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The Blyth Standard, 1948-02-25, Page 1
LYTTANDAR rt. VOLUME 53 - NO, 24 , ILYTII, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, FEB. 25, 1948 Subscription Rates $1.50 in Advance; j$2.00 in the U.S A, I. U, C, Congregation Church Bell Will Again - New Fire Alarm System Brown Leghorn Turns Out Outwards Appreciating The South Told Of Year's Activities Summon Worshippers Practically Completed Record•I3reaking Egg At Annual Meeting The Women's Associaton of the Uni- Blyth's new fire alarm system re- A Brown Legh:rn hen, a member Of About 90 members of the cangrega- ted Church met at the home of Mrs, , ceived it's first test on 'Tuesday morns a flock belonging to E. J. Cartwright, Friends of Mr. and \1rs. Stuart Dur- ' Si. Augustine, Florida. We saw the 'Tuesday afternoon.' ing, when residents were started by excelled herself the other day when ward, who are at present on motor 1 Alligator and Ostrich jungle, There tion of the United Chu ch cttjo}ed the tittl'field Doherty pot luck supper served by the ladies There were 40 present, The President, the wail of the Hely siren which ie isi she produced an egg that measured trip through the United States as far were hundreds of alligators there, and of the congregation in the school rosn1 \Irs. F. Rainton, presided over a very sit top of the recently completed tiro eight -and -one-eighth inches the long south as Nliaiti, Florida, will he much were in various compartments• accord - of the church last Thursday night. interesting program. hall. way and six -and -nue -quarter inches the interested in the following descriptive ing to their ages. The oldest alligator Following the supper Rev, W. J. Following the minutes, read by the The trail of the seren was a startling short way in circumference. I letter, date -lined Daytona Beach, Elor- i was estimated to be about 700 years Rogers presided for the annual meet- Secretary, Nlrs. S. McCullolgh, Nits.' revelation to this community, \who:in The egg saute to grief just as .\l r. ida, and written to the members of old, and it was a \yhupper.! Their ages ing when the financial reports of the (Jarrett, conevenor of the committee itt the past have been used to the clang- Cartwright was preparing to bring it 1 Trinity Church Ladies' Guild, Myth. varied from 300 years to three years, various Departments of the church charge of replenishing the flatware, re• ing of the fire bell. whenever an alarm to The Standard office. Ted druppe I' by Mrs. Durward. The letter is pub- They make ladies purses and shoes out were given, torted that she and \Irs, Chcllcw had ryas Herded. it on the kitchen table, and it was dam- I Iished in part, as follows: of the alligator skins, a's�, wrist watch a, Mrs, N. P. Garrett gave the report 1 aged beyond repair. air. for the \V. M.S. '1'he total receipts were looked over the silverware 011 hand, I The siren Was heard not only in town 1 ' \We rcally have had a most enjoy- bands, and belts. $397,03 of which $388.08 had Leen sent and found a great deal of it itt very but according to Mrs, Cum ing, who was (� able time so far, but it (lucre really to Si, Augustine is the oldest city in to the Presbyterial, exceeding the al- good condition, so it was left over for on duty at the telephone exchange UEL(>,It�1VE stop and think of the number of utiles North America, and we had the prly- location by $38.00. \Irs. 1lollym;an, another meeting, I when the test was made, farm t•esi- The Belgrave Women's Institute tnet ' we are front home, it would b 1her my 11ege of going through the oldest school treasurer of the W.A„ In tier report,' The ringing of the church bell will dents over a wide area telephoned to at the home of Nies. J. G. Anders:0 00 nerves cumsiderably, it certainly felt ; house there. It is maintained the sante stated that organization's receipts had be resumed on Easter Sunday morning. ask what the disturbance Was. Not Tuesday with a good attendance Pres -1 pre:ty swell getting letters from Myth, as it was originally, the clock which not been $918.94. Mrs. V. Pollard gave the The offer of \Ir. ,h�tit Staples to re-; the least disturbed were the canine ent, Mrs. J. S. Procter, the president,' and hone, also Blyth Standard, the day only tells time, but the date and month Sunday School report with receipts of stume the ringing of the hell for Suit-, members f the community, who stood was in charge and opened the meeting we arrived here. \\'c certainly de- of year, is still there. The school $4$1.93, In commentingon the Hurl: clay services ryas accepted, The bell around main street and howled to the in the usual manner, The (111nu1CS tut,) v,:it:ed our mail before we ate. master had his bedroom above the of the Sunday School, Iter, Rogers re -1 trill he runt; at 11/N3 ;111(1 ll :15 for then account: H)cm of the siren's wail. Treasurer's report were rete ved. It' We left my home at Scbringyille on school, and his little old tope bed was marked that Sunday School sessions ` had Leen held 50 Sundays during 1947, morning service, and again at 6:30 and' Connections with the telephone of - was decided to give twenty-five dollars Friday, January 23, and spent that still there. with at average attendance of 136, 7 p.m. for the evening service, Tice are now being made. in future towards the Building Fund of the night and roost of Saturday in Wind- We also saw the fountain of youth, is Mrs, Garrett reported the receipts of Nies. J. Woods, convenor of the when an alarm is turned in, the tele- \Gingham hospital, also twenty-five; sur, with my cousin. Saturday after- It was at this point that Juan Ponce de the Missionary and Nfaintetanee bund flower aid visiting counittee, report- phone operator, by pressing a switch, dollars to the Save the Children of noun we left Windsor for Detroit in Leon discovered Flsr.ida in 1513. Ties had been $1.323.32 or which $1000 had ed several cards had been sent and vis- will immediately set the siren in mi- Europe lttnd, Prizes were also award-' quite a severe blizzard, We came ac- park and grounds here ate very beau - been sent to the treasurer of the NI, and its made during the month, Group 1 oration, all of which should help to ed b^ the Belgrave School Fair. The toss the Ambassador Bridge, and had WM. Girls dressed in Spanish cos - I1. Fund. ,Miss AL Milne reported for with Mrs, McKenzie as convenor, will speed up the time ('mit between the roll call was responded to with a re•' no difficulty whatever in crossing, as tome gave us detailed inistrotation of thechoir, OtOwing SU1lrhll3isic anrl1a(gifts Itllaltcett(tn be responsible for flowers in the church time a fire is (recovered, and • the cent medical Discovery. Mrs. George the Customs Officers w•t•re clearing the history in regards to it. 'We also chased, a during the month of March and the y tnuling of the alarm. Michie favored with a solo which was the traffic as quickly as they could, had the privilege of partaking of the hand, The total receipts raise) b} the 1 other grou ps in rotal:on during the The mournful wail of the siren much enjoyed. N1 rs, Cecil Wheeler owing to the blizzard. water front the Fountain. .Stuart said various department's were s:6,)1C`i.110,, I Mr, Rogers expressed regret al the ab- year, brought hack vivid memories to form- galea first aid talk and demonstrated, We retrained in Detroit at Stuart's he felt ten years younger after he Mee of Nlr. Bernard hall through 1 Mrs, Petts contributed a rear) ng on er service men, and one was brought artificial respiration, which proved very' step -brother's home for the week -end, drank his—but I think he is a bad boy illness. Mr. Hall had requested to be the hymn, ; Work for the Night is a step closer to the realization of what interesting. Dr. harper, of Brussels, and iesft there 'Tuesday morning for to make a statement like that, They relieved of the treasurership at the end Contftg", and it's composer, Anna Lou- the feeling would be if hostile bombers gale a very interesting talk which was Cincinnatti, Ohio. \\'e remained there also have the Indian Burial Ground of the year, and Mrs, N. P. Garrett ise \Walker, of Sarnia. This was fol. were expected at any moment. ' much appreciated. Lunch w;ts served for one week, and had a very nice vis- here too and the bones and skeletons had been appointed to (ill the vacancy. lotted . ,the singing 111 the hymn. Nliss �'------- by the hostess assisted by llrs. ll, Nle- it with my brother ;and his wife, and have been preserved, and cement built )\Ir. Rogers also pair) tribute to the ShirleyRadford, ac(^•,ntpanied by \Irs, Guire, \Irs, Earle Anderson, Mrs. Ken. saw many places of interest. Cincin- around them for the public to see. late Mrs. Maria Grashy. ` OBITUARY M r. Donald Robb, guest soloist sang I R. I), Philp, sang "The Serenade of the Wheeler. Haiti is a very beautiful city, if you Their arms were folded on their chests, several pleasing numbers, ile was ac Bells, and responded to an encore MRS, BENSON TYERMAN The four Farm Forums, 13:Amin, 5th know huts to find your way around, It indicating they had been buried in the contpa11ie(I by M rs, Gerald Harris. M r. I with, Che Old 1.atplighter,pM rs, \V, There passed peacefully away on and 3rd line of Morris, and 6th line of 1 is built on seven hills, the sante as the Christian faith. Robb is a gold and silver medalist, and J. Mills gave a reading, "Are You An February 19th, 19.18, at Parkwood \\'awanosh, met in the Foresters Hall; City of Route, and 1 may say that the We motored on dotvn south from St. his singing was much appreciated. 1 Active Member, or Do You ,lust Be• Hospital, London, Outari,t, a consecrat• on Monday night, James Michie acted mountains commence in Cincinnatti, Augustine to llarineland, and entered Congregational singing was led Iii long." N1rs. 12. 1). Prdp played a piece ed Christian in the person of Alice M. as chairue111, and George McNicol, as Ohio, and continue right on down an oceanarium to see the fish from the NI r. Stanley Siblhorpc, with M rs. \N. of unlsit' entitled, "G:d's Garden,' the Layrencc, wife of the late Benson Secretary, The radio review night through the Southern States. ocean. This is really a massive build - J, Rogers at the piano, words and music for which were cunt- 'I' erman, in her 65th year, program was, listened to and this was The scenery through Kentucky is ing, ;ld you can look through 200 port N. P. Garrett, chairman of the nous- posed by lir, Harvey Mason, and ar• } } ,followed I>y various matters tf discus- really beautiful. You drive u, and holes at various types of ocean fish. hutting committee brought in the fol- I }' 1 She was the only daughter of the R. 1 P denim slate of members of the Official ranged by Miss sl cion Nlason, while late 'Esther and Isaac Lawrence, and cion. C. Conites introduced the dcntt mountains continuously, and The most interesting are the porpoises, gMrs. L. M. Scriulgc'cur told the stet matter of co-operative automobile 10- around sharp curves. It was amazing which weigh as much as 800 lbs, The Rend and I:Ide•s, with a recon men}' was barn on the Lith concession of dation from the committee that the ro- of what had inspired N1 r. Mason to Mullett '1'oynsh1 , 00 Juuc 1st, 1883, surance, and explained the steps which to see shacks in the hills where people most interesting time to lee then) is at talion system be accepted; F. Tyre write this special music—"The Story i When a young girls she moved with had been taken and are necessary for actually live in, How they exist in then) feeding time, so we spent I% flours man, convenor of ushers; Stewards, of the Lilac Tree in the 1'a'k." 1 her father to Leamington, where she, \ this, George .Michie spoke on the up is more than i know. In the State of there, and at 4 p.m. really got our for a three -yea' term: K. Webster, \'. I resided until her marriage to \Ir. Bens:. ',keep and necessity of the sheds belong- Tennessee, there are really some pala- money's worth. You had to walk up 13, Mall, C. Falconer, K, Whitmore and sou 'T}'ermtan, coming as a bride to 'jug tc: the churches in the village. \', tial homes on beautiful Estates, They to the top deck, to view this,proced Mrs. N, P. Garrett; two year term, F. Presbyterian Church Closes seaforth in 1918, hlkr husband pre- 'boy was present and showed various had had quite a bit of snow in all these ore. An attendant carried up' several llainton, F. 'l'yreutan, C. Salter, '1', t 111 rolls, one of which was, one of, States this year, but people advised us baskets cd fish, and hada bell on a Dundas, N. P. Garrett ; 1 vele term, Successful Financial Year deceased her 12 years ago, since that 'the conditions in .European Countries it was most unusual and it was the long rope which he put under water, Nl, Rt°hmond, E. Caldwell, N. W. h}Ic, time Nlrs, T�•erinan had made her M. Henrynd W. N. Watson, Elders, - Presbyterian The annual meeting of St, Andrew's s house with relatives, until 4 years a$o, a 1 present, and the need of help, 1)is• most snow they had had since 1918.1 and rale it, so that the porpoises would Church, Blyth, was held , ! cu �ol on the hest means of seerrin{, chdn t think they had very much my- know it was dinner time. .lie , then for three year term, II, 'Tasker, 1). Nle -when she herons a patient I aria=' r Kenzie, F. Bell, R.:C. McGowan; twt) on Thursday afternoon. February 19th. wood hospital. ' thus aid were'ili"sctissed'811(1 11 wt6 (Ie'- 'self, •\\•lien,t:`tltotigltt ° e`mir winter 'in proceedel.tn dole out - the Ti"sh, He year term, B. Craig, J. Fairset•vice, f. Rev. I,. C. Jorgensen, interim Moder-1 tirs, Tyermau was a member of the, cided each Farm Forum would canvass 19(16-19.7,threw souse of then' and bhe fislj Wallace, F. Marshall ; one year terns, ator, occupied the chair, Reports from United Church at Seaforth, and while ; all in their arca So each would have when we entered the State of Ala- caught the, He also held therm In his A. Skelton, NI, l-Ioltuhaucr, J. Rich- the different departments of the chut'clt she lived there was an active w•orktt• a chance to share in this need. Lunch barna all sn^w had disappeared. it hand, and they jumped out of the wat- mond, G. Cowan, showed a most successful financial year in all its organizations. She was one was sorted and a social 111111' enjo}ed• was just like a beautiful spring clay, er and took them out of his hand, but New business included the proposed leaving a bank balance of °ver $200.00. of the first members c f the 1fospito 1 \Irs, (Earl Anderson and Karen, are and the frogs were croaking. It was the greatest fete of all was when the purchase of a new orgaU. the ar- (;ene'ous gifts to the Presbyterian ' visiting with her sister at Milton, at this point, that I could remove my attendant placed the tail of a fish in rattgements for purchasing the organ Church, Blyth, from the Estates of the Board when it cants into being' C. R. Coolies and Lyle Llopper at- fur coat, and get into a suit. What a his month, and a giant porpoise, weigh - arc to he left with the Official Board, The funeral which took plate on with the addition of A. E. Cook, or late Mrs, .Young and' Nlrs. Ashdown, Saturday, February 21st, at 2 p, nn„ tended the Co-operative meeting in glorious feeling it was for February, ing 8011 lbs. jumped completely out of ganist and choir leader, \vete very much appreciated by all the , from the Beattie Funeral Home, ;at , Toronto last week and also attended In Alabama in Inc clearings, there the trader, ;and took it out of the at - 4 vote of appreciation was extended congregation, (Clinton, was conducted by Rev, Work- the National Jlrelcey game on Saturday were large fields of cotton, acres and tendants Mouth. I had never seen any- t,o 'Rev. \V. •J. and Nlrs, Rogers, and A bounteous supper served by Mrs' tram, of Scaforth United Church. In- !night. , acre... At this point, the color coulbin- thing like it before. They can swim Mr, Tasker commended the ladies on Jack McGee, Mrs. \\'ill Merritt, and tertuenl was in Seaforth Cemetery.; �Thc Young People's Society of Knox .'ttion changed, and from thea on to the at the rate 0f 45-50 miles an hour, the success of the supper. Miss Norma Dae, was greatly enjoyed The pallbearers were: Frank Tatblyn, I United Church held a very enjoyable Gulf of Mexico, the 'darkies were ex- We arrived in Daytona Beach at At a Board of Stewards meeting of by rycr}:a1e preset. Norman 1 toboganning party on Friday night, trcntcly prevalent, and also mules. quarter to six Friday night, and mans uuCarte, Inert Taylor, Drank, Lunch was served in the Church and They, apparently, use more mules than aged to get to the post office for our terwards Keith Webster was tappomleel A (tilting of 2 quilts for the Nl is- , chairman and N. \V, Kyle, secretary. ICampbell, Ilton Hooper and Peter sionary hale was arranged to he held Patters -sit, all cousins of the deceased, various games and ocntests were also horses in. the south, and at one poittt mail,—and after all that travelling it at the home or Mrs. Herrington, \V'ed' Relatives and friends were present enjo}'eel' we saw an ox drawing a two -wheeled scented like a year since we heard from Several Parties Highlight nesday,\liss Mildred Charter of Blyth, with cart, with a darky driving. I would home. February:.5th, front Lottdcsbot•o, St. Marys,Blyth, s ""`t"'r'-' Westfield, Godcrich, Champion, :\Iber- \Irs' C. R. Coulter, during the week - have enjoyed taking a picture of it, \1'e were at the car races at 'Daytona W.WCC({ 5 Entertainment W. h TO MEET la, end. ( but did not wish to antagonize the el- Beach, Saturday afternoon, and this Several partes high -lighted last Bliss Miele Anderson t.f Fergus, anal derly gent. was very thrilling, ('here were 58 'I'hc regular monthly meeting of the —a —" Bernice Anderson, of \1'inghau, with 1 entries of cars racing, and travelled week's social activities. Blyth Women's Institute will be held HENRYr'C. SLOAN I [would like t say that all through Last Wednesday night Mrs, Duncan } their mother, Ntrs 0. G. Anderson, for the States of Kentucky, Tennessee, about 80 to 8S miles an butt around the McCallum -opened her home fcr a Hors in the Memorial hall, 'l'hussday, Mar, On the staff of the mail .order de- the wreck -end, (Alabanu► and Missisippi are large lural- track, 'There were numerous accidents, ticultural card party when several tab- Ith at 2.30. This meeting is in charge partmrnt of the Toronto Postal ser- The next meeting of Ms tlo(lmilt bel camps, 1\'e saw them chopping but to me hurt serious)}. les of euchre 'were enjoyed. Winners of Mrs. A. Taylor, Mrs. S. Chcllt\\, rice for 30 yeas, Henry Cul` Sloan, Farm Forum will be held at the borne do\n trees, and shouting "timber"— We are staying at Daytona Beach were, High lady, Mrs. Kyle, low, Alice Mrs. (Rel.) Rogers is expected to be 72. died Monday at his home, 191 Dunn I of lir. and Mfrs, Clarence Yuill' then we saw them frying finished tum- until Friday, and leaving for Miami. Rogerson; high gent, Mr. Kyle, low, the Guest Speaker. 'Josephine \Vocd- Avenue, Toronto. Born at Blyth, he I V--- We huge stacks of sawdust, and \\'e hope to see more interesting feats Mr. Philp. cock is to have on. display our every was the son of the late Dr. William LIBRARY BOOK LOST WC could not help remark how thrilled tires along the way, and world like to Hostesses were, Mesdames W, John- day kitchen gadgets and their marry and \Irs, Sloan. Ile had been a resi- Someone, undoubtedly by )mistake, \I r, hIcnderson \yould he if he had one say it is 72 degrees here, and lovely ston, G. Doherty, D. Philp, and S. Chet- uses. Mrs. A. Taylor will conduct a dent of Toronto since 1889 and for lifted a book belonging to the Myth of those Mtge stacks of sawdust in his and warns, \\'e hope the weather is Iew, Lunch was served, and am enjoy- contest( Roll Call answered with "Plas- many years had lived in 1 a•kdalc. Ac- , :lot too severe at home, 1 Public Library, from the counter in back yard. able evening reported, ter, its uses and possibilities". five member of (Erskine United Church, Vodden's Bake Shop on Saturday night. On Friday afternoon about 4:30 p.m. With kindest regards, O11 Friday night Mrs, Jamie Sinus, I[ostesscs, ,\lesduntes, D, \IcCallunn, he was on the session and was also a The title,cd the hook was "Windy Cori we at•rived on the outskirts of New Or - Wm, Alex Manning, asd Mrs. Douglas 11 un. Johnston, Sadie Coming, A. Mc• member of Fidelity is edge, A. anti A, ners." It would he much appreciated leans at a small town called Slidell, Stewart were hostesses at similar ev- Culluugh, There will be refreshments id., Sunnyside Lodge, ONES. 11 r, Sloan if the hook was returned either to The \\'e remained in Slidell owing to the j�'j1 /''��'( ent, in aid of the Ladies' Auxiliary of served at the r:taelttsion of all business. was a keen lawn howler, Standard office, or \'odden's Bakery. congestion in New Orleans on account CtiwK`Vri the Canadian Legion. The event was 1rt' ba he present, bring a friend, and Surti\ing arc two nicres, Mrs, 'Mar- _�1t of the Mardi Gras. ' held at the home of Nle, and Nlrs. Simse11)°}' these meetings. garet (less Campbell, with whom Inc MORRIS FEDERATION MEETING Saturday afternoon we motored into ®UNCO . t ---___v______—resided, and Ntrs. Sherwood B. Mar- ywhen five tables of progressive five shall, 12cd1anuls, Calif., and a ncphe\v, The direcb•_rs of Morris Federation New Orleans to sec one of the parades hundred were enjoyed. Prize winners MISSION BAND MEETING �imet in the Township Hall on Tuesday and it was very beautiful. It happened , PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH William Y. Sloan, 'Toronto, were. High lady, Mrs. S. Curring, low, The Mlsson Band of Loving Service Mr, George Sloan, of Blyth, attend- afternoon, Feb, 17th Following the to be the childrens parade, and there Church service w(Il be held at 11 Mrs. Gordon Elliott; High gent, Mrs. held their regular meeting at 3 p.m., an reading of the minutes the following were about 25 flatus, small children as o'clock each Sunday morning until the cd the funeral in Toronto on 'Thins - It. 1), Philp (substituting as a man), Saturday with a good attendance, The business was transacted: - well as teen agers took part in it, low, Gordon Elliott, meeting was opened with Quiet tisk, da}' Nelson Iliggiis,people end of March, �� �I Jas. Coolies and There were thousands of tootle there, \ RefreAnteuts were served by the followed by the Call to worship, me \ Wm. Peacock \vol!t• aliliolntcd a coot- and the temperature was 80 degrees, hostesses, and a most enjoyable even- Members' Purpose ryas repealed m toll - Legion Makes Future Plans mittee to secure sign boards to be which didn't relieve the situation very BLYTH UNITED CHURCH ing spent son, "Tell) NIL!' the Stories of Jesus", The monthly meeting of the lllyth t placed at each end of the concessi^ms, Last 'Tuesday night at the hums of the theme song was then sung, follow- Brandt of the Canadian Legion was I with nano' Of township and number of Mr, and Mrs J. S. Chellcw, Mrs, A. ell by Script re Reading by George held in the Orange hall at 8:30 p.m. ' concession inscribed thereon. Mantling, Mrs. N. Garrett, Nlrs. J. A. Webster.. Paige Phillips led in pray- Tuesday, February 24th. President It was agreed to try and have every Cowan and Mrs. Ohellcw were hostel- cr. The story of St. Valentine was Bert Haddocks was in the chair, Two farmer in the township have his name ses for a Ih.rticultural Party. Win- then told by Mrs, Walsh. The Offer- new candidates were initiated and duly placed on his Mail h. x. ers were, high lady, Mrs, Earl Noble, ing was then taken by Marilyn John- welcomed by officers and members. Agreed to send the Rural Co -OK.. - .low, Mrs, J. H. R. 'Elliott; 1-ligh gent,1 stout. A recitation was given by Betty They were E. F. Chapman and G. 12.1 ator to those ratepayers tvlto requested John Cowan, low, Alex, NI alining. I McDonald. The minutes were read attd 1Iarris. Subjects discussed and s•otcd 1 it. Four tables of progressive euchre were Mrs. Johnston conducted the business ; on included, buying Crests and uni- , Nelson Higgins was appy inte(t sub - in play, anti delicious refreshments period. Temperance was read by Mow-; forms for the Girls' Softball team spon- stitute director for (log Producer's were served by the hostesses. and Tait. The birthday song was sting sored by the Legion. Crests fir 1947 meetings. . for several members. Mrs. Falconer; season have been ordered and will be ' COUSIN DIES s antinaed the Second Chapter of the ' presented to the players at the Leg- Congratulations to Mrs. Harvey l ful- Nits, John f. Stewart, cousin of Mrs. Study Book, Meeting closed with ion St. Patrick's dance. Other sub- ley who celebrated her birthday on Ida Craig, died itt Exeter on February prayer. Valentines were disttibu:)x1 and jests were buying of a lot for erection Wednesday, February 25th. 13th. She was in her 83rd year, De- lurch was served by the executive. I of new• meeting- rooms, banquet to be Congratulations t o ilrs. N Aman ceased's maiden tlatne was Isabella V - I held for Legion members and guests, Radford who celebrated her birtlid: y o 1 Campbell. Site married the late John ( UNCLE BURIED 1 and park committee members were ap- Wednesday, February 25th. —Louise Durward. much, The Mardi Gras is an annual REV, '' \\'. J. I OGEERS, idIN1ST1ER event, and in New Orleans, they usual- 10;15 Sunday School 11;15: Morning worship. ly celebrate every clay for ten days 7 p.n1.: Lantern slides, "Sunrise In prior to Ash Wednesday. In other Japan." southern cities they just celebrate one 8:15: Fireside at Moore of ifr, and day, which is Shrove Tuesday,—this Mrs. G. Doherty. !ay is really known as Mardi Gras day. Thursday, 7 p.m., Nfetlbership Class; and so I believe when the Ladies' 8:30, Choir Practice. Guild of our church in Blyth hold their annual pancake supper on Shr,ae Ines- TRINITY CHURCH, BLYTH da}, they are celebrating Mardi Gras 11 a.m. Sunday School. Day, and would like to suggest they cake Supper." 12 noon: NI °riling Prayer and Ser- Day, their slipper "Tic Mardi Gras Pan - TRINITY, TRINITY, BELGRAVE \\'e also had the privilege of seeing 2 p.m. Sunday School. 2.30 p.m.: Evening Prayer and Ser- a night parade, NIon(lay night. The ,tion. business men pin on this one, and it , ST. MARK'S, AUBURN was really beautiful, and worth while • 9:a5 8.01, Stinday Sche'ol, St.o:,mz. Being at night, it was all lit up,' 10:30 a.tn, Mornin F ay;r and Ser - T. Stewart in 1888 Ile predeceased Mr. Duncan ilcCalhnn attended the Pointed. Meeting ended with the usual Congratulatons to Mr. Roland \'in- and ,males pulled the floats, and wh'te mon, her in 1929. Tor many years they re, funeral of his uncle, Duncan McCal- itivocati•ctt and "The King." cent \ydto celebrated his birthday on le.- 'ed darkies, with double flat es pa- V sided in L'sborne, and moved to Exeter Lunt, who died suddenly at his home -- v-- Wednesday. February 25th. ra'' I on both sides of the par de. ! 1N WINIt'At i HOSPITAL 26 years ago. Hier brother Arthur near Stratford on 'Wednesday, Febrtt:I Congratulations to Mrs• Joseph Mil- Congratulations to Mr. Robert New- \ ' then wended our way across to t .-\iis lrarl M ekitinht underwent r•' op. Campbell and daughter-in-law, \Irs. art' 18th, in his 73rd year. The fun- ler, who cetehratcd her birthday on combs, who will celebrate his birthday 1'1e••%la. by way t•f the Gulf of Mex- i eratlot in \\'inghait hnspita! on \Vcd- Elmer Stewart, passed away in January. era) was held on Friday. February 25th, on 'Sunday, February 29th, iso, ;tad spent last Friday im and around , ne qday morning-. _ Help The Red Cross '9! TEA OF REVEMGE BY J A C K S O N• C O L E Synopsis CHAPTER XXVIII: Valdez en- counters a posse, headed by Hask- ell in' pursuit -of the false Cabellero. After directing the cattlemen away from the outlaw, Valdez heads for Gold Creek determined himself to find and 'unmask his impersonator. CHAPTER XXIX In Gold Creek's only saloon, Juan- ita de Cuevas sipped a drink she did not want and kept her eyes on the door. But her time had not been wasted while she had been waiting for the appearance of Mich- ael Valdez, She had already im- pressed on the non -talkative bar- tender the fact that a young man from the Rio was pretty lonesome in this country so far away from the border, and craved noshing so much as a chance to sit down, play cards or just talk and talk with some friendly stranger, Michael Valdez was such a man, when eventually he entered the sal- oon. No soul would have imagined he had ever seen the bedraggled Mexican youngster before, but he hailed him cheerfully and in the spirit of camaraderie of men meet- ing on the trail—especially men who had a mutual Spanish back- ground, * * * In a moment idle, continents tv'cre being made by both—comments on the sveather, the trail, the toren. The bartender winked at Valdez as if he would warn th vaquero that he was In danger of having his ears talked flabby. "You play with cards, senor?" Juanita filially asked, grinning wide- ly with pleasure at the chance of companionship. She appeared over- joyed at Valdez' smile and nod. "Coodl We sit in far corner, no? At that table no one disturbs us." Valdez %winked back at the bar- tender. "Nothing more important to do," he drawled, and followed his pre - sr ial,ly newfound friend across tl'e room. A whirl skirt like Sister's •for little Me Tool Make Pattern 4820 as a simulated juniper with puffed sleeves, round collar, for now. The angelic suttfrock is for summer) Pattern 1320: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10. Size 6, frock, 1'sS yds, 35 -in. fabric; yd. contrast. Sunfrock, 2!:i yds. 35 -in. fabric. Send TWENTY-FIVE CENTS (25c) in coins (stamps cannot be I accepted) for this pattern to room 421, 73 :ltlelaido St. Wats Toronto. , Print plainly SIZE, NAME, AD- DRESS, STYLE NUMBER. ISSUE 0-1048 They sat down, the girl in the peon boy's clothes talking swiftly as she shuffled the cards, apparent- ly Intent only on the game to conte. "There is much news, senor," she said, her voice almost a whisper, "AII bad," She began to deal, "First, the killer you would know about, the man tvho wos at the cross, rides water. He knows what he is about, Where he goes, I still do not know. It was as if he leaves the river on wings." Disappointment never irked Michael Valdez, Lost scents could always he found if a man were patient, "What else?" he asked, "1 have not given up hope of finding the trail he followed, when suddenly I see fire in the valley be. low, There are shots, I ride like the wind. But 1 find only a dead man, the still red ashes of a dying shed, and a mulch bitter young hombre," Valdez nodded. "What then?" * * * "The young hombre speak to rte, senor, and he accuses cattlemen in the north end of the valley. By his eyes and the set of his jaw I know he will fight the Idiot, world alone, if he must—because 1 am forced to tell hint that it is his 1 brother Sam he is looking for who then was spiked to the cross," "You think he has reason to sus- pect the cattlemen?" Valdez asked, "Who knows? I talk ugh other sten later—some tobacco men, some cattlemen. It is the old story, senor; good for one is bad for the other, and each calls the other dog, But this 1 know—that the rider at the cross who (hung the boy there was the same hombre who was at the drying shed and set fire to it and killed. By this sign I have recognized he betrays himself—so far," "And that aider in the red sash and red neckerchief mask we saw out oil the range?" Valdez asked, "You see him run from cattlemen who pursue him. He, too rides water—but not like the other I fol- lowed last night. This man in Spanish clothes I follow today, senor. To the brown house near the burned drying shed of last night." Valdez' eyes narrowed as he nod- ded. "Starting to fight back at the cattlemen—under my brand," Ile said coldly. "1Vho can blame him, senor?" Juanita defended, "Death strikes twice at him iu one night, He knows that you are here, for 1 told hint so, He takes advantage of the fact that his hair also is red of the sunset, and he is proud of your brand—which he will use to fright- en beefnten to leave these valley farnicr,.in peace. Quict Babe?" Valdez' rolled a cigarette, played an ace inattentively, when even a seven -spot would have taken the trick in their game. "No elan can use my brand," he said mildly. Juanita took the pot she had not iron, "The young one will not trade tong on your brand, senor," she assured, "When I look in the window of his home, I see that he bleeds too much. I snake to go in house and help him. But a girl comes, a girl 1 hear him call Mary, and who has much grief that his brother Sam is there dead. s * * "She tries hard to stop the blood of the young one who is brother. I think maybe it is toot good that I be at )louse twice when bad things happen, sabe? *o I go and make camp for you, All else you know." "All?" Valdez lifted his brows. "Si, senor. I stay in town while places close up for the night. I talk tvith this one and that one. I learn nothing," "Nothing that points to the chance someone besides cowmen being behind all that's happened since we got here?" (To be Continued) Awaiting a Celestial Vision — Ito Luxembourg, amazing cures have been claimed by pilgrims visiting a forest arca where three school -children are reported to have seen a vision of the Blessed Virgin. Ilcre two of the three are seen Tying on the ground where, after saying the Rosary, they await the recur- rence of the miracle. Authorities have examined the children and report them perfectly normal, Sunday School Lesson By Rev R. The World Mission o/ The Church Romans 10;8.15; Ephesians 3:812 Golden Text—I-Iot' beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringcth good tidings, that published' peace; that bringeth good tidings of good that publish MI salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God Reigncth!—Isaiah 52:7, Paul very definitely preached Jesus Christ and 1Iitn Crucified, Book reviews or discourses on po' litical philosophies were not his line. IIe presented the "sword of faith" to the people. The people, in turn, must believe and confess, Salvation is not of works but of faith, This belief is not only an intellectual assent to the truths of the Gospel but a personal approp' dation of its benefits, It is a belief "unto righteousness." Then it is the privilege of the Christian and his express duty to confess Christ pefore Wren, A professed Christian spent the winter in the lumber Your Handwriting and You Alex S.yArnott Can a person change their per- sonality by changing their turning? Before a change can be made in personal, habits and personality, the writer must understand all the traits of character which are a hindrance to personal happiness, The graphologist can direct the writer to the facts shown in the handwriting, pointing out all these elements as they arc shown in the script so that these traits of char- acter are clearly understood, The knowledge of weakness of some personal trait and consistent ef- fort to eliminate it from the writ- ing will eventually give the writer confidence in overcoming the act- ual weakness of character. There arc, however, some elements ill changing the handwriting which must be clearly understood, First there must be a genuine desire to mance a change in personality for the better. Secondly, the writer must be taught how to make changes from the old habitual •method of writing to a new and more beneficial kind of script. Thirdly, there must be consistent effort on the part of the writer to make this change and this requires constant vigilance over writing habits, This may mean the practis- ing o[ handwriting or penmanship each day for many days to get the desired effect In the script, + * What has the effect of changing the tvriting to do with personal habits and behaviour? In previous articles I have pointed out, "As you think, so will you write," The effect hien is that you change your mental outlook as you concentrate o changing your writing. On an- other occasion, I have said that you reveal your personality by the trail of ink you leave on paper. By effecting a new and different type of "trail" in your script, you achieve the effect of changing your personality and habits of conduct and behaviour, Of course, do not e::pect to write your new script to- night and acquire a changed per- sonality to -morrow for, if your hab- its are of long standing, you will not lose them overnight. Our reader: ,nay receive an ins trusting and instructive personal analysis .of their .Handwriting by sending an ample' of writing with 25 cent: and a stamped, self-addres- sed envelope to Box B, room 421, 73 efdelalde St, W'est, Toronto. Barclay Warren camp. On his return in the spring a friend asked hint, "I•Iow did you get along? Did the fellows razz you at all?' "Oh, no," he replied happily, "No one ever found out 1 was a Christian," How different is this sentiment from the words in our lesson: "Whosoever believ- ed: on Him shall not be ashamed." * But before men believe, they must hear, "And hots shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach, except they be scut: "Chore is a sense in which all Christians must confess Christ, But there are also those who are specifically and divinely called to give all their time to proclaiming the Good News, Paul was one of these, Ile was thrilled with his message, Ile was often weary in body but he never wearied of the Message, For he was proclaiming "the unsearchable riches of Christ." Though Paul hail a better grasp of Divine truth than perhaps any other man except Jesus Christ, he knew enough to know that he didn't know it all. Indeed if we knew a: touch as Cod, we would h; equal with God. 13ut Paul 'knew the essentials of salvation. his preaching many in Eur- ope and Asia were persuaded to turn from sin to Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour, He was a God -sent mall and there was fruit from his labour, Ile shared the Good News and others, too, were saved, Because of the high tax on tea in Britain in the lith and 18th coo turies, more than half the tea drunk in England was smuggled in. ANWE 141P'ST yk,.i. Fun eau.n.,eert How Much Freedom For 14 -Year Old? '1'111; F:1'1'I I ER of a I.1 -eat old * !au ;liter is ext'rci,cd about her * social life, 11e asks nue to set him and her mother, on the i g h t course, For his part, Ile is not partial to teen-agers has - Mg too III a11)' dates, but sug' gets he may be old-fashioned, Iic writes * Ina th t his twifc thinks it all * right for the girl to go to the * afternoon short , but only once a * week, And evening dates with. + out adult supervision are out. * "Our slaughter is obedient, and * well-trained. '''c enjoy her full * confidence.. And we do not wish * to drive her into deception + through measures that are too * harsh, * She naturally feels she should * be allowed to have show dates, • or skating dates, with the boys, * 11'ill you please outl'ne a course * to follow in thi- perplexing prob. + Ism • Parent's Problem * It is essential to know sonic• * thing about social customs of * the teen-agers in each commun. * its: to be able to chart a safe • course for parents and their * youngsters. In some small towns, * and il, different sections of this * diversified country, girls start * haviu;- dales as young as 13, In * others, not until they are ltvo and * three years older, rind it is quite • as important to give youngsters • their groper freedom as it is to * curtail it at the correct point, • In small communities, where * so many families have known • each other for at least a genera- * lion, early dating is safer than in * large cities where knowledge of * the boys a girl wanes to date is * apt to be limited. In both in' * stances, however, if parents have • the habit of inviting their young • daughters' school friends to the * house and so come to know * them, early dating can be more * safely allowed. * If a girl knows that her parous * are on her side, eager for her to * have good tittles and only pre' * scribing dis ' line when they, * feel her judgment is at fault, site ( is usually amenable to that tlis- * ciplinc. When she knows they * trust her, she is far more careful * of her deportment, for she is * bound by her affection for them * rain • their understanding of her * little problems. She knows they * realize she doesn't want to fore' * go the fun her own friends are * having, yet she knotvs, too, that * they must protect her from • choosing the wrong friends and * getting herself talked about. * 'Thank heaven for father's who * arc so intelligently interested in * their slaughters! If we found + more of them, we would have + far Ie=s fear for their girls. * * When pn•ls have 1 eel/ raised i trust their parents and respect them they respond to discipline and would (,ora to misuse what freedom they hare. If you arc a per.:.:led parent perhaps .Imre /first rail be helpful 1!'rite her at Ito,(• 4 Room 421, 73 Adelaide Si. II'cst, 7'oronto. 0 ENJOYED BY 3IO1{E families titan any other brand of coffee in the world , , . that's Maxwell (louse, Because of its extra flavor it's always "Good to the Last Drop!" 11111 11111 l0,tni I+Inf1na +1 The St. Regis Hotel r01t1l NTII • 1•.,cr Ituual 1111b rub MOP, Shower and Telephone • Single, MOO end nu•— Ilemble, 11.50 u• • tlood bond. lllnlne end Uenelea Nlshlle hherhuunle el (Arline/ Tel RA, 4180 ROOMS BEAUTIFULLY BURNISHED et 0 up HOTEL METROPOLE NIAnARA FALLS DPP, — ('.N,11. RTATIIIN Many women aro subject to woo ; aching back. Often the kidneys are to blame, for your kidneys, along with the liver, must filler out im- purities from the bloodstream. So 'cyan feel tired, worn-out, head. achy—with the nagging pain of an aching buck—look to both your kid• noys and liver, That's why Cana - diens have been relying on Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills for over half a century, Give your system a chance to work properly, Try Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills today, The name "Dr. Chase" Is your assurance, $ Dr. Chase's KIDNEY»LIVER PiLLS It's here! New Fleischmann's Royal Fast Rising Dry Yeast, the modern granule form that's always there when you want it, No need to keep it in the icebox—New Fleischmann's Royal Fast Rising Dry Yeast stays fresh in the cupboard for weeks—ready at any time for speedy action. Just dissolve according to directions on the package. IF YOU BAKE AT HOME—you'll be amazed at its fast rising action—delighted at the detect• able flavor, finer texture it gives to breads. Order a month's supply of New Fleischmann's Royal Fast Rising Dry Yeast today. At your grocer's) TEEN -TOWN TOPICS CIIRONICLES OF GINGER FIIIMS e= By RAI?R,y MURKAR� Ilere's a real piece of news for all those interested in Wild life and who feel that we must pitch in and save some of Canada's great nat- ural re purees before it i loo late. .:\ note in the mail from friend, Manly diner tells us that the Jack Miner Foundation is to sponsor Nation- al \viol Life (Apri1 Ila • loth, in- clusive). M r Miner gate its a scoop 00 this, and we couldn't get it in last week. Manly tells us that the tducationai department of the Foundation has been devoting these winter months to preparing a program for that week. 'There will be no tag day. It will he strictly an e.;ucational week and no money will change hands in connection with sante. it will be a week when all church - ca of all denominations will be asked Sunday, April 11th, to em- phasize in their sermons God's great outdoors and how important it is to conserve the natural re- finmtrccs God Inas given us. School Iearhers will he asked to stress the value of bird life to their class- es and service chubs will be asked h have someone speak on wild life, at their meetings that week, So keep that week in mind. Ily the way, we have a bird stick, hanging in the apple tree in the back yard and Mr. WoodPecker sure makes short order of the suet we put in the holes on the stick — and prices what they are these days too. Yipel Did You Read That Too? Yesterday the local tailor called us in and whispered in our ear, "You should have a new suit. it's not just the money I'm thinking about. In fact you'll thank Ole in a few weeks." Well to male a story, short, we read today that suits are expected to go up another $10,00 In price — topcoats too. Where is it going to end, he asked, mopping his brow. Part Of The Answer We were quite interested in an article appearing hi the February 11, issue of the Family Herald, Titled, "Why 1 Left The Farts', It is part of the answer to my column of a few weeks ago. The writer states that the reason so many young people leave the farms is because their fathers will not or do not put them on a weekly or monthly wage. Seems like papa doles out the shecklc's when Jun- ior asks for them -- and only then. The young men do not like this and as a restilt head for the city and steady wages. Seems to me this problem could easily he overcome by poppa and junior .having a quiet talk and getting the matter settled. N,, need for the farmer's son to pull up stakes just because he hasn't a steady inc.onme, This should be overcome by a little compromising between father and son. 1'. S. If you read this column, write and tell me so. Tables Turned It was lunch hour at the lime works, and Pat's two buddies, de- riding to playa little joke on him daring his absence, drew the features of a donkey upon the back of his coat, in due time Pat returned and presently hove in sight hearing the lime -decorated coat. "What's the trouble, Pat :" asked one casually. "Nothing much," replied Pat, equally indifferent, "only I'd loike to know which one of yez wiped your face on me coat." U. S. NavyAirGroup HORIZONTAL S. naval — 1 Depleted Is in- group slgne of Patrol VERTICAL Squadron •— 1 More obese ----, U, s, 2 Victuals naval aviation 3 Transposes 7 Symbol for (ab.) radium 4 Affirmative 8 Native metals reply 9 Chaos 5 Former Bus - 11 Adapt :Tan ruler 6 Strong vegetables 7 Danger 10 Constellation 11 Speedy 14 Sicilian volcano 12 Bones 13 Anger 15 Endured 17 Perch (pl.) • 20 Inquired 21 Silly 22 Right (ab.) 23 Of the thing 1 2 3 4 5 24 Lone Scout (ab.) 7 B4; By tiwendoline N Clarke Yesterday I tvcut to 'Toronto by hum It turned out to be an aw- ful dap, rain, slush, sleet and ice. )lel the passengers boarded the btu quite hopefully at 64.5 i,n their return trip that night, thinking the bus w^add get uncut home :,l! right no matter what the weatht r. in- stead of that i1 was we, the paean- gers, who brought IIIc bus honer! Everything was fine as long as uc were on the highway, but half way home the bus services a round- about route over gravel roads. It was 1llcll that the fit began. The road was a glare of ice and at every little grade the heavy vehicle was completely helpless and sat there with wheels spinning. There were about seven men amnion, the it ssengers and etch time we stalled they all piled ,ant and shot rd away behind the bus. Generally they managed to get it moving but 011 one hill the bus just wouldn't budge. Fortunately we were near a hotre and our little army of men went begging for ashes. The driv• er remarked as he waited - "1 hope they had good fires going all day today!" Ile is qnite a lad, that driver , . , a kern sense of humor and very good at his job. • * * s It was funny to ace the little procession conning back, each man carrying a box of ashes ... and they did the trick. Of course, once the bus began to move the driver was afraid to stop until he was on a down grade or at least a level spot where there was some trac- tion, which meant that the men had to follow on foot. This time ne must have travelled at least half a mile before it was safe to stop — and there were the poor, dear amen trailing along behind on the slippery road. Finally they caught up with us, climbed in, the driver let out the clutch , .. and nothing happened! The bus, appar- ently, was ready for another rest. One man said - "What dill we get in for?' So they got out again and with their persuasion the bus start- ed off once more. She rolled along nicely until we came to another hill - this time there was no house, no ashes and the bus got sulky and wouldn't budge an inch. Present- ly a jeep came along and with the combined forces of jeep and gentle- men we moved again. Of course it took a little while, and as we walled, there was a dead silence among the women passengers inside the bus as we listened to what was going on behind tis, Into this silence, Maurice, the driver, remarked with- out benefit of explanation - "Friday .. February the thirteenth!" Paris Skirts Only 9 Inches off Ground Smaller waists and skirts nine inches off the ground are keynotes of the spring styles, The long skirt has come to stay and some designers have slightly in- creased their length, a, As for the wasp waist, they a. a back to 1850 with a fuller bust - line and more pronounced hips. There is a general movement away front the one-piece frock, and at least one designer has abandon- ed the tailored coat and skirt, The new materials are all of a piece with the period—the taffetas, lawns, organdies and muslins of mid-Victorian days, . Another Victorian touch is that of stockings to match frocks. But they are in modern nylon—blue, pink or jade green toned with brightly colored ;uir'asols and hat veils shot with many colors. \uswer lo I'rettou" l'ui.atr u AD WOR 0 WhILLTACci R:.: • 6 . CaDE�t:l N•D JAMES onW 4 C UADSWOlrn• D T 0 15 GI oiliest it 31 Man's 00 ne sire 32 Runner on 10 Dt tch city snow 18 Lt bricale 34 Kite part 19 Colonized 36 Deer track 27 Require 38 Half (prefix) 28 Balkan :19 Mohammedan province magistrate 29 Compass point 42 Narrow inlet 30 Winglike part 4'1 interest (nb; 10 L,7 Neat. , �. 26 Half-elsIL~13 19 28 Exist .. g� Q 3o Forenoon 15 Ib`` -r` all 1 I (ab.) 32 Suo loco (ab.) 2 21 33 Surgical u thread 95 Type of lace 37 Pestered 39 Named 40 Noise 41 Silkworm 44 Fox 48 Decigram 48 Mentality 47 Qld Testament (ab.) 48 It is an in- signe of a U. 29 Z5 30 31 <>. 3L 35 36 40111111 1 doii't loom ham u;:ant !ii„t k in al ue stopped <m the ru,ul - we bast count completely - hut 1 do knots it tams 9:.10 1111('1 the hit., fin- ished its journey - and it should have been 7:15. And the into ctrt- ainly did plenty of walking. It was really quite a trip, but 1 ntu,t con- fess, except for the fact that 1 kuc,y they would be worrying at Raa. I rather enjoyed it. It 1urm d chat olheruise would hate Leen a u'ono- tonous journey, into a real adtentttrc. Bet we did get hungry! A young neighbour and 1 Shan d a sea: and neither of us had bothered to eat before leaving the city, so our supper was one chocolate bar•and a packet• of lifesaters divided l careen u<. l\'hen I got home 1'artncr wel- comed nue by saying - "\\•It) in the world didn't you stay ovr''nit'lt?•' Bob had a funny experience too when lie started out to meet nue a. 7 o'clock! Iic was driving the "pick-up" and when it ;ant down to the road it made a comphte l' turn and started back up the lane again. Bob took it as an omen and let it come. Then he parke l the little truck and went out again with the big enc, As for my day in Toronto. It took me five hours to find drapes for our living room - the choice was so limited and the price so appall- ing I almost cattle home without any, Almost ... eventually 1 found exactly what I wanted. 5crulIs of white embroidery in an all-over pattern decorate the bolero that tops Alfandri's navy blue crepe dress. A tiny self belted waistline gives way to an accentuated hip- line. TABLE TALKS Fruity and Flavorous — By Frances Lee Darton —• HKHF; S a cake recipe that will produce a cake that Is a cake — Oiled with sliced bananas covered w l t hand nutty frosting. Try it for a change, and you will add the recipe to your permanent file. Banana Nut Cake 214 cups sifted cake flour; 214 teaspoons double- acting baking powder; 14 teaspoon salt; 1F� cup butter or other short- ening; 1 cup sugar; 2 eggs, well beaten; 4, cup milk; 1 teaspoon vanilla. Sift flour once, measure, add baking powder and salt, and sift together three times. Cream butter, add sugar gradually, and cream together until light and fluffy, Add eggs and beat well. Add flour, al• ternately tv-Ith milk, a small amount at a time, beating after each addition until smooth. Add vanilla, Bake In two greased 8 -inch layer pans in moderate oven (376° F,) 25 to 30 minutes. When cool, cover bottom layer with sliced bananas. Over this pour your favorite boiled or 7 Minute Frosting. Place second layer on top and cover top and aides of cake with remaining frost. Ing to which nuts have been added. An ordinary goat gives a quart of milk a day and lives for about 10'years. a It's Quicker The ex -serviceman had found Hi way to Africa with a view to big - game hunting. This first day out with a gun brought him not only in contact with the denizens of the jun, gle but made him streak back for the cabin, a big lion behind hits, "Quick, 1'at," he shouted on ap• proachiug the hut, "open the door, 1'nm bringing 'cut back alive!" SIMPLY DELICIOUS; The Superb flavor of Maxwell House makes if the most popular of all brands of coffee, It has extra flavor because it contains choice Latin. American coffees. THERE S O N E THING FOR SINUSPA/N fnstantine /2 TABLETS FOR 25e WITH EVERY PURCHASE OF 1/2 POUND OF LIPTON'S TEA OR 60 TEA BAGS AT YOUR GROCERS! MR.8R/$/( GET YOURS TODAY! With your first. taste of Lipton Tea, you'll realize what "FLA''oR-LIFT" means—a' combination of brisk Savor and a lift . that sends new energy through you from head to toe. But hurry! The Free Soup offer expires on March 61 LiTTLE REGGIE REGINALD— li YOU GO ROT BACK AND MOP TI)AT FLOOR r 'IviV4uI• y0 tr./' CopyrI cit-111..th a J. Lipton 1.ImIIed By Margarita 0 t,Y0/ )11 1 46. >ggONTO A �� 1 o N� L.,05.A.D11 LOl ROIA 'TROPLAT 15 GI oiliest it 31 Man's 00 ne sire 32 Runner on 10 Dt tch city snow 18 Lt bricale 34 Kite part 19 Colonized 36 Deer track 27 Require 38 Half (prefix) 28 Balkan :19 Mohammedan province magistrate 29 Compass point 42 Narrow inlet 30 Winglike part 4'1 interest (nb; 10 L,7 Neat. , �. 26 Half-elsIL~13 19 28 Exist .. g� Q 3o Forenoon 15 Ib`` -r` all 1 I (ab.) 32 Suo loco (ab.) 2 21 33 Surgical u thread 95 Type of lace 37 Pestered 39 Named 40 Noise 41 Silkworm 44 Fox 48 Decigram 48 Mentality 47 Qld Testament (ab.) 48 It is an in- signe of a U. 29 Z5 30 31 <>. 3L 35 36 40111111 1 doii't loom ham u;:ant !ii„t k in al ue stopped <m the ru,ul - we bast count completely - hut 1 do knots it tams 9:.10 1111('1 the hit., fin- ished its journey - and it should have been 7:15. And the into ctrt- ainly did plenty of walking. It was really quite a trip, but 1 ntu,t con- fess, except for the fact that 1 kuc,y they would be worrying at Raa. I rather enjoyed it. It 1urm d chat olheruise would hate Leen a u'ono- tonous journey, into a real adtentttrc. Bet we did get hungry! A young neighbour and 1 Shan d a sea: and neither of us had bothered to eat before leaving the city, so our supper was one chocolate bar•and a packet• of lifesaters divided l careen u<. l\'hen I got home 1'artncr wel- comed nue by saying - "\\•It) in the world didn't you stay ovr''nit'lt?•' Bob had a funny experience too when lie started out to meet nue a. 7 o'clock! Iic was driving the "pick-up" and when it ;ant down to the road it made a comphte l' turn and started back up the lane again. Bob took it as an omen and let it come. Then he parke l the little truck and went out again with the big enc, As for my day in Toronto. It took me five hours to find drapes for our living room - the choice was so limited and the price so appall- ing I almost cattle home without any, Almost ... eventually 1 found exactly what I wanted. 5crulIs of white embroidery in an all-over pattern decorate the bolero that tops Alfandri's navy blue crepe dress. A tiny self belted waistline gives way to an accentuated hip- line. TABLE TALKS Fruity and Flavorous — By Frances Lee Darton —• HKHF; S a cake recipe that will produce a cake that Is a cake — Oiled with sliced bananas covered w l t hand nutty frosting. Try it for a change, and you will add the recipe to your permanent file. Banana Nut Cake 214 cups sifted cake flour; 214 teaspoons double- acting baking powder; 14 teaspoon salt; 1F� cup butter or other short- ening; 1 cup sugar; 2 eggs, well beaten; 4, cup milk; 1 teaspoon vanilla. Sift flour once, measure, add baking powder and salt, and sift together three times. Cream butter, add sugar gradually, and cream together until light and fluffy, Add eggs and beat well. Add flour, al• ternately tv-Ith milk, a small amount at a time, beating after each addition until smooth. Add vanilla, Bake In two greased 8 -inch layer pans in moderate oven (376° F,) 25 to 30 minutes. When cool, cover bottom layer with sliced bananas. Over this pour your favorite boiled or 7 Minute Frosting. Place second layer on top and cover top and aides of cake with remaining frost. Ing to which nuts have been added. An ordinary goat gives a quart of milk a day and lives for about 10'years. a It's Quicker The ex -serviceman had found Hi way to Africa with a view to big - game hunting. This first day out with a gun brought him not only in contact with the denizens of the jun, gle but made him streak back for the cabin, a big lion behind hits, "Quick, 1'at," he shouted on ap• proachiug the hut, "open the door, 1'nm bringing 'cut back alive!" SIMPLY DELICIOUS; The Superb flavor of Maxwell House makes if the most popular of all brands of coffee, It has extra flavor because it contains choice Latin. American coffees. THERE S O N E THING FOR SINUSPA/N fnstantine /2 TABLETS FOR 25e WITH EVERY PURCHASE OF 1/2 POUND OF LIPTON'S TEA OR 60 TEA BAGS AT YOUR GROCERS! MR.8R/$/( GET YOURS TODAY! With your first. taste of Lipton Tea, you'll realize what "FLA''oR-LIFT" means—a' combination of brisk Savor and a lift . that sends new energy through you from head to toe. But hurry! The Free Soup offer expires on March 61 LiTTLE REGGIE REGINALD— li YOU GO ROT BACK AND MOP TI)AT FLOOR r 'IviV4uI• y0 tr./' CopyrI cit-111..th a J. Lipton 1.ImIIed By Margarita 0 t,Y0/ )11 1 46. • PAGE 4, t���ona\Emtvesi* ti�o�� �s��no,�io�e ew THE STANDARD 1' • Wednesday, Feb, 25, 1948 IEI,D 1 LONDESBORO \lis. Violet Cook spent over the The \V.:1, held their February meet - Week -end twitli hrr +islet, \I is, Phyllis ing on 11'ed iesday afternoon, February Cook, of liodcrich, 118, at the home of \Irs, I., Pipe, tv>th . \Ir. told \Irs. \V. F. Campbell spent 31) present. The meeting cpened with a few days last .week (with Nit-. and hymn 287, followed by Lord's Prayer. Mrs. Norman l"atter, : f Clinton, \Ir. and \Irs, Gordon Smith, visited Nlr. Smith, (who i; a patient in \\'ing- Ilain Hospital, 00 'Tuesday. 11 r. \Varren Munford, of Preston, spent the week -end with ids parents, 'nw? Nli.. anil \Irs. 'Thomas Il':nnford, NI r. Bert Taylor and \liss Eileen were 1 ioderich visitors on Tuesday. Nlrs. 'Taylor returned home with them after spending a week' tvith her sister, NIrs. Stonehouse. \Ir. an•I Mrs. (Harold Vincent, , 1,500,000 jobs were filled through the National Employment Service in twenty-two months—January, 1946, to November, 1947, 421,146 of these jobs were found for veterans, 5,534 more were found for persons in the higher earnings bracket through the Executive and Pro- fessional Division of the Service. 26,531 more of these placements were made through the Special Place- ments Division for physically handicapped workers - 204 for persons totally blind, 825 for persons totally deaf, and 53 for persons handicapped by double amputations, Make full use of your focal office of the National Employment Service. Department of Labour HUMPHREY MITCHELL, Minister of Labour A, MacNAMARA, Deputy Minister .Notes of appreciation were read from , - Nlr. and \Irs. C. 13a11, \lrs. Riddell, - Nlrs, Melville, \I r. and \Irs, R. Cald- well, NI r. and NI rs, G. Nloou, NI r, \Vat. Doss. Program conrin'llce for \larch, Nlrs. Ri bed Townsend and 1lrs, font :Men, NI rs. Lillie \\'j'hster offered her 1101111 f r the March meeting. The pro - grain cons'sted of a reading by 1f rs. ' Clarence Crawford, an instrumental by rs. 'Tom Allen, A contest conducted by NI rs. Bert Shobbrook, The meeting closed with hymn and benediction, 1-4,1ti;r:1'c, visited on Sunday with \lr, Lunch was served by hoslesses ',MS, - and \Irs. I. I. \Icl)otsell. Stanley Cartel', Mrs. ,Hohn Armstrong, Nlr. and \lrs, John Illl(Ilanall visited Mrs. Bert Itrunsdon, Mrs, Tont Millar. : on son"), with mi.. Na), \'iotrol, of :\ vote Uf thanks was given to \frs. LondonPipe for use of her honk. Nil-. and Nlrs, Fred ('ook w'ited oil \Ir, and Mrs, Charles' Voclden and 'unilav with Mrs. Earl NIrl,,,,ni;hl, a ! lir. and Mrs. John Pipe visited with - patient in \1'in;hnnl Ilrspitai Mr. and Mrs. BertI)aer of Auburn, - • on Fonda.'. I - (Mile a number r, -f people from -the village attended the hockey game in Brussels on friday night between Lr.tn- dcshoro and Atwood. 1:; ndesboro Iie- in, victorious. Thi; is the second •u•;r-7111 gang, I.onde;blro hits won from Atwood. hiss \lacy Ellen Preht of \lilchell, spent the week -cud Will her parents, \1 r. and \Irs, Fred Pr est. r. Bert 'P.Irlot•, \I r. and \Irs, \1'. F. Campbell attended the funeral at Clin- ton ell Saturday of their cousin, Mrs Benson 1'yerinan, who passed away 00 Thursday in !Zillion. The sympathy of the multiunit). is cxtindcd to \Ir. and Mrs, Joe (trophy the pass)), of the fornler's father, 11 r, (eorge Brophy, of St, Augustine, who pa veil away on Sunday Illi'llillg. \Irs. J. \I(13t-ien returned to her home in 1oderieh after spending a 'lumber of weeks in this vicinity, The snow plow is bnsy the'e din's opening the r ads in this d'strict. The fader: and also the mail carriers toill he glad 10 have the roods in better condition. The Farm Forum niet on \londat' evening at the home of \I r, and \Irs. Marvin \Icl)owell. After listening to the radio broadcast, and it being re- view night and no discussion period, the evening was spent ie. playing pro- gressive lost heir. The \\'t 1 Id 1 F runt collected '95.50 for ltatropeau relief. The llorunt will be at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Norman Icl)nwcll nest \Ion - day evening, with Mr. and \Irs. \lar - vin 1Ie1)owell in charge of the social activities, Lunch was served. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY TO MEET The Illyth :\gricnitoral Society will meet in the Orange 1lall, Blyth n Fri- day, February 27th, at 2 o'clock. iiimmummosomilinat I -I . u FOR SALE (toys bicycle, in god condition. :Apply to Jack \Ic(iee, phone 185, Blythe 224-1, LOST :\ Rul'+(iII lighter, 1tIvth, Finder please Cowan. 51111etGI1ere in ((intact r)oit, 24-1p, CARD PARTY AND DANCv Remember the Card Party and Dance in the Memorial 111111, 1tlytil tonight, 1'Thursday), Feb. 26th, sl nsored by the .\')'omen's Institute, MORRIS FEDERATION NOTICE To the ratepayers of \krris Town- ship,—Those tvho desire the Rural Co - Operator (Ilse official Federation of :Agriculture Paper), for 1948, may se- cure the sante by sending your name and address to Earl Anderson, RJR. 4. 1 russets, Sec,-Treas., Jlorris Federa- tion, on or before 21larc,h 20111, 1948. 24-2. Earl Anderson, Sec.-Treas. I JI 1 111 1 ALLOC;--TION OF HPDR Blyth Radio Service DEALER IN— SPARTON AND STEWART. WARNER RADIOS. BEATTY APPLIANCES, KELViNATOR REFRIGERATORS, ELECTRIC APPLIANCES, Liberal Allowances on your Use 1, Radio as a Do01 In, WE HAVE A FEW USED RADIOS IN STOCK, ALL RE -CONDITIONED AND GUARANTEED. BATTERIES AND MISCELLANEOUS SUPPLIES, GLENN KECHNIE Work Guaranteed, Phone 165, Blyth. F EE -- FREE' SAVE MONEY BY TAKING ADVANTAGE OF THESE FREE OFFERS - 1 PKG, LIPTON'S SOUP MIX FREE, with 1/2 -LB, LIPTON'S TEA 1 SMALL PKG. VEL FREE, WITH ONE LARGE PKG. 1 POST'S BRAN FLAKES FREE, WITH 2 PKGS. GRAPE NUT FLAKES, 1 MEASURING CUP FREE, VITH 1 Pkg. KELLOGG'S ALL -BRAN 1 PR, ARMY GOGGLES FREE, with 2 PKS, POST BRAN FLAKES CLD CHEESE .. ........ PER LD. 50c MIXED NUTS (no peanuts) - PER LB, 29c DE LUX,E JELLY POWDERS (7 flavours) , 3 FOR 25c DOMESTIC SHORTENING PER LB. 29c MARCAL. TEA NAPKINS .. - , . 2 PKGS, 25c IDEAL CATSUP - .. 105 OZS, 99c CAMBPELL'S TOMATO SOUP.,. 0 FOR 59c LILY FLAKED TUNA ------.. PER TIN 39c WHITE COOKING BEANS ...... 2 LBS., 29c AYLMER TOMATO JUICE ... _.-- ... 165 OZ. TIN, 69c DRIED PEACH'tiS .. ... _,PER LB. 39c KIST GREEN LABEL GINGER ALE .. ........ BOTTLE 19c 1 ARGE TEXAS GRAPE FRUIT . , ... ... 5 FOR 25c NEW CABBAGE ._ ... PER LB, 7c NI.MI•II•#IIIAtN0MINIIII ~#11`4 •••••~ IIINNIINN IIN♦•NN STEW PHONE 9 RT'S GENERAL - STORE WE DELIVER POWER Groceries SOUTHERN ONTARIO SYSTEM It has become necessary, due to a reduction in the amount of purchased power available, to issue the following notice to municipalities and direct customers of the Commission in the Southern Ontario System. .440 "Effective February 18, 1948, and continuing inning until further notice, the daily consumption of kilowatthours shall be restricted to a maximum of 90% of the average daily consumption of kilowatthours in' the month of October, 1947. This reduction shall not apply to customers whosepower supply was interrupted by the . Commission in October, 1947 to the extent of 10% or more of normal delivery." This is a temporary emergency arising from sub -normal rain fall last Autumn which has forced two of the Quebec power companies to drastically reduce their deliveries of power to The Commission, This restriction will be liftad just as soon as circumstan:es per- mit and in the meantime, all consumers mustla thoir full part by saving electricity at all times, - p y If the specified reduction in consumption of electricity is not obtained, it will be necessary to cut off the supply of electricity entirely for definite intervals of time each day, wherever the specified consumption is being exceeded. THE HYDROELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OFONTAR1O, . HONEY. 4 LB, PAIL (AMBER) . PER PAIL 89c JELLO POWDE'AS ................... ........... ............ 3 PKGS. 25c NEILSON'S COCOA ..................... LARGE TIN 29c PLUM JAM PER TIN 31c DEWKIST CHOICE QUALITY PEAS ... 20 OZ, TIN 15c DARE'S PKG. COOKIES ................................. _..... ....._,............. ......,... 19c DATES, RAISINS, PRUNES„ CUT MIXED FRUIT, WALNUTS, ALMONDS, CANNED CORN, TOMATOES, FRUiT AND VEGETABLE JUICES, WATT'S FEED -- NEW LiFE FEEDS. SHUR GAIN FEED .— PIONEER FEEDS. OYSTER SHELL AND ROYAL PURPLE CALF MEAL. ROSE BRAND SOW RATION AND HOG GROWER. TRY A BAG OF WATT'S CHOICETERiA LAYING MASH. START YOUR CHIIKS ON CHOICETERIA CHICK STARTER. WE HAVE PEAT MOSS FOR POULTRY ON HAND. GROCERY AND LOCKER SERVICE Moody Holland, Prop., Successor to A, L. Kernick Telephone 39 -- We Deliver „ I. LII .. , . Anil , r, l Elliott hisuranceAgeiicy BLYTH -- ONT. 1 BE ASSURED. INSURE NOW! AND Car - Fire - Life - Sickness • Accident, 1 J. H. R. Elliott Gordon Elliott Office Phone 104, - Residence Phone, 12 or 140 COURTESY AND SERVICE irMdtalk)****44411r9***t9Mklatit rlatDaadit5ta)bD*N112litbtl 0000tIttt2eteedit STEWART JOHNSTON Massey -Harris and Beatty Dealer. See our Complete Stock of Pipe Fittings, Beatty & Massey•Harris Repairs • Pump Repairs, all kinds. Dealer for Imperial Oil Products.. For Prompt & Efficient Service Phone 137-2, Blyth Wednesday, Feb, 25, 1948 On Hand at your Co -Op BARBED WIRE. BINDER TWINE, CHICKEN BROODER, FOUNTAINS and FEEDERS, WE ALSO HAND ,.. FEEDS and FERTILIZERS. MILKER PARTS, Blyth Farmers (o -Op Association TELEPHONE 172 • BLYTH. 11' - _ _ .♦ ♦ ♦.Q'I'' ♦' ♦ 0'1+ i s .•0'l' ♦ r ♦ • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ . ♦ F3♦'1` • . ♦ ♦ OD ♦ ♦ 4 Oh' ♦=++'�►-+1"0 i'4 HURON GRILL A-� 1-1 ♦ 11 ♦♦ 0,1. BLYTH -- ONTARIO. EXCELLENT FOOD - GOOD SERVICE, Meals at All Hours. FRANK GONG Proprietor 1.1014'44'4' 144.4..1.4.4..,44.4. 4«. ,;N 4.4 4,.;,4.0.1.♦14.4..1,.;..1, 441.0;'.ii'%.1♦4.4•'i 4.4.'$+41 THE STANDARD PAGE 1 'Doherty Bros. GARAGE. Acetylene and Electric Welding A Specialty, Agents For International - Harvester Parts ,& Supplies White Rose Gas and Oil Car Painting and Repairing, WNNtNI -.N.N.Ne.` CHESTERFIELDS AND OCCASIONAL CHAIRS REPAIRED and RE-COVERED. FREE PICKUP AND DELIVERY For Further Information Enquire at J. Lock woods Furniture Store, Blyth Clearing Auction Sale Of Farm Stock, Implements, and Household Furniture At lots 11 and 12, Mullett township 3 utiles east of Myth, on tllc 1louudary ON TUESDAY, MARCH 2ND commencing sharp, at 12 o'clock, noon: 1-iORSES; 'fear*', rising 10 years, good single or double; Mare, 10 years, CATTLE; Cow, fresh, calf at side; red cow'. due in Spring; red heifer, due in April; red cow, due in June; 2 cot's, milking, due in April; cow, dry, .v. rerereenr..e�eeee. due in April; fat heifer. YOUNG CA'1" f'LE: 2 heifers, rising 2 years; 7 steers, rising 2 years; 4 hei- fer calves. PIGS: Sow, clue May 1st; young sow, clue June 1st; 5 chunks, 100 lbs.; HENS; 25 pullets, laying. i\IP1.EMEN1'S: Binder, \fcCc,- nnick-Deering, 7 ft, rut; movie:, ,1f.-11., 5 foot cut; hay loader, NL -11.; hay rake; cultivator, Deering; walking plot'; 2 -furrow w'alking plow, Cock - Fresh Home -Made Bread Every Day 2 Loaves for 25c FRANICS NOME BAKERY shalt; set harrows, 4 section; set liar - rows, 3 section; three-quarter !lain wagon; Clinton fanning mill; ,set scales 1200 lbs.; small set scales, 240 lbs,; root pithier; gas engine, 4t/' 11.1'.; grain roller, good as new; drive belt; cutting box; set bench sleights; hay car; rope, 150 ft.; set slings and chain. I)eLaval cream seperator, No, 12,•good 'Twee++r+et'.ewer++m�+w�++rrmvm'+r�`.w��r,mr�-wr+v' as new; set Single harness; set double ,r1e�,eeeNe1r�11eeJ,ry,1ee harness; wheel barrow; pig crate, good DAY-OLD CHICKS and STARTED PULLETS iia�'t'iork, li(ag chainsrack and ; mailing nl, x; sloop sleighs; Portland cutter, THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL fl.\W AND GRAIN: 500 bus, Ajax oats, fit for seed; 501) bus, mixed seed 700 2 -week-old Sussex -New Hampshire Pullets, 30 tons good mixed hay, to be sold in 3 different Tots. CALL FOR PRICES. I WOOD: 8 cords green \Iaple; 5 IIILL HENRY cords dry Maple; pile circular wood; some Pine lumber; quantity :Alberta coal, 1 •. • • ROXY TIIEATRE, CAPITAL THEATRE REGENT THEATRE I Now Playing; (Feb, 28.27.28) "Gun- fighter*" with_ Randolph Scott. Mon., Tues., Wed., March 1.2.3 "FOREVER AMBER" Darryl F. Zanurk presents in Tech- aiO.-lor Kathleen \\'�insor's greatest novel Linda Parnell as Amber, Cornet Wilde as Bruce ace CnCarlton, and g ds George 1 rge I Wilde as Bruce Carlton, and George SandOne showing each night at 8 o'clock' Sanders as King Charles II Prices; Evenings, Adults $1,20; Chil• dren 55e. Matinees, Adults, 75c; Children, 55c, Matinee, Wed, Mar 3, at 2,30 p. m. Thur., Fri., Sat., March 4.5.8 Edmund Lowe and Brenda Joyce "THE ENCHANTED FOREST" Ccming: March 8-9.10, "Death Val- ley" & "Nocturne" Adult Entertainment CLI TON, GODERICH. Nowt Feb. 26.27.28, Abbott and Cos• Now, Feb. 26•27.28, In Clnecolor, cello in 'Buck Privates: Come Home' I "The Enchanted Forest" starring Mon., Tues,, Wed., March 14-3 - Edmund Lowe Adult Entertainment Mon., Tues. Wed., March 1.2.3 , "FOREVER AMBER" ' Darryl F. Zanuck presents in Tech- "THEY WON'T BELIEVE Mg" nicolor Kathleen \Vinsor's greatest Courtroom drama at its very best novel with a flashback story that will hold Linda Darnell as Amber, Cornet your interest Robert Young, Susan Hayward and Jane Greer Thur., Fri., Sat., March 4.5.6 Randolph Scott, Barbara Britton and Joe Fitz Rugged and resolute were the men who settled all arguments with the flip of a six-gun. "GUNFIGHTERS" Coming, March8, 9, 10 "Forever Amber". Adult Entertainment Mat.. Saturday and Holidays, 2.30 One showing each night at 8 o'clock Prices; Evenings, Adults $1.201 Chil. dren 55c. Matinees, Adults, 75c; Children, 55c, Matinee, Wed, Mar 3, at 2.30 p. m. Thur., Fri., Sat., March 4.5.8 Deanne Durbin, Donald O'Connor and John Doll "SOMETKiNG IN THE WIND" Coming: March 8.9.10 "Mon Rose" and "The Return of Rusty" Mat.. Saturday and Holidays, 2.30 Mat., Wed„ Sat., Holidays at 2.30 NUMMI I I 41 I 4, Get your COPY of THE STANDARD (FEB. 28 ISSUE) and READ ALL ABOUT CKNX YOUR FAVOURITE STATION AT lack Wilson General Merchant BELGRAVE - ONTARIO Phones: Brussels, 14R8, i LYCEUM THEATRE WINOHAM-.ONTARIO, Two Shows Sat. Night 1 Wingham, 644R22 AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock and Implements Al Lot 20, Concession 16, Goderich Township, one toile west of Clinton on No, 8 Highway, and t41 utile north, on WEDNESDAY, MARCH 3RD 12:30 p.m. sharp: HODiSES: Matched black Percheron team, rising 7 years, about 3,200 lbs. (show type). CATTLE: Reg. bull, Duke Abbc- RR. 3, Blyth Phone 36r11, Blyth FURNITURE: 2 extension tables; kerk, De Kol Pabst; Reg. Holstein round extension table; hook case; chest cow, 7 years old, due Mar. 30; Reg. '44'''" of drawers; dining ronin suite; lino'- Holstein cow. 3 ycars old, due Mar 25; BABY CHICKS FOR SALE etuu rug, 18'x21'; cougoleunt rug, 9'x10'; Reg, Holstein cow, 3 years old, due,Mar. 19; Reg. Holstein cow, 5 years One 15-30 I.H.C. tractor, good sun- 2 outer rugs; shaving set ; dresser ; old, due Mar. 30; Reg. Holstein cow, 5 1lillside Chicks are the choirs of bun- 1 ting order, New sleeves and pistons. bed stead; kitchen cupboard; Princess )'ears old, fresh and rebre(1; Reg. H`ol- dreds of particular p u1trykeepers who Apply, I.t.ttte Badley, phone 15-33, , I stein cow, 9 ycars old, due Apr. 15 i at cook stove, good as, new, burns want their pulletts and cockerels to pay Blytln. 24•LP, Reg. Holstein cow, 7 yrs; old, due Mar, then;. They buy early chicks to get coal ,or wood; Quebec heater; 5 antique 5; Reg, holstein cow, 3 years old, bred then; maturing to get the good markets. + WANTED chairs; 4 wicker -bottom chairs; wicker Feb, 1; holstein cow, •4 ycars old, dueGrade A Large get the hest prices. t GENERAL MAINTENANCE AND rocking chair ; 12 kitchen chairs; chest Feb. 28; Holstein cow, 4 years old, due Plan to get them. Don't hold back Mar, 26; Holstein ens', 4 ycars old, REPAIR MAN of drawers; china cabinet: lounge; useyourrttsh,erAgent,ttJ Armstrong,ate a The East Wawanoshi School Board flour bit ; large amount of dishes and fresh and reined; Holstein cow. 6 yrs. and reined; Holstein zow, 5 179, Illyth, ' request applicati.•ns for position of sealers; pots and pans; kitchen clock;;.old' years old, due May 15; Holstein cow, 7 fresh - General Maintenance and Repair Matt. 3 antique brackets, hand -made; day ycars cId due April 20; Holstein heifer, Applications will be received until bed; hanging lamp; large amount of 3 ycars old, due Mar. 10; Holstein !lei - WESTINGHOUSE 22,1948. Anyor all r articles too numerous t� menthol. fer, 3 years old, due Mar, 12; Holstein WESTINGHOUSE noon March, p- 1 If 3 . 11 1 •'d' 4 Rett• 1-l01- APPLIANCES. CHAMPION G .AIN GRINDER. ' plications not necessarily accepted. Much of this furniture is antique, to et', , tears a(, nn( , stein heifers, rising 2 years; 6 Hal- ,fug• fertilizer drill; McCormick mower, Further details may be had from any TERMS CASH' - s't'ir* heifers, rising 2 years + 5 Holstein $ 6 ft. cut ; M,-1-1, No, 6 manure spread• 1 i ..._...bcr of the hoard, No Reserve as Farm Is Sold. heifers, rising 1 year old; 2 Holstein er; rubber tired wagon ; set of sloop Mason Robison, Chairman, llelgrave, This sale will start sharp. on time, heifers, 7 months old. All above het- ( sleighs,. M, -H. double scuffler with - R, R. 1, \William \Watson, Proprietor. let's arc vaccinated. 4 beef cattle, 2 bur4charrows; 1 SCOTT S - ycars old; 2 calves, ,six weeks old, MceanCorpmlleick ; Deer-seing;tion haydrag rake; laud M C. I1, Wade, Secretary, Ilelgrave. Lew Rowland, Auctioneer.NOTE: This is an exceptionally good roller; N1.1-1, cultivator ; single scttf- AGENT FOR EASY WASHERS. 23-2 Robert Patrick, Clerk, 23.2. lot of (fairy cows in good condition, fler; ricling plow; walking plow gang VACUUM CLEANERS. •- ...._--...-_. PiGS: 8 sows, due in April; 11 plow; gravel box; new 16 ft. hay rack: - TENDERS WANTED chunks. - M. -H, cream separator, sligjtly used; ,f FOR SALE POULTRY; i00 Sussex hens; also 1 Epps pressure system; set of Stew- SUNDRIES :1,, MOTORS - any make. Tenders will - be received by the 6 Holstein heifers, to freshen in SMOKERS SUNDRIE.. new brooder house, 10x12 ft. art electric clip�ers, nearly new + set Stew - Township of Morris for the contract of March and April; 15 chunks of pigs, iIARNESS: New set of brass mount- of 2,000 !b. scales; Clinton fanning t Full Stock if Electrical Appliances, = supplying, crushing and hauling ap- about 100 Ihs. Apply to Walter Mc• ed harness, with back band and mill; electric fencer; 2 -wheeled trailer Tobaccos, Cigarettes, PO;I,z proximately 8000 cubic yards of grav- Gill, phone 11-10, Blyth, 24-1p. breechings, 1 set plow harness and with stock rack; numerous small ar- and Other Sundries. 't+ Electrical Contracting Work. I d. Crusher to he equipped with three _ ticles. el- -- CAR; 1939 Ford DeLuxe Coach wit'( - quarier inch screen. built-in- radio and sealed bean lights. - .- •+.44:44.4.4..,, BIythElectric coAtttpatty ntarlced rhequc for X200 utast ac- Roads open for cars. Terms Cash,. each tender, Lowest or any Positively no Reserve as farm is sold. tender not necessarily accepted, D'Arey Rathwell, Proprietor, THE McKILLOP-1t'IUTUA G Tenders utast be in the hands of the ` �(t n �' Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. 24-1, FIRE INSURANCE CO. ShopRoad , Brussels, ent, Russel B. Currie, ueellS ark eportFOR SALE HEAD OFFICE • SEAFORTH, ONT. 1t, R, 5, Brussels, not later than hebru• 12 York pigs, 11 weeks old, Apply to William Thuell, Prop. ary 28th, by, Charles Scouter*, Londesboro, phone Phone 5, 'Myth, GEORGE C. MARTIN, 26r18, Blyth. 24-1. 123-2. Clerk, Morris Township, 4! Pictures subject to change without notice. SHOE REPAIRING OF ALL KINDS, LIGHT HARNESS WORK. Two Shows Each Night starting At:.; LACES, POLISH, ETC. Saturday Mati 7130 ,. 24 'four Service on All Work, at 2.00 P. M.; Changes in tlntc will be noted below: Friday, Saturday, Feb, 27, 28 "THE PRINCE OF THIEVES" Jcn Hall, Patricia Morrison ALSO, THE ROYAL WEDDING Monday, Tuesday, March 1, 2 WANTED FOR MURDER" Eric Portman, Dulcie Gray Wednesday, Thursday, March 3, 4 "THE HUCKSTERS" Clark Gable, Deborah Kerr A. L COLE DAN'S SHOE E.EPAIR BLYTH, ' , ;moi NOTICE, CALF CLUB MEMBERS Those wishing membership in the Blyth Calf Club for 1948, are asked to contact Gilbert Nethery, Blyth, or Gerald Nelson, Assistant Agricultural Representative, Clinton. 22-311. �r"MM4► Gordon Elliott J. H. R, Elliott ELLIOTT Real Estate Agency BLYTH. Business block on the east side of Queen Street, This building is in good repair, equipped with furnce, full cement floored basement, Pos- session may be had shortly. Building and land on Queen street west. The building is frame, and suitable for storehouse or garage for a number of cars. Scren•roonted frame, asphalt -sid- ed dwelling,, in the Village of Wal- ton. The dwelling is in good re- pair; frame barn 20x24 with two 12- foot lcanto, Iiydro and water from pressure system in both ('welling and barn, Ifhlf acre of land in good state of cultivation. Posses- sion 30 days. 11/2storey frame, asphalt shingle clad dwelling on the east side of Dineen street. This property is ideally situated and in fair state of repair. 11/2 storey solid brick dwelling, Jituate on Dinslcy Street, Blyth, Fiat water heating, 3 -piece bath, garage, hen house and garden. This is a splendid buy and immediate possession can be given. We have a number of other dwellings and farms listed. Partic- ulars on application, M collars. GRAIN: 350 bus. clean Ajax oats, suitable for seed; 100 bus. fall wheat. I IMPLEMENTS; 10-20 McCorutick- Deerljtg tractor; M. -H, 3 -furrow plow; McCormick -Deering spring tooth drags, M, -I -I, 7 -ft. binder; McCormick -Deer - R.O. OPTOMETRIST and OPTICIAN Goderich, Ontario • Telephone 13 Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted, With 25 Years Experience it Ali i 4 it GENERAL TRUCKING The belt in trucking service al- • WAYS at your immediate call; All Leads Fully Insured. Rates Reasonable' Satisfaction Guaranteed, J. H, C.AMPBELL For the present' phone 70c9, Brusesls, 13-tf. • AVAILABLE --- One Smalley Hammer Mill, for Immediate Delivery, Also Fleury-Bissel 8 -ft. Tandem Disks. MORRITT & WRIGHT IMPLEMENT DEALERS FOR OLIVER IMPLEMENTS Telephone 4 and 93. Blyth, Ontario POOL ROOM. ._. THERE'S A SMART NEW VOGUE IN CANADA. And it's for \WAL1,1'APER1 Style -wise families are now decor- ating their Ir.nncs with the new and colourful 1948 CANADIAN wall- papers, created by master designers. For new pride, new pleasure and new beauty in YOUR house choose wallpaper! See for yourself the ricin new shades and tints, the s,thtle or bold patterns. see them at EDITH CR'EIGiITON'S DECORA'TOR'S SHOPPE, and cheer tip your home the modern way -with ttallpaper1 EDITH - CREIGHTON'S Phone 158. DECORA'TOR'S•SIIOPPE. : 'Blyth. PREMIER GEORGE DREW "HIGHWAYS FOR TOMORROW" Friday, February 27th CKNX 920 Kc. 8.8.15 p.m. DENNIS C. DRAPER, M . D PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office Hours • Daily Except Thursday and Sunday... 1:30 to 5:00 P.M. 7:00 to 9:00 P.M. Telephone 33 -- Blyth, Ont. 47-52p. ARTHUR FRASER INCOME TAX REPORTS 'OOKKEEPING SERVICE, ETC. .Inn Street, EXETER, Phone 355w Officers President, F. McGregor, Clinton; Vice President, C. W. Leonhardt, Brod- hagen; SecretaryTreasurer and Man- ager, M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; Frank McGregor, Clinton; Alex. Broadfoot Seaforth; Chris. Leonhardt, Born- holm; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; John L. Malone, Seaforth; John 11, McEw- ing, Blyth; Hugh Alexander, \\Talton; S. Ii, "Whitmore, Seaforth; Iiarvey Fuller, RR, 2, Goderich, Agents John E. Pepper, Brueefitld; R. F. McBer het, - Dublin; 7. F. Pruetcr, 1 rod,h*cit; Gebrge A. Watt, Blyth, Battles desir 'pps to effect insurance ,or transact n�her business, will be prontpfy a:truded to by applications to auy of the above named ,fficers ,ddressed tc their tc:p'ct e post of- fices A Different Sort of "High Wire Artist".—Although designed primarily to show just what electric current means to Cana- dians, the National Film Board picture "ELECTRICITY" does so in a most interesting manner, far removed from the style of the average 'educational' film, This is just one of the many exciting scenes Film Shows What Electricity Means to Average Canadian "Electricity" is an interesting example of a film technique which is becoming increasingly popular. To begin with, an educational or Instructional angle is involved — betc it happens to be explaining the how and why . -of electricity to yoing people. But the technique is not that of the dry fact and figure -laden textbook, as you might •xp c t from the title. Rather, ft is a picture story from real life, in which electricity is explain- ed in terms of the uses to which b is put. "Electricity" opens with a young lad who lives in an "average" Canadian town. In his home he has become accustomed to a num- ber of electrical appliances—irons, heaters, lights, and so on. lie is SO used to these things that be takes thein for granted — never wondering how they came to be, or what makes them work. Voyage of Discovery Suddenly he does begin to won- der: just what is this electricity, and where does it come from? So, taking the last point first, the young lad and a gr:.ip of his blends trace the electrical eon - MIS CURIOUS WORLD ado n c Oda& % WELL DRILLER MAKES HIS MONEY BY GOING IN THE HOLE)' Says GILBERT A. HANKET A/was/keep Gfi'scotirn. nections in his home to the power wires which bring the "juice" from the hydro wires on the street to the house, Having trade this disco cry, our young enquirers set out to dis- cv er where the hydro wires lead, They trace them along the streets to a transformer, and from there 10 a hydroelectric plant. At this plant they learn a great deal about the fundamentals of electricity. Practical and Interesting Thus the instructional angle of the film is purely practical — and it is blended into an interesting story, The story becomes all the more interesting, from both dra- matic and educational viewpoints, when the hydro -electric plant ie temporarily put out of action — and the community's power supply is cut off. This givea an excellent opportunity to illustrate the vital importance of electric power in our complex world. "Electricity" is being shown cur- rently on the rural circuit school filet programmes in Ontario counties, under the sponsorship of the Federations of Agriculture, the Department of Education, and the National Filum Board. By William Ferguson • woRD SALA COMES PROM THE LATIN %'SALARIUM :'...THAT PART OP AN ANCIENT ROMAN SOLDIER'S PAY WHICH WAS PAID IN IN SAAr,♦ aDE ISLAND, .:..:.,.: OVER NINETY EPC PENTCFTHE PEOPLE LIVE IN TOWNS AND CITIES, COP. 1916 re NCA assns. IHC. • T. N. pm U. e. ►At', o/r, NEXT; Now far is ont kr*? The Other Woman By MARION 11o11CiiER Mien the alarm rang at seven in the grey morning, henry reached out quickly and shut it off before it wakened Isabel. Quietly, Iien' ry got up and groped his way to the bathroom. It was the usual beginning of hi- day, but on this particular ntort.ing he felt a little rebellious. Ile thought of Isabel, still lying asleep, her dark hair spread out on the pillow, . -r red mouth curv• ed in a h tlf smile, \Vhcn they were first married she used to get up and prepare breakfast for him. Now that the children were old enough to fend for themselves he had to i take hi- own coffee and toast as best he could before hur- rying down to the store. 1 He couldn't say just when it had happened but sometime during the 10 years of their married life, 1 sa' bel had changed from a devoted young bride to a spoiled \vife who took her husband vary much for granted. It was probably just as much his fault as hers; he was so mild and easygoing that it seemed natural for people to impose on him. Liven at his own table, the children seemed in league with Isabel against hint. Look at Morley Campbell and his wife now- Morley was a sales- man in the department store where Henry worked as a window drys- ser. He had liven married a good many years but his wife always was fussing over him. Henry thought of Morley a little cnvions- ly and wondered. if he dared ask him the secret of his marital hli:f. The opportunity presented itself that very day when they happened to be hunching together. A little timidly, Henry' broached the sub- ject: "Er . . , uli . , , l've noticed how your wife always makes a fuss over you, Morley. flow do you do it—hold her interest, I mean?" "Oh, i keep her yne.rsnlg,, 1 ou know, let Err fed that you still find other women attractive, That's the stay to treat 'ern, Henry old At supper that night he started his camp igu. Isabel was talking about a new way she \canted to have her hair done. "I think that's the way Linda wears: her hair and it certainly looks smart," Henry commented. Isabel looked up in surprise. "Linda? \\'ho is she?" "One of the girls at the store— very attractive, She always wears the smartest clothes," "Really, Henry, I didn't know you were so observant," Isabel was a little piqued but she looked at her husband with new interest. After that hardly a day went by that Henry did not mention Linda and his casual remarks were not lost on Isabel, 'Though she would not have admitted it, she —as a little jealous and more than a little curious. Never before had her husband appeared interested in another \\onum. So she sat up and look notice 01 her meek husband as she hadn't • done for years. She put herself out to be amusing and helpful. \\hen he came Moate at night there was always a good dinner, tvith his favorite dishes carefully prepared, When he had to work late one evening, he made it a point to tet his wife know that Linda had been there too. The next morning Isa- bel actually hopped out of bed when the alarm rang, got his breakfast ready and kissed him goodbye He was busy changing a display that afternoon when he looked up to see Isabel coating down the aisle. Isabel chattered away for a while and finally asked. "I3y the way, is that girl, Linda, around? You've been talking so much about her lately that I'd like to meet my glamorous rival." henry flushed guiltily. "Matter of fact she isn't here to- day," he stammered. "She has a cold and couldn't coupe to work," 1011 . , that's too bad," Isabel sounded genuinely disappointed. "Will you be home early, Henry? 1 was able to get a steak for din. mer." FREEDOM FRES. .. km eilo ✓�i� ti rierwww., Henry looked after her depart• iag figure and breathed a sigh of reef, Ile had got out of that situation neatly, he congratulated himself, but he hoped Isabel wouldn't come and ask for Linda attain. 1 * I1 tcotld never do, he thought, for Isabel to discover that Linda, the 'other soman," ;ca, a very beautiful but very lifeless mannequin in the store windo:,'. MOST MOTHERS DO THIS IfBaby HasACoId AT BEDTIME rub throat, chest, back with VapoRub, Re. Ilef•bringing action starts tight away.,, WORKS FOR HOURS while child steeps. Olten by morning most distress of the cold Is eased. Best-known home remedy you can use to relieve distress of children's colds is comforting Vicks VapoRub, Even while you rub it on, VapoRub starts to work•to ease dlstress,.,and it keepb onworking during the night, No wonder most mothers do this when av1CKS cold strikes, Tonight, try VAPORuB Freedom, like anything `forth having, carries n price tag. We can't enjoy it it'ithout accepting its res1ponsibilities. There's freedom of speech—and we, have to accept the responsibility for what we say. There's freedom to worship as we please ---and the respon- sibility is ours 10 see that others aren't persecuted, either. There arc lots of freedoms, and they all ha%•e their responsibilities. The freedom to use whiskey for instance, That carries a three -fold responsibility: to ourselves, to our families and to our communities. As the House of Seagram has so often t;ttnI, it is 10 drink moderately or not at all! gertekite .4 /etwilevt 3411y./ ThE IIOUSE OR SEAGRAI JITTER Slit, THIS IS JITTER, WOULD YOU MIND. ; L KED t'J G YOUR EYE ON NIM WHILE t AM Ir ANO MEN THIS EMINENT .. MRs.AN BEAUTYEXpERT,SAIO TOME—mRsr.. '`'`"1 6oTTSUCk3 ''!:y;�r'tL UE'FUIf.TItIXIE. � , You HAVETHE'IApST✓17TER,CE.T T'LL TAKE HIM WITH BEAUTIrULJET BVACk AICA Bor7LG HAIR T HAVE * ME WHEN I GO TO 711E VER SEEN! C oe sokAroo BEAUTY 'TIMOR - i, ► oil— r fi 81195 By Arthur Pointer Goon HEAV Y$f MYH4i ft,.,,.mY ai\� H1/9g4ND wLL sur- sbu /�' eery Poe THIS, 41/ rf ANY AN. 's More than 1500 displaced persons from Germany recently arrived in Canada to start new — and happier -- lives with the help of the government. On arrival, they are registered, given sheets and blankets, fed and bathed, Prospec tive employers must guarantee them a year's work at prevailing wages, living quarters and good working conditions. These pictures show some of the D,P.'s at St, Paul I'Ermite, near Montreal, Above Jack Frost gives them a cold reception as they wait outside the govern ment hostel to board busses for Montreal, Sports - And One Thing or Another 13y FRANK MANN HARRIS — ("A Sixbit Critic") Afany columns have been written -- and there has been even more "In- side (lope" passing around—regard- ing what ails the ottce•ntighty Cana• diens, "They're sore at Sclke"; "There's dissension between the players"; "They just won't give their best for Dick Irvin any more"—these are just a few of the pieces of gossip you hear whispered around by the wisc•guy clement that hangs about the fringes of every sport, • * * Well, the haven't had a great (Ical of personal contact with any of the Canadicns fur the past fete years; anti our Tong -standing opinion of the value of "inside information" is that the more you have, the quicker you can go broke betting on it. From our most recent look at the .Mont• realcrs in what alight he laughingly called "action" we would say there is no mystery at all about the lowly .position they occupy. * * When 7t'e 7t'e're a lot younger, there nscd 10 be 0 somewhat ribald verse which was rather popular. ,11 ran, as we recall, something as follows; 'King David and King Solomon led merry, merry lives — 11'ith maty, many lady friends and many, many wives—But when old age educe over them, tc'i1Ii many, many qualms — King Solomon tarot' 'Proverbs' and King David tar"tc '7'he Psalms,' * * * And that just about sizes ftp what's happened to Canadicns. The way hockey is played nowadays, once a guy's legs begin to go bads on him, you can ting down the curtain, 01(1 age seems to have caught ftp with several key members of the once- Fly'i8g Frenchmen all at once, and they just can't stay along with the pace any more. We may be wrong of course, but in our opinion it's as simple as that. "She was a good old waggon but she (lone broke down"— and unless a miracle should happen, we feel y'ott can count Canadicns out of it until a heap of rebuilding has been done, That Extra Touch Into a busy telegraph office a smiling matron bustled, seated her- self at a writing table, and, after much pcncil-chew'ing, produced a mes- sage. handing it 10 to the clerk, she asked as an afterthought: "Will It cost Inc anything to underscore the words: 'Perfectly lovely'?" "Not a cent madam," the clerk replied. Whereupon the cheerful lady re- called the message, drew a line under the two special words, ands departed happily. Here, for no good reason, u'e are reminded of a crack the late trill Rogers once pulled. 11 was during the first World !Par, and one even- ing Rogers was on the stage doing his monologue and rope -spinning act tehen suddenly a middle aged lady in the audience rose and shagted, "Why ` aren't you in the Arnty you big coward?" Rogers raised his hand and quieted other members of the audience who 7c'crc telling the dame to sit down and stilt up, then asked her to repeat her question, "Why aren't you in uni- form!" she yelled. "For the very same mason, my dear lady," 1lilt ralmnly, replied, "flat you aren't in the 7,iegfield Follies, Physical dis- abilities!" * * * • Down itt Parliament somebody has come up with the bright suggestion that Canada should try to (ind sotne loophole in the amateur laws where- by Barbara Ann Scott could be pro- vided with a LTniversity education, at public expense, and still retain her present status as a "simon pure". This strikes us as about the dizziest idea that has evolved from that dir- ection in some time, which is saying quite a lot. * * * Barbara Ann Scott has already brought to Canada—and to herself— just about all the honors there are in connection with figure skating. Anything else she does, from now on, is .bound to be in the nature of an anti -climax; and next time she mightn't be so lucky, For while she is undoubtedly tops in her graceful art — although some of those dis- gruntled rivals don't appear to think so — from all reports she didn't get any the worst of it in finding better ice conditions than some of her com- petition (lid, * * * Then wiry—just for the purpose of preserving her "amateur status" — should Canada give her fret educa- tion when, just by making one mo- tion picture, she could probably col- lect enough to take her through every university in the land? Why—just to provide a grand box-office draw for some snobbish Skating Clubs that wouldn't give her a tumble if she'd finished second—should Miss Scott iO $CRATCHiNGi Relieve Itch in a Jiffy Relieve itching due to enema, pimples, athlete's foot—and minor itch troubles. Use cooling medicated 0, 0, D. Prescription (ordinary strength or extra strength), Creaseless stainleu, Soothes and calms Intense itctnnghack, u3klourbnugutle ves kr it—or mm�cv bark. Ask four drugxut far 13.0.13. Prescription ISSUE 9-1048 refrain from following Sonja Ilenie'a lead and collecting some real dough for herself? * * * No doubt many will recall all the anger and head -shaking there was in that same Miss Ilenie's native land when it was announced that she was turning pro. But, had she refused to do so, what would she be now. Just another old-timer, hanging around the various skating meets, and with- out enough of that youthful zing and charm left to catch the judges' fancy any longer, Barbara Ann Scott should cash in, while the caslting's good, and tell anybody who tries to persuade her otherwise to go chase himself, * * For the public—especially in plat• tors connected with sport — has a shockingly short memory. Twenty yea's or so ago there was a young lady by the name of Gertrude Edcrle who caused far more of a world sen. sation — by swimming the English Channel — titan Barbara Ann Stolt,:;' can ever hope to do. if'onder where Gertrude Edcrlc is now—and if she ever thinks of Mose thronged streets of cheering thousands who once so wildly greeted her. "Three cheers arc all very well, but when it comes to buying groceries they don't go nearly as far as three bucks" may be a cynical viewpoint. Still, it's not very far from being the fr'trlh, just the same. Fifty-fifty "Where have you been?" "Having my hair cut." "You know you can't have your hair cut in the firm's time," "Well, it grew in the firm's time, didn't it." "Not all of it." "Well, I didn't have it all cut off," PARTICULAR ABOUT coffee? Then try Maxwell House. It contains choice Latin-American coffees. Expert Blending coin. bines them all in a superb Maxwell House blend tltat has extra flavor. "NERVES" ski e4e€d Te Losing interest—la• ing friends—she never went out any note—always too tired. "Nerves", she thought—but it was her kidneys—the fd• tors of her blood— that needed attention. She used Dodd'. Kidney Pill, at once. The improved action of her kidneys helped to clear away blood impurities and excess acids. Fatigue, backache, headache, lack of energy dis- appeared. Dodd', Kidney Pills contain. essential oils and medicinal ingredients that act directly upon the kidneys—and help restore their normal action. 144 Dodds Kidney Pills Classified Advertising AOENTS WANTED) OILS, GREASES, '1'IRI=S insecticides, Electric Fence Controllers IHouse and Born faint, Roof Coatings, etc. Dealers wanted. write Warcq ()reams &'O11 Limited, Toronto. • An old established chick hatchery wishes Imelda in sumo districts. Liberal rotunda, Ilion paid. Increase your income. Write Box No. 1, 73 Adelaide Ht. W., Toronto. 111,8INESN 111'1'II,t'ru 1 rIEF AN OFI'Kil to every Inventor—List of toren- tions and full Information sent tree rhe Raman, t 0 Registered Potent Attorney. in, (lank Street Ottawa YOUR OWN I3U81NISSS — Full or Spare - limo. Start at flume. Big cash profits ensue made moralizing Baby Shoes. No Experience. Few dollar( start you—Itis Demand. Write GLOBE HALES, A-6 Suite 1102, 210 5th Avenue, New• York 10, New York. IIAltt t'HICKe Monkton Poultry Chicks — You buy baby chick, fot one reason. To receive diel' (lends on your Investment, you moot be for Into where your money le Invested We offer Yon baby chicks from a Poultry ,'arm with every breeder pullerum tested and 'government bonded Take advantage of our early die - count Write for our 1048 catningue and [Tice list Monklnn Poultry Farms. Itonktnn Ontorlo Four -Week -Old Pullets euro, three. lour week and older pullets February botched Start with early hatched chicks rind get the high prices for eggs next Hummel and early Fail Large Type White Leghorn, and seven other popular breeds. Send for price Ilei, Management Outde and catalogue and book your order now Lakeview Poultry Farm Exeter Ontario 121/..e Flurondale Chicles 121/2c iAll Breeders blond tested, banded, and In• ('peeled and backed by high pedigreed found - I ation stock. Silence x New Hamp,, (tock 14 New hemp., Barred hocks, New Hamps I mixed 121Ae, pullets 26c. Light Sussex Mix• ed 14e, pullets , 27c, Largo type Leghorn(' mixed 121-5c, pullets 260. All heavy breed cockerels 4c, Medium breed 2c. 81.00 per 100 down balnnce C.O.D. Order from and enclose this ad. 1-lurondale Chick Hatchery London Ontario RING THE BELL with Scbummor'e Qua11tY Chicks. Govern* ment approved, 11.0.P. Sired, Mnke no mil- take. Catalogue Freo Schummer'e Ilntchery, Linwood, Ont. RAISIN() CiIICKS? Speclnl price for Starch, April—heavy breed cockerela, 4c, medium weight hybrid cockerels, 2o, Leghorn cock- erels, lc. Seventeen years hatching nittcke for satisfied cuelmnero. Live arrival glint, nnteed. (let lull Information, Frank Edwards. Wntfnrd, Ont, BIG, Husky, Ileavy Breed Cockerels, special for Feb 16th and 23rd, 82.00 per 100, also non-rexed chicks and pullets at bargain Prices Write today for prlcellot and tree calendar. nig Rock Farah Mille Roche,. Ont. BMW and pork aro still high In price, Afore over all Indications point towards continued pretnlutn prices on all types nt meat. The alert poultryman who wleely in- vests In a flock of that growing chicks that will .nature Into brollero or mestere In a few short weeks etnndo to :Stake an extremely handsome profit Ude year. No matter whether you ere relying chickens for the eggs they will produce or to sell as broilers or roasters on the dressed poultry tnarketo You can mite more money if your chicks are .t41em ,tiulok maturing, heavy laying nn• °estrl% The ie/13 time required for your chicks to reach broiler size, roasters or to start lay - Int: the router you will begin to realize a return on your Investment, All Top Notch chicks are from Government Approved 1'ui- torum testers breeders and are (net mater• Ing, This year should be a good year to really cash in handsomely on your poultry, Free catalogue. Top Notch Chick Eales, .(luelph, Ontario, Rock Cockerels FOR February and March, our Barred Rocks are feet feathering and bred tor Uvea• ability and fast growth, Hanes Poultry Faro, Jerseyvllle, Ont BABY Chicks from an R,O.I'. Dreedlne Farm Hatchery. It costs no more to buy the best. SatIataction guaranteed, Write for price list. Blenheim Ilntchery, Blenheim, Ont. Lakeview Chicks for 1948 from a real laying and breeding plant, over 10,000 breeders inspected, banded and blood tested. Many customers have had years of continuous success with Lakeview Chicks This year it may bo even more important to buy the brat Mr. And Mrs. Norman Mollnrd of Pnt•khlll, Ontario, have had 10 consent live yearn nt continuous success with Lake- view Chicks, Why can't you too? Start your chicks enrly, There will be a shortage of eggs next Fall and prices are hound to be higher. Send for large illustrated cntnlogue and Poultry Manngement ()tilde with bks early order discounts, . Lakeview Poultry Farm Wein Bros, Exeter, Ont, BLACK AUSTRALORPS R. 0. P. Sired, Hntching Eggs, day old chicks. DONLEY POULTRY FARM ROUTE 6, LONDON, ONT. G ET Tatted chicks and save on feed, We have them for Immediate or Inter delivery. But get your order In soon. It's possible fewer chicks may bo hatched this yenr- 80m0 Until trykeepero may be disappointed. Order now. Bray hatchery, 130 .iohn N„ Hamilton, Ont.__ CIIICKS for every requirement of tho poultry man, Every poultry producer knows that you cnn make more money 1t your chicks are front quick maturing, heavy laying an- eeatry and that chicks which make the fest- est growth nlwayo aro the ones that make the beet egg record afterwards. We have spent 24 years in °nrnedl effort and thorough program of rigid selecting and culling. de- veloping our breeds along the proper linen. Only outstanding and superior ty'petnales and females that are culled rind pullorum tested under (Imminent Supervision are retained In our flocks for breeding. We have the following pure breeds to choose from: White Leghorn(', Black Stinorcna, An• conn(', Brown Leghorn!, Marred Rocks, White hocks, New Ilnmpehltes, Rhode Wand Rede, White Wyandotted, Light Sussex, Rlacn Auettatoti's, Jersey White Giants. 4180 12 hybrid crosses. Free catalogue. Tweddle Chick Itntcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. OTts1NO AND CLEANiNG HAVE YOU anything needs dyeing or clean. Ing? Write to us tor Information. We ate g lad to answer your questions, Department H. Parker's Dye Works Limited. 791 Vince Street, Toronto, Ontario FOR SALE P(18 HAUS BEST quality No. 1 paatourized honey, 111 tins 4 Ib, for 611.76. The Headsmen Apiaries. Box 26, Carl. ion !'lace, Ontat)q,., TURKEY points for gulag'- (fro34 bruualed bronze turkey (mulls, Canadian hatchery approved. New Incubators.' Breeden govern- ment banded and pullerum lice, No reactor(' for two years. Poulta from eggs gathered on our own faros. We select fur vigor and meat type. Send for folders. 61c)(inluy & McColl, Larnblon 'curtsey llntcheri', It 0. 6, Forest, Ont. PIANOS SOLD --� BUDGET PLAN 10% DOWN eighteen months to pay, All Wagon aro completely factory reconditioned, refhllohed, tutted tike new. We have a very large selection of various makes. Write to- day for further Information on terms and pianos In stock. furniture Solea Company, 321A King Street Went, Toronto. IIARLEY DAVIDSON MOTO RCYCI. ES Parts and Service Ern tc Kennedy a Pon 419 College Si Toronto CRAIGIELEA White Holland Poulta) %Ye sell points that live and grow Into fine sturdy mature birds for the retailer who wants plenty of 10 to 12 Ib. drear d females, and 16 to 18 Ib toms, which are most In line with prevailing weight demands, This breed Is 'moonily heavy lay crag and lees susceptible to leg and Joint diseases We have had our breeding flock Government Inspected, banded and blood teal el without a single reactor, Place your order early to Insure booking Crnialelea Turkey Ranch, tVaterduwn, Ont, 320 ACRisS, going concern. three sources Income, Timber Farm, Bat eaver, all ch °t part trade. balance enah. Immediate pod - erasion Write E C Coupland, Grnlden, R.0 Broad -Breasted Bronze Turkey Points Reserve your order for 1948. We turned down orders for 60,000 Poulta last season Poulta all hatched In brand new special tut- key Incubotare, all turkeys (no chicks) We expect there will be more money In turkeys In 1948 than 1947 as It Is likely feed prices wilt be cheaper next summer when the new crop comes along. Send for turkey manage- ment guide and price lief and book your order for 1048. Lakeview Turkey Ranch Exeter Ontario GUNS, ammunition, expert repairing, re - bluing, high class fishing tackle. Ted Man• orek Sporting Goods, 220 Ottawa St N., Hamilton, nATTEttY-OPERATED Radio Set for sale. Deforest Crossley Corona model, 8 tubes. specially equipped with Romaco Eliminator for us with either atornge battery or dry cells. New coat over 8300 Make offer A fine and lusting gift. Box 161. 73 Adelaide W„ Toronto (:1101014 light amber honey, came of aix 8. ib. palls, 813.20 F.O.B. Barrie. if flag station, Include freight chargee to prepay ahlpment. Stanley R. King, flnyvlew Lodge Apiaries, Barrie, Ont, Ci-IERRY LOGS nought for cash. Write Boy 204. Fergus. Ont, TIIRKi4T Mutts. Bread Brendle() Bronze Breeders and hatchery under Gov regain• Ilona, Write for Information. Ivan 6htllen, Addison. Ontario, Seeds that are dependable for Onrden Lover.. Markel Gardeners; Write for our frees eat- alague Ontario Seed Company Waterl.�o. Onto cin " t'IIQNO" CREAM p1il'A11AT0Rtt Whether you need spare parte, a power drive, or a new cream separator, they are avail- able at your local VIKING dealer, We aupplr it friction clutch pulley with all our electric strives and a low stand with our electric machines, See your Viking dealer or write to us. SWi4DISH SEPARATOR CO. LIMITED 720.722 Notre•Dnme Went, \IONTlt11.\1,, Orr Four Good Buys TRUCKING 1)1'8)Ni•;SE which Includes 3 large trucks recently overhauled with P.C.V, Llconee for every kind of haulage. Steady work and a money maker. 100 -ACRE FARM, hydro, close to village, gond buildings, bush, A bargain 06,300. 100-ACR70 FAiIMM and brick house, good buildings, hydro, bush, on highway. Price 04,600, 60 -ACRE FAiRM, close to highway, barn and driveahed, hen house, good house, Price 92.000, FARMS, all sizes, priced to sell, If Interested write: J. C. LONG, Ileal Estate Broker, Brussels. Ont. __ _ BUILDING 28' x 42' ALUMINUM, NEVER needs painting, Erected In 30 man hours, immediate delivery. In• hire John A, Neate Soles Co., 21 Jarvis Street, Toronto, PINUPS FOR MEN ONLY If you are 21 snare of age you may obtain our unrotouched superb photographs of gorgeous movie stars and young professional tnodele at one dollar per eel. Plena. state age, European Photo Services, 51 Adelaide St, E., Toronto iREGISTEIRED GERMAN Shepherd I'upplui from beat Canadian 'and American blood- lines Males 060, remeles 960, For cornpan- loush!p plus protection, got a German Shep- heed. Bilthoven Kennels Reg'd, Strut hroy. Ont. 1.Olt HALE, Farm at Mulrklrk, 136 acres. buildings or al,ure cropper of some Hurley Tobacco and general farming crop., Stale what help ynv have and If any equipment. It. J. McManus, Phone 68, RAI. Int. 'I'hu;nua. MONEY MAKING buslneaa in Village near No. 7 highway, complete water power Saw Atm,house and Garage on properly. Also. 100 erre form. Apply HaroldMarahnll, Lyn, Unl. ARMY FOLDING TABLES Gland trued condition. Offered at a price far below coal, size 72" x 30" x 30". Suit- able for ,miles, banquet/, clubs, eldoping 14)111 other useful purpnuee. To clear 06 00 en Ph, P.O.11. 'rorontn. C.O.D. or send Money Order. Advise tall or transport when o!,I,•nng, 1:. t11.II1STON11, 49 Crctl Street, 'rntnr,tn. A'l''beidr 73, $6,000 100 acres, to close an Palate, gond clay poll, hydro, 114 miles hum ech,ol, church, train & btu. Kennet1, Iteld. Realtor°, ON';►.ISII bulldogs. reghrtered puppies, grown stock, lgikei1104 Kennels. 11, J. Goss, ncwdley, Ont. MR one dollar I will pend you formula for on. of the best beaver scents known: guaranteed or money linck. Manley Fuller. Whitney, Ont. A0,11'HTA11L11 leather r•nrlridge belle. 22-38 calibre Shells, exretnrnt wnrkmnnehlp, 83.60. Slarnlltnn A'crony, 1310 (lcrrnnt Det, Tor, (111(0. 6 RiCh1T pound pada Amber honey, 113 00) 70 pounds can 018.00. Herbert itnrrie, Al- • Ile(nn. Ont..__ NEW Briggs & Stratton Air -Cooled gnenllne engines. Awned sisal, write for Des - captive Folders and prime. Prnpe Saler Co., 326 Queen 81.. Ottawa. Ont. SPLENDID oportunity; we have for Sale truck garden eituat?d Nlrrth Roy, Onlnrle: no competition: immediate posseselnn; down payment, 03,000. FOR full particular, write Mr.. Charles Beattie, real estate broker, Pastor fire Box 72, North Ray, out. E'9tATIIIt0Y E(^CTRiC welding & Radiator Repair, RIR trade In tobacco atenrners. Alone and conn carry' on. 4 acres on highway', modern 7 roots brick houne, new barn and hen huge. It. Searson, Realtor, HAIRDi1ES51INO LEARN Hairdressing the Robertson method Information on request regarding Meese' Robertson's Hnindreeelne Academy, 137 Av. nue Road, Toronto 01 1)1CA1 PROVEN Ri1MEDY — Every 'mutterer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritle should try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa, Postpaid 81.00. BOWMAN'S Rub, an effective remedy for slnue trouble, flu, swollen elands, bronchitis, weak eyes, swollen throat, Addrees 261 Queen St. W., Toronto. Price 82,00 DON'T DELAY! Every sufferer oto Rheum• atte Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy, Munro's Drug Store, 336 IEgln, Ottawa. Postpaid 81,00, OPPIIRTUNITIEI' l'1111 misti4?i RE A HAIP,DRESSER JOiN CANADA'S LEADING Sr110tL Great Opportunity Learn Halrlreselne Pleasant dignified profeeelon. good wages 'hnueands successful Marvel graduates America's greatest system Illustrated rata - Ione free Write or Call A4ARVE1. i1AI11DRERSTNO SCHOOLS 358 Olonr PI W , ruronte Branches 44 Rind St Hamilton & 74 Rldenu Street Ottnws oi'I'ORTUNITIi'4S :•'(tit HIEN AND tt'l1AIIM NEi1D immediate steady income? Send Ole to Green's, 116 Oxford. Toronto. for book on tested malt businesses begun nn shoe- string. PATENTS F14THF.IISTONAUGH & Company Pawns Encicltnre i4,tnt,! eb,ed 1880. 14 King West, Toronto Rookie! of Information n regnoet ___._ I'14Ra0NA1 "ELIJAH COMING Retort. Christ" wonder- ful onderfol book free Megiddo Mission Rochester II, N Y STAMPS of all kinds bought, pay 60 cents per 100 for used Elizabeth., flarchlnn, Brantford. Ont. 137 MONEY -MAKING plan., also formulas salable products. Descriptive literature FREE Elyte Company, 146 Queen West, Ottawa. II F:____1(11 Iii4L1' WANTED — MEN, WOMEN, Earn 826. to 850 weekly. Addressing Cards, Send 100 to cover mnlling. McMiLLAN COMPANY. 6038 Washington Par11c Ct, Chicago 15, Iliinois. REOISTE1111) NURSES FOR GENERAI, DUTY—Llying conditions and eatery good. Hospitalization plan. Apply superintendent. Drome-Mleelequol Per - kine hospital, Sweetaburg, Que. For constant' Smoking Pleasure gapia totft 'EXPORT" Cigarette Tobacco MUTT AND JEFF—And The Fish Jumped Right Back In The Water ON, MOTHER DEAR\ iS eoMING Ta VISIT US! I'LL HAVE To.MEET NER AY 1 THE STATION! I'LL NANO UP W MOTNERS NEW PICTURE FIRST! wott''r limy BE MoTNEP, MN:, COME SEE a„ SURPRISED TO WHAT WE pu-r oVERTHE SEE 'MIS!, MANTLE To REMIN UYOU1/� ALSO AVAiII;ABU IN 1/2 POUND TINS By BUDD FISHER 1 7 1 LAW 8 THE STANDARD _ a ` AN.INtrNtNN�NNttrl'rtttrfN`P'rNNN,1 PERSONAL INTEREST rN trrrtrtlJNtt•N Nf Nt I tN•I Nf~i Mr, and \I rs, Robert Bell, Bill and Bonnie, spent Sunday with \Ir. and B e a u tS h o e Mrs. Sant Oesch, of Varna. pp Mr. and Mrs. Vincent, of lllyth. — r. and NI rs. Jolut Buchanan, of West- , field, visited on Sunday with \ir. Ray. \'incen', of London. 1 \I r. and \1rs. George Pollard, \I r. Flitter Pollard, and Mrs. Fridley, spent Monday with Mrs. Lorne Richt \vho is a patient in Victoria Hospital, London, \\ here she underwent an operation on tinnday morn'nt;. for that 1 .\ bouquet of flowers was placed in 11,1, Presbyterian Church on Sunday by \I rs. Thomas Elliott, in memory of her sea, Tor. Robert J. Elliott, who was killed in action, February 21st, 1945. \Ir. David Craig and Mrs, Ida Craig,1 Sr., vi,ited in lgntondville on \lon- Ilay with oleic cousin, Rey. W. r\. and 'L Nt�NrNrlrNvr+1NtN#rN.•t•1•rltNNtIfIN11NIrNNNNNNrtNN 111 r;. with heiriner. NI rs. Gardiner i has been very sick but has somewhat improved. Mr. and \Irs. Gorge Cowan, Teddy and tire.ory, of Cookstown, s;,cnt the wer+f 424+444 ir >i••:H* 1:4 •OsO,:.,; :H:N:N:.:N:NO 0..41o:41,1* •�N�> 1� /••N•,ry, r fW week - l' 1111 11' I t h his father, a I l I \ 1 1', a Il d NI rs, 1111 Cowan. NI rs. George CStit t ;: r. returned honk with thein after i`�4k�.+�1 511e1111ing the pial tlyn 1111111'.115 visiting ~ 'ri"*1,'" !�rFi ;, ut CoJkstoll'll, Midland, Toronto and • St rat ford. Nil's. L. 1.. Walter of l;oderich and 't• Mrs. Lill 1)emcrick of Ilyas, Sask., vis- ., ._• ite with the fornmr's brother, Mr. Gen, Cowan during the past week. ,• M rs. R ss Nicholson and baby, Paul, of Sea forth. visited 0 few days last - • week with lir. and \Irs, 13111 Cowan, \I iss Irene McCallum of London' • spent the heel -end with her parents, \I r. and Mrs, Duncan McCallum. Mrs, Frank Elliott and son, Ronald, • returned honk on Wednesday, after visiting her parents, Mr. and M rs, R. ;: \I. Peek, Kipper, JUST ARRIVED— "GIBSON GIRL BLOUSES". Also blouses in other styles with lace trim. House Dresses in an Assortment of Styles at Different Prices. Men's Heavy Tweed Work Pants and Boys' Wool Breeches at Reduced Prices` Rubbers, Rubber Boots, Etc., Always in Stock Wallace's Drygoods Phone 73 • Blyth. MAKE YOUR APPOINTMENT NOW! FOOD STORES -- Thursday, Friday, Saturday - February 26-27-28 ROBINHOOD QUICK COCKING OATS 5 LB. BAG 33c BEE HIVE CORN SYRUP 5 LB. TIN 62•. CAMPBELL'S TOMATO SOUP PER TIN 10c NEILSON'S JERSEY COCOA IIF. LB. TIN 2'ct 1 LB. TIN 3bc TEXSUN UNSWE.ETENE:' D..; NGE AND GRAPEFRUIT BLENDED JUICE. 20 OZ. TIN 13c MOTHER JACKSON'S JIFFY PIE CRUST PKG. 32c ROYAL MANOR COCOANUT 4 OZ, PKG. 22c VAN CAMP'S or HAPPY -VALE PORK and BEANS 2) oz.. tin 15c AYLMER FANCY QUALITY APPLE SAUCE . 23 oz. t'n 1Ec EVERKRISP GENUINE DILL PiCKLES (Wh-14) -. 16 oz. jar 25: FRESH FRUIT — FRESH VEGETABLES Salmon, Jelly Powders, Amber Honey, Ketchup, Chili Sauce Jams and MarmalVdea. LIFETERIA AND PIONEER FEEDS. Chick Starter, Bran, Shorts, Dairy Ra'ion, Oyster Shell, Salt, , Calf Meal and Royal Purple Produ:ts. We Deliver. -- E. S. ROBINSON, -- Phone 156 REAL EUGENE OIL PERMANENT Wednesday, Feb, 25, 194 1111.1.1111 111111 J. 1. .,I We Offer Suggestions --- TO "MAKE YOU FiT" AND "KEEP YOU FIT" Colds, "Flu'', Coughs, Et c., are the Most common afflictions prevalent • at this season. Below we list remedies to relieve your cold or ecugh. Vitamin Products will keep your resistance at par and thus you avoid 4 the annoying and dangerous troubles, Philp's Bronchial Cough Syrup ............. ... . .. 50c King's 'Wild Cherry and honey .-........,.. 50c Buckley's Bronchial Mixture .. 40c and 75c Wampole's Extract of Cod Liver -1,00 Neo Chemical Focd .- $1,35, $2,95, $4,95 Kepler's Cod Liver Oil and Malt 93c and $1.59 Scott's Emulsion .... $1,19 and 59c Coil Liver Oil Capsules ......._-....- .... 98c • Vita Vim Multiple Capsules $1,75 and $3.00 A.B,D. Capsules _ . .................... _.. ,............. $1,10, $2.09 and $3,50 Junior Mins (6 to 12 years of age) $1.25 Neo Chemical Food Capsules ...- ....... $1,45 and $2,65 That You Have Been Promising Yourself, Call Phone No. 73, , I Olive McGill r44,NNNN4.4+Weme44r I o t 4.#*, • CARD OF THANKS I wish t thank all sty neighbours and friends who kindly gave ass's- t.uu•e and remembered nue with calls, v. cards, letters, and gifts. while I was a patient in \\'inhhanl Hospital. 24 -Ip, iiu Wilson. 1 •l••••'�• IN MEMORIAM �.>�•11 .H�.�N�H�N;N�•I�H�f1,�.�N�N�•I�N�N�H�H�H�N�> I, /�11�1 •�N� I�.1�, .�N�H� •••/81 � 44 •:1 4441:44:04:••:14:4 M:, I I � 1 IIILLII ti—In loving nlcnulry of our 10=0. 11000, u 0 0 0 p 10=0• 1OC70' • • •0=0 Ladies - WE HAVE 75 PAIRS OI1' LADIES' SHOES including Pumps, Oxfords, Loafers, and Others IN ASSORTED SIZES ON SALE AT A1'IAZING PRICES. No. 1 Class - $1.00 No. 2 Class - $2,00 No. 3 Class • $3.00 We are clearing ALL our Ladies' Shoes to make room for our SPRING stock. This sale is on Fri- day and Saturday of this week ONLY. If you need a pair of shoes conte early as the sizes are assorted and the supply limited. Hai'ris & . Company Telephone 192. 'The Corner Store' am, (oczo- dear father, William Phillips, who passed away 20 vcnrs ago, February 29th, 1928. It's 10110501110 at home without you, father, And sad the weary way, 1';r life is not the sante to tis • Since you were called away. 11 if we 1 -td all the world to give 0 \Ve'd give it, yes, and more - 'I'o hear your voice and see yottr.A lile And greet you at the door. So you who have a father Cherish hint with care, C 'Cause you'll never know a heart ache n 'Till you see he is not there, 0 • —Ever remembered and missed by uttut iters. 24-1p. 0 p 0 10=0r ' 10=01"7"701=101 AUB [J1RN Mrs, William T. Robison spent the lvcck•end with friends at Lambeth, Mr. and \1 rs. Albert Campbell spent the week -end with relatives at- St. Thomas, Thomas 1s a patient in Gode- rich 11o591101 where 11 underwent a serious operation on Saturday, his many friends wish hint a speedy rccca- cry, Mrs. Charles East has received word •�enmoaem�m mea o�;s��e • Avery important statement • with regard to • • • • .110.1iJW-• law .•.:4,.:..r•L14.1, 1, 1.11 .i . ie.. 1. . R U. PHILP, Phm. B. DRUGS, SUNDRIES, WALLPAPER --PHONE 2P. .11 Mllitit044110 E410:laitall,4 ICk411C41 C14+CICLIKtiK!dtglCI6t¢4004 tall 1,ZIF:VONIAtCUI41E14!1Ittai YOUR PERMANENT 11 i r3 BEAUTY HABIT! Is it any wonder the really smart woman always goes to the beauty shop for hair care? :\ sacct•saful and beautiful permanent wave is fat' more than just a 'curl', it requires the skill of trained 3 llgers. ▪ WHY NOT CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT TODAY. PHONE 25 PARKVIEW BEAUTY SHOP E F. ciwrnnN PROPRIETOR J • 3 r D • • 4 ▪ 14 -''The Personal Care of Your hair - Is Our Rcsponshilitv," I :14, 1.111,I, 1 1 1 1 11 , 11 .1 11 1 1 1. LAY McCALLUM'S MEAT MARKET is again making SMALL SAUSAGE These small Breakfast Sausage cook through very quickly and retain their good flavour. Try some of these pure pork ) homemade sausage. Small Sausage, per lb. 40c Large Sausage, per lb. 35c H. McCaflum > Butcher, Phone 10, Blyth. Phone Orders in by 9 a.m. for free delivery • - HOW ABOUT THAT • DECORATOR'S JOB? • • Whether wallpaper or paint • It will pay you .5* • • and the • • • • • • will be made by • • _ remier1:1l earDrew • •Listen to • CBL T + ; .onto,140 • • 883O p.m. Thursday Feb. 26th • •• •®© 0 0 ©® 0 A +D O 0• 0 0 0 0•• Inquire as to style and . • ;colour for that particular :1 1 FROM FEBRUARY 26th TO MARCH 4th— A SPECIAL BUY IN13ADIOS—We have only 8 of thele sets left. Check the price, and why not en- joy that mantel radio you have been promising yourself, Assorted colors in Plastic Cabinets --- regular $38,95 CLEARING AT $29 , 95 Walnut Finished Cabinets--- rehualr $59.95 CLEARING A'1' $118,95 James Lockwood FURNITURE -.- COACH AMBULANCE —• FUNERAL SERVICE Phone 7 or 69, Myth t1riS 1261)t°>J*th i*tit3hiF?,i3 DIX2tDt$t?'iDOIDi$1iWTDl NADIADii+ltINAN51Pt112011a1it,st7k7ltit10). 1 1.1• ,I 1I .1 iloomins .0#4, .rrtrNatNrNNNN••~4,0INrtIMlrtNrNWN41,#~# WNrNNN1 Bread t, Cakes - Pastry HAVE YOU TASTED OUR FRESH CI -TERRY AND BLUEBERRY PIE. We appreciate your business, and have always available for your immediate use A CONSTANT SUPPLY OF WHOLESOME FRESH BREAD AND PASTRY. DAILY DELIVERY. 11111.111116 11 11,.1• ..11.. 111.1.1,.11011. Id,,. .111u.1 1.1 X11111.1 . 1111i 1 11 .11 .1.11 .1 1.1 The 11IME B H. T. Vodden, Proprietor Blyth, Ontario �..rNNNrN.N.NNrr..r.N.NNN.rrN 1 • m • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 .job. F. C. PREST Phone 37.26, LOIIDESBORC BRUSH AND SPRAY PAINTING Sunworthy Wallpaper - Paints and Enamels. 14, 11,0.411 .1. . L ,•a .1 111.1,11 1 that her b -other, George •Pilgrims, has been sur:ell from the Dank of Com- merce at Orangeville to Cannington, where 110 is the hank manager. Prior to lea\ iuh Orangeville \1r. and Mrs, 1';h,rinl and son, John Pilgrim, were 1.1..1.1...11.• 1 . $ieiran's Hardware PHO VE 24, BLYTH, EVERYTHING IN HARDWARE. GOOD SECONDHAND COAL HEATER WITH NEW FIRE BOX LINING. A FEW ROLLS OF TAR PAPER HAVE JUST COME IN. GALVANIZED IRON, 28 gauge, 30"x96" PER SHEET $2,00 POULTRY WATER WARMERS t $5,75 • SAP PAILS, SYRUP CANS, SAP SPILES, TAPPING BITS. BARB WiRE, CHICKEN WIRE, POULTRY FENCE. SEE US ABOUT A DE LAVAL MILKING MACHINE OR CREAM SEPARATOR. r11 u.11 r, ..1..' sr ; '5e. r.. r1, -.A\:.. .!\". 1 .1 .1 .1 secured a position as a Clerk, in the Shirley .Robertson; the scripture was - R. J. Voting Store at London, read by George Robertson and prayer 31iss Christine Finnigan of Dun- was offered by Mr. George Raithby, gannon, with Mr. and Mrs. Rc-y Mimi- 'i'Ite topic was very ably given by Mrs, gats. Wilfred \'esterfclt. The sleeting was closed with prayer by \Wilfred \'ester• felt. CONGRATULATIONS Thomas S. Johnston and Worthy Young attended a garage operators banquet and business netting in Clht- guests of honor at several farewell r ton on \londav alight. parties. The 13,Y, P. U. held t.:eir monthly Congratulations to Robbie Lawrie \tr. and Mrs. Earl Craig, of Sir tt- meeting nn Sunday evening, and open- who celebrated his 2nd birthday on ford, pith NB.. and Mrs. Bert Cra;go ed with several favorite Hymns, and Sunday, February 22nd. Donald R:.ss, of (Gait, with h;: moth- t' eir theme song, "Love Lifted Me", Connratttlations to Bob Daer who er, \I0.. Fred Ross. I T ,e President, George Roberts: n, was celebrated his 13th birthday on Feb - Mrs. Res; Niclr.dson and son, of :in. charge, A Bible Quiz was given by ruary 25th. Seafortll, with Mrs. Charles Nevins, Evelyn Raithhy: reading, Billie Robert -1 C:-'ngrattllations to Edna 11•"' who \l iss Roberta \l1:Vittic, daughter of .on; a nnl>iral 1)uiz by Mrs. R. J. Phil- celebrates her 8th birthday v.; Mon• ?.ir. and Mrs. William .+1cVittie, has ' Ills; a duet by islisscs Emma and day, March 1st. 1