HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1866-03-27, Page 3-
A man by the
er Shenans; an
*tors- on Bay
hrtdge _which
• turning watei.
the stez.an which
seI his foothold
head foremost -v.
vas- at one on
n was sosever.
and face that' ,
• Ile was taken.
e most mcruciat---
14:at-advice Was
are , happy to,
a -fair way of
s Mt industrious
mg been in the.
Judi, and his
s his employers '
ieep regret at his
Is a calamity. _
Ile fay that' Gem,
tiri-4tou to have- a
iffairs, Cortina&
wa men; sod is
e'also reported to,
.eolumus towarcl
ention of making
• the Liberals
0.-• Trustworthy
lOth inst. - say
6--icee- -near there
fa LLberal guer-
h were defeated,,
.wasgarrisonecl by
ie town was cut
.ficith the Bur.-
e• nils,aud busi-
;eel, Brosvnsvilles,
; that a vessel from
arms for Liberals,
,sr or Tamaulipas
nd taken toBeera.
near Browns-
kustets have been
great many
•eri. 1 army mere
! icily.
i▪ solated an self-
:, and bravest and
..uagry soul, yearn-
symauthy. For
reek* of- humanity
;oda wasted for the
.ancrezip. Adrift at
the grasp of sctr,
ing heart, to cOurt- -
now strong_ is this -
sseasor, if riot °laid --
tor ifsafely • pl:Ced.
agedy may be hid.
one to labor for i•
with, none to care -
in life'S Struggle- •
Coming to suck an
sucherisis in life,
e plank to the drow.
be mast study have
We may bestow as
elan; .ourseikes,
our aympathitie
g aue Fenian's.
1p:indent of -the Neve
oder the date- of the
med, a few days ago,
ed--tto be accurately
linos • lilid a Military. -
.alted, oraanized aud-
14 experienced off -
ea millions dollars
A of vessels BOW
d that al/ of these
, resources. ' , It is i
don may be issued-, ,
e en,-.3P.)•ed In these '
s• .
at 1 _ can /earn, 1 1 .
Ali that the Govern-
& of it.; .31r Seward t
et recent speech ef i
iti-lt Parliament? as ,
„ut.iliterference; and
cht will be alfowed to. t
- 1
peacy, therefore
lista to let Ireland I
operations to Can -
wilt encounter the
,itislrarmy,- and will
le ...every Eeniatt cap- ----
inabhands will be put -
ihicity hai -already .
'of the Fenian& for the..
it the probability is
task to ,.be a- much:.
a. they expected, on .
l;es of English troops
irs whotne they will
-. •
kia Mission.
aI telegr:am says,
e CommumOners to
met with greater
ipatecl. Mr. Mc--
pc,-esent at Perlis -
;his piece: as chair -
f January adinner
iismoners at George- ‘.
regret that we are
For eveit seleCtions •
This much may be
the sentiments ex.
At fAeridly charae--
st promise for the
end in4ier viz.,
tensivo dire4.trada
here end the Brit&
iota fatftudes.
Ion a time advertis--
eiening entertai •
with the mysterlrlik
(Iy., Kure enotigke
be eloped with the
turday' front. Buffalo -
aeat which mimed is
hhshment in that city
about ono hundra
some seventy VIM
enian emissary enter--:
ited the namei salt
eh with -the redo&
uprise he fowid onix
eat. Assoon sat,
3e his employer turn. -
t, and in an •anttri-
scamp, leave rat
It lick,yott. Pt*
out me who wool
sheries and murder*
honest- living at. kilF.ri
went, and let ;ne
It is said 'that ea
ng any- questionir
Of CbaraCter.n-r
ReAttv Goon --kitriet.s.-We would call
the attentida.of all interested -to an articlept
Undoubted merit, and which we Would ad t.iie
all itt want of to give a trial. We refer to
• Darlefs. Arii.bian Heave Beincily and Cinicli•
lion, Med:clue" for horses now being exten-.
sivily used by many of the lamest horse deal.-
ers in the conatry ; these Men haire discover.-
' ,ed (hat it. iMproves the condition of the horse
by Purifying the blood, •aed-reinoving from
the, lungs- and her alt,thatprevents. their
: healthy action its effecOs soon appareat ia
the 'improved appearance Of -the animal.
*lick is one eielt -reason why hum dealers
liSe it OS- they are thus euabled to get better
prieesund at the shine time give their eusto`rn-
ers sound and healthy horses,
• icetnember the name, and see that the sign
nature Of not • d CO. is On each package,
Northrop CLynian,`Njwcastie, C W, pro:
prietors for the Caundas. Sold by all Medi -
vine dealera.
On the Gill inat at Point Pleaqant, Caspe
Bay, the ivife ot John- Eden Esq, Coileetor
_ _
of. Inland Reveetie, or a soli..
-rill MARlikTS.
I- . GODEnicit, March, 27, 1866:
I Spring- Wheat.. ......"... .Ai 1 :00 02, 1:00
-Fall do ..... - • 100 0; - 115. -
tints; ... z.--; :.....- .-...... ,. 0:23-(a) ---0:25 -
Flour - : .. . -.'. 560,;!' (r.P, - 5:00
Barley .. •,. ...a.. - - • 0.:45 4f)- -O.:50
Peas .•. ..... . 1 . . ... . .• . 045 5.t, • 0;414
I Sheep........... ..... _ 400 . (i',.. 5-100
-Pork -................ 725 66 - 750
_ .
Beef, ........ :. -.......... 50_6 cp., 5:50
11 ds (green) ....., ..... 4:50 (td. 6:06
...-:.: . . .. . ..'. . 9:13 ( 0:15
Pettit ocs . 0:30 -@ -0.314
„ - : „... 1-75 6, 2:25
- • . _ Elay,. new IA ton 7.:00 - (0, '-8:00
YEEAT.TH STRENGTH. --To prevent or con.Turkzes
, 0:60 (.4. 0:8-7
quer diseaS-6s oue of the grandest attain-
ments ever aimcd at IA," man, and Bryan's
Pulmonic Wafersjivill as, sure cure coughs,.
-COW, tickling ia the throat and pulmonary
complaints' as war and pestilvece will des.
.troy. Seere colds, if riot attended .to; soon.
er or litter lead to incurable consumptiotiand
he strength of the strongest soon fails if neg-
lected, 'lite readiest and best means known
for the cure of. these Complaints is Bryan -es
Pulinenic Waters." Which have been tho7-
°nobly tiled itir the last twenty years, and
have never been known to fait. Singers and
public speakers will alsOderive great benefit .
trout the use, of them. Sold by all 'Medicine
dealers, at 25cis Per hox-
,THEBirtTIsU isitA!T.-The question has
been cften asked whether the Navy of dreat
Britain, -mountin,g as ftdoes over am thou.
. At.bcrttsgarits.t
- _
( tilt .14AIES Crok:RKE:§
Celebrated ElemAlla .
Prepared fron a prescription
Clarkedli.D.,-Physzelan g.xtraaklinarY
-10 the . Queen.
- -
This invaluable medicine is unfailing- in • the
core et all thotre -painful and -thingertilis diseases
to whit:h the female constitutien is subject 11
moderates all excess andzeinotreSall obstructions,
and a speedy Cure may be relied on •
rit peculiarly ironed.. It will; ins short _tunes-
sa d uns and manned by'65,000.sadors, ex -
ceeds •the -navies of France and the Mated
States, or 'France and Russia,- and were it
not that we might be considered a tittle
tistical we Should say it did-exceed.them al.
together, but it is useless speciilatin„g upon
this when 'there are other questionS that. do
not admit of any doubt, no one after using
th-a " Canadiap. !Pain Destrover".". doubt its
being the very ibest thin fn. e the eure oE
cough's, colds, sore throaty, diptheria; pains in
the steanach, sides and back, spinal nffee-
tionsy '&0: Sold .all Medicine Paalers at
25- eta per bottle. . "_ • a
ERICORA 6F. 3cOU'lli:ite
. A Gentleman Whosuffered. for years kora' -kervous
-Debilityeeremature Decay, midi all the etle.ins ofyoutill
fat indiscrettbn. will for t*sake orstideriag humanity
send free hi all'who need it, The recipe and directions for
.7f.talcingthe-:-Limple remedy by which he!wascured..8iif...
ferers %wishipg to profit by the advertiser's ex.poirience,
• can do so hyaddra..ssing -
JOUN' 13; OGDEN% -
No. la, Chainhqrs- St., New York.,
TJEL...4.4NGE RUT T.11. -1.1"E.
"Nem young ladyand gentleman in the United Sates
-can hear Something very much to -.theiradvantage by
• returninail (free of charge). by addre:sing the under-
signed.. Those ha.vingfears of beiwg hunabukged will
oblige by not noncing tins card. All others will please
- address their obedient servant,
Taos', F.. CHAPMAN.
w5.1y.$5 _ Eaoaxiway, New York:
, th-e advertiser, having hem :restored to health in a
few Weeki b a yerysinute rethedy, after hawing suf-
. feted for several years with ai..evere.lung lateen...a, awl
that dread disease. Consumption --is anxious to maka
kaii-wate fellow-suflereis the means of, cure. -
To all whti desire 11, he %Olt send a copy of the pres-
cription used: (free of charfe)\Witil the directions for pre-
paring and using the sangwinch they t itt find a'sust:
• etas for Coxsultr=riov Briacreurrz-
Canals. and. all Throat :x:14 Lung Affections: l'he only
. .
object of theadvertver in sending the 1 rescription ts to
-""kbenetit the mhicted and spread intermationt which he
_conceives to be invaluable.auckhe hopes every suderer_
will try: his remedyas it will_ cpst them nothing, and
may prove a blessing.
Parties wishing- the prescription, iazz. bY return -mail
will p,lease lattdre.
Itev EDIVARD A. 1if.5.01V.
- Matt • -boo, Co.. v rk
- kons. e .
c.3 -0-03D. T-..Triii\ta-
J. is a Alvdieme for the immediate and perma-
nent removal 01 a'.1 pail, trout the system-, _
The Collodi-cos-Pam Destroyey ..
. .. --
bruit,' on the monthly poiiod with regularity.
Each bottle, price One Dollar, beers the- Gov-
ernment Stamp of Great Britain to prevent coun-
._.,4k.V.TI*0-.1•T. •
These -Pills should. not be taken bkfeme-iles etu ring
the PI.RS7 THREE- 1110,1%1.7'11S.' of Preg-
nancy, za$ they are sure teAring on. illisear-
riar,e, but at any -oiler tlmo:thryore
In all cases Of Nervous amt.:Spill& A flections,
Paiiis in the Back and Littibs, Fatigue onslight.
exertion, Phipitation et-the:Heart, Hysterics and
Whites, these Pills _will effect a yore when alt.
other means have fhiled ;-• and althooch ir power -
fill rethedy, do notir'coka In iron. calomel,anti-
mony, or iinythiag.hurtful to t he co nstitottoif:
Fall directions in the pamphlet...around 'encli
package, which should be caiefully pre- erVed.
Sole agent for the Uniced States and Ca n atlas,
JOB .:NIOSkIS, 'Rochester, N.Y..
N.A.-43.0o antl.six pa-tag,e Stamps, enclosed
to any authorized agent wig insure a bottle eon-
tainang filty• Pine, by return n !a it: • ?
" . •NOWIHItUP & LY.MAN ' -
Newcastle, G. W.; general
ao•ent. kw Canada.
tr..3.--sold inGc,tteiich by Parker -N..' Cattlb aid
'P. .1 Orden Gaul biter or "Co., Bayfield ; Jam
Benthum: Receiville ; J. Pickard, Exeter, ; J.
Comber,,01-mlon ; E. Hick.son, Sea tOrtli, and alt
Medicine- Dealers. w3S-..1v
LUST in Poderich. a 1igEt Foloured Mit*
Gauntlet,-liglit hand, the. Ander will be suit-
ably rewarded- by.leaving a at the :Signet! °dice,
.- -
March 16 i8
h,".66. -
R etai
puSitOriwS Supplled at WhOkesaW'Price •
, . _ ,..- _
1.1 Book of Les ▪ ons . .2e Lenniee English Graminar , ..- . .. .10e Lovell's General Geogr-apbY 60e
2nd do do. ; . .6 Spelling, Hook Superseded 234 edi. 15 I COMpbeIPS • " do 70
Seipiel to : do A . . 9 1st Book of Ardlinietie $ & (.31.4. 4 . 10 .fohm.46W6 1 ictionary . .;. if.15
_ . _
3rd Book of Lessons; 12-i ' Saingster's Eleinentari do- : .. .._,. 20 Walker's •-: ilo _ . . ; . .25
g' "
4th do - - de _. ; 16 • National do'. . ....:. ..50 -Webster's .. do .... . ,. 25
5111 do, do " ; 20 ' Edsy Lessons in Geography . .. 38. Hodgin's History ofCa nada. 45
.;_ . . s . .• 5 1 "'Hancock's Ilistery of 1..4'nglatid. .. 50 The flatland rerhiced to. .-. -10_
Good Uuled Note Pa pen .. per gairei. Common Envelopes (25) . . pr packnge.
Jo • ,Poolienp.. ..; ..• .15e. . do- . . do .
Good'quality Pens •‘• • • • • •• ; 5 per dos Slate Pencils "perdoz.
. • ,
A 12 leaved 0 ivy Book -good paperwith blot sheet for Sc. Slates, Pencils and -every arthile of
Stationery at Reduced Rates. To be had only al. the . • • • •
- -
.. • •
• .
OPICe. Book, it Stationery Store,
;. •
$.LIi TAJiINI0 MI!) !
Up ,to the 15th • March (when our, Stock Taking_ ..Commences) Are will offer to. the
- _ -Publie ' the I
- - • .
' at C:ost in order to mike rooni- for: '.
Give ui 4 call -before -bluing elsewhere.
. -
KERR; =-,Tri,:.86- CO:
Glasgow itouse; Feb.,. 27t11,--1SO.6.
In reference to above, let it be distinctly understood that no.-Goods-zwill be subject
.to E•xchange-Onless _especially agreed upon at the time) during the continuance of the
Sale. • -
. .). - - e
Go-cierieli,-. Feb. - 1856: -
ROL:. 1i.#0.)V: •
• TTNDER aneby virtuii ot a' Power of -Sale eon,
taped la areatain Mortgage" niatie by
ert Davison (and Anpe Davisi.mhiS tt ile.. to bar.
her Dower) to David Hood- Ritchie, dated -the
ia•enty ninth day ofJanuary. 4 D.,--1-4ii-for se-
eming the stun of -Eight Initiated Dollais
terest at the rate of twelve per cent per an inint2
and by Virtue of an assignmen t _of the Said Molt-
' :Mae made by the said. -Dawat Ho. id -IA deltic- to
W1- liapi Renwick as an wing Executor of the
Estate ot the !ate Thorn Gardn6r,..ihvea-stid,
•dated!,the fourteenth day of February,. A,.0., 1866,
there: wilt be sohl by public: Auction al the Elv-
er 'Hotel" tn .therriaege otBayfietttfandcouniy
of Hiiron,.. on '
Tuesda) v - thP first day of killy Nat
at t.w.o ol the clock -in the afternoon, tunie.ws pre,
wieusIcr oisposed ot by private bargain) all lanai.
certain pared or tract of land and pretaises„situ
ate, .hing and- being ia the Township or Gode-
rich. in the said Cotints, of Huron,: hemg com-
posed of Lot thirty Six in the..Ba-vfildd. eoneession
of the said Township; of (rfoderiell, eon ta.n ing
eighty nine 'acres,- more or has. (of whiclrfaboin
1.1:ay acres arealeared.)- Terms mane kucaw.n
Cures Rheumatism, Pletinsvin ,.anil Pa the •
' Itt
Beek', dna h"a • -
.The COnadietre. Pirtm DeiboVr, -01,1,1164 • ". W1L L AM 4IENWIP K..• •
- w9
_•Ex,ecotor as aforesaid.
" Retieves_Pain in the klead,:and Sick Headache.
March zit% -1366, -
- The Calladtak. Pam: Destroyer • .
:Cares BilieusGotic the•Stomaeli.
tw Canadian Faim. Dcstioyer
Cures C lera;Cholera Morbus„ Dysentery and
. Bowel Complaintso
e -Canadian• Prital Destroyer
Curs Sudden Colas and Sore 'throats. •
` Tit Canadian- Pain• Destroyer
Cures Burris, Scalds., Frost Bites and Scalds.
- The Canadian. Palle Destroyer
Otrees-Neuraltp,:a.,Tic Douleureatix and Tooth
Canadian Pain Destroy'er.---
Is also an -excellent thing for -Wound-., - Bruises,
Sprains and' Strams'; it takes .away all yaiii the
momeiltit ut applied.
should be withOtria. bettleof
.111e -_ • Canadii: in - Pain- Destroyer!
PRICE., -25 centspei Bottle. All ordersshould
be add -rased' to • -
Yeweasee -0 W
; . 3 • W.
113.. Sokl in Goderich by Parkerlt,'Cattle and
F.. -Ionian, Gardiner & Co Bavfield, James
tgenthuni,Regerville'1. Pickard. 'Exeter, I. H.
Vomite,. Clinton, EaHickson, Seaforth; and all
.11/41edicine Dealers. 11.43-6m
Relief_ In Ten: Minutes!
Themost eeataia and, speedy remedy ever discovered
for 'tali diteasespf the 9.
Chest and Lungs; Coughs, Colds,
Asthma. Constimption, .Bron- -
f Chlt1S. -Influenza,- ,
lloarsene4e; DiXcalt :Breathing, Sore
- Throat, ic., to: "0;-: • :
. .
These Witirs give the most:instantaneous aad per -
feet redef, when persevered with according to directions
never fail tO effect a rapid and testi/waive. Thousands
lave been restored to perfect health. who bave.tried
other mans in vain: To all classes and all coronitations
they are a blessing and cure—none need -despair. no
matter hoiv-long the disea.semaYhave- existed, or how
imam it triayie, provided the:el-genie structure of -the
vital organs is. not hope.essly decayed. Every one
afflicted shuold give tkem ati impartial trial.
these Wifera are peculiarly valuable; they will in one
day remove the most severe occasional hoarseness and
their regular use for a fewc`days will, al all times, nt-
crease the power and inflexibility cf the voice, greatly
provuigns tone, compass,, and clearness. for which
tootle they are regularly uaed by many Professional
MOSES. Proprietor, Rochester, NY.
• ' Price 25cents perbox. • -
irotithsts and Public Speakers
Vocalists and Public Speakers
: -
%Vocalists andrablic.Splakers,
• . Will fled Rryan's Wafers
- Willfind Bryan's_ Wafers
Will fled Smart's Wafers
invaluable to renin 'ye „_.
Invaluable to -remove
.1nrelualild to remove- .
HoaraenessapdSore Throat
lieerseness and Sore l'hroat
Hoarseness and Sore Throat
And giVeilearness teethe Woke,
Jinctgtwe Clearness tollia Voice,
.Aildrxe-cr.eani,,ess4)-therTVlioeicPretieve in telt-minutes,
- They relieve ten minute;
• • They reheve in ten minutes
• -toughs.IColde,anit ilidiseases _
Coughs, -Colds, and all diseases
Coughs, Colds, and all diseasei
Of the Chest and Lungs,
k • Of the Chen -and Lungs,
• Ofthre Chest and Lungs,
-Held DruggPst:, '
Sold by all Druggists.
:gold by allDruggists.
At 25 cems alsox
At 25 cepts &box
At 25 ceiiir a box
Xciffthiup .& Lyman, Newcastle, General
•Agents for the Canades.
Sokimilederich by Parker & Cattle and F Jer-
dad; Gardiner & CO., Hayfield ; %las: Bentham, Roger-
- 'vine; 3. Pickard, Exeter; .t 11 (loathe_ `C''.iten; E
Dickson.. Svaforth ••••‘ -
ction Sale 9f- Beal Estate.
TINDER and by virtue of a power of sale con-
k). tamed in a certain Mortgage made by DOD-
.D1c1 Shaw tq, Robert H. Gardner as acting Exe-
cutor otthe Estate orthe late Thomas Seidner
dedeased, dated the -fourth- day of October; A. D.,
1861y for securing the ,.urnofEight hundred and
twenty eight Dollars ED cents, with in:crest at
eight per cent per annum, there.'weif be -sold- by
public Auction at the ;glover Hotel" in the Vil-
lage of 13ayfieid and County ot -Huron on -•
Monday, the -23rd day of Aprit next,
at two of. iheolock, in the afternoon if notatre-
viotelly disposed -of by private bargani); all that --
certain, parcel or tractor land, and premise; Situ-
ate, "wing and being in the said Village of Bay-
field, tieing composed of Lot II:timber ix hithdred
and eleven- in theTown plot: oi Bayiield
• Terms made known at Safe. • - •
ROBERT H. -GAttlalsMR;
Eaeeinor as aforesaid.
March 27th, 1966. ,• w9
LOST on .Satu. rday night t. • on the Market
Square a bcot.th. Lap witha small -Rose at
_the side it the finder will kindly leave the same,
at .Dark's Hotel, they Will greatly oblige.
March.,27th,1S69.. sw60
United Counties of Iii T.-viiine af two-writs'of
Huron and Bruce, .L.P. Fled Fames -issued-out
. to -wit: ' of liek 1V1atesty'a County
Court of the United Counties of-Hurpn and Bruce
and County Court of the ,Coutity of Wentworth-,
and to me directed against the lands .andte.e-
ments of Joseph -Murray at -the- snits of David
StewartMid Ebenezer ()tith, thatie seized' arid
taken in Execution all the fight, title and interest
of the said defendant in and to the North halt of
Lot•Number-Rve in -eo0erssion A Of the Town-
ship of Howick cowl:Rama fitly acres inore or
Ica, which Lands ancy Tenenienta I shalt-ofle'r
•tor sale at my Office in the- Court. House -in tfie,
Town of cioderick, on Tuesday -the. Third day of
July next, at the hour of Twelve: of the clock.'
noon. . _ .
' 'Merin 11. & B,
Slierill'a (Mice, Goderichd -
24th' March:181;0. W4/1
FA411.1 .-FOR SALE.
small tarn) of Excellent Land situate -in the
Village of Summerhill lacing the Base line
Gravel road-, being the sotiith bah of 'Lot number
I5 in tha-17th concession Township of Goderieh,
Comuy ofHuroti, Forty acres.
For particulars apply to-
Solicitor,"fire Clinton
March 27th, 18E6. - • av9if
ATTEST _ part of I4ot •Ee!enin 5th Con:,
TT Western Division Township of Colborne
100 Acres. This Lite; iiituated within 'four
mites of Goderieb; and one half niile from
the Northern. Gravel road,. . For tering of
Sale apply to . • -4..
Solicitors, &c.
March qltli; 1866. • - w0,4t
. ,
c AME into _ .. --- •
My -enclosure last *night, one Red
Cow With white face. . -The owner, is :re -
'quested to ,provp property, peycharges,-and take.tr-
er away, otherwise the said (ow will be sold to
„defray charges. '
Morris, eon 3, la 30- t
'tart+. MO_ w99t,
B. P A CR.-.
It 14-1
ate Kerr, Brown 860.N, and Kerr MacKenzie &
• WilIbe ready toshow
4 r-jciA.
• '"•- •
Ahav-c 'Ty
• ON R4011DAY 2T -H- INST.
The Trade is respectfully inVited to i-spect;
Hainilton, March 7. . -
OUTINO: to :he Abrogation or the -B eciptecity"
'Treaty, many shippers_ Will net(' be looking
out for reliable a,,e•enti in Montreal. _Mite -under-
signed have-confidence:hi offering their services
to such ler ihe sale of „BRE4DsTry vs, 41:811E;
BLITTED. CeausE Guaitsis. &e9
. &c.=-
;they_ have also a special department ter
ER, under the main:gement of an experienced.
Salesman. -
, =JOHN DOUGALL * Co., ,
- GtinItniSi.on Merchants;
*S. 2ings*$ p - Montreal. -
Insoivent.:. Act of 1864.
In the matter of Charles Days an Insolyent.
he creditors of' the Insolvent are notified -
.1 that he has madean assignment of his
estate and ;effects, imder the .-above Att, to
tne the undersigned, Assignee and tliq are
required to furnish Me within two - months
from 66 date with their_ Claims, Specifying
the security they hold; if any, and the value
of it; - and if none- stating the fact, the
whole attested Under oath, with toe vouchers
-in support of such claims
Dated it Griderich iii -the County of Hui o
thislwenty sixth day of March,.A. O., 1866
- Official Assignee for Huron & Bruce
. -
Insolvent Act of' 1864.
Insolvent Act of 1
In the.matter Of qf the Town-,
ship :Of Elderslie- in the -Coun,ty of
Brace, an Insolvent:
T. -
he creditors of the Insolvent are notified
.lhat he has made an assignment of his
'crate and effects, under the above Act, to
me, the undersigned 'assignee, . and they are
required td furnish me witl.in two - months"
frolkthis,date, with -their claims, specifying
the security they hold,- if any, and the value
of it tind if none, .stating the fact;.the
-whole attested under oath' *with the -vouchers
111 Support Of inch- claims. •
Dated at Goderich in .the County of Iluroe
this ise;snteenth clayof omMarefK..
OThcial. Assignee` for
-• Huron &-..11ruee.
, _
1 nso vent Act. -o14884.
Iit the Pater of William Hindi; rinintol-
- vent.- . ' ---- • ' .';'. -
, - -
- THE Creditors' of the Insolvent are notified;
_that he has made an Artigpment "ot his es-
tate and eflects•ander- the above Act; to me. the
Midersigeed Assignee, and they are required- to
furnish- me, -within- two Mariths from this _date,
with their; claims, specifying the security they
hold, ifarty,, and the value of -it ; and if lone,
stating -the fact ;the whole attested under oath,
with the Voticikera in support of such efaimS. ,
I- Dated at tToderich in the Lounty of Huron
=Di ?Atli day oi, March. 1s66
-- - ' S. 11, Y,E0M.A13S, A'SiigiiVe•
WT...fuys SolieitofTor Insolvent. sw59 2iv;
In the Matter ot Henry F., red.eric1VSliarp_in
Iusolverita • • ' • • -
. •
If -HE Creditors ofthe Insolvent are'notified
thathe has made an Assignsmat of his
estate -and.effects,. Ander, the above "A.c.t, to
me- the undersigned Assignee, anctthey are
-requiredto furnish me. •withui two months
from this date, :with their claims, specitying
the Security they .hold, if any; and the -Value
of it ; and if none, stating the fact, the whole
attested under Oath, with the vouchers in sup.
nqrt_of such "
Dated at GoderiCh in the County Of Huron
this Twenty fourth day of March, A, 0.2_1866.
w9 • - , S. POLLOCK,
Official Assignee for Huron *Bruce.,
.7r .0
(oilowing. eveelient.. farm lots, viz--4-1Ot
.1. 36 in the Beyfield eenimasitin .of the Town-
ship ot Goderich, Lo. Huron, containing abolt
90 nares ot which about, 60 are idea:red.- also the
north .half oldie north 4; of Let mneteee, Lake
Road, East in the Tewislop of Stanley, and
Jounti of Hutt*, containing about thirty six
;wren, mostly creared, abro the west pair.. ot bot
ten ia the thirteenth coneevsion ciftlie said1dwa,
ship Of Stanley; containing -about thirty acres,
with roar acres clearance, also Park Lot two,
Range " "-.11'. in the sante . TownShiPs being...pee
mite nom Ba.yfield on the Gravel'Read-and con-
taining : tenacres; mostly cleared, with good
stream ot water, geod'IJwellineheuse Barn and
Orcharti, and atso the sotithliweinerly ballot, Lot
eighteeninthe eighth- concession of -the Town-
ship ot etanley aforesaid, contaitung about sixty
acres. of lead: mostly -cleared, anit,wition two
miles .oft.he Villege of Verna. _ -.. • .
For particulars apPlypertonally or,bypepaid
Dostis_066Tee., Bityfi. yid! _
To Cahrnet, Fefinkg-Miti Manufattn-
. Ten, And Others. ..
• z . • , • _
- SMALL Planinsr 'Machine, nearly new,
eapable ot planing hard or sat wood', kt [vet
9:inebekwide-Will be sold cheap for cash or OD
approved Credit. 'For ternis and all partieulars
apply (if by letter post paid) ta Henry Dodd, Fan
ning7Mill:Mtinnfacturer, voderich. w has had
one of th*saine description in nse 'for 2 years; Or
to the subsirrt bee who has the same tinsel°. -
- • ' - JAMES bMA1LL
Godaricha J uly.28; 186F. .swebtt-
. • .
os-• THE
- ' OP Mitt. TOWNSHIPS oo,
A._ffiii.O.AD: tiu.R.9:-N..-icrivr.,ass
-:- ILO - -. • _-_ ' --. :
. A WA.'• N 4) ''S H-,
, .
Will be held in the Village oflitielreow on
- Tnesda..y the Tentli day. ot A pril at Ten
o'clock A. M. '.,, When the fellinving 'prises
Will' he tistavded. . : . _ - . • : • - :
k. ' FriiffteaeEt SittlliOtt fir ,agricultikial par-
'..pbses.. - - -, : - ' - .- - . _ ' -$10 '
-' - '_,.' : grld_,* - Best --- :-
For the Hull: • ' ' - - . -• ," 0 "
• ' 71- '''". 241 -,-43e4 ' - - .
. ,
Thatiiiectora if they consider the -Best
. . . . .
Sallion deserving will add an additional, ,five
DcillatstO the above Prise. ... - -
The l'allion, obtaining the first prise will
he requirai to stop one.. day a -week during
tl o -s . eition iwthe Tillage:tat 1.4-ucknOw.,
' --,TAMEIS S(.0,1RY.11,110E. .
- „, , . _
, , .
, •-. '' - = Secetity,- - -
.; LucknoW MarChIltl(1666,• -- .. s w58. ,
- • -:,..., ...:
QAMIlia/ 'POI1OCE; lateDepyty
WiShetilf has-been appointed official' Assign-
ee under the Insolvent :401 of 18;64 for the
Cnited-Countiescf Huron and Bruce,
February -20th: 1866-sW50
. ,
"A thorough farm servant, iii_pst be a good
ploughman apply 11.-- -II1NCKS,,4 Cones
StJfl -Goderich.- 5-1
. . .
E-11/1 AIN:11SG the VOA. Wien I o
.1.1w tbe 1.3th Match, 1f3661
Adair Dan& Martin fain! •
Adams Jelin ;Neyer.A .11: • 1.•
.A.da.10h n (re#), - Mills Maine*.
Asliton.Thos - IVfortia Mark •
-• Moore /-1
• BB1313eurginiir-git'Acil6MncloArlre.v_.: • McDotigall ATM
McLeod Ana Mise
Benedict W Henry - 'Meflregor Chas „
_Bork- Mary -Miss McQuire Oath *DS.
Beard J . • .141eliay4Jeorae _
Meek John _ Meetinnefl :Tameable
Broynten li.obt • ._
._MmeelLeoriiiiaiiidd John n •
Commander WC 2 MeVety,Sinieon
Campbell I ol id AteMu.
..Gampbeil David 51 elVlilkan
Gaineron John
Briew0 • john 7
Cantelon Sarah Blisittottsoson, JohnLavc-,r1,i:faMrs
Dciduan' Thos < Nichol lfebt .i-
-Deughs Heurv
'irittres.0 C.etiat
FoWler George f
-Fis4 • ; '
Forsyth ItO"ti • -Smith F :
Foot M 11 SutheilaridGeorea Miss
Fisher Dairy' _SstimeirthenosoosnjoGneno,
Ch_arlel :SsIltntliithh John
Hill George 1" " . Smith, Sazah . .
Higgins James - Sutherland 11 -Miss (ier)
. --
Hurst J Margtf Sets Robert
H uu Wm . iwn .o.ht
H.OskinAlIm Tuft Win
' Jardine Joseilf.
.loy Thos
Kirkpatrick Ef _ . Wageaner George
Lorimer George_ _ Waldo W G
Laidlev John • Williamson James
, bite Lewellen. •
MentgoineryJIE Miss Wilson Benj it John-.
Moore tiugli Wiekharn Peter (reg)
W7 -.2t • DICIODN.I",,
: "
ARMERS and others desirous of parches.
ing Lands, ale informed thht the Canada
'Company hare
1anas--;:to: Sell:tr.-Lease
1n various PortiOf the Province.,
The deiiipitevoilld Particularly invite at
t_.eution.,.tofrui.ef,;itc,:_I,LtiDes f LANDS in the Cullu-,
__,-: .
• . 9
.whielt Will b& -disposed of on liberal terms to
p`artieg.'"--Who May he 'prepared to pay IN
CASH, Oa considerable sum down: • . ,
Clinada:CompanY's.01fice, • • - .1 .
Toronto, 19th Dec't; 1865. i - .152*3nr„
nil for Sale.
A .-SMAI?L: farm . eneellent land nicely.
....I :Situate,- facing thn Iliver Mailtand, and
within J miles of the --floarithing Village of
Wi gham, bpitig•-the smith half of Lot No.
14, on the aliutherthof the Township of
Turnberry,- containing 40 'Beres, 23 adios-
chopped,16 acres of which the stiniiptiwill
cone...Nib Will be sold cheap for -cash,
For further particulars apply to
- General A -gent, Wirteham
_ 9 "`
Ian. 20, 1866. - - - w52 3m
-PWE &.LAI.113-Canve into the premises of
Au the subscriber lot 11„ 4th con, R D Col-
borne, about the Middle of September last a
whyti Ewe arid-LaMb.. The owner is request.
ed" to prove property, pay _charges, and td4.
them away.
March 15th; 1866. _ wif-3t*
ANTEll by the subscriber; agood stfradY C
1 -
VY : blacksmithi:Oither by the Month, or -take
-a shop on slufiresil. where there is'plenty of
work, it being on theDothatn Road in • the
tewnishiP of Greenock,' which is to be gravel-
led next_ summer, - none need ,apply but a
steady anatif Application to be made to
the undersiied Enniskillen,ilreenock Post
Office count* of.Brnee C. W. . - -
March 200;1866, - • , • •803m
- ;
‘04rA0Gf. Ea; ScoAntaLine
S e a
Mortgage made by .1..upias Arthur :CareY.
McCennell of the Village- of Blyth.
Coutity of Huron, his wife -being it,perty
thereto for thesturpose of -barring her dower,
default having been made in the due payment
thereof, and notice -heeit given mall pattieir
interested,- there will be sold . •
on -Tue8d-ay_: the -27th dayofMarch.
- A. D. 1866, at12 o'clock, noon.- - ,
At Shane's Ho_tetin the Village of •Blythe,
the following property, ninnelyri4ots- num-
bers 7-," 8, 10-111, 12, 13_, hind 14 in Block A;
Lots numbers ,6, 7, 8, g; 11,12 1,, 13,-- and
14 in BloCk 13-f Lots numbers 6,7 .1 -8, 9, 10;-
11, 12,- 13, :14 and 15 in. Dicli- C ;-• Lois
._ 1 _ T . 1 -
numbers:2 S1 4, 5 6. 7; and 8 IF 13lock P.-
and' LOU- nunibets-1; 2, 3, 4, St anal 6; in
Block E ,, of McContiell'a survey in the :Said:
village qf 13lyth, the Same being -.,subdiliisins
of ilarttl Of loti numbers one and two in the
tenth-e-onceslion of ,the Township est--,..likirris
tu the said county ofIliiron as' the -same are
laid down and designated "in tke :registemd.
planthereof; made by - William Roipli gag:,
P. 1;.S., in 1860, - Terms Made known at
sate.' ." -
. : • ...-- Solicitors for :Mortgagee's. 1. .
Goderick March.6th.-1866.- - - -*6td
. . i .
, c .
- . z
- Theabbie Sale is potteoued anill Wednes-
day. kith of April.7 .
•z. INCLAIR tx,-i- *At-xi:a.,
' Gederich,,- March 10th; 1866. " smi8td-
REMA1NI theDulignimon! PostOffice,
, on the 12th March; 1b66.
Bowers I -filbert.: MeNevin John
BoxterJattieS _ McMath' %Villir -
Hell Itowlited.. 2 McGrottan William, • _
• Beggs Dafhl 2-
Baskie George -McCabe Willi* --
Brown John "MeNevin Donald.
RiowriLA ‘_
. -
..Cassedy *his Shiley 2 .-Meboneld Areby
Chile •, hes -. .McCata•Johnl. -
-ctInithpitelitTithObesi•t- 2 Q21-ttleiMicial
Pl'aarrkk Jje°Tilertinsi:,
Fintey Witham - Itoah Samnekr:-
Ferguson Robert -2. - ▪ -
illituglasS &nen?. r
Onikleypeorge •- Daniel-
penauhue Timothy -Poltir0
:Droney Arthur Phillips Sainec.,,
" Pelted Thos
1..-1:11:-2, fitSRauunlrelbehlrsoeWm:a.litireitimoike'
GibsQnJames14,0o- Mrs-. ;
;Grano* job*
Higgins George 2\ . Sanderson •
Smith. Witham,
Ilasset Michel - Savage Sart=
-Redly Niebotas - SayagO Margret: 7
Henderson Thos . Stbeeds George':
-Stewart Thtis
Johnston John 2 -
Jelinston-Thos Teinpletim Mrs Elit .
Itetson Geotge -
-Welsli Mrs Ed
Longworth Win Willis Joshua '
- Wilson Charles -
WS 3t It. OLEN DENpilhiti, P. AL
Insolvent t of ow*
Itt the matter 0/ -11;27-ii'r- 'l. 117C44Teran
Tithe Creditors Of the 'insolvent are notified
that has wade in 'astugneseut.of,* his
estate and effects, under the above -Act;:. to,
Introltillleds4daadiee128,1Weitelidtbei:PelSeei-nitil an:.(71sPethecifYlyi/reg-
required to furnish , syli.hin.stwo",:monthit
the secuiity thef hold, if. any, said the value
Of it ; and if. nape, :stating the feet; ,the
whole, attested under eath; with- -the support
of.suchelaiins. . • _
Dated r:1„Goilet ieh in. the county of Huron
this seaenteenth day of March A 1)1866.-
' _ - S.- P01440011: -
, Offieial Assignee for
sw5.8 Huron &
I. .
Pormer Notice With-
- dawn.
The Miinicipal
OF the Township Of ITSbotne hiving pas-
; the' Temperunee Act,i in accordance prohibiting. the
sale of Intoxicatina Liquors in the Township
- _
That a Meeting of the Municipal Electors
of the . .
Toviriship of.' UsbOrne,
will bt.held the_Township Hall on
'huredai; the -29th . MARCH,
at ten e'cleck,E
to. decide whether. not the -Repeal of said
By Law_hecOnlirtned by such Electors. •
• ' - • Tp. Clerk..
Ushorne, Feb 26th. -1.866. zw_46w2td
sod it 13y Law rerst yearaliug the By Laf pas
ed bthe Electors
Toopenand establislth niwrosedthrStigh Lots
numbers 21 and 22, in the 16th Concession 01
the Township of FloWick, in the County of
; 'Huron and Province of Canada -
'DR it therefore enacted by the Municipal coun-
eil .the iTownishie of Howickk and it is
hereby- enacted ha• the. said Municipality, .that.
from and after the final pasaieg Of thisBy Law,
that: the following new road shall be opened
agreeable to the description hereinafter -set out
and from and ialter that date, the said -piece et
road eMbraced -vrithin•the said -descliption, shall
be used as a public': hmhviay, and shah to all fto,
tents and purposes ba part ef the mads of said
Township . .
.descripoon of stud new line °hoed. All
and singular tbai certain parcel oraract ot "land
and preinfses-situate,Iviog,_and• benier in. the
Townehipef Howic. k ther omity cif Huronand
Prentice of .canada containing by admeasure-
ment two and onethalf acres be the same more or:
less being - composed of part of Lots Numters
two ty One and twenty Iwo in the 16-h Conces-
sion orsaid Township otHowfok which milli be
deacebed as follows. -
f- Commencing -at a pest planted on the westerly
tilde of lot- number tventy one, and thirteen
-chains and -Any Iinks lrorn the front corner there-
of, re nbitig NorthSeirenty fuer deg ees lofty nun-
uies, erst.twenty -Chains and tweiitv.links mere
or less to the lam between lots nu -tidier, twenty
one and twenty-tWoi thence North seventy min
degrees, east twent'aphariaS and thirty links -mom
orr less to -a .ficistAilattted on the' line between
twenty tweand twpntY three taking' a piece of.
land tivo Mk:wide across said Lots number
twenty one and.:twenty two along and on the
South side Of the course aiready -described; thence
Northerly- slot* the line between twenty . two
and twenty three, Northerly nine chains to the
front of the lot and -risking a piece of land -MO
reds wide eking the sahtline between -Lute and
, on the westerly side of thc .
I'Crert:fy theloregeingto be a trueC pv ore By
_Law intended to be:passed by the Mitmeipalay
of the'TOWlisSip etHeviiiikitt its neWsitting.
. - • - = "- Township Clerk
• - .
- Howiek, Feb. 24114 1366. v,r6:4t
-Ilia is olot;bidany person or persons died
Myself responsible for it. _
.0!:-ilt,v.wfajmujilruasmIrwtatirknot hold.
glo.ti;t atii.rdet-
8 at.
17th LOST_JFhe*L.:about 12, between A", Don
OA'S and Mr.-- Crabb's Store -a cheque Of
838 arida retterdirected to Wm, and Chsg
Duriiin,-these:wire rolled np in a Silk Hand-.
kerchief, the.lindet" witi be suitably -rewarded:
by leaving them at A. Donogh's Tavern.'
. - - • jOHN..-DURNIlkI;
Goderich t.-,-4.stv413 2e
"fplIE-Menicipit Council of the:Township-of
.17 GiEtcleriebhaving gassed • a by !s -w repeal.
leg the By, law passed- by the Blectorelest
year iii atcordance, will! the Temperance Act
prohibiting the sale of intoxicating liquors in
the Township,.
- myna i. HEREBY GIVEN-.
-thot 4i411001)&0f the municipal Bleetera of
Will be held .111 -•••Mr. Cobbs; Volinesillle- on
hlonday the SO day Of *Pril at tea ,circeock,
A. M.: for the pavement tahing a poll to -de-
cide "whether or not the repealofaxid by bdr
bevemifirinad bo. y Jotte4b -xE Ise cat rw. T ps —
Godetich Township,4
• r •
Matelt 5th 1866:
sact 11:P O R
0 N
truited Counties of /
HURON A D *BittreE.
OTIcS ighereby.gitthtliat'applicabotfirtlf.
11 be made atAtie next S.e.ssion the Preliti.
trial Parlfainent for an Act to I:ea.:Oise by-Easa
No. 7, 1665 (lathe UnitedCountiesof Huron -
and Sturm. - Wadi
- -.BY orders_ • 1111Lner
•-• Counties Clerk H. &
71111.tatch, 1966. - . *-7-2m
sHEig!"79s. LANDS. •
United CountieslOt?D y 'virtue of a Wtit d
Huron and Brut -e, ? Veaditioni trpOD.DS and
To Nit Fieri Facies ter residee 18
sued out pc Her 'Majesty's Coaety Cosa. of the
'Hawthorne, at the suits of ichif DoVrtiey Brfee
1.1a1Inimidntee;orCinioausy.nfaptiierfais.ofkluron & Bruer; *ad to she di-
rected against the lands and tenements of Wm.
said deientlant in -and to Lot •number _Five.
eacecution all the right tide and inteiest age
y1-1:itoolt:leTre:tr,11ulienbee!t:ihieeirservicijizhien.d: aesubdraftiwealitittre:tieotri-
Ritolideneritoisifltrizilellairai unlonfier for ;ittie wal:iFilinyla4,ndffist:aendmtenthet;:-
Court House in the town et' Gode_rich, on Tues.
flay the .Seventeenth day of April _next. At the
-Sheriff's 'Orrice, Goderichit
hour o jiotwitebilvemoAttchu jeclsocAkLuDor iher,urn: ist-a.
- 7tirMarch..866. C
0611 Itir nvinoir...
THE Court of Revision for the Townelifp
t Stephen for the purpose of 'Revising 49'.
Assessment Roll; will be held at Hill's tat -
ern, -Crediton, on _Saturday -the 71h day of "
April conunencing at N.-
• -7 • Tovaiship Cletlfa-SlePheP-
- March 8t1.1.868;.'
THE Well known 41uclge Farm. lot No. _
8th eon.,, E. Colborne. This faun is_
within. 64 miles of Goderichr dere is 774 aeres
cleared, and a tame house- and barn. One
half is clear Of stutnps, and the other half
from 9 to 4 years cboped, and has never been
ploughed, there are a young diehard of
1-58 tree; of the best amortment of fruits
a good well and pump. As -to terms, de.
apply to . - '
Colborne. 30, 1865. I 145-1m
fl NDER and by virtee of a Power of flale
.%0 Contained in s .mortgage made -fry Ss' trid• -
nel Adams,of the roweship" Of Morris re:tlie
County Aif_71Incon, yeoman. of the first' part
and Agnes Adims.his wife of the second part - -
(for the purpose of baring her:Doe-cr) de -
fault having been madein the „pat mentihere-
of,,will.be sold _ -
ON TIJES.0)1.1% IWARCH 271)1, 1866.
at twellk.e= o'clock Loon. at AT. , C. Bain-
ay's Auttiott-Rtionis, Richmond Street the
City of4115:ondon, the folloviing,-- prOperty, that
is to.play-lhe South half of Lot 25 in Pthe
Third concession of the Townsliiii.of Morrie,
in the cOnty bf Hurorii containing Pito Len-
dred acres more Or less. '
Deed under Power of Sale-.
Posseision given immediately.
Conditions of .sale made)ltnown at limy
of sale, or ow -application to the undersigned.
----Solicitor for tne Mortgagees.
si53ta London, C. W.
Insolvent Act of left
jn the matte t of Williain COW= -end'Edradl
Cowan Itisolients The Creditors of the itt.
solvents are notified that they havemade
an Astigntilent of their Estate .and effeCts•
under the .above act, to me the -undersigned'
Assignee, and they are requested to bruit -11
me within two months from this datk. -witb.
their claims snecirying the security they Sold'
if any, andthe value 6 -fit, and ifttope,
ing the facts; the whole attested -under oath
with the vouchers in stipp.ort sech illainta
sivcD57a3t.erd at Goderich le the 'County or
Huron this 14th day of March A D 16$6.
1 t5. P°L1‘.. 0°IfiCeiKal •Atungifee for
'Huron k__Bnar..
ln 1 he mattci-of-Peler BlOit4;i;t?d 4orge '
Insolvent Act f 18114,
Coatis Jure/vent& '
MUIR creeitors ot the Insolvehts- are .notigedi
A that they have madeon Asminsnent al:gone
Estate tuni-ellects,underthe above A,;.4 to trieltre
unders.gped Aasigtee,/aridtlet are vet -Owed. to,
furnish me within tnio„toonths from..that,dite... .
with their claims speeitying the sitstatt ey
hold, if any, and then:due of it,anct if riattelstet--
ing the Met ;. the whole attebted. under, datia.withe
the Vouchers le support ofsuch-clamai.
Dated At Gaderiell in the Cm:nil-of Hutowthis.
Ninth -day of March, A...v., nsrsi
• ' S. POLLOrK,..
svir • 9fficita1Assignee for Borba & Breeze;
1'1HE Court of Revision for tie TOwnsItiii ar
A .Goderich will he held at thellolmestillir -
'Alma, ona:ntolnad: tilie.aoth day of April neat,:
for the purpose 'of heating appeals *games
. F/Tewaship flreit
_ March 13th, 1866,
... .
(.3 it iro cp_ LAELA...ti;
rpilAT eligible farm ---mostly cleared, hateff
occupied by Robert Davison being coat. -
posed of Lot thirty six in the con-
cessiott of the Towialifiip GOIerich. Writ.
ten offens te be made, if by letter prepaid, on - -
or before the second day of April next, ad.
deemed* to the Postmaster, Bayfield, O. W. -
March 2nd 1866 - - • . 6w4t
AlrONEY TA LEND on imTnved_r_ornil
Au- at a _moderate retool interest. For par-
ticulars applyto the undersigned.
• ' DAVID GLASS Barr1ster -
w8 London, e -
Insollitent Act of UM
In ihe mattei. Joettph Tiottitft huili141010
HE Cfeddors Of the Insolvent -ate niOtifieft
• thet.hiliasinadean•Avsignitsent-ofhtsicstelf-
end effects, ander the above Act, to ine, the alto
dersignsill Assignee, and they erezettedredAo Jur;
lahisheirlueleasilisghl.speil rifyimoginitliediaseeflunaurittilisy they'daki:Ordil, thfl.
any, and:the-value ofit and Ozone...stellar the
tact, 1be whole attested under- oath, with aim -
-vouchers in /femora of /mob-al/Lima.
Dated at t3oderich *the county of Suratt,tbak.
Twenty-first ofhlarcb,s.t.ozoLD 11,8(2360.1c,
w9.2ar °Eclat Assignee for itur.e1.1. 64 *um.
'DBE tOurt of Revision for. the Towushin
-1Julless'svill be held at_Kellingion's Hotel,
Londesborough, 13atunlay the .1414.day of
April next, for the purpose pr hearing -g
against Assessment, Oro. _
' Teel:ship vie*.
f March's/11th, 1366.