HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1949-02-02, Page 1T
VOLUME 51 - NO, 20,
- •"%"-Im' Vie°"•''.:"'- .:-'6• ^"'
Walton Community Hall
Scene Of Presentation
For Blyth Newly -Weds I ncest, is 11x11 Auburn, was packed on Activities ;\.,,,,,',r tt!r•�1 1,; three carloads of The Official Board of the Blyth Uni•
\1'cclne;rt�' night, last week, for the S. P, Hallahan Retires Following Three
On \\'cdnesda evening, lann116 'cutch cone rt, sponsored I;., the fin- 1!i ;311101 n)crtin, Of t ,r Ia I!t I.1 n froi,t the Iln 1)k Club, BI; tit tvd Church have recently had an offer
Year Tenure As President
> , I.i,.n, , h.,,,P, d it up in ;real style at of purchase for the church shed, but
26th, the \\'anon Community elate was once c. mntittel of the Conunun'ty Public Library Association wa; held in their r(v1::u• meetie,, on Tee • Secretary -Treasurer Also Resigns, this offer has been tabled for the time
the setting fora presentation to a NIent 33al Hall Fund. The concert was the Library 0x1 Thursday night, with •day .�_
couple,1u • resident; • •n asst 1•:; st and \Vest \\'awanu.l, the chairman of the Board, J.:\. (;raJ•, r::;',t. 1;,,:.ie• the visiting I.jo:,,, oth-
erI'll BI�'th :lgricultnral Society clog• bcinl, as we feel this shed could bea
newly -wedded now a c me t I. •, ' I )teat asset to our communityif it were
of Blyth. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon 11.,1- ves,us Mullett and C'olbolie townships. 111 charge of the melting, Rev, J. I., t,r,t, win )e ,tU in the persons ed a verg tcce:,ful year with their
land were the 1101101n•ed guests on this The committee in charge were: For 111. Ilender:,,!1, secretary -treasurer, of II.,:•rY `>turd• :nu! Bert Cods, of :annual meeting which teas held in the I)ut in shape. '1'I)r roof is in need of
occasion. AI r, Holland is a former East and \1'esi \\':ew(Ilosh, (;ltd' n 311(1 the minutes of the last meeting
\ul urn, ;,;:.I hill Cock, rlinc, of t! e Thursday shin png and several other major re•
1 ti ()range Ilan, r,1) I',nlrsrlay aftlrnoun•
\\Talton), I0 for soete time has \Icliinrhry I:cith :\rthur, and Ilam' which were adopted. 11e also gave a "Oh I.iur, (Myst soloist for the crcnie.., There were 23 directors and members
!,airs required, and we arc appealing
boy, w t t
t:,. \lis: :Vise I;u,,ersun. with bei PC- to the citizens of the v3ll•,g�
held a responsible position with t':1 Sturdy; for Colborne and Mullett, ll:rt financial statement showim, reoopts I1!( )1t, with \I r. . 111011 Ilallahan, ,e and sur-
! - c, n; , n t, \II's. R. U. PhilO, Lion rcunding country in an effort to raise
George R1df0rd Construction Co,, of Craig, \1'111, Craig and Gurdon Dul,ie, for the year at ti,i11793 as against ex !. I president, in the chair,
s , Each side ,u on one I'nll hour tic:)\ Pe1)diWrc>; of 321!)1, leaving a deficit I'!'1);sI \l1 Norma Dyer w;t, at Ih, sufficient funds to put it in proper re -
Blyth. Mrs. Holland t. the former mut put \I iu1)tcs of the 1918 annual meeting
J piano i, r t t,.b nnn111115 In the at,. lair. It is estimated that the cost will
?Hiss Jessie Phillips, a Myth girl, this pro,sram ands a half -lour n,iscen-sof ;1398. 1 l also gave a sunnnary of I were read by the secrN,arg, \liss Lena,
' :, \ Harry ~turd\ chairman ' the year. The Ibrar6• has •1St, 110 )ks s'') cl pi Lim Tamer Grover (:tare' I.i; in tsto1), and were accepted as rea. be approximately $1500.(HI to do this,
A large crowd was present, and the spec ns. It. 1 J I 'Tau 'I wiotr Stant Sib!h roe Lot the and contributions will be greatly ap-
evening was enjoyably spent (laming of the limutce committee, spoke a ic,v ; on hand, 1.15 of these being newly en In his address, telt President, lits .
to \\'i1bec's orchestra, words ;and introduced tl.e .:hainnan fcr'tercd this past year. The circul•,tiuu sin ,in;, :IPA I,'on Yore, I:)le tool: g)'t 1lalla!otn, signified his intention to re- larcciatcd and may be left 1t the Can-
1)ttt•ing the evening the young con- East and \\'est \\';twano,h, Dr, It, C, for the year tca5 given at IO8). In the 'Tail .1 prism., ),,,,. adian Lane. of Commerce. or with any
lite after three year's devoted service
•1 111 1)c ere \\'cit who presided f, r the ful!cwi1) lt'iiwing the financial situation, \I r. lu•i,•( 4) ,.n Lions sans, several ht<- t„ tate `,.,eiet6. \liss Livingston ids.) member of the following committee;
plc were called to the front and tt 1 t, !, s„)u.;., :,,) I a!, rcc:a:cd t+rJ 1),).r,)
low -
presented with 1 purse of 11101131 program: hagp peg by \Ir. D.:\. Mc- Henderson stated that grant money
read a letter containing her re,i3nat.on A. R. Tastier, \\'. B. Craig, bred J
h BertJohnston,while \I r. hes; Lennau, Lochalsh; Snitch 4;111(1 .\its. would be larger this Year.
;1 sate :,.'lc, ti, n b� \lis; .Alice IL,t c son, (;eorge Rad(nrd, Ken. \\'Iiitnore,
\it. c J as secretary tnasurcr, which was re
sin, who tt;c; 1oundly enc, red. Li, n Earl Caldwell, Frank 'I'yrcman, Dan
Bennett read the following address: Stewart Plunkett; solo, \Ir, C•hu•L 1 ley Motion the membership fees for 3, rettullJ accepted. She has capably
President ident Frank Ilaintrn we'comed the \Ic(�ctui1 or N. \\'. Kyle. All con -
Dear Jessie ;and Gordon; \\'e your Johnston accompanied by \Irs.' A. the ensuing year \vete set at 1•U'i :o'. )nest; and called 011 Lion `,!;n Nle -
the office since 1911 and ,poke
will be acknowledged in the
trends base gathered here to -night to I1113(1 number by the Athol Bru,r tr_ adult, and ;.Oc for students. of 111e work as not arduous but jute_-'
offer sincere congratulations to both chestra; solo, \Its, 3 111111rsan Rodger; The election of Board members re lacune: t„ ut+r;,huc Co! Ilogen Lim press.
\o busin ;, w;es 011 the agenda 5vitlt j \cures, and said she. would carry on
of you, \\'e have been looking for- accompanied by \Its, R. 1), \lunro, : suited in the 1948 Board being return until a nets appointee was well estab-
\tlyd to baring this pleasure for some (tante by \lissls loth \loss and Isobel I ed with the addition of Rel, \\'.
return -
the cx.1; t,on of the reading of the 1 `
e i lashed ;orad would act as an ;assistant. ! �hlldl'Cn Ill
'c tvelco tc you Jessie, and :\mdre0s, accompanied by U. A. \l:•- RZogers. \Ir. (;ray was re-app1111114 n:iru'e; ho !Itt ' 1(11'a1„iry, cit ti (ir;c.t •1„ her was aec„rded a hearty vote of I Master Jac!: Caldwell and Faye Cal,l-
lime, 11 ti •actin which vers. adopted ti,
hope You will (eel 3)1) are one of ns. 'Lennon; rcadins. \Its• Albert (;atop -1 chairman, \Its, N. P. Garrett was ail !) !1hauls for her fine services, ;well, son and daughter of \(r. and
1b you, Got•d0n, we bereve you bell; solo, Mr. Stacey Sihthorps, ac- pointed Secretary, and \Ir. Henderson I \Olin- Governor Bert Gray intro- 1 ,,., Financia! statement was tory Mrs. Earl Caldwell, are both ill, ,lack
have done a lot of serious thinking be- compiudded hJ• \liss Norma Doer; dance Iw•as returned as "Treasurer. :\ I louse
d,:,ced liar }:)l;t Bleaker for t,'1 even- gratifying, skinning receipts of 3,3,31.c;3 is confined to bed at the home of Mr.
fore taking this step, \\'c known 1uu by NI Jto Lutz, accompanied by i), Committee of \Irs. Garrett and \liss just, I.io):, tL1 Iter. Jas. Coley, of 'and an expenditure
of $2,813.91, with and \ira. George \IcGowln, BJ\l'i
b ,
have chosen wisely, 1\tm)w'tttg you as :\, MacLennan; or:•hst,t number by'Poplestone, and a Book 'Buying Cont the \\'ro�IRr Club, who is also Liu11 some small nustanding expenditures, :Iaye has her left arm in a cast, the
We do, we are sole you will be an ideal Stewart 'Poll, 11; tcy and \lurray \'c• mince cumprisiu;, \lisses N. Johnston Com -
Tamer of the \1'ru;ctrr Club, I Mr. (tarry Sturdy, (ecieration (tele -'result of . an accident that dislocated
husband, '1'o both of you, we hope the I) well, with Norma Doer 1313 1(,pa1- and A. Fleming, were also appointed. Linn .3im gave a stirring and i,:(l( gave a short summary of the a 501ill bone,
sea of matrimony will he smooth sail- jst; solo, :\nbrcy 'Toll, accompanied by A delegation of \Ir. (;sty and \I r. 1110113 3)1 11 vo!.jn:,x11(1)164 01 “C -L- meetings he had attendee!. V
ing all the way, \Its. Munro at the piano and Ste'.t'art Rogers \rill wait (3n the Illyth (01110 1 izenstmp. To be a good citizen you � Various committee convenors report OBITUARY
Art in arm you'll wall: together, full on the s;txophnn1; reading, \Its. with a view of obtaining a larger 1111 1 u,L1 !;ut in the life of the w•hulc ed as follows: 1)11( (IB(nor Parrot)
Mrs. Emmanuel Lyon
'Through the lane of many years, Roy Finnigan; solo, Clark Johnston; municipal grant, ctuunn11111 tuakl it a cu-uper31164—ilorses at the 1948 (air of good goal- Mrs. l:nnn;untll Lynn, who passed
Side by side you'll reap file's pleasures, selection, \Its. \\'.11). Rubertu11, ntnn-) Ways and means of raising fund; c, nu 121316 There are flues words sty but not as many reties; races (,f.
Sidi by side may shed some tears, bet by :\tl1ol Bruce orchestra; solo, were discussed and it was decided to \tett ;t g)) t! (111/111 1111.11 uses, "uu, B. 11111 3nn). not the hest races, hut' array in a Detroit, Mich,, hospital on
But we're store you'll reach your gad, \I r. Slut, Sibthurpe. 'chis side con- hold another penny sale s11111111 10 last a t, :u ,l utter" fol cs;tm;,le, "nn, tto! lots of horses; cattle I:\, Yntntt;) a I ridgy, 11nu;trl _813, was buried from
'Though a long road you'll he faring, eluded their program with a chorus, year. ;\ committee of het•, Rogers, me", std ..it can nicer be dune." Olt the 1)))Iwoo4 Funeral home, Myth, 011
s entr, Ther 1111 folly around "Auld Lin; Syne." K. \Vibster and K. \\'hitnore was ap ;, broader scdl the speaker said. Cit. real good sh0\\ing but reconnn('"'lc'(1 Monday, January 31st, with interment
Always ! 1 haying a class for both senior and jun- ,
\Talton, j Following a fifteen 1)l nutc recess the pointed to interview \1'• V. l 0y with a izensh3 & involves the whole world, for calve,; Holsteins, Huron Count) in Myth Union Cemetery. The remains
Conte what may! 'They'll all be caring, Colborne-Ifullett committee presented view to securing the motion Picture, Last year the liquor expenditure per :. �, arrived here (3n the noon train, and
J t \ssociation (C. Galbraith), not . o many rested at the Funeral 'Home until ? p.m.
As a small token of the esteem in their Program, wltic'3 &smn13 1 11! 611111 "B00ks 1)rice On, wide)] is a splen capita for Canada tt'as 150.0(1 per head, exhibits but better quality, and cxhib- s v con -
which you are held in the community, ;t mixed chorus, with Mrs. R. J. Phil-Iditl picture of Huron County. This \(3'0 311 for ')fissions it was pennies, is at \chick time 1 public service was
its from either end of the county; ducted 1,y the Rcv. S. 11. Brenton, pas -
we ask you to accept this•gift. lips presiding at the piano. Other 111111)- be arranged for at an early date, that goal citizenship." The "'rotor' h(O. \icGmvan), would like prize tor of the l.oudrshoto United' Church,
\Ve are pleased you have set 'tip hers were: Bagpipes, I1. Kingswell, of I The saute three were placed in 111(1 1 house} was present j11 every connect -
sower) increaser) sure more flock num.!
your home so near us, and hope to Clinton; solo, Bill ('rugs jr., Mom- of arranging a Public. School ;\nul'1uc it'•, and was one fancily that was nut ev; hogs (Harry Gibbons), more hags • Pallhcarcrs were \Itssrsi J'.c i.5011
J r cundusivc to gond citizenship, I.'on ~111)1(6 1.6(33, \V m. \It\ ttl t, \
sec you often, ponied by \Irs, Phillips; Scotch dance night, the funds from which tell assis' than pens; had to switch the hogs from
\\"e all join in 51lshjIlg 5013 n1an6• by the McCabe sisters, accom!�anied in bettering' the library, and the adn115 lint listed the following members of pelts to trucks to get them all judged; 1111111 ng, Emerson llcsk, and \\'m.
yelt•S of happiness and success. by \Ir. II, Kingswell; duet, \lisses Sion price to which will entitle ;hose 110 "Take L•anil6, of \l1 I any cam- ,,sultry (1. Johnston), exhibits were Gorier.
-Signed on behalf (3t your friends ..:mina and Shirley Robertson; mono -I who attend the sh.,0V 10 six months' 1)11111ity is better without: 3)ic_tator, \(, 1 but more exhibits than classes; I Formerly Miss Myrtle Bell decelS-
around \\'11101, fugue, Mrs. Donald Fowler; solo, Mr. membership in the Library, the tend,• ;\gi-lator, Vest t;ttor, hu -tater, Pa1P1- more classes recommended;
en -
women's ed 6514 Amos Bell, off relate Mr. and
Air. Holland replied 011 behalf of l<ing;nell; Scotch dance by ,\IcCahe olive date was set for Mate h 18th, tater, Aotisotator, Spec-tato•, and work (\liss Livingston), advised ell. \I r.. i\tfiifittas-
1 1 Uoinin1)1 3t 1 Citizenship Lcgins in She met her husband, tin nLyon,
his bride, thanking those present fur sisters ; orchestra number bJ ltt:lc It is hoped that the public will stip- ;; n"'' larging the lists in seeing and knit•
their kind gift,and the sincerity be- Ladd, Glen Patterson. Dill Craig, jr., I port these fund-raising projects, ab'e't 11:1 holm, \Vith prose_ train:n; there ting ; schools (J. Buchanan), appre1 while the ..tw'o werelengaged
in th
hind it, and Garth McClinchec, lccnmpaujcd by in turn will give the community ;t bet and in the community, it can blossom ted the pupils' full da J• holiday to at_ trachul;, profession in \\e
\' \Irs. S. M1Clinchey; ladies' trio, Mrs, to library, � li 1111 into the furthest corners of the' ads, sure they were married 32 years
tend the fair instead of the customary ago at \Vestlock, Alta. Mr, Lyon is a
S. I i. Brenton, \Irs. Shaddick and Miss --'---•---- cat'tli. hal( day, thus enabling the
Londesboro Hockey Notes ' f5 parade to son at the late ifs. and Mrs. Thomas
Doreen Armstrong, accompanied by t‘i��IoNG THE cHtlit(•,T1E0 \vote al thanks was tendered theget started j1) better time.
(Ily Jack \Vehster) Mrs. Tom :\.11111; solo with guitar ac• s;,r)Ler by Lion fiord. Augustine.i.you. and was formerly a resident 011
TRINITY CHURCH, BLYTH .. \Ir. liallahan called for expressions the Auburn -Blyth road, Following
Londesboro Ties Teeswater, 2.2 ' conipaniment, Clare Stewart; piano
Rev. J, L. ll. Henderson, hcrt;r I \t 11)1 juncture an iu)i,r0mptu 60141 of the wreak spot of the lair and low thrix marriage in 1910, they took 1)p
Londesboro 11,-:\.'s tied a scheduled duct, \I isles \largaret Jackson and \o services until February '_6th,
solo was gi'ren by Lion Bob Cunning' i they could be remedied. I. h. Writ_ 11111!0)1residence 1t \1'inds(3r, and later moved
gaud in Group 6 \1",O.A.:\. "C", when I?v(ly11 Is Ilthhy; qua131111, ,'N mos An haul, of 11'voxeter, son thought something should hi dons
to Detroit, where they have resided
they tied '1'ecsw'ater 2-2 in '1'eesw•aler drew, hill Craig, jr., Jack Ladd tii&l len B1.,YTH PRESBYTERIAN CHIJRCH An -
Lion Howard Wylie their'=inior!ncd to boost attendance. Others felt that lot many years.
an Friday eight.
Patterson, acc0111)1ui1(1 by \err, Craig; ]Zeus John Heineman, Minister,
members of the Blyt►1`Club that they exhibits, especially, indoor displays, Brsjdes her sorrowing husband, she
This game was scheduled for Lon- solo with ;31aar accrinpaniment, Mit:,, Sunday' Service ll amt.
)d conte dozen from \1'ruxeter with should be greatly increased, that people is survived b6 two sons, Bruce and
desbur0 but when it lana time to star, Tot)) Allan; ;e1.,. harry Lear; Foto —..v �- the purpose in mind of wresting the will not attend 1 fair unless there )s Errol, of Detroit, One son, DOug1111
it was storming so hard that to carry with )solar accompaniment, Clare ( BLYTH UNITED CHURCH Travelling Lion from the Myth 01111) something to see. 1 11 killed in_altiuu during the last
the pack was next to impossible, so Stewart. This site concluded the1rl
(Rev. \\'• J. Rogers, \liuistcr) \Ientbcrs 1•f the Blyth Club 1114 gone A committee consisting of h. Par ,tear,
the '1'ceswatcr lads invited Londesboro' program with the mixed chorus sing- 10. L5 a. 1)t,: Sunday Sclooh to \\'ruxctcr 101) \ecela ago, in force, cult, ll. Gibbons and S. Chrllrw was the funeral were
int, "\01\ is the }lour." 'and had demanded it from \\'roxetcr, I'h0s1 'au
to come back to Tcesw•ater with them 11.15 a;n1,: Morning \\(3rship, ret up to make contacts with other or- members of lir immediate family, and
and play the game in the '1'ceswatcr ! The judges were \Irs. Clayton 1?d 7.00 ).m„ I ccuiu;q \1'orsl)i 1 Linn President Frank 11111)1011 then de- );;tizations to increase 11 1 oai lh her members
f I e Stamp, It Toronto, 11 -
arena, Shaddicic was the goal -getter ward, (itclerich 1 \Irs, 1 . \Vendor( nut 1 I'etsole 'a mantled than Lion \ore Kyle produce Sturdy, chairman of the entertainment s0 many relatives from this commun.
for Londesboro, scoring both goals, I Mr. George Jefferson, Clinton, In 13resideiculda5011(1 151111)1" 11u1111)asetnrtrt of ;hr 'll;trc1112 g Liun, for the llo\cick'cununittlr, thanked all who had helped j sty,
Londesboro 8 •Fordwich 1 gluing the;_ decision \I r, Jefferson Inn- Cloh 1111) 31(rs. immediately
I.1111 his committee, which had raised ti435.3i v --
thc chord!.
Londesboro 11. -Al's travelled over to gratulatcd the community 0n present- t _� i \ort% bc,;uu stalling, and it was 111)1116 during the Jcar. Ile was again Warned
1ord\tich 011 \Tednesday night to beat ing such a splendid program and au_ A ;seen that he was hiding some tnisdc- federation delegate ;and also presided �Ils, William Hill
the Fordwich lads 8-1 on their home '111)1011ed the decision in favor of the (�ON(rlt:\ 1't1I,ATIONS ;1)tr'a1111111 from (dub members. \\'hen for the election of director's c0m11113 Thr (antral selices ioi lets. \Vil-
lce, Colborne-llulletl side. Congratulations to baric Grant who she.could out
Produce the Lon a 11"- tees and officers which resulted as fol- itan1 }fill, of (10411ic}t, was
held 011
Let ch;llkcd u) fou goals for the The committee j1) change of the coo- :it celebrate his birthday on 1111115 spinous co;r placed him on triad. Lion lows: Directors, C. Galbraith, C. 1 -Ind- ';iturdly, Janna°. 29th. front ,her
13.-A.'s these beinglon assists front cert regrets Butt the hall could not ac- February 4111. ' inn Caleb was appointed judit , soil gins. ]I. Sturdy, L. Mc\all, A. Young, home, bast :street, and was conducted
n Ila ,rill Lyon and Rile • re- commodate More and that so maty djs• Congratulations to \Tendcll Grant 1.iott Stan. Sibthorpe, prosecuting law- (; \rNtery, J. Buchanan, K, Webster, by Rev. G. \V. . \lcdlcy, of the Baptist
Cowan, b1, ) > , Church. Pallbearers were William
spectively, Carter got a goal on an as- appointed would-be patrons had to be who will celebrate his 12th birthday on yet. Lion titan. revelled Lion \0r\'s 11• Gibbons, L. Rooney, Dr Jackson, (;,d , Arthur Beavers,Earl Raith-
sjst from \lillar, \lillar scored on an turret! awaJ. However, this fact points Saturdly; February 5th. identity as "Ilahly The Terror', and \Niall; Junior directors, \\'apace Pell,! Johnston, .\ t
Il Riley.Ila *vitt on an out how much the commm�ity is in aced Congratulations to \I r. gut l \Irs, injected tae supposition that he had Maurice Ilallahan, lack '1'1111blytl; by, Albert \\'ill:ins, ,lames Campbell
assist from to bb
assist from Cowan, and S. Riley got 0f a new hall with larger and more Bill Radford, of Blyth, who ccicl)••11 se, erste henl'unen who had perpetrated !hen's committee, John Young, Mervin and 1hnu1 Cotton, Mrs. Hill died at
the one 1u115416tld goal of the night. conal,_table ser,tjug_c::pacjt}, ed their second wedding anniversary
tett crime 1)i "stealing the 1111111111' (;o\ser, 331 Richmond, 13111 Young, \\' her home 1t noon Tuesday liter 1 six
Hodgins est the goal for Fordwich, t on Tuesday, Fel). 1st, hoo.” \ j:ny was rn),panrllyd any N. \\'atson, J. il. \\'ltson, A. ~onsets, weeks' illness, in her 90th year.
Three penalties were handed out dor
Ne\T Members Added to Fire , the trial commenced with "1'x1(16•" put- i3, Parrott, S. Chrllev, 12. Craig, \V. 1eks' illness,
Harriet Melinda Snell, she
At Annual Meeting Boundary Fartn Forutn j t up a strung defence in his uw•n ,Oster, A. Robinson, C. is, Coolie's, R, Was 1 daughter of the tote Ephraim
ing; the night, Ridley and King of I)e�)t. I c tl , ler produced character reser- (aid Mary 13x11 Snell of Ilullrtt town-
s. and 111 for 1.011(1156010. I Four resignations 55131 arrested and '� 1 i6)11:hJ•, G. (.11113 A. '1'(311 \\'. \fc(�111 I
t cr I. 1 I Boundary haul Forum met at the from Sir \1'ilircd Laurier, Lord L. Sh(3bhruol:, s. Applel,y, \. Kyle, fi, ship. After her marriage in 18R2 she
lordw•ich: Goal, 1).King, ltfu, , four new recruits were added to the itmn,^ of \Ir. and mos. \v. (. \1cCa11 lle;nlctt, suet his old acute conuna))11c'r, 'I'a5ke3 (;. Rldiurd, G. Brown, 0, me_ 1resided 011 her husband's .form in Col
J. king, Lynn; centre, Hudgins; wings, Illyth Fire Department at their annual on Monday night with twcntY-nice Sir Arthur Currie. Sir Arthur in his'Guwa11, John Armstrong, W. 1. 111111- hnnu township, now occupied h6 her
Johnston, McCann; subs,solJ. Stewart, C. meeting, held Monday night in the fire present, After the broadcast 560 dig• 1 11) ori stated "that it was largely .11111 1'1111 11':Us01) 1. 131atchle6 ;ladies' s1)"• Hugh hill. She 311113' to reside in
Stewart, R. 1\'illi;unson, D. \Pillion' hall, ff cussiou groups were formed and the t!ungh the bravcrr, integrity
and Guderich 29 years ago. lice husband
sole, 1Zidlcy, Holland, \Vonore• I The resignations of John Staples. ,� r r, committee, \Its. G Hadgii,s, \1_S. L.
�, J t 11epi1 1'llis l.ittli 1 tg \\'rpt to \I;u , stamina of Italtl5, that the first world Scrimgeour, Mrs Bellinger, \Irs, Predeccl'C 1 her by 13 years. She was
Londesboro: Goal, A. hde6, defcncc,;1\"uta• \Inrritt, Harold �otdcn ant, ket was discussed. The rest 1)t 1 e war was brought to a successful con- 1'huel. \fes.:\, Y'0ung, \ItS. \. Rad- a member of the Goderich Baptist
BLYTH, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, FEB, 2, 1919, Subscription Rates $1,50 in Advance; $2,00 in the U,S,A,
Auburn Concert Draws Blyth Library Association IIo\\ ick Lions Guests Of
Capacity Audience Planning Money -Raising Blyth Club
Hilbert Nether), Heads Church Board Seeking Con-
Fall Fair Board For 1919 tributions To Repair Shed
B. Riley, 1111166yn; centre, 1.ee: wulgs, James Arnistrong, were accepted. evening wog spent in p!3 111.11 5•;(•031. ;clusi(111-tor the :'6111,. 11e sad that he•
ford, \liss Marjorie \Volt, Mrs. 1. Il. Church. She is snrcuved hr three sons,
Lyon, Ilaggitt; subs, Armstrong,llil- 'Their vacancies were filled by the!gatltes. Lunch was screed and a vu'e'had brought the "Lion" bonne, but j1)' iiugh, of C0lhurne township; \William
lar, Carter, Cowan, Lockwood, Lao following men, \loody Holland, 1Zay of thanks tendered the hast and hos a\Irs. 1\'. N. \1'1ts(3n, \firs 151
I some noun et had been relieved of it. i Fraser, Nits. Glen Gibson, Alrs, C. \\'" of Godrrich ; Russell, of Mitchell.
mottle. Madill, •
\'ern Speiran Ind George 13ail- less• Next meeting to he held 1)t .' 3' 1114 atrnsc)1 Lions Don Bowes and Shohbrock \Irs. S. 1111Llhau, \fes. G.
and °1)e daughter, \Irs. hi r6 McCool,130.1
\� lir. home of \lr. and .\irs. Harte \\'ells.' \lood6• 1lullaud, o! c0nunittinq the,\1'att, )1rs. George Dale; auditors, ''f Iiro(3klin; 20 grandchildren and 20
PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH HELD The election of officers resulted as _�_..\)�-•-_ crane. Constable Charles Salter teas' (;orlon EIlion, llarold Nodded. great-grandeh)l1 ren.
ANNUAL MEETING follows: , r Liun \ort'; ,;nest for the evening, and, The following officers were chosen convener, C, Hodgins; publicity, Mrs,
Chief : 1111 bei 1 Dexter. Choir Honours Depart; he asked permission !trent Judge Coley !from ancon), those accepted as three-
* Serimgcour; adrertising, Dfrs, Hod-
1'he annual Incetin!, of St. Andrelt s
Captain: Harvey ideC'allut'1' 11ei1111Crs Ito have lite two w•jtness°s, 11?wes aud'tors or members of committees 1s fol- Church. 1316th, was held I gins, contenrr; track and grounds, J.
est 311111.; Borden Cook. i111)11osi searched. Ice;..', : :1 1v1s lows: President, Gilbert \1thery; past B•, \i\'114011 races, J. B. \Vatsont,hot-
in the basement of the Church on Sat- 2nd Lieut.: Irvin Bowes, 01) Thursday elen1)131 the choir ire' rra1311(1 but the search 01s Iruitless.ipresident, Simon Ilallahan; lice I)resj' Srs, It, Parrott, \\'. \fcGi11, A, Robin=
ttrc115, January 29th, with a goodly 1 13 311)111: G. Elliott. to honour three of their depa1•tin•r ' From there on in the evidence became
number present. e; _ "court
,� dents, Archie Young, Harry Stnrdy. son, ;\. Toll; cattle, A. Young, L.
Reports 011 all organizations of the • rug !leas.: Bert Gray. , [members, \lisses Marjorie and Luis Do- so confused that the court reporter Thr newly -elected president, Mr. ROonc+y; sheep, 0. AicGowan, J,
p! 1st Truck Driver: 1'reeinan Tunt e6, lterts and \lildred Charter. i\t the could not chronicle the proceedings. \Mhery, took the chair for the a )
1 Young; hoes, P. 'Watson,
It Gibbons;
Church were very satisfactory, oleic;, •2,14 Driver: Gar. Doherty I close of the practise the president sa41,'1'he judge requested the jury to retire ',ointment of the various committees ,,,,11trv, \V1111ce Bell, Bill Young;
shows a spirit of units and determli' 3rd Driver: Borden Cook. a few words of appreciation for 111311 with a sho:g rccu)mrndatiotl to bring for 1949 x114 spoke rncourl�ingly of !
anon on the part of a peek any i ? llolstcins, Dr. Jockson, C. Galbraith,
The secretary -treasurer gave a re- help and Alice McKenzie Lres1. 11(1' in a verdict of gujct5 1 1131 1 ' i1ald6•' bull calf clubs of which he had been S. Hallahan. :\1l other committees tea
Struggling congregation to carry 011 !)ort of the finances which, date to two each of them with a gold compact. r:e' The jury c-:nte hack without a verd'ct convener. leis son, ,lack ,1thery, was )fain the same as last year.
the good work. successful dances, were much improved three girls thanked the choir 51rt.',Iy. oecause cf lack of conclusive e•'dence' aht)0nte4 convener of the baby beet \,1 invitation is t0 be extended to
At the conclusion of the meeting re` os,'r last year. The choir members then repaired to the This resttlt(d in further implications, ):s, calf club. Other appointments were: the Huron holstein Association to
freshtuents Were served to all present rile a11nu11 fireuetis party was cele- Coffee Shop whore they all enjoyed a an(1 111tt'31 the victim "11ilds", sate that Entertainment, S. Chcllet, \\'. \Vat bring their "black olid wht&' exhibit
V brated Wednesday night when the ,tasty lunch, j justice tt•o;:!d not be done is an. (15 . . son, JnMrs., Buchaat, ss. C. Hodgins, t0 tine 1949 fair. T. 11. Wilson was
HOME FROM HOSPITAL members attended an 0,1 LA. hockey On Saturday eveninga number cr he threw in the sponge, and pleaded \1r;. \. Radford, \V. J. Hallahan: fin- named as representative on the parks
Mrs. 1331113anl Gray, n11, recently un game at Stratford.friends of Lois and \Iarju•ie enjoyed guilt." '1'hc two lcituls;csl.irus t, 1t. board.
;twos S. Ilallahan , C. Galbraith
derssent an operation i11 the Clinton -- ! a theatre part•, atter whish they re- , 1105115 al,1 Holland. then pro: ecded SO • d5•. 1.. Rooney, \liss Livingston; Al r. IZcun^, 1 k' ant agricultural reg
Hospital, 1113 returned home, and w, .fr. Bill Pollard, of Guelph• spent turned to the home of Miss itt o1 \Val- to explain very vividly how the "travel- goo's, G. Watt, convener; grand stand, Pres -•n'111131, t5as present, and cpm -
are pleased to report, is much improv- Saturday with his parents. Mr. and lace where lunch was served and a ling Lion " a•as misl)laced. lion Nosy. O. `IcGotvan, R. Craig: reception, G. mended the Board on t•arious
ed in,health, 3lrs. l Berge. l oll,lt•d. • Social time spent. in 111 3 company 3 ul heen enjoying 1 \its cry, A. Young. II. Sturdy; booth phases of their yeas•s activities,
tit ; ; 1 _ 1 ( Continued on page 8).
%e�t Q�Puy_
Ewyko Uas
The SlI,I Zhu. far: nnm•a lhu:raa Irises
the Syttos!rr )Diamond front tie, handbag
of a W011irir tri 1 tom Angclei dap.trunent
store, ani an effort to 6e Jou L'ur
Immo, pro..., 4mnl thi,•f with ahem She
S.StitS , t it tautq It from her.
She goer luta Litotsrar, state's attorney.
She nna I to are in lova Irl She Intends
to .rust!t re' Pose scion of 1.e stone hat
has ilo chance, being felel to escape
from Mar's attnrtutcnt 101,11 Jns Ci111S
there 't't1_= pians she !,sada far $.in
11;uteieeo traoh'S to tha tog and elle
Is re, cue,1 by Art Carey. young lawyer •
who lives tvuh hen mother near the Scene.
Her fictitious name. [lune' Hoe. is d!S•
euvered by At but he :ureas to I:eep
her secret. to I0 Let her to n r,•metcry
near San Francisco, at Iter rogue, t. and
there she buries the diamcnul. ttaturnhti
to the Caret house. Hones e••ee Joa Dan.
burite•s Comps panted iti freer of the
house of a neitihhor, ?Ira. itl'tl. The
neat night aria Sees Jne peer',,[.; 0 bar
through the front window.
Honey', thoughts centered about
Dan. Her one aim was to reach
him as soon as possible -before toe
Danburue could get at her' again.
An inner feeling kept ,yarning her
that site would not have a second
chance at escape if Joe crossed her
path again. She wondered if she
would hag. great difficulty in see-
ing Dan. But regardless of the bar-
riers she might encounter, site
would have to manage in some way
to get to hint. It was imperative
for her to talk with him if he had
regained consciousness, a u d her
rightful place was at his side.
On the spur of the moment, she
turned to the Stan at her side.
"I have to reach the hospital in
Los Angeles, Art," she told him,
),.r voice urgent. "There it some
one hurt. in it that I must see."
"Badly hurt?" he asked h e r
"I don't know but I think so."
She clasped her hands tightly to•
gether and held them in her lap
while her eyes focussed unseeing on
the road ahead. "There was a fight.
I don't know what happened. 1
was in another room. But I do
know who was there and what
eaused the fight."
"I presume the person itt the hos-
pital is the man you love - the
grandest fellow in the world?"
guessed Art.
"Yes," she murmured softly, "he
is the man I love."
"And his assailant is fire one you
are afraid of:"
His deduction; were so correct
that Honey wondered suddenly if
he could be iotue kind of fortune-
teller who could read people's
minds. She had never knotytt any-
nyone like Joint itt her life before.
"1 think." ;aid Art itt Inatterof-
fact tones, ''you need a ,lawyer very
Gee, look at all
th,e beautiful
snow! 1 think
it'd be nice if I
could save some.
The question
is, where shall I
keep it? It would
take up too much'
room in the ice-
box. I know! I'll
put it in a snow
Ari:.' i:;3
1. Cttn,tc,,;
5, Vlolint.ot'A
R. Hero! (dial 1
12, con Olt 'Y tllo:tt
13. 1utere+stitag
14. Itlp, :tc BOW!^_e
afiBev. att
17. !tel .
1h.Itu1. naso
20. Sociis I Alt -11r•
21. Coup!.
21,tinctt i),at-',i
24. Perrot 'S
2c. nets y
2t, Bo under
Si. Drai:Ante ,t
32. lira;.,:
33. Scot, :I
i„ .. Atnrfnatty*
. Stitched
. Female deer
A tfirmattss
19. Ripples
1. Speed "urttett
. Arma,lttbl
. lin 4119
.B4 pree,etet
. lin she d Mot
ItPhdI tt
J. OE Fick q
3. 11.1tr+,nntntent
4. Shabby
6 Loosely
trial.t.'tl tt1,4I
3 Along
7. Sluff"
'1 .2 3 r
badly. And if you can use rue for
tite rale, I'd be only to) glad to do
what 1 c;ut for you."
"i don't want to bother, you with
try Irothbles,'' site began sadly.
"After all, 1 ant just t stranger.
You ow e me no considerations and
I expect none."
Ile laughed softly. "You are
forgetting that I fished you out of
the water and therefore I have a
little say itt the matter of your
future." Ile spoke lightly but she
knew he was sincere itt wanting to
help her. "And unless you have
another lawyer, I'll take over your
interests front this moment on -
or until everything that .is worry-
orrying you is cleared up."
'Too are very kind, ,:art Carey.
And 1 may treed your help very
badly before 1 get out of this mess,
In a way, it is all Sty fault, But
it started with a promise 1 Stade
long ago. If [ had been a little
more careful in my association, i
could probably have avoided this.
I just didn't think. It was too easy
to follow the adventurous path that
led to what I wanted."
Art kept lifting his eyes to the
rear view mirror as they sped along
the ocean highway. A frown set-
tled on Ibis brow and after a while,
he said:
"[ think a car is following us,
Honey. It's been back there for
some time, and the distance between
us never varies. At least, it hasn't
since it caught up with us about an
hour ago. Ire's had plenty of op-
portunities to go around if he
wanted to." There was a worried
note in his voice that sent fear to
Honey's heart,
Site half turned in her seat to
glance back at the lights -amber
fog light right behind them, Cold
shivers flew over her body as in-
tuition told her it plight he Joe
Danburue following.
"Let's go faster," she cried,
alarmed, "Then if lie keeps up with
our car, I'll know that it is Joe."
"I am pretty sure that it is Joe."
he stated and his foot pressed the
accelerator closer to the floor-
boards, The machine surged for
ward. "Once when the fog lifted
hack there, I noticed it to be the
ca. at Dirs. Ribas. I guess he is
the matt you mean?"
"Yes, Joe Danburue is ths utan 1
am very much afraid of. i is as en-
gaged to hint."
"1 see."
Honey knew tltat he del itot see.
He could not possibly know about
the Sylvester diamond. But if he
thought it was jealousy ott Joe's
part that would save further ex-
planations for the time being. Site
sat rigid as the car gathered speed,
eyes straining to watch the road itt
front of them for approaching cars.
She (hoped fervently that the au-
tomobile was not keeping up with
then[, but site would not let herself
look behind to ace.
(Continued next weer:.)
a Aetatte
2. Carry too tar
141. Made a loan
M. cultured
13, Poem
22. Cupolas
2:1. Farther across
24. Kind of bean
26. English river
27. Uncooked
39. Court
:11) Opt1
;t.OLt. 5
16. m , intuit
t4. Crary
0. out
411, Reglonn
4t. Provide what
is wanted
4i. hinglt;h
44. Mexican outs
46. Social climber
47. fliers name -
4e. Rooted gra ea
6e. maul
63. Hold Limit 1
q IQ it
Answer elsewhere or this page:
From Atlantic To Pacific, Amazing Weather -From Atlantic to Pacific, Old Malt \\'inter ll.as
had folks scratching their heads and saying they never saw anything like it. l)otvn on the
eastern coast Mary Faulkner, left, hitched her ptu'e bred Chinook dot;. not to a sled itut to a
golfing cart -and shot a few rounds of golf. At the same time California residents, like the man
shore, there turning up coat collars against one of the worst and coldest snowstorms in years.
ANNE 1411?ST
rte, a,u..,eeet_
year's I've been itt love with a young
than. Ile says he loves one, but 1
don't believe it.
\Ve were engag-
ed once, and he
jilted Ste. 1 for-
gave hint. Now
we live in sepal --
ate towns. 1
call him up, and
he asks ate to
Starry !tint
"Once I traveled to see hint, and
he was gone, though he knew 1 was
coming. Ile never writes me nor
calls me; yet he says he wantt ate
for his wife!
"Another loan wants me to starry
hint, But he w'on't work. 1 work
all the time, and if 1 don't share toy
Stoney with him he gets angry,
"1 need help sol 1 don't know
which way to turn. I am sick with
worry. Why can't I meet some
nice, decent boys? (I try to be t
nice girl.)
l l EA R'IB R O N EN"
+ You arc one of se many girls 1
+ have known who have lost their
* Wren by being too kind. Magnan-
* intoes by nature, you overwhettn
* them by your generosity. Taking
* becomes their habit, and they
• soon cease to give.
* f cart well understand your
* spirit, and I wish it were apprec-
* iated by the [nett you meet. But
• such a spirit is promptly recog-
* meet!, and too often taken ad-
* vantage of. Men of character
* cherish such a woman, and return
* her gifts, of love and attention as
* generously.
• Of corpse you will not Starry
* the man who jilted you, It was
* not unnatural to forgive him,
* loving as yott did. But now you
* find he is not worthy. If you be-
* came his wife, you would regret
* it as long as you live.
* The other moan is as selfish -
4' even arrogant in his demands. E[e
.\ Time-Saverl Sew -Easy Pattern
4815 has NO shoulder -seams, NO
collar, NO set-in sleeves! A wrap -
;,round that's easy to iron, quick to
a beguiling scalloped beauty
for all day. Alphabet transfer, too!
Pattern 4851 in sizes 12, 14, 16. 18.
11. Size 16, 3741 yds. 35 -in.
(? e.) hi coins (stamps cannot be
accepted) for this pattern. Print
Send your order to Pattern Dept ,
Bos 1, 123 Eighteenth St., New 'To-
ronto, Ontario.
1 poor risk, but at least you
* know it in time. Scald hint oil-
'' And look other men over when
you meet them, itt the light of
• these two shocking experiences.
• You must respect yourr.lf if you
'0 would have others respect you.
' Learn to receive a little, instead
' of giving so ntuclt, 'Trial -and•
• error is the best method, Generous
• Sten love to give of themselves
' and all they have. when they find
• it appreciated,
• Go slow -and don't let any ratan
+ think you are so forlorn for love
• [liar you will pay his way.
1'O "HEARTSICK": I (tope in-
deed that by this time your wife
Inas seen how wrong she was,' and
brought your boy back to you, (For
some reason, your letter was de-
layed in reaching Ste.)
Her conduct, as you describe it,
is such as few husbands would put
up with. lot my opiniott, you have
been most patient and forgiving.
She should remember that she is
t mother as well as wife, and not
run around with the wrong crowd
as wild adolescents sometimes do.
She should behave with dignity, and
set att example to her children.
1 1 site has not come house, why
not let her alone for a while? She
may wonder at that -and wonder,
too, whether the free life she wanted
is worth giving up a good husband
and children for. Sometimes it
takes a person a long while to real -
ire the value of what they so lightly
sacrifice to free themselves of re-
sponsibilities and seek again the
carefree existence of their teen
1f you would like to let me know
how things stand now, 1 shall Ise
glad to hear.
/ten judge to :ts.we judge our-
aelees. If we behave like an "easy
Stark," they think of us so, and too
many take advantage of it. Anne
Hirst can help you evaluate new
friends. Address her 123 Eighteenth
St., New Toronto, Ontario.
Modern Etiquette
by Roberta Lee
Q. 1\•here should the clergyman
sit at the wedding breakfast table?
A. At the table of the bride's par-
ents, and at the left of the bride's
Q. If a girl has refused to dance
with a certain man, may she with
propriety give the same dance to
another Shan?
A. Not unless she wishes to _ be
guilty of rudeness, both to the first
man and to her hostess, Neither a
girl nor a man can ever becctne
popular when guilty of such prac
Q. Is it proper for women to kiss
each other when meeting or part-
ing itt public places?
A. No; this is overdone and is
now considered a mark of ill -
Q. Should one argue with the
waiter in a restaurant about the bill
in front of one's guests?
A, No; if a discussion is neves
nary, step aside.
Q. Is it all right for a girl to
have trtarried women for her brides-
A. Yes. If they are her oloseat
friends, this is perfectly all right,
Mayha you haven't heard the
story of the airman who had to take
to his parachute while he was fly-
ing at a height of almost 2,000 feet,
owing to engine trouble. On the
way down, he [net a little old lady
floating up.
"Hey," Ite yelled. "See anything
of a Spitfire going down!"
"Nope," replied the little old lady,
"you sae anything of a is stove
going up?"
A Mother's Appeal
On; '1 out' wtattrit readers tyfite,
Ili on behalf of her little hoy, who
-- as she puts it - is 'very ,ick
and can't get nut to play witit the
oilier children[."
Ile gets much amusement front t
toy titoving picture projector - one.
which uses colored "films" that are
actually some sort of transparent
paper. Possibly owing to the fact
that they come front the United
States, site can't get any new oriel,
and site wonders if any of our
readers have some, which perhaps,
their own cltildren are finished with,
which she might have.
'I'!te name of ,ilia filth is "Dura -
color Animated Filnt" nut out by
the Durable Toy and Novelty Corp-
oration, New York City, and the
machine a Maple Leaf Projector
Model 400.
If any of our readers can help, the
mother's name and address ars Mrs.
1'. haragher, 77 Regent St., Port
Arthur, Ontario.
How To Do .It
One day a young man carte in
great perplexity to tite clergyman
Dwight L. Moody, and said: "Mr.
Moody, I want to reform and lead
a better life. But I don't know how
I can give up my undesirable cont.
"That's not difficult, young Stan,"
replied the revivalist, smiling sym•
pathetically upon his visitor, "Just
live a good life and your undesirable
companions will give you up."
And So It Moves -
tinder Cie !leading °'1'anl ' t leer•
in,, Breath," the New York Tinted
has published a curious but hearten-
ing commentary ott our civilization.
It is simply a list of persons w!t,t
passed from the scene itt 1948 -
persotts riot ranked aulrlltg earth's
great one; but matte notable by
1 JOlttC ltdttt+1111 t'irrltitt t'ru'e or tit:-
Among them we find t'te inventor
of modern automobile headlights,
the author of "Sweet iAdeline," the
winner of the first international hal
Zoon race, the creator of tite dollar
. watch, the promoter of America's
first zoning ordinance, the oris
inator of the present -clay gumdrop.
the n:hvig:[tor of the list trans-Ato
!silk flight, the father of the curve
ball in baseball, the developer of
installment buying, and many oth•
ers whose fame sounds ''l i Stip.'
key today.
11re omit the throe;. for even
those is iticit once flied ,-sod hriefty
itt headlines are now tintost un•
known and unlionored as those of
the multitude who have Stade who!•
ly unpublicized coltribuiions to the
record of our tinges. Opinions wilt
differ as to the value of the con.
fribution, - on gumdrops and itt
stallment buying, for instance. But
by ingenuity or industry these men
started something, most of it plain•
ly useful to humanity. 'Their little
cross section of achievement re,
minds us that the process is con
titling - this is the way the world
moves. In 1949 thousands of "or-
dinary folk" in all walks of life will
he doing things in better ways,
opening their thought to new light.
The opportunity to participate in
progress Ties all around.
Answer to This Week's Puzzle
7RA 1�
. A
ISSUE 6 - 1949
And the Relief
Nobody knows the cause of
rheumatism but we do know.
there's one thing to ease the pain
... it's INSTANTINE.
And when you take INSTANTIM
the relief is prolonged becauact
INSTANTINE contains not one, but
three proven medical ingredients.
These three ingredients work to.
gether to bring you not onty fast
relief but more prolonged relief,
Take INSTANr1Nlt for fast head.
ache relief too . . or for the
pains of neuritis or neuralgia and
the aches and pains that often
accompany a cold.
Get InstenIIne today
and always
keep It handy
Get the "feel" of the road be•
fore starting.'.
.i\djnst speed to road, weather
and traffic.
Ilse tire- chains when roads
are snowy or icy,
.hi ti,t ,;tart I 101 stows, n10101ists ttsel ft tier mins in the winter
*hien soy ather tint., V(1, ib. atilt age de.ah rate ---the nutt.t:e r of i oole
,killed par 100.000,000 miles travelled—rise be its highest point el the
year during laniary and It -binary.
Death Rate
(Per 100,000,000 Mlle5)•
I1-..... 12
20 0
----1` T -T. 1 I —r - T".'rno
1\'hut there's amity and ice: on the road, it taker, a car loneir ort -tot..
Evert with tire chains, a driver can't ator, in the taint distance he can
ashen the road is dry. Chart below pitta exact figure; en stopping
)5 11, 50If,
:11.4 26 Ft;,,,
Wet Concrete .
—41111►I 21F
Dry Concrete`
400 19 Ft,
No Cholas
7! N, 1011 It. 115 It. 150 It 175 It.
Braking Distances
on Votious Rood
Sulfates nI 20 mpl,
Oho 40 Ft.
Chains on
Rco Whetls
...._,..._ogolo i61 rt.
New Abrosirc ices --Best Performance .1p, 169 Ft.
Natural Rubber Tires—No Chains
Synthetic Rubber Ti es—No Chains 1 197 FL
•414 88 F L 1
Cholns on Rear Wheels
1.1 National Safety Council lists recornnttndtd six rules for safely
curing the winter. The six rules are sketched on the sides. It stay sate
;, life
and the life may he yours—to follow them.
Always keep the windshield
and windows clear.
The Dominion 1 epar1)ittnt of
Agritniture Ilan put through new
seiulritiont -- effective January 3,
.1949—with rt gartl to the marketing;
eui tattle that have reacted either to
Or 'Tuberculin Tut for Tuhercula-
Mlet or the blood test for Hrttellosis
(Rauf. Disease
r •
Formerly the letter "la" wast tal-
t&tetrd In the- right tar for Bruetllo•
Mea, and the hater "'1"' punched —
Al,,o in the right tar—for TB. Hut
mow all rattle which have reacted
In the blood teat must be branded
frith a "B" on the right hand cheek,
tido brand to be three and one
quarter ineht•s in height by two and
p hall inches in width. Reaction to
the Tuberculin test is to be marked
I►y a brand—height two slid a half
fetches and the bar of the "T" to be
the .same longth--on the left cheek,
t a
Speaking; of Hructllosis—or, to
,give it the better known name —
Rang's Disease, there is a most in-
itiesting article on this subyect in
the current issue of Country Gentle -
auto. It deals, not to much with
the effects of this disease on ant -
elude, but on human beings.
Brucellosis today—that is among
pittp1t—is primarily a farm problem,
stud no one knows just how many
(lith are who sufftr front it in one
of leg many forms, but it is re-
aetgstiztd that four out of five Of
ibrm live in roral areas.
11 is an undulant (tvtr, and can
bra distinctly unpltasant and crip-
p'ling distant. Sufferers from it, in
lid more acute form, are often mis-
usably 111 for many months at a
Ilene. From a single exposure, a
patient has been known to remain 111
for as long at ten years.
All authorities agree that the
Mannbtr of KNOWN eases rt -
vincula only a fraction of slit vie -
fins; and one expert states that the
tantnbtr of diagnosed human cases
lltae b .eased sixtyfold in the past
30 years. Another authority puts
Nur number of casts, in the United
Slates slont, at over 130,000 every
• • •
Many ptoplt have the disease
**tont being aware of 1t. The ill -
t- +cr.
t tj
r -
One of my !e-
ttmuol. It seems
tbat'every time t
-sheet this certain
young lady. the
'Wind is blowing
M a terrific rate
of speed.
That's why I
tall her my- rale -
friend. ale -
nests is often rnistakru for chronic
influenza or something cf the sort.
In some of the chronic cases the
symptoms are so obscure that doc-
lms decide that tht patient is rano•
tionally unbalanced, or sulfuring
from neurasthenia• 1t is easy to
maks s 1i a mistake as mast vic-
tims stiffer from txtrtnit mental de-
• t
To try and found out just how
many ptnple may be suffering from
Brucellosis, a Doctor Spink asked
university authorities 10 let hint
make skin tests on all patients mut-
ing to the hospital's out-patient de-
partment. 'These included both city
and country folks, and they worked
at all torts of trades and occupa-
tions. The only thing they had in
co111111011 was that NOT ONE OF
TiIE11 thought that he or she had
undulant fec•t•r. Yet, out of C53
tested, nearly one in five either had,
or had at some time been exposed
to, Brucellosis,
• • •
Marty pass through the acute
stage of the disease safely, but still
retain it in a milder forth for years.
"1 had an attack of flu, with aches
and pains in my body—chills, head-
ache, sweats and 11 little cough" is
the way one describes it. "It clear-
ed up in about ten days, but e\'er
since 1 feel weak and tired, 1'nt
nervous, have headaches, feel low in
my mind and my appetite is poor."
• • *
As snarly of my readers no doubt
know, undulant fever may conte
from drinking UNPASTEL! R1/.ED
milk from cows with contagious ab-
ortion, or Bang's Disease, And be-
cause most urban markets insist on
milk being pasteurized this form of
disease is rare in towns and cities.
• •
But because Many farmers do not
bother to pasteurize the milk kept
for fancily use, the disease is ramp-
ant in many rural areas. Just how
dangerous the milk -borne infection
can be will bt seen from what hap,
pened in a small Maryland town
where, within a few days, 28 towns-
people were stricken. Caught short
of milk during a holiday period a
local dealer had "helped out" with a
mall quantity of unpasteurized milk
from an uninspected herd. Examin-
ed later, some of the cows in this
herd were found to have Bang's Dia -
• • *
There's a new drug, called aure-
ogtyoin, which promises to do great
iiings in relieving—possibly wiping
�t—his menace ip !Ivan tiling,.But, in the t` antlin"e It would be
well for all who may bt In the
slightest danger to bt extra care-
ful. Sorry if this tolumn thoule
sound like a medical report—but
thought k ltnporiant enough go
bring to your attention. $o, whit
thanks to Alfred H, Sinks, Ws t
of the article tarred tie art
beginning. that will be s►j iM
Traitor's Trial
'Lord 11;nv 11aw' wit, a bou,diold
nantt in Great Britain during he
war. 1t was a name Itestnwtd in
iltrision cat the bt st broadcaster that
the Nazis had. His curinuc rasping
drawl was known to nearly every
British radio listener, and as lie
annonit ed '(it irmany calling! tiair-
ntany calling! liairtttany calling!
Iltrt are the t eichsender 11;1111-
bourg, Station L'retntn, and Station
D\ II on the lhirlv•one metre band.
Yon are about to litar our news in
English', he was to sante as a red
rag to a bull, but to most he was a
joke. )lis nick -name, 'Lord flaw
flaw.' w a given to
hint by a utws-
paper and used as the title of a war-
time London musical eonitdy, and
imitations of hint because part of
the stock -in -trade of retry ltutuic.
'Lort1 )law• (lasers' real name
was as tht world now knows, \\'it.
liam Joyce. Ile was hanged for
treason on January 3, 1946. Treason
is the greatest of all .trusses, and the
trial at Old Bailey in London of
this notorious little man, with his
razor -slashed cheek and insinuating.
voice, attracted tvidr. attention. The
whole thing devolved cma question
of nationality and the privileges and
duties attached to the holding of a
British passport. '('hough the guilt
of .loyce was a fact of which no one
Pump, don't lock, your brakes
on ice or snow,
Follow at a safe distance when
road is slippery,
hitt) ;.i:l doubt, th( only 1-t of to Woo
can commit treason are those who
owe allegiance to the grown, and
shwas tarty found that lit natioat-
tty of \Vhlham •loyce was argu;thle,
'.flit cast finally hinged on Joyce's
possession of a British passport,
which he applied for and was grant-
ed when he left Britain for Germany
innuealiattly before the outbreak of
war, and the Judge ruled that be-
yond the shadow of a doubt the
prisoner at that time owed al-
legiance to the frown, and that no-
thing t hcrtafttr happened to alter
that fact. At the trial, throughout
the long and brilliant legal argu-
nients, Joyce sat tight-lipped and
absorbed, and he seemed to follow
it all ttith almost professional ap-
preciation, 'rhe programme includ-
es actual rtcords of passages from
some c•f his broadcasts, including his
Scots Thrift
1'hr wife of a recently -married
Aberdonian had successfully under-
gone an operation for appendicitis.
A day or two after the operation
her husband was having a drink
with the doctor, who in a ntotucnt
of forgetfulness mentioned that the
operation should have taken place
two or three years railer.
'I'ht (athtr-in-law• rectit•ed the
Operation Monkey Wrench
Deep your fingers crossed, churn, but it does look nuts as
if Yankee nuts soon may be fitting British bolts by interna-
tional agreement.
')'here's a machine -age miracle for you --simple as it fray'
seem. \lanufacturers of peacetime goods on both sides of the
Atlantic have .been trying to make it happen for 50 years.
They couldn't get to first bast, But now it's "an objective made
urgent by military planning." So our l'nited States State
Department and National Bureau of Standards have been
stirring their stumps, and so have British officials involved
in comparable wort, Long and complicated negotiations seem
about to be crowned with success.
Why this internataional fuss about nuts anti bolts; Don't
we and the British both use feet and inches: This sounds like
the sort of thing a few smart lads could arrange by air mail and
settle in an hour by transatlantic telephone, After that, an
American who lost a nut off a trunk handle in London could
go to the nearest ironmonger—that's a bloke who sells hard-
ware—and buy an English -trade nut to replace it. The salve
would go for mita and bolts on weapons, aircraft parts, and
many other kinds of war goods which this country and Britain
have been trying to put 011 a C0110m011 basis since the start of
World War II.
it'a hard to read about such things without getting red
tapitis. That's a dull feeling of utter discottragetnent in the
seat of our intelligence. For half a century, the mechanical
brains of two gteat nations have struggled vainly to make a
British bolt fit an American pump handle, Yet both are eager
to get the job done and each can say, "]-'lease pass the monkey
wrench" in the same language. ---Denver Post.
011.11131 Sot
)*Tm 60111. `IMPotei
e1anQ Andrews.
Juet the other day 1 w at talking
to s young chap who was havink
for another town lo start a new pos-
ition, "1 think the family art try-
ing to sabotage my going," he Laid.
"Mother made a lemon pit that was
about a foot across and aix inches
deep—and it's mighty hard to leat'i
ur'h things."
Which is trot—for there: art few
things in the line of "tats" more
tempting, both to thee eye and the
palate, than a rtally well -made
lepton pit. Here's one which, if the
directions are carefully followed,
should turn out to be "jolt what
the family ordered",
Lemon Chiffon Pit
1 nine -inch pie shell
1 tablespoon gelatin
l/4 cup cold water
4 egg yolks
1 cup sugar „
teaspoon salt
!l, cup lepton juice
1 teaspoon grated itrno1 rind ,
4 egg sllitt�
Whippe(1 , rear—ol tett i
METHOD I ;tn over
the cold stater, Beat t pg yolks, add
one half cup sugar, salt, lemon juice
and rind, (rook mild stir in double
boiler until thick, Add gelatin and
stir till it dissolves, Coot, When it
is heginni to 10 set, fold in the egg
whites, b( awl till stiff with the re-
maining sigar. Pour into a baked
pie st e111. Chill. If tit sirt,l, fold
one half tr, one nip of heavy cream
whipped, into the mixture or spread
the finished nit with flit whipped
1 stat tt, i,att *netted orf "in rt -
verse" rd;:c ittginnistg with a
dessert r(cipe. Now, here's some-
thing of .1 !torr solid ta pt. They
tell Inc that (-hop Silty i-tt't
nally a a him se dish at a11. 1 rt;tlly
wouldn't 1.now about that, list 1
do know that it's a tasty dish, and
that of all tilt myriad NatHiee
shit is one of the real fat'crlter.
Pork Chop Suty
1Y., pounds t-ork shoulder
1 cup water
1 large Frau pepper, tut in strips
1 large enian sliced
1 cup celery, coarsely diad
pound mushrooms of available `t
1 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons toy sauet--11-orets-
tersltire will do
I tablespoon cornstarch
Bean sprouts, or canned groes;
beans +sliced) if desired
14EI'ltvD. '.frim the fat from the
pork, t nt fat into small pieces and
cook in heavy frying pan over me-
dium fire until all fat it rendered
from the tissue. Remove lean meat
front bones and cost in thin stripe.
Add bones to one cup of water in a
saucepan and simmer 30 minutes;
there should be about three-fourths
of a cup of stock remaining, elf
very lean pork is used dissolve one
bouiiloi cube in thret•fattrths cup
cf hot water.)
Remove fat tissue. and cook till
well browned, turning frequently.
Add green pepper, onion, celery,
salt, mushrooms, three-fourths cup
stork and sauce, Cook, stirring oc-
casionally, for 10 ntintttet. Now add
the bean sprouts—or green beans,
Add half cup of cold water to corn-
starch gradually and blend itt a little
of the hot liquid, Return to chop
suty and cook, stirring constantly,
until all is slightls' thickened, Serve
with mashed potatot s or cooked
rice. Makes six servings -and gots
exira well on a chilly day.
Thtsr are tht sort of evenings
11 )sett moat youngsters love to ga-
ther in the kitchen—or around the
f' ablate if you are bleasteel w'itlt
on.—and pop corn. Here's a simple
recipe for that fit rennial popcorn
Cracker -Jack
2 tut,., molasscE.
whit ;pane huttt:•
One-tigltth teaspoon sada
Gently boil the molasses and but-
ler, without stirring, till the hard -
boil stage. Stir in the soda and
pour over the ()plied corn. \\'lien
thoroughly nixed tin the mix-
ture into a shallow grassed pan,
smoothing the toll with a greased
spatula. \Vhcn firm, cut into, squares
with a sharp knife Mooed into wa-
ter. Cool, \Vrap in tcaxed paps,
and store in covered container. 111
yours is like most families, that
Litt is unneccs<ary—the. '11 ju-tgo
:.bead and eat")
Friendly Relations
'Now and again a tilling 1)01111 in
the sermon evokes a grtnit of ap-
proval from one of the deacoto; sit-
ting in the front there. Old John
(licks is straining forward a little,
his hand cupped over his ear, for he
is eighty and sorttewhat deaf. It
was John (licks who at a recent
prayer -meeting got down on his
kit es to pray, and in the middle of
a fervent prayer ended it suddenly
Nkt —'Owl - Amen,' adding by way
of txplanatinn 'Cramp, Lord.' Bless
Phillip Phillips talking about "A
Village Church in Wales."
A Suffered
A symphony violinist was staking
such terrible faces while playing
F(raltttts that the conductor stopped
the orchestra and demanded,
"What's the matter with yon' Don't
you like this piece;"
"Oh it isn't that," replied the
face -maker, "It's Just that I don't
like anisic."
Propping Up A Famous Edifice—Actually, of course, it's just
a trick photo, but it really looks as if the young chap were
helping hold up the famous Leaning ']'ower of Pisa, which
appears to be in even greater danger of falling than is usual.
By Arthur Pointer
III I _�.► ti_
BELGRAVE Coultes obtaining high score and \Ir.
and \Irs. 1. C. Procter the consolatil..n
Mrs, David Armstrong is spending prizes. The meeting next week the
a couple of weeks in Dundas. form will be the guests of the Unitc.l
Mr, Herb, 'Williamson is seen+lir.,g a Co -Operative in \\Ingh;t and in two
time in Tcronto.
The Bodntin harm Forum )net at tl e
hone of J. R. Coultes on Monday night
with eighteen present. Following the
discussion on the radio, the subject
was, "This 1.ittle Pig Went to Mar-
ket" was further discussed, and it was
decided the best ways of marketing
the farmers produce was through c.)..
operativesand under the \ ar.o.ts
schemes including the hoer crc•Itn and
I�ONI)ESBORO last. Mr. Alexander
gave the I:ride#NINfqN{.I{NNIINt.#frm•IN•YNIINII•N••4•4* �NN�rN{fN#tN'
'Miss \I rat:ret 'Iamblyt, Ilf Load :r..' \Ir. and \iris. Bob Scutt left on Fri -
spent the week -end at the home of Ler day to go b;took to their home in \lani-
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ikran4 'f.nt hl: n. t„ ba after having spent the past month i
Wednesday, Feb, 2, 1949.
weeks at the home of Jlr. and Mts. I• i Miss Lillie Cartwri,;ht, of S:rtut• ti at the home of Rev. S. IL and \1rs.1
Yaill. spent the week -end at the 110;1 e . f Brenton, I
The first of the Euchre \I:n'athot'` \Ira 1 aura Saund tt h. trait h
held in the village was played in tits ttutl.t.t, \Ir:.. L. 111111;!tt. ' \li=s Olive \loon, of Toronto, spent
Co -Operative Club looms on \.canes 1 ` the week -ed at her home here. f
1 'lite frietuls puri neigirb,.!m t,f, . t.
clay night when 10 tableswere in p!<<''' \Inrdie Rus, are gla+l to Par ! e
Mr. Douglas Ilesl: left Saturday :or
The high score for lactic: was wan '„> 11at'fax, \there he will join CI.; R. sal
Mrs. L. Stonehouse and :Muter Neth-, able to be out I f tl c ),,4. lit :1 an I
cry,Low score,AIr; A scuta and At. recntlerat;ng at the 1.01:e 1 I Mr, a .,t Nayy.
bort Vincent these games are h:•ll1 llra, John Scott. \Ir• and \Irs. R:dp!r bit a ul
every \Wednesday ni:ht. Fttntt: are .u• M r. and Mrs. R. N.:\It :ander •t .1 Kenneth, of Goderirh, with \I r. azul
others. Surpluses could he avoided 1.y the I.'nk Building Fund. attended the marri.ote of \Irv.., \Irs, Joe Sltatldick.
introduction of uniform world curren-j 1.\Icxander's sister, Mt-. 1) r t! Mr. Fred Johnston attended t`c)
cy. Progressive euchre was enjoyed Chandlor, to NI r. \\flat) 1.11tu.t, i 1 funeral of \Its. Melinda 1 till ut Godl
W'Vinter has collie, and so has the snow,
Buy your galoshes and you're ready to go,
Madill's have a good range of sizes you know,
Your Corner Shoe Store in Blyth,
with Mrs. 11. Wilkinson and J. R. IS 1. OU1' Subscription Paid) j Parkhill Culled Church on Sattn:t!, rich on Saturday. I Y.NNNNNN.
MidWinter --LOQ
GN sseaeara+• earmrD/ls.rr„rime,wlWw,.unwxswwtlu•ras rwwrva•slrwwacw . .
Nr.4.4WI N NN I.NI f f.NNI N1
immerw 11111=111111111111
Commencing Monday, February 7 Ending Saturday, February 12
We are OVERSTOCKED and must clear the way for our Spring Merchandise.
Here is your opportunity to SAVE SOME REAL CASH and at the same
time Secure the Best in Home Furnishings.
h . I .11 .I . .111 .1 1111 .[ 1 11 .. 1 Y 1 I 1 1.11 .. 1.111.1 uric ,. Y 1 . _I 8.1 .I4I:fS I. Y!IG-•rI:,r.+"110/14• •.•jwl)tliPfiWrBdN{(i6abYJ1114.1 3011 N11r11141..I.., •.1 .11 . r.1. 1 •.11 1101 ini
durable covering with reversible cushions
Reg. $175. Sale $140.
STUDIO COUCH Reg. $55,00, SALE $49.00
DAVENPORT BED Reg. $110.00. SALE $r 89,50
WINE PILE RUG, 9'x103i', tone -on -tone,
Reg. $100.00. SALE $87.50
(natural and red) Reg, $98.00. SALE $86,00
OPEN BOOK SHELVES .... Reg, $17.00. SALE $14,50
OR CHINA CABINETReg, $65,00. SALE $58.50
Extension Table, Heat Resisting, Pearl Grey
Finish. 4 Chairs in Heavy Black Leatherette
Reg. $98.50. Sale $87.50
,-. .:L1111.111
consisting of Vanity, Bench, Dresser, and Full -
Size Bed, Spring -filled Mattress and Spring
Reg. $175► Sale 149.50
(Duncan-Phyfe Base Reg. $16.00. SALE $12.00
DINETTE SUITE Reg. $169.50. SALE $150.00
AND BASIL; LIGHT , . , REDUCED 10 to 15 Percent
The inaugural 1 ect rig of the Blyth School Board \vas
held i:1 the Schtul House on January 20th, at 7 o'clock, with
"Trustees Augustine, 1Iatn;ltun, Ileftron, 'Tait and Rogers Pres-
ent, Trustees Hamilton, Ilcffron and Tait subscribed to
their call) of office.
\lotion 1;, Norman Ilan:'L'ot and \\'. J. Rogers that Gor-
don :Augustine be chairman of the Board, Carried.
\lotion 11.; \\'. J. Rogers and \V. J. Ilcffron, that Bernard
Ilall be re-engaged as Secne:ary-Treasurer Carried.
Jlotirn by I toward 'lait :uul Norman Hamilton that we do
eery adjourn to meet at 7.40 o'clock. Carried.
:Adjetrnea meeting. at 7,•'.0 o'clock, Gordon Augustine in
',he chair.
\litotes of 1;tst regular ntectrng ;tp;,roved on motion of
!toward Tait and \\'. J. IZelgers,
Correspondence ordered filed.
lotion by Norman Ilamilton and lloward "fait that Glenn
Jeclntie he 'Truant Off;cer. Carried.
\lotion by \\'• 1. Rogers and \\'. .f. Ilcffron that the
School Board supply all necessary books, paper, pencils, etc,
for the school chithenl beginning Sept. 1st, Carried, -
Motion by .1loward Tait and \V. .1, Rogers that James
'.ocktwoodl be appointed to the School Board to fill out the terns
of lanes Armstrong. Carried.
\lotion by Howard 'fait and Norman Hamilton that the
Board meet the last Momlay in the month at 7 o'clock, Car-
\lotion by \V, J. Rogers and \V. 1, Ilcffron, that the Sec-
retary ceder 5 stbscriptions of The \Iunicpal \Vbrld, Carried.
The fullo\ving accounts were ordered paid on motion of
\W. 1. Rogers and liotvard Tait
\lanning and Sons, 11.60; Blyth Standard, 43.54; Myth
Telephone System, 7.23; Jack Ilood, school supplies, 2,(6; The
F.ducati'.nal Publishing Cu., 256
Adjournment moved by Howard Tait and Norman Hamil-
ton at 9:50 o'clock. Carried.
-Bernard 1-lall, Secretary,
The following is a list of expenditures incurred by the
1Ilyth Lions Club daring the year 1948:
J nternational does . _.......
District dues, etc:
Supplies from International
Convention expenses
Sttppry's , ...
Floodlight grant
Park cxpcnscs _...__.__.. _. _..... ..._............... _......
Lights, wire, etc, .
Radio advertising .....
Other advertising
11cckey "Teams and Rink
Children Parties ......._ ........
Flowers, fruit, etc, to sick
Myth Memorial 1lall rent for band meetings ......
111800 .............__............,........_.
Table 'Tennis. table, etc..__
Band cabinet .._.................. ... .. .
Bawl Expenses
Child Welfare and Relief ..
Sundry Expenses ...... _ ._.-.,.
116 DI
TOTAL. .. $3,3)4.01
At the regular meeting of the Illytlt Legion i1ran.ch, held
:members dl to �111t lOUI0ra
PIN UP LAMPS, MATS, HALL TREES, funds for the Legion horn,
it was also decided to eminence work on the new Legion
Home just as quickly as weather conditions permit, The site
hots already been procured for the 1lonte, at the rear of the
The new car (which will he a Plynto'''lt) if o•re is pra-
curable, will be ,raffled at the Legion's annual Frchc which is
to be held in June.
01I!: if .
�' it .i v,,00 SUITE
consisting of Double Drop -Leaf Table, 6 Uphol-
stered Diners and Walnut Corner Cupboard
Reg. $245. sale $199.50
Adat.. fly:
III.II l!. IlILltl 11 .r i. lw':1u1 J.:. 111'4.4 J.1.1 .111,., 1 1.,1 . Y Y A. •.'... i. .1. 11.1. .4. .4 1. 1 1:411.E 1 1 .1 . . !. 1
All Goods Listed include Delivery to your Home
All Sales us
.Y:a,�l.l.lae,rll .d. C 1111►llttrs16l1tsti ilr ?:: IdeK.titlsas, ,.0 ial Airs I. 1
t, 10 I w . 1 I
1)onald Ross of Galt with his mother, Mrs, Fred Ross.
Mr. and Mrs, Warren. Bamford, of Preston with Mr, and
Mrs, Thomas Bamford and Elaine.
Mrs. Fordyce Clark and Mrs, 1)onald llayttcs were recent
Stratford visitors.
Mrs. George Hamilton has returned to Ther home following
a two weeks' visit with relatives at Seaforth and hrttcefield.
1\Irs. Audrey; l irkconnel with relatives in Kitchener.
\Irs. Hugh Bennett of Port Albert with Nit.. John \Vilson
and \I t'. and Mrs, \\'eslcy ilradnock.
\liss \label lliel:ittghottoln is in New \'ori: for a few
The community concert ot. \\;ednesday night \vas a de-
cided success. Door receipts for concert and dance .antountcd
to over $200.00. A fall .report will be found elsewhere.
\I r. and Mrs. Oliver Clark of Goderioh\ but former .rlcsi-
dotts of Auburn recently celebrated their 56th wedding anni-
versary at their home.
Both are enjoying excellent health and \Ins. Clark served
many callers during the afternoon with rake and a cup of tea.
An honored caller during the afternoon was \ITs. Annie
1lendersan, widow of the late Rev. Robert Henderson, who
performed the wedding ceremony fifty-six years ago..
Quite a ntlnther of Masonic ntcntbers and 1heft f unities
attended a social gathering at Carlow on Friday evening. NCSs.
Gurdon R. Taylor and \\Infant S. Craig, jr., assisted witlf
solos for the program, with Maes. 'William Craig as accompan-
ist, All report a very enjoyable evening.
Miss Aurelia \Iclltvain spent Thursday with Goderich re-
\Itis. Joshua Allen of Colborne township ,passed away at
her home on Tuesday night, in her 85t11 year. Se was the
mother of Mr. Maitland Allen.
Many residents ltn-c are suffering with very (heavy colds
and arc confined to their home.
lite Anglican Chtw ,'h will be closed for 3 Sundays daring
February while Rev, J :hn ilenderscn is away on vacation.
Word has been receival from \Ir. and Mrs. Alfred Nesbitt
who are spending 2 an ntbs with relatives in England. They
report a wonderful tine and are ata^cd at the way the people
manage on their small rations and have learned to stake the
most of what they have. The bus service is very efficient and
-very cheap bus fare prevails.
Miss Myrtle Philli;ts of St. Helens visited with Mr, and
Mrs. E. Phillips.
Knox United Chardh 1'.1' S. will sponsor the play "Attitt
Tillie Goes to Sea' in t t Foresters I fall 'I'Ihc play , 'le pre-
.sented by Betuniller Y.P.S. Special numbers Will be given be-
tween acts, Date Feb. 9th,
Wednesday, Feb, 2, 1919,=
Your Heathranters do ' Feed
We handle Oyster Shell, Lay mash, Pig Starter;
Ilog Grower, Calf ileal, iDairy Ration, Concen-
trales,ll'linerals, Bone Meal, iliolas4es, Salt in Bags
and Blocks, Cobalt Salt, and so oil,
"The Cheapest fossil le Insurance against Shy
Breeding in Livestock" 1
"Ii'or Ilealhier Stronger Calves,"
Drop 111 to see IIs.
We'll be happy to serve you.
Carman Hodgins, Manager.
Blyth Farmers (o -Op Association
_moo amaimmoommonammoom• memo emonomer...mmornwea
SMELL Profii•Provcn CHICKS
WNff•fIIlNfff. 4,0~l111tINIIf, .4,f 'Nfs,,Nm..... llNfNMiee ►fMI'TIN{INfffiesWi ffHtNf r4V ar4~1 +f.Vfl- ff4.
n A
OCCASIONAL CHAIRS Now 1I'.yin•t (Feb. 3.5) 'Abbott And Now Playing, (Feb. 3.5) M.G.-1V1.'; "The 1
REPAIRED $ ceattlla Meet Frankenstein" Search." A truly wonderful motion Now Playing (Felt, 3.5 "Always To.
and picture l 1 gether" starring Joyce Reynolds &
Mcn., 'furs, Wed., (February 7.9) oma- a. -.--
i r Mon., Tues. Wed, (Februar ` Robert Hutton
Humphrey Bogart, Lauren Bacall, Li- i Mon, Tues., Wed, (February 7.9)
FREE PICK -11P AND DELiVE'tY \ r,,;o 1 .1,,,-v I t our Cm-, ,,H1 onel Barrymore & Edward G. Robinson Barbara Stanwyck, Charles Coburn
For Further Inforncttim Enquire at "If r f.-,.-1 thy Itch rf J. 1'. Four utit rgcttable performances f -_a- &Van Heflin
Je �� \larltu..t:1 tore Ibisru•_Ecd dralu±tuzaticn of lite: 1'clliug til modern talc of a tyeaoti
Barbara ''lane ck, Van Heflin and in the Tropics and his rebellions offspring
Furniture Store, Blyth Ch.i -les Coburn "KEY LARGO"
Y v
Agent, S:ratf.,rd Uphtkt.tinl; Ct , Sat, (1o;raar 10.1: Thur. Fri., Sat,(February10-12 - "--
1'hur,, 1'�;. ° y ) , ) Thur,, Fri.,.VSat.
-ININ"f ""'"''''*1"" "h•f.f"'" 11i,,n -ht. y Bcgari, Edward G. Re.bin• Derek Bond, Sir Cedric Hardwicke t (February 30-12)
& Lionel Barrymore, Humphrey Bogart,
on, Lave,:o Ea, -all & Licnal Barrymarc Mary Morrell
i Edward G. Robinson & Lauren Bacon ,
1)ieltIt 1. beloved stt;z.1 dei -its the a'."t- ;
NOTICE, 1 to,l r I , 1a r.r t i l a ten-, trioti l Unbeatable in cast and !tor is this
T ,t , ±:, venture, of one of iu. most llupular )
;I' , i rp:u•t :uul utore oN• /terrific sketch of primitive eniot'cn:1s
citement ±1 an .,.,t to ,-ter r: 11 bet. re characters
I am ]lo\\' 111 a positiont(.► "KEY LARGO" "NICHOLAS NICKLEBY" I "KEY LARGO'
�t Comim (Feb. 14.16) M•G.M; a gayest Coming (Feb. 14.16) Katharine Hep•
grind corn on the.eob, of air- Coming (' eh, 14-16) tenth Avenue burn in "Song Of Love'
alfa hay with a Hammer;
An -,01' with h(arra,e`. O'Br:cn Tech r musical (-
"Luxury Liner
Oa 111.11aO•1414144111. \l ill, Can also Supply g1')un(1 Mat.. Saturday and Holidays, 2.30 Mat., Wed., Sat„ Holidays at 2.30 Mat.. Saturday and Holidays, 2.30
••••4.44 4-.44 JIN.N+.IN.II/Nf.II IY N.I...I.I flfffNff. VS* NI'S N•4#1, N.IffNjVNN•II• INNff•,,.fllff..hl
corn or hay. Delivered at
your farm. ... 1l ll.0 1 .I.. II 4.1.1•. :, a.� . l 1 :11 I.I..1,
Phone 204, Blyth,
C`-HILDREN'S Two Shows Sat, Night
i ERALLS Pictures s;d)iect to change 1 Ann Street, EXETER, Phone 355w?
a tt :ce_act 'comedy play s ! without notice.
toil) be presented in the
TWO Shows Each Night starting At
• 7:1a =
JlNffot•** * NIlfIIf•I'IIfI•IINL1
-, .. r..rw..I • .fvrfH,
'I( "RAINPROOF" )n.,r work clrTthes
� •-,lentiss in time will b(• notedbeloty ,
at 8:15 p.m,
over-all,, jackets, tar
paulins, blanketsOVLAIIS
--- CHOICE OF BIEE1)S --- This play is sponsored by the Women'. 4riday, Saturday,
February 4, 5etc., :at home, sue, i•• „(1 economically.
S.C.W, Leghorn Rode X Leghorn, institute of Myth and pttsen,,.,1 111 ';•r MEN'S 1 11-1t LADY FROM SHANGHAI'' just >pt nhl,' it on—it is invisible but
the atispi; e1 n;ti 10.1.. F63. i.ltl,
ut :t). sure keeps out the tact rain An 89
ht ' 1
F. F, Barrel hock. 1lanlp X Lc horn. Conte and print your friends salt spend11ILlrl ' TRita ilaywortb, Orson Wel'es
New Jlampshucs, Il;unp Roth• 'i, hours with a laugh a minuteuul . •----------.____--____ cents bottle. will do about five jackets,
Snrscx \ Kock, enjoy a good night's tint: rlain ..1 n . e �ti'►jI11ZALI�S Monr•ay, Tuesday, February 7, 8 Get it at Philp's Drug Store only.
Light Sussex, , "AN IDEAL. HUSBAND" -
S:ns c'x X ]lamp. lrmissictl Adults ;•3.,c, (: ltd ;n '
;Paulette Goddard, Michael Willing : i : i
STAR`t'EI) CHICKS ONLY WI-IIN AVAILt ' . l BELGRAVE A.Y.P.A, + Cl1i111's, ; Live potdtr '. colt Norm. Knapp.
I : Wednesday, Thursday, Feb., 9, 10 1
Will s;ta:lsor the play i i Boys' "THE GREAT WALTZ" Myth l rtr't. Highest prices paid. 13 tf
t a � ± i and Fernand Gravet, Luise Rainer
MR. BEANE I'ItOM LIi1IA 1 , 1 .. I .. .11 41 1-4 . . 11.r
For Full I'artividars, \\•rite or ]'hone,
Local Sales P\epre'selitative.
Telephone 33.11, Blyth.
lt•1.t3.-M.lY1,ItlfbdYtKs.1 1.44 RYSN<•m.T.J.lf,11/4111111V1,6:OCGr31-1.iL
lai,.d 2IlI ,,. S d14 15! illi.1.16,N- LI* :uSc.tat,ttR%gill 1,
SALMON STEAKS per lb, 45c
SALMON (whole only)
per lb. 40c
Fish Links look like sausages, they are cooked the
sante way as sausages. -- with no fish odor when
cooking -- no bones -- Ill) waste.
1 LB. PKG. --- 51c.
Arno,F�� � th ,�1 t
3i . �;;
Telephone 10 --- Blyth.
EAST WAWANOSI-I 1 Mr. and Nies. George Charter and
Mildred, in London on \touchy, where
'Mr. ililliard McGowan of Toronto, \lilarrd entered the Victoria 1ies;Ttt;tl
,spent the week -end with his mother. S Mont of Nursing,
\I rs. E. Schultz and baby son, Urian,
returned from Clinton hospital on
TI.NI)ERS for Caretakers at the Stinda')•.
following Schools in I?est \Vatwanosh 11 i>s 3.';i)•\ Caldwell, little d;utghter
School Arca, will be received until Feb. of \'1% all" \Ins. F'ar', Chadwell, had the
12, 19.19, smsfortttne to have, -her arm hurt and
Duties to continence March 1st, 1949. hate to have it placed i;1, a caste,
S.S. No. 8 Union 7 1 ;\lr• and Ai I'S. lt. C. \eGotwan wis:t-
5.S, No. 9 Union 11ed \lest\ Co'e, at the home of he('
S.S. No. 13 Union 16 . (laughter, 1lrs. .\lichie, on 'Thursday,
— \,
Union 3 Union 17.
Union WFS'1F IEI.',D
Applications may be mailed to,
C. H. WADE, \lcssrs.1?1itt t Suell and Ross Rad- 1 the marketing of hogs, Nobody twit;
Secretary. ford wThurs. London visitors on iturs. satisfied ttith the ittimptp t !)'stem, but
19.3. Bclgrave. day. I just note it could be roved %vas the
---._-_._._ --- --- NE r. and Mrs, Wm. NIc\'ittie visited 64 -dollar question. Several suggesttuns•
NOTICE on 1'Inu•sday s. ith \Ir. and \Irs, Roy ' were tirade, hat incl with very htt1.•
cV'ittic, of Clint"' approval All agreed that more organ -
If you are interested, n 2.1 page'M Miss Edna Moffatt sprat the week ixatiott was necessary, and Tong terns
booklet will be sent to you with no l contracts held the price store staple.
" 01)11igatioti whatsocwcr, giving the de- end with her parents near '1'cestwater' :\ letter was read from 1)r, Parr of
claration of policy of the Progressive Att., and \Its. Howard Citi bell vis_�Oucen Alexander Sanitoriunl, thanking
Conservative patty as adopted at the itcd on Sunday with \frs, A. E, ,lohns-
1 the ladies for a box of cookies All
19413. National Convention at Ottatwa.ton, of West\\';atwanoslt'
women sent a t pox of 1 tat lt, cookies. or
Write to CLAIM: \\'1?STCO'l'•l', Pox 1 - \I r. and ,MMrs. Charles Smith visited 19-3.
69, Seaforth, 19.4,on 'Ihursday with M r. George Brad- miter• treats twice a month. The Ivo-
Presented by Itllyth Women's Institute ,;
in ,,,t, 1 RUBBER BOOTS
commencing at 8 p.m,
I'cndcrs for sort )I)'ing twnoll to 'ic 2 General 'Merchant
schools of 'Morris lTownship.5th t ,.1 LELGIZAVE - ON C<•1RIO
Area twill he received rural ,Felt uary 4 Phones: Brussels, 14R8.
28th, by the Secretary'�t+�illjrhalll, tiri lR22
All wood to be maple or beech h,,1,, ,
wood, cart 12 inches long, and deiiver- Open Saturday Night Only i
cd and piled before ,lune 15th. 4
The following amounts are required: Z Save By Shopping Where Prices 1
No. 3, 12 cords; No. 5, 10 cord.;; ? Are Lowest,
No, 6, 30 cords ; No. 7, 15 cords ; or.rl..IHI..I.KIrIN..I+.II•K+.IIr
No, 8, 12 cords; No, 9, 15 cords;
No. 10, 12 cords; No. 11, 10 Co: ds ;
No. 12, 10 cords. 1 Hand and Electric Standard i
Also one cord of cedar ft -r ea:'t r
school.Cream Separators.
The lowest or any tender ;,:a n
cessarily accepted. Fleury -Bissell Discs and Plows.
R. S. Shaw, Set-retto y,
20-2, Ithiev ire. On!. Smalley Forage Blowers and
.,.......,,..,. ,,,,,,,,,,,.....-•-,....4-..-...• ,.....
ford, of Goderich,
\I r. and Mrs. Jim Doak, of Goderich,
spent Sunday with NH., and \Irs. Fred
\1r, Donald Campbell, of I' itcltener,
visited on Sunday with his brother,
\Ir• 1Kcnneth Campbell, and \Ins.
Westfield Farm Fortin Dis-
cusses Hog Marketing
\VMillt 15 members present, the \Vest -
field Farm Forum stet at `lie hone of
11fr, and sIrs, Earl 1Vighttnan, on
s1ott1ay night. The subject for dis-
cussion was "This 1.ittle Pig \\'cat to
Market." After listening to the broad-
cast, an hour was spent in discussing
III.III.♦ M\\ I.IJ.f... 1144fI4•.#III..
Gordon Elliott J. II. R. Elliott
Real Estate Agency
1 i., and 1 storey frame dwelling,
soft and hard water, hydro, fur-
nace, situated on north side of
Drummond Street.
•17 Via: acre farm, on highway,
within 1 toile of 1)lyth, good build-
ings, small bust and orchard.
Cooked Meats
Office Hours •
Daily Except Wednesday and Sunday.
2 p.m. o -1 pati.
7 p.m. to 9 p.m,
t 'Telephone 33 -- Blyth, Ont,
A number of other properties for � 47-52p.
sale. Particulars upon request. ; Doherty Eros.
Hammon Mills GARAGE.
Home made Acetylene and Electric
Full Line of Oliver ' Farm Welding A Specialty.
Equipment. j BREAD, Agents For International-
! CAKES Harvester Parts & Supplies
w.rnnz> aura o_ WRIGHT r 111u1 White Rose Gas and Oil
PASTRY. Car Painting and Repairing.
'Telephone 4 and 93. Blyth, Ontario
WOOD TENDERS Frank's Home Bakery
TENDERSTENDEIZS will be received until
Feb. 12, 1919, by undersigned for 14 in.
'lard Body \Vot,d, to he delivered by :II .1. I. I.. 6..1.1,11 1 ,...11
Inns •
; 1, 1ct49, in the quantities indicat-
cd, at the following schools: • PARKVIEW
Union 7, 15 cord. '
Union 11. 18 cord.
Union 16, 18 cord.
; No. 8, 15 cord.
No. 13, 15 cord.
Union 17. 18 cord.
t'ttion ti, 12 cord.
Union 3, 15 coral.
No. 9, lti cord.
in Printed Silks and Jerseys - Sizes 13 to 44.
We Carry a Complete Line of
Suits and Top Coats, Tailored to Measure
by Warren K. Cook and Nash Tailors.
Please bring your Cleaning in on Monday
For Delivery the Same Week.
Box 111
men take turns, tato women make up a
box together, the boxes are !stat to
We know, that is so unfortunateo
..N. .IW ..
IAA soh.. iJ,, .I 111 IAI,W.,I ..•.III. 1
f"~""1. �,■ COLE
BEAUTY SHOP14,.:...14......,8....4...+4.44,H.+4,444.1
s.POOL ROOM.' it.
_1Where Better Permanents .—'— .
Cost Less. 'I:
]'hone 35.
I)INS1.1:\' STREET (Tobaccos, Cigarettes, Pop,:::
.'t and Other Sundries. w
Gcderich, Ontario • Telephonl 't3
Eyes Examined and Classes Fitted,
With 25 Years Experience
a5 10 3.)e it patient. i I 1 / l jCOST! , 1 101.1.-111 loving tltettloty of 0111' drat' 44+4, 4. +. •+.4.+.4••:.y«,�•1if'ii"44:44: ~i'0�•74•i':i
Games were led Ti',' Roy and 1hu I A i`IN�x A I L01`
parents. Mr. ;and Mrs, Fred Toll, Sr. ,
llucli inan, after which hutch was sere- + i If you are interested 111 13. \I r. 'Toll passed away Jan. 20th. 194•i, + LOP IUTUAL
ed. The next meeting will be at the , \les. 'Poll passed array last. 25 19.15. THE li'ICItIL .+
homy of .\Ir, and Mrs. Jack Buchan- 1 a high class job of de- ' i I FIRE INSURANCE CO,
I Lovingly remembered,
an, with Mr, and Mrs. Norman NI c• col'atiut at moderate ; 20-1. —The Toll Family. HEAD OFFICE - SEAFORTH, ONT.
Dowell !applying the entertainment. cost, \lie \Vould be pleas- --_-
The ulcering last week was held at -' Officers
the home of Nit, and Mrs. Howard ed to (l _n.c 1 a puce President, E. McGregor, Clinton;
Campbell: It was revise night, and 011 your next job, In the Estate of Amen Wesley Thiel, ,Vice President, C. 1V; Leonhardt, Brod-
there was no discussion.
we ll' 1110 most modern late of the Township of Hallett, in hagen; Secretary -Treasurer and Mail
1 '- ; the County of Huron, Laborer, De- agcy, \I. A. Reid, Seaforth.
s-_ ._ ._ _-- - 11101110 4 for decorating, W. Directors
Skinn min r�o nen ceased.R. , Clinton;, Alex B Frank
t, either t); )ntingor paper'- \11 persons hawing claims against ;McGregor, CntoAlex. Broadfoot.
Ing. . We will be !)leased i the Estate of the shove deceased are Seaforth; Chris. Leonhardt, Born-
• gain 5,10,15Ibs: °' ' t holm; E. J. Tretwartha, Clinton; ohn
rh aired to file the same ,with the tin_ J to serve \ ( 011. - dersignetl Solicitor for the said Estate 11., Malone, Seaforth; John H. DIcE)v-
otl or before the 10th day of Fchru;llt tag, Tllvtll; Muth Alexander, Walton;
Get New Pep, Vim, Vigor. H. \Vhitinore, Seaforti`i; Harvey
A.D.A1949. after which date the t sets Fuller, RR. 2, Goderich.
what a thrall Bony limbs till ottt, ugly hottnwa PREST.: still he distrihitled atllotlgstthepar- '1111 up; neck no longer erranny body loes half-(Agent/slaved, elckly 'bean -tele' look-Thnc•±au;'e env t1t`s 1iitttl('tl tii&trto ha1'In.+ 1'C 3rd Btrucefield, R. F.
girls, women, men, who never could gait before, g Jdhn I , PCpper, ,
are now proud tit aha lets, hearth) to ek1n, l,ndncs. ;phone 7 26• LONDESBORC ottiv.h, the claims of which notice (1\[ckercher, Dublin; 1 J . }'roster,
They thank the special vigor -building, itch-buitdmK
route, nattrx. Its routes, etlulul•mt. 1 '111,,rlt 1+, F S11•lil have been given.1 13rndha` eu; Georgi A: \Jett, Blyth.
a d n,, calcium, enrich blood, umo e BRUSH AND SPRAY PAINTING _ Dated at Clinton, this 12th day of 1 Parties desirous to effect insurance
eplletlte and digestion 60 fond gives you more
strength and nourishment: put HMI on bare b.rneo. - - or transa-t n'ber business, will be -
Iron'ttear getting too tat. Stopwl,e•,you'vet gained ]: ttOt'3, A.D. 1t?�9.
the b, 10, Ib or 20lbe. you need tor normal weight. 5unworthy Wallpaper t?rc ^tply title ttejed to sly applrral ons
Costs little. New "get acquainted" raze only line. Pahae and Enamels. t�• 1 1 1,:\Nl) l:.C., Clinton, Oil-
. t - to an of the a;.owe na.,,
Try famous Ostrex Tonic Tablets tor nets vigor ) d ; icer!
audaddedpoumis,thlsrcryday.Atnlldrug;lets. tale. S&'licit?r for the said l.statt. uddress:d to their resit _at.. I'ot►t of+
'n too tLM ...,.d . I:u- C-11p1h..•, 1 11. 1 1 1 1.1III 1 t . . 18-3. (f � __
31iya, Joe, Where Did It Go? -sue of the greatest of all-round,
all-time hall players, Joe DiMaggio-after his custontery post -
season trip to the hospital---tmlimhers his potent batting swing
during a benefit game for a Children's llome. The scene is
Florida, and fTOII this angle there doesn't seem to he anything
wrong with that swing, although Di 1\lag appears in no hurry
to start heading for first,
.. NormonBlair
ugh it newer attained any-
thing like the popularity of its pre-
dtnssnr of iwcntw \ears i:tfore,
."Tipp' nay", one of the iuost \wldtiv
eon)• dithers during the tarps part
01 \V+irkd \\'a,r 1'111' \w:,= "Li];
1t is 1102% almost forgot( 0, But
rutin':'lits Of that scff! IN tet revived
hey -Fi recent anecdote ri g;a'ding
Winston Churchill.
Not long ago the great British
WET Leader had h vacation at
.Montt: Carlo. Otte r\'cuing, lwhilc
luting at the hotel de Paris, he
caked the orchestra leader to play
Dili ,Marlene",
The orchestra obliged. But next
day ('hurchill issued new instruc-
tions. "!'lease ilivtr play that song
lwyaili while 1'211 present --it made
m4' dreon all night of Rommel."
Rommel -El :Alamein -and all the
rest (' i1 --how long 2110 it stems)
Ahhcugil most of the French
people fear --and with hood reason
-the idea of a revived Germany,
.'rich ille possibility of further G`r-
man aggression and perhaps another
war, there are thinking people in
the first -named country who are
roiling to take a different view of
the matter.
These people believe that the
loather weakening of Genian in-
dustry and the dismantling of the
patat Ruhr Valley industrial Fys-
irJn will be a real mistake. In their
elpillicn the only way to make an-
other Franco-German war impos-
sible is to develop such strong
bends between those two, and other
'Western European nations, that an-
other Eurespean conflict would be as
unthinkable a! one between -for ex-
ample -France and Britain, or
Britain and the United States.
This is the view taken in an art-
icle appearing in one of the great -
oat and most authoritative of French
rlr'wspapers-Le Monde, Paris -and
to onlookers in other countries It
ramie as something of a shock. But
to many of the more far-seeing
among the French it represents
IA little noticed, but highly signift-
swnt, change in public thinking in
their country. And to the Germans
it appeared as a glimpse of reason
et a time when the dismantling of
their great industrial system teem-
ed like nothing but vindictive re -
lenge on the pact of the victors in
the last World War.
The article in the Paris paper ap-
parel] late in November. It took on
'feattr significance when the
rench Foreign Minister -Robert
ilehuman-gave out a semi-official
statement just before leaving for a
two-day conference in London with
Mss British 'opposite number"
eign Becht. Schuman said
that hatred and vengeance had been
removed from French policy toward
Germany with a speed that would
have lie( n impossible following
'World \Var Ont.
To In.IIIV thoughtful t-1,:2 vtFs-
especially in Itritain--Scl0lnnan's
statement canoe 25 a real gleans of
stlllsllille on a cloud; and troubled
sky. They have been. as one re-
porter puts it, „for many weeks
searching for some ;ort of basic
formula that would bring t;( T111,103'
and 1Vcstern Europe together," For
with a strong and united \Vestern
Europe -which would have to, of
course, include Germany -the threat
of Russia on the westward march
would become far less troublesome.
Hut whether anything will come
out of such proposals remains a
matter of con-iderable doubt. For
in the minds of the majority of the
French people, the name of Ger-
many still stands for that of an eu-
irny-an enemy always to be fear-
ed and kept, if possible, tinder
strongest restraint.
Latin America has long been
known as a land of Many revo-
lutions, Hut reeent happenings
down that way make one lv011der
whether the latest of these repre-
sent just the keeping up of an old
South American custom, or if, in'
those parts, there is a tauctricd
movement against democracy and
the democratic form of Govern-
Last October a military revolt
overthrew the popularly elected
Government of Peru. In November
a swift -moving group of army offi-
cials quietly but efficiently snatched
the reins of Government froth the
elected President of Venezuela,
Romulo Gallegos, During Decem-
ber a military clique in El Salvador
tossed President Salvador Castro
out on his ear, while exiled Costa
Ricans staged an arlllt'd invasi00
of their homeland
In Chile the goverununt Man-
aged to break up a revolution be-
fore it lovas well started, and the
President of Bolivia has been hav-
ing his, own troubles with plotters
and schemers. And in other coun-
tries there were rumors of trouble.
To a casual looker on It almost
resembles the old situation of the
Irishman who -observing a brawl
going on --politely inquired, "is this
a private fight or can anybody get
into it?" But it may be far more
important than that. in most South
American countries, the classes are
terribly unhappy, and with good
reason, Why they should he so can
be seen from the situation In Vene-
zuela, wlitre LESS '['HANTHREE
Trouble -really serious trouble -
seems to be a -making south of the
equator. And the rollers ---the ex-
ploiters of the masses -seem to be
trying, through their military power,
to squelch that trouble before it
goes too far,
Good 1,a,t 1 ,tit nwpire L: i L,11(C'
ttically absolutely fair and unipias-
Id 1)1 their decisions. Actually, they
aren't, but lean just a trifle to the
visiting chi)). AS one veteran hall -
and -strike caller -we think it was
Tim I'm=(- 115(11 to put it, "\'fez
can do stuff in the gray that yi'ez
(701'1 g,e1 i 2wa \' \\Ith i21 1111'
by that l:e lurant-as. \\c !!art
most likely tNplainerl before -that
umpires tend to lc a hit more SIriet
with the ‘shite -uniformed home
team player),, and to take less sass
and backtalk from them, than they
do with the grey clad v'i=itiug 1can1,
» t »
The reason for this is obvious,
even though most Umpires will
strenuously deny that they do do
anything of the sort. A home town
'players who argues with the umps,
or shows signs of disgust at some
of the arbiter's decisions, is far
more likely to stir up trouble among
the fans than a visitor. So, the
home -towner often gets chucked
out of the game for things which
would get by with one of the op-
Continuing our unasked -for, and
no doubt unwanted advice to the
professional hockey folk, we would
advise that the President -or who-
ever it is that's the real boss of the
National Hockey League -should
instruct t 11C
t the referees
be so
lenient about putting a player's cue
in the rack for the balance of the
game, or even for several games,
when he's guilty of actions designed
to set a boil the feelings of some
of the morons who seem to attend
hockey in such numbers these days.
* *
1. ih1(,\wil)g.. coil!', and. torn, 2)1)
pieces of paper is had enough, but
when it courts to bottles, sooner
or later somebody is going to get
hurt, and very badly. Vet practically
all such rullharbs get their start
with some hometown players giv-
ing the folks the idea that the ref-
er( t is giving the local chub all the
worst of it.
A c;is) in point, ---as the llw'ytrs
put it --is a Ttrent game at which
Ray Getliffe was slaking his first
Toronto appearance as a whistle -
tooter. Alost of those we talked to
afterwards --that is to saw those
whose opinions on hockey we rate
worth listening 10----agrted that Mr.
Getlifft, although still some -What
green. had turned in a pretty fair
Yet from the sounds and actions
of a lot of Maple Leaf supporters, a
casual visitor !night very well have
thought that Ray was a direct, al-
though slightly illegitimate descend-
ent of Jesse James and a whole line
of bandits reaching right back to
Attila the Hun, whoever he may
have been.
* »
Why did such a thing happen?
Principally, perhaps almost wholly
because certain Maple Leaf athletes
were trying to cover up their inept -
to give it as kindly a description as
possible -play, by making the ref-
eree look bad. And the dumb fans
-mentally dumb, that is -fell for
it and fell for it hard in a manner
which was a disgrace to a town
where folks are supposed to know
something about the game. , . ,
So in addition t0 the suggestion
+ g1,
made at the start of this piece, we
have another couple to snake. Otte
is that the Maple Leafs should
have, in their dressing room, a
phonograph continually playing
nothing but that olce•popnlar ditty
1 11)12(11, "it 1-1i t \\ 11211 You l';t11
le. 1:), lint \\•'ir,t +•1 .'art 1, thiw."
I 111 t201u'--2')111 iht Toronto trap'
ccs should In, ordrrt11 to crag and
desist frolll 0101004' any 1(1,111 pit: •
urns showing 1'o1111 Smyth, with a
hrllrtirent look on his face, l as4-
ing in that nice Florida snu2hin(.
I i they'd print pictures showing
NI r. Smythe'), are shotrng the
expression it's liable to be wearing
Mien be comes 110(42, and starts
telling the boys exactly what ails
them, it would be far more liable
to secure the desired result,.
For what's been happening to
our beloved Maple Leafs must
stop, and the sooner the better. For
already we know of several of their
most ardent radio supporters who
are forced to nerve themselves with
three or four stiff shots of soda pop
before they even dare to tune in of
a Saturday night, and hear the
Voice of 1'Iockey tell of the dire
things that are happening down
around the corner of Church and
Carlton Sts.
In conclusion we would just like
to quote a few remarks regarding
the game of hockey as played to-
day, and the athletes who play it,
"They have no guts and they don't
know how to skate, -How can a
mean expect to play hockey when he
strangles himself by skating bent
over like a pretzel. -He isn't any
good for more than two or three
minutes unless you attach a spare
skate to the seat of his pants. -in
my days we played because we liked
to, For the players today it's only
plain hard work -and hard cash,"
Now the gentleman who made
those remarks is not any Johnny -
cow -lately or even a disgruntled
sports writer, His name is (Eddie
Shore, who ---if he isn't Old \Ian
1lockr)" in person --conies close
to being that mythical being. AIr,
Shore played hockey 25 well as --
or possibly better than -;any man
before or since his time, When 11r.
Shore opens his month and gives
his 'views on hockey, his swords are
worthy of consideration, So, Maybe
some of the rest of ns haven't been
so far astray after all,
A New York fortune-teller em-
ploys white mice to pull horoscope
envelopts out of a box,
Coupled, 'Threaded
,'hilar! LI•nplhs
Black and
Sizes 1 'r' to 3"
I'renipt wino.)
1111,111111 111*, -a" 1 411'
a,6 Ih., per fool
100,000 lbs. -I11" r 411'
0 Ills. per foot
Solway Metal Sales
1152 DUPONT ST,,
MElrose 1131
1(aJ iii
-1/keiteve inhibit due 10 re etoe implea
_ Utkte'n for end minor itch (,oul,l',a, (1 .
cooling medicated D. D. D. Prescription
(ordinary or *sirs strength), Ore/tehas
iihitstnimle, A Doctor'6 formula, Soothes amp
(alms initense itching quickly. 35c Irina loupe
prof et tl-or marry back. Art your druggist
(ee D 4D Pr*ecriotlnn
Canada's Moat Famous One -Man Power Chain Saw
4.1- N.P. Mvfti-Port Engine
Slee the "Pioneer! Try It! You Will Be Astonished!
Note the New Prices in Various Size Cutting Bars
14 -inch 176.75 18 -Inch 282.75 22 -Inch 288.75
24-1nch 219;40 30 -Inch 3112.75
F.O.B. North Baty
Aho New Lou, Prices on Cutting Bars and Chains
Industrial Enineereing
Oak $t. W. LP01114111kilf Phone 1494
Uil:\1. 22 .1N r1:41
I AND 6fn111: l'nr 91) 2"' deluie, befit
r, Opts. 1 111dr, n't $ J1(. Adults 8 60, all
r, 1. user. satnr urn )'h,lllnler,I Agents
'natio d It.,r.,n;, Noyeltrea, r14f0r1h, Ont,
(2 1 J( 11 1\VN Fu ji I;i Ilibute, on Par!
Tune t„ roll 'Ifni- i/'2n, our 150 Il'odncle'
'1.,•,t• Il O), \ itawtus. E5u'atlx. Spices. 21)214)15
1'm,.!';. 1'a6''s. Iorti;luu;tb Glass, iItv*'r,
2', : 1' ', ,.,;,I Shoe Polish( s, ole trach
ni,•du:1.l .. Istt.'uer 1:xrr11(11 °Imo/tangy
10 0') 50,1 basinr:+s ahill+les Write for
1)'r+•;1.. ;1(,l natal )0-..1-.15111.1:1, 16011
I'el+, ut,r Mom ITal.
UI 11.111491 1VAN'1'111) Ego n trectol4, electric
ITnr1\'e. Write ('benne lino 121 Frederick
St.. iC t1.honer,
AI; E N'l's' sell dl, ,:..t I,: h„u,oi\en the 4-
,c,r: '•45'.-, i" 1;1 111 '(ear:
0,11 1, ' I,, 1'rm5.1) 9- 3)a1In1 R. ')'u4p110,
(2111 tai..\\I I:\'r :\hl r1,c„I lot 1,11erT est(6-
1,s1rd -
for setts wools some '1.1)1' 111
\, 1r ,hslri, t tI 114' 1,111(1F Inc baby rld''Irs,
11,1' ' nii,ission ('.dd. 1'"Nets 1015.1')),,
fru 1.i 1100 \1uikbn 00,1 1'n,cltdl')) a(,•lrla
1,, mike I v -,Ileus ,:I,, ❑ts, 11'r11e for
n1I1 mlu)'urx)1,❑ 1)„' \'+ 1:. (23 10111 til.,
N,•1( 'r,r,.01.,
(15 111 01111'22
1(1:1' sI 91.',) _A 11950.1 1',1lcts tla l'0. t.xuu
r}i.h, ctn., 1,1 ,0, 4) X2)21 Pewits. For ''1ll1-
bh1,d ,10 u1,d linatProfile, 2)' oltr red d)e,ex
1151,11,1 , 60 La. (04)'1 for I1s1 e.11 W1.0, 1(1)1'4
feather, mu. Irr)e *tire all,! Ina \y 1 V 1,1'ud1r0lml.
I'nlleu 51:1.110, utn:d 41:1 ('1', cut 15.011, Uva
Mulches , 1, 1.5 11,11,, iuonc,1itu, ),111'lllelll, 1.118
Feick 1'0 to. .2))))e Ruches, IJnt, llux \t',
1'Itl1SI'e:l''I's f.. pied its Ilial ,hlrheus look
poor nn; 1915 Soon fir'' hno-s rd firm
motile mt 5 ler sleek 11. 0.'1 e. bar r4er1'•
Hum, 1,1 I. to 1.1.rn .bleu 1(d for ,'urs reel
Nadir .),) hover pi non iota*. Spurt
your ' licks 1.s mels as 51111 ran. IlemeNl4l•
the bib 11,4) for saloon l and ''all for big
10(2 011,1 111,' )u,+,l In:1 2,€2,- til 121'1}• hero,
els 111,1) Il(41,',s. 'I'11'rddle ,hi,'ks Lace a g0011
rr(1u1,t, .,aa. 1\4) hat-,-- '.1,1.41.• for 4)x4)15 roc -
Hoe --I,' ('(Huse), 4q• fur eggs, 1? WIC( 11101" 911(.2 '1'oroulu uni
1reuds and l3 1i",a IT) or 11) choose. Genn,
Also 1:,5 ng 02,12,110 Ir, lay pullets for AP LI11 1 WYIIUI
hmnrdintP drlleer5, send tut story "111,14 to Nla•:I,I,1':Awul,li Ill'I,I,h,'1lA-(trod ode:,x-
Ilit the Top 1':gr ;‘1,1),. t'• 1'lrc catnlogl3, chord by Plot 5114)61. \Inill,i flit ect to
'I'eddl, '.1,1442,r •1.
h i,: Limo ! I'etens yen each month I•:nc11 110114)1/1 contains Ore
inwt+1)o• drstun complete wllh lose root oats, nrcdle-
SI11 I':hlult 4'1111'0; 11tH old. tend slant, -J. wurll blots, n111n, 1(e 0f (12,11),),, and xlamPed
inmlydl21 1.r later 1, lite y. Wood owned iknv 1'1. 1)'!5' enbsrrl(1tloh 11 lssnep) 660.
got orn1ru,1 approved 1,(ghoru1, [tarred Rocks, Feud l+ 1'lolt ore 5114)11, Drat, L. I'opt O[GcP,
ll,nnpshiurv. SnasrT- Ithnda Island l0',bn firan'-1 480%eh 1•Ili° Street, 'Jriorto
111tlte nooks. x !lark Glows 2' l l( tbl'rdn
Ody nvot,o!' 111,0.
1uubn hu.0 et1.1 Ilan Linwood
1,1,A NT A IIP,1gC• I his sI 01 (-•-rat rcnuJy
h) I, -uuh k ,1011)1)4' ',hint.( 1la1-tri))
i 1015 r 4) 5 1,i"1(l of 0 P l,,, 2)11 ;If Um' Gist J',iu-toomrh )'hole
N011 h chi, 10. 11,1. 01"2 1,ti ,And the 111- (2) t. (ohne '1 (cel Special Trice) ice) plants
),4)r Ihrr 2) the 1019,1 11,5 *,1 their order 1 for t OX, lC'-ioth sly,: -1)l, :v Hlants for
1 1 1 , ,, l un - , 1 , •, 1
r ( I h, Lina 1 1 I 41 -fen 1 slit•. l\ I alt our 54)11
o u
ehf 1 ,r 1 want 1‘1,,o \ u \;,rot 111,'12•pup I ('1)l 1)t G,ud,a, Gnbh Itlud, ,n Iiu,;xwr,J
91 i ch., 1 s r s from Get Amino ' 1 Nu( fi(s. Itn,l nu ,,viIlr. 010 .014
I, -ltd +11. 1. of 011 the 1., st 1I:,ds
.:1(d 4)4)111,' Ione loss 1,1 I),. 'They oro
lrW s1�
o,,.. fru' lyp, 1,1., ,)1.l:x ,i'''
c'Ilan, re,c ds of 1:1,,b,llly .00 motto'moy,
'cup Nut. h , hi, 1,s 1,1(111 your ' ha u,'vo fur hag
plaits by ,illi( risk awe,5 + )o\1)( '1'" start
right, et.,1t v.) TTY 11111 '1't' 210,2. Five rnta-
iosue. A':eo elder pulIus 2.22 I,rnllrr rliths.
Top Not,h 1'2,,2, 5th, forfeit. unlael,,.
S1':101 1,1111` 'r.211'1 1111211'1`
Ur,'l,• now` to owe 0 tell- L'rt;iu 1,2,1,
Fond 0,,.)',y' tt,lrhs ((un a '2.,)124 halrhcry,
1. A I',1.a,in A''1 121.1 11(111,, y. .3•'11
111 Vekr 1012 1,,2 4)r r „nlur,un ,lean \1'1151\L
1. ialnl Bohol 11 grin's, 4 upr11)1111 nod,r
Hn1(.110y .AIprovnl, Ord 1(l / ' 1\ UIL1r'I'll'11. `1, C.1'I'llAltl\I:S.
ltoWIWI.1s A4xucl,,1)o,,
t\ 11,• Iur uni' 1242' peen it>2 nod 1,,Ialog0l e, A home .,kits Rum hem' (1uon,oto nuts,
01111 ser ('('w of ton• Nod: 1'1 "Id Ilturlury', int, le 01),1 ,r male: night Dol ,ir,c oaf c IT: ,rr)-
('11P 4f 2)x• lnl1'2 (''x (01(2), (ininfofll,'l'111.1.11
ila. t(Ilt lowtlx, 1,I), :,1‘,.1d11:.',1,',11`,.
, Wodei,ito, I-' k..te earl srWl-
cht•ry. 'I'olilo,, Unlnrio 1 rorlUters of 11(1(41) Priune r"onx )1(1 (' )14) C,Ur er,rnity Is
BABY 1'1111'li\ sine.. 1011. ue)t1 us, sell .end tout
--. _._....- - - -.- _._ Mautesy (cul selrirr.
"ON1'(11tli" Appr0red )'highs live, Ins and fm h1(ulnnl0.1 01)19• t' -,'1,((!,4) '•1) 4)r
pay. '1110- ore the resoles of 111e"os-Ihefp phone ' 5-,1..
years 1f careful telectruu tool breeding in
Thvy here I0 I,1. )sol banns, 11P 111'1'(111'1'1 NIT, rs fur \I 1;\ (nu 1111\I1 N
'14,111 the \ars 104 411,11 o2 ((2,'kx f4), ear BE A HAIRDRESSER
own fl0cke -hag, ylgor.4nls 011,1 *hely 11111111• 20(11 D
C'ANA:1'F 1,51\10()1?;G '( 11(101.
ring, 15'e stress e)1 1,17p and 111,110111111V.'. Ihu'- rut:1 r)Lpetreunity 1 e: •u
red Itu,h*--55'idle 1,4)4)).x)14) - I11nnp N Lord, ilalydlessl
Cr,ssbrcda-"-(tuck N l,e1hnru 4'l '14))'1 l*' I'Irus;, .2 .1I (,sed Pro(Psnlon, 1,10 \\:,s1(,
'Vrlte rm. Rte (older. '1'ht (Ivfurd 1':ume eh. thmisundH t')cccxsful Mae V, 4)6540.,24)x.
(101 meulh"e4.6)",'"Traduce >: l'11"1", 4:24 Auleri.•,'s neatest 4)90)411( Mort carrel tato. -
61nto SIl'e l 11,o17.) I 011)1)10. I(gue free. l\'tae t1. 1'011
Pcit:t,I'Itr 111 YI'llts- s1) gess ll talents bola 6IARVL1. 11AIIt0I)C55I\0
chicks Poor neat told (4)g I'rudncilon torah* SCHOOLS
satisfaction flow yao)' t(ycsumnt, To vet elver 988 Bloor Ft. 55'
davtdrnds on y0111' 11.2 )fitment, x(111 (112(st Le Blom hes. 44 liing St., !Ladino)
('0)40)0Tna1. peelers' t1, lI.O'sted, Itlde4'4)4-1, (,I,1."
offer Fun 1011 1-hto4x 11(191 n 5.2(11ry 1(\2atl11) 611.\ brill for cum19111c1• hot , hninrott ing
with 4)ery bleeder Polito too tested ((1,11 4uv- Inaeroctious, (1 only. F2(21-0ulon Fo:unn-
teed. l(an,1lraflp, be(hole, lie'
i'lllt x.24.0.
Nrty 1849, l ,,a,,r1, Nrml-I;losy, 1'1.,1, not a
surplus unlit). All Colors, `::able tool out,
t 2.04) per G,,llo . '19822ty gonna -lord or moor),
refunded. 11. I., .3)rater, 11 1:1,4)56)1 :last,
Toronto 31,,lt timers accept, ,!:_..-
112)1 I lore, pow, Fut coma. se Whir attach.
meow, reixontlhl,'. 5Vol plus, 1.4 Baldwin
Aye.. Brant ford. Imp,
5 If. 1', ,-'IIVI)-Iti,ItIrr (0, 1,, '1E..,101. flaps,
ruhn:,l,,:. :;Inn,sl aPw, .Le .1),, re, in mire -
vine., );ono, t
A. 11. (1,111,0 11 , Flans 4 ,,1,(4109', bull
1,:;:l int' r,l4rrs. ban I)hr, rrxodrelo. 6r1-
Ih,g, raffle., s cndwnod 4)x(11•, loulher x11,10
Iur rule. 11x, -finer 0111.)' set(he 179 ('o'lar
Stool, 114) 1)11,
'122'') 111'\11itsa) I,an4,lruth 2Irl'1i1191 with
imply 1runs, thirty tint. h• "Interring ca-
ses. Pe too is Powell, ('liolnn. (,cl0-lll
1I1'801' 911,01) Iail 18 anti bops Ideal fete
1)1.1 .,toll dous 11rit•: 11211 I:atilt-nomen,
RI;01S'I'I:l1El(. Al' r'It1':111'FEI( 11, et ford Ilona
I: 20 11 n1,mU�0. 10 1111(0,1 b ieo 15 n)onthx;
20 Oxford ones, xdkanced rugitus VorhHhilt,
oleo ;uul 1 1.'0 star s, wr1u1ling 11' err Virrahle
110111s (no din)) ‘10 roam. 5)40.2 Forest,
Dalai to.
-..- -.. 1:1111'51_
MO ID) it1:51'I:1'`'--Every stiff* ret' flora Moor-
man, Pains o)• Neuritis should 1)'S' Dixon's
11e11,dy. .\Iunr,•'s, Drug 3,,.,t. I:IRIn;
01)1.01,. ('oto it., id 11.00
'1')22 ('12 0,1)y ,archer of lih4)unsti,• Palos
or N.-,noo. should try !Woo ,o e 1tt•Inedy,
ylunn,o-. IN in: •;1(l,-. :, I:IF n. ' -..
1,111,1 11 e,
l)IAIIKTI1345('n'• for your .i:ottd::re har4,
lap's, ,,,ods'. 1,440111l., 11) Inuncdlait
dellwery (41.1,ctle 100,1,1 ,k SiT1 p1110, 18
1'1.1)11EIt Italy,, pgth•Ilcu of t Jada2hls,
ralb, 1-(111.d, named to tl ,,pt,.rd for
eAuy Iron donation to )h1' I- aisle '(','slit•
011(1) F'nnd lalnloltur o)) 'woo 11,-, Awa11Pr
,11(1'Ita1 y, Elora, Dot 0rla.
1'I'n(1 L r-111'1 l'AIt11F:11st 1 ',,r '14
mull h. 1,ur Intiensing IIs, ct unstt�un,rs 21(
early limp prim 11x1 nod x 0)1.14) (xlalogoe
offering first -holm 2'110' an 2.11L stein (f
*up'rlu,' 1+mlit v, 5(1 Op now to) (,t on our
(n,iling list. Itsh,p 2.11,1.0 )0'!I vlllu,
01,11,1 It,.
HI':I,I,Iit 1 1; 111\1.11.1:S1 ENT- 111FI'I'I',21,
ertuneitt•banded, Wein. for ear Ii141' raln-
Ingue 11011 Prfries, Tukr lubinnx)o of oar
early order d)oeuuut. Moo):)un Pooh] y Porno,
6lo,kton, On)nero,
1'01'1llt:\NI•:'S ko'e'on4)m AWomt4 chleks.
hulled 110,6s, 1'2irmr"tet'1 lihode Ialund
'tells, Into loll 111'uwn 'reshot us. AVille for
Prices. CoeWnne's l'oultry Pore, 11deu'luw'n,
Ontario, Oniterlu (4ov.r(U,u1 A1,1,1eteel Hatch-
ery. _ _....-..._.
1111411,511(11)1<91 ca Dugs, ('a11., 11nb6114, Ayoorhe, 12•Pt,
HI1'ds, i'Igeo's, 10(11111), Dairying, Pxl'lll)l1K,
holt, Flowers, Flsh)n.-, Doming. C)lolug,e
Prue. id Organs, Londen-
AN OFFER to every Inventor -List of Inver).
Ilona and full Information sent tree. The
nainsay Co Registered Potent Attorneya,.273
Bank Street, Ottawa.
--� 1221)2910 ANI) l:LiANI91l
IIAVI: Y01) anything needs dye.og or clea.
Int;? Write to um tor Information We are
glad to answer your gUestim14, Department
11, Parker's Dye Works ',Rolled 201 Ynng1'
Street, 'Toronto, Ontario
101 rt,4i 'air:NT WANTED
PAl(51 WORK for next stirring summer,
wanted by graduate ngrlculturlat, and
experiential Inch Inburrrx who were fenced
from their forms behind the Iron collider,
Contact Latvian Relief Asocial ion, 471/2
Larch Street, Hnllfnx, Nova Scotia,
fondlea with one r ,
o )e or mote lvurk
ea Arriving
early spring, Apply NITI'Fil-:Itr.ANDS 181511•
00A'PiON Committee, 0.0, Box 234, Chatham_
colt 2.24.4'
loldl(g, all (5nes Write tm' eettlogue.
SAWMILL Diked Power, double edger, trim.
mora, slab steelier, log haul, Heiner and
ASIA'l'1:1'It ItADie e. '")i',5s,. It re iii or
trellrond Code, self-truigld---ion. Sly, easily, -
In your 01111 1101OP. L(.n• 1e111,1 rrltrs, 2, :i c0
6 UettoIts, for stiff•lenlhrr yla,2.ln, *1)11 'rape)
for xll speedy Itndlu Cune6e 1) I'uuadu, 64
filoor St 55'. 'I'wonto 6.
A profitable fosrinaIing position. Yom 4511
coolly make xpl'ohd '1'111,1e loin)'),, 1'2020
ti'nn,r*, \Vali Ilrarlu•1,, TOI4 sod hundreds (-1
other line useful 5121111'0 from 11:4)12118 we 6111'•
Ply, carne for free Illasllated latalogn, of
14h4, 1,oi)a. Wood etc .,.21,,r0-, I,IUdted,
Ulvlxi„n s,\, 10 1\'011n0o4 `retest 15,54,
1(14s, 2)1,4,1 end lees, 94 .Anmxwg
('urd'I'rt'ks" hook will he sent In yon wIll our
rnlnlogut. \Intl 8Uc ludty in (15101+ Ir (028
11( 1'0llitu Joke ,It 110gto Shoe,, f'75 suuu•tset
SI. W., (ntln'n.
FE'TIIERSTUNAUUI) 11 Comptes, Potentea
tteltora. Established 1800, 24 King Weal,
Toronto. Booklet nl Inforinatlon fen request,
IUSraut 5414(40
(.'locks, 1t,oso1,and 'I'holeo4 Lithobo 2toothed,
Prompt outiraulred se) vies, 61ei1 11,h•rs Illlyd,
Kling's, 401 Vint", Toronto.
s'I'A2IPS -
S'1'ASII' COI.r.F:C'I'Onel Pxrktt 11,telog1nit
12 2fi,0U 1.00; or
f r 15 ullxlo'u lull it
k e e r
12.00; 110.00 catalogue value 13 60; C.
Elsie, Box 832, tyyStal hent 12, ant,
(:U 11(1111'11, Ill' 1lxh rolonle$, 11-2(2(0 (0sl0ge
paid. 0, Gallup, 114 Jl000l Joy Ave.,
'Pocono,,. -
fi t)1 I•'4'I'Jtls2'I` 1'aliri n C iy, *11 uiiu4rl),
too to approval applicants. !(nnurlh. 49211
Victoria Road, Vancouver.
tractor list 3811, 0(10)0g101n. FIRST DAV "fel'+ 111.11114111•;11,bile old -tor:
_ ellen, Irving N. Shemin, :'!• Nxsra!h `t.,
nI'TCJiIE'ti IiONEY-Chole(, Mello Clove', 'retooled
41 lbs, 110.00, 'Three (n*es prepaid. 11060. --•-----.-_.-.•
Ritchie, Perth, Ontario. - WANTED
Y'a rlun), (1.11 ` 55'rl), Iur ran'. dr0rrlp1l'r
201dtvs nod In'icr4.
NOW IS 'rnH: (1511';
If you %Vont earlier, hiller tool 1(10)4) (•,plus,
write for free literature. Net (II1.I(1;1'i'ION:
(tlreolauda Permanent l4'atu"- Halle :\Miles,
184 0,ugte Ave., Ihantrord, Una
322 QAT' SI., Ottawa, Intl' TURKEY GROWER __-
BLEACHED while flour and *ugw• bag, soot
ply oily gunning.Flour 12.7A 14'1.
et dozen; We will boy your turkey 44)1(4' 1111460(+ ror
sugar 13.00 per timer, Pox 2,, 123 Eighteenth
further information write; 'I'illuu,lk Alhrry',
Bt„ New Toronto. 2111.. St., 1.0118 Hroneh.
CANADIAN APP'tOVI b I'urO111I1'S furllltale 'l'UIl}I Y i RIMS wanted ror ) 40 hatching
Brand brenaled hronr.P tkey Pms from 114) ((. 411, (2 breed, number nyxilxble oud
pri.P.e tuokad. Gi\e full hlfurmoitoo. A111dy'
government nppl'oved tend accredited stock, Twhodie ('hick IlairMks, Lim n'1, t'ergus,
Poops from eggs gathered on our own farms. _Calorie).
We ),Fleet (or vigor and next blip.614)• - PROPERTY OWNERS'
K1NLA1' A• 6tecoLL, Latnbton Turkey Hatch
•1.y, 11.11. 6. Forest, Ont, - ATTENTION WANTED
Child Health 101110111 le eft tee that high ---- Faint. T„,1,1,4 1'0401', $u91oar ('ott0*,8.
are don (rime. Fubur6;w wad LilyHtinl1's of tell 4b(,1)pl l0hs.
"KIDDIE-KR0ME" CI -LAIRS I l have clients tnte'eeted with (eland to our.
1 elulxe forohomPs or InveOl for WiAll osp Wit.
11)11. \11'1` '1'11'
11010+. 1.411(1 (01' soul' (letleg- dr-40r16h,g 512)11
'They' cur- lesioned and en(inae'ed for ',Opt y' property now au I talo prepare (1)r rorty ),Fein)'
For illustrated folder writs: Box 28, 128.18111 solo m' Px+ialb01•, W11111 Iltiva 51117 11. 1'111•
nett Ite,115, 151,21 Danforth, 'Torsos.,
fit:, New Tnl'nnt", Onl,
100 acres ,,,sl prudullite land lo UUlnrto,
sod bush, never•talling wale'. targe modern
butldinge, hydro throughout. Croner of two
main hlgi,w:lys bordering thriving village;
schools, rhurcht•s x1111 onokela at door. Retail
milk buslnoxs I1+1 t5,000,0411 per Tent, will be
so111 80 going ,nor ern or 014y R00(1
stock, all 1,-11 PIM rr 4)nuipmPnt. to 1110 form.
Ir k'hh help this Is worth Investigating. For
particulars. write or Moore 1,«11,1,1 Hnllond, �
Dub11n, (tnttl l,
('OA'rED 1 Alntl4'91
for ((141 int furniture 'hallo. .'he4le•flelda,
olyd 1x614)1, etc, Wholesale tool fetal',
4'001' 114 1'F:XTIt.i4S 1St'.
lift Pt: 1,1(wrrn,P Motleys rel. 61(ntreal 18.
Limbs built for comfort sol Itg41ne44); also,
13280,14 and '1'Olsee*. 84 I1,1,lu4on Street, Tor-
onto 3.
BUCKEYE Combination in, uhelors for sale,
cheep. One turkey egg machine sod two hen
egg machines. Wilts for 1u11 details. Tweddle
- Ohtck Hattberles Lbnited. Pcrgoa, Oolatlo.
:MARE MORE mems hen 4'2)10l( 1a 1841.1
Rob your Rest..
Many people never seem to gel s good
night's rest. They turn and loss -blame it
on 'nerves' -when it may be their kidneys.
Healthy kidneys filter poisons and excess
acids from file blood. 11 they fail and
impurities stay in the system -disturbed
rest often follows. If you don't test well
het end use Dodd's Kidney Pills. Dodd's
elp the kidneys so that jou can rest
better -and feel better. 13e
Dodds Kidney Pills
ISSUE 6 )945
By Rev. R, Barclay Warren
Jesus Faces Opposition
Mark 2;38; 16-17; 3;1.6
Golden Text:—Be not overcome of
ev11, but overcome evil with good —
omens 12;21,
Anyone who takes a leading part
So public life is always the object
of severe criticism, Of course lead-
ers make mistakes which warrant
}!'Iticisin. But Jesus was exceptional.
Ns never erred, yet he was Intensely
hated and envied and ultimately
Jesus pronounced forgiveness of
tins upon the man sick of the palsy.
This they termed blasphemy, for
"who can forgive sins but God
only?" But Jesus demonstrated that
be was God by immediately healing
the man, '!'Ice man who ltad conte
serried by four, walked out carrying
his bed,
'Chen they found fault because
Jesus ate with publicans and sinners,
Me erred socially. He replied by as.
terting, "I cause -not to call the
rlghteotts, !nut sinners to repent -
The third criticism recorded in
the lesson was that of healing nn
the Sabbath. The Iran with the
withered hand in the synagogue vas
probably "planted" by the Pharisees.
They watched, Ile asked the ratan
to stand forth, and inquired. "Is it
lawful to do good ou the sabbath
days. or to do evil, to save life or
to kill?" They did not answer. Ile
healed the man. Jesus was not seek-
ing his own pleasure on the Sab-
bath, but was reacher ministering to
the needy.
Criticism tiid not make Jens veer
from Itis course, though lie knew
- -it v: skiff lead to the Cross. lie con-
tinued to forgive sins, befriend the
A Real Giant
(..Inc of the hest -known giants in
modern medical history was Ro-
bert \Naidow of Alton, Illinois, who
died in 1940 after reaching the
amazing height of eight feet ten
inches. Itis overactive pituitary
was first observed by a doctor when
Robert's father brought him to the
hospital to find out why the boy
was growing so fast.
Although Ile weighed only nine
pounds at birth, he weighed 30 he
the time he was Six months old. At
a year and a half he weighed 62. At
nine. he had reached a height of
six feet one inch, and weighed 178.
At 18, when be entered college,
Robert \Vadlow• was eight feet three
and a, half inches tall and still
growing, although his muscular de-
velopment was beginning to slow
down. Hitherto his appetite had
been normal, but now it began to
increase so rapidly that he had to
have S,000 calories a day, compared
to tIle normal Intake of 2.500 to.
It is easier to swim uo Nia$'ars
Fails than to promote the Brotlter-
hood of Man by Inciting eats
outcasts of society that he might
lift them from sin and shame to hap-
piness, and to do good on the Sab-
When we are censured it is well
that we examine ourselves. One has
said, "My critics are the unpaid
guardians of my soul." We may
learn some valuable lessons from
our critics, But if we are follow-
ing closely the example of Jesus, let
its keep on despite the unkind words
that may be spoken of us. Let u(
"overcome evil with good".
NEW and
Finish of "Baked Enamel". A new
paint for wall and woodwork coat•
ing is said to match in washability
and appearance the baked enamel
finish of refrigerators and other
such appliances, Paint may be ap-
plied w•itlt roller or brush, and Is
ready to use as it costes from con-
tainer, One coat finishes previously
painted surfaces. Only two coats
needed for new woodwork or plain
Screw Driver With Two Heads,
Double -headed screwdriver for
home, shop on industrial use. Screw-
driver is a six -bit tool, each head
having three nickel -steel bit. of
varying sizes --one for all standard
slot -type screws and one for square
(leads. Bits can be changed in 3
Corroon -cob Holders, Made with
aluminum handles and double
prongs of stainless steel, these
holders can be easly washed by any
dish -washing method.
Non -Clog Oil Filter. Att oil
filter for cars, trucks etc. has per-
maltt'llt non -clogging element wllicit
makers claim cannot wear out. Ele-
ment is cleaned in two to three
minutes by slipping into gasoline.
Automatic bypass spring allows oil
to pass between top of element and
cover gasket should element be-
come overloaded) with sludge be-
cause it hasn't been cleaned -fre-
quently enough.
Self Cleaning Drains, Hydraulic
device which is said to make sink -
drainage system self-cleaning, thus
eliminating need for chemical sol-
vents to remove obstructions. Built
into conventional sink: traps, this
device dislodges and flushes away
obstructions by simple push-pull ac•
tion. Unit can be installed in kit•
diens, bathrooms and laundry sinks.
Be Prepared
A short time ago David Western,
whose father is a London Transport
fitter, went to Buckingham Palace
to receive the Albert Medal for
Gallantry. When David and hie
parents had been to the Palace they
told listeners to the BBC's "In
Town Tonight" programme what It
felt like to visit the King itt his own
home. "It all seems unreal now,"
said Mr, Western, "When we got
to the Palace we were met by two
ushers who took David sway into
another roost. My wife and I were
shown into a Grand Hall, attd it
took our breath away, 1 can tell
you. It must be about two hundred
yards long and it's covered with a
red carpet. The ceiling is inlaid
with gold, and there are beautiful
oil paintings ou the walls, and
marble columns down the Hall.
Two seats had been reserved for us
In line of chairs on either side
of the dais, and a band played all
tate time we waited for the King to
appear. If anybody'd told race, when
I was in North Africa with the Des-
srt Rats, or when I was a prisoner
of war, that one day I'd be sitting
in Buckingham Palace — well, I'd
have said they were crackers!"
David, who . received his medal
for a very brave attempt to rescue
two friends who had fallen through
the ice on a frozen pond, and who
was in icy water for twenty-five
ntiuute3, said of his visit, "I wasn't
nervous — because I'm a Scout and
we always have to be prepared."
Just The Same
"l'o rate, life in Britain is ex-
actly the same as it was twenty
yearn ago. I like it very much ex.
cept for the climate and the weath-
er. The people still smoke their
pipes, tell jokes, do the 'Tines'
crossworsi puzzle each day. They
still grumble at everything, yet It Is
wonderful how they manage to
keep their lives sti faithfully order.
The Rt, Rev. M. H, Yashiro, the
Presiding Bishop of Japan,
Driving through the mountains of
Tennessee, a young lady stopped to
ask ate elderly than the way to Coffee
Hill School.
"Well, miss," said the native, "you
go down here until you conte to
tiangin' Rock and then—you know
where that is, dontcha;"
"No," replied my friend, "I don't
believe 1 do."
"Well, that's where you turn off
and go ou two miles until you get
to Tuntblln' Creek. You know
where that is, dontcha"
"No, I don't."
"I'm sorry, miss," said the native
shaking his head regretfully, "I
don't think you know enough for me
to tell you anything."
+--.:- err ' "
W Gweadolin.e P. Cloxbce
We iud a near -tragedy iu our
animal fancily last week—and 1 was
just about ready to give 1foney her
walking papers! it was after break-
fast and I was busy in the pantry.
Honey was running around as
usual: Joseph Mark was asleep on
a chair. Presently 1 heard a bit of
a scuffle and then a plop; but I
didn't pay any attention as the cat
and the pup are always chasing
each other around anyway, But
when I did turn round there was
Mark stretched out on the floor,
stiff as a ratnrod, tttouth ossa and
showing absolutely no sign of life
at all. its I picked him up I won-
dered what on earth the pup could
have done to knock hint out so com-
pletely. "Perhaps she grabbed his
throat -perhaps Ire needs air,"
thought. So I ran outside to the
front step and sat rubbing poor
Mark's throat, Presently he started
the most awful twitchings, like e
chicken before it dies. "Oh dear,
this is the end," I thought. "Poor
Kitty, to think I saved you when
you were small and then to have
you die like this." However, I kept
on rubbing—and. kfark kept twitch-
ing. And then Ire opened his eyes!
Then he started to breathe very
noisily—like something being rattled
around in a tin can. By that time I
had begun to hope and—to cut a
long story short—sty hope was just-
ified. Mark actually did recover but
for the rest of the day he couldn't
walk properly, didn't eat and could-
n't raise his hind leg to scratch his
ear. He breathed noisily all day and
was so scared all he wanted was to
get out of the house. That I could -
not allow—you know how an animal
will crawl away to a dark corner
If it is sick or injured and you
don't know whether it is alive or
dead. So I kept Mark in the !rouse
but it meant a sort of Washington
Post all day—taking Mark down
the cellar and bringing up the pup;
then after an hour or two taking the
pup down the cellar and bringing up
Mark. The cat, naturally, had to
be kept away from the pup until
he was able to Zook after himself.
$ $ k
And what did 1 do to the pap?
Nothing at all. Honey had done no
more titan she had any other time
—I think it was Just that the cat,
being asleep, was taken off guard.
I believe the pup must have grab-
bed hint near the end of his spine
and he dropped like a log to the
Believe etc, we are certainly glad
Mark recovered, Apart from the
fact that he Is a splendid pet, he is
also more than worth his keep. No
moose is ever likely to become a
grandmother while Mark is around
—he is as quick as a flash.
Our next adventure was on Satur•
day. After dinner I was all set to
go down town with an order of
eggs and chicken when Bob came
in, "You certainly can't drive down-
town yourself," he said, "better get
ready and I'll take you down in the
big truck. That'll be the safest
thing on the road today." I had no
idea what Ire was talking about until
I looked outside, Olt my — freez-
ing rain and slippery as glass under-
foot! i was glad enough to go in
the big truck. And even that did
a bit of slithering around on the
Later that afternoon my sister
phoned — would it be ell right if
she came out for the weekend?
"Sure it's all right,"' I said. And
then added—"but the roads are ter-
ribly icy," She was so surprised.
"But there is nothing but slush in
Toronto," she exclaimed, A little
later the phone rang again. Sister
had missed the train. "But there
is a train going to Georgetown in
twenty minutes, could you meet me
there?" she asked.
"l\'e certainly couldn't — not on
these roads," I answered. "Von had
better come out in the morning."
So she did, and got a taxi from the
station. On the sway here the taxi-
driver told her a bit about the awful
driving conditions tate night before.
1 was very glad he did because 1
was a little afraid Sister ntigltt
think I had been making excuses
and did not want her to conte. But
I needn't have worried because the
paper on Monday morning had all
kinds of stories about traffic tie-ups,
as you very well know, Sometimes
it is hard for people in the city to
realise how different weather con-
ditions can be in the country. So
why beat about the busts? Better
risk giving offence to someone than
to risk life and limb on dangerous
roads, Explanations can mend
hurt feelings but explanations won't
mend broken limbs.
Random Shots
The rescued airmen's account of
their ingenuity in building shelters
while marooned on a Greenland Ice-
cap suggests that they be put to
work on the housing shortage.
e o t
The only real certainty itt 1949 le
that political experts and pollsters
can't possibly be as wrong as they
were in 1948.
e ► $
A modern model house has staff
walls. Tltat should stymie a house-
wife wlto is always switching
around the pictures.
* s ►
One musician we've heard o1
claims he can play 11 different in-
struments at the same time, Any-
body need a new next door neigh-
\--.....,—.,,,_,.142......s......1 i•ee ,, II
'Why can't I take the place of
your hobbles, dear?"
Hen House Buddies.—Bobbie Alden, 4, left, and Joseph Feign!,
6, find out for themselves how it goes with this white leghorn
heti being cooped up in a metal hen house all day long. The boys
were visiting a poultry exhibition and decided to try the chicken
hoose accommodations for size.
Honey and Han
J -T
By Seeg
An Irishman and a Scotsman went;
passing a Catholic cathedral 14
Montreal. The Irishman removed
itis stat; the Scot did the sante.
After they had passed, t' " Irish-
man said: "I thought you were e
Presbyterian. 1 was glad to gee you
take your hat off when you pascal
the cathedral."
"Catliedrall" said Lite Scotsntaa-
"Mon, I thought it was the Bank of
lies lin erlrei,
WIN uttered lir
('anuds'e 1a4"
seal Roan
!;rower .
and order now
(or best choler. Wear
nen, (m111,4541 (strata-•
tines . . . ,Gan) clurieur toilettes Blue.
(ruled in full color.
WIIITF NOW for your FRIG: (.'A1.11.1RIU16
Send your order NOW for
In 00 -Ib. Lots. Wiled Varieties, it
Irriirwl, Nen Swishy Caught
Frozen Stork
Choice Lake Superior [leering I8c 16.
Lake Superior herring (Sealed
and (toned) 6 1b, nackaseu Ste tb,
Try a package with your order
Lake Superior (!erring (Scald,
Beads off, Insides out) tO Ib.
boxes only Ree lb.
Frozen Cod Fillets (no bones and
skinless), 15-16, boxes only tee l6.
Choice whitefish (Insides ooh)
average II Ibs, Ste Ib.
Red Sea Salmon (beadles, and
dressed) 6 to lbs. each ,lOe 1b.
Smoked Red Herring (skinless
and boneless) 10-16. bows
only $L60 beg
Smoked Fillets (skinless and
boneless) 16.16, hoses only She lb,
Other provinces than Ontario, It, per
Ib. extra. Orders are prepaid oa 60•Lb.
Iota or more to your nearest statism
in Ontario only. Shlptneuts sent C.O.D.
swept to flag stations, la such eases
money order should be sent In adrones.
Where They Specialise la Mut
USA King St. London, Ont.
They'll comfort those busy feet
, match your mood . . , and
keep you style -smart through it
all. Black leather or black suede
Address Mall Orders to:
Head Office, 280 Church Street
"There's a Store In Your District"
Mall Orders Add 15a Postage
Help Your Forgotten "28" For The Kind Of
Relief That Hefei Make You Ruin' To Go
More tban halt of your digestion fa done
below the belt -in your 28 feet of bowels
So when indigeetton strikes, try eomething
that helps digestion In the stomach AND
below the belt.
WPills to you
et needneed elp Carter's Little
28 toot' of bowels.
Take one Carters tittle Liver Pill before
and one after meals. Take them a000rdtng to
directions, They help wake up a larger flow
of the 3 main digestive juicee In your atomic&
AND bowels -help you digeat what you hare
eaten in Natures own way.
make,' you feel better fr the
your he d to your
toed. Just be sure you get the genuine Carter'e
Little Liver fills from Sone druggist -380.
0. just heat and rub in
MINARD'S, and note the
quick relief you tet.
Greaseless. fast -drying, no
strong or unpleasant odor.
Get a bottle today; keep
It handy.
SIZE 65c
e Qi4er Weather
en's.,H'cavy Pants, Boys' Breeches,
laid <' iu k `Shirts and Jumbo Knit Sweaters,
re also have a fair range of AIIen's and Boys
nderwear, Meh's•FeU Shoes and 1 -buckle Rubber
vershoes, also Cloth `Overshoes with buckle or
to _ __ e_w,
1 PERSONAL INTEItEST ! w.,.+++.,...�.N.++f*••+..+.+.+•'.•.
12cv. J. 1.. 11. and Mrs. Ilendcrsnn,!"p
r.11(1 sOt1, Joint, :Ire away in Torontl', 1 Be6a�tv S ho p pe`
- Highgate and Detroit, on holidays.
I Nliss Lula Jervis of 1lolnit'svillc;
spent the \\tel, -cull with \lis; Joan
hcrnick.4 i
i 11 is; i?aa Nletrall', of London, spent
; the we; -end with her mother, Nits. t
Frank I 'tca'i. ';
i Air. and Nlrs. Stanley \'Ltnl•;hlu1. i 1
• and Mr, tack \1'at,.,n, t f Guelph. s'.'t' 1 I
'the ,reel, -cud at their respective honks +
Dry Goods --Phone 73•- Boots & Shoed: 1
1 ill
u r -,FOOD STORES -- f f
Fancy Golden 7 LB. BAG ._ :9c
2 20.OZ. TINS 35c HALF LB. BAG 47c
t Nlis.as lois and Marjorie I;),ph:•riy
kit o11 NIonday t:, cuter 1 it'turiat 1 h ,
London, where I!'t . ;Le }' in I;
' i 4 ♦ . ^1•11•5i♦i.' .K 1 It'14`>4♦••/?7y'ya♦S•.1y.4.1:i♦4441 l:lyF•:l..J'ii•i.'i1li:*i;, S1)'tt:rl''
� Ile:treat,
3' I l lu:sl'':pts
Ellmar Homogenized
Peanut Butter
20 OZ. TiN
16 OZ. JAR 3'c
..__... _. 2?c
Fresh Ready -Cut MACARONI
2 LBS. FOR _ 1t'c
Aylmer Choice Diced BEETS
20 OZ. TIN -. __ lee
Orange & Grapefru:t
24 FL, OZ. JAR 25c
1 LB. CARTON 36c
We Deliver. 20-11). Nips. Earl Caldwell.
+4;02+:4•14 \ 4.1•:4•;•-•t•44•♦1.•y♦•0 ,••t•g.•: • 1•+,,,.a.•1i y,a•1.a1.•••«0»g.1♦s1.,y♦;.+y♦1.•t..: ..,yr,.,t.•1.,j
1♦•K M H• N�•♦♦••H♦•1,H�♦•�H♦.♦1~.• • • .~I •1~*• ♦•H� 1♦N�••�H� ••N♦ •••1♦•1,:•:•.•.1•H•1.•• 0.• it ••, �1 •:r,♦.1•♦.� •� �
7 OZ. TiN 380
E, S. ROBINSON, -- Phone 156
7 47
1.1 31
lti '5
17 23
,.,, I Naiad to cspre,s my sincere thanks
t 1
•• to my masa fric'nllti sill' nci,. ibunrs
i, who renumbered ole with r'rll, ars•'
't' fltnlrrs al:fir 1 wa< a patient in t u'
+• (!inttnl 11.',' tal. \i \• ;a"1• e 1' 11''; ' •.'v retll"I,t'll I:WO \\'1•Ypx.-ter. Ile had
t Ilial go to 1)g.. lt'all''..'1', Dr. (1.14.0: ", .!':1 the "Lion" I11'm!l'ttal'll)' ltll;ra:"(Illi
I)r..\t'di.on, and to Inv ;ip^.`xl nor",- and for aft -bee: in, they had given it 1
4. (Tare. Judie Caley i
• \Ir<. :\nlr�, ',Ir;. '� Mei : n I \li 'o Lion Cirn',cr
I ' C a'nQt' •, for their kin 1 ;tit I efft.'•"1 1 as,, l Cut ffol',tl\\ it ; sentence: " l'h'-t l
4. carr. :\Is 1 It c Irl' tit Llt :. C.11-1, G, (•.aid Lions, I�le, Howes and Holland,1
' their hralltiinl it n\e:,. I be placed at a se,taratI table in a cot- 1
.1. �_Il, Nlr•. \\'r'11. (;1a•:. nor at I....t tl:t two nicc;ntgs, there(
Oi 1v'e �cGi11
TJJ<<thone 73r2, Blyth
+. .N. JN. NNN
a•uhvicll at the Cl•f for Shrp NO" n
•t 1 -- - i:o "sweat it nut" by n It uttering
1 wish to tharth :111 n.,;- frit •'ll, ,;h
•t� rcarcnlllrrc'I In' wit's r:u•!:, fll,.rcr:
• and treats, 1'tile I was ., ipatient ill a'u
Clin1.'il ho=;,it:cls 1 :41,.40 wort 111 t!!:ilt
'i 1)r, Draper, 1)r. Oakes a••.I i)r. Add'.
,e son, and the nurse; of the staff, al<;t
.(; my ,ltrfrtl nurse, Nl iss I'.11i 11 t, NI:•.
t ('a1d\\ ell wishes also to t'la'tl: all tit:'
i. neighbours and friends I; whu renumber-
„ ed lack and himself in so many kindly
y ways wit?Ir 1 was away.
t 8 .. • E: • �. CARD OF THANKS ' -^
i wi,h 111 thank all my friends and
lilLJR ,,141 GRII.I.. 4
. 1 was a patient in Clinton Hospital.
BLYTH --- ONTARIO. \I.1, Dr. Draper, I)r, Addison ;till 1)1..
\Ic Mast er, and the nurses,
Pi 1_Ip, Mrs. Donald Snell.
dMeals at All Hours. •, i in thank all iffy friemis for
;. • '� the Hire cards, null other nip.x things
�.♦ Fr RANK GONG Propretor •1 l sent nu' while 1 was a Itatient ;ll the
.t. tltttlte is. ;t, � C1inl 'n ho: pital : al, Mrs, Lavis, of
1 •i 1 Clinton. who was so hind to mc, and
/t.4.0.4 • • . • • • •��•4�• ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ • �♦ • • • ♦ ♦ ♦ • ♦, ♦ • • • ♦ �, ♦ ♦ • ♦ ♦ ♦ • ��' ' 11 r. I)t•atli r, allll \I r. I_ric wood.
Y�•'1`•MI1♦•.1•••M•♦••H1♦••M•^('q.,•M••f•H�4�N,N�♦♦"M•♦I,M♦•♦1•./•H♦N♦1•,HHM. .•M,4M•. •♦H•♦•�.Y•i Ni•♦1•H�1 �h �1 ••H1♦�M• b
20-111, Nlrs. 11. Bowen.
NII•s. 1:rank 11eninger, \vho is recut
erinl; from a broken arm, wishes to
express Iter sincere thanks to those
\rho kindly remembered her with visits,
cards, and treats. 20-1p.
Special Family
OPEN 7 A.M. TO 2 P.M.
Coffee Shop
. w- • , , :i . I . .. •• NX',�; . 1•0 -)g.5:• :1
1: p Y P t I, ....................................
i Elliott Insurance Agencyi
.iBLYTH - ONT. ;414
Car - Fire - Life • Sickness - Accident. a
Gordon Elliott A
Residence Phone, 12 or 140 A
3 J. H. R. Elliott
4. Office Phone 104.
t4ftlal*Wal2121)124111k1I AttiHrNrl.M1)1D121&.191 1,41itVtdt•SM*22)11001r/1)12121)41it
I 111.1. 1 4‘..1 1 I Y II I1, a II 1 I• 1 .1414 I.Y. 41. i,. 11..Y.tl I,.IJ1.1111...1 i,ll,..11 . sage!
Stock Taking
Dewkist Peas
i Tip -Top Pumpkin 2 for 19c
Presto Waxed Paper 2 pkgs, for 15c
Pride -of -Valley Peas per can 9c
_ Allan's Apple Juice 2 for 15c
Betty's Plum Jam 2 lb. tins 29c,,,,
Konsert Wax Beans per can 9c
Cowan s Cocoa lb. tin 19c
Wcgton's Chocolate Marshmallows box 44c
P1-- " •- Oatmeal 21i lbs. 17c
Cohoe Salmon half lb. tin 35c
Mazola 57c
2 for 25c
Telephone 39 -- We Deliver
word during the evening.
The entire event was a lot of fart,
and ended by Lion Kam Rlh;ar of the
I low's'.: Ch.th, t:l!:'n t p)ssrssic;l rf 1'11'
••'I'ravelIin; Linn" which is once a a'n
in possession of the Ill\\vtck Club,
The president thanked the islets of
the \\'nnien', Institut';' for p •ovidi ,•, a
1plrnd'd st; p.r, and the meeting clos-
ed ‘with the Dopar.„
F'ornier Blyth Resident
Enters 94th Year
Congratulations of old friends herr
are extended to Nlr. Harry Coutbs, vow
a 1lruss'Is resident, \vim celebrated
his 93rd birthday on \I'cdnesday, Jan-
uary 26t
'His son, John Combs, came all the
way from Delorainc, \Ian., to be with
hint on this occasion.
Mr, Cunl'ts was borne in fiuderieh
township in 1856, 12 years after his
father and mother, immigrants from
Devonshire, England, had first settle 1
in Stanley township. The number of
settlers its Stanley hailing from Devon-
shire, was responsible for Exeter's be-
inc; given that nano. NIr. Combs later
moved to tilyth witli his parents, 'Ind
farmed in that district until 1842,when
he went \\'est to work on the eon -
W'ecInes!ay, `epi, , i940 1,111 1 .14.... 1 11I, adatIMiddlaMillIMPIIIIIMPillat
StockTaking Clearance
Below are listed bargains in lines on whichwe are
overstocked, or are being discontinued:
Nyal Extract Cod Liver (reg. 1,00) Clearing 85c
Nyal Rheunlatone-
(reg. 1,00) Clearing 85c
Nyal Kidney Pills, 150 tablets (reg♦ 1,00) Clear, 69c
Ephedrine Cough Syrup (reg. 50c) Clearing 39c
Menth Air Cough Syrup (reg. 50c) Clearing 35c
Carter's Little Nerve Pills (reg. 50c) Clearing 35c
Nyal Stomach & Liver Pill3 (reg, 25c) Clear, 15c
Nyal Little Liver Pills, 150 tablets,
(reg. 79c) Clearing 50c.
R D. FHLP, Phrn. B.
3 9 on Guaranteed
0 Trust Ccrtr>i'icceas
ISSUED for any amount , , , . for tt term of
five ''coni ... , gnnrtl11 i't d both as to principal
rani 11111'11" •1 , , . , Intarc t eheclnc-t neli!ed to
reach holder', un 11114' date, or, at huldrr'it
nptiun, 111:1'' Ito nllu\ved to llCcun tit at
An ideal investment for individuals, com-
panies; 11'.11 11,rizcll lIy !UM' for eetretlry
hoards, executors and usher Itti to:s.
372 Bay Strcct, Toronto
37 years In Business
•..+++++r.•...N+N.J+.M+N+N+.r.vr.'✓++.r 4.44+4PisIM JN..++++N++++.
uy Your 'read
Fresh from the given
st•':ct'ou of the C.P.R. in Manitoba.
Folh.wing the completion of the rail-
road he homesteaded in Deh!aine nn FOR YOUR NEXT ENTERTAINMENTtil 1919, \viten he returned to the I3lyth
Card Party And Dance district. In 1885 he married Cattle.-- Order White or Brown
!nc MacKay, a native of Sutherland,
Sponsored by 1lttllett Tmvnship Fed- Scotland, who died in- October. 19229. PARKER IIOUSE ROLLS.
Tar. CoinIis is an honorary member
of Ill tit Orange• Lodi e, No. 9(,3, w'hirh -
sty 11;111, I.nit(11',Itnrl',, on the e1'eltlttg tIf 1 1 1.I. 1.11,:....1. L.I1..Y1..4 4441 ramal .Iia+ 114...J 4.l,.I. I' el.:, 11141.J1111A 4 WI •'4..41 .I.n) 111 1
he joined at the age of 17 in 187,3. I)e•
FRIDAY, FEBRUARY lith !spite his ;we, Nr. Ci ,nibs is able to read , . The II 1 MIE
13 AI ERy
g 9
-ons, \\'illianl, .John, and Ira, are en- 7 ,
raged in farming itt Manitoba. A H. T. Vodden, Proprietor Blyth, Ontario
daughter, Miss Vesta C'onlbs, lives in y,i#,•NM+++++Nd.N+N,.+++NN+NN.J+N++ +++++++++++++.+++++'.'
Ladies \vit11 Lunch i 11r1ssels,
oration of Agriculture, in the Co:t utttu-
Card; start at 8:39 p.m.
Admission 50e,
14.el I.alleolm-li46.i/ -- - "'-mi.al �V 1
1.11 ...1 14,011.11
el.1.14. 111.14 1 11 11. .1 1Y .1 411111 Mew/ 111 11 . 1 Y 1 1 r., •
and are
34 -piece Set Community Plate Silverware
(Milady Design) Regular $44.75. SPECIAL $37,50
Presto Pressure Cookers, Ironing Boards, Pads
and Covers, Coal Hods, Fire Shovels, Garbage Cans,
Enamel Combinettes, Axes, Cross -Cut Saws. _
If that fire isn't working right, try some Sootfoe
on it. One can will clean your pipes. Only 35c,
'Maxwell Washing. Machines --- $129.50
! .i1. I IJ 41117.1 1.:..1.+111,1 W. 11:.+I _ Remember the Lions Amateur Contest and Dance
is the talk these days.
to realize that they have
Come in, see and hear one of these receivers,
judge foe yotireif.
Also note the special type of tone control which
gives tone quality to suit your individual taste.
lyth Radio Service
Work Guaranteed. Phone 165, Blyth.
on Friday Night, January 21st.
r .
1.1 Yu.. In C111Y..4.Yi11 J.-1-.. {1.. 1.g...11 .I.,...4. ,.:Y 414:.WI..14+1:1.1-.. d li 11:.114.41.e. u.,- 11.x1 I..il 1.11 , 11111.
4.1 ill.:4,4.111 .7.1 JIM, -.1 1..0, 11.1.. 1.11. IY IJ 41.1 -IJt. 1 .1 1.11 11) I.. 11111. uI,11..1. I, 111.11 n. 11.11 .4 1
Massey -Harris and Beatty Dealer,
See our Complete Stock of Pipe Fittings, Beatty &
Massey -Harris Repairs - Pump Repairs, all kinds.
Dealer for Imperial Oil Products.
For Prompt & Efficient Service Phone 137=2, Blyth
. 1 1 .I I u!'i_fk,,,,,fall.fffau,,,,,, bftrJll
Mrs. Christopher Johnson \vanosh, and was born ca the farm now
Mrs. Christopher Johnston of Sal- c'ccll;Iicd by krn_st Leggett. She spe'n't •
mon Arm, 13.C., cried soddenly of a ler married life litre on tiie farm n,w
heart af/•pck while Visiting at Oliver, 13. ocuttf,ie 1 by \\'alte'r Mason, before
C., on Saturday. Jan. 15th. She was in inovin, to Salmrtt :`rttt, 11.C., 35 y:ars
1'e- 77th year. Funeral services were t'¢o. iler lin-ba"d predeceased her 11
held in the Anglican Churob, Salmon :'ears n o. She is s::roved by a fart-
IArm, of \\thick deceased was a member. 11,' c f 6tlaus;htcrs. 5 5'n:ts, anti 1
Deceased was foomPriy Bella Potter, brother, George Potter, of 1' 4-
daughter of Jas. Putter of East \Vas broth •rs and 1 sister i e.l..easA:1 Iter:; ;<
, • It •'-:$ ..