HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1866-04-06, Page 2me••46.' mirk she observed a form of rules. One to ee.. s ce,•yesi , which she attached Ireat importance wits, t'sel'a aseaesa aels that for each particular' thing slid had its own sses L V.A.. S. t ) -particulaiplace, and on elf occasiona° when • "s- , done with it, not a failsoinfit it again in a reneular place. A strict adherence -to this sIDue, r. IT • xgnal THE MI - ..,141111611, , corttplitnentai ar to;P-r- I Woods • • _ - .0n Wednesday evening (4tsh), it- large • -14.7.:7"-...7i4-7--", company ssetehled at Mr. Pollockle• Inn important rate sived to her the waste -0S cans TL, 11. 3 /1 ;) April 6; .1866: at B•tyfield,- at. a dinniir in hottor fo Dr. , • dies besides much time and useless search.- s ss Woods It 'we's a -compliment lons de: She cold cfpen a drawer and.place her finsers TUE W_Estri. POINT served' and theursh not; 'siven soots as -shoidd have been done, it •Was dello I . • unou-mhat,-she watited,evezi ei pie dark. • • v . ^ hen any of the caddren chanced to gct a - is.'" ones. otwtt is an les Some sour - . SION N•1144•141147.11111444. to- Mes. Stepheassif tliat lady has not al- . . _ . . EuroPean. Nettts. - . .......„:_., -- ....,-_______-______: - .reitcly received them, Mrs. Stephens is . oe the 2-41; a described -.by the Fcni.ans who were ac• I s the Houaa of Cotrinson • .. bill -abolishing _certain reetrictions upottethe quaintcd with her in Dublin, as- a lady of . 'diisenterS at Sixfold aniiverstty was, &billed : 0.0 carried tin„..cugii -thr, .apecost,...wadin_g. iv •abOut twenty-five years of age of medium ; _ s stature with large, lustrous brown eyes,: . it ,t inajnsits- --:' lbie Dafty-.Neut re.,gaird dark in asses. of nairs apretty filmes full of S the esL matsrion yespissent this' decision as -cited the stSength O'f perties in the new pass trish freshness and health, and a pleasios- - • . ,s; helmet = • _ - lady:likes and, dignified' Meaner. _Mrs. . - • .. • . Steplides'is-the ;sister of George -,Iilopper,. . Anothef• liberal member-S.111re.- Olipliatet, - d int fleeting-- ; - i. - . 1 Intere!tin.g Items•!.. lw-,;44vsritoictutnii -Seeds- ,Seeds' ..sfr -A young-ipai.i. 2:0 years old, ur was sentenced on Saturday in Pittsburg", s Subscriber . .o e s variety iss attempts at burglary:. s; • s si.m.sen 4.10 a variety flfrota., gl:yearlin -.the:State_ prison for. three- Sses.: Thei.Widisine in fhe trial of aims Etoes„ and Ton °Satins at the lifecerY Store-er • :as • hilst we Canadians thin - thet I d ' I t ct; ts eavein once of an intende .mot u a Mei chant e 'Dublin who was deep y Express robbers, in StsLonis, shows con- .- . _ Clusi vel that • the !under' was. divided 'Godes:isle -Aren. eiss leee, 7 "1624, With three " detectives I", - penny from a friend, the would -net casual... , - w age them to spend it on sweetmeats ; but, to anisur has its weak points, 9 -en. Sweerey, sitting,at London and Goderich at the a royal commission to inquire mto the spies- ce to two years iMprisonmen SISSOta, denonueed the II emans in most s she kept for eiseh a little saving _ batlike from_ - • the ' 30- • -* (-dad 1-11 -t - tP Yi . a . 1 3r TENDERS lifiNTID _ . bib eoreeme to -Mrs. Stephens is also the cousin of Mrs. bitter teetos in Ibis address du St. Patrick's up to noon of Thursday 19th Curatn* sinew of "the _county sat tiowe - he Ian°. 'Or divas. which thev always wore with an • • ' t°1"1 ex. to -the swami -re contendins thet lead -Gres- Bridewell from which James' Stephens ins-stOck of thes world. • f 0 • . - bran- lull' name' •,--the appointamiit of • t - • I Fen. an eons irae and •ri-es s'BishOp Grace of St. Pau , -- beeet ancl cherish in them' habits ot saving, -" 1 "II. I- th• t tl • - - Was sen site le onesasmes ter°, itp ss a , ter° time;- and 'the absence -Of -many friends- "at tion oi redistribution of seats. • • s • a the front" sonie stxty of tile bone and lc c h en crs e recet e y eun emu which at intervals she squared accounte, in in le( .0 on ta o • -ordeato enable theM te procure some erne -Tee Britain asceak point somewhere, and the ; • be "lively discuesed s the journals opposed Marquis, the wife of tbe ilovernor of the day. He tOld t•hey were t •- • . .he Board tif •Coininon School Trustees else. independam„prale. They knew it had • be,en 11 t E , avowc purpose of. his dollecting tourS - e repast onnor in vesor's ainendment will seal the doons. of she marsh is statedshat - .Capt. R, It. town of Goderi-h, tor laying floor Ise cs escaped. It is I presumed that Stephens • - - _ brought with their own pennies -- • t e evenins, we o served Alex Johnston, . to riiise money to. proense the ineaes for re c tans n re lig o • „, . . tl 0 I t f the susst of ...II, %Ai 0.e. Other side. antic la e e or • • - will be compelled ve an -account of p .• to gi _ • theaseeond flat a theCentralS_ chool; Plane ,Jaiset's plan for keeping. aiways on -seven - - • • nodanger iretn it unless thee se u. r oh.' -t d h h I • cr • unee .X.Iffed, has exprea- -sea a desire to f ' h termr.with her neighbors wass-not to- trouble - • -3 rio s &- vs spell such spot Spine philoso- - • s pouncu s . h b t - , s ewer s io t e re er roo fection from liberal ranks. • P be appointed to the cousin:1nd of t e Get - application to the undeisigned -By rds - an spscihcations o nth's may be sees es h tat " =2 d h t " it's a ueer collar . . • es Isoim ae he makes his pnblie appearauce . e ces. 26 „nes ei• estes . - r Y Esq. late Reeve. who by th.e way in' the -Tse Irish /isms, learns - from a eeliab sa, I I sat moan s • , the Loard. ssiernsinuch with her compattS. She despised plier has state t a. e I /V- W ---to gossip, to tattle, _ er toss -sit in neishhors-' where nobody:lives. General. Sweeney • - • f• h• • authority that t escape `top iensi I t -115i.. °It ar, _ ttons and 800,- liorse-p6wer with a crew . ,ecairsao. t eve.tnng gave some is spu- . friotic speecheP. On - kouses. Indeed,. ste could not: encluse the. has • ia-a egi -1, • t . • . . ' e on. sus suc a 'pa. o -- • • • . sted militaty and pa , :longer a. matter of doubt -as he. arrived:ssfe - • . idea. Ikr unifornt answer %shell reprodehed . . . . . . .rslr6 Atlantic -CalL;ie. sw63-it In Peels_ oa Sntiday Merinos.: the 18th, . - IT31. ,MA.-CICAY i , of 7b0smen. Secetaos. • 'A statement 'bas been piblished lases- -Goderish April fith 1866. bk any -of them for beiug a great -stranger ' Brittsh soil, Which it is intention- to ly sent a tele:Srlim to. _ • ,pral of the. P-aris papers to the effect that s erect into -an insipient Irish-Republie; and the left were 3.1s: 'Batch° _and -Judge .when he immediate wife, who was staying ,at _Cork, expecting - _ laree meanie of the stockholders of the" was 6Deedrve aye en:wish t9 do in keeping Coo - T1' f ( twitl'standins st, the Government Of the United States had per. ie armor .no . _ . Hotel - oboe to say of him. any evil, , - and land as soon aS possible. ..Since the i : s; i : is ti ;rile:pi} s • s an .o _ an troy t e power o 4 ng an . ; . Y sea bad cold was- drawn 'out into a speech in ica 'Slie and heissiSter set -out for Enslaird - , . ... tube • in reusing rom 1 P104 Janet could dot be called a genet* reader. episse le in .0 ada • iVdieti se pa.s we.. 's -s -,,e- complimentS- -en route to 1 arts, --to join her husband.. compans6, was held in tiverpb-el on the 14th makine it a naval station.- - ts . . . . ' - - • T prietoiship ofithe 4' Union_Hotel" Gorli., s __ an. , . • s- - tO Pr. Woods', and -AO his SudesSier in sr' -e hsv s- hears' verv ' ' - I .11 'ale's circular of th • - • cr the : S.a_tt ici iss i _ . e .e evsnins of ult:imo. Mre. CYrus W. Field prokided, and . ' . - . She had neither lime nor itic!iaatiaii to read . tne -hist ult. Sap - seAd vices of highersfuo- - d - • -novels. And although she knew some of the . e • instructions-- - embarkefo -• , things right at home.' : If she could say, no. Ili d • fE r db _ _ • . •- , vs') a r Ame - nets -Atlantic lelegraph - CO. merchants, purchased of' Deuniask, the 1 d f• S ta s - • good ofany permit, she took speciai cacenot _ - ship-owneis -and representatiVee telegsaels- Cruz. one Orthe Antilles, with ihe objeet Of. HE &disc • • 'f lua _ I 1 t t - • ti e *.-1JL. The Waigccs'islegsam saye the eines-- Siete beei to Tenet eincere thanks ler Slis little" of Sweeney Or his lans. Som- • ma e an c literate s atemen , concerning p e peo- County Clerkship, -.Mr. Adamson, siho tenons foi• stocks and !ewer preminige on fon of protectms the rights of American liberal patronaee wine he as ento,ye sat conditien of thd company and the pi-ospect s b . leading; occuriencea of the day, isr no sense ple, in fact,- se.e.mad _ _think that 1 Occupied the Vice char..' There wife -some gold, received last" we_ekrhas a l'avoinble ef. e new cable this Tar ac tr • d e • • Id ' th count was ex ed y ee host. eneeuralaill' t Government Tia:s despatched -two vesselste the s- . , .„ ublieShat futare he P conid she be called a newsinoneiee, The °lily former ha skedaddle with th money- sit feet onanadrieen curities and. both 6-S(Ss - s essen,. sins -ns ati the Bayne anu - • d , t - -11811Illa grounas, ana witi probable soon sena • sy's by - - peper she took in was. the style s Journszt. • -and railroad s iates were s angetv . ea, m a -• sr ar found at his oldietned " Prince of kiting* .- • . . ex baea and that the latter- ha. d sot vet", arley, le electrietanesee t le new a - . - I he • • fi 1 'id s s one s iermen is area y ecoming a eriou . sts she same bine n erns nea s • h h - 1 f f • ifs aha She.theught it thganer rnest itieserving of as discoursed sweet misie to the.infinite do- increased priees. -.The iinprolement lieweler lifts a tons -mere weielit than the one ahot mr. bir.Fiecterick BrOce has bad two. lioteP' Dungannon, where nO efforts shall be support oiraccount of the noble,etro.st w s ; .• . _ _ it'put fortis higettingshe people s --Igeboats. hich On/els-out of joint • but . lo an be I t o -the cons ny. A mole p easan - - tis • - has beeit almnst • euti rely latet owing- to :up 1 r t. 1 bourses. • t sad- in ad- , used in -1865S -and added :---Sshis would lift 0 or- tilirep.. ii,tteiviewp: lately svith r..-Seiva.rd on the sassiest. _ . _ . - who 111.181 - woofing on Iiis part to make -those at hews Rer'great and- favorite eathoe was Solomon. the hero turns up it lasts Oa Tueida Y sod. dordial• meeting We -have &Adel* seen. prehetisions • that ,t le eon into la bec me uf.settled bs the politierd. ass ..sis • -br • over -mg ittons, nit ou any -e. ' 1 f A d t N 1' - • favor him svith acid]. AN 0,1‘.TY BLACK. • d hold 1 • - • • • • evenins last a -larse crewd c G on,. t iiscat e, anstea- et - einga iirty- our rt a ver semen in a 1 SW or - collected at - • • • • She had eonernated moat sof hie proverbs to -memory.: ,,,They werefier code of laws and' ride of everyday life. p.ithough shesgave. no' alnis to those -who she had reasen fa suspect spentsvhat they got in the alehouse or tavern mutually gratified, . .Ehe judge spoke - • Unison -matt. success Shan that of last yeas. l'ee gamete - . . hh - • - t 864; - ot ier, t ley- separate in goo time s•-• urea. dt. throwing- Large 'amounts -into , the s • flie -next ex-pednionhad a greater chance -of Insolvent Ac ) of I_ • in -wells and cisterns from freezins, a man • wariuy in praise . of the Volanteers, and .s - _ . 0 Menem cable heeheldSite his hand was_ so In a nelg °using city foi warded the our- - _ Sweeney was sthe jun of the • „ • • folloWins ans - whiCh may prove . of fetich and resOived• by siturn the. Insoittnint.at ;ter ‘snretbh: ill:04pol tan 0'. - 7 0 - • • 4.11 seemed hishly satisfied- decif."wstb. the peet•ot d airs in erms,sy, where-- Ainerican rbsses s sl't t k t -s ly tbi ty aP r .-p o ••-•ine on -the receipt -Of twenty' -'-Godericii April 5th -4866. - St. Smiles' t sten to' ad- - „ • • 1 d 1 d d dresses upon . Feni Of- COSH se . . as wee., o e no , .sa n r -p p, r - se-curities are I:weds, death in and have the one hundred- weieht-so that in every sen fi k se ve emits to send a receipt to eep water . B igs I eleerata- • jug • The -S. mush f • governnent has. reemeed important despatches Seim its minister at Wushington but upon' what sub'ect is not;"suiteds • • - „Statements „regard to s, Adstria 'and. Prusiis, are &inflicting; - ' • --German firitiSsin London base -.mitformly ridietiled -the idea of hostility-, -and-the- --latest _telegrams -of -en' -aiStirieg. character, but still the• German- press. !continnes• • to -stearin %varlike rumor -S. • • • A 'esouries assured atsVierieis . the 21ss :with &speeches front the:Ito-sem government, natase Whieh haa not transpired, . • Losnisi - Mossy Marsioss.-Finels flat ; doniols eaeier; dieeounedemandlighe; bank. sate yew:ales. at G per Cie: IC .wae stlieuglA prohablo that; feeler redusticsa would likely in a week or_tivo. _. • Loeona,s-Frelay evenitsa Mauch_ 2.1,-- The Tsankef,Franser haS secluded its 'fate of -44.•••• that 'they. 4ad with :some feeling ai to the bee.eh 'mid In she wass far from - being nerrew milided-. pOw:Wow... " ,Ile tol . . Th.lre we're not 'any of the tikily deservine. - . net cnine there fo cheer, talk, -So., and:then -- , -- • i• ' hsen - 9 - „uses colds -. - -.. ' . . VS home- inci_. forget,Irelintl. *.'- They had -Were -presetit 4. the-itables : - - -.. s i'. s . s, In Season of affliction and bereayment she stalked toO -. twitch alleadys and must liew was a tried aed valued- triesid. Whatever and. car_ry out the...boaats they •The.,.following. Wer4- al.! iOastssfratii the •:;vas in heepOwer was freely ascot-am:slid, Mid .s.s'.0 to w.eqrs7k. ••lier services were ever ready in miiiisterine had _sivide, - or -they Would- become .. the chair. s . ......; .• - . - conselatioa and Conifort to`the ..distressedc. laughing StOck of the World.". Talking' ss - - s; - : s. , s ' .. - s = ' S , . _ ssueen. • - t The- Queen,: The -bend; -f`f. erosI saie She , - The soetributed as- the Lord had prospered . . _ • toonatteh, is a bad ha.bit, annian -a boasts - - - - - schemes- of the Church to which ilie beloaced, isg braggeSt. coati testify, and sSweeasys Band - i t . -' . - - - - - 1 ' Rule B. t ania; :. • -- ..-s. - he poor who -slid kuow and hress the name oe't eulogy of the magistrates many o w m to various beneyolent Institutions and to the 7- . • • • The Peinee and .1 Princess.- of. Wales; out, nt her own rersuest, Mr contributions now that hi has doodled his tits -ries ;cut Of , were simply recoaded a donation li-orn - The -Artily and-Na.vy of areafAritairis _ friend. s Such are onlv a few of the leadine large sums of meuPYre.finas 111'11.S:elf-la -the d th d'' V I t 'B. d . an e ana ion o un eerss - an . aud more prominent feateres in the character dilemma of: havieg%Premi.sed' i3ii-x-,Inore Red White and Blue Lieuteaant-John- of Janet Gold. But, as the' Queen or the than he knows exactl how 'to accem-ii-h: South said- regardlits the wisdens of Solcimos, . the/ballot Cies seiiiiness has not been tols. England-, he said would. like Very- • The GosernerGenerai, Band British ehe,matter was: in her, her every acticin io ocean to -fieht her but theY . (the -Brother- -Grenadiers:. ". -The siiest Of -the Evenins :After the Y P ston and Jndge:Cooper resPonded: • -' Tbeiecret of lb: whole is this-theroat of foe the Brotherhood to gib WsrosS the Athsatie • life was resnlated b d e e hood) did not intend tO do ';:an th. - r f th . y a ..ue sense o er re- , . y uie o e spielisibility. • She feared the- Lerd---tf.is- was 'kind. He hid been t,verny - yeirs -hi the the leaven wbichleivened the wbstle lump of service:of the United States, and ought to • /ire. She acknowledged Hire in all her ways know eornethiag„about-military alfairs. _The end be directed her- steps.: '' ' . , filst rule Of military sCience was not aft .fi 'la • As a denouement of the whole, permit me 'only to sav that in adclitioato- prudehce and sagacity, she .is tidily endowed:. with- -an amiable dispoiltion, and with a low set sweet inot mudical voice. rettirn. in the evening from my labour 1 never was received but f - with 'alook of kindness- front a Counonance beaming with the happyssmile of affection. s_Sbe always knew her•owapesition, and never stepped beyondhei proper sphere, afid defel. ed on all °cessions to the judgement of her husbsUd and protestor. We have our crosies,' sad some of those ills which .ase, the heritage atria humanity, -.but oar- blessings have ' t 's withstanding sSe_reduction of the rat of (kiss contineity were complete. . . the enemi On its own round ; 2d, to attack hint at hia weakeet -point and 31, to fight on ground ot their own choosing, aud that furth. est from his baSe.ofsusplies.'.'. • - • That is to Say, he does not -believe in the " On to Richmond " theory, in this ease. ' Some "time ado suabins -oratOrii thought it •oulte..possible ..ta land _200, 000 meo in -Ireland, and beard the old lion in his `veisr den, but Sweeney bets -4s. a slimmer' of common sense in that he ad- , . band • Ceased,- the cheering was 'Immense, and we cannot seport er itisptint imitate the speech, it _was inimitable. .From sthe Vied 'Chair thete were the fcalowins usual toasts The " Commercial and Agrieultural Interests", The Bench and the Ear", " Our frienda from a dis- . tance", " The Preis" and the ladies. . s • Htatort TEACHERS AsSoctssiON he fouytir remitter' meetms .--of this Association -scathe, held in the Central ScheolsOcideriele• on Saturday; the28th inste at 1 o'clock p.m. 'flexible. that. it - coUld he twisted about More eaSily than the Old one -sid facts this one could be tWisted about theis ' ,,Oaritaik Andereme and ..7.s.fr. -Canning made -1,-..sagges.; nisit last antumn Which hml been acted upon, which. was of She -utmosijinoment 'coupled with the fact Which Prolessor Thomaon had brotiSla to light, thaits theScable was seken- teen miles behi6d . the ship before. it reaShed the.bittrom.. Theiestiggection was this, thsi Should anytliing happen to _the cable, . the Shia wrsuld . sfossped and the- Picking up woald instantfy commenee; and should tse. fat:St-ha olierboard, rpeyiste o_ut maehineg could he-reveised, so• thatahe eable- could 13e picked oe froth tlie etern.a the•-eesSels-gith- eat tiansferring the cable .1re ins the stens t a alie bow. „That ditfiesIty" would. be got' essi .iu the new nutelsocry, .and that greae soeree. of risk and delay entieely ebviated.- :ads count:to 31 per cent.: _ ditien ,to Ulm; .:11.1r. Willoughby Smith, .ans_ Alei-tuing waisrumore: continued to, preiail other gentleinee wiresente(legh Mexico waSabout to'. commence. - intpreving;,-the roininfsetare of gotta nereha like that of at Vieeila, hut the' newa•is s Ms. -Cain-lines, bad prevented his coming- fors ' • The•jreeruitings-of Augtri iolusteers,fer, .ward in pehlice bet who was st 'keown-iii • The Seas- s tys Lord Grisivehor's resolution and ids.° the electrical. psrt of sublearine ea,. was :draiin .by .Dissaeli, and if it _sheet& tees, eadaseested.s systers ss ssqui, obtain- a majority. it, will be felleWed inunedi•-7. afideiby.'one et thos& lucky hits whieh Mee ately by theresigttation of. the .governieent make in.their rife•pme, hed made a istost .oe the disSolution Of the -•House, but' incest cellent saggestion, by Which the deubleope•- probablya elisSolation. ritioii -of testing the contineity and -alse•the. - A entiiSion. took 'pace, oh the a‘l'orfdlic insaletion of theefible contdbe perfOrmed at .ensit,S between .a -n English steadier and ti _the:sante fine The epparattiS Wass. eery Russian -Wei • The brig afterwards Canfizeil, simple, both in• its construetion and: maeipus • asd ten of -she- ctew Mid the capiain, were; lation-, hi fact, the eable never would be left ''drerwiled,ss7 , _ _ ••• „s from the tithe the vesiel ealledffem Valens I- The Times' eity arth.Tie "sitys -She •ssslosS els untii.she arrived at Newfonadland, with- _medicos-coital:me sslisw 'estrams • ("Silness, • oat as- knowledge" being eittned betlr on: sus] sioS6dsvitilont Sytntitcuss. of -a sally, sot boars 'and. on shore that-- the insulat ion and never beet m,ore namerons-than our cress,es. Infos the hopelessness sofs# 'force •In such teasons always unikosomed my .sneaks aboat looking fos a weak paipt.s1-; beast fir Janet, whis bade me never murmur, The °Teat leaders of mOdern timea have and diiected me to seek conifort_and consal-- • t' frequently struck. at the very -vitals 'of 'an enemy's power, and the sueceSS they have met With ..proSea that they. ,Understood pretty --clearly what they were about.= panded.. By her prudence andtbe blesitig of God she had managed to save a few -poends. for old ages We hive been enabled to brifig ap_afamily---three sons and four daughters-, in some meagre Of respectibility, and Chien theta an education propoitional to our means. Two af the danghtere are in a "lace, one is well suarriedanci the ether seeming. at home witbdier snotber The oldest see is a ploueh _insi4 *youngest a clerk ari a mercantile offices and the second is a minister of the . 'United -Presbytelian Church, while Jaect,_ thireldeee wife-sshis eictivn. of gold-thoneh nearly tasty, lain- good health, and ise•sbut Words fail to sass What ; think what a wife should be -swell she is that !--:-Dusules People's Journat 'The Vattle*-PInglac. . ation. from a higher source. • My eernings were never very -great, but Janet said that 'happiness- and comfort de. pended not SO much upon the amount of in - contests tiPon the. manner in.whieb it is ex- tattle-plagne in England- shows that up to the 314 of Merck. during the six•monthe , in which the epidemic has sosfar prevailed; 187,059 cattle have heeninfected, of which 117,654 have died directly troth the diseaae- aad 26,135have been killed by way cif ps venting its, spread, But this statement : only the Inspector's report, and does not pre- tendto _give the whole. number of cattleWhich -have perished since -the beginning of the pest in -the latter days,of Aiigust.t A partialplague of_the satire charanter broke out also among the sheepsomentonths ago; -but: ai e not distinstly informed of the extent of iss saye- rs,' appeao that the general epideMie had incieasediteadily up to the lateea mail . front England,, every step of us march becoms would be halftime fur the object Washigeto in more alarming. The -number of deaths, *and othersgreat men fought. and bled tor, and -would not think of plend r. In eonciu- sion be said he deeply regretted the necessity that corepelled hint to speak in .pnblie, as he was always expected tts speak Of military a , fairs and they. well knew the least said. about m the better?'" • Then -Vain the Gee. forsets to -say whet; •his auppliet' are to -come froth; after he has got a footing 'far enough from shis- enermy'abase. .He expects, of ceurse,- to get his powder and' gsub from -the United States, _always tiroviding that he is able • to pay for\theans . 0_ He asiured-his Maas across the horde': that they need not be: afraid that the object of the Brotherhood was nut retaliation for the St; -AlbanS' Said,. bat :to -get st` foothoid on British soil, which, once obtained, -would en able them to ;cerry on a war if necessary, for riiisny years to coa:e... .A.; long -as Balsa land wes mistresiOf the- seas, Ireland was in a bag. It Was Only by obtaining a territory from whiels to operate. that the Broshernood could -release Ireland. They ititistfitl out pri 'lateen; itt large numbers Solitey epOn • the commerce cif England, which would- oblige that power to take hei vessels' new emulate -Irelated to attend to abese priyateers; and , that would be the. time when: an army eoeld proceed _to Ireland,- • /Visas net his inten tion to injure a sfngle 'man inSCanada, they did not ended-F(1274o protect the British. ilag, and if they• did this, they. simuld have to. take tohat 'He defeinled him- -Self Against tbe Charge of being thesleaider of 'a. triarauding party. .11e said he would not csimmand an -army. that wnuld Phinder-an army that would plunder -was a baed of rob bets. The army that would be followine him the subject of dieeusenni latmg. - ! I a i the best eiwrictileme or cous-se,:of etudys-e-foi:. Ceuta_ by the Bank :el sItsitsses, - I here -Wss . s .. : =Is.; Its i _...s.s. . . yesterday an- iiiereaSsd. 'discount- delli41)(1" i,at ',.. A .Seaialea 'Co'. se PlEeEs - ts VIE titir 'Cotntlion SciltoO!s.'! The atilsjeetis,a Very. tire 1;anis-eisielithi conseqaerice of some riP: • STIliisis -Tild Indianapelie Ilerald of the: i• . -plications having. been held' back in turfjcipa ' Sth gime the. followine- particulars of -an aw w "ek averaged a thousand orsmere per week ineseased from 1,7:00 to_2,000- in; °cohere.- Ifp_tia Nirieraher, 17 873 anithals had been at - ticked of which. 819 could recover or be a,1,..- llemed10 Monis _By the middle of Novem- T- heir 201000 (or was stated) one in ashonsied , 'eaugbultrittbehiddisealitt4ed up tIlsrpetehribeetr.SO4pLit haI , if Irelaud is to remain in the ..bag tin- * number reached 74;549 s 7,683 dying in ill .3ngland: Ceases to bensistreas of the ape week and in the- reit week of _ sanuarh. sies, she will be begged .fOr along tithe, ' 9,243•:, By the middle of January, 107,098 had been attacked,_ only 15,527 sse-maitring and the %nerara provis0 4 "maps! Years under treatment.7 . The Fehruary papers pie- to Pine"! is absolutely sneeeSsary, Under tine thes,plague'Ais politively _aWful in the s4 eirsninStancei. The portion of the etittntrrs and by tTie -middle- of the month, , iso,000 cattle had become infeeted, and all above eXttact italicized conveyall MOSSO . bot 40,000 had died. 'At tins isritings she of comfort to the Canadians:- If -we let Ittitaber of victims eannotfall short of280,000, ,thc, Fgaiolit_. idoilo when they' visit Ina,- . fivoeixths of which of: which have perished absolutely. These are only the -Cattle In- tirY w i . :ltilet us alone l As -Very --copfort- , spectoes figures, while it is possible that the_ able arrangeinent -fors the Essotherhood, . satire. live stOck kiqed hY the -Plague ia mueli bat unfortunately Canadians hav_e a .keaels water to 30100. : . - - Several opinienshave been curient in Eli& of flying into a passien and sho'oting (to - - . . • s • .s.. land as te the Olioili of the pestilence. Eome Say nothing Of hanging) their invaders. . . . . . -of tims-countrr ferMerasatisfiedthemselves in • . General Sweeney -is a., yessr. nice - man; no - tracing it batik to -the cow -keepers ot the me- -I- tropolitan" - That the drseaset was -doiSbti he will certainly never find his tniported from Russet,: and communicated eals p9isit in the Canadian character. -s- hitched. - But this, iSeshOsild :say , does .riot from the tame centures raS however, the mere of course, fOr thes scooted. belief. It atzetaarke4 that fa.,Raa.. That :may se *ell 'be; understOod .as follOw as a matter authorities •-of any,:nation have it clearly lin ids animal's are in g neral treated With seat- 4 is at preSent Seeretly concealed in thoisi eity hate into.. his neek, and nerosly severed the often -agitateste to the finniediate -cense Of fist the volniteer forde; ire con - under the protecting wings of 1:1-ead Centre . _ 'tained in the Ogicial Gazette oft Saturday ; I I repeatediy in different parts of. his peri3on. back ir and 0 .eel i e throat A gentle- _ _ on which in the lane-um:re of the ton kepi etc - -There was one -article the willrequire all the Stock -on haid to slip- were recers. slimed, under She -t. reatS of -1.783, • Or _2vess and a long, sharn knife, sech as surgeons . - - ' - important °ties and we lappe .to Bee a. full ats; tesdance Of tensheis. , 111.-47-,41 sCann:dinu ProsPects. - The Montreal .a..izqte.of the •rd say§ : T he termination„Of the IlecipreeitY Trea' ty doss hot pseilene the Amerieens buys ing suehisroduee is 'they requise Cars ada it.full price& : The -demand for cholee winter aed spring Wheat ,•at ,Torente for -the American markets has. eausScl au ads trance of 5e.: per bushel that market.- Contracta have also beep made for ltinitier :by Ainerisan buyere -since 'the- ternrine- • Sion- of. she lowermg of the rate; fouls 6 ta-S: 5 fur trasealy in iBedfercl, - Indiana ea7:".A gere: per cent. The latest seturos shear' sh inten- tlernan jastsfions :Bedford has furnishesi us -tion tO lead to the simmertiatesadoptiers -of •a\ with she paffieeliirs of a feeeful tragedy %lira fresh -downward inovement. - . . • \was enacted to that town Monday Iglis • _ -- - , • ..- , . -, -esdltinS is 'the -death of prof. J. Ma sison _ . __ • - -' ' .Newland. The. cause -wilsch*: impelled DIS .. - slirtl, . _ Newlalid t6 inibstite-"is hall& in a -fellows ..-- . •• FisuiNqb- • bleod iasaid.to hese been- the sedfietion -of _ - The fis'IOwingeresoletiohe offered by 31-rf his daughter by Evans. - Mies, .Nesilande we Pike, on Meech 19th, _Which. ilea' Went °int; learn had beeo at a bearding scheol. for under the: stile beam Danext in order..-("' 7 soine'time, and- her anforteriate _condition - -.Whefeas, 'The °civet:nom of seteral of, the. beeotiung apparent te the ;principals she wits British Provinees have publicly Warned Mir sent home,' ersiving at Bedford oit 'Monday, . fishing' fleetssoff the fiehiegsgrounde adjaeefit when she.confessed.te her :father snd -deno- te their cosits,:and,hare_thuS indicated a de wiped Wails as the,snan who bad effected Ler sigri to -renew the Unreasonable elating Made- rain. It IS said- that EvanS saccoMplislied the -- selection (sr the ,girl some years ' -ago,.. when -3ePresen14.tivesS Evans'hy violence,. -at .the :bands of'Ds. .Ben settle vailue to setne. of 'bur .readers, theses THE tinders s - en . n ed - signee in -this-Matteis and requires elaittaS - fore We take theilberty of circulating it: to be tiled within'Two•Months from this date. " Take rin yo -1.V'siell and4eistern lin cold , , . : 'ss.4±aum., POLLOClis ' - •nights and keepstijem, by the .fire.". . ,., _ .... official Assgeee Hsi Bs SiSir The hospital recordi, Which:have J. Y. ELWOOD, Solicitor for insolvent, jtist- been footed up, -1 slio.• the enormous - Goderiels, 4th Aptit, 1866. wil : _aggregate of: 253,000 Unioa ssoldiers to ' - : - , . . . s have died -oe- battle.fields -and in hospitals. • , • . OQURT OF .REVISION , dining the was to suppress the -rebellion. s- - sssa .at rrEr. court of Revision for- the;Township or This does 'net include those who their- home of lin_gering 'disease contrae.ted - sniith, Rio, ,en wedn-044 lite zstb ilia io the serviee; S -. - - • . s e i a : • " • • . , 21'.1..iCoolibtoAoricte... 7141.11m,I.se held it Bolin:els:terns . l was OSs4VS 811 early riserS-;Happy .. JAMES TEwsszyy she miss solo SS -1. 1Bserssineininss day comes sollsorne, .Apeil 5th, -1$66. . , wlitil to hins %valise:. litgin's love, full efbloom and_ . . - . - . - - -pushy of freshness, me youth of a nature ' 11 1 . : 8. BALE . -2.- Air. . , 78, -child. I-donbt irany man can_be called i,old' is contagiou.s, like the . gladness -of a happy unit.ed- doiti..nti•e.204..' ----Slop y virtue, ,oi -Si: wr-it vi , a ElliFT A - er Liam as lone as Le is an eafly risee and an early Huron eod_Binces -LP Fieri Facias issuedout. sts „ghastly image of the Youth -which sees the in Fix-sem/0s ea0S and all the right title and Interest of the • - s-yOuth in dressisegoven and slippe a a . - ' d- w - 1 LanSs and Tenements ef Antoni Beier at the oftoliger .dirrecajetedtateseg-CaionuelsibesT w°11:1filrsit COmm7ooaWl'itt walker.And . youth isetake My. ling over breakfaet al neon, is a. very a secccPs suit of -.oliti licIfintiey, I nave seized iindakee• _ sun hipsh over the mountains sand the dews slidm bdeerf"thaiartnyt iaoh:tritind I; oinhihNe°srotuhtbijaBortnildsal ! sparkle tipon hedge rows -of the 'l'ownstup of -Stanley in the Caney et Hs.- : (1•• li.has been foundshatyln making up , • ron, whieh Lands and Tenements .Sishalt senators the retards to the call forl 0,000 volunteers sweat my office in the Court House, in the Towi d' hTe4eivveentverththe -deloayc.ttifv: - for sietiie service, 14,0(10 Were actua,II,Y . . .. t7. ;..:, n•101s-0 ruoy:11.7eeritite,h- a' tntnl 11, uhessdasall. rolled a proof of the alacrity:with which' men came forward-. ; - , .. . - ," - . • . 1 . . - .1 - • JOHN% itApsDheOrrisTioAsafis 01 _ REC'ENT Ansisea- from Neva &title' are . .4._ . to She effeesthat the Government and Pits. Sherifiis office, Goaderieh,t- , li einem intend -to ee-impese the old duties on aril Aprils 1866 ski; United Statesligollase, ag before the Treaty- . - - - , - ,- _ . . - OF L TT- - SVII , . On, niOst of -thir Produce' comins ir;to cam- EN1A1INIING, in the Daigle PostOlice oh lb, LIST ..E ER petition With our*, this duty- will° he, if we .erodacts from the sister coloniei will be - cl- Arle-ts2sitvii;s41:1,i'alui:F1156U61.gar41-meoC-Draoacalc-ledujoglatineis remember aright eabout five pereent. Theie • - ' •• h • reitted-free_ a* bekte, - . , . . .. , _ Anita EOpticintAisf.i-k.s 3 f. 0. teeDi soonngaal idsi Pj °leas ' The. Herald' s-Tosonto telegram says the Blake Patriele 2 McKay George order -.disbanding the volunteers hale been ' McLeod John the' frontier. - •Thete 'is is gi eat dear of mys- Batten Themes rescinded, aird troops are still bent* Seat to in•this- matter. Thp governMent profe:ti to intend 1.& mnsteS met out, yet' under doses of night they. send newssompanies to .tthheerfre -- Last night four companies ar- rived at. Midnight iu this isty... This =swig ware no Signs -of them end .the author.. ities iefuse to, teli' where "they went. Many believe that tlIe gOverninent -endeavorins to Make Americaps beliei-e that they are di: - banding the treops elide secretly calling _out Mere. Au attempt_ was (made to bum the city hall at Ottawa' a fewnighti ago, - - - . tion of --the Treaty f Per M-Udvanbe. by the_in pribr to the ItscipSocity Treaty and . BlileToi, Mg.'s TOOLS. -,-4011 Saturday - I regard to br'eadatuffs Are no better-th luni, and has been intimate with . , s genies aptain N tholls left for Berlin, isnot one _peaceable colatherce there. - she wee :suite. young, asd: Iva! The private adVieessfsoin Englafia 'With t0 a an fore. - • - , • School to umlaut s wi nut var th 1." th •-• ions files aneerie the ptiblished circulars:F-7Th°- em d f enisteeanu otheri bu• eglariona tools, which 1 d Th S f - 6 11 1 sso ve , at t e ecretary o -the J. avy des ever sirsee; 1.Te letheety y reststins - produce for export titer e0DstrIgs-season Will tse fishing grounds LS Sroteet, our citizens in from the boarding school she was ratending, kcsassi were discovered edneealed snider themattrass of " Bill'i".bed when arrested. (The be requested to send suffisient naval -Ibree te in the 'gist's beceinteg encientes heeclistn • probably lse .corifista , • s, p „ sn .t e enjoyment t sts as .1e,sosinze a.id Son essms t . _ _ , ISpen Feasting the - foiil dishonor breiught ab s. assortmeot ,ceinprises eleven •files of .first el. -workmanship, inattufectured :Isola the ds te oat eas a d h' 1 • ' • s ''• d • f ' • s ohr father ove stated pork. • That will -Jalot make. miiCh differ-, by. the treety,ot1783. • . , heit of steel; nine chisels;three au-gers; and ence before the next crop, as the country . Mr, MOTH suggested _that:there wae seine upon his child,. Dr, Newland:, frenSietf with iequite bare of Wheat and- fleur and it questien as So whether the rights- referred to rage ansf-shaine, .armed hintielf with a retol - s laise -number ef:Sinilets, brad 'awls, skele- an or „ eelecti - . _ oder any subssquent treaties. . use la .-amputatins and, started - forth to ,. ' - - • j - c - ' . ply the honie trade and tile trade Of the • u . _. . . . . , e s e :test) etiors, y adoptinsv the. words house, but found him absent: The Dr *told • ‘ 7 issuerinty is called a , muney that deserves no ite. is LOA e 0 warrens.. .s es , a ou It' - -d f • Tsd t •I' sb t • _ - - al,r. Pike agtine on that sueeeitien modi seek the eulty Wretch -He v •••t t E •• , s a ... s en. o saes s., ., loW0S parts:- - In the WeStera'sStatea the 6 a a • ' 1 • '''' s - - c'-`3 - '-- - - ' --- . suPply of good winter wheat iS nearly oxL _ 4Sand by Subsesstent.tivaties,”' _ ' : '"s* Vas Evans the- eireuinstairces,' and \that he three feel:long, und tussled oT at the ends. It insisted: - t LOnta.is unalse toi furnish '. Oa Motion of-Mts haymondsthe reselution- came to . the Eastern States with -.extra Rohr,. and upon -safes, doorsi.,tisettreu.1126, qutheuseAdsg- iiznes.P4-Liinng- Was referred to She Cetunittee on Forel et as soon alill her Inisbanci, arid Would- kill hint .i the PritfeiPuf he Could. fi nd him,- PassinS So the 'that lis. the canse of ' the. present' de inancr for .wheat from Canada. - _ • - _ - . r a4-gor the information .6f. those, whe affairs, with leave to sepost at•any st vet he met Evans, and as soon as he was. mence in BerlmStemorsow, -at 12 -0 clock, sans e 4111 reeard ' to- his idebtity•sh and it is expected the Galt *klieg -Case svill o nu be one of the first investlyon by the Grand 4•2 -sites Stoplisees in Nests 'Yorlis dOwn, the bail attkine' effect in his h d o • may not peruse the general -orders touch lasing4 .plunged the long ay to colds hais again induced' .the Isiah revolittionary chief; .1ton-8.3:Stephens; to ivhOre T was -Evens fell to She earth and began imPlorine 411rY'''-$Pec441-t°7 -1/1° aY" - „It'is. the belief of many persons that the Newland to spare lutn- Newland idvanee71. How Rearm TA_KE Coso.---Tbe presalen- . - • head from- his body He then stabbed him fl e " cold in ehe head " " the cold in the , . • • • . • 2 - • . - i a ony, tv-si. int, 0 see i I se . rifts 1 and did .notdesist until it was evident that it way be strited.,thus. The ehtire forge Upon -the frontier remains.thers, but a por- gO,Vernmetst will claim Lhim as__ a refigse -.the spiSit of the wretched msiri had :taken its from -justices nr a felnnious jail -breaker• flight. -The .above - is the ory ag we 'heard tion Of the foree returna froni certain al:- -under, the extraditidii treaty betWeen• this its There maybe some trifling. inaCcuracies, er -stations vihere thesi had been quarter- t d_G t B -"ta' A in sesieu-s but we are assured- that, in the main, it is a . man_ who endeavored to trace the cause of bia te the conclusion that he'. caught it goink to bed in: his _ bare feet. The real nause of many-coldS may be attributed to the long talks which people iriduige in 021 the Barker Jona ' liursess Sienrys Barr Sannist 1,hursintl.laayes.2 Janyes 2 \CampbeteThomas ColeinansDaul L Campbell ilex • • trwildr7itikTosbe.rt Aleitay Hesisr 11.1:Q1.1a14e Hee1Qr Norton Thomas l'earsen-Bobeii. Phi.lips John - Parkes his . Quigtes.Owen • quintan -John • . Filiam Michael - .Finzer Elizabeth Mis; Robertson Thomais PlemingH_ -lia.veill lames 2 '- must frauds ' Boss „Alexander Rands William - Ghefit:Thoinas Gibson San :Sullivan Johanna. Gibicin Robert "Smith Joseph_ Sloan Robot Hough - Smith John.. s Hislop Thomas Styleas;alherineMiss . Hanna, Hugh , Shea Patrick A • Hammel] James • .Shati Thomas - iseseertsors .Mateew Shields James • • 40giSklisSIslaisS Stephenson4Vit&os 4 Johnson.Jaines Treinfile John 'Johnson lasirstianeMissTasiorismes Sacksonsl - Vance Siga.rtiessosmes r - vv.iEdwara.- Maittandlalus2 Wi;liaansitowitinds Mmison John • Vora Bobert 1 • ltlichas1Sarah Walksr Samuel . _ lkieGraskee -James 2 *11 3s - Wa41,1411GR&NT,Postrittsters ORTGAGE SALE TTNDER -a power of Sale Contained in Moitgage made by William bcott lithe Tovinship of Morris, intim County of BUM/ = and Jane bis wife, beins *patsy there. to, for the puipose of barringnher dower, deo. fault having been made= the payment:Am- or, and notice been given to all parties-late- eite, 'there will be aoidasn - coun ry an rea ii ins ys :ed. These lattet-s'however, continue OD I Sys: corrett Sergion )1cif.: file Ser,Pole iilrait; Prof. corner's of tbe streets. 9ne of Boston's insist . WU li mg personage daiue over oA the steam- Meshy,. the lst day at May, •;A; Rs , d a one time .en ose a osition ef con , whenatopped in the street- insatiably rem -larks: 186_6, at 12 &thick moon- at_lie Coiimosall 4 ill ' cs 3' , - - • Haste ort Thiirsday lasts This individ us daty, and will muster .twilee a. ,week for h• Evans was a iste ot the Christen church d r an _5 centsfor every mounting of at *as ' Ilth • ,gi erable eminense He was once a proles fs I will talk if ythswill taitc!' This should Hotel, irithe- Village o'f by - " t enarian - drill, beins paid 50 cents each man for who t d ce ebrate p er- u ton, w Tesehed this port from_ now an oc og , . guard or being liOsted On picket .F n9.rtiPo. y a passens rs On the s h • scs . sir in theNort wesi ern hristian n versity be a:hint to bettonrhalcling friends. lirneinaei; AuetioneerSthe followiegrpraner•_ _ u ton t ous his reticent bearing and parts of tids city. apd was! the author efts st _Proclamation bys Pr esident f h h - • - ial resemblance to the published: portraits- -Work called "The Pioneer Prea h ans." Ile is the same pessoawlio,senietime. t . -brew Zsaist-se,-;-' Advice's - tram New Zee- N -s Jand aatiounee that the waris IvirtuallY ever' To: ty. vist -the North half of the North et lot- % and e osorth bolt of tne North - c ersPoopulanr sjoh-s-sn. e t,e t s s azzim. Whether lie un- di - h f 31 th t frstl agos Was detected instzgrante delicloWith Seve4.41 shiPs. Ire been ot number 9 in the 3rd Ccincession, of -the tartnred to convey - 7 7 bosomed..hiinself to his fellow-Fenians ns o oms in e oun yo ros,- The l'resident has.issuecl a long Proclama- tion, dated •-the ind I instant - arid making. known the fact -that war ne Ioniser: exists- id the Southern States. By this act the Gov- • homie the 40th 43rd 68t and 70th B,eeitne beard of -the . Fulton-, and -,declared Sireeneastle. • 1 eats. -General 'Chute attacked a d ontabeing aelmea.stirement one inuulsisi . another inen s wife at a.hotel- article -t• • - presm s at e -t .fiea- , e4P131-re4 acres -ot land, under She poles aforesaids„ -The 'nest intense excitement • .1 d self to be the.SiniOri pure bonafide or C. B.Lit.. tiotk Li till • ; t' it .3 the ti f me our en Ormant left rid attempt had 6th and 7th .tanuary.-Londop 111. News time,ef -Sale. s. now , ot an resard to the horrible attain WI the wbich riaidlfortgage will be produced at the • sup to S song y oiSs .pa s near ate; .77 March, AT. • • , • 4 • I t • Ga certain that the engineers,: -firemen, and 'been made to irrest Newland.. - • - element,- of course, abiregatss all war powera p s , n pre - - - LoNFEDERIspolf.-The 3 oa.real zette -Rowers feunded, nfrOn • the existente Of a believed the stranger to be James A GHOST THAT 'LL DO. --They have a says We arelappy ni learns -oh -what we -Stephens, and on the arrival -of the vessels consider-. good authority, that the friends state of war. The FieeilmeC's Bureau Sill ghost oat in Indiana that,we relish, and --many.of the aseineess - of Fen;a • • however, it is undereteed, rethain in opei:etion for a yesr from the date of the -preclatuatioa. The main feature ofthe mew state of affairs will be:the reiteration- of the right of habeas scorPus. - It haa been argued that the with- - dsavial of she troops now -at the South is' alae -, • . .outset.. - . ft -hardship and discomfort than in .any other jpart of Europe. Prof. Gmingee, it appears; oredictedets wide spread foam the stars un- less an inireediate reemt was had t011ie pole- elas,the favorite Dutch and Brassie niorie 'of extirpation s bat this.: apparently cruel and costly, -but now (it seaway neceasarv methods bee net. latersained the mind ot the . _ . - Sentland bids fair Pennsylian- tails that._ nevssouree ot wealth which donsista g fie According to the Inverness sews/tier many large fortunes ere being tuade stnedisslitOky 4nciing.or prate:leans deposits. luau anus Sold for 42;000- a bleak bit alms! ;which is now worth 1200.000. Sissramee Simpson; the -Cass medical Baronet, _ hes, kis-said, profited tin *very.grent. extent - fj3sgeit theadvertialneut- of * )Ir. Wilsen„ - - • COM% C-haneerys• • ia now sitting -at Cinderieh, His Hon:Or-Vice Chancelloe kowat presiding, and Judge CoOper sitting STS Registerar. Seven, Osseo were set down. and several Counsel are present Arguing' them: The evideneis taken and the argumeht then nrOceeda- a praetice nissell,more cheap and -convenient lista the fenteranittbod of merely taking the rleidenee and then OoPying it and arguie4 the cask; in. Toronto.- Alre.wili nanie. ...the cases in . onf next. their power io keep troops,- even in. time of peace, .wherever they may think !mat .wittlin :their own territory. - 'DISC ussiwir, discuss's= will takes:place at Exeter -on Friday the 13th insts bstWean an -equal isuM ber ef §pealsers 'from Rrucefield andRxeter Debatiag :will -be held la, the School}teuae .emninencing et 7 - &Asia: P. 3.1.; Time Allowed to each apeak er 30 ininutese' Stibjeet-WaS ehe behead- , ing`of Chas. 1st jacitifitible. Pripciphl bess, R. Fergusonsl, sFergueon and sG. Baird isEketer ittenibinis P. McDonald, Wm; McDonald -surd O. Haniiltott. by *meant diseevery, the town shoesblack. •Brucefield, April 2nd, 1§66s ' -r s.. at her (look, a close -carriage: appeared on the wharf; as it by .appOintthent; sand the mysterious stranger, leaving the side of_ the steamer -entered the -Carrisse closed :the blinds and the carriage disasi eared P ia the -sinuous streets leadias from thd Notth It:is asseriecl-- by •some of closeted with O'Alaheney-, and there is a deadly struggle tOing betWeen, the Iliad Centres for:the - spoils, which •ean only have one f-esults nansols, the confine- ment of the O. E. .t* R., te' the. lowest, dun,geims of the OIlahony inansiOit. ! iibelieved that Stephens wills attempt to take the direction of affairs'into Own Istifit is also believed that John O'Xahony will inake.a desserate gght fir the position be has,held •!1 is-psesnnsed that Mrs. Sephens Is alitin Ilsia city, as_ itisssteted that uoad (Se r,e O'l)lahoney has purchased one thousand dollar's'isOrth Of .jeWelrys' noisisting sof neck -laces; a gold watch, and somestothet 'costly articlea of' 6ijoictesie. for a lady'S the. Fent* in this city that Stephens is . . - - use, Thes_e articles were to be,presented recegnize a.suitable visttassit to souls still tabernacted 'in He was once (such is the averment) a Mrs, Elder, who .in 1853 went -to Paliforisia, 'leaving a wife atid two daughteri behind and wag killedlhere 1860: His isife has - lived !insiovertx place< he left Ur trying tO -; sabsist by washinS:s Sea. Two weeks since hes youoger d-apihter died, and five adult. relatives and friends were watching beside the corpse; whets, at 10 p. . the dead father glided in- though no door nor* . . window Avis opea, and while all sat trans- ' fixed with astonishment, -walked upTta the coffia,plased on it bag containing 67 $10 pieees. (none of yeur "Legal Tell - ..der") and al. bit of paper on' 'which ;tea Written ‘; Restitutioy 'for 1Viary,” and- in- stantly vanished not taking away the mint drops,which the -First National Bank of Indiana was very. willing to take alid credit to Mis. Elder allowing lier the cur- -rept premsum..-.1V. Trilsitnes T‘news from Jamaica is unimportant . - The inquiry into the cense of the late revolt had- not .bseen. -concluded. - • . . • ot Bisnshsainsricall unioS in Nova Seotia see now satisfied ehs _union ilaesolutions can be cerried in. t het Preeitice advauce of Isiew • l3runswicks if necessary. , . - . An old Meilisidist, ,very great at res.-. ponsess which 'werinnt always appsopiate, but always -svelf_meant; -wept 'One `clay . to heer apopulir pieachers The -.preacher, usually lucid, yids ratherperplexed; and .fett it himielf: He ;labored. through the first part; 'Y .Brethern, I have reached thkaonSlission of my first point," afidsaicle: " Thank 004:17 ejaculated the old man; who Eat before-hini, prefnandly ii4erested,:. in a Yoke that vsas heard in every past of the Church. : The last part of thatseinion watharoder to pseaoh tnan the first, Itirtigt. At Goderieds on Thuesday, the sit th inst., the wife of Mr. A: P. MeLein of a Datighter. Wit For particulars a I tri ....S.VHAPILYES . 'Solicitor for Mortgagee. - Clinton, -Aprif5th; 1866. wil st APPOINT THz FOLLOWING was, AND PLACES V0RsgOLDING ,. - DIVISION CHITS - . Huron and Bruce. a. ,e s ARBIL: - Zseter- 130. M • -RiversdaIe Isto - 1Valkeiton 'Paisley s ' , Sout,hamptou Kincardine *.s 9thss Clinton -- . • - Harpurbeys..., . 1.4ths All at 10 A• .11. . s - Signed _ R. COOPER,' s . Judge H. .k yLoatiat reasonable r.titeS. -1.‘sAN, LIZAItS, • Apply to 1 •• --Clerk of the Peace, H. tils - _pa. _C. CAMERON. • Office of the Clerk of the PeaCe _ ass__ Goilerich: C-edasriebs fish S' sviBlIst . • --.1 - . • A 11 •• A Aiarstiling e3tat The Alhan brk foams, IState Agsiettlt portant tnetno ease in Ai ds.1 memorial stet cows 9wned is worth at least value of butte and theess that s,subtilesi -existed for Bel abortion in- tie tharit is_incie have been lost year in Herhil disease is apse; Soeiety has ap Into this digest sliss a vompes pathologist mi -researches. - A. the.moni ,liandillahensPirldietikrtheal'ee;trvIthi:iitf:tik; pliets in eser -sometottersrause--ill .....puitsbebBilisusseetr, evabenlbaecill .sao ene ask tis -Siltragnas :dr othfeat: ansimmedia and liesiesai will tiny have =lent or all Tbelen ire+ 14;4:e e afs rivyate zt 1,11- a e 3;4: • of France an whernits asseited the pr _ freely now tbs augnry_more 4 111002i. -New, The Bail_ the colingl, of Fenian Spiracy has 114 even the MoS *most la.ve less vas the e emberlieS' carreet rept considered Tel James Steplie from IYalkey Sunday vizir nray not be' issedett - hable eve tare, an_d • slow afford of actioas - tie grace. street nos, .utmoss te exhibited jeet to be ai sion of t ..tion. foment possibilitY Ist34•To Ise • in Is -Amide - temper. S -Without ss Attila our ins .Let s$: -moss oat. by soothing itt a " ;titian 1 IX.is lie is haPPY, tun, A s ance over Musteit is f ailsserre ,jc *fir the nat --$miless kind children, there, isin a swee than gold, a audio the c nooses those . chiding en s • -Seedy es *Usiites1 lipase antes ..orstionstise Wag Ur4e soristish itglau I* Rug& tr vest 41011i1 beia age, who atbree sin who Bair Siefs sere von by Sis)-.A. left has been in right arm et - the war. It Who bas and feediii rffluarkshle sir A • 4141004. spoken the spid Bennet *Wad to_ . Rend AMO ss--- country, vali blame Aar ens rips sod an wide tha been !Ott Mrs -Of sresselslay ton; 'S. Oar *ore B - roams _ liars blank% !nd 4ittlg matte- thatas lvidOW is le fel law nisi