HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1866-03-27, Page 3- A man by the er Shenans; an *tors- on Bay ,e,duet.day hrtdge _which • turning watei. the stez.an which seI his foothold head foremost -v. vas- at one on n was sosever. and face that' , • Ile was taken. e most mcruciat--- 14:at-advice Was are , happy to, a -fair way of s Mt industrious mg been in the. Judi, and his s his employers ' ieep regret at his Is a calamity. _ Ile fay that' Gem, tiri-4tou to have- a iffairs, Cortina& wa men; sod is latimoras. e'also reported to, .eolumus towarcl ention of making • the Liberals 0.-• Trustworthy lOth inst. - say 6--icee- -near there fa LLberal guer- h were defeated,, .wasgarrisonecl by ie town was cut .ficith the Bur.- e• nils,aud busi- ;eel, Brosvnsvilles, ; that a vessel from arms for Liberals, ,sr or Tamaulipas nd taken toBeera. near Browns- kustets have been great many •eri. 1 army mere ! icily. y'Do. i▪ solated an self- :, and bravest and acwsznaw,,,edge ..uagry soul, yearn- symauthy. For reek* of- humanity ;oda wasted for the .ancrezip. Adrift at the grasp of sctr, ing heart, to cOurt- - now strong_ is this - sseasor, if riot °laid -- tor ifsafely • pl:Ced. agedy may be hid. one to labor for i• with, none to care - in life'S Struggle- • Coming to suck an sucherisis in life, e plank to the drow. be mast study have We may bestow as elan; .ourseikes, our aympathitie g aue Fenian's. 1p:indent of -the Neve oder the date- of the - med, a few days ago, ed--tto be accurately linos • lilid a Military. - .alted, oraanized aud- 14 experienced off - ea millions dollars A of vessels BOW d that al/ of these , resources. ' , It is i don may be issued-, , e en,-.3P.)•ed In these ' s• . at 1 _ can /earn, 1 1 . Ali that the Govern- & of it.; .31r Seward t et recent speech ef i iti-lt Parliament? as , „ut.iliterference; and cht will be alfowed to. t - 1 1 THE PENTANE. = peacy, therefore lista to let Ireland I operations to Can - wilt encounter the ,itislrarmy,- and will le ...every Eeniatt cap- ---- inabhands will be put - ihicity hai -already . 'of the Fenian& for the.. it the probability is task to ,.be a- much:. a. they expected, on . l;es of English troops irs whotne they will -. • kia Mission. aI telegr:am says, e CommumOners to met with greater ipatecl. Mr. Mc-- pc,-esent at Perlis - ;his piece: as chair - f January adinner iismoners at George- ‘. regret that we are For eveit seleCtions • This much may be the sentiments ex. At fAeridly charae-- st promise for the end in4ier viz., tensivo dire4.trada here end the Brit& iota fatftudes. Ion a time advertis-- . eiening entertai • with the mysterlrlik (Iy., Kure enotigke be eloped with the Ownedthe • mr.--A.Torontonian, turday' front. Buffalo - aeat which mimed is hhshment in that city about ono hundra some seventy VIM enian emissary enter--: ited the namei salt eh with -the redo& uprise he fowid onix eat. Assoon sat, 3e his employer turn. - t, and in an •anttri- scamp, leave rat It lick,yott. Pt* out me who wool sheries and murder* honest- living at. kilF.ri went, and let ;ne It is said 'that ea ng any- questionir Of CbaraCter.n-r ReAttv Goon --kitriet.s.-We would call the attentida.of all interested -to an articlept Undoubted merit, and which we Would ad t.iie all itt want of to give a trial. We refer to • Darlefs. Arii.bian Heave Beincily and Cinicli• lion, Med:clue" for horses now being exten-. sivily used by many of the lamest horse deal.- ers in the conatry ; these Men haire discover.- ' ,ed (hat it. iMproves the condition of the horse by Purifying the blood, •aed-reinoving from the, lungs- and her alt,thatprevents. their : healthy action its effecOs soon appareat ia the 'improved appearance Of -the animal. *lick is one eielt -reason why hum dealers liSe it OS- they are thus euabled to get better prieesund at the shine time give their eusto`rn- ers sound and healthy horses, • icetnember the name, and see that the sign nature Of not • d CO. is On each package, Northrop CLynian,`Njwcastie, C W, pro: prietors for the Caundas. Sold by all Medi - vine dealera. On the Gill inat at Point Pleaqant, Caspe Bay, the ivife ot John- Eden Esq, Coileetor _ _ of. Inland Reveetie, or a soli.. -rill MARlikTS. I- . GODEnicit, March, 27, 1866: I Spring- Wheat.. ......"... .Ai 1 :00 02, 1:00 -Fall do ..... - • 100 0; - 115. - tints; ... z.--; :.....- .-...... ,. 0:23-(a) ---0:25 - Flour - : .. . -.'. 560,;!' (r.P, - 5:00 Barley .. •,. ...a.. - - • 0.:45 4f)- -O.:50 Peas .•. ..... . 1 . . ... . .• . 045 5.t, • 0;414 I Sheep........... ..... _ 400 . (i',.. 5-100 -Pork -................ 725 66 - 750 _ . Beef, ........ :. -.......... 50_6 cp., 5:50 11 ds (green) ....., ..... 4:50 (td. 6:06 ...-:.: . . .. . ..'. . 9:13 ( 0:15 Pettit ocs . 0:30 -@ -0.314 -0.371 „ - : „... 1-75 6, 2:25 - • . _ Elay,. new IA ton 7.:00 - (0, '-8:00 YEEAT.TH STRENGTH. --To prevent or con.Turkzes , 0:60 (.4. 0:8-7 quer diseaS-6s oue of the grandest attain- ments ever aimcd at IA," man, and Bryan's Pulmonic Wafersjivill as, sure cure coughs,. -COW, tickling ia the throat and pulmonary complaints' as war and pestilvece will des. .troy. Seere colds, if riot attended .to; soon. er or litter lead to incurable consumptiotiand he strength of the strongest soon fails if neg- lected, 'lite readiest and best means known for the cure of. these Complaints is Bryan -es Pulinenic Waters." Which have been tho7- °nobly tiled itir the last twenty years, and have never been known to fait. Singers and public speakers will alsOderive great benefit . trout the use, of them. Sold by all 'Medicine dealers, at 25cis Per hox- ,THEBirtTIsU isitA!T.-The question has been cften asked whether the Navy of dreat Britain, -mountin,g as ftdoes over am thou. . At.bcrttsgarits.t - _ .TIIE-G-REITENGL_ISII REMEDY - ( tilt .14AIES Crok:RKE:§ Celebrated ElemAlla . Prepared fron a prescription Clarkedli.D.,-Physzelan g.xtraaklinarY -10 the . Queen. - - This invaluable medicine is unfailing- in • the core et all thotre -painful and -thingertilis diseases to whit:h the female constitutien is subject 11 moderates all excess andzeinotreSall obstructions, and a speedy Cure may be relied on • TO T -MARRIED: LADIES.' . rit peculiarly ironed.. It will; ins short _tunes- . sa d uns and manned by'65,000.sadors, ex - ceeds •the -navies of France and the Mated States, or 'France and Russia,- and were it not that we might be considered a tittle tistical we Should say it did-exceed.them al. together, but it is useless speciilatin„g upon this when 'there are other questionS that. do not admit of any doubt, no one after using th-a " Canadiap. !Pain Destrover".". doubt its being the very ibest thin fn. e the eure oE cough's, colds, sore throaty, diptheria; pains in the steanach, sides and back, spinal nffee- tionsy '&0: Sold .all Medicine Paalers at 25- eta per bottle. . "_ • a ERICORA 6F. 3cOU'lli:ite . A Gentleman Whosuffered. for years kora' -kervous -Debilityeeremature Decay, midi all the etle.ins ofyoutill fat indiscrettbn. will for t*sake orstideriag humanity send free hi all'who need it, The recipe and directions for .7f.talcingthe-:-Limple remedy by which he!wascured..8iif... ferers %wishipg to profit by the advertiser's ex.poirience, • can do so hyaddra..ssing - JOUN' 13; OGDEN% - -. No. la, Chainhqrs- St., New York., TJEL...4.4NGE RUT T.11. -1.1"E. "Nem young ladyand gentleman in the United Sates -can hear Something very much to -.theiradvantage by • returninail (free of charge). by addre:sing the under- signed.. Those ha.vingfears of beiwg hunabukged will oblige by not noncing tins card. All others will please - address their obedient servant, Taos', F.. CHAPMAN. w5.1y.$5 _ Eaoaxiway, New York: .cw.A.I.st;tripTIVEK. , th-e advertiser, having hem :restored to health in a few Weeki b a yerysinute rethedy, after hawing suf- . feted for several years with ai..evere.lung lateen...a, awl that dread disease. Consumption --is anxious to maka kaii-wate fellow-suflereis the means of, cure. - To all whti desire 11, he %Olt send a copy of the pres- _. cription used: (free of charfe)\Witil the directions for pre- paring and using the sangwinch they t itt find a'sust: • etas for Coxsultr=riov Briacreurrz- Canals. and. all Throat :x:14 Lung Affections: l'he only . . object of theadvertver in sending the 1 rescription ts to -""kbenetit the mhicted and spread intermationt which he _conceives to be invaluable.auckhe hopes every suderer_ will try: his remedyas it will_ cpst them nothing, and may prove a blessing. Parties wishing- the prescription, iazz. bY return -mail will p,lease lattdre. Itev EDIVARD A. 1if.5.01V. - Matt • -boo, Co.. v rk - kons. e . c.3 -0-03D. T-..Triii\ta- TRT- rr HE CANADIAN- PAIN' DESTROYER J. is a Alvdieme for the immediate and perma- nent removal 01 a'.1 pail, trout the system-, _ The Collodi-cos-Pam Destroyey .. . .. -- bruit,' on the monthly poiiod with regularity. Each bottle, price One Dollar, beers the- Gov- ernment Stamp of Great Britain to prevent coun- terfeits.- ._.,4k.V.TI*0-.1•T. • These -Pills should. not be taken bkfeme-iles etu ring the PI.RS7 THREE- 1110,1%1.7'11S.' of Preg- nancy, za$ they are sure teAring on. illisear- riar,e, but at any -oiler tlmo:thryore In all cases Of Nervous amt.:Spill& A flections, Paiiis in the Back and Littibs, Fatigue onslight. exertion, Phipitation et-the:Heart, Hysterics and Whites, these Pills _will effect a yore when alt. other means have fhiled ;-• and althooch ir power - fill rethedy, do notir'coka In iron. calomel,anti- mony, or iinythiag.hurtful to t he co nstitottoif: Fall directions in the pamphlet...around 'encli package, which should be caiefully pre- erVed. Sole agent for the Uniced States and Ca n atlas, JOB .:NIOSkIS, 'Rochester, N.Y.. N.A.-43.0o antl.six pa-tag,e Stamps, enclosed to any authorized agent wig insure a bottle eon- tainang filty• Pine, by return n !a it: • ? " . •NOWIHItUP & LY.MAN ' - ./ Newcastle, G. W.; general ao•ent. kw Canada. tr..3.--sold inGc,tteiich by Parker -N..' Cattlb aid 'P. .1 Orden Gaul biter or "Co., Bayfield ; Jam Benthum: Receiville ; J. Pickard, Exeter, ; J. Comber,,01-mlon ; E. Hick.son, Sea tOrtli, and alt Medicine- Dealers. w3S-..1v LUST in Poderich. a 1igEt Foloured Mit* Gauntlet,-liglit hand, the. Ander will be suit- ably rewarded- by.leaving a at the :Signet! °dice, .- - March 16 i8 h,".66. - R etai !)[:,ri�rrIJE. puSitOriwS Supplled at WhOkesaW'Price • iMOORHOUSE9S -REDUCED PRICE LIST. , . _ ,..- _ 1.1 Book of Les ▪ ons . .2e Lenniee English Graminar , ..- . .. .10e Lovell's General Geogr-apbY 60e 1 2nd do do. ; . .6 Spelling, Hook Superseded 234 edi. 15 I COMpbeIPS • " do 70 Seipiel to : do A . . 9 1st Book of Ardlinietie $ & (.31.4. 4 . 10 .fohm.46W6 1 ictionary . .;. if.15 _ . _ 3rd Book of Lessons; 12-i ' Saingster's Eleinentari do- : .. .._,. 20 Walker's •-: ilo _ . . ; . .25 g' " 4th do - - de _. ; 16 • National do'. . ....:. ..50 -Webster's .. do .... . ,. 25 5111 do, do " ; 20 ' Edsy Lessons in Geography . .. 38. Hodgin's History ofCa nada. 45 .;_ . . s . .• 5 1 "'Hancock's Ilistery of 1..4'nglatid. .. 50 The flatland rerhiced to. .-. -10_ ).AND ALL 01 -HER _SCHOOL .1300KS AT PROPOItTIONA.T"EL3f LOW.BATES; • _ Good Uuled Note Pa pen .. per gairei. Common Envelopes (25) . . pr packnge. Jo • ,Poolienp.. ..; ..• .15e. . do- . . do . Good'quality Pens •‘• • • • • •• ; 5 per dos Slate Pencils "perdoz. . • , A 12 leaved 0 ivy Book -good paperwith blot sheet for Sc. Slates, Pencils and -every arthile of Stationery at Reduced Rates. To be had only al. the . • • • • - - Signal .. • • • . OPICe. Book, it Stationery Store, TUA SQUARE' GODERICIL - ;. • $.LIi TAJiINI0 MI!) ! Up ,to the 15th • March (when our, Stock Taking_ ..Commences) Are will offer to. the - _ -Publie ' the I WHOLE - - • . ' at C:ost in order to mike rooni- for: '. Give ui 4 call -before -bluing elsewhere. . - KERR; =-,Tri,:.86- CO: .\\ Glasgow itouse; Feb.,. 27t11,--1SO.6. _ In reference to above, let it be distinctly understood that no.-Goods-zwill be subject .to E•xchange-Onless _especially agreed upon at the time) during the continuance of the Sale. • - P KEIZR . .). - - e Go-cierieli,-. Feb. - 1856: - ROL:. 1i.#0.)V: • • • TTNDER aneby virtuii ot a' Power of -Sale eon, taped la areatain Mortgage" niatie by Rob- ert Davison (and Anpe Davisi.mhiS tt ile.. to bar. her Dower) to David Hood- Ritchie, dated -the ia•enty ninth day ofJanuary. 4 D.,--1-4ii-for se- eming the stun of -Eight Initiated Dollais terest at the rate of twelve per cent per an inint2 and by Virtue of an assignmen t _of the Said Molt- ' :Mae made by the said. -Dawat Ho. id -IA deltic- to W1- liapi Renwick as an wing Executor of the Estate ot the !ate Thorn Gardn6r,..ihvea-stid, •dated!,the fourteenth day of February,. A,.0., 1866, there: wilt be sohl by public: Auction al the Elv- er 'Hotel" tn .therriaege otBayfietttfandcouniy of Hiiron,.. on ' Tuesda) v - thP first day of killy Nat ..- at t.w.o ol the clock -in the afternoon, tunie.ws pre, wieusIcr oisposed ot by private bargain) all lanai. certain pared or tract of land and pretaises„situ ate, .hing and- being ia the Township or Gode- rich. in the said Cotints, of Huron,: hemg com- posed of Lot thirty Six in the..Ba-vfildd. eoneession of the said Township; of (rfoderiell, eon ta.n ing eighty nine 'acres,- more or has. (of whiclrfaboin 1.1:ay acres arealeared.)- Terms mane kucaw.n Cures Rheumatism, Pletinsvin ,.anil Pa the • ' Itt Beek', dna h"a • - .The COnadietre. Pirtm DeiboVr, -01,1,1164 • ". W1L L AM 4IENWIP K..• • - w9 _•Ex,ecotor as aforesaid. " Retieves_Pain in the klead,:and Sick Headache. March zit% -1366, - - The Calladtak. Pam: Destroyer • . :Cares BilieusGotic the•Stomaeli. tw Canadian Faim. Dcstioyer Cures C lera;Cholera Morbus„ Dysentery and _ . Bowel Complaintso e -Canadian• Prital Destroyer Curs Sudden Colas and Sore 'throats. • - ` Tit Canadian- Pain• Destroyer Cures Burris, Scalds., Frost Bites and Scalds. - The Canadian. Palle Destroyer Otrees-Neuraltp,:a.,Tic Douleureatix and Tooth acne. • Canadian Pain Destroy'er.--- Is also an -excellent thing for -Wound-., - Bruises, Sprains and' Strams'; it takes .away all yaiii the momeiltit ut applied. • should be withOtria. bettleof - .111e -_ • Canadii: in - Pain- Destroyer! PRICE., -25 centspei Bottle. All ordersshould be add -rased' to • - iSTURTHRI.1.1" & LYMAN. ' Yeweasee -0 W ; . 3 • W. 113.. Sokl in Goderich by Parkerlt,'Cattle and F.. -Ionian, Gardiner & Co Bavfield, James tgenthuni,Regerville'1. Pickard. 'Exeter, I. H. Vomite,. Clinton, EaHickson, Seaforth; and all .11/41edicine Dealers. 11.43-6m Relief_ In Ten: Minutes! ..PULNIONJO -WAF.E S . „ Themost eeataia and, speedy remedy ever discovered for 'tali diteasespf the 9. Chest and Lungs; Coughs, Colds, Asthma. Constimption, .Bron- - f Chlt1S. -Influenza,- , lloarsene4e; DiXcalt :Breathing, Sore - Throat, ic., to: "0;-: • : - . . These Witirs give the most:instantaneous aad per - feet redef, when persevered with according to directions never fail tO effect a rapid and testi/waive. Thousands lave been restored to perfect health. who bave.tried other mans in vain: To all classes and all coronitations they are a blessing and cure—none need -despair. no matter hoiv-long the disea.semaYhave- existed, or how imam it triayie, provided the:el-genie structure of -the vital organs is. not hope.essly decayed. Every one afflicted shuold give tkem ati impartial trial. • TO VOCALISTS IE. PUBLIC -SPEAKERS these Wifera are peculiarly valuable; they will in one day remove the most severe occasional hoarseness and their regular use for a fewc`days will, al all times, nt- crease the power and inflexibility cf the voice, greatly provuigns tone, compass,, and clearness. for which tootle they are regularly uaed by many Professional /5"10Bistsg. MOSES. Proprietor, Rochester, NY. • ' Price 25cents perbox. • - irotithsts and Public Speakers Vocalists and Public Speakers : - %Vocalists andrablic.Splakers, • . Will fled Rryan's Wafers - Willfind Bryan's_ Wafers Will fled Smart's Wafers invaluable to renin 'ye „_. Invaluable to -remove .1nrelualild to remove- . HoaraenessapdSore Throat lieerseness and Sore l'hroat Hoarseness and Sore Throat And giVeilearness teethe Woke, Jinctgtwe Clearness tollia Voice, .Aildrxe-cr.eani,,ess4)-therTVlioeicPretieve in telt-minutes, - They relieve ten minute; • • They reheve in ten minutes • -toughs.IColde,anit ilidiseases _ Coughs, -Colds, and all diseases Coughs, Colds, and all diseasei Of the Chest and Lungs, k • Of the Chen -and Lungs, R • Ofthre Chest and Lungs, -Held DruggPst:, ' Sold by all Druggists. :gold by allDruggists. At 25 cems alsox At 25 cepts &box At 25 ceiiir a box • Xciffthiup .& Lyman, Newcastle, General •Agents for the Canades. Sokimilederich by Parker & Cattle and F Jer- dad; Gardiner & CO., Hayfield ; %las: Bentham, Roger- - 'vine; 3. Pickard, Exeter; .t 11 (loathe_ `C''.iten; E Dickson.. Svaforth ••••‘ - ction Sale 9f- Beal Estate. TINDER and by virtue of a power of sale con- k). tamed in a certain Mortgage made by DOD- .D1c1 Shaw tq, Robert H. Gardner as acting Exe- cutor otthe Estate orthe late Thomas Seidner dedeased, dated the -fourth- day of October; A. D., 1861y for securing the ,.urnofEight hundred and twenty eight Dollars ED cents, with in:crest at eight per cent per annum, there.'weif be -sold- by public Auction at the ;glover Hotel" in the Vil- lage of 13ayfieid and County ot -Huron on -• Monday, the -23rd day of Aprit next, - at two of. iheolock, in the afternoon if notatre- viotelly disposed -of by private bargani); all that -- certain, parcel or tractor land, and premise; Situ- ate, "wing and being in the said Village of Bay- field, tieing composed of Lot II:timber ix hithdred and eleven- in theTown plot: oi Bayiield • Terms made known at Safe. • - • ROBERT H. -GAttlalsMR; 4 Eaeeinor as aforesaid. - March 27th, 1966. ,• w9 LOST on .Satu. rday night t. • on the Market Square a bcot.th. Lap witha small -Rose at _the side it the finder will kindly leave the same, at .Dark's Hotel, they Will greatly oblige. ROBT. ISLLTETT.. March.,27th,1S69.. sw60 saVAIFFIp SALE. oF.:.LAN'DS-. United Counties of Iii T.-viiine af two-writs'of Huron and Bruce, .L.P. Fled Fames -issued-out . to -wit: ' of liek 1V1atesty'a County Court of the United Counties of-Hurpn and Bruce and County Court of the ,Coutity of Wentworth-, and to me directed against the lands .andte.e- ments of Joseph -Murray at -the- snits of David StewartMid Ebenezer ()tith, thatie seized' arid taken in Execution all the fight, title and interest of the said defendant in and to the North halt of Lot•Number-Rve in -eo0erssion A Of the Town- ship of Howick cowl:Rama fitly acres inore or Ica, which Lands ancy Tenenienta I shalt-ofle'r •tor sale at my Office in the- Court. House -in tfie, Town of cioderick, on Tuesday -the. Third day of July next, at the hour of Twelve: of the clock.' noon. . _ . ' . ' • JOHN MACDONALD ' 'Merin 11. & B, Slierill'a (Mice, Goderichd - 24th' March:181;0. W4/1 FA411.1 .-FOR SALE. small tarn) of Excellent Land situate -in the Village of Summerhill lacing the Base line Gravel road-, being the sotiith bah of 'Lot number I5 in tha-17th concession Township of Goderieh, Comuy ofHuroti, Forty acres. For particulars apply to- - CHARLES F. CLARKE: s Solicitor,"fire Clinton _. March 27th, 18E6. - • av9if FOR,_„ SALE, ATTEST _ part of I4ot •Ee!enin 5th Con:, TT Western Division Township of Colborne 100 Acres. This Lite; iiituated within 'four mites of Goderieb; and one half niile from the Northern. Gravel road,. . For tering of Sale apply to . • -4.. SINCLAIR 4 WALKER. Solicitors, &c. March qltli; 1866. • - w0,4t STRAY' COW. . , - c AME into _ .. --- • My -enclosure last *night, one Red : Cow With white face. . -The owner, is :re - 'quested to ,provp property, peycharges,-and take.tr- er away, otherwise the said (ow will be sold to „defray charges. ' Morris, eon 3, la 30- t 'tart+. MO_ w99t, B. P A CR.-. It 14-1 • CKENZI ate Kerr, Brown 860.N, and Kerr MacKenzie & tse.I • WilIbe ready toshow 4 r-jciA. • '"•- • Ahav-c 'Ty • ON R4011DAY 2T -H- INST. The Trade is respectfully inVited to i-spect; Hainilton, March 7. . - -7w1 •-s OUTINO: to :he Abrogation or the -B eciptecity" 'Treaty, many shippers_ Will net(' be looking out for reliable a,,e•enti in Montreal. _Mite -under- signed have-confidence:hi offering their services to such ler ihe sale of „BRE4DsTry vs, 41:811E; BLITTED. CeausE Guaitsis. &e9 . &c.=- ;they_ have also a special department ter ER, under the main:gement of an experienced. Salesman. - , =JOHN DOUGALL * Co., , - GtinItniSi.on Merchants; *S. 2ings*$ p - Montreal. - Insoivent.:. Act of 1864. , In the matter of Charles Days an Insolyent. he creditors of' the Insolvent are notified - .1 that he has madean assignment of his estate and ;effects, imder the .-above Att, to tne the undersigned, Assignee and tliq are required to furnish Me within two - months from 66 date with their_ Claims, Specifying the security they hold; if any, and the value of it; - and if none- stating the fact, the whole attested Under oath, with toe vouchers -in support of such claims Dated it Griderich iii -the County of Hui o thislwenty sixth day of March,.A. O., 1866 • §. POLLOCK, - Official Assignee for Huron & Bruce . - Insolvent Act of' 1864. Insolvent Act of 1 In the.matter Of qf the Town-, ship :Of Elderslie- in the -Coun,ty of Brace, an Insolvent: T. - he creditors of the Insolvent are notified .lhat he has made an assignment of his 'crate and effects, under the above Act, to me, the undersigned 'assignee, . and they are required td furnish me witl.in two - months" frolkthis,date, with -their claims, specifying the security they hold,- if any, and the value of it tind if none, .stating the fact;.the -whole attested under oath' *with the -vouchers 111 Support Of inch- claims. • Dated at Goderich in .the County of Iluroe this ise;snteenth clayof omMarefK.. h)cA-13.18...6‘.. s.p_ OThcial. Assignee` for -• Huron &-..11ruee. , _ 1 nso vent Act. -o14884. Iit the Pater of William Hindi; rinintol- - vent.- . ' ---- • ' .';'. - , - - , - THE Creditors' of the Insolvent are notified; _that he has made an Artigpment "ot his es- tate and eflects•ander- the above Act; to me. the Midersigeed Assignee, and they are required- to furnish- me, -within- two Mariths from this _date, with their; claims, specifying the security they hold, ifarty,, and the value of -it ; and if lone, stating -the fact ;the whole attested under oath, with the Voticikera in support of such efaimS. , I- Dated at tToderich in the Lounty of Huron =Di ?Atli day oi, March. 1s66 -- - ' S. 11, Y,E0M.A13S, A'SiigiiVe• WT...fuys SolieitofTor Insolvent. sw59 2iv; In the Matter ot Henry F., red.eric1VSliarp_in Iusolverita • • ' • • - . • If -HE Creditors ofthe Insolvent are'notified thathe has made an Assignsmat of his estate -and.effects,. Ander, the above "A.c.t, to me- the undersigned Assignee, anctthey are -requiredto furnish me. •withui two months from this date, :with their claims, specitying the Security they .hold, if any; and the -Value of it ; and if none, stating the fact, the whole attested under Oath, with the vouchers in sup. nqrt_of such " Dated at GoderiCh in the County Of Huron this Twenty fourth day of March, A, 0.2_1866. w9 • - , S. POLLOCK, Official Assignee for Huron *Bruce., A SAL E .7r .0 (oilowing. eveelient.. farm lots, viz--4-1Ot .1. 36 in the Beyfield eenimasitin .of the Town- ship ot Goderich, Lo. Huron, containing abolt 90 nares ot which about, 60 are idea:red.- also the north .half oldie north 4; of Let mneteee, Lake Road, East in the Tewislop of Stanley, and Jounti of Hutt*, containing about thirty six ;wren, mostly creared, abro the west pair.. ot bot ten ia the thirteenth coneevsion ciftlie said1dwa, ship Of Stanley; containing -about thirty acres, with roar acres clearance, also Park Lot two, Range " "-.11'. in the sante . TownShiPs being...pee mite nom Ba.yfield on the Gravel'Read-and con- taining : tenacres; mostly cleared, with good stream ot water, geod'IJwellineheuse Barn and Orcharti, and atso the sotithliweinerly ballot, Lot eighteeninthe eighth- concession of -the Town- ship ot etanley aforesaid, contaitung about sixty acres. of lead: mostly -cleared, anit,wition two miles .oft.he Villege of Verna. _ -.. • . For particulars apPlypertonally or,bypepaid letteraeht.72e7o. Dostis_066Tee., Bityfi. yid! _ mar w9 • To Cahrnet, Fefinkg-Miti Manufattn- . Ten, And Others. .. ItNOIG MUM • z . • , • _ - SMALL Planinsr 'Machine, nearly new, eapable ot planing hard or sat wood', kt [vet 9:inebekwide-Will be sold cheap for cash or OD approved Credit. 'For ternis and all partieulars apply (if by letter post paid) ta Henry Dodd, Fan ning7Mill:Mtinnfacturer, voderich. w has had one of th*saine description in nse 'for 2 years; Or to the subsirrt bee who has the same tinsel°. - - • ' - JAMES bMA1LL Godaricha J uly.28; 186F. .swebtt- . • . Ttiig SPRING SHOW os-• THE UNION it RICULTURIL SOCIETY, - ' OP Mitt. TOWNSHIPS oo, A._ffiii.O.AD: tiu.R.9:-N..-icrivr.,ass -:- ILO - -. • _-_ ' --. : . A WA.'• N 4) ''S H-, , . Will be held in the Village oflitielreow on - Tnesda..y the Tentli day. ot A pril at Ten o'clock A. M. '.,, When the fellinving 'prises Will' he tistavded. . : . _ - . • : • - : k. ' FriiffteaeEt SittlliOtt fir ,agricultikial par- '..pbses.. - - -, : - ' - .- - . _ ' -$10 ' 1 -' - '_,.' : grld_,* - Best --- :- For the Hull: • ' ' - - . -• ," 0 " • ' 71- '''". 241 -,-43e4 ' - - . . , Thatiiiectora if they consider the -Best . . . . . Sallion deserving will add an additional, ,five DcillatstO the above Prise. ... - - The l'allion, obtaining the first prise will he requirai to stop one.. day a -week during tl o -s . eition iwthe Tillage:tat 1.4-ucknOw., ' --,TAMEIS S(.0,1RY.11,110E. . - „, , . _ , , . , •-. '' - = Secetity,- - - .; LucknoW MarChIltl(1666,• -- .. s w58. , - • -:,..., ...: Notice. QAMIlia/ 'POI1OCE; lateDepyty WiShetilf has-been appointed official' Assign- ee under the Insolvent :401 of 18;64 for the Cnited-Countiescf Huron and Bruce, , February -20th: 1866-sW50 . , "A thorough farm servant, iii_pst be a good ploughman apply 11.-- -II1NCKS,,4 Cones StJfl -Goderich.- 5-1 . . . LIST OP' LETTERS , E-11/1 AIN:11SG the VOA. Wien I o .1.1w tbe 1.3th Match, 1f3661 Adair Dan& Martin fain! • Adams Jelin ;Neyer.A .11: • 1.• ms .A.da.10h n (re#), - Mills Maine*. Asliton.Thos - IVfortia Mark • -• Moore /-1 m.aithe.o..:*rg • BB1313eurginiir-git'Acil6MncloArlre.v_.: • McDotigall ATM McLeod Ana Mise Benedict W Henry - 'Meflregor Chas „ _Bork- Mary -Miss McQuire Oath *DS. Beard J . • .141eliay4Jeorae _ Meek John _ Meetinnefl :Tameable Broynten li.obt • ._ ._MmeelLeoriiiiaiiidd John n • Commander WC 2 MeVety,Sinieon Campbell I ol id AteMu. ..Gampbeil David 51 elVlilkan Gaineron John caitowayJoshua . crg r:iidiltiitmejs c Briew0 • john 7 Cantelon Sarah Blisittottsoson, JohnLavc-,r1,i:faMrs - Dciduan' Thos < Nichol lfebt .i- -Deughs Heurv Papa**. 'irittres.0 C.etiat FoWler George f Farr-John -Fis4 • ; ' Forsyth ItO"ti • -Smith F : Foot M 11 SutheilaridGeorea Miss Fisher Dairy' _SstimeirthenosoosnjoGneno, Ch_arlel :SsIltntliithh John Hill George 1" " . Smith, Sazah . . Higgins James - Sutherland 11 -Miss (ier) . -- Hurst J Margtf Sets Robert H uu Wm . iwn .o.ht H H.OskinAlIm Tuft Win ' Jardine Joseilf. .loy Thos Kirkpatrick Ef _ . Wageaner George Lorimer George_ _ Waldo W G Laidlev John • Williamson James , bite Lewellen. • MentgoineryJIE Miss Wilson Benj it John-. Moore tiugli Wiekharn Peter (reg) W7 -.2t • DICIODN.I",, BLACKSMITH'S LOOK HERD : " ARMERS and others desirous of parches. ing Lands, ale informed thht the Canada 'Company hare 1anas--;:to: Sell:tr.-Lease , . 1n various PortiOf the Province., The deiiipitevoilld Particularly invite at t_.eution.,.tofrui.ef,;itc,:_I,LtiDes f LANDS in the Cullu-, __,-: . HilRoIC. AND PERTH • . 9 .whielt Will b& -disposed of on liberal terms to p`artieg.'"--Who May he 'prepared to pay IN CASH, Oa considerable sum down: • . , Clinada:CompanY's.01fice, • • - .1 . Toronto, 19th Dec't; 1865. i - .152*3nr„ nil for Sale. A .-SMAI?L: farm . eneellent land nicely. ....I :Situate,- facing thn Iliver Mailtand, and within J miles of the --floarithing Village of Wi gham, bpitig•-the smith half of Lot No. 14, on the aliutherthof the Township of Turnberry,- containing 40 'Beres, 23 adios- chopped,16 acres of which the stiniiptiwill cone...Nib Will be sold cheap for -cash, For further particulars apply to - •JOHN W. BOWMAN. - - General A -gent, Wirteham _ 9 "` Ian. 20, 1866. - - - w52 3m -PWE &.LAI.113-Canve into the premises of Au the subscriber lot 11„ 4th con, R D Col- borne, about the Middle of September last a whyti Ewe arid-LaMb.. The owner is request. ed" to prove property, pay _charges, and td4. them away. SAMUEL MITCRELL. March 15th; 1866. _ wif-3t* ANTEll by the subscriber; agood stfradY C 1 - VY : blacksmithi:Oither by the Month, or -take -a shop on slufiresil. where there is'plenty of work, it being on theDothatn Road in • the tewnishiP of Greenock,' which is to be gravel- led next_ summer, - none need ,apply but a steady anatif Application to be made to the undersiied Enniskillen,ilreenock Post Office count* of.Brnee C. W. . - - • - '1-.11JGH MONTGOM1IBY March 200;1866, - • , • •803m - ; ‘04rA0Gf. Ea; ScoAntaLine S e a , UNDR Mortgage made by .1..upias Arthur :CareY. McCennell of the Village- of Blyth. Coutity of Huron, his wife -being it,perty thereto for thesturpose of -barring her dower, default having been made in the due payment thereof, and notice -heeit given mall pattieir interested,- there will be sold . • on -Tue8d-ay_: the -27th dayofMarch. - A. D. 1866, at12 o'clock, noon.- - , At Shane's Ho_tetin the Village of •Blythe, the following property, ninnelyri4ots- num- bers 7-," 8, 10-111, 12, 13_, hind 14 in Block A; Lots numbers ,6, 7, 8, g; 11,12 1,, 13,-- and 14 in BloCk 13-f Lots numbers 6,7 .1 -8, 9, 10;- 11, 12,- 13, :14 and 15 in. Dicli- C ;-• Lois ._ 1 _ T . 1 - numbers:2 S1 4, 5 6. 7; and 8 IF 13lock P.- and' LOU- nunibets-1; 2, 3, 4, St anal 6; in Block E ,, of McContiell'a survey in the :Said: village qf 13lyth, the Same being -.,subdiliisins of ilarttl Of loti numbers one and two in the tenth-e-onceslion of ,the Township est--,..likirris tu the said county ofIliiron as' the -same are laid down and designated "in tke :registemd. planthereof; made by - William Roipli gag:, P. 1;.S., in 1860, - Terms Made known at sate.' ." - - - - SINCLAIR, a WALKER,: . : • ...-- Solicitors for :Mortgagee's. 1. . Goderick March.6th.-1866.- - - -*6td . . i . , c . - . z - Theabbie Sale is potteoued anill Wednes- day. kith of April.7 . •z. INCLAIR tx,-i- *At-xi:a., . ' Gederich,,- March 10th; 1866. " smi8td- LIST oF'.LETTERS _ REMA1NI theDulignimon! PostOffice, , on the 12th March; 1b66. Bowers I -filbert.: MeNevin John BoxterJattieS _ McMath' %Villir - Hell Itowlited.. 2 McGrottan William, • _ • Beggs Dafhl 2- Baskie George -McCabe Willi* -- Brown John "MeNevin Donald. RiowriLA ‘_ . - ..Cassedy *his Shiley 2 .-Meboneld Areby Chile •, hes -. .McCata•Johnl. - -ctInithpitelitTithObesi•t- 2 Q21-ttleiMicial Pl'aarrkk Jje°Tilertinsi:, Fintey Witham - Itoah Samnekr:- Ferguson Robert -2. - ▪ - illituglasS &nen?. r Onikleypeorge •- Daniel- penauhue Timothy -Poltir0 :Droney Arthur Phillips Sainec.,, " Pelted Thos 1..-1:11:-2, fitSRauunlrelbehlrsoeWm:a.litireitimoike' GibsQnJames14,0o- Mrs-. ; ;Grano* job* Higgins George 2\ . Sanderson • Smith. Witham, Ilasset Michel - Savage Sart= -Redly Niebotas - SayagO Margret: 7 Henderson Thos . Stbeeds George': -Stewart Thtis Johnston John 2 - Jelinston-Thos Teinpletim Mrs Elit . -Tavish,Robeit.. Itetson Geotge - -Welsli Mrs Ed Longworth Win Willis Joshua ' - Wilson Charles - WS 3t It. OLEN DENpilhiti, P. AL _ Insolvent t of ow* Itt the matter 0/ -11;27-ii'r- 'l. 117C44Teran -.. Tithe Creditors Of the 'insolvent are notified that has wade in 'astugneseut.of,* his estate and effects, under the above -Act;:. to, Introltillleds4daadiee128,1Weitelidtbei:PelSeei-nitil an:.(71sPethecifYlyi/reg- required to furnish , syli.hin.stwo",:monthit the secuiity thef hold, if. any, said the value Of it ; and if. nape, :stating the feet; ,the whole, attested under eath; with- -the support of.suchelaiins. . • _ Dated r:1„Goilet ieh in. the county of Huron this seaenteenth day of March A 1)1866.- ' _ - S.- P01440011: - , Offieial Assignee for sw5.8 Huron & I. . Pormer Notice With- - dawn. The Miinicipal OF the Township Of ITSbotne hiving pas- withye ; the' Temperunee Act,i in accordance prohibiting. the sale of Intoxicatina Liquors in the Township NOTIQE 15 HEREBY GWEN, - _ That a Meeting of the Municipal Electors of the . . Toviriship of.' UsbOrne, will bt.held the_Township Hall on 'huredai; the -29th . MARCH, at ten e'cleck,E FOR THTAXING OF A' POLL to. decide whether. not the -Repeal of said By Law_hecOnlirtned by such Electors. • - WILLIAM EDMOND, • ' - • Tp. Clerk.. Ushorne, Feb 26th. -1.866. zw_46w2td sod it 13y Law rerst yearaliug the By Laf pas ed bthe Electors BYLAWNO. ONE; Toopenand establislth niwrosedthrStigh Lots numbers 21 and 22, in the 16th Concession 01 " the Township of FloWick, in the County of ; 'Huron and Province of Canada - 'DR it therefore enacted by the Municipal coun- eil .the iTownishie of Howickk and it is hereby- enacted ha• the. said Municipality, .that. from and after the final pasaieg Of thisBy Law, that: the following new road shall be opened agreeable to the description hereinafter -set out and from and ialter that date, the said -piece et road eMbraced -vrithin•the said -descliption, shall be used as a public': hmhviay, and shah to all fto, tents and purposes ba part ef the mads of said Township . . .descripoon of stud new line °hoed. All and singular tbai certain parcel oraract ot "land and preinfses-situate,Iviog,_and• benier in. the Townehipef Howic. k ther omity cif Huronand Prentice of .canada containing by admeasure- ment two and onethalf acres be the same more or: less being - composed of part of Lots Numters two ty One and twenty Iwo in the 16-h Conces- sion orsaid Township otHowfok which milli be deacebed as follows. - f- Commencing -at a pest planted on the westerly tilde of lot- number tventy one, and thirteen -chains and -Any Iinks lrorn the front corner there- of, re nbitig NorthSeirenty fuer deg ees lofty nun- uies, erst.twenty -Chains and tweiitv.links mere or less to the lam between lots nu -tidier, twenty one and twenty-tWoi thence North seventy min degrees, east twent'aphariaS and thirty links -mom orr less to -a .ficistAilattted on the' line between twenty tweand twpntY three taking' a piece of. land tivo Mk:wide across said Lots number twenty one and.:twenty two along and on the South side Of the course aiready -described; thence Northerly- slot* the line between twenty . two and twenty three, Northerly nine chains to the front of the lot and -risking a piece of land -MO reds wide eking the sahtline between -Lute and , on the westerly side of thc . - I'Crert:fy theloregeingto be a trueC pv ore By _Law intended to be:passed by the Mitmeipalay of the'TOWlisSip etHeviiiikitt its neWsitting. .F• "-- GEORGE DANE, . - • - = "- Township Clerk • - . - Howiek, Feb. 24114 1366. v,r6:4t -Ilia is olot;bidany person or persons died Myself responsible for it. _ .0!:-ilt,v.wfajmujilruasmIrwtatirknot hold. glo.ti;t atii.rdet- 8 at. 17th LOST_JFhe*L.:about 12, between A", Don OA'S and Mr.-- Crabb's Store -a cheque Of 838 arida retterdirected to Wm, and Chsg Duriiin,-these:wire rolled np in a Silk Hand-. kerchief, the.lindet" witi be suitably -rewarded: by leaving them at A. Donogh's Tavern.' . - - • jOHN..-DURNIlkI; Goderich t.-,-4.stv413 2e TAKE -NOTICE. „ "fplIE-Menicipit Council of the:Township-of .17 GiEtcleriebhaving gassed • a by !s -w repeal. leg the By, law passed- by the Blectorelest year iii atcordance, will! the Temperance Act prohibiting the sale of intoxicating liquors in the Township,. - myna i. HEREBY GIVEN-. -thot 4i411001)&0f the municipal Bleetera of -the TOWN -SHIP OF GODE4ICH.,7 Will be held .111 -•••Mr. Cobbs; Volinesillle- on hlonday the SO day Of *Pril at tea ,circeock, A. M.: for the pavement tahing a poll to -de- cide "whether or not the repealofaxid by bdr bevemifirinad bo. y Jotte4b -xE Ise cat rw. T ps — Clerk Godetich Township,4 w6 • r • Matelt 5th 1866: sact 11:P O R 0 N truited Counties of / HURON A D *BittreE. OTIcS ighereby.gitthtliat'applicabotfirtlf. 11 be made atAtie next S.e.ssion the Preliti. trial Parlfainent for an Act to I:ea.:Oise by-Easa No. 7, 1665 (lathe UnitedCountiesof Huron - and Sturm. - Wadi - -.BY orders_ • 1111Lner ' PETER PAillSON e •-• Counties Clerk H. & 71111.tatch, 1966. - . *-7-2m - sHEig!"79s. LANDS. • United CountieslOt?D y 'virtue of a Wtit d Huron and Brut -e, ? Veaditioni trpOD.DS and To Nit Fieri Facies ter residee 18 sued out pc Her 'Majesty's Coaety Cosa. of the 'Hawthorne, at the suits of ichif DoVrtiey Brfee 1.1a1Inimidntee;orCinioausy.nfaptiierfais.ofkluron & Bruer; *ad to she di- rected against the lands and tenements of Wm. said deientlant in -and to Lot •number _Five. eacecution all the right tide and inteiest age y1-1:itoolt:leTre:tr,11ulienbee!t:ihieeirservicijizhien.d: aesubdraftiwealitittre:tieotri- Ritolideneritoisifltrizilellairai unlonfier for ;ittie wal:iFilinyla4,ndffist:aendmtenthet;:- Court House in the town et' Gode_rich, on Tues. flay the .Seventeenth day of April _next. At the -Sheriff's 'Orrice, Goderichit hour o jiotwitebilvemoAttchu jeclsocAkLuDor iher,urn: ist-a. - 7tirMarch..866. C 0611 Itir nvinoir... THE Court of Revision for the Townelifp t Stephen for the purpose of 'Revising 49'. Assessment Roll; will be held at Hill's tat - ern, -Crediton, on _Saturday -the 71h day of " April conunencing at N.- C.--PROUTY, • -7 • Tovaiship Cletlfa-SlePheP- - March 8t1.1.868;.' .FOR SALE IOR TO RENT. THE Well known 41uclge Farm. lot No. _ 8th eon.,, E. Colborne. This faun is_ within. 64 miles of Goderichr dere is 774 aeres cleared, and a tame house- and barn. One half is clear Of stutnps, and the other half - from 9 to 4 years cboped, and has never been ploughed, there are a young diehard of 1-58 tree; of the best amortment of fruits a good well and pump. As -to terms, de. apply to . - ' . - - -PATRICK CARROL, Colborne. 30, 1865. I 145-1m PIORTGAGE ME or win. fl NDER and by virtee of a Power of flale .%0 Contained in s .mortgage made -fry Ss' trid• - nel Adams,of the roweship" Of Morris re:tlie County Aif_71Incon, yeoman. of the first' part and Agnes Adims.his wife of the second part - - (for the purpose of baring her:Doe-cr) de - fault having been madein the „pat mentihere- of,,will.be sold _ - ON TIJES.0)1.1% IWARCH 271)1, 1866. at twellk.e= o'clock Loon. at AT. , C. Bain- ay's Auttiott-Rtionis, Richmond Street the City of4115:ondon, the folloviing,-- prOperty, that is to.play-lhe South half of Lot 25 in Pthe Third concession of the Townsliiii.of Morrie, in the cOnty bf Hurorii containing Pito Len- dred acres more Or less. ' Deed under Power of Sale-. Posseision given immediately. Conditions of .sale made)ltnown at limy of sale, or ow -application to the undersigned. EDMUND BAYNES REED,. ----Solicitor for tne Mortgagees. si53ta London, C. W. Insolvent Act of left jn the matte t of Williain COW= -end'Edradl Cowan Itisolients The Creditors of the itt. solvents are notified that they havemade an Astigntilent of their Estate .and effeCts• under the .above act, to me the -undersigned' Assignee, and they are requested to bruit -11 me within two months from this datk. -witb. their claims snecirying the security they Sold' if any, andthe value 6 -fit, and ifttope, stat- ing the facts; the whole attested -under oath with the vouchers in stipp.ort sech illainta sivcD57a3t.erd at Goderich le the 'County or Huron this 14th day of March A D 16$6. 1 t5. P°L1‘.. 0°IfiCeiKal •Atungifee for • 'Huron k__Bnar.. ln 1 he mattci-of-Peler BlOit4;i;t?d 4orge ' Insolvent Act f 18114, Coatis Jure/vent& ' MUIR creeitors ot the Insolvehts- are .notigedi A that they have madeon Asminsnent al:gone Estate tuni-ellects,underthe above A,;.4 to trieltre unders.gped Aasigtee,/aridtlet are vet -Owed. to, furnish me within tnio„toonths from..that,dite... . with their claims speeitying the sitstatt ey hold, if any, and then:due of it,anct if riattelstet-- ing the Met ;. the whole attebted. under, datia.withe the Vouchers le support ofsuch-clamai. Dated At Gaderiell in the Cm:nil-of Hutowthis. Ninth -day of March, A...v., nsrsi • ' S. POLLOrK,.. svir • 9fficita1Assignee for Borba & Breeze; NOTICE 1'1HE Court of Revision for tie TOwnsItiii ar A .Goderich will he held at thellolmestillir - 'Alma, ona:ntolnad: tilie.aoth day of April neat,: for the purpose 'of heating appeals *games JOHN SHAW,. . . F/Tewaship flreit _ _ March 13th, 1866, ... . • FARM -FOB BALE (.3 it iro cp_ LAELA...ti; rpilAT eligible farm ---mostly cleared, hateff occupied by Robert Davison being coat. - posed of Lot thirty six in the con- cessiott of the Towialifiip GOIerich. Writ. ten offens te be made, if by letter prepaid, on - - or before the second day of April next, ad. deemed* to the Postmaster, Bayfield, O. W. - March 2nd 1866 - - • . 6w4t AlrONEY TA LEND on imTnved_r_ornil Au- at a _moderate retool interest. For par- ticulars applyto the undersigned. • ' DAVID GLASS Barr1ster - z w8 London, e - Insollitent Act of UM In ihe mattei. Joettph Tiottitft huili141010 HE Cfeddors Of the Insolvent -ate niOtifieft • thet.hiliasinadean•Avsignitsent-ofhtsicstelf- end effects, ander the above Act, to ine, the alto dersignsill Assignee, and they erezettedredAo Jur; lahisheirlueleasilisghl.speil rifyimoginitliediaseeflunaurittilisy they'daki:Ordil, thfl. any, and:the-value ofit and Ozone...stellar the tact, 1be whole attested under- oath, with aim - -vouchers in /femora of /mob-al/Lima. Dated at t3oderich *the county of Suratt,tbak. Twenty-first ofhlarcb,s.t.ozoLD 11,8(2360.1c, w9.2ar °Eclat Assignee for itur.e1.1. 64 *um. • M3112:1P_Es 'DBE tOurt of Revision for. the Towushin -1Julless'svill be held at_Kellingion's Hotel, Londesborough, 13atunlay the .1414.day of April next, for the purpose pr hearing -g against Assessment, Oro. _ JAMBS REAITHWAITha, ' Teel:ship vie*. f March's/11th, 1366.