HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1866-04-06, Page 2me••46.'
mirk she observed a form of rules. One to ee.. s ce,•yesi ,
which she attached Ireat importance wits, t'sel'a aseaesa aels
that for each particular' thing slid had its own sses L V.A.. S. t )
-particulaiplace, and on elf occasiona° when • "s- ,
done with it, not a failsoinfit it again in a
reneular place. A strict adherence -to this sIDue, r. IT •
..,141111611, ,
corttplitnentai ar to;P-r- I
Woods • •
_ - .0n Wednesday evening (4tsh), it- large
• -14.7.:7"-...7i4-7--",
company ssetehled at Mr. Pollockle• Inn
important rate sived to her the waste -0S cans TL, 11. 3 /1 ;) April 6; .1866: at B•tyfield,- at. a dinniir in hottor fo Dr.
dies besides much time and useless search.- s ss Woods It 'we's a -compliment lons de:
She cold cfpen a drawer and.place her finsers
TUE W_Estri. POINT served' and theursh not; 'siven soots as
-shoidd have been done, it •Was dello I
. •
unou-mhat,-she watited,evezi ei pie dark.
• • v .
hen any of the caddren chanced to gct a -
is.'" ones. otwtt is an les Some sour -
to- Mes. Stepheassif tliat lady has not al-
. _ .
. EuroPean. Nettts. -
. .......„:_., -- ....,-_______-______: - .reitcly received them, Mrs. Stephens is .
oe the 2-41; a described -.by the Fcni.ans who were ac•
I s the Houaa of Cotrinson
• ..
bill -abolishing _certain reetrictions upottethe quaintcd with her in Dublin, as- a lady of
'diisenterS at Sixfold aniiverstty was, &billed :
0.0 carried tin„..cugii -thr, .apecost,...wadin_g. iv •abOut twenty-five years of age of medium
s stature with large, lustrous brown eyes,: .
it ,t inajnsits- --:' lbie Dafty-.Neut re.,gaird
dark in asses. of nairs apretty filmes full of S
the esL matsrion yespissent
this' decision as
-cited the stSength O'f perties in the new pass trish freshness and health, and a pleasios-
- •
helmet = • _ - lady:likes and, dignified' Meaner. _Mrs.
- • .. • .
Steplides'is-the ;sister of George -,Iilopper,.
. Anothef• liberal member-S.111re.- Olipliatet,
- d int fleeting-- ; - i. - . 1
Intere!tin.g Items•!..
-Seeds- ,Seeds'
..sfr -A young-ipai.i. 2:0 years old, ur
was sentenced on Saturday in Pittsburg",
s Subscriber . .o e s variety iss
attempts at burglary:. s; • s si.m.sen 4.10 a variety flfrota.,
gl:yearlin -.the:State_ prison for. three-
Sses.: Thei.Widisine in fhe trial of
aims Etoes„ and Ton °Satins at the lifecerY Store-er
• :as •
hilst we Canadians thin - thet
I d ' I t ct; ts eavein once of an intende .mot u a Mei chant e 'Dublin who was deep y
Express robbers, in StsLonis, shows con- .- . _
Clusi vel that • the !under' was. divided 'Godes:isle -Aren. eiss leee, 7 "1624,
With three " detectives I", -
penny from a friend, the would -net casual... , - w
age them to spend it on sweetmeats ; but, to anisur has its weak points, 9 -en. Sweerey,
sitting,at London and Goderich at the
a royal commission to inquire mto the spies-
ce to two years iMprisonmen SISSOta, denonueed the II emans in most
s she kept for eiseh a little saving _ batlike from_ -
the ' 30- • -* (-dad 1-11 -t - tP Yi . a .
_ . bib eoreeme to -Mrs. Stephens is also the cousin of Mrs. bitter teetos in Ibis address du St. Patrick's
up to noon of Thursday 19th Curatn*
sinew of "the _county sat tiowe - he Ian°.
'Or divas. which thev always wore with an • • ' t°1"1 ex. to -the swami -re contendins thet lead -Gres- Bridewell from which James' Stephens ins-stOck of thes world. •
f 0 •
bran- lull' name' •,--the appointamiit of
• t - • I Fen. an eons irae and •ri-es s'BishOp Grace of St. Pau , --
beeet ancl cherish in them' habits ot saving, -" 1 "II. I- th• t tl • - - Was sen site
le onesasmes ter°, itp ss a , ter°
time;- and 'the absence -Of -many friends- "at
tion oi redistribution of seats. • • s
a the front" sonie stxty of tile bone and lc c h en crs e recet e y eun emu
which at intervals she squared accounte, in in le( .0 on ta o •
-ordeato enable theM te procure some erne -Tee Britain asceak point somewhere, and the ; • be "lively discuesed s the journals opposed Marquis, the wife of tbe ilovernor of the day. He tOld t•hey were t
•- •
. .he Board tif •Coininon School Trustees else.
independam„prale. They knew it had • be,en
11 t E ,
avowc purpose of. his dollecting tourS -
e repast onnor in vesor's ainendment will seal the doons. of she
marsh is statedshat - .Capt. R, It. town of Goderi-h, tor laying floor Ise cs
escaped. It is I presumed that Stephens • -
- _
brought with their own pennies -- •
t e evenins, we o served Alex Johnston,
. to riiise money to. proense the ineaes for
re c tans n re lig o • „, . .
tl 0 I t f the susst of ...II, %Ai 0.e. Other side. antic la e e or • • -
will be compelled ve an -account of p .•
to gi
_ • theaseeond flat a theCentralS_ chool; Plane
,Jaiset's plan for keeping. aiways on -seven - - • • nodanger iretn it unless thee se u. r
oh.' -t d h h I • cr
• unee .X.Iffed, has exprea- -sea a desire to
f ' h
termr.with her neighbors wass-not to- trouble - • -3 rio s &-
vs spell such spot Spine philoso- - • s
pouncu s . h
- , s ewer s io t e re er roo
fection from liberal ranks. • P be appointed to the cousin:1nd of t e Get -
application to the undeisigned -By rds
- an spscihcations o nth's may be sees es
h tat "
d h t " it's a ueer collar . .
• es Isoim ae he makes his pnblie appearauce . e ces. 26 „nes ei• estes . - r
Y Esq. late Reeve. who by th.e way in' the -Tse Irish /isms, learns - from a eeliab sa, I I sat moan s • , the Loard.
ssiernsinuch with her compattS. She despised plier has state t a. e
I /V- W
---to gossip, to tattle, _ er toss -sit in neishhors-' where nobody:lives. General. Sweeney • - • f• h• • authority that t escape `top iensi I t -115i.. °It ar, _ ttons and 800,- liorse-p6wer with a crew .
,ecairsao. t eve.tnng gave some is spu-
. friotic speecheP. On
- kouses. Indeed,. ste could not: encluse the. has • ia-a egi -1, • t .
• . . '
e on. sus suc a 'pa. o -- • • •
. sted militaty and pa ,
:longer a. matter of doubt -as he. arrived:ssfe - • .
idea. Ikr unifornt answer %shell reprodehed . . . . . . .rslr6 Atlantic -CalL;ie. sw63-it
In Peels_ oa Sntiday Merinos.: the 18th, . -
i , of 7b0smen. Secetaos.
'A statement 'bas been piblished lases- -Goderish April fith 1866.
bk any -of them for beiug a great -stranger ' Brittsh soil, Which it is intention- to ly sent a tele:Srlim to. _ •
,pral of the. P-aris papers to the effect that s
erect into -an insipient Irish-Republie; and the left were 3.1s: 'Batch° _and -Judge .when he immediate
wife, who was staying ,at _Cork, expecting - _
laree meanie of the stockholders of the"
was 6Deedrve aye en:wish t9 do in keeping
Coo - T1' f ( twitl'standins st, the Government Of the United States had
per. ie armor .no .
. Hotel - oboe
to say of him. any evil, , - and land as soon aS possible. ..Since the i : s; i : is ti ;rile:pi} s • s an .o _ an
troy t e power o 4 ng an . ; .
Y sea bad cold was- drawn 'out into a speech in ica 'Slie and heissiSter set -out for Enslaird - , . ...
tube • in reusing rom 1 P104
Janet could dot be called a genet* reader. episse le in .0 ada
• iVdieti se pa.s we.. 's -s -,,e- complimentS- -en route to 1 arts, --to join her husband.. compans6, was held in tiverpb-el on the 14th makine it a naval station.- -
ts . . . . ' - - • T prietoiship ofithe 4' Union_Hotel" Gorli.,
s __ an. , . • s- - tO Pr. Woods', and -AO his SudesSier in
sr' -e hsv s- hears' verv ' ' - I .11 'ale's circular of th • - • cr
the : S.a_tt ici iss i _ . e .e evsnins of ult:imo. Mre. CYrus W. Field prokided, and . ' . -
. She had neither lime nor itic!iaatiaii to read . tne -hist ult. Sap - seAd vices of highersfuo- - d -
• -novels. And although she knew some of the .
e • instructions-- - embarkefo -•
, things right at home.' : If she could say, no. Ili d
• fE r db _ _ • . •- , vs') a r Ame - nets -Atlantic lelegraph - CO. merchants, purchased of' Deuniask, the 1 d f• S ta s - •
good ofany permit, she took speciai cacenot _ - ship-owneis -and representatiVee telegsaels- Cruz. one Orthe Antilles, with ihe objeet Of.
HE &disc • • 'f lua
_ I 1 t t - • ti e *.-1JL. The Waigccs'islegsam saye the eines-- Siete beei to Tenet eincere thanks ler Slis
little" of Sweeney Or his lans. Som- •
ma e an c literate s atemen , concerning
p e peo- County Clerkship, -.Mr. Adamson, siho tenons foi• stocks and !ewer preminige on fon of protectms the rights of American liberal patronaee wine he as ento,ye sat
conditien of thd company and the pi-ospect s b .
leading; occuriencea of the day, isr no sense ple, in fact,- se.e.mad _ _think that 1 Occupied the Vice char..' There wife -some gold, received last" we_ekrhas a l'avoinble ef. e new cable this Tar ac
tr • d e • • Id '
count was ex ed y
ee host. eneeuralaill' t Government Tia:s despatched -two vesselste the
s- . , .„ ublieShat futare he
conid she be called a newsinoneiee, The °lily former ha skedaddle with th money- sit feet onanadrieen curities and. both 6-S(Ss -
s essen,. sins -ns ati the Bayne anu - • d , t - -11811Illa grounas, ana witi probable soon sena •
sy's by - -
peper she took in was. the style s Journszt. • -and railroad s iates were s angetv . ea, m a -• sr ar found at his oldietned " Prince of kiting*
.- • . . ex
baea and that the latter- ha. d sot vet", arley, le electrietanesee t le new a - .
- I
he • •
fi 1 'id s s one
s iermen is area y ecoming a eriou . sts she same bine n erns nea
s • h h
- 1 f f • ifs aha
She.theught it thganer rnest itieserving of as discoursed sweet misie to the.infinite do- increased priees. -.The iinprolement lieweler lifts a tons -mere weielit than the one ahot mr. bir.Fiecterick BrOce has bad two. lioteP' Dungannon, where nO efforts shall be
support oiraccount of the noble,etro.st w s ; .• . _ _
it'put fortis higettingshe people s --Igeboats.
hich On/els-out of joint • but .
lo an be I
t o -the cons ny. A mole p easan -
- tis • - has beeit almnst • euti rely latet owing- to :up
1 r t. 1 bourses. • t sad- in ad-
, used in -1865S -and added :---Sshis would lift
0 or- tilirep.. ii,tteiviewp: lately svith r..-Seiva.rd on
the sassiest. _ . _ . - who 111.181 -
woofing on Iiis part to make -those at hews
Rer'great and- favorite eathoe was Solomon. the hero turns up it lasts Oa Tueida
Y sod. dordial• meeting We -have &Adel* seen. prehetisions • that ,t le eon into la
bec me uf.settled bs the politierd. ass ..sis • -br •
over -mg ittons, nit ou any -e.
' 1 f A d t N 1' - •
favor him svith acid].
• d hold 1 • - • • • •
evenins last a -larse crewd c G on,. t iiscat e, anstea- et - einga iirty- our rt a ver semen in a 1 SW or -
collected at - • • • •
She had eonernated moat sof hie proverbs to
-memory.: ,,,They werefier code of laws and'
ride of everyday life. p.ithough shesgave. no'
alnis to those -who she had reasen fa suspect
spentsvhat they got in the alehouse or tavern
mutually gratified, . .Ehe judge spoke - •
Unison -matt. success Shan that of last yeas. l'ee gamete - . . hh - • -
t 864;
- ot ier, t ley- separate in goo time s•-•
urea. dt. throwing- Large 'amounts -into , the s •
flie -next ex-pednionhad a greater chance -of
Insolvent Ac ) of I_ •
in -wells and cisterns from freezins, a man
• wariuy in praise . of the Volanteers, and .s - _ . 0 Menem cable heeheldSite his hand was_ so In a nelg °using city foi warded the our- -
Sweeney was sthe jun of the
• „ •
folloWins ans - whiCh may prove . of
fetich and resOived• by siturn the. Insoittnint.at ;ter ‘snretbh: ill:04pol tan
0'. - 7 0 - • • 4.11 seemed hishly satisfied- decif."wstb. the peet•ot d airs in erms,sy, where-- Ainerican rbsses s
sl't t k t -s ly tbi ty aP r .-p o ••-•ine on -the receipt -Of twenty' -'-Godericii April 5th -4866. -
St. Smiles' t sten to' ad- -
„ • •
1 d 1
d d
dresses upon . Feni Of- COSH se . .
as wee., o e no , .sa n r -p p, r -
se-curities are I:weds, death in and have the one hundred- weieht-so that in every sen fi
se ve emits to send a receipt to eep water .
B igs I
eleerata- • jug • The -S. mush f
• governnent has. reemeed important despatches
Seim its minister at Wushington but upon'
what sub'ect is not;"suiteds • • -
„Statements „regard to s, Adstria 'and.
Prusiis, are &inflicting; - ' •
--German firitiSsin London base -.mitformly
ridietiled -the idea of hostility-, -and-the- --latest
_telegrams -of -en' -aiStirieg. character, but
still the• German- press. !continnes• • to -stearin
%varlike rumor -S. • •
• A 'esouries assured atsVierieis . the 21ss
:with &speeches front the:Ito-sem government,
natase Whieh haa not transpired,
. • Losnisi - Mossy Marsioss.-Finels flat ;
doniols eaeier; dieeounedemandlighe; bank.
sate yew:ales. at G per Cie: IC .wae stlieuglA
prohablo that; feeler redusticsa would
likely in a week or_tivo. _. •
Loeona,s-Frelay evenitsa Mauch_ 2.1,-- The
Tsankef,Franser haS secluded its 'fate of
that 'they. 4ad with :some feeling ai to the bee.eh 'mid In
she wass far from - being nerrew milided-. pOw:Wow... " ,Ile tol . .
Th.lre we're not 'any of the tikily deservine.
- . net cnine there fo cheer, talk, -So., and:then -- , -- • i• ' hsen -
- „uses colds -. - -.. ' . . VS home- inci_. forget,Irelintl. *.'- They had -Were -presetit 4. the-itables : - - -.. s i'. s .
s, In Season of affliction and bereayment she stalked toO -. twitch alleadys and must liew
was a tried aed valued- triesid. Whatever
and. car_ry out the...boaats they •The.,.following. Wer4- al.! iOastssfratii the
•:;vas in heepOwer was freely ascot-am:slid, Mid .s.s'.0 to w.eqrs7k.
••lier services were ever ready in miiiisterine had _sivide, - or -they Would- become .. the chair. s . ......; .• - . -
conselatioa and Conifort to`the ..distressedc. laughing StOck of the World.". Talking' ss - - s; - : s. , s ' .. - s = ' S , . _
ssueen. • - t
The- Queen,: The -bend; -f`f. erosI saie She
- The soetributed as- the Lord had prospered . .
_ • toonatteh, is a bad ha.bit, annian -a boasts - - - - -
schemes- of the Church to which ilie beloaced, isg braggeSt. coati testify, and sSweeasys Band - i t . -' . - - -
- - 1 ' Rule B. t ania; :. • -- ..-s. -
poor who -slid kuow and hress the name oe't eulogy of the magistrates many o w m
to various beneyolent Institutions and to the 7- . • • • The Peinee and .1 Princess.- of. Wales;
out, nt her own rersuest, Mr contributions now that hi has doodled his tits -ries ;cut Of ,
were simply recoaded a donation li-orn - The -Artily and-Na.vy of areafAritairis
friend. s Such are onlv a few of the leadine large sums of meuPYre.finas 111'11.S:elf-la -the d th d'' V I t 'B. d
. an e ana ion o un eerss - an
aud more prominent feateres in the character dilemma of: havieg%Premi.sed' i3ii-x-,Inore Red White and Blue Lieuteaant-John-
of Janet Gold. But, as the' Queen or the than he knows exactl how 'to accem-ii-h:
South said- regardlits the wisdens of Solcimos, .
the/ballot Cies seiiiiness has not been tols. England-, he said would. like Very- • The GosernerGenerai, Band British
ehe,matter was: in her, her every acticin io ocean to -fieht her but theY . (the -Brother- -Grenadiers:. ".
-The siiest Of -the Evenins :After the
Y P ston and Jndge:Cooper resPonded: •
-' Tbeiecret of lb: whole is this-theroat of foe the Brotherhood to gib WsrosS the Athsatie
• life was resnlated b d e e hood) did not intend tO do ';:an th. - r f th
. y a ..ue sense o er re- , . y uie o e
spielisibility. • She feared the- Lerd---tf.is- was 'kind. He hid been t,verny - yeirs -hi the
the leaven wbichleivened the wbstle lump of service:of the United States, and ought to
• /ire. She acknowledged Hire in all her ways know eornethiag„about-military alfairs. _The
end be directed her- steps.: '' ' . , filst rule Of military sCience was not aft .fi 'la
• As a denouement of the whole, permit me
'only to sav that in adclitioato- prudehce and
sagacity, she .is tidily endowed:. with- -an
amiable dispoiltion, and with a low set sweet
inot mudical voice. rettirn. in the evening
from my labour 1 never was received but
- with 'alook of kindness- front a Counonance
beaming with the happyssmile of affection.
s_Sbe always knew her•owapesition, and never
stepped beyondhei proper sphere, afid defel.
ed on all °cessions to the judgement of her
husbsUd and protestor. We have our crosies,'
sad some of those ills which .ase, the heritage
atria humanity, -.but oar- blessings have ' t 's withstanding sSe_reduction of the rat of (kiss contineity were complete.
. .
the enemi On its own round ; 2d, to attack
hint at hia weakeet -point and 31, to fight on
ground ot their own choosing, aud that furth.
est from his baSe.ofsusplies.'.'. • -
• That is to Say, he does not -believe in
the " On to Richmond " theory, in this
ease. ' Some "time ado suabins -oratOrii
thought it •oulte..possible ..ta land _200, 000
meo in -Ireland, and beard the old lion in
his `veisr den, but Sweeney bets -4s. a
slimmer' of common sense in that he ad-
band • Ceased,- the cheering was 'Immense,
and we cannot seport er itisptint imitate
the speech, it _was inimitable.
.From sthe Vied 'Chair thete were the
fcalowins usual toasts The " Commercial
and Agrieultural Interests", The Bench
and the Ear", " Our frienda from a dis-
tance", " The Preis" and the ladies. .
s •
Htatort TEACHERS AsSoctssiON he
fouytir remitter' meetms .--of this Association
-scathe, held in the Central ScheolsOcideriele•
on Saturday; the28th inste at 1 o'clock p.m.
'flexible. that. it - coUld he twisted about More
eaSily than the Old one -sid facts this one
could be tWisted about theis ' ,,Oaritaik
Andereme and ..7.s.fr. -Canning made -1,-..sagges.;
nisit last antumn Which hml been acted upon,
which. was of She -utmosijinoment 'coupled
with the fact Which Prolessor Thomaon had
brotiSla to light, thaits theScable was seken-
teen miles behi6d . the ship before. it reaShed
the.bittrom.. Theiestiggection was this, thsi
Should anytliing happen to _the cable, . the
Shia wrsuld . sfossped and the- Picking up
woald instantfy commenee; and should tse.
fat:St-ha olierboard, rpeyiste o_ut maehineg
could he-reveised, so• thatahe eable- could 13e
picked oe froth tlie etern.a the•-eesSels-gith-
eat tiansferring the cable .1re ins the stens t a
alie bow. „That ditfiesIty" would. be got' essi
.iu the new nutelsocry, .and that greae soeree.
of risk and delay entieely ebviated.- :ads
count:to 31 per cent.: _ ditien ,to Ulm; .:11.1r. Willoughby Smith, .ans_
Alei-tuing waisrumore: continued to, preiail other gentleinee wiresente(legh
Mexico waSabout to'. commence. - intpreving;,-the roininfsetare of gotta nereha
like that of
at Vieeila, hut the' newa•is s
Ms. -Cain-lines, bad prevented his coming- fors
' • The•jreeruitings-of Augtri iolusteers,fer, .ward in pehlice bet who was st 'keown-iii
• The Seas- s tys Lord Grisivehor's resolution and ids.° the electrical. psrt of sublearine ea,.
was :draiin .by .Dissaeli, and if it _sheet& tees, eadaseested.s systers ss ssqui,
obtain- a majority. it, will be felleWed inunedi•-7. afideiby.'one et thos& lucky hits whieh Mee
ately by theresigttation of. the .governieent make in.their rife•pme, hed made a istost
.oe the disSolution Of the -•House, but' incest cellent saggestion, by Which the deubleope•-
probablya elisSolation. ritioii -of testing the contineity and -alse•the.
- A entiiSion. took 'pace, oh the a‘l'orfdlic insaletion of theefible contdbe perfOrmed at
.ensit,S between .a -n English steadier and ti _the:sante fine The epparattiS Wass. eery
Russian -Wei • The brig afterwards Canfizeil, simple, both in• its construetion and: maeipus
• asd ten of -she- ctew Mid the capiain, were; lation-, hi fact, the eable never would be left
''drerwiled,ss7 , _ _ ••• „s from the tithe the vesiel ealledffem Valens
I- The Times' eity arth.Tie "sitys -She •ssslosS els untii.she arrived at Newfonadland, with-
_medicos-coital:me sslisw 'estrams • ("Silness, • oat as- knowledge" being eittned betlr on:
sus] sioS6dsvitilont Sytntitcuss. of -a sally, sot boars 'and. on shore that-- the insulat ion and
never beet m,ore namerons-than our cress,es. Infos the hopelessness sofs# 'force
•In such teasons always unikosomed my .sneaks aboat looking fos a weak paipt.s1-;
beast fir Janet, whis bade me never murmur, The °Teat leaders of mOdern timea have
and diiected me to seek conifort_and consal-- • t'
frequently struck. at the very -vitals 'of 'an
enemy's power, and the sueceSS they have
met With ..proSea that they. ,Understood
pretty --clearly what they were about.=
panded.. By her prudence andtbe blesitig of
God she had managed to save a few -poends.
for old ages We hive been enabled to brifig
ap_afamily---three sons and four daughters-,
in some meagre Of respectibility, and Chien
theta an education propoitional to our means.
Two af the danghtere are in a "lace, one is
well suarriedanci the ether seeming. at home
witbdier snotber The oldest see is a ploueh
_insi4 *youngest a clerk ari a mercantile
offices and the second is a minister of the
. 'United -Presbytelian Church, while Jaect,_
thireldeee wife-sshis eictivn. of gold-thoneh
nearly tasty, lain- good health, and ise•sbut
Words fail to sass What ; think what a wife
should be -swell she is that !--:-Dusules
People's Journat
'The Vattle*-PInglac.
ation. from a higher source. •
My eernings were never very -great, but
Janet said that 'happiness- and comfort de.
pended not SO much upon the amount of in -
contests tiPon the. manner in.whieb it is ex-
tattle-plagne in England- shows that
up to the 314 of Merck. during the six•monthe
, in which the epidemic has sosfar prevailed;
187,059 cattle have heeninfected, of which
117,654 have died directly troth the diseaae-
aad 26,135have been killed by way cif ps
venting its, spread, But this statement
: only the Inspector's report, and does not pre-
tendto _give the whole. number of cattleWhich
-have perished since -the beginning of the pest
in -the latter days,of Aiigust.t A partialplague
of_the satire charanter broke out also among
the sheepsomentonths ago; -but: ai e not
distinstly informed of the extent of iss saye-
rs,' appeao that the general epideMie
had incieasediteadily up to the lateea mail
front England,, every step of us march becoms would be halftime fur the object Washigeto
in more alarming. The -number of deaths, *and othersgreat men fought. and bled tor,
and -would not think of plend r. In eonciu-
sion be said he deeply regretted the necessity
that corepelled hint to speak in .pnblie, as he
was always expected tts speak Of military a
fairs and they. well knew the least said. about
m the better?'" •
Then -Vain the Gee. forsets to -say whet;
•his auppliet' are to -come froth; after he
has got a footing 'far enough from shis-
enermy'abase. .He expects, of ceurse,- to
get his powder and' gsub from -the United
States, _always tiroviding that he is able
to pay for\theans
. 0_ He asiured-his Maas across the horde':
that they need not be: afraid that the object
of the Brotherhood was nut retaliation for the
St; -AlbanS' Said,. bat :to -get st` foothoid on
British soil, which, once obtained, -would en
able them to ;cerry on a war if necessary,
for riiisny years to coa:e... .A.; long -as Balsa
land wes mistresiOf the- seas, Ireland was in
a bag. It Was Only by obtaining a territory
from whiels to operate. that the Broshernood
could -release Ireland. They ititistfitl out pri
'lateen; itt large numbers Solitey epOn • the
commerce cif England, which would- oblige
that power to take hei vessels' new emulate
-Irelated to attend to abese priyateers; and ,
that would be the. time when: an army eoeld
proceed _to Ireland,- • /Visas net his inten
tion to injure a sfngle 'man inSCanada,
they did not ended-F(1274o protect the British.
ilag, and if they• did this, they. simuld have
to. take tohat 'He defeinled him-
-Self Against tbe Charge of being thesleaider of
'a. triarauding party. .11e said he would not
csimmand an -army. that wnuld Phinder-an
army that would plunder -was a baed of rob
bets. The army that would be followine him
the subject of dieeusenni latmg. - ! I a i
the best eiwrictileme or cous-se,:of etudys-e-foi:. Ceuta_ by the Bank :el sItsitsses, - I here -Wss . s .. : =Is.; Its i _...s.s. . .
yesterday an- iiiereaSsd. 'discount- delli41)(1" i,at ',.. A .Seaialea 'Co'. se PlEeEs - ts VIE
titir 'Cotntlion SciltoO!s.'! The atilsjeetis,a Very. tire 1;anis-eisielithi conseqaerice of some riP: • STIliisis -Tild Indianapelie Ilerald of the:
i• . -plications having. been held' back in turfjcipa ' Sth gime the. followine- particulars of -an aw
w "ek averaged a thousand orsmere per week
ineseased from 1,7:00 to_2,000- in; °cohere.-
Ifp_tia Nirieraher, 17 873 anithals had been at -
ticked of which. 819 could recover or be a,1,..-
llemed10 Monis _By the middle of Novem-
T- heir 201000 (or was stated) one in ashonsied
, 'eaugbultrittbehiddisealitt4ed up tIlsrpetehribeetr.SO4pLit haI , if Irelaud is to remain in the ..bag tin-
* number reached 74;549 s 7,683 dying in ill .3ngland: Ceases to bensistreas of the
ape week and in the- reit week of _ sanuarh. sies, she will be begged .fOr along tithe,
' 9,243•:, By the middle of January, 107,098
had been attacked,_ only 15,527 sse-maitring and the %nerara provis0 4 "maps! Years
under treatment.7 . The Fehruary papers pie- to Pine"! is absolutely sneeeSsary, Under
tine thes,plague'Ais politively _aWful in the s4 eirsninStancei. The portion of the
etittntrrs and by tTie -middle- of the month,
, iso,000 cattle had become infeeted, and all above eXttact italicized conveyall MOSSO
. bot 40,000 had died. 'At tins isritings she of comfort to the Canadians:- If -we let
Ittitaber of victims eannotfall short of280,000, ,thc, Fgaiolit_. idoilo
when they' visit Ina,-
. fivoeixths of which of: which have perished
absolutely. These are only the -Cattle In- tirY w i .
:ltilet us alone l As -Very --copfort-
spectoes figures, while it is possible that the_ able arrangeinent -fors the Essotherhood, .
satire. live stOck kiqed hY the -Plague ia mueli bat unfortunately Canadians hav_e a .keaels
water to 30100. : . - -
Several opinienshave been curient in Eli& of flying into a passien and sho'oting (to
- - . . • s •
.s.. land as te the Olioili of the pestilence. Eome Say nothing Of hanging) their invaders.
. . . .
. -of tims-countrr ferMerasatisfiedthemselves in • .
General Sweeney -is a., yessr. nice - man; no -
tracing it batik to -the cow -keepers ot the me- -I-
tropolitan" - That the drseaset was -doiSbti he will certainly never find his
tniported from Russet,: and communicated eals p9isit in the Canadian character. -s- hitched. - But this, iSeshOsild :say , does .riot
from the tame centures raS however, the mere
of course, fOr thes
scooted. belief. It atzetaarke4 that fa.,Raa.. That :may se *ell 'be; understOod .as follOw as a matter
authorities •-of any,:nation have it clearly lin
ids animal's are in g neral treated With seat- 4
is at preSent Seeretly concealed in thoisi eity hate into.. his neek, and nerosly severed the often -agitateste to the finniediate -cense Of
fist the volniteer forde; ire con -
under the protecting wings of 1:1-ead Centre
. _
'tained in the Ogicial Gazette oft Saturday ; I I repeatediy in different parts of. his peri3on. back ir and 0 .eel i e throat A gentle-
_ _
on which in the lane-um:re of the
ton kepi etc - -There was one -article the
willrequire all the Stock -on haid to slip- were recers. slimed, under She -t. reatS of -1.783, • Or _2vess and a long, sharn knife, sech as surgeons . - - ' -
important °ties and we lappe .to Bee a. full ats;
tesdance Of tensheis.
sCann:dinu ProsPects. -
The Montreal .a..izqte.of the •rd say§ :
T he termination„Of the IlecipreeitY Trea'
ty doss hot pseilene the Amerieens buys
ing suehisroduee is 'they requise Cars
ada it.full price& : The -demand for cholee
winter aed spring Wheat ,•at ,Torente for
-the American markets has. eausScl au ads
trance of 5e.: per bushel that market.-
Contracta have also beep made for ltinitier
:by Ainerisan buyere -since 'the- ternrine-
• Sion- of. she lowermg of the rate; fouls 6 ta-S: 5 fur trasealy in iBedfercl, - Indiana ea7:".A gere:
per cent. The latest seturos shear' sh inten- tlernan jastsfions :Bedford has furnishesi us
-tion tO lead to the simmertiatesadoptiers -of •a\ with she paffieeliirs of a feeeful tragedy %lira
fresh -downward inovement. -
. . • \was enacted to that town Monday Iglis
-- - , • ..- , . -, -esdltinS is 'the -death of prof. J. Ma sison
_ . __ • - -' ' .Newland. The. cause -wilsch*: impelled DIS
.. - slirtl,
. _ Newlalid t6 inibstite-"is hall& in a -fellows
. •• FisuiNqb- • bleod iasaid.to hese been- the sedfietion -of
_ - The fis'IOwingeresoletiohe offered by 31-rf his daughter by Evans. - Mies, .Nesilande we
Pike, on Meech 19th, _Which. ilea' Went °int; learn had beeo at a bearding scheol. for
under the: stile beam Danext in order..-("' 7 soine'time, and- her anforteriate _condition -
-.Whefeas, 'The °civet:nom of seteral of, the. beeotiung apparent te the ;principals she wits
British Provinees have publicly Warned Mir sent home,' ersiving at Bedford oit 'Monday, .
fishing' fleetssoff the fiehiegsgrounde adjaeefit when she.confessed.te her :father snd -deno-
te their cosits,:and,hare_thuS indicated a de wiped Wails as the,snan who bad effected Ler
sigri to -renew the Unreasonable elating Made- rain. It IS said- that EvanS saccoMplislied the --
selection (sr the ,girl some years ' -ago,.. when
-3ePresen14.tivesS Evans'hy violence,. -at .the :bands of'Ds. .Ben
settle vailue to setne. of 'bur .readers, theses THE tinders s - en . n ed -
signee in -this-Matteis and requires elaittaS -
fore We take theilberty of circulating it:
to be tiled within'Two•Months from this date.
" Take rin yo -1.V'siell and4eistern lin cold
, , . : 'ss.4±aum., POLLOClis ' -
•nights and keepstijem, by the .fire.". . ,., _ .... official Assgeee Hsi Bs
SiSir The hospital recordi, Which:have J. Y. ELWOOD, Solicitor for insolvent,
jtist- been footed up, -1 slio.• the enormous - Goderiels, 4th Aptit, 1866. wil :
_aggregate of: 253,000 Unioa ssoldiers to ' - : - , . . . s
have died -oe- battle.fields -and in hospitals. •
, • .
dining the was to suppress the -rebellion. s- -
sssa .at rrEr. court of Revision for- the;Township or
This does 'net include those who
their- home of lin_gering 'disease contrae.ted - sniith, Rio, ,en wedn-044 lite zstb ilia
io the serviee; S -. - - • . s e i a : • "
• • . , 21'.1..iCoolibtoAoricte... 7141.11m,I.se held it Bolin:els:terns .
l was OSs4VS 811 early riserS-;Happy .. JAMES TEwsszyy
she miss solo SS -1. 1Bserssineininss day comes sollsorne, .Apeil 5th, -1$66. . , wlitil
to hins %valise:. litgin's love, full efbloom and_ . . - . - . - -
-pushy of freshness, me youth of a nature ' 11 1 . : 8. BALE . -2.- Air. . , 78,
-child. I-donbt irany man can_be called i,old'
is contagiou.s, like the . gladness -of a happy unit.ed- doiti..nti•e.204..' ----Slop y virtue, ,oi -Si: wr-it vi ,
a ElliFT A - er Liam
as lone as Le is an eafly risee and an early Huron eod_Binces -LP Fieri Facias issuedout.
sts „ghastly image of the Youth -which sees the in Fix-sem/0s
ea0S and
all the right title and Interest of the • -
s-yOuth in dressisegoven and slippe a a
. - ' d- w -
1 LanSs and Tenements ef Antoni Beier at the
oftoliger .dirrecajetedtateseg-CaionuelsibesT
w°11:1filrsit COmm7ooaWl'itt
walker.And . youth isetake My.
ling over breakfaet al neon, is a. very a
secccPs suit of -.oliti licIfintiey, I nave seized iindakee• _
sun hipsh over the mountains sand the dews slidm
bdeerf"thaiartnyt iaoh:tritind I; oinhihNe°srotuhtbijaBortnildsal !
sparkle tipon hedge rows
-of the 'l'ownstup of -Stanley in the Caney et Hs.- :
(1•• li.has been foundshatyln making up
, • ron, whieh Lands and Tenements .Sishalt senators
the retards to the call forl 0,000 volunteers sweat my office in the Court House, in the Towi d'
hTe4eivveentverththe -deloayc.ttifv: -
for sietiie service, 14,0(10 Were actua,II,Y
. .
.. t7. ;..:, n•101s-0 ruoy:11.7eeritite,h- a' tntnl 11, uhessdasall.
rolled a proof of the alacrity:with which'
men came forward-. ; - ,
.. . - ," - . • .
1 . . -
.1 - • JOHN% itApsDheOrrisTioAsafis 01 _
REC'ENT Ansisea- from Neva &title' are . .4._ .
to She effeesthat the Government and Pits. Sherifiis office, Goaderieh,t- ,
li einem intend -to ee-impese the old duties on aril Aprils 1866 ski;
United Statesligollase, ag before the Treaty- . - - - ,
- ,- _ . .
, .
On, niOst of -thir Produce' comins ir;to cam-
EN1A1INIING, in the Daigle PostOlice oh lb,
petition With our*, this duty- will° he, if we
.erodacts from the sister coloniei will be - cl- Arle-ts2sitvii;s41:1,i'alui:F1156U61.gar41-meoC-Draoacalc-ledujoglatineis
remember aright eabout five pereent. Theie • - ' ••
reitted-free_ a* bekte, -
. , . .
.. ,
_ Anita EOpticintAisf.i-k.s 3 f. 0. teeDi soonngaal idsi Pj °leas
' The. Herald' s-Tosonto telegram says the Blake Patriele 2 McKay George
order -.disbanding the volunteers hale been ' McLeod John
the' frontier. - •Thete 'is is gi eat dear of mys- Batten Themes
rescinded, aird troops are still bent* Seat to
in•this- matter. Thp governMent profe:ti
to intend 1.& mnsteS met out, yet' under
doses of night they. send newssompanies to
.tthheerfre -- Last night four companies ar-
rived at. Midnight iu this isty... This =swig
ware no Signs -of them end .the author..
ities iefuse to, teli' where "they went. Many
believe that tlIe gOverninent -endeavorins
to Make Americaps beliei-e that they are di: -
banding the treops elide secretly calling _out
Mere. Au attempt_ was (made to bum the
city hall at Ottawa' a fewnighti ago, -
- - .
tion of --the Treaty f Per M-Udvanbe. by the_in pribr to the ItscipSocity Treaty and
. BlileToi, Mg.'s TOOLS. -,-4011 Saturday
- I
regard to br'eadatuffs Are no better-th luni, and has been intimate with . , s
genies aptain N tholls left for Berlin,
isnot one _peaceable colatherce there. - she wee :suite. young, asd: Iva!
The private adVieessfsoin Englafia 'With t0 a
an fore. - • - , • School to umlaut s wi nut var
th 1." th •-• ions files aneerie
the ptiblished circulars:F-7Th°- em d f enisteeanu otheri bu• eglariona tools, which
1 d Th S f - 6 11 1
sso ve , at t e ecretary o -the J. avy des ever sirsee; 1.Te letheety y reststins -
produce for export titer e0DstrIgs-season Will tse fishing grounds LS Sroteet, our citizens in from the boarding school she was ratending,
kcsassi were discovered edneealed snider themattrass
of " Bill'i".bed when arrested. (The
be requested to send suffisient naval -Ibree te in the 'gist's beceinteg encientes heeclistn
probably lse .corifista , • s, p „ sn .t e enjoyment t sts as .1e,sosinze a.id Son essms t . _ _
, ISpen Feasting the - foiil dishonor breiught
ab s. assortmeot ,ceinprises eleven •files of .first
el. -workmanship, inattufectured :Isola the
ds te oat eas a d h' 1 • ' • s ''• d • f ' •
s ohr father ove stated
pork. • That will -Jalot make. miiCh differ-, by. the treety,ot1783. • . ,
heit of steel; nine chisels;three au-gers; and
ence before the next crop, as the country . Mr, MOTH suggested _that:there wae seine upon his child,. Dr, Newland:, frenSietf with
iequite bare of Wheat and- fleur and it questien as So whether the rights- referred to rage ansf-shaine, .armed hintielf with a retol - s
laise -number ef:Sinilets, brad 'awls, skele-
an or
„ eelecti - . _
oder any subssquent treaties. . use la .-amputatins and, started - forth to ,. ' - - • j - c - ' .
ply the honie trade and tile trade Of the • u
. _. . . . . , e s e :test) etiors, y adoptinsv the. words house, but found him absent: The Dr *told • ‘
7 issuerinty is called a , muney that deserves
no ite. is LOA e 0 warrens.. .s es , a ou
It' - -d f • Tsd t •I' sb t
• _ - - al,r. Pike agtine on that sueeeitien modi seek the eulty Wretch -He v •••t t E •• ,
s a ... s en. o saes s., .,
loW0S parts:- - In the WeStera'sStatea the 6 a a • ' 1 • '''' s - - c'-`3 - '-- - - ' --- .
suPply of good winter wheat iS nearly oxL _ 4Sand by Subsesstent.tivaties,”' _ ' : '"s* Vas Evans the- eireuinstairces,' and \that he three feel:long, und tussled oT at the ends. It
insisted: - t LOnta.is unalse toi furnish '. Oa Motion of-Mts haymondsthe reselution- came to
. the Eastern States with -.extra Rohr,. and upon -safes, doorsi.,tisettreu.1126, qutheuseAdsg- iiznes.P4-Liinng-
Was referred to She Cetunittee on Forel et as soon alill her Inisbanci, arid Would- kill hint .i the PritfeiPuf
he Could. fi nd him,- PassinS So the
'that lis. the canse of ' the. present' de inancr
for .wheat from Canada. -
- _ - .
r a4-gor the information .6f. those, whe
affairs, with leave to sepost at•any st vet he met Evans, and as soon as he was. mence in BerlmStemorsow, -at 12 -0 clock,
sans e 4111 reeard ' to- his idebtity•sh and it is expected the Galt *klieg -Case svill
o nu
be one of the first investlyon by the Grand
4•2 -sites Stoplisees in Nests 'Yorlis dOwn, the bail attkine' effect in his h d
may not peruse the general -orders touch lasing4 .plunged the long ay to colds hais again induced' .the
Isiah revolittionary chief; .1ton-8.3:Stephens; to ivhOre T was
-Evens fell to She earth and began imPlorine 411rY'''-$Pec441-t°7 -1/1° aY" -
„It'is. the belief of many persons that the Newland to spare lutn- Newland idvanee71. How Rearm TA_KE Coso.---Tbe presalen-
. - • head from- his body He then stabbed him fl e " cold in ehe head " " the cold in the
, . • • • . • 2 - •
. - i a ony, tv-si. int, 0 see i I se . rifts 1 and did .notdesist until it was evident that
it way be strited.,thus. The ehtire forge
Upon -the frontier remains.thers, but a por- gO,Vernmetst will claim Lhim as__ a refigse -.the spiSit of the wretched msiri had :taken its
from -justices nr a felnnious jail -breaker• flight. -The .above - is the ory ag we 'heard
tion Of the foree returna froni certain al:- -under, the extraditidii treaty betWeen• this its There maybe some trifling. inaCcuracies,
er -stations vihere thesi had been quarter- t d_G t B -"ta' A in sesieu-s but we are assured- that, in the main, it is a .
man_ who endeavored to trace the cause of bia
te the conclusion that he'. caught
it goink to bed in: his _ bare feet. The real
nause of many-coldS may be attributed to the
long talks which people iriduige in 021 the
Barker Jona '
liursess Sienrys
Barr Sannist
Janyes 2
ColeinansDaul L
Campbell ilex • •
Aleitay Hesisr
11.1:Q1.1a14e Hee1Qr
Norton Thomas
Phi.lips John -
Parkes his
Quigtes.Owen •
quintan -John
• .
Filiam Michael -
.Finzer Elizabeth Mis; Robertson Thomais
PlemingH_ -lia.veill lames 2 '-
must frauds ' Boss „Alexander
Rands William -
Gibson San :Sullivan Johanna.
Gibicin Robert "Smith Joseph_
Sloan Robot
Hough - Smith John.. s
Hislop Thomas Styleas;alherineMiss .
Hanna, Hugh , Shea Patrick A •
Hammel] James • .Shati Thomas -
iseseertsors .Mateew Shields James • •
40giSklisSIslaisS Stephenson4Vit&os
Johnson.Jaines Treinfile John
'Johnson lasirstianeMissTasiorismes
Sacksonsl -
r - vv.iEdwara.-
Maittandlalus2 Wi;liaansitowitinds
Mmison John • Vora Bobert 1 •
ltlichas1Sarah Walksr Samuel . _
lkieGraskee -James 2
*11 3s - Wa41,1411GR&NT,Postrittsters
TTNDER -a power of Sale Contained in
Moitgage made by William bcott lithe
Tovinship of Morris, intim County of BUM/ =
and Jane bis wife, beins *patsy there.
to, for the puipose of barringnher dower, deo.
fault having been made= the payment:Am-
or, and notice been given to all parties-late-
eite, 'there will be aoidasn
- coun ry an rea ii ins ys
:ed. These lattet-s'however, continue OD I Sys: corrett Sergion )1cif.: file Ser,Pole iilrait; Prof. corner's of tbe streets. 9ne of Boston's insist
WU li mg personage daiue over oA the steam- Meshy,. the lst day at May, •;A; Rs ,
d a one time .en ose a osition ef con , whenatopped in the street- insatiably rem -larks: 186_6, at 12 &thick moon- at_lie Coiimosall
4 ill ' cs 3' , - - • Haste ort Thiirsday lasts This individ us
daty, and will muster .twilee a. ,week for h• Evans was a iste ot the Christen church d
r an _5 centsfor every mounting of at *as ' Ilth • ,gi erable eminense He was once a proles fs I will talk if ythswill taitc!' This should Hotel, irithe- Village o'f by
" t enarian -
drill, beins paid 50 cents each man for who t d ce ebrate p
er- u ton, w Tesehed this port from_ now an oc og , .
guard or being liOsted On picket .F n9.rtiPo. y a passens rs On the s h • scs
. sir in theNort wesi ern hristian n versity be a:hint to bettonrhalcling friends. lirneinaei; AuetioneerSthe followiegrpraner•_
_ u ton t ous his reticent bearing and parts of tids city. apd was! the author efts
st _Proclamation bys Pr esident f h h
- • - ial resemblance to the published: portraits- -Work called "The Pioneer Prea h
ans." Ile is the same pessoawlio,senietime.
t . -brew Zsaist-se,-;-' Advice's - tram New Zee- N -s
Jand aatiounee that the waris IvirtuallY ever' To:
ty. vist -the North half of the North et lot-
% and e osorth bolt of tne North -
c ersPoopulanr
sjoh-s-sn. e t,e t s s azzim. Whether lie un- di -
h f 31 th t frstl
agos Was detected instzgrante delicloWith Seve4.41 shiPs. Ire been ot number 9 in the 3rd Ccincession, of -the
tartnred to convey -
7 7 bosomed..hiinself to his fellow-Fenians ns o oms in e oun yo ros,-
The l'resident has.issuecl a long Proclama-
tion, dated •-the ind I instant - arid making.
known the fact -that war ne Ioniser: exists- id
the Southern States. By this act the Gov-
• homie the 40th 43rd 68t and 70th B,eeitne
beard of -the . Fulton-, and -,declared Sireeneastle. • 1
eats. -General 'Chute attacked a d ontabeing aelmea.stirement one inuulsisi
. another inen s wife at a.hotel-
article -t• • - presm s at e -t .fiea- , e4P131-re4 acres -ot land, under She poles aforesaids„
-The 'nest intense excitement • .1 d
self to be the.SiniOri pure bonafide
or C. B.Lit.. tiotk Li till • ;
t' it .3 the ti f
me our en Ormant left rid attempt had 6th and 7th .tanuary.-Londop 111. News
time,ef -Sale. s.
now ,
ot an resard to the horrible attain WI the wbich riaidlfortgage will be produced at the •
sup to S song y oiSs .pa s near ate;
.77 March, AT. • • ,
• 4 • I t • Ga
certain that the engineers,: -firemen, and 'been made to irrest Newland.. - • -
element,- of course, abiregatss all war powera p s , n pre - - - LoNFEDERIspolf.-The 3 oa.real zette
-Rowers feunded, nfrOn • the existente Of a believed the stranger to be James A GHOST THAT 'LL DO. --They have a says We arelappy ni learns -oh -what we
-Stephens, and on the arrival -of the vessels consider-. good authority, that the friends
state of war. The FieeilmeC's Bureau Sill ghost oat in Indiana that,we relish, and
--many.of the aseineess - of Fen;a
however, it is undereteed, rethain in opei:etion
for a yesr from the date of the -preclatuatioa.
The main feature ofthe mew state of affairs
will be:the reiteration- of the right of habeas
scorPus. - It haa been argued that the with-
- dsavial of she troops now -at the South is' alae
-, • .
.outset.. - .
ft -hardship and discomfort than in .any other
jpart of Europe. Prof. Gmingee, it appears;
oredictedets wide spread foam the stars un-
less an inireediate reemt was had t011ie pole-
elas,the favorite Dutch and Brassie niorie 'of
extirpation s bat this.: apparently cruel and
costly, -but now (it seaway neceasarv methods
bee net. latersained the mind ot the
. _ .
Sentland bids fair Pennsylian-
tails that._ nevssouree ot wealth which donsista
g fie According to the Inverness
sews/tier many large fortunes ere being tuade
stnedisslitOky 4nciing.or prate:leans deposits.
luau anus Sold for 42;000- a bleak bit
alms! ;which is now worth 1200.000.
Sissramee Simpson; the -Cass medical Baronet, _
hes, kis-said, profited tin *very.grent. extent - fj3sgeit theadvertialneut- of * )Ir. Wilsen„
- -
• COM% C-haneerys• •
ia now sitting -at Cinderieh, His
Hon:Or-Vice Chancelloe kowat presiding, and
Judge CoOper sitting STS Registerar. Seven,
Osseo were set down. and several Counsel are
present Arguing' them: The evideneis taken
and the argumeht then nrOceeda- a praetice
nissell,more cheap and -convenient lista the
fenteranittbod of merely taking the rleidenee
and then OoPying it and arguie4 the cask; in.
Toronto.- Alre.wili nanie. ...the cases in . onf
their power io keep troops,- even in. time of
peace, .wherever they may think !mat .wittlin
:their own territory. -
'DISC ussiwir,
discuss's= will takes:place at Exeter -on
Friday the 13th insts bstWean an -equal isuM
ber ef §pealsers 'from Rrucefield andRxeter
Debatiag :will -be held
la, the School}teuae .emninencing et 7 -
&Asia: P. 3.1.; Time Allowed to each apeak
er 30 ininutese' Stibjeet-WaS ehe behead-
, ing`of Chas. 1st jacitifitible. Pripciphl
bess, R. Fergusonsl, sFergueon and sG.
Baird isEketer ittenibinis P. McDonald, Wm;
McDonald -surd O. Haniiltott.
by *meant diseevery, the town shoesblack. •Brucefield, April 2nd, 1§66s '
at her (look, a close -carriage: appeared on
the wharf; as it by .appOintthent; sand the
mysterious stranger, leaving the side of_
the steamer -entered the -Carrisse closed
:the blinds and the carriage disasi eared
ia the -sinuous streets leadias from thd
Notth It:is asseriecl-- by •some of
closeted with O'Alaheney-, and there is a
deadly struggle tOing betWeen, the
Iliad Centres for:the - spoils, which •ean
only have one f-esults nansols, the confine-
ment of the O. E. .t* R., te' the. lowest,
dun,geims of the OIlahony inansiOit. !
iibelieved that Stephens wills attempt to
take the direction of affairs'into Own
Istifit is also believed that John
O'Xahony will inake.a desserate gght fir
the position be has,held •!1
is-psesnnsed that Mrs. Sephens Is alitin
Ilsia city, as_ itisssteted that uoad (Se r,e
O'l)lahoney has purchased one thousand
dollar's'isOrth Of .jeWelrys' noisisting sof
neck -laces; a gold watch, and somestothet
'costly articlea of' 6ijoictesie. for a lady'S
the. Fent* in this city that Stephens is
. . - -
use, Thes_e articles were to be,presented
recegnize a.suitable visttassit to souls still
tabernacted 'in He was once (such
is the averment) a Mrs, Elder, who .in
1853 went -to Paliforisia, 'leaving a wife
atid two daughteri behind and wag
killedlhere 1860: His isife has - lived
!insiovertx place< he left Ur trying tO
sabsist by washinS:s Sea. Two weeks since
hes youoger d-apihter died, and five adult.
relatives and friends were watching beside
the corpse; whets, at 10 p. . the dead
father glided in- though no door nor*
. .
window Avis opea, and while all sat trans-
' fixed with astonishment, -walked upTta the
coffia,plased on it bag containing 67 $10
pieees. (none of yeur "Legal Tell -
..der") and al. bit of paper on' 'which ;tea
Written ‘; Restitutioy 'for 1Viary,” and- in-
stantly vanished not taking away the mint
drops,which the -First National Bank of
Indiana was very. willing to take alid
credit to Mis. Elder allowing lier the cur-
-rept premsum..-.1V. Trilsitnes
T‘news from Jamaica is unimportant
. -
The inquiry into the cense of the late revolt
had- not .bseen. -concluded. -
. . •
ot Bisnshsainsricall unioS in Nova Seotia see
now satisfied ehs _union ilaesolutions can be
cerried in. t het Preeitice advauce of Isiew •
l3runswicks if necessary.
, . -
. An old Meilisidist, ,very great at res.-.
ponsess which 'werinnt always appsopiate,
but always -svelf_meant; -wept 'One `clay . to
heer apopulir pieachers The -.preacher,
usually lucid, yids ratherperplexed; and
.fett it himielf: He ;labored. through the
first part; 'Y .Brethern, I have
reached thkaonSlission of my first point,"
" Thank 004:17 ejaculated the old man;
who Eat before-hini, prefnandly ii4erested,:.
in a Yoke that vsas heard in every past of
the Church. : The last part of thatseinion
watharoder to pseaoh tnan the first,
At Goderieds on Thuesday, the sit th inst.,
the wife of Mr. A: P. MeLein of a Datighter.
For particulars a I tri
. 'Solicitor for Mortgagee. -
Clinton, -Aprif5th; 1866. wil
Huron and Bruce.
a. ,e
- Zseter- 130.
M •
-RiversdaIe Isto -
'Paisley s ' ,
Kincardine *.s 9thss
Clinton -- . • -
Harpurbeys..., . 1.4ths
All at 10 A• .11.
. s -
Signed _ R. COOPER,' s
. Judge H. .k
yLoatiat reasonable r.titeS. -1.‘sAN, LIZAItS, •
Apply to 1 •• --Clerk of the Peace, H. tils
- _pa. _C. CAMERON. • Office of the Clerk of the PeaCe
_ ass__ Goilerich: C-edasriebs fish S' sviBlIst
. • --.1 - .
The Alhan
brk foams,
IState Agsiettlt
portant tnetno
ease in Ai ds.1
memorial stet
cows 9wned is
worth at least
value of butte
and theess
that s,subtilesi
-existed for Bel
abortion in- tie
tharit is_incie
have been lost
year in Herhil
disease is apse;
Soeiety has ap
Into this digest
sliss a vompes
pathologist mi
-researches. -
pliets in eser
.....puitsbebBilisusseetr, evabenlbaecill
.sao ene ask tis
-Siltragnas :dr othfeat:
and liesiesai
will tiny have
=lent or all
Tbelen ire+
14;4:e e afs rivyate zt 1,11- a e 3;4:
• of France an
asseited the pr
freely now tbs
augnry_more 4
111002i. -New,
The Bail_
the colingl,
of Fenian
Spiracy has 114
even the MoS
*most la.ve
less vas the e
carreet rept
considered Tel
James Steplie
from IYalkey
Sunday vizir
nray not be'
issedett -
hable eve
tare, an_d
• slow afford
of actioas -
tie grace.
street nos,
te exhibited
jeet to be ai
sion of t
..tion. foment
Ist34•To Ise
• in Is -Amide -
S -Without ss
Attila our ins
s$: -moss oat. by
soothing itt a
" ;titian 1 IX.is
lie is haPPY,
tun, A s
ance over
Musteit is f
ailsserre ,jc
*fir the nat
--$miless kind
isin a swee
than gold, a
audio the c
nooses those
. chiding en
s • -Seedy es
lipase antes
Wag Ur4e
I* Rug& tr
vest 41011i1
age, who
atbree sin
who Bair
Siefs sere
von by
Sis)-.A. left
has been in
right arm et -
the war. It
Who bas
and feediii
sir A
• 4141004.
spoken the
spid Bennet
*Wad to_
. Rend
ss--- country,
vali blame
ens rips
sod an
been !Ott
Mrs -Of
ton; 'S. Oar
*ore B -
!nd 4ittlg
lvidOW is le
fel law nisi