HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1949-01-05, Page 1• THE VOLUME 54 - NO, 16 LYTM Local Cast Gives Fine Acting Display In "Mr, Beane From Lima". • DAR BLYTH, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JAN, 5, 1919 Subscription Rates $1,50 in Advance; $2,00 in the U.S.A. Lions Meet In Hotel Clinton Election Keenly Coffee Shop Contested Myth Lions held an enjoyable sup- 1lunda} ;was election da} in the per meeting in the Commercial ilotel; Tutwn of (Tinton turd it L•cen contest A capacity audience attended the I Coffee Shop on 'Tuesday evening. ;13 drew a Large vote to the Polk. play, "\Ir, Beane Front biota," as it Secures l31'ea(1 Contract !Lions answered the roll call. The \I r. R. Y. Mitten +war., elected Nla} was staked for the first time in the Clinton, meeting was presided over : by 1.101' or of the t0W1, edging his opponent, A. \Ienupritcl hall, on 'I'ucsda} night. 1 I' of CiRadal. School President lr.nklin liainton, 111 the J. NIc,Nlurray who h; held the posi- Tlte play was sponsored by the lural \I r. Harold \"odder has tendered absence of Tail Twister Stan Sihthorpe tion for the past .td c ye;urs• \1r,; Branch of the \V•utucn's Institute, and successfully for the contract to supply Lion Norv. I:}Ic took charge of the Ilattcn polled 523 votes as against Mr. the cast was made up entirely of local Clinton Radar School with bread for ''fine box" and kept everyone in hot \Ic\lurray's 4.30• !;;C;:'100'',;, Which includes team: talent. The play itself was am excel- the I:criud covering the next three water for most of the meeting. ! (;, \V. Nutt was returned a.. ret•ve Lundeshoro and Ilelgrad;, will lent one, and the fact that everyone months. NI r. \'odden's contract cont- The minutes were read by Lion Glen' for a third term. 'Ile defeated his op- ! interest to lural hockey fain: knew the various characters as they nienccd on \londay, January 3rd. I<cclutie, in !lie absence of Lion(- ;mutt potent, NI. I. Agnew, the vote being, Wroxeter Fire Causes Extensive Damage 1 The co-operation of 7(K) district vol- W.U,A,A, Intermediate Iuu,tecrs and five municipal fire Uri - i gimes, combined on Tuesday evening to I'%Lcl{ey Schedule 1 e>:tinzuish a "101,010 fire in the village 'of Wroxeter that destroyed four build - 1'11e following schedule of hockey in,gs and for a time threatened the from wain street of the village. be of The fire-fighters oct:l•r:•dbered the p1. pulatikn of 250 as they risked icy roads to attack the fiercely -spreading Januar} 3: Bel•gra e at Loinlesburo• 4: Tecstr•itcr at (;orris. 6: Fordtwich at Itclgraye. 7: Londesboru at '1'cesttater. 10; rordwich at Lnndesboru. 11: Gurric at Belgrave. 12: 'Teestwater al Iord+wich, 14: Londe•,boro at (;attic. 14: rsl_r•,wc at Teeswater. 17 : Loudest, fru at Belgrawe. lel: Gorrie at Fordtwich. 21: hordtwich at Tceswatcr, 21: Gurric at Londesboru. 25: Itelgrave at (.;orris. 26: Lomleshoro at Ford wick. H: 'Tceswater at Lordesboru. 28; Fordwich at Gurric, February: 2; lielgrave at fordtwich, 2: (i:stir at Teestwater• were vividly portrayed, added a groat --.tet'-- ;Spieling, who left early. Letters of for Nott 557, and for Agnew, 401. blaze which desto}cd an egg -gradin; deal to the enjoyment. l,tpprec• iatton were read from various I Eleven aspirants contested the six plant, t+wu Ii(((1 and a home before The dirictnrso of the play, Nlrs. Car- Auburn Couple Mark people wlto had been remembered dor- ;council setts, The result of the vote being container!. No fine was injured, man Hodgins and \Irs. Ilandd Phil- Golden Alllll\'ersal'y ling the Christmas Season. \liss Nor -I follows: (Elected); Dr, G. S. I{Iliott,! 1Twfamilies were left homeless. used ed fine judgment C in choosing % Nlr. and Nlr,;. J. . Stoltz were "at uta Dacr, Lion p11111 3, tendered a ver-; «182); \, G. Hartle}. (6'141 ; N. \\•. l1 tw ard-l,rkiog firemen and t•olun. the various characters• Tim v"6 "15 burns„ to their friends on \londay af- hal expression of thanks fora gift itis'- 'rrettartlia (6,3'1); J. \1', \erliver 155111: Veers saved two other stores, a garage members of the cast deserve the high- . igh tcrnnun and evening when they cele• ))1'n her at Christmas, !Melvin C'rieli (4!1); Antoine Garan ituul the telephone exchange, where est praise for the degree at perlecl'111 t,rated their golden wedding miniver- i Lion Norman Garrett reported on t i (; ,;). 1)cieated : :1. Shaddi, h (3 ,.:3 Mrs.) ; , Mrs. Harold Durst, the local operas they attained, Many cm"I'llm hint L sary. Mrs. 11'. T. Robison received proposed amateur show which the cam -'1'11,-,o1;1%-, 1)eeses (32,x) ; James chow- or, stayed at her post to spread the remark were heard . after the show.the guests and lea vas poured in the ntittce hope to stage in about three eel ( 1,'0) ; :\, l'. Taylor (I11 ) ; \\,,,i,. 3. alarm mail orderers out, It was, generally agreed that it was t aiternncln 1,11 Hiss \largamt larlcso1 weeks, lion Grover Clare reporter) • \'an•lerhnrt h (83). t•i ire• tracks from I,isr 811(1 NN'ang- onc of the fittest Performances 1 ewer and in the evening by Mrs. 1. Moss, for the dance rnnnl1ltt and said Elect; held in '3111 1rsnrith town - one haat, Brussels,1111 'rev: •^'er and Vier! given here by a local cast, It was at \est Ihunl1'c that \lar- there would be several fine dances ship on the same day saw NI r. A. Nirh-I Ston and an estimated 700 men stream Nlrs. I„ NI. Scrinoacour, President of g:u'st as 1( Garlan(l daughter of .11r, coming up ill the near future. Tolson returned as reeve. ed in from those centres as well a9 the \\'omen's Institute, tw1 tild the !it'll,' \Irs. \\'infant Garland was united' 1.11)11 \'cine•tipeiran told of activity; - from Gurric, fnrelwich and Clifford, large audience, and introduced the' at the open-air rink. I'erntis :on has all within ;a 15 -mile radius, The blaze in mr•riage to Jacob Stoltz.' been granted to to) the drilled well at I'Ioliday Season Over cut hydro lines and officials said members- of the east. I after their marriage they came b} I }' l'hc setting was the living room 10 horse and boggy to Mullet spcndiitg ,the school, and :1 pipe line to the link i'hc (11)05 1 k holiday season is ow- Wroxeter would be without power for the home of \Its, Joslyn St, Clair 1 a week with \Irs, \1•iulam Jacksltt , is practically completed which will as- at least 48 hours, (vividly port \Ii by \Its. Norval ; , sure a sttfticient supply of water. lee er, and everyone is back to normal 1, The blaze was whipped by high winds utd the lots 11'illiaul Jacksoi. Phis +trill he started as soon as the weather again, Seine of us have just cleaned -- as it roarer! through Dthson's egg- I<yle), an ambitious mother, who was I t?0•nuilc trip +., nu, in two half up the left -overs from the New fear's anxious Io :pec her (laughter Amy 1 day's travelling. AI the conclusion of is suitable. I gradin(, plant, leaped to the home of (Mary K}le), married to a nephew ul I Lion Norm. Garrett presented lion meal, ;a procedure which usually conies O,H,A. IlltCrI11C(11atC Mrs. Vert Martin next door and then the week they tool: hosscssicat of the Frith '1'yrcutan tt'llh a lion Key ,,ig_ to tut end twill pleasure, so fru res the, HOCI{e ' SC11CdlilC stead to Bentley's pool room and Van the !autos aristocracy, \Its, \Volthit'g Ire:• Lattlu1 Ltum on the Blyth 111(111i his distinction on becoming a 'tttilc members of the family are con- S Nelson's grocer (store, All these ton Belcher, (\lis. Stuart Durward). Ru:ul +where they resided mill this b ccrne,l Following i the schedule of 1,unes } Burley 13ixfor.I Beane (1 01111 1 tanning), }ear. During that period they have key number of 1 )1)115 International. \ tt:ch end storm cut down 0)) ac_ c for the (1.11.:1. growl, which i; iollotwed, buildings were lost and firemen con- the nephew, and a would-be novelist, t I his honour twas accorded lion hra11k with interest b many taus in this dts-1 rest rated on halting the spread to the endured Iln•msclwcs; to the community because of his activity in securing new titit3 in sante districts, but felt• once, t }' was just as anxious as \Its. IZcichci, to and haws won complete respect I trio. I rest of the block 011 the main street. this district missed the worst of the gain Amy's favour, partly because of through their adherence to Chtistitln ; members for tltc Club. Ile was arc weather, and week -end traffic on the) The group is a large one, cnmpriS Jolla block and his wife, occupants lits belief that the St. C'I:uir(1 had principles and virtues, corded •a !.ions I:rnr, ' 111;,in roads was running normally, i n g entries from Goderich, Clin of the Afarti11 lotus, and I1trs. Rona wealth, and latterly because hs real!} 1 0 d For Britain" parcels were (1) , I . • wan Vctbe and her mother, living 1'11 this union was burn one 500 and cussed, and it was ddei(Icd to send a • 'rhe season throughout was an en- i ton, Clinton R.C.S. ti School, Centralia :tbovo the grocer store, were left did fall in love with her. However, two daughters. 011e daughter, natth,1 joy:lble one, and was brought to a \rr School, Mitchell, Seaforth, mil- }' (11(1 was in love with Johnny Rand ,.a r T parcel a month, ecrton and 1Velle51(5: honueles?, t , > . l away eight years a(,1). The re, Lion lobo I Icndcrson (. i - •• 1 a close reluctantly, particularly by the 'clic fire ,(Verne Speiran). This ;untie, together ntaiiinq daugltcr and son, \Irs. Alar- school students, who can 111)11' lank c re twas believed to have started with the eiraiotiraItroubles between vote of thanks to mi. and Mrs. Cecil (rami a short circuit in an electric re- . gucrite Chapin, Napanec, and IEIdon1 Bttck, woo entered 10 the gathering, f'n•ward 10 a long term of studies fr1(1(3. tion motor in the egg -grading' Y.oc 1)u<Ile). (Shirley Phillips), \Its, Stoltz, :\urora, were haute for the meal, year, a brrul1l Easter is tale this St. C'lair's older (laughter, and her l providing a most r,,ppetir.tng neral, plant. celebration, year, !:aster Sunday conics on ;\pit) husband Bob Dudley t lloh Hepburn), \Ir. and Mrs, Stoltz are devoted which Ire nieettitngltclosed enjoyed thy lclltRoar. 1 17111. Good friday will be the next provided the love interest hi the .tory, members of Knox I'reslg•icrian Church ----L - _ 1 l' 1..• break. The arrival on the scene of 3lirntan where -Ni r. Stoltz is a member of the Skaggs (Norman Radford) and EIwiry Session and \Its. Statue. is ;t life n1eu1- Skaggs (Mrs, moody 1(olland), gratin- I,er. r,f 1111' \\'\IS, parents of Zoe and Amy, added muchOn Stnulay a family dinn!r was grief to the •situation for \Its. til. held to honour this esteemed couple, A large crowd ushered in the New' B• LYTH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Clair who was entertaining, and Present were \lis, Chopin, Mi, and Near by attending the dance on Ncll ' .rev, .John. Iiuncyman, \linisten. Mrs, Eldon Stoltz, 11 r. and Mrs, K. K, Year's eve in the Memorial Hall, Ija+wson and family, 1)ttt•ing the .v- sponsored by Blyth Branch No, 420,' Sunday Scrt_ice, ;1 a8-ntr of the Canadian Legion, An enjoyable evening is- reported.- Prizes were a- warded for spot da aces, door prizert etc. At Midnight the hall tool: on ,t 1(1;15: Sitnday School. real carnival effect as hats, horns and, 11:15: ('r'nununion. lowers problems tuned out, and Mrs, noise makers were distributed. Every ; 7 pan.: Evening \Vorship, Si. Clair d'scovered that \irs. Keleher one whooped it tip in gond style as was promoting the same scheme as Londesboro B.-A.'s Take the clocked lolled the midnight hour, TRINITY CHURCH, BLYTH herself, trying to climb the social lad- Schedule Opener -`v^- Hct, J. L. IL Henderson, n, Rector, der at' someone else expense, in- CONGRr r (crtwot' 5 throughout the play was the I•Qlt(Issloro 13.-A, s tool- the open- tr l.1 ItIJLATIONc Sunday alter Epiphany antics of \Irs, St, Cilie 3 two wally ging game in the 11,O.A,A. Intermed- Congratulations to Frank Nesbitt. 11 ;tan, Sunday School. inertia Wodl<in ( tIrs, Gordon 1.Ilion) tale "C" schedule when they defeated who celebrates his 1)11(1L33 1)u 1\ cd- j 12 noon ; \!owning Prayer and Scr- ;t hillbilly maid, and Blossom Queasy' Ilelgrav& 6-2 in Londesboro on January nesday, January 51h. 1111)11, 3r1. I'hc game utas pretty tante tip (Margaret [(irons) a negro cook, both January: 3; Seaforth at \1'cllc•Iey. • 4: R.C.S. Clinton at \lilwcrton. 5: \Iitchcll at (11(11 alis. 6: dyer ton at Sea fort h, R.C.S. Clinton at Goderich. 7: \\'clleslcy at \Iitchcll. Centralia at Clinton Colts, 10: \I itverton at \\'cllcslcy. \I itchell. at Goderich. R.C.S. Clinton at Clinton Colts, 11: Centralia at Seaforth, ' 12: Goilcrich at Centralia, \Vcllcslcy at R.C.S. Clinton. Clinton. Colts at slilt'erton, 14: slilverton at Centralia. Clinton Colts at Wellesley. Mitchell at H.C.S. Clinton, 17: \Iitchcll at \Wellesley. Centralia at R.C.S. Clinton, Seaforth at Goderich, 19: \Vcllcslcy at Centralia. Milverton at I.C.S. Clinton, Goderich at Mitchell, 21); R.C.S. Clinton at Seaforth. 21: Goderich at \1'cllcslcy. Centralia at Idilverton. 22: Seaforth at Mitchell. 24: Seaforth at Clinton Colts. 24: Centralia at Goderich. 25; \Vcllcslcy at \lilwcrton, \Iitchcll at Scaforth. 26: Goderich at R.C.S. School Clinton Colts at Centralia. 2S: Sea forth at Milwcrton, Centralia' at Mitchell. Clinton Colts at R.C.S. Clinton. 31 ; Centralia at \Vcllcslcy. \lilverton at Godcrich. R.C.S. Clinton at Mitchell, February : 1: Goderich at Seaforth. 2; \Iitchcll at Clinton Colts, R.C.S. Clinton at Centralia'. 3: Clinton Colts at Scaforth,. 4; Mitchell at \lilwcrton. Seaforth at Centralia, \Vcllcslcy at Goderich, 7: Milverton at Clinton Colts. 8 \VellesIey at Seaforth, 9: Seaforth at R.C.S. School. Goderich at Milverton, ' Clinton Colts at- Mitchell. 11': Goderich at Clinton Colts, LEGION NEW YEAR'S EVE DANCE WELL ATTENDED -- AMONG THE CHURCHES deavouriug to make a favourable im- pression on \Irs. Belcher and her nep- hew, Burley, 'Zoe had left her husband I ening \I r. and \Its. Stoltz were the to conte home to mamma, and his ar- I . , ,• . of rival on the scene further complicate(!, 8 gu''Intswatcttg for s I'ip11Stoltz, the family, matters, The homey philosophy ()(j mond ring for \Irs. Stoltz, and a tri - Air, and Mrs. Skaggs helped get the lite flour lamp for the celebrants. BLYTH UNITED CHURCH R1•:\'. \\'. J, ROGE.RS, MINISTER of. whom created truly laughs for the until the end of the third period when JOINS BANK STAFF audience, 11 would be unfair to single • 3eli;rawe started to rough things up a out any one character. Everyone did bit, Lee was the goalgetter for l.on- deshnro, accounting for three, one be - a sulend'td job, I Nlrs, U. I), Philp entertained with "Ig nn :ut a5s61 Gout 14011'and nuc on piano music prior to t II a first curtain, and between acts Misses Luis and \larjoric Doherty played a saxn_ phone duct, and Misses-,\largaret 11;111 and Loraine Hamilton, gave a piano duct. Gross proceeds $1.0.011. amounted to over OBITUARY . ♦ . an assist from Riley, Summary; 1st Period: Lcc (Lyon); l.,ee. 211(1 Period: Lee (Wiley); \1V'tde (Foxton); Alillar (Carter), 3rd Period: Carter, - Armstrong, \Vt lltwood. Penalties; Carter, Nethcry, Peckitt, 1laines, Linc -up; llelgrave: Goal, \loores; defence, Xethery, Coultcs; centre, Nian.,z; \fcClcnaghan, Proc- ter; subs, Fuxtuu, \\'ads, \1'elltwood, 1laines, Edgar... -3 Qndesl)oro: Goal, Lamont; defence, Riley, Tanlhlyn ; centre, Armstrong; wings, Lynn, Cowan; subs, 1•ec, Car- ter, :looney, NIillir, 1.1cs;sletwoo(1,-\Vood and 1'cckit. TRINITY, BE.LGRAE 1,45 pan. Sunday School, \firs Frances Ilullyntan has taken 2.31 p.m,: Evening Prayer and Ser- a position as Junior 011 the staff of the mon. local branch, Canadian Bank of Cont- ST, MARK'S, AUBURN nu'rce, She commenced her duties on 0.45 a.m.: Sunday School:;,.., \londay. 10,,O a.m.: Morning Prayer, Blyth & District T.B. Contributions The following contributions have Speiran, 2.01; C. 1s1cGowan, 2.011; \Irs, been received in connection' with the \I1'Elroy, 1.0(1; R. Vincent, 1.00; Ab. Huron County T. 33. -Fund Drive. The Radford. 2•00; \l. Bruce, 2.00; Rev. drive for funds locally is being spoil- Rogers, LIN); R. Vincent, 1.00 F. Tam- rored be the Blyth Llons Club, with 111‘ 0, 2.00; H. Schultz, 2.00; NI. \Vil- G. R. Augustine as local chairman. limns, 1.011; \Irs. E. Pollard, 1.00; Mrs, It. Sander::)n, 1.00; M. Woods, 2.00; E. Lawson, 2.00; 1'• \Voszcsynski, 1.00; - JO:,EPH TAYLOR ,Any further contributions will he ack- nowledged through the press, and 011001(1 be addressed to either \I r. Aug_ 11. Allen, 5.00; Leo Cronyn, 1.00; Ida ustine, or the Bank of Commerce: Petts, 1.00; N. \\'; Kyie, 2.00; 13. Ball, 2.1)0; G. Spading, 1.00; F. Tyrenlan, Howson and Howson, $25.00 Orval 1.01); L. Livingston, 1.00; R. Fear, 2.00; McGowan, 2.00; Len Rooney, 2,0.0; R. 1), Philp, 2.01); G. llisback, 1.00; N. pital. Ile was in his 61,4 year, Atrs. Ah. Nesbitt, 1.00; N. McCarty, A'!nc•ent, 2.00; Il, Jackson, 1.00; A. Ile was a son of the late James and 1.00; A. R. Tasker, 3.00; NV. Cook, Ifoi'tgowery, 1.00; N. Shepherd, 2.00; Mary Taylor, and was born in \Vest Huron County Council To 3.00; John Daer, Jr., 3.00; \1', \\'alden, Les. 1ohnstu1,, 3.00; \i, Livingston, R.C.S. Clinton at \\ eIlesley, 1Vatwa1sh, later mowing to the farm See I(llan • 1,(1;);'A, C. I<cnnedy, 2.00; :\, \V. Ilcw- 1,00; G. Radford, 10.00; \1r, and \fns. 12; Milverton at Mitchell, note occupied by 1V'Ialter McGill in \When the 11111811 County Council itt, 1,00; Frank Raitliby, 1.0 T.. Sta- TL Cook, 1.1)0; AV. McDowell, 1.00; 14: AWellesley at Clinton Colts. which community'11'0Vhe attended school, convenes in January, members will be dclntan, 1,00; J. 31101 J. Stewart. 2.0'); sirs. A. NIachan, 2.00; 1i. 1Tunkin , 15: Clinton Colts' at Goderich. Later he mowed t1) the 9th concession 0111shown :t sound and color' film entitled \V, Robison, 1.01); J. S, Clellew, 1.(N1; 2.0'): 1). McKenzie, 1.00; S. Daer, 1.0); '-+ •- of Morris township, before going to •The Books Drive On" which shows Don Howes, 1.00; \\'ut. ITeffron, 1,111; Bert Darr, 1.011; 1, IT. Richmond, 1.00; Detroit where he has worked for 30 , DRAMA FESTfVAt IN A4AY ter'atl!d> her #titSbAnd. cle,ittt, Co,he Huron County travelling library Nil's, \\ 1.'011, 1,00: Howard \Vallate, E. Chapman, 5J)f); H, Craig, 2,00; Dr,j tut#t1t thCt111for tl vis#t. °`"" years with the Edison c at work in all parts of the count', 2. 00, A, F' Shaildick, •1.00; 1,. Fear, Draper, 2.01; John -tier, 1.00; San I The Huron County Drama . •festival ",. M1's5: Q1lle•:afoot, of "`[` t t NI i,. Taylor is survived by his twidotw "h film is the first of its kind in 1.00; \Irs. A, Fawcett, 1.00; P. \Va'- Burges 2.011; NI, Holland, 1.00; G.IwiII be held in Matkay Hall, Goderich' the bol#d ' at__tha #tbtite' and one cllu.bter,\lrs. Itarriett Sime I ` bail mobile den, 2.00; NI, Grasby, 1.00; Mrs. Gro,; \I1':\rubor, 2.0;1: 1\'111 Keehnie, 2.00; • earl' fit April. If ally group twatits of son, of California, and two grandclnl., Ontario and the specially t , i early Ie with a thtrt grouts plav eats, Atr:°>hnd-.11(car d$ library whirl went into operation in Charter, 1.00; 1). Ferguson, L(N); R. N. Jnhnaou, :.>n; V T Rainton, 5.00; i y- plays! air, 4., ,- e. Allen -£`'. deco; also one sister, \Irs. Cora lint „ fit's of 'ts kind 'full. 2.00; A. 1laggitt, 2.l)0; J. Taylor ll• Bcacont, 2.0(1; Unkuutc:1 2 1 Ns', Al). should get #n touch ivith.the GueIpltl slent t fell di s t arc! of Lorraine, Ohio, and two broth- also. her, 1947, is the t t , clairulan, NI r, .Sutherland, of Gode- \[euvIllc of Lorraine, Ohio, and als°' 1.(Y1; john Caldwell, ..00; Ralph C'ald•, J. llallahan, _(IJ; Kathcrtue llcl)ott- the Itdtito=ofslil5 tother,' cis. 'Tile movie turas made at the sugges- well, 1.00; E. Snell, 2.00; G. \V. \I'ar- a1d, 2.00; L. Cook, 2,0(1; Alice Slorach, rich, without. delay. • l ti, and. aill t# j+, ,=u of 111}11' tion of Angus Mowat, inspector 0f stall, 1.00: J. B. \Vatsnn, 2.03): D. !.tuft G. Neilery, 2.0): Elmer Pollard, flit. and'l1lts.:'laotn'AI1, Funeral tool( place on 1Vcdnesda}, public libraries in Ontario. Ile will Lockhart, 1.00; Tom lardin, 2,01; NIrs, 5,00; Canadian Bank of Commerce, OMITTED FItOM SCHooL, i . spent Afet± scar s. At tl1$ ••••••••••••.V.--.....--•-• , list the movie to show other counties 1 Beryl NI. Reid, 1.00; E. Scrimgeour, 3.00; T. ('1 ,son, 2.1'0; M. 1loltzllauer, REPORT alta Adis. C#Iffortt''All tt a : in the province the great work the 1.00; joint 1'ounghlutt, • 2.00; A. R. 2.(Y1: \\'. Oster, 2.00; A. Skelton, 1.00: The following report of Grade 2A I irkton. t:, :""4 GAME AND FISH CLUB TO HOLD Huron County library is doing, The Walsh, 1.00; Ken Jack rn, 2.(10: Mr. Olive McG'lI, 2.00; 1\'ni. Ross, 2.00; i was omitted from the Blyth Public Mr,• land . fairs.' 1011 OPEN MEETING 1 Lost is• borne by Huron Count, land Mrs. C. Hodgins, 2.(30: \Irs I. l,1)- Relit. McIntosh,? 1,00: A. Fleming„ School report, which was published brook spent tiii TheP,Ivth Game and Fish Club will The picttti•es were taken by Robert gats, 1.00; \Irs. Joe Shaddick, 2.0)3: H. _.1;1: 1). Ewan. _.(.0, \1'. li. Grashy'' last weeks - af`Mr. atidAtrs. lle('.tt. to open meeting Monday, Jantt- I11nry, Goderich, and the filet was; Gibbons, 2.0!1; W. Gow, ?00; J. L. Nlc 3.11'); A. Grans, 2.09; 1\. ,11'atsnn, 2.aril, Arnlstron,;, David, 13, Atr.'and Mrs. sId ;>1 hold . 1 10th, at 8 p.m., in tie Oratec Ball. produced and directed by .\[r, and Dowell, 1.('0; 1L \logridc;e, ,25; G. R. \1'. Voting, 1.00; J. Craig, 2.00; N. P. Brisco, Lynn, C Lillie Webster and a • arylI The *hest speaker of the evening will \Irs. Glen iEckntter, county librarians, i 1 aylor, 1.00; Borden Cook, 2.011; \\ es. I Garrett, 5,00: J. Collins in, 2.01; S. 'Campbell, Dwight. A. \'ear's' it the home 1',f Tl c !, 1 be Mr, iE, meadows, Provincial Game with Toni Rafferty, \1singhant, as the Tartan, 1.00; Stanley L10tt, 2.0(1 two-1Cunmling, 100 Mrs. 1:. Leggett, 1.01; Campbell', Gwen, B.' I3arold Adains,'of?Cllnt' Ibert Newcombe, 1.00; Harold Beacom, henry Sanderson. 5.00; 1.. Rutledge, Hamilton, "Leone, A. A fortnet tesidettt df Overseer, of (;alt, His address tell) 1 c1)mmentitor, > \Vitt. 2.01); Jahn Taylor, 2.00;1 Johnston if The Conservation and Preservation of ! The film runs for 35 mimes. in it , 2.1)0; G. Augustine, 1.00; F. Toll, 2.00; i 1.00; R. arilyn, A. Robert M'cCttte `tial;s \\ 114 Life. Everyone is welcome, and are shown rural and urban sc•enc9 in \Irs. los •\larks, 1!10; F. NI arsh111,1(leo. \\'art, 5,00; 1 Flunking, 2.001 Morrison, Kae, A. hoot, in Beigra e' ot1:8 the ladies are especially invited. There the county such as, farms and. beauty 2.00; C. Blatchly, 1.00; John Laidlaw., Mr. and Mrs.. h, J. Powell, 2,00; Geo,' Sims, Linda, A, her 20, oho es' sttf y 10.(10; K. AV'hitmore. 2.00; Verne drown, 2.00, 11 alsh, Latta, A, , aonj Jantes1 of 1 ,,, , b; #s no admission charge. I spots. ( \I r, Joseph 'Taylor, brother of lir. Al). Taylor, of 1113qh, passed away on Sunday, following a three -weeks ill- ness as the result of a heart attack. His death occurred in a Detroit hos- 1919 Huron ,County Council Personnel Ashfield, Cecil Joh1115011, Blyth, Franklin Ilainton, Brussels, Roy Cousins, Clinton, G. \1', Nott, Colborne, Stanley ,.Snyiler. _ .` East \\'awanosh, J. I), Beecroft, Exeter, A. J. Swcilzcr. Goderich twp., J. R. Stirling, Goderich, George Atathieson, Goderich (deputy). \V. J. Baker, Grey, John McNabb. (trey (deputy), Clifford Rowland, - - liay, George Armstrong. Hcnsall, Alwin \V. Kerslake. Iiullctt, John. \\' Armstrong, 11nwick, E. J. Fairish. iiowick (deputy), Harold Gowdy, \icl<illop, Dan Beucrntantl. Morris, Harvey J_Qltniton, Seaforth, F. S. Sills; Stanley, Elnter \Vebstcr. Stephen, Elmer I.awsoit, Stephen (deputy), Harry. . Beaver. Tuckersmith, A, Nicholson, Turnhcrry, \V. I -T. 'woods, Ushorne, Hugh .Berry, \V. \V'awanosll, E. Finnigan, _ \\'#nghaul, MurrayJohnstone' LONDESBORO ,Atiss.Margaret Tantblyn, of London, spent; the holidays' at' 'the home';of lura: parents, Air, and Mrs. Frank Tainbtyn,' Air. and Mrs, Spence ° ITann of,1rlt- elicitor, Mr. and Mrs. Jack., I-Hantlltd(t of London, ,Mr. and Mr's. li, Tito wfitt of Stratford;, spent New:. home of Mr, and Mrs..' Witty Gayler Miss Af. Charter of `Blyth,-spent't1 week -ctrl at the home, of`Mlsa TIO 1ttiit. Shobbrook. 'Miss Mary Cald'clT, of spent the geek -end at' 'tht: l,' her parents," '111;x, and Mro. Caldwell. Rev and Alts,' Brenton retitrned,lionfe front the day after ltav#ttg been ca Btenton's home(int ate' ttbf, inotlter's ik.ness,' • Mrs; 'Alf -Alit I; January 50, at 1;30 p.m. 3tne't Q0&ty— Euay to. Qu "SALAD TA SAG S i� THE SYLVESTER; 0-4 DIAMOND By BLANCHE ROBERTS Synopsis !tones Monroe auccesstully steals the rbuloualy valuable Sylvester Diamond. er friend Joe Danburne, a profesalonal 61st, tries to set 1t from her but le prevented from doing so when he gets In Btight with the man she loves, Dan remner. district attorney. She take' a llane for San Francisco but It become. ost In a fog and lands to the sea lust orf bhore. She Is picked up, the lone survivor, y a young lawyer, Art Carey, who live. with his mother near by. She gives them the name Honey Roe, but that afternoon when she and Art get the newspaper her real name le Hated among the victims. Art agrees to keep her secret and that evening drives her to a cemetery near San Franoleco, at her recnent. CHAPTER VIII (Continued from last week) She took the diamond into the palm of her hand for a minute, cradling It lovingly and admired it. Though she could not see its radi• ance in the darkness, just the touch of it was all she desired. Then she put it back in the dainty box and closed the lid, Carefully, site placed the velvet case at the bottom of the hole. A tear or two fell on the top of it, dampening the soft velvet; not tears of regret but happy ones. Then gently she pushed the earth back into place, patting it firmly with her bare hands and spreading the grass over the place itt the shadow of the stone marker. She left no telltale mark that the ground had been disturbed, and there were no witnesses among the sleeping to give her avast The Sylvester dia- mond lay concealed beneath'the sod, Its secret kept by those still forms who shared the earth with it. * * * Honey rose unsteadily to her feet and stumbled blindly toward the gates. The walk back seemed end- less, for she was tired and exhausted from lack of sleep and the cloak of sadness hung closely about her shoulders„ weighing her down. She had .no idea how long she had been gone, but when she reached the wall where she had 'climbed over, there stood Art, his hat in his hand, wait- ing for her. "Thanks, Art," she sighed wear fly and fell against hist for lack of strength to stand up. He put a protecting arm about her shoulders, giving her the strength that she needed so badly' at the moment. "Forget it, Honey. I am glad I could do something for you." He lifted her to the top of the wall and scrambled up after her, "I bought some sandwiches while I waited. We can eat them on the way back, There's a cherry pie, too. You know, we forgot to stop for a bite coating up," he reminded her. "I guess that is why I feel so faint," she said as they drove off, "I feel all caved in." Honey knew that Art must be wondering wily she had gone to the old cemetery at night; but when he didn't mention the subject a flood of relief swept over her. Art said suddenly with a crooked twist to his mouth; "If I weren't already engaged to the sweetest lit- tle girl in the world I would fall in 'love with you, Honey Monroe." * * * ave'.these on hand for' frosty Weather!. ,-A pair of crochet -quickies, Wit gloves take`. only TWO °tutees of knitting worsted! t:`fochet, in TWO pieces in the rebt : Jiffy! Pattern 947 dlrec• it '1*1.1orteditinti, large sizes, aura =. Wheeler's - improved pet. it mikes = needlework so' simple -. nit iti charts, photos and' concise tectlons. Send TWENTY-PIVE CENTS gins ;('tamps cannot be ac-) ed) for title pattern. to Box 1, ighteenth Street, New Tor - Ontario,. Needlecraft Dept. .PATTERN NUM. AME and ADDRESS. "And," countered Honey with a bit of coquetry In her manner, "if the grandest man in the world did not love me and I didn't love him I'd do my best to see that you did fall for me, Art Carey, And plenty hard, too." "Well," grinned Art as he pulled the car to a stop before an all-night cafe, "the way I see it, then, we will just have to be the best of friends." "I guess you're right." She got out of the car and was glad to stretch her tired body. "You can always remember me as a funny fish you pulled out of the water." She laughted deep in her throat at an amused thought which crossed her mind at that moment. "Just think of the magnificent tale you can tell then back home about catching a mermaid in the ocean." "That's an idea," he exclaimed heartily as they sat down at the counter and ordered coffee. Then: "One that breathed, talked and walked. What a story( With red - hair and beautiful ... " When they were on their way once more, Honey turned to him with deep interest glowing in her eyes. "Tell ate, Art—is the girl of your dreams back home?" "Yes, she is." At once he was inspired for further detail of the girl he loved. "She has black curly hair and a funny turned -up nose with little freckles across .the bridge of it. She teaches school— second grade. We have trade plans to marry as soon as i get back." "Then that's why you are so anx- ious to get home," summed up Honey. "I'11 bet she is counting the days, too." He glanced at her. "What about you?" "There wasn't time for plans," she told hint sadly. "Things hap- pened so quickly after we found out about our love, that, well ..." She just left the sentence hanging in midair for hint to draw his own conclusions. * * * When they turned •off the main highway and headed for home, Art remarked in surprise: "Looks like Mrs. Riba has cont. pany, There's a big car parked in front of her house," Honey turned to look et the house they were passing.. "Yes, she has," Right after she uttered the words her ,heart almost stopped heating and a tightgrip of fear caught at her throat, The car park, ..1 iu Imo of Mrs, Ribes was Joe Danhurne's coupe, (Continued next week.) Answer to This Week's Puzzle 5030P7 CA1' ACARI ORE an BLAME LB NT/ ATER OH f9L ip u EMBOR. T 0 p E E 1. P S c. 4 5 S TROT R E A D E S T ME' BRA,DE SUAVE CAN E QIn,(g r4 r,R A j USED FOR THE ROYAL CHRISTENING—In accordance with custom, Princess Elizabeth saved the top tier of her wedding cake for the christening of her first child. This silver cradle replaced the former floral decoration on the 30 -pound cake and was used in the ceremony at Buckingham Palace, ANN€ I4IPST —uceuist Counditier„ "DEAR ANNE HIRST; \\then we married three years ago, we made an agreement that if either of us wanted to go out with anybody else, it was all right. "For a year now, my hus- band has been going with an attractive w'otn- an, and I have been going with a nice man, We 1 iv e together happily, and neither of us questions the other He has his own car, I have mine, He is 24, I'm 21, "What worries us is that both our parents shun us, also our sisters and brothers, Whenever there is a fain. Ily gathering, we just sit there like dummies, They won't talk to usl "But it stakes me mad that our parepts can't agree with us, I feel that they are living their lives, we are living ours, and they have no reason to go against us. What do you think? WONDERING JOAN" Social Rules * MY ANSWER is simple, * You have asked for ostracism,' * because you have followed a be- * havior pattern which is not con- * doped by the majority, who, after * all, set the rules of social living. * It makes no difference whether * the rules .are, in your thinking, * right or wrong. You both have * offended those rules, and you must * suffer the consequences you have * invited, * 1 expect you feel you are being * very modern in your defiant stand. * The truth is, you two are playing * at marriage, refusing to accept its * obligation to carry out the vows * you trade. As there is no such * thing as free love, so there is no * free marriage. All you are doing * is to shock everybody who consi- * dors marriage a sacred respon= * sibility, * Either disregard this ostracism * that annoys you, or behave like a * serious couple who revere the * standards which the civilized * world has established. Brief Answers TO "UNHAPPY": Forget the inci- dent, and date this boy if you want to, Your girl friend was tactless, but that's all, Unless two people are engaged, either has the right to date other friends. TO "N.\W,": You are right. If your finance intends to stop drinking, he should prove that he can, and NOW. 'To promise he will stop after mar- riage is a popular time, but if he means it he can refrain from now on, Wait until he has, for a good long time, (I shouldn't worry about his former engagement; that is past.) * * * TO "MRS. R. L. B.": Sorry, your letter did not reach me in time to offer suggestions, Next time, ask - her for a list of the girls and boys your daughter wants to invite, plan it outdoors, and don't worry about the details, (Must newspapers print suggestions for such parties, so follow those itt this one; I'm sure they will be helpful). * * * 1'0 "M. G.": Don't urge your af- fection upon your husband; let any initiative come from him. Make yourself as attractive as you were when you married; and try to plan social incidents which will involve hint. Meantime, enjoy his new gen- erosity, and try not to question its reason. * * * TO "MICKEY": If you are study- ing to be a concert artist, it isn't wise to give any one young man all your dates. IIe may think that, like most girls, you want to get mar- ried. Let hips know your plans— and dot''t see hint so often. * * * TO "MILDRED": You must have a cheap idea of friendship to have deceived this lad. Tell hint who you are, and clear the air. You have been very foolish. If you want nice friends, your must be worth- while yourself. Begin now. * * * One cannot defy the rules of society, and expect to go scot-free, The penalities are heavy. If you believe you world prefer to pay them, ask Anne Hirst first. Her long experience can help, Address her at 123 Eighteenth Street, New Toronto, Ontario, WIIAY SCIIOOL LESSON By Rev, R, Barclay Warren The World In Which Jesus Lived Galatians 4:4a; Luke 2:1-7; Matthew 22:15, 18, 23a, Golden Text—When the fulness of the time was come; God sent forth His Son.—Galatians 4:4. - The promise (vas given to our first parents that the seal of the woman would bruise the serpent's head. But the promised seed ryas not given for four thousand years. Meanwhile He was prefigured itt type by sacrifices and shadows of the law. Prophets foretold the place and manner of Isis birth, described 1 -lis ministry, His sufferings and 1 -lis death. "put when the fulness of time was come, God sent forth His Son." God is always on time, The Ro- mans controlled the world. The famous roads which they built pri- marily for military and gover►t- mental purposes soon resounded to the starching feet of the soldiers of Christ who went everywhere preaching the Gospel. There was free access to alt lands. The language of the Greeks whose empire preceded the Roman was almost universal. The Old Testa- ment had been translated into Greek and the New 'Testament with the possible exception of Matthew was written in this most exact of alt languages. It was the vehicle for the sending forth of the written word. The Jews had lost their national independence. The nation was res- tive under the Roman yoke. A few devout souls as Simeon waited for the consolation of Israel. Many others were dissatisfied with the re- ligious formalism of their day and longed for a rich experience in God. The strict legalism of the Pharisees had becotne a burden too grievioue to be borne. The Saducees, on the other hand, a group of wealthy aris- tocrats and priestly nobility, had no message for the need of the people. They had rejected the authority of the Old Testament except the Pen- tateuch and did not believe in the resurrection. The Herodians, very similar, contented themselves with the Rotnan rule as long as the Herods were even puppet rulers. It was a time of great need and yet of golden opportunity when God's Son came, The lessons for these six months will tell the story of His matchless life. It is the most thrilling story ear had ever heard. It never grows old. Failure At Christmas Tests No Bar To Trying Finals 'I'I1e Honourably Dana Porter, Minister of Education, issued a statement today with reference 10 examinations in the secondary; schools. The Principals of secondary schools have great responsibilities in fixing the programme of studies to be undertaken by the pupils. This is particularly so for those enrolled in Grade X11 I. Frequently, secon• Bary school principals advise pupils to discontinue certain subjects as the result of their failure to pass the Christmas tests. The Minister points out that, in spite of this ad- vice, no candidate can he prevented front writing the departmental ex- aminations. No failure on Christ- mas test in Grade XI II denies the pupil the right to compete for Up- per School standing. Thus, if the pupil and his parents are deter• mined to ignore the principal's ad- vice to discontinue certain subjects, the principal still has the responsi- bility of doing the best he can for the pupil. This, however, may onl be done so long as it does not result in injustice to other pupils of the school. Books of Bible Listed in Rhyme 'I'he following listing of the Books of the Bible, put into rhyme as an aid to memory, is reprinted here by request. Books of the Old Testament In Genesis, the world was made 13y God's Almighty hand; in Exodus, the Hebrews marched 'l'o gain the promised land. Leviticus contains the law, IIoly and just and good; Numbers records the tribes enrolled All sons of Abraham's blood, Moses in Deuteronomy Recounts God's mighty deeds; Brave Joshua, into Canlaan's land The hosts of Israel leads. In Judges, their rebellion oft Provoked the Lord to smite, But Ruth records the faith of one Well pleasing in Itis sight. In First and Second Samuel Of Jesse's son we read. Ten tribes, in First and Second Kings Revolted from his seed, The First and Second Chronicles Sec Judah captive led, But Ezra leads a remnant back By princely Cyrus' aid. ▪ The city walls of Zion, Nehimiah builds again, While Esther saves her people From the plots of wicked sten, In Job we read how faith can live Beneath affliction's rod, And David's Psalms are precious songs For every child of God. The Proverbs like a goodly string Of Choicest pearls appear; Ecclesiastes teaches sten How vain are all things here. The mystic Song of Solomon Exalts sweet Sharon's rose, \Whilst Christ, the Saviour'and the lain,�r., The r<'Ipt Isaiah shows The warning Jeremiah The apostate Israel scorns, IIis plaintive Lamentations Their awful downfall mourns. Ezekiel tells, itt wondrous words, Of dazzling mysteries: Whilst Kings and empires yet to conte, Daniel in vision sees. Of judgment and of mercy too, Hosea loves to tell, Joel describes the blessed days \Vhen God with man shall dwell, Among Tekoa's herdsmen Amos received his call, Whilst Obadlah prophesies Of Edom's final fall Jonah displays a wondrous type Of Christ, our risen Lord, Micah pronounces Judah lost— Lost, but again restored. Nahum declared on Nineveh ' Just judgments shall be poured. A view of Chaldea's coming dootn, Habakkuk's visions give. And Zephaniah warns the Jews To turn, repent and live; It is possible that there may be an incentive in some cases for prin- cipals to encourage discontinuance of certain subjects. Thus a greater proportion of those competing froth Ids school for Upper School stand- ing twill be successful in the exam- inat;on,. In order to counteract this possible tendency, a change is being made i❑ one of the forms to be sub- mitted by secondary school princi- pals to the Department of Educa- tion. This form will indicate the number of pupils_ in (rade X 111 who have discontinued subjects dur- ing the academic year. This record is of great significance in the inter- pretation of the examination record of the school. The ;\linister has is.ued a letter to the Principals of Secondary Schools to clarify their" responsibil- ities itt this whole matter, The Min- ister points ottt in this letter that the principals chief concern must he the welfare of the individual pupil. Frequently, this responsibility can best be discharged ;after a frank consultation with the pupil's par- ents. .. ,. ..,. . Haggai wrote to those trito saw The temple built ag;,in, And Zechariah prophesied Of Christ's triumphant reign. Malachi was the last who touched The high prophetic chord; Its final notes sublimely show The coating of the Lord. Books of the New Testament Matthew, Mark, Luke and John Tell what by Jesus was said and done: Acts bout of the Apostles tell And how the Iloly Spirit fell. Romans, Corinthians and Galatians Hard by Ephesians take their sta- tions; Thal the Philippians hand in hand With the Colossians take their stand ByThessalonians; each and all Claim for their author great St. Paul; Who next writes twice to Timothy, 'l'Iten Titus and Philemon see; While Hebrews the last leiter claims, Next comes the Epistle of St. James \Vhile Peter, John, and good St. Jude With Revelation both conclude. kowCOlDSaffecf Your KIDNEYS The kidneys are very delicate organs, easily effected --especially by a cold. their duty is to filter impurities and excess Bade from the blood. Wlten you have a colt e;tra work is thrown upon your kidneys. Dodd's Kidney Pills help your kidneys clear your system of excess grids eat poisons caused by colds, and give you a chance to shake infection sooner—feel better faster, If you have a cold get endue Dodd's Kidney Pills, t sp Dodd KidnerPills Ai i LOSS OF- e VOICE _MER ACES PROGRAM Friend Solves S of ger'g problem With L�oids I "A few hours before ani ifnme� tag on the edit �de aItr Cas eklyrQey�„ , tried LYhi0lDel Let qui k relief with ppmediental oils of eop�et Ue►eh Gonhelp toryuioen�o °sreenessandgUr°' �witue:tamelloril7'fcoughing. Trono1.D9, 119oP rin'ytt, �r Ck: IRY s ,. M'y°rusy, CROSSWORD --- 11, Sprid,Spret ead PUZZLE ACROEIu 1. Tally 4. Shirt front 9. Domestio animal 18, Arabian clotk 13. So. American monkey U. Crude metal 16. Mignonette green TOM. Censured Stair 20. Vestmen 21, Immerse, 34. Whole 17. Cataluna ' (symb.) I. Audi-flauntsiProvide/nod • wing Pitts hat :Use se tope , Soft mase , Printers' measure. r]fateelf )dive costs Jog . Age Russian sea Throw net the track 55Scrape . Worthless fragment 6e. Urbnr e 68. Is able 69. Supper eft. Heron el. Malays n coin DOW.: 1. Makes a lilac?. road !. Tr-tigatr 8. Founded 4. Spoiled 5. Wood sorrel 6. Semactttm 7. (Globe ) 8, Italian ally 8. Join 16. Heroic 18, Low voice 23. Suitable 23. 24, Upright 26. Paper mese. urs 1e, Princely Italian house 37. Outer garment 28. Salt 80. Finial 81. Canadian mains. 36. Cereal eptke 88, b"orotgnern' quarter of Constantinople 40. Rise high 48, lIring up 46, Region 48, Jewish month 49. Girl's name 60, Period 51, Before 62, Drag 58. Hall 64. Slake 57, Land measure Answer else•"11-re o-, t'"s r- >1 CANADA'S OWN BARBARA ANN SHOWS THE BIG - CITY FOLKS—Displaying the form that charmed judges and spectators at the Olympic games, tvorld's figure skating cham- pion Barbara Ann Scott is "packing them in" at Radio City Music Hall in New York, making her debut as a professional. p—es� Th ✓ "� Attu IHRONICLES ARM � Gv�ettido tin � A HAPPY NE\V YEAR to Everybody—and let me tell you, 1 think you are the nicest people! Yes, you must be, because the readers of this column were so kind to enc this Christmas. 1 do appre- date your cards and letters and hope to acknowledge each one of them personally—but it takes time, you know, so, until you bear from me further, you will please accept my thanks this sway. I also want to tell you how Hutch it helps me to know that this column gives you a little pleasure; to get a letter now and then makes me realize I am w riting to real people --some of you on farms like our- selves; some in towns and cities; and some, indeed, not in Canada at all, but "across the line," And here is rather a curious fact—more of my reader -letters come from the U.S.A. than from Canada— folks who have moved away and still have the home -town paper sent to their. Perhaps this column helps to keep green in their mem- ory the Canadian way of living, especially on a farm. Perhaps you Soo, raised chickens, fed calves, der ..:d eggs—or knew the joy of hav:.tg electricity after living with coal -oil lamps year after year. Per- haps you re -live with me the busy summer days; the unexpected threshings; the difficulties of enter- taining with the season's work at hs peak—and yet loving it all and mot wanting to trade one week of it for a salaried job in the city. But time moves on and it sometimes happens that force of circumstances make it impossible for us to live exactly where we wish or do just exactly as we like, So, perhaps, having made your choice, you find yourself living a different life from what you were used to. You are happy but yet you have memories —memories that you cherish and like to keep . , . of an old) home in some part of Ontario — of which maybe Ginger Farm reminds you . , , of helping Dad down at the barn; or bringing hone the Christ- mas tree and trimming it for the younger folk. Or perhaps, with a New Year dawning, you remember how you trudged off to school again, through snow -filled roads to the little red school -hoose up the line; and you remember the day of "the big storm" when Dad came after you in the'cutter, and coining hone the cutter upset when you struck a fence -post which you couldn't see because a huge drift had com- pletely covered the fence. And you remember how you knew Alum would be trying to watch for you coming through the blinding snots—and how good it seemed to come into the big, warns kitchen where she was waiting with piping, hot cocoa, made with half milk— such cocoa as you never tasted before or since. And it probably isn't • a stream -lined kitchen that you remember but one where there was room for the whole fancily; where Dad would sit in his chair by the stove, reading the weekly paper, while 1%1 11111 dished up a wonderful steal of savoury soup and dump- lings, Likely as not there wasn't any hydro to ease the work for Mum—but there were several pairs of willing bands! Of course you don't want to go back to days with no conveniences but yet some- how it seems kind of nice to re- member the soft glow of the big coa-oil lamp in the centre of the kitchen table. And then after supper, because there wasn't a car in the fancily, and no show or dance to go to, the boys amused themselves with some carpenter work they were doing down in the basement; and Mum got out her mending, or set her sponge for the bread next day, while the girls did the dishes. Today things are a little different. In many houses there are conveni- ences such as mother and grand- mother never dreamed of ... but sometimes 1 get a-wondering—in which era is, or was, the true Golden Age? And what breed of Wren and women will modern life produce? Sometimes we seem to have our sense of values :nixed. Time of course marches on. There is 'no .turning back—and we are carried along in its forward search. But sometimes I wonder if we couldn't satisfy ourselves with more of the simpler joys of country life — good books, magazines, papers and neighbourly visits. Perhaps we don't make too good a job of dis- tinguishing the gold front the dross. That is just an idea—perhaps ft might do as our New Year's thought for today. \Vhat do you think, folks? • ,51,,.4.. • IT TAKES A MAN TO BAKE REAL PIES, GIRLS, Leland McMillen of Oak Park feeds his prize winning apple pie to runners-up in the National Farm and Garden shows contest. Mrs. C. A. Hintz (left) won second prize while Mrs. H. Williams finished third. McMillin; was only male contestant. Three Bears and a Long Tail Monkey A Chimney Farm Story Once upon a time, three little bears lived in a wood all alone with- out a father or mother. But they had a very good time. They were full of fun and curiosity, and one day the smallest, who had most fun and curiosity in hint, fell into an old well near the edge of the woods. There wasn't much water left at the bot- tom of the well, but what there was felt cold and wet, and the little bear yelled loudly for help. In vain his brothers hung sticks over the edge. Ilc couldn't reach any of them. A friend of theirs, a monkey, happened to be passing by when ne heard the excitement and carte up to see what it was all about, "Oh, that's easy," he ,aid, "Iia.:Ir of you cubs hold me by a paw down the well as far as you can reach, and the littlest bear can catch me by the tail, You may have noticed that it's exceptionally long." No sooner said than dome. The two little bears leaned way offer; the monkey stretched out. liis tail with all his Wright, and the littlest bear caught ,hold of its end with all his might. 1lut what a time they had pulling up so mach weight so far However, it was done at last, and the monkey was thanked and the littlest bear rubbed dry, "And now we'll have a party in celebration," said one of the bears, They wanted the party formal, so they rolled live stones from the farmer's wall, four to make chairs and the biggest one for a table. The table had a hollow place in it. This they filled with spring water and mashed roots and ,wintergreen ber- ries and raspberries, and that was their drink. As for their cups they used their own paws, which worked pretty well. They didn't have any food, as there wasn't any. "'Phis drink is delicious," said the monkey who was guest. "Thank you," said the little );cars. "If we only had some cake to serve with ill" "No matter," said the monk.y politely, though he did not like cake. Just as the party was' going finely, they heard a loud angry shout. it was the farmer who was run- ning towards them, waving his pitckfork. Ile had seen the gap in his wall where the five big stones had been rolled away. The three little bears and the monkey gave one look and ran as fast as their legs would carry them, deep into the woods, The farmer went back to the farm, where his wife stood watching at the kitchen door, "Yes, John," she said, "I saw you chasing them, but what for I can't imagine, They were all as nice and quiet as any party I ever saw. 1 wish our children behaved half as well." "'They'd been breaking down my wall," the farmer began still cross- ly, but his wife interrupted him. "Now, John, you know that wall ihn'tisn't any good for anything these days. You don't pasture the cows either side of it. The poor little creatures were just having a good time and you've rem them off."' "1• guess 1 just forgott about not mending that wall," said the farmer, "Well, no use crying over spilt milk." 11e was really a very kindly man, but be did have a quick temper. His wife had an idea. "John, I've• been making dough- nuts. Why don't you take a bag of them down to where they were sit- ting and leave it there? The smell ought to bring them back." So the farmer very willingly took the doughnuts and left the bag on the boulder table, and no sooner was his back turned than the three little bears and the monkey stole back, and sat down again, each on Itis boulder chair. They smelled the doughnuts and understood that the farmer had brought them a present. So they dipped up their home- made sarsaparilla with one paw and ate the doughtnuts with the other, and when the farmer looked back, they waved warmly, and the monkey picked up a handkerchief and waved it at the end of his exceptionaliy long tail. Zacharius Jansen invented the first compound microscope about 15gn. Taxes When an old South African native was told he had to be taxed because the government, like a father, pro- tected hint from enemies, cared for hint when he was sick, fed him when he was hungry, gave him an education and, for these reasons, needed money, the old native said: "Yes, I understand. It is like this: I have a dog, and the dog is hungry. He comes to me and begs food, "I say to him, 'My dear faithful dog, I see you are very hungry. I am sorry for you. I shall give you meat.' "1 'then take a knife, cut off the dog's tail, give it to hint and say: 'Here, my faithful dog, be nouriel- rrl by this nice n, ,.r of mr' t • r r—frr-n STABLE TALKS cJanz Some of these recipes 1 honestly intended to include in this column before the festive season—but, somehow or other, there just didn't hapyen to he roost, Still, 1 don't believe that there should be any excuse for publishing them now, as they're ell guaranteed to have been tried--tested--and found very good indeed. Here is one for some easy - to -make rookies that I know your folks will enjoy, Sour Cream Cookies 1 cup sugar cup shortening i egg 2'' cups flour 1 teaspoon baking soda % teaspoon salt cup cocoa I cup sour cream Method Cream the sugar with the shorten- ing (melted) and add the whole egg, beaten until light and fluffy. Sift together the flour, soda, salt and cocoa. Add these dry ingredi encs alternately with one cup sour Cream to your first mixture. Boll out, cut, and bake in a moderate oven. 4 4 • Although these spicy raisin squares are delicious when cold, they're even more so when served warns, 1Vhat's more, they can be reheated—that is, providing they all don't disappear the first time you serve them. Recipe makes from 19 to 24 squares. Spicy Raisin Squares Ya cup seedless raisins 4 cup shortening 1 cup sugar 2 eggs !,; cup crushed pineapple, drained 23:i cups sifted flour 1 teaspoon soda 1% teaspoons cinnamon I% teaspoons nutmeg Y4 teaspoon salt Y4 cup sugar N cup heavy cream Method Cover raisins with boiling water and let stand 5 minutes. Drain and stand on dry cloth or paper towel. Crean shortening and one cup sugar till light and fluffy. Add beaten eggs, raisins and pineapple. Sift together the dry ingredients and blend thoroughly with the first mix- ture. Spread thinly in greased bak- Ing pans and pour a mixture of y cup sugar and % cup cream over the top, Bake in hot oven - 400 degrees—for 20-25 minutes, Cut into squares and serve warm, Alany of rub rc,:. ,, 1 know, butcher their uw n pu7'c : and a few hints regarding that particular deli- cacy may not be amiss 'round about The big thing about pork, of is thorough cooking—and 1 ally mean THOROUGH. Pink pork is what you SHOULD NEVER serve — it must be well done, right through to the bone. But that doesn't swan over -cook- ing, The rules for roasting call for pork placed—fat side up—in an open pan, then a moderate oven (350 degrees) and 35 minutes bak- ing per pound. Trying to brown roast pork at — say— 500 degrees means a lot of waste because, more than any other meat, pork shrinks under high heat. Here's how to cook spare -ribs its that Mood old way known u "sweet sour," Sweet -Sour Spareribs 2 lbs. spareribs I tablespoon shortening 2 teaspoons salt 1 cup hot water 4 tablespoons corn starch 1 tablespoon vinegar 1 tablespoon sugar 3 tablespoons ketchup 1 cup pineapple juice 1 cup cubed pineapple 14 cup chopped green pepper or celery Method Cut meat in strips between the bones. Brown in hot shortening, cover and simmer for an hour and a half. Drain off any excess fat, add salt and water. Combine coin starch with sugar, stir in vinegar, ketchup and pineapple juice. Pour over ribs. Bring to steaming, then add pineapple and green pepper or celery, Heat thoroughly and serve. Extra good with steamed rice. Will To Win .A horse called Forrester present- ed a remarkable illustration of how thoroughly racers enter into the spirit of the course. Forrester had won many a hardly contested race, but in an evil hour was matched against an extraordinary horse called Elephant. Around the course they raced neck and neck, but just before the finish Elephant pulled slightly ahead.Forrester, finding all Ms efforts to recover the ground ineffectual, made one desperate plunge, seized his antagonist by the jaw, and could scarcely be forced to quit his hold. A similar incident occurred when a fine horse was rendered so frantic at finding his antagonist gradually passing him that he seized him by the leg, and both riders were obliged to dis- mount and combine their efforts to separate the animals. THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA General Statement 30th November, 1948 ASSETS Notes of and deposits with Bank of Canada .... $ 177,157,400.06 Other cash and bank balances 158,536,879.14 Notes of and cheques on other banks 89,509,786.47 Government and other public securities, not exceeding 918,420,522.36 market value Other bonds and stocks, not exceeding market value 156,626,725.57 Call and short loans, fully secured 56,534,207.84 Total quick assets $1,536,785,521.44 Other loans and discounts,after full provision forbad and doubtful debts Bank premises Liabilities of customers under acceptances and letters of credit Other assets 600,923,527.65 11,729,957.85 65,104,477.12 7,944,302.47 $2,222,487,786.51 LIABILITIES Notes in circulation $ 4,320,934.27 De-osits 2,067,488,996.81 AcLeptances and letters of credit outstanding65,104,477.12 Other liabilities 4,087,930.88 Total liabilities to the public .. $2,141,002,539.08 Capital Reserve Fund Dividends payable Balance of Profit and Loss Account . . , PROFIT AND LOSS ACCOUNT Profits for the year ended 30th November, 1948, before Dominion i and ptovindat government taxes, but after contribution to Staff Pension Fund, and alter approprlatlons to t ;ontingency Reserves, out of which Reserses provision for all bad and doubtful debts has been made : ::::::tet ::: t t t t t t t,. ;9,51, 432,8' Len provision for Dominion and provindal govern• ment taxes :: t: 11 $ t 4 e t t t t 1 t t $3,1So,000 00 • re Less provision for depreciation of bank premise, t 806,887.86 3,958,887., $5 5l8,545.SI' Dividends Al she rase of t$1.00 per share t s s t s. s t. t s s i t t 3,500,000.!OC Amount carried forward : t t t t s t t I t a t t t t t t s `$5,038,545.S1' stance of Profit and toss Account, 89th Nortmbes, 1947 t t t t 5,474,2464a $5.3,2i701.06, rraneferred to Ileum Puod . 4,0(0,000.00 ,- &lanes of Prot and Loos Account, 3odt 14ovembes,1948 slit $i,5J2,y92.06 .. . . 35,000,000,00 44,000,000.00 / 952,655.37 1,532,792:06 $2,222,487,786.511 SYDNEY G. DOBSON, JAMES MU11t, President General Manger,' attlitit ce ss, will be ,t1.1,•(1 to bye applications .f the a" ore ,mni.,,t COCKSHUTT•OLIVER TRACTOR PARTS & SERVICE Now as always parts and services arc avail• able for all Oliver tractors' in Ontario including those sold by the Cockshutt Plow Company. All Goodison•Oliver dealers are equipped to serve you. Why not drop in at thq nearest Goodison•Oliver dealer toda; and sce how they are ready to help you. In western provinces, contact any Olirer Branch. MIT MORRITT & WRIGHT Telephone, 4 or 93, Blyth, Ontario. DONNYBROOK Miss Irene Jefferson has returned to her school at Dunnville after the holidays, Mr, and Mrs. Warren Bamford have returned to their home at Preston al - THE STANDARD WESTI' IELI) \I r. \Murray 'McDowell had his ton- . sins removed at the \\ Ingham hrspi- ,tal this \\`ednesday morning and Is re- ported to he doing nicely. I 1 was enjoyed c Nil!. Inc Ile. pity motored to Torou the first cl the evening. Music for 1 to I hirsday to s!,eml New v var's dancing ...lpiiiied lo• Jackson's 1, i with \Il , Itrocher and family. and Orche-t•a' .\ hunch counter supplied was arc ,:n, :tlted home by \Irs. Itro Lc f,'e,htuculs. pity and M Oared. \I r. ;u: I \I r>. :\r; Scott and child ' lies ;a'ld \Irl. Norman Na Ifortl of Dlyth visited on "Tuesday nith \I r' and veil ha e nu,vr,l int' lite village an.1 are living hi their cabin trailer. \Irl. Donald Snell. ('. K. (vtIltr. sunt \Monday in I.on 1 \Irssrs. t?Ilvin and Eddie Taal 'I,lon. { were London visitors on "Tlun sd aw vchool reddened \I outlay with quit t/ 4,.,,NIINNIi1iNIi•N Nils ,s Rema and Gladys \Irl hn;hey?,;a change befog set up here. of :\u'nu•n visitc�l L•ut week with . 'Thr last several weeks the Orange- NI their grandparents, \lr. anal Mrs. \\•au. men have been busy getting their hall . e \\`alder• 1 t trtl ;Ind paperrtl and wired and \I r, and Mrs. George \\*Wit man and Alberta. of Pine fiver visited on the School petard also at work so that NIonday tirades 1, -2, 3, moved up to 'l•ues'.lau with \Ir, ;and NI vs Ivan ;the Orange hall where they will he \\igll.man• at 'ol" for sonut time, Nil's, Ptd \I r. and \Irs. Howar,l Campbell Ciuicl.shanh, of W I7I;hann. is the Huth and Harold, visited 00 Sunday ' Crniecr for the 21 or "pupils theta. with \I r; A. E. ,lohnalon of \\,e,,t lir, D. \lansz, of Strati'rd will have or so pus i n the school, \I r. soul \Ir \'� ;men Bamford . I \Irs. I. .\. Ilran;lh•tl was taken to ' r•n Il to Preston niter visiting • (hristo1as wren: with h's parents, Mt \Viugltam hospital on Friday, suffering ',rota pneumonia, and on Sunday sats and lies, 'Phomas llainford. I r;cllool re-ol cncll on N1011,1;1%. for, f:red a stroke in the nr.,rning. 1 ler another tern) with \firs Edna \luffiat `', condition is considered serious. cf Teti-Avateras tcarher. NI r. (lal ton I'rl•cl'er ha- returned to • \Ir, ;Ind \Irl. ,holes Moak have Fort (lance: after s,,endin'; his hot - moved to Gnderieh for the winter, i day with relative; and friends herr. Wed., Snowy 5, 1949 iiEl(><RAVE 44,44 IINN'NIINNNNNNNNiIiiIlIINIItIiiNNNN#S###4 IiNf. Athletic. :\�>socialir,❑ held a successful etcher` and dance in Stoi;. a h 1 di Shop The 1t1 very the Foresters Hall, Ilelglaw•, on 'ew •' I .Eve. ?uc rr 1 cal'' FOR RUBBER FOOTWEAR AT MADI 'S Your Cerner Shoe Store in •13ly'th. Rhone 212, Blyth. \I r. and \Irl. henry Itrinlllry of G'derich Township visited on saint._ (day ut,h NI r. and \Irs.Albert (lo0er,1 ti.I�N The \\cstiicld Farm Forum nnct Mrs. William Murray sl'pp:•d while \Inttday !'fight at the home of NI r, and doing itt u,rtyork and broke her arm' 'Mr'. \I ;Irvin NIel)owell rich 17 noel"- Messrs. Charles and Clayton Sol_ hers present. After the broadcast the lois of Kitchener, with ND!. and \ors, topic of "Crop insurance„ was dis- Harold Sellers. cu. -sed and it was decided that any \I r. and ,\Irs. \\'. C. Ennis, of Loll -- Insurance flan would need to be na- doll', \yith \I r, ant \Irs. Fred F.Ifni;, tiro -wills and controlled or sponsored \Ir !ors. Barrie and Frank Marshall by the Federal Government as any lo- of London, \vitt) \Ir. and \Irs, John cal or smaller grout) would be wiped \Iar'shall, out in case of a oro;) failure as all pill- \I r. 1?'•,ward icy -holders would he claimants, (lances Ilanlilton. 1 \verc played Mrd by Ed. and Norman ( \1 r. \Villiann Holman, of 'Toronto, Taylor, and both was served, The \with \Ir, and \Irs. Pura• Holman. ineting next week will he at the house \I r, 1)onald Shaws, of Toronto, wyith of `,Ir. and Mrs. Douglas Campbell. i Mr. Nick Shawn. \Ir. and \Irs. Noy \Ic\'ittic, of ('lin-! m..., and Ni 1.,,, John Kcilor, of Lead. ton, \I iss Dorothy NIcVittie of (lode- bury, have moved to Sea forth, rich. visited with lir' and \Irs, \Vitt.! NI r, \\'alter Pratt of Montreal, with = NIcA'itlie. on Sunday. \Ir. and NIrs. Kelly Daltc.t. Mr. John Bennett, of Guelph, with • _ \\'ingha,u with \!r. and 'Mrs' John his parents, NI r. and \Irs, \\'illiam Tiffin. ♦ KI.I. 111.40 We Sharpen Skates, 1 ..i+ NNIN.NNNV.� #4I.• l ••••1•I IIII Ni iI.11 N.NI1I NII N.I N,P4wr ouncig sson 1 County The nest sleeting of the I-Iuron County Coun- cil will be held in the Council Chambers, Court House, G oderich, commencing on TUESDAY, JANIZARY 1`lth, at 2,O0 P.11I. All accounts, notices of deputations, and other business re(tui,'ing the attention of Council should he in the hands of the County r'lerh not later than Saturday, January' 15th, 1949, N. W. MILLER, County Clerk, 16-2,Goflerich, Ontario. WALTO N ♦I.I.I IIredsillriemrsee###1If'IOow•see.P.rom NN. Ih•yans wvith friends in i 1= Linnett, ter spendintg holidays Dobby Chantey. who spend the ya- \t iss Doris Fero ton, of Toronto : the at their 1 bonne; here. I cation with his grandparents has re- Normal School, wvith Mrs, \\'. C. r. and Mrs. Cliff. Henderson of turned to his home in Owen Sound, hack itt ;11 U.S.S. 12, ( 'trey. Kippen, were Sunday visitors with NI r. ! Sgt. and \lr , herb Dainty and sorts,' !and Mrs. Stuart Chamncy. !of Cantp Norden, spent the holiday Mr. and Mrs, Norman Thompson week -end 'at the home of her parents, Is Your Subscription Paid? and faituly spent New n'ear's Hay in \I r. and \f rs, J. L. Robinson. • • for ONTARIO LEARNING. MACHINE ASSEMBLY esircd and urcbased by people all over the ! such '.goods -largely determines the economic '&child, ivithiu her borders, Because the sale of -rings Valilable dollars into this Province, tt•e all are undtwe;and 011e children•can have more of the uduro'siich'goods`in suli'tcient quantities, skilled 0414 oflis should be glad that war veterans rev, de the'skilled:hands so needed hy.indlislry. under,, expert" instructors in ou'1: Ontario oj cr'atiotf of the Department of Veterans' • �otil' lied Ilia Ontario Dcpartrneti.t of Edited, rkffstla htship. Ili assembling` .a 4 tough'.knowledge of *or ti rcciibi8tlirnachines having- t1made bust ss ma'chiues are sold itt of Caiiada'and Ontario. Therefore is.to{inake Ontario d finer place in and' hdppin@ss bf•, lil1 her citizens. TA MACHINE it.SS1 MI$LY John N. West, 25, of Toronto, a ltoyal Canadian Na; i y veteran, s shown here making an adjustment to one of tit: 10,000 parts in tt business machine designed for a New Zealand first, Various types of business machines are produced itt Ontario far- torics. Because of their in- tricate itiechanisms it is es- sential that these iilachilles be checked by expert craftsmen at every stage of their production. WEEK -ENI) SPECIALS Pride of the Valley Peas per case $1,99 Be\\'kist Peas, choice quality per case, $2,39 Four -string 13room 59c Tip Top Pumpkin 6 cans for 59c Betty's Plum Jam 32 oz, tin 23c Cowan's Cocoa 1 lb. tins, 2 for 25c Crisco 1 lb., 47c Rose Brand Feeds, Laying Mash, Laying Mash Pel- letts, Poultry Concentrate, Hoz; Concentrate, Pig Starter, Dairy Ration, Sow Ration, Cattle Mineral. Pioneer Feeds, Big -3 Laying iilash, Big -3 Pelletts, Purity and Robin hood Flour. GROCERY ANI) LOCKER SERVICE Telephone 39 -- We Deliver , i"Il i i 1 :01%"4/01114 •.1'.t' .i' ' ' •. , . '���tt4%(14tCtLh t( '1 `\h'• i "'i' f',. i' i'' i'' 11, f' .' \' . V' u Elliott insurance Agency f iOffice Phone 104. Residence Phone, 12 or 140 COURTESY AND SERVICE, IIAA2i81DM2a212t21•dl2i2 a.212* "INV..:) ila%D. 2As,iWIDI Dii,it'DINDIDINDa)>ai)aiWipt BLYTII -- ONT. INSURE NOW! ANI) BE ASSURED, Car - Fire • Life - Sickness - Accident. J. H. R. Elliott Gordon Elliott • ld I,..IIAA Mit.Vhlld.tlll111117114,1Rift '_li______..k f WE CATER TO Special Faily DinnersFO,' SUN A '. TRY OUR I1O1'IE STYLET) COOKED MEALS THROUGH THE WEEK. OPEN 7 A.M. '1'0 2 P.M. 5 P.M. TO I\II I)N ITE. PRIVATE PARTIES AND WEDDINGS CATERE,1D TO BY REQUEST. COMMERCIAL HOTEL Coffee Shop 4.. 1 htle4:59,u181+u►.Ll I t 1., 1,i �,sio I7LdlL,. i ial'kr.aIfoiY rtIIilldry brut .a 1111 III , ..1 RA! .s1A.1u;.--,,. 14044t 44+44 +484 44♦♦1184444444♦1.. 4444 444.44t:4 4+44+4,t. 44+44 ft:.44i.44t4W.41 t• URON GRILL BLYTIi ••• ONTARIO. EXCELLENT FOOD GOOD SERVICT Meals at All Hours. FRANK GONG 1.1- Proprietor 3;, ht•:1••.it, + O.0-4.1 01••,:•Q4•11.44:••4ot-44 .444•:ft4:444 ift:t4s•b+).11,1444•. 4•44414444:44i FE1)ERATION NEWS `'f 1lcnsall in winning the zone contest Ily kV. V. Roy lin public speaaking, and wish her ev- lluron Coa '.y Federation of Agri kry success in the provinci..::..was oU culture cougra''tla._ Velma Ferguson January- 5th in Toronto. Well 'January 6, j940 MAKE THE CO.OP Your Headquarters for FARM SUPPLIES, FEEDS, FERTILIZERS, LIMI, ETC, Cayman Hodgins, Manager, Blyth Farmers (o -Op Association TELEPHONE 172 • BLYTH, SNELL Profit -Proven CHICKS (GOVERNMENT APPROVAL) --- CHOICE OF 13ItEEDS --- s,C.\1'. Leghorn Rock X Leghorn. F. E. Barred Ruck. Damp X Leghorn, New I-iampsliires. Damp X Rock. Light Stis'ex, Sussex X Rock, Sussex X !lamp. Due to recent illness i have been enable to serve the local District, open dates available, We still have some For Full Particulars, Write or Phone, ALVIN SNELL Local Sales Representative, Telephone 35-11, Blyth. We Extend the Season's Greetings to Everyone, Fish Are Healthful We are fully stocked with the following varieties: Smoked Cod Fillets, Saluron Fillets, Whitefish Fillets, Lake Trout Fillets, Fresh •Cod Fillets, Salmon Steaks, Fillets of Sole, Haddock Fillets, Labrador Salt Herring.--- IN THE PIECE --- Salmon, Whitefish, Lake Trout. Arnold �'�` erthot Phone Orders in by .9 A.M. for Free Delivery, Telephone 10 --- Blyth, OGO�' "�OI�Or •0=Or. , . 10170 PREPAYMENT OF TAXES o PILLAGE OF BLYTH 0 A DISCOUNT OF 4 Percent WILL BE ALLOWED ON ALL 1919 TAXES IF PAID BY JANUARY 15th, 1919, BERNARD HALL, Treasurer, 16-2. Village of Blyth, 0=0• 10=0r 10=Or 10=Or 0 p 10 O 0 0 0 0 0 Better Clothing For the Whole Family at the Right Price. SANITONE DRY-CLEANING CUSTOM TAILORED SUITS WARREN K. COOK and NASH TAILORS, WI Heffron Box 111 • • BLYTH _ • Phone 211 1 TMD STANDARD IMitNNNit1N�IttttllNJNttIM , �MtIlltttNNNNIVN�NtttltNtMNII.NiMINtNtttNl`ItNNIWNNI�tlIV�1��1�tM{YltttftNIMIIVM ItOXX THEATRE, CAI'I'1'AL THEATRE REGENT THEATRE CHESTERFIELDS IELDS AND 1 I CLINTON. I GQDERICH. T_ 131=AFORTH, OCCASIONAL. CHAIRS Now Playing (Jan. 6.8) Red Skelton Now Playing. (Jan. 6.8) Red Skelton REPAIRED as "A SOUTHERN YANKEE" and Arlene Dahl in A Southern Yankee Nor; Playing (Jan. 6.8) Grouch° Marx i and Carmen Miranda in "Copacabana" 1111d Mon., Tues., Wed., (Jan. 10-12) Mon., Tues., Wed., (Jan. 10.12) Dick Powell, Signe Hasse and Ludwig Dan Dailey,NancyGuild and Charles Mon., , , r Tues, Wed. (Jan, 10.12) ItE-�OVEREI), DonathWinninger Ronald Colman Signe Hasa° and Ed - FREE Alt action -lacked documentary a t- g PICK-UP AND DELIVERY I I plus Givers Ruggles and ;i supreme mond O'Brien preach In the expose of an interna- comedy cast in a rollicking story of ; Based on Shakcspear's "Othe114' and ''or Furth(r Information Enquire at ti(nnal opium ring provides thril'in PAGE 5 1 ti I ' ti the theatre featuring superb performances in an i J. Lockwoods entertainment "GIVE MY REGARDS TO unusual drama "TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH" "A DOUBLE LIFE" Furniture Store, Blyth rine, Fr., _ 131.15) BROADWAY Sat (Jan• 1 In Technicolor - Agent, S:ratfard Upholetsring Co "SO WELL REMEMBERED" lairs. Hilton', novel brought to the) i Thur., Fri., .Sat., (Jan. 131.15 IttIINNI„IltrNftNtN.WNINt . Thur., Fri„_ Sat., (Jan. 13'•15 ) l Ann Sheridan, e Judy Garland, Gene Kell and Walter _ 1 seven by a top-notch east, lrll, all Errol Flynn and Bruce Slezak y ATTENTION! It 0' intimate secrets of an amazing Bennett 0 lively, dancing romance set amidst tuve affair \vitt, all it's human joy and 'Tell the tale of a man who gambled ALL PEOPLE WHO ARE IN NEED despair. You'll sae it's i;igu:ficeiit, his life for a city of silver and the love; the adventurous parts of the cast OF BUILDING MATERIALS j John Mills, Martha Scott, Patricia 0f its golden queen i ' "THE PIRATE” Roc and Trevor Howard "SILVER RIVER” in Technicolor We have Lumber of various (limen- _ I sign,, Asphalt Shingles, \Ictal Roofing, Coming (Jan, 17.19) In Technicolor ------_ .._.. — _-_ __.__ inscl Brc Siding, Stock 'Troughs, Simi- "A DATE WITH JUDY" ' Coming (.tan. 17.19) "My Heart Goes Coming (Jan. 17.19) In Technicolor lowand Deep \\'ell Pumping Outfits, starring Jane Powell Crazy' "A DATE WITH JUDY Mat,. Saturday and Holidays, 2.30 Mat.,' Wed., Sat„ Holidays at 2.30 Mat.. Saturday and Holidays, 2.30 iihrowNN OIf ............~..•#.. N,„,YNNI,,NIIVIINIINNIId{YNItNNt .0~es#NttNlt z Plumbing Fixtures, Tubs, 'J'oilets. 1.av• n atoes, Enamelled Sinks, Pipes in all sizes, and Pipe Fittings, and \VooI In- sulation. 1f you require any of the above ma- terials, get in touch with L, Scrimgeour & Son 33-tf, Telephone 36, Blyth. THANKS 1 wish to thank the party who, after i removing my overcoat from the Hotel lobby, returned it entact, on Christmas eve, G. Clare. 16-ip.' Card Of Thanks The Women's institute Irish to thank; all those who helped in anyway to make the play "\ir. Beane From Lima” such a ..access. Special thank, to every member of the cast who took their parts so well, and to the directors! \Irs. C. Ilodgins and Mrs. iI. Phillips, who gave so much time and work. \I- so 10 the children tt•1ut were especially (Rifer. ANNUAL FIREMEN'S BALL i'he annual Firemen's hall will he held in the Memorial hall, Myth, on Friday night, January 28tH. Music by the Ranch Boys, keep this (late open and watch for further particulars. 16-1. WANTED Live poultry. Call Norm. Knapp, Myth 16r9. highest prices paid. 13-tf FOR SALE 22 young pigs, ready t0 wean. ,11)- ply Apply to C. L. 1lollingcr, phone 45-5„ 1 Brussels. 10.1, FOUND 11/2 miles east of Illyth on the Boun- dary, a man's brown .felt hat, size 7 118 Contact i<en. Brigham, phone 17-5, Illyth. 16-1p. • WANTED 10 good pigs, anything up to 75 lbs. midst be good. Apply to Ernest Leg- gett, phone 12-5 Myth, R, R. 3. 16-1-p. FOR SALE Metal bath tub, good size. Price 510,1)9, Apply \Irs. Jim Armstrong, Blyth. 16 -Ip. FOR SALE 3 head of cattle, 60O to 650 lbs. , ,p- (1y 'to George Wasson, phone 15-16, Myth, or Walton, R.R. 3, 9th con. of M orris. 16.1. NOTICE The Council of the Township of Morris hereby Fcrves notice that it trill not be responsible during snow plowing operations, for ;Inv dania caused to automobiles parked on road- sides, mail boxes, milk cans, ,etc. 1 A FULL STOCK OF FRESH GROCERIES a11(1 DRY GOODS MERCHANDISE ALWAYS ON HAND, Jack Wilson General Merchant I3ELGRAVE - ONTARIO Phones: Brussels, 14R8. Wingham, 044R22 Open Saturday Night Only Save By Shopping Where Prices Are Lowest. ereeeemereeeN•I N 1+„eN••Nl NNN •1 • I rJ NNNt,NNN'NNI,IItIMtNINN. LYCEUM THEATRE WINGHAM—ONTARIO, Two Shows Sat, Night Pictures subject to change N•ithotlt i'wo Shows Each Night starting At ,„,I,N,,,,,,,N,INIINNIN 7:15 `AATINEE: SATURDAY AFTER - FOR FLAKY PIE CRUST :hansres in time will be noted below ARTHUR FRASER INCOME TAX REPORTS BOOKKEEPING SERVICE, ETC. Ann Street, EXETER, Phone 355w NOON AT 2 P.M. Fri„ Sat„ January 7 and 8 "PANHANDLE” Rod Cameron, Cathy Downs Monday, Tuesday, Jan. 10 and 11 'THE SECRET LIFE OF WALTER MITTY" Danny Kaye, Joan Caulfield 4 Wed, Thurs., January 12 and 13 (DOUBLE BILL) "LOUISIANNA" WATERFRONT AT MIDNIGHT' • . Ratepayers please govern theulscl- ves accordingly. Hand and Electric Standard Cream Separators, Fleury -Bissell Discs and Plows. Smalley ,Forage Blowers and Hammer Mills Full Line of Oliver Farm Equipment. MORRITT & WRIGHT IMPLEMENT DEALERS FOR OLIVER IMPLEMENTS Telephone 4 and 93. Blyth, Ontario 111 11 . 1 . 1 1 1. ,III ttN M I,,.,\ MrNI,N'I N•,NNII M Gordon Elliott J. 11. R. Elliott ELLIOTT' Real Estate Agency' BLYTH. THE FO1.LO\PING D\YELLING FO R SALE WITH IMMEDIATE POSSESSION: 11/2 and 1 storey frame dwelling, soft and hard water, hydro, fur- nace, situated on north side of Drummond Street, 471/2 acre farm, on highway, within 1 wile of ]Myth, good build- ings, small bush and orchard. A number of other properties for isale Particulars upon request, ♦„ ewrNttN, I41 use Lb. 39.c Assures 'fender Baking. s * 9 California Grapes, 2 lbs, 25c Sunkist Oranges, 2 doz, 35c Large Tapioca... per Ib, 29c Bulk Macaroni,. . 2 lbs, 19c STEWART'S GROCERY WE DELIVER PHONE 9 DENNIS C, DRAPER, M D PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office Hours " Daily Except Wednesday and Sunday, 2 p.m. 0 4 p.m. 7 p.m. to 9 pan, Telephone 33 Blyth, Ont, 47.52p, Doherty Bros. GARIGE. !Home made Acetylene and Electric Welding A Specialty. BREAD, Agents For International- CAKES Harvester Parts & Supplier and White Rose Gas and Oil:.%1 PASTRY. Car Painting and Repairing FRESH EVERY DAY 0111 FOR SALE Frank's Home Bakery 'I'Itank you, De Forest "1.2Radio, complete with RUSSET. 13. CU1.1 1E, batteries. Apply to Jack Cole, phone 16-3.Road Supt. 174, Blyth. 16-1, "MOTHERS" "RAINPROOF" all yotlr clothes at hone. Keep . B EA_ U TY S H 0 P and loved goes (Try and healthy in wet (mud \Ir . George Watt, with 30 pees14"Z<=>I'1`'"lr'I=d�3'4•"'�!" weather, Just sprinkle it on Topcoats, cot. The group listened to the broad- : .• Jackets, Play Suits, Snow Suits, i cast. Following this a most enjoyable - 'I'rench Coats, Overalls, \latt•esses,1 singsong was held with \Irs. Watt "OPEN, MORNING, AFTERNOON, It is invisible bit •.lure keeps the rain 'at the piano. Recreation period con- out. on- AND EVENING. t \ 89 t bottle will Ii three' �' ,ted of games of euchre Lost Meir, nectcoats. Economical,— you said it,,;uul rrol:inulc. Lunch was serve( and - ; hearty vote of thanks tendered to I - At Philp's Drug Store, Only. t BOUNDARY FARM FORUM PARICVI E 11 family's Nlonday, January 3rd, the Boundary your children Faros Forum tact at the home of \l r 1 1. d II . ._5u 1 av,v• ; OPTOMETRIST and OPTICIAN Goderleh, Ontario , - Telephonl V Eyes Examined and Claims Fitted, .With 25 Years Experience ou . : n eco to e v ( I i Where Better Permanents Cost Less. I\l r. and \Irs. \\'ant, Next meeting I - HULLETT will he held at the home of Nit.. and _ Phone:35. The Fireside Farm Forton tact on \l rs. Archie Young. DINSLEY STRE.4T NI ()Inlay night at the home of Mr.'and elf's j OOL.ROOM. .I. .1 311 11. II 1 i. 1 1 M. 1b I. I Mrs. Oliver Anderson, with the press. . dent, \I rs�. Bert lioggart itt charge of i HIGH CLASS DECOR. the meeting, Sixteen members were ' ATING AT LOW COST! present After listening to the broad- _ cast, two groups were formed for (lis- • . cussion period. Later, progressive l euchre was, played and lunch served. Next meeting is to he at to home of : Mr. and Mrs. Atotin Dexter. _ The sympathy of the community is eexteniled to Rev and Nits. Brenton in the loss of his mother. On New Year's Day Mr. and Mrs. . Watson Reid of Myth, entertained - Mr. and Mrs. Jact Kellar of Scaforth, Mr. Hugh Campbell of Walton, lfr_ and Mrs. \\rot. Carter, Mr. and Mrs. -. George Carter and Glen, of l.oiides- boyo. Other guests were enable to be = present because of roads and weather. On \\Wednesday, January 5th., a meet- ing of the ratepayers of S.S. Xo. 4 is to be held in the school house to (Es-; Phone 37.26. LONDESBORC - If you are interested in a high class job of de- - corating at moderate cost, we would be pleas- ed to quote x'0'1 a p1'1Ce on your next job. We use the most modern methods for decorating,. either naintingor paper, ing.. \\Te \vi11 be Owed to serve you. F. ell PRE$T - cuss the advisability of re -opening the school. Mrs. Wm. Carter is spending the 'BRUSH AND SPRAY PAINTING week with her granddaughter. Mrs. $unworthy Wallpaper Paints and Enamels. Watson Rci(1, of Myth. :hiss Muriel Dale is sufficiently re- covered to leave the hospital. S11t0IIER'S SUNDRIES Tobaccos, Cigarettes, Pop,. and Other Sundries, GODERICH HARBOUR " QU1131`1-41`../44444442444:4:444-44441 There is little. actk Sty; t the Goch•,. rich harbour at present :!Tile coinnle' THE McKILLOP MUTUAL vial fishermen mind` ()Midi's; of other small craft haver pulledtheir boats on shore, and locked, them up for the season. - t` \\ 'canter conditions here were chansea,ble on \Yednesday. A heavy fog spread over the toren, ,"°flowed by a misty rain. The streets were full of heavy slush and pools of ryatcr. The burliness section Of the town was quiet after the Christmas rush, and ntau;r merchants were busy tak- ing t he annual inventory, as there were few slioimcri out to interrupt Itient. Road conditions 011 provincial and county hio,hleays were reported good in this (listtict. The Goderich Public School Hoard 11:granted \tics E. \Iael)onald, of tl.2 Central school staff, leave of ab- sc .-e for :ix months. Miss Grace Me - i K'„non, Lucknoly, has. been engaged `to take her place, starting in January. FIRE INSURANCE CO. HEAD OFFICE • SEAFORTH, ONT. Officers President, F. McGregor, Clinton; Vice President, C. W. Leonhardt Brod, hagen ; Secretary -Treasurer and Manu ager, M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors' W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; Prank McGregor, Clinton; Alex. Broadfoot, Seaforth; Chris. Leonhardt, Born' holm; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; John L. Malone, Seaforth; John 11. McKw.. ing, 131yth; Hugh Alexander, 'Walton; S. H. Whitmore, Seafort1 ; Harvey Euller, RR. 2, Goderich. Agents jdhn 1, Pepper, Brunefield; 12. F. McKercher, Dublin; J. F. Prtteter, Brodhi en; George A. Watt, Blyth. Parties desirous to effect ihst1ra'hce or transact other business, will be promply att. ti Jed to by applications to any of the a'lore named ,•tficers addressed tc their res, et 6 Cost of. flees • Saved Himself By Flashing SOS Signal—When a freight train crushed his left foot, Donald LaCrosse, 11, blinked a SOS signal with his flashlight to attract attention of the train crew. Donald, a newspaper boy, was trapped tinder two wheels of the freight car. 'There is a good chance of saving the injured foot. Courts Reveal Marriage Secrets What a strange marriage!" we say when we read of a rich wife who made her husband do the housework as a ''glorified, manservant," insisted That he should write letters to her at her dictation, have no social life; never visit friends, have no money of his own but leave her to pay his bills for clothes and other personal things. When these facts were disclosed in a recent English Chancery Court ease the husband declared that, de- spite them, his thirty-six years of married life was "one long honey. moon" and they were really a Darby and Joan! In all those years they rarely went out, and slept only one night away from home. She told him she could not bear him out of her sight, Strange? Yes, indeed, but at times marriages come into the legal spot- light, that make one gasp, Coming to Terms There was a remarkable case In Chicago in which the wife of a tram conductor presented the judge with the following ten points as the lowest terms for dropping her divorce suit: "I run the home, He shan't hit me or call me names, He shall allow me more for food and expenses' And an allowance for my personal use, He keeps the yard clean, On days off he mows the lawn, Gives me every other Tuesday off to at- tend Women's Clubs, Takes me out once a week, Gives me kisses and affection. He can keep ten dollars a week spending money." "Fine," said the judge. "Now how about a list from the husband?" The man sat down with pencil and paper, but could think up only six points: "She shan't break or destroy property in the home; get angry be- cause she can't go out every time she feels like it; gossip about me to neighbors; she shall count to fifty before doing anything; set the table completely before we sit down; when she goes to shops she will buy everything she wants at one time, so she won't have to make ten trips daily," "Well of all —" exploded the wife. But the •judge, holding up his band, said, "Count fifty," So she subsided, and they both signed. The searchlight was focused on soother strange marriage when a frantic North Carolina wife told the police that her husband had shot himself, "He threatened to do it if I didn't stop nagging," she moaned. "Oh, if I'd only been kinder to him!" Whereupon the "corpse" sat up and, said: "It's' just a trjck, boys, The blood is tomato sauce" Was she kind to hint, now she Dad the chance?. Not a bit. As they starched 'him off for ' unlaWfully, discharging 'firearms she screamed: "Let me get it himl I'll murder flim I" • Lobster Parted Them One American 'millionaire. got into the habit of meeting girls in eight clubs, declaring, them his "dream," and proposing on the spot. Mostly in this way he contracted night marriages. One lasted`a fort• sight. Another broke after 'two months when the bride ordere4. lobster, He became angry with her because of the way she looked at the menu, "hoity-toity as if there was nothing good enough for her." Fannie Hurst, the novelist, dis- closed that she secretly married the pianist and composer, Jacques Danielson, on the understanding that they should live their own lives on these terms: She to retain her maiden name; any children to bear their father's name until they reach- ed years of discretion, when they might choose which to use perman- ently. The pair to maintain separate establishments, meeting "as per In- clination, not duty," and to have separate groups of friends. "We decided," said Miss Hurst, "that seven breakfasts a week opposite one another might prove irksome. Our average Is two." Neither was required to account for the time spent apart from the other, 11 the marriage did not work after a trial period they would quietly separate , .. After five years the report was, surprisingly, "O.K." In another marriage the wile said t'1at whenever she had a tiff with • her husband she played a record of their wedding, and such happy memories were revived that they kissed and made it up, But she did not state how long the second lasted before it wore out. A Canadian shipyard worker's wife, up on a "drunk" charge, was sentenced by the Vancouver magis- trate to be spanked by her husband, "I'm sorry, Patricia," he said when they reached home, "there's nothing else for it—sentence of the Court, you know," and put her across hie knee and soundly spanked her. After which—believe it or not—she was as good as gold. He Was Jealous! A curious marriage came to light in Poland recently, Neighbors noted that whenever the husband was al)... sent from the village the wife was never seen, The next time he was away police broke in and found her chained to a wall in the cellar. "My husband loves me," she explained haughtily. "I love him, But he is jealous. He chains me ftp whenever he goes away, Because I love him, I willingly submit." So they just shrugged and left her to her chains, ln.a recent Liverpool divorce case it was the husband who went down to the cellar --- to get away from the wife. He lived there the weeks, sleeping in damp clothes on a suit- case and tin box. Topsy-turvey Household Then tlyere was the man who told a North London magistrate that when his wjfe made life somewhat difficult by expecting hint to do the housework and wait on her hand and foot, he consulted older friends, who suggested that a baby (light slake her more reasonable. When a baby came along he found that his troubles only increased. Now he had to rise at 6.80 to give baby a bottle. One of the strangest marriages was that of Thomas Day, author of "Sandford and Merton." First he "adopted" a girl from an orphanage to train her to be the "perfect wife." To teach her stoical restraint Ise dropped hot sealing -wax on her neck and arses, fired blank cart- ridges. at her without telling her they were blank, Giving her up be- cause she loved frivolous clothes, 1►e married a Miss Milnes, He allowed his wife no luxury of any kind, stopped all correspondence with her family, forbade her to sing or play the harpsichord, which she did well, and when he added to the house a dressing -room for her, in- sisted that it had no window, so that for years she llad'to dress by candle -light. He never allowed any complaint about her health; when ill she was bundled out of doors to walk until she dropped, The little orphan had not missed much by failing to grow into the "perfect wife"! Husband is "Furniture" Marry Wotlstonecraft, feminist author of the "Vindication of the Rights of Woman," 'had some pe- culiar ideas about marriage when she wedded author William Godwin. "A husband," she wrote, "is a con- venient part of the furniture of a house." He should have a room some doors away to. work in; they would dine out separately when they liked) their work and. friends would remain separate. And evidently it satisfied both, At least they. were on visiting terns: , , . The magnetic -eyed explorer, Sir Richard Burton, who was adored by his wife, used to mesmerize her regularly, "He had only to say 'Talk!'" she, declared, ,"and I used to telt him everything I knew. I have often told him things that I would much rather keep to myself." While she was in a trance he would sound her about the future and luckily she was usually right. Their marriage survived eveh that severe test, which would probably wreck most, But the strangest marriage of all must have been that of millionaire Alonzo Thompson, of Maryville, Missouri, who hada life-size wax effigy made of his former wife when he remarried, It sat at their table and was served. The second wife had to undress it and put it to bed every night and dress it for breakfast in the morn - Ing, If she wanted money for a new gown the husband Invariably con- sulted the effigy, pretending to hear the answers. Usually they were "No, she can toal•c do with what she has l" NW .11E1101.1 111.1•1=imiml I PIR PL /a SXTC As threatened last week, this piece will be an attempt to peek into the future and give our readers some idea of what they may expect to see, or hear about, in the ,ports field during the year—where's that new calendar, now? -0h, yes, the year 1949, If it reaches you a trifle late— well, that's probably due to the in- fluence of the horses we het on, * a 'There has been considerable speculation, we might say, regarding exactly what method of divination we use in staking these annual fore- casts so uniformly untrustworthy. So we !sight as well say that we are the first seer to employ—trot the old tea -leaves method—but the more modern and up -to -the minute tea bags. Ordinary tea cup readers — the kind that ladies go to in order to find if there is a tall, dark billion- aire in their future—claim that with the tea bags they cannot see a thing clearly, Well—neither can we, but if you think that's going to stop us, you little know our determination. Or nerve, • Well, then, in the—QUOTE— World's Fastest Sport — UN- QUOTE—what may we expect?— you ask. . Along about Ground Hog Day the Chicago Black Hawks will discover that, just as a bird cannot fly on one wing, neither can a hoc• key team continue to soar on one wing line. Jolly Jack Adams will blow his top and say that there is a concerted effort on the part of the officials to ruin his Detroit Red Wings, Dour Dick Irwin will get even dourer, and assure hitt clientele that there is a cone d plot on the part of all the other five teams to make hospital cases out of all his stars, * h q Arthur Ross of Boston—who has alarmed many of his friends recently by actually smiling once in.a while— will recover his form and say that Connie Smythe is a lot like Stalin in his methods—only worse, Frankie Boucher will be found in a quandary —wondering whether he should pull for his team to win more games for Lyn Patrick than they did when under his personal charge. And when everything is washed up and the real hockey begins — meaning the playoffs — it will be found that the Smyth -Day method has again paid off. This method, in case you don't know about it, con- sists in having three teams—one on the way up from the minors, one at Maple Leaf Gardens, and the third on the way back to the minors. In other \rords, as hockey is played today, quality is important enough, no doubt, but it isn't one- two -three as compared with quant- ity. Just who the Maple Leafs op- ponents will be in the final finals, we cannot exactly say, the tea bag having developed a split in the seams, l3ut, offhand, we wouldn't be too much surprised if it turned out to be 'Detroit. * , In Horse Racing, we have no hesitation in coming out and fear- lessly stating that the Kentucky Derby will be won by a three-year- old—in fact you can go right now and wager the roll on this, as it's as near a sure thing as possible. Continuing on our intrepid course, we'll go even further and say that the winner of the King's Plate will be a steed that first saw the light of day in the Dominion of Canada. Beyond this we do not care to go. If we were to give the names of the actual winners it would cause the gents who make the Winter Books a lot of trouble—and some of them are having enough trouble as It is, hardly knowing where their next Cadillac is coming from, * 9i s In baseball—if the present trend keeps up—they will have to take a day off in mid-season and introduce the various Big League managers to one another. Present-day base- ball magnates probably were taught in school that when there are only two pennants to be divided among sixteen teams, somebody is bound to go short, But they simply don't believe It, and so --as soon as a team ARCHIE EMERGENCY/ SEND AN AMBULANCE/ BRING A STOMACH I' E BEEN POIBONEOI blows its chances, it allton atically loses its manager. This is supposed t0 keep elle falls feotn squa111aitg — anothcr cr.alnple of the ;rusting in- nocence of those ,\ ho think tlicy can buy pennant t1 inners the .,lime as you do hamburg;r—by tic lump. As to who will actually take the National and American League flags—well, there are dozens, even scores of sport experts who will tell you that, or attempt to. Always original, we shall try and be differ- ent and let you in on the secret that it will be neither the Chicago White Sox or the Philadelphia Phi's. * , In Canadian football, along about November the first a quaterback will call for a punt on the first down, and the crowd—and the opposing team—will be so stunned by the novelty that they won't recover till the game is over, Forward passers and catchers will be a dime a dozen, and every coach north of the border will be willing to trade them—six for one—in exchange for a kicker who can really get distance or direc- tion, or a middle wing who can go for six minutes without yelling for relief, The Big Four winner will prob- ably be Ottawa Rough Riders again — and when they next meet the Western Champs, the boys from the wide open spaces would do well to have a care — In fact a couple of cares, They have long memories, down around Parliament Hill, and they aren't going to forget what happened in the Calgary game In any twelve months, But by the time we get around to that point, hockey will probably have been run- ning for at least eight weeks, and as that's the game with which we began this, we'll finis!) on the same sweet note. * A In conclusion, we expect to see sports attendances in every line slip considerably during the year to come — and if you think the pro- moters, who have been making hay In large bundles for the past decade, will taka such slippage without wailing, moaning or groaning—well, just keep your ears tuned. • Risks Of Research-Morking with the atotli smashing ma- chines known as cyclotrons, these two physicists and three others have suffered cataracts which cloud their sight. Both Professor Gerald Kruger (top) and Dr. Lloyd Snaith (bottom) injured their sight in 1943 while helping set up a big cyclotron. ISSUE 2 - 1949 CLASSI11I:I) BAD, CHICKB 18ARLT CHICKS mean extra profits In Do Fall when egg prices are high. Order your baby chicks now and be assured of deliverY date also breed you desire. All our breeders are government banded and pullorum-tested, Write for our catalogue and price*. Discount given on all. earls' orders, Monitton Poultry Forma, MonkfOn, Ontario. , MARTINDALE'S CANADIAN APPROVED CHICKS Barred hocks, New tlampshfree, Light Sussex, White Leghorne, New Ham - shire shire X Barred Rocks, Light Sussex X New liampehlrea, Over 25 yearn experience, Price list and folder on request. Martlndnle'e Barth Hatchery, Caledonia, Ont, PROMPT DELI\'EitY on laying and ready - to -lay pullet's, White Leghorne, Barred Rocks, New ltampshtree, Light Sussex, Cruse breeds. i'reo Catalogue. Tweddle ,Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. SALE CLEARANCE SALE QI'EEN 01L glttltllltilt STOVE Regular price 920.05, Sale price 520,00, Brand new, delivered to your elation before January 2201h. The Queen 011 Ilroodere have elven out - 'standing reunite on our own plant and to hun- dreds of (ustomers, They are safe, economical and easily operated In cold or warm weather. Also room heaters, regular 127.95. Sale price 120,00. Ronk your order today. 10 Per rent depoelt, balmiest C.O.D.. before Jam. 201), at this Ptlre. LAKEVIEW HATCHERY EN ETCH, (1N•'r%itltl 3 COLOR CALENDAR __ Send for your free copy. no not oder chicle until you sen 11, Dur 'prices tore moderate, our qunlily' Ilret class, 20 years bretdtng and hatching, 0 breeds' and crossbreeds, 11.0,1'. Breeder for 11 years. Fully Accredited Hatch- ery. The Fisher Orchards, i'reemen, Ont. WITH farm noels the smallest since 1938, with poultry 'neat In storage down several million pounds from last yenr — with feed prices likely to be lover by Spring — ala Indication's point to a big demand for chicks, Place your order at once and take delivery early. Mao broiler [Dirks, laying and ready to lay pullets for lams:Mute delivery, Free catalogue. Top Notch '',hick Sales, Guelph, 0 it io, SEND for circular on "How to lilt The Top Egg Market", It's free. Start your Plan - 'ling now It you want eggs when prices are highest. No one actually knows what egg Prices will be in 1949, but every year they are higher during the Inet six months of the year then they are daring the first six months, Tweddle chicks have given ot• euetomera set- lefaetlon for 25 years, 12 Pure breeds and 13 cruse breeds to choose from. Alan laying and ready to Iny indicts and broiler chicks for immediate delivery. Free catalogue and poult'y guide, 'Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fefgua, Ontario, YOU'LL. 3)11 PLEASED with Shaver's White Leghorne and Barred leucite, Every chick 31.0,1'. sired—records 270.343 egas, All breeders 011 our own farm. Write today, Donald Shaver, Route 1, Galt, Ont, WE'VE DATOLD, and some etnrted, chicks for reasonably prompt shipment, 1949 pricellat Is ready and it's time to order Dray Chicks for Jan,—Feb. delivery, Cata- logue will bo ready shortly, Dray Hatchery, 180 John N„ Hamilton, Ont. DOORS BOOKS on Doge, Cato, Rabbits, Aquaria, Bees, Bird's, Pigeons, Poultry, Dairying, Farming, Fruit, Flowers, Fishing, Hunting. Catalogue Free, Morgans, London. IIUSiNESS OPP(InTUNJT1J1 AN OFFER to every Inventor—Llat of tnven. tions and full Information sent tree. The Ramsay Co. Registered Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank Street, Ottawa. DYEING AND CLEANING IIAYLI YOU anything needs dyeing or clean• Ins/ Write to us for Information. We are glad to answer your question' Department 11, Porker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Tense Street, Toronto, Ontario. • 1117LI' WANTED FARM HELP For experienced Immigrant tern' help from Holland arriving spring 1040, apply "butch Immigration Committee." P.O, Dox 234, Chathnm, Ontario. I'ARM i•OR SALE _ 100 ACRES clime1 L \ AD. Good hottee, • hennery, piggery, shed, barn, maple bush 96,000, 100 ae, Joining traversed same streak, 160,000 standing Pine, 600 cords wood on Paved highway 16,000, 60 ne, excellent house, well at door, maple bush, hydro available In all 92600. 8 ac, good 60' barn, new 00' hen- nery, double deck brick house, hydro 97,000, Chas. Sctutre, owner, Brighton, R. 1, Ont. roto 8AI.1: HI -POWERED RIFLES Write for new flats and orlree SCOPF HALER rn v 920 'Jure, St Ottawa, 001. MiNK-WOLF-FOX TRAPPERS cash to on the high Mink Prices and Wolf Uounty, trapping the 'Scientific Way, using flehere Course and Scent made from Animals' Glands. Write for particulars to Fisher, Box 420, Calgary, Alta, NEIV factorybu11t enowptows, different Mem hand hydraulic. Immediate delivery. Craig Equipment Registered. 21 Chamberlain Ave'._, Ottawa M ENS 1'tf1117 tw'0O1. SOCKS, very warn, extra long wearing: Grey or white, Medium weight 91.15 Pr. or 912.00 doz pre, Light weight 95c or 91,60 doz. pre. Men's wool mitts O0c pr. delivered. Mary Maxim, :Brion, Man. CHAIRS folding, all types. !write tot catalogue, MILLCON CHAIR AND TABLE CO., 816 81.008 ST. W., TORONTO FOR SALE—Acenl•disne 2 to 120 bass, write for catalogue, terms arranged, also all other instruments 11 4 Tier z. Iingersvllle, Ontnrlo APEX VENETIAN ',HANDS Made to Measure --•Promo' DellverY Free estimate and guaranteed. Removable alma and tapes, 66 CENTS A SOCAItI: COOT WM, Molhl)s AND SONS — WA. 3744 120 Jarvis Street, near Queen, Toronto Phone or Moil Orders accepted, TOWELS Fine qunlily part liners ten towels, size 31" x 20", white with blue nr red cheeke, 3 for $1,26 postpaid, Heavy long wearing hath towels, size 22" x 42", in green, I"•neh nr orchid Willi white terry atrlpes, 91.36 each or 92.60 stair poetpeld. Exceptions') iniac, order now and rave. Money refunded If not satisfactory, Welker, Box 98, SL Jambs, Ontnt•lo. HONE -SPUN TARN. Very warns, extra long wearing: Grey, w'htte, Drown, Heather, Scarlet, Royal Blue, Paddy Green, Black • — 2 or 3 ply 91.08 ih., 10 ibe. or over 91.60 delivered, Mary Maxim, Sifton, Man, SNOW FENCE Write Made) t'enre Co,. 196 River Street Toronto REGISTERED COCKER SPANIELS, Famous Warwick and Glen Rouge strains; priced low: reducing shock; immediate dellverY Write Klrktnwn Cottage, South Lanenster Ontario, BUT THAT WATER 18 FROM THE rr'S THE PUREST THING YOU COULD DRINK! YEAH! ! THAT'S WHYU THINKI BETTY JUST CALLED UP AND SAID.... ADV I U JSING FUR BALE 70 BELOW ZERO SUITS Blue, fleece -filled, enttrr•Uned, zippered, wing. proof and water -repellant, knit cuff and ankle. Pockets and hood, ideal for doctors on nlebt cases, Partners, Huntera, ate. Coat 5160,00, SPECIAL AT $22.50 , Surplus Products, 266 Dalhousie St., Ottaw4. LEADER TRACTORS tmmettlute delivery before heavy Spring de. mends With 3 furrow Lift Ploughs, Dili Plows, Dlac linrrows, !lowers, 'now Ploughs, Hydraulic Loaders and other Implements. Write P. ,l. Lyons A Company Limited, / ronge Street, Toronto for full particulars, ONE 13" PAPE! HAMMER MILL, pmol. catty new. One horse drawn case a1 • rake One Corkehutt steel wagon, IV, Dell, R R. 8, Lontton, Phone MET. 98093- , A1,115 1, COltltll(LtTED ROOFINGS and SIDING, 6 to 14% u. lengths'. sheer 38", cover 82" wide, N gauge, DRICU ,7I1'rA'IION paper In colts la" Colors red, buff, and green, black Joint sad white, A8Pl1ALT SHINGLES, rod roofing, paper acutan, tarred felt, braver hoard, Price and samples on request. Immediate delivery from stock. MATERIALS, SECONDS ASI'1IAL'r SIIINOLES, 210 Ibe, 14.96. Square, Color red green, black, ROLLED ROOFING, 90 lbs. Red. green, 83.55 per square, ROLLIIIt3CK 6(DINO. fled, buff, green, 19,01 per square, F.O,3). Chnrette, A. L. GONNEVILLE kl'F'G, Charotte, Ou•, DOTING SALE] of 2 -wheel trailers, Clearing Price 8126,00, Waverley Motors, 148 Albert St„ Ottawa, Ont. ATTENTION FARMERS; We carry lbs largest stork of uaed end new Parte SOT the older popular makes of farm tractors, Write us for price lista, stating make el tractor. General Tractor k Supply Machine Shop, 630 Winnipeg St,. Regina, MEDICAL READY PRINT CLASSIFIED HOOD ADVICEI Every sufferer of Rheum, - tie Tains or Neuritis should try Dixon Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, 336 Elgin, Ottawa. Poatpatd 91.00. IT'S 1MPORTANT—Every sufferer of Rheu- matic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, 986 Elgin, Ottawa, Postpaid 11,00. OPPORTUNITIES for MEN and WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOiN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn llalydreesing Plcatant dignified profession, good wages, thoueanda minces'sfu) Marvt•I graduates, America's greatest system. Illustrated cats• logo° free, Write or Call 1IARVEL li.A1RDRESSiNO SCII0OLS 356 [Moor St. W., Toronto Bratnches, 44 King St., Hamilton k 72 Rideau Street, •ttawa, MEN—Cut your own hair, llluatrnted Inetruc- done $1.00. Special !!mind offer. Handl. crafts, Sechelt, 13.C, SHOilTIIAND 1'r HOME. Send only one dollar to Kingawny College, 2918 Moor Street, Toronto. ilenunl has English, French and speed acetions. Ine'tructlon bulletin, Certificate awarded. l'A'l'EN'rS FETHERBTONAUGR & Company, Patent So Heller' Established 1810, 14 King west Toronto. Booklet of Information on request. PERSONAL ASTROLOGICAL READINGS, Scientific. Asn curate. Please write for infornmtlon, Eva Winfield, 869 Thurlow, No. 208, Vancouver, STAMPS 307 ALL Different 10e. Trtnnglea, commem- oratives, high values! Bicolored beauties! Strange countries! Extra: Ionian stump, All only 10e with approvals. Unreelon Stamp Company', Dox 428, Calais, Maine, U.S.A. WANTED FAIIMS, country homes and country bust, neasen wanted immediately for waltlne clients. Some with all card', What have yon to offer for sale? N. II. Dlnnlek, Realtor, 1114 Yong, Street, Toronto. DO YOU NEED MONEY? Highest pricer paid for scrap gold jeweIry, gold dental work, rings, chains, watcher, gold coins, ere. Satisfaction guaranteed or mer- chandlie returned. Old Gold Co, 167 Coils St. %west, klontrea) 3. JIELI,E1'C12 CONVALESCENT IIt1Y1'ITAL 1\ 111;AIJTIFi1L ST. CATHAIRINES, A home away from home. Graduate noses; male and female; night and tiny time. i:xcel- lent meals, prices (moderate, private tool semi - Private rooms evelleble. Our specialty Is tierrOtn,, aged and cunvnleerent, Our nim: For Information apply to eupeelntendt; or [enrt 'Ay and set•vlce. phone 1.8353, DOES INDIGESTION WALLOP YOU BELOW THE BELT? Help Your Forgotten "28" For The Kind 01 Relief Thal Helps Make You Ruin' To Go Moro than hall of your digestion le done below the belt—in your 28 feet of bowels, Sthat helps digestion strikes, stomach AND something below the hat you may need le Carter's Little Lives Pills to give needed help to that "forgotten 28 feet' of bowels, Tend none after nieals, Take then accordinggoto directions, They help wake up n larger flow of the 3 main digestive juices in your stomach AND bowels—help you digest what you have eaten in Nature's own *illy, makThen s y'000feel bfolatter from kind head relief S our toes. Just be sure you get the genuine Carter', Little Liver Pips from your druggist -33o Coughs are dangerous ii neglected Get Relief Usually,,. QUICKLY, PLEASANTLY WITH M01,l. Bronchial Ease COUGH SYRUP At ALL DRUGGISTS Ste LDd E ORIGINATORSMADE frl OFLY,M 01 D S By Montana ARCHIE FELL IN SUP THERE! V U • They Go Years Without Water • --- Ninety-nine people out of a hu,t- dred will tell you with sureness of mind—"Of course, all animals need to drink water at least once a day," That is an erroneous belief, for there are many animals in the world that go for a period of from a tnonth to two or tlu'ec years without being able to secure drinking water, Willis P. Knight writes in Our Dumb Animals, The only moisture they ob- tain is from morning dew or from the fleshy leaves of plants, Right in our own country are little animals that do not even care for water If it is set before them, Camel's Stomach One might suppose that such ani- mals have means of storing Water supplies as does the cancel, with his stomach of several divisions, The camel drinks very generously and his stomach acts as a reservoir so that he can travel across the desert and not be obliged to drink for several days, A few animals do ab- sorb moisture in their bodies during the rainy season of the country where each lives but others do not even meet with a rainy season. In the Pacific Ocean lies an unin- habited land known as Henderson's Island, It is about six miles long, has no annual rainfall, no swamps or water holes and no springs, It is the driest place imaginable and yet on that island live rats, lizards and about half a dozen birds of various species, The birds may be able to fly 120 miles to Pitcairn Island and get water but the rats and lizards stay there at home and get abso- lutely no drinking water as long as they live. What moisture they get comes from dew and from a few desert plants that grow on the Island, Sahara Desert 1f you were to go to the Sahara Desert you would find wild pigs living along its border foothills. This region has rainfall perhaps once In two or three years and it Is not of a sufficient amount to fill up deep water holes or cause springs of water to forst, These wild pigs get what moisture they can from the thick, fleshy leaves of the cactus. One of the most Interesting ani- mals that does not seem to need an abundant supply of water is a small rodent known as the pocket mouse which lives in our deserts, It re- ceives Its name because each cheek has a fur -lined pocket on the outside and in this it stores food such as nuts, etc. This tiny creature thrives where water seldom falls and where springs are rarely encountered, If one of them Is kept lit captivity and water is offered, it may taste It out Motorists Must Show Their Colors -of Gas 1—In Jerusalem an Israeli policeman siphons gas from a car in a check of unauthor- ized use of army supplies, Army gas is colored to prevent. illegal use. of curiosity but seldom takes a real drink. It will live for months on nothing but seed, well dried and thus does not gain any moisture, Kangaroo Mouse In the western part of this coun- try is another rodent, the wood rat, that lives In a place where rain falls not more frequently than once a year and in the Sonora Desert Is the kangaroo mouse that does not drink from water holes or springs and gets its moisture front desert plants. In nearly all deserts rain does fall in great quantities when it finally comes and .the plants soak up enormous quantities of the water and thus are enabled to live until the next rainfall appears in from one to three years. Among the large animals that sel- dom drink may be mentioned the prong -horned antelope, and the mountain sheep of nearly every land where rainfall is scarce. In fact, a mountain sheep seems to be the (tardiest of all mammals and can go front three to five months with no water to drink. Thomas Edison was a pioneer in the use of electricity for traction. PEACETIME USE FOR WARTIME DEVICE—That's a wartime mine detector—but in the picture it's being used to find stray pieces of metal which may be in these bales of rubber, just arrived from Malaya, Metal is sometimes found imbedded in the raw rubber and must be removed lest it: injure the .processing machines, THIS CURIOUS WORLD ® IN RNEij UON By William Ferguson 2woYiaq Odds. ('A PLAa is iPAN UP WHIN RI AN EAR OJ'CORN WITH AN ODD NUMBER. OF KERNEL. ROWS WAS FOUND RECENTLY IN NEBRASKA, AND IS PROBABLY 1HE ONLY KNOWN EXAMPLE OF THIS RARE OCCURRENCE - IN EXISTENCE TODAY. OWNED ROBINSONbOD.) 00PR.1 941 MY NIA 11 •. Me REO. U. 0. PAT. O 'he CASTS A SHADOW ALMOsr A 'MILLION MILES ;,:i WTb SPACE. 349 • maY Lincoln's Dream One afternoon in 1865, President Lincoln's Cabinet entered a council room for a meeting, and found the President seated at the head of the table, his face buried in his hands, Presently he raised his head. His face grave and worn, "Gentlemen," he said, "before long you will have important news," Someone inquired, "Have you bad news, Mr. • President? Is it some- thing serious?" "I have heard nothing; I've, had n. news," he replied. "But last night I had a dream, I dreamed I was in a boat, alone, I had no oars, no rudder, I was helpless in a boundless ocean." There was silence for a moment. Then the President added: "I have had that dream many times during the war. And each time, some great battle carne within a day or two, Yes, gentlemen, Perhaps tomorrow, perhaps in just a few hours, you will.• have important news." Five hours later, Abraham Lin - coin was assassinated. ' A look in the mirror at regular intervals would be a great help in finding the one responsible for many of our troubles. Old Gray Mare Shows Them More The horse is a good swimmer and he moves through the water very smoothly. I saw a hundred horses swim half way across the lake and back at Fort Qu'Appelle once and it gave me quite a thrill to watch them. An old grey mare was their leader. They were in a strange pasture bordering on the lake and she was homesick! She led the band down to the water and, after a few swal- lows, with her ears pricked she walked deliberately out beyond the shallow water and headed in a bee- line for the opposite shore which was a good mile away. She had a seven weeks old foal at her side and a yearling colt fol- lowing her. They never hesitated but followed her closely, as did every horse in that band. Ears pricked, eyes gleaming as tnuclt as to say, "I don't know where the old girt thinks she is going, but I guess it's all right. Anyway they all went, just like a brood of great ducks in V formation with the rip- ples streaming out behind than. Another fellow and myself went on horseback and we had just about made up our minds to ride around to the other side of the lake so as to head them off when they came ashore, when for some inexplicable reason the old grey leader swain around in a wide circle and headed back to the very spot where she took to the water, Perhaps her foal was tiring— they had been in the water for 15 to 20 minutes, or she made up her mind the distance across was too great. Anyway they all emerged safely and If you ever saw a slick looking lot of horses you did then! The sun shining on their soaking coats made them look like bronze and ebony, gold and silver, It did- n't take them long to change their appearance, however, A couple of shakes and a roll in the sand and the transformation was complete! Try This Test Dr, Donald A, Laird once asked a class of boys at Colgate Uni- versity to write down as fast as they could the initials of people they disliked. In a half minute some boys could think of only one person, others listed as many as 14. And those who disliked the largest num• ber were the boys who, Dr, Laird had discovered from previous re- search, were themselves the most widely disliked, A young bride, disturbed by her husband's presence in the kitchen while she was preparing dinner, ac- cidently knocked her cookbook to the floor. "You've made me lost the place," she cried, "and I haven't the least idea what I'm cooking!" . Will 'I4he Machine Man Made Finally Destroy Mankind? Enshrinement in the Smithsonian Institution at Washington of the Wright brothers' "Kitty Hawk," the first airplane to fly, and the simultaneous prediction that man soon may be able to travel through the air at a speed of 3,000 miles an hour dramatically illustrate how rapid has been the development of the machine. At the same time these things must raise the question of what man is doing to control this supersonic force his skill and ingenuity have developed. Has he, like Frankenstein, invented a mon- ster that will eventually destroy hint? Can he learn in time how to control himself as well as the ma- chine so that its great potentialities can be used to achieve good ends and a better life for everyone, or will he allow it to be used by evil or stupid men for evil ends? This enormous development in the speed of flight is something ,that has cotne about during the lifetime of most of the adult population of the world. The Wright brothers are dead, but there was a 63 -year- old man at the Smithsonian Insti- tution, Friday, who saw the first flight from Kill Devil Hill on Dec. 17, 1003. The Kitty Hawk's first flight of 120 feet and the second of 852 were made •at speeds of about six and nine mite? an hour, respec- tively, 'A man can run faster than that. A year later airplane speed was up to fifty miles an hour. Now, only forty-five years later, a young Army officer has flown at a speed of 1,000 utiles an hour, and the de- veloper of the rocket plane he flew says this speed can be tripled. This passage through the wild blue yon- der at four times the speed of sound strains the imagination, At that speed London would be only a lit- tle over an hour distant from New York, and Moscow an hour and A half. The evil uses to which this ma- chine that has telescoped distances almost beyond comprehension in less than half a century can be put was amply illustrated in the Second World War, Armies moved at little faster pace than did the Ro- man legions, but in the air the Second World War was fought at speeds of 400 and 500 miles an hour, It is so vast an arena, that of the air, that there can be no absolute defense against attack. There was not in the last war at the now relatively slow speeds of 500 ntiles an hour, At 3,000 miles an hour the balance swings even more heavily to the attackers' side. In a peaceful world this devourer of distance can bring many behe- fits to mankind. Food and medicine and succor to overcotne the effects of natural disasters can be sent to where they are needed almost as soon as the need is known, But a 3,00- mile - a - minute plane could carry an atomic bomb the sante distance in the same period of time, It would seen, to behoove pian to look to his development of peace machinery, and to accept the re- straints on national pride and anger that are the only sure guarantee against war. Otherwise this ma- chine he has invented will over- whelm and destroy, him, The choice is histo make. TIIEFARM FRONT 6(2m4svel),-,. Maybe you've heard of the old- fashioned farmer who—when asked If he ever made use of the various bulletins sent out by the Dominion and Provincial Departments of Agriculture, sniffed scornfully, "In the summer time, when they might be some good to me, I'm too blamed busy to read the things; and who wants to read about farming in winter, when there's nothing a body can do about the land?" ► ► ► Well, that's one way of looking at It, all right. But during the long winter months it mighn't be a bad n tion to sort of catch up on one's reading, and get a slant at some of the ideas—both new and old—that are going the rounds. For instance, Bulletin No, 459— "Life of the Soil"—!,sued by the Ontario Department of Agriculture, has some mighty Interesting things to say, from which I quote as fol- lows: • • ► "A soil without organic matter, or fibre or humus, is a DEAD SOIL. All soils contain at least some of such organic matter, but many farm soils contain so little that they are perilously close to ex- haustion and ultimate death. This In resulted from over -cultivation and cropping, with failure to put back enough organic matter to keep up sufficient resources in the loll." ► ► ► "The capacity of any loll to pro- duce crops is lowered as Its organic matter is reduced. As the soil's productive capacity decreases less organic natter—in the form of crop residues, manure and so on Is avail- able to be returned to the land. Thus a vicious circle sets in—poor crops to leave less organic matter—less organic matter to leave poorer soil. Is it any wonder then, that finally the tired, run-down soil gives up and refuses to produce any crop at all?" ► • • "This is not just theory, It has happened on many farms right is the midst of what we consider the best agricultural areas of Ontario. It is happening even now in farms all over the Province, because of misuse of the land. Prosperity of farming depends on the farms con- tinuing capacity to produce good crops. Soil depletion undertnines and destroys the very foundation of agriculture." ► ► ► The first step toward returning sol' to ..t original productive con- dition—the Bulletin goes on to ex- plain—is to sit down and take stock of your past cropping programs. Ir roduction of organic material to the ground—by the use of proper fertilizers, barnyard manure and other means—is all clearly outlined ► ► • In this connection I might breal in and say that the question is oftee asked as to how much more plan food Is contained in poultry .ma ure than In manure from horse, cattle etc.—also, does it lessen th' value of manure for It to heat whet In piles. • • • '1 The answer is that the exat amount of plant food contained L manures of different animals varlet with the bedding or litter it con. tains, If each has about the same amount of bedding or litter, poul try manure contains about thret times as much plant food as that e other animals mentioned, But muc of the plant food is autimatically di stroyed if any manure is allowed 1 go through a heat. • • • And now, back to that Bulletin started off to talk about, It's title —as I said—"Life of the Soil." It' number 459—and it's one of many profusely illustrated and contain Ing valuable charts, issued by th Department, and available -free c charge—to anyone writing from thi province. You simply write th. Ontario Department of Agriculture Publications Branch, Parliamen Buildings, Toronto, If sent out side Ontario a.smatl charge Is mads • • • So why not write — right awes before you forget—for your copy a "Llfe of the Soil." I feel sure you'l find it so valuable that you'll be wanting a tot more of the other bulletins, also issued "for free." Chance Takers Of the some 20 persons who at-# tempted a death -defying stunt at Niagara Falls between 1859 ant 1928, ten succeeded and lived, TWA men passed through the rapids, one In a barrel and the other by swim. ming with a life preserver. Twi men and one woman, Annie E, Tay. lor, went over the falls, one in i rubber ball and two in barrels. And four men and one woman, Maris Spelterini walked and performe. tricks . on a 1,100 -ft. tightrope stretched from the American to the Canadian side 185 feet above the waters of the gorge. Why must we have enough mem- ory to recall to the tiniest detaf what has happened to us, and sol have enough to remember how many times we have tild it to tit same person? —La Rochefoucaul( 150 Misslona Equals 14 Pairs of Socks -Capt. Harry C. New. some, an Allied flyer engaged in the great airlift operation, hu 150 missions to Berlin chaked up to his credit. While he waits for his cargo of coal to be unloaded at Gatow Airport he works on his 14th pair of Argyle plaid socks, Honey and Hank By Sees THE STANDARD For the Colder Weather THAT IS AHEAD OF US, Men's Heavy Pants, Boys' Breeches, Plaid Work Shirts and Jumbo Knit Sweaters, Windbreakers, We also have a fair range of Men's and Boys Underwear, Men's Felt Shoes and 4 -buckle Rubber Overshoes; also Cloth Overshoes with buckle or Zipper, 'Dry Goods WALLACE'S --Phone 73-- Boots & Shoes tINNNNN` 4~#•#4NNNNNtI N NNIMI+N+� 11140k1f-W4+++4...111M +8+:4-0,t;,.ei .: 44.8. 44 4+;.+0 4.4.1 -'" FOOD STORES -- Thursday, Friday, Saturday, January 6, 7, 8 Choice Tomatoes ......... Lord Fairfax Choke Peaches ..... . Aylmer Tomato Catsup __..... Golden Net Cohoe Salmon ...._..._....__. Fairhaven Sardines .............__...,..,. Aylmer Vegetable or Tomato Soup ............._....•........ _ .. 28 oz, tin 28 oz. tin 19c 27c 2 11 -oz. bottles 35c half Ib, tin 35c 2 tins 19 c 2 tins 19c, Q. T. F. Pineapple Juice , 20 oz. tin 23c Stokley's Golden Cream Corn ............_ ......• .... .. 70 oz. tin 21c FRESH FRUIT •• FRESH VEGETABLES, PIONEER, NEW LIFE, LIFETERiA FEEDS, 'rve Deliver. -- E. S. ROBINSON. -- Phone 156 .H41t+:HSI•4.444 4 ..:4.:4.:H:H;. i4+HI4.8H; •14./H:H;.444H:H0:••. .:+:4++.: \Iisses Doris Lear of Hamilton anti Helen Lear. of Brampton have return- ed to their duties after spending the Christmas holidays with their parents, Nit-. and \Irs. Nelms Lear. \Irs, \\'m. Strasser of Stratford is visiting her aunt, Nits. James Logan. \I r. an 1 \I r,. 1'. Richards returned home on 'Tuc•nl;( ;titer spending the 1:I1•istttcas holidays with their sons and slaughters -in -late, \Ir. and \Irs• Harold Richards and \I r. and \Irs. Donald lit! arclsl, of 'Toronto. \lr. and \Ir . Lcalic Naftel and Lo- gan, and \Irs. Logan spent New Wears at Brigdcn. On their tray down \Irs. Logan visited her brother in Victoria Hospital !Ther is improving \I r. i.loy'd Combs. Dcloraine, \Ian,- %. itolta vis:ted \1t. and Nits. Naftcl of o2' Blyth. \l r, hali}It Ilodd of Albert C'ollegc:, •'t Belleville, is spending his Christmas vacatirn with \1r. and \Irs. N. P. *1 y. • Blyth Radio service RADIOS IN STOCK. -- Philip's Table Model $79,50 Sparton Table Model $31.95 Stewart -Warner Table Model , . , , $141,50 Rogers Majestic Table Model ' $62,50 All these fine sets are equipped with record player input and are fully guaranteed. USED RADIOS Battery or Electric at Low Prices. Also We Have Beatty Washers on Display. Fill your Laundry Needs with a Beatty. Can't Go You Wrong GLENN ItECHIdIE Work Guaranteed. AUBURN Golden Wedding Observed Mr, and Mrs. rred Taylor were at home to their friends on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary, On December_31, 1898, at the Monte of the bride's parents at, Walkerton, Marga., ret 'Arnold, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs; George Arnold, was united in marriage to Fred Taylor, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. T. Taylor, After their marriage they farmed near Wiar- Xon :untit coming to this district about 11 years ago. They lived on the Col- borne -West Wawanosh ol-borne-West\Vawanosh boundary's ; on The former Doda farm, To this union -Were born nine sons and three " daughters, Three sons have passed away, The remaining members of the family are Fred, Eric, !!Mich.; Stanley, Hamilton(; . Stewart, Nile; Ray, Welland; George, R.C,A.F., Aylmer; Bernard, London; Mrs. A. J. Clapworthy (\Vilda), Granton; •Mrs. Ben Park (Hazel). Dungannon; Mrs. I3, Wright (Irene), Auburn. Mrs, Taylor itas three sisters and ..three brothers, Mrs, \Villiam Smith, Sarnia; 'Mrs. John Holmes, Owen Sound; M'rs. Ed. Kalbfleisch, Colpoys 13ay; Alfred Arnold, Owen Sound; Charles+ and \Villiam Arnold, of West- . ern Canada. They have 18 grandchil- dren, also one great grandchild. A family dinner was served Friday! evening. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Taylor and family; Mr. and Phone 165, Blyth. agara Falls, with Mrs, Jas, Webster, Mrs, Hazel Dodd of 'Galt, with friends here, hiss Eva Walker of Toronto, Mrs. F. Walker and Mr, Lloyd Walker of Stratford, Rev. and ,\Trs. H. W. Tref- fry of Strathroy with •Miss lfargaret Jackson and Mrs, \Villiam Jackson. Mr, and Mrs. Duncan MacKay and Barbara, Kintail, with Dr. 11. C. \Voir. Mrs. Joe Irwin, Mr. and Mrs, Clay- ton Ladd, Mrs. 'Phomas Park, attend- ed the funeral of L'li Holtzhauer of Blyth, last week. Mrs. Irwin• being a sister of Mr, Iloltzhauer, Mr. and Mrs, Robert Ling, of Tor- onto, with the - latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R, D. Munro. 'ler. and Mrs. Ellis. Little and daugh- ter, 'Joan, hale returned home after spending the holidays with friends at Monktonh Garrett. ett. \It'. lint eluted of Albert College, Belleville, is spending his holiday here and in Clinton. \irs. Clara Brown is visiting her is':er,\1 rs. James Logan, and nephew, \Ir, George Sloan surd other rela- *.frWN{NN f+~#I {..#NM Beauty Shoppe� PERMANENT WAVE SPECIALS for JANUARY COME IN ANI) INQUIRE. Olive McGill r`$, Telephone 73r2, Blyth ►r.Nr��NNN N��N'�N MNNV IIrNr CAR BURNED OUT Two \Vinghanl young pro;de, \lis; I)c I)recn flays and Earl Young, es..! caped death this week %viten their car turned over and was conedetcly de- i molished by fire. iycs.fete mishap happened on the ninth Mr. and \Irs. Ab. 'Taylor, Myth. l concession of 'I'urubrrty, near Wing- Miss label Taylor, I'nchcner, spent New Year's I)ay with \Ir. and Mrs. Ed. 'Taylor and family, of Goderich. Al). "Taylor left on 'i' iest.lay morning to attend the funeral of nts brother, \I r. Joseph Taylor, of 1`e- troit. Mr. and Mrs, C. 1'. I)obbyn spent Christmas holiday week with \lr. and Mrs. Garth Dohhyn and Ronnie, in l'hatham. Iron, onpos:tc the farm home of Roy Hastings. The car skidded on the ice 811(1 rolled over in the ditch. Both occupant, crawled from the ear with only 8 shaking up as the car burst into flames. :\ passing motorist, Ross Smith, of the Smith Da'ry, brought the young coupe into town. \Ir, Ray Dohhyn of Sarnia spent Morris Township Council Chri,tutas week -end in Chatham. Mr. Rav Dal hyn of Sarnia spent 'bete Council met in the Township New Year's, week -cull (gide his par 1tall on the 15th 1)cci. nbcr, with all eats, Air, and \Irs. C. T. Dohhyn. ;members prc(cnt. Alimttes of the last \I r. and \Irs. Robert Blake, Mr.! meeting t:e•e road and adopted. Mov- and \irs. Orval Blake and fancily, Mr. cd by Sam Alcock and Chas. Coulee:; and Mrs. James Blake and family, of that the motion made on November 1, of Colborne township, and \Ir, and 1948, to hire Arthur Ruttau to look af- ; hurl Blake and family, of (ode- to the first and •,coed concessions of rich tott•nship, spent New Year's day \lorris he rescinded and that it be left with 'Ir. and Mrs. Kenneth Whitmore,' to the Road Supt. and the Reeve to and Douglas. hire other equipment when our own I Mr. and Mrs. Charles .\nstry,' ettuipn.cnt cannot handle the snow or'. Yvonne and Lillie, Goderich, Mr, and r when they drink it necessary. Mrs, \fel Good and family of Rho- In favour of ;notion: Stun Alcock miller, \Ir, and Mrs. Earl Caldwell and Chas. ('.rotes. Opposed: \\'m. and family, Mr. and Mrs. \iurvin Peacock and Baillie Parrott, \lotion Govicr and family, M r. and \Irs. Bob' Carried, j Govier, and ,lune, Diane and Donna \loved by Chas. Coupes and Salt 1 'Healy, and \Ir. Orton Stubbs of Blyth,!.\!cock that George \lichie he ap- with Mr. and \irs. \V. i1. Gorier and, as ditch surveyor for the Gerald on New Year's day, ''township. Carried. \Tis;, Alice ('Gillespie returned home I Moved by Ilaillic Parrott and Wil - this week after spending the Christmas; li8;n Peacock that the load Supt. be holidays with her sister in St, Cath- instructed to put a notice in the three papery that the Township will not be responsible for cars left on the sides of the roads or for trail boxes, milk' stands and cans that are damaged when snow ploughing. Carried. Moved by Chas. Coupes and \Wal: 1 Peacock that the road bills as Pres- ented by Road Supt. be paid. Carried. 11 Moved by Sam Alcock and Baillie 1 Parrott that R. \\'. Code he paid' $200.00 On account on the McCall Drain. C'ar'ried. loved by Chas. Cottltes and \Gilliam Peacock that the Clerk be instructed to prepare bylaws on the \fcCa11 !)rain and have then sent out to the rate- payers and that the Court of Revision be held on 1. h. 7, 1949, Carried, s Moved by \Vac. Peacock and Sam Alcock that Chas. Coultcs interview someone 10 act as representative for Sherri; Township on the \Vinghain High School District Board. Carried. Moved by Sant Alcock and Baillie Parrot that the meeting adjourn to meet again on ;fan. 10, 19.18, at 10 a.m. Carried. ' ! alines. BIRTHS CUMLNG: In \\'ingham 1Tospital, on Saturday, January est, 1949, to Mr. and \Irs.,ITugh 5. Cu11ting, of Luck - now, the gift of 'a daughter, Gloria Alice. SISTER•IN•LAW DIES Word was, received by \Irs, Robert \W'ightulut a few days alto of the death of her sister-in-law, Nies. Richard \V'ightnlan, which took place at a hos- pital in Detroit, Airs. \\"ightmau was formerly Charlotte fohnstoit, of Morris township. hollowing her marriage. she 'with her husband, spent much of their lives in \lichigan, She is surviv- ed by one daughter, Alice, lfrs, C. White, and one son, Edgar, Her hus- band passed away a year ago. One brother, Henry Johnston, resides in \\inghatit. \> - GREY TWP. COUPLE DEFY NIGHT PROWLERS Elmer Ellacott, con. 9, Grey Twp., was awakened about 1.15 a.in, Thurs_ car morning by the sound of knocking on an inner door downstairs. tic called out "who' 1 1Itcre'r" and was answered "\V'c wonted some gas.°, Mr. and Mrs, Clarence \\ Wen and Believings neighbour had run out of family, of Seaforth, Miss Lila Yung- i gasoline he and his wife dressed and butt, R.N., ., and Miss Grace Hunter, i went downstairs. The kitchen door R.N. of Goclerich, with Mrs. George I was standing open and inside in the Yungblut, Arthur attd Vic middle of the kitchen floor stood a The following teachers have resumed! gait' of masked Wren, one brandi,Ihin;. their duties after holidayin'T at their l a small revolver. \I r. Ellacott leaned respective homes here: Vivian Strati -at the pair pushing the gun aside and ghan to London, Mary Houston to! knocking the two to the floor. Hamilton, and Donald 1;c.s to Cali. I Scrambling to their feet again l(rs. ler, Harold Asquith has resumed i Ellacott stood between her husband and the gun and remarked if any his studies at Queen's Universityat I Kingston, after holidayingwith his' shooting was to he done it would have parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles E. to be her. Asquith. Complying with a demand for money, Mrs, Ben Park and family; Mrs. Ir- ,li'r5 !?parol( handed them a purse Cue Wright and family, Mr. and Mrs. \frs. •Marguerite Cho ten who ;rent containing $1.60 hut they refused and Clapworthy, rv.:ng to weather and i the Christmas holiday' with Iter Jtar asked for a larger sunt. road condition. the other tnentbers of eats, lir. and \Irs. J, C. Stoltz, has re - 1 Noticing a itible which they had the family were unable to be present.'turned to Napanec' l,ectt reading the night before on the 1\1r, and Mrs. Taylor were recipients Mr, and Mrs. Robert Mcllvecn, of table, Mrs. Ellacott remarked, "Nit of a parse of money from the- family, , Islington, Eric Mcllvecn, Queen's Uni- Lord ist watching over us." This ap- also telegrams of - oongratalatious frontversity, at Kings\)n, have left after parentiy made the pair more nervous the ones ttneble to be present. Rev. t spending the holidays with their par- and they departed quickly leaving the C. -B. Wooley, Lucknow, read a peen 1 ents, Mr, and Mrs. F. 0. Mcllrcen. purse and money behind. which Mrs. Wooley had composed in ler. John !toss, of Toronto, with immediately Mrs. Ellacott used the honor of the occasion. Mrs. heed Ross and Donald. , phone and failing to get "central'' real- ; .The neighbors gathered to honor Iutr. and Mrs. Taylor, and presented Mr. Taylor with a, smoker, and Mrs. Taylorr' with a combination end table \\' The addret, was read by Thomas Mc- 'Wildcats ............ 14 Phee and the 'presentation made Spitfires=.._._......a.._...._ 1) -Larry Watson and George Million Bearcats _ 7 Mr. and Mrs. Roy Webster of Ni- Hotshots ......:... 6 AUBURN BOWLING LEAGUE STANDING 1. Pts 4 33 9 22 11 H) 1. 13 ized the wires were cut. Going to the car they also found it had been tam- pered with and would not run. Taking their nine-year-old daughter Helen, with them, they ran through n rnow storm to a neighbours home and called police. Provincial Constable Charles Salter of Blyth, investigated. The man with the revolver enquired several tittles if the Ellacotts recog- nized then( and 'aid they had searched the hoose including the celiar before awakening theta. 'i'hey then left by the rear door. Neither of the Ella-' cotes were injured in the brief scuffle. Constable Salter confirmed the fact that their 1947 model car had been Made inoperative. Go YEAR BUSINESS CAREER ENDS IN RETIREMENT FOR BRUSSELS MERCHANT With the retirement of Robert Downing front business, one of Brus- sels' oldest and hest.known store' will change its 118tme, ler. Downing, or "Bob" as he is affectionately known to the residents of this town and countryside, has completed 60 yt of business itt his boot and shoe yore. Con''lg to Brussels in 11'86 he start- ed t ith his father and continued the h::.,ineFs with his btut;ter after the death of his father. At that time all the site -s -sold were manufactured in their own workshop. During Ids 60 years as a merchant Mr. Downing has seen ntauy changes in the village of Brussels. At one time there were two sawntilip, a flax mill, svIt block and three carriage shot!,, which produced baggies, sleighs and wagons. Also there were two • Pres- byterian churches, Knox and Melville, Ind nota' only \lelville remains. 1 Wed., January ,1910' IL ,.� a i. tlW. 1. .. : 1. i' Yg,.I.lu Stock -Taking C!earance Below arelisted bargains in lines on which we are overstocked, or are being discontinued: Nyal Extract Cod Liver (reg. 1.00) Clearing 85c Nyal Rheunlatone (reg. 1,00) Clearing 85c Nyal Kidney Pills, 150 tablets (reg. 1.00) Clear. (9e Ephedrine Cough Syrup (reg. 50c) Clearing' 39c Mcnth Air Cough Syrup (reg, 50c) Clearing 35c Carter's Little )Terve Pillai (reg. 50e) Clearing 35c Nyal Stomach & Liver Pills (ret;, 25c) Clear, 15c Nyal Little Liver Pills, 150 tablet:4, (t'er;'. 79c) Clearing 50c R D. PHILP, Phm. Q. DRUGS, SUNDRIES, NA' ALLI'A1'1:it--l'IIONE 2P, 1 y/t1M i,. �.r•l.. ay1tyyfOTip��pp II••�pea�rpp.��r++91ee,��Irroznft�y1t'••aimeei,.�1sIG,,'/itAs78�1��+'`,,/..��.� (((J�gls� �./h'',/1t�(y,U ntgl{ttitant Wt44tttt�`,tt Ntzung•ttit r cictctcNtct .tgztilta zti:`t +ie o at4tgle .teteteteli1c1ater ARE YOU 1 Eit T ? } 1 ) 't James Loekwood Se • FURNITURE — COACH AMBULANCE — FUNERAL SERVICE 1 Phone 7 or 69, • 11)M• t`.illint41)301Dtp4;11VASI'AMt9;MD.A211):Dt124N)11,00 itt.-JiXin%ili$*atkAbau How many times have you pronli:4ed yourself that next year you would refurnish your living -room? We are offering you an opportunity to fulfill this promise. 3 -piece Velour spring -filled Chesterfield, 6x9 pile Rug, ill rich colour, Tri -light Lamp, with 3 -way light plus candles, and a silk shade, Valmet End Table, and all Alladin Table Lamp, A Walnut Duncan Phyfe Coffee Table, ALL FO $22!5.04 'Ithis merchandise has been )'educed to a price where you cannot afford to miss it, SEE THIS DISPLAY IN OUR WINDOW, Myth �NN♦eNt2ItN••I♦IrN♦♦N4fNJ,1t tJ♦N buy Yos Bread fresh fro : the given 1 ALSO BUNS, CAKES ANI) PASTRY. FOR YOUR NEXT ENTERTAINMENT Order White -or Brown PARKER HOUSE ROLLS. .I 1.11 .1 ,..I Jt1.1,u1g ,•,,,,w1an.m-una.14..11 a,,l,ili i The ILOME BAKERY H. T. Vodden, Proprietor Blyth, Ontario "MIN4•NN1tNN•N#N1••••44.1 INNfN1 N,I N4.I,I#NNI*tI •fNNNNM . :, . I Ili I I ■ 1..11 .I.. al . I g . I .L I. u.1166-Y,J-1.1H.b-v fl Wwr'L.. ..L.11 k 1. , I ,I..., Speiran's PHONE 24. - ardware E'VER;YTHING IN I-IAIIDWARE. Girl's White Skates --- $9.95 Boys' Skates --- $7.95 Men's Skates --- $12.25 Skis, 6 1.2 ft., Chalet, ,$13.45 7 ft. Peterborough, $7.95 Toboggans, 6 ft. $7.95, 7 ft. $10.95, Cushions, $2,90 Ilockey Sticks, $2.00, Baby Sleighs (ski runner) $S.50 11 0. 11 :I1f .IL1 JI11.d. i 1 STEWART JOHNSTON Massey -Harris and Beatty Dealer, See our Complete Stock of Pipe Fittings, Beatty & Massey -Harris Repairs - Pump Repairs, all kinds. Dealer for Imperial Oil Products. Fe-. Prompt& Efficient Service Phone 137-2, Blyth 1 1 1 In his youth there rya= a public Listowel to continue their studies. !work, and •sleeved for school but it was necessary for b '� Mr. Downie. -. has ahruys taken au school board and was ' school students to go to Goderich of a:tive part itt Churc:t and community ed in local municipal 10 years on the always srest- govcrntiient.`