HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1866-02-27, Page 3't titille '"ch a far,. Car, exist x.,144 •.4� tet ' th+t t:tom,► ii = E c� otat ,•t eandetri =ift zeatin i•cf Mares :. •cl iii. thethe t4 them- :their'ed. tairary t' fished -• t e recom, fi f1fAgri-% �cten and ts twenty.. x t. t"tttFttg i - tr Pion a - certain. mi.: Said i a d after rif,ortation ':;.tot ny , ho-sesr h $uinlat:sl • 44n,e ' epi such ..: as Ila Zs lei fit tA! • .r TRE eSEMI-WEE-.X.LY - SIGNAE,. •rte t. MARKETS. TO CONSCM IVES. it .rjr The advertiser.g lave' restored to health- in . �Q- RIIIYIBALL ' �L- ,Cr !. P Tv T N O T I ''C E . _CO1VIPANY Newpgill arbleWorkCANADAr�r� �� i»Y3i s, LAN5: ck's •Bleck, And C0`�t10ISSI0N Merchants, •pE.AtaRs in ALL AIYDs"oF _ A� 1�t� `Johnston, S CH. 0 0: k: L •SALT, WATER- • CoA S• -PRODUCE, , r�K L �l Ll11Ia.; .ICe.,'���. O�TUiiE�TTB HEADSTONES, & ..dents file first elates Marineand Fire (�oDE ;tell, Fob. 26, 18liti- Sprit's reheat, Fall do fiats. Flour .. ...... Virley Foss Sheep Pork 1:00 01 1.00 $1::t3 rel 1;32 • 0:`2:i (Ir • 0:23 5:00 (,r` 51:00 0:•15 (ei` 0:50 0:45 !u` 0:1•A 4:00 (ct' 5:0u (-t: 7:3i? Beef• _• 5•C0 -(ti 3:50 ilades (green) s t 4:50 fn`s• 0:00. . 5 Lt:tter. Q•13 • (i, ' 0-I Pciattoea < ^ . • . ,.. 0t`..0 tt 0.25 .2,i i41 god_ : F ... .�-,� - . . tr• ay -new ` t`o't _ .... ; `7;00. f 8:00 ;y r D gOR,. guano)), -UF TORON ; t UNIVERSITY Witt deliver an address tin':t1te Sab3eet '-Their ori in. and mapa•_r,e rent,' at. the Court t cls ty.SJt Muse, � x`uder�ieh, on Friday- - the 9th d.ty c t: March, 1516, commencrnX at 2 o`:16 -c ; p m.F • • 'err °tie: interested to 'A riculture is Card i • :illy incited to attend 'id'n1ssilm free. tiodetielir'FClt .27th, IS6r0.. - few weeks by a midi!. remedy. atter havuig suf- fered for severa �vitb a severe lung atTec-iiou, and that dread dr-ra.e• onsumpnou—is a»Sighs to milks: known to his fellow--suderer. the metals of rare. - all echo de_.Ire it. he. 'will semi a espy of the pros- ' criftunl u.ed (free of charge). will Ihei directions for pre- paring :uut•u.tii the sante. wineh they wilttied a sr as ICUR for l'os:r M I tIU •t`TUU1A,. fia.,\etll t:. CnCcclt9. I COLD.. and alt- throat and Lung Alternans c Tim; only. •1 ohle- i of the advertiser In fending the PreseriptiOtt ss- to !benelit the. alliiie ted. and sprea.l Information which he concetvcs.to ht- invaluable. and ho hopes every sufferer vtirtr his remedy. as it will eat then' nothing, and. -nav't rove a messing. - Parties wishing the prescription. rase. by retort mail \i ill le.tse, address_ pRev �i:DWARD t. l� ll.S() , • ` w York. Y' ' u r Kai 'Cel \e t itlmaa- bu g, i,*a _ E g iLoB - Or. Yo_ -IYfIL- AF Getitlematr wito-su1Tered.fvr )tears f.-om. Xeneus Debility. i'remature Decay. and all` the a llticts; ory-oath•t ful_indiicrett6n syiit.firth` aked tdleriag-humanity. sett-di:me to a11, w Ilonecd it; the' recipe and directions tin -- n akhtg the staple remedy by'which lie•wuscured. 'Sue (eters w ishiu•' ai ;•milt by the- advertiser's eezperlence. TTTT. b adv ressiug Jt) ll!- R. 001)EN. '.. - - No. 13, fihatnitel's r`C., Now - rink_ i Retail Customers Supplied 'at -Wholesale Prices. Insurance Companies.. sw31r,. - I>t.i1 RBOR QU.>:Y: Goderic/t; L'. tiT, FARM TRENT;f1 • DJO:NTING 'Robertson's '1'tivern ole' the Northern: gravel- 1{cotd, about 4 miles fforu •G'oderich, 200 at - tea, ubout 00 acres -of which are: cleared Frani?' Boase end .:bare'': Laiidauod - 'Apply to the 5.-un�LOANE, dersi� red :, , - : 11l�rket Clerk' ('ndetidi Feb 2ii'd 1' 6. swSl. Insoles t -A et of R [- Hrvery yatitig tatty anti genttennui intime United States ean Itar.sinnething very nrtieh a o-the;tr aih-antaga by returitntail (free tit char..., hv a.l,1.-.. Ino -the. udder signed `I'hatse, leaving kzrs7er`bentg humbugged telt.: oitigc liv'tiot Hato iltg Ott,: e •ltd- All °hers Will please atldre.,s•iiteir obedient•want ' - • rl` nr- - nIt Cssesv,, venom C white' uper6rs'' 1d Tuan wet- and - or Break.'; (goat ke, Tablelarge a [Washing e, arid: :ate a> tri.lti;i.F. ClIAPMM.Altf ' S31tatuads ay. New York: • - l p•: Abiy-rtfscmruts. :,cacti aI TII i\TC1- t .. Tat -1T. . , THE •"CA` 1DTAN PAIN :DESTROYER: in teal iollt the lir the Ira nedrate and pertrla • • : Hent teinutrtel cit ;lain tram the system.: +. r f The Canadian Pain Destroyer - THE PRICES OF ` FANCY illtIOS STATIONEBY' . F n kinds now on :hand"rati e.be'n greatly -I"t,etluced, and lout r1 he sold to Make room for Spring Uootl3, • New Stock of -School Bookss • of all kind• just,recPivra andsr-Ifinz at Prizes as Low a:s a:ay House West of Toronto, ...- Butlees. PRIV V % 'l. BILIS The Canadian :Pain' Destroyer-! -. PRICE, --95 eduts per Bott•z: A11 ordersshoutd Cureswfheutnattsut,• Pleurisy, and -Pe us in the Bart,. and Sider.-- F - Tiie CeLILru t:in F'aLm Dest•orrer tRelieves Pain in tare Head, and .s irk Headache.::TheC i,igeti o .f'a'n. Destroyer •Chinas Odious Colic, and Granin in the Stoinae•h. s, The (;'dittollini Pain Destroyer Cures - Cholera, £ho era i\:urhns, Dysentery and Bo s eI Complaints. TIEe C- n.tJiu,s Pass Iks6rnyer • 'Curls Sudden Cel'.dg and Sore Throats, -The Canadian f'at's Destroyer Ct re,s ntrr n, is tltiy Bites and -Scalds. Tie Galeas(:an PPuta Dcstrayer `aces. t.ui'a.gia, Tie Doulour i ux and Tooth 2:ir= C`inadi rn Plitt IX -strayer r fsalso 'tn.xect+eat tit -tag for W minds, F%rtltses, Sprains and strains; :tt takes aw:v all pain the tiro:neitt:t is applied. Family -shouid be without a bottle of - -lie addressed to £niter—s int CanaTtla West tatenclin-g tot NO TI[11EP.kLYl13N. make appheat' into the L-gistatui-e for t , I \ewc:tstie,.C. W. Private or. Locat Bills, either fair rr nttntr : 1• t-'o.c1 in tiex'(errc h by Parker 5.-: Cattle and eac.us:ve g:.vileteir, or coi;ferri(tg rort►o.•::te `i • Juidatt, Gardiner as C`o_t liavheld,_James ' .- t h � - f .a'trtit!Itutn: fic6erciltr, ..! -.Pickard,• Exeter, 1: H. powers for cotumerc.ia or _other put oses o t Cotnbe Clinton, E, Hickson Seaforth. -and ail roti' roe re tt,ati: sure eye or Nat d:ties } 1' `' Slet eu.e healers. ` ` •. f s '3 i -6m - . or for doing any thin) to -titling to affect -the ' . ri'ghts or property cUother patties, :are hereby _ - • notified that they- are ' re:listted by - the .13rd THE GRE1T T- ENGLISH .'REMEDY 'tad following Rides,or the iv (Godun- • ell and Legislative Assembly ' respect ve v. SIR Jr1JIES -CLAI KE'S - (whieh are published Irl tuft in . the (.atied t - (zazette), to give T i O MIONT•1IS NOTICE- Celebrated , Female Tido. . et the `.application, (:.'fatly and uistinctiv 1'1`ePured from ja "prescription of Sar J. '1pecifyi; _ its nature and ob ecr1 tit the Claris C1arke,-11•11•.t hyprctan &rtraordinary' to the . Queen. ad,a Gazette, ttutl also -in. a newspaper pt> b - •: In the nuttier. ref Robert��Hannah. of [:...forth an 1'taoltl-ent. - -:HE underst;ned has 'been appointed OS- . sionee. itt.this niaitter .acrd -requires claims to be filed°withinatio �tnont.hs froro this -slake: : The creditors -of the Insolvent are notified to! meet at thee office of the undersigned, in the ;Town of Goder•ieh.- on the :21th dry of April- next, at Two:o'clock, P.,M:,_for the ordering of the affairs of the -estate generally and examination of Insolvent - . r ,• S-POLLOCK,, p , Official Aszi}tieeTer Hurona Int nee. Godard), 21st Feb',, A..- D., r8:66. • sw51,,1t lifted it the 'County time Fition of CoutttiP • afl'eeted, sending Copies of the first -and teat This invaluable le medicine is unfailing in the p cure ot-all'ho-te painful and dangerous diseases of such notices, to tete- Private. Hill- Utlice of to whii-h the female -constitution is subject. _ It: each goose, moderates alt exeessar d reinottes alt obstructions, Ali Petitions for Private Bins trust be and a speedy cure' may ;he relied or • girt felted within the rsf. rIcert toe sot- the TO MARRIED' LADIES Session.' iv's peculiarly :-uited. • It 'w ill, .in a shote` ttme, - : - A TGTE ' bring on the monthlt -viten] with re••utaritg -- i` ernntent .�.`tatttl, ol'Cxreat Brittain to prey_ rut erten - ter ens. - . CAU'TID- . Tkeae Pitts ./aoutif'not be taken bvfest,a/cs during wsw, ltd t/u<Fili:4 i TJIRE1 •1110.IV7HS of I'reg- • - -.nni•y, as t/s-y :are star. to firing on Miscar- riue•-e, but at other tt c they are safe:.,. Familia the tinct; and Limb, Eatiane ort alight 'Fte.creditors of the undersigned are notified exerrtion, Palpitation e'il'e':fear';: lly�terics and to meet . at the _Late office. -of William! Whites, these Pdls will e0 t . a- erre �►hen'aIl other nie:rns has e� fatted i and althouelt a power- rTorcxnee liar '!ri the lover_:of Gtidetzelt in tut remedy do not contain iron. calornet.- autt- itton on Monday=the nine. ,non-u, or tn-tithing hurtful to.theconstitutton. arch 1886 ,'at tea_ o`clock in Full iitrectiona in the- pamphlet around „each Liar the -purpose of receiving a Pact age, which should becatefuity preerved.. . i c _ Chi.. Gi11-. kritiaie Pill 011ie • E'ich bottle, Price One Dollar bears 1Ge rov- - L. Assembly.. .1 E Dt7�I'CET, - elk. cfPrivate Rills,:L- Clonnetl. ' •- Ottawa, fad i:. els it`ti.. - =avail Act 0 Minor- ' ln Al cases of Nervous ilnd Spinal AtFechons the County!), -' teenth day the torenoon*`. •statetu-itt o f '':lues. affairs and of nutting an 'dolt .1U15LS, Roches err K.Y. assignee to wham he tray make ear. asst n- _ B._ t:00 and six pei,tage sta►nl>_,'enciosed .'tient under the- above a: t_ to any authorized agent. will insure a bottleecon- IJsted at Ee.rnore in tate. Citutttv- o£ - tain;ngfiftY Pttls, bt return ntai1r • Huron this 23rd- day of FebruaryT1866. - -. NORTHRUP & L_YMA11T, - So IC -'gent for the United states an anadas. . WILLIAM EL`LIS,' ---by'WILLL- f TOI RANCE. HAYS, : Newcastle, G. W., general agent for (`ahada. - 'l Sold` iaThulctych bt -Parker c Cattle and s<ws' ?t j his Attorneyk 1 Jurdaii• C=ardiner'cc Go., Bayfield James Former ormer Notice With- Renthutn, lln„erville ; J. I icka nt, Exeter ; JAL Combe, Clinton f L. Hickson, S w'at'h,. and all drawn. Medieme Dealers. • w36 -1y • Inzolvent Not of 1$04 THOMAS CURRIE. and , -AD AMI GER11ON Mcta()I.JGALL. • i Plaintiffs, - .1 11EXANDER CAMPBELL, Defendant. 1,Wi it of Attachmei t itas-issued- in this canic.- - JOHNMACDCNALD, Sherd! 11, &•••B. "he•i-i l" C)ilire Godertch, a 21st February, lr(,6: . }• 3W511* Cory.) [ APPOINT THE FOLLOWING TIMES AND PLACES FOR. HOLDING:: DIVI$ION COU Rural. and Bruce MARC:i3. -Pune►annen••••..••••••,••• --Bayfield;. 8th. Godertchi . . . - ..th APRIL. 01'tnton : .'0th - Harpurhey ,...-lith. :- Exeter : .13th: Ainleytille ... _ • .•1 i th.' MAY Riversdale ... lst -Walkerton... sad; Paialgy •. . , 6th,: ' _Southampton- . .. ,...: i th. , •.Kircardine ... 9th, Alt at 10, A.,' 3I. •. Signed - - R.000P,Ekt, Judge H .& P. Dated 20th Feb'y,-1866. SAN LIZARS. .Clerk of the Peace, U. B,. Olflee ofthe Clerk of she Peace t = - 21st February; 1866. ) sw5l En SALE 0 00 GROCERIES AND READY MADE U U:CED PRICE UST. T. 1 • Tenths; Table -tops, Pas*Akeg T..1 MOQRMOUSEa RE of every description and style of •t g H ,. -. • - Y r /neral seg ra ht•60c worinaacah' f . , ..10e Lovell's e furnished on mart IA Book of Les-uns...2�e • Lennte.s English Fs j � • v� Ord veli, i n txatn °t►c!i s du 7+) sake andat the low 2nd do do • ..fi Spelling. Raul: Super-ded ! Q_ , est prices. • J hnaou a .i ietlonar - • • • . 15`Y • $a t ` Liberal � u Arithmetic tLi erisl :red etton m:d� : 1st Bonk of Art li c �• �� ' tot_ • . r, rel to do s ..9 . lYYI 9 r ' • :.go Walker a . do .-• 2i ! t' Lessons' 12 aangitter.s Elementary. , ..�..�- 3rd tit ok of ]i.e. ons �� >< ,:•�. ` l # tr 50 - Webster's : do : 2.i IIL _OIIBI;fiS PICiLtAL 1TI. 16• N attonel . dei _..... es . 45 I . or' History Ocarinas .. In s H s(t 4 _art __• Hod• •s : 3t 1 'ir t►Designs of Monuments, iG l � c n �C. s t e)1 n • � nbe.. s Le,a+t Geography : d 20 i y r b d a� 10 Y: ofl -:' u(i(xl i . . .an � C'Garland The �'-' and. i0 act ( England. a_ 1 =; .. � Ptnnc �k s Ht, t y . . 13 at the ;ah+yi. , �.- LOW ItA`TE.. _ tz D t� e • - ail rtt.h - et+ D �. 9 : 1 t 865.•_= i - OU L BOOKS AT PROPORTIONATELY. , ._ � � 1! ,. AIll ALL OSLR SC( I R, -3: Good Bitted Noie Paper SC per quire •Common Eavelopes.(25) . • Je Ler package. Geed quality Pent; . 5 per de*. Slate Pencils,: . 4 pei doz. - • k".12 leaved Copy.. Rook -good paper -with blot sheet for 5C. Slate% Petteili- and every_artiele Of FARMERS Rai others desirous of _parches. < iris Lands,- are informed that_tbe Canada Lands tti :Lease In various parts of the Province. .Signal .0flice Book iv. -Stationery Store, _ Ile Company' ;mild pa;tienlarly invite id late Chas. Aspernall will please nail %It ALL parties having left Watclies.wIth NAME T GO -DEM -Cir. teutiou to their- WILD LAYDS in the C91/11.• the- subscriber within ifiree weeks from dee. ps after that ill unclaimed Antibes Wantedu SIRCIJAIRA :,Goderich:rtiti Jan. 1866. wi2 NOTICE- • • HE SMISCIIMERS hoe novron "hand at the ladi.et! -Misses' tird11:. - :and .:-;'Cofd-ed -pnrchased before the rise and for sale re,ty.cheip', 1 which will be. th$posed of on liberal terms ict will besold. - t parties who may be prepared to pay IN EDWARD GRAHAM, • . Canada Company's Office, 1 Feb. 10th, 1866: . .44.3140 FOR- SALE OR TO RENT* Hoop Skirts, it is the Wis of the subscribers to close off this .branch of their business trom dos date they will sell at prime coSt their entire stock of - - vercoats, Sack.- and [roc Crials ants -Vests Sfirrt .8th IDec., 1865 T S room. tor afresh supply. Godericb, 18th December, . 180. TO ALL WHOM JT MAY CON- •:. HE WeBknown Judge Fara,liit NO. -3. within -64 mil euefGederich, there is 221 acres Cleared, and al-artie -house and barn. One half is vicar of stumps, and the. nilter. WI • .,,-- from 9 toA leers Chopedi-and Immune* beets ploughed/ .dtere run also a young Amhara al.5g8otodreevise.11-ofathntiev'ubn.leraptA.Tee:A.sartniesoeutAsenalineuof tildes, ote.. of the Legislain 0 at their nest :meeting to COlborne.-NoT. 30. IS_614. ' w4464.10 4 0 DER- •iouth, .between lois numbered twentp•seven. -. and ttienty-eight. ' The said - divisions_ to ‘lie AT °TICE is hireby -given that application will. be made hy petition to both Houses - Towoiship Wawanosh, Der.. 20, 1865. w502in -AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY SPRING EXHIE111TIO N. With the approbation of Robert abss pring Seeds) Stallion* and Bulls.] Os Saturday, the 1 Milts' *f. rx.A s(txielitill;,ity.ioinuibeorinheeciateida Giroitherithehe::-bni,ie, temiiialuinevuen:etlitrin'gnIT'Allit :ember purstiance .4:4' die Dean and Irina Orditie for Sale, made in a certain' in the Court of Chancery for Up entitled " Ross ag_aiust Rumba sup( will be sold by Public Auction - BY 'GEORGE NOON ISM 1112 itre7.102 IN TR TOWN OF - Town of Goditricii Which, wait ud Slioes ivill be oifere4 at, cost prices up to 21st inst, to4ntalce - for Spring Seeds, when4 the „following' I _- 81.130r0inlghWesilteabut seh8:10:12ottitthyd:eel:411, 5 30.::1:21.1edl d°. - iHt°Gliedeoae—TclioudigoeilMliten.erde'elirEsqleisehfhaluill:sereresieetawwritateuderich,lbnthe.tC°414.blebeiimeciecarit"jam:: .veili_ ' i All the. Seeds taking premiums to b -e so d iffzix weeks thereafter wail leter . doi 07155: i o.:3fdit bddeoos toi2500botThbee al et C.buser_ohell.0%--allt .aredq:piroesditvstbey toproluportionvendoporasialw per bushel over and- above the market price ti ed to a coinvasee mei te sto-hi; els.;dnibiyeum,salibt. e- sCnti:o6vtectrehBe en oSetdo ;re etY:e el;$.1242:ni.0:turti re - plranoltysiee:oe.:afnifigothignitt:feLTrehlaecenhiehetIajostalpineamtir;frrnamplii:71144:witil. may be oil tippling* Further rticulare sad IseaditievitAilr all other reapeent be Ai ' um . meat one ,9narter ol an awe/ mom -et - - 3b2.11.(1sie: 2133;110d,tdrie2y1.1)..31.0405.11.3(21ensddto'dloi°:°2116.7017:11.38-cs-rdtPealao°s 1 a siGn elei°°Irtgce2eeh; 1Roefisi°tielireibliiialpaniiiin;fitalita4fetdusaldifiwallhltbuiltagellje sir jilt: ' The Stallions taking premiums must travel - awash am4 Ali:amyl sod ibe within tLe limits of the Conn!), Society and at Godericli. - ' '4top at the following Tlices. nbt: later than - -Dated the 17th ava Jos peery iamb day, viz: ' Ooderleh Town, . Roma J. -riiHSUBSCHIBElif§, being -about to leave -AL Goderichi have determined to Sell off their - Irk THE st of May next , THE SUBSCRI.BE ABOUT The exhibition of St.sllions- tind-Bur.s will ' take plaee at Goderich on Thursday, 12th day of April, - 1266, when the following te - premiums will he ow:tided : best Stallion for .4eneral purposea $10.00, 2nd- test do -8.00. they 'will offer- such extraordindry induce% ments hs. must ensure a Speedy clearance. - [ Thring the sale no Goods will be_ Relief in Ten Minutes . Gina -Out: on APPROBATION • sed a By Law repealing the -By Law pas - • tied by the Electors ztas. t year in a d The most certant•and with the Temperance- Act prohibiting: the Cliest and: _ Lungs, CoughS, Colds, sale of Intoxicating Lisitiors ii the Townsti nor will any article purch-ased e taken back. on the 31st MARCH nest, will .be hooded - to nn agent forcollection. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVE/r Influenza, sore :Geduld', 19 h F b 1866 - never tint to effect a rapid mid lasting cure. Thousands rotiery an PrOYISIOT Sfore have been restored to perfect health, who haye tried . . they are a. blessing and eure-none need despair. no , • *MONDAY, the. 29th. MARCH mane -how Iona' the disease may have existedi bow-, HAvrs-4 tented , pid fitted up the -store at ten oVaeirtli..; • severe it may be,. provided the organic structure. ofthe W OLE A slim organs is trot hope-essly decayed.- very one -lately occupied hy A. F. Nish, for the GODERICH November 27th 1865 afflicted shuold give thein'tut impartial trud. 'above bug ess am now pre a ed t f • h - FOR THE TAKING OF A POLL To VOCALISTS & PUBLIC SPEAKERS fatuities with • _ PE hese Willem are eel:Harty-Tenable • they wilt in one Groceries .and -Provisions- T.Rx Publishers will one of, the ele• • • to deeidewhether or not the.11epeal of said 'Sit remove the ing4 severe occasion:Li hoursenesS and Illsolvent Act d gently bouild voltimed of 6= Good Words1 ANDREW HENDERSON - .14* A 042, .-M.TRUENANI - = -The, sholie Sail, is poetepotted mita Saar-. .Godetichi Feb. 5th, 1866." wl Inolvent A.ot 0f 1864. Take No -Mt in the'Olcitter of JohO:'..':Wadeoo, of Tees- SANCTI POLLOCir, 402, late . ee under the Ii3501Vitit Act Of 1844 tor 11 -US hedeleiined haa filed a =meat IT ha united' Counties cf Enron and Breeem .a. creditors to 'hie discharge, and on Frida3 . , febrility 20tli, 1866. , t -to the Jadye of the Said Court for a =confirm" ANNUAL • IIMM. . - - _ will- bike place at the Cella imOseej IS TM' • D. SHADE.000012013. 'IAN() E SA: fit . 110_be_peremptotily sold hy public auction, •IL' in pursuance of the decree Bad final or iler -tor sale made hy the -Court of -Chancery far Upper Canada In the cause of :Barr versus F4)1t S. , IN THE- 4ettirt with the approbation of Robert J. Tar-. - 10, OA 4 1866, ai--oni o'elock in the afternoon; ty -LI 5u, bE.Inatiel Store Had, 411 fully receiSed and faithfully Attended :to. . . - . or less being coMprised °film South !Teat_ - iti•ii"3-1.1b, 141WnigniUX Wines .and !Agora Crockery . - . - . • ...much ., and . Cost" little."— cancer. - i for the PUMP? 44 Of yvveavins a statement ol his : liori9toodei. the abate act. - -_ one kucoreo acres or _lot another eight*, west ' "?''IL -w-' 4°`.*E''''• 4°°1,116. - - Cants a 'month ; $1.50 a year. Ileapiddlly, way matto 1,0 ass.F. ,. . affairs, and of usilims Er Assitmee to wham:ha - • I: . _ ., . -,,,,„a:.,...t.,_,_ .„,„. i By Law be confirtneflily such Electiora, tbeir reguhir use 'tor at few= daYe wilk Edith/tee, m- irhichl shall sell at the Lowest Cash flees,' rn ss„ for which Booms in Yonge Street, in the Citi of To- .: HE creditors 4-x -the tind-rii;.n-ed are notified ' improving its. tone, comppss, and cIert q . nour am ee .- . copy, to any one will furnish a Booksiller tq meet, alba Law (we or witham ?up.- rbatii, all that farm lauds and premises aite , . • .. „ , ' To. CIerk. pun -weedier -arc tegtWir used br want •Pmfelownal ' d - - ,. - with.fire new Subscribers' names for either ell ranee Her nr Abe Town of Goderieh. 'in the ate lYlog end being 114 die TOW1WhiP of Ifni- • JOH MOSES. stile Proprietor, gochester, Itt:Ti • under toted Macrazinell •IL:ri. EMMEN county u u, o n - let it County f -Huron, o br g. ocgthsts and t ublic Smokers .. Vocal Ms and Public Speakers . ,, Vocati.ts anti Public Speakeis thlitedeolmite'eof BY vuttie of . Will find Bryant& Tr. aren't Tcr Wit : Fieri Facies for residue is Witt find Brinut's Wafers --sued" out of Her United counties a lent or a. Fa . Illustrated. &c., .0atineal, Continent hivaTuable to remove _ Edited by Norman Maele.iid, „D. D.;•••••••0:ce , t " It contains fortiraeres. of good arab illustrated.. , wooded withikettit -inapie and other hard _ Dated at thelri , Wiloseter,intheCoiniii, st e of the North and South Road concesstou „1„ and Glassware, my Gads, - 1 P elegy's Cotist cOurt of the t Huron and Bruce and tome Dooutut end Jame Donnas , at the suit of Samuel all the right title and interest or the said defedd- ants in and to Lot Number Forty tohr in the- sec- ond &Lige South oldie Derham Road in the Township ors ineardind:a nd the County of Bruce meats I shall titer for Sitte,at, `a the Comt Bow e in the Town of Godtrich.- On ue*, dar the third day of Astra trextvel the h ur Of Tivare of thit clock. noon. JOHN MACDONALDt ▪ nut Merck, 1866 w5 Invaluable to remove )1. Buckwheat Flair, OP' INS MAJESTY'S CHAPLAINS. TV:dimly sw•50 2w • laidnowunder cultirsitim ten acres of grass °awnless -and Sore Throat - Hoarseness and Sore l'hroat Iloaraenesiand Sore Throat And give Clearness to the Voice. And give clearness to the Voice, And give clearness to -the Yoke, . They relieve' id tea imputes, They rebete tes minors Coughs, Colds. and all-illiteases Come*, and altdiSeLses **kitty all Drogpsts. ad by &I DruggIsta. 'Edited by Thomas Guthrie D D Autli-or of _ - honse .v;ith -barn, stables and other ouibuild. A SMALL Plumbic Mick t irThe Gospel, in Ezekiel," Speaking td the • ortratigirrS. 'Ban or ANL s; _Jugs titian the premises in at fair. state of re- unum.m. re•-ufseriwww twelve 11111e4 Of the TOWS of Ood• apptyscifb? ktter ' to D. FERGUSON, par.. Illustrated. -ktbitedC:er ig BIC Virtue oftwo. -writs - **within tinting on the gravelled road and situ P incb",lwide-16111'-'411 - Pair, fr. S. --Goods: 'will be delivered in any Jr/LIM- Huron a , _nen Facias issued out er1Oht, arid lea m/lest Ord* Village of Clinton, .fling. fair Pliadeork ass over, Of the Chest ind Lungs, - . othAithnettienillf.saidef-cibe.ounOtiraedor literate:. -ter theotithiceine-tkiwra,o).t., _woo josiplasisais...Larsems.vaw Of the Chest and Lungs, rublished by Mesander Strachan tip., , directed • again:title lands and .he purchaser will ims yellowed to flak „ - las - 56 Ludgatellill London, 'Englandl,.tui :at tlpemenelLyellisain (Inapt at 5 or T.D.- do a 'daps' it to lho- Vender ei elpdenchalli • • At25,*ents,bm; _ _ Nainl rtEhooAkineanrieda.New. a derts throne, iBri,tet• hf: ii?k•enf SiBmaaskbei r .naafth ,..0.oncesethe wiorknotriltabeit .paraf-tetease mboaseneymatn thetheeztirati.on of .00. Fainn for -Sale 0 ey. ..te:grioderoftbe:' t° Fria 50 sc. peter street Montreal. For sk iss welt Auptro proportion of 110 1 sisels 1400 Mateo Ateseenir a box Am- farm exce- itetxt lend ?likely 0:27..Read_the.SighoiollonthlY N°tItee 're"Th`hfi, abo- tne • the Conley of Rare_ a month front the day ars_ coaderliento heorwill bc .112tmittlanS' dearals. 11"41% . liairdinerk Bollield6iat-Brit:ar, Prz. . or r w_nabi f _ be t t twoiieleata ofvone. red °fier "bru'"4" «Irel'"re in the rafemairt le411°Ivee in eerY* btrirelderlin Saba- 'Years' 1:11"1".1.11211187,,7,,,, - 010111101, facing the Bliver Mailtaint% and these en - Agents for the Capes:hat. • f lot if • (IAMB %la the Itrentmettbf Mt* 1.10044614. the' 'at the late A. Mahon to one: the 06047: - The ether gun ZIOTIOB Sold. tit (lode** by. Parker is. Cattle- mall Jor., winsitam, writ the wok talf 0 ; O. • • la- Mow, which lands sad tenements !Shia are the usual conditions aftbeebart -***thilielitillo Town •)f G rich on Tuesday the twenty sate tiny 0 16 24. Baiting- da B. HERESY given 'that appliathoti - *wpm, awe% 23( Awn!! the 0.thajiietti wad white. owner. smut to, an Act legalising and confirinicg an awree- . itsucie to -the next Sesaion of Parlisanen: for 'psaso"Ts clesiwrooi of, i.he care awl reopoli._ ,c,etneopliedoui.64eirirttriwaletibieciteath vgi!l_ quested ,to,pst ctiries.and toe them twriy.: the eleeir,, noon. - • fitlikeich, and of . 4ay ofiray next ' at The boor of Twelve °I tor VI C.. -Cameron, 131sq I 4Ntbe Town Or teoaare - JO/Pg INIntIONALDI No 2 Torento Skeet la the City of Toronto. k they cal -cooditioti of tit* isedamipisitt -- meat made between the Gratid, TruilirRantwai sibility of Children. may plea* cat For furthetpartienlers apply to - ..19/XN 13.4V/14AX-.9-` „Townablirgetir,Aterlient - Sheri' **IL • pined title sixteenth day ofFel)rualy, fiajie)Inrort Railway Company,. bearing date . • 2, . ROSS, llittlitfilht: By S. 7olietk,Depntyttlberitr. the -seventh day of Sulyt 18641 and tbc other • Boot Mos Store; Goderich. General se.k-,02410,,IIPatzilar'• Stepliete 15 January, 1866: w51.3L • 1,4 4ir IgOBERT 41.11.1P0,-