HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1866-03-16, Page 2Vei aa- a insulted an' despised in this in: tellin' Well, whoiver likes may tell a eetilfeed -an' athrpeioue dockety of a cityehetthetr one. 8o 1 ago to lied with an- any *ail well and classically -maned Dubh -lis, aeorishuis. Good etsornita to you, bor., 'the black holea Well,. here's the- gloryus,- ' BARNEY MAGir . • THE K . - • . : • • II i 1 d: • led 1 O ea more' h have made hi name- lam 1 ar an n ge younie ves n Sir -The Teiteher's association of Morris ourinoutlis as househola T _ - Pe E FRONS; .6 To the Editor Of the Huron Signal. roes nairt _ _ in native ! d heacene to strike one MOW for Ireland's inde a- - and Ore metefor the third eine at Ainle was David Le ler eat an t e writer n an meal nye. tennedy, ma'am, j have aeen 'of handle.' over thiS7bit of a eallentyne to •v -ram cur Special_ Correspondent. , " • • - Wile One of sineuliir beinity eheertaliress and and the.shrewa easeibility of the...gentlemanly whieirthe out countrymen at greater t. , 2 Pt 1-• . -• • . • an Ince. tothae. horseatolteee -P.S.-eWould you take the thr Tone, .7e*. Ville on 'thelOth inst -the number preseet the Sadist. rendered true to the -life. thepore Irishmen, notv is the tittle tentrlke I We n. 117)7 tits. GIOde rich: Bora_ t. was .throla this-gioryos, pills; niortal daree that Uitele:.8:im ronaii The Mild • gentle: , • Monnavvblitreh 1261866: . antra d -the ectuneeirancer Waiter -.and lately a scene febireallie Chimes"- home niakee to our. patriotism., aur • honor talon Was _epic 9 on . • . • . .1 • lain usual and- as tie' afternoon- traits of the raw country boy leavieg home can never rest tameiy under the stirring ap- . • its thrue as 1 telayme-like tlw most can.. manmay rouse uP elle of 'his' heart bY I wrote You rieterdaY and bolie You got- ot eoeh member. Ili the abseitee-of_ala Fer• in - which ehe same :tether giveseneviei of, and bunter -ye of counteyt . By the meinory ine inthis place that- has the impe singiii,ait to a Yankee, oodle " or :whisslin' aer a d 30 - euson President of .• this association, -.Ma. English life. from the porter on the sereat up. thepast, and the glorious' hepes of the future, „lea; anlightened an' 'Christaan -eouelry- Poor Uncle Sa7 m, thev te-Ifnie sir, all preaent. a Again, _ at al ta-me .when She The firsi • qiiestion wasae Is spaniehment by wale in the plenitirde of his leaver Was d ter- action. Feniens, respond ten manner woe, bn or.day nig t. e para. e 9: ie dence to designete iteelf thea methropolis Oi it to ' -Merrily Danced the • Smith 'Vice Preeident, oecupiedthe-chair.--- to t e today aristecrat and the elaermaie tnyoke your prompt, energetic and united -"Ceuta's% get seeita -the Lord Lifienant at You've been ft hothered er4her whole pf the *Compenies' were rnaithed to a depriviae pupils 'of their usual plr !it noon maned, enot only ecr trample -upon the poorer thy of youi• race and name, - the call of ' • all -he wOU.Ilte *taket e _ trubble ot Wite hidekS An' whites le add wea taeger pai-ade geoundi •w•ere. tee, were put jostifisbie. 'Ithe'pereo.n appointe to esPaak deed, but even to pet ea saicide down, Wieh your laresideet Give- us ken and means -at as. ever pht spakina • to -as loyala elan ea An' rows of manv a ntth:r. . • " The. fag , 11•00rhniee, Who eapplieS all the leadiele puts- timatoee " into ecalfsaina in 1, after .. • --- gg •••• ) °a a • • - - - re 11 iv e ithout crate:sat ttee ofeth-e_.- aua;enee during the our future tuilef premise. a- - younesthere Were contbrairy; and 'weal ahroegh. their deal Withrthat de- nuo •w,e .e t riesh, - .eparba• se tee to get eastia from, aiitnee But • An . one way or another you aeas- Two Pernvian warsteamem hire** .wrecke-a off the.coast i;f Chili. .0e," The, Fifth Avenue Hetel,Astorelloure and some other. bowls:in New Vora, &mule. • . - . • nig subscriptions) torthe Feniane..• 0:79/ 11.7 captain aril three men of tile - 8. array ware,lately frozen to tleath in Dace: - _ - Oa A. great. battle has been fouglie China in • whielt the Imperial eroops Were successful, killing over 2,000 rebels. rr.Chnmbers' Journal is to ItIndfroin3( Tbe ni e-4 buil] •i,s1 • b't - through battillion ; our men look -ed well, on this subject Raped in e-ts fever, tied his re- a truthfulness that will edmit of.no denits1.-. once, tied our present &Meese is certain, . The beet methods .of tette mg, rea ing an rea lee seowee the interest theyfea said -was Erin shall .11°41 ,; triuniph• - over a SOil Mag"ZilleS et i°weet s meytteat wasp t his fault ; fue the essence or Were'ista nate ouan(fa7ry. gree e`f piteisione that elleited the following _ of the meet the highest testimony they could give to. the_ which will sustain 148, ahiles. we • reach 0:19. The British ship "-Orient" experfe impedeace, the flunkey -feltsws 1 spoke 'to, . Ould Jacob hadn't halt this job; rerearks to Liettt, Kirk, by LiCtlt• / nig for the remainder of th afteremone.- The. a . cof the reader, whose eeasy graceful acrossethe MILS Willi an arm of might, and- enced the shock efan earthquake-y.0)&1'10R ' -Jarve-te: • ' „grammar occupied. the attention. 'bil* sima Kira you.have reason 'to- be. Feud of system proposed for the fOenier were _selne- me-elatwes or voice and _the facility with break at last the fetters- of oar native land I ocean, -on her voyage from Anstralis to- j„9n,, • ut grin like iiionkeys when I said. - Witlfead-iitsult Misi,Dotah. . ' - • • • • did- nothita b they 'must tell his. Excellaricy that Mr. Smith. ... Th4t you have had -w!tb one of Vent's. - what, eateerent•leatin eitel Other causing cone which. he changed from Faye to gay, from Rally, brothers, at once. -Call join', dr- don, on Nov.17. - the teittater,. from Bat inamallard, wanted to a- qh hahtbedrisk Mass-Ganstinad, -‘ - your conapany, -taey are a- fine body_ of men. . • • oge ea an eer r na feja Bishop Campbell, of Virginal one ese -lisht, Mrs. 'Kennedy; tn t'ain-it's as. dark, Och, had the charmerjaere, . ever ere • siderable-debate. :• Those for the latter how: lovely to severe-A.:a one time makt er th cles t th • d oll -on mes sn mi • • Beaks/ taban. • An' when- I Insisted, ba this - An"Play high-inettled thrieks, sir ;- have heard -of- themaal over the Province/ dal' . as" to which branah foutftaine of human sympath3r and tenderness limey organizations, to be reaay at ino-. . .... at ri to eortib -her dad y's:wig„ - . the pioneets o the Disciple denomination or- e wea 7ft. dad now that Ismail -emit not-dieappornte I should be first; taught, some affirining that well up ee they listened to the„mournful notes menas notice,- in accordence with Prevlees Christians ia that State is dead. 11 - years ot age. thoaehe as Polltifron. Ennishowet: where t'4'e how kweOld 53c her! they used to deg out the &amen_ en!. eel' She thned to set nes honsekeepino ' • AnIplay young bliss sr Bloomer: - it for Warren's jet blisektii. aethey \pushed 1 wishl-had her in Belfast - me awav 1. shoved me Put, ma_rim. an' hug her into humour! -.threetened the with- the police -bad . luck to lt's cocoon" that.the dart& wants ;' - that horse-pielecernan anyway. a Well, ma"ani. ea bar or two id - hst let me have herlor rvires se excited with virtuous iiidi !nation rit cure her, milli - that I walkea right on before me as ;long; as It's tune she hat] a be ii,(yen see ; • I could. see' ft pavie stone., oiyer kit* the tzhe nee& a tittle sparkin' thrubble of .elia mysetfto what part of the ifyou truitler with int', Sam, J'114.piveler lots ot iarkina globe: wad eciitia a; I I found myself nearly -Kis.s.in's-the Very thing she needS4. ia the counthry. 1 then went into a house . Yes, oncle, that's:the ficure ,ati". invited' myself to partake of some punch. e Ad' if you- keep her from the boys, to neol.the fire of So .the puneh , She'll run ott w:th a nigger. .the ra4e la myself kep'. one another - Sweet ; convent till it was groWit"' dark, -an' .17 then - Fiera-08Y was 0010104 Miss Ailey Banner, she was hutted ; • An' Georgy7-Sre was scoul'in' ; :tligs-doore wophin't keepthe pace, .Nor Mary Land be eisy; • 'AO. Lucy Anna-nh! baled - -That cOneen is the daisy • pi4 Soto mind herseli ? An' Pella Ware keep eitiet I: • • l'in tould that ElienNeys behaved Deliahtful in the riot.- " oulr itiaM I knei--,--the plaice. the puppies yirginia-'-dad she showed herself ! dhroxe me.- away from:- Shortely after-- 1 e, How hard she tried to_ love you r _ thure'd ray thoughts to this domestierethrate of yours, Ma'am, an' thurnal my face in the . same direction. lost a good dale of- time age' my .whee, for I lost my coorse ie a COD glomeration of little euld-ragabone sthreets thaewoulddisg,race any mom! bite of• growl' Morin' dbirty Dubhn eo it seemed in the way Of gettin' late when I psssed the _ - passed; that "uneivilised. barteck, I became _ . But, whisper, Sam, I have a. From all these plao-ties t plaii;011; - .tnaisyen my_ mind. Mrs. Kennedy - about -- iv hen any of i,our laedieSsoeeMave . here I wits goire I thought it tin; -to be : ineened rotate her-daddy2 - - ' twilit"' some way, but . I could see no ;lie to •J'st thrate hel. w a nueeeite-match ix, an' thee night was nearly ''av dark an" "- lAn," give her to a Daeddy ' - I thick- as thralle. _SO I tholietit lal cross the Give inv co 1' ' - ti, m them:" -The consequence was,thait our-- (mhoeraphe should have 'the • precedence, of the a Briige of Sightia Or the' iliathetie --re instructions. Freternally, . Men. tvere-deClared fer -duty, and -pitt' on- others Etymology.. The esilbjects for -elle isignetion of - Enoch Arden's"apaayere the - • • - • • - svisss-Ey, 5. - • seety or wee, - -The ai:niversary dinner_ of the Guelpi 9n in- chatge next. convention which tattes Once ou7 the sombre cadences of which had scarcely died -guard at onceeseven of our m - - • - - • • - second -Saturday are-Sehoot ergane. away ere they were moved -to uncontrollable - Rifle Compana took place on Motility eve • . • mug metope and the- bet. methods of teaching Gee laught,er by the merriment Of " The Bache- - I- 'd-. Hall's Burraelisit milled steady alr 0aadiner, Dick Nineteen& la .Wilsoo: .• -.- • e Veers, . dIce- • *, • eiesintple amateur is' no novice la the ert-of - * .,••• _ . . . . of:Sergeant -Welter, moente euard, at _the . - • - - - . oerapliv and /faith etia: - • - . 'keel Dream" prove.thae scare' -though . - . Bald. . • . 0 . • Rumored ;Preparations:. for CHAS Me-LEI/TAN See'y. -AinleYville, March 12t11, 1866, . would not like to .be up alrnight without. _ ie the seeeir and r knew they - • - s -• were emon,, - ; something to. keep" them . . comfortable, SQ T.. -., -prs.:1-ses.-7.taitialt in Ainleyville. sraugeledatt piet of old rye utak the .guarde . - . - • - .. . - - arena . • ' - On- the' 28th ult., Itlia Andra* Muir, Mee • - chalA and Druegist on -behelf of the -frieteda; „three . times ee.-day, • our...kconipany tp_erreisseVemals. %islets r•-lteoef:AJjoullieni sr g uvri _AP iriesasbdy: . • • . • .. looks :small on acceunt of the. gue'L id, -arid TUEEMATa sinne -otheis -being off mi. duty.; Corporal . Dixon sprained his enkle, which disabled • - him tor drill today, he tri better new. 'The • :people here are ;to more atratd of Peltier's than if they -.lived -in - Pert tan-dera for only ewe dans. to -morrow, at 11 and 2:30. The recrutts to muSter at'f ti; m ' 1 ' of RS usua mp iments, Tom, to your uncle, _, aireet Pit- lu ,- an' as I Was' ereleeSise what t St Pathticke for all his thrubtes. Kisi an' did ale tell' kiln that's the thrue doethrin': accordin? ' rime hilt a 'orse-policemou lieepin. senthry. 1:3ceiaisig; that's what'lf bring bis girls to their ', right_id the,* iniddie of elle . stbreet. ''Se I seeesee. • „. . ._. B ._al, 4,- .==• , •• adclreseed-the policemati-'with- isll the polit ' - - , elites in, Wy' eomposition. i Good eveniu , .._ sir', sitys I ; ••• it'* a fine saluhriods evenin' -ea": . . care. • - foe' the discharges of peer dutiee as a '411"4* rill, 11- 4 -PPIt Ill t I. guardian of the citrenoctlital hours.; but it's ---774•' • :!•• '' libilL s s- • 0 ratter. ovett ast.a. Fie never made me an " • answer or let oft that he heardaiee. So 1 ,., - .. • says agatie a thriiie louder,. a -PM aft insihruc- r• .GODERie H . „_ , _. .- 7 , 0 W - -Miich 16 1866' tor of the- twin. genuyrahon in -ie: remote • _ - 7 I 13 : . .1 : disthrict ofttse courehry; ana bein' a_ stranger . . . - ,, in the city. would you lieleceld enough tO tell United States -.Troops - oOled -• nal --inu where Pm -gteinla-a-Divil a word,' Mese Kinnedy, did the fellow 'spoke:- That angered me hiteandt sheeted to the ill-bred - - • rescala Are yen deaf, eke? Iethia they/arta' Mabbot „Street? Bad tuck :to yen -for an unintemerly jackeen, is ehis the way Ion dis- charge yew- duly to the public a What's the use dr your beint mounted there at this time of. eight, if yea woe% tell a ethranger his wityl,Do you hear -me sir ?' I declare to you, ma'ainel might as vre'll have addhressed- my self eat it stonewall, Ore performed . the other work of shuperarriegation called whist - Re' jigs- to a naleseene. argot a single word did the -ruffian spake ia.answer to all I said. At luck imuld have it, thosigh, my.sheutin' at the fellow dhrew over A gentleman front the footwayran' he axed me what was the mattliete- a Why, sir,' Says; It. 'Pm at a loss • G -RANT TO FAMILIES OF to- kao* the„ wtsy .eo my _league-, 2 beat' sthranger iri Dublin, an' 1 -was, "min' -that ; horse-pplicemanz but the adhaenedrel :won% . angrier ir (petition.' What policemen7' says he,'. eallfrt fellow there.' says point - him report:him 'in- the mornina. ▪ only I• have raison to- believe that ies- useless to attempt reportin' any One to the- nathorie ties here.' The gentleman looked At the po licenune ana then at me ; an' thee patio' hie han'a. to his sidese bowed down aie' roared with langbia,' ' ,g,o,.od sir says he; titwould uselesa to repoet that Man. But do rett moan that he actuatly rola-Reda° 'ans. wer a serious queation ?" Why sir I spoke to t e Front. t, PICR.ETS FORMED. THE FENIANS TO -BE H\ELD.BACK. By spe-Cfal telegraph to Me Signat, 2 . Clifton,- I.Varch 15. The United States Government has • called outthe troops to protect the fron- tier. Strong piOketa are formed and a determination evinced te deter the Femans from crossing tke frontier. • ) I • 10 himin-politenesst an' -I spoke:- to him in - ._anger ; I spoke as plainly an' aariottely r. • specie! to yen...nowt- end the blaggard never ' -said a wora irt eeply 'Olal says- therother,- ' yott enshii!t a blame the poor fellawa He &went answer &single questioneeliefaet - peat depends. on his houldint his tongue. ,I1 - he ens:Omega *single queation, even to the lewd Lit -tenant, ae-cl• tese hit 'attrition On the .sarsq t* -what the: dieil, thee- LWOW - year pardon -as the use pf his mounted - there?" tOha imp he, 'ae's -One • of the 'aitandha'inetitutions °Cabe city, an' would be grately thieied. ., yon need, neier ex him aequestioa_ e they're verjf ..sttict ..with hioa on that poetaa -I thought in niyown Wind that ho '44'6"Tutinin! me, hut I- says to myself.- .. whether ar no Pa et aer spake to the bleu' -era agaia; fer this is my last night innnwan nerry Detain.. Theeentleman axed where I lived; itia. -whim noutd. hime he came along • with ruc,7ettry how an' . then- atm me- &iota my aiscourse- with- the mounted conitable, ea he called himean'_then- stoppia to -laugh. was mighty civil', I mbet say; beehe tinghtn't be jist SG delikhted with the way the Nag _ gard senthry thrated me. He brought me to • :•• the enaof the. .sthreet here._ anaeraen thurnin" hack he advised: me olver-again7if 1 -get lest -in the sthreete pia:tut:din 7 to seeks.. to that -horse policeman. Why,'? ears lie, tides or people have been fined. flirty shilans an'ecoste far beginnite to Scould him on the stlirest.'.. eethe -dhionl. they- have," - saye • tbeditd I watt in tuck 1 lattayou neediataarir my ever spak.ire* to the 'bin:lard. wain. - I only wisheI haul him for one -night in loyal -,`BallintiniallardIld give him absolUtiOn • aor hie 414;rd-eine teatime hi the mornitir So the gectleinan thurned away,_ laughini-jouder thin ever atia, 'here I am, Mrs: Kennedy; an' all I'have to say is-weit till you catch nie by night in. the othreets bf an' _ the best sample of bad luck to all untitannee- ly raticals„ especiallY horseepolicenien.", Mrs.; Kennedy could titan' it no -longer: She a :Clappediser hanat-eshe 'put them to heraides, Ike fallback on the taaitaara kleked her heel. . till the poor deg that- came up sinellira to see what ailed her ran away): °wile'. with his soeut near broken.- -.She cried: out -se Ok I Me. --8-mitheaott Saida yoga' be the -deitth :of ine 1 wouldn't believe. that WI saw -it. in -*II the books iver wee printed -a. pelisman Oh 51r. Smith•-e-alee- Smith. a teliinien . "Might I take the liberty,. Mrs, Kennedy", ..knWaims'! sari lea "of-inakin" safrec as to_at You what You:re-maid-0! & .behay ot \yourself about,- maraca r Smith &are do pit net know it waS. IC= Oxtail "you took fora& pplie Man 2" - - _ • .! .4 What King William,. maim?". e gin eWilliain, in Collage Green-athe imege or got ott bpi:tieback Oh, airaSntitlif -Otte dear me laughin'1° . 't What, tam I title, &aqua. pine; en' • moral:Ally the Dutehman.that eaved in from the homier_ Stuart aita heredithiry bondage --,fvont wooden milt, braikshoeNekillygoleei- moults nuns, bachelot idargyeathat Amish- lishedeivilite religious' liberty on -an -immortal , bags; an' gars tie Ireland- for the- .41411 ---de. -you mane to. say 4.w!ursix Ifwok for a polf.ce eaau ?" t: • Yese indeed,:tr. Smith.:*. • • unr,„'a Matlet ot-316sit ad I've • been ,-eursitti bi till lin black in the facelatn' sore in the VOLIINTEEIIS. ' The Town Council met on. -Tu.lesday afternoon last,and in a spirit of ptriotisin of whit* we highly approve, ppslra:a res- olution to the effeotthat the sam of 50cts -peL day be paid to the 'volunteers at. the &tit who are heads. of Amities! It •was aiso resolved that ihe MaYor be teclusted to applf the Government for -Small arms, „ea . • - 'Weax;sniiaa: '' : I .--- „.-' The meeting very wet: isto perade still . - s ie tonsequeece of the Join, - Two eompaaiee irrived here bithe:-Gitat: Westbrii oae'of theta. ie trgni Buddnlph, Under -.the CoefiniMq of Big -stile, Hoagies, eller eeed to lie Reeve for Riddulate- 7 Ite Matehed -at the head of - his comeeny tie 0erce as e lien-, line -other coMpapy.f.. was • frinni_St. !Johtes. ITThete e'en:* • • , - now ten-ecitatiaines 'here &trainee a regiment. „There isith--prospect,-I am -afraid, oa•getting boisee-eary. soon.. leatr. Kirk -got. a letter from 'Mr: Rose staiiug .thatt lhe - rate-aeyers had e meethet sleds reeomineteled the,Comicit to ty . the Married veliinteers 50 cis. 'a day. , Noit this is nothing: ha right, there bine married meta •here•-•but....is, : sacrilicinii' more thee =!.50 cts. a dey, rand tnere is le:await who' [ esf-es here, we are'pretecting the antereste of - Would be wilang.to:pay tbiat, Mech.:to, a Oh stitutet itit was allowed - and iftherels tieed- . -- . . , • . :-. . . :- .. every one ini Caneda, ana n is rigatjeat they :saddle' share thee burdee. ' Theie, *is also greatnnthusiasm when Lieet. Kirk eriforMed• es thae:Capt; R,oss expected tie be dein With uidurine the - week. I hope he. WO being those defaulters With line who. knew!. that the compaey is ordered on - ective . seraiee,..aut Wad retnaie behead when their comrades tire sacrificing tlieir intereste by being- at the, front -out Upon such volunteere, e The ccitii-. Tiny who have just firi-iVcd; arec.StitiODed itt POI:It Edwards'. a' -• - re- . . e -. - -: - .1a. Sa-- The :Gude-rich :Rifler.; do' well. on . .• -- e pantile eonsideringehet ...there •are so niany- youtig men who- haae not had- the tiameOpe pertunity of drill as Many other comeneies.• Mr. Haysehas• a good *eke oit the:field, you eau -hear him quiteetistinctlya Mr..Hortoit .ia atudyinge and 'well tioott 4e-. an efficient offi eer.; _Lieut. kirk, w ho . is in com In sack does I very well, hels enr subaiter,loday he has. to ;examien the gparde and testelhe tea -at. half fdst.se7e4in 1 the mo\nusg, ut-- dinner- he, has to :age the so -UP, and leport enathe but tee, but riot Mrs .0eocker? butter. at, night:he- has to ViSit-grati5lrounele, _Lieut; Cut. Jerrie _ 13 a hne' offieete itideedA all the- field Officars appear to be fine amen. There is nlarge . . . • . The company is one of the oldest, la a Canada, - . _ tr.:). Mr. Woodbridge U. 8. Senator from reading, and although tate is -hie first reeding :ThipoRr4NT itEpowrs Fitox .Vermuntlaskedieave on Monday eointrodmet • in Wrotetet-I trust it *Oa% lest, •ano 1: ea - the. 'Liteittry Secielea hire under -whose ause - •- • LING'"ON VT • resclutams .inaranteeing hy the United Stasi . • alio for the energy they. have ehown, in ea.. - r nmen :front Albany on the 11 th Altera Se it "I - A special deepatclitothe thiw Tiaak ffith"id: the-liti I o e ico„ have just titceived. some very: Important' d a e° has Parc s The Enipress of Me hes at eruselem what is said to.have been thi net Only for this -evenings erife tai t b t• =bashing eliorary here, which _will tirOVe a great...boob not -Only to- theusselies, but to the . h • age ae !leis throneh private iources froM Rurtinee,.ra 1 Itie of ::the habitation -of theeVirgin -Mary - _sea • a proposedloan of fifty milli° of donate picas eh.e meeting was held` deserve credit, - • • eth ie n - ton, t ro g consi_ mblelthttnit he item' e iurposes to erect a ifice eltateta; public .m geneatleLCom. aeon Cuteer and the tollowine address. - • merits • of, the _ Penises in- thta vicinity..e-taa e map - Ma Fergeson, • Rev and Deer Sir. . . - I inn repeated- by your friends to preseet you.- this evening -a' small gift. • I trust .you will accept tit it'as token of respect and kindness. Indeed; we feet ana have -felt for soWetitne that we :would be_ deficient in -grat- itude. if we did -not telider tO _ you- in some Habeas -Corptti-Winat Is It; 1 • - }hilt AS , 60Rlit's f-YOu inay • have the1 body] is the naine given to a variety of writs, of which these *ere entiently the wee heac words, having- for their Object to bring a 'party before a ecairt Or judge. Of .thesethe - tnost celebratedos:the . writ (4tbeas corpus 'form- our eiatere thanks for your -earnest ana ad sublioiepduni)to irtquire int() the -cause of initiringenergy in imparting _to ei that know -.1 so pereon's iniprieon Went or - detention, with !edge dawhica We all statid so inueh in need, the !lei toleis or her...hberatione The op- als° for ,your Care 'and anxiety in !warring peession ofe-an obsput-i individual gave birth. consolation. to the sielcanaaftlietta, maitileste te theaateoes Act (SI-. Car. if, 1679) Which ed by: your frequetit and veluetaiy- visitations, iecorperated this lei -in. the Statutet *of the Met only te themenibers of yous Own cengre, British 'EmPire. Itis one or -the g*atest. ,Liation but also to cithdie.::" _Therein: no 'doubt Got:11s hulWorks ef our liberties, end ii hat unjUstlY a such Conduct; on yoUr pert '..:ivith dentaninatea oe aecond Magee Cherie. Its ,:thiloestisnrgtswiyllorerstieullft ainwhbt_entliefitutetthoetrhseucecomessmuit.1 teapensione ia 'Ireland,. therefore, is A very' theastire, only, -to. be justified - by enliutYdeilimitwhioljateherY:purirsseisnir.O.nWr hei'fili7e6liutpcPtiettit - e3Ct°61e eirctithstances of the .weiehtieet momeut. ' - ' 0 _- _ ....„ _ •• • 5.. • Windser,--Mareh lei 18676- -`- proitete. our welfare, but also that !of Mrs. . . 7 a Filyergslussyocia-c,. tesgtrsupetsrtehdatty000lioase,tiyiveneru-f_atimoe: 'Zeus -of-Windier-Wee held in theaTown Hall A large- and, n en la mee ing o e ci i• - ' -1 'fin ' f '1 a ' fah 'V taboer amemget es and that yeti: enayliye - to this afterimee,e-thieMaeoe in the chair.. The enypy ureny : Wietere rain's: itt:. tke .Cuttet highest elegree eta paeriotiem anci loyelty. was* which we. now present yon. .- - displayed It was unanimously . agreed to ' Mr. Ferginon made an 1 appropilete -reply petition- Government fot three :.Inandved -stand. am:eating:Able': Cutter aad , thankieg them aerate :Nellie: ese of -loyal 'ited ieepon.sible kindly fee their very handserne Thiaution and citizens,' in -order to enable them to leed eilI remarked that tVis wee -tuithe- first. Occasion :the assistance in their power to theemilitaty on *high he 'had experienced :there _kiwa,Tees .-:foe the defence, of their homes. .ThOoll-Pw-, nd liberality:- , ' • - . : , - . ingtempornry appointnients have been Ande . , . , in the bettalione -Major:Hill .to ' be Lieuta' a 31-01tiltiS; . Colenel .C4matending, lCiptain William's ' to\ 'I'si the sEdifor a the Signal: - - ------ ' , be Senior Captain, und Captal_Sinith to" be quintittof ice peseta!, dean the river tedaye cannon, &c...; for the defence. of the- town. it.is slug° openns ase,he'llets. • " • Another EnthOsiastio Meeting. • Aa large meeting of the -young men of the town 'and a few of.the Mord _ protni- nent retepayers,;fisiemblett at the ,TOwn . Hall lasi night (15th) for the 'pries* of' forming_ Hoire Guard for the defence of' the- Tewri. Hie 1Yorshin the .3Ittyor presided. r • .H .• D Ganieron was ,appoinie4 to- Apt tie - Secretiry. - , ;. • _ - The -Mayer - then stated te'the• meeting the objeit for which We were aiseembled, owing to our, defenegess state.:- - Moved ty 0 rabh, seconded ity G.:ot, That it is expeiiani that - we. do form ourselVei into & Home Guard tor our oWn proteetiOn;- - - „The following agates Were , enrolled :ee • A Thos Defoe --John Robertson.' Georrov - I . 0 Rumba,- W-8 Kepler, Sianuei 11. Dettme •'..john ealmillera Hy Herten, C -E• I s DT- Brackenridge, Alexander *Munroe *G NiirrnanDsaV13, R B Smiths Janies "Weise% Malcolm Nieliolson. Robert Campaell,: Jahn Butler, George Cadlat Edwin 'Clifford, aemee Ur Parsons.. Wm A.dame, Mark ihrhitelyeleime_ F Toms R Riutoul, Henry -Dark, Andaei -Hedger,'Robeer Thomason William Batokse W (ia Smith, janwee:Ga.aow, -Jelmftebt Therapsee, A. Wilson, Peter "Bar- ry, Arthur Cantelin;\TErmnas-Fonrby, Wile - Hem :Martin, 3.1.- Creasman, E Graham, 0 Crabbe D- Camerone J Johnston, Lewis Elliott, Junta Gordon, A :MeLean, Weatherald, C YrIn Camphent John Mc.Pherrone .a` Johinto.de-C.P Geary, GeV= Rower', Ivan Jmiett;'Ir-Cilinniine't Edited Sherman, P Yeomanal - W Kinehite, -0 McKenzie, W Cox, Aica Melted% John • C MeIntoSh; Roiled Sharman John' Story; Thos McCleneghana la Barton,'Sturrael Plate, 'Jamisa &enders, slaiseplY Woodman, Gedwin Campaign.- William Tho.mptunit -J McNealy, Ir.; --James Denlop; . $ Davis, George . MoOre, R O'Coanore J ,Martine Heary Hole" G bleCannell, John Gallagher. Those not enroliei" retired, When thei following °Seers *ere elected Yeomans,_ Captain.: • C. Crabb; ist Lieutenant. 11.13, .O'Connor; 2nd Lieutenant; . W. T. Cox, gusty.. Mr. Ttftins„ Sergeant. G. Mclienzio,S'ergeant. W. G. -Smith, Servant. - . a - Segmillir 'Sergeants Deo; Rumbill, 'corporal. - Jag: Gant*, _Corporal. Gavin Bolick Corporal. D. gumming% Corporal. W. D. N. _Dins, BugIer;-; • . Semnea 14th March, 18-66.e ro the. Editor of nie„Ituncur Sius:i,..: , - --, _ . , , ' Ste. -I takethis.Opportunity of 'penning a - fete lines to ye& so taat yOu muy mention for the satiefaction of 11.11- who haye -relatives:hi tny Comeany,• that they are -all *well ;,::and althoueh very hard evOrkede still they -attend te their thitias and ere fast becoming- perfect in their dull. J have els° to atateithat every -attentioe is paid-theirf by the peeple On wborn ilry_are. bfi!eted. ' I would Very .much liked it You liad been here last. night at- 8:30 p.m., when I started (3..ff 9:_ „8: • JOhsteoliuCharlia 'Thompson, Dixie Watson end 3 . more . ieder the tontmand Of -Sergeant 13. Hazelliiirste and Corperal Wilson Salkeld down 'be the river ti act as gimed all eigat' fled it poering ::.raw, but, like good BritishSeldient they_ "marched offatahappy aiit theY had -been ordered' to bed. 'rids wes tlie first guard efinytomeanY called:oat. The Artillery look well eand. do .well tinder • Leute Kirk. The' Col. is Well pleased with his Battalion or -8 coMptinies, and tomerrow_100 meu are tro arrive front freer tendert tie be phased itt , Point Edward. ['read s: letter frour &Sian' Finlay.:' Of the Heine Guards! he -nye a Ocimpany . has ',been formed, 0ordoe -Cepa,: . ut. MeDerniotf to -night (not officially) that 50ete. teday was Ensign Moore and that the -March well. -3 hope thejt *ill. be called to th front. i I heerd eo be-givea to those who haee-parttes deperid- •ine_e on them kir supporybeing out. in. the -two Goderieli Oonipanies, add I was requested . to - send a list orthosee I vall lend it to -Herth Johinteu Eiq.; as he requested Easign Divas.' eon tolget me to send it, The Fanians had a Meeting on Tuesday niaht et :Port Huron, and the. Col. had a: spit over who attended -the•meetieg its a -.Potion ae repPrted te•day thatlhe secretary stated that 300 -men Were -enrolled reedy fur. Seturdity but tlie• point of -mewl( was not mentiena -If is believer( that some attemat will beinnde,. batl -am nullified they.Will.aet a ivaam receation. lend Eneign Dayison ere Billetted with Wm. -Belchenthere a good Solid EnglishManotnd Are attended to, ih good svyle. - .. . ' . I theta a hope awake the Signal taaigat:. ' • ' - Yours Wye', ' W. la HAYS..' . . ' ' Lent. Huton Rifles. - ::- . .. . _ We are requested to state that their will no service in the New Connection Church on Sabbath the:181h inst.' stir The Court -of Quartir Sessions ten not Only of your owe .personal efforts .te• . Dear Sir -feel constrained tio?;:write You for a_march this :afternoon. They presented Vera ereditable. appearatiee'r And were as to our aisessinentr- it .wite sOmething' shin. a lar lasta.year, bui we aliened and bore thusiastically cheered hi, the cieiens. 7 • thiuting- surely it' will °Iie hetter nett _tune, -Placards OF °"! the eilY of whereas this -year it is 4tually.arprse, - public Deteroiti eilling minter Fenian meeting in the`Canieus Martius Setuidv neit, Fee opinion in our reality has little Weight,. aer Atria -bends will then be offered for Bele. haps the greater momentum derired from the Own_ this morning implication through the medium of the press, The Credit aets evil • d aecordine to. the ustuil prectice td garrison Of some instances -or our litternid *equalization awns, Cy three sergeants 'and the file and may have keine elact in enabling. our Reeve Junior Major. Eight Cempant s turned out drum corpe. . - and -his Celleegues to -see the nacessita of ola pointing a wan Who has eome qualificatiens Alner-le- an- Tro-fiip- The, for swell 'a, responsible office ; for instauee • • -- -Frontlet.. • tiona f will cell Lot A of 100 acres, haiing. The I•lanalton Times of last evening • ha3 there 4'..S a let, Which (for the sake_ o.filistinc. 45 of clestrino.,2finth only- a leg. barn -assessed the tollowing.despateh froth Bufasloa - for $43, aneariotheer-Lot•Baboat half a mile distiiiiron the ithine line of 150: items having l'i' Irefir companies Of the' ..18iii IT. S. - re: 60 Of_cleyeriteennd a fia . ...bait -*sussed. few enlist -A. -arrived this inoriiieg, and'. heVe gene iii: $710, acid a third lot Ca at ferdietant from - into baivacks et Foil -Porter. - Oneibattalishr the other two With night •'aerce clearing. Its-- of the 4th epaulets is on the tvay train- Bahl- _ .. _ _ . : . , *seased fer the sainiate‘ Lot 13.; thesa more, e: • --ea •,_. .are cases at clay° come under my own per • A- regiment tit T.T.- S. polored. troops has sone/ observatiene and others might. easily -arrived at _Erie. be mentioned.• At the Juni meeting of the - " It iebelieved"That- a „general - movemen County Count:ill was-koved, by_Mr. White' heede." That OurEauttlization should be. de- of troopato all points of the. frontier is. Pro' greasing. The Fenian element here' is some- ereased by $10.00.0" makiag a difference what despondent la consequence.° 'perhaps 'of $60 to. the-Tolvnshie,• andepoesi; • bly of' 10 _Cent:5 to each .individtial in it ;" -motion pughtInjustice to- have -been (granted -41. 1/41-11 For SelePeston di the irabene Corpus: Act. - for anything I know . liut take the injwitice perpetrated. the two 6 ces [A trid Brthat _ I" have:- cited shore, and.Coenta equalthation sinks.. into iusigraficande. Moats lest year was equalized -at SIT peraere cleared land, and Cm wij4.- Take A. With 45-. cleat- at $17,_. and 55 wild -at -810a :per acre 45x17 s•a• 765 laid 55x170 a-, 5771, 76exa774 • B with.65 pleated ate $17164.11-057.and 85, et.,$101x85 ae-3921x110r3 2.--119:97: 1 be, ing a difference that Ought te belie been of $6.55`in the Vane. • -Taking lint years COun- ty rate. Loe. ta'shoula pay'.$3.80 of taxes oniyethan Lot -A, whereas it ii actually less ; toivnship and 'school taies Will. swell up the difference 'to Six dollars Which' the onetime pais that (he Other ought (O. . • Our MuuiCipal arecertainly repre- hensible in -appointing Bich aa officer, but sp long inch a-,ipirit-ac fatticn prevails in US cotnposition,x-enci. of self g'oriacetien in in Prominent inenibers bloWing'theii Own; 'aCting like the Raman Hevener could, compjaceiitty Oey tha addle ivbile his capital was in Pames,_ oolong: we, inayleit assured Our interests *ill be imcrificed.: kleping that these remarks Wbieb can easily be subitantiz 4ted _Wilt heve seine :weight at- tke Court Of Reeision. .1 • 1 -am• yours, - - r4u.s, -matars; -Aforo.b- josh; 18.4o. -4 • - _ - - - Dear SignaleeTheeWrimetea literary 'eases, ciation . held its : usual Weekly meeting -On TueSd_Ri last, When Mr. 8 -earth frem-Londem, favored the audience with-readings:froth Tee nysina Heed, and Dtekens. .. ate displayed greee Mete in his seleetionaleading the audi- ence along ..with hint- through the eventful pheges of Eno& Aratmat life, the.happineis of his youth,. and -the calmer holier eitya be found in :the manied State, the eolteary life .of his' tiller manhood when, shiraireaked ori a 'lonely island in:• -a trepieer sea, he like a caged bird pined to be ones more amoaget theileof his own: kind and. the miseri_of• hid _ age, when -returning home he- found that the wife Of liisliosom -after-long and7iiirtowfai _ ortrotmir-DIA211.-Last .11 man I named James Boyd, while going home I from the Heine Guard meeting; diopied ,detiti._ The habits of deceased- were eaiy intemperate. - - •seir We *old& -:direet, attention. to- the - adVertisentent .Of the Wesleyan Citurch re.opening ierVIOci Jilunday.. Ind 'moo, • ni3ut. It ia hoped t.hat, notwithatand- ing the: excitement of the...timely-Uteri-will] be& pia. turn anti - ••••• - •-• 03, Prop aro Werth one :dollar ilia in - - I Then-nholent has- almost 'diseppeared fro 0 iftpe and Demerara. $300,000 werth,csitiotten wu-destroy ad k•rfite in New York on. Monday lust. , _e__. , -Ole_ A proposal is Made Tezai clavicle ibrom .1-s-Ovh; sweetbad hick to tite day closed- to'iraYs ,s Mt "Prim(' -thattitete tato three Stales. AL. fact! -Dublin la • • - - • • _ • .- isewpalaseemtTe ? to be foretop of the .Grand Jury- our us - ca. xativiorlis .jainii DmH isa't-theeee 'eighty putty story, om igtitr maul* PtioSTAbillin's aucosts fori-stal repo?' t la postpeued.till mit isine. • the we--ege-blenerillis; . . Atthe - ineting: ot yeaterday . afternoon, -. he fe ang ie favour of an_ ..in,inediate - sus., aension of the hu eas Ceramic Act evase'Very' ti general. :It wav very :well be asked if the danger is pot as i tninent in gonads as -ia. the -advance of thej Pentane: Arms tn .abun- frelana. It it Opt" indeed, much more' su ? dance -are liaid to be -stored at Detroit, -Sea TO • -make cibleetion about ain-fririging the rtluskyr-BUffitle, Ogdensburg, Plattiditi!t, and 71.1iberty or the-sebject;'-' in times - him the • Montpelier. • .1 hreP Compel:nee of l'eman Vol -.spraeisuesetpsp, isuctsitusuitypreitianaelale_dxoswnTrefth'eriedieityre. ,unteersa COMMaigied. bY 'efficient officeres Peuiall ,oroisseries from the other side vice in Cenedie .- ee• ' - - 4 haiebeen orgateiZed in-Burlington:fey ser,- . . - . _ -amongst. _us nevi. ai tamest 'every aody be. - • - .- , . . Heves,: teethe Government be' armed with: Tenpin:S.0prd iiff:Roc!prockttr, the power of dealiag with theist- -tit the - ' , : ...• -aeas, - .. a , Moat sudinary Jonentier. -, To be.- 'tender• The-. Washiegton correspondent 41' Aim tilieut the - dill --.-..rights 'Of ' intetidieg Nevi York . Tinto telegraphici..,J - - - rubbers, ..- nuird.ereese and • incepdiarien = is = " The Reciprocity- Bilj wag -104d . in the, auieidalrea piece ''.of.- criminal fully. j We House thenight; (Monday) that entinently• shalt ha laughed at 'for our simplicity hy the sdlitaatingunbilig the first - night Sesiinti. :The . misCreatits " who will fake advantage of the bill bad been discussed 'for nearly a- Week, . same,' if we allow Abele, for Want of our it4; and all its prolitsionx had hean very thor- opting ere?, proper precantion, to hixe the oughle.handled 1 `but the fate ef tbe bill :was . ppporninity of -doing-Image. "--- Tae damage 'determined tamest entirelyeby the imbue, of that -a levr hendred rtiffians,. seattered over nierntiern toward .Cablilas .Messrs, Steven& . the Previace, !night dot Witbetit there being Sehenck arid Blaine Made telling'speeChes any aCtual " arnied. invasion!' by- a- large against the bill in its 'finabiatagerot coliiid- body of mere together,' is . incalculable. If eration, and thefeelitig of the Howie being. the Alien Act is . sufficient,: Reed' and well, Wrought op by rigaiens Allusions to- the tut ihut - We feat it is note : --Thoiti'whii -object:tie friendly conduct of Canada duting -the wee. the suggest* shoeld. be asked, te demon- The bill. weadefeated by: a iOte of 52.,nyes. itrate . that the susfientlionof the . Act •is not to IS mies; .A -Very- - general vfeeling exists - as enueh required= °minder: at in Ireland. alio to- see. what effeth. the egeneret • tariff :I:set •.sontelsedy. undertake :to *eve this mill -have. ;Which., goes Into effect initnediritely : _neetaiie, or its affirenative conveise, we upon: be -.emsation of the ReCiprocitpricaty, •tlOult care whieh.7-Ramitton Mitet.., - which trill- oecur March 17. . 5. • - , Ueiforms for fifteen thousaed Men, and two. 7Louls" holm, Of 'Bailie, Misserarie thoesand rifles of the very beat ataterna have - .(kbaeyens ftrreanmer;erwteayiestirikteelyit-ydluriauseedthen:01nlastiptel? shot and aille_d a bald eagle, lest week, whiett roy measured innefeet from the trip olisne -wing tie the other.- The tatons were three-Andea to Burlington V.entiont, .wke. e -they now re-' Inif inebenin, length. , . Wale concealed,- awaiting the advance of th; Fenian hosta It is mere titan possible that , =O.. A few. aaghts -go lie pi -these armi will see the light on St: Patrick's itemise Meta a& waint tut gig imigeerl! day, when the.re is to be a gratd demonstra- townshiP of Garaf ax.a, tworae -enter:dm -11'43tro'‘he- tion'Of some kind made by the Irish_popula4 kers..- the fo:merr cen leman _lost a .buggr non in that locality. - Alms in 'aauatiance• and harneas, the latter a first rate horse - are- saideis he stored at Detroit, . Sandusky -• * Buffalo, Ogdeusbnrg.,lalattsburg, and Mont- eelier. three compaiiies of Fenian ,volune. wers have been*orgenized in .Burlington serviee in, Canade. . An old officer who hes' seen service Mexico his commteid ot the battalion.. :The aVermohjeFeiiituas. have ree ceived trustworthy intelligence from Mon. treal. that there. win a st.cretineeting the leaders of the moyetuent in that eitv, -last Friday night, e ebuilding -not a hendred yards from -the Boesacears market, in whiCh it was resolved to give every aid ponibIe to the invaders.' Out of the 85,000 members of that .ordef in Caada, - shited,that 25,00 will take up arms aa soon as •Sweetiy's-ad-. rauce teachee,Caeedien soil; - Many: of ihe Seuthern officers waa heee been tesiding Qatari 'far the last two yeera, have eerie to blew York for. the purpose of offering tkeir servicee aud asaistance to - General Sweeny. -Le ;Isle Se -Helene, -en the stf Lawrence River, oppoeite Montreal, a militia post, which is a key to the defence of tbe city is ppt in a thoroUgh state of defence, and ano cipvirelisne-atea.wilhoiartetlevetio.,isi,e !owls indee Hamilton and tile kenIanse , - ..... ' European News. . ,, , ',Oa...eV ...Z.Ji. .. _ v.*, .......:. .t........,.........................., . Fr,- " _ iPoaTraiiii, March 13. The stehmer Hiberniait, Copt, Dutton, troth Liverpeallinfthelst March, via Greencastle:on the 284 rived at 10:30 o'cloclr this e'Yeatug,,, .bringing::. 5 passengers and a tun cargo. - Gag.terSeirsist.-The rumored resignationcf ,••• Earl Existent which the Times alone circulateit, proved:unteunded,. . e ne -' The London Gloheirenouncesine eemesstate- _ .ment a pare _invention irom beginning to end. - .TheTimes -of the 1st says, -the ruiner to 'which - o it called•attention, has been so authoratively 4e.: nied; That we hasten to verged the itupwssion and to moderate speculation whtch it naturally excited.% The collateral rumors' ot ,cotuse sbare- the .fateof the principal repost, and the condition_ of the :Ministry remaiese ra fact, unaltered, unless we may suppose that it has acquired additional - stability by the way of reaction _against lake tumors. .The Daily News reinarloson the pi•rinst- ent eflintri ot the Times IQ -damage gustiell'aValii. I net, and sets ttiarusior down as otieot them!. -i-, - j it asserts thin' Autilsell/a Cabinet Itaa beeadailY. growing stronger, and conibate the 10.ea, as As other journalist that Russell Ovoid think,of Saga- - ing withcet attempung to carry the Reform...pro. • jeet to iahich be is pledged. The Owl giveswItat is nrobably ;soother veraloom the •Tanies'rewors5 namely,. _that iltsty. Busse% especiidly in theavent of his .earrying. the Reform 43ill, -intends 'bane longito retire. :it also .saysniere wilt be a -change in the ,Jabinet shortly, ts.i lie ;ea useil by the retire- mentotlEir George Grey limn the Home &eye- taryslite. -in 'the- Voitse ot -Commons, ",n Arc ' ,2atti, the &Kabuli -Wag l'f.enalnAeotaration re- utree_sin sitialitiestions for difice, -was posies' tar • 4 e,SIXII1 Vine by a -VOW oi lTi.to 45: lhe ottani, i!lite was ilikays rej -clef' in Itie 1 tvuse ,of A.5001s; - 1 1 be"Ibll • regiranig ibegovernment of Janhaea was passed: ,.The renmn slinks are unehangosi. ... Arrests continue. Five !fish: Athol -teens ''yte.to ..arrentd in. Dublin on the .281h. Docanients 4441. , -suspieitfus charaeter were found ve them, -The Londoe Tiu;es says it is -understood that %he - Horse Guards have deternimed epon strenethee- logehe -depot battalions of Infantry- in Ireland; - and they will Shortly Le aug nmetectby an addition ?-ofIseveral English end Indian &tags 'aim licit-nat.. ed ye. battalions in England. , Faawca.--in the 'Corps Liegitiltair,Auring a -Ile- -bate on the -first i airat.:Taph of the' Addressi-,:itifes Vavre censured the ahrogritibtr oft& ettradstiosi :treaty -vrtth England, and sudrected tiara www some political:Mottve tor this.step. Itt lietifier, Miiitstee; of State, asserted that the raintitore had up pelMeal siguiticafion. Iblotum was -*yea in . -terminate the treaty because it Lad ,notsativrat, tory Jesuit, but the -French -Government bad not - , ,relingiii‘hed the hopo of zoncluding An etieetant :" - treitty,,,,'Gurnier Pag-eseiplainedthwainenamertfe. --proposed by:the-Opposition .againat the :temporal .powereitthellelySte. elimelebete wan edjonitt- ,-, . . • . - amil to 'March 13,-.1" meeting of the leading ,ciActis was 'held this- after- noon; at which 'the Mayor presidek. tb take into bondderation the prepriety of organizing a flotde iGnard for:dCfenee -in the event lof the -tropps and volanteers313e- ing -Pella to the. front.- teliirain 'from the Mayer to Col, Maodougall„_was read, itakieg if the Government .would furnish arms for 500 or 4000 men in the event tof the 'Tome Guard being, organized, and a reply,. ta 11a -effect that the wish of -the Mayor' had -already been Inticipated.- Ward committees wore forined, and to morrow night meetings are to he- held in - each ward, for the' purpose of enrolling the loyal citizens. Att_ enthusiastic and loyal feeling pervades- 4-1 daises of the community.- [Leader. - • - -F-enlan Amnia. New -York, March 12.4iThe. World pub. lishes' a telegram atet whiCh says that private . and retiableinformattee frcint Burlington, Vermont, atates "uniforms fir 15,000 menoind 2,opo rifles) of the 'e.g. best pattern, hare beek tranaported quietly, d‘ring .the last- teellaysIsfrom New York, Al- bin', and frorn 'Troyetto Burlington; Vt.., Where they now remain concealed, awaiting ed: • /31..he It-eciproelty Treaty.. ?berm of the Anierieter 'Itterementaad Preseseems te indicate a total fib -motion aef„ _ the Treaty neer expiting. by limitation.. wide - out any -desire -trio negoelate for antitte&- Canedmns who accept' this 'conclusion *Br find -themselves greatly mistaken. The 4ms micelle are te sniart a people to -sae:rifle. a • trade -of over 60 millions -oldellant, in. which • ,thef stare a profit, and'. the !Weston:ling:of -which is full of adiantagiaf to them which are ind!speesibleae large and. imetortant alma of their OW11 people. To retaliate for etappos- . • ed lack of simpathylit the late war they Will :1st shut not their °in. Ittialtry and ahiprr nor will they abandon our_ isheriele 'ere worth to them millions 414ollata annual. ly,- besidee being their obief 'nursery foe mer- chant and navaleteeAtneta They want "'"fla drive a hard bargain " in thie natter with 1British America, and therefiiii3 - the total abandonment of -the treaty is threateued. But there is -not the' Alighted '''ditnger arty such thing. Canada might- find customers - for her prcrluect ekes:hem on- us fok pensible .advantagles.frf The jteralmatteare s • -- COUNTERFEIT FENIAN 130a085, ---it impcx*, tent to the purchasera pecatilexy pledgee of high independenee to 'know that hate been r9iiiing fortnight-Air:leaser 4111t2e very accurate! jeounterfeit oft% Taientinboadif of earioart dettominatione. The epurioveten. dollar _ bonds so closely. resemble the gar nine that it requires en sit/tulle detect the . cheat. 01 the .bonds af greater denomination the police baee no description. ?Ilwaingtar era and pintail- of these conntirfeit, beads are sai to haee been employed; hy men• tee large resoureett-vilfether ishior otherwile is not stated•-adlt moreoicr, alleged Ott; the backing Of* counterfeit* bare . ..empleled g‘ng ofedvestment to .. bats theiribondsi end thaCalready inat`ty ,thoussalla of the false ttilrens 'have been seal to ' &editions Irishmen Alld beedworkinet.servant girls, and that 'the interior tif As Stile sad New-Engleed Ind the -West hay4been 414oesi- id with them --withlw: 1,, Papsk. ' , /1.4.4 A !frith; 41,4111Peitt16- . The Fenian call to Arms; Murder -In Rockiest**. . - The following address. fie*" tharerel •Sweel dreadful Ciuider WAS 'Com* ittet in eiwy whir inued on Saturdey evening iao •Itachestei oti''Taursday 'evening.• 4 man .8w-telt/eve aejatesa. ' named Orton, iaaaaknian, residing in- BoUth V() the Peniair Brotherhood or Americal Union street!..W.Ona- ihte• his stable to feed Blot trettn,,The ihand of, tbe .-oppreseer horses, lied not returning aftee. smite lais fallen Cheavily neon -ear native landl- _time, his wife -hecamennestay about him and The writ Of habeat corpus. bulletin suspend, wentinto tliesteblea **Mee she found:131m in ed in Ireland 'by.the Bratsk Parliament with eslying eanidition, aead and face being haste_whichline betokened the- terror bur Tte - 11 h d o pieces.. A., cart .stake, prepatatione have strickee to. 4he hearts of, heana with iron, lay. beside- link. and wee years' of waitnit.(believieg him '.tei be dead)! our foe& e That tato! trinnY:.means deeper eiideetly. the weapen CBS az ethe .inurderer., was married, :teenothert 'Tbeliteid deeeriP- Wrongs te-7,our race ; it means the 1.linirrierif He &din afar.minutee. • The- murders lila, and- the du gers 'seafaring *eat *lei- rapine, and devastation in Ireland. It also times of nature falafel rot i ru I r hes P Pre re prisoniteeilie buildieg of seal/We-Ma a not besti discovered. .. We learn With pleaanri theatte Conang tad to 'the anualeyet elegant style atia mel aeyelopes the, sttategy oue enemies. _ Graeat latobberyea Attrition of ihe Reciprocity Teleaay. wall • •low versification -with. which the: piece - The faller report -of an 1rish -privateer on - for thjs maim; at least affeca the timber ne t gi.13 " hisenone--of their beauty in the re,nding. ,Th!. net. With ProMateess aud vi or. 7 She Wishes Wall-etreet' eta t- b 'abounds were most faithfully rendered and • • trade of this section. Wealthy Amadeu* the ocean -has given England an occasion to New Yotk, Aire' 12.--z4t rePorted 9u are now here tiegoiatin,g with nearlY 411 114 x ego was_the• ae e'er &cam 'one; to crush one countrymen in Ireland now,,,tbat sicaritiefi Occerredi -no -particulars- except ; gree leery of of the -algal pieces -Of Hood, 'every Jine of. eke mayetreagtheu ber Welk point, by Yeln•-• that -the &mount iChalf a million dollen. which aparkles with - the frolieseare gaiety or 'forcing in • the- spring. 1.1ow ia our date to• Nashinew, March .12.41,epreeentatre. etrike, yhile the British setae* ire emOoyrd ee-aaateiti.eitterePattiaa toeday On resollition nte ot twei n, titti dalePasr:i i dife nee;„ -us.throtounghoirre.the ipalloposirt:tog.;toirsteymporerar tlyntion4sidcreaseii 'woe dlheuty 11/ _fain a laiging-mt;#14144 1°4' where-tention alike Dollintittee on "Ways ad Means 19iinOuif ititerruPtionlice m Wild a base. of "'to take op .thesubjett. of the Wittman early tiento and -Perfect our-0114aq °Mara': day. Theilloqee thought It less jnexPedimit• jelk; ie -Madness °1" intbeeditY :t° rak te takelaitiOn on the eesolatioa ea..edesepe the man . whose ;self pi -opined spiteple was ." Here lies the - man .Wade &ore puns than any man-- living.":' Then the 6 80fig of he shire, aloe Ahi "4.1t-Bnege of Sikkiet:-fo Jog a- striking contrast to the Proeeedifig piectafid inwhich the povertristifferings,and tragic end Of the .1;endon,Seainatress, wasting. her life away tor a* materalasepittance, 'sib so powerfully delineated, but in lane that saddening as they may be, frOnt- the atoud ,tit'iaintOreing our brothers -at home with man, or -the fio-ti• . • .. 7.7., , , - . ., ... , . ,, , or. arms7st Preimit.' - Snob: :lin atiliaitits even , • . 1- , -. s , Jf, fhoebstdele Of the United Meths ne.uttality ' ,ailposT:Thii St. Louis . 'papers anticipate the harmony •-of these -•ntimbere,..tilincit ettern • to - could:be avoided, Weald in thalidemnt-:of :opeTting ar tharaKier twins figs. -weeks . The ' COMO fro* the tongue like the :fink' sweet liglinaval intlitnity, • result oely in Pippin, Mood * .0p411 *Olt/ teavenworth to ICan . Melody:of a carol. Thernext`piies-wita *ow • 0- r 0 aesecre. . 'The tens -of thoasanda of- line' es County. • Heavy- altipmeets .barc been the peu -err the ' great_ English neitelitt, the -.Irish heartil ail(' strong; 'Hilt- &rails en _ibis made to the Lovier,MwStesimikthe Tennessee, inimitable ." BOO7',- *loos 0°699' bialliaul- emitinen( . demand. active. . egAiperauon cumborlito fted.cither- laWCf rivero, tele,: qiiaint fantastic- glee, and brotatfiumnr,--, uiitei Muvratty erciind the. Green lite of- due ' *Mbar merebents for large dipplios 40* Weber at .Plices beyond:that for -Which they hive diaposeclof their awaits for r,csaniyeareo. Mr. John Mane teepee of the:aiw ‘mialie -Forth, taill:tonttrieted-to supply 10,004114$ - of lumber for *America ;Market* lt `ht/te, ter pike. than 'he ime .7reitlisediJor yesits *I foie. Maid certainly very ',cloning nets :for this settiiiti Of -country, and wills° for toe set. at ease Oa pall° minden theiettiesdon or, _ reciprocel trade with oue '111.nittitted -neiglie hers on the satber Aida Of t . •StAletwetatielte lice and just -domonstnitee the fa t thet they' volt iiiittd...-onr litMher Art any :4•?-lbil -,0114 'danger -la that -the baginesa *ill he, &Vitiate, in Vanada,. and thus glut 4haAntelioan inar- ketsi-and bring iirices ,dawn to A figure that wili.intikts the -,triaonfactutoorsawn Umber 'unprofitable.-Perlit-Courfee, , .,, , .• =a1 - : ; ERR Gentleman 75Dettitity, Premat *indiscretion, ii"itsd free to w -waking thesimple frrens wishingte ova do sojay add STR.4.111 livcrY loorWil° ?can itearsometbin tantrum:it ifreee" . Those INC hymn moue s.ddresstkeir Nr3. 7,414 Irei saresiser, 4 few eeks lay* al re forme -vend ye 4hat aread disease to his fellow T ati who -desire used ifree and esutg -tiso ices foreostsoster -Coir. and all The isitheadvertil theathietecl ves belum Via -UT Itis remedy/ may proves!. Partscs wishing -sell itlease-address 'tem aleya lulling been fit IBS and other] bc re-opeuei 1101 -When SEB. 11 4..M. REV 2_,P. M. REV - 7 P. Id. EBY. A Collection will each Service in .-11. Paarie Teatme loweig "evening, i the- Rasenient of Doers open ;ar', *dresses inti Messrs. A- Hui Nestles, W. -0Healla willeen - s TICKETS OF waich way -be ha Datlor abSon, eail Jordan, and-lic In bad by *pp* lechetion. „ Goderich,Meac -2 t R z NI liAliS1:1.0i4 _, ! .. ,0411012and, .._ -4470..zisori:idbe: 7:-J Isi.so:kie-ter::::: rikiiit:::: ..1 _ Ova Androir -=-. . 14.) te trinis,114)Sii : 4C,:ciiiliinpuitlit*ellTitabitiki.lt_ft 1 - 1 . ..,77:00.biDoitap4alltrlyeTtrri:trilyibiss:An;:vtionesittiiie:1)*i7gesnbettarn,-'1:12_Yli; ..' Willey Arame f' e ajar James 2e- , ' inlay William -. - „ ---L--- oraitainiabn . Irtgleiteereestere- 2..:7 : /11:111-1314et4raliVelPholilintr ,-- ;- .. . He Nen Time ', . • jaluiston John Joksiatia Thou \ -160011 0004C XeDDIriiortit W111- 4leSit 110WE .1a the subscaer home, abont, the 1 lithe and iq'Prove PrOla 'Them away. _ • March 15th, 1Ail Insolvent '71rn tire matter °fel La_ *waft Ineolveal Tants are petit tite, Asergameat of sunder the shwa Assignee, and thej AIN, within two mos :their vinous ;gamy, and the leg thefseisi the ovith the Touchers i tsted- at rsedo amp& this--Ustkilis sgi otr0 Farm A sitiLta farm AI situates Suing -within 13 t 11/losisani, being th -141 Ai ninth O lisentoetii,:vontais Ciannd, 11 octal ilmse oats_ WM in Yor farther 20-01$0fie Illsolven taaroviste\e‘if Vaaatla Coedit *Mcrae* -To 2lomesiastrielcAl ." ; Val= TTRODI reeding the V Attacitatem -eirdetted that a mete Above mania Dania the comet Route tali . *Cid Ossentiest ors Ito iondarek,A.11 1866, - purpose ofgariag thr -inept of sat Oliciat Al amid Defindatt. ati Natio, Uptiblitt. bed s Week* - Warms OirtailttflOi Own! usiderilayktte 066. I (894 " s pr-7-etj