HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1866-03-27, Page 2••••.•
nut '-icti.tig
. .&tead of entire reliance on gram will,make fraited doeument w
plaints _will be made of - hard •times, as
without doubt the proper attention to the
breeding andifeiding of good stock ` in.. -
_ - •
We. ars front 'the OOderiah• Boars : •
E-KL.Y L •
.•••• 1
Wondered what strange tires I had fallensup, 'Stephens of' ilreland. • The -members -oft e, The Press an also :New lionae of Smithy's Aecirsam--.A man by tire •
Conversingwith a young Sligo man who- Sarsfield Circle of th Fenian Brotherhood . AenelUllblY6. . name of TunntbY Sheens or Shenans;‘,
seeined tO be of stuff that Oen. Sweeny s arrea' of Ann Arbor" -remained. to teunt ip take pro, - . •
- isetiallot,yendatuirti
"ljtolindd's soap
facto" Ba
on, Wednesda°n -
is- Made. of,- he attracted my attention, to e reeds w)Sies "Bypposp have loner era =this Ourbrethren of the Oren will be 'glad -
- rich -was hatigina against • found its way to the insatiable coffers, of ..the to-learn_that.tb0 Itcporterd Gallery., in the, loon morkinz on the Inda.r.e
GODER1f-11;.04 W., - Mack 27; .1866 cr-ops'anrer and profits- 'artier,
Epaci,al correspondence to the
• ',.
. „
- march 2fitti. -
- Mil -DEAR SidNAL.-It. Wotiltla be-
. .
• _
the great' arch in-frent of,t,he speakers'.stund, great llyas-ceater•
it proved to bee_retil boimfide :bond of the _ _ J.
new chambers. promises to be very good. uSed far the parpose of turni:
-The 'fittine•s are now being), made -Much on
b g waler
the - rnse from the, boilersonissed his foothold
e as tu t roug eideem sh
and Wolf Tone efteh upper corner intl. corps,: and an when'practice 'd t th l• kWh af °
TITE;r -ON • TIM li•ish septiblie lettati' sr--,xiportritit of R.,Eininet garch,:-2.00,".1666.
• • areestions an old member tif -t•he •• t .
• - TOWN etkUNCIX,.--
signed John 01gahohy head center. I inno . au e e- e e ea °remota
Since Patrici's de4- when a Fenian- aa. aThe Teton contra_ held ahty arsita cetidy. ittqltitest What it . was, and he kindly
a special_ aea-aoe_ posnble ma small kw
qutet hal reigned -along the frontier, if we Kean:hag.' - -Gibbons. ! interesting aews for the tamale roman, that. furthei -ealighteneti me " thet the IF.eptYans
e y sea e ori the arms and face that
• Mr; A. -Harvey, of the statistical °branch
enable him to say what are the things
. • • altbough assistance was at {lace 04
moil necessary asamOrentenee M the pro- tte spot the anfortu
ned man ..-was sosey •
informed me that- " thim wits -the picthurs of iecution of theprofession. We allude to id d er`
tack was anticipated; the most prafauni last (-40nday) eight; His worship -the -gay_oe give you at times aany large am_ ount 9f
-• • . • two et the head 'Papuans at New Ybrk," and,
.--" 13i7rFii:o, March '23.••••• Ttie Morning .Ke -
press contains the folloviing:•---"AeCordnig
le information from a reliable source , there
ere, three Fenian _regiments organized here,
fatly- prnvided witharins, :&e: • On"( these
regiments is to be cnintnanded by Col.-
13ailey. --Late'tpantain in the:J.96th N. Y. Vtil-
d •hitve a -depot in
of arms; knapseeks,
of rettirued soldiers"
el -treed soldiers are`
to the brotherhood -
as low infea.for an
-outfit. : Large- eumberg of Fenians drill- in
dift_hrent parts of ' the cit'
companies we have ear
upon eeverid occasions h
of the :companies, they
drilled.. The brotherho
ea in. thie • city, cav
enouat for i-eginietit.
part of the slam 'peeled -off. He wastahen
of the_ 11:raped-or General's Department.'
hotne in a cab -suffering tile anon exerueiat;
- - Csknady.. The Queen had Sent out three tele -
may except a few Fenian githerings" and - sufficient material doe -s not exist for- its -
was marchin to -day from all parte ta
- McKay, Itunciman, cameron, „Fay, Seeg-
report,be true, the open and daily The blayor read certain' letters _which had consideration the 'position -of the bortes- t
bl W". - to smithereeni
- •
The reporters will- occupy _the font of the id", pldn. The best medical aclvide was
d -
mutis ate y, an, . ry. .50 h gallery just . behind - Mr, Speaker, an at once calledAn, and' we are -happy
-miller, Cox, and Clifford. _ - Manufacture And when - Cu take into • d 'fthey th t stopour min
• . _
ug in
here Will -he a row,: There mni „Leen.
Detrait to: ow ai sor
iinteers. The brotherho
'the city. for the purchatie
canteens, - &e -the outfit
-and a large uumber of
turning pier thege article
at very low figures,- eve
eaeliof them (to tile number of about 30)
the.*Anitnican border. A week -or two . alihtia with cern d to' the pane •tion of this - - - ,
will beim a•desk to himself, so. eon -Strode&
:' : lug. that'his military : duties -at -pest at. -Iti three months, beau' -a 'half "the Cabadians is that it dan be sWungao the. right -
or - to 4rriel'a atiati, Who has long been ;an the
iwhera that amiable .gent's headqaarters call d in consequence _of a.- -,eielnenication that .yoat reedera --ill make dim allaweoce their brotliere" The meeting was at length for stationary, "&e. In the rear .of the fillowsivorkmen as -yell as hiS tan&
1 shoat -hand writers, will be another iow -of • 4 • . ' -2 . . Sal
i are or whit he is about°. -It is conjactur. troln-Capt. Ress.reeresentinglahat. a 'number fem. any- apParent shorecomings.: Ooc called io order;br the -aforesaid John ' Walsh • I • scan in .e,xpressing tneir deep :regret at Itat
• •tiaLby Amite that he has thered u
ga .• P a ' a - • . - P - •
the; Of. the young, _inen Were in Went of -boots my last no important cnanaetahave thken
a • ••• who- introduded. the_ eeteral opeakere„ I" .can Beata, for members of the Press *ha met:1Y_ h.,: - -
jig or pm -posed- invadeesa in the Towns on pass
ed.beateer. himself _and -the Minister 'of
pondent who attempts to firnieh k nowa
it • t e A I we can take Canady_
the left at Id -ensure, tegetlier. with a beic ediployment of _Messrs. ,Judd -and his
learn that the patient is in •-a fair way of
riboveraa •The sufferer is at industrious- -
d inore than half of the
ago we. knew sill ...sfaint Gen Sweepay's *point frien.a Fenian invasion,-•
-1,plans;:t but at ',men t -We do not know Ma Gibbons statea-that the meeting' was _attended -.trait ie to be hoped F•aaarane ['Ow, •an
times --e
.ving met With -so senousa calamity.
'British army, -and sure they wont fiaht au•in
- only wive you a for.estracts of the speeches correspond or watch the proceedings, but _ .
, and it thee two
elves rseen drilling
takenas a simple
1 -re . -certainly well -
haie also "'collect;
lry aceoutriments.
They docot intend
to taise itelavaley regt ent, tnewhen- 010'
nisi Catteda they ere iv seize the c horses,
"izea, . and forid- one or two companies of
mounteds: _riflemen Aro 6 peat" .regiinent.
There cattle no doubt 1 tat the IFenitins tue
. .
nutherous in' this eity, 4 id almost every clay
-are. receiving- ,large qumitifieit of as•mi and-
munitione of war: R.!au is Poiet, abcording
to our infotmationr is it e point selected at
whieh :they -4/111 intent t to enter Canada,
and make Isleaut Noix • L. hate of stmaly.
That te say the least, is a faVourable• place:
for,en attack upon Cana Ia.- At; it is, .nnder-
stood it errand united dri I of all the Fenians
• P \
in the car will 'take p ace to -morrow,, we
shell probably hrtve an . ippotancity of dais'
lying- ourselves of th-e strength of the brother--
, ...
r. Oibboma, had: comanicationa sap who do net Wish to teke •-short-haftd- re- a - -
. but the -danger is not considered over and' f. 9 a Icahn; teem, pro:tieing to give their: served by -the- Military authorities; -and rich's ward arose thus he said':--'; _Ali :parts ; and behind thein ihere will he a 1 i• -1.11vieee fr°2113wwneville thatGen, -
funds awl 4 cut stick: The .ezettemoot aocksote. and sugsesting that they he furnish: plane in 'thegeneral state -of Ware. The- whieS followea.
this aide the Mimi has very_ much abated, . ea.;M e Precaution- is• daily fat:d nightly- - McMahan, canneillot for -St. :Pat-
, -- table for generaLuse. But as short -hand 4C/rtega gnne t° W.astaington have- a
• . ••• . . .
d • f h ld h "d t d
3 asustance in bringing th subject or supple-, -
min izs nations -o t e • wor ave a oil e
" chiels" ate not always admitted 'within nPneulatinn °1) Mexican affairs' Cortina
every. preperatton ta being madeby onta msnting the pay of County 'volunteersbefore
should lawless men atempt ta . some patron saint" and: We are met hersf to!
• . 11 as is
h been reenforeed by :900 men 'and '
ni•-ght in memory of the patron taint o -f -Bur the seered precincts, and have oecasiona_ y
. .
ana tan eat s- can aye. _ tbsks and tables is necessary. To afford
1)e ninrehing in seParate columns- toward
people -Jo repel an attack. From every the •Ce. - Council at the_ next "session4 As - it esit-a foot acress oueltorder,-;( said to ba -marching, on Matamoras. g'
• nation Ireland-- St.- Patrick. (Applau-se4 eliairsts are' also repo...._rtiato4
hand welialge as.surances that rather than the prices of. the giods reoir,d were nearly-
- What Canadian .hatids can do
,We. will show them then and there,
And America too hits her patron saint, -.one „,to obei, theininMons to " clear the galler..,a
ies " something, more than mere writing, tu• °nand •IP1P
have our-soir insulttsf by the presence Of kouble at Sarnia, it was thouaht best t_hat • C d' h •t d " whom she found ainone her own paople whose
Matamoras, with theintention of making
Ithe rascals,' every map in Canada .capable taey should be purchased Gedmich.: -
:Mae :are, the 'universal sentithenfis, that is taint -Washington,- (Cheers) the corpsteconamodation -when net tin .
•s- • - t a simultaneous ..ittack on the „Liberals .
,-- name she did not have to seek: in the calen ar
cti beating Struts take -the field, Out It was moved by .11' ' -Camerae aec, by
pressed'ithere- ere y- Ou.go. -We are trratefulto tht American. -pe:opld
active chat, a. suite of TOOMS has been se , • .
. • . tnere trom varbus .points. -Trustworthy
en arms and rant. apart. for their use, in the not -west tower. .
• .
Wili correspondence from Sarnia, F • I having receive us with op $ g
, • nt or • •011 Wednesday.and Thursday the usual
, ed us all the riots and 'privileaes eii'd ed b
. Michigan Stc make rocs f which Runciman and Cox be apaointed cOrrespon-
Chicago, Mr. aV that -Messrs Gibbons .McKay, ay, .
Tampico advices to the 10th -t.
and men
with Ceps. Rosa and °Hass al to the -battalion parade took place in whiph the them 1- • 1 have we par ments Ins ea!
FrOOf the WindtaWe of these -a t
- • i h - pl ea there
that a battle had taken. a near: ,
• we have to pos, vont edito-i. d.artieles- an men in their respective emit, who require • - itude by our deaoted d h' 1 (one of which wt 1 be used as a xead
- lout cOrrespondencei will be- read with. boom, flannel shirtss , and furnish the men seem rapidli becoming proficient -- ness unog t e ate war. ttrid writing -room and the -other for socia hetivien aome French -and Liberal guer-
se vas, an ave we not shown our end.
relaxation) a. molt obanning ;dew is -ob. illas„ wherein the. French were. defeatedr
I may ask why was -there-suck war ? losing 40 men. Tampico wasgarrisonedby
d A heavy fall Of Imo* Thuraday •t b aht b i -b ihe-e it Machinations" 'Pined of theriver the Chaudiere Falls
jouoibut irolignitner_vdnuplint r Several ecs. were read ----- 'red- to be
on Friday ; cOneeqiientlf-a sort of holiday will have a chance- to prat y. the eiatinple
. . . thereare jihore pleasant apai:tments off. 'from .ewumullivitiOn with the - sur-
• T • same eicordingth the best 9f they. ju ger- . . - _ 0 a wait roue, a ou. , _ v
ment• : • _ 'relieved the meirfrom the duties-ofparade of England and 1 trust that a few dtiys we
100 Imperialists, but the town. was cat.
• and the lulls tie Lower Caner -de fact
. the -Whole range, of the new "building than rounding "e?nntTY h•Y gtierIllasaand
• . •
• , thiderle,fla. - referred to the Seance com. after, _Which the was -enjoyed, enablinginost to follow of_nenitaiity. shegaie Lis du tog that
downtrodden • Mid has slie
On -Monday erening.last __4 .4 a coin- - •
k d h
-council_ adjourned, -
th• cess -was-entirely rostrat d 13 ill
not_ produced' men those. eilotted to the Paess and f
the kind. dates of the 9th init. say that a-Fessel front
P e w sv e
eqtta to those of _any- other nation in wit,. the coips is mach indebted ta
breittrihtegie. correspondent tO0 a vantage o t e time - a .
pany of Infantry/was formed here. the • --Ilse: that at hia dis sal
Ireland-11as in ..all -Agee -heen -oppressed end
"- the be3t of their own- inclinations. Your
hood here.",
What has becotne
and noisy Fenian lead
armed hero"? No track of his where-
abouts has been had s nee _the 'Volunteer
move in Canada-. Is he lying lo* in order
fa pounce upon our frontier in conjunction
with,orat the head o
It - is most singular t
been heard from-Iiiin
lave kpouted at e nu bee oftentre meet-.
inat in the States on - St: Patrick's day,
He inust have mane to hunt up the great
-Stephens, who ..has left, Ireland for the
good of alit country. We presume - they
have not forgotten the money bags it; their
flight. -
the United States, with arms for_Liberalsa _
was capturad on the coast of Tamauliants- -
by a French war vesselland taken toBeera.
Outrages -continue in and near 13rowns-
offices - 6f the. good-naturek. and .gentle-
s „ _P° Pos lmee 11P 'eloquence, poetry, and leartiii‘esp-ecially in
• • • war, as o been attssted on every battle -field
names for that, pa aim the ss Home We finia the pleasina ce f 11
-requisite number having, enrolled their Speeial to the Sigd. _in the- general affairi of the town COM-
,,, _ „ n ‘ ro_m a mama y spea -ing, I thmk it wotild be otEuropeand America for the Item century -
T respectable Correspondent at Chicago, that difficult to find a place .ia a More prosper- and I ask / appeal to the world; and. say,. why
Gnard.". Mr.. S. Pa Yethnans was .unani- shotildrauch a people not have their independ-
2000 Rr.itislanhabitants of that City are ready miss condition. . IS getigraphical position
` mously elected Captain; II; B. O'Connor, and intim to come to Canada,: if the., reni- has made it a Most impertant. depot for aeee 1.,- - ,' ' - - .- ,
_ Esq, Lieutenant, and MrGeorge Mac- •
ans dare to tneade British Territory, and the supply of necessaries to the -.oil.- re- .: .-. Mr • •Fraisert-jrish (Daman -rat) 1-gg -Tile
Itravery-ef the Irish was proven an 1699 at the
and, 3,/e that 200 have already sent their: amnia to eons --which von are award are but a
' . itensie, Ensa,en. a The new compley is
composed of -firstarkte material, • • • river Boyne, When a mere handful- Of Irish
• - • few miles distant. No one _scarcely Pan Cavalry" under the brave Sartifield,three times,
I . Toronto, offering their services it required
doubt not will do credit to the town. We
- - ca en ate e- t t utt as accrue to beat:beat-the swarming- herdes of cowardly.
by the Government, to defend their Country.
1 1 h be fi I d
beliaie CePt Yemnani has the --Prenlim of y • - 2 ' Sarnia fianit this. large. and. increasing English mercenaries and they. areasbrave to
"- ;4k:regular drill instructor for his trade. -•
Aarade :too which appears more day as.evera Ireland to -day makes an appeal
maps.- That the organizatien is not so formadable.
--'-' _ Truly, Goderich. is -a -Warlike Place 1 - as Soinetinies reproented,it may be mentions or less* te have effected'. Aiwa' every ler freedoni; will yen help on' the great weds,
-v - • ; ,_ :....-7,-----=---- --, ' __. ed that about 1000 Fenians are seen drilling
. breath of b ' ' Sh Id th - d' ve
usuiess. ou e moo - . -
(we. will.) I believe the hea••t of every
. - ., . • • • _ _ _ y despised,, or _ r e ig n ry o o contmue, w len y .cniipetent
> ' h' ' ' b ' Limei:ican is with us aud they well know how
. •Txroarawr To CoaascOntrus -Persons at iitaes but are ' b 'the ' t 11 e t 'f- il- - '
, -,--,-:. writing m t.. a co n to vo.unteereat the tri, hi n ty - 1 ' h Aineritans as•:a tataaf-AnapitUeads, who •---deetti. net for a moment Joubted • ' ' • - - • • " • -
A 0 la - - 7 'I b b - d - t ll
to nay back the•false ueetrality of Enaland.
, . .
vs. men e true to our ag, 1 wi T3t wave
-; front should.mark their lettere with the eeel• were not too :willing to defend - their. own nia cannot help growing to a largo place-. over 43- ar.beroved native bled,"
`party.aud•rank artimee written _to, in *filch n
vountrv when danger threatened,.
. 9 . - A. find a -strong desire prevading all &eases to - M .., . Giainger,- _Ateerietins.(Demeeret)s-s-
. , .
- own. 111'aPaYmen of two dent* will be Over 350 vessels are -laid un in Chicago
. .
sufficient. -t-and are now -fitting -up enticipatieg an waive
- ascertain the feeling. in Eughind regarding the "Any iyhe is not heart and - and
ready response of the volunteers at -the. every -nerve-endfiber "of his body .witli this
'call of the Govan& Geneial. It ut thought great work te not fit to-Aiire.' (Great ap-
that the conduct of the Canadiatt4Goiernineot piausea... I propose to: discuss a, re*: points
ahd people on this -occasion -still. go a great, bearing on the character:of -*hitt meetiag.,••--
viay in proving, a substantial ‘-to the Who are the•Fenittna ? What their belief?
base assertions of such means Geldwin Smith. Where are they from Anttithither going?
who have repeatedly declared that we were 1 will endeavorto answeitheie questions.
net even willing to beer a share of our own .inight be asked what's.aname, -take for
defence. Occasionally some capitahjoke. cm.; stance the astute tif Alidrets, Jackson. he Was
care amongst the. men, which -affords fun- a -Fenian (Loud cheers) a true, Feeian and. if
enough .toP.latita for a week at .least... -The lived -now; he would . be, heart and: iota
cither-ritht while a•gnaid of. the Rifles -wete With you and .he Weuld-,have been just 58
doing duty atihe Railway wharf the. follow- noble -by any other name-. But there is
rng.adittitnig incident took. piece. . appears something in a name: -I take it that the
that Otte a .nunifier biases .atid pclnies are tittine Vitien was. derived {rein Phenis the
lathe habit of mooing at larr aind. ',being la' Boa of MagOlAchors) who was the grandson
search of &AV their- :stePW were.direeted. to O• rr ..144eth bintseif.(teed ebeeritiand aptoph-
Where the -guard were itationedGeoreises the -..e.ey knair hew incientr-says. 414 - to
_sentry, hearing Something. ,advanek...;it once him was granted. -posieszion :of the isles of
fixed bayonets, the 'Bettis _approached _closer the sea, and his -descendants now by the ideas
and closer when, he experietited Some little ing of God will soon . hare not Oely one 'Int.
'alarm. Although oringtng :front •a brave race both islet ofthesea. (Tlemendoes applause.)
who'. were never.knotiM to turn their backs And the-Fettians hslieveinsa - just -.God who
u; -on an enemy, he could not for -a moineut will soon restore their trodden country.
e expected to; resist the charge whole And they -believe St,. Patrick who Sped
squiOron of-Teavalry, •Whilet anxiOasly min his life for. the e/cilfare of the. country, and
sidering what was beet 4o do, -the Corporal .ot . well they may,:lor it helivedat the. present.
the. guard made his appearance. and to • their day he wail& help -to banish from it the dead:
'grat. Satisfaction they. discovered_the fumes by venom of Ettgligh tyranny, as he did' the
to be withoet rid. is. 'Being. on guard 'tor the toads and serpents in his .own dey, raps
east -thirty hours heavy matching .order, pienite). : And theloenians come-..,frina
without sleep and hating had to_ -Wu Out to all parts ot this wideenutinelit, and from alt
relievethe sentries every two hours, and the that land from Fair'Reaato Bantry Bay,frein
night being unuaally severe I feel quitim.able M• eath -AO -0 Id TipPerati, analastly they Will
to extend this -letter any turther.s_. :go to eurroona, the tomb of Emmet, Who,
I paiLo USIUS." would- have ' "epitaph written thereon till
: • _ bellillathOuld be tree,... and there they willsi. .
earre,4*.eplapli. that shall.:.endere fur 411
PatEtek 7s Day In Alin ArbOis.
• - - _ . •••miteh, • time! .thnmettse.ehediins ) :
_ - •
• s..s4
1 PreSelltatiOlt IoW. Edea Esq. Wing and in„uniner 1:1114,nesa. •
On Saturday evening last, at a pleas:int Tati'e Ede•r (4111° Uumii8-41111-
little oyster slipper in the Colborne Hotel,
. Win. Eden Esq, of M.. Customs, who
.- is about removing a new • appointment
at .Port Ericwas.presented with a band-
, .
- Sin. -while I do not wish to say a word
suiting the bravery or capacity of Hr. Yeo-
mans, I think_it is a.pity . that Mr. W. G.
Smith was overlooked appointing the
officers to the new company. I am informed
that he would have joined it if reasonable
• Ow_n use, and a gold'innksh for -bie mire. inducements had been held oat. quill&
some ivory -headed -malacca cane, for his
cations are: high recommendations from
: ,T, hper :nue b o_ r otot h‘e-t. mfo 1 1.. olv ine Igi inse_ ri
Pt_i°n .1_7. soldiers at the front -a truly loyal spirit -a
Presented bid Esq. by his thorough knowledge ofchilt-sand a gereral
-:, friends, on leaving Goierich, March 24. • fitness tor military comMand.' At all events.
II366." MrEden is one of the most ef-
ficient and faithful Of the. officers under
t'Government; and in a private capacity,
:while Goderich, has wo the confiden
.and esteem cif his fellow- citizens. The
following address was-. read by Judge
0 • -
- To Nieman Ems Estinnti,
ot Her Majestyat Costoms, at the time
- of tifoderieh. . -
We the nude:wiggled, on your leaving here
- for another post, request-pc:Ur acceptance of
thia eane, no* presented to you, . by your
_McAdams it. token of their esteem and reagent
for the agreeable end sinsfactory manner in
whit& you live discharged the duties of your
offite stationed in Goderich. Trusting:
that you May be long spared to fulfill the
andel at any postat which you may be placed..
• We are yours,. -
On. the part of com. and subscribesr.
• • It COPPER, - •
Jidge, H._k B., Chairman.
. • .
Mr Eden in a feeling speech, -thanked the
subedribera to Iris testimonial for their
great kindnes, hiniself and wife, and prom•
• . ised to bear his old friends in grateful re-
indinbrance when he used the cane now -pre..
.sented.. He aIso iipake_of the great pleasure
he had experienced in the society of the -friends
halad found in Goderich. '
_ _
PreistaariYAwarded at Me- late
Spring Seed _Skov' of the -poi _
- A. S.
_ •
„Oast 10. bush Spring wheat dna. Pentland,
Wawanosh.. ' ,
.2int do Jno Cox, Goderich towniship.
3rd do .famet : si • _
Best 10 bush datiano Salkeld Goderich tr.
2nddo fl. °fiver, Ashfield.
• ..ard do DaHodgei Goderich township.
_Best 10 Peas, EL °twig.*
2nd do t;has Blake,: GoderiCh townanip.
• 3rd de D. Ilodge,\ •••
busk -Earley D. WIlwaine, elven
osh. - • -
t_tt - 2ni do: Ino Andrews,- Goderich township -
3rd do Jno Hunter, "
° -Beal hush Timidity Seed, onl3r one sample
ihoivni 2nd prize awarded to H. Otwey:
-,-Beei 2 -bosh Corn R. Gibbons, Godench.
.210,do Jas Cox, • -41 tp.
. Rest 'bush flat Seed 1 sample shown Jae-.
- Salkejd. " 7
-Best bas-li -Clover Seed, 1 sem. Ple iboWet
• Fat Cattle Dradtel aid Fat
tattle 'MOW
We are pleased to see Oat kr. George
Anderson who faint:Lots-15 and 16 6th
potiodision Hotta:kin this County, got*
'handsome sum of ;372 for six fit ciatAk
in tbe above market, alio the Int
prizirfor the best fat Heifer on Emig*
lion; not bad .for Howiek; considering
that/ the -Cattle hid sixty, miles to -travel
&compete with the far famed County '
Wellington aka& We happy to heir
pt -the apirit. he has 6U:wain ptting se4
oftherbest bred Cattle, 'Sheep and Hogs
I wonId" urge his appointment acCaptam o
the Heine- Guam% now that ;gr.' Yeomans
has been .plued at the- heactiif anew coin
PULL,1144v, TN -mien -Kea ,Barsalsoit..-The 'em-
ployee,s onthe Grand Trunk- have been forte -
ea into companies,- the whole otwhich make.
one battalion. of volunteers, by order of C. J.
Brydges, Esq., General Manager of the Cern-
party. .
• -
01! & large quantity of military clothing
_ •
hat -just been received from England.
The Montreal 'Gazette, of Thursday, says
--64 We learn -from a 'correspondent -in *New
York that an attempt will be Made by the
Fenians frafiada within a few days.' We
attach no impokance trithis information. fhe
efforts oathe government-increaseaid vied:
• .
(die It is ruirio-red that the Provincial tut
beatkLady Heed and Queen Victoria, are to
be got in realinesaaasooe as the navigation
ape's,. for the protection el the fisheries.
.The only boats remaining. at,Quebec - will be
the Napoleon and the paddle wheel steamer
Advance:1. .which will-remehi there, to carry
the lightehouse supplies.
Eaey Enough.
,AO old friend, who is bitten by the Infla-
tion mania, OW OA Ault probleait
"In Canada, _specie payment has net been
suspended, nor wages increased, , On this
Aide weare-'stiferirre to: the -very utmost
from a Superabundance of irredeemable pa-
per ; and yet, to the amazetheilt of the lave-
cates of a metallic basis,thelaborers of Can
to• this „side, to receive our high
-wages, in paper, rather,. than to reinifin in
in Canada to Work for their specie basslow
rates of wises. Why Is this? Would not
Resumption _here put astop tti thie emigres
non froni Canada? If • so, .10, t,hat to be la
bored for ?" ,
• Aiiliferelf oar friend *311 onfy.recur
the history of Law's MissiseiPPi scheme.' he
1011 find that, -while :1wasin_operatiOn, "la;
borers flocked" from Hard- Money regions to
Paris faster tbaii they now lock...from Cana-
da to our side of the line. • _And,- if a ram
Aping -should ruddenly build from the base of
tha Allegheny mountains,wir'have no donlit
that "laborers (sod miers) would *}"flock",
to -that -also. They. "flocked" this coon.,
try in 1835 and 1336 but that dida't pre-
vent tha.collapse of 1837. Running debt
Always. makes good times. just -us getting
drunk increases vital action; but pay day and
getting sober, though unpleasant, are inevit
able. We, hold it -advisable for a people not,
to run in debt and for an individual not to:
run in debt and for an individual not to.get•
drunk. And our high wages and high priCes
.nrove that we as a people -are running in
-debt, and wilt run in debt, -so lout ;as our
turrencylndation shall iontinne. We move
diet- we ger out of it and avoid the else ins-
Vitahlacrash.-, Y. N. Tribune,
Mount so? Tiourisa-4--the Detroit Free
Press of the 16tb, remarking upon the do•
awns of Fenianism, says.--" We kis° no
where on this side of the frontier seen- ti
matter treatitasermusly except an the -meets
by Feniani to seenre aubscrip-
tions to, for the sale of the &Irish .bonds.'
atthese every meane or creating an: excite.
inept or enthusiasm were resorted to, land
f the redoubtable
r, Sweeey, the "one
, an armed ralAble ?
at not a word has
although he was to
_ _
A New York reporter describing a re-
-cent ball -there Says :-" Fashion upon
a throne. of geld. Fr eight hours the
scene was filled with avy-gause andiglist
Ding satins, studded With brilliants, and
wirm -with In atmosphere of 'stifles. %It -
was easy to mistake., for • the perfume of
breath the oders of the flowers which . nes- lie was in the Catmeetrawar,from its Oaln- *heather we loose or win us:- life s struggle, .---
tied . mrywhere in .sn.osay bosoms, en
diamond powdered coiffures, or in sat
hands., It was chili lea to* fellow the
spirals of the enchant d "waltz entwining
- s,"'
happily the firni of the Golden Yeuthiltie,
of New York: ' It was. a bath- of (bawl-
ing- ddighta enough. fa intoxittatea'ahe
young, and Where „others might. endea
ouea.alasl, to ohm' the imares9ions- which.
are dead "-then .he -went to aupper. •• '
. ..
Mr. iili, Ainarican (Danocran :••••-11 have
Front our special corraiipoildint-.:- great sympathy 'with 'the Lash people, they
have been oppreassa and abussd by the same
• The General'excitenient _at present on
. Pottier that Oppressed and tried to - (doh out
the-:-Fenian-Anestion,.W(ill be scene apology always hurts my ee ings
our 'fotelathets.. 'It alvis
for this communicatiOn: account by as to hear any One • speak...well ot 'the English
government, I believe it is: aim_ :nest cruel.
Canadian eyewitness Of the sayings and
heartless and perfidious. uf tuitions (applaufse)
doings of the Fenianis Mathis side of ,the the Irish People are also& to. rise .in their
lity,..mey be interesting to some of your might and fescue their country from its
- - _ d- • D • a - tyrannical yoke (Cheers) But I do no
numerous res. eta. During the wee pre- - • ••- - t-
- • I believe this atill'be done ineriediately. I do.
vious to the 17th, I noticed several arge not thinlethat the time has eome to raise ap
• _
&dards announping a meeting le be I held army and niatelt bti Ireland just now yet I do
. _ ,
-.at Banes- Hall on the evenino, Bt.__ believe that iftwo of trislr in this
0. Country, stand ep-faithfully and assert their
-Patricks day, calling on the of rights and support andcheertheir friends in
ty,the friends of Ireland Canada an'd Ireland, that a great .change will
, -
Waslitena.W. .1.°43.11•1! ; ealtin• WhYlsit that the two Canadias are in
and especially ber sons enc.' daughters to :estimation from end teend ? Sayft
• oiVe hearty response to the efforts 'up* shows- that .England is, (cheers),..
G�4ernuient 10 made ;tote the
.p:Parha::::;:parg:aibunhyti.:atchSapeicii?osuit.ou_ irha. thnatuttlitte'• -viti;
./reland,- Able. speakers yotomaothommaaa head Fanid _Abe roar- of
were to
Shock, of. battle,-(sreat ap-
freedom will yet sound
L16 world " Is Irelend.eaPable Of taking, -
care of hersclfit7 :Theeventful. 17th COO- O• f -.4 leak despot fleti&--the nettles :Of her
and although a very d#3r. the side- Ematets, of her O'Coneells,and Of her Steph-
-- • - -•eyes-Shall be fixectin her. Scroll of fame as.
-walks wea0-, thronged- all day by nien„,
woman, ,and �biidren, tilt bearing the no,
mistakeitileimlesian Stamp, and eeelt liar
ing spit of green'oa'the left breast, the
-saloons had a•good run' of businessandmany
-"old remiaiseencee were _awaited. ayee new
whiskey. The -general appearance and ad'
tions ofthe crowd i seemed to _afferd infleate
-,eajoyment to funloviag Atiterianna. and I
saw away; thiegs that gave evidence of how'
-the whole- thing was appreciated -7'6y Young
-Anierica,sacii as various caricatures �n -fence
boards ot "King O'Mahony of the Feyniaiis
and Judy Si Queen, &ea acca In the evea.
ing I Weeded My way to the Halls oversv.hich
waved. a -volt flag With the harp of Erin, the
admission fee was $1, • the ticitetawas band-
soittley gotaiiwith "the Staisfield circle :Of
the Feeble Brotherhood" printed thereon
and Signet John " ceuter,." the. build-
ing,. would contain about 700 Persona and I-
was surprised to dud- only _about- half that
I - - aJolif• her luiely vales,:aud. when the blood
.indelibly-iiii-the stars of thefirmaitienan,
manly Sergeant-af-arms.-.--Otaiwa Post
• 7
Successf_a_ 1 C.11.arr? a Fanad,taLvare.
The Bagdad filibusters have been
. .
43., released by Gen, Getty. A great many
By the' death of Lieut•General H.
_ deserters front the Imperial army were
Savage,. R. E., and the promotions
_Wells, of the list Royals.- had been Pro- . • 'What We May Do. thereupon, I3reveta. or - rea ric 1 _ _•
cnnssa-r' crosaing the Rio Grande daily.
' k I • '
Mal -P‘ de - •
moted tcs be Lwatenant-Colonel. • (redone' _ , _ _ _ -.>
ells waahorn.atTDaVenporamear Toronto, l'qo human beteg can be isolated and -serfs--
the ,Tear-- 1822, and the family residence, sustained. ' The strongest and bravest and -
-which ataads upon the elevated plateau most hopeful have yet, acknowledge by
north of the city, is known to all our citi- themselves, moments of hungry soul yearn.
zueoniso.neiHneo•nis; jaosseopnk of v• etihise; lfaotermeLoyietliltili Inhgeawrnanr wantofPtaaisinai:wellahhoaitiP wfrarineedenautimi.poPf.athbAtdmaii-Fentiiityrt ,
.lie strewn above us.. Youth wasted for tbe
the. 43rd Light 'Mantle The Ilaresent mocking sew,
Colonel has seen - Upwards of 25 yea-, ,ra.ser 'the mercy of aerie forthegerasarpt. alas avterat.
vice, twenty of whieh. have been all' foreign - firm hand. and a kind lovingh - '
stations -in Canada, the . 'Slyest >diets, ,sel. ' It is affecting to see how strong -is ' this .
Itaehet,Chr!me-Lat, IvinitdhiaaaseudrieCunoaildineejta_butiyasta , •Yiedeta,rirrineginibidgtityesso,ssfiaarteahlivatonhatte,napo!issessorargiesayelmsfelyrrueviatc-vgentel:tdd: ,
'fall• froni his horse, whith-', rendered nec- iti that little word None tO labor .fors
- s --s, -- true to Weep or smile with none t
cessary his itilmediate ritailitto England;
inencement to its close, a saw honorable 'A. kind word or astride, coining to
service. - Ile heti obtain 'fieveral medals, one unexpectedly at some sucherisis!mitethli-afen '
the" Legion or Home- and clasps for h;leonrwig_s_oiinItte4den.n7hiTaacsiikieitanersisuni:iitychrhe.whpeel.aiikusistot liblulieetioy-dictro_awssvie.
! Almar ",-Iakermann,"- and" Sebasto-
pola" In 1807 the Corpolition. of Tor-
onto preeented hi'm with atandsome sword a,"a0Passaa atorasealrgessaafiativeogr eta ottinsyin°11plehetigiVell
of Canadiati'maiaufactarejaColoael 'Wells'. recogaition... . .
•• Tit ore 11011-5EW Bau.sswrplic:--7 An
efficer of the RoyalAngiiieers stated that
orders 'were sent Atglana -five weeks
sine, for .10,000. salliers to be landed- at.
'oho- will m rch from thence to
New 13runswiek,- where the vulnerable
Point le feared tit be _These. troops are
expected in;tendays,: and on theirarriVal,
gew Brunswick, it is censidered„ will be
safe. The ships of war, :Ariadner
Py/acteti-,-Sre even now in the Bay of Fun-
dy. Frederiak:Bruee has ordered the
West Indian squadron to sail immediately
for aalifax*ith all the diiiposable troops
in the Westiudiesl'
. •
- nu:Sees ON DUTY Present
'we -have about. 10,000 -regulars in •••-Canada,
.beeides 11,000 volunteers, on -duty. There.
are at least '15,000 telly armed atuLtosltat
a moment's notice, 46(1..80,000 militia could
soon be made available. The GoVernment
heti had an immened number of offers Of ve-
terans' and others .WhoThre Well drilled.
"There is a large namber Of volunteer's at BC
johns, and they are daily -inareasing. The
-carters_of theGrandTrunk ares -to forts' a
field_battery artillery.
Ain ealeza Trpoils_ -Tho Front
Three coneanies if -Ainericati-. volunteers
have been called out Cape Vincent, and'a
fourth Jikely to be itaded- to them, to d)
dutyat _Cape Vincent iii *Venting any
Fenian Or other demonstrating agitielt the-.
peace -of Canada from that point.- The Detroit
Free Press says thatseveralof the 1.7th- U.
S. regulars' have arrived in that city to be as-
signed to stations thereandelsewhere along
the lakes. Iris reported that a portion' of
them sill releasetbedetachment of the? 4th
infante), at Fort Wayne,- that one company
will be sent to old Poet Brady, at the 'Sault
Ste. :Marie, and twci be stationed it Fort
Gratiots juit above Pert Huron.'
'Mr. Cuiniii,Trish (Pemocrai):!--."-..I fully --
woma writes to the Union Vidette,.tke Gen.
With the sentiaients of the proceeding
tileD Der at Salt Lake city, as follosvs show-
BB/makers because they:are right ; lova etconn- • e• - - . - I • ,
ing with what loathing the victims?t Merman,
try 38 iiideltbly-fixed.ta _ the -.heart of - every
lustregardthe " limner institutious." In
true Irishman and worar, (cheers,) the, time -
°dr ward meetings,' our bishops and teacher's
, heacome wheelie may looktor grearresults,
are urging meti to take -more women, and the
ther never_ was a tie* when the hopes of our
young irteri to. be more energetic:ern securing
people were tea great that they shculd throw
off, the yokeof hated England. What is the th, a Iteet' lee.11_in.g..--aed],•meet--ii.ttellitren-t .gir_le'
.--.- ! - The following as ape kor a, discourse,' listen -
orthis uprising cif tt whole .
ed to the 'other evenit g. These long winter
rtwioiot. sni .bc,Ai us evr cart_en7t odta aachievepigypiaiu!' f.tn:hrt
41diroiWnwl;antnhgteoli.nlra_ ;18:nreeeterirgeteoeheCitt ecLooking.vueMnedd g5 Gentiles aeaaspg.iati;a:, sit 7, , i visiteie'4°rhsoiwini te l s s _ getatalf ethe oursisters best.
and court, early tied lb:te c if you do not the
It is that they
andthere I saw ,itue immense concourse of
ligion and the revelations of the Lord through
People traversing the streets, there ntust have our. prophets, Our me Gut:diligent women and.
besnt atleast 30,000 alt;aasembied•to ,de hol, r girls rebei.,.. They d. al_ underatanti its that
or to the name Of Por-::POrm Samt and. a" nothing good%can be enjoyed Without seen
animated by one eentimeet hatred to -England keel iiiid that Godhse given them_a cross to
and a determination soon. to rescue their -he-
heat' ; also it. the oid and young men. I says
loved Erin. trent the tyrant grasp. (Cheers.)
be Mote attentive to these wavering sisters,
nuniber of inen and women all told, - none of 1 While luung the opposite -a ore • o in or • .•
the 1200 students ofthe "University except two. Might be Oen the red coats compelled tO take them out sleigh -riding, take them.,,aci the
theatre; and. be sure and Write them to all
or three with Myself; unit none. .ot the 8.000 Mead therein the cold all day watch*: the
be wide awake, for thO devil
cititensof:Ann Arbor but few Dentaerat4 .Feeians: - But what is the Fenians? I say, ren4 parties;
...i.ii after you' beat -looking woman, as ha_-iiits
demagogues; who wereevidentlyMilling for that any man Who gforiee ' in the: hope that
Fenlin. ; me. .in the pram.; or-Eden.s: and thers_Poor silly
theIrish. vote at the nett Municipal elections' frelandnhall be free; ii".a true
1 found myself accordingly in a crowd Which, already. see Some of the effects of our ntiiii-2_36014 iihnt -their _hearth to. the light -.shining
aeon amply showed the pre(lemtaanne ot the ization.- England trembles With ceinie"ous .9" 01 Lion, and Are..alut.ianallYi' in Vita of
our teaching and the _direct Commands of the
rush elementf, -.The slipper was emcee/sand guilt and fear as is evident by the tie`' jaa. prophet and (Jodi running after the forbidden
.i my -endorsed . the sentiment. of my right. efthe.Habeas Carpus act,by the Prepare!' in -
fruit; but that does so will: surely
hand _supporter wlici reniatked that Li thim. •te defend Catied4 and by the arreat ' anitim-
Watherwana rale nun1- -: 4 German ;violin ' prisonesent of peaceful omens in Ireland; go to hell' •
band discoursed Irish. airs of which -"-.St. Pat 'already fibs treinbleefor Canadaand well ibis- : _ _
%Alas" Township, which- h -ave: taken prizes math most undoubted venuebt-ry aucee,to in eiskts day in the morning" Wog frequently re- may_ foa her !lease °fit isnolcing'.1' • ; 'Teo MUCH STEAM--7AB-long as a mangets
at „Ideal 'elietre, besides the *um* 110 molly plias% 1n -alt the te crowds Pealed, in feet notated to he them principal • The speeches were ------ently interraiited six dollar"; a week, he can live and -get along
frobi:4001-ittosk aratakati advantage or wore prominently urged than an immediate mind -the dilfereatattitade of a
galwilkibeding. Ittheylanetts derivable assembled, the Ole- of the bonds wee gulch stock in trade. - I could -not p recalling to
e slain other
- military enterprise; In -fad 1 i• 'German at the celebrated Diet ot Worm -spend-
- ' aue
- • sad fils -skiraPie feeding aitended to. -atm butdarkl ed andidan
in . 1 ntat t few re- of sullanother to W.,,hoie life Ion.; devotedness
wi are sure tbit farming will be founa a ;aided thstoras more thee ditionel- to•the cause of civil and:relixious liberty, the
-seal to the pulses retbershan 'to the swords 'English speaking population ot the world Owe
la°76 Pr*ItaldaenterPrilos end ewer enin- the.assemaled ineetiu,s " , their liberty of coucience to this day, and I
, . .•
promotion appears in the liondon Gazette . - - _
of February 27. Ills sileitbsful military Tlie Resources of Ilse Fenians
career is alike honorable to -himself and
creditable to male.- Leader.-
restixtx4caticTr Ilix oaF: cAtileresp4Reir -ivet,ri.t4.77inAg frceouji
Amorian the 31-AL.:A-December last, thuside_.
-scribes the executioni of a rebel ss -"..He was
dragged t� -place .or-execation,'-ao,heaVity
irbried and manacled that he -could not stalky-,
and being .almestetarved for some time 'pre
viously,-, appeakdsthe most Miserable .object -
Offering huntaatity that -could be imagined,
pt redead than alive. He was guarded_ by
about -100 gitudiirian soldiers, headed . by
the Hai Hong,: carrying a Le'eug, or wet -
rant of the-poiver -of life or death, who, hay's'
*dressed hintielfin a red hood andanantle,
wawa hi:MOW at!_it table. placed "-there for
the oceasien, and denninded the prisoner 'to_
bs brought before him, !which being done he.
was_foreed upon his knees.-- The -Mai Hong .
ordered,tim. to receive 300 -blows :with the -
bamboo. . The rebel - having-ieceived his 300 .
blows, and home them iiitheut.11 flier. ar.
was taken to a cross that had been ere ted
for the purpose,, and being securely la.the to
it in an upright ;velure, with his arida xs
tended, the executioner commenced his h r.
tibia nutebery by first cutting tiff the flesh.
aboie the eyes,-netetthetara -and the breasts:
then he cut through the weeks of each arm:
Then the muscles of the thighs were,uut .otittn .
the same manner. After the executioner hid
ertotmedthesedreadful tortures upon the
poor *retch, he -laid his small kniteaside and .
.-.-toolt eel:tiler- Abut tea- iuches . lone and
a _
about an inch brosd, and cut gashes on eAh
side_of the man's chest, laying the ribs baie. and Canadian -volunteers wheete they win, -
Then he made severalflourishes • with. the encounter
knife, and thee eau it into the victim's bodys ' t -7--
intern „rifItist below the sternum in the middle Tito West India Mission.
of,the chest, to"the full extent of the blade- ' -
The Washington correspondent oftheNeW
York Times writing under the date of the
lith inst., says:-
Mr. Seward was inrornied.„ a fewdays ago,
by a person wpo professed .1.cf be
informed, that the Fenianshad a, military
torce of 50,000 men enrolled, organizedand
itined, and -commanded by experienced -offS
icers • that they have fifteea s
'on hand, and a large fleet of vessels now ly.a
log in the lake ports and that all of these- -
am only A part of their resources. ,It iB' '
possiple that-a,prOelathaiiOn May be „issue4-,
warning people not to be engaged in these
_movements but from all I can learns- '
think it extremely doubtful that the Govern-
ment will take any notice °fit. Mr Seward* --r-
ival probably point to the .recent epee& ef a -
Mr. Gladstone in the British Parliament; as -
abundant reasecfor non -interferences and
thisexpeditions to Canada will be allowed too ,
proceed... . .
1k:would seem to be geed policy, therefore -
op the part of the Fenians to let Ireland
alore, and confine their operations to Can» -
ada. In Ireland they will encounter the
whole strength of the 13iitish army, and will a
most assuredly till, While every Eenian cap-
tured Oct; with arms in Inswhands will be put
ttraeath. So Much publicity has already
been given_ to the plans of the.Fenians for the
conquest of Canada, that the probibility is
that they will find th it task to be -a mot,
bigger unliertaking than they expected. nit
account of the large beams of English troops%
This,' thought and hoped would prove be., _ The Globes Montreal telegram allyit°
chap de grate, but no, the man still breath- that the mission of the -Commissioner/110 :
ed, and the exectitioner still continued his - 'a .,
bloody task, earning downwards ; with the the the West Indies had met with grater
, He than success than was Anticipated. - Mr. Mo -
MA letting out his ectrails.
' and mit open the . stomach. -Then, Powell returns to be present at ',Peril*
giving a yell; he ran his hand in and seized, snent, Mr. Ryan taking his plea" as ehait--
the men's" liver, and cut it ont. This finish man. - On the 26th of January -a Tweet
ed the torture,and the executioner left his
was given to the Commas' liners at George-
-vietint in this. Mutilated *tate, not -yet dead, " e-
town, Denterara. We regret that weer*
, for I saw litit".lyd- several gasps for breath
afterwards The :bay was exposed, on the
in3' he
tiniblet°itiecrecs).in for
hi. even
same whiff for .fife days afterwards, - to the:. from thesplc
itypt annoyance of the Europeans who oceu said, however, that the sentiments -e*,:.;
pied the - houseS. adjacent, .. The poor :rebel . pressed were of the Most . frai-Ully' clisreo
bore his inhuman; _tortures most nianfullY. :ter, and of the greatest promise for the
Not a groan or ert escaped him during all . accomplishment ofifie- end in view,' ii.s.a
aslight quivering of his.vihole framP, between the Provinces here, and a -t-L *mat-iv:141m.
' ..i -
the lime. Theonty,-inovement he _made was
the opening up_ofanend the Erite,;.?
Moyement Of the head ' t,o and, frci., Others -
Wise; - is spectator Might have questioned ash possessions in tropical latitndesa -
*ether Ile' was alive dr dead- during the hors • s -• ••••-•-
rid exhibition. A inagiclan once upon-atints; *agoras.,
_ - •
" Yu." Pu':ae, Twn;: Said an indulgent ment would conclude with tfiblayraatanoli
odaeuraceloiiit di.s"Ilw‘a‘y!foliwoltso,n;ifil'agth.,e,r, ?" iBes after the peribszosoos. hb. eloped lath .atek
. wife -of -the -man who owned the listo
.An urchin, notititnte three yeats old, - _
said to his sister, While munching a wee - -
ed on his bill that the evening- entert!ina%
father l to his son, "reminds ineo
f a lulu- disatipearanee of a lady. Suri- 01044 -
or ginger -bred; " Sis• _,;-_take half , ob - , . - .
cake to -kali, -tilt-afternoon, -when -I 1;etr
.. ..._,...
d'a who arrived.hosie on SaaardaY Iron' Baal°
, - &large manufactory establishment in that
-elates a significant incident which tweeted
cross.' - i
One newsboy asked Another what _‘ii.- a few day age* -4)f about one In
1 - .
employed in the 120
factory ' some seventr -11'‘
Stramural railroads" natant. "Horse rail- Roman Catholics: . A Fenian emissary tinier:
roads where they use. °Juices"- was the ed thefeetory and solicited ille'nan01144,,,1,21-ir
reply. - - ; • - who were rea.dysto march with the:1
The grand_ Priae or $3..00,000 mitts/eta an Canada, hilt -t° hie Burl:nil* he fee°
yeaa been sallied 'by a Havanah met-- fell°"%badgivr" I/iglu/J/3e e.TP1PYIr tvert:
;Wry annually -drawn at A.:sand, has Aim one solitmy man to conshas ent. Aswan u ,
ed isharpIy round oc him, and m. -an anal__
chant.. 4 - _
a . Iona said-" YOU IP --d =AMA 1011.113 4
' A new material for eadeing shoes has ehop this moment or IR kickyou•-ntia.2,
-made "tit appearaace. at is a substance of want no man like you about me -who wos
by lucid eheera, 'eXclametions; tied denuncias. &the re. y d,
tions against England-, hoots and_eries -and. :his Wages reach twelve dollars a week be wino bb -r is the basis but it is rathr 10 to -cceninu robberiesand -
ill the evidence Criatense enthusiasm, giving needs twenty-fourargets• in 'debt anCherata heavierandsolid 53 iro2n; 11 ,ittnjea•Sdit Igliaonneettri:Almnaathecrat, atadli;t.
• • • •
nl bit
edition of Timmait Iet. looses " The vanity hi the•nteam, money the fuel ; apply ela$00- - . t •is_zatcl.that one pair e yo
to the ,rneating.theaippeeinaee of a,' second up at that. Mau is a highpremere engine,•i*a•tlis
O'hlahony of New York, andthree for lames netts outt. - . _ , 0
7amirsapsaleyalenigafowr rfl-:te:earttgaigagianiteisnileifant mi
°wfedahemfogue!iplaeirdswEistokledthiswitiiliErtntlieishilvleathlmetri--,- .
meeting closed WIN three', etaiis fat- Sohn- -theprinciple and you have_the-fact.- -.Make a _
r inet1 and contente but as soon as
. . , •
tndbeannwe:dt t
ib er
• alt e o f,
Datlefe &bi
„tion Medicine
sively used by
yes in the cite
.ed thativiov
P rYp ir no tile dt
ptices and at ti
er&sound and
t• iteeetc:relean:176:erir.lbt
-Northrop L
_merits eVeP
- complains. „
1:hfl eo (tit r Sen- curefr
-yr or later 1
have sever bes
public speaer
lutes, F
r:frIn; but
ti eitradmit of
h :
coughs, colds,
1: :lin:: . ve
the stomach,
25 eta per bott
• • BUR
A GentIonian
• Pm*
ful indiscretion, -
fermi Wishingto
can do volts
Every,oast hear,
Amamil pee
lived., Tema
-oblige 'kit
lowly -eels byA.
that &awl •
1w:two:to Instal*
eiVicat ttseirr
-coat: for Cd-NSCat
-001415,V1114 *11
°Meet tba•Alire
:Nmaetit the* '
,p000taves aolta
win ;ry last
laitY Provos.
- Parties wishing
will pleaseplgiro
Ise M•ctie
meat semos.
Wee -C
Ireileves Pain i
- •
- e_ures Cholera,
Vero titres,
. 216
!salsa JUI
Sprs.ms aatt
- 1
PRICE ---g5
beaddreased to
F.. Jordan,
- ;Medicine
These 'Maws
Coot tailef, wisest
lave bewares,
they axe
•aevere fitomty
-vital arm Is
aftliqed aboold
4..dtesse Wafers
Attar vegalar
_itivasethe power
1.4• 0B AMES':
licr so
iSr4leitt3lo so
Rola bias
Agentifor th
1:1"' Sold us
4.3an.; Gangaer
• • s