The Blyth Standard, 1948-04-21, Page 1VOLUME 53 - NO, 32 V'II-P .#44INMNIPIIIII/PPPdNa ♦1JIP C1eaU )W1)1115011 S 14I 4.1t.c1 13LY'11II, ONTARIO, WEDNESI)AY, APRIL 21, 1918 .........,.,..«.,.,»..x.....1. tr �.,... , I1`4II0IIIS04,04*III.IINIIN'. COUNCIL ADOPTS eek The Board of Health 1 ave .-Fri aside the week of April 26th to .iOth as Oa ; ;.`,a Week. All citizens) are llsl.ied ; opel',1L.' by having all ashes, garbage, etc., retuo.,,c 1 by April 30th, For the convenience of tilt2 public the Board have arranged to have Gerald lleffron's truck available this week for anyone \vic,;hir g the ser- vices of a truck, 1Ve earnestly rfilicit your co-c•peration in help- ing to clean and hcattli y o r town. MP. 13OA1tD 0F HE LTH, 32.1, Villag of Blyth. V1N'INPP{Yt IPPPI POIfJP IISNId0P1)1' !s s0IJII PP 14. "I 04, *4.4 PIIPIINP' '►I Wt./V.IOPN.IIN�e•44`1NPIrsIOII P.)I?rIIJJIIaesPPP3NPctasPPIN JPIIII. 1 HURON L_! LITER A1( Atii( N iNVLF-TTSOC I AR Subscription Rates $1,50 in Advance; $2,00 in the U.S.A. CAPACITY HOUSE (PROVINCIAL ELECTION THIGH WIND CAUSES 1)AYLIG11'1' TIME[ GREETS CONCERT MONDAY, JUNE 7th ( PROPERTY DAMAGE A special ltie:sling ,: f flit. .\Ittnielial . A capacity audience greeted the per- i The decks are being cleared through- I :\ brief wind storm on Tuesday af- t ('nun i) of the Corporation*uu of Illyth formers in the hash Scotch Concert out Ontario fur a Pr. vineial election tern00n was responsible for consider - ; was hell this (,(ming at 7 o'clock, for last hu•sday night, ulnen the event was tthich will he held on Monday, June able damage at the farm boort. of ,Mr.I the purpose of deciding whether Myth sponsored by the Blyth Agricultural 7th, according to am announcement :and Mrs. Thoma; Roberton. 0b;ertc daylight saving flail( Society. The gross proceeds were oversnack iu the )louse last week -end by j '1'hc wind which momentarily reached t us year, ;uul to dis, discuss the, estimate $2;00U, awl -the the net tube was expected the Don, George Drew, Provincial 1 alui0st hurricane pr- portions, ripped i (1 the 1'. k. I l use, 1•:nsinecring Co. to be around 4200.00, aftich is a tidy premier. I the shingles from one side of the barn 1;\II members were [•resent, Reeve Bain- stun fob- the Society who always haveTile,. sudden announcement nt by I'rcni-'roof, and also one side 0f the house 1011 Ire•iiia•_. a heavy expenditure in preparing and ler ;trees iunnediatel, threw organiza- :roof. :\n old barn dour that was nut Motion by ! tui 1\"a1s.m and 1\'ln, sial iii .the annual Fall Fair. tions in the various Ridings into high in use was picked up by the wind and Neill', that d:c}light saving be obset't'- .MI0:11 credit for the success c•f the gear, and :ulverti,ing anntunccnnents lodged in a tree. A portion , f the dour cd in the village, effective front toad- event ran h, credited to the captains ;appear in this neck's issue :.f The lbr0kc off and was blu„tt through an night of AI:r:I .Nth to midnight of Sept. of the two sides, \Irs 1.. Scrimgeour, Standard announcing Cnnrcntiul, dates upstair windup in (fie house, Several '5th. Carried. ; headed the irish side, and Mrs. Cu•• for the two principle Y:u:ies, the 1.ib-'+>f flie hoards came to rest under the The estimate of the C. R. 1ligey En- man llodtrns was convenor of shie orals and conservatives, . Ni announce. bed, gineerin g Co. was ree ived and dis- Scotch portion. Tiley were ably as- meat of C.C.F. activities have so far cussed I.y council and it was decided to sisted in the task of seeking talent, been made in the Huron -Bruce I?id- . give the natter further consideration and prcpartg the show, by members of 111,,, Eligibles For Legion Ban - before taking :ny action. the fair Board executive. Liberal and Conservative Convention (duet, To -Night (Thursday) Adicurnn:c-i t utnve+d , y I larold Void- air.. Jack Buchanan, of West havelikewise been tin South tool- e e sc u e The Myth )Branch, Canadian legion den and Ge. rge Radford at ti o'clock. acted very capably in the capacity of 1lurun. L', lall, Clerk, chairman fur the evening, and inter- Ruth these Ridings are at present wish to :unn0unrc that any member of itis :tlajesty's Forces eligible to join the Legion, or any lady ;laving a bl:o.l relation in the Forces of any war, are qualified to buy tic).:'. for the banquet (10 -night) Thursday. \)our• attendance will be. appreciated. Il. T.\I'1', Sec'y. YVESTFIF 4/D sperscd his remarks with witty cunt- r' erescnte,l I,v Conservative members. meats that were much enjoyed, 1 The Irish portions , f the concert held r• \\'an. Mc1)ow•cll visited nn Stitt• the stage first, and many fine artists day with M r. and M rs, \Vestey Stack- , were presented. 'I•hc program opened Luurc of I{rurefiel+I. musical trio number composed of Jas. \1 r. and }.Irs, Bert 'Taylor were sI ct all, violin, Scott Parn•son, guaiac, _ Gn lerich visit•'rs 00 Friday.' and Mrs, 1larvev Brown, piano. tru'rn LADIES' AUXILIARY CANADIAN J 'lin \\', ilanul, \\'inghant, who re- presents the Ilurun-ltrure and Thomas Pude, of Exeter, who re- cently defeated Benson \\'.''Tuckey in the South Huron By -Election, \I i s,:; JI orae:'ct 1\ } o m ,un ,a t l El- there the program moved rapidly into i sic Eger, of .1.111"11 Staliu11, spent the h LEGION TO MEET the various numbers as foil ns: Illyt.t week -end with lir, and Mrs, Earl School churn,, \larjurtc Duher1t ac I 'rite regular monthly meeting of the \\'ighUnan, i Ladies Auxiliary to the Canadian Le- _ _ .,...., Y-.. , r ,,,, \I r. and Mrs. Gcnrre \\'i;btnutt► and contpanist; solo with guitar accnntgtatni gin 11Ev.1.. will be held in the Blyth Mr. G. R. Augustine.representcd the t meat, Scott I',twsun, Atwood; humor , Alberta, of floc liver, t'a'iled one day ons 1•cadin_g, \Irs. Jamie Sims; acro- Mentnrial ;tall on \londay, :lpril 2(dlt myth !.ions Club at the annual meet - last week with Nit, and \Irs. Charles batic stunts in rhythm, lana Richards, at 4,110 I'• al. Members ),lease note ging of the \\ '(stern (marts\ Athletic South, change of date and plan to attend as+:\ssociaion held in \\'inghlm, \Vullies- \lurris t'_sw•nsltip; mouth organusetec- day night of last week, Although no I NH.. Ronald 'I':tylot left • n Saturday tion, \Irs. S. Curring, \Irs. 1I• Brown, final arrangements will be made re t•fs- to jniu his boat at 1'0rt Colbornte, . king (.;uderirh Ladies' Auxiliary on 1 delinile action has been taken locally accompanist; Step dancing, frau 11 a) 1Ith. 1regarding. ball the Lions Club have de- \lr• and \Irs• Marvin \Irl)owehl, and 'cis Duncan, NI orris township, Mr. and \, de- cided to sponsor an Intermediitc and \I r. (interne \Icl) wc,l, ti.ite'I r,u Sun- \Irs. Bert, Allan providin„ the music \lidget tram in the \V.O.A.A., and the clay with Mr. and \11 s. Frank Ker-.c,tn the violin and piano; chorus by tile AUBURN Blyth Legion Branch are preparing to sb:ttv +.f G,xlerie'l1• 'pupils of Nies, 'I'urtcy's school. \hiss 1'he men full: w•ho have been sponsorattend-,a girl's softball entry. A1C, and \Irs, Harold Sprung ''f I?tach,( \\'aIsli, accon•,panist; quartette 1 ing the howling alley in Goderich dor-' 0ver twohundred 'sportsmen repre- Auhurn and Mr, anal Nil's. Donald number, harry Lear, Ilill \'dung, \'erne ing the past winter, concluded the sea-, senting all tarts s'.f \Vestern Ontario 1 tl+- r p r. S, and Peter, r n I. n lc 1 ..l Sprung. 1 Stu•ir;cn, hin \It.\all„ \Irs Brown at son last week when they enjoyed a'were present on Wednesday night, lied on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. the pian- ; violin and guitar number, banquet at the British Exchange ; Reviewing the past year's activities, Clarence Cos. c ',las. McCall and Scott Paw•son; step. hotel. Harry Sturdy was \!aster of the \V.O.A.:\. has just completed one The 111011tIllY meeting of the \\.\1.0. dancil'•g, \\'111. I'att•sun; solo, e;era11 Ceremonies, and \\'il1ia11 S. Craig Jr. 1c.f the hest hockey seasons since in - was held 'on Wednesday :tftcrnoon Brown, Shirley Phillips accompanist ; ' presided at the piano for a sing -sung.' auguration, with teams int action front ' with 17 present. The \\'orsItit) service tat dance, Pamela Richards; solo, Bill g , 1 lir. and al rs. Gordon \1 all and son, :1)eccmher -to April. President Tory was led by \Irs, Staulcy Cos: w.t,t ; \',tint;:, Mrs Brown accoln auying; vi- David \\'call, of Teestvater, \I ass Ruth ' Gregg was in the chair for the meet - 9a \Mrs, Gordon Snaith at the piano. Read- Olin selections, Jas, \tcCall, \Irs, Arthur, \'•O•\., of it Thomas, with ing and asked for continued co -opera - t ,/�, ams;, "N. t Ours Alone,' was read by Brown at the piano; vocal duct• by two Mrs. John Arthur, tion for the ball season. Hon. Farquhar.s ' ' V ! �,' , Nies. Fred Cool. The Scripture Les-' col: urrd genticmrnt from South Car- ' \)avid Hamilton, formerly of \Vest The t\ss elation will sponsor the son was read by \I r•s. Charles Smith. I I p plana, show' they crashed into an irish : svawanosh, received painful injuries following baseball series; intermediate, Prayer by \frs. Gordan `nodi• :\ read-' pro 1 1111 hasn't yet been figured out) ; when he fell from a load of hay. 1-te 1 junior, junemilt., midget, bantam, pre ing, "\\'c. belief'( and therefore Speak,' but tj ey were good-- the coloured gen-! was a patient in Clinton hospital' for 1w'ce," The 1\'.0.:1•A. will affiliate with was given by \Irs.'Stanl�•y Con1'Itc denten were John \fanning aiid Verily 1 a fe,; d:Cys, hot was rrnn, ted to his'thc 0.11.:\, for all baseball series, and Study Book was taken by Mrs. Marvin i Speiran, with \Irs. Brown at the piano, home on Sunday. \lis Many friends adupt their toleast s except for nuc rider ,11c1)osve11. I'hc president, \Irs• \\'ut. 'Their number rang down the ctti•tain I wish him a speedy recovery, i tchcrrby 12 miles by well 1 ravelled \Ic\'ittie w':ts 1n charge of the business, on the irish portion of the program. 1 \l(.•and airs. Lloyd Raithby, Paul: highway he the distance a team may \I inutcs were read and adoittcd, The 1 1)uriug the intcrmissi:•-n the audience 1 and Gordon Raithby, of London, with draw a player. The deadline for en - GOD SAVE TI -IE ICING • roll call was. answered with a verse of was treated to a showing of the film, friends Isere• tries is NI ay 1st. Playing certificates ►�I I•,P�,Pr...�.PPr.PPrP►wl�eP:�P.► awrP.-PrPP1.+•.+..�LP� Scripture, Prayer by \Irs. Me\'attic, I "A Saturday Afternoon in •Blyt'h." Dc nald Ross of Galt with Mrs. Fred June ISth. \Irs. \; elfin 'Taylor and Mrs. .m ;Irvin 'I'hc Scotch portion of the program Ross. The association will sponsor the fol- 30�0= = omomse v lvjz,� =-sionno ; NIcl)otvcll,were appointed delegate to, had it's setting ht the boric of lir. \I r• and \frs, R, 1'crdue, of Lonlnn, lotting series in softball, intermediate, the Presbyterial t:' be held at tint 1t .and.\Irs.:\ngus NleDonafd, very vii- \lass ':Iaine. Johnston, of Exeter, with r\, 11, C., over 1,000 population tinder, on April 27th. Aletter of a prceta- ' idly portrayed by James Lawrie and \fn•. and Mrs, Stanley J.chnston, 500-1000, population under 500, junior, W , O. A , A . LOOKS FOR BIG SUMMER ENTRY q �' ed Arm 9 AT &:?0 P.M. FOR THE PUIIPC'S!a,< OF NOMINATING A CANDIDATE TO CONTEST FORTH- COMING T `� 1 1 r 7 1< 1 1 , THE _ R 1� IN THE I (3�� hII- 1 0 1 RIDING I t Z I I; ILII . (a O' I • COMING PROVINCIAL ELECTION IN THE INTERESTS OF THE LIBERAL PARTY. SPECIAL SPEAK'1lltS:--- Leacher of the Liberal Party in Ontario, W. H. GOLDING,M.P., AND OTHERS. ALBE'T J, KALBFLEISCII, W. L. WHYTE, President. Secretary, ° to lit F. IN F r I liE211AL No INA7111 ELECTION OF OFFICERS S \Vll.I. III? 1!El.1) l'•; 'l ilE TOWN EMU, \ llE.: VIt.,' '+1r Saturdaas zii,C1'4 M1142 O ' at8P.M. MEETING OF THE EXECUTIVE AT 7 P.M. IN THE TOWN IEr^...LI4, WINC:i.M.M O •- p . IION. EV1(117-.\-n ; -OLTVE!7, WILL ADDRESS o Y TIIE Donald Blue, Acting Prcaislont. Gcr3cn Elliott, Secretary•Treasurer, GOD SAVE 'i I11 KING. HURON - BRUCE Progres vE 4'33 -?Vat Ve Nominating Lv€iton will be held in the Tcwn WINGHAM commencing 1Q 5:30 p.m, Thu t for the purpose of noillii,iatiilg a candidate for the fortliconiing election. This meeting 'will be addressed by the candidates. THE HON.. GEORCE H. DOUCET'I'E, Minister of highways, WILL BE TIIE SPFC1AL SPEAKER. .. All are requested to Attend to Hear the Election issues Discussed. - R. -J. Bowman, president,' ' Harley Crawford, Huron -Bruce. Progressive'•Consorcativc Ars:cation: - Secretary ,GOD SAVE' THE KING trot[ was read from Mrs. Rev' h, I.rnig \Irs• R. D. Philp, who were observing ley, of 'Toronto, and from Miss Noreen 'their gulden wedding anniversary, O'Keefe, of Obeen Alexandra Sanitor- j Comfortable seated in their chairs ,\1r, o aunt, London. The mee11ng closed mill 'and \les. McNabb graci_'usly welcont- on Friday. - . . L,, the Bee edictiou, A hale of c10Utin', !'rd their friend's who called to extend Mr. Barry Toting*blut is spending atheir rules except for three, residence o, was packed f r the European Rrlicf ! best wi,•hes, and of course, while they few days with relatives in Goderich,. 1 rule changed to May 1 st, distance for ' valued at ?ti').0). 'Phis is the se'°1"1 were there, contributed to the program' Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jewell of Col- 1 imported player, 12 miles; Entry dead- bale the \V.\LS. have sent this year. with a number. First to call were borne township With -3Trs.-C, A. 11ow.1lint., May 1st, playing.certfficates June ( u Jamie Sinus and Ron Philp. Janne sort atol Mr. and \frs. R. 5: Phillips, 1 15th; birth certificates minor series, Neighbours Honour Mr. and contributed a fine Scotch number, and: \it', and Airs. Cord at noble aratj ,Jolt 1st. Rev. J. 1.. 11. and Mrs,"hfenderson , juvenile, midget; 'bantam; pec wee. and son, John Henderson, of ]Myth, Ladies softball ii•ill also be. featured. With Mr. and \Irs• Gordon R. Taylor The \\'.O.A.A.:has applied for an af- filiation with 0•:\.S.A, and will use a Mrs. ,i , C. Stoltz It ItI Neighbours of NH-. and \Irs. J. C. C' Stoltz gathered to honour therm prior Ron played an alto born solo, Shirley, family with friends at \Vinghant. Phillips and \Irs, Philp were at the' 31 urrav Rallinsott of. \\'inghant with - Piano for these two numtbers, ';'his was Mr, and Ctrs, Alfred Rollinson, . MINSTRELS COMING APRIL 29th "owed in order with a fine Scotch Mrs. rs. Sarah Radford of Palmerston, Coning to Myth on April 29th is the with her cousin, Mrs. C. A. Howson. "I'I'eestvater Minstrels, who trill be stag - The nranv friends of Mrs. Clarence ing their popular Minstrel show from Chainney will be sorry to 'learn that the stage of the 31cmorial hall that she is a patient in \\'inghant hospital. night. Keep that date open by all. to their removal from the farm to their reading of Mr. George Jefferson of new home in Auburn, A large number were present and the evening was sprit 111 games and music. BJ During the evening, Mrs,Wilfred Plunkett read an address expressing 'regret at the departure Of the guests of - honour from the community, and Mr. Sau0 Daer presented them with an elec- tric table lamp, an electric iron, a wall mirror, and di •lies. lir. and \Irs. Stoltz are moving into the house of the late \hiss, Susie Blair, --f Auburn. rl FINDS INDIAN ARROW HEAD \\'dile working in the fields thisutcnt by \Ir, 11 Vc, week Mr.Rcnneth MacDonald of the t Boundary Read to earthed :at old In- diaut arrowhead which he brought to Clinton; Highland Fling, Joy Lutz, of :t piarsolo, Laura \I tie Letherland; step dance, Misses Isabel and 31yrtle Struthers,; song, Stanley Struthers; quartette number, Howard .and Irvine \i;spare, Glenn Kechnie and James Lawrie, Mrs. Philp at the plans; bag pipe selections, Messrs, \Vim. Altrtch and Ilector Kingswell, Clinton; cornet s; lo, Alice McKenzie, with 3!arjorie Doherty at the piano; Scotch Reel, by \Irs. Coutts. \\'altnn, A"rs. Forbes, 0• Sea forth, -Ftaucis Duncan and \\'m.1musicalSpiers. 1ritssels, musical acconupatti- , and \les, Bert Allen; the program was closed with a rousing.' Se: tch solo by James Lawrie, which was.follow•ed by the entire Scotch east this office for verification. It was 111 singing "Auld Lang Syne," followed by in very good state of preservation. New Proprietor At Local . Billiard Parlour God Save the Ring. I After the concert a large crowd en- ' joycd dancing in the basement of the hall, 4144 Mr. Carl Reid, or Tnrontcs has put.- Storni Disrupts Hydro chased the Billiard. Parlour busine-.a i fraltt Mr. Kenneth Scott, and is now lin possession. Mr, Reid is a litarried A brief, but severe electrical storm 12wind TRINITY, BELGRAVE ur�nn: Morning. Prayer and Ser_ who heard hint enjoyed his address. man with two children, Iletty, lei, and during tnid-aftcrno.tn act Ti 1•- fay. The moat, \It. Grange was introduced by Lion Arlene, 14. Mr. and Mrs. Reid '1, IA , storm was accompanied by a high wind Augustine. take up residence lucre as soon as pos= and while it was at it's peak a limb of 2 1, alt: Sunday School. Lion President licit Gray had charge sable. a tree in front of ,Mervin Richmond's 2.30 p. in.: Evening Prayer and Ser- of the gavel, and Miss Norma Daer _.... 4 faro nn the 9th line of Morris waspresided at the piano. Lion Tanner 111011. blown across the, main hydro lines, see - Will Stan. Si.bthcrpe was back at his old Will Take Police Job At eriug the wires, and cutting off hvdr, ST. MARKS, AUBURN stand and led the ].inns in sacral Grand Bend potl•et•-front arotutd 3 pan. until the da- `).a5 a. nt.: Sunday. School• snaltl,c uunthrrs. to the absence of Mr. J. A. Cowan has received the mage was repaired shortly after 6:.30 10.30 a. nt.: Holy Communion and 'Tail Twister Grover Clare, Lioti Grant The slate of officers for the enstt- a• :.iuhmcint 1s Police Chief for the prof. Sermon. Snarling took over his duties. f Grand Piety!. IIi� [tett dot- TI Electric Service Ernest Patterson has excavated for 1 the cellar of his new hoose which will he erected on a lot •next to Charles means for this popular show which has been packing the seats in the var- ious towns of this district. Come and \squith's workshop, James Raithby : compare them with the Blyth\litt- strels of two year's ago. has been excavating for the house he pro'toses• to move to the village from \Valkcrburn, 'This will be placed on• Mr. Raihby's lot between the homes nt E. Erratt and Percy \'uugblut. v Cl )IICII OCji ' ; , BLYTH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Regular Sunday Service at 2,30 hi the afternoon, ---V TRINITY CHURCH, BLYTH 4th Sunday after Trinity 11 a. tn.; Sundae School. IN HOSPITAL Mrs. Walter Oster is a patient in the \\'inglt:um Hospital where she is under- going treatment. ARTHUR GRANGE AD- DRESSES LIONS CLUB Mr. Arthur Grange of Auburn, was the guest speaker at the Lions Club regular meeting held in the Memorial Hall on Tuesday night.\fr. Grange gave a very interesting dnsconrsc on his experiences as a cook in the Canadian Navy during the war. His remarks were humorously iutcrspersed and all Il, ie storm had been a eccded by an i Village n ,rant .( I ing year which commences in July was acs commence on Alay 1st, tlnust, ahnorana4' high tcmprratttrr of BLYTH UNITED CHURCH i \\'e understand that during the soot- well Isla the• 7Q's• About 9 lint. the r 1 presented by the notninating commit- ing months when touria traffic is at tlicruir�nteier, be' alt- t(i' 'drop 'and b)` RC.\'.',\�: J• •Pfl(1t1 J[I\ISTrR• tee. This will be dealt with at a later it's beak that he will .have an assts- Midnight was doA'ti,lielott the 40 mark,) 10 IS it.'ln.: $iinida) Schoni• meeting. { tont. ..............,v.„,....... 11.15 a. in.: \Turning \\'01 ;tip, "Clic is of thanks were 'tendered Al r. Cowan has not completed plans IN HOSPITAL1:.:rst.,Commanduteut". the speal 'r. a•--ri the caterers, )frs. Me• for taking tin residence in Grand Bend, A[rs. \1'm, Grnv is a patient in the 7' p• in•: 1•:rcning worship, Doe.1111 and ,\foss iiirons, who served but \vitt probably do so as skin Winit as a.' hafit- 'Hospital. We hope for a - vada) R.30: Official Board meeting a splendid supper. suitable dttellin plate ran • he found.speedy recovers.,All tinea—D.S.T. Meeting closed :tit th. a:ari •J i, I -, Ili , -PEW ,.,,. The Green Thumb By Gordon L. Smith The Tiny Plot It is tally ama ing the results in satisfaction and beauty one can get from a tiny plot of flowers, And they will not take much work either, A little digging and a few packets of seed or boxes of started plants are all that are needed. If one has ;uo.e time it can be enlarged, and as one's interest grows more frills can be added. l'hc -,nick-growing annuals can be useful, as greund covers in front of shrubs and around the Kase of roses and lilies. Some, like agcratu' i and sweet alyssum, make trim edgings for formal keds. Others, like certain the petunias and the California poppies. give charmingly informal effect. In the perennial borders they can be used to fill spare left bare after spring bulbs, or to provide all - summer effects around early bloom- ers such as the Oriental poppy, bleeding heart, or peony. Not Too Many Colors If your garden is small, it is best not to have too many colors. A long border is prettiest if the .lasses of color shade into one an- other in drifts. Avoid a spotty effect, Don't forget the value of occasional white — especially if you enioy evenings in the garden. If you want to attract hununing- bi. ds and those 'teautiful great night moths, plain for fragrance as well, Nicotiana will draw then(. Cosmos is a favorite with the little goldfinches, Try Experiments It is always exciting, also, to raise something entirely different or new each year, or to experi- ment in some new field, A "blue garden" or a garden border plant. cd for 'vcning ,.joyuent is fun to • irk out, r1 new variety of an old favorite might be included each year. Letting acquainted with an annual not previously in your gar- den — for instance, do you know the spicy, fragrant annul dianthus? — add a new flower -friend each sununer to your social list. Proof Wanted "Lend me five dollars old man. I promise you, on the word of a gentleman, to pay it back tomorrow." "Bring the gentleman round and let rite sec him." Auction Sale at Dixie—Spring receival its official welcome to Dixie at the ,annual connluulity auction sale. Organized by the farm labor co-operative group, the auction brought out an amazing assortment of articles. Easy chairs waiting to be sold lured buyers into relaxing enjoy- ment of the sunshine. The wily auctioneer got more action after selling the chairs, Teeming Millions Of China and India 11'e arc accustomed to nearing the expression "China's swarming mill- ions," but few Canadians have any exact knowledge of what that actual• ly means in numbers. The Chinese national census bureau of the Min- istry of the Interior has computed the total population of the country for the second half of 1947 as 462,- 798,093. There is a predominance of females 241,913,638, as against 220,- 884,455 males. The total number of families in China is estimated to be 86,637,312. Nanking, the national capital, has a population of 1,034,995, while among the large special muni- cipalitics, Shanghai ranks first with 4,300,630. But India, too, has its "swarming millions," and the 1941 population of that countr; is given as 388,997,935, with 2,108,891 of then( in Calcutta, the largest city, This total population included those of the dominions of India and Pakistan combined, If the Western world is interested in the political and economic future of these two east countries, it is largely because the combined popula' lions of them is the stupendous total of 851,796,028, One Way of Relaxing After a Hard Day's Work—Something new in the National Film Board's rural program is a picture, of Scottish origin, shoving how a young couple—with the assistance of neighbors—overcame the problem of crowded living quarters and the necessity of healthful relaxation, "After Six O'Clockft • "After Six O'Clock" is the story of a venture started by a young couple in Scotland. They lived in an apartment, and, although they were happy, they had their troubles too. Their chief trouble was noise -- noise emanating from the next-door apartntent of a young trumpet - playing enthusiast, who practised his art both night and day. They attempted to reason with the trumpet -fiend, but to no avail. "You have your right to silence," he said, in effect, "but I also have my right to make noise with my trumpet." There seemed to be no solution to the problem. M t * The young couple pondered the natter, and began to see that both parties had their rights. But where could they practise these rights without bothering their neighbours? Then the idea came to them—an idea which is as applicable in Can- ada as it is in Scotland. Why not make a community centre, where everybody could snake the best use of their talents in their spare tine? A bit dubious as to lite recep- tion their idea would get, they bei t.an to approach their fellow citi- zcns cautiously. But their fears had no basis in fact. It soon appeared that many other citizens of the com- munity held the same Ideas. The minister of the local church, the town school authorities, and many other community groups expressed their interest in the project, ! * * Soon a citizen's committee was formed, and a financial target deci- ded upon, and attained through vari- ous promotional stunts. In short order the committee located a suit- able building. The members clean- ed it up, painted it, and were soon plunged into such activities as sew- ing, amateur drama, folk dancitt,, sketching, children's games—and trumpet playing. ROOMS BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED Waiting For Something By TED M, RiDER Ureic Jan twisted in his wicker chair on the front porch when he heard Carol's heels clicking swift- ly on the sid^walk, Bax I-Iam- mond towered one step behind her and was pretty mad because the thin scar on his check looked twist - 1 under the bla. ing light of the street lamp. Then the storm broke. "What's gotten into your niece, Jan? Yes- terday, she insisted on buying her own ticket to the barn dance, To- night, she paid her own way into the movies, Now, I ask you—" Baa paused .o settle his blue eyes indignantly on Carol's bowed red head, but said in a very bored tone, "Girls are becoming pretty independent nowadaws, are- n't th y Uncle Jan?" "We'!, for the Iuvva Petel" Bax gasped explosively. "We're engag- ed aren't we, Carol? And you'll be dependent on me for the rest of your life, won't you? Why, that's taken for granted, and that's the way I want itl" "Oh, you do? Well, thanks for Lenin, inc know that, Mr. Boss Hammond. Now I'll tell you some- thing. Here's your ring back." She jerked the sparkling diamond from her finger and shoved it into the stunned young man's palet, then slammed through the screen door with a speed that trade Unle Jan blink, "Bax why didn't you and Carol g hitched right after your artny discharge?" "How could I marry her, then, Jan? I was stone broke and had to start my automobile agency on a flyer. And you know how things went. First, I couldn't get any stock. Then, my garage burned clown and I had to start from scratch again, We're throughl" Uncle Jan stopped his departure by quickly asking for a match. He had to untangle things someway. Why, Carol had always wanted to marry Bax. Even two years ago she'd conte right out and asked if marriage wasn't a partnership where each person shared rain or shine as it came, THERE'S ONE TH/NG FOR SINUSPAIN nstantine /2 MILEPS fOp 251 1r1 ern '/VCRMltMAtrAmotley N0; ^rip ttAMtll! t;l.Rtrtr Bax hadn't wanted her when things were going bad for hint, so she was wondering why he wanted her now when he was a success. .After bee Irng years of waiting, fear had replaced confidence, and her sudden desire to be indepen- dent was nothing but a cover -tip to hide that fear, Maybe she was fearful that P . just considered her another step up the ladder 'for hhn• self, something to be bossed around because he was paying the bills, She wanted proof of his love. Suddenly, he had an idea for a cure, It would be a pretty dras- tic one but it would show them how much they really cared for each other. He tu: ncd to the door and bel- lowed, "Did you say Carol won't marry you because of that bullet scar on your check, Bax? Well, that's something to think about." In a second, the screen door flew open and Carol stood there, her hand on his shoulder and her heart in her eyes staring down at Bare white strained face, IIe'd taken the remark seriously, and Uncle Jan felt suddenly frightened, If Carol didn't handle things right, now . , . "Bax," she said, simply, "your scar stands for everything fine; for duty, loyalty, sacrifice—for every- thing fine I love in you." Her hands rose to tremble on the (muscles ridging his Jaw grimly. Theta, as he stiffened, site stood on tip -toe and kissed the scar, When he still stood like a gran- ite statue and Carol started to cry, Uncle Jan roared in high dudgeon, "You going to wait five more years to kiss her back, you dumb galoot?? That's why she busted the engage- ment. When a guy makes a girl wait that long she wants something besides words to prove he loves her. Get it?" Too will R-ntnt swim' 41 The St. Aegis Hotel ruau:TlI • Ever ROOM Witte l'ub Uatb. Obese: end Telephone • Mule, 10.50 and up -- Double, 14.50 no Rod rood. ((intoe end uanetne sbth gbernonrne of Coelho Tel RA. 4105 IMMEMMIMMINIONINumy SORE FEET THIS WAY l3ub In Aiinard'a Liniment generously, add feel the relief Meal over the aching rnlisoles and joints. For all muscle and joint pains, acheaand stiffness, sprained ankles, twisted limbs—Minard's has been famous for over 00 years. Good for dandruff and skin disorders, too. tet a bottle today; keep It ei) Wendy, ARD'S LINIMENT INIS COULD HAVE' PENSD TO NW Historic Floi'.ti l Bridge Mutt Go Oite of the fits fl+rl'.in;; bridges still in existence in Canada is shod t to give way to a more nuulcrn strur lure, Ever since 1.8711 it has been s;nmg travellers a nine mile dl t mr around Lake l•henu,ng, lust northwest of I I'eterhorough, The more adient''' ons type of 1ravelle, %gill be sorry to see it go, as negotiating 11.e mile• long bridge—considered the longest of it, type hl the world—was often 1 thrilling experience. Quite often a nutorisl, driving across will windows open, would get a (trenching when a (vane smashed against the car; and passengers could often he seen' walking behind 'hiring the crossing, 111s1 in case. \Tilt an overall width of 211 feet, the bridge had a (limbic -floored centre strip only about 1.1 feet wide, This wasn't sof ficicnt for 2 -way traffic so this strip had half a dozen "pullout" places for cars to pass one another. 'Total load limit ‘vas five inns, and even when an ord- Inary passenger car travelled the bridge water would squirt through the floor boards as the bridge sank tinder the weight. In Fall and Spring the bridge be- came a twisted tangle of timber and ice, 11'fnds buffeted the structure and either sank parlous of it under • the heavy ice or tore whole sections loose, \Vhe» this happened, bridge• tenders had to chase the wayward sce110115 up and down the lake, L 6'{;E£t Cl'ty 11'hich is the wvorltl's largest city? l,+,nduu? 1n population, right (though New Turk is a close runner- ui+l. Ihtt in ;nv.I, the corrcl'I answer is Kiruna, a- iron ore town in Swcd. ish Lapland, north o: the Arctic lirrlc, :11,1:1+1'.11) this city has only 18,- 11;1+' lahit,lnts, its arca is 18 times t' at of t:. r• ter New 1'ork, I)espit.r this distinction, people of far flung Kiruna • probably envy New 1'o';inti one superlative 1while it lasts) — the world's longest sub• way ride for a nickel. "11006tded 4 rop Blinding pain, con- stant throbbing can make lite a misery. Many headaches may be caused by the fail- ure of the kidneys to perform their normal duty of filtering poi- sonuus wastes and excess acids from the blood. If kidneys fail and poisons remain in the system, headaches, backache, rheu- matic pains, disturbed rest may often fol. low. Dodd's Kidney Pills help )our kidneys clear out trouble -staking poisons and crcess acids so that you feel better—rest better— work better, Get Dodd's today, 142 Dodd's Kidney Pills-. fire Chief ESCUES Eleven Month old Baby W1NE DIJWAWARB ROBERT DEY of Pembroke, Ont performs gallant deed although wrists slashed by broken window it wasn't the sight of angry flames enveloping her two-storey home that filled Mrs, Anderson's heart with terror. It was the thought of her 11 -month-old baby boy -- trapped alone In that blazing inferno) For a second or two she . stood rooted to the ground , . , and then a scream from inside the house brought her back to reality. Three times, in spite of neighbours' protests, she tried to reach her baby. But she had to give up .. , her face and hair singed by the flames, DEY ENTERS THROUGH WINDOW By this time firemen were batt- ling the blaze and Chief Robert Dey was attempting to force his way into the house. Finally he smashed a window and crawled through, Although both his. .wrists had been cut by the broken glass be fought his way into the blazing living room and managed to find the little boy. Then, choking from the dense smoke and terrific heat, he made his way back to the window and soon had the youngster safe in his mother's arms. We are proud to recognize publicly the gallantry and out- standing bravery of Fire Chief Robert Dey of Pembroke, On. tarso, through the presentation of The Doke Award, THE DOW AWARD is a citation for outstanding hero, ism and includes, as a tangible expression o appreciation, el Sox Cana a Savings Bond, Winners are selected by the Dow Award Committee, a group of editorsof leading Canadian daily newspapers. Desperately, Mrs Anderson tried to enter the burning house, After three attempts, her hair and face singed, she realized that she must give up. • Stumbling through the dense smoke from room to roost; Chief Dey finally found the child. Then, with the terrified boy in his arms, he fought his way back to the window. DOwgxe W�RD DONT WORRY -HE'LL SHOW UP - HE'S NIVip, Ycr-MtesEo A'MAW ppNlet4,� DOW je`W t,'I QV HOTTROPOLE '&064 r Oer. — O.N.B. hit), Revolutionary Phonograph Plays Records Vertically -It is claimed that this newly developed phonograph pictured above will completely revolutionize the playing of recorded music. Its most rivvcl feature is that records arc played in a vertical positron. They are never turned or dropped. In addition, it holds 200 selections really for instant playing and will automatically find any record in the library, plays either one or both sides and return it to storage without anyone's touching any of the recordings, pick-up arm or mechanism, The machine furnishes more than 14 hours of continuous music without ever repeating a single selection. A tinier starts it playng at any time desired and ends the program at a predetermined time. Brazil Needs Many Sports -- And One Thing Canadian Products or Another 13y FRANK MANN HARRIS ('A Sixhit Critic") Professional hockey players, and the newspaper Writers whose task it is to report every hove of these heroes on behalf of a palpitating pub- lic, frequently have a lot of idle time to kill between games and practise sessions, This is especially the case when a team is in some strange city for several days 011 ac- count of a Stanley Cup series or 50111c such, * *• * Some of them put in most of this spare time engaged is card games of a fairly mild innocuous variety. Others will wander on to see the sights of the town -although this particular pastime is said not to be nearly as popular as formerly, now that a player's moral and social be- havior is of almost as great interest to his employers as his scoring abil- ity, But the chief means of time - assassination is just to sit around and talk about -of all things f-' hockey. * * * During such gab -tests somebody is almost bound to start picking All- time All-star teams; and some weird and wonderful combinations of past and present hockey standouts arc evolved. One of those we best re- call was put together by a sports writer who shall remain nameless, but whose most strenuous feat of personal athletic endeavor was chalk- ing a pool -cue, * * * 7 this occasion everybody present was asked to jot down on a piece of paper the names of his mythical All-Star team - the ids being, if we remember aright, that the one judged to have made the best selec• tion was to have the privilege of buying the next round, Of soda - pop, naturally, And when it came time to read them off it was dis- coverer that this chap had written down the following - Howie Mor. enz; . "Dutch" Nighbor; Fred Tay- ' Ed'le Shore; Lionel Conacher - just the five names, "Hcy ttere," somebody yelled, "you've forgotten to pick out any goaltender." "Brother" was the un- ruffled reply, "with a bunch like that I'd do the goaltending thyself - an : what's more I wouldn't even bother to put on pads) * *. * If the Hamilton Tigers should drop out of the !lig Four --as seems to b' their present intention -a whole lot of old-time color will be missing from that football loop, and their action will be regretted, especially by those who renumber them in the days of their greatness. Some of our earliest sports memories recall Aut• ttnm jaunts. to the Ambitious City, and the roars of a football -crazy crowd yelling for the Tigers lo "Eat 'Em Raw." * * But we suppose it's just another case of "When little boys play with big boys it's seldom the big fellows 'who get hurt," Upper -bracket foot- ball is strictly a dollar -and cents proposition nowadays -although this is hotly denied by some of those be- hind it -and I4amilton just cannot hope to rake in sufficient money to • put Tigers 011 s par with Argonauts and Alottettcs in the search for tal- ent, *• * * Ottawa is in a slightly different position -as it is rumored that down there in the shade of Parliament Hill there are always nice potitions-" hours 12 to 1 with 60 minutes off for ltinch"-for a hard-hitting middle •wing or (feet -footed halfback, and that these help to make up for com- paratively small box-office receipts. * * But of such matters we cannot speak with any authority, All we know for certain Is that ws shall be sincerely sorry to see the Hamilton Tigers pass out of the League. Nor do we mind predicting that there will come a day when the other t will regret that they weren't just a trifle more generous In help- ing ease their financial load by cut- ting them in just a trifle deeper on away -from home gates, The conditioning of athletes is a business for experts nowadays, us everybody, knows. Meeting our old friend ]fill Kelly -now an of ficial on Ontario race tracks -the other day brought back memories of the only time we Were ever attempted in an amateur prat', to assist in riICh doings. * * * After several years absence from the saddle, Kelly had been asked to rifle in a certain Steeplechase; and wishing to sweat off sonic of the ac- cumulated suet he invited us to spend the might at his house, then come out with hint for an early tnorning run, "\Vc'Il get up at four in the morning, run about five utiles, then conte back and have breakfast," * * * After what seemed like about 30 minutes in the hay the alarm went off; and with Many grows and much mutual sympathy we donned sweaters and shorts and emerged into the cold grey !lawn, Our path led tip along toward Riverdale Park; and as we passed the fire hall the clock bonged the half-hour, Looking up we saw that it was half -past three! Some- liody-we each blamed the other - had set the clock for an hour early. * * Nothing (taunted we plodded on, down the steep hill leading into The Park which -ns some of you will no doubt recall -houses' Toronto's 7-oo, After a few moments the path start- ed to lead upward, and breath secret- ed harder to get. Cage after cage of animals we passed, but in nary a one of them could we notice a single sign of life. s•. * * Suddenly Kelley pulled to a halt, a very serious expression on his face, "Over there," he said, pointing, "are the zebr's, Over there a cageful of monkeys, In that cage, the lions. In that one, Heaven knows what. All dumb animals - yet all with sense enough to be sleeping their heads off, while we're out here running ourselves to death, Doesn't seem sensible, does It?" "It certainly doesn't," we panted in re' iy, "Let's go home and get back to bed." And since then all our particlpatlon in athletic conditioning has been strictly from the sidelines - and after the sun was well up In the skies too. CHOICE FRUIT TREES AND SMALL FRUITS Ornamental Trees, Shrubs Evergreens, Roles, Perennials, Clads b Cannes Large h Complete Steak of All Leading Varletlea 100 Acrel ``ander Oultivatlo* Baa our Catalogue & Planting Write ria shIL ateVTLr}ionfMB eoxebaiti es. ')espite lirazil's current shortage of dollar exchange, that country of- fers excellent market opportunities to the Canadian exporter. Canada's principal sales to Brazil consist of wheat and other grains, paper and paper products, and machinery, There are possibilities for expan- sion, particularly in the last group, in view of fir; ••it's great need aris- ing from increasing Industrializa- tion and the llec•ssily for replace- ment of obsolete machinery, which could not be effected clue to the scarcity f supplies (luriub the war years. Perhaps Brazil's most urg- ent postwar requirements arc for better transportation facilities, in- volving the purchase of ships, air- craft, locomotives and rolling stock, buses, trucks, passenger cars and spare parts. The latest list of essential imports, to which Brazil will give priority in the issue of foreign exchange, includes in ad- dition, agricultural machinery and implements, tools, metals, indus- trial chemicals, pharmaceuticals and pigments. DOES INDIGESTION WALLOP YOU BELOW THE BELT? Help Your Forgotten "28" For The Kind 01 Relief That Helps Make You Barin' To Go Moro than holt of your digestion is done below the belt -In your 28 feet of bowels, 8o when Indigestion etrIkes, try something that hnipn digestion in the stomach ANi) below the belt. Whet you may need is Carter's Little Liver Pills to give needed help to that "forgotten 28 feet" of bowels. Take ono Carter's Little Livor Pili before and one after meals, Take them according to directions. They help wake up a larger 110 of the 3 main digestive Juices In your stomach AND bowls -help you digest what you have eaten in Nature's own way. Then most folks got the kind of relief tint makes you feel bolter from your head to your Loos. Just be euro you got the genuine Carter's Little Liver !'ills from your druggist -3&e. ISSUE 1' - 1948 d Classified Advertising AGENTS WANTED OILS, GREASES, TIRES, insecticides, Eleetrlo Fenn Controllers, House and Barn Paint, Roof Coatings, eta, Deal- ers wanted. Write Warco Grease 4 011 Limi- ted, Toronto. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES AN OFFER to every Inventor -List of invert - Gone and full Information sent free. The Ramsey Co, Reentered Patent Attorneys, 173 Bank Street, Ottawa, IIAIIY CHICKS THUS Is the year to rale° poultry. Egg and meat priced will he high thin year. Ito euro and buy your chicks from en estnhllelietr farm. All chicks from our form nre Iron Government approved and willorum teen() breedersWrite for prices and c'lalegue. 8lnnklon Poultry Forms, Monklnn, Ont. YOU'LL be sorry Ills Fall and Winter If you haven't your laying pen filled am usual and Your usual number of rockerele. 'rhnre'e likely to be a shortage of rem rend poulirY this Fell which means high pr!cen. With I roopecte for it good crop with lower feed uricee, 1948 (not 10491 le the year to buy all the chlrks you run properly handle. SVIren Your neighbours aro coshing In nn these good prices, don't you bo the one Plaiting you had eggs end poultry In dell, '111,: limo to mike money In any endeavour le when (hero tiro not loo tunny 0000 Into the ))hi itis N. 11'IIh l0% Zees chicks hatched to date, dellnitely this le the year "1n eneh In" In the poultry burl - nose. We can give prompt delivery on nil popular breeds In day old,, two wind threw work old gut;ted clil'ke and older Pullets eight Weeks to Wine, lie sure to send fur our 1948 catalogue, 'rweddlo Chick llntcherlee Limited, 11•rgue, Ontario. MAKE bigger meat and egg profits with Itullywood Leghorn". They are as largo as most heavy breeds. These Ileal big, lop - combed beuutice are hacked by 30 years breeding for every quality you need ler top Poultry pronto - Champlonehlp lIvnblllly to cut chick and layer loeuee. Guaranteed egg breeding for big, white, premium ogee. Really a big legliorn for more ment. Fast funiform growth for quickest of all broilers 1111100 therm big profit makers once and you will raise them always, Write Inc prleellel and free calendar Big Rock Farm. Mille Roches. Ontario. STAI1TKI) chick bnrgnine while they WI; 3 week old; Pullets: Marred Roche, Light Suonex x Darrell Ilocke, New 1lumpehlre x Barred Hocks 35.95, New Ilampeblre 38.05, A: nulled Ilenvlee 37.05. \Vatic .1.cghorn, Light Hu"aex x White Leghorn, White Rock x White Leghorn 39,95, Black Minorca x While Leghorn 41.95, Assorted Light nrecds 38,95, 2 week old 5.00 per hundred lees. Alen other brcede In non -sexed, pullets and cock- erels, Day old cockoreln: Barred Rock, New llampeldre, x 'tarred Reeks, Light Sussex, Light Nunez a New 1lnurp8hiroa 1.45, New Ilnmp8hlrce 3,45 .t,,00rled 11ravies 2.85. Send fur epeclul Marled price list, Top Notch Click Salve, (1urlph, Ontario, HEAVY BREED COCKERELS -4c Sueeex; Sueeex x N. Ilnmps. urumpt delivery 4c. Atter April 20th, 4 tie, May 1st to May 101h lc. Rhode Island Retie 3e, Rork x Leg horn, and Bu,eex x Leghorn 2c, Leghorne le Feet feathering Rorke rend Rock x Now llnmp. to May lel Se, To receive theme 1Peclnls en- clneo thio nil with order. HURONDALE CHICK HATCHERY, LONDON, ONT, HURONDALE CHICKS All breeders, double bluod•t.ested and banded, backed by high pedigreed foundation mock. Many customers report bed chicks 1 ever had, and prices iso reasonable. "The chicks 1 hail from you have done eplendld," reports Jnmes Wright, Owen Sound, Pure Sussex mixed 14c. Sueeex x New Ramp, Rock x New hemp, mixed 12%c, pullets 24c, Rock x Leghorn, Sussex x Leghorn, New Hemp. x Leghorn to May 20 mixed 14e, Pullets 27c, cockerels le. After May 20 mixed 1214c, pullets 24c. Large Type While Leghorn pullele 24c, mixed 12%c, Fast teathering Rock and Rock x N. Hemp. cockerels tie In May 1x1, Sueeex, Sumter x N. Iiamp, and Broad bfoaeted New Hatnp. cock- erels to May let 4c, after May lel fie, Aeaort- ed mixed chicks 11e, aeeorted pullets 23c, Aaenrle'l heavy cockerel, 8e when available, All price" subject to change velthout notice. 100% live delivery In your elation, 81,00 per 100 depoelt, balance C.O.D. Order from and enclnee thle ed, Ilurondale Click Hatchery, London, Ont, REFORE you buy baby chicks this year, give a little scrim thought to the question of where to buy your baby chlcke. Buying on Price alone can very often prove a eerloue and costly mlelake. The price tag on the chick" ham no connections with your future !success end profit In the poultry business. In the chicks themselves that count and the breeding back of them, that you are buying.. Top Notch have been supplying good Govern- ment Approved chicks for 14 years, Prornpt • shipment on all popular breeds, day old, two or three week old, older pullets eight wceke In laying. Free catalogue. Top Notch Chick Sales. Guelph, Ontnrlo. BREEDER HATCHERY CHICKS OVER 10,000 BREEDERS IN LAKEVIEW FARMS All double blood tested, bended and Inspected. Many customers have had years of continuous success, with Lakeview chicks. You can too, • From John Cole", Gravenhuret, Ontario - "Many thanks for fine ehlprnent. I have 100% livability." "Wonderful success. 75 to 80% production with your Sussex," reports Arthur Arycre, Ocgoode, Ontario. EGG SHORTAGE ' Total chick hatchings down 80 co from year ago. Feed prices w'll be lower and egg prices higher. POULTRY MEAT SHORTAGE Reports ahow cockerel' started to date down 70 to 80% from year ago, 2-4 Ib. broilers are lolling for 86 to 40o 1b live weight. The margin of profit is greater than ever. PROMPT DELIVERY 60,000 L,thevlew click" weekly. t1'o can glue prompt delivery In most breeds. Give 2nd chola of breed, if pneelble, Moeda avallnhle Sussex, Sueeex x N. !lamps., B. Rock x Nampa„ Barred Rocks, N. Hann's. Rhode feland Rede, Large type W. Leghorn', Rock x Leghorn, Sussex x Leghorn, N. Iremp. x Leghorn. STARTED PULLETS 4 wks,-24 wks. Oet a head start with started pullets or hook order for future delivery 3 weeks to ready to lay. It looks like it will be impossible to buy we)I•atnrted pullet" later on, All older pullets raised on free range under Ideal renditions. HEAVY BREED COCKERELS Thousands nv'nllablo weekly. Send for special low prlcen' on largo orders. CAPONS 4 WEEKS READY MADE 'there le good money In raising Capone. Sell for as much per 1h, as turkeys. 35 to 40c per Ib. alive how. Send for large Illustrated entalogue and man- agement book and weekly special list of day old, started pullets and capon. LAKEVIEW POULTRY FARM AND HATCHERY FREE! 100 HEAVY -BREED COCKERELS with every order of 100 pullets, Large Type White Leghorn pullets 128.60, New Ramps. 118,00. To receive thla special enclose this ad with your order. HURONDALE CHICK HATCHERY, LONDON, ONT, VARY 0111018/ CATCH Yp with some of these well•started chicks, Iwo week old Pullers: Barred Rock", New Hampshire a Barred Rocks 31,16. Assorted 11.96, non -sexed 30.06, Assorted 10.46. Cockerels 10.46, Assorted 8.16, Pul- lets: Whlta Leghorn, Barred Rock a White Leghorn, Matra White 36.96, Back Minorca x While Leghorn 80.00, Aasorted 11.95, Three week old add 6.00 per hundred, 1 week old add 13.00 per !tundred to above prices. Mao other breeds. Rend far special started price Ilan, Assorted day old heavy breed rocker'!" 2.96 per hundred. Burred Ilocke 1.46, New 1lnmpahlrea 3.45. Free ealalugue. 'rweddle Chick Iletcherica I,intlted, Fugue, Ontario. YOU LOHE veluuble markets with later • chicks -you might 0e well catch the good ' ones -you can, eapeclally with Bray started • pmllete and cockerels. We have Them ready ' to skip, het ,pei nal prices. Bray Hatchery', 1130 John N., Hamilton, Ont. DY1•:IN(I AND CLEANINO HAVE YOU anything needs dyeing or clean. Ing? Write 10 us for information IVe are glnd to answer your queetlons Derwrtment 11, Parker's Dye Works Limited 791 Tonga Street. Toronto, Or,torlo 11111 SALE IIARLEY DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES Parts mut Service. lien K Kennedy i boo, 419 College Rt., 'Toronto BROAD -BREASTED BRONZE TURKEY POULTS Also 1-111A1.1, WHITES and BROAD. BREASTED WHEW E X SMALL WHITES and SHALL I6.IL1f,'S 7'1118 look, the year to make real money In Ulrkeye, Send for our Turkey Outdo and let- ter to get all the details. There le a good American merket and demand. The duty Is down 1 cents her Ili feed Prices are going down. Quotations for May delivery far grain are down 113.00 to 117.00 per ton. Amer!. con Breeder Ilocke are down, 40.50 per cent, Pouli production will be away down, It Is expected last Canadian puha will be shipped to U.N.A. by May or before at Rood prices. I'Inn to raise Ixtullel This le the year) Rook your order now! Ills discounts for April delivery. Send for Turkey ktnringement Oulde and clrculae which tells all about prattle, prevention of disease and rearing methods. LAKEVIEW TURKEY RANCH EXETER ONTARIO CItAF'r Supplies: Free Catalogue. We stork a full line in the following crofts: Shell crate Lenthercrn ft, Feltcraft, Bondcraft. ilnndycrnfl Supply Company Poterbe:ough. Ontnrlo, FOR SALE new D. John Deere •Tractor, starter, lights, prover lake•olf on 14" rubber. Into model 28.50 white steel mill Morsel Feeder, clever utlnclmcent, Ilk' new. 96.41 llno,lleon 81111 Clover ntlachmrnt, good run- ning order. Coniplele act aleel wheel" for International Tractor. Steel rear wheels for GO and 00 or 99 nllner Tractor. Albert floue• ton. 60 Enema St., Chnthnm, Ont Phone 258611. BARGAINI STOCK REDUCING SALE NEW pol•IYpn Queen 011 Burning Moder etovee, new 120.00 or 121 00 delivered to your station, Act quickie, while they text. Subject to change without notice, To rocelve this bargain price enclose thin nd with your order. Alan 110031 HEATERS as low es 133,00 and Now r'ol•Type QUEEN RANGE OIL BURN- ERS, 145.01 while thry Incl! LAKEVIEW HATCHERY AND SUPPLY COMPANY EXETER ONTARIO YEAR-OLD Raupberry plants, Latham and Taylor Varieties 6o each. Improved Senator Dunlop strawberry plants $2.00 hundred. Riverview Gardens, Kitchener, Ontario. BEAOi,bI Pups from Field Trial Champlon stock, ready to traln, also trained dogs, J, J. Farmer, Suite 100, 101 Queen Sl„ Ottawa, Ont. ENSILAGE harvester, McCormick Dearing No. 1, )Hardly coed, perfect condltlon, 111,- 'ere 11,.Jere Chaude Farm, Reg'd., Pont Rouge, Que. ONE AND TSVO ROW JOHN DEERE POT.... TO PLANTERS iN STOCi{ NOW. W. F. 11CKENZiE1 CO., DISTRIBUTORS SINCE 1806, I'HONIO 26, LEAMINGTON, ONT. HARDY 1 -year Latham Raspberry canes, 9640 Per hundred, Premier Strawberries 12,00 per hundred. A. Crowle, R.R. 1, iding• tan, Ont. PEAS- Oovcrnmont Registered No, 1 Chancel- lor and OAC 181, Limited supply. Sealed In two bushel bogs. 14.60 bu. W. A, Price 12 St. Thomas St.. Toronto. Rnndol'a, 1141. BEMIS 0N82 AND TWVO-Rolf llult to AND TRACTOR -DRAWN TOBACCO AND TOM- ATO, ETC., TRANSPLANTERS AVAILABLE NOW. SEE YOUR LOCAL DEALER OR 1V. F, McKEN'/,1E CO., DiSTIt1BIITORB SINC10 1866, PHONE 11, LEAMINOTON, ONTARIO. 1 B.D. CLETIIAC Overhead Shovel and Angle - dozer, tined 5 months, Now condition, Herndon k King, Contractor', Grafton, Ont. Phone 87, UU1LDE1IS' Supplies available ImmedrntelY. Nulls - Cast -Iron soil -pipe and Fatluur. Putnbing fixtures and electrical appliances, Send 'temp for circular. Economy Distribu- tors, Kingston, Ontario. BEAUTIFUL baby budgie', guaranteed male', 6 weeks old. C.O.D. 811. Canary singing, carefully chosen for color and Bong, 118. C.O.D. Oronm Prt Supplle', 991 Bloor W„ Toronto, Ont, FOR BALE 111-POWE1t1:D Itllles-Write for descriptive foldere and prices. SCOPE SALES CO„ 336 Queen St., Ottawa, Ont. WISCONSIN AIH{ 0001,161) GASOLINE i NUINES • Delivery from block, f - 110 b.p. IREI'AiRS AND i'AIITS Dl'lributlon required In certain territories, CONSOLIDATED ENOINEH & MACHINERY COMPANY New Toronto Ontario LATIIA6t raspberry canoe, IS 00 per hundred, Gordon Bridgman, MR. 2. Purllnrh. Ont, RKUiST1•:1tED Collier priced to moll, One Elmldll brood bitch, one Sl. Adrian proven Mud. William I'ye, homeland, Ont. TEN ACRES Summer moon, village on Rice Lake. Suitable for Cabins, Store Garage, gond cottage, hare, water, hydro, 16,000, Box 46, Harwood, Ont, 200 ACRES, Choice Stork and Uruln Farm, 3 miles from City, 165 seas workable, 10 acres wood; water and hydro In house and burn, !'usreasion at once. Box 3, 123 18th Street, Now Taronlo. FOR HALE er !tent, rhecae factory wltb grocery store. Apply Med 1leaumarlant, St, Charles, Ont, SENATOR Dunlop strawberry Plants, well rooted, heivleel prisl ieere, hundred 11.50, thousand 18. Order early. Percy Yarrow, Route 6, Trenton, Ont. HAIRI/IIESHINO LEARN Halt -draping the Robertson method, information on request regarding clang's. Robettson'e Halydreaeing Academy. 117 Ave- nue Road. Toronto IIKI)I('AI HT'S PROVEN -Every sufferer of Itheumatlo l'alue or Neuritis ahnuld try Dixon.' Rem- edy. 6lunro's Drug Store, 386 Elgin, Ottawa, I'netpald 11.03. MONACAD for Eczema, the new matcb- leee and el carloue ointment By mall 60e, LaTroppe, North Rotteravllle, N.R. SATISFY Yourself -Every aufferer of Rhee. mane Pains or Neurltl" ehould try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, 836 Elgin, Ottawa. Politest(' 11.00. OI'I'OI$TUNITIEb PIM 111131EN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Ureal Opportunity Learn Ilatrdresaing Pleasant dlgnlfied profession, good wages, thousand, auccoeeful Marvel graduates, America's greatest system Illustrated cata- logue fres. Write or Call etARV5IL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 351 WOW 8t. 11'., Toronto Branches 44 King St., Hamilton. & 74 Rideau Street, Ottawa. OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN EARN MONEY AT HOME SPARE or full-time money -making. Learn to make candy at home and earn as you learnt correspondence course. National Institute of Confectionary Reg'd Delnrlmler P.O., Box 150, Montreal, Que. PATENT' FE'rHERSTONAUUH & Company, Patent Solicitors. Established 1190, 14 lila West, Toronto, Booklet of Information on request, PERSONA "ELIJAH Coming Before Christ", wonderful book free. Megiddo Mission, Rochester 11, N.Y. 1'IIOTOGRAI'U1 ELGIN Photos, Developing and 1 prints 10e Reprints .03e, Jumbos ,060, Write for epee - lata on Films, Enlargements, Mounts, Frames. Box W116. St. Thomas, Ont. BEND your alma to our new plant for unsur- pained Quality, Our eparkling gloomy Prints will please you, 6 or A exposure rola 80e postpaid, reprint' 03c ea, 35 for 11, Gamma Photo Centre, Box 71, Chapleau, Ontario. REPAIRS FUR COATS REMODELLED 01E1 coats made like new by master furrier, Free Insured storage on repair' and remodel'. Write for Information. Uptown Furs, 669 Yonge St., Toronto. WANTED WANTEDI 115.00 paid for Winchester 1111 and Marlin 1101 (only) rhea with worn-out barrels. The Gun Shop, 70 Ward, Port Hope, Ontario. WANTED: ktuskr'vt are In good demand. For top prices and prompt returns ship your raw Jure+fol Alan James, Lindsay Ont. CHERRY LOGS Bought for sash. Write Bot 801, Fergus, Ont. • IIELP WANTED HOUSEKEEPER WANTED Housekeeper to live In, permanent position I adults only. Apply Mrs, Bert Weir, 761 Richmond St., London, Ont. WANTED Four (4) amoral MY nurses, Also night supervisor (11-7). Attractive eatery with in- crease after one year's service. Full main- tenance provided. APPIy the Director of Nuraing, Welland County General Hospital, Welland, Ontario. wiZefitilsiihi For constant' Smoking Pleasure :46 swaar/,E 'EXPORT' Cigarette Tobacco MUTT AND JEFF -Little Jeff Can Get A Kick Out Of Anything dUSTAVIA BLACKSMITH FOR A Job! YoU dA LEARN THE TRADE! No, I vJLL,b.K, HAVE No I'LL TRY XPERIEHeE YoU oUT! BUT t CAN. • EARN! NoNl, I'LL IIot.D'h11S RED HO IOW tiles, ON 714E ANVIL AND WHEN 1 moo MY AbwYo T • P rr _ A ALSO AVAILA$IA IN 1 POUND TiNS By BUD FISHER r PAGE 4. y I. THE STANDARD ' I3A1DS AT WORK... LEARNING AERO ENGINE ANIS AIRFRAME MECIHANICS ONTARIO S products are desired and purchased by people all over the world and the capacity to produce such goods largely determines the economic welfare of every man, woman and child within her borders, Because the sale of every article prodnrrd in Ontario brings valuable dollars into this Province, we all are more assured of job security , , . and we and our children eon have more of the better things in life, To produce such goods in sufficient (1(1antities, skilled labour is vital. That is why every single one of us should be glad that tear veterans are constantly being, trained 10 provide the skilled hands so needed by industry, Veterans receive ON 'l'lHE JO11 training -under expert instructors in our Ontario factories, This training, provided through the cooperation of the Department of Veterans' Affairs, the Federal Department of Labour and the Ontario Department of Education, starts veterans off on the road to skilled craftsmanship, Taught to use their hands in general [tern engine and airframe work, both on military and civilian aircraft, these veterans may qualify for a Department of Transport license, authorizing than to declare aircraft airworthy. In aircraft manufacturing plants and on flying fields throughout Ontario, these newlyskilled veterans will have the opportunity nortunity to apply their talents and training. Their efforts will help to make a finer pace in which to live and will contribute to the welfare and happiness of all her citizens. TIIE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) • • You might be the iiext victim of fire—fire that can quickly destroy your home, your business, your property, your whole life's work. Let Pilot Insurance accept tho risk—ready and quick to pay any just claim, The cost is very low. Wo write Pilot Insurance to cover selected risks in Automobile, Fire, Personal Property Floater, Burglary, Plate Glass, Pub. lie Liability and other general insurance, BERNARD HALL Representing EAST WAWANOSH Carter have had the measles. \Ir. and Mrs. Laurie Scott, Mr. and Mrs. George Caldwell and and Donald, with Mr. and Mrs, itr, and \ars. John Caldwell spent Gowan on Sunday. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mack Car- diff. DONNYBROOK Miss Mildred Charter, 'also Gordon ,Mr.' and Mrs. I ,I .II.11.... 11 1 11. 1: ..1 . .1.1 1.11 1 Groceries Bobby 0. Mc- \Vebstcr QUICK COOKING ROBIN HOOD OATS 6 LBS, 3'k CHOICE PEAS (DEWKIST) . 2 FOR 27c JELLO ......._. _..___... _...__31FOR 25c . SPIC AND SPAN .. 22c AYLMER TOMATO AND VEGETABLE SOUP 2 FOR 17c GRAPEFRUIT JUICE 29 OZS., 2 FOR 27c COWAN'S COCOA 1 LB. TIN 21c DATES, RAISINS, PRUNES„ CUT MIXED FRUIT, WALNUTS, ALMONDS, CANNED CORN, TOMATOES, FRUiT AND VEGETABLE JUICES. WATT'S FEED -- NEW LIFE FEEDS. . SHUR GAIN FEED •— PIONEER FEEDS. t YSTER SHELL AND ROYAL PURPLE CALF MEAL. E FIR/ ID SOW RATION AND HOG GROWER. T. 1 A BAG OF -WATT'S CHOICETERIA LAYING MASH. START YOUR CHIIKS ON CHOICETERIA CHICK STARTER. WE HAVE PEAT MOSS FOR POULTRY ON HAND. MOLL ND'S GROCERY AND LOCKER SERVICE Moody Holland, Prop., Successor to A, L. Kernick Telephone 39 -- We Deliver and AERO ENWIVE MIE4.,11iN!CS • II, Parry, 25, of Oshawa, Ontario, a Canadian Army veteran, is shown making an adjustment to the engine Of a Cub '1'rainer. Students work on various types of aircraft ranging from the Cub Trainer to multiple engine military aircraft. Many veterans, trained us ground crew specialists during the war, have elm seu to take post-war training in this occupation for which they are particularly suited, 1'er them the transition to peace -tine employment has been easier. ANNIVERSARY TEA Trinity Church Guild intend holding an Anniversary Tea in the Orange Hall un May :9th. FOR SALE 2 cows, 1 fresh and 1 due to freshen any time. Apply to Alf, Machan, phone 18-5, Myth. 32 -Ip. STARTED CHICKS FOR SALE Started Chicks for Ituntediate De- livery, 2 to 8 weeks old, Prices range from $19.45 to $52.25 per 100 for Pul- lets. Also a few non sexed and cocker- els. Phone 179, Myth, For Govern. trent Ap.pr.ved 'Twaddle Chicks, 32-1 Mr, and Mrs, Stuart Chatnney visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Cliff 1 lenderson, Kippcn. Mr, and Mrs, i3atrtcn:hills, Gode- rich, and Mr. and Mrs. John Tiffin, of \\iingliam, were Sunday visitors at the home of \fr. and Mrs. Norman Thom:,•, sou. ,,Ir, and Mrs. H. Jefferson attended the funeral at Tecswater of the late .\Ir. Downing, irs. Edward Robinson had her ton- silt removed in \Viugham Hospital last week, Mrs. Jefferson Sr, is visiting with her sister, at Guelph. Mr, Gordon Nayl_r visited on Fri- day with his, daughter, Kay, who is a patient in the Children's Memorial 1lospital, London, _ I' _ •, OPEN WEDNESDAY NIGHTS sQ* TENDERS FOR DRAINAGE WORK EAST WAWANOSH TOWNSHIP SEAL EI) 'I'ENDENS will he receiv- ed by the undersigned up until 2 o'clor.k P.M., 'Tuesday, May 4, 100ti, for the construction of the 11allahan-Caldwell Munieipal grain. Specifications, pro- 1 We are modernly' equipped to handle file, etc., may be seen at the Clerk's all cement work. No job trio large, or ofticc, Flt. I, 1telgrave. ; too stnal1 Tenders to he accompanied by a Free Estimates given on request, marked cheque f .r 10 per cent. of con- Contact us at once if you arc plan - tract price. ! Hing any of this work. The lowest or any tender not ueces,- LAWRENCE & HAGGITP sarily acce;tted. 1 CONTRACTORS, - 32-2, It. 11. Thompson, Clerk, phone 16-6, Blyth 30-4p, Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY, Exeter 235; Seaf orth 15, Collect.. DARLING and CO. of CANADA, LTD. Wednesday, April 21, 1948 WANTED 200 acres more flax land wanted, Alp- piky to Gord.m Max, Limited, phone Earl Noble, 114, Illyth, 32-1. Cennent Work Commencing next \Vednesday night our shop will he. open from 8 until 10 o'clock every \Wednesday night during the summer, months, n . PAINT UP! CLEAN UP! SPRING CLEAN-UP TIME IS HERE! My services are available for painting, (both interior and exterior). Pronlpt Service - Satisfaction Guaranteed. Contact ale for estimates. HOWARD TAIT Painter and Decorator. Blyth, Ontario J .4 1..1.. •..ulll .I.1,1 .Illi I. .i ,.I.I L 1,1.11,. t61 t I.. i.I\I.. 1I ..I,l 1.11 1. House -Cleaning TIDE—(New Washing Miracle) --... SPIC AND SPAN . SUPERFOAM ...... BON AMI .. . FOUR STRING BROOMS -..._.._..,..._ MOP STICKS ....• SCRUB BRUSHES NO, 1 O'CEDAR MOPS ...,.-..- Flcor Wlpx, Lennon Oil, O'Cedar 0;1, Window Cleaner, " Bar Soap and Soap Powders, -- SEEDS -- cads ,... _... per pkg. 30c . 2 PKGS. 45c _ 2 PKGS. 29c 2 FOR 25c EACH 65c • -.... _...... 29c ....- . .._ .... 15c AND 25c Rennie's and Steele Briggs Garden Seeds, Lawn C▪ rass, No, 1 Dutuh Sets, Mult:.liors, Bulk Peas, Ccrn, Beans, Turnip and Mange! Seeds, Irish Cobbler Certified Seed Potatoes. WEEK -END SPECIALS MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE 1 LB, TIN 57c McCO.(MICK'S SODAS . ._-. 2 LB. BOX 49c LIPTON'S ORANGE PEKOE TEA .. ........ HF. LB. 47c E. D. SMITH'S DiLL PICKLES.--._.... ._.._ ... ..25c DAD'S OATMEAL COOKIES PER PER PKG., 29c JIFFY PIE CRUST Stewart's General Store PHONE 9 1..Y.611 l371" BLYTH WE DELIVER '1. a 1 1, 1 . ,I ■ FOR SALE , Good Iced Clover seed for sale. Ap- ply to E. Leggett & Son, phone 12-5, R.R. 3, 1310, 32-2. S. W. SIBTHORPE & SON' ............ BARBERS • BLYTH. FOR SALE Quantity of Beaver Oats, suitable for seed, grown from Certified seed. Ap- ply, Roy Voting, phone 40-11, Blyth. 3_1p. FOR SALE Cream -enamelled kitchen stove, with deep fire box. as good as new, Alptply to Jack Howes (care of \\Mu. Bowes), 32-1p. FOR SALE Quebec range, \\"inghaut make, spice did baker, in good condition. Apply to Mrs. Alfred \lachan phone 18-5, Hlyth, 30-2-.p FOR SALE 2 screen doors, 80"x33t/z" ,C 80"x34"; also Irish Cobbler potatoes, 1 team set neck yokes and single trees, and ane ladder, Apply to Russell Bentley, phone 34.33, 13lytht. STEWART JOHNSTON Massey -Harris and Beatty Dealer. 32-1p. See our Complete Stock of Pipe Fittings, Beatty & Massey -Harris Repairs - Pump Repairs, all kinds. Dealer for Imperial Oil Products. For Prompt & Efficient Service Phone 137-2, Blyth 4VWiF+41F4‘1444 44N44.4.4,4I.4,4#4,44444.i4.4'44 MMSIfN .11 r - b z `f•.C.: >4.00.?k4`f1'f•Ooirp4` 4,4We.£te-V•PNJLW." PCd[-0. .4,4.1•f•l•}P rfVO!N.^1N .•.i? g .- '-=' t 1 ittT �.; ►e•:i-::.arw"Y'aia "�.: �a"•'�:3L" tr++.++>Y[ i; , Tenders The Huron County Home Committee requests Tenders for the supplying of 100 ton of Stoker Coal for the County Home at Clinton, 1 SEEDS Full line of GRASS AND CLOVER SEZ1)3 including Mixtures and Pasture Mixtures at the =SEED PLANT iN LONDESBORO Drop in and see the new "Seed - Easy Tractor power take -off Grass Seeder -- one of the newest things in laboursaving devices. Good Stcck of Fence Supplies, Norio ALEXANDER 1 Londesboro, Ontario • 'Decorating See me as soon as conveniently ,possible about that Spring decorat- ing job. 1 am available for either interior or exterior work, AGENT FOR J. AND J. SUTHERLAND WALL. PAPERS, WOODSTOCK, which include SUNWORTHY, MAXIMUR, DELUXE AND HOMESPUN PATTERNS —THE VERY NEWEST—. 1f you a re interested in something Itl?AI.L1' i)1vvEkENT in wall- paper designs, I would 8pprec;ate your call for an appointment. James Lawrie Phone 186, Myth RATES REASONABLE, Blyth Radio service • . FOR YOUR Summer Entertainment PURCHASE THE NEW SPARTON MIDGET ELECTRIC RADIO, a real pee wee in size with giant performance White Plastic $34.95 Brown Plastic $32,95 MAKE YOUR SUMMER DRIVING MORE PLEASANT WITH A New General Radionics Car Radio. THIS IS TRULY A FINE RECEIVER Priced at Only $69.95. HAVE YOUR SET TUNED UP FOR THE COMING SEASON NOW!, RATES REASONABLE, We carry Beatty Applhsnces, Radios (Spatton had Stewart•Watner), General Batteries (radio and fence charger). SEE OUR STOCK OF USED RADIOS. Prices to be on the track at Clinton . Analysis of coal to be shown. Tenders to be in the hands of GLENN KECIINIE the undersigned not later Than April 30th, 1948. 30-2 N. W. Miller, County Clerk, Goderich Ont. i Work Guaranteed. Phone 165, Bl;'.tt, April 21, 1918 Ship Your Cream or ''ilk TO THE BLYTH FARMERS' CO.OPERATiVE CHEESE AND BUTTER FACTORY, WE PAY THE HIGHEST PRICES, COURTEOUS SERVICE. PLANING MILL SERVICE • FARM SUPPLIES BUILDER'S SUPPLIES FERTILIZERS AND FEEDS, C, E, HODGiNS, MANAGER, Blyth Farmers (o -Op Association TELEPHONE 172 • BLYTH, on Guaranteed Trust Certificates ISSUEI) for any amount , , , , for a term of live j'enra . , , . guaranteed both as to principal and interest , , .. interest cheques mailed to reach holders on duo dale, or, at holdcr'a option, only be allowed to accumulate at compound interest, An ideal investment for individuals, com- panies; authorized by law for cemetery boards, executors and other trustees, THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION Sterling Tower, Toronto 36 }oars In Business TIME TABLE CHANGES EFFECTIVE PAINTING TENDERS + Tenders are invited for the painting, by brush, on the exterior of Landes - THE .-Doherty Bros. GARAGE, Acetylene and Electric Welding A Specialty, Agents For International- Harvester Parts & Supplies White Rose Gas and oil Car Painting and Repairing, ' CHESTERFIELDS AND t OCCASIONAL CHAIRS REPAIRED a11(1 RECOVERED, FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY For Further Information Enquire at J. Lock woods Furniture Store, Blyth Agent, Strafford Upholstering Co, IL _ THE LATEST STYLES _ IN WALLPAPER DESIGNS STANDARD " ROXY THEATRE, CLINTON, Now Playing (April 24.24) "Pirates Of Monterey". In Technicolor Men., Tues., Wed,, (April 26.28) Lana Turner, Van Heflin and Donna Reed A glorious screen version of a popu- lar novel which tells the tale of two sisters to ho desire the sante man "GREEN DOLPHIN STREET" In Technicolor NOTE; The abtve feature will commence at 7 P.M. Thursday Only, (April 29) SPECIAL LIONS' FROLIC AT 7 P, M, AND 9.15 P. M. Draw for prizes at each show••Your admi.s'on ticket may be a lucky ane Proceeds in aid of Clinton Hospital, Fri, & Sat, (Arris 30 and May 1) "NORTHWEST OUTPOST" Nelson Eddy, Ilona Massey and Joseph Schildkraut PAGE 7 CAPITAL THEATRE ��.~~��� GODERICH, REGENT THEATRE BEAFORTH. Now Playing (April 22.24) "'Tun• Vow Playing (April 22.24) "Pirates der In The Valley" In Technicolor Of Monterey" In Techncolor with starring Edmund Gwenn Maria Mcntez Mon., Tues., Wed., (April 26.28) Mon., Tues., Wed., (April 26.28) William Powell, Myrna Lay and Greer Garcon, Robert Mitchum and Keenan Wynn Dick Hart fhe latest in the Thin Man series A trnscly dramatic I:n.cb rlydett presents stream -lined comedy at its ..hence fitted to 1"°61.111)0,t -war sophisticated best problems 'THE SONG OF THE THIN MAN' "DESIRE ME" Thurs., Fri., Sat., (April 29.May 1) Thur.Sing ,CFy,Sat., rilondeAplla and Claudette Colbert, Ned Sparks and Mischa Auer Rochelle Hudson An appealing story combines the Re characters of Fannie 1iurst's ,cogs of Crosby with the irrepres- grcat novel step from its pages in sible comedy of Auer the screen adaptation "IMITATION OF LIFE" "EAST SIDE OF HEAVEN" Coming (May 3.5) "Her Husband's Coming (May 3.5) Claudette Col. Affairs" with Lucille Ball bert in "Imitation Of Life" s Mat,. Saturday and Holidays, 2.30 Mat., Wed., Sat., Holidays at 2.30 , Mat,. Saturday and Holidays, 2.30 4WW+w11W411NW++rWIN++r041 N4,W+wN. Selling Out AT OLD PRICES We have just received our 1948 samples of Sunworthy \Vallpap- er. These samples are entirely ���� _ new and different in colcur and design. in (act they are the fin- - est selection in Western Outar- io, - If you are planning to decor- ate, an early selection of patterns - is advised, These samples will be displayed in your home at any - time, Work Boots Khildrens Shoes F. C. PREST (BROKEN SIZES) Phone 37.26, LOUDESBORC BRUSH AND SPRAY PAINTING Sunworthy Wallpaper Paints and Enamels, Sunday, April 25th, 1918 hull information frgnt'Agents C ►NAC►i . PAC FREIE DINNERWARE AND CUTLERY AT k at I r ^. . WANTED TO BUY Ja� W�Ison f Busines block on theore United Church, Stccificalons: To supply, and apply, three cents of All old horses and dead animals, if i paint, putty windows where necessar suitable for mink feed. \\'ill lav more l General Merchant 1 Ltwesit or any, 'Nutter, not ncces- than fertilizer prices, if not will pay y I3ELGRAVE - ONTARIO - i sarily accepted, fenders to be in by fertilizer prices, If dead phone I April $Oils. at once, Gilbert Bros. ,Mink Ranch, - Phones: Brussels, 14R8. l Apply to Norman Alexander, Lott- 1 Goderich, Phone collect, 936r21 or dcsboro,28-tf. LYCEUM THEATRE WINGHAM—ONTARIO, Two Shows Sat, Night 'Pictures subject to change without r.otice. :Two Shows Each Night starting At:.,7130 Saturday Matinees at 2.00 P, M.,. Changes in time will be noted below' Thurs,, Fri•, Sat., April 22, 23, 24'; 'TROUBLE WITH WOMEN" .Ray Milland, Teresa Wright Mon,, Tues,, Wed. April 26, 27, 28 "FIESTA" Bing Crosby, Barry Fitzgerald ' Esther Williams, Richardo Monet.' ban " ..':4:+44.444x•:••; TEA BAGS 5f...64.1L4/ OF REVENGE Y J A C K 5 0 N• G 0 L E Synopsis CFI:\I'ThR \XNVI: Weber acts mysteriously and Filen becomes suspicious. She goes to the harn and frees Juanita. CHAPTER XXXVII Ellen watched the slim figure fade into the night. She slowly twisted an engagement ring from her finger, "\\'c'rc through, Clark," she whispered, Slipping back into the house, she fon d her broiler anxiously pacing the floor, worried over her long ab- sence, But tvhcn she had told him the reason for it, he was so enraged that Ellen had trouble keeping hits from stacking downstairs and having a showdown with Clark Weber then and there, "But in the morning we'll have it out," he promised tightly, when he finally gave in. "Either he leaves this place, right away, or we dol Downstairs the hinges of a door creaked. Ellen ran to the window, her hand clutching her throat. "Clark's going to the harn!" she cried in alarm, "Go get in bed!" Maxon ordered hastily. "And don't answer if he calls you." He went to his own room. Ellen was scarcely beneath her blankets when the downstairs door was hang- ed, to the accompaniment of fuming oaths, and Clark Weber carne pound- ing up the stairs, His very steps Indicated that he was like an enrag- ed beast, Ellen waited with baited breath. * a Fear-gispeed truss Bartle had made an agreement, on the spur of the moment, which he now regretted. He paced his office floor, cursing himself for promising to wipe out the Weber -Maxon mortgage if Clark Weber captured El Caballero Rojo. "The fool might be just lucky en- ough to deliver the goods," he mut- tered, "and then I'd be out four thousand dollars! I've got to hedge out of that promise somehow," But how to hedge without putting the first blemish on his reputation New ensemble—it's going places! Easy slenderizing dress with flatter- ing jabot, slim boxy -cut jacket— Pattern 4656 is an outfit to take beautiful care of your social Wel Pattern 4656 sizes 54, 86, 58, 46, 49, 44, 46, 48, 50. Size 86 dress, $ 4 yds, a9 -in,; jacket, 0 yds. contrast. Send TWENTY+FIVE CEN'' (95c) in coins for this ppttern to Room 421, 78 Adelaide St.t, Toronto. Print plainly >'! , If A M E, ADDRESS, STY NUMBER. ISSUE if — 1 fur being body and soul for the farmers he had imported? Bartle paced and planned until he was leg - weary and brain -fogged, and then at last a scheme formed in his brain. The only way—the perfect way. He hurried to his desk, sat down and snatched up a pencil. He worked another few minutes at the desk, then scurried about the Targe room collecting' an assortment of things which he piled on a chair beside the door. When he went out, he carried a large tallow candle, a can of oil and an empty bean tin with the bottom punched full of holes. ilalf an hut' ride brought him to the edge of the valley and from above he looked down on the build- ings of Chris 1'ringle's farm. Nothing stirred below him as Bar- tle watched, After a while he rode down into the valley, as close to the Pringle place as he dared, dismount- ed and stealthily advanced with can- dle, can and oil. Like a shadow he made for the long shed. Bent double, Bartile wormed his way to the centre of the shed. He knelt, reached above him and drag- ged down a dry stalk. Crumpling the leaves, he made a little nest, soaked it with oil and placed the candle in the centre. A match spluttered in his cupped hands, The candle wick smoldered a moment; then, as tallow melted, a spear -head of yellow light was born. To shield such a danger signal from any curious eyes, he carefully set the perforated tin over the cr.ndle. He got up quickly, sprayed the oil about and dragged down more tobacco stalks. He left time building cautiously, then dashed to his horse, flung himself into the saddle and tore of f toward Gold Creek, At the pace he held, he figured, he should be back in his office in about thirty- five minutes—just the length of time it would take the candle to burn down. So the flame would touch the rim of the oil -soaked nest about its base. Abruptly a chill shook Bartle, as unconsciously he pulled up his horse with a jerk. For from some- where near had come the sudden weird cry of a mountain lion. It turned his blood cold. Bartle snatched his quirt and flayed his horse without mercy. Snorting in pain and anger, the ani- mal carried him on at breakneck speed. At this galloping speed Russ Bar- tle returned to town. Storming into the jail he found Sheriff Lande, fully clothed, snoring on the bed. "And what did you accomplish with all that riding?" Bartle de- manded, waking him, "Nothing much. This fellow We- ber that I had locked up swears he saw lel Caballero Rojo in the val- ley, Pete Haskell swears the same tlaw popped into a cattlemen's meeting, and got away with a bul- let wound." "And while you're wasting titne on the hunt, this outlaw pins this I my door with a dagger!" Sheriff Lande snatched a scrap of paper from the banker's hand, He read crudely printed words: "Well?" Bartle demanded. "What you going to do about it?" "I don't believe El Caballero Ro- Jo wrote it," said the sheriff flatly. "I was on the landing at the head of the stairs above the bank when the door below rattled," Bartle snapped. "That was the dagger being driven in, And I got down- stairs in lima to fling open the door and see who had done it my- self! It was your El Caballero Rojo—silver doodads, tooled gaunt- lets, scarlet neckerchief and all." "But still not him," the sheriff said positively. "No man can make me beliere that he's Ruddenly gone loco enough to gallivant around poeiag notleea of what he intends to do, (Te Be Continued) Police Check Peasants in Trieste—Long-time trouble spot in Europe, Trieste is once more the centre of international wrang- ling. Police at a road block between Trieste and Capodistria check the bundles of peasant 11 'omen before allowing thein to cross the frontier, Y6ur Handwriting and You Alex Sy Arnott Your Handwriting Versus The Forger There is no accurate record cf the number of forgeries committed in Ontario, but according to known facts, the forger docs a lively busi• Hess and never Licks new victims. The busines man and 'the pubiic, generally seem ever ready to take a trimming and realize only too late that they have been the vic- tims of a systematic fleecing row tine, 'i't' forger always has two things in mind: getting his "take" and escaping justice, One, he is fatuili• ar with human nature and is trust - in that his victims have poor memories. Two, he is betting a hundred to one that the average person .ould not positively identify his or her own handwriting. In these two assumptions, the forger makes an easy living at your ex- pense. Ile relies mainly on your inability 10 recall definitely wheth- er you made a business transaction or not, and hopes that you did not make a record of it. Poor memories and slipshod accounting on your par' -.ist hint in his trade. Any good artist could copy the signat re of another person after painstaking practice. But the for - does not fool the handwriting analyst who takes a scientific ap- proach, and does not rely on mem- ory or chance for signature identi- fication, The analyst knows, through the use of instruments, if the sig. nature is s'^nuine or not, One clue in identification, are the smooth even lines made in free flowing handwriting script as com- pared with the rough or corrugated edges of lines made by the attempt to forge the same writing, This is one of the positive differences be- tween a genuine signature and a forged one. As I have related in previous ar- ticles, you write according to the way you think and all your writing takes the forst of mental activity, As we think, so do we write. The forger than has a decided handi- cap, since he cannot think exactly as you would, .1;d must resort 10 artistic inclinations to complete his work in forging your signature. But his artistry is not good enough to follow the trend of thought which produces the pattern you make with your handwritin, and that is where we have him. When we compare your writing . with the forged script, the forged shows irregularities which are ab- sent in the genuine script. Anyone wfthing a more complete analyd., please lend .elf-addretted stamped envelops to Box B, room 421, 73 Adelaide St. Kett, Toronto. There is no charge for this 'mitt. Broad Hint The invitation to the anniversary party read, "And don't try to knock on the door when you arrive, just nudge It loudly with your shoe." One of the recipients called up the sender and asked for an ex- planation of these curious instruc- tlope. Came the answer: "We are pre- coI course lbadedwiththat presenarms presurents." How Can I? by A. Achley Q. flow can I retain the flavor of spices? A, Always keep spices in tightly - closed cans or boxes, as they will quickly lose their flavors if left In open receptacles, Q. ]low can I measure molasses and keep it from sticking to the measuring cup? A, Grease the cup lightly before measuring molasses, or dip it full of flour and then empty it. Either method will enable every drop of molasses to come out of the cup without sticking, Q, How can 1 clean gold and silver articles? A, By dipping a c cloth into cigar ashes and then scouring. Q. Hose can I make use of lemon rinds? A, D^n't throw them away„ Place them in the dish water when wash- ing greasy dishes and they will re. move .ay fish and onion odors, They will also remove any marks from the dishes, Q. Mow can 1 clean a vinegar bottle? A, By putting a teaspoonful of lye into it, filling with water, allow- ing it to stand for a few days, then washing and rinsing very thoroughly, Q. Ffow can 1 remove a disagree- able odor from the kitchen? A. By sprinkling ground cinna- mon on top of the stove. More than 40' ter cent of the world's gold supply is produced in Africa. Sunday School Lesxori, Zechariah Pleads for Righteousness, Zechariah 1:1-4; 7:8-14; 8:16-17 Golden Text: ]:.secure true judg- ment, s nd show mercy and com- passion every man to his brother — Zechariah, 7:9, Zechariah urged the people to continue with the building of the temple of Jerusalem, lest they dis- plc..se Clod as their fathers had done, As Cod had exiled their fathers from the land when they turned away from 11im, they, too, would be punished unless they were converted and followed God's way. * * * As leaders and people refused to hear On. Proph't when he delivered God's warning and instruction, so God would not hear. iie would not alter [lis decision that they be de- livered into captivity. Ile would not prevent the destruction of Jerusa- lem. * , The Chaldeans came against Judah like a whirlwind. Their vic- tories were swift and the Jews were scatter '1 as strangers in /4,-'9-60)N strange lands, \1'hile they were gone their land was Icf. desolate for th" seventy years of their carr• tinily. Clod re creed it for their re- turn which Ile had promised through se prophets. * * * lu 1lis purpose to do good to Jerusalem and to the house of In dah, the Lord through Zechariah commanded: "'These are the things that you must do", lairs -- "1.el every mean tell the truth, in dealing with his neighbor." Ses'nml — "1,61 your decisions in courts be true and for the common good." "Third — "I'Iot no crit in your hearts against another," Fourth — "Net er Bite yourselves 10 any perjury" And why? "For all these are the things that I hate!" If people were to follow Zccha ria'h' mcc,:vw from Clod, the fnnnda tion for malicious gossip would Ist destroyed. Since God hates r'vi' IIIc• aginations, false oaths, injustice. and lies, those who profess to love and serve Iiia, oust surely hate them also. Chinese is spoken by some 400, 000,000 people if all the tariotis dia- lects are included "THAT'S A VERY SENSIBLE PURCHASE M'LOVE — WHY DIDN'T YOU BUY A COUPLE?" "Huh? What'd you say? Oh —you menu those malty -rich, honey -gold- en Post's Grape -Nuts Flakes!" "They're some dishl" "They're so cleverly made — of two grains, you know — really di- vine Canadian wheat and malted barley!" "They sure taste out of this world, darling — but you're forget- ting that other reason why I go for Post's Grape -Nuts Flakes." "Energy, you mean? The carbo- hydrates that load you up with en- ergy so they call you the human dynamo?" "Right! And what are those things that help build up the old muscle?" "Proteins, Hercules, And Post's Grape -Nuts Flakes sure have got 'eml" "And phosphorus—what's that for?" "That's for sturdy bones and sound teeth," "Eating Post's Grape -Nuts Flakes every day -- no wonder I'm such a husky guys" "And Post's Grape -Nuts Flakes give you iron for the blood—and other food essentials." "Say — Post's Grape -Nuts Flakes are ready to eat right from the package, so let's have some, quick." bfty,. Y ._e �' est s SIra on Sdgr��ES Montreol rdbra tu�sle /r4 *I*/ 7.-Te:Vk i (f/( It keeps in the cupboard—it's quick•acting—it's always them when you want it! Now, with the New Tleischmattn's Royal Fast Rising Dry Yeast, you can bake more delicious breads and rolls in extra -fast time. No dashing to the store at the last minute—you can keep a month's supply standing;by, use it at you need it. It will be as potent the day you use it as the day you bought it. IF YOU BAKE AT HOME—get Eleischmann't Royal East Rising Dry Yeast today. At your grocer's4 e:+ Rain, Rain Go Away -Mr. Abercrombie and \1 r. Stanley arrived in Chicago front their home on the :\frican coast anti were greeted by a downpour that threatened to wrinkle their formal attire. So Jini Roche, hostess on the plane that flew th.m from New York, gallantly sttlthlicd an unn1brrlla, The i en;;nins will live in the Lincoln fart; Zoo. Some Notes From The Farm Front Items of Interest to Our Rural Readers 13y John Russell In the United States great concern is being shown regarding the rapid falling off in the number of live stock, said to amount to something like fifteen per cent in the past four year's. This should be of real interest to Canadian stock raisers as showing the modern trend, Sous. department of Agriculture officials south of the border are reported as wanting to advise farmers to start rebuilding their breeding -stock right away, but arc !veld back from doing so by "top policy" makers who still want to put the emphasis on grain production. However, several of the great State agricultural colleges are already tell- ing farmers to hang on to their breed• ing stock, * * * Some time next hall apple grow- ers are due to receive a lot of free, but still very valuable publicity for their product, Walt Disney's big feature picture "Melody 'Piste" will star Johnny Appleseeil, the almost legendary character who went about the corny try planting npplesceds here and There, ;'tnil to.wholn millions of apple - TABLE TALKS -- Muffins - Mixed The Pastry 'Way Blueberry Variety Try 'this new way of mixing nntf- fins. It's the same idea as mixing shortening and •flour for pie or tea biscuits, Lt's quick -no shortening to melt -and'. the results are perfect. IA cup shortening 2 cups flour 3 teaspoons 'baking powder 2 tablespoons sugar •).i teaspoon salt 1 egg 1 cup milk 1 cup blueberries Cut shortening into sifted dry ingredients with pastry blender, Use .a 'light, 'quick ,mixing motion. The mixture should.look like coarse crumbs before the liquid is added. Spoon a 'well" in the center of 'die dry ingredients..Conibine well - beaten )egg, 'milk and well -drained •canned •or frozen blueberries; pour into well at .once .aud unix just until dry ingredients are moistened. Bat - ler still will :be 'lumpy. Dip 'hatter into greased muffin 'pans, •using .tea spoons. Don't over - stir the 'batter by scooping to the 'bottom of the :bowl for each spoon- ful. Fill each muffin pan a little over 'half full. Bake in hot oven (4511°) '20 to 25 minutes or until muffins are a Shiny, golden brown. Serve '!tot with a big pat of butter. This 'recipe snakes 12 metlinm-sized muf- fins, 1 CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS 1. Coasters 5. Equality • S, Wood sorrels 4 12. Turkish shelter M 14. Magic 15, Careen 10, Rodent 17. Assistant 18. Night before 19. Continued stories 21, Restralnlni 23. Artificial language +28. Not profes- sional 31.One entirely 29. Minute 32. Building material '•4• 2, Fruit 8. Asealt 4. Appoint 5. Partially paralyzed 8, Mushroom 7, Proportion lotcrs uttc a deep debt of gratitude,' "'I'lle Apple Song" stat; by Dennis Day is expected to have folks not only htnnming the time hof also craving and buying more apples, * * * Low -quality hay n.ted to mulch a block of 25 -year-old Northern Spy apple trees was found to bring re- sults worth minty times the costs, itt experiments conducted over a 7 -year period. Starting the very fico year the mulch was applied, yields increased by 6 bushels per tree, and have aver- aged that much increase each year since. The hay not only saves mois- ture but arts as ;t fertilizer, In the experiment a quartet -ton of hay was put around each tree to start witlt, then added to as it decomposed. Allottt a gttartcr-tun every three years is about the right anwunt to he ad- ded, * * * On the farms of Canada, and es- pecially Eastern Canada, there are probably •millions of acres that are ton wet for profitable cultivation. Yet, property drained, such wet- lands often yield huge crops. More than that, when put into production they help "take the load" off a farm's lover, steeper lands, which may be allowed to lie fallow for a time, or planted with trees, . But whether the tile or open -cut method is used, proper drainage is • 11 exacting operation, requiring both knowledge noid skill, as it most leave sttf f icilnt water on the land, but not either too much or too little, Ilut as many have found out, vhcn properly • dome it can really pay. * * * :1 quarter century ago 120 eggs a year was considered pretty fair pro- eluction f r a hen, Today., with mod- ern ;methods of breeding and feeding, the average throughout the country is probably' ;wound three dozen eggs a year better than that. however, there is still plenty of roots for improvement before general 'egg production approaches the mark set by a hen called "Miss Massachus- etts" back in 1944. She laid 331 eggs in just 357 days; and'Mutt is more, each dozen of those eggs scored per- fectly for size, weighing 26 ounces •or better. ** * Back lit prewar days there were .38,000 Ontario acres in sugar beets. Because of labor and price control difficulties, totals stropped so greatly that the 'entire industry in this Prov- ince was threatened. But at it meet- ing held in Chatlinrri recently, with representatives of both the grouters and manufacturers present, it was •desisted to stake a real joint effort to save it; and tt•itlt more labor and labor-saving machinery available, the future should offer fewer difficult- ies for the Ontario beet grower. -8:of the mouth _.. 30: 1tond;bullding 9, Kitchen material 10. Moreover 31. Dress fabric 11. Understand 32, Chains 19. Moved very 4. Fear elevation slowly 20. infuriated 38. Sultan's decree 22. Sailors' patron 39. East Indian saint gateway 24. Lair 40, Record 25, Fragment 42. Time units 28,11ebrew t 44, Twilled cloth measure 45.Ohio college I 29. Anthropoid town animal 47, Small cushion 5 6 13 16 4 11 t 33. Spoken 34. Transportation charge 35. Work unit 3 36. Elastic • bitumen " 41. cited 35 43. Man's name 44, Frog genus 40. Put up ,..4 47, Piece 48, Whit•ipool .5 t9.mount in _,.. :i:i:� ?.iw 1 50. Hebrew month 49 51, Remunerate, 53, English letter .51 53. Contradict %:fi3 DOWN ' 3,Made upinto --.......,..- -,r•. .,....-.... a.... . large bundles The 81181V88 .o th.-io puma.:18 elsew ore on this pail.. CHRONICLES OF GINGER EARMS Giving Alberta Up Horses By Gwendoline P. Clarke Spring • , , we know what It ifs of course. The time of year when there is new perennial growth; new planting, new seeding; tractors, frogs and robins; the trove of which poets sing -- "when a young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of Iovc". The time when it is a mercy that that spring feeling, or some. thing, calls the men outside to rake the yard or polish the car, for there is no place for them in the hone - it being also the time for spring housecleaning. * * * Yep; 'actually we all. know what spring roans - 1 do too - but 41, just now, I teas tempted to find out what definition my Oxford dic- tionary ga for the word, The des- cription was very apt and applies to many activities• "Spring,. . jump from the ground" - yes, that is true of flowering bulbs, wheat, clover and t' h u b a r b. "Sudden movement from rest - bring sud- denly into action or view," \\'ell, more, that surely applies to house- cleaning at its best - or worst, de- pending on your point of view, Could it be that Messrs, Fowler and Fowler were married and spoke as nen of experience teles corn= piling their dictionary? Men, natur- ally, would think housecleaning was a "sudden movement from rest"1 because they themselves are inter. - and disturbed by it. In winter, when routine work in the house runs along smoothly; 'steak/ appear on the t• ble well prepared and nicely served, that, to the mas- culine mind, indi.ates that very little work has been involved, and plenty of rest for the lady of the house ,has therefore b,co possible. "Bring suddenly into action or view". That surely, could have no other meaning than what happens in a home when the housewife gets busy, if it were of for houseclean- ing many things wcnld Its pernm• nimtly- lost especially tvhen there are people ;troll nil who put things away so car: fully they never know where to find them afterwards. And their number is legion - and among their number is myself, But still, the lost things that are sud- denly brotigltt into view make spring a time of excitement and anticipation. * * * 13ut oh dear, if we could just get on with the work without inter- ruptions, But no, just as sure as extra work is in progress there are unlooked for hindrances. A matter of business that has to he attended to; invitations for this and that that cannot very well be refused; phone calls and more phone calls; and the chances are that one of the local organizations to which one belongs deckles to eater for a ban- quet, You feel you just can't spare the time for it until you remember that probably ninety-nine per cent of the members feel exactly as your do. So you pitch in and do your bit - and then it's the end of the week and you look back, realizing how little you have accomplished, But then, if you are philisophic;tl, you look forward and thin!: - "Oh well, there's another week coming - surely there will be no hindrances next week? I can't think of any- thing that's likely to come up any. way." * * * No, you may not know of arty• thing - now - but interruptions will conte, you can he sure of that. And if they do, what then? 1t isn't really the hindrances that count, is Long Bob Along with ankle socks, saddle shoes, Sloppy -Joe sweaters and tate inevitable string of pearls, the swinging shoulder length hair style of teen-agers is out -"hut defin- itely." According to fashion experts in a recent style show in Toronto, the former "Swoon Kitl" will take to ladylike clothes and short hair styles this spring. -CHANGE of LIFE? Aro you going through the functional 'middle age' period peculiar to women (38 to 52 yrs.)? Docs this make you suffer from hot flashes feel so nervous, high- strung, tired? 'T'hen no try Lydia E. Pfnkham a vegetable Compound to relieve such symptoms. Pinkham'a Compound also hoe what Doctors call a slornacldo tonic effect! +LYDIA E. PINKNAM'S con+po tiro it? -- only how we deal with them, and whether we let them get us down. Why try to do anything in a given length of time or start on a strenuous job when over -tired? The chances are a cat -nap, followed by a cup of tea, would do much to nem. frazzled nerves and give you a better start. After all, in England, there is very little that a cup of tea can't eurel Who knows, it may be those cups of tea, at the right time and place, made all the difference in helping England do her share 10 winning the war. Well, that's that! Now I'll get this typed, and after that a cup of tea, and then Pik be ready to wade into a pot of paint once more - unless, of course, there are inter- ruptions! c• The Smooth Dancer ri. Rates More Cut•Ins To he a popular dancer, scarcely dole to circle the floor without a 'cit;ia-that's cycry girl's dream! \Vliy not make it corse true? What makes n girl fun to dance with, anyway? Perfect rhythm, of course, plus feather -lightness and responsiveness to every step and turn, A large order, but you can fill it if you have balance, Ba'ance means carrying your weight evenly over the balls of your feet. In stepping backward, for instance, keep your weight on the Ira of 1' e forward foot until your stepping foot is in place, ready t t share the weight. Also, swing from the hip and reach back as far a possible with the toe, Chop- ping off those backward steps is just inviting y' partner to tread on your toes. To be a gt, :1 dancer you must be able !o do the waltz, rumba, samba, tango, fox trot and lindy with equal case, Our Reader Service booklet No, 37 teaches the latest steps by means of footprint dia- grams and actual photos. The au- thor is one of the country's well- known instructors. Get your copy today! Send THIRTY CENTS tin coins) for "blow to Do the Latest Dance Steps" to Reader Service, Room 421, 73 Adelaide St., West, Toronto, Print name, address, book- let tide and No. 37, The large herds of horses form- erly maintained on the Indian Re- serves of Southern Alberta are rap- idly becoming a thing of the past. Most of them are finding their way to processing plants at Swift Cur- rent and Edmonton where they are transformed into meat rations for hungry Europe, This signifies a quiet revolution in Indian custotns, Before white settlement began in the west, the whole life of the Blackfoot tribes centered around their horses. On horseback they rode to war or hunt- ed the buffalo which were their prin. cipal source of food -and a man's wealth was estimated by the number of animals he owned. But in recent years the younger Indians have been taking an increas- ing interest in scientific farming. !any of them are raising purebred cattle while others have broken up their land and are growing wheat, Some of them even own and use a full set of power -driven implements, And so the horses have become more or less of a nuisance and there is a growing tendency to sell them off, r!� ANSWER TO TIHIS WEEK'S PUZZLE 008 ALE L/5 EV4 5 E T PAR AGR RA T OCR$ RUNE A ID4E 54R1 44S PET4NT/ ON /D 0 LA/ C':`GONE A©OM1 C:';!CEMEN ROL FARE F A ERG,lELRrERI Te APPUCEP RANA .CAN R RON ART EDDY -'I Da P jY5 Dec DAR Soap•Makings Any fat may be used in making soap, but the most important of limal oils .cd are tallow and grease for toilet soap; vegetable oils, cotton seed and coconut for marine soap; paha and castor for transparent •aap; and olive oil for toilet a -1 textile soap. Low grade soaps (brown) ire made from bone fat, kitchen grease and low grade tallow. Sure it's delicious, when you make it with Canada Corn Starch and it will be a favourite with the whole family. The quality of Canada Corn Starch is the reason for its popularity with housewives from Coast to Coast, When your recipe calls for Corn Starch be sure to use Canada Corn Starch, its dependable qual- ity ensures excellent results. Also Manufacturers of Croton Brand Corn Syrup The. CANADA STARCH: COMPANY Limited Montreal .. Toronto - cat LOO:' ( Lighfas afafber. Tkaf'5 Calumets Double Acfon" TT'S TRUE! Women everywhere are discovering that Calumet's double action assures •R. greater baking success. Muffins, fine -textured as cake . . , fluffy, melt -in -your -mouth biscuits ... feather -light cakes - Calumet's floiible action protects their lightness, all the way. First in the mixing bowl, myriads of tiny, even -sized bubbles are formed when liquid is added. Tllen -- in the oven, new even -sized bubbles continue to raise the mixture, holding k high, light and even. Try Calumet! Follow directions on the tin for any recipe. So tender, SPICY RMSfl Mu._ -t• s s silted Calumet Wang Powder • 2 top Nur . 2 teaspoons • 2 tablespoons sugar • t,+s teaspoon sail • 14 teaspoon cinnamon ea raisins anon • I4 cup W • 1 egg, well beaten 1/11 CUP Ma • 4 tablespoons melted butler of shortening o flavorfui, these other rte, add 'oak• • Sift flout once, mei cinnamon! powder, sugar, salt, ing silt ago Ada to flout. Add raisins. Combine ng, egg, milk, shotteh to damlxp gout, Scat only enough Bake In greased muffin pans In hotres. oven (425°F) about 25 inu Makes 12 melting, aellcious muffins them bot. --- serve Twlre Yo Ceiyou ere urMoney� aldish honour is eh t sotisf 4ek pole rer Q ju ever nest 6 that ppdrys n with Your unused kion youaloyou paid, note time e p ee receive paid , t,CoouGeaeral P w*, you bald for count%rt You / Ue SUMMED t1A1)1•MAtll i1. AlsOMIET DOUBLE -ACP/NG BAKING POWDER A Product of General has' .y PAGE 8 THE STANDARD PERSONAL INTEREST ' Mrs. J. Wats )11 spent the Lweek-' • AC. 2 Ardtiv Watt, Of Centralia, and eauty Shoppe AVE NOW HAVE IN STOCK--- end 16tli her datightvr, Jack tlittionow. f 1.0taAt. A new lint of Dyes,. tioods—jvrseys, rayon,. gabar- Donald and Jim, of l'orouto, spent the dines and tropical:, the home ‘, 111 ti:v, curtains, \ve weel;-end \vitt' their parent', NIr. and have dotted Marquise:At:, in \vim,: and ite:, and draperns. NIT.... Leo \Vail, and Jess'e. NIrs. \V. NIeNall and Donald spent di t4-&'iiit ‘v:t11 NIr. \\'• NIeNall a t \\*.e,tininstiT Hospital, London. 1 NIrs. \V. 'lintel', of Parkhill, PArcins, N1r. and NIrs. John \lilts ‘ve..1:. She returned pouts on nrtlay arc, mpanied by her mother \\ Ill is ill. NIr. Sett l'airservire ofIngersoll t is It_didaying at tile home' e f Id, tro- t ems,. Mr. an.I NIrs, John Fairsvrvi:e 1 NI r. and N.Ir,• NI. Cf. Ilrur.. to Co‘derich on NVeditesdal 11 residenceitt Ir. and Mrs. • Iieweee Il.,wan's how:- f_Tinerle For those rainy tia•.e a c Haugh', R.iincoats r and girls, als raincoats tor men. NVe earta evii.plvte ii 4 \lilt's \Vork flouts, 1610,ers, t•Ite. NVe ai,o have at sitt br ken he,-. in La lies' Shoes that we are oticrin4 at Pargain Wallace's Drygoods Phone73 - Myth, 41`,114,,J#414.441,,,S4NI`P4.#4, •1,11.111.1 by NIr. and NIrs. Leonard Cook '...it+8.4”:.1+44-0.•++.1.0..4÷:1.0,10..i.4.+.::,:“V. . PRESIDED AT BELGRAVE 1'1. I. ELECTION OF OFFICERS "1 1Irs, Fred Oi.er was in I 1.0.•:rave .•! " TPC,.ily in her (a,2a'..itv 1. Presideti. of the \Ve,:erti Ontario \\t 115 Itt s:itutes, at ‘NIticli time she preside,' ov ele.tion of officers r tlie Pe' AriP1,.!..72kZia..‘353.1.4,2,1c.:::.4tE,E=1012.2.216NED F001) STORES THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, APRIL 21, 23, 21 HILCREST SHORTENING 1 LB. CARTON 30e AYLMER VEGETABLE SOU? 2 10.0z, TINS 17c COTTAGE GRADE 1 BONELESS CHICKEN 7 Oz. TIN 45:, GRAPEFRUIT JUICE . . 2 20-0z. TINS 19c AYLMER COOKED SPAGHETTI 16 Oz, JAR 10c PREPARED CC7FEE (Nesafe or Maxwell House(. , 59c VITA.B RED RIVER CEREAL OR CREMO . . PKC. 29c SHIR.IFF'S FANCY FREE DESERTS . 2 PKV 21c CHAN PASTE FLOOR WAX . . 1 LB. TIN 59c CHAN SPEED COAT . . PINT TIN 59c FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES GARDEN SEEDS Dutch Sots, Mtet!,:.!iers, Bulli Peas, Certified Seed Potatoes, Lifeteria, New Life, Pioneer Feeds, Chick Starter, Mash, Chicken Grit, Oyrter Shell, Bran, Dairy Ration and Salt. • • • MAKE 'YOUR APPOINTMENT NOW! for that REAL EUGENE OIL PERMANENT That You Have Teen PrAnising Yourself, Call Phone No, 73, ailve Main • grave a, as di ec'al h pc a k er for the meeting, i • „ HIV Aill1Well Nlission Circle he' •-• tIte'r regular monthly meeting un T111:ti 1 ' * daY eve1;ill,:. APrl 13th, at the home o" I:1: NI rs. John Pipe, with the pr.A.hident . Niks I ois 1\-, 1-d, pre•idim.f. The meet ':* inv., opened by singing hymn 2.:8 an .. . •F all repeating the Lord's Prayer. Lo' ..1, \Vo.od gave a bible re1(1611. The ro' t. can was answered by each one repeat , ',., mg a verse from the bible. The min :?. Ines of the last meeting were read and 4, the treasurer's renort given. The busi 4t, ness 11.111;' then discussed, Hymn- 38' \V15 S111114 and a story read hy ,NII.S. r• I, , . , , , . , , , . • , 1..11W111 1 \'0 .(1. Ille :,c1.ipture readin 4 - ' • was given by Edith Ileac:ow, followet) by prayer by 1. -is ? 'um. i.. We Deliver. -- E. S. ROB17.'qSON. -- Phone 156 \Vood, Thr perairce reading was given hy (lai' W44,48.4,-.4.4..:. 14 1:04,51 441:4 401:. 41 41 •:• 41 444:0.44 1:41;:• 1.1.1-4• 1444 0:••:*•:••••.44:11 4:**:• 444* 444••,7,4 •,:. t:.•:4 4. $:• 4.44 Nlann int:. I [von 3RS' wa 5 S11112% 111. of filing was then taken while NI Aih,n favoured with a umital. s It Th, I.1 O study bcr..k was given by Helen Ilea C 0 diet'on, Lunch wti., served by the att. Nfeeting closed by singing hymi 488 and all repeatinc; the Nlizpalt Ilene . hostess. -: 4.,1713111:1,..1==gwairaehmakit.,lid.i...aiiir,w64. PROPRIETOR Nliss Mary Caldwell of London spent the week -end at the home of her oars cuts, NIr. an t. 1 NI rs. l . 1 ....o.tert Caldwell. NIr. and NIrs. Percy Nlanning of (lir:slit, visited \\it'll the f ritter, mother, Nfrs NI Manning, on Sunday, 1)1.. and NIrs. Leonard \Vhitely o.' ii c,,,,rri,,, visited with .NIr. and NIrs. Ro- bert, Yeungblutt on Sunday, NIrs. Bremner of Mensal', spent the week -end \vitt] her sister, NIrs, AV. Ileacom, - Nlr, and Nfrs, Spence lIann,'.of 'Kit- chener, and 'Miss Petit and Elva Gorier ' of London, spent the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. \Vitt. G- vier. 1Ir. and 1Irs. Bill Pageant and fam- ily of Ingersoll, spent the ‘veck-entl at the home of N1r, and NIrs. Thomas Fairservice. i The Nlis,ion Band held its meeting . In the hasement of the Church on Sun - Telephone 192. 'The Corner Store' ci' day morning. with Kenneth \Vocal in ri the chair, The meeting ()pilled 1%101 10=0- . . 01=0.....,.................0=101- .. ... ... • i0=63r. . . • ' .10=04 i call to wors,hip. Hymn 73 was sung I followed by the I. -rd's 1h.ayer. June .41P,M,P~IchlYMNI,INI104,0441,114,1,1••1,41,100,#••••••4•4•11.,INIIININP.PIctis#,P1. ****** •44e#,P•We , fanning read the scripture. Minutes of last meeting were read by 11111 Cowan, Treasurer's report by Muriel Shobbrook. Kenneth NV'ood gave birthday pennies. Offering . was re- ceived by 'lob Sattmlercock. 1 emper- • ;ince reading by Ann Fairservice. \Vorld Peace by Bert Lyon. The study book by ,NIrs, II, Shobbr:ok. Vera Lyon gave the mis-sionary story. t\ story by NIrs. Carter. The meeting closed with Hymn 77 and prayer by Mrs. II. Shobbrotd:. LONDESBOIM 0 9 0 9 LADIES! sure of ;•.u.,...cess; get 1 a Permanent Wave that has profess:onal pet fee - Con. Why not call for an ap- pointment today, 1.1 N EN TS .1 FROM :3,00 UP. Geniune, -CH Permanents, Machine, l'ilaciaineless and Cold 'Waves. • Open for Appointments Evenings, PHONE 35, PARKVIEW BEAUTY SHOP E. F. HIAPMAN AND SEE OUR STOCK OF CLOTHING FOR MEN ANI) BOYS AND BOOTS ANI) SHOES FOR CHILDREN, IT'S BRAND NEW! IT'S LATEST STYLE IT'S MODERATELY PRICED! COME IN AND SEE AND COMPARE! Parris & Company . 6 Ni 0 1 ) ‘4•44,1P,P,P44‘0•2•11,0#0,41,1,1,0,04.#46.4`,P*,1•#*4 McCALLUM'S MEAT MARKET 0 al ci! Fresh Homeade Bread Every k ray 2 Loaves for 25c FRANK'S H E BAKERY 144,•••••44,4,.•,•,•.**,•#••,,,••••#**4.4,4.•4,,•.•,...#44,,,t#44.4•••••••••44. NOTICE ,11#4.4.4 thought -of project, the forming of the Colborne \Vomen's Institute, NI rs, Charles Lockhart, president of the \Vest Huron NN'omen's Institute, NIrs. Doak of ti:Alerich and NIrs. Lorne iv- ers, of Dungannon, assisted in organ- izing the branch. The- officers elected were: president, N1r,.•%Tait Clark; sec- retary -treasurer, Mrs. Robert Bean, ..... . - The meetings 1611 he held the fourth _..- . j Thursday of each month, "."••••••"•°°#"•-• l The 11', NI .S. . f t :arlt-. w United 1 i Church met at the 'home of Mrs. \VII- I pant Marsh. 1Irs. Allan Stoll was the Daylight Saving Ti EFFECTIVE IN BLYTII COMMENCING AT MIDNIGHT SATURDAY, APRIL 24th, 1918 UNTIL MIDNIGHT C: TURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25th, 1948 BERNARD HALL, Clerk, Corporation of Blythe ##soscIect ***** ***,14p,..,•11.41,••••••• 6 Clinton Contractor Secures , t'f thc et:Ivens and the township pays 20 per cent. Gordon `Jewell notified Colborne Gravel Tender FRESH AND CURED 'MEATS -- STEAK – (Round or Sirloin) PER LB. - 45c PORK SAUSAGE Large - per lb. 35c Small per lb. 40c Home-lienuered Lard 1, ceallum Butcher, Phone 10, Myth. t Phone Orders in by 9 a.m. The for free delivery • T. Vodden, Proprietor Blyth, Ontario 1 • Wednesday, April 21, 1948 stsumiummosimatcagamigaripmemagstorMatiliTi • 0. RTELY er Yes, we have the Sunworthy Wallpapers, with the "New Look" in colouring and designs, Also the more conventional designs are hi stbck, The range.of wallpapers is now complete. We ako stock the well-known "Stick Fast" cold water paste 1 lb, for 20c,2 11 Sunworthy Wallpaper Remoii'serf7193c5cp'er bottle R D. PHILP, Phm. B. • DRUGS, SL'NURIES, 1174.1.1.1'APER—PlIONE 20, 01111633MORMICITAINSOLVISilatricrokirraroaKr:217.16,1=-=,RIZMICIFfraMEIR 14KICIVVVVestCtlkittWV•VC1411:4Ktral411414441:414itORIVAZZOtiNt04:41t4ttiRitC041414ktitRitil fl V James Lockwood ri ; g Clearance To make room for incoming stock we offer you some exceptional vrk:s in Lounge, Living room and Bed room furniture, 3.PIECE. VELOUR CHESTERFED ***** .$195,00 STUDIO COUCH (spring -filled) tapestry cover $149.50$69 50 SIMMONS MIRACLE DAVENPORT SE] (3-pi!ce) BEDROOM SUITE—Vanity, Bench, Chest c f Drawers, Full Size Bed, Spring, antl a S:mmc.as Rosa..nary Mattress. $159.53 wit% ss pair cf D:cer Imps . . 1Ve also carry a full line of Springs, Tiletal Beds, Felt and Snring-filkd Mattresscs, in all sizes. This merchandise is priced very reasonable. not take advantage of our offer. FURNITURE — COACH AMBULANCE — eUNERAL SERVICE Phone 7 or 69. Blyth "PO, 01‘,S4,44`.104` *********** • e‘gegiccge.1.04,00,r 40•44 440444 44*.P.P####.1.#,P, Bread Cakes - Pastry HAVE YOU 11Y,TED OUR FRESH CHERRY AND BLUEBERRY PIE, We appreciate your business, and have always available for your inlluediate use A CONSTANT SUPPLY OF WHOLESOME FRESH BREAD AND PASTRY. DELIVERY TO YOUR BOOR EVERY DAY, 1 rs 11'i H ME BAKERY leader for the worship period, A leaf- let "NV:omen's Place in Christianity, was rea.1 by three members, NI rs, 1,..--warralmavaatacarzaw...."......amoribrutat41.1 I Iktilerillgt.011 S;10ke 011 the work of - Speiran's Hard nre el• Iletheritmt it, Cimlericit, was the i speaker and brought greetings, from the North Street Chureh, Goderich. NIrs. the W.1\ I.S. in Canada. 1'ctresitttiettt 1; P110 4E 24. 13 .YTH, were served by the hostess and her daughter. Store Front Re -Vamped James imekw,•(,,t the face-lift'ing job ..11 iti store front. The final roaches were the r erection of prominent signs &splaying his name _ and vwatioll. The 'uttering, cut out of wood, is. the handiwork- of S. NV, Sib- 1 illogic and is a credit to his craftsman- i ship. The completed job adds much 1 _ to the outward npearance ef iI r. Lockwood's st:re. 4 I , 0 .01 t Ii • 0 _ Elliott insuradce. Agency 1'1 BLYTH— ONT. . E ERVIIIHNG IN HARDWARE. A good line of Fishing Tackle has Just Arrived. Moor Polishers - $3.25 Spring Clothes Pins, 3 dozen '35c Garden Fertilizai - 1 lb. 10c Lawn Mowers - from 12.95 to.$22,25 Syrup Cans - each 25c OnONLY - SUNBEAM MIXMASTER. Barb Wire per roll $4.75, e e INSURE NOW! AND BE ASSURED. Car - Fire - Life Sickness - Accident. JH. R. Elliott Elliott Office Phon104. t Idcince Phone, 12 or 140 Our stock of 1948 papers are now complete. One i• COURTE `1,t, •• • t g hundred and fifty samples for your approval, r,.i;1,1111151.361101517SEEMENZESISC 21 1. Lli I ... g .g.a..1.1hIgggig...3.11.4114A/Wr g 1,ogl g g SP LAING ST Clit 3 • _ . iblowlik)mtmlowswirailmr04)..2;vitwira?•:.*)Nun.mtpiromm),:„..,•..:1,74)0twotku smart! Be Satisfied! Shop Early! Avoid that busy Spring and 8unnuer Decorator's Rush. 14444 0+4444+ 44444441.44-44.4s-.14 4.444, .1.+0.1,-.1401.,1•444.4.144:44414 1 the r•runcil that the road liarillity ,4 surance expired April '12. On motion The gravel contract tender of the Rogs V.:Iter and Harold Motitgom- f: Lavis Construction Clinton was ac- ery. tie.. insurance was renev,.ed, vetted at the meeting of the Colborne HU ON RILL 4 r BLYTI1 ONTA.RIO. 4 4. EXCELLENT FOOp - GOOD SERVICE 39-;.,,\‘Initt„oiNziltf;:y >ss 111,,Te who celebrates his 1 -bit birthday Township C:uncii. I The assessor was appointed. a' dele- ; Meals at All Hours. EDITH CREIGHTON'S Phone 158, DECORATOR'S SHOPPE. Blyth. I 1 ig 1.41 mi. 61. .• .1 lig 01 1.1 w kow,..LIgf.a,m1w.•114.....4 . .1 11 .1 .0.1 Congratulations to Douglas Whit - 1 --.Iesboro Io celebrates livr 5 h sitturday, 2-Ith, Quotations, on iron posts and corm- gate to the assessor's re On Ve tiOn - • • - gated culverts.: were received. The 1,ondon, June 7-9. •hIrtlu!ay on April 2'ith co ; Congratulations to - Mrs. Robert + RANK GONG IN;i•ii Prol)rieter _Congrattilatioitsto Donald Johnston uncil was informed that the govern- I A r gntip of women Met at the ltame 4•st: 1 3 f T who celebratei I,s 17th birthdaY on Blake. of Colb,:rtie Towns'.:p, NV110 -.1A : c • r1 4-14+4`.:-P .1,, 4- ?.• ,