HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1866-03-20, Page 3ntiv American pot.
'ea ‘1011-aiini....mpote
v-izCaraa-tee of au;
at the "old court- .
salt n.svicy allusion
s•stWett an‘Ittens
Aso Iftia have to,
,tti.L The pith of
%bat henceforth
rtInt uS, a* friends--
;* etititi6 ourselves
Ili:It*, as tet the
.•,;',Cetits fisheries, if
'zeS Americans,
a Ilritairithe whole
Ai a be wrested foe.
.11r. Mortil re, .
tor the roiled
'as for Britain?,
goue for ever,* he
th, ca.se of such
s.rv- that, the coins.
. -
-darner 06 tate re--
.for- t.be United -
to go ahead with
tzke themas bellig*
ks.v e act4aliy cow
raiLlor the present,
• on of laccordin•-•
a mere matter of 1
Goverement may /
- not for h. moment
tt they are doing'
c portrait of hej
' ostentationsty7
„zing in hostilities.
The Ferri -ens avoar
solicit and violent
Hihe'y ore plircbas.;
is of war -they
tast every preprrat
irameat a-anti:Li:make
` A -1d titer are do-;
„ , •
znates,„ unue
er the eyes of- the
th sligotest ekteck:.
r this its the cou:se
4 the Protiikk
her pcnis ta °pray
lietet--, that is the
arreie 1. The priva,
most secret and
le. Se profoundli
oblvet or destine-
Tiere might •
but to prevenC
legal eviderice, attt.
- tagnpon suspici-;
se zed and tried
sat of evidertie the
6 Alexandra "Yrsia •-
rhe 141i/4mi:is were-
ags was eommeneeel
fearing another faiI
o Ilestired for priva-
. front a desire to act
trtd Statesfact-
Or a large sum- of
their leaviricr.--
rerun:tent do?',hey
at privateers being
1.s., and not succeed •
it Wasimpossible.
e of the Atabehn, ,
ned but "only whets
Lad already
Fa and another res'
izedt get evidence,
s showed that they-
firzit. that the ye*".
can commerceissued
aithily. or ur suck
, was impossible to
seereel:v that the
ati that was -posai-
tc/ step theta. --
he Am neatt (jos..
td Of the re deo orgy,-
y-d.trk that it
it yie e dtod&11.
te pointkrarttery
to eTes,- cars,
.•:14 if- to lets.
Eine aTthiltt is poss7f-
t lies- It t- even -
et& Unlike Brit- -
cion,„ seited,a(essela
tedings, ffie United '‘
r &phial -Cot tbat-
izensr r0g4-5
• parallel which Joel:-
aka- for stasstsall-- --
, Britain, dutmgtbe
perfect harmony
:aims of Neutrality -
rtunatety„ Ffvridia
in her poltst, it was
shin stiteof the- ut.
event" n o Gov-.
oonsible for not
As to the United
etofinI eprecedent'
Enteral, we venture
its preeedent in any
. country permitting
; to,..organise "'openly
• for the purpose of
7 with, which it was
1st eomc -haa y
I mail, says
:bin% IS of an alaralz
fs.-that the rebelsin.
in evading Tsenett
some stronghold-m
kelp to go into win...
hat we can learn, it .
abets- were still far- •
taa into the °cott...
mastiff causingmuch
mt. Parts of Shan-
hei,and Szchuen,arts. •
order, and great oat.
ie marauders. Nink '
are much disturbed'
owing- more daring
has recently beak
Amoy, but not sof-
7ety ot foreign ships
• beaxily armed?.--:
wades are likely trk"
rebellion still exist.'
r, and Kiangsi.- TM-
rge amounts to frock _-
rOmea andchildscro*
are good fighting
miserable -nut/ if the -
seed to pa;tion soma
ir promse, 'We -haat
If them would accept
'of the contkuitioft
t.t9 the interest malAT
ra have in the blood-
indifrerence tothlk
ork 1 hiir vosstibek
eriyhodfs trunk
tutor' Soforion ,
hese who go tols02
-get them I °
zhaving tauderett
iett his Taos aid
attemptect taof
a door .slamuied in.
to speak wig,. *it
to call a.shot*
• 40... -An affectionate • Irishman Mice en-
iistedin, the Seventy.„fiftliBediment in order
IP be near his brother who was e$cifp_oral in
the- Seventy- sixth. :
A gentleman observed to another that
an offieein the army had -left his house wah
out paying his rent. • Oh' exClaimed Frank
Mitthews, you mean the tenant'
EitItORS. volt-TH.
A dentletrian: who•ottifered ftw :years f•oin Nenaus
_ -
OrbilityzVrentature Decat, uittt all the ellects•ofyouth-'
td..itidisetion. whirr -in- the sake of stisTeriag humanity
omitted to-arl who neetlitthe recipe and direetiellS fig
ri:aking ihi simpleiemedy by which he waseured.- Suf-
ferers wishing- to profit- by the advertiser's eiperienee,
catt741a so ha- addressing
- '
ST.It -tAiVrt,. BUT'
I• eryyo_ung lady and gentleman Lithe United t44ates
. -
eau hear sinnething very much to- tht4 advantagr• by
TZunl mail [free ot charge): by addriroing the under-
igtted. Those haying fears ot being humbugged will.
oblige b hot noticing- this:cardiI others, will please
-address their obediea servant, "
. . PM.
531 littatitway; New York:
417- i0 CONSPT-11-
. The advertiser. _having be resulted to "health in. a
few Ni=eeks bya -very simple remedy. after having suf.-
feted for several, years with a severe lung affection, and
. -that dread disease.. Consumption -is ant:sinus to maka
• known to -his fellow-ouffererit the means of cure. '
- ' To, all who. desire it he wilt tend -a copy otthepres.
• •drilltiott use.d(ftee ofeharge)t. with the directions for pfel-
paring and ustng the s.amewhich they will find -a -suns
-:-ccar for Co.vtlinettos. AsTIMA.,
COT.Tis., and all Throat aud tun g ktreet* s. -The only
object of the wive-cif:le-Fin sending the Preseription it to
• ,- benefit the atEictidand spread -Information athiell he
oneetves, to -be invaluelde, and he hives eyery sufferer
rernetly. as it will cost them, nothing:, and
--As-Amay prove a blessing. •
!Ntrues wishing -the prescription, rem by return mail
; Williamsburg, Rings cp..:1Nevr rork.
' Nem Xtbtrasentents.
Insolvent Act of 1864.
tbe maitei ty. Roland Bell af the Town-
slup of in the' cotenty of -
Bruce. . - .
he creditors- Of the Insolvent are -n.otiFed !
-Atha' he has: .made.lan assignment of his.
estate -and effects, under the above Act, to
* • ithe endersigned assig' riee, and they are
requilrad. to itienish me witLin two moiiths :-
from this date, with their chiims specifying
' the secutity they hold, Willy, ti;c1 the value,
or it and none, suiting the , fact ;, the
whole attested under oath' with the vouchers
in nuppprt ot euCh elinmsii
Dated at Goderich in the county of Heron
this seventeenth day of Miiieh A. D4866. .
e . Ngt ilillbtrtiSCIlICRtS. ' i NO 4 .: A BY-LAW- --- 186(j
. . .
• _ - • • if • To raise by way of Loan: the o" of Twenty.
- - • -ZI. - ' . . pt .
„Loi. (31-Q OM , Tem-ima: I. Thoii.and betters tor thepurposes therein men-.
- ,• .: • •••• I" tioneth
!II R It ril,
- ---7."---- ..-,.' • . . ... _ , .
._ -• _ l;
TITHEREAS the Corporation of the' United
' Coeinies of liiiron and Bruen haa re*olved
ANADIAN PAIN DESTROY1°.mde and 'tnPre" "'gilt meg and
Tisa Midieme for the immediate and pe 'Highways with the necessary' bridges for the
same within the said County of Huron.
nent removal of ah pain twin the system. ,-• ' - - • And 'whereas - the said iniproVetneats are kin-•
. - -Tlis, Carnation; Pain Destroyer . - titely within*.the.Ooini,:ynt:iNIltron-:;:antkl11:i ex -
Cures Blieuinattsiiii. Pleurisy -fond.- Paiiis - in , the woe .or ii,aking theame8 otdoay
• - . _ Back and Sides. --,-/the County irrespective of the-.Comiti; of
- .
The Canadian -.Pativ-:DestsroOr: - -- -- Brue,e, the mak _er t ebt will be paid by the said
.1teileyes Pain itt the Head:. and -Sii•-k Heedaelie. -Chunty of Huron, and ,the rate hereinaller men -
- - - -: The carra!itaa• Pant. Destroyer -,.-' - - tioned will he raised. solely • tipt-in the rateable
dares Rh loan:Colic and 'Cramp in the Stonmeh. . prope.ity Within. the said County or Huron.- And
• - ' The Carnahan: Pain Destroyer:- -- - s wherimti. to carry into:effect .the said-rot:lied. eb .
. .
:Cures Cholera, cholera Morbas„ „Dysentery. and jed.t. it a ill- he net essitrY for the said .tiUrpointion •
.. .. . /Jewel . Complaints. .- --- ". i , to raisethe sum Of Twenty thousand dellitr:s- iii •
The Canadian- Parir,' Destroyer, :. .. the manlier hereinafter -mentioned. ,
...: . ,.
- Cures Sudden Colds:and Sore_Thrtiati. • .- -‘ -Ana Whereas:it ts-exped ient to -define -the res-
- pective amounts to- be expended-on.ea..h . lino Of
' -- l'Ire Canadian Pair; "Destroyer - 1
- - ' - - - - - • 1 - road intended to be improved, it .iliall.be expend -
Curs . Cures Burns, Scalds, „Frost Bites' and Scalda.....: - -.
ed as set-ent in she Sehedule at the .eito of thern
, . TIte- Canadian P-allt Destroyir - - " - I. -mita pd forining Part of the tia.me.. And Where-.
-Cures-Neuralgia,. 'BC Douloureaux- and .'roOth.- as it wit: require: the sum, of three>thodaand two
litindred dithers- to be raised. aunt -ally ,by 'special
' -....- • .
,..; -,- Alf ss __. -We let the payment ot the said van' - or debt and.
The tionaaran .1--ffro D;vtroyer .
ls - also -an excellent thing tor- %roam's; Bruises, interest as also li-rernaftei.Me.:_tioned; .
Sprains andstrains.
., it takes away all pajii.the. - And- whereas themou
ant of the Whole isiteible.
moment it is linp.
, 1 . . . Y . ,
lied...--- ' - --
. • - - property Of the7said. ivlunicipality-iireSpective .ot j
. ..
. a fly. mune increase in the sante, and -irrespective
. .... . .
.. len Family Shouitt.he without -a bottle of ". -of -any income to be derived '.froin the temporary.'
.... .
The Cafiadiai • Pat - Destroyer i
toned ,;or any part -1 hereof according to -the last •
' . .. _ - :- . - . • --, I:anted-Assessment Rolls,--.tming tor the yea"' One-
- Pit -WK. -L-25 cents per Bottle: All ottlersshonfd, thee -sand eight Iiiintlied awl sixty Ave as Night-
: be addressed tO' --; . . • ' - : *`- Millions and fitly" five thousand; Seven hundred
• . - • . ' .-.--•
. . ,and sixtytwo Doll ais ., .
ii'. ' ." i--..- ..
.. - . „-Now.p,,siteic„ mr...,,___ . '
And whereas fin pa, it gth el i it•iSI and
x r
..; - -: - - creat-
ing an equal annual sinking loud for pay kg the
: •1113- Sold in tioderich by Parker k_Cattle and. said sum, of twenty thousand .dollays aed Interest
F. -Jordan, Gardiner at Uo.. • Brevfield; James- as hereinafter mentioned, it will.requ ire an appal:
Bentham;Rogerville, J. Pickard'. Exeter, 1: 14. annual•special tate oftbur teaths ot*m null in th.e
_Combe- Clinton,.E. Ricksha! Seaforth, and all
--Medicine Dealers. - _ ,
- - - , --.,.- „ - t , , .
4 . iproo.um,._ .dbelliteitir.ici:iaildetlaiitti,ohirs..etoar!ll'etlietrit_tes and 'Mies to
. . ,
. _ . • -, .-
. . -• - --• Be it thereareenattted bY the Corporation of the
-Relief In Ten Minutes! .--United Coen! irti °canton -Mid-Bruce.
---- • - ''''''''''' ' ' . -• - ' ' - .• --- lat-. That if shall be laWItil fer the Ward*n for
.- - - - - - ' tclr A bir'..q : .
. , 'the- t Mi. being orthe aforesaid- Corporatihn to
• . • . . •
. . .
.PULMO MC - W A Fi E R 8 ratse IT waY of Lein -froittliny person or persons •
• - investment of the Slaking nd hereinafter. men-.
. bedy or bodies Cerporate.who mai_ be *thing t
`The most eirtain and OpeetlY renadvatute the saise upon the credit ofthe Deben•
ted)," eiei diseovered .. .
_ for all diseases of the . . . . tures hereinafter mentioned, a sum. of money not
.. ceediev in wt-.
Chest and 4 Lugs, .- coughs, , COldexirs, thelieleahe-stim.,of Twenty then
S; sand aoliaanti
:-' to cuse the Mlle to be paid
• •
Asthma. Consumption, Bron- into the Welds of the Treasurer of the [Need
' -Thais Influenza - Counti.,s aforesaid for thepurposes and IVO the
ilogreeness,- . .Difficult Breathing, Sore 01.)leetabovereCited. - :
. . - : , .• ..
. .
Throat, -4-ett
.-_,: e:- • - - ,- • 11 l'hai• it shall be-la:wild for the toe.d Warder!'
•- - . • .
- - - - • - - - to -cauSe any number of debentures ta_belailade:
. . -.
- • - --• .. - - • -- - • rimsufth SUMS el -money -ai may be required not
These . Wafers. ;pre the most mstantimeoncand per . less than one Hundred- boll ari each. and that the
. . • . - .
foci mid' xyhen persevertawith according to directions said - Debenttires shall. be sealed With the:seal "or
never tint tO eileet n rapid andlasting Cure; Thousanda , tlie'slud Gorporlition and sigeed_by thesai.. „4 -_,Wer.•••
hare beeit restored to perfeci; health: who have tried
other tneans in vain, To altelaiseg and all constitutions uen•. ,' • - • ••: . ; .. " . _- - . - .. - ' • - -
they are _a blessing and gore -none net•d despitir. ito - HI, That the said debentures . Shall be inside.
- matter:how long the disease muy have existed; or how avinleuyears at -lurthest kora „the day
"4 eere it -play iii., puotided -the organic stmeinte of the g--, - a 14-
ereninher mentioned - for Row By Law`lotake
vital drain; is. not hope.essly decayed.- EY_ery one
stfticted shuoid giei them au impaled ituti; . • •-• - - 'efleet in- London, Eng land, arsome.place in Vim-
: 'fade. to: be desitonted in the aaid:debetitures - mid.
. , shall hake attached tothem,cuipoits Inr. the par.
these Wafers are peculiarly valuable.; they willin one Mettt td. interest. • : .. _,.:. .. ..,i; '• .
day.remo%-e'the most 'severe occasioutilloarsent•ss and: IV- . That the said tiebeilicrea. end &moons
their regular. 11;3.e. fit a. few clays will, at -all titnetc. In- ... .
shall De made out • in -eitaer- Stirling Money. or -
crease the power and inflexibility cfrihe voice, greatly.
improymg its tune. "coinpliss. -en& clearness. fin-- wait+ PrOvineial-Lurrenev.,of.this -Pitrritinee at the- op -
purpose they are regularly -used by :many - Professional tion :of tho•' said Wardell, "so that- the Whole
Vocalists - • atitount et -the said Dobentuies shall not :exceed
. JOB- N1OSES. sole Propriator,•Roched4r, N.Y. '
„ ; . •
. - - 8, POLLOCK. '
..... ' Mild Assignee for
sw5S - Ifuren & Bruce: - =
. .
_TIIE' Price 25 cents perbott.
• . ;
0 _pe THe Ti3W.Veiii/tpt OP -
. • and, -
W N- -70 S • H
win be held in -the Village of Luck -now on
vw- Tuesday the Tenth day of' April at Ten
:o'Clock A.,- M: when the following prizes
-wilt be ;
For the: Best_ Stallion far -agrieuttarial per -
11 -• -Beg 5
For.11ie Best Bull.
" 2:id Best
The Directors • if they consider the Best
SalliOn deserving will add an additional- five
the abover.rixe..
' -1 he Stiiboii obtaiiiiiis- the first prize will-
I -.1
oe requirea in stop one uav a weeK -mum:
1 the seasoit in_ the Villaee of •Liteknow.
• Segetarv. =
-Liiekkow March 17tli 1866, . • sw9L8
Veicalistor arid Public Speakers -
Voeal strand l'ublie Speakers .
Vocalists and Public Sp`eakers ., . •
min find: Btrin,it. mif,,,T mg the contianance.of the said dahentureel at the
1 ) .
.trilf iii,d Brawl, .weest. Vace where the debetifurea are nude payable. 4
invitinabie to -remove. . . • -r - • -:.-V ,Thitiprilic purpose -of .-forming*.iiitiking
Invaluable -1e -remove • ` 'fi-indfor,tlie" paVinenv of the said debentures -end
. ,,,„,„.„... .....,,,,,,,,„_,. hst
- ibeibtenist at the rale siteresald, -to beettaie ducl
Haid-cpre Thrash aleiV., -,t, .,...........-. -... - - - .....
-. - - ' - - -.• ' "'"""'1"4" -Pal'!"'!"-`:: ''''"'' .tiseie-oof-i-Sin-eqnaterecial rate of fourtentlei of ' -a
... _ • .. _ . turarienes.„"uie• mum, lent' itilhellothir•shali in addon to ell -other rates
't And gft-e ctenrneis to the Voice; "*.', * • ' and -taxes be •raisedievied ;And collertkd in melt
-And gwe clearnesstothe'-VoiCe, , i . year, solely-liponsitl the iiiteable properly widen
Anil give clearness to the Voice,_ . - the stticl;County of Huron during the eronthiu-
'Mel' l'erli in -ten uninine$! . atice of said debentures 'teeny Of them •
- --- Theef TreeilEVC 1-1111 ;tell! rlaillgilUttr; I lit - -.That tido Byl.ii<yr"shall taice. etreet and
.Coughs. Colds.itud-all discuses -I ' . come into Operation upon the first day ql,Iiii„r in
'Coughi, Colds. auctall diset.ses:. . the year 01 our Lead one ti ousand eigl it hundred
5 cinighs, Colds:tat-I alt diseases • .• , , . and sixty, iix
L ._ _ -,, •-• . .
, ---- - 471 -the• Chest- rind leings:•' , ' - • *. ' -;,. = .-- _ „sr
- . . . • Of the Chest and Lrinv. '
-01'dte Chest triul Lungs.
tlie belbre ment.oned 'SUM Or. lwenty thousand
• dollars and they shall- bear interest at and after
- the rate ot int -per centain perstimu_nip which In-
terest shall- De paVable on the first der of Sentiarf
• • . and first day Of J uly in each and every year dur-
Insolvent Act - of 1864;
2C.` the ciente,' -of lrolker
-sold by all Ilritggists,
.5 -old by altPrugglets. . '
; 0,41 by all ty.uggtsts,:, . , _ REFERRED TO IN.THEIVREGOING4
' APIS centsa box
-A1-25`."'"" 1' Oive tk9uSand eight,hubdred Doileri :to be ex-,
•-• - ---7 - - - - - the Fv.rt Albert lictitiL- ' -... .-' --
_ At 2:7! centra hoz .pendoi on
- ',Northrup :&,.... Lyinan, -Newcastle General. . three thoiisand doilarSon the:Wineltaiii Woad
1 •• , ,.
'Three tholisand Dollitte itirthe 'Seat -oral and
gents for the-Canadas, - -
- - 6 • 1 Bilmore Rt ad. --- , - • •-• .- -' i "--
r-2--Xold in Dodt :ieh br Parice.r k Cattle. -and F Jor-. .
Two thousand Dollars on the ilce.-e- icr!./.Road
Ilan; (farilinctic Cn., Ilailit-Id ; 3as. trenthi -i. linget. •
rdbi'l t• PiqkatiL Eseted; .1: IL Combe, Olintait 'F., Sth and 9th Conees-ious..";• : . ,iD, din- 41,-.."....on;_t"h-e
llickOon. .4.seatorth. anti all medicine deatert -.1-‘,..v•35:ent 1,-, ........."-teTii-Whoenthmeattistalatiii6mte hundred _, . .,
• .
_ ' ' Two-theta:sad dollars on thelTurGravel Rood.-
, .4_._...1 _ a. IN inett.en hundred :Dollars on the Mail ' Ruda
. .. - - . _ ..
- --- runiung to Towit- Plot ot-Grey, . -. - .
- - • -.. ,
T .vo hundr.:d 1 -ollars Coares-
Therreditors of the insolvent are notira41
Celebrated. r-exiiale -
STR, - Gitdeifeh. -
that he has made an assignment of his p
Nc °Tit/1RJ
.esiate and effeets under the a-cive et t
Pp:red from. .qame.inir(pMeitsib" f - -
K.- A ° Clarke Al.D PXygivan g.iifelordtnary
, •
Sae, the undersigned assignee, tiiid, they are . . ,, .
rectiiiiied 're ' furflielt nie vii.bin two months: . . ,.-t- 111- ti,'LLQue-en. • . '''
- from Otis date, with their claims. riecifyinit ;II,- vayuisme •eielliguie is unfailinfi in the
Cr it i.- and if lf `. Dane, itating>the. fact; the to;telneh 44e..--. female constitution is matiect, It
. security t er hold, if any,..allti the Tame. =tirre °lair-thole painhil and .dange-rods_diseases
' .thereto for„tne perporeof barring ner dower,
, . .11,,..„„ ,s.ganziat (teibisch 1'ttwo weeks.. -
Given undennylisingthis Eighth Am" of Mirch
is in
wholenttsted toiler oath, with the support itiSlecsifisi-" elt.excess and removes nil obstru.tilin!"5, defonit having been wide in the due-paytnerit If664
ofsuch '
- , - . :. .. ._ . ....r.imeAsKspe'etly c.ure ropy be relied on -
thereof, f. and.'nOtice been given to all parties
- , - HttiOli and Brom+
,a• -
The - above- is..a trua-VOpy of -a propose., By
Law 10 be taken into consideration by the '19 ii--
.-nicipalitv of tht United Counties of Huron and
K & C
Late Kerr, Brown & Co., and Kerr Mae anzie
Will he ready to show
:0 F
• IN
The -Trade is respectfully invited tolispei-t.'
Rittbilton, Marek
-.•00 It A 'T
- -tql-3 THE
0- _
'United Counties ofit-
HURON. A N D nuct.
"MtiTit:B -is beieby given that application will
...I. be made at the net rliession et the Pbovia-
Cial P.arliament for an Act to Legalise bv-La w
--Nc. '7, 1865, the United Coindien-.4 Buren'
:and Bruce. • •
- • )1Y.Pfdei; - .
Counties CITE& 1k..
March-, 1866.; - W7-2rd
• Melted Cooties of ?B Virtue'. of a Vat Oi
12AR,MERS and others -desirous of purchas, Huron afid Binee;? Venditieni Ex poini,.aile -
' L' , Lands" are informed that the Canada 1 . Te Wit : . . j_Fi;frsi Fclelli"-irfef.0-•:sr-itdhe if; .
' - :Col/wally have • United Counties ofilis r.a.* Blew., and to zne Aliz
o I . : sited out oilier Mame -, t ( Lf ii 0
- •''...' ' - r vied a ainYt the] rids and tenements ei-M m
--Ilylin C4, ,4. tip- Sell or -Lease e . g - a - - . '
. Hawthorne, at the suits of it he Downey Bryce
j a In es Playfapiv, John MeMurrieri. Samuel Gann
.• ' - In various parts of the Province..
I -5th of MA
. The_CO,mpat! W.o,iitldie-ipaorrt_ic.ularly_ - invite _at - staiddeeidielieenudaailllufillite arilitt-oiLitioet noitudviten' trerfeisvte-o. fttahLite
tendon to their WILD, LANDS in the 'Conn. -
side of William . street. in 1 he.Vil I age -of Welker.
. . . . . , •• _ ton in -the County of Brace, which lands .and len,e-
• aimits 1 sball oiler for sale at my 4-iliee in the
' kiuttON AND PERTH 4
; : , • . 9 Doan Hintse 111 the town el Getkrich, en !rues-.
Whieh win be disposed of on liberal terms to ,-day the Seventeenth day of April mat. at the
- • .,
partie-s - who *ay be Prepared topa1 I.N hour of-
ta`erie -ot the -clock noon. .. , ..:
. .
CASH, or a considerable sum do*n. ...
. Sheriff/s urtn7i =Goderieh I
. 9anad4 corany• s Office tr. , " ' erfoisreb; .40- .- ' C-
. - I ' • _ 41:41.1d .
Toronto; 1.9th DeC'r, 1865:- • - 52vi3M - _ _
. , ohn Minot, I have -seised gind taken in
. . .
. _ If Court of Revision for 1110 Tetvtieffp -811. -
tip to '.the'15th Mach. (when, our Stock Commences ) we will: offer ti* the - :8 El! Rill Alssegstettn titt.ififibrPe%seeiDdfz,t1I'eniviii8rn,-44':!„e:
Public the
, at Cost, in order to make tomn for
Give us it call " before _buying elsewhere.
Spring. S‘eds, Stallions and 11011s: ern/ C
. _ -„... •
. . • . April coinnieneing ata., - _ - -
feditok 011 Saturday .the l'th flay. ot
A.2., soeiety,-will be hekl in Boderich, On. _ .., 4 -
' - - - ° ' c Pil frt.': -
'A N Exhibition -connected with the 'above - C. 0- /,
. . 'Township clerk, -Steplier.
garch-ittli. 1866. . - , . • . Avl
'WEDNESDAY,: 14th VAllt11,-.1836, , .
for Spring- 'Seeds,. -when the •follewin&r- Pre- - -
- - FOR A1LE OR. TO AENT.' '
ipms will - be awarded: Best- 10 bushels - - -4.7 -
1.11E wellistoarn Jude Farm.lei :No. 2 -
Spring Wheat 0.00, 2nd -do 7.00. 3rd de 1 .7
em.) B. D.. Colborne. This farm is
5.00 ; best 10_ bushels- Data 3.00, 2nd do -witi-Inthaimaisomodench, oer, is 7t4 soris .
2.00, 34 do 1.00; - best 10 bushels Peas
3.00, 2nd da 2.00, .3id de 1.00; 'gest 10 cleared, elearcd, and a,f-ame house andJuirn. One -
1:001 hest bushel Timothy Seed 1,60, • "ind from 9 to Aram chciped, endhas -never been
leer of stumes, and the 'other half-
hushels Birley 3.00: 2nd 'do 2.00,- Brd do. half In c
ploughed, 1,1sare are also a young Orchard cf .
do. 1.00; best 2 -bushels Corn 1.00, 2nd do
0.75, 3id do -0.50-;-_best bushel- Flei• Seed -158 trees cf4he best aslertm"t of fruits
1 50, 2nd do good *ell awl pump. As to tennt; kti
Best hush. Clover Seel $3.00 do $2 0.11!) aPply to -
- 'All the Seeds taking premiums to b sold
Colbornei Nov.- 30 1S6(.. . 4.5 I to
lo-refeteuee to above, let it be distinctly nnderstood that no Goods will -be stlbject Show day- at a price not to exceed 12/ cents
•to Exchange (unless especially agreed Upon at *the time) during the continuance of tlio per -bushel over and 0b0Ale the market price
. • -,.. • • . to the „members of the -Society only, on the -
- •
Goderich, Feb. Ft!), 1866., _
izio ry rir c• ci .
on that day.. .
The exhibition of Stallions and Bullswill
- take pla,ce at Goderich Oti Thursday, -.12th
'UNDER stall vtrtue of a Powci of Sale.
containe4 ju a mortgege made by _Sint -
Adams of Ore Township of Morris ther
day .Qf April; 1866, When the following net.
Countv - of Ilisqp,. yeoman of the rust ,parf .
• premiiitns will he awarded: best .Stallion for
and Agnes Mimes his wife of.the second part
- tenets! purposes -V:0;00, -2nd hest de 8.00.:
5,00, -2nd best de -4-.00, 3rd hest dO"3.06. the parpsge of baring her Duwery de.
. 3rd best db 6.00; best Of any class for
fault bavingiisoninade in To payment there-,
The Stallions taltina-premiums must travel
of) will be.sohll .
ON TINS mum 271k 1061 -
at twelve o' tom, at Sir.. P. -C. Raniu -
ar•is Auction Richmond S,tree.t in the
City of Londosi, e followintt. property, that
is to sly the S • half of Lot- 25 in the` -
111TR58bIleANcret'ar* ilinhtzlride roeuncesstif otilizt4Dfrothoe„ cTopnwtaiVnilinPg6Ofhlte4branw4i0:'
- - .v.1 lireDdeacedregundimertitillerlitelr of Sale. -
Goderick.Feb. 5th. 1866. -
„ . is
. .
- Farm. for Bale Possessum Strtek imalediatell.
Retail Customers Supplied at Wholesale Prices. within tEe. limits of the County Society and
• . stop at the following plates not later than
1 Porter's Rill, Hohnestille, Clinton, ahd-
•'Sniith's Hill and continue thronahout the
every ninth • dai, viz Goderich Town,
I st Soot oi Leo .ons. . 20
2nd- -do de •
Sequel to do- . .1.9 •
3rd Book ef Lessona 124
4th do . 16
"tith -do. ' do 20 ;
ITicattles' E-PFliab Grammar .....*: 61001 LOVelPsUeneralGeograpliy60e.
spegineB.00k superseded 23111 edi. to i Campbell's do - - 70
1st Hoek of Arithmetic $-ot Cis. ..I0 Johnson'a l ietionary,. ... la'
1 Sancster's Emilia:al do .- . -.. , .20 -- Walk-er's - do • . . : 25
_ g! :„V. Rotuma! • do. ..... 'bi) -- Web -gees ". 'do .- . ... 25
Easy esSons fit ea p q . .. Rodgia's History of Canada.0 :
1 Pinnock's History of England; .,.. 60 1 ire Garland reduced to. ...;.: 10
-AND-A.14L-OTIIER Sl.;110 ui.) poorts- AT pRbia:oiitipNATgLy1Lovi RITE!
- . - - -
. .
Conditions at itale made known lit. time*
of sale, or on it leation to the undersigned.
41 SMALL farm of excellent lattd nicely - EMI BAyNEs REED
"aituattri, facing the- Meiltand,•and gollititof for the Mortgagee's.
- . - - -
- - within 3 miles of the flourishing Village -of sw53td • London, W.,
- 14, on the niuth CQR: of -00 Township of
Wingham;.beintt the south half of Let No.
. . nsolvd*Act of1864
Turwierry, Contaiaing 40 acres,. 23 acres - "-
Good RuledNote Tuner . . Se per quire-:: C• ommon Envelopes (20 •.• -5a per paCkage:
do, - oolseae-- • • • •.• do . • • -do • . . . - do
Goisl quality reps.... a•per doz S• late Pencils 4
". •
0,0 • JD • 41,,•-•pcid
A-12 leaved Copy Book. --..good paper -with blot•Sheet for fic. Slates, YencilS and -every article •of
Stationery at Reduced Rates. le be had only at tlie; • ' ,
Signal Office AoOlcik Stptionery StOis.
• , • . .
(1 I 111.1dL:i "
.101•14P ,-•••: I ...al 11,...,1•11 WSW asesti.
• .
• • - .
.a Power of -Ssile4tintained in a
chopped,. 16 acresofwhich the.sturups will Province of causa4.- ln the CountY Court of
-come out: 'Will be sold cheap for cash, - County of Hr,roth United -cotietie!I _of lite.
. For further particulars apply to . To Wit: ron and th-nee.__-:
JOHN W. BOWMAN, Thomas Currie dt Altitinlittrron McDougall*
• • __ .. . General Agent, Winglatm. • - • , - Plainttlis-;
/an. 20 -1.866. ' , • - . .w52 3nt - Versus .. -
. , I . . - * Alexander Cmaphallo . . - Defendant
p-wE 4 11,A5iB- Caine into 'the' itremises of IT'' reading theapplicatiort herein ihe WM _
. .
l..J of Attachnjeat And the papers Ake, it ie
-,:intehiltoothaste!:hhe7mloidt4Si: ..!tiltscpopntetnEthe. Dr iasCiiila-- above ordered,nathmaetdareinOct ebtetliteci-dCredbeinoorers „swot' Oft
white Ewe and Laiub. The. owner is requeat. the Court House idtheTOen -et filmier:eh iiithe
'ed: to prove property, pay chargesLand take .sblifisdiCaroczAties.4.144MetitliatiN2•0-thme-oetvz:voyt-zaftehrdiiivey; - '
them -away. - ... ,
ment id an ()Medal. nee for 1 he Estate atc-1
* - SAMEEis MITCARwL_Llip_,
PtirP°Def8e ueftigdalleitag. I : adtvl"ce S'rIC:ns' 4dhe "1"111.1i6 i -
, . :M9114`age 'made h.y ,Leuti:iii Ait_hiir. in
March 1.5th.,.1.86. •6. 14 .--' . !„.___._,,.. - - 'Ft 9, saidNolice bpoub71.0.,ed. inithei:ttnpadeireGaz4othfget Iwit
McConnell ot the 'trill:tee :of Blyth ' the- - ' . -- '
: -comity of, Huron, his wife being it` tiarty Porn3.-e'r Notice 7 -With- weeks pursuant to the Btatii.e,• and .= lbw
.. drawn ,
, dr -
_Rime. Mlle County Court - Bdont tr the 'rown
ol- GialesiCh, in the County of "Huron, on- the
Fourteenth day Of rune, 1866; at the hour of two
o'clock in the afternoon: it time and
place metnembers of the Gonna are -hereby re-
I . I
• 'Datedarit Doderich in the-- comity of jrieron"- TO MARRIED LADIES-
Allii.sesenteenth•da.y cf•March A D 1864. peculiarly suited. lt will, in a short ume 41111 -ed le attellajer the Pnr"
interested there will be sold-
(8'd) C(101'ER. Judge,. .
-tv7-2tj -
- _ & poLLutz4;. - - bring on the monthly petaid-with re
uularity • , PE ER ADA
- - - - Counties Clerk. .
ofariai Assignee. Bairn b2ttle;priee.-One Dollai, beers the Goy- COunty Clerk's office. .
on Tii_esday the 27th . d9r.
A. D.1.866, at 12 o'clock noon, _ -
eminent rctamP'01Great Britain toprevept ooun- Goderieh, 9th March,.1866. . Ns.6 .
.- on Brace. terceity
ISLIC011IT 9 "
KON111.41 lioul ERE nes e Pills should apthe taken 1.,, f,, daring
"i as they are sage= to Mao. trit.lifisear- .
3 MaKh 1666 • -
- At Shane's Hotel. in. the Villaee "of Blythe, e unicip - Coutell
THE SITBSCRIBERS, beillg a n ,
foliCwing property, -namely: --Lots num- .
1 ave
.OF LETTEAS • 09-aerieN have determined thsell off
t to e
hers 7; 8, 10 11, tg, 13, and 14 in Block A ; F the • - ng pas-
Township_of Usborne havi
- 0- the .F'1RS2. THREE. 11101$171-18 of Preg. Goderich Foot Office - s" erciek Lout numbek; - 6 7 - 8 9 -11. 1•12' 13. and sed a By Lase repealing* the By La* pas
REM/Oaf/NG in the
ses of 'Nervous and Spinal Atreefionso ,B1 THE - 11 12 13 14 d 15 i Bi elc1C1- La
, -. an . n - o ; ts- with the Tenieerance Act, prohibiting the
Q ec ors a. year, in net,01 nee
ITTA.NTED by the-subs...Tiber t d -
• ••• C.. e t er t -e aougt°... o2r et:11.1 - -rien all Lut at a" °tiler "IThe dieY ar I A_da ir David 1%fartin John •
- . 14 in' Bleck B Lots. nembers 6; 7 43 9, 10, e,
VI 111A tql h h alre9
• Meyer A J
-aelleP 9n shares, where -.there is' plenty of Pains in. the Back and•Limba,_ Fatigue on alight. t am
- work, it being on the Durhaiit Road in the exertion,_Palpitation et' the 'Wart, Mysteries end Adams John (Feg)'
, n5....ne ogee apply but a f
• . ." g other means have. failed ; and althoueh a i7ower-
I ied next suiiimer,
Office Chunty of Bruce C. W. . tr - _Paekage2Y - h. -h , __. . . _ BennetMr-
the oittiplilet around etieh. *EV Andrew -
steady. inalit - ' Appiteatida to be made t ulremed , do not_ecestain iron..ealemel, anti -
sr e
0 mony,or anyt ing. nail. to the constitution.. - Burn
thb undersie,..rned Enniskillen,. Greenock Post :Felt directione in
- -HUGH SIONTGOIRRY. . Sole agent for the United States and Crinadas,
which should- he carefully preterved.
.w8- 6t • London, C.. W. Hell ltowtand 2 Farr John •
,.. township. of Greenock, which --s to be ravel Whites; these Pills will effect- a cure whenau Ailiton Timis
-March 20th, . 8w3m -
This 'is -to forbid any person or persons creil
- JOB &I08ES, Rochester, N.y.
10 any authoifted agent will insure a bottie Mt- Bliek • . During theiale nO GOO& JOH be- P; L. S. in 1860. Terme made knoWn t Thursday the 29th MARCH -
N'B.-$1.00 and six postia*ge stamps, enclosed
k D sale of Intokicating Liquors the Township
L..... 2, :3, 45.5, 7.• and 8 in Bloc ;
Morris Mark of' Nay fle3ct-p. totE- nutebers.4.2, 34 4. fit -and 6, in • _ -Tfl n Amy Gmv.
• Mins MetraeW
. •
- .Moore -/LP . • -.) Black Ri-otifcConnallhstirvey the said: .•.- E, . . ,
-Mattliewson Wm
village of Blyth,_ the seine being -subdivisions That a Meeting of the Munieipal
• , and Comtnencing on ; of parts of lots numbers one rind two in t ie.
. 7 - of,the
hielkets11. A rch
Benedict W.Henit Mi.:Gregor Chat': 7 'Thutsday, . the 22nd Instant, . a
_ In- tne gam county ot Harm', se the same re
S01(11000 • MeL Ann Men Township of Usbortio,
- tenth -concession' of the Township of Morris - -
- -
-B k Ma • Miss MeQuire Oath Mt - the will- offe such eitraordinary indoCe% laid down and -des:pi-wed in the -registered -
ur Ifs 3'r will be held in the Township Hall on -
Beard J McKay (*roue " nients as must ensiles a speedfeleame.ee. plad-thereof, reade by William Ralph Esq., -
Insavent Act of- 1804.
_ .
Ta the matter of William COViati and Edwaret
-i• Cowan Insolvents The Creditors of the In-
solvents are nOti5ed that -they have teiiie
'an Assigntuent of their Estate -and greets
. under the above set, to me the underaigeedt
Assignee, mid they ate i requested to fermis
me within two months from Ain, deter- -with
their thums7specifyingthesecuriti.theY hold:
if any, end the value of it, and if none -stet-
, -
'n the facts. the whore attested tinder male
urith the voutheis in sup ort of; such elannst.
- •
Dited et tioderich m the County a.
Huroh this 14th day ot Mareh A D 1866..
9 swr- Ofel Assignee for
Huron 4 Brwit.
t '
itinc,`-any of Mr &filly as I will nothold
McConnell James Me
.tainingfiltv' Pills, by return mail: - • _ Broeutou Hobt MODermid John
'""j°' G. 0 t APPROBAT ON
-- at ten o clock,. Ai. 'M.
, - NORTHRUP .t.LyprA$, . -00,,i„,ander w - MciretySimeon-. Nen: u .00
Newcastle, Campbell Co'in McMullan Wm , . . •
gi-ent tor( anode,. - -Cimpbell-David •
McMillan Win
.Goderich, March 6th. , a6tj deeide *whether or not the ilepeal of said
_myself veeponsible for it. - 1:r Sold in Goiletieh by Parker dt Cattle and uooke Henry *Gregor WM nor will, any article purchased be taken back.
a -
By Law be confirmed by. such Electors.
• - • WILLIAM FLUICER.' . F. Jordan ; Gaidiner et Ce., Bayfield';' James -cameron John .
hi/ - -- N. 8,7...All accounts remainiitig cuitettled. , The above Sale it .poinyoned until liyfdinsi- -
. Heathen', Rogennlie • J. Pickard, Exeter ; Calloway.Joshua - Nig Alfred nue
Manibester March. 20 1866. - vt8 3t. Combe, Chnton ; R.Aiickson, Seaforth, creid James Oliver Alex
Ott the Olit kiARCH nextclwag hatIded day- • ' • - - T Cl
• .
' Medicine Dealers. • * "38'1 Creighton.1 Brien 0 John t9 11!1 IseRk1051441.01,f0nP. • SINCLAIR it WALKE_11. Ushorne. Ireb-26th, 1866. sw46w2td
• - - Cantelon Sariiit - • Notsoit.Jolia
'LIST oF LETT.ER.s. Notoon tairitrole, 0(ra
-Damian thos Ntobot Ittobt -* •
-TEN Of -4 imProved Farms .for sale in the REMAlNiNG in the Dungannon Iiost Office, 2Dougli0 Henri
--Pap:it Win
Coantien cif liuron, Perth, and hiiddlesek. on 'the 1.2th Atlareh, 1666. --- • .
For.pareetilars apply to.the --indersig.ned.- 'Bowers 11i -short' liticeleviii • Porties C C eapt
DAVID GLASS, Barrister.' sexier James' blcMath m Fowler George Robertson Wm -
Bathe -Sand AngOs
MeGrottan William
LOST -The Subscribe* lost on Saturday: Easkie George.- . CERN
Perlin Ma
Beggs David 2 •
Forpyth Hot- Srmtii '
goorieh, -lath aws6v-4.-Or:
McCabe William
MeNevin Donald
e. - Sutherland (leers% Miss -
0041erlok March leth, 1866. slv68td
Take Notice.
, . 13Y.I.JA.W NO. ONE:
tO open ;led establish -a -new road through Lots
munherg 21 iti4 22, in the lfith goncession of
the Township of•HoWli4r, In the County of
Huronaed Prentice of Canada.
- . -
E it therefore enacted. bv the Municipal cenn-
. cil of the Township if Hotvick, end n is
• iTICVMr...Crabbis Store -a cheque •for Bruwu "(lie* . SAMUEL POLL-OCIc' lati,Dep.nty, hf:embYanedneafteetedr thbelt.inthael;slasisdinlig rfTnirsaBlitifYliatC18.1.
ee- under the -InsolVent Actof1.864_for the
the•Itth inst.. ibout 12, between A. Don. Brown i°hp
- McOardy Robert
Sheriff has been appotnte official Assign. that the: following new read ebes be opened
agreea e e•
bl to th • description herehiafter-set out,
F'isher David : id;eveiliatn Cho
- Minato:15.7min. - -
Ginder Charles--
B3S. and a leiter,direetelt to Wor. and Chas- CatieedIr Mi$3 Salley 2 - McDonald Archy
Durnin these Were rolled up itea Silk Hand- male ihas . Mccia John sind front and--eiter that date these! pieee ot
Smith John
Smith W`F Mrs
Smith,Sar,ah -
sutherland (ler
'Spews Robert •
SkirvingRoht- _
' United Comities -of Huron and Bruce. - road eeibrared- within the said deseriPtwn, gball
kerchief,*the finder Trill be sintaly rewitided Campbell Robert *2 . -
_- Hill George •
Higgins lames
Hurst j Margt
• kluttonAVm ,
• Hunter Wm '
I -Jardine Joseph
Joy Thos -
` Kirkpatrick E
by leaving,theinkat Donogh's Tavern. -Campbell Thai • •
. -
JOHN- DURNIN-. Cook_Henery
bfarch, 1866. itir58 Dau rass Hefleilr
111r0/11 -Y TO LEND 01.1 Pr°Ted Firms DoplaguiehYu:ViraCt2hy
Ai+, at a moderate rate of interest. For par, proney Arthur _
ticalars apply to the. undersigned-. _ _
DAVID GLASS, Barrister. Flin James
London, 0„ W. Ferguson Robert 2
Roach Samuel.
Finley Witham
si8-6t •
*TAKE NOTICE. -Giboroarne:s.
Gowrly Wilke
THE Municipal. .Councik cif the Township a
Goderich having _missed - a by law repaid. Higgins demo 2
Ing theBylaw passed the by
last Higgins William
year accordance with the Temperance Act Basset Allows'
prohibitine, the:late of intoxicating liquors in Redly Nicholas
tha-Townsitip.- - /It ud,r4°11Th" : -
110TIOE IS HEREBY GIVEN Johnston John 2
' Park Joba •
Phillip WM
Phealen Daniel
Pollard Mr -
Phillipe /Samuel
Peirce Thos
-Park Jeremiah
Rooch William
Ryon Mrs
-.1tumNe Matey-
- Sanderson Robert
• Sanderson Jane
Smith Witham
Savage Sarah
Savage Margret .
Steiferis George
Stewart 11101r •
• .
- Templeton
'ravish Robett -
- Tint Win
• White. David '
Wsgganer theige
' Lorimer George - Waldo W G
Laidlev John- - Willisunsonjames
: tf'hite Leweiten
. Montgomery J E MO Wilson Benj John, -
Moore .Hlugh Peter (reg)
• _wl - ARCM) DICKSON. P.M.
given that --------- pplication .Februa:ry 20t1i, 1866. _ sw50 be used
OTICE islereby
publ-c highway., and shall lo ull in -
will be made by petition toliOth Houses , - 4 tents andArposlobe part e'( -the roads 'of said -
have the Township. 'Of Wavranosh - in the- • - _ • __The ge.scrie on efsaid new line of lona. Ali
nada containing by admeasure-
Cutinty of Hurofcidivided 'lite two muniee, „TgE,Cottrt of Reviston: tortheTownahip -ot and premises inmate,. lying and being* in the
seta, betiveeP lots numbered tVienty•seien lath 00 Moriday the 30t117 day' of.April next, .PrOVinee or Ca
of the Legislature at their next meeting to
Itigol*.ent':Att -0.1864.7
• arid singular that ration Jared --c-r tract of land
of Howick the County of Hiwon end
palities, by, aline running nearly north and • (leder-kb will be at the Hohnesville: Toweship
ancriomonetadlfetTretirlr tlfieLsameNrriore or
and twentright. The said divisions ta be for the purpose -of hearing appeals 14111118t =t171:
reepae.ti, • • -JOHN SHAW - sion ot saiiPTownship of Rewick which may be
J- . tiewOn Ts p clerk: .e-------------------------------- .- wit oramenc at a post planted on tire we eel) -
- - tWenty-ofe and I-gzenty Iwo inotheilrh joinnbecies-rs'
" "" and, !! Weianosb, Assegimenti -
Tewnshi.cierk. descr.bed as °Howe..
C st .
tattier! and Finigell got&
4 - sessms.s.
VIIIKVING tented and fitted np the store(
lately‘ocenpied byA. F. Busii,`for the
above business, I sin no prepared to furnish
.fainilies with '
Groceries lila Provision*
which I shall sell at the Lowest Cash meek
Flour and reed
kept constantly on hand.
A share of Your,patronage . Will be thank -
fully received and fiuthfullpettended
Wines and.LIquors, Crockery
and Glassware,Fancy Goods, :
-lte Oatmeal Cornmeal,- -
.9 -
-Buckwheat Flour, •
. Ste Ste'
- ;
P. S.I7Goode will be delivered in eta
part of the -town. . -
Godench. Feb. 2nd, 1866. sw45
Waianiasb Dec 20; 1860; - *50 2na
. side Of lot number twntit one, and thirteen , .
AR31-- FOR, BALE chains and fifty:links irom the frbnt corner there-
ot,runningNorth seventy four degrees forty
. •
• -
• ' • Utes, east twenty chains and -twenty links inore
olvent- Act --Of 1 .s Jo or
ire tO the lute between lots Humber twenty
fa thematic,- Of Robert licit:lush of Sea- - . . dopiest, east 'twenty Chains and thirty links more
HE tindersioned has. been.; appointed- sus-' 0484 •10".0ini8' • = - • .• occupied by Robert Davison being coni. twenty twe arid twenty three taking.a piece of
r Co- One and twenty twoohence-North oeventy on• -7
forth an Insolvent. , In the Patter of Peter...Strain. and George ,T#AT eligible tarm-mosik cleared, lately lir I to a gost planted on the
land two rod* wide across said Lots nutn5er
• - oied of Let thirty six in the Bs. field on---
line between
that:a meeting of the municipal Electors of Johnston Thos
_ svrenty one and twenty two along and on -the
- frOWNSIIIP OF GODERICH - Watson George - •
to be filed withiniwo months from this date, -that they have made aftignment-otilleirt Aqsiofi of the Townnhip of Godetich: ' Writ.
under the above Act to me the &Fe to be i t ' Smith shle of thecoarse already deseribed;tlience
"lit be held at Mr. Cobbs, Holmesville, on L°11.g"rth in. • to meet tho office of the undersigned...in
. - finish me Within -two months frorn this date, -dressed to thePostmaster Bayfieldj 0 w front of the lot and taking a tem of land two
signee in this matter, and requires. clauns credito,.. the nee en .
• " I • W • Willis Jcsibus itt
Welsh Mrs- Ed - • The 'creditors of the Intolvent are. notified IT-431°,14nilderirlineei ttpd tbev are jequiced to
• .n„ rit made, - f by: le ter prepaid, OQ slang the 'me between twenty two
specdying the set,,nr.it5t..:{kev 2ndi
or before' the itecond day of •April nenti ad,. end- tvrenty three; Northerlyiiine the,
liroishiy the. ttli day of Alpig at -ten o.rclook, wit it- • - cL.5..4hoiNTiliriets' -11/'
ixtei r. the Tcw.c. of Goderieh, so the 24th 4.1 Of. their elpi.o717
" ' t "f T on Mi.,' - ode ivid • t h 1 li
e thong. e sal ne tsveen Lads and,
A. 11., tothe purpose °flaking,* pot to de_ - ▪ -Apri nett, at Two o clock, _ P. M.,: for the. hold: If 191YrifIg-1111IFI4 la 0. _ • _$1.1.. A .ogny„ onftch;rtw:estefy threfyiosiredgeoojitlgthteo beiinae.trti-e oft, gy,
-1 none
• tirbether or notthe repeal of said by law GEORGE ooRBEte- v v • Law intended to be paised by the Atunicipatity
-ordering Of the affairs of the estate. generally. ing the 'id; the whole aitested under mit
- tee vouchers in support °batch 411111P -f
Datea-11Goderielli in the Cotintj.'
" M -A D 1866
lie waftatadby snob Electors.' - AG
JOHN SHAW, Tp-iClerk. - stock Company,
ENT of:the; C. W. Farmers Mutual and
Hamilton, C. Wr- . .
Goderich Township, 1 -: - .--.. . G. Forbes, Lot 23 COQ 3 Menu - •
3farch 5th,1866 , • 9 1 11 • : - 1..
. .
. 1 :. w6 At wti ii4t" - '' ' Ikusle N. t.P;
and ,,examination o . Insolvent. - .-
iiIifO.? 11115
s . ..... .
.. • - - S. ,P.OLLOC1C, . - . • . . . .
- - III y , • . .9 . . . : A thorough .r s-oriii i.. - !"_-_ - ,_ -. • ci-a
' Oft ' 1 Asif - f fl - 4 B ce • :- - -&-`7‘,1.- ' ,:. •-• 1-• sl. PoLLooirr - • :arm ns, must 'nee ge ' • -' GEORGE tpissE, -
. . : .
.olthe Township oflinufick- at its next sitting.
.1 Goderichl.2-Ist:Feh'y A 1). I/36§ - sw51-4t swfir.. Metal Assignee.. fur. fluted . liColt7:•!•"0hoWdeetlii eaupp .Tticicss. Cler,totc'.4-t
0 - • .
- cia prime or uro
; .
Insolventlict of 18646
..••••1•11. •
In- tho-inaityteenrs.?..i Alexander MCDonald In. "
. 4:
The-credit-4.7re of.the insolvent vie warred
i. that he has made an sesiremneat Of hill
estate and -••=effects, under the tibove-Act.103
we the undersigned. AsSignee. And *hey *re
0:r rerfoyqimuii:ie8. ibis a a. dtl, itt. do a furnishteifnwith ne inisheeuit.rin_agictliialiinhenitsw, orgapecafletril;on. itsit:11:
in Dsu!tiiPr 1449o84ueelric-etialbill;1$11:. g;T4.-?,i.?•?iFfl.); :
the security they „hold,itif any; and the ?nide
whole;tittested under pith; witii the venche0
w53 t]