HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Blyth Standard, 1947-12-24, Page 1It'T.1, THE BLYTH lip ��, � ..� c : 1.'_�, r , .`. 1, " ,,.NDA VOLUME 53 - NO. 15. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Creighton Mark 50th Wedding Anniversary Niro and \Irs. Samuel l'reiehton, 4, tcctnc 1 residents 1f Myth, observed the 51101 anniversary of their wl filling day on NIondav, 1)ccclnhcr 2211(1. The ev- ent was celebrated by ;1 family gather- ing at their home on Sunday, \vhcn all members of their family \err. present with them for the day. 'Then on \Iott- day \Ir. and NIrs. Creighton were at Inane to their many friend; \wit.. called to congratulate theta, and to spend a while chatting. Besides the personal greetings of friends, they received many cards and messages of good wishes from friends near and far. N1r. and \Irs. Creighton were mar- ried fifty yea's a;t. at the home of \I r. and NIrs. John'I'ayl n•, on the ll)th con- cession of Ilnllett, by the R4v. \V. f. Andrews, then minister of the Nlethn- • 1'C'e11111g the adOl'ation of the shc'j)hel'ds and the •kings a5,tuttr,itil,. In 18'r7 she nu.ricd iii:le•,!;Iytlri:t1) Church in 1895. \I r. Nichol Blyth PublicLSchool Report , t ,therevelation(;ra;hy, w1) of the late lance, (irashy'can relate many hoe. ...sting stories of (list Church, at i,ondc•'horo, Mrs. i either a piece of poetic imagining, or it is FALL TERM y a , r tn,l Catillrine \\"o id>. Foil ming their; 1111 pioneer (rays. Ile tees how his Creighton 1)a, the former Nlary Jane of God's love presenting' to fallen \,\ 01'1(1 the nuan5 of I' fophant, (laughter of the laic Nit-. and Grade \'III -1I;100 t, 1\cnncth, 74.4; _.. .,. ... .. 1 ..... :.. ! father, ..... late tl.,.......1.... �•,..t.,,l Mrs. Samuel 'TotOiain, of Durham. \fr. 110(1(1, Ralph, 7').2; \IcI)unald, Jv:ut, Early Again Next Week, Please! The Stan(I:trll appreciates the co-operation of advertisers and c,•rrespun Tents very touch in the present rush season. Cu -operation enaided us to get your 'issue to you ;t day earlier than usual, and also mailed us to completely enjoy c ur Christmas turkey. \\'c ask for the `ante co-opera- tion next \\eek so that 4\e may again be able to celebrate the New Yea's advent with the proper amount of (.est and feasting. \Icrry Christmas! BLYTH, ONTARIO, WED NESI)AY, DEC. 21, 1917 Subscription Rates $1.50 in Advance; .$2.00 in the U.S.A. t MIVM Morris Township Couple i�l'tllt�l Married Sixty -Five Years 1,,,,:, `�aiun1 uk-d tier 65111 \u•dding mowm fig' 013I'i'IlAltl' Mi. ;111'1 Nit's., Robert Written by The Rev, .1. L. H. Henderson) ( • 4 • \ic!n,t, 6111 0111(,•ion , f Morris town- ; ,' Hi. till).\\-eo\, ieiI roads rill Itut To, r Airs. Charles l4.. .);' i're,rnl 111111 fri'I;lL 110111 conveying I o a world ld so at variance with the Spirit of Christmas IL Ir reet!n t, an 1 1' 1)l;rat1Iations the Christian message of peace and exceeding; groat ,jus 'I'11,i, roe;inunity \\a, ,Lock -1 o0lI'd •:1)l. \l r. and Mr,. Nichol are the 1 , ',a:l'rlCr', allel'inl'0 to leant that NII•,, oldest married roll",,It' 00 Cone4,s10(4 must come as something of a shock. For either elle 1)111'ase , ( 11;;111, Gla`hy, 14 c,ticticd re•i,ltut, +,, ii nut in all too 1 \mato (In Dec. 4Mc)'ry C111'iStmaS" IS pure heedlessness, of it gives Voic(' ' ''' ,r.,'cru,herl at I11l blue to a 1 111" 3, \Ir,. \diol lclehrated her 8811. to a divinely inspired optimism, which makes possible the •.:; sre. Mrs. t;r:t,1 y, \, ho lived ,rl.•nr. j Ln Ili ay. ,,'sill. NI r. Nichol cci•:!bated triumph of faith oyer the colossal catastrophe of things t\:i, int by a Ie•iglIb'lmr, \Ir. , ;l1)- hi, 7I 11 l,lhd:ay earlier in the year. seen, The angels singing, "Glory to God in the highest, il. Stl;111 e. Th, 1)1 ;or \\;t, ,u:i: "1'111 y here 1111 ricd in old Knox Church ,, nu.nci, 1111! •L1 had pas,t'd a00,lc. \:nicy 41 1 . ;Irl I'.1 rercntun)' tray per and on earth peace to men of good will , is either part of a \Irs. Gi:r,lo u:l• in lo.r 77th t rare, f. ruled by t!,.. lair Rev. Samuel lune:, pretty story of Never -Never -Land or it is the prophetic ;1101 haul 001 1)11(4 enj� ging the hest of . l'ntil 187' Brussel, ' was known as music of 1 -leaven, voicing the ultimate victory of the hi (1111 Inc,'In! tine l,a,l ii., \\.el;- I.\iulr y elle it nuued after wit - Prince of Peace over a world of Arlie and hatred, and of 41(10 ) 4\:I, 1)0 11111:11 11; IIIOit; I \(ole\ t••!;4 of sneered the district \I;u is (adc, daughter 111 the ' • bite M u - in 185I. hl., •: 1'1,',11\ tcrian Church unbounded .sorrow. The 11111(1 Ill Inc manger at Bethlehem tan t:a'h ;u l'1 :11itic I:ntt. 1i 11ulk:'141N awalgamated ait!t NI el vine Pres - !orris IoWnsilip. oil the •I\th C'oma's- ( walked til (1 (lend' on seven oceasiOnS Creighton is a son of the talc NIr. and 85.5; Mc\all, Rhea, 61.1; 1(04111, Doug i.Ishan, on the farm now o.•copied by to sit nn the jury. Ile would set out )Irs. Samuel Crcialttl•n, former resi- las, 73.9; Sibthurpe, Gloria, 74.5; Slot.- In other words, the Christmas story is bealltlftil fie- her nephew. \lartin (trashy. Ther, front the tali concc„i, n at 3 a.m. and dents of Myth. \\-nth the exception of "eh. David, 79'1; \Vallacc, Ilcvcri)', 11111 of it is overwlielminh ti.uth, `Pile Spirit of the C11r1St'1°110' fanned until 1'+II \\ hen they nsy- octet failed to 409\111 his name when five year, \1r. Creighton spent fn mit_ 65.7; 11'chsier, Tuns, 80.8, , !cd to Myth where \Ir. (trashy died the jory cots called at 10 a.m. Alex - lett township following his marriage lu (;rade \'II-.1ngllstine, Loi;, 65.9. elltel's 111'the heart at Christmas, 01. IS relecte(l, One must !,..,1 audlr Nic.n,l erforna i another)14(41:uuar.- n Nlarch, 1987. Mrs, Creighton, he has spent his enure 11,3111, Rhea. 89.3; Mac:lonald, petty, wholly accept or wholly reject IIln1, Anypartial aceep-; Nlrs. (tt•:a,lly had luau„ 8.110,1, vvh„ alit walking feat, \t heti he left the 11th lite in Blyth. For eight years in Blyth ,73.7; Marshall, Rubens 72.4; \lot•ritt,'tance destroys the beauty, the nleanin;' and the wonder ,!\\ ill regret her sudden l,a•,ine. Ile( t('.Iruiucd on page 8) he operated a dairy, after their mar- 1 Ann, 86.1 ; Murrill, Janis, 86.1 ; Tait,' of His birth, Tile Star of 43ethlehenl lead.. t0 the feet Of 111111 inicrrs( in 1111 teals the actiwitirs nage. He was also the caretaker of 1 }inward) 62. C111'ISt or 1t is but anotlier pretty stat' of no significance. !around the 1' 1(11 1 ('hutch, of which myth School for thirteen yc:u s, and Grade VI -Armstrong. Ihut:dd, 78.1; 1 } she 4\'as a faithful number and ergo J''''''''"‘"". of Fluc\;dr, o(ficiatittg. since his retirement he served on the illiehl, Jim, 68.9; Tait, Betty, 7(1.7; Web- ,' ' , ' ' ���••.����,�//,'. �� ' �•y•���� a��'.����,, ,. '4 lar attendant. Nl:uly beautiful decor- 1'aill'earer, "ere. Messrs. Allan stet, David, 6?.7 ; \1'hilficld, hose �9 0*.:(J kJ�4':AC 4 1v 'five arrangements for various church I S'aric, Geo rite Fear, limey Young, Sch of Board. \I r. Creighton rc- °' \11\10 Rirhnt ud, I?h\nod Shortrecd, marked to his interviewer that there is \14111, 75.'J, , �� , function; wt.rr 1111 work of her hand, Band Concert Largely Dr. Hodd Speaks Froni and \\'hired Shortreed. ( Grade V-heninget', Juan, D: Chat %p ;1101 from this 0'111: she dcriOed great :` out one person now living in Blvd), wh1( teas here when he was burn over 77 ours, Jimmie, C; (;rant, \Pendell, ll; Attended United Church Pulpit joy, Sh. Was quite active in the \\'o interment \\:t; made in Brussels year, ago. ile take, great cnjuyn,eltt Ilullry, Irene, C; Nlc\all, I).uglas, l'; Sunday evening's Christmas hand Ur. Donald 1;. 1101111 addressed a'ntan's NIi„iomu-y Society, of which silk. i('rinctcry. \\'ltyntouth, Dennis, 11; \\'11suu, 0114.2, "as a Ill.(' member, ;1101 \,a; al;u al'. -- - -\'.__ nut of 1-I'raearly )lay, in the vit.1)11(411 was attended by a lar, r :utl,large audience 11.0111 the t'niterl Churchlase, and ca4n11 recall pion experiences A. appreciative. a:nisi isi as usual the pulpit on Sunday c\ening. Dr. 11ud,1, lively associated with the uurk 1f the Archibald E. Scott of earlier clay's that prove highly eft- Grade IV- :\rtnstroug, .\Ivin, ; 1p; hand gave one of it's usual fine perfor- i 1, ok as the theme of his remarks, ' \V man's Association. Fainton, (410411 .I.; Galbraith, I u \\rued \\ ;is received this week of the tertaining to his listeners. t \tut- mantes, in fact many said it was one '•1 (114 \mess", ana his discourse 11 as Surviving relatives 11(4, one brother, sudden passing of (1 this E. Scott, Ni r. land \It's. Creighton have a faun hie, :1; Hamm, Dred, C; ILu1111 of their• best performances. a111111i4(11 1011(1111 10 and lunch en- Samuel lade, oI (;nderich, four nep- at hi, home at Nlalad City, Idaho, in ily of (1 li, two ,ons and a daughter, ; ray, 1'; 1�L'u•ris, Bobbie, 1); Ileery bel- 1'112 audience enjoyed the upporttllt joycd by the congregation, hews, and 11w0 nitres, Martin, 111114, 10111)• of Ilnllett township, 11'i11i:tm, of t)'. 11; Hodgins, Joann', R; Johnson, ity of singing x\1141 Christmas Carols, his 81st year. t f > Ow choir provided special Chris11111 and hohert (-trash)•, of Morris town ('hr late Nlr. Stott \vas born at London, land 1Nlayl NI I's, IIerber1 Bernice, I'; \lc\all, Yvonne, C'; Mil.- to the accompaniment (.i the hand' nt:l•ir for both morning and evening I, \'illi;uu (trashy and lies. Doul ship, \ 14,0)11 41111 It; Powell, Beth, ll; Rield, \Ve,tfield in the year 111 ( the sort of Glnushet, also 1)i llullctt, There are Special numbers were coni•1)0411t1 by ser4ices, under the capable direction of las Smith, of South 1'ut•cnp;ne, and Ted, D; '!'trennut, ,lark, ll; \\'alsh, the late :Archibald and Isabel Scott. also six grandchilaltcu, the toll0! g members of the hand (he organist, .1. 1:. Cllok. \II<. \\'. •l. Nelglc, 1)t' 1igh herr, Alta. \\'Pru :a yon 11 I man 112 went to the Best wishes for continued happiness Nlaiene, E. Cornet solo, Irina \\'ail .,' tivu sclec- '- ' 1'hc rrma1115 rested 1)t the 1, h. together is the wish of everyone for (trade Ifl-:\tl:insun, \\'4)111', i1; 11.1.) tern Status, finally settling at (tions of the cornet sect(( of the band; Loch\wood Funeral Home until ' p.m' Nl;dad laity, where he operated a Cart (14111 , James, I); Foster, ,lames, this esteemed cottpl,, clarinet and eurnet chief, (dlnyee WEDDINGS on NI inlay afternoon, \yhen a public fll.nr still :111.1 a tarn!. His wife pre 1'; foster, .lune, C; Galbraith, Betty, L'aintun and loaune Il0dgins; :\1111- service was held front the 1'i itr l 111' 1'•1'1?I.I. - :\NI1FhtiON --- .\1 the deceased hint in 1944. Ile leaves to Il; Jackson, i\'aynr, A: Nlt 1 htl,oilel' lion solos, Felty Scutt, London; in I \l;(151 lllytlt, Ontat 0 (41111iday,j)e, l•hurcll at ' p.m., 41(1)1 1)14 ho•w. \\'. •i.lnlnurn their loss, 044 suns, Russells of Hockey Grouping Garth, I1, NIeNall, June, C; Sihthorpe, slrtnuental quartette, \\'cn.lell (tram„ Rrgcrs, pastor of the Church, in ,, 1)0rms, C: Tartan, Jam"' 1); \Vasman, lac): T11(111 ut. Dennis \\d11 dell 1)h ;1111 ec ober 19th. 1(147, \1'ialtrr Leonard rhar�;e. and Nev.R. A. Brook, a f ,r. ! 1(1 0 San Francisco, 11 t at l Nathan, of Sun Allll(DIIIICC(l Rin :stun Bullcll, and Annidiel Lou`.sc \alley, id;ah :1111 four daughters, 1)1411, .\; \\'chstcr, George, I':. Bobbie Galbraith. titer pastor, assisting. \t a meeting 1111(1 tet \1'inghant 11 1 (trade l l-I'I;tlil: :\rntst rug, L' ; \udrrsun. \l r, and \l r,. huttrll 4\ 111 Villa• ( NI rs. Cha (41(1 ), of Los An- :\ collection \v;s taken ftp, and over I Interment was made in Union evilly- `circ: \labs, of Georgia, Fay (Mrs. Friday night, the various groupings Doreen Augustine, 11; Robbie Frisco, x,40,00 \vas receiver(. rr,:dc at Parkhill. \ Iic1r, fur the \\'.O..\.:\. hockey league \sere C; Lynn 15t'iscu, d); .John Elliott, Il; , U `_ - Stallard) of San Francisco, and Gene - drawn \lauv beautiful floral tribute+ \ver. vievr (Nl rs, scow l of \I0larl City. drawn up, and Group 3, which i, of Janet Graham, 0; Shirley Jackson, II; UNDERWENT OPERATION \; 1'rIl(11 Riehl, C; Shut -In Boxes I?lst,l'lbltte(l !a testimony to the esteem in 01)1111 ,h. lrtcrment Nva, at Sunset La\yn, Salt interest to lural spurts' tans, is art- Paige Phillips, \Pr aro sorry to r-pnrt that Edna ; \vas had by a urge circle of friend,. Lahr City. Of 111 ncuuced, a, comprising the fnllm4ing Carol 'I')renuut, :\; Benny \\'asucut, A. liy Board 11'i1(lC Darr, third (laughter of John Dae(, Dunn; the service a quartette clot- In Ihr spring of 1946 lir. Scott tants: At\v0ud, 'Tro\vbridgc, Brussels, I Grade I -David :Armstrong, ll; Clar- k lar Ir., ncnt to \\''inghaut hospital 1111 Aloft- prisint• Irvine \Vail:u c, (dcun hcchcommunity, \\'41110, ;uta Lnnricshut,, once 114111), ('; Darid Chalmers, C; Ott Nlou o 4\ ere livered to spent sono 4111„ in this uu o!' C; l.cnn2 ilanciltun, A;'(hiistmas hots \\ere d1114111il t0 dap right to have her appendix retulvr-1)i.. lantr; L;neri1 and li114111 \Val visit: relatives and renewing old George \\l. Cowan, of Lo11lit fru, is Gerald Cole, cel ;1101 will p uh;ably has. 1 , en l lave sang, the beautiful nnn11141 "Steel Lon - convenor for this group, an,.l he hopes Billy Henry, 1); NI:u•ilyu.,fohuston, At shut nus in Liylh Ihnrugll the courtesy tricn,lships. Nlrs. Nellie Barr of t.on- of ')'Ile Myth Board u( 'Trade, \Ir. Cl(i1101ts in toe hospital. .\\\ay Softly To Jesus." 10 convene the various rcprescnta- 1?iaine Johnston, 1); Marilyn Kcchnie, _-_\,_ _ desboro, and \Irs. Earl Mills, of Wal- \. I,. K4rnirk, President of the Board, I Thr• pallbearers \vete• Messrs. 1erb. stun, are nieces 1f the deceased, lives in the very near future \vh)n a 11 Irene Laurence, 11; Fac Nlon•ison, JUNICR W. A. ; \Irl'.Iro4 Robert Powell, Stanley sib - schedule of games will he drawn up, B; Elgin M.Nall, I); Ann Rutherford, volunteered Lis 11012 and truck, andj :\; Linda Sins, A; Larry \Palsh, A, \vas ably assisted 11y Itvo B1(w Scouts, •I'he Junior \\'. A. held it's regular , Bionic, Frank Slurach, Norman \\'a1s11, and all 11l announced. , . Bruce: \'uddk.n and hail ,h 111(11), in the ineeti11 Saturday afternoon, Decent- ;1(11 Stanley Cl 11111. Fluw111(1oer; Rich:11'(1 \Vlglltiillan Three Blyth men are trying out with --1. A. Gray, 1 rtncipal Agnes Vim - distribution I I this logs Ncra Johnston, AssisLris, distribution of the gifts to the various her (1111, in the forte of a Christmas were Nlessrs. Cecil Armstrong, George the 1. )1)11) oro intermediates homes. party at the honk of F.. J. Cartwright. \lartin• James Cuultcs, Robert (trash)• year, namely, Dun. Cowan, Jimmie ---Nr___.- Iland Leonard Cook. I.ocl:wo.d, and Freeman 'Tunncy, who has beep _a member of the team for tit: past several season;. 1 Two Hurt, As Four Cars In- volved In Friday N. Blyth Rink In Good Shape For Skating The rink committee of the lions Chili took full adwanta.e of the 'week- end cold snap, and by Saturday night a splendid sheet of ice \was available for skating. V.:a rl:men worked day and night to make the ice while the weather was cold. Since then the weather has moderated, but the ice is reported still in good condition. Fullmw1ng skatin, of Monday night, aspirants for a Midget hockey team tool: the ice, and according to those who were present t0 \watch the laces, there is some possibility of an entry being asked for in the \\'.O.A.A. If 11)1 •eather stays reasonably cool there wilt be good ice for skating, so dost off the old runners, and juin in the (un at the rine: some evening. TRINITY CHURCH, BLYTH Christmas Eve 11:30 p.m, holy Communion Sermon. Music by (11044• Belgrat•('. Sunday Alter 12 noon: ;\I)irttrng num. TRINITY C1-PURC1-1, BELGRAVE 2:30 pont. Evening Prayer and Ser- mon. 'ST. MARK'S, AUBURN 111:3(1 ;i ii, \lort!ing Prayer and 1(100. Night Accident As the result of a motor accident on Friday night, two young Wren, Carl and \\illia1)1 G0V 1'1, of the Auburn dis- trict, suffered injuries that required medical and hospital attention. A stalled ca', was reported to be the cause of the accident which finally inv)lvld four vehicles, one f which ipelonged to Provincial Constable Chas. Salter, of Myth, 4vhn' WAS called to investigate the accident. The two iu- jured men \\crc hurt \Olen they climb- ed to the running hoard of their car to escape being itit by another :.n -com- ing motorist. As the car approached it slid into the side of the car on which they 44.21.1 standing, inflicting the in- jury. Damage to the cars was slight. Young Married Couple Tendered Reception A reception was held on Friday night and in the •Nlcua: tial Ilall for Mr. and Mrs. of 'Trinity, Robert Govicr, recent newly-weds, at \\hien 10114 a large group of friends honoured the young couple frith the Prayer a Christmas Ser presentation of a puree 'of money. All address \vas read by George Nesbitt, and the gift was prtsentcod by George Hamm. Mr. (;o\icr tltaIlT•cd those r present for their thoughtfulness. t1,? igigil! '• 1ttti`1'1 ientdnng to the music of 'Toll's orchestra. Ser- Nlrs. Gowicr Was fornn•r1y Luis eavemstiovoittmxmitmomottli�����, (����✓, o•I \Ycdncsda\. 1)21cntbcr '-lth. (rola internt4nt rt In,.1c ttt Nlattlaud ccut- Ilazelwood. �'� Plii7.1.9 in(, late residence, with toe Ka. L. C, 1111), Godcricn. 91 Mrs. Robert Shortreed i.It`V' t . (gil��ti#ttt�tt� `• , A life-long resident of Morris town- () () ship, \Irs. Robert Shortreed. passed away in Scutt Memorial Hospitai, Sea- , .. The familiar Christmas Carols \1'e slug every b iortlt, on Sunday, Ucccnther 21st, al - year, and never tire of' - Silent Night -Oh, Come All to 0 salons illness of about 10 day's. Ye Faithful - The First Noel - all the lovely songs duration. 'I'hc rause of death was a Tendered in church, at home, and wherever free heat condition. Mrs. Shortreed was in her 73rd year. 1 people are gathered, these things are Christmas. 1The late Mrs. ..1111111411 \vas the ... The Child -like traditions which young and old " former Susan Searle, daughter of the r en o - the stockings at the fire -place - the poem, , (, , late \I r. and Mrs, John Searle, She was burn on the 10th concession of iM. rris township. In 1913 she married Robert Shortreed, and they have since 9 the secrecy and expectancy of bl'ig'ht faces, these �• farmed on the ')til concession, just things are Christmas. The last-minute rush 111 CV- Ou Iacross the road front where she was Death claimed a pioneer resident el'ything we do - rushing to sleet the mailman born, of Auburn in the person Miss Su- rushingmoremulti.- `'l \Irs. Shortreed was a faithful mem-,sauna Blair, who died on Saturday to meet the train - rush to get her of St. Andrew's Presbyterian morning at Mrs. Pratt's nursing home, colored lights that glitter and reflect the beauty �b t church, lllyth, and was 4(1141 in 1)11 n, Myth. Miss Flair had been in fail - of the most beautiful -of -all -seasons, these things 1 v ;mous clnrch ot•ganiralions, being a 1 ing health for over Iwo years and had are C111'1Stn111S. The beautiful spirit of giving. - ,l\'- ,(' Ilife member of the \\'.11.5., anti also been a patient in the nursing house for mg not only presents, of money to the poor - but active in the Ladies' .lid Soeictys i the past four months. \liss Blair was giving our love our willingness to help, our bene- b I Besides her husband she is survived . the youngest daughter of the laic John > isby 0111 daughter (Nine), \Irs. Elgin Blair and Grace Pierce, and was born g) volence, our friendship to all, these things ai'e Johnston, Turnberry 'Township, and about three miles \vest of Auburn on Christmas, . one son, Walter, at home; also two April 30, 18622. For the past 50 years granddaughters• and five sisters and she had lived) in Auburn. She was the A VERT' Mlril.�RZ CHRISTMAS `I'0.1LI� 01.111 v+ one brother. Mrs. Duncan l,�hnslou, I last surviving member 0f her family. "" Walton: Nies. Henry Your^ B1> lh : 5111 civin,g are sex nephews, boy Nlntt- ' ~ i) FRIENDS, TPG Mrs. Russell Richmond, Morris; Mrs. ro. Orangeville; Ralph Munro. Aub• IIIJAI?LItS ADVERTISERS AN � 1PUn. Fear, East 11-a4vanosh, Airs, ileo, urn; Ernest Robertson, Toronto; 1•Io\v- 13 Mitchell, Calgary, Alta., and Wesley :1)-d 011,1 Charles Robertson, Godcrich. ' . Searle, on the homestead, Mit h colt- The funeral, V,flich v, • 1, '1 from the (1' ion, \lorri:. re,idet01 of \1r. and Mrs. Ralph Mon- (' I Fuoe,al servile, were held at ' p.m. ro on Monday afternoon, was private. " 'Twas the Night Before Christmas" - Dickens' Christmas Carol - the tree gleaming in the paa'lor - \Vora- was received by Mrs. Robert \\'i.glll01111 on Saturday, of the death of her brother-in-law, Richard Wight - unto, which took place ;,t their home in Detroit, after a lengthy illness, \Ir. \\'iglitinan was horn near Belle- ville, being one of a fancily of eight sons and three daughters, the children of lien)')• and Harriett \\'ightrniut. \\•:hen quite young he moved with his parents to the 6I11 concession of East \\'it\waoush. 111 1886 he \was mar- ricl to Charlotte Johnston of Morris. \vhen they t'ok up residence in Nliclii- g:ut. Ile is sn'Oived by itis vile, One (laughter, Mrs. Olive White, 1)ctroit, and one sun, Edgar, of lrnwa, also one sister, \Irs. 11. Ilydr, of \Vestlock, Al- berta. 11'Iiss Susanna Blair 1 OF REVENGE BY J A C K S O N• C ©L E Synopsis Chapter XIX: \licb,lrl and Juanita ride side by side to Deep \Vater \'r:hey. .1; they approach the entrance they see the shrine of Dun .1 ttero's Cross and at the sante time hear shots in the diRa– tion of the to,‘,,. Chapter X X Joann;:, in her tattered clothe,, was right at his heels --a second phantom% shooing through the night. And Hurn they sale it! They shy wino, has on the shrine dedicated to the memory of lion :\ttero! Valdez hastily shoved Juanita hack as she gate a low, fright- ened cry, "Don't look!" lar said sharply, and his o%1'n h!clod felt suddenly fro7er, in his vein. "Get hack!" ill( it %% as too late. Juanita amide had ',am, even as the mart stared at the awful sight, para• Jy zed, From the curls of the pori- zeaual feat: ,•nlung hunches of enrol ta'hacco front a drying shed. And out the cross itself, spread• his I ::I: ! clumsily spiked. 11 ;O.. their bleeding halms out- s' Rung the 1.04 of a youth 11 :I,. 11:01 !we: 111 1110•e than . .lrr.11t il;: :;c C•., rut the dead l, ,:,. Ilan !1:IG� Ill rr sl`Ilki of r- And i' r.3 thing 11'1, t C.11.1:1'.1t the ghastly la : t:tl c, tl,, moon supplied It. I! Ir is . -. t..:'1 center all its 11:1':;Ince, like a ''��t!Igll t on the 51.1HI1, \•ter It;n;ita•s une low els, rr: 11:r of :It m l;:.l made a soud, im nil r.;; t(Icr: as motionless as mar - He slaw, s, with sick. horror ;ld Corbis prim. ,i Ertl tl!eI: teal frac. ';. Aft, r 1'Irat •rc::.' ! ;01 cut 111', \ ,ddez, hi; 11;011a .11,' dark Cres IW*11211t Sp, .t, tit iire, reached out a. hand and tratcllc,l the girl's troubling shouidcr, "Get ging and trail that kit• ler's horse to w here•; er he's headed. f,,r," he said tightly. "But don't no anything — don't say a word about what you've seen here, even if you Cataal up with the coyote who', riding the horse." , V "l;ut, semir," Juanita protested hotly, "even I who never kill, who never have had such a thought, must kill him! Madre de Dios' Such a one may he shot down without warning, like a dog that is toad!" "No," Valdez said firmly. ''I want hien to stay alive—for s little while yet," "It serves some purpose, sell• or?" the girl asked. "Solite good comes of this devil's life if he is allowed to walk the earth? Olt, but that cannot bel This time you must be mistaken, senor!" "Maybe," he said tightly, "But I'd like to know what it is all about. The killer devil shot that young hombre first — before he strung him up, \\'ith him already 1u dead as lie would ever be, why Was not the murderer satisfied?" Juanita shook her head in de• Gat. "Sit Why was he not?" "We'll try to find out," Valdez otnised grimly. "You trail him, will not see you again tonight, but in the morning I'll meet you 1a the town of Gold Creek." Juanita nodded and started out, trot in haste or anxiety, but as Plutiously as any Indian trailer of SO older day. It was from Indian friends that she had learned to follow even the faintest of trails, sad she had been taught many of their secrets that made thein su- preme in stalking man or beast. From them she had also learn. •d "smoke talk" so that she could Manipulate a blanket over a smol- dering fire t., make it carry its mute message for many miles. Half wild she might be herself, for such her lonely life had made her, but Juanita de Cuevas was well fitted for her self-appointed task as helper to the rcd•headcd, fiery avenger of wrongs, El Ca. ballero Rojo. After she had disappeared in the gloom, Valdez stood for a long time near Don Attcro's Cron in deep study, and his droughts ,s ere fritter with self• reproach. 1i he had hurried, he could not help asking himself, Wright it not have been - possible for hitt to have prevented this terrible crime? But elicit thoughts tycre jarred from Iii: mind abruptly as from close by c.,nie a ssarnit g sound. Ile strai;,htertc,l, as stir. as t11e t:tlr,k of the tow eriu4 t1;,k t his back, 'Then he knew he had not been mistake' hi the quality of the sound he had heard. It had been singing ---and the creek of (wagon wheels. The sounds casae closer, They became clearer. Then he could snake out distinct voices—Iltost of two sten and a wontat or girl, Their tones were light with hope and the stt' of dreams. * Easterners they must be, \'al• diz conclude.!, schen he could make out the words of the song they sang. \Vesterners—ranchers, cc whoys, even homesteaders who had been here for any length of time—would sing the solemn songs of the lonely frail, the songs of the puncher riding the edge of the I+edded•dowu herd. !'cons, any other Mexicans would sing their own 'ktinctive clew ts, in \'alder's own language. 1 le listened:, rapt. 'l lie rumble of the sIcel'riunfcd v:ltccls on store grew 1 , t,ler. The sound told him that t:,i< v, as 11,1 14011 buck• 1 •.ted returning with tired but happy merrymakers iron some cow -town dunce. \o, this was a Ilial y +" `ilii, sotinu'esi and lc adcd kith al: it 1:1 1,1 carr. 'l'o be Continuedt Your Handwriting and You t3y Alex S Arnott Writing Indicates Sense of Humor "Ucar \Ir. Aroot t,° writes 11iss :1., 1 have been corn: pnttding with a young ratan for some time and I would appreciate it if you would kindly analyse his hand• writing and le: me know what you think of it. Answer: Your correspondent writes with flourishes and high wavy "1•' bars, with pointed and sometimes angular script. This is follc'wctf with dots of the letter "i" that look very much like commas, These dots arc very dis- tinct and stand out above the stent of the letter itself. All these signs in the script tell me that he does not take life's realities too seriously and he is inclined to be easy going, The signs of humor, a rare gift, indicates a good com- panion, one whose lively imaging• tion and sense of humor and good fellowship Italie him versatile and tesourceful, The long, deep strokes of the letter "y" arc good examples of his interest in the out•of•doors and par,licularly in sport activities. In this regard he shows a preference for movement, activity and vari- ety in all his interests, There is a decided inclination to regard de• tails and routine matters with disinterest, Another good characteristic 10 the scrip is Itis loyalty. This is clearly shown in the letter "i" and it is excellent indication of an earnest faithfulness to his ideals, friends and purposes. Although sociable and friendly with others, he docs not follow the crowd, seeking popularity but is content with having a few close associates for long, lasting companionship Artyurre• i.tshtug a mote complete analysis please send self-addressed :tainted envelope to Box B, roost 421, 7.3 Adelaide SI, Nest, Toronto. There it no charge for this ferrite, Big Enough to Make an Omelet it u I,riglt.) laid by a while Wyandotte pullet owned by R. Blake Sntalc of Baltimore, (-Int., which weighed six ounces. As demonstrated ht' Aileen Steele, It takes three ordinary -sizer) pullet eggs to balance its weight. ANNE I4IPST Faitabi Caumhdot Young Reader Applies Counsel ON E girl's success in winnin iter * battle of disappointed love is * often store convincing than any. * thing 1 can say, 'Today I quote • from such a letter, in the hope * that it will help others in the * saute boat. • o misty girls hitt. written • to you, Anne Hirst." the girl * starts, "a -king you twhat to do * tyhen the one they love tvalks * out. \Veil, 1'n» sure one of them. 1 loved this buy so much there wasn't anything 1 wouldn't lt;n'c dune for hist. \\•Its it he found that out, he toll ate he didn't love me —and he didn't Coils had:. "1 tried everything you had tolyl the other girls to do. I thought 1'd die in the attempt to make myself despise hint. Now, after many mouths of not seeing hint, I realise what a mistake it would have been to marry hiss. • Si11{ \\•ON OV1 "11r led time to behe;'e Ile cored for int. When he found out 1 eared too. he 'walked oul, 1 had lost all ray friends because of him' "7'hrsc thing nutkr yo.t 'wonder ti'II(II he t(ould do after you near• rigid him! If you really think about it, you are convinced 11070 wrong he :cos. A boy 'rho ud11 1'1 a girl flunk he loves Ler, :.,;eu all the time he's laughing to his friends about hoar she falls Jot all he tells her—he's just not tcor'!h yos,r worry; "flow will we girls knots schen to believe boys:' flee there any left who mean tc'ntl they sac ev.11 emit of the time:' "Pre fotur.ri taut that n lost lone stokes a deep ;cowtd. But lime heals, eves if one is still a little scared. "Von are daring a wonderful nob of helping people in trouble. It is fine to have someone to turn to when you have problenis you can't talk to your family. 7lranks for all your help," There are few of us. If fire froth were known, who have not at one time or another flocs through such disillusion. It often dors take many mouths ie conte oaf of it and, as '1'/tis girl has, realice hay lucky we are to lta:'e escaped marrying such a boy. !!'heti that day arrives, tet art wiser and stronger women—and wt will be very, very careful not to rcfral our lore so short again. Sometimes a young tion: zeins a girl's heart just for the sport of it—to prove 10 himself that he eau. l4/hen ht finds she returns the loft he professed, he is through. The thrill it pone. fhrd so is ht. 7'he way We lake the bloc shows NI up -10 ourselves, and to all who ISSUE 52-1947 know about il. The knowledge that so many other girls have had the sonic experience docs help 0rlc to be (1 .00( spirt To "1'. H. :11.s" You have come thr, tt;ut a('ored,•rfidly; Mi , don't 1r' rd:rrself condemn all other young r::.':; 1:r: ' 114d nn to 'nor heal'! nest tine you firer it .dippinll, and 01; had tine to prove iris its• fe!r'',iy. 1 solute you! 11 is ania.7i:ig „•Crt shock a girl's , ,,r r ,,, , a ll ro11 l,a;'a' 1051 the lad you loved, tell Anne ler „'itl uidCr.<:oud, and help. 11 'rile her of Hos .1, i/oano 4!l, 7.i ,1d,•laide St., !fest, Toronto I Of One Mind The roust fru quiet; the lamp I was low. The boy speaks: "What are you thinking about, darling:' The girl answers; "'I'hc sante as you are, clear.,, Then the boy: "Clot 1)awg1 I'tl race r,t to the ice box!" Sunday School Lesson 13y Rev. R. Barclay Warren God's Eternal Rule Revelation 21:1'7; 22 27. Gulden Text -- "1h. !,in 'Cunt is an everInting kingdom and 'Thy do- mitd tt cudurellt 11nont;li Its all gencrati'itts--Psa!nls !•1•: 13, The lesson furtu, :s very aggro prime conclusion for the year' S study. We (tare conte through various conflicts but Isere 55 emerge into a blanc of light awl glory. \\'e view the ;grand con imitation, We sea:- with John rite new heaven and the new Chet as We It111'e stood Conde and fn., Corn by the open grace, v,itlt ss hat comfort our heart, h;tse been blessed as we li•icned to tin: is mih;u' svords, "Il,•bolI, the tale r• taste of God is with men, and 11' trill dwell wit 11 their, and they shall be Ills 'Rollie, and Clod, 11intsclt, shall be wit!I them, and It their God. Anil Clod shall wipe away all tears from their eyes: and tit:•re shall be no more Ire tleatlt, neither sorrovl•, nor cry int;, neith- er shall there be am:y more pain: for the former thing; are passed away." In the beautiful toe crip' tion of the Iloly City one rt:lle• ntc•nt stands out with peculiar significance; "And the gates of it shall not be shin at all by day: for there shall be no night there." 1'oliticiatts hale tel+antfsed thele Utopias but until now they Irate not been realized. `uifering and crime are tal:int; their toll on every handl. Clot thus i, a better day fur the overcomer. A state of enduring peace and super!( happiness is fur, those tthu ;tee written in the I.:Ilnl honk of 1.110. "Nthink ultc!'.a1 ,Mali 1:10.1.11. it, nor any one who practises *ht initiation or falsehood." * • • ratan and his associates are ser• fainly fighting fiercely. Souse• tithes it would scent that truth is on the scaffold and throng is on the throne. The sufferings of Cod's people are perplexing, But Coal's victory is certain, The sa• crifice of 11 is Sou, Jesus Chrri.t Itis not been in vain. Ile is tak• int; to Himself a people, a clean people, They shall have a part in Itis everlasting leittgdont, e • 4 .\re you thinking only of the present? 1\`Ivy nut do some long- range ongrange planning Ile who lives only for this world forfeits bout, \!'harder the struggle of the Christian lie i; well repaid in both this life and the life which is to conte. It we have entered God's kingdom by the nese birth the are on the winning side. "Ile that m•erconu•IIt shall inherit all things; and 1 will be his Gore, and he. shall be Noy Not a Word Wasted :\ firm of Scot ti•It lawyers re• ceiying a letter from their rent agents oser the lease renewal of premises, were a,,kcd ii they were going to remain in the building. I'he firm rrplicd: are. \'ours fatthfttllt " Tire agents, int pa tient folk, were not satisfied with the reply. They wrote the lawyers again, a -king if they tnrant to remain in the (A- ft ltacl: cauls the reply: "I /cal sir;, n'r remain, ---lours I aitllfully," GraltetririCrtkft What Brings Quids Relief Since her u',In childhood grand. mother hnti 1(1' (' 1, Ile. ('baso'; ;:trop of Linseed and 'I'llrpcntint. to lar it dependable and cone!: relief for moths, colds, bronchitis: and similar ailments, Is II, any walk' that. she Seca that there is ahv:ty.::t 1.01t If. of it at hand in case of cowl—via e. thick action is most important when col'l set in. Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Turpentine 350 Family. sire 3 times as much 750 Knows 01.0.•• "'voee4/'t Now—for extra -fast baking—it's New Fleischmann's Royal Fast Rising Dry Yeast, No need to keep it in the icebox—it stays fresh in the cupboard for weeks—right there when you need it, Just dissolve according to directions. Then use as fresh yeast. 111 YOU BAKE AT HOME—you can always keep a large supply ready for "hurry -up" baking—more delicious bak: g results, Order Il1lcischmann'sRoyal FastRising Dry Yeast from your grocer today. NEW YEAR'S DAY is more gen- erally celebrated throughout the world than any other holiday despite the fact that the new year does not begin January 1 in many countries. Advent of the new year Is hailed universally with good will, celebra- tions, hospitality and, in many coun- tries, with an exchange of gifts. Origin of the New Year's celebra- tion Is lost in antiquity. About 3,000 years before the birth of Christ the people of Babylonia kept n New Year's festival which lasted for 11 or 12 days. In the clays of the Roman Empire the year had only 10 months, begin- ning with March. When the months of January and Feb- ruary were added to the calendar, Jan- uary 1 was desig• noted ns sacred to Janus who, accord - Ing to mythology, had two faces. Ho- mans believed Janus looked bpckwnrd over the past year with one face and turned the other face to the future. When the Ro- mans became Christians, the testi• val still was kept although it was observed as a day of prayer and fasting. The modern trend of festivities and merrymnkings to herald the new year has been In vogue for three or tour hundred years. In America and throughout most of the world celebra- tions begin on New Year's Eve. First to Celebrate New Year's Day Chatham islands, New Zealand, is the first place In the world to cele. brate New Year. A British colony, the islands are inhabited by 206 per- sons, largely shepherds. The islands are at the nearest starting line of time, and when New (fear arrives its Is only 12 noon In London and 7 n. m, in New York. As it dawns on the Islands, the IPew Year begins its race westward (long the equator at a speed of 1,000 miles an hour. 13y the time New Yorkers gather to ring in the new rear, the Islanders are sitting down b dinner How Can 1? By Anne Ashley Q. How can I remedy dry hair? A. A hot oil shampoo is good • for dry hair. Heat pure olive oil and apply to the hair and scalp thoroughly at bedtime. Bind the hair with a towel to prevent staining the bed linen, and then next morning wash with a mild, liquid shampoo. Use this treat• mcnt about once a week. Q. How can I make string beans retain a bright color after cooking? A. If a pinch of balling soda is added to string beans while they are cooking, it will soften them and also preserve their color. Q. How can I prevent the thread fro n curling and knotting while sewing? A. Before cutting the thread from the spool, thread the needle and make a knot at the freshly- cut reshlycut end of the thread, Q. How can I remove oil stains from carpets? A. Cover the spot with a paste made of fuller's earth and water and let it remain for 24 hours. Scrub with benzine if the oil is from the streets, REAL ORIGIN January, the first monti' of the year, derives its name from the Roman god Janus, Because Janus was a two faced god, represented by the Romans ns looking backward as well as forward, the idol was considered a fitting symbol for the turn of a new year, Standing firmly at the juncture of the new and the old, Janus could look back on the past year and look forward to the new. U. S. Official ■ IIOitIZONTAL 50 Minute 1,6 Pictured 52 Ford -fish ('hairm:ul of 5:1 Retaintc1 1J, s. uoilgF('s.-55 ('ry of : n;'I'o\v Flnnal ('onl- 56 Pl:itltl:,ritan 57 110 is a mem- ber of the U. S. -- illel'C'e Com- mittee 11 ilal:ing compartment 12 Comply 15 Roman garment 16 Electrical units 18 Symbol for actinium 19 God of stormy sea (Norse) 20 Lord Lieuten- ant (ab.) 21 Affected ele;;ance 22 South Dakota (ab.) 23 Vase 21 Greek letter 26 Male 28 Rodent 31 Increase 32 English ac- count money 33 Pronoun • 34 Seine 35 Organ of hearing 38 Reward 40 13one 42 Reliever in popular government 45 Compass point 47 Thong 49 Ile represents 't'EItTiC'AI. 1 Jai' 2 Flliptieal 3 Iiar,iened 4 Bury 5 Measure 6 Beside nil,• r In 1':. • 1','itlr F1!Cji-7:17R0 rlt F_ r: i 1 11•/ • 1/ 1)' - r, /(,1:� r`y i_11=,ii-VPI-!F it 1r'.j 1= f-1_ 1- ivQl-1'1 5 01 .1_: J C; ./ .r,1 n g-,1 :10IN Y Ids„t . C! t 1 .L R Er.)1PII.J NI JOhrl 1 is 1j .., JR G, M t I+— tr^- h i_ i�- r t , 1',1,..;T; I €-, i_.(...,-.27,1 C�:1-1-ua1c it_,�.lc),5,. [NA /-.g,,1 'jlt�Ly .r.il–�i1-'1�,fC �r-� I IC( 17 Heavenly body 19 Snake 23 Unnecessary 25 Veiled ridicule 26 Month 27 Stir 29 Exist 40 Norwegian cal- it:.I 41 to Sinple 41. C,.,ort of ('ominon Pleas (ab.) 15 Thin strip Othenvise 7 Article; :30 Make edging 4R Royal Naval 8 Ship's record 36 Maxim Reserve (ah., 9 Shield 37 Corded fabric 51 Winglike pat t 10 Enclosure 38 Dance step 53 Kentucky 13 Nonsense! 39 Soul (ab.) 14 Small shield (Sanskrit) 54 'f ill sale (ab,) 1 L 3 5 6 7 B t�10 II —77712. I3 14 -: 15 CJtIIONCLES OF GINGER FA1M By Gwcndoline P. Clarke They do seem to clutter things up so badly. They have a nice ap- pearance, and you don't like to be rough and throw them out, but after all what good arc they when they are just shoved on one side and forgotten? They are some- thing like a pretty girl without any worthwhile personality—nice looking but useless. '1'ltere is another thing that weighs down a pack rather badly, and that is debts, 011 my, yes, debts can get terribly heavy! The Chinese realised that long ago so what do they do? Tiley pay every- one they owe before the old year (lies and then they are all "vclly, vclly” happy. Maybe we can't all do that—sometimes it isn't eVelt good bus'I,ncss—but t least we can look after the little bills that should be paid. We might at least clear up the nuisance debts—tile $1.50 owing at the grocer's, that $2.90 at the butcher's for meat sent out with the mail -man, and for the apron that Bill brought home on approval. Why add to the work of the store -keeper by having hint sent] these little ac- counts out time and again. Of course we arc being kind to the government. Every stamp that is bought adds to its revenue. Well folks, that's my New Year's message—the best of luck to you, and may your pack be light the whole year through. 1lappy Ncw Year, Everybody! Anil won't it be nice to start a brand new year with all the trou- ble, :nd trials of the old year left, like a heavy pack, on the road behind 1l . That new pack we arc taking along with us into the New \'car is going to feel It little light and empty for awhile, isn't it? slut it will soon fill up a bit --- you'll sec. But 1 vuudcr w'011 what? 'May- be that is up to ourselves. Supposing sada one of us starts out with an empty pack and has the opportunity to fill it up with whatsoever Ave like—what a vari- ety of things there will be! K • * This kind of pact: is so differ- ent from other baggage—it will carry sul:•hine or gloom; kind Occult or selfishness, And strange to say the weight of the pack (le - pends not so much on how full it is but what it carries. Kind- ness and sunshine weigh far less than selfishness or gloom. No platter hots touch happiness we load there is always room for a little more, As for kind deeds they take up hardly any roost at all —and they are so light it is never any trouble to carry them around. But, oh my—just try toting a few selfish thoughts along with you and your load is soon as heavy as lead. And worry—worry is the worst burden of all, But that is plainly because of its heavy wrappings. Take the wrap- pings away and let the good, clean air and sunshine get to the inside package and 011111e(liately it begins to shrink, and sometimes evaporates completely, Worry al- ways acts that way — given the opportunity. t Just think of the old pack you left with 19-t7—you will remem- ber it wasn't the joy and the tat: slog, the kindness to the old folk nor the patience with the young—they were not things that grade it heavy, were they? No, it was the hurt feelings that were being carried around the little petty jealousies, the determination to "get even," the discontent and unrest—it was those things that weighed so heavily all the time, don't you think so? But, oh dear, let's forget about that old pack—it belongs to the past, doesn't it? Our concern now is with' 1948, and here we are with a nice new pack—and we are not going to let it become a burden, are we? Or, if it does show any sign of overweight, we can at least have a houseclean- ing—turn the pack inside out, let in, the sunshine, throw out the glom, and start all over again. * * * But do you kilo\ what? — 1 don't think we had better put in too many New Year resolutions. New Year QUOTE' "The object of a new year is not that we should have a new year. It is that we should have a new soul and a new nose; new feet, a new backbone, new ears, and new eyes. . Unless a man starts afresh about things, he will certainly do nothing effective, . . , Unless a man be born again, he shall by no means enter into the kingdom of heaven." —G. K. Chesterton. • • . "New leaves, to be surel Let them turn them that are ashamed of their old ones." —Edward Payson Powell. • • • "Ring out the old, ring in the new, Ring, happy belle, across the snow; The year is going, let him go; Ring out the false, ring in the true." —Alfred Tennyson. • t * "We are bound, by every rule of justice and equity, to give the New Year credit for be- ing a good one until he proves him- self unworthy the confidence we repose in him." —Charles Dickens. e.. TABLE TALKS ... Holiday Breads I r .t );((»(1, basic ,,e( bread, t, i- '(id tine 1,0,1 it, just can't he I, ,,t.n. The Si., ti h lea -ring i, an , sta. cially go. d !tntido). 'read. • • • Basic Cottee Cal:e Dough p butttr and cup r,'ppitlg UI 1 , np , hickcn Llt .11,1.' yeast I up ssatcr, cool 1 t,. -pion stinal 1 , 11p sugar 2 caps %vaunt mill: 1• lour, (•anuli.11 t„ slake a soft dough 0; to 7 cups) !, al vast Irl water with 1 tea- spoon sugar and cover. Let stand while you cream shortening with sugar. Add eggs, milk and yeast solution. Beat in flour to make a soft dough. Roll out on floured board, Let rise on board. Cover with a mixture of butter and su- gar. Roll into loaf shape, Sprin- kle . ith suga and cinnamon. Bala on greased baking sheet or In grca;cd loaf pan for 15 min- utes ,tt 300 degrees 1', and then at 500 degrees F. until done, about 80 minutes longer. Swedish Tea Ring Roll out coffee cake dough into rectangle, Sprinkle with a mix• ture of butter and sugar, cinna- mon, pecans and candied fruits. Roll up as for jelly roll. Lay on greased baking sheet and form into ring. Cut with scissors at f- inch intervals, then turn each cut section on its side to forts Swe- dish Tea Ring, Cover and let rise until doukle in bulk. Brush with egg yoll, mi. ^d with 1 teaspoon water. Bake at 350 degrees F. un- til (lone about 25 minutes. Filled Rolls These are good: cook dried apri- cots with sugar. Add grated or- ange rind to basic dough. Roll dough into littlr pieces. Fill with apricot mixture. Fold dough over filling. Cover wit' crumbs of su- gar, butter and flour an: let rolls rise. Ilake at 375 F. until nicely browned. Quick -breads should be on your holiday list, too, Ilere are some good ones. L • Amml Holiday Bread 2', cups sifted flour 4 teaspoons baking, powder cup -agar tca•pooas salt i 3 , u;1 eboppcd candied citron , up currants t:IL' spoons chapped candied lenn,n peel 2 1:,bh - prod! (Mapped candied bruit s cop el). plied gaits 1 r1'' !' cup ,nen s}rip i,;, milk rap Incited sht•rtcuing Sift together flour, baking pow- der, sugar. and salt. Add fruits and nuts. Beat t gg, sirup, milk and shortening. Add to flour mixture, stirring ui,ly enougI, to moisten flour. I'.-ur into v. rlgr,ascii loaf pan, 4': H'' inchr , hake in moderate avt n ,)75 I'.1 about 1 hour. \I,.kcs 1 loaf. Fruited Coffee Square tn.,, sifted , ruched flour 2 te.ly; o,'ns baking powder ! - tut-i„o,n sa31 1 egg 1,.1 cul, lig ' corn sirup or bout } 1.1 cup milk 1i tablespoons 01(It(d short' euro) Cranberry Filling 1 cup ground cranberries 1.1 cul, mincemeat 2 tablcopions sugar Crumb Topping 34 cup enriched flour 2 tablespoons butt, r l,,i ('up sugar Sift together flout , baking powd- er and salt. Beat egg, add sirup or honey, milk and shortening. Blend thoroughly. Add to flour mixture, stirring only enough to moisten flour. Pour into greased pan 8 x 8- x 2 inches. Spread Cranberry Fil- ling over top, sprinkle with Crumb Topping. Bake in moderate oven (975 F.) about 95 minutes. Makes 1 coffee square. . ,.a So You're Going On A World Tour! Most people like to plan tours OS the world, even if they have no intention of ever actually taking one. So here's a quiz regarding various places on the world's sur- face — with a choice of locations under each. You're to try and tell the correct ones. The answers will be found, upside-down, under- neath. 1. THE DOLOMITES ARE — a hfuuntaius in Italy; b. a dis- trict in the Alps; d, hills in Dal- 112atia. . TIIE HEBRIDES ARE — a. Islands off Scotland; b. Lakes in New Zealand; c. English hills. 3. THE CRIMEA IS — a. ,\ river in 'turkey; b, a ngion in :11asl:a; c. a peninsula in South ltu siii. 4. THE GIIOR IS — a. A cave in Kentucky; b. a mountain in '1'itet; c. a Dead Sea v;l1,y 5. TIIE SUDAN IS — a. A South African plain: b. re- gion in North Africa; c an ancient cies• of Egypt. 6. THE BANAT IS — a. .\ 01 district in Yugoslavia; h. Japanese mountain ranee; c lint- g:uian lake 7. THE APPENINES ARE — a, Islands in the Pacific; b. Gre- cian peninsulas; c. M ountains of halt, 8. TIIE RAND IS — a. \\'elslh mining district; b, hunt- iltg district 41 Sweden; c. .\frican gold territory. 9. THE ANTILLES ARE — a. \luuntains in Peru; Ir. Mexi• can desert regions; c. The \\'est 1i dies. l0. THE DECAN IS — a. A river in \It:.upotania; b. hill country in Northern Alberta; c, a region in India. TIIE ANSWERS. 1-13; 2—A; 3—C; 4—C; 5—B; n—A; 7—C; 8—C; 9—C; 10—C, \\'1IEN VISITING TORON'T'O MAKE YOUR IIOME AT 7'11E CENTRAL WARWICK HOTEL Evers 0.01,1 with bntl . !Lower and radio Rates from $2 00 single. Permanent truest, Invited. iC:cellent Cu'alne Cor. Jarvis and Dundas Sts, 169 Dundas St. E. MODERN "li'ilCt'ffl eljt'iotlll(a ." These simple words are once again echoing and rc-echoing across this land of ours ... bringing hands and hearts together at the gladdest time of the year. The joy that belongs to Christmas is for everyone. It is a time when we develop a deeper regard for the things of true worth: the unselfishness of n neighbour . .. the offer of help from a passerby ... the spontaneous good deed. In presenting The Dow Award from time to time to deserving persons, we like to feel that we arc promoting a greater appreciation of such qualities ... a new pride in our oitizenehip and in the achievements of our fellow Canadians. -X40" ce77, D Ow {{AW AWARD 1 cR-*sanfe1I j(,. Ositslnn'Iing t`l roiont »Ow' BREWERY * MONTREAL -- J aia.m9u Lo.., .1c. •111:11 iii .1Y J,i.l 111 lit, I IIIIIICIh11111B 11,1 PAGE 4. THE STA ND A RD v444G44161/4 • ........~#~~#,/~~#•#####:•#~,~0,e4~P.Pe#4,04,#,Se.,JS•OMOS.P. NOTICE There will be no milk delivery on Christma,, Day, or on New Year's Day. I wish to thank my customers in Myth, Londes- boro, and Auburn, for their patronage during the past seven years, and would ask that the snme con- sideration be given to my successer, Mr. Donald Howes. Wishing- you a Merry Christmas and Ilappy New' 'Year. DURWARD' DAIRY Per Stuart Durward. LONDESBORO ' WESTFIELD Wctine:day, Dec, 2.1, 1911, 4.44.**.iawanamilionaal ' l .1i is b di 4004141CYCIPMCVEIgUrtIVOCCilir4t4q,KttXX:VVVVC:{14ECW(41101015(101 .5.1 \\' 11:1 I their \Ir. blot ;111•1 NI aril) of Kit- y ‘Vl 1.1,. it144 „1 H • ; 01 I ,1 1.. 11.-- 1i;•:; and 3 \ •.:11. 11"..1 ,1,, \•,,•!•• of NI \ „I: Nadioid, 11 .1 • I' .! t 11 t• 1, 1\1 ovoighlutt ;mil Mrs. 1 h'• 'A' \I" tut' Lob, 11 1 \\ (.1,• t„ Symi . • shut-ins, N„i,ert IL \\ Pono;:el. , PI: 111, L •eineblut; and \I c„ •pet1,111, ; i;;: \ :Choi \\ itli hoot, for Thomas *),, minematim: coninlittek- then pre• illed the iiiiitatt. ,i li 1 i 11.,- vim ned altl 112, Olt' WI 1.11' t 1 1111.1.1 .1: 1:11' H -I \‘", ['A, 111 III \\'1•1 I • 'If Clic -.tunny night lie 1 • "I'11 oi ( ;‘‘.,11. , 1:1e(ILIc 1,1111, 1 \LII 110W - alt, ilvia \\'11i,rion, \\-;11,1,•,i; Jimmie (art,'. 1):1\ \'‘'Ilartmo, 11,:h1e) Cat ter, ; I 'Cli•vcr 11r• li' Subject," .\ :ke"; "The NI tif fill NI an," 'Ire; %. 44/444-4444.4.444444444.4,44.4.444441444 • 404•••••••• hh in Thing," "Ilighland , .9 0.1 2aLVS1 11 lItdltc "Salk 111) -thin I bind. i;Iain-t "London lid", "Jingle 1"18 t‘l rs. iiindercock. nt : Mrs. To‘‘ 1. tar) : L. Pipe. Tie.;•nrer John Not t. h eair,•1: .1 I Toni nem ••••••••###•Nrs#4,,,,,,,,,soo•••••••roor.rosino#4,••••••••,.....###•,•••.• • it (idly \ 41~4.444•4144114,• 0#1441141.4.11,44.44,40441.0`444•4N,44.4.44044,44144 .......... •1444,10,4 44444 .1,444 .• l'CC • I I 14 111.111114. C i• 111111 :MC (r.111111!, C . Toni t NI ill. r. 11i, Li:lie :Wain,. 111-,. .1h. 01 s Vo,blen. \\'111. Manning. Mrs. L. ti Pipe, 11;s. Edwin \\*.i ,1, .111.11 lh1 Iat di r, s li) T,•111, .\11 . 1Ir,, \':i" -on , , s .\1 vs. Rooert Fairservice, were, 11r, \Vin. 1.y,•1-.. \I' s. C. \\ atson, \ 1er and Mrs. Voini,thltitt. The 1 imiary t i• to he held at la,: leen,: of NI s. 1:::v. Pe•-enton, / The NI ti it Pawl w ill 1101 their t tIititii itt the Iwseinent harch on 1)ecember 2tith, at IP o'clock, t Plea•t: liring in mile lu•xes. Nliss NI:ire-met eh:1;1114n of 1,,nidon s . t sPcnding loll lays ;it :he home t of her parents, 11r. and NI vs. [lank Tanild)n. Blyth \)Vater & Light Commission Fern \Vat,:in, of itmon, •444~#4,11'4,444#44,144^44.4•4•44"4. ## ## 11.4,4•44 004,444•4•4144,4444,114.1N4 t 4,4" lic,ine for the (Ilti,ttttit lititltt,„ .tIt' IlotatiI Sholihrook and '11,:i•lon Notice to Users of Hyclro For Commercial Purposes Exemption Regulations, permitting. the use of lights for show window purposes, expires Decem- ber 25th. After that date no show window light- ing will be permitted until further notice. This is an order issued by the Bydro-Electrie Power Commission of Ontario. NI 'Cs. Po`r! S bob- -1- ' of Sea forth, visited with 11r. and ++00 Fred Sholdirmik :in Sunday. X Miss Edith Beacom, and pupils, uf Applications Wanted '•S.S.No, 5, as,i•ted hy Mrs. \\irmilorf, presented ;t splendid Christin•is ;.• curt in the school house on Eriday ev- ening. \\'ith \yea tiler and roads in ..\1 • condition Santa Clans \vas aide to APPLICATIONS viIl be received for the Posi- ;i'it the ,c1):•01 at tlie close of the cone: rt. 11r. Norman Alexander \vas tion of Clerk and Treasurer, or (Clerk -Treasurer) the capable chairman for the night. combined, for the Village of Blyth. LONDESBORO BOWLING NEWS .... .. .? ()ti i.nday. 1),,,,,,,,i),,,, e),h, 'I, 1.,,, - Applications to he in hand of Reeve Franklin at Lis- t. schedule .with the Slow Starters 'roam- to‘xel on SaturdaVto , enjoy the Christ- 1 ing the Tallyhos, 7-11 to finish on 1 i mas nettehoretulidays. I ler st,ter, Miss jean , Bainton 1)y January 5th, 19=18. '1., 1 ••,... the h,,a1,. in the 0,,,,, match, the , rned with her after •perid- ... X : Extremes defeated the ILA:, 5- '. ;1'4 the \veil` it II"' home lit NI I.' alill Gordon Elliott, Clerk. ;.., Final Standing: i NI rs. Fred J. Cook. 4, I I Nlis Pearl Jamieson visi,cil on Sun - Team • • • • 14 4 1 A A .44.44 ^1.4.A. 444114 444404444.44414-* ,.. , I. 1 1.'12..Z. I'li.,,. . ' day at the home of NI r. and 11r•. Fred . . . .. ,, ,,.. ;1101% :-,tarters ... 25 11 (.1 59 Hilott !insuhrance Agency BLyTH____0NT. IN THE SPIRIT OF (111 \\; for all inIppine,,s Nod goi.:d fort tine 0..,tti y() .1 wi:;11 for -yo'.'n-1:11'. soas,....mairmas.aaa.Maxsaiaraira ormiamoik • asi.aanicr . tatigkottiMeriareelatiMMIEDEF STIEWA ?t T JOHNSTON Massey-Ilarris and Beatty Dealer. Wishing. One and All A Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year. Deakr for Imperial Oil Preducts. For Prompt & Efficient Service 'hone 1:17-2, Blyth CREETiNGS AND SALUTATIONS -- I ######## 401 ######### 4•4••••o•••••sec ##### ######### t• 40 I •P r1Clk ." l'1)j, 111,C 1111' \V 1. I /rill, "\Vrtath Irrill"; Pagerio, " \\Mile Shepherds \\ ittched Their 1:1,,c1," and the -Mit itzer (}10/1", WIlit'h ,i • :it Can 1 singing. .\ ily "Ili't She's " After chorus Santa made IC- appearance., ;oil unloaded the tree. Soma then took Ids departure, after \\ ishing ever)..itio EDITH CREIGI-IT()N'S irt Merry Christni.:•. Phone 158. I)ECOlt Ar1101Z'S SI -101.)1)1174. Myth. 1 hiring the Sunday School sessiiiii on 1 1 il. CI" • :1111) :1;11' , 11 1 nt.1.11 I, ;111 t, l"t'l • .1' ;11 Coliti11111 1 .11 11(10,1 I'll 11 :WI -" .111;1 hat tIi ,111 ‘''0. \ I 1.011 V1,11, 1111 \.1,11," 1 C):1 11 ...4.p.a.1.4 4' t Sunday. Christina, Carols \\;lung, a a and readings 11 ere gi\ en by ItitltCook, Lorna Buchanan and Gor- tit11. ' don Smith. Christmas Carol, v,t•re I sung at the church sm.\ ice. itt took as hi; -mliject, nitisic was remit -R.11 lie the Mr, and 11i.,. \\'ill Carter andfam- 1., mo , m tly attended toe iummal of 111.,. Car- ' ter's en -amino -ohm', II rs• flunking-, of .111hurn, on Tuesday, r• and Nit's. Nlanrice Bosonan a - temled the funeral of NI rs. llosman's uncle, 1)1.. I lemy \Vilson, at Go:le-rich, on Sunday. Edna Moffatt, teacher of _ BELGIZAVE vIili. i Tallyhos 21 15 0 111 . .'s 1 .. 15 21 5 35 _ NI iss Barhara • Nlichie : f I lyniall ;it ,' Extremes .._ 11 )5 4 .:(1, AUBUIIN St. ( at nariner ' , , Her !tunic here. Other prize: were won hy i h. i i The .1111)111'1) 1)111)lie school held its and Mr,. 1 '-- ' .`t vele siit'fill 86°61 Cliri1111is I ligh 'ream Triple : Tallyhos i\\'. itt- J Ctok. Myrtle Vuill of with her parents. Mr. ( -.)1) " 1i 1 , , '4 ' ....1-• •,, Tro.WrIV) f ' •• ti;$ :,!,ts : ...--_----...,--a[), .•,. y'.4 i• ', ... A --- 0015.-1J466gr: GI* RI 0 •- .7.-- ---- 1 -,tf-zir'iiritz—' --.- CO•OPERAMS . ' ' ._- --_- i.:7---,------ ---4.3:4_320.1,,,,--_,,,,,--.),. • .- ...:.), 1,1 ,..4..rr444414044,*. •r 1:Ylh • . !t• r4441114." ---:.2,„,,fix. ..,;.,..,- 33 rts3"—".t.-4:44 115 AFFILIATED CO-OPERATIViiS in Ontario used their Provincial V.tholese!e ii 1946-47 to a greater degree than ever / 3 a result the Wholesale, was able to incr-.r.lco its volume, earnings and paircnage rciurrs. The local co-operatives in turn distributed these wholesale earnings, to their farmer members. Working together in an increasing number of common undertakings, the Cf_...r.trid and the local co-operatives record with prtcle a yccr of progress. ONtetue,i 6-afteutrii.4 1?Mer:414 THE UNITED FARMERS CO-OPERATIVE CO. LTD. BD. TR FARYILRT CO-OP. ASSOCIATION per, T. I yiper, J. Armstrong, 1. Tam- _ Idy111--247-1. lligh Team Single— Slow Starters, 1C• Saundercock, \lei:ire:4(1r, Geo. l Carter. Co Carter I-9.15. II,igh Average : Glen Carter (Slow f-'•tarters1-20,3. I HO .1rinstrong Cral- High Single : j 111 .11-111,trong-309, Con•olation Prize for bowler with low average was given to John \\'eh- ster of Slow Starters. The six bowlers tt ith highest ave- rage expect to play against the six hest ItiitvIer iit Clitttcn some time in the near future. These Londeshoro player, are, ( ilen Carter, John .11-111- strtong, Clifford Situndercock, Gordon MacGregor, \Yahoo- 'Ends and Jack Lee. These bowlers all have a „ea,oit's \ erage of over 185. interesting feature of the Lomieshoro howling league is that, although many of the layers have had very little pt evious w ling experience, the •easons t\t- 1 tint lea1411e i,tteil micii 17°' liti program was held \\'ednesrlity ;11'U:r- im:in ;it S.S. No, 8, East \Vawanosh. \I is 10th Bralloirn is the teacher. \Ir. and NI rs. Jack \\'alker, \\*Uut- loam, were Sunda) y'sitors -\\ it:I Mr. and '1Irs. Fred Cook. Pelgrave. r. George Novill, who has nitrchar, ed a farm on the 5th concession 11( .‘11Wri's i1.0111 C. N. Ci Tnr, itt 1)11 1110 Peter and Susan, and ar- rived back to Redgrave on Frilly. animal Chri•tinas concert in the 1:m -- esters litll Thursday evening. ley, A. 1;. I lewitt w as chairman fir the lid- itt jug program : inItH11S, by Olt! Sill id; greetings, Elizabeth Grange ; Christmas carols, senior pupils ; recitations, Shir- ley Timm:T, Betty Lou Robinson. Jud- ith Grange, ;tint Gerald Dollie; play, "Henry Hires .1 C: (11:"; jite1or dial- ogue, "The Stocking..., junior rhythm hand: play, "Changing the Subject"; junior dialogue, "Merry Christmas, it cry') dy"; dialogue, "Shortening,. Broad" ; dialogue, "The Younger Sis- ter"; number hy the senior rhythm hand: dialogue, "A Chance l'oicoun- ter"; junior chorus ; pantomine, "Cat Pie"; reading. Ittiit Ile \vitt ; Stite oi . liAt, ace:min:mkt if the e\ -ening, 11.1/1-s. H. J. and to the teat!'ler, and other pupils., the splen- did entertainmento. Santa ar- rived and distributed gifts :old ranges. -------- ONTARIO FEDERATION MEETS JANUARY 7TH -9T1-1 The animal meeting of the ()Mario Federation of .1griculture is to he held in the I:ing Fol\vard I hotel, Toronto, on January 7-9, 1948. The young people and \\ omen will meet on January 7th and general so- sions \vill in llo \\' on January 8th and 9th. The no ruing of January 8111 mill he ' :ley' 'ed to the President's address, nt'- t by the Secretary of the Ontari l'eder;t on of Agrimillme and NIr. A large congregrition -was 1.1, Hannan' of the national ittire. on Cumin. morning for the Omit inas, .iii11114 the iiii"111'"'''• 111191estie and world market conditions w ill he dis- Tlic: church was ' cornted with spruce and t\ro •111,11( • nil a retort will he given on the 1 iominion-Pr -vincial Agricultural kliristina• trees \\ ith Conference. candles also added to the scene. A 111 'C(1111 day 14 tilt' (tivetitioti Slat) I ly tliftttt\Val.,11 ttt-; 111111'11. •••• taken iip lit 111,01Ssi1)11 of the pleciated. Christmas livinns \\ ere al- I- arm Forum proieel. co-operative 11111 F•r1 sung. grains and the Prices Support Boat I The. evening service was also Inge - of the morning- session an I of lv attended and the congregation ell- the after!' :on have been set asi:Ic for jived the (hristilms Pageant which consideration of r, \vas \ cry well presented by the l'imng int' 1 at People': Society of The church. 1)ireetors' Nleeting, to he held in the , 11r. Norman Shim:house, of London, form of a hint litt ;it 12:4) ,m 1--"g with..Mr. and !trr. Robert St. ; ary 9th. Blyt g. NEW RADIOS IN STOCK-- STEWART WARNER: \VItity T;illIt' olul 112.1:.ch . don T;1111..: Mudd Itt itt \ \ I NIL.' 1 l':.11tcr:. SPARTON-- Hcctric P;o1"::-1)11011:,..r.tit Prow r 1:11," ic nbe model ; el, c" . pi;-iie tilde model it:alit:I Ser 1 ice eh:Inger, :-,1189.511 W e have a tock of Irons, Toaster;, Electric Ileatin!, Pads, Heat- ers, an other Appliances. Radie Batteries, "A'', "B", "C", and Storage. Radio Rc,:airing Our SI:ecialty. Il•re take this opportunity of 'Wishing Von All the Compliments of the Season, GLENN work Guaranteed. lyt F 4r4 Phone 165, Blyth. lectric Sh t 4•• GREETINGS -- May the Christmas Day of 19-17 be iric ,'_er than any Christmas Day you have ever had before, and the happiest holiday season. WLLbA THIELL w PROP. Telephone 5 - Blyth. lettOrttE0441tIN'l "tiliPtAtIfikA6Wili:9-ZOW4IRIROW oisammaiimminr socumsndra .ss•raw-nummia Nes* d•••••••••••..zsrw WPWINIV1.1• 111110=miawm...ronookoZZESAILOILMMINCVACIIM12711 1\ieCA1 1LITMY1 111EATS 11111EN1)LY GREETINCS. GREETINCS. May all the joys of a glor- ious Christmas he the c good fortune of our many friends and patrons. H. fr: - cealium Phone 13, Myth. 0 This is the high tide of the 1. year, Christmas, steeping every heart in the bene- volent spirit of Him whose 1 birthday it is. May the day find you blessed with kali the fulfillment of your ItIcsires. - 1._ I 11 • F. C. PIST Phone 37-26. HERUSII AND SPRAY PAINTING ) L'hone Orders in by 9 a.m. :1 s for free delivery LONDESBORC SenwortIty Wallpaper Pairts and Enamels. 1 Wednesday, iiec♦ 1941 Every (1 ay we feel appreciative of the favors of our patrons and of :all courtesies shown us but it is es- pecially at the Christmas season we like to pause and think I)ilck over the pleasures derived from our business dealings. So here's wishing you the best of health, the 111(;:;1 (;I' wealth and greater happiness than has been yours before. Blyth Farmers (o -Op Association TELEPHONE 172 • BLYTH, 1�,:11 •••♦•1,1 •. •.,.;..,:..• ;.•,1••.••.1•..,.1: 11••1.1 I•f 1.11••1 •...•.:..11•...,.....•;1... 1:11;•, 544 • • • :• :_: : IIOLlI1:tY GREET' NGS--- X our merry season is at hand, and we hope that it contains a multitude of blessings for you. "MERRY CHRISTMAS" : ,•.; I,H,• 1;• 1; 1;• •; r; •; •; •;• •; •;,•�,; 1; •; �, •; i; •;• •;• •,• •; •,• 1,• •; I,• 1�, 1; •;:,/•;.; •,• •; I� �• 1; •;H; 1,1 �1 •�. •�H� ,,••,11,•,,1 •,,♦;♦ U`{:t G GRILL BLYTH •-- ON'T'ARIO. THE STANDARD " GROCERIES. GREETING YOU. The entire staff' join!; us in sending you wishes for the merriest of ME1tRY C[IRIS'I'1IASSE; . A. L. ,RNICK • .�'�4' PAGE e."^"e veovv N1INMN/IN1I11NNI1N.I+NI111N11111 Y ROX Y '1'II I'.ATRE, I CAP1'1':t• L TIII±<A7'lt}: I REG E'�''1"1`11 It�ATRE t CLIN rON. _ GODERICH• I SEAFORTri. Now Playin', (Dec. 25.27): "'Tun- t'ow Playing, Dec. 25-27: In Tech- Now Playing, Dec, 25•'17: "Thunder 1 d r In the Valley'' in Technicolor 1 uiculor: .lure 1la• er in "I Wen- In The Valley" I,aar.lcd (r m "Bob, San of 1lattle•' cr Whu'1: Kissing (ler Now. - rinn ,-Tues., Wed. Dec, 211.31 'Mon., '1"acs., We:I, Dec.^19-31 men., 'Tues., \'•led., (Dec 29-31) FrancI•o, Toile, Shirley 'Temple Gail Russell, Claire Trevor, • I yrinc Rn'.e•rtc, and Charlie Drake 811.1 Guy Madisr.n, Ann D tali, Adolphe Me,�:u, It' ;, II -r .l ,.11',1- ,I;',,in•i a h:tt'k- I !I ,9' ',I - :r I -yin it ;tu�l fht-1(1111 - \ .n !. „ � , . ,•..1111 t'. !,,1_,h lr,_ ,� I \t �', , , � r • � I , 1 •� I,I .ti 1. ,' ' • 11._ r 101',1, Ie ! 1!, :(1; �e, . '„ 1';;. ! i 1,': ,j, "Il'JNEYM00N" „ .11e .,,,,,, ! ! "WINTER WONDERLAND" Added Attract on: Royal Wedding 1 1N1NlllNll ••111111N4Nlll BACHELORS DAUGIIT'ERS" Thurs.; Fri., Sat, (Jan. 1-3) Film • In 'Technicolo 1 -- - - '�-�"--- '00`00' "-- 'Hairs., Fri., Sat., Jan. 1-3 June Allyson, Lucille Bremer and Thur..,Fri., SBL, Jon 1.3 `7,1,7, l;r;.1;l', Dan Dail' fnd Judy Garland 'TILL.. 'fhe CLOl1D i RUL'. BY"1 y le I,, I1,- lu, t, 21!,,, L,r- P,1ona Freeman. Will, frank Sinatra and Dinah \ I; n l 1 l r- Shore in f,1 -G -M's Technicolor ii 1'I (i•1'III!I'�!n!. ,I f,. t t„f (,illi , t, ,, a Heat f r Lour tr-. taint: i, ll !. •',i•.a• 111 a ,;1,.11, : musical hit Robert Walker, June Allyson and cal t': . ' , it.. Judy Garland. � "T'I1. L THE CLOUDS ROLL BY" Note: Above feature c ,,nmences c t' "MOTHER WvkL ; .t;! i'S" 7:00 p•m. Cumin',: (Jan. 5.7) "The Ghost And _ Conan Jan. 5-7: "The Royal Wed - Mrs. Muir" rt,urinq Gene Tierney C ming, .Ian 5-7: "The Ghost and � ding" is Technicolor, with Jack l'lrs. Muir" starring Rex Harrison 1 C•,rrrn in "Love and Learn." and Rex Harrison 'The management and staff of the a':ovo: theatres wish all A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. 1 GROCERIES - LOCKER STORAGE , 1,• 1N WE DELIVER -PHONE 39, _ _, _ e „"'-"60010.""" ..e.•,M,�4 f , :•.;• ; . •,. ,.,, ;H;.:, ,;..;..;L;H;,.[. s:.:•.; ; I BABY CHICKS Potry ,,..an 1.1'C:,I♦�Li�I III>�,:�71Ih �$ ;t, 1 1'd!•`: clot(.- U11Iuld ht. llill,irlc. S'1'RAI(;HT Ii'R01'I THE wtr,c(IAM- • OfI'1'AFt10, :?: V, I 1 I!:I'.,• (illy Chid -6,, and '{'\\'0 Sh(ws S N' }IEAIt'1'• (�hickens, Geese and Ducks• ` Sat. 1\ i�;11t •_: .t.,l;l ! ,,, ;stir(',, etc., from t, ,1, ;1: 1 .1 „ 1. ..,,lir order so II, drliw- IiI(aIIES'I` I'II,i(h'S I'AII) 1'i 1.,11`- ,Ill,i, rt 1„ C1 illi'e 3: ui ( "1:86!;1 Approved, \ ii;l lt1 n1,Ilre. J• =.1',I, dry- ,::! 111111 t,,!ed. I. .\rltlstroliv, ' c For Quality Poultry Shows, Each Night starting Al t' Comes our Christmas' Greet. . tl 7:30 r r a ; Satut•aay Matinees at 2.00 P. M.;'' AN OI'1'ORT•UNI'1'Y ing' to you and all • FOIt EXPOII 1 I RA1.}E. i1: ' 1 - ',\1a hC Ilnte ! bel„tw. ''', !;Ural \\-atl;in- i)i.Ili t ' friends. I =' 1 WISHING HAPPINESS--- 444.44#44.444,44~4 A kindly wish and a kindly thought for all our customers and friends this joyful Christmas Season. FR NK'S NOME BAKERY N Yf 1/11111111111111111/11111111111MI1 1N44,44•444,44,444,4,144,4•44,44.4•1444.0 East `Tawanostl Council Black : That Bylaw 14, 1947, he given final resoling and passed. Carried. 'I'hc I':1st \Vat\anosh Connell wet on \lotion: Councillors Ruddy an:I Ire- IRcenlbcr lull, \tit!i all I:u'nlhcrs pre,- 1111,1: 'Thai hylar. No. 15, 1947, author- ent• 11111• l:lintne, of t11c prr\iotts lung a grant ,'f 825!1. payable on de- n1c01ing \\err ren'I anda;ll rove') ol1 11(8114 to :\nhurn Community Itttilding+ motion of t'oun,'ill,•rs lslark and Ire- Fund, 1e prepared and given first and Lull. second readings, Parried. \lotion: (iuncillors Ireland: That 1&\\is Ruddy, l"ranl; Robertson: That tee instruct the \larshall and Tran(: 'Thompson be a"- Superintendent kohrrt„ell and \lotion: (Councillors Ireland Je IL HENRY _• .. 1 :tv:u ,tI ,,e. i \ u ,.I -re -sive and 12 --Ip. Phone 150, Islyth ;; Thurs., Fri., Sat., Dec, 25.26-27 ' !1, !\1 1 !1 1.1)1' :l 1'', „f ' :11111 55, ita\'c "r ,. 1.(11 -'-t-:rr (1;1•,1' 1,1111:1, Illi,i. Ile „),- '`CYNTHIA'' , •'' l - oltr,nitt 1,1 t--1;11)11,11.11 In ;( pro- WANTED ,„Elizabeth T'aylcr, Geon Murphy 161;1.!,• I'lt•int'-, of Y,lllr o\wll, For 2 \1'I,Illell, 1 for 11ull,l'ICl'1•plllg :(11(1 1 ,Z 11111 '.;11'tienho, 1116::, Itrday to The J - ” •t li. \ ,,tri. 11 1',,11l,lny, Dept. O -R-19, for cooling. :\pply to .\Its. ('L'u•e, _., STE RT ('dnuntcrcial 1lutcl, Isl)th. 11_tf ,',.'MA. L. COLE on., Tues., Wed., Dec. '(9.30.31 ; 2177 a \i tet -:Li, Ouches. GENERAL S'1'OREI PROPERTY FOR SALE "MIRACLE ON 34TH STREET” • WE DELIVER -- PHONE 9 On 1)ilt'lev' Street, Myth, a sol'1l 1 t` Maureen O'Hara, Jo ',1'11110 11'iik /-rUUllled house, three -1 ,•N4;:�H;..;1•;L;H;r•;..;us;•.;..;u::••;•i, .. ;'iecl' haul, hot mater heating -\,tern,' - DohertyBros. Auld ba,elncttt, garage, and t; al''leti lilt. 1111NI1l IJO.IIINI/NI , GARAGE. TO YOU ANI) YOURS. Same old wish, always new .. A Merry Christmas to all of you. CARD OF THANKS 1 \ris11 to thallk all my friends and neighbour., for the lovely card; and treats, and special thank, to I)r. Drap_ I 12" har,lt\ood. Apply to Leonard Cr and nurses while I \was a patient Shuhhrwlk, phone 22-11, Myth. 15`2i. in the \\',inghant Hospital. --- _ LOST - — 15-1p, -Mrs.Leslie 'Fear. \ f horse blankets in the Inllnc(liate p ,-es-Oou. 'Telephone 34• t;ordn I:i!iolt J. If. R. liliotl 111,•111 . ELLIOTT t OPTOMETRIST and OPTICIAN SCHOOL CARETAKERS CODERICH - QNTARIO. Real Estate Agency 61.11::\"TIO\S for the po,iti n of ,Eyes Examined and Glasses Fitted, With 25 Years Experience \P► caretaker to each Ill the schools of Morris School .\rca \\ ill be received until January Itch. j Duties to continence February l,t. IiIl,im',: block t'0 the east side of 1 1947. Information as to digit, ma). Ii Queen street. Thi., building is ill obtained front , Ile If 1111' Trustees, o1' 5111(1 repair, t'IlUll'in 11 \11th itivnact', OW Srctcta y, 1 11111 cctltcnt il„I,re,I 1asl'Ineut. Pt,- + , - 13.3. t RALPH SHAW, Bluevale. sys,ion may he hal s11„rtiy. 6i ' 'Tile I tt in truckin • service al- '__ -- FOR SALE - lhtil'ling and land on (!u0ett 'tet et 'S ; \vav� at your immediate call. ue-t• The building i, frrunc and ° 2 1;:I, engines, t:-11orsc po\rcr. .1p-' suitable f r ,t,lrc•!t,nl,e or ttarat;c `; 1. All Loads Fully Insured. Satisfaction Guaranteed. , ply t 1 Cecil Cartwright, Lon Icshoro. I,'r a ntunher of ears. S ;Rates Reasonable, Ont„ Phone _2' -7, Myth. ,15-1p. 11:: and I -torn' frank, allingle 1 --- reof, I -room 11\cellint, \rich \\11111( . 1 FOR SALE ,hc,l /ltarhed, 1l\tlro, Well :111,1 - ` BLYTI-I. 4 111111N11 ..i,:fir.stmt '�►..,..1.7uL.,.�,J�c1, 1 �, 'GENERAL '!1RUt t TNG l'aragi. Situate on the \west ,isle ; _ 1 pf Queen street. Possession, April i i1st, 1'115. • S1'\cn-roonic(1 frame, a',pl,alt-,id 1 pall o t ,l' , t''d d1\•, 1!11(1;,, Ill th,,, \ I!i'o;e l,t \\ a! ; �r a,...“A.,n,,,., •„ wi.1..l.i 1,�� IN MEMORIAM l'nite':I ('(lurch shed on Thinsday, ton, The d\rrlltni• i, in good re 1 la.sl arc(;, \\'ould the part)' kindly rc, pair; frame barn 20x24 \rit11 t\\'o 1'• \111.1.8 --In loving memory of a dear lost le:into. Hydro and \vator from and turn sante to the o\rncr, \Ir, fele Lit_I I,re.snrr s)aem in both ,h\,Ili:r.: 11u;b;uu1 and father, Joseph \\'illianl Road 1 Niilis, who passed array one )'car ago, tic, or leave at The Standard (-)flice. and barn. ifall acre , 1 land in i5-ip, t r'( ,1 i ',tate of cultivation. 1611-<e,- , to cndeawuur to I:cep i December 27th, 1946. cion 30 days. • .1. Il. CAMPBELL 1--r the (,resent phone 70c9, _ Hi -thesis. 13-tf. Jointed members of the (ioderich, Clin- I roads open until after Nev\Years, un 8118 \\:inglr,un I1i:11 School I)is- ('arrird. ) The depths of sorrow \we cannot tell 'Het hoard, rt':11I,ti\cly and that h)Inv 1• \lotion: (fount:llors k-be1'lson ami Of the loss of one Ave loved so \veil Institute, in the \icntorial hall on i)ucl•u street. This property is 14, 1947, confirming the -e appointment; knddy: That the accounts of Road :1111( \while he sleep, a peaceful sleep I.1'hm,day, J; nuat \ ; tit. Keep the date ideally situated :111'1 in fair state of s His memory we shall always keep., 15-1, 1 rel :or. pcn. -Ever remembered by his wife, anti n , _ \\'C have a number of farm; 1i -t - son 1?at'l, and family. JS -Ip. IN VICTORIA nosri'TAL I .41. Particulars on application. CARD PARTY AND DANCE Sprinsorell by the Myth Women's 112•tore\' frame, 8.511(11 shingle ,•1;1,1 'dwelling n the cast side of 1e prepared and given first and se- cond readings. Carried. Supt. be paid. Carried. lotion: That the first meeting of Motion ; t o;lnrilluty Council in 1948 he held on January G. 16iliv'rts„It ;lull HELP TO KEEP ONTARIO THRIVING When ironing, prepare clothes in advance, then turn on the iron .. turn it off as you near the end and use the stored heat in your iron. 447 ('ouncil resolved int,, Court of Re- 'Frank Thompson, error, dt.g tax, 6,111; vision on 1lallahan-Caldwell 1)raiu• Jas. \Icll\rratll, refund, error dog tax, Motion; Councillors Ireland and 4,110; Fred Toll, refund, error dog tax, Mack: That Itylat. No. 13, 1917, he2.1,0; Stifirrt NIelturncy, salar., 77.71; ♦.11,1110.•11111114, 144.•.110411114,41114 \Ir. Robert \e\\combe is again a -.__--- patient in Victoria Hospital, London. CHRIS'T'MAS PERSONAL INTEREST 1 ANI) NEW YEAR'S \Ir. and \fes, Fred Somers of 'Tint - {riven final reading and passed and the mins arc visiting with relatives fop• the I Alex. \Icnzic5, snore fence, 10,(11(; llar- 1 Christmas vacation, Court of Revision be r''osed, Carricrl. re Deacon, snow fence, ••1.50; Verson The following accounts \were paid:- Irwin, stip w fence, 8.511; Oliver ;\nder- \Innicipal \\'orld, supplies, $20.14; J. D. son, brushing, 12.75; \Vdfrc,l Shicl!, Jleeeroft, salary, $100.110: Lewis Ruddy, 7.50; Fro:1 McGee, snow fence, 7.50; .salary, 75.(11); Harvey Mack, salary, !'(;co. \Ic(icc, snow fent, 4,50; J. F. 75.011; A. Robertson, salary, 75,0(1; I?. 'Davids. it, brushing 7)10; L. Buchanan, SPECIAL 111111111111111.11144,44 M1N/4.411I1, W Rail Fares 'Ireland, salary, 75.1111; 1lersou Irwin, brushing '1.5(1; Stainton Hardware, L�Ll-� TI-IE`�URL�T) 'salary, 11(0.00; Sec. of lto;u•d of flealtlt, wire, 0.36; leavic Service, gas, 10,1)4; Go: anytime from Saturday, Dec. 20th 111.00; I c 1. of Agriculture, 355,24; S[OIS r' 1 r1 to Thursday, Jan. 1st inclusive At 4 ° FOR THE ROUND TRIP. Lo Between all points in Canada and to all United States border points. Fare And One -Half Ttlyth 'J'cl. Co., S1260,00 ; ilrussels 'fel. $100a); A, 1 I. Erskine, County 'Rates, 13,31(1.48; John Taylor, salary, 1). Murray, \welding, (,Ile ; Dominion ion Road Machinery, repair, 48.S1; 11011 t. >-„ Telephone Co., resetting poles. 1Z. h. Rcdntonll, Clerk, 1(1.0'); A. 11. 1;-l. tax collection _--t' chare05, 224.94; \Iasun Robinson, scho;•i trustee, 50.00; L. Tryl:.r, srtfol trus- , CONGIRATUL ATIONS tee, 10.00; :\11ner Ncthcry, 40,00; A. 1). I Congratulations to Loi, Taylor, Au - t.:11111)611, $40.09; Walter Scott, 40.00; I burn, who celebrates her loth birth - Thos. Hallam, P. V. of Manchester, clay on Monday, December 29th. 'rates, (1(.00; Cyril' Moyle, seperate ('ongr,tulatitm5 to hilly and Donna 'school rates, 53.4(1; C. 11. Wade, town- Go\w, Auburn, who celebrate their 13th 4 cali'led back in thought to ;1 ship school area rates, 57,941.07; R, C. birthdays on December 21st and 281)1. t the reality of Christmas; \Icicnagh;ut, USS, 10. 75,58; Alex Congratulations to Rath Hewitt, and what it means: 'Corrigan, Turnberry school rates, 442. 'daughter of Rev. and \irs. Ilewitt, c j Day '16; Frank Raithby, USS. 5, rates, Aulurn, who celebrates her birtldat On snlcerity, we greet you $385.) 8; \V, :\, Stewart, West \Va- on December 23n1. S{Q and wish you a delightful ---�'_ i •1w;Ino>h school rates, ,1,14L.8r(1 Oliver 'Anderson, DIM), 7(10; \V. F. Camp- BIRTHS 11011. poll clerk, 155.00; Orval \ic(4„\wan, SIIOIt1sRUOK-In Scalvrth Hospital. '1-).R.O„ 7.1)0; Albert Walsh, poll clerk. on Wednesday, December 1711, 1947, $5,01: Borden Scott, D.R.O•, 7.00; 1\' to \I r. and \Its. Leonard Shuhbrook, j 'an \Vighttnan, poll clerk, 5.00; Walter of Hu11Ctt Township, the gilt of a t l'occok, 1).R.O. 7.1:0: \V, J. Elliott, poll I RETURN: leave destination net later CHRISTMAS 'PINE l I than midnight, Wednesday, Jan. 7th. MINIMUM SPECIAL FARE And as we stop in the midst of the season of goo(' cheer our hearts t grow tender as we al'(l \laughter--i)onna Lynne. clerk, 5.00; John \I;isou, 1).R.O., 7.011:- 'Cecil .011;'Cecil Falconer, poll clerk, 50(1; C. 1-I, 1 ,. \\-ado, rent of se/10,A 5, polling, 21,00; grinity Sunday School : h❑ 1lcGec, rout of house, 7.011, Attalla( Cliristnlas Party J► Keith Arthur. rent, polling, 7.0(1; Trinity Sunday School held it's an - Aubrey 'Poll refund. error telephone, nual Christmas Party in the Orange $1601' Robert Coult,;, error, clog tax, hall Monday evening, at 7:10 o'clock. 1 11(l; 1. D. ltoecrolt, tel. acct., 82!1 Under the leadership , 1 the ,uperiu holiday season. A Merry Christmas To Everyone. a< ack Wilson \\tm. Gooier, sheep claim, 28.00; Alt. tenient, G. R, Augustine, the cven- (aellel'a1 A'iel'Cllallr 'Nesbit, sheep valuer, 1.75; IL C. Mac- , ing was enjoyable spent in games, IiI�L�1Cfltt 1'I+i -ON'T'ARIO (.can, tax crllector, ltond premium, carols, recitations. and the giving of 22.50; R. R. Redmond, salal•v. 31.1.4ti; Presents, followed by lunch at 9:31.1, est.es1isesr1111111111v111111111141111a ° Adults or Children .... 30c Full particulars from any agent. DENNIS C. DRAPER, Il'I.1) PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office Hours • Daily Except Thursday and Sunday -- to 5:00 P.M. to 9:00 33 -- 1:30 7 ;00 Telephone Myth. Ont, 47-52p. REALLY PRODUCING EGGS 1'i '11,1 NOW Coarse Isis; -3 1 a) ing Jlash i, really producing the cges • .\ trial will convince you. Pellets at noon is roc minen,J,',I by leading p,oll- 5cs .\. I,. Kernicl.. Itlylh. tr\ 11101• ) •: 2: WE TAKE ; ,fIS OPPORTUNITY T WISH OUR CUS'T'OMERS AND FRIENDSi A VERY MERRY Cl-IRiSTMAS. 11IORRIT [' & WRIGHT IMPLEMENT DEALERS FOR OLIVER IMPLEMENTS 'telephone 4 and 93. Blyth, Ontario 1.14 . i+' 4 i..i 'i •� I;Hi �;•a,?!i•+� �••i0•�i01.41 .. SC TT'S POOL ROOM. 1' • i•=• ie =.SMOKER S SUNDRIES•=, :, =o'1 obaccos, Cigarettes, Pop,;: :_: and Other Sundries. ': 3• ;. 11.1.;• 11 �� ••• 1 � �•.;•: •:�H;•:1:H♦• 1;11•,:.:. Lt. THE THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. HEAD OFFICE - SEAFORTH, ONT. Officers President, F. 'IslcGregor, Clinton; Vice Presi'lent, C. \\T. l.eonhardt, Ilrod- hagen ; Secretary -Treasurer and Man- ager, \I, A. Rend, Scaforth. Directors \V. 1:. Archibald, Scaforth; Frank \I c(iregor, Clinton ; Alex. Broadfoot, Sea forth ; Chris. I.eonhardt, Born- holm; E. J. 'l'rctrarlIta, Clinton; John I., \Ial nc, Seaforth; John 11. \tcF.tw- Islyth; (lits!\ Alexander,- \\'alton; S 11. \\'ll'tmore, Seaford\; Harvey 1, (i sdi':icIt. Agents 1.t1N111.I11JJ-1:•.d 1J11..•.1..1.1.�..1., 1 ltti E. l'ct�per, lir tie rind; R. F, Aj)), i .aa)) 1l. , Mcicacher, 'Dublin; J. F. Procter, ll 11[111 1111AlSER 1 Prodhaccn: George A \`,raft. Blyth. INCOMETAX REPORTS Partici desirous to ettc,t insurance o• transact other business, will be i3 ' OKKEEPiNG SERVICE, ETC- t Proln,,ly attrndr,l to by applications A In Street, EXETER, Phone 355w 10 11111' of :'t, hu,c na►tled officers I , ;1(141 c s.el to their respective po: t of. vr1. swevv11N11MI1N114Y1N'IM4v. {ices 1 Many Unique New Year Customs Still Exist in Foreign Countries jScotland Syria Young Scotchmen used to wait 1 eagerly for the first stroke of twelve ,marking the corning of the New !.Year. As the bell In the church ;steeple began to toll, he would rush ,pup to the door of his beloved's ;home, to be the first to cross her 'threshold. The girl would listen !for "The first foot's entering step. That sudden on the floor is welcome heard, 'Ere blushing maids have braided up their hair; The laugh, the hearty kiss, the good New Year, Pronounced with honest warmth." In Scotland, as In most northern .European countries, it Is an old be- tllef that spirits, both good and evil, 'are peculiarly active on New Year's 'Eve. On the stroke of midnight, ac - (cording to the ancient superstition, all genii were in motion and could be exorcised by appropriate words. Good genii were called hillmen or i"hoghmen" in the dialect of Scot- land, and evil spirits called trolls. 'Mummers used to wander about the streets, wearing masks and carry- ing cudgels, reciting this doggerel verse, in an effort to attract the good "hogomanay" and to drive off the evil "trollolay"— "Hogomanny, Trollolay, Gie o' your white bread, I'll hae nane o' your grey—" Scotch New Year's Toast Here's to the year that's awa'I We'll drink it, in strong and in sma'; And to each bonny lassie that we dearly loo'ed, In the days o' the year that's awa'I Here's to the friend we can trust, When the sorrows of adversity blow; Who can join in our song, and be nearest our heart, Nor depart—like the awa'I Italy Celebration of New year that's Year's Day seems to have arisen in Italy in the early Middle Ages, In the year 596 a bishop reproved his people for the drinking, feasting, and general wild time that they were indulging in on a holy day—the Feast of the Cir- cumcision of Christ, eight days after Christmas. He told them to turn their backs on "the old, profane and evil ways of paganism." In the later Middle Ages the observances of the day grew more spiritual, through the efforts of St. Gregory Thaumaturgus and St. Gregory the Great. The great day of fun and feasting in Syria is New fears, not Christ- mas. On NC Year's Day they ex- change presents, and children go about from d, or to door giving the greeting of the season, and expect- ing gifts of randy and money. Before going to bed on Ncw Year's Eve a Syrian child sets out a bowl of water and a dish of wheat for the refreshment of the camel who is supposed to bring him gifts. According to legend the camel was the youngest of the anhnals bearing the \Vise Men, and it fell down ex- hausted by the strenuous journey. The Christ Child, seeing this, blessed the animal and conferred immortality upon it. In Lebanon it is a "magic mule" who bears the gifts of the season. Hungary One of the quaintest New Year's customs is the visit of the chimney sweeps In Hungarian towns. The sweep knocks at the door with his broom, and the householders snatch a straw or two from it. These are tied with a ribbon and kept as a good luck charm during the year. To touch a pig on New Year's eve brings good luck, according to Hungarian tradition, In the princi- pal restaurants and cafes of Buda- pest they release a pig at midnight, and there is much merriment as the diners try to touch the squealing animal as it races among the tables. Czechoslovakia In Czechoslovakia they forecast the future by little "lightboats"— nut shells filled with wax and float- ing on water, n wick burning in each shell, If the boat floats toward the center, its owner will take a journey during the Ncw Ycar, If two boats come together, the own- ers will be married within the year. Busy Whecler—liulrcrt Nit:Arthur of lirantfllr(I ha, hccn tra- velling four months, has worn out three pairs of pants, thret' pairs of shoes, 19 tires, ERE.'S fir. lillll) III II IIIIntl1 4�iWltt , " ily D.\ N111. F. LINDAY (')NEil. walked slowly up the front steps. iler Mother watch- ed her from behind the curtain. Be- ing tit e'cars old and pairing a probl- em had her near tears. She reached up on tip toss and opined the door. "pally, honey. Dome in here a minute," pally pushed the hood of her snow suit hack and tyctit into the In iug room. -what do you want, Nlommic?" She shook her blonde curls free. "Oh, nothing much," her mother smiled, "1 just want to 1010W vhy my little girl looks so sad'" \1onunit'" she slipped her coat off, "it's that girl down the street." "Yes, dear, !chat about her?" pally could stand it no longer. She burst into tears and running over laid her head on her mother's lap. "That girl says," she sobbed, "that there isn't any Santa Claus." "Well, now," her mother leaned clown and gently bit the tip of her car, "who'd ever believe a tale like that:" "You don't believe her ?" "Of course not" she smiled down into the worried blue eyes. "We know there's a Santa Claus." 11-ltt she said Daddy was him" "Olt pooh. Sit clown there on the floor and I'll help you get your snow pants off.;' "\\'r could asl, Maddy," Dally sug- gested. "Yes, we could" she had an in. spirttioll. "Better still nc can trait until tpmun'tuw night and see for ourselcc-;. \\, caul?" she sat up in surprise. "Sure. 1'ou go to bed just like ahya, s then when Ito conies I'll ty:41,, sou np." She got up from the floor all ex- cited. "woo mean we can peek? I Ip.tt's just what w'e'll 1.1 0,'' • "CI (' I'ge" she tttrued 10 Iter Ins - 1)311(1 tltatt es ening after Nally had been put to bell, „our daughter has quite a problem." "\\'omen always have problems." he smiled over his newspaper. "\That is it this time:" "She knows about Santa." "I'hat,s too I ,td," lie pursed his lips, "but what can we do?' "Gel someone to put her toys un- der the tree w'hi e she watches." "Curr." he laid the paper down, "telly couldn't 1 do it?" "She heard that you are Santa." Ile chuckled. "She isn't the only woman in the fancily thinks that." "flow about llo11 Perkins?" she ignored his attempt at humor. "IIe's the right build." "Okay," he agreed, "I'11 arrange it in the morning." "I:aliy," het- nulther shook her gently, "Santa is downstairs." "I -Ie is?" she sat up rubbing her eyes "III: IS?!" "Okay," she slipped out of Led and into her slippers. In the early morn• lug liglit she looked like a tiny blond elf. "Put on your robe, She got it and took her mother's hand. They crept down the stairs. Ilfonlnlie held 11,1 back while she made Stll't' Santa wasn't smoking a cigar. 1!, was placing gifts around the tree. She motioned her to look. pally peel;ed auound the corner with "haat& was just codling out." big l y r5 'Then her head darted back. "\\'pries daddy?" she asked in a stage whisper. They heard footsies 00 the stairs. Daddy crypt down. pally pecked ar- ound the corner again. Santa was just coming out with an army bar- racks ba:; over his shoulder. Tie three of them' ran and hid behind the staircase, As Soon as the front door slammed. Nally was up the steps like at shot. "1 icy, Sweetheart," Daddy called after her, "he left the toys in the living room." lie stopped as he Good Timber The tree that never had to fight For sun and shy and air and light, That stood out in the open plain And altyays got its share of .rain, Never in came a forest king Rut lived and died a scrubby thing, The man wlto never had to toil By hand or mind 'mid life's turmoil, \Vim never had to \yin his share Of sun and sky and light and air, Necce became a manly man Rut lived and died as he- begat, Good ttillbcr ;lues not grow in case; The stronger wind, the tougher trees. The farther sky, the meatus length, The rougher storms, the greater 51 reng Ill. Ili 51111 and cold, by lain apu(1 snows, In tree .,r mat good timber grows, \Vin le thickest stands the forest growth, \\'e .find the patriarchs of both. ,And they hold converse tcith stars ' \\'1105e broken branches show the seal's Of many winds and 1011011 of st'ife— 'l'Icis is the conunon lane of life. the glared at her suspiciously, "Don't she like the trike?" "1'm afraid, dear, that you'll ncv er understand the feminine mind," "\\'flat do you mean where's she going:," "'1'o get her'coat." "i ler coat ... why?" "She's going down tite street to tell the little girl that she's all wet. Because she has just seen Santa In her front room." / \ 4/t be Ckristmas in our heats Amid children's bubbling laughter, lighted trees spread their boughs over many gifts. Our tables are heavy with good things to eat. And church bells tell their song of joy in peaceful heavens. It's a good Christmas, a happy Christmas, in Canadian homes again this year. Let it be Christmas in our hearts, too. Let us be thankful we live in a land of plenty • glad we can share our many blessings with peoples in countries less foftunate than ours. Giving, horn of the heart, is the true spirit of Christmas, Giving is the one way to "Peace on Earth, Good -will to A'Icu". AtitwAtsk TIIE IEOUSE OR SEAGRA%I 11205 1 1. mil 1111 I. 7p INlam 4Ill6 d).Yu Yd. 1 u 1.1. h11. iY.+Vinrs-` • iili,llpit'blu uCphiuHt'J11 1, L Yui„ (11( 1, 1 d" Willi, Sports -And One Thing or Another By FRANK MANN HARRIS Along about this tittle t.f \t;Lr it is customary, i11 sport- writing cies, to to ttun the thouelli, h;tel.\v;lyd and recall the most outstanding ee• ents of the twelve months just past, This custom has twin adtanlagrs, First, it patten- a \triter to cooper together a column with the least possible amount of brain -fat and toil. Second it he happened to call the results of any stili event, cor- rectly in advance it allow, hint to t'il'e himself ;I 1110 friendly pats on the back and it-ert a f:'., "Didn't we tell you so's." \\'t' might say, how et ire that this latter feature will be largely missing from the present nn ,s of "random rceollectittns, .\bout the only winners we remember calling were The •I'urontu Argonauts and Joe l,oui, and when we think of what II:II'ro\\' slllfeal« both of thein had, tee aren't exactly ',thing any deep bows, Oh, yes, we also said, before the King's Plate, that hors- es tell() had tvintcred in the South would have a great advantage over those that hadn't—hut that's a pre- diction good for almost any year, 111(11ough few of us think of it till too late. So,to get into it without further ado, the 19 le -17 prof-c;sional hock- ey season ended with the Canadians proving themselves the best team over a five-month period, and the Maple Leafs showing they \were su- perior over ti two week stretch. That the Toronto trans got far greater glory and acclaim for their brief burst of speed than the \lunt- realers did for their :ell -season su- periority just goes to show, once again, that virtue is its own best reward, or some such, :\t the height of the excitement sortie of the Big League managers and coaches also dietingtli.hc(I themselves by acting in a leslliun that \hold get them stool( in a comer at any well-run kindergarten. e 4 $ The horse teeing picture was chiefly notable for the severe shock to the feelings of t•ariou> race -tract{ ow Iters and managements on reallz- ine that horse oV.ncr- actually think that money should be a cow sideration in the Sport of Kings —looney for the horse -owners, not the tracks, that is. For a while there was even a threat that some tracks would refuse to operate; but wiser counsel (and perhaps a quick look at previous years' profit sheets) finally prevailed, and the Canadian raying se',I,enll went 011, And ell. .\nd on, ')'hal such was the case undoule tetll)' prn\ed a great thing for the i10protcmcnt of the Breed of Thoroughbreds, which is the. sole purpose of horseracing. \\lent strid- es have been made in this direction is shown h\' the fact that if you can Hanle three outstanding—Or ev- er. half -outstanding — Canadian Thoroughbreds uncovered (luring the past twelve months, it is two more than we can. The ha ebill scasotl is mainly to he remembered for the meeting, in the \\'orld's Series ('lassie, of two of the must determined teams since :\ biter Doubleday first in- vented the sport. 'l'hc Brooklyn Dodgers and Nov Yorl. Yankees both apparently went into the ser- ies firmly determined tc let the other fellow win; and their efforts toward this end will not soon be forgotten. :\ll kinds of neiv re cords were established in this es seri .t1 . I' nllullin.g one for the num- bee of commercial announcements the sponsors t\•cre able to get in (luring a single gaInc, Lacrosse, the best spurt of them all, continued to prove that it is very hard to kill, in spite of the efforts of lig city promoters, and spoets-o riters 10 give it the go-by. I'os;ibly- the best comment we heard all the question of w•Iiv mo- dern young athletes fail to take to lacrosse in large numbers, was the father bitter one of all old-timer, ":\I1 these kids nowadays keep thinking of the time when they'll be great moving -picture st:hrs," he said, "anal they just \ton't take a chance on getting that photogenic beauty scarred tip with a lacrosse stick." # * # The football season is too recent to require recalling in detail. After 1 h c Toronto Argonaut., - Winnipeg Bombers inure t('as over practically every sports writer and not a fere Editorial Pages made lengthy roue Just A Reminder Of The "Good Old Summe r Time" is this picture of young Canadians having fun and at the same time building strength in one of our many supervised playgrounds --a st'eme from the National Film Board picture "Small Fry" now showing in many rural communities. INF Pity The Poor Stork Russians Buying Livestock in Britain ,Maybe you just aren't interested in statist ie' --or have become rattler tired of the masses of facts and figures, surveys and pulls that oc- cllpy so much space in our papers and mega/Mrs today, Still, there's something atte-inspir ing in the statement that 2110,000 —that's rittllt, t\vo hundred thousand --new beide; arrive in this weary' old world eters- 21 horn's, And while we hatett't had the time to male a personal check, we believe that the figure given is so nearly correct as "nhIICCs no neuter." Canada's share in the two hun- dred tIitt ate! daily arrivals is stir mel 4.I in a nen' film produced by the National Film hoard which is at present bring shown in many rural Ontario cot',Inm,itics. After much furrowing of the brow it was decided to entitle the filet, "Small Fry," for it deals tvitll Canadian children up to the ages of nine and ten. as well as with new -horn babies Ono factor that is brought out is the increasing amount Of assis- tance given our children front sources outside the family. Family Allowances is a recent example, and in the filet you sec the various forms this lairs. '1'o most people it is a cash proposition, but to the Indians and Eskimos of our far north, it conies in the forst of pab- lum and powdered milk, clothing and calmed tomatoes. Nursery schools arc spreading across Canada, and today Kiddies tau \uling for kindergarten are en- couraged to attend these Special self Is. In the filen we ser the Stunts -lea School, near 'Toronto, where modern architecture has pro-, tided scores of healthful and help- ful designs. The classrooms of this one-slot'y structure are each iti wing by itself with a door to the outdoors, 0 "project" nook where art, drama and games groups may work tuthindercd--Sud unhindcring. Three walls of each classroom arc mostly window, The ''blackboards" are not black, but light in color and easier on the pupil's eyes. Children arc' taught to express themselves— and who will object if this expres- sion stun takes the forte of paint on paper instead of jam 00 the wall paper and paint ? "Snail Ivry" also illustrates new methods of teaching. Taking the audience to a 1\lontreal school, it shows a jun!or class being taught languages by actual use rather than by study en rote, In French, to take an example, the pupils them- selves construct a tiny grocery store right in the classroom. Ac- tual products are on the shelves and the 1'.icl(1 : print placards in French for advertising, telephone ',lents about hole much good the 11'est'r'rtrr.c' surprisingly filer show- ing would do for the sport, I1'hile heartily agreeing, toe ttoltld Merely add that it didn't do the blood -pres- sure of those sportsmen who had wagered libt'rally on the Argos a tiny bit of good—and you may take that from one in a position to knot(), their orders to the grocer in I• rent.h at:d order in person at the in French, It makes the laneeage a function at once, rather titan just another study. of course, is not Over - 1061:e 1. Despite the general state of good health among our chil- dren, the fact remains that epi- demics, light ones like whooping cough, and severe ones like scar- let fever and polio — are still tak- ing many lives every year. "Small I'ry" attempts to show what has been dente, and to indicate what still remains to be done, by par- ents schools and community or- ganizations, to make our children fit for the future they will inherit, \s I window Russian Agricultural experts now in Britain are baying livestock on a large scale for replenishing herds in the Soviet Union, Accompanied by their London agent, they are paying visits to many different parts of the country to inspect representative animals, 'Their purchases so far in- clude cattle, sheep and pigs. Dairy Shorthorn and Hereford heifers have keen chosen while a special journey was made to Scotland to see Shorthorn bulls of which a big selection was made, Breeds of sheep favored have been the Lincoln Longwool and Romney Marsh. As far as pigs Incrconcerned, the choice has fallen on Large White. TEEN•TOWN TOPICS By BARRY stand here looking out my on the threshold of a new ycar, the scene is hardly what one would call pl- easant to the eye. Canada is hard bit financ- ially. Prices are keeping the mi- ddle ntan down. in Europe it is tnttch worse. No one welconies in a new year without hoping that things may be cliiferent, I suppose that during the past year, few of its as indiv als have suffered very touch, but taking the country as a whole it ha•n't been so good. If we stick together and fight high prices, help our fellow elan and try to make Canada an even better place to lilt in — well, win know, this year may be different. A Pleasant Call \\ e had a very pleasant caller rr- witly, in the person of Betel -lie \Vii• sou, our 'I'CCih ' (\tn Reporter from l olbournc. Bev is a very pleasant girl to talk to and is right on her toes with the tern age activities of Colbt)nrne. It's a pleasure to meet our correspondents, and if any of you let1er 11 to be i11 the vicinity, be sure to drop in. 'tow -ever, the nest time tee meet Ile\ crlic \\ilsult in Collsuurne, we hope to catch her with her flair i11 curlers and no make-up on - then we'll be even. In Appreciation \\c would like to take this oppor- tunity of thaul<ittg Manly F. \litter for Itis very nice letter and the auto- graphed copy of the memorial edi- tion of his late father's book, "lack \line• and the l3ircls". This wits received following our recent story on the visit we tuade to the sanctu- ary, with a warm invitation to come hitch again --and we hope to. Teen -Town Reporters Milverton — Eva Loney — Hello folks! How is the weather iti your town for sleigh -riding this year? It semis early to have the amount of snow in Milverton that we have but I think the sooner winter comes the better. I ant stere that the Keen - Teens" agree with me after the en- MURKAR joyable sleigh -riding party we had at our last meeting. \\'e obtained a team and sleigh from a local far- mer who drove tis. About twenty- five members left town at 8 o'clock for the country. One sleigh was sufficient for us, since everyone was not on it at the same time. There were always some who were run• niug behind, trying to catch up to to the sleigh, while others were having a battle to get themselves out of the snow -filled dit- ches. \\'hen we arrived back at the High School, we looked like a group of S110 and women, 100. The program conlnlitt,c did not con- clude with a sleigh -ride, but ar- ranged all iltdttir program as teed. Five groups were organized, each choosing a song.title and acting it 'l'Ite other groups had to guess the titles. Sorry you couldn't have heard theta or seen the actions. The two chosen teams tied in the speiling contest which was followed by square dancing --although everyone (lid not know how to square dance —they all enjoyed the attempt. Everyone worked up .1,l ap- petite for lunch which consisted of sandwiches, cake and hot cocoa. if You haven't planned it sleigh -riding party yet, now is the time. 1 wouldn't miss therm because they're really fun, —' Cheerio In Conclusion \Yitll this CO11111111 \Ye cud our first veer of writing Teen -Town Topics. it's been a lot of fun, and we hope that yutl have enjoyed reading it as nlucll as we have enjoyed writing it. Until tle\t \week then -- A HAPPY AND l'ROSI'E.ROI'S NI:\Y YEAR '1'O YOU ALL.. PILES —Modern medical Bel - ••m° has. overcome ail- ment', forme'ly thought impossible. Piles were considered one of them. 'rhat'e nonsense today. The new l')11one trealinen l ham proven It- self In thourande of the tnost etuh- botn mama. It gels result" because Tour first bottle (a Ilqutd token by 1t goes direct to the internal cause, month) shows you the difference, or that Price refunded et once. All modern Druggist", Classified Advertising ,t'l t I,N1ION 1'.51151E104 1'011 5411;-'1,a(tor Tires. made of rubber, uttalib, ter hi,B,ng on ewe! wheels 115.00 4..1, 11, r:,' +•. b els: 17 50 ea, h fn it w'helm Whin orbita .1 *late dtahoetct root width of wheels 0:.t meal Rubber ('o Ltd.. 6 Wlll- Moro Av. '10101110 I)nt 111'10t 500 I)I'I'OR'I( 5tl'IES A0 014'011 u, .•etry inventor—Lief of Invert tions and full Information petit free. I'M ttuntaay Lo. Itegtetered Patent Attorneys /1; Bank Street. Ottawa 11Au>, c1111'103 BABY CHICK BUYERS Be ver talo that you h„3 geed 1 1,111,) ,-lett.* nein coming aeaeon Insure denvert date by piecing your order now All hterdere Government banded and pullorum tented Write for our 1944 catalogue and price list MONKTON POULTRY FARM N1I\It'll)\. IINil A1110 ')'Illi 501s'1' 111PORTA NT %olid norm -Mite today Ie food, A Len Is moll about the beet manuteetnu•1• of (wed. fund 1:1 the thin Ilse that le holding civilization t"g, tier and to the roost Impattait fa,t'r 11i 1 um, leg %weld eoli- th'''. liven though Poultry feed I. high In Pelee, retro the ultra! number of chicks In 191X. The profits are hound to be there for e1, Industry that et melt' Lear the top as a Prnrhhccr of the world's most un0ohtufa cotn- nmdlty. R4t3' In the Pettitl3' rlostuo:n when the In and outer le getting out. Seed fur tree catalogue and 1948 price list. Also laying pultelw Top Netrh ('h'rk Salem, Guelph, l m t ,rio. BUG Rork Farm Chlcke too null the best bet on the farm because they lee Plenty of big eggs and rnake a good profit. They are strong liveable chicks aired by high egg record melee. Discount on early orders. \Crlte today for free calendar and price 1111. Die ]tock Parm, Mille Roches, Ont, BUY WAY'S CHICKS Luck!' number wj'th every order before Jannery 1511. Folder, prices on request. Way's Hatchery & Farms, Stratford, Ont. t1 -t: HAVE day utl—and 'farted --chicks fur Prompt xltit trent. Chicks for delivery next month should be ordered now. Bray hatchery, 130 John N., Hamilton, Ont. 1949 TILE YEA It OF' opportunity for Poultry' - melt regardless of the met back" the pant months, 1918 broke Ince a year of opportunity for email Poultrymen, It has al way. been a fact that `then the in and outer le going out, (n. he Is this year) is the right time for the emnll Poultryman to slay in. history will repeat itself in 1948 regarillees of whether England wants more or less eggs. May we nutmeat the purchase of early rhlcl”, they have always been and always will be the most profitable. Free catalogue. Also pullets 20 weeks to 26 weeks. 'fweddle Chick Hatch - erten Limited, )'ergo'. Ontario. DYEINO AND CI.EANINO 101 VE YUL anything needs dyeing or clean- ing? Write to ue for information. We are glad to answer your questions. Department H, Father's Dye works Ltmlted 791 Top. Street, Toronto, Ontario. I'OII HARLEY DAVIDSON 1OTORCYCLES Parts and Service, Bert G Kennedy A Son, 419 College St. Toronto. JOHNSON Iron dorso engines, 4s h.P. 151.45 1,34 11.P, 070.00. Immediate delivery. Cur. roe, Bulmer, Eglinton & nn thirst, Toronto REC0111)1 Free catalogue ,t favorite hill- billy and dance nrttets. National !Index Ltd., Dept 0. 419 Portage Ave.. Winnipeg, Man. BATTERY operated Radio Set for Bale. De- forest Crossley Corona model. 8 tubes, specially equipped with llonlacu Eliminator for neo lvith either ',forage battery or dry cells.- New cost over 1300. Make offer, A (Ino and lasting Christmas gift Box 151, 71 Adelaide 1w., Toronto W05V5 05000 %0I(h soutiS 08e Fine wool hn it ing yarns 4-4 or.. skeins, 11.98 pound. Fine botany wood diamond "oche, fancy colors 91.93 pair, Direct from our woollen mill. 51oney back guarantee, PARIS MAIL. 01101511 IIOt'SE P. 0. Box 900, Paris, Ontario. LA1100 easter I,Ilyhulhe each Ne 3 for 82,10. Postpaid. Culture notes enclosed. i{uyper's Bulb;. HaIzi.', B.C. Nl';1\' Briggs & Stratton Alr-Cooled gasoline engines. Assorted sizes, Write for Des - mint Ivo 1'olibeis and prices Scope Sales Co., 32 (yneen St., drama Ont. .\IDSL::\I. \\'.\1.I.I11OARD Ideal for partitions, lining attics, chicken houses, hates, etc. i<eeps nut drafts and insulater. Ile0 uhany uses nn the farm, sample mailed on request. )'resent Mock 4' x 8' x 1 '' thick. only 72c each. Minimum nhipnu nt 10 +leets, we pay freight to your 0(1110. leer use over 101111. (unused Tape, 150 foot rolls wide 20c each. 10111?IST IONES i-.l_'\1101?D COMII'A\1' I i,\\111.'IYIN, (-►N'1'. SISTEEN 1'10.1' smooth stein cedar outboard hull, of proven dcsh:n. t'b•nr spar t•ar- msh •d. u n handing apnea rn ee. w•orktman- nhlp. perforwanee, Nan ow euit) planking edea and el inch nailed 101 nnk anti elm (ramie lull length X(110: h 111119, lite foot deck, four seats, bra se and rapper fastenings. Complete with removable floor, seal backs and hardware bleat for any purpose. Immediate or Spring delivery. fall orders 'tweed gratia Na, 0Vr0, Ins. Ih'111019' imp!' dee welcomed, Jlcl'all d l'1,., St. \y'ilimus. Ono ill:.11'nit't'I, Pl'ith i(ItCU 0lll•:YIIOUNDS, fuer months, linen very last parents. Males 913.00, helm lee 110 00, (not registered). If, INehay. dsnn, lUwuw1 Ont 000111111 11.11tt1.AINR. To make room for coming litters must sell neveral high (lase, black, red Hud buff ('1,'1 -0 plppies, mostly Cita el red. 3 to 11 months, both sexes, r• ;i. tere,1 rum,' as low ns 125.00. Boulevard i1 1 1, Li o1n', Qae. ROLL YOUR OWN BETTER CIGARETTES WITH idKDICAL ISA1)'--1:\cry mutterer of 11ln•unmllo )'trine or Neu,,tle ahoutd try Dixon's Ite- m, 4y. Af unro's Drug Store, 135 4:1(1:0, Otta- 1vu, Postpaid 11 id, INTE1i-TiNA1,- (1)S11'11117', m•:,.1 MAW,. 000 Uolhtr trial pa, kart.. Box ire Toronto 1. IBU111,1' Itlet:U1talt: t)l;i1 - Poi eu(frrtr of ILlioU11111 tie 1•01115 or :{ear -It t, ehoUld ley 11)„1,'a Remedy. Atu',new to tole, 111 Digo!, Ottawa. Posibaid 11.00. lll'l'I!R'1'tihl'1'IEi lou 5005514. BE A I-I.AIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING 15(111000 Great Opportunity Learn 11,1 id re,00lrg 1'1asuel dignified pr'o(eean re loud wages ,bines tela outcries( u1 Mintel (1,, 00 Amertra', greatest eYeaem 11101Dn1,) 1510 toque ire Write or Cull &1A It VISI. HAIRDRESSING S('flo01,S 168 Bloat St 11'., Tweeto Branches 44 I{ ing St., 1100olton & 74 1114):,11 Roel (lt lawn OPPORTUNITIES 1'1)11 MEN AND It•O,1150'. Flrwonu brr wieldy tlreoel, AIIC el mid eherlhnud free (melt, HOW Oahe. Caspian Systeme, Dept. w„ Termite, PAT I:N'r14 1'I:T11E1t5'1'uN A Lull & Company Patent Sollcnore leet,iltahed 1890, 14 lung Wort. Thrown itooklet or inform:. Ion n request PERSONAL LnNI•;S08t11'' 1011011111 AC Cor'reupundr.e 'tal- nxn,e 0,11alns, photos, derscriptIone, 10c \\'Ith addresses (0r. One year 82. world Foie: atton Club, l'rlrin'rt•lew, Sark. "E1.IJAi1 ('0311'1: Before chest”, wonder- ful honk free Megiddo ittsx:1M, ltorhester 11, N.Y, ,1N'l'aI) Businesses Wanted Do you wlan to sell your buelneeat We seeesalize In the setting of all types of Ittlsinereee arid H110108e Propertlea. WO have clients walling to buy General Stores, Hardware, Garages, Tourist Resorts, Groceries, etc., etc. Contact us Imrnedlately. You will be pleased with the reruns. Seale & Deering, Business L Real Estate Broker* 28 College St., Toronto, MI, 0710 EGGS wanted. Poultry farm %Bite mug* preferred, high prices Write. t')noer Produce, 951 Osnington, Toronto 551111E 11000A ND Turney—iii—,111 I'eniIhera wanted, Particulars on Moroni ed tomer. K. P. Hollander, 707 Read hide entreel, Que. STAMP COLLECTION, largely Canada end United Staten, de: Tribe Box 157, 73 Ade hide t\'., Toned( WORK IVAN1'IED Expert Electric wiring—anywhere, caret write today. New Day St. Thome'', Ont we tiun't Electric, The 'Turks call the turkey the "American bird" since its original habitat was North -America. ted+.`tkuWr,a(11iaa l■:1.1,n 0:.1i1.114).).01.10.)b) 11)11 11 i11 I:n.im slit inn nl The St. Regis Hotel rotto\TO •. • Leery Room 11'115 Tub Oath, Shower and Telephone • Slagle, 13.10) and up— Double, 91,50 nil • Good Pond. Dining and I)uneing Nightly Sberhoarne at Carlton 'rel. RA. 4139 ROOMS BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED $1,50 up HOTEL METROPOLE N1AOARA FALLS o1'0. — C.N.R. STATION GOOD FOR SS JUST PAT IT OM ISSUE 51-1947 CIGARETTE TOBACCO • • PAGE 8 THE STANDARD .041.11011MONINIONNIL • *#######~1~e~WW#4~~fiNt1M4 # If#4#4e#feihte~,~~.114 PERsoNA14 INTEREST eauty Shoppe BEST WISHES FOR THE 11011 MDA May your Christmas be a joyous one, and may that joy soon spread over the entire world. Wallace's Drygoods . Phone 7:3 - Blyth, NIrs. Elsie Ilrigliam and son, Ken- n nth, als:v Mrs. Ileuman :it d NIrs, 14, 11'ightman, nen, guests of NIr. and -- ----- • -- NIrs, \Vesle) Stackhousti, ;old daugh- ter, EA a, o II SIIIIllay. ' Mr. and NIrs. 14. Vincent, 11r. and NIrs. 1.eonaril Cook, and Mr,. Thomas FAInard., h:leill Saluda). ill London nith Mr. Nay Vincent, 1 Ali•• NItldred Carter is visilin,:g 11.ith \Ir. and Nlis• Janie • Lock \voot.l. ; t 2;1 4 Mr. Harold Ikelle‘• of 1 lespeler has t :purel.as,•(1 111c 1401;eut NlacItonald farm 1 s 2 I on the 9th concession 1 .Morr:s, Ile. I t s 1 . to gp,t possession the. end of Nlarch. Ile is a brother oi 1.61.ne 11;)(1Iex, al. so on the 9111 concession. Mr. and NIrs. Roland Vincent vis- ite I retiently with NIr. and Mrs. \Vin, (*.irter. Nliss Isabel Smith, ll 110 luts returned t Torwito from Panginan, Sask., to icsinet. her stutkcs at Ilible School, is visiting her amit, NIrs. 1 2.: Craig, and coiKins, loin and David Craig fo.• Chr:st•iias holidays, ;1111 \di s;)entl NeNv Year', with Iter aunt: NIrs. Parker, 1.ondon, and uncle, 1.11,1ritt Sni:t.I., :41 1)orches1er, kiWe#,44.nro#4,~••••••#"•#••*.r.r.r.rso.srev.r.i..o.es. • sse.ne ............. • 4,4^#.4. oes )114+, 41+:4+14 4. :14:' '••• '70 •••4 . FOOD STORES -- NOW THAT CHRISTMAS IS HERE -- We hope that the very atmo-sphere about you will be charged with the good old cheer of Christmas and that you and yours will have a full memure of the best the season affords. We Deliver.. -- E. S. ROBINSON. -- Phone 156 10=i0, 01:30- u P. 0 0 11 9 il 0 40=0• A VERY MERRY CIIRISTMAS An A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR TO ONE ANI) ALL. Harris & Company Telephone 192. :The Corner Store' 40=10r 10=0; 40=0. °Pr tJ 0 "..C! cia ati • 11 0 0 u0 MORRIS COUPLE MARK GSTH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY ntinued from page I 1 cioteession at 11 a.m. one morning and ; nallsed all the ‘vay It) Po.anti. rd veliere Ii e arrived at noon the following day. Immediately ;;fter lie arrive 1 lie coin- woik in his uns hart.est 11r. and NIrs. Nielwl recall that In their i\ edding (lay, there tvere pitch -- holes on the road capable of accom- modating a horse and entter,,Nt Nichol is caretaker S.S. Ni. 4. which stands . 11 part 111 his farm property. Despite the severity of List minter lic visited the school every day and car- ried out his duties. I le erected a row of high stakes to gir.de hint through the snow. 11does not desire to con- tinue as caretaker beyond the end of January, but %till carry on if a suc- cessor cannot he f. und. In the fam- ily there are coli sons awl two daugh- ters, The sons. Fratil:.anil Lorne, are on adjoining farms on Con. 1 ( hie SI ;di 1; i ;OA. 1, 11111. Nil,. 6.141 daughter, NI rs. J. 14hoilcs, resides in lIrtissels, while the other (laughter. Mrs. .\. NIcrlee, resides in Long Branch. They have 12 grandchildren, ;111(1 two great-grandchildren. Nit-, and Mr,. Nichol remember when the junction of C.:11. 5 and the sideroad known as titt.) Sunshine, boasted a sawmill, a Wadi- I smith i:11 p. and two storc:4. Tt was thought, in the early days, that Sim- shine would develop into a thrivhig To(111*. Sunshine has nothing 11) 1 (listingitish it from any other sideroad 4 THIS CHPISTMAS DAY. May all the ,Joys of the Scascn Come Trooping in upon you: Olive PsieGill r viiimoseiasmamrstscacsioreatenummeammikti Imetttt1441410:4141:4141040:044.+4(44441d'OtIVONIVWCItt 4ttitdit:t.AUDEAttiltgtRALtiatttt411 11 1 1 1 11 , Wednesday, Dec, 24, 190 ' ''‘111111111111V1111114111111111111111. At this Holiday Season we desire to express to you our sincere appreciation of our pleasant relations, and extend to you and yours best wishes for A Merry Christmas. R D. PHILP, Phm. B. DRUGS, SUNDRIES, WALLPAPER -PRONE 20, I ..... t.***1.1.T. • • 1 M 1,:ibli•U 44 W. hu 14 40411.-W.Algelli 131 I if, 7 7 , iJOY 13E WITH YO LT. at Christmas, and j!ii ithrougout all the days of i 11 ^~'-~`'~ `.111 ~~~^^' the New Year to come. PARKVIEW BEAUTY SHOP E. F. CHADIAN PROPRIETOR Ilte Pei -nal Care of Your !lair I s Our 14 esponsh1lit y." junction. • Saturday's Bank Nite 01 , , ; large amt.(' was present f. r the first of two Christmas flank Nile Draws which was lIC l I on Saturday afternoon at the NI emorial 1 11111, with NI r. j. A. 1 Gray as NI aster of Ceremonies. The • Dr(tv:, were sponsored by the 0 ' ' 1 Ruud of Trade, and judging from the 0=01 interest aroused, they are just as point - .1 hr with the public 1,„ \\ as the ease a 1 Co. .4 f Huron, comity tax, $18104.1;9; H. T. Yodden, Proprietor Blyth, Ontario Ilrussels Telephone, 4,004.04; Illyth 1.01:30= . few Years ago, .#414114,04,4,11,041•#.1144#4,11~4`0.1~#4,41*~41-#,M;INPSIWN4NPIP~S.M.P4W#MINNIsfIn W inner. Saturday draw, at which 'Telephone, 780.00; NI cKillop Telephone, Winners Mortis ToWnship Council The NI orris Township Council met on December 15 in the Town4hip 111111 vvith all the nu:miters present. 'Hit' Reeve presided. Minutes cf the Iasi meeting yore read and adopted on mo- tion f jos. Yuill and Sam Alcock. Moved by Charles (*tallies, seconded by Sam Aleut*, that the offer of $1031 given by 14eginald \Vatson for the 'Township farm which is S11: 26, Con- cession 7, Itc accepted. Carried. Nloved by llarvey Johnston, sec: nil - eft by Charles Coultes, that the road tilts n Iiiclt are O.K., be paid. Carried, -verl by Harvey Johnston, second - e I by Sam Alcticl:, that the Court of Revision he closed. Carried. Aloved by Joseph seconded Ify Charles ()mites, that the meeting ad- journ to meet again on jail. 12, 19 It, at 10 ;Lin, Carried. The following accounts were paid: ':/ V FURNITURE - COACH AMBULANCE - FUNERAL SERVICE E IP 1„..le 7 or 09. IH r/ V di 1111114iiit)*atMhZDiDiDANDIIZD;Dar3:2)201.1=ANDiND12;10i=+,`112C(12,11)121DtaiZ))**1 As we approatih the close of the year, we would like to express to you our sincere appreciation for your co-operation during 19-17. We are hopeful that 1918 will develop as a year of progressive activity in which all will benefit, and we sincerely loak forward to a continuance of the relationship that has made our past business con- nections so pleasant. With every good wish to you and yours for a Happy Christmas and an abundance of Health in be New Year. , James Lockwood , , 4. read Cakes - Pastry. Many Good Wishes To you this glad Christmas season and may it be yours to enjoy contentment and prosperity during all the years to follow, • ,1; .1 1114111 141 ea,i 11 si, mo 11.1.11..14AY•Lop I ..4111,11 .11111.1.1.A . 1„ •#4,1•4 The HOME BAKERY I hereby declare Friday, December 26th, (BOXING DAY) - A PUBLIC HOLIDAY and call upon all citizens to observe it as such. 11 Wishing everyone the Compliments of the Season. FRANKLIN BAINTON, Reeve. GOD SAVE THE RING. •,o1=ic:v • ,io=or-------7-vo=or . lOWS \\':b given away, were ;is 101. 30.00; R, 11. lentietly, printing con- " tract, 100.00; Ivan NIcArter, caretak- mnitrier_t.mairam,, L 1 I 111. .1 ..1110.111.1111,1•Ai, Nliss Vera 'fiernay, t• ; 0 '113.00;' I et) I. Kelly. . • t,'•:2.00; NIrs. Stttart Durward, 0 1 11'hiners of $1.:1) prizes, • 1 which there were five: Carl Falconer, Nirs, Ilenry T. Young, John 1 tallithim, Nor- ; man Or:yin's:, and NI iss Mary Lockie. Winners had one-half hour to claim ing 15.00; Cecil 11'lleeler, salary, 120.011; Harvey Johnson. salary, 75,00 Charles Coultes, salary 75.00; Sant Al- ' cock, salary, 75,00; jos. Yuill, salary, - 75.00; \\m• Sholdice, expenses, 5000; Torrance Otindas, expenses, 40.00; Darvey McCutelicon, expenses. 40.00; ! Roliert NIcNturray, expenses, 40.)))); 1 6 their prize money, and all prizes Were Kell. Taylor, expenses, 41110; George ' 11 cliti„,,,. ,Mailin, revising Voters' Lists, 18.70; 0 I The second Draw, over which Reeve AV: 1 1ackwell, 1Vallon street light s, I Franklin Ilainton will preside, will be 9.30; George Martin, salary, 275.00; held this 1Vednesday afternoon, and Postage 25,(31; Drains, 1 MAO; 0.A.P., the list of winners will appear in our 'c nunissions, 18.70; Returning ()fficcr, next is:,ite. 15.00; repairs tr ballot hox, 60c; Net- • n SUFFERS BROKEN LEG I son Higgins. salary. 191.00; Finaiwill • 61 -------- i io=o= I statement, 10.011; Relief officer, 25.0); I 1 NIrs. Clarence Johnston is in Victoria Sc.111191 Attendance oificer. 12.00; POS- p1.- 4.. ol .. • ...1 ; . . ,ni,.. , ; I. .1. i. ,., 1,2,1 lia ',..... .1, ...L._..J ..11,1,,,,, • 4. u ae. . 11011)2t al, London: fAlowing an acci- tage and s:ipplies, 13.0(1; C. VanCatup, ; Huron M.P.P., I)r. R. Hobbs Board in this district ,,„d w„, ,,,,,,i 1, dent last Thursday night from which Grasby drain, 5.00; Ni. Johnston, Grm- hi, charitable and health she suffered a fractured leg. It Drain, 25.(T); A. Iackson, Grasby Taylor Passes , known for Dr. Rohert Dobbs Taylor, NI.P.P, vvorl: ill Itis constituency. 1 Mr. and NIrs. Johnston and lima Drain, 22.00; Ilrasby Bros., Grasliv for the riding of Huron, (lied of a heart attack on 1Vednesday, last %reek, at schools and grailliaid from ren,tr..i drove into the yard at the booty of 23.00; Jas. IZicluntind, Laidlaw Drain, his licine in liashwood, in his fifty - C. Ilegiate. • 1 le received his 'NIA/. at , and NIrs. \Villiani Fear. 1.7nfor- 10,01 m ; James Gibson, Laidlaw Drain. fourth year. ; the University of \vestern Ontario; 1 tunately Mrs, Johnst.•ll was thrmen hi 2.00; Bruce Smith, D.14.0„ 4.00; Albert Op September 10, 1928, lie was mar- Nesbitt, P. C., 2.01; Melillo Jackson, such a manner as to cause the fracture. Born in London, 1)r. Taylor was a 1 ried to Let ta Ruth linen tlit.r, of Dash- I She was taken to Wingliani hospital, 1): R. 0., 4.01); 1Valter Shortreed, P• C. member of the Progressive Conserva- wood, \vlio survives, will one d and biter to Victoria Hospital, Lon- 2.1)0: I 11117v McGuire. 1). R. 0., 4.01; tive party an ; ii. -1 • first elected to the ;ugh - ter, )11ine latliryn. Inn :I ..t, 0; : ; ; 1N' 1 .1. •; lin i i ' • Ontario 1-egislit.tire in 1943. Ile liad , (• • ‘1.10 ( :11,nret, member is )'C- I \ / an 1 : I .(-•• PM: James Ilry- I, inn- , '1 I I • • • t' i vi (lai.s,otvr, lona, has been idts: 0 P.0::. 4:111): NI''''`'Y" NI'''. P.C.• been in ill health for sonic time. 1)nr- i fir: '1.11Y1oe 1;4,1.; a post-i.:railtutte 1 .-, '`,- min ncr. 2.00; Nlelville Nlathers, D.14,0.. 4.C11; ing the '' ..•11 session of the Legisia. ; cour.i.i 111 medicine and surgery al titre in ,. ' ;it: was t, lsen ill on the New York Polyclinic, Philadelphia I 1111 \vas educated h, ;I wire thronn from the cutter as they Drain, 18.00; A• (..ronvn, Grashy Drain, ( 1 arles Souch, P.C., 2 1141; Sparling o floor of rue 1. use an 1 re nr;\,ed 10 . and Chicago Ifospitals an I at Victoria ; Jhnston, 1 1.14.0., 40); Frank Shaw, FRACTURED ARM P.C., 2110; Ralph Shaw, rent f r S.S. flos;t(ital I tition. I Ntrs. 1Villiatit John,ton is re(ioverity_f hospital. In June, 1945, he coi.,luted 1 .'' - No. 1, 0, 5, 7. and 10, 10.00; lack 1Vil- his election cattip;ii.411 from his room 1 I le w -is chairman 1 the Dashwood nicely foll"wing all accident last week son, relief account, 108; . Dept. of in Toronto General I lospital, where he 1 Public Scho:,1 Illiard for fifteen years. from which she suffered a fractured I I 1(1111111, insulin, 0.5'; N. \\*. Miller, in - was recuperating. : 1.1e ako was village trustee, pao pres,: - arm. NIrs. folinston fell lin the side. 1 invent fees; 7.85; 1 tyr(1r,,..1.1,.•rir•e. pow- . „. 151 -'• c' '''''"wd ' , er Co., \\*Mimi and Poilgrave lights, j 147,00; A. 11. Erskine, collecting taxe,, 42.13; 1.'. \V. Kenerik., printing; hal' 's, This year Dr. Taylor, alter !mime- I dent (sf vie N(01111;ly Si ll(IV Clull, a walk in front nine ycars of practice in Dr-Itivood, member 1P1 the .-11bauy Club, thirotilsLirt... sold his practice and hospital to Dr. Comity Nledical Society, Osier Society, - Donald II. Firgie: ri, of Lowlon. .1t 1 "1111'n" and 1)91111111911 Medical Aq. in Thishwood Evano.011,-.1 r•I‘nrch at 2 121)1); Advaiirel•iines, advertising, 2.?5; that time 1/r. Taylor said: "From now '.'riati 11: and the 1"1111t Huron Ilusi- i't; tn. l&v• 1. Huta, of Art(dlen. :111(1 1)t,10:rave Co -Op, tra9s0wtation expen• cot 1 am going to take it easy." I nes,. Nlen's Chili. lev. J. II. Getz, minister of the Dash- 1 sez, 91c; Robt. NIcLennati, (log tax 1)r. Taylor graduated from the Uni- I -A Private funeral service was hell Wool church, officiated at both ser. II refund, 200; Jack Thviiiie, (log tax re - 51 of 1Vestern Ontario vi VW:. l'.1.:1 -14Y: at 1.311 Ion:: at 1114 re,idenre in : vices. Potrial was imide in Exeter fuld. 4.00; Janne, Richmond, dog t He was president of thP. 1Var Servicev D.r.;1111-ozd; floe -1 by a pubnc. servic,. ertneter)i. I , rettmd, 200; lames R. Coultes, wood I Speiran's Hard PHONE 24, are BLYTI-1. EVERYTHING IN HARDWARE. We would like to take this opportunity of wish- ing everyone the Compliments of the Season. A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY ANI) PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR. Not just a wish for Christmas, But a wish for each (lay of the year, And never •were greetings more hearty, Or wishes more true and sincere. 1. • • 1. J 41:-,......111.4.1.-“,,,....:414.11•1141114,1 IL.. .1.J 1, .1 Dead and Disabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY, Exeter 2:35; Seaforth 15, Collect. DARLING and CO. of CANADA, LTD. r relief, :NW; 151111 NIcArter, refund of spraying„i.00; 3.25: Jog. Vitill, NIcCidl Drain, Ceril 111leeler, expenses, ..1; George Martin, Federatir.n sd 11gr,c;;Ittire, 211.45; \V, \'. Roy, Fed. of Agriculture, 385,1.19; Robert ,vork on Iiird l'rain, 9,00; A. E. Neth- ery, part ,salary. .0, 11arvey. Johnston, Found - A- Loaf Of Bread Someone left a loaf of bread at The Standard office NIonday night, We are trying to decide whether to eat it or :leave it for the rightful owner. .1f the owner will call they can have the loaf of bread, or if we have eaten they can have it's Nide:den: ...title - 1 3e,