at the auron sAiy.:tion Mart, Alar - are qoderielt. • tsw vlIftlyly • ket . • • -a • - _ /7r. 31... 2' _It II .7.417.2k N LAND AGENT, ',Tartu -4 Squar - • Goderich. Tro.o.,-.-.Lii-ro-.4-dv-dr-% Wednesday ,froin- 11- 11-.111- • 81:10- - _ , Ora4CO:.0011j"..11 Accitinitlat.ed liftnd $5- 000000 Annual Incame- Exceeds $2 500,090 . ' In reference to above let it be disiiectly understood tint no Goods. will be suite° • Up to the - -I5th Mareb (whei our _Stock Taking .Clopaken • • - Public the • FOli, FIRE, Lilt, AND MARINE. qsriTAT., Z1,000,000 ST.Eituxn. • • • Chief Offices -7 Waterloo Place, 12indon 17 King :St. -7 ---Manchester. -thairrnan-J. Tomlinson tibbert; Esq" M. P. for Oldham, ReformitClub, Lonaon, and the Grange, Urinstcin, noir Manchester General Mangger-Arthur Scratchley ESQ.., M. A, formerly -Fellow and Sadlernm Lecturer, Queen's College; Csmbridge. - . - -6.0mb hoping ihat you are Weill-. Think carefully over what you have to -- say ; reduce your comments to the lowest possible fraction; exprnai that by the , most convenient jogarithm, and it may be that yonrlittle gem will find a place is ,the omnium, satherum of a great news- . paper. *, -Right this um! To invade Canticle Wilfs the faintest hopelofsuccess,,the tirsteoutingent Head Office' for B. N. A., -Ontario must be atleast80,000 men, with field batter-, - - -Chirch'Street, Toronto. ies and cavnliy. This force must be quiekly followed bjoheavy reserves. -Alloying limn !each soldier would cost 81000 to equip and -I: . CAPT. R. THOMAS. Marino Inspector. getzendy-for marching order, a force of. 30, 0 -EO. KIMBALL, & Co" Agents. Fenians w°111c1 'cosfr' 131°00•00' But - this isnotall Thercavehy arm and the at-, -1) -tillery, with all the horses,barriess, waggons, - caissons., shot and shell, would_be enormously expensive'. . Next would come the vamp equipage;then the commissariat, the most arduous and difficult of all to manage effective- ly in an enemy s country, and in the midst of SCOTT & DEGRASSL.,.. _ -. • •. Managers, B.N.A. QUEEN FIRE 86 LIFE 'INSURANCE 'CO Capital Two -Milliona Sterling. Chief. Office. Queen Insurance Buildings, ' Liverpool. - _ CANADA na,tacn DIME, 'UNION JAUILDINGS, a hostile pot illation. We may pot -down the- lioNTREAL. . filst cost of all these equipments for 30;000 -menrand the -other matters snetifoneci above, --taffrom .68;000,000 to $10,-000.000. Where - WILLIAM MOLSOL ryTtiTenthgoaslarEycsciisesiqp.,avidnsnt,are:rhann.cYeioEunsgq: Hen: matter is looked into, the more ridieuleus does VI the money to come from? The more the - es):4tie Will offer to the Bankers-Molsores Bank, &Adel- the FeniansinvzsiOn.,,projectapPenr. sere -Mem -a: Torrance &, Morris. Medical •AiArtma_The iongston New, a -AdviA.er'-4AV Eiltt ministerial paper, and supposed to be art. Su''.64"-'7Jather 11; sm, - of organ oftee H00. Mr. Campbell, tries to .tor--Tbotnits 11._ Johnson, eq. Resident Secretary and General Agent -IL Macken. LulindiesiteartiealthoergPaann,:lheykSshi°onwein°gr the AVIIITIseltr7hael zie FOrbes, Esq. ' :• tiatia,cla governincnt did tithe right initiating - Union Building's/ :,26 St:, - Pratte= Xavier the -preparations it did and while tlese poi - Street.'„ . , parations show to American! and ill ,oth -re: a0..111:111BALL &Co Agents.-- that Canada is thoroughly Ioyal-atid Able a: d • • - willing to defepaitself, yet the demonstration. The !clioire 'COMpanies -take risks ,on the is very expensive, -not less then.ten ortwelve most favourable terms. ' - •' • thouseni dollars a day,-- whilet it is the _ ' . GEO. RIIMBALL ./k Co. . general opinion that _there 58 , no, danger. - 'Gbdericht Srdsktril; 1866. - , - W10 The News.'says itis the roniation of fir all sane Americans -that the Tenran-leaders 'do 'not mean tn•fight,. but mil iontent them, selvet With themeney tbeyean wring out of tbeir dupes,! especially since it has teen de.'. _ inonstrated that there is no dstleyality worth sneaking among the Irish in Catudit. It therefore -thinks that .economy, ithould now be Considered as well as defencr. ; .at Cost in order to make rooniihr • Give`us a call before buying elsewhere.; dlaegow House, Feb., 27th„1866. ; D o. • . L.1 --..).E" los:trot/et-5 :eirebted tt.t 4 Ire EOWN 7 follxChUnge (unless- esp 3ialltagreed upon at the time) during the continuance of th 1. "&-...4.TE:Pcousiste rt yhth safety; - - side, : • '.- • . - - - ; _ 'Lite lusura.noe p4*. Seem ity. LA116'E no q.slIN PATES LOWER TRAK 'MOST -Sat ISE OF EWE S. • Losses Pronritly,-Settleit. Without . Riefereoz to a.B.bard ofDireotors •CHAAL'ES FLETC4ER,- . Agent. • - wlfi /GODE Riun GO _ • _ o xi, -sr GOcterich, Feb. 27th, [84_6. • .-- h.. !IA.... .1 liEll B RO MACKENZIE Late Kerr, Brown o-., and Kerr MacKtnzie&Co., f . - be ready to show T SALE OF _ .... ...,_.. , OltCERES.. - fneaapaledwshPiCEllegyrix'V°0,fitleigiralloitraFast:c;b4114A li4ri'94-711111aledt-Pait'uLl. 0 - A, Ivry% movi...A .p...17. -RR A yvio Tell. e child, aged seven year's; "whilstyla -_, 02., ill i,... . X-10. MIMI. 4._•., LutalW.EA mg with ,lns brother, aged twelie iiirtiithsi - ,--7-'-- placed over his lead an notv bitrlindinit to- - - - ' ING . . that Ana Air the _nuts of cart,wieele.,. . • • # child's necksodnbegantoenellombrherrthe ---- : . ., parents discovered it they were horrified to r 'THE. IJI3 find -that it was impossiblete- removetlieliand -w.- : Giod4erjoiC71. jlfinivnir determined ns.bienirner'ill ticoeb-sticItl jookileha:evizer-., 7...wuralyinarinieViln7dffsttu.hainglirTfassotend.I.imtenfin"ehe..::Lpeoir'setecitdineesi BY THE ., . ... . Whilst -one per's` oh held the le*s" nut!' Ana- tiler I - _ ithees;ecocessfiff-u.l.tlyteci.olmitiplleetezdx:b,e:c,iluolnoge.).rusai. 1;asokly.:-.... Fir -t of 'May nett c . . ' ii-nci-conimena'ing.ott.'- ... _ 1,- --_26 :81nballUCIwallirtabolia:efd:12;4tmlirelitflistarlienn,L=5"Thila7- t1:713.1! .tanre:ititilue"a. - '61:All' its-Iffa: Itif; -: .' - " tn14:nYta 7 f il will . must -o wer *e.tseuhre' ea,t:allinallrekaralunaPeu'er used but 6 85 wo rdit. A. well filueeted,pe,,P100. . '. ThittOdah .- the, 22nd - Instant, I:: AgOtr no ' ' During ,the sale no Goods will be . n a or -Amelica.seldion. ISO, Wirt' . more dna 200 words in their; Tam* - ' . . . -:-. . . - - 'IcnbutbarifroptnetbarriehinSer°o;VElighYro 74:rriplittit ' - - - - . ' n n n ' than abotte300 Or'400 viords. in 'actual ..cofi- ' -•- •- : - • reasoners, who avoid vague and general:ex- Givel- ill on AfrtiOuATION • , versation Accurate 'thinkers -` and .close .. nor will any article purchased he back. - pressions; and, vr.bit till they find ltheWordthat • .. exactly its teen. meaning, empli:iy ..it large • _ N. R.-.4411 aeeciunts. remaining unsettled exactly agent for co_lleatio.i.-- - , ___,. -. __ part;ocyb.keila:inee-ylit°::::,:leartr Itilyakay.o.re:;;;;ireilei.5 . on the gist MARCH nett, Will be headed ,:comniand 010.000. shauspeare ..,100) As. -,.. 17win3 , - ' ed -all his plait With abotit10.000'words.'illil- !- JoiliarAIR & CO. -.- Cl'Oderich,. Oth Feb., 1866L' ''sts6NY4-6w . - / totals _works are composidia 09017 and the,. . - ' -.; , Old Testamentlayeall slant ithaelp nriy.'intli - c)X the -A li V, :E. 4- 7 " ". "-7:- .5-* • '.- 4 .. '- j • . - HICIAT-S014).•7-.4.-ini 'n. Ish-k *It'. - -. week, 111. - I - ; 1 2,624 words. ' ' :. • .-- - . Pad I 'ock. . - ,..--:-.4--, ._.. ., . _ . . . .. :. . iliiiildne.p:,:nfat::::ia;iiiiillut.,...-tvit:iiierldn„,(4°.:i.o.:4:!rincdie-„„,:;itir.: .ritks.11. ' Peri° lc* -. --..._- : . - , . _ _ _..„_.-.might an toe pfthe , eattle.guniti4 nuOle to PREMIUM NEW SUBSCRIBERS!' ....ve.ELCiPED6TQUARTERLYREVIEVT, ' ,... get out.-Irhiaing the,intrarlindfallett Oa ' VcIlliervati". stook train the twO-TrienditaiwilWitfAietiS' - - : THE E•ORT11414Tisg.REVEW (freer'ckurfl'i about it but like -.We pigifietiOdir :iv nod .,`: TIRE WEIrSTBRATREREVtEREyWIEw (halal.) _ arrangement AS _ti- -anvil- --Ingp94.-2..,447,,,,irin-e iv- - ' - ' • - -A" divide -the cardene equally. NO iotither,was- H. GA DINER -it Co.,. .: . - - -ON MONDAY 2T -H , MEI.Egubserther won announceto the public - . t . 1 -of iliiron a -id Hriitke that he has on hand The Trade la .respeetfully berited to inspect! - .' and wit make to order C. -Alleges, Wagons, Hai-- ' ani- . "f M h 7- _ ,- rows &c. wIcfc.i will be sold Cheap for cash or ' - : - approved ereclit! . On hand and for 82 le cheaPs - - -, ' - • -• ` • ' ' V : • 3. " w49 6ni 0 EL NOTIO 1-- Larie jOHN DONOGII takes this Meana of in forming the public -that he has entered • Pei:! -.12th 1866. ,*401in PA8S.S1011,-E,--• ()wawa. - - • - _Vititoriaireet,Godericb, GABDIET WAREHOUSE TOR SALE. •-•••...•-••••• ' into -the Hotel bustness the stand- formerly r.- tyr5 8 nd range -B, in the township:of 1.1,StaplevjA20 pergere'l East25. acres ofs-mtb eagerly quarter- oflot 2 in the 9th con., .W. known as the Fulton House, where he, will be happy. to receive old frienda andeustoreers -Goderieli, June 6th 186-5! . w19 - - Asittield.atid 20_, Town. •Eots• in Once $30.0t1 each' anti unWards. 1131N911.:(ISr173EVir SURGICAL DIEGEr is4CAL neArrry.T, (luecessor to . gout- s gomery,) tiouench, p. Monis :over lir. F. Tordanti•Drue Store ;Januar/ 131thibiti5.•,- - • . ' - c.1:41:Camapt411, (-INN rilt.A.L COMMISSION AGENT -Commi:scuoneria Queen's Bench,tortahng affidavits.Gonveyancer,&c.,&c. Office on Broad way.o/illageof Kincardine.C.W. - _ 9;9 • 1-• • ,r 1 • 98.".; WEATHERALD • 100-derich._ ; GODIARIti ANNINO 41.,31:0 .A#L 3101 (THE OLIiil$T IN THE COVNTY.' •. •. D --GdaDON - • • 9 CTN1LMAIK-1141 AND UNDERTAKER •L'11-111 3P-1-aiet6r3r I Alatiufactures ina has now on ttancra complete /11:11E-SITBS ItIBERBtOS, TO INFORM- tasortmentoauraitures-at his Warerooma, - the inha itaats of the Counties of Huron and Brneeth at h is still Manufacturing, and has. • WEST STREET, maniacs on nand a uu b r ot AND _ .116nETURICS- ins_mqsTatxcERETHANKS7 ,- for the very fluttering atexiiiragenient hirhas reoeivedsinee.he commenced business in 'Llode._ tich;notheing able_IO.exee lite -over one -bol 1. o . . the orderibrought:-. to. WM- lastseason i. having; . . : pow Seuttred famlitittfor .,. - C... _ '..- .' 11 _ . 1 ..E t .. wimp; on x ensively • • • - aj:td employing none but _tst-etassfradesmen a9D :A. el hi erience as cutter is ' SUc�Al SON; 'Bureansy Tables Bedsteads, Hair, - • t ..0eter- 1:Ette. ' Caneand Wool -seated C - Gilt Motilding Accountsoollected. Business of any kin en- ome illanufaeture a,nd IMP0/4d-I - Oats, coekle, ch &c. P.umps made:to order Cutter in one of the Principal Establishmen ,s in P P steifto.hira reeetimprOmpt attention. . ' • . and warranted. 1-ctortastre.et Sectit!THL. he earlesslystates to a • - w40-1y$0eX D. G. -hs always on hand a.-coraplete as. ftactory07! Phison distierning public that- , • SUPERIORF ,NNING MILE tit PIJMPS..;. He Would ptirrieularly draw•nttention '-t-o 'his nd . b !eyes husinessestehmvely and suCcessfull/in Hamilton, - • - Second to nonem the Province,liavingearried on L, 0 1.1.1VA.Rohlt ' A. N D ' CONMISSION. - and Looking Glasses, -in yariety, ot - MA's ati he will warrantthein to free Wheat froth rinci ally first-class custotiers an liaving.been ,.a. Merchant,lavgattunort, C. W, .,Notes and H . - - .... and ,Conbrtq 1? md :; - - --------- . - - ' ' - • - ViOTHING CAN BE MADE ortment "of COYPUS- Alio HEARSES _all, , . ab, Paints...and . olore, Mal - tailed togive get eralsatisfaetion to.farnlets who mentin oron y etre , v•!f \ r Ve 4 - a C3 BLACKWOOD/SEDSNBURGUMAGAZINE(rOly) than .t -as done- lino the un. tlns prooese w -TERMS FOR 1866. - fortunate pig natat once -taken offik4anen. Hardware Merchants; WitoL, ZEAL! ANT/ RETAIL . Porany one °tine itevievrs AY413LE 11* S' °Manes/1r' • mg, however,. one of the men *coo perann_um fiaeneddstrOtertheloo:pmlgthatyboOnftTheforIaWlinellelEet:10:10r:, For any two otthe w . IJAVE now on hand a comp.ete and well's& F all four ofthe 12.00 " guard from irebvitenkuthe bens!' %Von 031 • Market Square, Codejioh,- to.00 talihetrip:vioaustta tracedit to oicluegn.tit clam Atioitnette. sorted stook or Hardware, Consisting in 14;131notwoodowan'slinoganne 14.0000 '14‘ flashed, on niind- that he Ind killed his. •'• For Blackwood and any wo of the part of,' Adzes; puma Axes, ae. 10.00 '• -{64: .0turnwneapigo,uant,digaudieenp4halfmofe.rairy-it aw,Ey, so it views •• ••••2 . • .. .••••••p:••.•:••• 13.00' ; _ 1: _ Chop ping Axes, • Fort3tackwoodandthefour Reviews 15.00 if - OUR TRIYE6 ,r0BITIO11.-The Win 11 waiton xes, Cada& Plates, - Angine. Brushes. BOrax, TheinterestofthesoPetiodicals to Amenein readers so/Airman 0 e of the woe ingbential vapors sChains, eu -Colas, Cordage, Pu ng Forks, Hayfor ilesiOlue, Gltist,Patl Grain Tin, Grindstones, Powder, Shot, psi, . Hinges ah kin_ .1ron, Steel, Spring Steel; ; •&bibs, Spok 8,14ind Bent Stuff, Bar. ' Lead, -.1a p Glaises, -Loolting: Glasse Looking- Glais ; Pia e, HorteNails, : -• Cut w . LW ENSED- ASTOT-IONEER, BAYFIELD T° HIRE- - ' * \ - '-.:-- * , . Atiee,igent fcrthe sale of MorgaiN premium ' . - ; . ' - - • 1 • hive usedthem. *demi Antill22nd.1F64. . 39 en in ex .4 'a atentCUL'IlIVA'fOR; which has never Yet- athigptitabiOh!llelliquattothe frVift Entshiish, t Oil, enzoline, Co Oil, Machinery w27 *ule UtS'alid-sells New York Drafts -Green- ; •J - The aboye Tir • 'GIIIINO P.11 ' FOR:V.' colinty Ltaran. Sales: ill village or dounty ej* Limber and -Cor wo w9-1170. Alitinge for Furniture.. , nueinutivatiensediu. _ , - M. SAVAGE, _ Ooderich.27thOct..1863 _ ". • .2" - Bcurrency -State notes, - • • • *mid ungurriut moUPY, at current rate of IttNRY .DODDI. Code.iteh.pet.31T 863 inv parliamentary Pepartmental ACEN6Y, AT 017411VA, C.- t7w40-1 Plough NOW& - Oil I am iaws-,-Cross-Cut -we, Hand Bain, . • . - • 1LLER. be.sold Cheap kir gash. Csalt ."%.0 -4T-1.0N 1qta Dee., 1865, - w47 -1Y41 r-r.A.NN jviu .exchartore. ' 0 --OF TkIE 'GEORdlEi A GENT of the 0. Farmers 3futual and Stook Coinpany,'Hainilton, 0. W. - • Forbes, Lot 2d, Con ;, Morris. WS 1y* . - • 4:1'. _ • •. IN .11AITLVIIUMT.-4;GODE-1404. LEtratil .FINDINGS 110SKER, PAOPRIETOR. THa ace., arx. -LI. above is mostpleasaptly-situated on an _ einusen4e 120leet high,..overloOkinc, the Harbor - VODERIGH, • and Lake Huron;--0-otat Orchards,erGardens and' MealserBeds 25 cents - • vI51110v1v - • _ .. • • 'Petit -airy ‘- ' • ot: IRural Waltiaattacti;c1. Board $1 perday ;Single • THE -undersigned devotespecial, attention' for Inventions; the -adjustment of Land end of-LendoniEngland. • mar eta o e wor . 1865. ;via o e STURGEON TWINE GHEAP, eiwthrhie reoi reue a g eer .rcluttihavni, ina lit ma no ,tb,ceolibhi dyes ont ug their rnthi daYt itt -r Be nn; t nowe ibilityand the difierentstetud-pointstrom which they interest c..fiBritisli, Amence nbtss inc(sse.- are winten.bs read and studied sifith.-advantsge byes I ed dependence Ott the States, people of thiseountrhofevery-creed epld virty. biitn premiturkto- New Subeezthers. -440n-with Own _in all -thew Ateplie .New Stibse- ribers to any •two 01 theabovethey produce °Ili for which-- ‘0P:apIrsialdfoir;34:6:- ;:foc:evar jivis 6be '6 g, entitledri u a. ; °t". e :To iuefu.vbeea mei P have ct itionandntitay°:tfu_hille11 For17: he el: they tt itej te Sr 1:6-0' vi4t7;::041111-�h.t17. T gratis, any lianewY the 46-FaltIn titirreRofetliaelhe Pser"for iodi- erior advantages, owing•to the 144 Pqrilen.- ie .Enbseribers may also obtain beak numbers it - bettotllpseefie5etnnebeserri,ljnvegis65:_e,arinnirdeolunliervt47hdies076iticitiouirtlec:tsege.rimA;Ibearnor'dri " ed n. 18 competltlon and n't unipn and,' on followingreduced rates, viz:: • cleood66014rourive,Ste.aptttehmeberart,e. 0861 4t..2.t5ah Deeareea .; ,pwaortitlidcip.beataiinmgptlaTstonyb:;intat mbuirdets .ca_porittipunt.t: The .N°rIk- Bitezsk f":"0' January, 1863', t° enterprise. So far ite the States are conetro• - the year 1865, attherate et SMOR year foreaen their own sides of the border, union of, the , • Provinces Which would enable them set com.. • tr A few copies y t remain- °fad as Pour nate sticcalii. folly ivith : tne Sta.tes AO, - to the procuring of Paten- ts for:Land-sand • Agente for- commercial Uni011 Awairanee Revielos for 1863 -at $4.00 a set, or $1,50 for eay 111 Counties ot other claims -against tbe Government, -pito. tat September, '11ZEONA111) SCOTT CO-. LIABILITIES. 01? ENGLISH RAILWAY*. • AN 1) IIRITOr caring' the passage of Private -Acts of the - AT0T.I0B is eieby gr en Ibat apphcattofl will ..1.N be made at •the next Session 01 the Previa. Parlianient for an Aei to .Legalise By -Law No 1, 1865, - the Vuited "Counties of /Luton and Bruce. • - . By Order, - • " ETER ADAMSON, . Coenties Clerk IL & B, , '7th Kar,en, 1106. w7 -2n! Legislature, and the transaction of business L. S. & Co„alsnitublish the „ : who were Severely injured id, tie nooen / - :3e.t3131.4iSrumns, jury in Londotntsthuelispcfgli.oni7ivi%ists':t.a.140;:d.;;:iv.di for `825,000 to Bev. NIL Elena and wire, _111'0.38 WalkerStreet•NewTOrk. 11 ER.P046,fsji:i:raEle,....1TEC:100:1;weE. g:efilv-E-01:2:SProvi3geluGsgrIg_IfTR41:Tc.)anYl.::d 011:2pgeoulislaviploca.ti.311.:1:0:11 'In‘V;Caenatirtludriiitiagila would this great lay towara pagesandnumerous EIngravnigs. . • AI- it ilroad companegt Fero pgreciii. &en6ral1y with the severe epai _ - • , _ - DEFERENOES BY PERIIISSON ' • _Hon, Jae, Skied. M. L. . British Arne.rican-Assurance Co. FIIIE -86-M- RINE. A - Hon. J: 8...MacDonald: Ron, 31.Caineron; 3%. J•os.Atimond.Ftsq. • . .p'JOHN ESSON- nt. Feb 18G6..Ts 6,30414 Bayfield, C. W. April I6,18.65, 4. • 4.1•,•••• 55