Semi-Weekly Signal, 1866-04-10, Page 3Z. '11111 1 Not 0 It I 'IT' IN 'I �111F` -E, "STIJI.Xi W.,.EE-KLY_---'-:9-T.G.N-AL Z -SH 34IRT's SAM 0 VVIL'SILN. OU TWUNTt�' F�' o Truty'ELPHS.— BxiA. K - You p,:. - 11 X le T C 1100"I'S ANW The followill gi is -in ex t ra c t of the-,-deipatch Xgw­ op Ir . itts-entens.t: PIANDS Hgweil knov-0n Jadke F E I f nal b United Coun , ft e,,,,o arm, III q bees to saj t itt to -is P1 -n., B. D., Colbbrnd.- 'T.9% Arm is FieriFaetas issuedout adlimssed v Ar. 0do Hu "s of T 80- eo James Wilson boot bitick, kni,tt��firlllin" r archdda. daled, lioule, Februaq So 1, 'And By virtue of 1*0 wr; It' V6. boy') -epare to. Huron 1� a eor�Tesp �,Rdeat 16 TraveliTra. vit,4hig- the Ptype's 'donitnions.. lesty a ounly �vithim 6j r6ifes of Goderidfi,.there is 1,7;aems Ch S:E G` .0 to wit: of Hir; Ala' C polish -Aetit-,,"'boots in the most!- alyprolLpd. I I PAPEh 4 bV illtexx.st WAL Court ofthc'C�hjtvtltonimes of H-urc-ii-and.Bru ce Ilig shouldbe iery carefut not to briar#foR)iddeu_ ­:. 4. 4", 'piittonti e. ei -et - ': 'I- . bicAber-in returidijap thanks to the*pulilic for tbe-libe Cleat to �stylc at reason -able rates. 1"Mroitagd respect-! rPHE in li-und a-f7anfe hollie and Darn, Otte and Coutlty,�Court of the Cot lity of.wentwol late i4ven, t e --A Igtrg'e�'assortihent of Po and, half ................. '16'd Of' jiearly tivent.ir'. Go* rat b 3towed upon Ill books 'revolvers: with -ilietti, the fully Solicit, , 'k ki a 8� W eurs,,begni to innoutice.th-tt it 6rder: to effect a iind to ine directoid agaiinst I e laiidit 0 ed B to it ad b� ushe h JL hiiii fok a per ie e-' half 1*.clear ON'lumi-s' nd' the iApf custotil, it om papir,,utways' n at IQ- uc n�o­ 4yearz-rbaped, and Aa -T neveybeeA, e V -hand A ' - I - -josepjl* M-1-itay at the Suits bf 14vid, Irom, 9,to House ollicers havi g tAriet -orders- x red tio ''fStoditatid�t6-jnalierciLdyftW�NewGo6ds lie will, commence. b regnirdlessbi peases p.ougheiii-there 4fe cor0fitird 4 to coltrise*111te, ths-in... aod it iss not alw4 110S81- 4tewart-an'd Ebenezer Ourrip afid' 1 -Also a yc6vng vs I have seized ble. to reovet them after the owners have -ell in 14 c est. 158-trem of the for OF - THE , PRES ONTH Jak e ution all the right, title and inter OF:YICE,' ON: - TEf 81 G N A -L,!, -E'4th ENT- JV best; assortmerif -of I its ventious left tile It6tuan States.. Forbidden boOks are Elllt 01 fit. 6fthe %aid delendont in and the.North half -,of * jUot Nuinher . five ip 'con I cewicon. A of thd In T01W.U-: U-kfzi4well 4nd pp, I;. As tkio Ne -of" INwi&'contaiama, fifty, a those condenit' d by the Cott ation of the` . A' Gentlern-th -ho t%fifrefreil ibr veiihis, from - rvous A Vadety of Pittler"na At 5 And 6--:cpntt contifile do sellincr.at prices greatly below the Mail rites ana -will -SO until. 4E'req More, or apply. th. to be th Indev, book -6- on -religion 4 iftorajity ill'areller. veki� ur-e ecay, 'aild -all j]iL i4ict sfy t �v. 11rentat I) per u jess whiOrLbuils and renetuents! iliall cotl�r CAM PATRIPM Mt.- -ks ver -description, -fill ivai�serettou. -,v;ilt for tIW-sake of sixtTeriair 1111111111tty 54 -e in. the 'Court 11duse in the Vbolborne.-Nov- 3.0i 186k w454 tN' Patetj ,.:ate -at rhy opc = , - . Town o'f(,'-ofeii'q'h. o� Tpt�sdayihel Third day. of tons tracts .- ­.. I -intplereine(ly by%visichhe wase J1,11v. Itext, a! Ill h 61 -Twelve Wf the elve. W A -D E S -te(t at, philosophleat Nvoil . of ei Y' rjp XX 1-743 1 t, V to e%ct -till Acild frelL, to all who iteed it'the recilie all(.' (Iirv�tiiiwi for mere 6pecially Italian. religi aking lite ured. Sid� WENDO ..811 k our �:w 4,-, the exper- �n ondin, L But abovea]4 tr, terenawi-hu!"- to i5rolit lij tile advertiscrix exio" euC& Coil* -6f . by many �em should be careful not to. biing- Eb�rjik Call tro*0 by addressini- 1.74611 and Figured 'Otte 'for t Ris Stock consists of a varied and- cit6hiiiire -agsortfiie� i: ap FAR 'FOR kS-Aj1rk--f1j19`* JO, [IN n. OGDEN. ti -RACDONA tile. .1.31W -rich, I. office, dodc L Village itt"Sajulneklall lacing�tbe $a-.4.jin 94t1i. X'arch.; Ist, - - . . - 6 . . . GOOE i -"nnif itivitiot lUt-eflerif Evnd* situdtb i -Aerifil Ong it D 'N D_R lrhvri k Oeb%tiona, of being strictly probih-ted.. S1GNAL,*r3F10E Sri T V A PJLJI: FA. CY �X. vre I01NARX STOR tit all Tim JA31.11c.k Ta-wEor. Goveraor IR Ir- it 'A N.G E 9 BUIr TICUE. BQQK AND -STJIT :'r;*ravel iroid, being the south fin It of Lot neinilor W, verr 15 in 11- 1. th colice.Sbljon Townsnip� 0* fcoll-"icAlp - county of 11urou, Forty acrctF. -harge). Ity addreQshig. tb�, 6. r- .5.,mrn runil ttirve ill ciiAtLrts 11k.,CLARICKi A ND 0 ER, --LIQUORS -9 ­ ­ .. I I aica;-7atitl some e. anationsof theirldif" -i9th"-ISG6. '' . . - . , . . - . - . I - ' ' MORTO GE -SALL For pakicularsappivto `orie ex, Crodker5 Market -Square-, Hard*ak 0K "Ti ines" vadly in, tim 11 young Wily'dnil gentleinan ill the United States land Getterat ire, for some 1L r V. The itivell., adful work i�i ean heiti something very much *ti) ill* i� advantage 'bv plough, been at, yari ince auout their (Ire.. I We " _Urciderich,. March A _.i.illejl. 7e jl� iiig�f -Itiumbugm-d will BRANDIES al % cars of beiit_- 'rew York 7'ribit'ne',te oi5ige I,%- ii -t mitwitig this P -sier- of �.'inle. contaMed in it lit -fergilees is oiven Ur tile 'i\ ard. All otbeis wili oltinse ike" (31inton.- no 4 -arti4es will be-sotd at t4d underpott, anroppc -se- t-ul'age-made by Lifeisis A ney, cormr�poudellt.. fick says-t1yat (ion. _Nejsj.)jj U; t: PhD, .1 jediciii servatif., 11:11.ii P0 0T r1her Ti -10A. F. CHAP51NN. XUNIC PAL NO TICE' and as many FHanity willfb aff f Lrtfl'�U; C orde o t) re 1011 in his. exatniniti it.. befo the coinniissi xvhere. we curitig e the usual cred' isd ed. f t14 Vii1affe -of -Blyth,-' h _tA - 1. great barfrainse 'Inkhe meanVfm ifbas'hiess willU d ontinu McConnell--oj i.n t e ehix 0 s - execu_ 4b. .. I - 0 statpd that It 'had d ed Cit rdon' ion.for the7tiwnship of v 61, 11 n is. wif4% beintr -s'party, uro s bc hours,'to give Crovernor be --held in- tfle Towl-111alli in, SON.*- f: thiiiret;',foi the:_parpase of buriina her dowd tiom;f6r thiret THE coil'; ofllev'A'� Count 7 41 Evre, aii orportunitv -of - inielj*41, -_T`0' �002N_Suilowjrivj&�& JAKES W.A.IF eir X e "W'. qgii as 'lle7 said Tcownsbip,-ou Ttiesday the Ei,;hth day -'Qf Go6rfch'--2nd-A --1866. Tile. adv&tiser.� havinir bt:tai re -mored to -hei'thh'in a ' - _. . I 11'� pril,, W.10 4efault having been Made in thddu�!payuient n. -9 . - elf tl;ought the whole 1�ro6eedings. irregular, 'but c" 16 lo(?Ir,: A Cite -bepa gireff to. all parb bya -yerysitui vri lit, XiLy nexti eg,int 6fici --at 10-ol f do" - - SMAU fdrm ofeugil' t- lRod'iiiiiely he- had -cot a private letter front th few weeks pt reinmir afier.lia 11 g S -the'reo 4P 410 les xe Gover, _7SON I be-s(A -sit uat4,- faci6tr The River ilthild, and WILLIAM WIL inteieited. thele w"if CL7' A nor, diredtill- him to -�o on �vith ihe execu- that drcad'diC."Mel. consuntption�is anxions wo to wnship Clerk. within --the gourisbill", 1,onj NO To 3 nl;jes -of r 14 th day kf Vard �boitjg the south hatf of Lo knowtv to Ins the Means occure. - on -Tijesday -the �2,7 tiou., ternoon, H' 3rd A ril' 1896., w -1 td, Wingliam, �T, P res- I - -, t 1MES -2 oi�cloek, noon miutb 'coil- c the .0:­�-THE T! in ­�I T fie I;ondon entotion uted- Orve ofeliarge).-With thadirections fo 14. on...the:' Zr SCHLESWIG A�NT) 11,11.stef\ r pre- U.P. A:. D. 1866. at'l 3 f -Town'ship of lit err� eoutain'hig, 41D Pqres, 29' acre to CuRw tbr 0m uNirriox. AsTic OUGITS, onroa. 'num- Von 13-kni.-trk and -aft arrat -the fbtlowiind -pronerti. namely:--�-Lots ' acre -hit lffiiIffient is * . _ .. I I!�a rap d s of v vii tfe iju ps �s. h- t�. SURE At Shatie's Hotel in -,the Villacr� of Bjytlie� 49wt ays� the King f Piuss -is ov--rruled' paring and a sa the. Irort.� 4sing flie _'11111 w1iieh tile), 'will find a J311ONt'11111A, C UNICIPAL-_ NOTI c op e hroat autl I,ung. .2 yet to- cor.Dgj�_ - ult IV JU1evii61iw ' The only tile ��U�*ner House or be effecte(t_-by ivh'-ch:Au HE Court of Revisicin for- tile Township 0 bers7-$ 10 11 12 -13, in4l,4-in;Block A- come out Will be,sold cheap for stria nlay, cont -eat to."object of tltc�jxdvertiserin selitting ilr"�riptioii iz, cub, benelit. lite afrijeted, and spr"d hil;,wrinafion *his-lir lit-, it 0 _X'..11� th& Annexation ot SAles'Wig-Holstein. to T Lots niiinbers 6 7 8 9 lf�. 12, .1-3, -ank, Forlaftherpahiculars til ILPP Y 9'.10, t, 'It is� aud 14 in'1316ek B -- Ligi -numbe% -8 -JOHN W.-BOWMAX &iiil ta oe'in contemplation to mrit kiturday,' thii nineteentli!OU"M '6 7 2 -W K. 00 Prussia. I try his rewedv. as it will cost thein nothiin-, I givelback North S61iie5wi- to, Denmark;- as� a Way 11'rQv, ebee s - 11 _1al 4 and 15 in �Bl" lonts QeneraI'A-_;enf. Wi h Co cekyesk it) Iii- invahifthle.-and he hopeg every sutflb�er.. 1-1-18, will be 11eid '.at Sha'ne!s Hotel, 'E, Blyth of' adjmti�rr errors of 'E41- ANINTU- Ll ock C, s nit sm, next-fok the purpose. - R. S7 tll� &dderlption. ruEz. by return mail ­ M . - .1: es �Z asking, t6i iation. to tile rropit public ol�tinion ot Etirop�., wili pleaslit utldr�ss -other Township businessI* numbers 2i 3, 4, 5, 6� 7, -and.'. in Block D.; Assessivent, and, I Jan. 2(� n and Low umbers L 2,_3,-..4I 15, And 6 in ey j 1' L IEK tend to avert - anir conflict Villiawsbu-rg.�Kifigs -Block E i of iffe0otinellsoury , Sam FfOr thette_ Prussia on no Qo.. Now r1i. OIL) 11L - :0 ti- -the ftev.X'DIT_.VtD Az. XX'IUQ0N* t5th -of RICH" 'x.rtb, The -V ienna Alaryiing Nit say's A in, and lit tisti Townilli SIP I` TAKIN L CKSIR Ch j�_HOJSj6_ Clerk. .. . . . . ­ .. .. , I � 0 tho satu. hqihg bubdiyision uerlf xvsA torwards, leaw lit by bringin the W`01�oth, - ona of k A'ril 4.tb 1,966. W11 P - . ) . . . . . . 4 - -(when �our Stock -Taking "be d two in to fore the Federal Mardh "ont, we wil ofer to the� 4parts 6f lots iiiint ars one question, be Diet. Gener.1 UpAo -the 15th menceis) t 'Ali WANTED 1by.1he subsirkriber, agoddstpa y jjVVjjt5L :, - .. . _. _.. ­ . _­ _ - . .,. . he Ad the el Gaveradr- of -§che1swiz-110 . bjj -the Tov�iship -se Vorl Manteuir -Public jenfh. eoncession 6f Of ko bi : 4�b ith 6ither bT the month. or talCe Xewv� rnn' -v�here there' is plenty ot -ston Ring : : NOTICE stein. has published a-dociete of the Kill r 01 fHu As ihe same are a shopon:sbare4i, work, it being du the DurhuM Road in tile ti intenin -ivy pturiishmentagainA Wx�jm-T C3- .1 ..11611 t P-1:�_..-mem a* Put* Prug"i'a, thrd lie. C) Cx-0 .1 liiddbWLn anq desisuated i� the re fiftered Greenock, -which ix to begra ve jpIa;n1hereq.fkTpade1;y william.,,Rolph Esq., townihipp:f- Title 50 Terms of t I 30t�L in inade ]known -&I led next-- d b si Ses arw Hal mes R ST '-'C.K ourt of Revision he T.owtiship of for any. one atten iptihg. ta est Godibricli %�ili be bet f -at ',tile These r. anthoritr M' t6e Duchies 'Ahan WHOLE -'OF Ou summer, �poue ee apply ut pl,cali it 0 teady, mati. e made .16 �s da q;)4reqp :'russia. dnd the Etuperor of Aus'trk,. a V. . -, i - , - next Ilie puilicose orih .- -app6. for 40 -at Cost'- ti� ord" fo,._ltuake ro4iifor SINCLAIR WALKER, - 's 91�yriied Eviniskillen Gree6ock rost ire q King, of 1 -TRY .1 T I no on M' ndaY t6 -day of April' We. Ap o%j 'to b D. -e t rei* All mcts4endhiz i 'that aireeti6fi 'are �hrva.,- tin ea.irinc-, als -agatust p er tb� undet C. W.* N _,Solicit6rsfor !.9ortgageges. Office i6oiini� of Br6ce CA'-\ NE111N PAfN DESTRO 'Asementi ened With heavy-, petialties'. 2 .. C. This. it TffF i"a --modicine f6r tile ininie'diate'afidp" ai-id eriari- 1011-N SH A W r Gode kqb faith 6 1860., - wW March 2.0tb sw3m I& A�uericam -Tewiishi_P:Clerk-i Tlit, Canailhz�l Pizin. 4)�.�00ye-r The abbv.6.Sale. is postroned'until Wednii., u n, Pleurisvi �iid Pa.iis n It DIE We find in the Chicago Post the extraqt eajz-%-emeut&._. , I , : - C, C res Itheuinatist AfarA .6th 186 ir - that, convary t6r.all previo�s t e: w7 _;ary stati5ment all -it es,_ .:X thjZSe riffeSt r o -pen d I Ith of Xpril -B k- it llv� LABOTW49 NOT WANTED IN- 17119 AVEsr..— aeat rciwval oia![ pain. iroin t lie sy.-Itcen'. P Canada report&, there is,�uo deniand, -for laborLill tlle� JJRS. J. C 'y C11,4&1law. Paiwi De.qt-&?,,"ei L SINIrM.. W .& WALKE and fie 1. SINCLATH - - olvelit _t7 ot elp - 1�.. 4 L R. InS Aet of NV�st.- It says hundredi of Do, 1.;vborers �Re*fioves, ;till lit t -lead-, and L4'CkL 11e w_ r Give us &-c Wor� bu fing elsgwherc.� Goeerich..117areli 1911 jL8C6. �%Iilliucry e8tabli tit, in ts;�2 either f6r - I I all a4acillu. ber shme have )s beer. sent to. these, wild g s 58W in lit, i mas`B. VanEmry ok e chases to --,-7X Can(TiA llitzn Di _y bi - I � t, e watter -a diere eve - s and fornierl v - be T the Upper-4issouri from' the St.. Liditis and Chres Bilious Caliq� ajxd�Uranip in.the6toinaelt. ctiioied by Tarke.i to. di de d sheet has bean prel-a! k" Runt 11, 00 `,uch -a service.— - f - - Chica�To� The-iutelligenee- offleem are -at -21 ca)l�dZ,771- Pkr�m. besooller Cattle- Parson's -Bl on- -bi Aou-t-tbe' r George 2 red subje�l to th J, i A. 0 _:ach de lurbu% A ivi n e -iiayerY' e bottoln.4 f tb k Cu'ies Cholera.i'livic, ka M Dvaentary ad' of- A-�rl W61 -LI olijer-lion unfil the 'twenty cightli fday at 'a ONPINY ­.a..aze- could- not -'Bowei'Complabois. 1866, Te 2 M; AtItiril. 1866. AARIrAf, A .1g. -AT- DLTROIT,"-Three �ni adi . P -12i.Deafray !r :.Glas,-,oFj1-cuse,' V; ilus_"th &y of Marebs Cam fill _a Dated at -1866. -cout, -6intielia)t -Pai -.Aevtriqir S. sw02 -1fros, with their a. eed car-loadsL'Of. usketsand-kustiiap rifles, com- Cures *udden Co!ds and bore Tliroitts. A r4etive 1 - : . S e. d -,,Pg 222 b _S of Tli s At 4 oAmN, An*nft. _ds. ..rements, mak ng alto. -ether 24' boxes. ar. CiireiiBuriisj ScAdsi Fro*t Bites and Seal rived by the- hi ,.I.A1121 Destroyer HE, )-Sitbscrilier�b I b' bject Ric igmi Southern frZailroad Tte Canailia as'on'6nd a- iarlei�, ..-In re fdn 'to abtivej let it.be -distin NOTICE. algiA, Tic Doul fe ce Pfly uindierst;66d fhat no: Gooda-vjil wsil -r Neur oumd-ux and Toqth Wednesdiiy. a er T c;j�dv' d ,4at amearlyhoar noon in., c age of a special U -es -th-b eontiduance of the - ii gee q. Also vicriety. of Potn* to E4 Xella ire-(urfles"s-espkeially agreea upon at tte'ffind) during Op rp nE court of Reviqion or the Townerip iv rZaft avex Unions at t ore o .- Sale A nesseii-er. --Ther Ivereic.onsitraed Vr Detroit I tois, and T hi�*Grkery St f xue, -just TIte Civiadian Pah; Difjthr�ler a were stored in. warehQuse. T -w e held Hotel, 7 WD of the _CL WELLS. H dilet. 2,01011ingtoWs nd hey are ivellent Elling, -lot W. -Rruisc� 4�. X A b barrel* 1salso all e, ounas, Saturday'Abe J4 li.dar vt Now, L'tidesbbrough, -on 1- 0 Sprains aiid,6tra!ns;,- it takes aW_1v all* pajame" p J806. 'SiN623i, -pril next, f;3r the pnrixw -of heiring api6ir A e S. njoluellL It Is *In lied. igailist Asi-essnient, &e. W K , C ,M !aently �ordered t e upper lake .-P e remallider, smairi wobably., -designed for the use of tL roops. re- 'Goderich,,A, tit 4th o l3letroif atid-th to., Loallat i6asouible -kafea JAMES BRAIIJILWAITE. -dead bodies. - A Goderich Feb.'27thi '186*6.: No E�arnllyqhouiid 6C without a bo :MONEY. 'Tfig C-If6LERA Dis.,.Pi?e.i&w.FRox Yu Uunks were thera, The. United gtate��Der;aitment of State It- tile. in( -.,A.PPIY.to Tvwnship Cleik. 19ib, 1,866, Varchl 4e Ve ja an-, ad, States c suig at Brest and Ch oyer, 6 4r� h �.�Oz expascd pxesftt�,. rec.etved 9flidial, intortimicon.frota.,the United The, Caniadian' Tai tr 0 le erb-IuTgr under 54 a] Il. a li-tt col, fghfh nd' ill ni )e e OST id - Godc�t� oured Mink- X rj_- L Gauntlet, I a finderwil!A)c Suit-, -0 AC --d1lics* d to L the .10th- vatil.the end �f NORVIRUP LY.MzIN ERRq BR NZI per Bott'.e. Ar, torders states that fro Ira Via grav 81i 44 - . I - - d.ktd of.Uarch Dr., 'The nsul at Chei-bour- PRICE.,-25cents sh6uld AU ';4.1* wrlile- o6er-s- February there o* I ecurred, fiftv..cighi deaths' WX a M AL Ne abIv' relvarded 11 1 ying it at the-,Sigiral Office.. ;wc -TIVEIER and'by iirtue ora prower OrWRYC tj*Af -fronrchblera' in-ak-in- ej C. W., ca tabler, froin the berinnin- of ?_ Go3erich -in God6rieli Inr Parker& Cattle a d P n rtARMER$ and t er drous,of -'pu _�ideqji&, u v) date, 114L da�si 'a total o' 30 -ertain Norigraze mada by Don - an aitempt "F57 &i lis fiom cholera, ixt a,population of -ling Exem 000. L Latiffif a info e e er �w at �Company hare_ eutor:0j, ofthe falp Tbotuas f_+ardfift -ChnLon;-.Ec ffickson, Seaforth, ant] all- _L_ TON: i. I Just� iWithut, . -Rogeiville, J Pickard, ExOeir, 1,. 11. th -_Omada ald.-hithawlc Robert H. Girdu 401 1 the &:tatp P.: Jordan, Oardilier "'CoIe Baviletil, Janies rehas, tamed in a 1-:, two0vir Tile. dise'a,:'fi, seems to haiie Combe, � 7 MM el T1 de.cesied,."daWlb6fourtb.da3\4pi'OLtober A�Dl siv 4L d_iir­' -ared. as -no decurred %je T -&Le. Doal 41eiiall- age% q guawine - -I apoe had ree6ntly d if 1864. for securing --.the --mm cot Ei�,ht hundred -,and am r ON) 0 twenttr ei-lit'Dcollars 60 cents, with interm at e.8anitary Board was issuin,r cletur bills- err, Brown & Co., -and X6rr XamlKantle&Ce -t.' T. ca LEG ate' . Er Bell L ia pou L ght �e ,ent jwr vinnum, there will be Poldi h Cho vai t eig im kiv I eiHotel" In as at I-n--th -retired nocase & I - . pu ) te Auction iot the in lite I'll. The coniul at Brest* report that- -Rellef in.Ti6n Mimftes 188 SK1X1lfNqS--wil1_ r n - he . rs' . o - I - Ilt r`c a3l t4 -V 'wera of health.. s_ -A le, I the epidamic h duesday 4th Aprilj:aftirlbe Eaater - of -Ife Province, Will1bg t 9 ' - I I . . . - . - M on wii rpa(�� to,s . . - -at ge 0 �jnce I W The -Comps' 6,ild particularly invile la Bayfield County. of Ramon cholera ba ared. Harch 1. _Uie A W' Sr- w .'appe. Nritica,ti'on.-*-;ftistidetidiii, iriven in the 7-us"uai I . I I . . : : t* -tq V, e�r wILD LANDS in tho'Coun inister of Cornmerc*e.at Paris o ' 'd- i _Kir rdere eleux Aen ion -'hlaoiloi te) and -tk -Vill. -A F -E Ri 8 - Ell.-lish birtinebek gusi . ct-��.l es df i RULM0N1C*. W Nondav, the 23r-dLday"Of the -cfqc:12� iii iho;iff6moor e I (it not 9?1 Mar 1, gk jL-j:L st-two of n FREF'%1.ksoN-PY seems tiflouris., arnong th rhe moLteer-tahiand speedy rcipi*d�* ever discovered 186-6" --sw62 I� �._ ;bills of.hedlih to be issued. . _­:_ . . . -- I - 19 A" �j D i , -for all disehi;e4 of the 1 -Mil PO A, T10fin :�', -,,PL N 13 ND 0 Wouqly,.-disposed0ofby-private.�bargi3iii) all 'that' Angk-WE�ns_ There hr� upwa 4-3 of si. jv,- tb prenii sit w wilt be.disposed of On liberal terms parcel or tract olland.u.nd WA I f-. j.6-ci in,' India ivaorkiiw Ander the, Gra OF' 1. _ - ­ *N - h Lungs. Canghs; ColdS, 4 'of 0 A a being in the t A L ,. - - B - L _0 _ _ . . . . .1 _- . 1. . ­ 0 .911 ' be pt ate, I - ing an said Village of Bay.!\ 48 ay IN. - ., - , . , A� hig-ec -of Lot nuniber six hund Asthma...Consumpt,101to t field; ow_ -,61 -of Emlatid. -'Chest,' Oid Wh epared-LtD P�Y" ' a . ron ASH, br a! considerable,sum dbwn.. ria L, -.)t X%0. a at -Chitlli - biflu enz.a i - Insolven gel 7' Tbwp plot ot Bayfield Wor%-, TAE PRIX'GE-01? AV.W�S'.-137D TH&TaEATMF�k' Cauada'Companyls.,�.Ogice, and: e1eV*!7nLih i�d 116(trsaiess Di tAind- $6re, is In The Prince of Walds e xercises a consi a '%Ir.- Daunt, ffichi'll - Brea- the inaltir tem *11&- 5TcL d aid. - Terms wade.-kadwn at R 3 --Decyr,, If 65 ItOi�kXT H. 6AINDA0? Toronto;.19Lb Mo 5� 52w3m ra influenw- over the, re-pers, tLk derabl�4 id fip�e c f theat 7./iroat -c. -c.. said. -Exectilorawalcore. t -ma.�a- -sjGrit.seems that s bpen app re fro�S to tile These Waters.give-the per _JE BY N 40N.E. weit as: of thea zeA (ibri e*A h" ninIed lis - St. Helen whenever his. ;.�-iy_a1!/4I-_4iness awnee in th" in tt-ei, and req�ires claims. AW 0. fe"tct r&.Jef when tt�rsevcilt�d w,111 avoordlug 1`6 direel)on- e -s prog.,ramme hqs. to ­ to. , evk--' ad thratig me ]in .:.,to P he Ifith h is t Conces invited to-i.;Spiec i e last'mom.ent. $a it"turned out 0 'Official A nee H. 13. The Zeade reipectfully the Tuwnsltipcif Howiek, iii!the County 0 thoatr(� the. vening, nit' 'iteverfoal.to efreeta rattol oilid la -ung eurt-r Thousailid:, lie, filed within tno�thg from this date' .7- To oOen -.establish a n h Lo4- o-tantalteration, an4 that. at have bqt:n rest6ired.. to perfect healifi..-who 1ave*trie(Ii S1311JEL -POLLOCK 0 t MONDAY -ITH INS ' - dergo so U - - T A g �atl`thitge nt�e LA D A kwr- a 11 lief are it; plesz d*(7.4iV-:-nt - me iftvd despair, no a inonev to see -hovr lonz'tli� disease'mav Ii -vei xisted..-.or liow J. Y.. ELWOOT�o olicitor.for Insu vent. I in, Huroll OR� Ilamilt6ii, an -Provinee of Canada. vha hi;d paid their the first er- 19aiW Marc p -;evere it Inat 6e. pr(,videtftbe Zir-Zle _W11 tormAqcb- of --orpelare of tile' She Stoops to -Conquer." ait the, 'Goderich,-.4th. April.,. P66. k6 ed bv MuTheapai coun rjr-. 4D El, W_ W r -r %1tall or.zajis is not holit: eisdy. decaved. : Every one - .13 it I bete re---enaet the: -St.-Jamesl� Tfie-atre, ortMonday' fast, fdund algiii-ted- Aitiold give thela all. tivii-ai-tidl trial.- : � I - it jai B bil 91 the' Tctwnshlp�,61` 112iowicici and TORS whqn; the+Va'tered -the tjLteatre'thatll by. speci, OF LETTERS. -I It reby enacted 0-f'the M I", �TO. V0CA11.STS&.PUBU_C SPEAKERS' L -IST n iU 11 that IRE following exrellent farm jots, viz -Lot R e "nicipa I ald esire of the. Prince of Wales, the- Schoot I one- 9MAININ t!roin and a6f-the final 36.j in the Bayfield es�iou of the Tvwa- NO D& -ond April, -1666..' c ing new road snall tie. iopened shipcof0coderich, 06."Huron, coutai -a jtese Wafers -are peenliarly va th Win[ the Dingle PcoitMeon tllo� L 1- �- - : a Law, T '�villh WRIT SALE, passin Z Scandal" -m J- t 1111 -for' ra&io be �Tiived instead. that flist. folio* day.reinovc tit(: nio.,tsevere occa onal hour. �i, ai;(r ning - bo scription hereiffiefler al all t hn6s.. nt-; f able. set 111- .90 agres of which about too are cleared. 'sim t1w often hear eon;plaint,% of tli'e'snobbi4h u� -their regq1;tr_ui;e fora few (kiys vrill. a r -o tile' containtd in t 'Arin-tro n -Feancis and ftbm. a andmitlexibilitio =jiine Matgar-Mt d�Afle-'thatAate. the said ne'r-iiii whieb the good natured, mue stifferintr Yreimst- tile jonv.�er Cracke TNDEE -of - north balf-of-04 north I or Lot ninete X ftp 'r"-.V1iiA julcDonald'Huyll DancY, Of road einbra"-, _­w.htbin the -said deveri en, L provnig its tonet P1,64 ptlont $11alt Road - East' --firs. the Towash!p of Stanley., ai�jf j the unders! Rdtish p1ubli biehave "I' 6 .'U' Mortcra John E' colu ana elea�lje,&it lbe I own p ric in - -1 e County' df Hu. .,be used s -'fitgh*ay-,_and'iha1I1o1I1 in- 3V of H ion containing about thirty *ut gnod 0 ..s whenever itL blappens purprisetheyard regularly used- by, many.Viifessional - Aruott Euphein -Al iss I -r - f Ls at jiublie In. 11ole06nald ftew C1 JWDaugall: John tents -and part efthe ioadb of.said _-*U2e until W to meet- Royalty in a' theatre 3 6t what. I -ron *�Hll incy his witbL(beIn EDN& joB %t0SFS%srtle_-1?ro rietor. j�pster, Z�.Y.. Mary g:8 par -e.Pitrjc'k Kay George ns ip efeited,, also the West �pflrt of Ime looknitt, when it �oes to see- P ,Rolc Blak Ale 4 the; to Tow b' te a pt -y which ff -tcentheolive4ftion of-tho said Tvwn- 0 ,ie -26 ceut� perbox. - ty, theeeto/for t e purpose of btirring hera0w �n in the i1iii Bu -j cot LIGHT HOUSS, it -has hot sden for- perhar)s soine -yemrs and tten Theinas MeLeo0ohn a The description. ififsaidnew line of .0. All Voraiii-tr- dud Ni;)ie lzpea�ers er) deliadltbaving bee mad' ue pay,- and singulat that c6 shio ot Stahley, ,containing�abotjt ibirlty scrAes to :bc At, 13arker J onn McKay Hevicir- mpn t tairt paicel or tract of land iot Vomi!ists aud Pt A . pro .0 Vwk .1. -two, finds itbeW Ir let in" for a7 cymedy- whith -it voeal!su; and liublic Speakers a nWINOT cogation or the Reerproc with four al"es; cleiiiraqee Tail 'S tppeFs wi in, ties te Township ofHo RAnge _1;411 ffi theL arne Township, being one In ' . X Quarrie Hoe ­ iest6d,.there Wi e sold on - ­ -wick in tbd toun ty ofH uron and ­ nr c tor- rliemof anFn'otice_beeFq i,ive.to An anise, ritiiAte, Iiing and beine in ibf- and week.? If, it fifids'any pleasure ill Treaty,` it ',h 11. n ow be Io ok liurgess fte _y __. - . . I� on Barr Samuel . i,. - Huron, lViRrind 13ry.iii, qrs --olit for refi"I The tit bi ei from Ilayfield oil the Gravel Rbad- and ron staiinif at-Rovalty, Rofi�lty should nut com- Will find Hrpili is- Trafers k6n1s,in, A] treah ider- P-iovitwti--dfCanida�(--out;iinjng by. adineasure- la st-ned haVe coulidence- in pfrering thell'-sepvices I, .. I X-ortoli Tfsqt' -ment two aTW on6lalf e same niore or tainutir ten.acreq motitly �cleared, with :g#W 411. 0 or nats 4t -day,4: 'Iyl. Al. itrea -r -and I n'such-'an`66casion; the C-Ood Will find 13�yalils lividers t;bdri-bill Ja.ne� h N a6res be ill r;; may be -seen at the in if, 0 cild t s0ch, ft" the jQaIe:6f-j3RRAD.ST�F.Fb; .-ASHES, Invalualili aday, in of water, godd Dwelling bon -e, Him t;Af fu�l B. P, -allows-itself a little indulgencC 'Cit-ii.ES: i COARsE GRAI C Jinposixf of part -of Lots Nutnbers ic NVOT 14 -at B1;T arelaines"2 D. 186A., ies�s I Fit rEr,. E twentVouejati ces- ej2hIh CK. -Cai�j 'ell Thomax. 7reArson Robert erabteen ift tbe iriconcetriiou ofjhe*Town- -favaluable to re. 'ove - Ns. &4 , 'Oreliards and also fhesouth weaterly hall'of Lot, 4 lieut lotLEA2 d tw�n`ty lwo1n the 16, It * Con Pewe, Rordlty biing& it -On iuelf.�Rlust4zted' �t u 0' '�e SWIP 1��y -ble, to. remove 1hey-ha e ta 1,s o ci Ildelpa,'Li b iflips, Olin rtof sion ol said. spe elook noo,*, st.thd Aurtion Ma' Townish il) of B owiek which inay, aroir'ScITC T-broal Elt. u It u g.. e. co -in expitrien. -lanley aforesaid, routainjag� about w.xty T1 C * leta'an Dani L Ph i We& ced _0 M ;Nor, at Toronto. an,, ese a r X. Trui Gode. d ' fibed' s-followi_ acres 661"d Illoaly -elearrA, and within two aI L . - . . . . I I mt e Db L C -rJqh, the. i Conjaien6ing at A post plaited on tire -weeterly -1 is ofthe Village 4f Vartla-67- Tenders, for [in rsenesi§ Rood Sore, Thrtral itc -give I . . JORk- UGAL' Foilowitij- property nath�ljLdtilum I nuni j t frouses.f` I I' e . learne'sn to tile yoi�e, - 'nre I'll"0111' k$afemiian. o-9_' . Dowd Mt Quigley Owelt T6: side- oflo bor twenty'code,and thirteen; HimrseneqtairitS Campbell llex" Parker �uiIan, hsq.� in.the. wnof, Er..Ymes WAFERs.-The grant.publie-ren G ("llantg 'thre6huindred audL C - :- Onintiss,vin Wei ber (1309) Ono For jDartieulars apply per-tona Ily or by prepaid.. Alld.Rive clearneiz.sio tim Voice thousand :)t be bolvia t* Se. 0-dyhayt- now rs, 'Dortiyon R�Wfl Qui.nlan Joh - bains ind fittv ffnk4 Iroin the fiimvcornerlbere�.� letter at the tE`ost Offlati. bayfield. been in use-evEr-twenty yea And give. Clearness to the Nloice, . wS 2inci�, Sp- Alo'ntreal.. -nine,and Lot fiunibe'r three hundredaii"inety- of, runningNJith tieiej ortyin 4 'They relieve -in ten-ininiltej., -a�e- it cannot be saR thaf illev a4 on trial., aid Vilth lite$, ed�,t, tjffe�ty f lie pty four degrees I _14arch 27th, 1096, four in the- Town bf.Godcrich ifo.' 1116fe They relieve ill tpn lite-%! Pihavi W.ehael: Fra 'Eliza�eth'Mtbs valuable build ags,therc-oll linebetween jolsaUnIber, twenty� They' h4v6 -been Altoron-rilly t�ied, au &p* Th�y relieve N ter.2111111utes zer- 11ohertso -Thomas by -left to the T J -noqu -n, 6e Autho'lity 0*.f t-bose- whq'se cougji�- Was. an&all dise;lsbs Fleming: Raviin Janies. 2 one at nVenty On-' A rc -E SILE Ter 113 _r MIJAT-6AG H id twenty m6, d. all: di,,mses n at Sale; Deud under -a lue st -and titirtj lin ks lite .0 -0 A Cob Ws.� a�ii ins. made kiftow' VQrt'h Al Xv, JL G Plain. -power.of Sale in �the N Secretaryi. lives andhealthth6y 'have �reserred) to.be J? 'ancis Boor grees,ea -twentvAhn6ff SALIEJi glis- Colds, and all (rjSjaSd5, Ort fnap., Che'siuvi-d Luligg, e planted on the line betweeti twenty; two and ji�ei�! lakina-La piece _'har*mless NDE '' L- ' . I . !!)�4 - * - . of a Piiwrtr of Sale titainea -in IL' Dare, n Cou avier of Sale* contained, in a Als or' liss 6D a post (I miriently salutary pre,. (if the William Of the Chest all Mortgai, made by William I id. EZZV�ROIT; wenly. -t d JUMP) Scott of the Ghent Thomas. iiaratfQn,'And it taken. id seition: will itivaria- liffid two iods yvide ad' i gaid Lois number %J.gag -made by' illia! ClaricalEginonOV L W10 Solicitor for Mortgagee ross Ar Gibsow"An'n Of the Clitist and U11gs, Township -of- orris' lit' fliur6n, bly eur�- coldi, cou-ba. Sore throat and all %a the Coubiy 0 Sullivah'.161tRuna' . nith jciSeph. twenty one and twenty two along and. orL-- lark, his - Old by all fMaggists, Gibson ville In the County of.Huron, ja I ReG .Robert a t ­ j L" , One -fair trial wit] -Con Sold by all Druggists. *ne-,'-8 his *if6j being a party, there' L r eing R party thereto for the purp&a 44 Brqnchial affections A South side pftl�e cour-4 iftad wife; (b Sloan Robett deacribedthencia aowir) default javing begn uf*4 in REVIESION U OURT -etween twenty two narrin her cents a- box, twent t ree., Nort�erly nine a- At2s line old to I Druggists.` t r e or oge of barritim her ddwer,-de. vince the most skepti&t. Sold. by all"Medi 0 th; a Ron tam ontith jobil Northerly I'along the b -fault havill Hisi St*les Vlilherinit� Miss eine dealers, aC-25pts per box. A cout's a box -havill en njade in the paymeni there-,- Hirs bon 8 - . w. *1 Pnd.' It ell' ins to tPe.. the due payinerit therecof and notice tx ea given t_i5 Xt ed. there Will be iWIS RE (Jourt ofOiision for held- f`ront­oji)i­IoLaud6kinga f I' d two -toullpardedinter"i IfflarruiEss.--Trae happiness,' Hanna ig- kshea Patrick- 2 Aslifield will be At- 25 eeinr a box Of, and not e bein giveft tG all loarties inter- Cece f an in cur opin Ha el -J es, :-''Rhan 1L tit - Dean Swift's Hotel Dungannon, on rods wide- a;bng -the saiiffine. twe:n Lots and "ion;. consists at the following named articles Northr�p -Yman,: New e, e be'so Thontits dutle, General sted, th oldon -idayt the rst -May_ & L ]ff6rher -Mat#iew Shields Janiteq -oft66 line. (yn ri riday.. the 4th ay bf lfivyj a If at the hour -or. on thevesterix si& L;,Itints fdr the 0 'to! rnoron I (IiirtfilhWicoregoingt6 be a-true(JI, pyora By tit —A.,tidQ little wife Atting Ca'nadas. neWtifock in 1t oil your kiree her - 1 1, 0 . I . . Stepheasoft William noons a Tuisd th. 18t- day'' of Nayj I .....it 1.466� at 12,oleloek 1 �D ­"')ge 'Y.M'ss be Aivnion trustin- smile fillin�a- your mind with hi D:r, Sold'in. Goderich by Parker & Cattle aud I-. Jors. ityl -LawiliteAded to be P�&44 by the Municipality H COOK 9, Towpship Wrk. M;, Trtionian, iii tbe.ToWD Of 'Tralable. ohm Aslifield, Arch! Ist, 1866. W e ANE, I tilaw.ing propert) e n; criurdiner & Co., Bayfielti; Jis. Biintlit tn, Roger- 1.136 0 oh' onJiures of th Towimbip ofHowhpIc i its next sitting. r dauiely- zonefifthoNn *0*0 (iEEOWE'D 11 ITRON vjIle; J. Piekar04 1�,xeter; 7., 11., Coiube, Clinion - R I.- j nscon Alary-Jahe.4jasTiViorlarnes PPY d. j j )ug.ots, - -a- niat little. rooi]ii- tidily. Turnish d 6, at 12 oT lackrito no At --the Comiabrei 1.0iiiadian, Pain Destroyer". C alers. 'jw3&6m - itif Clint6u, by'G. Mv. and Avbodle 'of I Hi k Reatiorth. and all ffiedieme de Ho�ell. . ii�the Villige ind 'be the ktaine 11101`00r less, a 40n,j -ownship Clerk Vange.Wiltiam London Street,in Egmondville id., -24th,'18-06. 41 ber rruem eii 1he following proper Howick, Feb. w6. age Lot nutuber 7�_ an, an, prosm of via E. L SOCIETY8, IR thercjipboardxgai�y fd'r instant use� nothin- an, tione I Y9 VIZ better for saddan. ,theljorth half of the Not 'Ke-arn6liames Au-01on -a sWel -ithirecon. TIP d -�ofds, spraine, burnaf and t .8al of le 1 1, valuableBuilkluig 4- e 0, � a 0 tt in th h -Maidand-Tolid 9 Vi;lia,lus Ro* L2, 01-- gage. -per Bo le. ems THE'GRELUNGLISIR REMEDY 'DWE I -GAR113-Carie into the -premises f' atsafi- Bults w1k waro. Dtied Lisderporwiz ofS liani and- aU kiRd& ofaehes'a ild. paims; Price 25 c N 8 �nd t4e Not, h -hallt the Nort Wrti Ed ofs Uille t 1rd Concessioni, D Sri thesubicri Said b� 'If Medicine De'a, otnumbe'r 9 L t e -jVir owerof ie con, ber lot,!, .4ib con, E.: D. 0 lers. 11 tan�,.b_y Sa 6� n A Ain son Joh -Work"Robert 2 is gratifying to of, drrisj- in' thlb Cdtiniy 0 urofi Mieffect8arah-Mivit, . WalkerSam el. -P -do bv.Ro& borne e of September last a NES, :-- It* tgage iria -about the middt VIC 11101tsi MEDICI Township tv UNtamed in, it (:&,ta!nu-Mtioira w1old _Jd. Iq 3 *for f 2th, day SIR JAMES CLARKEt$ t - - ert Davison (and knnef-Daviscon his wife to fiar. -While' - con aining - b -admeasurement' - u _.re XWracken J b. --'The owfieris"request-4 of Apil know thit theri-, is - at- le.ist. -Wieh� hds n tit]- -I Rwe-and,Laml one w ames . .. I � - I Dower) to 16" -IV -41- her acreg o' Divid -Hood Ritellie, dat.-A the; test iQ -p Celebrifed" Femiale PPZs. -1 'n undq'-66 pidwe aforesai e -to' proFe property, -V charge Premiuma will r6ved itself worthy the JI - .- a d a; and take bw . ; , , �rll-& 'WIL ced-at LIAR GR"T, Postmislier. twenty ninth day I Januarv. A - D., If.61 for se- xy confidence - rq�crjea .-in, it we'know.. if no I 7,epared- fr6in a -pracri -"J.- -wilich- rtgave* will bi NOTE D I. tor ge 9 Ption of Sir _e, 4: --ht bufidred Dollai s within -or artictia, which Las proved so -enernll� D., Physician- Extrac�dhiat* time of le t rat purpose, them 60 :rjo� otb Pf �Xrd_ 9 A�ebve pi*r_�ent pet, ann m, 8 AID, WEL MITOM.L r-partic ars app y to UVDI and by virtue, ofi� assigitinent of thii mid 7011t_ submiriber hereby eviatims Ae pabli- U All; A- 0 e inid David more of it 811D OF: L&NDS 11L to 1A F 1L !a March 1.5th,. 1896.- solacessfuL or givAd such' universal tisfiae- 0 T ma'ga Of ind best sa . CHARLE CLA We made b,y t -inst .0urehasing or rogotiattin" note ti6 we are cenfident Aei7e is s an acting Hood Ititelliel Z hand made by JohL Mesxer.in-javorofH"r% aujount $35 -and 30.,odd cenft,,dua olnus.1 4 Jan., Ist 'arne iilosi -ino - -5th 866.' w1l Huron and Diu U.% 1 F66, as the"s I , be. of it' t Of 'Estate of the h Gardner, deceased- 1=01V6Ut AC 16" ­ This invaluable medicine is unfailing in t e Soli or for Mortg untle y Exeedtoi of the McEx%,n I wittin the us!d than�al!\_ others 'combined, and- that it - cure of aft t -and dangerous diseases Clifiton Arril "04: ve'rri� Facia's inued Out d4fed �ibhe rt 0 h day ofFebruary, A.11,1866, n to' hich'the f t of Any -party returninx thesaine to 11W. -stop. at will'olflinately supercee'd -all ot ers there c w hoft painful It c., - 'IB Fi ill .--* en'iale ci5institutioni is subject. To Wit.1 of. Heii Maleaty's.. Court-7of there. itoplied- - .1 -V pfiblie Auctiot; at the lit Rww 'i -W ]-qva . r-willbesuital niqth.-, dayi v*_ ...benodoubt. .1tii. "Darleys Arabian -Heave moderates altexdess and reinoves all obstructions Common -Pleas and to me diree(W i ainst.tbe. er NW&ell lage ofBa and Co m er Remedy-.and'6onditi we advise "and a si)eedy cur6 iniy be relted ofi� C on -MOdicibe,li V& 4111 r - un�y. F I APPOINT,.THE OLLOWING TIMES Lanp..?s4nd- Tene6ienii wAontoni Beitz at the OrRuro - if, on- --tent, atlmhw require anything of t be, kin4 'to' give Rluievale. arch .25. JbWe MAHRIED LADIES - AND PKACES-FOR HOLDING Execution all-th 'ha fide Intireit of the H C i 'ed Hill, a suilt-ofJohn McKinney, I have seized and taken ors eInsolvent. are 6 said TIN nsfa of his' 'OR SALJV40- d sep tha the ach-bottle*, price One Dollar, bears t e- ov- Rumber Why abuttiog bn 'the south -Bou ry -at-two-ol.the inthe afteindon. (unlaikpre. eitate-and elfbetsy unair the AovelAit:4, to - F lelendintrib the North part of lot 'T-HeSday-)' tho 'it day.-Of..,AlaY NevXjL above. w i9fied with it is peculiarly evjted. It will,. in a -.short, time -it and o,�j . rP. H redit jbf ih &'trial,-:- e know they *ill �e sati JO nor with.the result. nime, - at i E to in Assignsiefit r Itemember, 1 brfn-­on1he m6nthlypetiod with'regula Z�er, D- To N .'QOU-RTB andg that he has madd '?X A.' M go -the Couhty of a -viotibly disp th, 1866. eratneut Stanip oftlreit Britain -to I bk privatei bargain) all that me: itib undersigned Lwnee, andthey are natureofAur'd -Co is'onedchpackage prevent Coun- bfthi- Towlish!p ofStanley in OZ ST part, of Lo Eterefi in 14th ODs 1 _terfeitsr- rol 01 or i;which Lands Sind Tenements I shall offer tot certain pare ot.-cifland an4 pei6nitses iitu- re4uired- td NortArop 4 -.-Ly BMOOO Udde- . - 9 - t . sale at my odice in 1W Court.House, juthe Town atej fyi � an, ing in e owns ip,of ton IV - - - " ih- T - It Western DWis' Towaship7o inds, Neweas, e ng d rom: furfijilt fie, within twd months V, their claims, fleiors: f6 S of-eadench, tin TiiisiWay , f r 0 his -date, with proFp the� UanWas. lAy� all 75eire Pills shoirld iot biiaxnen &1-f th'e 06venteenth day of 'rich. in the., as oiiiyt* tof Hjuron,'bei f �pecifyiug hisZot -m situaed vitbiwi f6* ng com- wmalcs during the 8 100 adrts- hL lily'next,-atthe1four-of Twelve of the- k, posed. or Lottb it six in t a- Bayfie]ld cobeessio elklaiity-they hold d o6e lialf mile fro t1m FjF. is i THR E E H� Of' �J cloc f Godeyieb, A%n �fedicinadealeirs. _xoMr proog- if Any, and1he value niiies 0 noon. T ;of God�rich`, c6iftaining- -of it; apd if nbue, sta� g- the fact;theo whole ort4em 04v as, diory at;e -mre folknixg vii Mixedr- ot the -said uship f, r the T6wnsfilp.-Of A P RJV�- eighty nine ac which abo4-t the N. road JOHN MACDONALD, nine ac, s,� more br lea. (of -'with rtage, zf ra 111- -term cltimred�j Tesifis inaae known at' if. 4 a at the 116a THEII 31AAKETS. atanyot4er6?nct7zej1are e, tjoL er. ON, ! h I - . � att"1Q. under'oath the youahe ;f . A In till boses-of Nervous ettid Spinafilf B& ixty acres are 8 Out SgUrds,* Aw Afle supp e films. - Paing-in the Back and Limlix, Fatigue on a lit 6-herill's OfilceF,-Godedch, ort of such I SINCLA111 wl"REM NN' 'and. 3ni April' -1866 the hour of 10 ill dw Irt I Dated at Goderich in the Co nty ef-Airan: GOD exertion, 1041pitation of tifte Rea Hysteri o (Signed) W1LWAM-AEXW1VX. _0S 0:00.. cot re ea a .7 V9 SCOTT, Riverid e Ist. 3farch27&-18W.- 27ih. ING A ril, to 1866.- 1W AY this 24th day' of March. 18 96.. --sawtom AWIN. Spring- Wheit—L., Whiteg,these Pills"Wiii etrect cu 11 Oxec torasatcoreoaid' do her means have failed; and althoueh power- 'rowrssma erk.. Fall contain iron. ca mef,,anti- Hot6 Official Assfonee fdr Huron, Bram ][A401V t a . A�,. 1:'10 -f� 1:124 fitif remedy,. dd Walker, On 3rdj A 4 Q .126" at Milo :2a W11 4 - 021 0 monir, or anvthing hurtful to-tilecens itntion. Paisley I rzY� TOUND. on improved F irms W. T. HATS* 861icitbf for AM. Avwwo, Notibe I- I I . . - . 'I at a mo eepte rate. d of interest. r par- at., Flour 5:00 5.00L 7 � . kir 9th_ Full dtreitions inthe Dainphlet, around'each: S, in me matter -,of mufam Hisde "�h� package, which should be- 6arefully,preserved. ch th ing fr6in 'jh� Pr6-. jiCjlN&= apply _td the utiderowned. �7 Wine 0. r rPHE Sub4cri r tit retir 0:40 0.,50 B te 9 SES Rochester;N-.Y arris r. vatt. 'Credliors 4'flie 1ns6Arevt;&w.sodtfw& N.. B,$ 1.00 and six pq -iieb, b9gs ioreturn his'sinceie'thanks for e 5.00L W86t N T 0. , 0:00 JOB . 0 14th. JL �Oetofthip of th 10 th Tae otice. SQte agent for the. United States.and Canada%� bXVID GUSS, Fog . -;I. .. i, "t , A 0:50 clint6d ith Sh 'e�p�. Ip No 4:00 Londoni,'.C_W. W 8, 2hd COMM- ge stamps, enclowd flz agent 11 insure a bottl cod. ......... (C4- 7:50 to an' -! . libeml that.'he has made an AsAganwat -ofts'w sit - 7:25 0 ed 'h.. 14th T11E i y auth 6 cona., pattonagre which he.h-w enjoyed. and tate wW effects. tinder'the abLave; Art, to toe. th ired h�, iL in fiftj by re rn r�ail: All4f;10; A". X. �� . . L- -OF Z naderiligned Aniinee, and the 5:00, 19 5:60 ta 5 R, at the Amme Time Inform. hits fliends And the COURT R TISION tre," .1W LYKAI� 151 OPE Wdei Q _4:5 6__ 0.(jo .0 THRUP _00 ftavelling joukliethat in fatuFe w ll'be, urrui me with greenj _0. aL I in�d in two jaconths, from Abb *W 0:1 0.20.1 J�4ge If.. B. founA­st-his old stand il-Princi -of Orange THE ourt o I vision f6f the Townshipof irith* .1heir4lairbs, ;W, oving. Au. AW*ft ow navele failing stroolk I, G.W., geniral. Alw 110 - I* so 0:3 0.35 agent nida. A Ud 1 'If be held at ftoss� T-4vern, 81AiXVFb P-_0j+Q0 Poiatois 110tel" 1)Ujigantion, where. ho-efflorts shall W I. Colbt lwld,, Xany. a _ hj" VjjtW 01'lt; so" if *00 113- Sold ill -and orne late NPI11Y stating the _ fitot; the wbola attesW irtokw AP46 Val! lqg 0 a Hill, qn We n t ; - derich by Parkii & Cattle ,he 25� h in. eri at been WOW "Isibr- Jack. 4j�inted official 4s4ign. with the vowltsifjo support to, -PANW L t n his part to Maki those -at home Smitli, d Sbi *Th 11sy,!,,new V F.Joidan; Miner -cc Co.i. Sayfield Jam" &TO JA_ W" T L ton, ... 0.-00L_ 8.00 ent. -um, 14som -H rk ofthi Nate;& A r hifn with a call. --I ee. utidir-Ae,1111601VIS .4ct of 18" forthe Dateafat Goderibli. inAbe b R i ille - J Pickard, Exeier - Ji Cie at 10 o!c or 0 *ho Z457, f tit C - co pf"' U7 r, Spaf6rth, and ali Ofllbe of1hi Clerk -of tbe, Peace" om ..:ANTHONY BLACK. (J, be - 60 1 t .,i . �JAXES TER79LEY1, United Counti -M lwy* . I . I - Itf. Colb Aorf . I Tp, Cho es �f 116onrafid Brg 20t� dayof krell; Wfi,;, W oderi�hjl 6th, Aprili 1866 51 G6deribh�.AjrR.P&b, 1866. orpe, tc II T641187,24kb 186 4- - W48*1 C d Q� 0:00- medicin rss. I t,wll 1 - a. OW50' W. T. RAYS Solle n, Ill&, itor ITO A T; .tF A