HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1866-02-23, Page 2• 1 - . • T E E M E _Y- :SI GNAL. • _ . . • . •. • - - • land repress their faatties sued istrike tor . --: : `-. ' leElt th tluttes.S.icisso . -that yourpopulittion meet at in like - bustodsan teres:ii assery not tooskto ask had. increased to 2;5P r,6•i• or apwaidt of tnOod, One third. If' then Our trifd6 hati. • - . - • , MIL -WAY ULES.: • drea_ mks hell., Ow!!eitne,77.0 ser-lotists eti.nnuot,by. y ii.ite.reession _obtain permissten: actilainienset unp-leassnt vividness. Yet theni.an of woman tee the. approaching ceremony st op _ s • or fasliionH he -,eareless-tiais tlioughtiesS Mats linanent "by- the Qocen in person. Peeresses The Fenian leaders ate etill reviitioterstm btor's harne'upon-their Ihredapir'edte.:. wc.ofingernit-inwtihjoincgantinotQingete4tinir;gpaltrros. 0 , ' bicathing threateniugs and slaughter your asseetatien with the' Irishelemetit . is -a ---polulatioir thir•dat.ewaS. oply tap. The .TOwn: Cottecil ineett to -night iiinount. 1 hey haves perhaps; Londbe letter eays. that there is . . - s iteconnts standmg hpee : - further aed bestir ressan. 10., in fiatoitikaii gees:al-6.h -fer the. transactiOn2f gareral sets., each de iktl• While -weiaresteptessing the - epirit. of fili. G1DER1011,- 'ff. M :23111 180. *. t • . • - ue ttt the same ratio, talstrees pspliatten , - - • , • - • - •• extract-appear:es la . Or Paper o 1 Y niheuerPe. • . Tp-Ver7:11-.1c, knt.aws tor t eir trninedi,ite relatives to. be kpereseet ople of the netg - BestEti,i•bs it _may teelp4eity.:of. reelinc, eathe'besiS and "alloitnt ntilhing for int- day, headed "Rrilioal rules -of traVel,'" which they are able to-poSsnad syS sday, but and taut very bruited romlier of tic ts have teriou; Irish Ypeciple tleathavestfoite tomb -- cilia/wit AND TILE n?uit take the. plaie of conitarciel recipkic .iitd4Vpnients,"it Wye e.eital: is ealeulated to mislead, ft _Inas evidently- ' they -fife -too husyso be= lienbledS. and . those, beeP allotted to the ladies of commoners toad I 1 • 7 it hien tsken f • fife 1 An -erica -I paper ▪ - It is w to lave trusted-73liem are' aneariwiiile eue- the diplematie 'Corps.. s Even the. arrantte;.- re,gard feu:Irelands* the mat hoiateroos --oe • • its', or thsir be' me' of at warkaites7 than • s- - • • - • • of -conduct in- the future •luslorysof the- rov ._ • - , . • leaks ia anY _one thing that ten& to u rraktied at d 'tin some cases) • r hied. 11 mots, for the coraidoriare still unknownlatud the Plicenician tribe.. The people of Canada . .: led 0$ 16 598,549. --In the meantime' hriw ? ' !" ', ,., i • . , - is &at- ifeeling of kirubiesitand res- pect bawees. nat,i oat, it is send - manta kith as los been --nttered - by Mlle Ot- the - caiductors of influen- tial. Atierican journals, _, while the Fe: . Idol* are breathing put threatenings and _ ' shisghter.. When.a *an isitttackel upon. . t Canada for the -Inst. fftty 'years. `The Females we have thankS ,to our Municipal instite- the 'street by - a rotidy 'bIlick.?,:uard, h t •a May bias. ter, tad „ blew:Wont the7iiivasion of , thins thousands-rof miles of _goed _gravel of a. sympathizing fr:end aid Canada; erm thlni3elyei,, (,•rtili. Ate., and: yet ' emids 1A -ding threugh - the- touatrY in D - 4, tha: OrangeMen mustIlot meet i i ConventiOn. every dileetion -we have first class steain for fear of creatiaig••,a : harsh feeling. Our 'communication with Furope we are don . . . - 4 , . - private. oPinimi_is that that .was the Se7 fleeted- ter trading purpases by lei,islatiire _rather side seho extend. towards us the objeet . for Which 11r. lii lion wrott-.. fie; ;en:iierfitinigeht.s of' mutual lienett witeFeatice, . thereby a niarket for oar limber °Games. amenities `Ot civilized life -those: knowk4very welt that every respectable CiiiitS: and ships, 'ass have cheap postage and out .“ Gino& wordi which colt:little and, are otrt •sed. everY. drinlPeelable---,Catholio-. olera : Post'Cffiee Departinent.so Well conducted wadi steer Atnett6.,4' flier kind marrin. this Province is _opposed tQFeniamitia• as to command the. confidence -of the . mead, , w.e sun henceforth rate the tads and he wou'd willingly iee a sectarian out- . - . - - iitces. ' *- 'diffirent•the Caiiikla of 1352 an I 1866, -41 ' a - .f.3• 0, _ Hepineto see von. soon, I am, iity .dear wheir*--e are 'nem aboat to ent,r upin Sir velysrespectfultv. • - . . - it; voitAx K.0.13 t save. state of: things an are to try To ,rAhlertnan, Jamei Good sin, Ott.% ourA'ortunes.iuneorinectel in trade with eith, 'Canada' -*eat; : • our nei.=hbors. ite haymow- as exten, . • - sive lines of railwar-as -tdroe. our impala - Taken altogether the. ebove the 'Most .: uori info- accountare to be found any nlo6st-efroslow.that.` ha* been '''-e'eelve0s, cpuntry-we have,canals scaond not lavv, ,nor hare the -Courts in aoa.a: e- . I .: - . , thetwere iiii-ge.:'Cieditors; thty:•atislit issist • she heart of -Court hatierdasheiy itaiek aath , "are t-hOroughlY rrePared f-er them, go they local mititis wee* eided ' ". that 'amlicanta':. for •ticlietS an ,-.-rail:. ' 'roadiSeita'be ejected fronithe card f theysiOn't. On inimettlate:ratineist="sp ly.me what thoe. hope deferred.-,_ I. : _ - • 9' - : _soon or go they late. The sh pr t Ism* of the tiggeist army General -oifer the±e:att aliotrat• of their- fare." --..-111..: an'--ei-V Might_ be.said With' .i7opinaily.'• -But, - . • - . • - : - -,;.:-.:-.'T . " - make ., . correct to -say kiat a eon uctor : -• for Teur- of losing • C mite nic ta - for fear of -Or. • : _CX1i10-1..t8-11-0171-iii_ la' ori nix T. -The Net- -Ssweiejteieoulden•-•sesanizeisand There -amid . -.1.4,: thOuglt a i. - ' 1 - - . Si ' :. ia :not botind to " make- Change." :he" would ing:offettee-•the itoneit retailer often- dares tinghatia -.Jeurizett 'reports:an extraordinary.: a large aod impromptu Miallging -committee ..---- - net he justified in ejeeling a passers:0s who netask•forliiii own -Xis. besiness iscrathpad,- hunting imidents which -.Itappe. ned-' ht the the day after the raid. That- much we. .-eue.' . , . tendred a 'little. muse -tun his fare- witheut- and Ws:Peace dinned' thsturbed, eimply •be---'-- Quota country a -day or two- ago. The vouch for. - The organ of .the CitisemS Ass deanainding St'ehinge." - • It ' ii: not. correct, te .esaae -his eustermers: are ategl•i;ent dr thot.4ht - , houpdsS wader the • leadeaship. of 1 -Captain socistion-shere still talks as. * sort 'Of -semi: . , meetindtheir ersetasgements. . -Cloviesst de mlia-er chased a fox into the otheial of the •Gideri although we fail to see -say 4at ' all tickets:are' good ontlinsed, -nots les'i- in. setthaltindats, :. the Worth .-qteo.d.';fori ilea. Aar • -..4-flit.)- interest. of -both :debtor . Mil • CreditOrs neigiiheurheed' Of 'Ntsher litoughton. - 'On what ejournal established to. effect 'reform • . dor.;ahriorroot-di-; . "hat eritall debts' s Should he more arriving at d -certain wheat field :belonging to: hi the m.unieirat government of • New= Yu& Only." - Thelaw tippet* to.besettled in this.' --conatrysethat- a passenger ia bohni .• vo . travel. s sq eared' off than at preseattsii" the- a farmer. named Wats the M. F. II-, and his has to ilo With the organization _of filihWterr "day it ..is.fssusd,if the ca.se. Trade -rise -an ieldeia, boy at longer, •sup'porters -were samewhar sneprised id -find ;Jig expeditions; in the last issue- of thig-- -- cm soli a lieket. the tall way- ccimparty•bsie ' a traiti leasing -the ;time than titres,: four ot slit MoailtSi and-- thelt - their passage lute -Ailed tviths - The•-kmpedi- , -paper -the 'editor "'talks of the leaders of blefi- station at Which tiri ticket is:. Wiled on thats-alteald ill.alat that their custotners•-.sliiital de- -Merit offered to the hbunds and field •was no gang ras--able and. honorable men ; hustle Lee days 'Vhe: geraeral opinion st One.Sstitne W. s i the..4ine -7"7,,..tin I est- . w he re 'sortie. ;veil INA- less:- than a Wily of peasantS armed with-: 'the Sense te diiitizade-tbem from attempting tof - th4t the taw 7.in IrppesICsitaAa:attoweasa,:''paS, resat:MS are .a.dvanced.7 In. faet,•. the., neater • sticks and bludgeons, -and commanded by M.1* . liberate Irelond by way of Canada. _sle . Ake senirerio tr.vet-Oir a ticket .Within, a.7redsoa.. ,W.e.can eome in. our re.tal trade to a cash btfsi Brelt, who intimated "pretty -plainly that he ceiniection -we may as well notice tiat the' aG!e lime. notwithst ttachn .1 themordS . " good - -nes.Ss-"t_ke twitter., 'Tile systmaof giving twelve_ did 'net *Mtn to have.his wheat destroyed.-- brother- of the editor of the Citizen,' Mrs•114.- for -this ' day -an ly -'" balti; : upon it: - Kiel 1., Wobtile,thile is roi.ioua both tO buyer and sel 1..The eecentrit. looking Jittle -aripy-under his . Pin, of Lendon, Caoadits.".trestlis a ,dietingnisfp belieye is the law 'of- the: 'late of New Yotic,S ler-stile foemer lays deableArices -fee.: hifir direction proceeded --to . keep both doge and . sehelarsune is et loyal as. be kqearred. If initChaties4 and the hitter :loses Moresiag bad • huntsman from entering the -field, and a par' . ',wadi be wrOdg ifour readers ' were to ' WO and otlic.rof ,the States'. -Oar .Ceurts actinis . on the authority, :of 'pies!' vasua:: hake -foil& -‘1041.8 'than -makes ap . the- 'difference. I We' leY hei-ig demaeded„ Captain Clowes gave up : hint ireSponsiatle in -the. *emotes; degree ler like:nature- iS bnund by iti condtioas. "-The melancholy:14)7i have Conte,' . that7•• a passenger acceptting a ;. ticket Of *a. -OR. at least, that -we -have - soli ell-Olig f to the chases theseent: heleg broken off, •• ! the views of the Citizen. - The vicious Pettlaa ' -: .1'hurs truly; ,-• - : • ,... -i- -LEX.i i • . . - . O'sderiCh,,20-th :Feb.,1866• ' . Gs- - 0 Hiust call. Itiraltit-i., .. . . . . - -ceps for good andsuffi.:ietit reasons. -- ' lrhe Medical. i11.4pf of L')Plier . .of-Caniii is announced at ,Ilendrick .8 well,: -m.r .11..toseuttaasa, -was 4sassn peso n refer,. . tithessnet to•tellsSin7 ....itir.tc_o :: ‘ call again;"' ek. : - - . , . ,. • . - carta.da.' _ , - - '' "•-• ' t slt amid on lotthiety-four,seighth concession . . . no if' Ith i tti087 - The. hest._ strike Startling-. !gears .from -Olt . •,- -ewn-sympathy with the Order. . Mr. -Halpia, Ott' -Sraltins Feb.'. 20, 1860. . with his relatives seaessings. Ass it.T4y. one SPOingli, ; - Of London, CAL, is probahlymere dispipwied . . ; . Yet-Inade la fhe ell regions : .elSe . and it is proper that, sineelininitMO Tor proelivities •Of that "sheet are •due to the editoei ence to the subject of Fenian raids,weshonld make aelear :disclaimer -of all -intention on . ., . _ ... influenee,those who tare -able .-to P v at iny . , - . ",-).1fi '..V:Cf:..,11 or .`-01:70-til'i..ELE(.7:7-11E. el.:re. :-T1:14- 0sSERAL co :::..1.f... • . li ;SI chtliP• 7:Tr ie'es-716,Cain74wrosti-ifttirouwelik.holl:_-- -our part to. impute to that gentlemen sii. - The saddest ofthe vear . . -- ,- .' - When notes are -due,' and -lengthy- !Pls. : , - -I': - _ - - • - - - . • Saul day last, and Abe well 4i p p g symp --;____ .timi.i.2LconnectIon with disloyal Ceirnein from fair ap I near- s . e um in oil tat : - • When i hers% that small aecouut efloaN,'- . , • Is -whisPeredia-yoer ear,, . . - - . And ", tv.on'k,you piente 'to settle nowl',... '' Is all the..talk foe. .hearitts. --- ' - • "r 141 „ neighbor is:niouree-of much' encourage- ment.- genie We owe:a debt of gratitude to thoie-of Our editorial brethren on ented iditor of the Chicago Tinges, who it "a'right-sgood frIlow. which 'ne- body eat' deny, welt -i hip, Lip hip " &c. - Y That gentleman, a few days ago, bre4drill , Sweeney, & Co. - ug choice language eak. We'd) iiet fear thit Osaugemen will ever -monopolisethe defence of this- Country, but- we are *fait no. satiafied- that they are not to be terrified by the. miserable , twadate ef hie- brotherly low forna hi the follow- ' _ et !•.-• - - T114 P - fi„--Veio. - .-. - “Weare not Sorry for Canada; If Swe 'y • . . ,stakenat_ mit tta„ a.waltowtecanada before ireraid'eniricte- Andrew S...ohnso'zi.-hria• pr;slatinted to the balmy to sive him an a Itetitae forbreakf. t_t_ hyruie Rmelpautcrilliteli‘)en wIl_ _ s . as Would swallow a glais Of wo ld h• • 'r -• pncaatttic; bsthiedulty . the nose; -' who it there soli* ot the. "8t. letwrence tar:lat koy. tetofe, .th *F * will say nay trisAbes operation I N C 9 irsitllgoer%L.u'nwi.ntaeirldit.oS.tai hteiss ..04goseeocuilalfssetutions, a oftla:dadreis:iae chielloy .Inianneitt.. Bureau w:s esetithrlieshasm•dadilt: • .- th pro proeity treoty, tea the freed slatessfroin the abpses to Which , The_ yellow fever. projects of Dr. Biackberni h y weresuhjected, and the Bill.now vetted t.tod_ asylum. afforded SOUthera_desperadoes t es .1 sad aullified wee intended -to extend its • ' - - s iffsw"ney swallows Canasa wp . i..ic00:7:-•:tei air parts of the Sfave States -lautrii:ii m their- wiaehinationsagainst our banks iota regret it as littie wive do that the whatle tat nevi _cos.t tit. the ceentry -of about. Z-1214000, , Ilatallowed. si.tfatownatib.neeAwnoid_larisoh4.raepinith:elinde „ynortm.h. 900.. ta. those who e'e ttid ' ' de.ciedinga:,010 itta V:t: in thSt face of s and in a I•tti 711•1 • Id 1:1•S i e w __: e a wo:r Tome displays -an aincitMt of stateffis in-'1-71,nsthh;:ep Pa nt. eds.' ilidneu.net..11. *pas!ofthe United. States. __. , - *a denee of character which entitle hint to troir isal that - jolly.- --bur "brother, '.• " ' however,. int seketit4 bin figuret orir...,_ the lespeCt of all ,except the &magazines who'. °I'• wciuld make bhp their toot. '17hes. message - flatlet). ,__:,liCaLlittlebtinfortunnte. I _IS. ' twal atur:_u-ming`the veto,' whiek is really an obis poorJona , the whale took in mora ibcomeot uoutaios .' th4 folio -win Sent': their Au could -easily. digest " He found meats ;... -- -•. .- . ' liOrtbside.paasen- ger a. very ugly CuStotn. I mon 3t steconeite a system, or hitt:ars . 1 - ' whole;.cominunityvery different -to what h the case-, in_ the States. We ate,_ is compared With our neighbors, very light- ly tared,and etijoy what we hdt al ways' had a .conifexion: with Great Brit- ain trus!. may continue for gen, eratiOns to coine; These_ are advantages we heve irrespective of the Reciprocity -Treaty and we think- jutify uS in dissent- ing. from " the .propoeition doWn by Mr. Derby that the prospprity -of ,past ten years is due fo that Treaty." ;. - To retura' to the reportlt contains admiisions deserviter froin us special:no- tice . informs us that t ie trade of all the Provircei with -the United States, roie in. 1856 to $50,300,000, "And strange. As it.may appear" Says Mr' Deiby " deelined .25 per cent more than-41)er ean t. per arinitm dad to -1862 tIT eighth par of Reciprocity when krededed tO 10,0),- 09.0 *wing a locs -of $1.0J000;600.4 - duct fiiAn the 'kid total • the:trade of the Maritime Provinces for ISM, viz P0,- 8,12.133, _and it leaves . for the trade of Canada $30.,557,S67 and this fell off sto,opo,o0 or was reluced to $29,557,- 86T between the years*.l..55 And 4852, for 3Ir. Derby inthrms 'as the decline Was confined:to ahe Canadian commerce. lark well what he tells 'ns, " The: redue dote did :Te accordanee„with the -pre esslos of the -new. the rate of *Tea. Aan4red barrcis pe.r day • • : .ormanizations of any former --character. . bledical AM. of -Upper -Canada, a meeting af -. • : - • Meanwhile, let theYeniaris rave and roar, • tha-PrOfesdon was held yeiterday 19:th inst at -: . ley. q-be-1311thiligilato :fling -I -Andy Associa- and ,Agiit among th.envielvent no if They try h ion, . in, the„..CitY. Hall, :tor -the ,puri- de -of _. ; 4°ot:or-the relief of the destitine freedmen of - •- , e lee t iatg. at- utenther fa o m ahe. Terri toxiatt Di v is. the -United ,Statet hes justeontributed anoti, or . , to get ..up a fight in Rritigh Ameti:a, the loyal. .At• the beginnieite of a year ts tame timOua't General' Medieal • Cetincil-: .propOsed . to 'be 7 ',.,altriit;;Cd to the port_free of. duty. . . _ .4blino.lediroaboa.nda to hos, pit7able gratt.es.700.: Ottialt. andsteut men tbere will welcome:them 4. With ': . ,.. . . : - 0 -0 . - • _ . ion UWE/hide 'and Tecunisek 'to lerVe in 4.11e. caroo of goods far distribution; and the)" _are of indebtedness generally falls die..'..,011. ac:- established._ The profeSaiisit was •representa:s1 s.. ••- -. -_. . . . s. :7- silt- -77.• _. ...' . . _ • ----. _ , a -Ts-- count of_theihnproved • financial. .Coefliti4 Of -by ahout _ one fetus h: - ris.,-•iiinot*„. _among, ,., A youth -passing: through --'St. 154°111°64 . an-. trj-• Ife who •itever •gave a - dollar for ail • benefit•Of the .-elergy Should die without hem,. : . Canala, the iencral'intleOtedne.as• thie iensen .whoni - Were. all- tinisc•Trealdeot _tin ItliS-00r7.,./. ..-ii-ceti--s_fikod. a Cheek of -ones thousand dot - has already been :largely redueed; aved before .Wrat.:-.Glais, :-JUi.,••-Siterif.r.af •111idalleiek,sool-::- liiA-- on the -Beek or Montreal,- pajoble to „ . . ... tit of elergys, . s ,,,,- the end Of Fs:hi-easy not piduy•Pre$.sieeilaini4.• etieied the, chsaits-:nods-M..iss0e0-este ,Ceststrest. ' the-..:he-sir.--er" 4114.-Sre tinned -4- to 'the. owner'. "":-, • - : '7 • • . ' elaSs adsebts. which, this- Yettis as 0.4)14417i: ...; Thes„Shetiglistang :ppened. theSineetitig.':atid• -a twsnty.slive.70til- : piCe.e, ajad. I a.i•eiw.07.0.4 ,fit Oeatei1150,0001)./ his hisoktand: lectuctets._ : • - It is stated .:that• Alumna Wild las : wilt seltetiat unliquidated, - -.But *there is 2:0Oe. a; s . ., .. sem say- - - ....s. s. :-.- •-• :. -.• • - , ,- He gave. ine,".says the -youth,' for, *reward. ;• ;0:5' ' -ts-d- sierS - • la' .- -• • - - - •• • : 7' • s" ' - • rent•tia§•:neglected to:a laisse es tent se W.O. refer' estlea'fOr-..nottiiparicn*" --.-: i:...! --i 7,--:, -4- - ,,:. --, - - .back: to ,Ilidi-- th.atikins him. forliskindoeas.” iss • titioas;a;v1hdoeibiatsyedniCi.)t600sr.31.111.ntsottadneors,e.,-tsil.se:Titutroppl:. ji.:4*.,..td, 1 jt_4044.0.r; .r.tiloot.,,i,f,.;;01.44j. s. „ . ....,...1:1. "..14:nix'°..°1:1; :171: 'fl-). ti's:i:d.:aitli'141;:;...-117-e'd. .1---SilY. Near, lhofold- the: ether day a *an 36 k -.:yr.i.'.!i;,..iii. _.•;rs.,.(taif,;4"segae:0-mo a_ oittliretid:cnil :O4iiilizaint.)offl.87..0,::.andihis moneys -7 -those -wile-have •Only.;t0 ,iii-g.ti Ilisir, - a d title it 6 S $ 0 0 e bab 1-0 :check, and the matteriaietiltd-essSiveilSiS sruiv.000-;i:.:trie-0..,(44,6.,:ci;14-iitildoo,...)..at itilt.;i•ot4f;toitioz:7Ji:if.,:ilio;,. :etheie 100,eoukveasit.y..pry.,.,ii:(ho. -.aside -in" :.Ac.t., and44i,e,:a04:10 0.64 1.aii,, oolitti 464134. ,•-•;. too- .The :MAC:a-Utak empula -Po.tts",:ii: Iflow..:: effort,' dossVe find the • settlenient :of SienitS . , . , shall besheld to answer. far a _crime', - ueless our .(Thitted. States). imports,.' bat. -in our_ jurisdiction of this -kind with the words of 'the . ____. . _ . constitution,. which declare that " no- on a ‘pretentmerat -or :indietmeet •-ela Inind ctrnitel Slaws) exiitorts. lire.. q3OtO31r.- to serateh.enongii together ad: Meet Ojilt,,andii slot he sAstibestys_ as psrson. i not arfse .tiann any ' . • Ilito4 Off in sepoes: . fa . . p!... et.aiins poitPoned tronftple tO tisls., .tuait ;the p(itis Weatlinif.-_-. ---Jt •.*,aa: net theslittentiOn:siin: '.:e•ra:14e.alle:fer-g----5vtorif!ii:ifilhri:41:::frs::-1.n.:::1-°4- ;sit's:: .7414::7i4:01adn;P:h.- th:.7e.cn.:0,15.r.le.: ,•creditor isaiiireii astriiireciz_to ;call: again: --7:-., the•A...cti.to 'destroy, , er.-ssloeawaywith,- any.: S--.. yoa off for, funds ? .-I- - I anriest';'Unuin`z ranad . twee: ie epaii.::"a he ---peolde..-.=,.• -Ev-efy ' -one- tiewses the fallowist ciecer ..' i aow- frepiently: ii:ii.. the- casethat;stial(iiiter. .particiii.arfOSaisef •MeediCal:Pistetiee: at pileatit.---- peZi. -aT-1,10-Oe•Orh(olatriPha.lstal.lniavett:Itiffral°im. et."-ne4eelkitAn'et79'n ' : ,. .- . i101d ' morniarg, .ge-..-4(inel;; •••11O -i- : ore . • • - ..-..1. ' ' ..e-ntl:nv:iriet..:Ou;::;or-eis;.;''rviti-t;eittl"'ult,?).,,eit. iii13es..4. o'f,O.r r...xtuteInI,174.0..11:;,; '.--.7t-"kte previa:1i eceaSion..the whOle.-allair:Siettsa ' . • ,. .• • , . 4:, . • - kit ::.C, 0 Al M IS S 10 ?I NerelliklIty ' PRODUCE, etillmi,E, ate.4,,,-.7. ..liTA,K try I.:gents foi first 0.58 Marine end Pite • inatens lo -AT -4, -IMPS vs : t _ : - -. f I . _ - - . nasal" foreea, or• -la the -main* when: 111.i:tree yf sof: istindling. ' ,New• York' Jima 4tVe.Per-i-.ssosts Ins.. Lt.*. nce.Co. mp-anieS.... - .• , • • - • EARxm Q.:04; I% GOOferiglip affr's- .1.0rYt1 ,excePt ili eaSes aril:ill); in the land. 'and Derby'S owirwords: " The redattion Was 1 find *that •_:I•have :afew: staall„ritcms agaiiisi-'1.aiy.sieiau ..fii-)31; :ups: .:blirtlufkeuh°-fu°f.r.t'4.4Ieluie.f;:s-st Ilii.::::. - .•,--&-Geliatal PoOlhairzh- taleof-..the trotted' . ••••, :::. s...-. lie chootiess-salisthettt.t.eli.loili.Pittiro,:ali oso4„....,Ose::_pitoht4-ht.T.-.-::, -71-71-71°-3io; -- . war or ptiblie,dangers and that in, all crunito- in: round: • numbers.' a .reJueiott of oie-ht you.' -: .-.',1,.... -; - -...----..-'.. .-"•, . •:-;., ---;, :.-Joeessecritelies hialleadssaad." loo.iss- :blase . ielat Etlestie: s.7.13.h ad prOSecutions the oecused shalt : e nj.of .the.. • -_,.. '.. -- ‘,. - 4 • •r•• - , - . -.. • • . • • - • 'I. nil t, and finds:a !hyenas .eiery ine:il Sal PraetitiOner,•:::aeeordirig4Otlie ,SinCe he left.th • If.'S.ackYlie lie bakeinbrae- .1 - - --- Millions la- • ...einorta aceoMtrinied by ale: right te *speedy and; miblie _trial hy an ,.Inis unction or two melons !,11 Haportattans 'arl°13ek. hsaPitit rillei:litilliijeaXel9Se-fOr-ilelay There.. .go . sok,....-- he. plays adopt, --: Shall ..be.:,therolsghly : - cry..T5) the-litser sitere Are ut :twos places : • . . ei an' t. tt .illee•-ciavu( sl:.;L:01Jrinea:e.;.t...e.i0:..h...ii.. : .. .. • . _ • , • . - s •-• i• partial Jett of the ' Stateot'distriet _ wheieire or Jo. other 'words their (the . 1-Y..ruted - Opens his will -filled On7511-0'.0ex.f.aiSe yet:. edueateds eineesiall V :in: the _ ' ...etheart ts, -A D:IGININO Robertsthils Tavern on the u - ' - 1 FARM TO. RENT - the. crime shalt haVe beeit ..couttnittect"!: States).tr-ade-had fallen..off,eight nitfitons Talkies lip the-AO-geniis:his cOautefialtee ligle.o. --aSnatOgay, and' the d.ffereirt:--"idimeealeS11.-ut.bd.eiri.:- !set; the othe- r. +hetes/She isn't. ACI- Northern Gravel Road, ubent .4 taileir*, The ;safeguard_ which .: the.. .wistionte_ rrnd white ourS had Only' diminished t*o. Mr. : changes: - - .- .46 ;Mr. Smite14't isietnnise-. begins, seauSe and location. Every -proctitionef Will he_ - . • ' - - ' i -of Ihe -innocent, - . experieOce of ages taught.: 'our tatheri. to establish • -us : :securities; for : the ,pretection - .. . . • . . - Dorby procceds ZS lidleWs 4... It, is my. daty , if oned,.: " sorry also: t6 . draw your ' - attention to another ... . . , • • . . . • • . . . . s I lutist go over -the ..iteins:•.of: T61,17- bili"..41 •cal ---.(3ou.i,:cii, And :unless -is re-Ltietered"- taavarettSe praetice-.4ud I ha -:e... e*---.tinte.at:'.. cahoot .practice :16gally; ot eelleist.ShiS sfe s 1 can't .letyou .hrive ':It to•tlaY. 'riessuired:to he.regis-"teted be stieli bj. tlieMete-.:, :---.1.ro. ,:,11-"ii"t_cA4,,:.T.iin.,no.ilb:Lei.i.77uorr.'sn,ta.e.4r.tiiali.a.ov.6enblie.,retntoot .. .,. . sc...etshet. i firileinvhsGoderich,. 200 :sere: .asbLoQuAtfin0;res_ of, . . Landgood. . Appiy to the undersigneil;•. . ire cieared: •-rrinie house and barn. , . . . _ _ _ . _ - Ihe Pwsl'InP" 'orlhe 'fact Shown. -by these eihibits and still, „ gr.,titd. Trois fk-tilwa.y. s S. ,'t ".• - • s• . i .1 suittys and the elual• adinnustration- of Ids.. • .•. . , a'''. throes -ha -proeesS:. of law' Aftet " the 1st f - • -7- --0. A tast.cetaitiliye of• sg_Spsunsitats ljeen,...! . . • - •'. • .. more forcibly by _the retoroe•or ,oanadoo . -.present 'Ur. Smith, top !oust ,941I- agal 1 ticesete to_be :set -asides ands:for.the _salient _ _:.__Andso.-Seilth_Calla lied -ttalls-rT-put-- ca. by: alliyilek.-ti oo l'ileditat:Offi'iere Ali be'•appein . •sTe-Osere,d•„in Neihda-.. -• -Ir is •as :elear--ns ices:7 77-00deritlis feli;137riI$6:1:24. 'Is. t•-•kest-Cletaw.fir, a. snore Vigoicusirterposition ift the behalf tridi thitkpvior.W theRtlipreeity Treaty . :one .exeuse.' aftei.' aeetliet-4-tintil •coat-piete'sr: ed IQ any corpor4e .or publiehardreSin'UPpe Sad. cite = e. nsea Of buildingpiirpoSes. . : .. -..L..• -. , of inAiient- we are:- to take .-:the risk of the 'which. took effSct it. We :have suggested -in. disgusted. 7 - ', . - ' - . , -,--- . .- " •:-. : -Canada; w.thout being duly' registerid..nnSe .- • .-. i - • . . . • - . • .. • .,.. i . :. „. This, - pietore: is... -not :at :all (Ate rdizat.--t-... this •Mt.. Any person assuming' tech:no-been: :6:leek sn i. mercantile eStahlishnent ', Insolvent =Act of 1884. many acts of initiative that. wesids ot necessi '• 1855 our expotts tethe Provinces usually ..., . . • . _ exceeded our imposts . but in -1860 this Thotisands- are actiog,:See-iistaatly-• just• .at --we:: ese.: registered, :and .fotied• PiSctistag's under a.s•ite5 te. i.iiiettii At :home; " I hive it-saice I . - s. : .: ' -- : • . ' • 7 • - _ tyitulltivi. from an. alluost Coantleas itemiser _ . ty- In, nearly- a third of the Statea- lit.:tkF a. . 1,. -. - • ..:1 1 • •7 - .„ I " . . . • - are no thinht Marty who iire ahove siteltatitall-- $50 ' • Ot "a • te•-as - he --the-soonainoit :, Jail -for ' tSine of it now•a-day-i, 1,44- , 04.F trul dout advertise.' _ . ..... .- , - ' - , -- :-' , .-. > ; - :_ -. -71 la :at ..inalvr .4 Robert ilanna4 .6 R..._ . " .. . ‘Slia • rettersed and sioce that 'fel% iod ..ims. have repreientsd Mr..../Oes as dousg• . Tliete.., sneir-asSuniptionsila-be • hal.le: to a- fine 'Of - • • ... . 'tittle:wink to de - 1-- - • - al•ar,enta established in: etiery pariah of coun- . forth an Int -jai -veal. - treion., °vet -whose dee;sion 'there 1st° be an Pn'e- l'il'lre re si and. we rejaiee to. heileresthat ther. 1 trawl. • .. :. I. . . exceeaeu our expo Eb a coin- . • - 1 • - • • . . . • . . . s • s:. ::.-:. r).! T.o • riaao.y. a poor fellow - it:lie. beha or . :supervision or centrot by the federal:, courts. •fiterce Iwitli: tile proviodes-: (Caea a.) -•.'- : .: ii -I undersigned bat:been appointed ear • .aem'ber 'il largely •-•-"on the., isiesdase:.;s•••-lial -:- .' 'The; 7 nOWination. _was secanded 'hy.--Dis • ecomentort is ins ri', saya Mr Preatiee. .• : sisne' e sa this. matter, end requires dais,* • : The- power tba wouldihus be._Placed in the • Well done --.Catrada,-..Who-need d . spair!if asany. of stir ssell.to-..-49„eitisens; tra. est O.sfluea. ns_i.'1„ii..iiiiiim. of '934 city, s .. .: , - s • : . -•• .7 ', .2.. •:.,- ,: -: . : ,on, . heads Of . the- President is sech- as in thee . Of- his country -When .we . find by the_ admss- • • •• • . • . . . .and .staeding-snanitessthe greatest:0154s to.- :,..:The..,$heriii having, .witited Several Minutes - " h- • - •• ' 1 • • • e •-•-- • 7' . I ' .-- .. . di. e.h.ip. p' Crite' ni retiguiakneeiss like to be filed within two months from gas tlate.s :. pea.ee Oettainlysonght ; !levee to-. be entreated, stens _of one certainly . not oar friend -that pay sinall .accountS.: pi omptly, ',. • ..au iosta - and .no other nomination , betas 'made ,,Dr. __:t e. tront rant ! in a segtment, -on: y thats be : -The creditors Sof the InSolvent :are .notifiter, • toad:: one,man. ...If it. be asked .wliethet,the, . • . .. - ., • • . vie hate not only- equalled ' but surpasped let- Felton' was...duly -•electect. - i. s ..-: •- ; . .. • - : ... • • • . • • May,:ia:1;0 ains.at aerie oee Wh ) stand -oppos -; le meet. at the nage of the endersigned, ia . - • , • . . iereatui.u.6r sueb. a tribenal •arithia-7. a State . -thotigh_the amount May .•he largel they 'call .• Dr. -Feltoii then addressed the• trieCting. in input On' . a ':real esti* putt:bakes fat is, d - . is war -anted as - .0 measure. . -of -. Wel'i. - -- . • - - -- - .--.1 ponetually:With tlp money. s, it : a. heels . note a leegthy sti*eet.,•.h• Of . meal) cleartieisaild:fen•ee• --6'.3'..11"---:tu)inlillir.O. :1' i. s -*Growls •RIT:aillaLL.: 4.' 0.0.-i At Will. lie Ot the lista COthiter with: Sini:ing. fiee. - .13.tit no arieiins•.cakailated te inCet: . the -eud -1...ciot_ii,-; -.1aiipils;-.-"Paritpess..• that_ -mat' - 14.---;-* felt '.'-.• I --- ....- 'A. et; ' 2'. LI: t:'=.: ': 1.. ' ' ': --,. Atiperilv6i 17enit,'°fIttG-Titulnetioe'b-Clo°c1r,thre .2 4- tft.1::. flittfo r the'', and examination 'of Ilisolsent.- boasted American ,enterprisi-,-COM., - ' ., . ..,--- !!'--"'"- 4°' TPu- uet'69 .-A."ae" -"It . -Yyttr-: Tordetittg of ihe :affairs of the estate 'genera:4y- .th.e..queition... immediately" .'preimita itself •• -::-.SS.S: ss" - -.- 4: - :ss -s. • - r- -.. • maturess :they: ne Ter fait tOpresefit thee -IS -elves Be.. said that. the -Acts oii-it note- Stands, --'•.is ;by hat ?"-•'• Says a se-tool:nester.. to .epe of, his : - 'whether we : are still . •Ongaged- . in- --war; . . _. .. ...• ......._.. • , Ler . a*. pot tlalieongadIT. iliataW -'.- be-- Seer -":‘U- 'froth- :their - eerci '-'hae in _wane essess, when: Srelth ' calla witte: his. ed..- Itiainy iitediSaisieetleinen who ' had...read -Serdied. ske youthful: Wit,' . : _s ' commerce, end Credits •tittisittelastry•T. Of- the ' - • ' : - ' • "(Soon -try by_dsclari. '114 -.4o -the A.M.riea Pe. arp.te.. baseneo,st• the7.1-Jerper Quay,. 1.!,0. 7-ctorielyi rtiiiiitIonilejitilsv, etielieitilloint4t11,17(ttleY,:ritienct,.il::iteinni . . . cOMMeneed o" Ill very useless and toeffectual.'--Pit"-e4.4-4d..1•10.61-4 ied-diges`ed - it: - theroughly • ea:sidereal:it "a lOs There'. is nos -greater Obstacle sin the --Goderieli, 21st FelVy, A. D., 1866. aw51:4t, -: :. • -.,...; - - . j..: ' - - • 'Official Assignee for Heron sik Erne,. - S. P-OLLOCK; and.the world. ttmt the United tates are still as- Pernardera-k Commission :Merchants:. I. sartS -call •a;satiol ' er Pot. hiat- Off ' with a bine than... . He thous:et-the. present a •,, oefair. ,....... ailiing....te. turn tip iSstemi of steing:n1Z. work:and- . waySitf siccesa in life then trusti -s'for seine.' • heno part: of our country in:which the author- ial etconditiOn'of civil war at •present' *.Thate .Wei Wish the tie* firinevery saccesi. . , ••• :paltry exiaise fotniontliaand mnaths -aegeth- .representation of.• ahe .010i:cal.:pro essiou ::111: -fdrehev• up itornething. - • _ '--- - -._. ' Insolvent Actof18641... . tkessitstriet.Pipicribed by±the At:t., •-: It intist . : ..• ''' ,:. .. • - . • - .. = ,.. . tty of ilte.I.InitedStatetlat .dispnted. 7 Offences , . . • .. . - _ ..• • ' ."--'- • . ' THOM-AS CURRIE .and -'---• ., necesaarili,y ' he- so is •Other -10editio•s- :- The: ' Os 1:1.0-ftsbe- gees,: '' ''asatidltr;. Sthith: tO • , - that may be. committed -by individuals Shoulct ADAM OBRItON Me DOUf4)1T,I., ' - het. woils:,a forfeitine df the rights of the-saMe . • distriete-was too:widely .defilw.:4; .it, wAs not i.; -:his spouse,. aii .1lies , elaftd by ,Jbo; rottsy.py -.. ... , _ • .. 1 - . : - : riiitifir communities.: .Thit country has ;entered oei-S e ilpeeted that gentlemen:, "will . c.opsisiat fa Trani -London . Bridge. s" You ate ,wrong,"-, ALVIANDER -CASIPBELL, - leaVe theus patients and so to Cie -noble Sof. aaid • Man. -Spiith, ." for -this_ is Abe soma 1: . - - '. :17'. - ... '. ' • - - Dsleadast• - t. iteturning.to a' state of• peace • nairi inalestry;' .trattelling 50 or 10Q miles - to: record a.sina. e arum • . - : .• . - . . - : - . - . .- e,-, -.• -s- • .. ". ' -, --s. ---- ---.'------.- and therehellion iss in facts- at an end.- -• -Th7e, steasure , thetefore seems to be , 'as eisreonsiatS. _ ::yete -in this ..inatter-,S ..If -s, ute.eting fikO:--:the .. • - '.. -.. ti'. • ; .- :. '.- _-.• . 1 ' .4 Vr 111'0 Attatcment nalustmeo in tinseseses. . • preSent Were held id every_ county, the tveg, -. •,, Ce! Ali editor in -oeseribing tile umegs of . . „ . : -, sosus ent with', the:tem-al -eonditisiii of the- ciauntrys. *Mid be_ Mere just AO all tOneerneds: It a- inad des says 44 Ile bit e :ctilf in the tail : . - :- et • f • . , ,. : Shelia- Gra4 briefly: replied; and- the .,:pieet . .. , . . • . ,,.., -tzher; if 't4 OM", Goaeria, v:UA'VDMIALpi the Ltnitsd Statess'ss. : ••• '," ' ' ,theenresittieted Collegetiot- LoWeiS Canada, - , - • - - • . • . • - : • s- Sinterest -to [wow. irhatheecate of .the..tottr. i ' . . --- . -. <Corr.). Sheriff IL& -11.- - -"WEI 2W . . . _ it it 4 At. vertreicb.witit the.:Ceestitutioa of sairl, the„praeticril 'Working of the :Aid:, tip': 17,1: he•to drive get yoUng students of the4ielire-to • --w.frielli_lias -riince died."" : Thikwas very' unfor- tunate tor the tail ; but tse :naturaly feel Some ' tist FebroarT, tb66...., -1 s', - - • .r - The attempt to .elsiate' the educatiOn-4 stand . ;0:3i!..A.t a medical. :examination ,.a young,' I AppoINT THE ForiLowiwo- Tian. ' . .... _. ard of the profession in this .PrOshiee svoUld. :espir‘ut -fiar a doetor•a 'diploma_ was asked-: • - :AND PLACES F0R, HOLDING . be -fruitless, unless corresponding restrictions •". When -does niert.fication .enauer Think ; the:collegiate einstinitions of Lowet -Canada.: felt wilen he gates. the -.following •answer- : .1V-ISION.:::0; SQUATS'. -- ands. proVisiens Vete brought to_ :bedi asion -of the awaietoptit his -questioner mnst have . Ile :thaaked tioe .gentleinen .preaeirt: for• the: " Whea you propose ;and are refused:* . • - - • Seat am Gst ripAause. • , : .. . '- ...' • •• , * . chair.- 7 •-- 1. _ . ..- L .... .:' .:_ ,, :7, - Dr. ...--Lander4, Oh m nions- theititshis :the. dlintt c)1, moaey, -and-his relatives stinkey• and :.", . a _. - - -- : , - . 0- . I . : - , good itory of a gentleman who ' when be was - Elzrpu. and . Bruce,.._-,- . • 3. a a - :a - ' - - -11 A-li, 0 U-. honer. conferred nson „him, and iesumed his. : - -- .a. -, : .. CI. Tom Moorts Alie poet; used to' telIa' don't .wonde.r at it:. ' . • Itr.'11:irpet moved, secopded hy-Dr.' , .. . refraetorW.need-to threaten' his .•fitainly with, I .. tbat the, thanks ot the meetias :be -tendered tO , IiI:toek- ' the pablication of bis poems. ' - The invariable - Dun non ... ••• . . **...."4.• .*.r. and iutmediate result wa :04--:014116h- eitsli- AS he' _ -13 ryfield...:..,...,...*•;*-;..1*".... Wanted' ' :- : • - •' 7 -: • -- the - Chairman fot• •Itis Conduet during the - Godericb , . Ala • ap.... **•• A .0* * • -0 ,./.* 29th. memina.- - :---., • •,, - • . - • ' ' ' . ' 1 " 4 . ing--;terannated..- Free.. Press- : . .' - LT ' . isureA than - their s'oecupatiotis. Bushiest; did ells Meis ate:notate... -eivilited by their- plea- ' Clinton ,...;..... IP 1.1.• S.*** * loth* -- • - . : ,' . itt•P R 1 ii4.- - , . - - penses; net only with .cereinony, bat o with common eivility t 'and We :sit d be: • terteurTil- lei ,...t.*:,....•_.' ...,.... 2., f......... 1 sitthii.;_. -not: tvciwer: in' our reereatious • the utbauity :- come: ruder irepelsive :aid ungracious, -did we Aialeyville....... , . , .4.. le .41:th. - • 17-• 111 A T* ' . Which is lest in the -Usti* of our lebora..-.- • : • . . . 03" A., Captain, one of -the Old sehool, • t ltiierailide .....,.4...,.....1st : Walkerton ..... - ..„*...."..-*-1.., 0. 34. being it: a b.all had: been --eciefted by a :beautiful: _partner% * lady. --Of•-• tasks' whe, in' - _st,olithstupton .,....-.**......... .-..• TOL* _ -Paisley. ar ...--* * • 0 1-7-0.-** se 4 • 16 ** • * V kth, • Xibertinittents. ItThilliALIA 00.3 FOR WARI3ERS, , er;- owing perhaps- to Jonah's pocket knife -and we are led to believe that he waagiad to disgorge his prey in a few days-. =-Perkipt it Mistlier Sweeney siceeecl. swallowing -Canada, boots and all; she mightnoteven Tea upon hia atomach .4 talif at did Utah du that of the_whale. Waving thus logically proved that -Mr: Sweeserand- his centrei eould bolt titt' at *gulp, Ind . 6.4 :1;. 1 his satisfa4tien: sidiasee,. the reatergentleman gdes on to adrift ma* to the best- course:4o be tail-- tinder the -Circumstances. He 1110Z. --P "Ira amare our ireuailitigueigihori across itia takes that they will save • many- of their waft lives by au early surienders Sweeney Will %tat generousty tor proposala for a sur - min before the fight, (if they coma from - the other 'idea but if they be postponed till• doellght biretta and his blood is up, the result IS we Who extermination or useondittowd eurreader. 'If Canada will take our advice,i it will eatleipete the arrival: of the vengeful Asians by a* early surrender. Gen &sire , sty* new iespecting his' army'. prepaiatory lits the grasidforward movement. Hrivrill be Chkagoneztoraelyi and immediately after wilI follow the Wham. Let Canada Send. asissaWicaseis Ur* 41- meet theFenian coin ---tamekr. Let these 'cornier:sail:mere be pre-, pined itt tine over the Canadian *rehires and propottyt* the neat republic. Let diem:bring don with them the • keys' of Ottawa, the capita/ Of both the Ceuarban Provinces. • Let Thecommisakinent noir in irashington to- _ ,,.negotiete a -Continuance "of reciprocity be vecalleck for the affair wilt be completed the adamnistratora of the friSli republic." Thies_what we Call a very fair offer; siollicalotht, we wii1 accept of such val- uskiet *Aron.- Ohi Itz Times l" Roir eau urn auffreiently- thank you' for what yeiliavasaidt With tears of gratitude is ours/et we solemuly,deelarethat-if the urea _eimrges weren't so stied high we iitawid mad yo0t.eieeit shirt. (La bran 04w - a") oita box o! paperiollart. ' -= 7_7 A Wareing tuk.titeValiadi se Of Orisargearteas. * -1-1118111411t lwelt TROMIX;Wr minas - -so it cavarailt sawsratre. - -: - - . Nothing, cbillili be more Wrong -o-i-- p.ireici. ... Ons OII IV!:141;....:11fis 4 last beet clear:4 otis- than 'coed:let sech ess this. -sit is • domg , . . . . • . • • • - ont nnd t.. - - ' I: f 'd l'r - ' - 7 • - . . . : _.ee wet - o r i tng is Am.? of . e. iaj. usttee.te the'ereditor dub .1t. is :unjust -to ; . - . : . . -I \ ., • . . , th -I debtor' himielf; LA ns•consicler t se case- agains . . -„e s ot issue circa ars- an. -..S0011 • - Ir. --t'll • -. • 1 - - k.: cf the-creditOt fir,st, .. That ace° tint,- whiehlte .as a .""Strike'"- has - been. _made.; _ presented at the -neginnins ,of Jaamary, may . elo n tai it chergesiliforthaerti.petleeir,siociulst3aiFne.eil)untEaoiall:hoirs - - - - - . . _ - ...11.avina or: 0.1L:7 --The great strike lei SAItoarr"ch.‘,!;:.hibecihas W.aitea fully •ten seontlis- oat oil'aisilandritclei Well; township 'Of D . . . . . . .i.vin,_- •payineot of, at least paif Of lit, end: it; is_ pot, haS -.created. an -immense ierisatio I, -7-.Th; justice that) wheo tit last- :it: is pies -puled; rt- . .. - e- should -he. settled Chem -fury,- uud -a.t. mice. - • _ -.. . - • . ".. • . ' Well. is °apple of giving a. bartel of oilin JOnes'-ineome • -may be.:: -olstalited-s frern- a- minute,: .: 2000.. hai refs '-a- 114: have- 4 dozenlarge bills, -let Seiith'a Mayeeni-prise .'- - - . , - • . - . - . • .- hnndred4:01' -a:nall. sansi-insigifificant Whee :•beett dre3ii.aT WIG Vili9i. all4... thss- Pre:lice:is' considered- Ciesarately; 'but' :: "of . the's very - 'pare 'Oa. ' -Thlnk --Ofiltat :ye thet-asart .greateacinipertance- in the :aggiegate: I He. that thettiinWarinon W ell fa. a h. ambn.s.-_-_. -may-be:v..1541g u: goo the patine:it -of Ishese .tO. - P - • , 4". ' preserve: his credit at his banker's, and•-Ofteit Speehlotiet at Oil: 8jsrings, 612:abcoltnt of- 10 sa-ve. him from. bankruptey-.-and 'we: have thii strike, idiaid .to :be rampant., and -we not:the. sliAtest he- iitatioit jai -sass -el -EWA ''.that; • - • s ' : the AtiaterineSS ef, good eteditOrs in not home, . . . . , diately settling await acebunts has, heen the. , . . i :,: ,..._-...a--crs-ss.oft _BIT., -;-ci.-1,----AN-D7i..... of: _. Tnronto", rock .upOn-Whiehhuedieds Ofs-retafiilsehrs_ --shh-7; liniversitY. *ill be: la GOderich for the Of iiecoiiditel:,Meremeatii*Oies01 -'.- al '1:: been dashed and'. reified.. .We Can-. tenceiVe peririe 0 , cc u 0 _ . . ,, . , f-, I t Tint; -on - tbe subitct rof - -117 h - tha.e' men -with Agricaltere;7goetiehlture, -- &O.; 'Oa • .th overflowhiss core* thritingstivaly a. pooeS 'but we, nOt say !nose ...0_0nest S--.... .. . . . 9th: of 'terch neii.--.• --Thera wiii; doubt, i .henest and:induateriotra -0'64in:its:ewe& ahei_. . , less he a larga_tural ont,tO hear 'the ..talent. ..!Nekt-i.tewalrteh.. dse9hinteers1)-.44%sei4117*.011.•-eientahle ,. .04:goiitletuau, . 7. :: - - --, ... .,.: when theY thus:net. If they...are 'linable 10, • - - - - - . . pay these small billiwheit Janeary -and...July-. FOR :THE Poon.-4"eisons . in.rtow.n•or arriies; -tboy had a° tight to trictir t , in eta- . ' tie • d -• - - . , . r. .--- - . tedaiess..'• "Ihere are :otilytwo- tourses whirl. vieinity,- having-.artieleS of castaf-dotli, they Coidd.PrOPrlypiirsile; either taii petthe : _ jpg. &AL; fu.i..ifitieh : they: bee& ne pettiett. - debt:promptly-at nuttarity,7 Orstot tnetir it at . . . . lits nse AVOW& enSuee• their deliver to the all,' Mai the businiss of the •votail stealers vf . . , .. , .. ..__. .. . „ Y .. • Cangula Will neyer -.Occupy that healthy„ sound; poor bileavinz. the Seine . -wit A..tru. Uri. Position whiehis desirable; ---untit those •-:whis . . or. Mrs.-- -Etch. Mao: melt articles are ... _. . - have •:carrent..eecoants ate , reqpired te4 t . : .... i .. ..„- . .._ „Vs& _, s - 'ThesPreetat-stinating debtor Cannot affor _ - ii,- - -strietll_upon the ptinci_ple, . -.; -- ---. - - . no* Inoulderino ' in ' :out of the*a ' rets,- when -they loight be. Of -groat aervice if be understool his best intisteste-,teprueitte la •:Shielding the: Baba of those who- are otlIpis.ottleolfiabl:. fre.pelqieut.n- -t'Tly O4au.inzine.eidi t:i.ifis.t.if-iritt,.,::tpon'bne.. i ' almOst Oaka. .. NO- .doubCgifts : or this sou.thing_ittuo tO disgrace -and the* is ne : . .. . : kind: will . be duty 'acknowielged ..._by the maw whese'happilfli ..as- it-clOeii not War:. lido-. .L_. adies': Benevolent Soniety., strop a niateri fee''.ng's orself=iespeet-r-Often hardness him until -wenn. conduct' does Mit • I1.411N.Et Ait,tit-inart wishes;US : to say see* V"1-11. It • also hitrenuces want , 'of thathe hat been -informed. that a• --nu b . penetui.liy, end want of,truth, in coadechug- tn. er bUsSeas - twes'iery dangerous etroii- `' if Of his :f.riends..ara,goin,,,r.:.-to gire .Iiiin a ;ler- Many. -me' n, Who tieeeet-to" pay :,.tunall 'debts, prise soon In . the . Shape -_ of atestimenial;: thPre(pr:Poi-4l.:inelliel:e,170..11itie°,7`ilundu,chh.-eiwt lani,:tediy. !,....r.:- coMpliiiientary dialler.--.; ." The Poor' 1Puottuality would detract frontlhei d 1 r, at y, Y°u . . " - - .. ' w .. . •Cept: i 'n' este of-u'ecessity) -tell'Sm.;t1.1 t;s: '0 -call , ng Mail) we betwoi To figtue cares and 'vexations, they Would 'never: (e*/ - largely iatlie affair, - . . . . . agsin," hut. alwayi - Meet his jpat demand's. RECIrROVITY Aign 11111. .DERBY/S REPOMT. - . _ No I. . • In -1854--4hen ire obtained . after, much. trouble and expense,:the agreement on the pirt of the United_ States Govern-, ment the ,Reeiprocity Treaty, W-6 consid- ered a great galiftad been. made. It waa_not however tharlit any one ihat the advantages were 'rntirelY pn our side. gat Yam, Feb, ft 1866., Arany believed that the profit was, even *DEAR Sirs -A Oonveation Of the Or- • - - greater to the States thaq. to ourselves, Screietres gibe Canadair ia annouseed lea in rms. 4asssz ,the current Cadade at.theldriod when the Itecipreci- ty Treaty oomeinto -"fi)rde was a country -Assoeiation Tinder the ban of Eng la every way deficient in the naeana of talk midis notoriously used at an imam , um* af insult aad persecution - against our -land. transit, there wire thee no railwaye Provisos* . and with the-eiception. of one or two A sollectiat'of Ledges at thit time, tam ii.eosieetion.with its past history mid geok and gravel roach, there Wilted not asitiker °fits allies in Ireland, will net good - 'road in thy Pruviire, those we onntr_arallyvibornellestartisenneenxiouenowbertitermoesret 'taut Irisihninetb: bad being whei meet wanted,- Tin, la_ the. Vested Stales. • _ Fall and Spring', little better than bogs. revive- mantle* which should With these- preliminary' remarks we inierichav passion only too ea!er. prooeied tre consider mr.. ocrhy,n report. atalleses of fanaticaism beyond its evorypojilt of yam it. wan Asa. atatedocument we do not hesitate to Walt on lbw Interne Peace .0f prosaism it one of the moat extraordi- rifelends neightuutorhoottictim ,armingliaceht-0.;te- nary- the world hie' ever had presented to . _ "[pone' file thew le dois, mostly -,Andei it. The Report contains nitwit valuahle akeinustaireas. steadied infbrinatioa.for- our consider*. dos Vortieetiorr be held =Or agesekiee; dicky it. ha even or, don, and - to he regretted that there .stesomienci of elicit hackman ahonid m'ised up with it much that -is 'kr the St. Albans raids former tutbepenting._ These nlipe wbiefii Owego entraist emt **law proceedings or tie hope, illusteate the 'map and not' the Gores* . - • 111leetter Wheat er not, it is now quite nation,. the report is -a aneurnent that. 6111.1"1111, "II 441644 erlier 14*Yring Cif Might tit be_ caretitlly -studied by all ia- ,Catesekt ts sae that tha Tattle of the- Boyne iskik issassetissi as sot "sprained: fereeted in the lit ital.*: and. 'progress. or ramoonlinee eolInfloanaco Old- British Amalie. TheReport tells us et itatiassaile- aWeleeereatelkit amitillelitattesapecaso ntitreearsar°44-eci extent to which- our pepulatioir acd ob. okg %pa Dotesd upon- trade lave lac -reined, giving- the atedit of horimar* wsh Lie Allierle1114 faiOr Olt Lula inereise an gm Reeipieeity Treety;;;.. -lords vim, awl ',preheats ten this ix a point -it becomes ;us to *wielder; 61.16. tesestryseskr an! tr. eallaine4ty sort We ere informed Shot is the- yeti 1852 . or- -two years bet* the, Treaty -the rin aseamary ta their leolinialk‘iissididoa erfaisstical Assisser id* impttaitYl /Ye casida;-.11pthefitififirfroik Oinada44,- 1 . - - , ports.and exports to and from the States . . mot bo foolki 8,- -*lend in to Canada mei $7,85$.892; ezPorto to en theater, amanita on szeork v. sw spare 589,960. - We_ MA tires i trade with the dose weakness'. ta order, United Stitteasmontetiag to 112,448,5g, eior 61' csiliaor ut f°t* at- at this tine -every thing we aold wag kir. t-44 - . . • - . - 0:)0411.191NARY POISONING. ---A St 1.r.,..018 paper describes a eurimia ease of imaginary poisoning that, -recent& occurred_ sin that city at ,the " Westorn on 13roadway. Pour .mischieironv Young roen, boarders in the. hause, took it into. their heads tO Makers 'clandestine exaniinatioa of the eontents of a pack belonging to a. peddler: of Lreelitish proclivities for %the-Turps:Ise of aEbertaininfr what sort %if goods he dealtin. In the pack ,•• they found a paper containing a white pewder *ad they Were anxious to ascertain what it „Was; Oho of them took a -pinch of the powd- er, at d after tasting it pronounces! it selerat as. Another swallowed a small eprantityland declared it -WA alum. The third. tried ItSland ate Senate 1114 EPPcniited" Vents' °ea' • Offiee of the Ole& of tire Paaoq thought it, was soda. The' sfourth gulped with" -t° °Ike 43 bri4sitalti°4' the uMst cielicate manner'. .hinted to . Kieeardine • A* 0.* ** Alt at Eli A.11. hint the propriety of putting on a pair of - gloves. " Oh, was th.e elegant reply, never miod me ma'am; I shall wash my - hands when Pre'done dancing." ' There ;sports --of the appearatice . of a (Uses along eattie, reeembli ig the lin; der , in Slontgomery county, Penn. The Signed B. COOPER., . judge IL ILL Dated 20111 Foley, 'SSC ZAN. =ARS. - - Clerk of the Peace, IL 1", down 4 spoonfhl, and- said it wss --stereh.- , - ' . - . 2lat elirgary; 11366. - Being finable- toa.gree, they ,rnade a -close ei einiminatian Of 'the paper, *mid found written . upon -it the fearful word 4 poison.1:-They all now felt a terrible gripiagin the Stomach, , - .. -and started en it full tan for the. nearest drug Store. ; -.The store , was closed, . And . in an R agony of despair, tthe four' own -.. r011ed: orir - on the Ppinment.and cencluded to give: up the ghosts, -- The poison, hOwever, was slow _- iti,ht Operaticinf mid neither of them .dleollt.i They -fond a drnuist, d gettinz hi -n• ;0 -- . eiamitte- the powder, ecOvered thart it Wre • - starehl They immed !Y. reeovred, and dee. _ . jear :see. the. :a-R-e--c-ro',------eea rricmte, .. A - promptly, and With a smile. ' .- - '", ' , / -tared thut they w &not attiiiipt any More 1St Spots oftessons. .., .2e LeinitreEnglishgrernmai.;.*.t .10c 1:lovelPitirlerseralfivographylien ii -v• - There ate stunt individual* not ti. 'fen' of practical Sok • -VnP'ol it 'the poddlei. - . 2ad •. do- -do ...6 , -Spelling Book Superseded 23vd jedi• 15 : Campbell's , - slo ' 1, e . of kr. itloorhouse. •-. :ins stock- ill Very *Vim - eon dder: themselves gentlemen, who - , _ -. - . ... -Sequel to de -. . .9 1st Book of Antinnetie $ dr eta.. 4 10 . Jokaaciieb LietioatbitY. a • s • : f..41L_ giud the prelent opoetooky: /ileum seldom paya debt until sued; thereare etaaus. n SOuthern-Italy the-elety are doing. 4th do ' de . 16 • 'is National do.. 0, . • 00 Weblinoli thy , , mi. -s -- -- ' -, . , Siltiooli -cif Lessons 124 i Sentader's Elementar) do.... • 4 .20 ihrwilreea 416 0 s i i A M I _ . . not be lost by_ oointry. t..raders:, 166., who.. alwirinstatetrib7trreiefused; ,,,130-sta,tintlitiustirtit tdoot4etatilan: cti7tainnicsigtet:tosmoreonvgenibtetvtieeciiptiodNucotitonozf : bth t.,,to . . , !le ,, . - no . i rEzyi.r.,eisow„onig4siorytipeootrappetifyno4...-;. Um _ THbeedguitrthinde Hist , 'of so... 0 MaY.isial fot bargaiaa .!it ..SCh.001 11. °Oka, ieltutereorfw..theisbwolairtoortphraotnitgessnisoefrto.meo:inwteohli iiiitichtivwiffunii:iurnaigne.odrilieoft,enetedutfrribit'othitieipi:nlpistili 7 rii•.HIIND ALL 1)Tg*ER BOTIO.OL B9OBS AT' noroaTityNATELY law RATackt -stationery, &e.. : - 4._ . , . , _ . • • • , I • : • an mail trads'ailuifel'r is ain't eardeneneee extreme unctien are dealed to those who ire ' ..-4- sar:Tba-weataterine changed egain-u or thoughtlessness.-- Thelma is but a trifle noimarried..m.tehoreir!,.. This eunduettew-e . _ ._ S. I 0 N the great detrintent of waytwarcie._ A_ aad a few of the items -need to he vetified by realty: to denuush tbe influence of the clergy. _ some one.not immeduttely at laud,' and so .. . - _ steoug; warm" Ada from the smith on the bill ii- pet lute the pocket Of- a coat . Or: a -th-emieivas lo.sti .direetiees.. trent "eeeieliiini_i_ .. .do . Fe keen , ..- .._-. . - , - alnoarthe PeOPInt who areheginningto •fre'e - Goed Ruled Note Paper i .... ... -. . Se per vire. - Common Enactors troOtoiday oight;: carried off' the,ocow dreneinkgon4t.inid aide with ' the 'Virulent: ceteontrol.• Societies have been. estahliabed ..pood quality rens o....„...,... III" * • A Ala *14 ' 41141. .-•,: Thick do . ..* Ai like. =tee, ',and . our itreots. are. toilded :afdresh iliii brinfis it tli ordeiiihrsuee. Those . - never th0411.1 of:until the - ahnoyence Of la vatioult Parts of the country with the obc, :A i2 14ev' cd G oPY BoolciloOd Pai3i--with hloft ih.eet for ne. Blalesi rise& and eiesi-InSinkl2t . .. .--0 . .. ai,......:0 :. - 6 per AO*, Mate Penns ........... • -4,1. i .0111 psi ales, . . . ii 4v.a. tij4litizi 1400 WS: meat_ •tucesive_ dutios .:-_rouri:Wenit of the fincetione__:,_ *at wijoi. sleighing for a ferrdnye iiiil who -ire weilthr.:_ean barc4 .imagin, hlw . tz.cic. of ottitittitlhololirer_, eboaes and. too. ..-'',' Eto.tionerY at it cliwedlit.!.!•04-, 0. 130 big onlYilit-e,tith sta' ti . - store,' _ entre some of their creditors may have watch! ,..teeiii 3cre ere many neweE. .. - - - - - . . , , n • among t en._ . . . _ _ ,' ed and 'waited:for the conaino-in. of that *nail .. • - , t - taigila, • 0 134)-- 00 . . - tqler.3E ,_ . . . , . •• . .. -z- .;.: • . , . _ . 1-311? 0 11,,T -1NT130' 17( coiriv Customers Suppited at Wheless e -Pr 0 8 MOORHOUSEiS REOUCED Pitiog usT, t. . -A MASOltia. Cr,iatratteriOn. /901C festival was held at night. Them were about_ sons present, ATM their *iv sweethearts, besides a large Tiled guests. Mr. DeGrariet, from Toronto, presided, being Major wa, and severil oftter the craft as Tempi Tie Worshipful Master of Lodge and the officers left That weld add to The beta *ug. The music was the " 4.• Own: nt of3tr. Was TIM *AIME ' Vioplutou, 4. 10: it: IR- -- • ork tides r rotates"... a's* • ..fo SS** 11,01y1.011W ton S.* 0. • Zarktei.. • * -TO ADONSi331 aTOrtigar, losvieg bete ifewirecks bya sem sink* ' stittidierieverst yeses whit giver* • awe dread thews wiles feSew.soibrars the 'Twat who Enke ti.ke will wad 'cried= seedifree oreherge).eridt Aid sishu.r Ilse %WA& comi,itas Wilma zed brag otismattteadvortiier.ta seed - heeds theellieted. and spread voneerres globe insekable.rest lots -wintry itis .ae it will met slay provekbloWeir. Parties widibiegthe prewniptioit2. win Piton edam* -s• gm EDWARD Willisemberg, EltilifilaN 0 A Seederma Vim velrenid Debility, Prearreare Demi mei iiiliefieneuee, will for Aerate nese free to alt erborteed Ito* sudriegtlissirepie4ereedy *refs witittegto t teed**, tryadder 21to.13,. 'ATILANGE, B Every yeingleilyammt eaa lieareeresibiw very titan mail time et Ammer), MOS& Thee twin feargat" ,--sess itatteisetaisaad. - *Mims tbeirebediwit .111:011$ svaayAlot emiros aikidieimetorpie seat removal Man paut train 214 Canti .P.aw . Curimiltitewmatieak, Back Aid The Criroamus Piton itslieVOS Pale la the Ilead. Vie Carreduort PAK Varesilliiamerielics and ThiCamoiasti Pate flares Motet*, cholera Bong The Careraiste Aim -Cares *Wes colds and • Ths rawatiess Than earealleneas Beals* Frog - Vat Carwritia* Pam owes - woe. ; The- etartedtwit Pada - XX SirestWit *tag ler Sprawl Arad Stratial St taboo moisoott ss • i4orastar The Intim.* omits addreinedto NO 1 =ALL farm aritisetw. facing" --Within atiles of the Winskeus ban the 141 ma tire wilt* woe. Turauerty„ amerakiag *opted, 11 *eras of oomarrat. Wilt Ise sold ;For fatilser der dor ads me& , Ayr lipperasanin road srldithe 740S fit') #9 44300 201111 silks Nu* tor di* gait isli/C litma ea tile - mrsaa RY4 NARE:421 SQUAIM Gozsgart, 4 • - Tios lows &pat iers in lios of*/ pordosis swing st ineatla from Mie *q Amadei *0 - the Vise 'eat 140 t Tama, fittematiiii Dila iliztiondit D.t ISM DORI