HomeMy WebLinkAboutSemi-Weekly Signal, 1866-02-16, Page 3- ' ye4linteer waf aim nears it; if teas Nat *ger int* • 31tfelitt. awe, i iettt hold !roe re troli tone h d to tking Urlftii **re. aletisw the 11* in power eav„,-Ivit nag Or _ I'LL of false ck.se. Letinate,inigneasa `lest there eleatilr tease tg the see of Way ;ill la or so indif*resit refs/aft-al,. or se -at the delegates -to mak aay • Itattier with the temper et rAig:t SO In tati Our ari goo.. and diem**. ststestn Was t sides. the-astme L'aluch we tee lose' text; ; eotry the beginjng. coaduct the the-esee the preset* those -come at cine s3 and refiecticat; mad. eeceastarr. ordiesty rovinees e r are istfo of $24t2iAlefk se ortheary ''roviaces were ;I economy al - sow of t It time? PaPa* oer the° cow. If the chas5C Df indignatiost >armed t agri`stni *maim; weigh, 1* seal% has. at* , Patio& ben ,teeter: t that., way brans ;dote.; ' 7 the; ybe Won airmi toje tam. a timid ocremest *am eat ,the- wee. ez Sus- • , - ••••••••••• - rs-The tollowing adveetisment appeared in:the Syracuse Courier receotly :-Manure-- voider, stable manure. Any person . having from five to fifty' loads to dispose ot, will please send word or drop it through the Post Office. el- A countryman in Savancstb, observed that a gang of darkies were workitig in the- • streets. eaeh wearing a hall andsteham. He 'asked one of them why that baltwaireltained -to his tee. 'To keep people from stealing it, said the darkey, ; heap of thieves !thou% here, massa." An old beef:whir- sayst of all \ the solemn trairalwever saw, that occupied_ in going . home -one dark night- froirt the'widow Beent's after being teid by herdaughtee Sally...that he so" reedeturf,!: came- * w,es° the -lees- t * A precociotei. pair of 14 and 15 summers -respectively remding at -Ifaltimore, took it into -their heads to get married, which they did on Weariest/4last, sttgtarted.for the eorigenial iociety of Washington. . The parents follow td and found the youth, selling papers atuttbe Air' sewing for &clothing store, bothhappy sit cooing doves. t.• TFIX MARKETS. . CODERICR; Feb. 16, [866. -Spring Wheat,,,--- - 1:00 Fall do* ....-.........:$1:30 .C 1:32 Oats; 023 -"64. ' 025 Flour . - 500* Barley, 50 -0:45 - 0: - _Peas 0:45. 048. - Sheep 400 . 500 'Pork 5* a 7:50 5:Off a..„ 550 Hides (green) 450 (4,000' Ittater IF ink m:emt; •wit 4a -lc. *15_ a 0:18 -Petabae I se '0:26 a 0.25 1:75 a. -1:25 Hay, eme Tr ton 700 (-O'p 809 Turkiett 0-60 Cie 0:874 Mtn,. At Ashfield, on Thursday morning, Oth iest.,-Mr. Samuel a Garside, aged 49 years. CONSUMPtIV.Eg.:, The advertiser, having been restored -to health in a fewweeks by a very simple remcdtafter-having sin:, Tered file setrend yete.; witseverelung affection, and that dread diSease. Consumption -is anxious to intka kimivii to lux &Bow -sufferers the means of, cure. To aft who desire ti. he wilt send 'a copy ;lithe pres- cription tiled (free ofcharge). with the directiont for pre- paring and using the .we. which- they wilt find A scok 'coos ale Coxsearriorr, Asrums. Daoxclittiti. Crayons, eCemis.and all Throat. and Lung Affections. The out) ohject of- theadvertiser:iii sending_ the Prescription is to - berteht the allicted. and spread information -which he conceives to beinvikluable. and he hopes ever v sidlete:r win try lus remedy, as it will ctIst 'them itothing,'Ind Allay proven blessittgr - _ Parties wishingthe prescription. vase- by return mail 'win please siddresa Rer. EDWARD A. 4%lLSO - _ Williamsburg. Kings Cs,.. NewVork. Estuoles -*-tpuTot,. eteinleman whosuffered for Years ford kerma.- Prernature'Vecoy, and all the effects of ;oink- ;- fat indiscretion- win for the sake of suffering humanity sett -Mice 10 al/ who need n„ the recipe and dircetiom. fin 'making the siamte remedy by which he witscured. Sul. &rem wistibig lo proit by the sidvvrtiser,s- experience. cast do so by aeldressing JOHN' R. 061513S. • No."..13, Chambers St.. New lark. SIrlitANGE TitUE - - Every plans ladrand gentternani*the rnited States. err ITIM *heir vantage by • , eon hear/orienting v toad Nnu abbtrttstments. • • • •• • • 1,, • • N., • ••••0•6 •.• A. QOOI rri-lilsTG1- 1 TRY, IT. rpHE CANADIAN PAIN DESTROYER .1 is a Medicine ttr the iriunediate and perma- nent removal or ain troinike system. - The efinadian Pain Destroyer urea Rheumatism, Pleurisy, and Pieta in. the Beck and Sides. - - • The CarteidionPala Destroyer Reeieves Pain. in the Head:jail Sick Ileadache. -Tho-canaditos Run Destroyer Cares Bilious Colic and Cramp in the Steitrileh. - The _Cariarliari Pnin Distroyer' ° Cara Cholera,"Chotera Morbus, Dysenteiy aud Bowel' Complaints. ' • The-Canadian Pain Destroyer . Cures Sudden Colds and Sore Threats. - _ The Canadian Pain Destroyer Scsilds, Frost Bites and _Scalds. • 2e Canadian -Pan; De4tropr Cures Neuralgia, Tic Douloureaux and Tooth • "Stale. The Canadian Pain Destroyer leak* an excellent thing for Wounds, Bruises, .8pranakend strains; it takes Sway all pain the moment tms applie• d. , No Family shoutd bewithouta.bottle ' tfe aatiatlian Pal tifitr4irell PRICE. -o-25 cents per -Bottle. All ordersiikould he addressed to- NORTHRUP &-LVAIAN: . - Newcastle, P3 -*Sold in °Weds* by Parker 5r: Cri. tile and F. Jordan, Gardiner & Co. Rivfield,_ James Renthum,Rogeevate, 3. Pickard, Exeter, J. 11.. Comte, Clinton, EA- Hickson, seaforth,- and .all Medicine Dealers. ' l'w/38-6in THE .GREIT ENALIS11.11EBIEDY JAMES CLARKE'S - Celebrated Female :-T1114. - • Prepared fron: a,n-eteription �f_Sir Jd Clarke,111.D:, Physician Extraordinary to the queen. This'invattiable'rimdicine is. unfailing- in ..the; cure ot all •bmie.' palatal and dangerous (fittest:4es. lo wincit the female constitution- -is Subjeet. - nioderates all esceSsafid reinovei;a 11 °bat -actions, - and a speedy_ cure may be relied on To MARRIED:LADIES - • t eep• ' • ulrly toited, It -Witt, in sh*ort time" , .brinoe'on the moot pet iod with regularity. • Eaen lklttle, price-Oae Dollar,-beikrs the.' goz,-:- eminent Stainpof Great Britain to prevent Ton- terleili., - - - , CAI/PIO:A, These Pilla. gbaria not be takea'biifeMaki 14ei•ing, the FIRS -2 TIIREE 211:01VTI1S„, of.Pteg- saucy, - :keg- bre sure 0.brIrtg1.eii,-.114sear- • ti rraLre, bra at akv Wier tinif (beg are serA.;. In aft eases' of Nervons,and Spinal A ileetion:4,, -Pains in the Back and Lindis, Fafrigne-lirfahnlit exertion, Paipeation. Ogle Heart; Hysterics!. and Whites, these Pills yeill.-effeet.,•,* ante' -;when alt other means have filed; antl althoueh- a p�wcr- ful reniedy.- do not miaow „irow,, calomel, aati. *teolte.-or anvil:trig hurtful to thecae:11'61min - Full -directions in the pa thphiet around. eneh, . _ Package, wtilett-- idanikkeniefnliy pre-erved.. :6'ute agent !bribe (hid& States and Ca Midas, - JOB'MOSES, Rochester, N.Y. , • N. It -11.00 and-SIX-pis:cage staleps, enelosed to any authorized agent willinsureA bottle. ti-on- taining fifty -pies; bv-retnrn xiairrurtur & LY-M.AN; Netveastle,:t; W., general- -- - ai-oent tort`iinada. . P1 - sold:in Getiet ich bit Parker & Cattle and F,,JordeniGaidine.r or 'Co., Bayfield ; •J antes. Benthutatllogetvilles'- J. Piekaid, k...xeter t*ornbei tintOrt E.Hickson, Securtli, and all Medicine, Dealers. • w38-ly rtiirit man Mee et chargeY. by addressing the inkier- Thet4 having &ahem- being kunitimigedwill oblige by nut noticing thiscard, -Alt others will Prase address their obedient servanh " Tury4- CRAPMATT w3.1y4it ' 811 .11g oadviay, New York; to Mt* :Itilbertintatents. freitit. supply jeat to. hard- ..• From -374 CeRte tiOwar , • ,. A -FULL ASSORTMENT 0411 styles and . - - - Amp siess,of .111ank- Books, :--tnalle of hest lish-raper,`Comprisiet , - - - 1,A,Y--BOOKSI . _ - ' LEDGERS,',. 'JOI.MNAlii; - , 'CARII .BOOKS MINUMBOOKS, WASTE BOOKS, ic T. ,INDICE.i, PASS BOOKS, ' E LEDGERS.. ' '-., Ime' - MEMORANDUM BOOKS. - * ' -POG"KETDIARIFA ' ' • _ * and METALLIC„BOOKS, Very cheap- foe Cash. * ,. _- . . AT THE 'SIGNAL!). 'OFFICE. k - t Jsn.16,1866. n. 16;1866- , --- • _ _ .s.... 1 ..,1 FOUND -sitmEti WATCH. AND CHAI.i.-;The: owner.ealt have the Same I/I Calling on Mr. Mackay at the -Siyial Book Store, prov- ing Property met paying expenses. JAMES BISSETr. Goderich. IOth Vett., 1866. stw4 SALIE IN TAB vuotakoit or six H. 1147,, No. II upon the maim street with a substantial Store and ° dwelling house This desirable property which is onciorthe best bai babies. stands n Blyth will be. sold .cLeap for cash" as the subseribei: is retiring from trutioest. Apply to the subscriber or '-attla Post Office Myth. ' • , ROBERT DRUMIlitipiD. /Myth 12 Feb. 1866. • w4 2t - VHE publishers will give one of the de - "cantly bound volumes of "'Good Wardle' or that "Sunday' labigaxine,7 wan additional copy, to any ow will fantail sk, Bookseller , with five new Subscribers' names for either of the undo/noted SPECIVES (fortes :*1 Giod Word* are worth -snuck and.cost 124 .centte month $1 50 a- year. Beautifully ;illustrated; ' WC.MELI-20S, Edited by Norms* Miteleint, D. 1).,---(1za .or Irma CSAPLAIX9... Profusely INE LTI&glZlIE,- EJited y Thous& Guthrie, D.D.,,4iithor o Esekiel," "Speaking to the 'llearr,*.ke. 15' cents a ,ntoitth ;475 a year. n1eatrati4 0 - foe tile firenide Mad tie Journey. by Almader'Strocitart Is Co."" Ludgatetfill, Leaden, England and at Peter Street , Montreal. For- sate at ' all Book:and Newidepote through' British Nortk America; tle; &ad tliwSlinars Monthly Notices of pew Periodicals. ('AME thestWeillWee of pm* Had"; I/ lot It, ow.. 4; *eolica,--.eomeatime in 'DeOennbalt:tW011.1),1%vo yearql One red !he other ref ael The craw # rOja Rt:Firg/terneieed tA*41.14 ***Y! C. PROUTY, Township Clerks Stepan"' Devoiri o. fephen,„ 15 January, 1846. w52 3t 4 • 7 . Relief. in Ten Minutes I ULMONICAft!..N:FtE The WA vertstin and speetly -reiredY ever "discovered for all Uiseases of_ the : Chest, and Lititga, Coughs, coo,- --asthmii; ceitsumptioni. . - -data. Inftneitz4 ijeaksenas; Difficu/t Sore ;Threat, , = These Waters gire the niost untantimecins anti feet re-ieft when persevered "with accordmitodirections . never fail to effect a rapid and lasimx cure. Thousands lore heen reshot:it to perfect health- Arho tare tried twitter 'Means in ram- To aliclaises and all enlist it diem* they are •-a hies:ging and eure-noue need despair. tio .rnairerhow twig the disease May have existed, or how severe it may be, provided the orgiiiielstructure of the vital organs is not hope,essly &eared. .-Every one afflicted should give them an imperil:atrial. TO VOCALISTS & 'PUBLICSPEAKERS • . . these Wafers are PectiliarlY valuable t. they will in one day reMove the Most severe occasional horns. cues* and their regular use for a few- days wilI_ at all times, iii- erease the power and in llexibibty f the voice, greatly isnprovnig its tone, compass! and cleariis: for :which purpose they are regularly used by. -many Professional Vocalists. . J011 MORES. sore Proprietor; Rochester; N.Y. Price 25 cent* pe r box. - ;Vocalists and Public Speakers Voral sti and Public Speaker's Vocalists and PublieSpeakerse-s 4 ' ' Will find Hryan*s Wafers . _ •. Will find ttryanits Wafers , Will find &sales Wafers Invaluable- to remove turataiible to remove - Invaluable to remoVe • - Hoarseness. and Sore Throat Roarseness and Sore Throat — . Hoarseness and Sore Throat And give clearness 'tribe Voice. ' - And.give cleansessto the Voice, And give clearness to the Voice, - • They relieve itt- ten 'Minutes. They relieve taten minutes - They reheve in ten minutea Coughs:Colds, and all diereses • . Coughs, Coldii, and all diseLses. Coughb.Colda,and all diseases •- a -Sold br atiOnaggists, - Sok' by all Presets. ebldby allDriggists. = Of the Chest and Lands, * Of the Chest and Lungs, Of the -Chest and Lungs. 25eetes a box Al25-cents *box At Wee= a box Netattlp k Lyman, Newcastle, -General Agents for the Canada. • - • - It"' Sold an Ooderieli by Parker k. Cattle and Jor- dan; Gardiner& Co., Hayfield; las. Rename, Roger, 3; Pickard,. Exeter,` J.11. Combe, -Clinton; B. Hickson. *skulkand lit medimae„dealers. lutell-Sta DERSONS desirous ef tbe care mid teapot"- sibility ofChildren, May please call for particulars,on , • - „- %tit Shoe Store, Goderich, I2thi 1866. sad, .e VALIIABL e ot a M. TRJEMAN brinstricted by F. W. %So Thomas, Esti...acting for the Banks of Montreal and Upper - Canada;- to sell by seetkm at bin -Sale Ream*. -Godericli, on; ThmtnIlhayt 'Marti' 15* -11316, st noon, the undermentioned- valualtle'farmel ing Watts, formerly *the property of Harvey Brace; viz Maitland • con.; Celborne,100 acres, mord ori Ises;'north part lot 26" do.. 40 acre!, more: dr ie; north -tweet part tot 29, -do., 59 acres, 131431‘ or Um.The above laudt are Oriel perior quality and Well -watered; located: on, goed,toadi„io, the &gels Fiber Settleitent, in said Townehip Of -Colborne; abotit= 7 MILES FROW-GODEFLICH giWtt.-- 1'hire it some ,clie,ring done. .Ttnita OF EtAliMi-One-fourtinr of the intuit -esti irony C*14,4 ttefiifictoff nodomed *Plot PlOkble a itiOntlia after. date,..„ tam.: for tie one fourth.... Salaitea, is three elle* -anneal instalments'with interest at stz per cent per- itantim, - • .Titio indisputable. Abstractof which an be sees or application: to the auctioneer' or at tlte thee of sate- • r - eeb. 1 - 0th 1866. •w3itl THE GroLery SEMI - and _Provision -Store. HAVING iented and fitted tip the stor�. lately occupied -by -A. F. Bush, for. the above business, I am now prepared to furnish. families with - Croceries and Provisions which I shell sell at the Lowest Vashipricel. • Flour and .reed, -:- kept eonstantly on:hand. : ' A share of yonepationage trillebe thank fully received and faithfully attended to, inn and Ltquori; froikery.. nd Glassliare,FanajPOode, 4 - Stea, Oatmeal;Cernmeal,.:: '.- .Buckwheat • Sze, Ile. co.A.14 oxia AND " • 0 -IL. LAMPS. FEAGUS01.4. `. P. S. -;--Goods will- be delivered- in 'any • - part of the town. - • ' • . -.Goderich Feb 2nd, 1866 . sw45- CER - Rem]. Mliesta4e4. . IN iiiianatice of the DecteeandFinal Order for Sale,- made in a certain: cause pending - in the Court of Chancery for Upper Canada, entitled "Ross againitRumball and others," wilibe sold by Ptiblie, Auction GEOltGE 11100N TRUE/IAN' AT UIS AttTl9W 110011Si JURE- TOV/R•OF GODERICH Vith the. approbation,Of Robert john Turner, Esq.. accountaat'of the said Cciurt • - - On Saturdayithe 1 71h day of Feb. 186A. At twelve o'clock noon the -followiiev-Pro- peety in one let that, capital mcsauage or tenement. being ler number.. ninety five, arid situkte,in Cobotirg -street, in the Said Town.of Goderieb Which -with the premises occupied -therewith,.. ;to-14am by admeesure sent one quitrtee of-ati acre, more- or Jess, as tl*e sarut is now: in the occupation or Mr.* George Rutakall ;_ the said let is also knewo as lot 2,!frOtiting..01i Li.lit House Point. built of brick, is excellent crepiiirmand well qualified for the residenite Of a test:tetable family. - The eurchaser-at the time of :sale will.: be •,requed le pay to the vendor or his eolitite'r a deposit In the proportion 0'410 for every 4199 of Iii h Purchase money, and the balance 1 in six Weeks' thereafter with interest, • it the rate of six per centum per --atimun, and upon payment theteof the. purchaser w,ill be en- titled to a conveyance: ami to be letinto posiesion. The conditions-. of _sale will in alt . other respect be the . Standing con ditions of the Court of Cliancerv. ' Further particulers add conditions of sale May be had on applicatioii. at the raw Office of Messrs. Crawf..vrd Jr- Crombie, Misonic Hall, Toronto Street, 1 cirouto .;',:of J. 11 Gordon,"Esquite, Goderich, and: Of Messes: Rumball and VanEvery, and the Auctioneer at. Goderieh. - - Dated the 171h day if Janenry. 1866.. •Rt BERT J. TURNER. CRAWFORWet- caouBm- Vendor's Solicitcrs. • wl A I Contracts. ifIliNDERS, addressed to the Postmaster Getter:at.' will be received• at Ottawa until noon, on Friday, 2nd March. 1266, for - tire cottieyance of Her 'Majesty's Mail*, on proposed Gontrticts, for four years, as under, on and tiont;the Ist April next.* . B E-1" ,W E E N _ Bandon ard "three tim..0 ' week,- each way. , *". Clnon and Witgham dly eh per aiacway. Clinton aiiii-;Portet a Hill, three ..times per week, mali ; - Donei,a1 anc4Newry, three times " per week each. wtf. Exeter and -1,undei, three times . per week. - each way. Lisadel and Wroxeter„ daily each way, E:rioted notices containing further informa- tion as to conditions of proposed': Contraiti may be seen, and blank -forms of Tender 1331ty he obtained at the Post Offices above Men toned, and at the office -Of the subscaber. GILBERT _GRIFFIN; PM. Inspector. !Post Office Inspector's Office, /- Loudon, 19 Jan.. 1866. • w2 31 Parliamentary & Departmintal - AGENCY, °AT OTTAWA-„ C. THE undersigned devote special attention to the procuring ofPatentsfor Lands and for Inventions, the adjustment of Land and: other claims against the Government„ pro* curing the passageofPrivate Acts of the Legislature, and the transaction of business generally with the several Departments; REFERENCES BY PRellleSOK. Hon, Jas. Skead. M. L. C.. Hon. J. S. MacDonald. Hon. Cameron. J. ILCurrier, Jos.Auniond.Esq. - ' S. T. W. PENNOCH. Feb. 1866.- " sw3nefq .4i8oIvent. Ad:: of: 1864, : - Province of Canada;In the County Court of Canada,) fn Counties of the United Ci;unties of Huron and Bruce. Huron and:Bruce. /a Me .enattei of Ailii Maclean, of Tees - water, an -Insolvent. - THE underSigned hu Medi Consent byhit -a. credituri to his discharge, and on Frida3, the 3-0ill...day of March -next heTwill appk, to the Judge of the said Court for a 'confirms'. tion thereof. JOIlbl MAGLEAN, by his attorney ad litene,W.Y. FLIDLA Y. Hamilton„ 17 January, 1866.. w52•p2m QTRAY HEIFER.—Strayed from the prem. ises of the aubscriber Lot 1; 4th con alt. Colborne, about the middle of July list, a Greyish white Heifer with a large red spot on one of her sides -Coming 3 yeas old. -- Any person giving such. Information se will lead to her recovery will be suitably reward- . ELIZABETn TREBLE. _ Feb 9th: 1866! 3.3.x NOTICE- • .avmmiNF A LTA partial' having lett Watcheit with the late Chas. Amerind], will plume call with the, subsorReir Within three weeks !iota- Ma date, as after that all unclaimed watches wilibe sold 'EDWARD GRAHAM, • - East street Goderich. Feb.`10iti-f 1866: iv3.3t* • f . • _ NAL _The Munioipal Ociutpil 1-1F ihn;Towitship of Usborne having pas - lied a By Law repealing the By Law pas- sed by the Electors last Year, in accordance With the Temperance-. Att„ .prohibitiag the sale of Intoxicating Liquors in the Township.' NOTICE Meeting, of the..:MuilicipelikleCtorti *listkip of Usborne,. will be held iit'tbe Township Hall on MONDAY,. thi. 26th --February at ten-o.",c1cck,„ A. M. • -TOE' THE,TAXING OF. A- yolz, , to.deeide Whether einot the; Repeal of said By Law be couti.pmed by such Electors. - - WILL! 4M EDMOND. 7 . tJaborni, Jan 30th, :1866. eiv46w2u1 Insolvent of 1864. In the maftcr -of Irwin Moore an • Thsol- vent The Creditors' of the Insolvent are notified that he has made anassignment of his *Estate and his effects under the above net to me the undersigned "assignee. and they are requested to furnish me..withiu two months from this date, with their claims, specifying the security they hold, if any; and the value of it; ...and if none, stathng the fact ; the whole attested_ :under oath with vouchers in support -of such claims- - . Dated at Goderich in the County of Huron this 29th of January 1866 C.CRABR. Assignee, aw2w - OIL r 'INDS IN ENNISKILLEN MENDERS' will be received- tint il 8 ATUR. •S' DAY, the TWENTY-FOURTH FEB- RUARY next, by this Department, either 1 for Leasing by payment Of a-BMWS n addit.- ion 19 a Royalty in money equal to one - ,.tentit of the products of Wells to be -sunk, OI- for the absolute purehase payable in cashl on issue of Patent; of the undermentioned lands .8 E SW, N E NW 1. -of Lot R. St -h, Concession. I S E S W N E 1, and N W of Lot irritis *0, 6th Concession. S E and -S W of Lot 8. 10th Conces- sion, 5 E and S WofLot 9,. 10th Con: --COSSiOn. . .f Eick rarcel of land contains . 52 Acre!, -iied lies in the immediate vicinity of Oil workinge. (Signed,) W. SPRAGUE, Indian Depar.t-tnent, 11 E A. Ottawa, 25th January; '1866. ; SKIRT Mit ED Ira tflii IMAL.JE WILTS)] if •••••.w ••••••••••,,W..".0%.".W."..".10%.". - THE' SUBSCRIBE -HS have now on haqd at the „ HO _ A_ LA GE ASSORTAIENT OF -Ladies' nd MISSOS' purchased before the rise and for ale very cheap. s E Vioven and toided. !loop 30th Jan, 1466. s - Skirts, I TITHI GI - A 8 his the wish °fille subscriber a tit close off this branch of their business, from this date 11 , they will sell at prime cost their entire stock of Overcoats,- Sack and Frock Coals, :fail's, Yas,s, Stiirts, ..ke. • - • D. KERR, JR & CO. AUR present stock of Boots and Sh SF room for 4 fresh supply; . Goderich, 18th December, 1865. ND lielEst s will be offered at most prices up ti 31st inst., to make GO.. , sw44wtd. Money, to _Lend, �N Real Estate, at 8 per cent and upvrarda. Chaqtes re-asonable.- - Apply to • SINCLAIR.& WALKER; GodeiTcli,lith January, 1866: w52 3m 1P' onatiallate of the United Sfafe4 of - Aimenea. - - .::1)AfliS 11-101'143 Office bouts froth 9 . o'clock, a. m., to 3 p. ut. • - MONE-Y, TO LEND On the beat terms. ApplYto - - • J. Y. ELWOOD,. • ; Barrister, - ss • Opposite the Post Office. Geileric,h. Farm for Sale. 'A SMALL- farm of excellent land nicely, -11 situate. facing the River Mniltand, and, within 3 miles of the flourishing Village -Of %Ingham, ;being the south half of 'Lot .No. en the niuth con. of • the Township of Turnaerry, containing 40 acres, 23 acres chopped, 16 acres of which _ tfie @temps will come Out. - Will be geld' cheap for For furtherpaiticularsapply to _ '• JOHN W. BOWMAN, Gefierat Agent,- Wingham. Jan. 29, 1866. • w52 3m FOR -,SALE Olt TO RENT. THE well known Judge Farm, lot No. 3, 1 8th con E D Colborne This farm is within 64..miles ofGoderich, there is 771 acres cleared, and a fame house and barn. One hal( is clear of atuenps, and the other half trete 9 to 4 years choped, and has never been plonglied, there are also a yoduk orchard of 158 trees of best assortinent of MAU- a goodwell and pump.. As to terms,' Ise., apply 10 - PATRICK CARROL. Colborne. Nov. 39, 1865. w45-1 ni LANDS FOR SALE. Voit sale, on reasonahle term:, tots to and 11; 1_ 5. D. R. Township efGreenock;County of Bruce: The lots contain 50 aeres each. 40 i. eared on -the two lots. The land. is Arst-rate, well -watered and limbered. No -buildings- Alsolote-17 aid -18, con. 5, township ofGoderich SO acre._ each; over 100 cleared, on the' two. Excellent well -watered land -timber, hardwood, about 5intles front Godetieh. Good tenue barn and sheds and comfortable log house, and "fine orchard. %Vill be sold separate -or togetur to suit purchasers. Apply to ' THO$ JOHNSTON on the premises. W. J, JOIINSTON,Innkeeper, qoderich. • w35tf Sept. 23,1865! Mfc).11ALE. .OT 31,Con, Al Township of Myrick, mdeirein Wroxeter, on THkGRAVEL R Log housse:andbarn, 92 ACRES, 28 CLEARED Apply to F. W. THOMAS,- Esq., B. M. Gorterieh.FA.16.1864. wiworgl-t Mita° Fniit Growers DARTIES d.esiraus of, beide g their orchards - or nurseries properly pmued and dressed can have the'samei atioe at iesSObeble- retail ibeandluierddnde:esil!kutspiedipostnaidHefactorywonuintki07neka.i. 1!.16,!,intppumlybeinrg °tor Yell,ro.exPedenowin moral at the; most ex- tensive Nurseries in Britoil!' and America. - JOHN-ItAYNE, „River Bank, Amluirly P.O,' „Ashfield. Fe nary 2nd, /866. • t w 6irip eau._ - 1NT C)17iir WHOLE UNDER,, GODE111% HIS PRESENT STOC A N D T FOR CA4H., Er' HOTEL - .4000-1K _OUrr GODERICH.November 27th . . , 4ai T;146+kn Gt.A.riN ! 1865: 111,53 !. VARMERS and a ers desirous of plychalri J. ing Lands, are informed that the Canada :Company have _ Lan.ls to Sell or -Lease In various paits of the Province. The Company would particularly invite at tention to their WILD LANDS in the Open.. ' ties of f EldROtt AND PERTH; which will be,displised of on liberal terms to parties who may be prepared to pay IN CASH, or a considerable suet down. Canada Company's Office, _ • / Toronto, 19th Dee'r,.1865. 52w3m To the NunieipalEleotors of the Town- ship of WAWANOSIII MOTICE is hereby given by. the Municipal LI Council of the said Township thatr a By - Law to repeal a certain other By Law passed -Y the said Municipal Council an the 16th day of January, 1865, for the enforceinent of tithe said the Temperance Act ot 1864, will he itubmited for ther approval- in terms of , I Temperance Act Of 1864, on Fridty the twenty third day of February next, at the i School House On lot NO 27. concessien 8, in the said township, at the hour of ten in the forenoon. ; 'NOTICE: S 11EltEllY given that application will be made to the *twit Session of Parliament for an Act legalizing and confirmicg ztn agree- ment made between the Grand Trunk Railway Company of Canada and the. Buffalo and Lake Huron Railway Company, bearithidate the seventh day of *July, 1264, and forlether purposes. f Brantford,January 5th, J866.Yr-C-Iv 1150, I TAVERN STA FrO` 1.,1A.1.10 - IN THE TowN feGODERIUH. Til . P tavern' lately occupied by Xs. Beast on corner or Kingston and Victoria streets, Oak of the Allen , Estate). will be leased for a term ofyears. Apply to A. A LLEN,.-- - GEO. COX,- Execi..ibms* • Goderich; Jan 23 1866. '' w52 Cfcral.Txt-ir aglEVax14co13 AG .t4et1all1tAL SOCIETY - SPRINC EXHIBITION. Spring Steds, Stallions and Bulb Exhibition connected with the above Society, will be held in Goderich, on WEDNESDAY, 141h MARCH, 1860. for Spring Seeds, when the following pre- iutns will be awmcled : Best 10- bushels Spring Wheat 03.00, 2nd do 7.00. 3rd do 5.00; best 10 bushels Oats 3.00, 2ud de .2.00, 3rd do 1.00; best 10 bushels Peas 3.00, 2nd da 2;00, 3id do 1.00; best 10 bushels Birley MO, 2nd do 2.00, 3rd do 1.00; beat bushel Timothy Seed 1,50, 2nd do 1.00; 'best 2 bushels Corn 1.00, 2nd do 0.75, 3rd do 0.50; best bushel Flax Seed rO Beat2udel0 bush. 0 , Clover seed 00do ezoo... -All tne Seeds taking premiums to be sold to the members of the Society only, on the Show day, at a price not to exceed 121 cents per bushel over epd above the market price cmthatdar The exhibition of Stallions and will MS. SCOTT, take plae.et at aodetich on -Thursday, 12th Pated at Woman:oh thia 16th 40- - premiums will be awarded : beat Stallion -for To all to Whom It illay Coicerao - Clerk Warmish. tday. of. April,. ;18611, who, the following day of Janiy, A.D. 1866, - r2td general purposes 140.001 2nd best do- 8.1111; TAIKX 140TIOZ trilAT rant not rooPologibl, for * certain .1 .Promissory Note drawn by ese in favour of one George Twainley or bearer torltbseuM of 624,10 or thareaknitte, a the Same has l'e0 POO! me' - XATTIIEW SHEPH Galena% 7th February, 1866, 3rd beat do 4.001 best Bull of any r.hwi 5.00, 2nd best do 4.20, 3rd best do 3.00. within PA limit t of the 00eatf Seeiet/Yeea The Stallions taking premiums meat t.rirel stop at the following _pieties not latigr tam every ninth dity, ; Goderich Tow% Porter's Hilli tJo1mevil1e. OHntpn, sad Smith's Hill, and mottle= throughout the sears as -'711UBrisoilir"relia Goderiehs Feb'. 5th, 1866. uf New ItialtleWoiks Pollockis .Ettocit,, VinC.111.111141 qmmAmattm. A. Ai., Johnston; MONUMENTS, HEADSrflar„. B-1. Tombs, Table -tops, Poste, Ate., - of every. deseription antIotyle workmanship, famished' en show notice and at the lowest prices,. Liberal reductiOn-stadeforeash. _ LLL DIDERgruscitimmErien 10. Destpos of Monuments", /c.f. may be seen, at ihe shop.. _ Godeml,./Jec. 19, 1865. w47 STE AY CATTLE: - TRAYED,Iroat she subs-M.115°r aboutEep. -u smaller last, 4 cattle, red ittki white. A piece tut out el the undo-Mir:le of the left -ear of each for a mark, 2 ofthest rutining2 yeses old, rcoming three years old. Any anfor.. mation that will lead lo their recoverj win be thankfully received by • JOAN J„._ HUNTER,- - Huron.goad, fp.o Griderielt. Dee. 120, 1265. • - w47-31.'" Wanted. A N artizied elkto an attcreey. -Apply SINCLAIRA WALKER. Goderich 17th Jan. 1866. w52 TO ALL *EON TT MAY cpx- CERN. IVOTICE is hereby given that application LI will be made by petition to both Rouses of the Legislature at their next meeting to, have the Township of Wawanosh, the, County of Huron, divided into two muniei- palities, bl a line running nearly north and south, between lots numbered tirenty.seveu - and twenty-eight. The j:iltsid. sdtvcoisTicinTs; called "Etat" and " est" WaWanailis riejsPWeact:neolYs: e. 20 1865T.,aaaalliPZIOat TAKE NOTRE . . . . . finiAT a Meeting of the Munieipal .Efectors, . I , of the Municiptlity of the. Township ;OM . lAisoluifisee,IdN, 0711,1.1): 31ficemiddaywitheFi2e16atyh's;xSehogreb. - nary next, at the beer of len o'clock in the - forenoon, for the taking of a poll. 1 decide, - jonif vooRt; - - t whether or not By -Law No. 1, 1R6% .patel'ed in terms of the-Tempeiance Act 1864,10 ' repealed. . . Township Clerk.. . Asheelff, jam O. 1266.. wl. • . • HE Undersized*, ould mapestfelly in. - ibrm the fanners a Huron and Boost and the public generally that he bee too, . menced the above bigness At his old stand St. David 'trust* and baring now on band an exeelleall went- - meet Of the best material 'Ite is ptepatid to execute ell orders in bis line in ilm-kdarath cannot fail to give satisfaction. Haring had ~ great experience in Ms business, and all work in Ilk atop being Ilene ander his personal superintendence, he 411111 warrant every article made by him to Ile of the best quality,:while his terms Walls found. rely reasonable. , Fanners give him a Can and see for yourselves. N. 13.-Horseshoeing and jobbing Of alt hindsitrictly attended to, ' LEWIS ELLIOYT - Goderich, Dec., 27j.1, 1865. .111ft Insolvent Act of Province of Canada; In the I County of Huron, ofibe-Uoited to wit : of flume Alexander MeKenzie, , , Daniel 14.411a, Yeretill Defeadast. uPOIST reading the application herein, the 4,-P writ of Attachtnent and tberfers SI* it, is ordered ihat Meeting of the CentliOni of the above named &fent:lent be held 1111160rie me it the Court House in the Tow* of . Goderich,in ihe sail Counties's: on Tema"; the twenty seventh day of Febtnety, 12 o'clock; noon, tor the--pureso of their advice upon the Sppottitment of MI official aesignee for the eget* of lhe mitt detendant. And it is ordered that this =due be published in the "Canadallimeite" two weeks, pursuant to the --etsftne, and is the "Huron Signal," at Godetick, for tiro weeks. Given under my handl this third ael if February. 1866, 11OBBRT ;COOPER, sw46w2td ledge Botta aid' Sale. NOTICE,-tlinne tut° thermelessati widisr JA subscriber, lot 7, eon. 18, MiKillop, abriut -the middle of flovi steer titling 2 years Algid 414 years, Irnth mistred -red and owner is requested to prove property' Tay charges and take them away. HARM( It Mellillop, Jim. 23r4.1866. To Dabinet, ran and ithen, A --SMALL /0anitir Machree, XX expiable ofplarnathard er sett 9 inches wide -will ee aeid tient, _ approved etedit. For tense ma sa apply tif hy lei terptur pile) to *nay "tdow.. fibieuritettorr, tioderieb, wio/aahltail orte of the mune descOPtletkol leolefer9 to thesithecriber *whit Malta* setae for 3A10140aMatt Ooderiek,Jisivt8.1864, 0174 TS temby sire* that arrplicatiu made at *be lint swine forma Aet to eneblo the Hum Ranwair Compeer to. arrears ef ieterest du by the% sow Ain* or Otbetitillefherefer, ftoi wise to amend their eiveml. Jona of .lasera - rattles. Brontford, 1 JAM} 1866.